m'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TiSip];Sam]{' = ‘Ma’, the thirteenth letter of the Tai alphabet,
mkit].tUw],'[wQc];kw]mUiw]:kgn],nG];mUic];AiSer;pgt];hgc](eyL;'12;21){ = Megiddo, an ancient city in N Israel, place
of troops, ( Josh. 12:21),
mKir'[luk]:sa};lUc]luk]:cw]:mnL;SL<'{(cw]:50;23')' = Makir, Machir, the firstborn son of Manasseh,
mKir'[luk]:sa};lUc]Aqm];mYI,'{(2Sqm];9;4') = Machir, Makir, a son of Ammiel who lived in Lo Debar,
mSkI,l'[eKL:kGam];hI;RpO;pQn]hUw]eKL:El:lqp]:etpQn]eKL:kGam];sG].Pa},h},tuic]:'{ = Maskil, N. a Hebrew word,
mSerKL,'[wQc];lUc]mUiw]:kgn],nG];mUic];AI<tum],'{(cw]:36;36') = Masrekah, an ancient city in Edom,
mSL;'[luk]:sa};AiSYem;'{(cw]:25;14') = Massa, a son of Ishmael,
lUw],{' = Metabolize, to change by metabolism, metabolized, metabolizing,
lUw],{' = Metabolism, N.(Biology, Physiology),
mtn],'[wQc];kUn];KL,nn],nG];es:tgn]:Ek;lI,lI;'{(eyL;11;1') = Madon, a Canaanite town in Galilee,
mtU<SlL,'[luk]:sa};AI;ngk]<El:pQn]AU:lm]<mqk].'(luk].3;37){ = Methuselah,[the son of Enoch],
Sqm];10;21') = Matri, a family of Benjamin to which Saul, the first king of Israel, belonged,
mnL;SL<'[luk]:sa};cw]:yUw];Sqp]:''(cw]:'41;51){'mnL;SL,'= Manasseh,[the first son of Joseph,(Gen.41:51)],
mnL;SL<'[KUiw];kUn];AiSer;An]pQn]sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],mnL;SL<nn].'(cw]:'48:14-19){'KUiw];mnL;SL<' =
Manasseh,[the tribe of Israel traditionally descended from Manasseh,(Gen.48:14-19)],
mnL;ht].'[luk]:sa};SUw]pL,l'El:suiw]:wQc];wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:36;23')= Manahath, a son of Shobal,
mnUw];mI,TUiw],'[KUic]:tqk]:hqc];tQk];nm].mn];/nm].eSmQw];mQw];nn].{' = Manometer, N. pressure gauge,
= Mnason, a Christian of Jerusalem with whom Paul lodge,
mnL;ES;' [luk]:sa};lUc]yUw];Sqp]:{ = Manasseh, [the first son of Joseph,(Gen. 41:51)],
mnUw];AL,'[AU:Sam],Sun],{ = Manoah, [the father of Samson,(Jdg 13)],
mmukn],'(sa};) = Memucan, [Esther 1:14],
mrL,n'[emL:cra};'{'PImrL,n' = Hades, N. Greek word for hell; Sheol, hell,
mritiyqn]<'[nL:lin]mUic];mUn];mUn];tI:kan];elL.km],PL,lt];kGL,nn].{ = Meridian, N.(Geography),
mlKil'[luk]:sa};Agn],ep,ra};y'ekL.cw]:Et,kUn];KUiw];mlKil'{(cw]:46;17') = Malkiel, younger son of Beriah,
mlK}.'(Kgc]min]<nrL<KQw]KQw]w}.')' = Malachite, a green mineral, basic copper carbonate,
mlK}.KQw]KQw]mUin]flim];cw];tUc].' = Greenish film of Malachite,
mel;SYL;'(miUc];')pQn]miUc];Kw]:sum];AL,SI<yn],') = Malaysia, (ASEAN members)
mhL,'yG],nL,'lUc]'An]lUc]An]lac]' = Enormous, adj. immense; huge,
mhL,nAim];'[wQc];mUiw]:kgn],nG];AUic]kI;liAqt]:'{(eyL;13;26')' = Mahanaim, an ancient town in Gilead,
w]l'@{(Sin]13;25') = Mahaneh Dan, Dan, Camp of; a place in southern Palestine “between Zorah and Eshtaol”,
!mhL,lt]:@'[pQn]hUw]eKL:'lqp]:etpQn]Pa},lik]:la};Am],nn]eKL:kGam];sG].Pa},h},tuic]:{' = Mahalath,
mhL,lt]:'[ngc].yic];en,pa};Aut].'luk]:yic];AiSYem;'{(cw]:28;9') = Mahalath, a sister of Nebaioth,
mhL,lL<El;'[luk]:sa};eK<nn]<El:pQn]AU:yL<rit]<'(luk].3;37){ = Mahalalel,[the son of Kenan,],
mhL,lun],'[PUw]nac];rut].{(rut].1;2') = Mahlon, the husband of Ruth,
mhL,la};'[luk]:sa};em,rra};'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(Agk],6;19')' = Mahli, Mahali, a son of Merari,
em,huey,l'[luk]:sa};Aa}<rt].pQn]KUiw];hUin];KQn]<{(cw]:4;18') = Mehujael, a son of Irad, of the family of Cain,
mhU,rL,'[Sqc]lqc]km],KG]:pL;SIlUic]elL;Am],sG]:Sqc]lqc]mUic];kut]:'{' = Carnelian, N. cornelian onyx,
mhU,rL,Sac];ePL;'[pQn];hin]Sqc]mI;la};kUt].kGL,kUt].mL;mI;la}la}SIpQn]SImUin]Kan],mgc].mgc].w}.{' = Agate, N. a
variegated chalcedony showing curved, colored bands or other marking,
mehLknI,'[m}.AEm,rikn]Agk],tI:m}:{' = Mahogany, N. any of several tropical American trees of the Swietenia,
mAt]:'[luk]:sa};mqt]:AT};El:pQn]AU:nk].Ek;'{ = Maath,[the son of Mattathias, and father of Naggai,],
mk];/kqt];cqm]:'[Aw]PL.Pn];lm];m}.hG];pQn]mk];w}.nn].'kim];kqt];pQn]hg};cqm]:w}.'{' = Notch, notched, notching,
mk];hQt];hg};Agn],' mk];hQt];hg};eShG]:pQn]miun]Agn],w}.' Siw],hQt];hgc]:Agn],' = Groove, to
cut a groove in, grooved, grooving,
mk];kL:Kn]pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Appraisal,
nn].') = Appraise, to estimate the monetary value of; determine the worth of; to estimate the nature, quality, importance,
etc.: We had an expert appraise the hose before we bought it, appraised, appraising,
hiuw]n}'pQn]tL,emL<kit]<eA,JAL<Aqm]</kYI<pI,eA,JAL<Aqm]<') = Payment Change Limitations,
mk];Kan];tac];w};55'[mUic];An]yip];sG].lk];55lk];/yip];kI,lUw],mI,tL,55kI,lUw],{ = Speed Limit 55,
Alac];piUc],tc];mUt];nn].") = Limited liability, -A legal concept that, when used in the concept of business,
refers to the protection of an investor’s personal assets. Potential loss is limited to the total amount invested in the venture, not the
investor’s total personal assets,
mk];Kan];w}.' Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Limitation,
mk];Kan];w}.'Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.'(Kt];-Am],Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.Sc]) = Limited, adj., (ant: unlimited)
mk];Kan];w}.tUik]:tI:pQn]kUn];'(An]-)'(hw];mI;An]mk];Kan];w}.tUik]:tI:pQn]kUn];nn].)' = Human
limitations: our human limitations,
mk];Kan];w}.ciun];lUw],Agk],Tgc];eA,eA,' = Lower out of pocket limits,
mk];/kqt];cqm]:'[Aw]PL.Pn];lm];m}.hG];pQn]mk];w}.nn].'kim];kqt];pQn]hg};cqm]:w}.'{' = Notch, notched, notching,
mk];mn]:'(eKL:-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Confirmation, ratification, validation, approval,
mk];mn]:yip];tuie];' = Ratification, -Confirmation and acceptance of a previous act done by you by another
mk];mn]:yip];tuiw];' = Ratify, ratification, approve, validate,
mk];mn]:pn]' = Confirm, ratify, verify, affirm, confirmed, confirming,
mk];ma}' tgc];' = Recognized, recognizing,
mk];ma}Kw]:KGac],' = Accredit, accredited,
mk];ma}Kw]:KGac],'(PU:tac]tUw]mk];ma}Kw]:KGac],Pa},tman],kan]mUic];)' = Accredited, adj. provided with official
credentials as by a government: an accredited diplomatic representative,
mk];ma}Kw]:KGac],'(hUc];hQn];sUiw];mk];ma}Kw]:KGac],)' = Accredited, adj. officially recognized as meeting essential
requirements: accredited schools,
mk];ma}Kaw];Kic],mn];' = Seasoning (of the mortgage)
mk];ma}tm];wac];w}.' = Prescribed, laid down rules,
mk];ma}pn]sgm];pk];pUic]' = De-juri recognition,
mk];ma}pn]An]pQn]Et.' = De-facto recognition,
mk];ma}pn]' (mk];ma}pn]An]pQn]Et.El:mk];ma}pn]sgm];piBc]) = Recognition, (de facto recognition & de juri recognition)
mk];ma}ettibk];pac]Sibk];Sc]la}la}' = Recognizing what battles to fight,
mk];ma}pn]wL:mn];Kw]:KGac],' = Validate,
mk];ma}lqn]sap]:miUc];' = Demarcate,
mk];ma}lqn]sap]:miUc];' = Demarcate, demarcated, demarcating,
mk];ma}lqn]sap]:mUic];'(lgc]:/An]-)pk];mk];ma}lqn]sap]:miUc];' = Demarcation, N.,
mk];ma}w}.lBv]:pk];piBc]lIcam];' = Ascertained
mk].'kYOik]:'(kw]Am],mk].tac];kin]Kw]) = Like, fond of: I don’t like their food,(ant: dislike,)
!mk].lw]:wa}<tc];nm].mn];San],lun],nL,'@(Tuc];21;17') = Loves wine and olive oil,
mc]'mc]SG],'[epL.mc]'mc]lUm].'{(et;wit].l}:tUiw].sG]hqc];nL,nL,'(1Sqm];24;5') = Smite, to strike down, knock:
David heart smote him or David was conscience-stricken, smote or smit, smitten, smitting,
mc]' epL.' hqm]' tap],' = Strike, stroke, struck, knock, attack, pummel,
mc]' hQt];Kt];' (lgc]:-/An]-)' = Mockery, N., mockeries,
mc]kn]' hqm]kn]' tiuk];' tibk];Sibk];' pac]tibk];' pg};tibk];' = Fighting, fight, attack,
mc]kn]'pg};tuik];'[pac]tuik];'pac]Suik];/mc]kn]'EK.kn]'emL;pan];Pit];kan]'{(mc]kn]Tqc]:pg};nuic]:') = Fray, N. a
fight, battle, or skirmish; a competition or contest in sports; a noisy quarrel or brawl: Once more into the fray,
mc]kn]'[luk]:Suik];eA,eA,tuik];kn]km];nuic]:/pg};nuic]:{ = Skirmish, N. a fight between small bodies of troops,
mc]kn]'[tuik];/mc]kn]km];nuic]:/pg};nuic]:{ = Skirmish, to engage in a skirmish, skirmished, skirmishing,
mc]kn]TQc]kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Clashes, loud harsh noise,
mc]km]:mn];pgc],mn];pQn]'mc]kL:pgc],kL:pQn]' = Going crazy, go wild,
mc]kU:mQw];' kin]kU:mQw];' = Omnivorous, eating both animal and plant foods.,
mc]kU:la};kL:mn];etL,'[Am],epL;np].Sgn],lgc]:la};kYac].tc];km]nn].Sc]hQt];hG]:mqn]:ym]Tuic]tI:mn];kUv];{ =
Opportunism, N.,
mc]kYam];kYam];'(eKL:sI.sm]:mc]kYam];kYam];epL;pQn]Sg}.lUc]) = Hard-hitting, adj.: a string of hard-hitting instructions,
mc]kg}pqt]:' = Blew away, blow it away, blow away,
mc]kg}pqt]:'(mG];vL;mc]kg}pqt]:la}pgk]:la}km];nm]nL,AL;lL;yw].') = Blown, (You’ve blown it too many times),
mc]kg}PIpqt]:mUt];'(JPL;sw]:Am]muiw];ke]eSmc]PU:KQn]kw]kg}PIKw]pqt]:mUt];(1piun];'14;11)') = Broken, (God
has broken out against my enemies by my hand(1 Chron.14:11,NIV)),
mc]Kw]:Sgc];kGL,' pg},Kw]:Sgc];kGL,' = Knock it down, (Basketball),(He knocks it down,)
mc]SG],' elL,liuc]:SG],' (Aw]hqc];kUn];nm]elL,liuc]:SG],kUn];eA,Kw]ya}:pa}:Pat]:EPkn]kGL,)liuc]:SG],' =
Attack, to begin hostilities, to set a forceful, violent or hostile way, strike against,
mc]SG],' = Batter, battering, smash,
mc]SG],pUn].liUw]' = Battery, assault, physical abuse,
mc]SG],pUn].lUiw]Sgm].Sgn].Tqc]:' = Aggravated Battery,
mc]SG],miBn]nn]Kibn];El:'mc],pn]mUin]nn]Kuin];'[tgp],tqn];Kuin];'{ = Get even, to get revenge,
mc]SG],Am],tUv];SI,tUv];hL:' Am],Sgn],tG]:Sgn],niUw]' = Blindly, a blind manner, without
understanding, unthinkingly,
mc]tqm],'[mc]lUm].'mc]mUp],TUpqt]:'{ = Lay low, (Idioms) to overpower or kill; defeat; to knock down; make prostrate,
mc]Et.mc]wL:'hQt];Et.hQt];wL:'pQn]Et.pQn]wL:' = Idealistic, adj. of or relating to idealism or idealists,
n].'{ = Go the whole way, go all the way, to do completely; to take a decisive action, especially one from which
no retreat is possible,
mc]ep.' tqn],nak]:mc]ep.' Sum];kan].' = Defeat, defeated, defeating, defeat, N.,
mc]ep.Kam]:pUn].'(tL,mc]ep.Kam]:pUn].PU:KQn])' = Overcome, conquer, defeat: to overcome the enemy,
mc]ep.pqt]:'mc]lqw]Pqw].'(mn];mc]ep.lgc]:mn];kUw]nn].pqt]:'mUt];)' = Vanquish, to overcome or
overpower, quell: He vanquished all his fears, vanquished, vanquishing,
mc]yG],yG],'hQt];yG],yG],'[Aw]nm].kt]./hqc];hQt];lgc]:yG]:epL;l}:tUk];sG]Aam];Aw]'{= Go big: God Big Show,
mc]lqw]'lqw]' yL.lbkw];lqw]' yL.' lulqw]' lU.lqw]' yL.lqw]' = Destroy, destroyed,
mc]lqw]'mc]kg}pqt]:'nQk];'(nQk];mG];sp];lin])'tqn],nak]:' = Dash: dash you to the ground, dashed, dashing,
mc]lqw]pqt]:'[kUn],yL.lqw]tUk];lin]{= Raze or rase, to tear down; demolish; level to the ground, razed, razing,
mc]lUm].' hqm]tUk];pqt]:' pa},tUk];' = Struck down,
mc]lUm].pqt]:' mc]lUm].kGL,pqt]:' = Knock down, overthrow, knocked down,
mc]lUm].pqt]:'mc]lqw]pqt]:' = Overthrow, to knock down or demolish; cutting down, overthrowing,
mc]lUm].pqt]:'[mc]'mc]ep.pqt]:'{ = Cut down, to strike and cause to fall; smote; subdue, cutting down,
mc]hqc];Tqc]:Ait];nuic]:El:' ham].hqc];hqc];' = Much stronger,
mc]hqc];hqc];'[Aw]AQn]Aw]hqc];Tup]./epL./hqm]SG],{' = Pelt, beat with force, pelted, pelting, pelt, N,
mc]hG]:kw]hUiw].AUn]:nuc];sG]' = Attack me, weary me, wear me out,
t]:mQw];pUn].pqn]pUic]:wgc],nn].Am],nn]ekL:tL,Em;pYSnL,An]nuic]:pn]hG]:epL;mqn]:nn].'{ = Crackdown, N. the
severe or stern enforcement of regulation, laws, etc., as to root out abuse or correct a problem,
mc]hG]:yuc]:yc]:mak],mUiw]pqt]:'(mc]hG]:tp].Suik];ngk]:mUic];Kw]yuc]:yc]:mak],mUiw]pqt]:)' = Rout: routed foreign
armies, routed, routing,
mt]:'[etL,epLluc];pit].n}.epL;ep.niuc]:pg};l}:3mt]:'epL;tw].kn]niuc]:Pa},l}:niuc]:mt]:nc],kn]{= Point, mark,
00sI"Am],nn]212Aqp].f]nn].)' = Boiling point of water, (Chemistry) water boiling point: What
temperature does water boil? At sea level, water boils at 100°C or 212°F., steam point,
mt]:nm].kam]:'(mt]:nm].kam]:n}.pQn]kL:hiuw]?)' = Freezing point of water, (Chemistry): What is the freezing
point of water, ice point,
mt]:nm].PUt].' = Steam point, boiling point of water, water boiling point,
mt];'[mqc];tUw]lm]lQk].Agn],Am],mI;pik],sac]:kzk];k}{(mt];mqw];'mt];mL')= Flea, N.: cat flea; dog flea,
mt].'mt].sgk];'(mt].sgk];mn];'(mt].mn];El:') = Tie, bind: fasten: tie him up, tied, tying, tie up,
mt].'Kgt],'Kgt],mn]:'Kgt],mt].' = Tie, to fasten or bind; to make a coonection, tied, tying,
mt].'Kgt],'Kgt],mn]:'Kgt],mt].'mt].Kat]:'(mt].mn]:mn]:') = Tie, bind: fasten: tie securely, tied, tying,
mt].' Kgt],mt].' mt].Kat]:' Kgt],w}.mt].w}.' = Bind, tie, bound, binding, bound to,
mt].'tum];'KUw].'puk].'(PUic];mt].nuic]:'Puin];tum];/mt].nuic]:')'= Bundle, N. bale: a bundle of hay or firewood,
mt].'mt].pQn]KUw]./tum];/tg};/puk].'[Aw]sUik]:mt].kUv];Am],pUk]./ehL,{ = Bundle, bundled, bundling,
mt].KL;'tum];mt].tUn]:pan],/yUiw]:kgn],'kan]:'lqm]:' = Stalk, N., stalks,
mt].Kgt],tk].' = Tied rigidly in a double or triple knot,
mt].Kgt],mUv];' = Tied flexibly or by twisting,
mt].Kgt],mUv];kw]:'Kgt],pUm]mUv];kw]:' = Tied reef knot,
mt].sp];' kp];w}.'mn];sp];kn]' = Fasten,
mt].sUik]:'mt].m}' Sg}.m}' (Sg}.mgk],' hQt];Sg}.mgk],')' = String, strung, stringing, (string flowers),
mt].SKYL;St].' = Massachusetts
mn];Sac];lac];pn]lgc]:nn].wL:n}' = He put it this way,
Muscat, N. a variety of grape having sweet aroma and flavor, used for making wine and raisins,
81;7){' = Massah, a place in the wilderness of Sin, near Mout Horeb. The place also called MERIBAH (Ex.17:7, Ps.95:8),
mt].Sa}/m}w}.'[Aw]sUik]:/Sa}/tgk],/m}sL.kGL,mt].sp];w}.hG]:mn]:'{ = Strap, strapped, strapping,
mt].nibc]:'tbm];nibc]:'pbk].nibc]:'Sg}.nibc]:'tg};nibc]:'KBw].nibc]:' = Sheaf, bundle, cluster, bunch,
mt].nuic]:'tum];nuic]:'[KUw].nuic]:'tg};nuic]:'puk].nuic]:'{ = Bunch, N. cluster; a group of things: a bunch of hyssop,
mt].ngc],'[hQt];KUic]:tI:tL,SG],hqc];sG].hqc];{'mt].ht].' = Gird, to provide, or equip with strength, girding,
mt].pQn]wL;' mt].pQn]tum];' (mt].lun]:Piun];pQn]tum];') = Cord, corded, (to cord firewood,)
mt].Ep:pik],'[muiw];Sgc]Kgc]w}.tac];lc]eSmt];kn]'{ = Tie hands behind back,
mt].Puin];'Puin];mt].nuic]:'Puin];tum];nuic]:' = Bundle of firewood,
mt].mn]:mn]:'Kgt],mn]:mn]:'[Aw]sUik].mt].pL;hut].tan],tan],eSKgt],kqn],w}.lIlI'{ = Tie securely,
= Nosegay, N. a small bunch of flowers; bouquet; posy,
mt].w}.'[mt].w}.sUw]:Kaw];'{(Stip].mt].mL.w}.tI:lk];sUiw];nn].lk];nuic]:') = Hitch, to fasten or time
temporarily; tether: Steve hitched the horse to one of the posts, hitched, hitching,
mt].hut].' mt].ht].w}.kqn],kqn],' mt].hut].w}.hqc];hqc];' = Tight tie,
mn]'Em:yic];mn]' = Barren, barren woman, deadness of woman’s womb,
mn]:'Pqn],mn]:'[Pqn],t};etL;hQt];kUn]/SUiw]:t};km]:nm]tL,kUn];sa};'{= Cotton cloth by Tai or Shan,
mn]:kqn],' mn]:kium];' mn]:kqn],nqn]:kuim];'mn]:mn]:' = Firm, firmly,
mn]:kqn],nqn]:kuim];' = Stand firm,
mn]:kuim];'km].w}.'hG]:mn];kuim];' = Sustain, to support, hold, undergo, endure without giving way or yielding,
sustained, sustaining,
mn]:kuim];nqn]:nLlI' = Sustainable, endurable,
mn]:kibm];yibn];yaw];tL,eS,' Kam],' Kam],hiuc]yiun];yaw];' = Everlasting, last forever,
mn]:kibm];yibn];yaw];Kgt],ygt]:Sbt];hgt]:sik];sgm]' Sut];ygt]:' = Ultimate,
mn]:kium];yibn];yaw];' = Endure, last forever, everlasting,
mn]:kuim];lI'Kam],huic]l}:'mn]:KUic],kuim];lI' = Endurable, adj.,
mn]:kuim];huic]'Kam],huic]yuin];yaw];'mn]:kuim];yiun];yaw];tL,eS,' = Everlasting, adj. N. endurable,
mn]:es,'mn]:Es,' = Persistence, perseverance, continuance,
mn]:es,sgm];mn];sw]:eS,eS,' = Stayed on Him,
mn]:es,eS,eS,' Suip],yU,kGL,' = Stay on, continue in a place, position or situation, steadfast, persist,
mn]:es,Sibp],etL,kGL,' mn]:es,eS,eS,' = Consistently,
6)'libm];sG]'tm];sG]luim];sG]w}.' = Confidence, N.: I am glad I can have complete confidence in you,
mn]:sG]lInL,' lium];sG]lInL,' tm];sG]lInL,' = Good confidence,
mn]:sG]Abn],sG]'hbm],lBm]: = Secure,
mn]:tBw]mn]:sG]' tm];sG]tm];eKL;' tm];sG]' = Confidently, confident,
m];sG]' = Confide, to have full trust: They confided in their own ability,
mn]:tUw]mn]:sG]sw]:kw],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Self-confidence, N., self-confident, adj.,
mn]:nim]'Sibw]:yBw];mI;Ser,mn]:nim]lI'= Integrity, steadfast adherence, soundness of character,
mn]:mn]:'kqn],kqn],'kuim];kium];'nqn]:nqn]:' = Firmly, adv.,
mn];'hak]:m}.hUw]m}.'[mI;nUiw].nm]/mUn];tum].lum].eStuic],yG],w}.'mn];kU:mQw];'{(tum],mG]tI:hUw]AL,lU;) = Tuber, N.
(Botany) a fleshy or rounded outgrowth: potato tuber buds,
mn];'hUw]mn];'[hUw]/hak]:tUn]:KUiw];mQw];nuic]:An]pQn]hak]:hUw]pUm]pUm]yac]yac]w}.nn].'mn];lqc]'{ = Yam, N. the
starchy, tuberous root of any of various climbing vines of the genus Dioscorea; sweet potato,
mn];(sw]:)wL:hibw]ekL:' = Whatever he says,
mn];'mn];sw]:' mn];sa};' = He, him,
mn];'mn];nac];' = She, her,
mn];'K}'K}mn];'pI;mn];'(kUn];pI;'(AUn]mn];) = Fat, adj. obese; corpulent; plump; oily: a fat person; fat gravy,
mn];'K}'K}mn];'(K}wUw];/nUiw].lqc]'mn];mU'(K}kgn]:'kgn]:K}')' = Fat, N.: beef fat; pork fat; lump of fat,
'@(mqt]:27;42) = “He saved others, but he can’t save himself!”(Mtt.27:42),
mn];k}.pQn]nL,' = So often,
mn];k}.pQn]nL,AL;lL;' mn];k}.pQn]nL,nL,' = Too often,
mn];kuic]lImI;pk];pUic]An]nuic]:yU,' = There ought to be a law,
mn];Rkit].s]'[mn];AUn]tc]tc]w}.tL,SG],hU;/tL;kan];mak],elL.hG]:pn],muin]:lI'{' = Grease, N. lubricant,
mn];kGL,lG]? = Where did he go?
mn];kGL,tac];lG]k}:? = Where has he gone?
mn];Kw]:Sqc]'[mn];lqc]km],'{ = Dark purple yam, N. purple yam,
mn];Kuk];sG]l}:mG];yU,' mn];Kuk];sG]l}:SU' = He remembers you,
mn];KGak]:' = Karen potato,
mn];sw]:/sa};puit],eSAm],kL;Auit];pL;Pk];tUw]tc];la}'= He opens and closes doors,
mn];sw]:kQp];tuc];Aw]nm].tLmG];w}.tc];mUt];' = He collects your tears,
mn];sw]:Ka}.pak]:pqt]:lgc]:nk];nLpL;pan]:'(An]-') = His Burden-moving,
m]:eSha}la}kGL,nn].yw].= Rising! Higher and higher He went until He disappeared into a cloud.
mn];sw]:ethQt];hG]:mG];mI;la}pbn]:tBp].nqp],' = He will multiply you
mn];sw];ethQt];hG]:mG];kqn],Kqc]Kam],etL,tac];yap],Pibt],tc];nm]l}:' = He will harden you
to difficulty,
mn];(sw]:)ettgp],lat]:pn]' = He will answer,
;tL,eS," = He will always complete what He started in you!”
mn];sw]:nam];Agn]SUlUv]:cm];yQn]' = He leads you by peace,
mn];sw]:n}.pQn]ekL.lQw]mUin]kn]tc];mUiw]:wL:El:tc];mUiw]:n}.El:TL,wrL.tL,eS,' = He is
the same yesterday, today and forever,
mn];sa};/sw]:n}.lIhk].pqc];w}.lum];lum];'(eSL;'5;16')' = He is altogether lovely. (Song5:16,NIV),
mn];sa};n}.pQn]AU:hw];hL;tc];SQc]:eAL:" = He is the father of us all.
mn];sw]:pQn]yU,mI;yU,'(ekL.-/An]-)' saw];sUiw].KUiw];mn];' = His being,
mn];sw]:mI;KBw];Kgc]KiBc]:piBc]lItc];nm]Sim];pqc];w}.pn]' = He has good things in
mn];sw]:mI;hqc];kqn],Kqc]KiBc],Km].w}.nG];mG];yB,' = He is strong in you,
mn];sw]:mI;An]lITiSut];pun]:tL,mG];w}.nG];mak],hUw]sG]mn];sw]:yw].' = He has your best
interest at heart,
mn];sw]:lt];tI:An]kBt].cgk];kgk];lgn];siBw];nn].Sibw]:'= He makes crooked places straight,
mn];sw]:w}.sG]yG],sG]yaw];tL,pbn]:mG];ABiw]:" = He is being patient for your sake,
mn];sw]:pQn]PU:tiUc],pac],pgc]Sac]:lISut];eSpiUn]:' = He is the best counselor there is.
mn];sw]:pQn]mn];sw];yB,nn].' = Who he is,
mn];sw]:hac]:hqn];Kp];Kiuc]SQn]:tac];tL,Agc],ep.w}.pn]' = He prepares the way for victory,
mn];sw]:hQt];KiBc]:piBc]tac];la}pQn]An]mG],mBt];' = He makes all things new,
mn];etAm],pQn]lUic]:pQn]law];Sc]nc],kaw],' = It shouldn’t be an issue,
mn];sc],/sc],Am],'(Aw]An]nk];tQc]Sat],w}.lUm];sc],Am],pt].mn];piw]')' = So it will or won’t,
mn];sw]:Aw]pbn]:pac]:Pgn];lItc];nm]tac],SG],pn]hw];sgm];pQn]wn];kB:wn];' = He daily
loads us with benefits,
mn];sa};(mn];sw]:)pQn]Pa},mG];yB,' = He’s on your side,
mn];sa};' mn];' mn];sw]:' (hc];mn];sa};'hc];mn];'hc];mn];sw]:) = He, him, (his),
mn];Sm].lqp]:hqc].nan];epL,pQn]mL;nL,eS' = Seem like it’s taking longer,
mn];tL;liUm]:' mn];K}' KI:tQn];' = Wax ,
mn];tL.etlI-kgn],AUiw]:' = It would be better,
mn];tL.lIKw]:sG]An]' tL.lIKw]:sG]sgm];An]' = It’s interesting that,
pQn]An]kGL,hQt];hG]:pI:ngc].SUlUm].tUk];nn].")' = It is better not to,
mn];tin]sac].'[hUw]mn];mUn];tUn]:mn];ca};tUn]:muk];la};'{ = Elephant foot yam,
!mn];ettgn].pQn]mL;mUiw]:lG]Et.ekL:Am],hU.&'@ = “When this is ever going to happen!.”
mn];etpQn]Sc]pQn]hiuw]mL;n}nn].kw]KG]:hn]nL,epL;Am],KG]:yUin].pG].TL:l}:yw]." = I can’t
wait to see what’s going to happen,
mn];etpQn]nn]kGL,Et.yw].' = It will be done,
mn];etpQn]mL;pn]SUsgm];nc],tac];yum],mat]:SUmI;nn].yw].' = According to your faith it
will be done,
w].eSmI;sgm];SUw}.yU,tL,eS,') =“He will be with you, fight for you and win for you.” “Jesus has
fought for you and won for you, and always be with you”
mn];etp},mI;tI:pgc],lgc]:Sc]Et.lU;kgn],' = It won’t really mean anything,
mn];etlat]:tL,tUw]mn];hc];kUv];kUv];' = He will speak for himself,
mn];etAm],kw];mG];' = He’d leave you alone,
mn];etAm],Kam],hiuc]kL:hiuw]Sc]ES:' =“It won’t last long.”
mn];etAm],pQn]nn]'[lat]:tgp],mUiw]:An]ekL.nuic]:Tac],wL:etpQn]mG];Sm],yum],wL:etAm],pQn]nn].{ =
That’s not going to happen.
mn];etAm],pUic]:lak],la};Sc]mL;ES:' = That’s not going to make any difference.
mn];tiuk].TiUk]:hQt];yU,' = It still should,
mn];tibk].pQn]Pgc];np];Kaw];yam];pG].' = It’s just a matter of time,
mn];tgc]sic]'[mn];Kaw]yc]Ev.Ev.Ait];Ait];'{(Pgc]mn];tgc]sic]hQt];AUn]Pk];l}:) = Arrowroot, N.,
mn];TPiAUw];K'[hUw]mn];TPiAUw];K'Pgc]mn];TPiAUw];K'{ = Tapioca, N. pearl tapioca, tapioca root,
mn];Tac],wL:mn];pQn]PG]lL,wL:?'mn];sa};Tac],wL:mn];pQn]PG]? = Who does he think he is?
mn];eTL;pat]:'eTL;pat]:' = Ghee, N. a kind of liquid butter,
!mn];TUik]:vL;tam],ta}eAL:'@(mqt]:26;66') = “He is worthy of death,…”(Mtt.26:66),
mn];nn].nL,' mn];AUiw]:' pQn]mn];yw].' pQn]mn];nn].km];lQw]yw].' = It is him.
mn];nac];' mn];' (hc];mn];nc];'hc];mn];') = She, her, (hers),
mn];nac];' mn];' = She, her,
mn];nac];yc];etAm],Kam],sun].Aw]PL,tin]lUc];yQp],lin]tUv];'(ehL;28;56')= She would
not venture to touch the ground with the sole of her foot,
mn];n}.' Kic];n}.' luc];n}.' = This guy,
mn];n}.lL,etwL:hiuw]KL:?' = What about him?
!mn];n}.pQn]PG]El:yc];mL;hLpg},wac];KGac].ApYt]:tc];la}pn]sUiw].n}?"@(luk].7;49')' =“Who
is this who even forgives sins?”(Lk.7:49,)
mn];pn]An]mG];/SUlUw],' = He gives what you need,
mn];pam];huin];'[mn];tL,tL;tI:Kt];tI:KUm];nUiw]Piw]nc]tUw]kUn];huin];epL;lUit],m}:wuit]:wuit]:{' = Balm,
mn];pQn]cuin];es:kUv];'(mn];pQn]cuin];es:kUv];kw]sac]:hLl}:Tqc]:nm]nm]yU,') = It’s just money: It’s
just money, I can always get more,
mn];pQn]nn]En,Am],nn]ekL:pQn]n}hL.pQn]hibw]ekL:yL,' = Whether,
m]niw].)" = What goes around, comes around.
mn];pQn]mL;nc],nn]Et.yw].' = It was so.
mn];pQn]yap],' = It is hard to be,
mn];pQn]An]hac]:hqn];pUk];pgc]pn]tL,Kiun];luk].tuin],Kuin]:mL;' = It’s a setup for comeback.
mn];pUn].kGL,yw].' mn];yw].kGL,yw].' = It’s over,
mn];pUn].mL;hiuc]nL,Am],tan],yw].'mn];pUn].mL;huic]nL,yw].' = It’s been so long.
mn];p},yw].yL,p},pUn].kgn],' = It’s not over.
mn];p},tUk];luin];' Am],mI;wL:mn];tUk];liun];yw].n}eSpgk]:' = It’s never too late,
mn];epL;mL;'(mn];Sm].epL;mL;hLTUp];mG];yU,yw].') = On his way: he is already on his way to meet you; he is
coming out to meet you,
!mn];mqn]:Et.nc],wL:yw].'kgp]:pUiw]:@ = Rightly so, because; as is only fitting, or as it is meet, because,
mn];mI;' mI;' [yip];sG].tiuw];tI:Et,ciUn]:/cw]:Tqw]lik]:Tqw]niuc]:'{ = There is/are/was/were/,
mn];mI;kL:Kn]kuic],TUik],tan],kn]mUt];yU,'[kuic],lIpn]El:TUik]:l}:hp].yw].'{ = It’s worth it all,
mn];mI;nUiw]mG];kUv];&' mn];Aic]niUw]mG];kUv];&" = It’s up to you!
mn];mI;pYSnL,Kgc].Km]Sc]lL,?'mI;pYSnL,Sc]?'mI;lgc]:Kgc].Km]Sc]?' = What’s the problem?
mn];mU'[mn];nG];KUc];tgc].mU{ = Lard, N. the rendered fat of hogs he internal fat of the abdomen: pork lard,
n]'{(Agk],30;23'lI;wa};10;7')= Anointing oil, LORD’s anointing oil,
mn];yw].tUw]:yw].'(eKL:kGam];sw]:ey,Sulat]:tI;nUiw]m}.Sw]wL;muiw];'ygn]<'19;30) = It is finished, (Jesus
said on the Cross, John 19:30,)
mn];yw].tUw]:yw].&' mn];yw].yw].&' = It is done! It is finished!,
mn];yac]pqk],'yac]pqk],'mn];pqk],' = Pine resin,
mn];yac]m}.'[mn];yac]pqk],'mn];pqk],'kgn]:yac]pqk],hqc]:'{ = Resin, N. also rosin. pinne resin, resinous, adj.,
mn];yac]wak],hgm]' = Gum resin, stacte,
pqk],nn].') = Myrrh, an aromatic resinous exudation certain plants of the genus Myrrhis),
mn];yac]hgm],mUiw]<rL,tum],esL:Agk],eSyg}.ygt],tUk];mL;' = Dripping with myrrh,
mn];yG];'[tUn]:mn];yG];'mak],mn];yG];(mak]mn];yG];n}.yac]mn];emLmUiw],)'{ = Physic nut, N. an ornamental, tropical
American tree, its fruit yielding a purgative, poisonous oil,
mn];lqc]'[mn];lqc]PUik],'/lqc]'/lUic]'{= Sweet potato, N. a plant Ipomoea batatas, white, red, or golden sweet potato,
mn];lQn]:Kqm].Sut];eSkU:pgk]:Et.yw].' = Played his best ever,
mn];lut]:ham];w}.eSsUiw].eSmQw];' = Something is missing!
mn];lUc];kGL,/mL;sU;'[mn];sw]:kzlUc];mL;/kGL,'mn];sw]:lUc];kGL,/mL;'{(mn];lUc];kGL,sU;wan]:tG]:nn].) = He
went or came down to, he descended to,
mn];l}:sG]sL.eKL;KUm]lUiw]eSAn]ta}nn].kgn],yw].' = More bitter than death,
mn];l}:pQn]ekL.An]JPL;sw]:Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],nn].yw].' = He is a new creation,
mn];l}:pQn]mL;An]Am],JtL;nn].yw].n}ekL:' = It may have not been fair,
!mn];l}:An]pn]tac];yuk].ygc]:'@(rUw];4;22)' =“It was credited to him”(Ro.4:23)
mn];lUik]:lUik]:TUik]:pQn]' = It just so happened.
mn];wUw];' K}wUw];' = Beef fat,
mn];hn]wL:mn];suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,nL,'(yUp]32;1') = He was righteous in his own eyes,
mn];hic],'[nUiw].mn];PUik]:yac]yUiw].yUiw].Ait];Ait];{ = Irish potato,
mn];hQt];tac];Pit];SG],mG];' = He does you wrong,
mn];hQt];hG]:piUn]:hn]lIhw];' = It helps how others view us,
mn];hQt];Am],Kqm].eSAit];El,emL.' = He just didn’t do a good job.
mn];hqc].huic]nL,hqc].nan];pQn]nL,' = It’s taking a long time.
mn];hgm]'mn];mn];' = Essence, distillate, fragrance, perfume,
mn];Am],kL:huiw]Sc]'Am],kL:huiw]Sc]' = Not worth mentioning, insignificant,
mn];Am],kuic],lITam]' = It is not wise to ask,
mn];Am],Kiuk].pQn]Sc]KL:l}:yU,KL:' Am],pQn]Sc]l}:yU,' = It’s not a big deal,
mn];Am],KG]:pgc],wL:' = It doesn’t mean,
mn];Am],ca}:' mn];sac]:yap],sac];yQn];' = Can be difficult,
mn];Am],ca}:cqm]:miUn]nc],wL:nn].' = It isn’t easy,
k].luik].lak],la};Sc]Am],lm],lgc]:Sc]n}nn].El:tgp],pn]ekL.Tam]nn].{' = He’s not anybody.
= It’s not about a ritual but a relationship,
mn];Am],sG]:wL:'Kw]n}.Am],Tac],eSl}:mL:mI;w}.yU,tI:nn]:" = They’re not there by accident!
mn];Am],etlqp]:lBw],l}:' = It doesn’t seem like,
mn];Am],JtL;' n}.Am],JtL;' = It’s not fair,
!mn];Am],Tac],wL:lIhgc].pL;mn];kGL,sgm];'@ = “He did not think it wise to take him,”
mn];Am],pQn]pUin]:pQn]PG]'[KG]:wL:pQn]kUn];hU.sk];kn]yU,nn].{' = Not a stranger: He/she’s not a stranger,
mn];Am],mI;siuw]:tc],siuw]:Tqc]:An]lG]' = There’s no other name,
= “Did not trace his descent from Levi,” who was not descended from Levi,
mn];Am],mI;An]lG]Sc]' = There’s nothing,
mn];Am],mI;AL,nL,yip];l}:niUw]kw]Sc]' = He has no hold on me,
mn];Am],lItL,AI:Sc]eSsUiw].eSpiUc]yw].' = It no longer good for anything,
mn];Am],hQt];nn]' = That’s not his way, he doesn’t do like that,
mn];Ag};mqn].hgm]'[nm].mn];hgm]tL,tL;ngk]:tUw]sgm];nc]kUn];hw];{'yL:Pygc];' = Ointment, balm,
mm],er;'[suiw]:kUn];sa};El:Agc]:tI:tI:nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:13;18'14;13')' = Mamre, the name of a man and a
place in the Old Testament,
mm]:mm]:'[Kw]:yqm].sgk];/Kw]:mun];tL,luk]:Agn],lqc]kin]'{(Aam].mm]:mm]:')= Baby solid food, soft or chewed rice,
mw]' = Light, indistinct, flighty, lightly,
mw]' mw]Tgc]ygc]'(Kt];-nk];')' = Light, lightweight, (ant: heavy)
mw]kGL,'sg}:hG]:mw]kGL,' = Lighten,
mw]Tac]:yac]:'(nUic];-nk];tgk].kgk].')'= Lighter, adj. of less than the usual weight,(compare ‘of natural heaviness’)
mw]mac]'w}.mw]mac]'mw]mac]pg},pqt]:w}.'luim];fac].Sti' = Neglect, neglected, neglecting,
mw]mac]'mw]mac]pg},pqt]:w}.'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Negligence, N., negligent, adj.,
mw]mac]tI:pn]ciun];EPSG],Alac];' = Contributory negligence,
mw]mac]lUn].piUc]'[hQt];Pit];An]puic]:AL;kUw];w}.nn].'{= Malpractice, N.(Law) failure of professional, breach of
duty, negligence, misconduct, illegal,
mw]mac]lUn].pUic]Pa},yL:yL'[tac];hQt];Pit];An]puic]:AL;kUw];w}.Pa},yL:yL'{= Medical malpractice,
mw]mac]pg},pqt]:sliUw]:slL:' = Neglected, adj., neglected, adv.,
mw]mac]pg},pqt]:w}.'mw]mac]'hQt];mw]mac]'= Neglectful, adj. careless; negligent (often followed by of), neglected,
mw]mac]pg},pqt]:w}.'mw]mac]' = Neglectful, adj. careless; negligent (often followed by of), negligence, N.,
mw]mac]pg},luim];pqt]:'Am],w}.fac].Aw]SG],sG]' = Neglect, to omit through carelessness; forsake, neglecting,
.{(kGam];sUm];Aw]nm].sG]mw]huc]huc]w}./Am],nqn]:nLlI'(SQc]Am],nqn]:nLlI/mw]huc]huc]/kUc]SUt],SUt],w}.) = Hollow,
adj. insincere or false; without real worth; not deep; empty: hollow compliments; a hollow voice, hollower, hollowest,
mw],'Am],'[yip];tuiw];lat]:mUiw]:TQc]pak]:pqt]:'{= Not, adv. (used to express negation, denial, refusal or prohibition),
mw]:'[emLlin]lQk].Agn],Kam],f};m}:lUit],etL,Km];epL;sUim]:pQn]emL:lin]tL,Agc],Km];'{ = Gold melting pot,
t],wL:lUit],)l}:nn].'{(mw]:tL,Agc],Km];'cuin];'sL.kGL,')'emL:mw]:m}:' = Crucible, N. a container of metal or
refractory material employed for heating substances to high temperatures,
mw];' hUw]mw];' mw];pn],Kac],' = Dizzy, light-headed, punch-drunk, off of balance, out of control, giddy,
mw];eSehL:' = Drunk driving,
mw];eS,' Kic];mw];eS,' KI:lw]:' sw]:lw]:' = Inebriate, boozer, toper,
mw];tac];'[An]KI,elL./kL;/rTL;/hUiw];/hUiw];min]El:mw];KG]:hak]:tgc].KUn].yU,Am],SL,nn].{= Motion sickness, it
is caused by repeated motion from a vehicle or any other movements that disturb the inner ear,
mw];tLngn];'[ngn];Am],Aim],lIEl:mw];Suic].mw];Sc].'{ = Dizzy from a lack of sleep,
mw];pn],'[pn],tUw]El:mw];'{(epL;hw];pn]tUw]hQt];Sc]hw];mw];?')= Spin dizzy:Why do we feel dizzy when we spin?,
mw];mic];'hQt];hG]:mw];mic];'(hQt];nm].kin]SB,rL,mw];mic];) = Intoxicate, intoxicated, intoxicating:
intoxicating liquor,
mw];lw]:'mw];lw]:mw];yL:'(lgc]:-/An]-)'kin]lw]:mw];pqc]:w}.eSeS,' = Drunkenness, N.,
mw];lic];'[mw];mic];{(mw];lic];kGL,eSetSuip],hQt];huiw]epL;Am],hU.') = Pissed, adj. drunk; intoxicated, pissed off,
mw];luim];tUw]pQn]km];'[hqc];AUn]:mw];wic];{'ta}luim];' = Faint, adj. feeble or dizzy about to lose consciousness,
mw];lium];tUw]lium];Kic];'mw];wic];' = Giddy, dizzy,
mw];wic];' hqc];ABn]:mw];wic];' hqc];ABn]:' = Faint,
.hUw]El:mw];wic];kGL,'(lw]:wa}<Aw]hw];mw];AUic],Aac]/mw];wic];') = Daze, to stun or stupefy with a blow, shock, drink, etc.;
stagger: He was dazed by a blow on the head; wine that make us be dazed or stagger, dazed, dazing,
mw];AUic],Aac]'AUic],AI:AUic],Aac]'[Am]p}/kGL,/suk];nim]nim]l}:'{wac],wI:wac],wUiw]:' = Stagger, to walk, move,
or stand unsteadily, reel; dazed, staggered, staggering, staggeringly, adv.,
mw];hUw]'mw];kGc]' = Dizzy, confused, heedless, giddy,
mak],'mak],m}.'[An]m}.tUn]:nuic]:hQt];Agk],pn]tL,kUn];/St];'mak],m}.mak],tgk],'{= Fruit, N. any product of plant useful
for humans or animals,
nn].'{ = Measles, N. an acute infectious disease occurring mostly in children; rubeola,
lqc]'(Agk],mak],lqc];)'{ = Chickenpox, N. a disease, commonly of children, caused by the varicella zoster virus,
mak],mak],'mak],pn]'[An]mak],Agk],pn]mak],mn];'{ = Fruit, to bear or cause to bear fruit, fruiting,
m];wgk];kn])' = Sing to one another,
mak],kL,'[mak],kL,nG];PUik],'nG];lqc]'mak],kL,kUim]:nL'tUn];mak],kL,'{ = Guava, N. genus Psidium,
mak],kaw]:'kaw]:'(Sgk];tin]AUt],yaw];TUm]:mak],kaw]:')'pgc]:kaw]:' = Calf of human leg, (shoes calf leg wrap),
t];Ait];n}.lI')' = Calf-muscle cramps,
mak],kQc]'tUn]:mak],kQc]' = Pineapple, N.,
mak],kQc]KL:kuv]'mak],kQc]tUv]'[tUn]:Aqk];'{= Screw pine, N. any tropical tree or shrub of the genus Pandanus,
mak],kQc]Sac];ePL;'[mG]yG],lqm]yaw];kan]:mgk],mn];Suc]{= Century plant N. any New World plant of the genus Agave,
Aw]hQt];yL:yL'Aw]SG],elL;mUiw]:yqn]:pLmgc]pLmUiw]:hQt];pLhqc]:pLnw]:nn].'{' = Tamarind, tropical ornamental
evergreen tree,
mak],kqc];'tUn]:mak],kqc];'[tUn]:m}.kqn],Agk],tI:m}:mI;mG]eS;SUm];kin]l}:mak],mn];SUm]:epL;Suk];mL;SUm]:sQm];'{' =
Tamarind, tropical ornamental evergreen tree,
mak],kqc];sQm];'[mak],sQm];SPL,wmn];km]:nm]Agk],nG];mUic];T};'{ = Sweet tamarind, N.,
mak],kuc],etL,'[mak],sac].etL,'mgk],sac].etL,'{ = Indian shot, N. canna,
mak],kuc]:'tUn]:kuc]:lqc]'[mI;Aa}hgm]huin];Aw]hQt];yLEl:nm].hgm]l}:'{(mn];mak],kuc]:) = Castor, N. Castor Bean;
Palma Christi; also, castoreum: Castor oil,
mak],kUc]kgn]'[lin]nQw]Agn]lgn]hQt];luk]:mUn];lQk].hqc]:w}.tL,SG],mak],kgn]puit];'{ = Pellet, N.,
mak],ka};ygn];'[Agk],tI:tUn]:KUiw];pQn]mak],KUn]KUn]epL;vL;tUiw].nUiw].nc]kUn];n}KUm];KUm];ka};ka};nL,'{ = Cowage, or
cow-hage, cow-itch, N. a tropical vine, Mucuna pruriens, of the legume family, bearing reddish pods covered with bristle
like hairs that are irritating to the skin and cause intense itching,
SIPUik],hm].SG]SG]sQm];wan]eSKG]:ca};kn]tc];mak],liKYi'{= Longan, N. the small, one-seed, greenish-brown fruit of a large
evergreen tree, Euphoria longana, of the soapberry family, native to China and allied to the litchi or Lychee,
mak],ekL,' mak],ekL,mt];' mak],ekL,lUc]' = Chestnut,
yL:yLSlUik]:{' = Horse chestnut, N. Aesculus hippocastanum,
mak],ekL,mt];' tUn]:mak],ekL,mt];' = Hazel nut, N., hazel tree,
mak],ekL:'[mak],m}.luk]:mUn];nUiw].Kaw]kin]wan]'tUn]:mak],ekL,'{ = Pear, N. the edible fruit of a tree Pyrus communis,
mak],kiut];nim]w}.'(mak],kgp].f]) = Ball at rest, (golf ball)
mak],kuit];nim]w}.Ka}.mUiw]:tuik].tqk];tUv];'(ma}mI:18)' = Ball at rest moved while measuring,
mak],kuit];nim]w}.Ka}.ygn].kUn];etL,EK.kn]Am],nn]EK;tI,mn];'(ma}mI:18)' = Ball at rest
moved by the opponent or his caddie,
mak],kuit];nim]w}.Ka}.ygn].kUn];ngk]:hQt];nn].' = Ball at rest moved by an outside agency,
mak],kuit];nim]w}.Ka}.ygn].kUn];lQn]Am],nn]EK;tI,Am],nn]ekL.Pak]:' = Ball at rest moved
by player or caddie or partner,
mak],kuit];nim]w}.Ka}.ygn].mak],tac],luk]:'(ma}mI:18)' = Ball at rest moved by another ball,
mak],kuit];nim]w}.Ka}.ygn].AUv];ekL.etL,EK.Am],nn]EK;tI,mn];'(ma}mI:18)' Ball at rest moved
by the fellow competitor or his caddie,
mak],kgk],'[mak],SUm]:SIlUic]mUn];K},k},kin]l}:'tUn]:mak],kgk],'{ = Hog plum, N. yellow mombin; hog plum tree,
mak],kgc]:suin];yam];'[mak],muiw]:suin];yam];'{ = Projectiles for weaponry, ammunition,
mak],kgc]:' = Bullet, N., bullets,
mak],kgn]'kac],'kac],kgn]'(sw]:kac],'(kUn];puit];mak],kgn])' = Bow, N.: bowman, bows,
mak],kgp].f]' = Golf ball,
mak],kGL,sUm]w}.tI:luk];hg};tUk];mn];' = Ball embedded in its own pitch-mark,
mak],kGL,elL,vL;lk];sgm]piw]An]pk];w}.'Ka}.Agk],'Am],nn]yip];pn]w}.' = Ball striking against
attended, or moved or held up flagstick,
mak],Kw]:tw]:nm].' = Produce, N. agricultural products collectively especially vegetables and fruits,
mak],Kc],'[tUn]:mak],Kc],'pQn]tUn]:/mak],ePL,sap]:elL;yL:yLtL;'{ = Croton, N. croton oil plant,
mak],Kac],'(etL,mak],Kac],) = Top,( play with a top),
mak],Kam]'m}.Kam]' = Gooseberry, Emblic myrobalan, wild gooseberry,
yLmw];yLyQw]:wan]sUiw];n}.'tac];yG],mak],Kam]n}.tan],Aw]hQt];mak],kac],kgn]'puit];l}:{' = Emblic myrobalan,
emblica officinalis, gooseberry,
mak],Kqk];'[mQt].lqc]lm]sap]:Aw]hiw]:Km];1Kqk];=0.114krm],'8Kqk];n}.1Ep;'{= Abrus precatorius, N. seed itself,
mak],KI:nU'mak], = Crab apple, wild apple,
mak],eKL' mak],eKLKQw]wan]'(mI;mak],eKLmUn];mak],eKLyaw];)' = White jujube,
mak],KUiw]'[mak],KUiw]mUn];/yaw];'mak],KUiw]Kn];'mak],KUiw]Kgp]:'{' = Eggplant, N. aubergine,
pgc];lUm];ehL,w}.'{= Cape gooseberry, N. a tropical American plant, Physalis peruviana, of the nightshade family, having
heart-shape, hairy leaves, purple-throated pale yellow flowers, and edible, yellow berries enclosed in an inflated calyx,
mak],KUiw]SUm]:' = Tomato, N., tomatoes,
mak],KUiw]SUm]:Agc],' nm].Pit].Agc],' AUn]mak],KUiw]SUm]:' = Tomato sauce,
mak],cuk].'mak],tc]:'[mak],nim];An]etl}:tc]:w}.pG].Kam],pn]pUin]:mc]lUm].mUiw]:etL,mak],nim];cuk].kn]{ = Nonstriker entada, anvil entada,
n]{ = Striker entada, hammer entada,
mak],spit].' = Grapes,
mak],spit]:KUw].nuic]:' = Bundle of grapes,
mak],spit]:hqc]:wan]'[mak],spit]:sQm];wan]la}la}mQw];Aw]tak],lqt],hQt];hqc]:w}.'{ = Raisin, N. a grape of
any various sweet varieties dried in the sun, raisins,
mak],sc]:'[tUn]:Agn],mak],lqc]km],mI;mQt].sUiw].nUiw].lqc]sQm];'{= Pomegranate, N. the small tree, Punica granatum,
mak],sw].mn];Suk];mL;' = Form its early fruit, fig tree forms its early fruit; has ripened its figs; puts forth its figs,
mak],sac].etL,'[mak],/mgk],kuc],etL,'mG],yG],mgk],kI:SUv];SUv];{= Canna, N. any of tropical plants of the genus Canna,
= Nutmeg, the hard, aromatic seed of the fruit of an East Indian tree Myristica fragrant, used as a spice,
mak],sQm];wan]Tuk],SUp];'[mak],m}.sUiw];sL.sQm];kin]wan]la}la}mQw];{ = Choice fruits,
mak],suin];kgc]:'(kgc]:mak],PU,n}.lItL,lm];TUin],/yuiw];kGc]yuiw];Pan];)' = Slug, N. gun slug: Slug gun,
mak],sUiw]:kuit];tL:pak],hU;w}.' = Ball overhanging the hole,
mak],sUiw].Pn];EP:Agk],tgc].SU'(luk]:lac];SU)(ehL;7;13'28;18') = Fruit of your womb,
mak],sgk];'[mak],SIlUic]/lqc]lUic]nUiw].mak],mn];pQn]kQp],SUm]:sQm];'{ = Orange, N. edible citrus fruit; tangerine,
mak],sgk];yan]:'yan]:'[mak],sgk];nUiw].nG];hqc]:Am],mI;nm].sac]kUt];kUt];Am]sG]:mak]sgk];nw]:'{ = Dry, lacking
taste, no juice oranges
mak],Sep,hgm]'SepY,hgm]'[mak],SIKQw]PUik],epL;Suk];mL;lqc]eSPuv]:lIkin]wan]{= Malay apple, Eugenia tree,
mak],Sac];ePL;'(mak],Sac];ePL;SL:/tm]kin]wan]Et.)' = Papaya, N.,
mak],San],lun],'tUn]:San],lun],' = Olive, N. an evergreen tree Olea europaea; the fruit of this tree,
mak],SQn]Agk],' = Ball Deflected,( golf ),
mak],Sqc]tL'[kqn]hUv],tL'{(SL,17;8'Tuc];7;2'ehL;32;10') = Apple of the eye, the pupil of the eye,
mak],Sqc]f};' lgt],f};' = Bulb, N. Electricity,
mak],Sqc]f};Tat]:'[pQn]Pn],An]Aw]lqc];Agk],mL;tI:pqt],JTI,nn].{'(mak],Sqc]f}; Tat]:pL;mak],Tan],mn];')'
= Flashlight bulbs,
mak],Sqc]f};hUw]kL;' mak],Sqc]f};tac];nL:' = Headlight Bulb,
n]pQn]nm].Pk];wan]wan],nuic]:)' = Mimosa acacia, N. a shrub belong to the genus Acacia of the mimosa family,
mak],Sa};'mQt]./Pgc]Sa};'[mak],hin]mak],Sa};'(mak],hin]lQk].Agn],Ait];){= Sand, N. the small, loose grains of sands,
mak],eSL;' eSL;'(mak],eSL;tc];kak],eSL;) = Lock, N.: lock and key, locks,
mak],eSL;' eSL;' = Lock,
mak],tL'[KUic]:eAL,kqn],An]sac]:hn]{ = Eye, N. the organ of sight, eyes, ey-en, eyne,
mak],tLKgn]etL,Kgn]' = An Eye for an Eye,
mak],tLsa}.tUv];' sa}.tL,tUv];' = Look sideways, glance at suspiciously,
mak],tL,ngc].lqc];SG]eSlw];wL:lw];'(eSL;'1;15')' = Your eyes are doves. (Song1:15,NIV),
;sG].Agk],mUic];AL,frikpgt];hgc],mUic];Saw]tI<Aer;piy'sL.kGL,'pQn]mak],Tqm]pn]AL,hrL.nm]'{ = Date, N. the oblong,
fleshy fruit of the date palm, a staple food in northern Arica, Arabia, etc. an important export; a nutritious fruit, dates,
mak],tqk],'[mak],pgm];/wuiw].'mak],mqc];'mak],kgc]:yuiw];tqk],PUc].kGL,'mak],tqk],Kut];emL,hin]Eh:'{= Explosive device,
mak],tqt],'tin],hI' = Clitoris, N. the erectile organ of the vulva, homologous to the penis or the male,
mak],tqw],'[mak],tqt],etL.Pa}.pUw],kL,'(mak],tqw].Pa}.man];t};){(tqw],mak],tqw],')= Dice, N. poker dice: throw dice,
mak],tum],' mak],tum],SUiw]:' = Button,
mak],tum],Kqn]SiUw]:' = Cufflink,
mak],tU;rin];'[mak],pUik]:pQn]nam],lqm]ca};mak],lac];ha}huin];lUiw]ekL.Am],mak].n}.mQn]'{= Durian, N. the tree itself,
mak],tuik].kic]:' = Moving ball,
mak],tuik].tUc].' = Ball in motion,
mak],tuik].tUc].wa};tg},nUiw]pt];tic];krin];n}.kGL,elL,mak],kuit];nim]w}.nUiw]krin];' = Ball in
motion after a stroke from the putting green strikes a ball at rest on the putting green,(rule19),
mak],tg},'tg},'[tg},n}.pQn]mak],tUn]:KUiw];mUin]pueSAw]tak],hqc]:SG],AUm]elL;yL,pU.{ = Fruit or leaf of a
creeper which is used for chewing with betel or like the betel,
mak],tg},EK,'ewL;l]nt].'[tUn]:mak],tg},EK,'{ = Walnut, N. the tree itself,
mak],Tan]'[tUn]:nm].Tan]wan]'{ = Sugar palm fruit, N. the tree itself,
mak],Tan]'[pQn]KUw].sgm];kn]mak],luk]:mUn];nG];mI;nm].tc];nUiw].kUim]:PUik],kin]wan]'{= Toddy palm fruit, N.,
hak]:Tan]'[Aw]mak],Tan]Puk],Agk],mL;kUm]yaw];mgk]:nuic]:ep,nUiw].nm]mUk];/sI,kin]l}:'{= Toddy palm root, N.,
mak],Tan],'(pqt]<JTI<) = Battery,
mak],nc]mUn];/lgm]:'(epL,luc];) = Soccer ball, football,
mak],nc]mBn];ep.S]epL;l]'(Agc]:tI:pibn].ep.S]ma}Sgc]') = Baseball, (second base,)
mak],np].'mak],np].KUiw];'[mak],mUn];tgm].lgm].lQk].Agn],SG],Sa}Sg}.hQt];pQn]tUc],w}.'{= Rosary, N. a string of beads,
mak],np].'[pQn]luk]:mUn];mUn];Agn]eSSg}.sp];kn]pQn]KUiw];pQn]tUc],wqn]Sa}eKL;'mak],np].KUiw];'{ = Bead, N. beads,
mak],nm].tw]:' = Gourd,
mak],nw]:'mak],AUc]:' = Rotten fruit,
mak],nL.'[mak],ca};mak],man].'{ = Myrobalan, N. the genus Phyllanthus, Scientific name: Terminalia bellirica,
:k}.El,kan];Kuin]:sgm];tUn]:m}.lUc]'{= Entada rheedii seed,
mak],nim];hUw]Kw],'[lup],Sam]sQc],Pqp].Kqp];Agn],tac];nL:hUw]Kw],'{ = Kneepan N. the kneecap or patella,
mak],ngc],sBm]' ekL.tQk];sBm]' = Sinker,
mak],ngc],hiw]:'[tL,tqk]:tUv];tac];luik].nm]./tqk]:lk];tc]:Suiw]:Am],Suiw]:'{' = Plumb, N., plumb line,
mak],ngc],hiUw];' ygn],mak],ngc],hiUw];lUc];' = Anchors, drop the anchor,
mak],ngc],hiUw];'[lQk];Sam]cam]:pa}lqm]ca};hUw]puin]kac],mI;Sa}sUik]:lQk];yaw];mt].w}.kuik];hUiw];{' = Anchor, N., anchors,
mak],ngt]:'[mG]ngt]:Ek,n}.mn];sL;w}.Pa},tac];tgc].mG]mn];El:sac]:Aw]pgt]:m}.kan];hap],hG]:eKYL;lI{' = Wild
fig in Tai state,
mak],ng};cU;'Pk];ng};cU;'mak],ng};' = Snake gourd,
mak],ng};hI.'mak],mUp],'mak],ng};' = Luffa, luffa plant, loofah,
SKUiw];mn];tUin];sgm];KL,eSmak],mn];yg}.ygn],lUc];hg}:tgc],tg}:kGL,sgm];KUiw];sgm];KL,mn];{ = Chayote, N. also choyote,
kL.tG].tG].'{ = Okra, N. a shrub, Abelmoschus esculentus, of the mallow family, bearing beaked pods,
mak],pk].'[mak],tUn]:KUiw];tUin];sgm];lin]'Pk];pk].'{ = Pumpkin, N. fruit of a decumbent vine, Cururbita pepo,
mak],pw].' mak],Aun]' tUn]:mak],Aun]/pw].' = Coconut, N. coconut palm,
mak],pin];'[mak],tUn]:pin];pQn]mak],pUik],kqn],SIKQw]lUic]kin]l}:'{'tUn]:mak],pin];' = Bael, N. a spiny citrus
tree, Aegle marmelos, of India; the hard-shelled, greenish-yellow, edible fruit of this tree,
mak],pqk],'[mUn];kUm]mak],kqn],mUin]m}.Am],kin]l}:'{ = Pine cone, N. the cone or strobili of a pine tree,
mak],pqk],hgm]'[mak],pUik],kqn]pQn]m}.pqk],Puk],mUic];EK,{= Pine nut, a fruit of certain pine tree grow in China,
mak],pqt],kip],hgm]'[tUn]:mn];mI;mG]KQw]pYL;yaw];SQm]:SQm]:w}.mak],hqc]:mn];pQn]SIKgn],hqc]:{' = Star anise,
t].SYiw],n}.lQk]./Aqk];eStUn]:mak],mUc]:SI,hUw],'{' = Pistachio, N. the nut of a Eurasian tree, Pistacia vera, of the
cashew family, containing an edible, greenish kernel,
l}:Kam],yuk].eSAn]An]nn].{'(kgp].f])' = Substituted Ball, a ball put into play for the original ball that
was either in play, lost, out of bounds or lifted,
mak],pUc];lImak]:lI' = Good crop,
mak],pUc];hUc];kgn]:'yG],EP:nm]kiun];'(Kt];-Am],mak],Am],EP:tUin];) = Fruitful, adj.,(ant: unfruitful)
mak],pUc];'pUc];'mG]pUc];'[tUn]:mak],mak],nm]mI;nm]nUiw]tUn]:mn];{(mUic];mak],pUc];hUc];kgn]:'(tUn]:m}.mG]pUc];')= Luxuriant,
adj. abundant in growth, as vegetation; fruitful; productive: a luxuriant country; luxurient trees,
mak],epL.kqm]PiUw],w}.sgm];' = Provisional ball,(golf),
mak],pUik],kqn],'[mak],ekL,'mak],ekL,mt];'mak],tg},EK,'mak],m}.nim]'sL.kGL,'{'mak],mI;Kgk],' = Nut,
mak],pgc];lUm];'[TUc]Aw]yc]hQt];w}.tuic]/SGac];lUm];SG],hG]:pgc];lUm];w}.'{ = Balloon, N. rubber balloon inflated with air,
mak],pgm];'(mak]pgm];kqt].S]nm].tLAgk],'(mak],pgm];hac]:w}.') = Bomb, N. hand grenade: tear gas bomb; a time bomb,
mak],pgm];tqk],SG],' = Bombarded, harass,
yw].{' = Fig, N. sycamore fig tree, red fig tree,
mak],Pan];AUm]'(AL<mn].t]')[tUn]:mak],Pan];AUm]'(kGam];man]:wL:!pL,tan],tI;@{ = Almond, N. the tree itself,
mak],Pit];luk]:mn];'(kgp].f])' = Wrong Ball,( golf ),
mak],Pit].'[mak],Pit].k};mqw];/KI:nU/sac].hgc]./sI.fL.'{(mak],Pit].KQw]'mak],Pit].hqc]:)' = Chili, N. chili pepper,
chilies,(green chilies, dried chilies),
mak],Pit].KYac];'[Agk],mUic];Ain],tiy'{= Cubeb, N. the spicy fruit of an East Indian climbing shrub, Piper cubeba,
mak],Pit].Pgc]'[mak],Pit].hqc]:tm]/Ait],hQt];Pgc]w}.'{ = Ground chilies, N. ground peppers,
mak],Pit].pgm]:'[mak],Pit].pgm]:PUik],{ = Pepper, N. white pepper, black pepper,
mak],Pit].lip];'[mak],Pit].luk]:An]p},hqc]:El:tuik].KQw]/Suk];lqc]w}.'{ = Green chill, N. green pepper,
mak],Pit].hqc]:'[mak],Pit].luk]:An]tak],hqc]:w}.'{ = Dried chill, N. dried pepper,
mak],P};'[mak],mUn];tgm].lgm].pQn]KUw].mak],Suk];pUik],lqc]SUm]:sQm];'{ = Longan berry, N. species of the longan,
mak],PUic];'[mak],Agk],AL,SYL.sQc],san];wn];Agk],mak],Suk];lUic]sQp];wan]'{ = Star fruit, N. carambola,
Lw}.Ait];Ait];{' = Sour granular-fruits, N. a kind of fruit granules with very sour taste, in a cluster, grow in Tai State,
God and obey it.”(Luke 11:28,)
mak],f};KUic]:lUc]' puin]kac],f};' = Fiery dart,
mak],mn].'tUn]:mak],mn].'[mak],mn].kU:mQw];mQw];pL;mak],mn].TUin],{' = Plum, N. (genus Prunes),
w}.eSpQn]tUn]:m}.mG]nL{'rqt].Ep,rI,' = Red berry,
mak],mw]:kGa};'mak],kgc]:tgp];'[Am],kin]l}:{' = Bitter berry, wild berry,
mak],mw]:lm]'[mak],tUn]:Aqk];/yum];m}.{ = Bilberry, N. the fruit of several shrubby species of the genus Vaccinium,
mak],mak],pn]' mgk],pn]mak],pn]' = Yield, to bear fruit, (trees will yield their fruits,),
mak],mak],mn];'Agk],hUc];'(Kw]:Agk],hUc];)' = Bring forth fruit, bare grain, grain forms heads,
mak],mak],mL;' hG]:mak],mL;' = Bear fruit,
mak],mQn]'[mI;SIKG]:PUik],PUik],SG]sqc]:mUin]man],mI;Aa}hgm]An]Aw]l}:mL;tI:tUn]:mak],mQn]'{ = Camphor, N. a whitish,
crystalline pleasant-oddered terpene ketone, C10H160, obtained from the camphor tree, used chiefly in the manufacture of
celluloid and im medicine as a counter-irritant infections and in treatment of pain and itching,
mak],mqc];'(mak],An]tqk],SG],ta}) = Mine, N. a device containing a charge of explosive in a watertight casing, floating
on or moored beneath the surface of the water for the purpose of blowing up an enemy ship that strikes it or passes close by it.,
mak],mI;nG];wac];cw];la};Am],mUin]kw],eShLAm],hn]' = Ball in abnormal ground
conditions not found,
v],mak],mUc]:SI,hUw],n}.ekL:wL:){' = Cashew, N. also called cashew nut,
mak],mUc]:puk].nuic]:' = Bundle of mangoes,
mak],mUn],' = Peach, peaches,
t];mak],yum],h}(mak],hum]h})l}:) = Luffa, N., luffa plant, loofah,
mak],mU'(tac];pQn]-)[erL;kL,pQn]tI:mU/St];tc];nm]An]pQn]ygn].mI;tUik],mQw];nuic]:nG];tgc].Kw]nn].'{= Measles,
N. a disease in swine and other animals caused by the larvae of certain tapeworms of the genus Taenia,
mak],mU.'[tUn]:mn];ca};tUn]:Tan]eSmak],hqc]:mn];kqn],Pat],Ait];Ait];Aw]AUm]elL;pu'{ = Betel nut, N. ,
mak],em:'[Kgk],hg}pac],la},pgt]:lUim]:w}.{ = Cowry, cowrie, N. cowry shells; highly polished shell of a marine gastropod,
mak],m}.nim]'[mak],mUn];yaw];(hac]:K},k},)An]tUn]:m}.nim]mak],pn]'{= Acorn, N. the typically ovoid fruit of an oak,
mak],muiw]:suin];yam];'[mak],kgc]:suin];yam];'{ = Ammunition, N. projectiles for weaponry,
mak],mUic];kut]:'[nm].mak],kuin];lI(mqn];kut].Stin];)'{= Mangosteen, N. the juicy, edible fruit of an East Indian tree,
mak],mUiw]'ya}:pa}:Pat],EPkn]'mUiw]'epL;sgt],epL;es;kU:tI:' = Scatter, scattered, scattering,
mak],mgk],kgn]'[mak],EKYrI,{ = Cherry, N. cherry fruit,
m}.mgn];) = Mulberry, N. the edible, berrylike collective fruit and of any tree of the genus Morus, mulberries,
Aw]SG],hUw]pLhUc]/nuic]:hQt];nm].Pk];kin]wan]Et.Et.)'tUn]:mak],mgm]:' = Apricot, N., apricot tree,
mak],mzk]:'[mak],lQk];mUn];hQt];w}.tL,Aw]KUic]:mzk]:lUc]yuiw];kGL,nn].'{ = Cannonball, N. a missile, usually round
and made of iron, designed to be fired from a cannon,
mak],yac]kL;kw],sG].lgm]:yw].' = Worn out automobile tire,
mak],yum]h}'mak],hum]h}' = Luffa dry skin, loofa dry skin,
mak],yU;'[mak],yaw];sqt]:lqt]:nUiw].mak],nLpQn]mak],tUn]:Tan]'{= Date, N. the oblong, fleshy fruit of the date palm,
mak],ygn],w}'Pqn];tYO,lm],'[An]yip];mn]:/mt].sp];w}.tI:nuic]:pg},ygn],lUc];hG]:wU/w}kGL,mL;'{= Pendulum, N. a
body so suspended from a fixed point as to move to and fro by the action of gravity and acquire momentum; a swinging lever,
mak],ln];'[KUic]:eAL,kqn],nG];tUw]An]mUin]hUv],TUw],mI;w}.tL,EPyQw]:Agk],nG];tUw]'{ = Kidney, N. either of a
pair of bean-shaped organs in the back part of the abdominal cavity the form and excrete urine, regulate fluid and electrolyte
balance, and ac t as endocrine lands,
mak],lac];'[tUn]:mak],yG],mI;yc]mUn],nm].nUm];'tUn]:mak],lac];'{ = Jackfruit, N. a large, tropical, milky-juiced tree,
mak],lqc]'[tac];pQn]sac]:sp];pQn]tI:luk]:Agn],{= Measles, N. an acute infectious disease occurring mostly in children,
mak],lin].sac].'mak],lUic],kL'[mak],Pqp].pYL;yaw];yaw];KUm]lgk].lgk].{= Fruit of Indian trumpet flower,
pQn]KUw].'{= Litchi, or leechee, lichee, lychee, N. the fruit of a Chinese tree, Litchi chinensis, of the soapberry family,
consisting of a thin, brittle shell enclosing a sweet, jellylike pulp and a single seed,
mak],luk]:Kn]man],'mak],hiw]:man],'mak],hiw]:tqt]:nqt]:'(Tuc];11;1)'= Accurate weights,
mak],luk]:Sgc]'(kgp].f])' = Second ball,(golf),
mak],luk]:wac];tI:lIlUiw]'(kgp].f])' = Better ball,( golf ),
mak],lUc]' kgc]:lUc]' kgc]:lgn]<KYL,' = Artillery, missile launcher,
mak],lUv]'[tUn]:mak],lUv]ca};tUn]:yUiw]:/Kw]:kap],Agn],'{ = Micoix seed,
mak],l}:Kam],epL.lUiw]eSkm];nuic]:' = Ball struck more than once,
mak],elL.'(Tgt],mak],elL.'Aw]mak],elL.ln]Agk],') = Wheel, N.: take off chariot wheels, wheels,
Waterwheel, N. a wheel or turbine turned by weight of water and used to operate machinery,
mak],elL.tQk];nm].'[mak],elL.mI;puc];tL,tQk];nm].'{ = Waterwheel, N. a wheel with buckets for drawing water,
mak],elL.nm].'[mak],elL.m}.Pa};hUiw];Aw]Aa}nm].PUt].ehL:'{ = Waterwheel, N. the paddle wheel of a steamboat,
mak],elL.lgt]:kan];'[mak],elL.An]lgt]:Agk],kan];sak]:ehL:nn].{ = Freewheel, N.,
mak],elL,tUiw].lk];sgm]piw]Am],nn]kUn];sgm];' = Ball striking flagstick or attendant,
mak],liBw],' tBn]:mak],liBw],' = Fig, fig tree,
mak],wc]' wc]' yUiw]:wc]' = Tare, N. noxious weed, tares,
mak],wak],'tUn]:mak],wak],'[tUn]:yUiw]:yL:An]mak],pn]mQt].kin]l}:sUiw];nn].{' = Cereal,
mak],wak],tac];kin]yg}:'[mak],wak],KUw]:hqc]:Kgp]:Kgp]:Aw]SG],nm].nUm];eSkin]wan]pQn]tL,Kw]:nG]{' = Cereal,
mak],wak]:Kw]:nm].tac];kin]' = Crop, N., crops,
mak],wak]:Kw]:nm].tac];kin]' = Crops,
mak],wan]' = Orange, N. sun fruit; capri-sun orange,
mak],waw];'[mak],nUiw].nLluk]:yG],ca};mak],ekL:SuUm]:nL,{ = Quince, N. small tree, the genus Cydonia; the fruit of such tree,
mak],wa}' = Salak, N. Calacca zalacca,
mak],hat],'[mak],sQm];mI;nUiw].lUic]lqc]pL;yUc];Agn],ca};mak],lac];Suk];{ = Breadfruit, N. large round starchy fruit,
mak],han]'mak],SUm]:Kgn]'[mak],SUm]:Kgn];hqc]:'{ = Soap acacia, N. this fruit used in cleansing ceremonies,
mak],hin]' kgn]:hin]' = Stone, N., stones,
mak],hin]Kp].hQt];Kgp],Sc].Kuin]:'(Aw]mak],hin]ekL,Sac]:Kp].hQt];Kgp],Sc].Kuin]:Suc]Suc]) = Courses of
stone: built with courses of stone,
mak],hin]Kan]lqc]'[hin]lqc]elL;lin]lQk];'hin]Kan]lqc]'{ = Laterite, N. a reddish ferruginous rock; laterite stone,
mak],hin]KQw]:mL.'[mak],hin]mI;nUiw].man],kGat].s]{' = Quartzite, N. a granular metamorphic rock consisting of quartz,
mak],hin]Kgp],hU;lqc];'(tm];mak],hin]Kgp],hU;lqc];w}.tI:mn];lIlI') = Window’s boundary stones,
mak],hin]sL;' = Coarse stone,
= Quartz, silicon dioxide, crystal rock,(crystal clear, citrine quartz, rose quartz, amethyst quartz, milky quartz, )
mak],hin]suk];'(lg}/kgc];mak],hin]suk];')' = Standing stone, menhir, (standing stone mountain, or menhir hills),
mak],hin]Sqc]'Kqp];hin]Sqc]'kgn]:hin]Sqc]' = Marble, N.,
mak],hin]SiUw],' = Stone Pavement,
mak],hin]tc]:'mak],hin]suk];'[mak],hin]luk]:lQw]/la}luk]:suk];w}.sgm];kn]{' = Menhir, N. standing stone,
mak],hin]tL,tgc];ma}'mak],hin]tI:tgc];ma}w}.' = Memorial stones,
mak],hin]Tak],w}.'(Aw]mak],hin]Tak],w}.ekL,Sac]:'(Agk],20;25')= Dressed stones, hewn stone; cut stones
mak],hin]enL,'[mak],hin]PUik],mUn],Puv]:Am],kqn]tan],SPL,whin]'{ = Coarse marble, N.,
mak],hin]Pa}pa}lqm]' = Sharp stone,
mak],hin]mt].ngc],hg}:eKL;' = Stone tied to one’s neck,
Rock, N. stone in the mass: the Lord is my rock,
mak],hin]mI;sG]'(sw]:-)[pQn]suiw]:An]hgc].sw]:ey,SuAn]nuic]:{(1pI,2;4') = Living Stone,
mak],hin]mgn]yQp],Kuin]:' = Stepping stone,
= Whetstone, N. a stone for sharpening cutlery or too by friction: a whetstone for dull wits,
mak],hin]lQk];pa},' = Flint, N. a hard stone, a form of silica resembling chalcedony but more opaque, less lustrous,
mak],hin]lqm]wut];wut];'(mak],hin]KUk].Kk].lqm]wut];wut];wt];wt];) = Crag, N. a steep, rugged rock: rocky crag,
mak],hin]luk]:lQw]puit];l}:nUk].Sgc]tUw]' = Kill two birds with one stone,
mak],hin]lUc]mUn];tum].lum].' = Boulder,
mak],hin]lUv]' = Millstone, N. grindstone,
mak],hin]hUw]sQc],tiUk]:' = Capstone, a finishing stone of a structure, cornerstone,
mak],hin]hUw]sQc],tUik].lUc]'(AI,2;19')'sw]:sgm]cw]:cL,Am],pL;Am],l}:' = Chief cornerstone,
= “ A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE”; a stone that causes people stumble and a
rock that makes them fall,
mak],hiw]:'[mak],luk]:Kn]/sit]./sg}./kUm];'mak],hiw]:Agc]<s/pgc],'sL.kGL,'{ = Avoirdupois, N. avoirdupois weight,
.mak],luk]:Kn]/sit]./sg}./kUm];'mak],hiw]:Agc]<s/pgc],'sL.kGL,'){ = Weight, N. a system of units for expressing heaviness
or mass: avoirdupois weight, weights,
mak],hiw]:' nm].nk];' tac];nk];' = Weight,
mak],hiw]:yL,sB,KiBc]:tqk]:kgk];tBc]' = Weights and Measures,
mak],hQc];tw]:nUm];'[erL;kL,n}.Em:yic];Kw]kUv];k}.pQn]nm]{'kin],sL,nUm];' = Breast cancer,
mak],hQp];' PUn]mak],hQp];' = Hail,
mak],hQp];tUk];' PUn]mak],hQp];tUk];' = Hail, hailed, hailing,
lgk];pQn]lgk];/hg};Rpat]:/hg};Aat];w}.ygn];mn];nn].'{ = Smallpox, N.(Pathology) an acute, highly contagious, febrile
disease, caused by the variola virus, and characterized by a pustular eruption that often leaves permanent pits or scars: eradicated
worldwide by vaccination programs,
mak],hqc];K},pL'[tac];pQn]An]pgc];pQn]tum],Agk],sgm];nc]'{ = Herpes, N. any of several diseases caused by
herpesvirus, characterized by eruption of blisters on the skin or mucous membranes,
mak],hqc];lqc]'[tac];pQn]sac]:sp];kn]nUiw].nc]lqc]wuin];EP:sgt],eSkG]:sgm];nL:sgm];tUw]'{ = Erysipelas,
N. an acute, febrile infectious disease, caused by a specific streptococcus, characterized by diffusely spreading deep-red
inflammation of the skin or mucous membranes; also called swine erysipelas,
mak],hqc]:'[mak],KUm]lgk].lgk].luk]:mUn];lQk].Agn],pQn]KUw].KUiw];mak],KUiw]'mak],hqc]:KUm]'{ = kkkkk, N. a bedspread,
mak],hqc]:sac].'[KUiw];mak],hqc]:sL.yG],'{ = kkkkr, N. a bedspread,
mak],hUk]:'[erL;kL,pgt],sac]:sp];{ = Tuberculosis, N. an infectious disease affecting the lungs; pulmonary phthisis,
mak],hUw]tuiw];'[mak],hUw]cqp];'{(muin]mak],hUw])'mak],hUw],'mUk],hUw]' = Hat, N. cap: hat brim, hats,
mak],hUw]'mUk],hUw]'[mak],hUw]Aw]KUn]pI;wUiw]</pac]ta};hQt];w}.'{ = Castor, N. a hat made of beaver or rabbit fur,
mak],hUw]cqp];'[m}mt].hUw]'{(cqp];mak],hUw])' = Cap, N. headband:cap peak, caps,
mak],hUw]cqp];pL;Sa}Sg}:' = Cap and Tassel,
mak],hBw]sG]'hUw]sG]'[nG];AUk];nG];sG]'mqt].tL,'{(hk].kn]luik].luik].nG];AUk];nG];sG]El:) = Heart, N. the innermost
of the breast or bosom; affection: love one another deeply for the heart,
mak],hUw]sG]kqn];'hUw]sG]sQp];'[sG]tuin],tQn]:eSsQp];/mI;tac];m}:'eKL;KUm]mgc]sG]'Kac];Kan]sG]'sG]sQp];'{= Heartache,
N. emotional pain or distress; sorrow; grief; anguish,
k].7;13')' = Heart went out: His heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.”(Luke 7:13),
mak],hUw]sG]Kw]etmgc];SU' = Their hearts will go out for you; yearn or long for you,
mak],hBw]sG]Suiw]:yUw];' = Sincere heart, sincerity of heart,
mak],hUw]sG]sQp];/kqn];'(epL;mak],hUw]sG]sQp];/kqn];n}hG]:emLyLtUv];pn]etlI) = Heart pain,
mak],hUw]sG]sQp];kqn];eSsQm];sG]hUw]epL;K}:epL;can]:' = Heartache and pain,
mak],hBw]sG]van],lqc];' = Heart of wisdom,
mak],hUw]sG]tUw]nUiw].nc]' = Heart of flesh,
mak],hBw]sG]tgt],'[An]mak],hUw]sG]tgt],SQc]emL;tuk].tuk].nG];tUw]kUn];nn].{' = Heartbeat, N.(Physiology),
mak],hUw]sG]tgt],hqc];w};sgm];tac];muc]:mgc];kw]'= Heartbeat getting faster along with my hope,
mak],hUw]sG]tgt],hqc];/w};ygn].kUw]'hUw]sG]Sn],' = Heart trembles, trembling heart,
w}.eSkm];tL.'@(SL,lam],69:32') = Heart live: “…, you who seek God, may your hearts live!”(Ps.69:32),
:?(luk].24)' = Heart burning within: Were not our heart burning within us while he talked with us on the road …?,
mak],hUw]sG]piut],PiUv]' Puv],mak],hUw]sG]' = Opened heart, open heart,
mak],hUw]sG]Pak],nuic]:'[mak],hUw]sG]kw]Pak],nuic]:{ = Piece of heart, piece of my heart,
mak],hUw]sG]m}:KG]:l}:KG]:pQn]nL,' = Hungry heart,
mak],hUw]sG]emLsUm];ekY;sU;' = Grateful heart,
mak],hUw]sG]emLsBm];eyL;Aam];'hUw]sG]emLsUm];' = Cheerful heart, merry heart, glad heart,
mak],hUw]sG]mUin]mak],hin]' = Heart of stone,
k],pqt]:eSpn]SBmI;mak],hBw]tBw]niBw].nc]nn].AUiw]:'(AI;36;26'))' = New heart: I will give you a new heart and
put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh,
mak],hUw]sG]mG];yuin]:ygn];Tuic]w}.lp].lp].tc];nm]'(An]-') = Secret petitions of your heart,
mak],hBw]sG]yQn],Ec:' = Tender heart
mak],hBw]sG]AQt];lB' = Compassionate heart
mak],hUw]Sup];'[Aw]m}TUw];hQt];mak],hUw]Sup];hUm],pL;eKL;tuiw];Aun],Kaw];kt];'{= Balaclava, N. beanie for children,
mak],hUw]tuiw];' mak],hUw]Sup];' (muin]mak],hUw])' = Hat, N. hat brim, hats,
mak],hUw]tiuw];etL,kgp].f]' = Golf Hat,
mak],hUw]mI;Sa}'[mak],hUw]'mak],hUw]cqp];kUn];sa};/kUn];yic];tuiw];'{ = Bonnet, N. a hat; boy’s or girl’s cap, bonnets,
mak],hUw]lic];'[mak],m}.ca};mak],mn].epL;Suk];mL;pQn]SIlqc]/lUic]sQm];wan]'tUn]:mak],hUw]lic];'{= Persimmon, N. the
plumlike fruit that is sweet red or orange, of any several trees of the genus Diospyros, persimmon tree,
mak],hUw]lic];'[mak],hUw]tL,lic];tuiw];/tuiw];pn]lic];'{= Monkey’s hat or cap,
mak],hUw]lQk];'mak],hUw]cqp];lQk];'[mak],hUw]Eh;lmqt].{ = Iron hat, helmet, N.,
mak],hUw]Eh;lmqt].' mUk],hUw]lQk];'[mak],hUw]lQk];{ = Helmet, N. iron hat,
mak],hB:'[tUn];yum];mI;nam]Ait];Ait];mak],luk]:lQk].AUn]:ygm]:ygm](mak],hU:lqc]/km],/lUic])'{= Raspberry, N. the
genus Rubus, small and juicy red, black, or pale yellow; any shrub bearing this fruit,
mak],hU:hQk],'[nm].mak],kuin];lIArL.SL,SUm]:sQm];mI;SISgm],lm]mUn],eSL,ehL,'{'plU;Ep,rI,' = Blueberry, N.,
mak],ha}nG];An]kit],Am],Ka}.l}:'(ma}mI:26)' = Ball lost in immoveable obstruction,( rule 26),
mak],An]mak],Agn]tac];Sut];'(1ekL;15;23'Tuc];3;9')' = First fruits, N. the earliest fruit of the season,
mak],An]mqn]:'(ekL.etL,kgp].f]ekL.lG]ekL.nn].n}.lUw],l}:ma}mak],PG]mn];w}.') = The right ball, each player
should put an identification mark on the ball,(golf rules 6-4)
mak],An]luk].tI:hsUit],nm].lQn]:etL,Sm].tuik].kuit];mI;w}.yU,nG];hsUit],nn].'(kgp].f])' =
Ball played from the water hazard remains in the hazard,
mak],Aac]Kac]' Pk];Aac]Kac]' = Bitter cucumber, bitter melon, bitter gourd,
mak],AL,SwtI,'[mak],tUn]:mgk],AL,SwtI,'{ = Passionfruit, N. any edible fruit of a passionflower, as the maypop,
mak],Aqp];pUiw]<'[mak],Aqp];pUiw]<kqm]:Kgc],'{'mak],kqm]:Kgc],' = Apple, N., apples,
mak],Aqp];pUiw]<Pg},RKap].RKap].'(mak],Aqp];pUiw]</kqm]:Kgc],pit];mG],Pg},RKap].RKap].lI')' = Crunchy apples,
mak],Aut],' Aut],' PLAut],' hUw].Aut],' = Brick,
mak],Aun]' mak],pw].' tUn]:mak],Aun]/pw].' = Coconut, N. coconut palm,
mak],AUm]sQm];' = Candy,
mak],AUw];'[KUiw];mak],Auin]:lUc]Agk],mUic];AL,SYL.SUm]:sQm];KUm]Ait];'mak],wUw]:'{= Pomelo, N. large yellow citrus fruit,
mak],eAL,El;'[mQw];mak],eAL;sL,luk]:yG],eSSUm]:{= Soursop, N. fruit of West Indian tree, Annona muricata,
mak],eAL;sL,'[nUiw].PUik],sQm];kUiw]wan]{ = Custard apple, N. fruit of several tree of the genus Annona, sugar-apple,
mak],Auin]:'tUn]:mak],Auin]:'[mak],Auin]:mI;SIlUic]SUm]:ca};kn]tc];mak],PL:{' = Lemon, lemon tree,
mak],Auin]:kk];/kUim]:'tUn]:mak],Auin]:kk];'[mak],Auin]:An]kin]kUim]:mn];kUv];nn].{(m}.mak],Auin]:kk];') =
Citron, N.: citron wood,
mak],Agk],ngk]:Kgp],' Agk],ngk]:Kgp],'(AUw]pI,) 'Agk],Kgp],' = Out of bounds, (OB) (golf)
mak],Agk],ngk]:Kgp],[AUw],pI,{'(kgp].f])' = Ball out of bounds ‘OB’,( rule 27),
lgt],Agc],'mak],muiw];Agc],') = Jam, a preserve of whole fruit, slightly crushed, boiled with sugar: strawberry jam.,
mak]:'[PL./mit]:/lqw];mak]:nuic]:'T}mak]:nuic]:'{ = Blade, N. a sword, rapier or the like,
mak]:T}'[KUic]:lqm]:lQk];tL,Aw]Sup];SG],kan];mgn].eST}SUn]h}:nL;/KUic]:T}tI:sak]:T}{'= Chisel plow, tiller plow,
mak]:nibc]:'(Sibw].mL;pn]SQm]mak]:nibc]:El:Siw],Sam]mak]:nL:) = A hoe,
mak]:mQt];' eKLmQt];pL' eKLkgc].' = Hook, N., fishhook,
mak]:mI;' mI;ciun];Km];nm]' mak]:mI;lIpQn]'(lgc]:KG]:-') = Richness, rich,
mak]:mI;' mI;ciun];Km];nm]' mak]:mI;lIpQn]' kBn];mI;'SeT;' = Rich, N., richness,
mak]:mI;'mak],mI;lUiw]/nL,'mak]:mI;Sut];'mI;'[mI;'mI;nL,'mi;eSpUin]:mUt];{' = Rich, adj., richer, richest,
mak]:mI;Sut];' mI;lUic],lISut];' mI;nm]eSpUin]:mUut];' = Richest,
mak]:mI;yU,SL,kin]lI' = Economic welfare,
mak]:mI;yG]mI;nm]' mak]:mI;yG],yG],nm]nm]' = Richly,
mak]:mI;yG],mI;lUc]nL,' mI;KUw];lQc];Kgc]pUic],nm]nL,nL,' = Great wealth, great possessions,
mak]:mI;yG],lBn].liBw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Exceeding riches,
mak]:mI;lp].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Secret riche
mak]:mI;lIpQn]' mak]:mI;' = Wealth, riches, rich,
mak]:mI;lIpQn]'mak]:mI;lIpQn]lUiw]pUin]:/Sut];pUin]:' = Wealthy, rich, wealthier, wealthiest,
mak]:lQk];sI;'(mak]:lqk];sI;n}.mI;mak]:lQk].mak]:yG],la}la}Sqn];')' = Drill bit,
mak]:lI'[mQt].Kw]:kap],Agk],yG],TUn]:tQm]hUc];{(Kw]kap],mak]:lI')' = Fully grown, (used for fruit),
mak].'(kYam];lik]:) = Mark, [a book of Bible,],
mak].' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-mak].'){ = Mark, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Mark.)],
mak].sit].'(wL,t) = Marxism,
mac]'Puin]'[mac]mac]k}.pQn]SI,sQc],w}.'(Puin]es:/Sat],{= Sheet, N. a relatively thin usually rectangular form, piece,
mac]'(Kt];-nL')'mac]nL,'mac],nL,pUn].tI:' = Thin, adj., (ant: thick), thinner, thinnest,
mac]km];'[pqk].Sm].pQn]lG]ekL:yL,'{(mac]km];tL.Ka}eSlIhuiw]) = Whether, which or whichever (of two),
mac]km];/pgk]:'mac]pgk]:mac]lG]n}.'mac]Pw],mac]km];'mac]Pw],'mac]pgk]:n}.'= Sometime, sometimes,
mac]ekL.'eSekL.ekL.' kUn];mac]ekL.' = Someone, some person, somebody,
mac]siUw];'tac],ekL.tac],kBn];'tac],An]'tac],siUw];' = Others
mac]SQm],hQm],'[mn];mac]nL,lqp]:etsG].Am],Kam],{' = Very thin, thinly,
mac]tI:'tac],tI:'eStI:tI:'tI:nuic]:nn].' = Somewhere, adv. N. in or at some place,
mac]tI:mac]tgn]:n}.' = At some point,
mac]pgk]:mac]lG]'mac]pgk]:'pQn]pgk]:pQn]KL,'mac]pgk]:mac]KL,' = Occasion, N. a particular time,
mac]pgk]:mac]lG]'pQn]pgk]:pQn]KL,' = Once in a while, occasionally,
mac]Pw],tac],pgk]:' = At other times,
mac]Pw],mac]pgk]:'mac]Pw],mac]km];' = Now and then, at times,
mac]yqm],yqm],'/nLKiun],tiun],' = Thinly, skinny,/ thickly, over thickly,
mac]yqm],yqm],'(KUw];nuc]:mac]yqm],yqm],) = Sleazy, adj. thin or poor in texture as a fabric: a sleazy dress,
mac]lgc]:mac]tI:n}.' = In some cases,
mac],klL,'pn]mac],klL,'hp].mac],klL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Benediction, N. utterance of
good wishes; the advantage conferred by blessing; a mercy or benefit,
mac],klL,pat],pa}nc]'pat],pa}nc]' = Circumcision, circumcise,
Circumcise, to purify spiritually: Circumcise your hearts, circumcised, circumcising,
mac],klL,lIlUc]' = Beatitude, supreme blessedness, exalted happiness,
mac],Aac]:' mac],'mac],KG]:l}:nL,' = Willful, unreasonably stubborn or headstrong, self-willed; intentional,
p].lqw]pqt]:'kUn],'yL.'mit];yg}:'(KQw]:mac]:) = Break, broke, broken, breaking: broken tooth,
mac].nqt]:hL'mL:hLepL;Am],yU,Am],Sw];'mL:Tac]:Tac]:' = Desperate, desperately, rash,
mat],'[KUic]:yip];lQk].pa}lqm]tL,sI;hU;Pqn],/nc]'{= Bodkin, N. a small, pointed instrument to making holes; bodkin pint,
mat],'[Aw]KQm]/An]lqm]lQk].Agn],Sg}.KUw];sp];kn]nn].'{= Pin, to fasten or attached with a pin, pinned, pinning,
mat],'mat],sQp];' tUiw].mat],sQp];' l}:mat],sQp];' = Injure, wound, injured, injuring,
mat],sQp];'tUiw].mat],'(pUin]:yuiw];tUiw].mn];mat],sQp];kGL,)' = Wounded, injured: He was shot and wounded,
mat],nL:SiUw]:'[An]tL,Em;hac]:KUic]:SUiw]:KUw];hG]:Tuk],/mn]:/hac]:lImI;KQm]Pa},lc]{= Brooch, N. brooch and pin,
mat],nI:'[mI;nI:Tuk],nI:w}.El:lUw],l}:tqn];Kiun];{' = Indebted to, committed or obligated to repay, owed to,
mat],nI:'(Am],mat],nI:PG])'Tuk],nI:'= Owe, to be under obligation to pay or repay; be indebted: doesn’t owe anybody,
mat],nI:' = Incur, incurred, to incur a huge number of debt,
mUt];'{' = Indebtedness, N. the state being indebted, an amount owed; debts collectively,
mat],nI:mat],Kgt],w}.Pa},pk];pUic]' = Legal indebtedness,
mat],nI:mat],Kgt],hUm]:sgm];' = Jointly liable,
mat],yG],sQp];lUc]' = Grievous bodily harm, N. criminal law really serious injury caused by one person to
another: Abbreviation: GBH, grievous hurt,
mat],hUw]'[mat],hQt];tac];lI/sg}:mt].sgk];hUw]mn]:'{ = Hair bodkin, bodin hair pin,
mat]:'mat]:niuc]:'(nm].nk];1mat]:mI;2mU;Am],nn]0.16Agc]<s') = Martt, weigh equal to 0.16oz or 2Moohs,
mat]:' mat]:niuc]:'(4mat]:n}.pQn]niuc]:pYL;') = Martt, counting money in Tai as for 25 cents,
mat]:'mat]:pI:mat]:ngc].'[np].ym]kn]mat]:kn]{= Regard, to have or show respect or concern for, regarding,
mat]:kn]'mat]:wL:pQn]'mat]:' = Esteem, revere; regard; appraise, esteemed, esteeming,
ekL.mn];sUiw];nn].n}")' = Number, to consider or include in a number; reckon: I number myself among his friends,
numbered, numbering,
mat]:Kuik].nL,'(Kw]kUn];sUiw];pUin]:mat]:Kuik].nL,nL,) = High esteem: those who were held in high esteem,
mat]:tan],' mat]:' mat]:kn]' Aic]niBw]' sap]:lUv]:' = Regard, regarded, regarding,
mat]:tqm],'hn]tqm],hn]tuin]:' hn]tqm],' = Underestimate, undervalue,
mat]:tBw]kw],' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Self-esteem, self-respect,
mat]:tBw]kw],tqm],eyL:' = Low self-esteem,
mat]:tBw]kw],Kibk].nL,'mat]:tUw]mn];Kuik].nL,' = Vanity, N. adj. excessive pride, self-important,
mat]:tBw]kw],Kibk].nL,' mat]:tUw]mn];Kuik].nL,' = Self-important, adj. vanity, excessive pride,
mat]:tgc];' hn]sqc]:lqc];' = Perceive, identify by mean of senses, perceived,
mat]:tgc];l}:' hn]sqc]:lqc];l}:' = Perceptible, recognizable, appreciable,
mat]:tgc];ma}w}.nG];sG]wL:' = Keep in mind,
mat]:nc],l}:mI;/pQn]yw].nn].'mat]:tan],wL:'nc],epL;tan],wL:' = As if,
mat]:pQn]'wBn].Sgn],mat]:pQn]' = Thought toward,
mat]:mn];mw]' w}.mw]' = Insignificant, inconsequential, trifling,
mat]:mn];mw]'(kw]Am],mat]:cw];la};mG];pQn]nn].wL:mn];mw]nc],kaw],')' = Making light of, (I’m not
making light of your situation,),
mat]:ma}tac]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Stand for,
mat]:ma}tgc];kuim];'tgc];w}.'[tgc];Kbk];sG]l}:'Kuk];sG]l}:'tgc];'{= Remember, remembered, remembering,
mat]:mUin]pI:ngc].'[Am],sG]:pI:ngc].kn]Et.Et.kUv];w}.nc],pQn]pI:ngc].'{ = Regard as one’s relative,
mat]:wL:' mat]:w}.wL:' = Regard as, count as, hold that, reckon,
mat]:wL:pQn]'mat]:w}.wL:'mat]:wL:' = Reckon, regard as, count as, hold that, reckoned, reckoning,
mat]:w}.wL:'(mat]:w}.wL:JSL,ygn]<n}.pQn]perL;Pqt]:ekL.nuic]:'mqt]:21;26') = Hold that, regard as, reckon, count,
mat]:Am],pQn]Sc]' sc]:sG]Am],mat]:Sgn],Aac]:Aic]mn];Sc]' = Disregard intentionally,
man]'[kam],lI'man]vL;'{(pgk]:km];man]mn];)' = Auspicious, adj. favored by fortune; opportune: an auspicious occasion,
man]'mI;Sun],mI;man]'mI;Sun],'(Kt];-kqn]) = Good luck, good fortune, (ant: unlucky; unfortunate)
man]'mI;Sun],'kam],lI'[man]vL;'man]etL,{ = Fortune, fortuned, fortuning,
man]Kqp];tp];'[nUiw].Kqp];tp];Pa},KGLPa},Sa}.Sgc]An]nn].'{= Lobe of the liver, right lobe and left lobe of a liver,
man]hU'[nUiw]:AUn]:pgt];tG]:min],hUAn]tI:kt];cqn];cqn];km]:nm]sI;hU;tuiw];pI,hU/tgc],hU'{= Lobe, N., earlobe,
man],' = Glass,
man],kgc],' = Convex mirror,
man],KUc]:' = Concave mirror,
man],Kibc]:PQc],kn]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Balance
man],sm]:' sm]:' = Mirror, glass that reflects image, looking glass,
man],sm]:tgc];lUic]Agc],'(yUp]37;18') = Mirror of cast bronze, molten mirror,
man],sm]:Pk];tUkL;' = Door Mirror Glass,
man],SG]'man],SG]SG]'hin],man],'kgn]:hin]man],' = Crystal, N., crystals,
man],tL' = Eyeglasses, N. spectacles,
man],tL,KGak]:yG],'[tL,Aw]tUv];hG]:hn]l}:An]lQk].lQk].nn].lIlI{ = Magnifying glass,
n].'hn]pgc],Pat],{ = Lens, N. a piece of transparent substance, usually glass, having two opposite surfaces either
both curve or one curve and one plane, (anatomy) crystalline lens,
man],PIlU;tL,' = Eye lens,
man],PIlU;' m},KrUw]<SkUp].'[man],yip];tuiw];mUiw]:tL,tUv];An]lQk].wL:lQk].nL,nn].{' = Microscope,
eSEl:sac]:sp];f};l}:nn].'{ = Burning glass, a large convex lens that can concentrate the sun’s rays onto a
small area, heating up the area and thus resulting ignition; burning lens,
man],man],' tan],tan],' = Level, balanced, equable, make even,
man],man],'(sgm];la};k}.pQn]man],man],'man],man],') = Regular, adj.: regular manner,
man],man],'Am],Tat],Am],wa};'k}.hQt];eS,eS,' k}.k}.' = Regularly, usually, normally,
man],mqn]:' suiw]:sG]:' (An]-'lgc]:-') = Truthfulness, true,
man],mqn]:' mqn]:' mqn]:yw].' mqn]:Et.' sG]:Et.' sG]:AiUw]:' pQn]Et.' = True,
man],mqn]:Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:'Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:' Kw]:KGac],mat]:ma}' = Valid, true,
man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)= Perfection,
man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:'An]Et.' = True
man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:Sibw]:etL,' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Righteousness, righteous,
man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:Sibw]:etL,JPL;sw]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Righteousness of God,
sG]:' = Right, rightness,
man],mqn]:Suiw]:etL,' sibw]:sG]:' sG]:' Sc],etL,' kibc],cam],Sc],Tbk],' = Right,
man],mqn]:JtL;'man],mqn]:mI;JtL;PQc],pQc];' = Justice
man]:/wan]:' = Village,
man]:keS;'[KUiw];kUn];sum];nuic]:yU,nG];sQc],hgc],wn];tUk];mUic];man]:'{ = Kathe, N. a tribe in northwest Burma,
man]:/t};ngc]'[KUiw];kUn];sUiw];yU,nG];ngc]ha};yL:'Aac];SL;'{ = Intha, N. a tribe live in the Inlay lake, Shan state,
man]:emL,'[wQc];t};El:t};lqc]nG];es:mUic];Kac]nG];mUic];man]:'{ = Bhamo, N. a town in Kachin state, Burma,
man]:miUc];' sbic]:miBc];' wan]:miUc];' = State, nation, country,
man]:Tnu'tnu'[kUn];KUiw];Agn],nG];mUic];t};El:yU,Sw];w}.pgt];kac]Pa}tUk];{= Danu, N. a tribe in Tai (Shan) state,
man];' pL;tgc].'(Em:man];)' man];luk]:' = Pregnant, (pregnant woman),
man];nm].'man];huc];'[nm].Tgk],Agk],Kw]:kGL,nG];kUc]tUw]mUt];(erL;kL,pLkG]:kQt];lgk]:)'{= Dropsy, N. edema,
lg};yw].n}yU,)' = Discolor, to change or spoil the color of; fade or stain, discolored as bruise, discolored,
map],' map],kin]' lqn]' = Cheat, cheated, cheating,
map],'kUn];map],' (lQn]:lIlIyL,map],kn]) = Cheating, cheater,
map],Kam],Sak]:eS,'(lgc]_/An]-)(tam],lgc]:map],Kam],Sak]:eS,') = Perjury, N. willful giving false
evidence under oath or affirmation: penalty of perjury,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Illusion, N. hallucination; disillusionment, falsely, make-believe,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]'[mgk],EnAn]Pit];'tqm]:Pam];hQt];pQn]'lqn]'{ = Falsehood, N. a false statement; fiction; lie,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]'[An]Pit];w}.eSla};la};'Am],sG]:Et.{ = Falsehood, N. something false; canard; inveracity,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]'map],Pam];'map],'Pam];' = Falsely, adv. treacherously; dishonestly, make-believe,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]kUn];yum],mat]:'(kUn];-/ekL.-/sUiw];-)' = False believers,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]KU;wL;lUc]'(kUn];-/ekL.-/sUiw];-)' = False apostles,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]eStac],ygn];lat]:wL:' = Falsely claimed,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]perL;Pqt]:'(kUn];-/ekL.-/sUiw];-)' = False prophets,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]perL;Pqt]:'(kUn];-/ekL.-/sUiw];-)' = False prophets,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]emLSgn]'(kUn];-/ekL.-/sUiw];-)'JSL,Sgn]Pit];' = False teachers,
map],wL:Pam];pQn]En;SG],' = False accusation, allegations groundless,
map]:SG],'map]:Agk],'(f};kL;lqc];hqc];map]:SG],tL,epL;PUim])'map]:f};' = Flash, flashed, flashing,
map]:En'mqp]:Enpn]'(epL;kiut];kL;niUc]tac];sUw]:kqp].nn].t}:f};mqp]:Enpn]w}.El:') = Indicate, indication,
map]:hiUw]:'m}:luk].hun].hun].' liUm]:' = Flame, glitter; glance, flamed, flaming,
map]:Agk],'(luk].nG];lp];Sic],t}:f};Tat]:map]:Agk],EnSik],kEnl]etL,kn])' = Flash, flashed, flashing,
mam],'(Aw]plt].StL,mam],SG],PLhUin];')'mam],SG],'mam],tL;'= Plaster, to cover (walls, ceilings, etc.) with plaster,
mam].'mam].Kw]:Sqc]'[klqn].KUic]:eAL,kqn],nG];tUw]pQn]tuic];nm].tI:SG],ES;l]lUit]:lqc]'{= Spleen, N. a highly
vascular, glandular, ductless organ, situated in humans at the cardiac end of the stomach, serving chiefly in the formation of
mature lymphocytes, destruction worn-out red blood cells, and as a reservoir for blood,
maw],' = Bachelor, N. an unmarried man,
luik]:wn];Sc],Tuk],tL,hQt];pg};pac]Kqk],kUp].kU:{(yU,hUin];hUm]:hgc]:kac]:sgc]:lUc],lQw]'(kGam];kp];Tuk],t};') = Living
maw],Tw]:'maw],Ek,' = Unmarried man,
maw],ha};'[sa};maw],ekL.tuik].yG],etpQn]kUn];sa};lUc]mL;nn].{' = Adolescent, N. adj. youthful, adolescent male,
mL' = Dog, dogs,
mL' mLygk];' St];' lbk]:St];'[mUiw]:sQp];sG]eSwL:tI:hQt];ha}.mUik]:etL,nn].{' = Son of beast, beast,
mLKac];cc]:cc]:'(mLn}.epL;mn];hw],tc];Kac];cc]:cc]:n}pQn]mLha}.Et.yw].')' = Dog growling,
mLEKlgt].'[tI:pac]Sw];kUn];KUiw];AiSer;Kw]mUiw]:Kw]Agk],Kaw];tac];kGL,sU;Pqn],lin]KL,nn],'{(TUin],33;25') =
Makheloth, a campsite of the Israelites on their journey to Canaan,
mLeK;na}<' mUin]mLeK;na}<' = Canine, adj. N.,
mLsg}:Tic];Puc]SUw];'(mLsg}:Tic];Puc]SUw];kw]pn]'(yUp]30;2') = Sheep dog: my sheep dogs, the dogs of my flock,
mLTUin],'[mLTUin],An]pQn]KUiw];mLeK;na}<{'mLwgt];ewL.' = Jackal, N. wild dogs of the genus Canis,
mLnm].'[mqc];mI;nG];nm].tc];la}'{ = Water beetle, N. any of various aquatic beetles, as predaceous diving beetle,
mLn};'(St];KiUw];mLlL<TiUn],El,lm];KUp];tUw]St];'mI;nG];AEm,rikpgt];hgc],) = Wolf, N., wolves,
k],kUm],"@(2pI,tUiw],2;22') = “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed returns
to her wallowing in the mud.”
mLepL:'[mLtUw]epL:'{(nUic];-mLEm:') = Male dog, (compare ‘female dog’),
mLmL:'[mLpQn]erL;kL,eSmQw];mQw];w}.nn].'{ = Mad dog, N. rabid: a mad dog,
mLEm:'[mLtUw]Em:{(nUic];-mLepL:') = Female dog, (compare ‘female dog’),
mLEm:lgc]:'[Am],mqn]:sG]eSEl:wL:kGam];lUic];hc];mLEm:nn].{' = Bitch, N. a female dog,
mLEm:lgc]:'AI,mLEm:lgc]:' = Bitch, N.(Slang) a lewd woman,
mLm}.'[sgn]:lm]mQw];nuic]:{ = Kind of black squirrel,
mLyuv];Agn],'(mLyuv];Agn],sUm];kap]:lup],w}.'/KUp];yqm].kin]lup],Ev.Ev.')' = Spaniel, N.: the spaniel gnawed
happily on bone,
mLygk];&' = Bad dog!
mLygk];' mLha}.' = Ferocious dogs,
mLlin]' = Fox, foxes,
mLlqm];lup],'mLel;lup],' = Dog licking bone,
mLEl,sL;'mLwac],sL;' = Wandering dog,
mLhw],/hgn]' hw],' hgn]' = Bark, barked, barking,
mLwgt];ewL.'mLTUin],'[mLTUin],An]pQn]KUiw];mLeK;na}<{' = Jackal, N. wild dogs of the genus Canis,
mLhqn]nL:'[St];mUic];AfrikAn]mUin]mLnn].{ = Hyena, N. a doglike carnivore, of Africa, coyotes,
mLhqw]'[KUiw];mLAn]mUin]mLn};nn].{ = Coyote, N. also called prairie wolf; wolf like canis, coyotes,
mLhgn]'hgn]'(mLhgncUc];cUc];)' = Howl: dog howling, howled, howling,
mLAgn],'[km]:nm]n}.k}.pQn]An]hgc].mLAgn],An]p},tQm]pI<nuic]:nn].{' = Puppy, N. a young dog less than a year old,
mLAgn],'[mLtUw]lQk].'mLAgn],Ait];'{' = Little dog, N. the constellation Canis minor; small dog,
mL,'hUw]mL,'[pgt];tUw]Kic];kUn];Sgc]Pa},Kac]:tI:Kqn]sp];kp];lup],hUw]Kqn]Suip],sU;eKL;'{= Shoulder, N. usually shoulders,
yuiw].)(mL,Kw]:nQw]yw].sc],nuic]:)' = Steep, to soak in water as to soften, cleanse, or extract some constituent; saturate : to
steep tea in boiling-hot water; to steep sticky rice in cold water before steaming, steeped, steeping,
mL,ktan];'[wQc];tI:Pc],Pa},wn];tUk];pac],la},Ek;lIlI;nn].'{mL,ktlL.' = Magadan, [a form of Magdala, a
place on the west shore of the Sea of Galilee,(Mtt.15:39,NIV)],
mL,ktan];' = Magadan, a city in the NE Russian Federation in Asia, on the Sea of Okhotsk,
mL,ktlL.'[wQc];tI:Pc], Pa},wn];tUk];pac],la},Ek;lIlI;nn].'{mL,ktan];' = Magdala, [a place on
the west shore of the Sea of Galilee,(Mtt.15:39,KJV)],
mL,ket,l'[Kun]KUiw];lQw]kn]tc];kUn];KUiw];AI<tum],'{(cw]:36;43') = Magdiel, an Edomite clan chief,
mL,kYO,rI,'[pQn]nm].AUn]SImiUn]ciun];(nG];lik]:t};km]:Pgc]:nm].ciun];/muin];lqc];n}ekL:wL:){ = Mercury(Hg),
){ = Magog, a people descended from Japheth; region of Gog, the second of the sons of Japheth,
mL,Kw]:'Es:Kw]:nQw]'(mL,Kw]:w}.hUw]Km]:eSluk].nuic]:yam];nL:mUic];sm]lqc];')' = Steep sticky rice in cold
water before steaming,
mL,SL,' = Funeral,
mL,t}a<'[luk]:sa};TUn]:Sam]yL<Pqt].'{(cw]:10;2') = Madai, the third son of Japheth,
mL,nKUiw];mUic];'[sG]hk].wan]:mUic];'sG]hk].sUiw].sat]:'{ = Civic pride, civic spirit; civic minded; national pride,
mL,nsUiw].KUiw];'[mL,nKUiw];mUic];'{ = National pride, civic pride; civic spirit,
mL,nyG],'mL,n'(mI;mLnyG],tI:Kw]sn].kan]Suc]nn].) = Pride, N. take pride in their high position,
mL,nyG],' w}.mL,nyG],' mI;mL,nyG],' = Pride, prided, priding,
mL,nyG],hUw]sG]Pqn]Suc]' = Haughty, adj., haughtier, haughtiest, proud, adj.,
mL,rp].'[em;rp].{ = Merab, [oldest daughter of Saul, (1Sa 18)]
mL,rL.'[suiw]:naw];milUik]:hgc].suiw]:mn];hc];kUv];{(rut].1;20') = Mara, the name that Naomi chose for herself,
;44') = Mareshah, a fortified city in the lowland of Judah and two men in the Old Testament,
mL,lKu'(sa};)'(pQn]siuw]:KL:Kun]perL;hQk]:lUc]ekL.An]pL;sgm];miUw]:Kw]mL;tivgp];sw]:ey,Sunn].) = Malchus, a
servant of the high priest who was present at the arrest of Jesus,(John 18:10),
mL,lL,'[luk]:yic];lUc]es,lUw];Pihqt].'{(TUin],26;33') = Mahlah, the oldest daughter of Zelophehad, Mahlah,
mL,lL.'[mak],mUn];tgm].lgm].mUin]mak],Pit].pgm]:eSmak],KQw]mak],Suk];lqc]mak],Pit]:'{= Sichuan pappercorns,
mL,Ata}<'[luk]:sa};pL.n}<'{(eA;s10;34'') = Maadai, a son of Bani,
mL:'ygc],mL:'[tac];wUn]./hQt];Am],mI;tI:pgc],Sm].Kqc]pUn].tI:pUn].lqn]nL,{= Rabid, N. mad; irrationally extreme in
opinion or practice,
mL:Tac]:Tac]:' Sn],Sw],' = Frantic, wild with excitement, fear,
mL:k},'kiuc].kc].mw];luim];tUw]'(erL;kL,) = Mild epilepsy, petit mal,
mL:mU'kiuc].kc].mw];luim];tUw]'(erL;kL,) = Seizures, a sudden attack as of epilepsy or some other disease,
mL:ygc],'kUn];mL:ygc],' = Lunatic, recklessly foolish,
mL:lUit]:'[k},tQn]:ta}wa};TUiw]eKL;mn];'{ = Chicken dances upon after being decapitated,
mL:hLepL;Am],yU,Am],Sw];' = Desperate, desperately, rash,
mL;'mL;yw].'tuik].mL;'tuik].mL;yU,'(mL;tI:n}:El:') = Come: Come here!, came, come, coming,
mL;'pQn]mL;/kGL,' = Become,
mL;kw]lat]:EnmG];' hw];KG]:ygn];lat];EnSUnc],n}AUiw]:' = Let me tell you,
!mL;kit].tic];@'eSL,hUv];kUn];Siuw].'eSL,kL.eSL,Ka}' = Marketing, N.,
mL;kiUt],pQn]' JPL;mL;kiUt],pQn]' = Incarnate, God incarnate,
mL;/kGL,tum]kn]'mL;/kGL,hUm]:sgm];'(mL;hUm]:sgm];mn];)' = Rally, to come together for common action or effort;
join up with: rallied to him, rallied, rallying,
mL;Kw]:pL;nG];sw]:hw];'(man],11;24')' = Brought to the Lord, added unto the Lord,
mL;Kiut];Kiut];'mL;hG]:Kiut];'(mL;Kiut];Kiut];mn];'mL;hG]:Kuit];mn];')' = Come up: come up to him,
mL;Kiun]:lum];'kGL,/mL;Kiun]:'mL;Kiun]:hUc];hQn];'kGL,/mL;hUw].' = Attendance, N., attendant, adj., attend,
mL;Kuin]:lum];JtL;' = Court appearance, appearance to court,
mL;Kibn];' Kibn];mL;'miBw];'miBw];Kibn];hiBn];' = Return, return home,
mL;sU;'[AUin]:sm]mL;'mL;'{ = Come toward, approach; come,
mL;sgm];' mL;sgm];eSekL.ekL.' = Come along, to accompany someone,
mL;sgm];nG];tac];kGL,mG];' = Come across your path,
mL;eSkGL,km];lQw]' epL,mL;yw].ha}kGL,'(mn];Am],epL,mL;yw].eSha}kGL,pqt]:')' = Come and go, (It
doesn’t come and go.),
mL;tI:'luk].tI:'tI:'Et,tI:'Et,Aw]'tc]:Et,Aw]'Et,sQm]mUiw]:'= From, (Preposition). starting point;
source or origin,
mL;tI:n}:El:'[An]ekL.lat]:n}.hgc].Aw]hG]:Ka}.kGL,/Sut].sU;sm]mn];nG];Ek:kUn];nm]nn].'{ = Come up here,
mL;tUk];luin];yam];TI;' = Late for tee time,
mL;tBv];Aw]tL.' = Come and see,
sw]:tI:nG];kw]n}.eSkm];'[Aw]SQn]:tac];sw]:nam];pn]KL:'{ = Have Your way in me,
mL;Et,mL;hQt];SQn]:tac];sw]:nG];ASak]:Pwkw]KL:' = Have Your way in my life,
Tuic]:tI:ekL.lat]:kGam];yU,w}.mI;w}.nn].'{' = Has come all the way here,
mL;Tuic]/Pqw]'hgt]:mL;'Pqw]mL;'[Pqw]kGL,tI:Kaw];tac];Aan];kGL,''{ = Reached, arrived to a destination,
mL;/kGL,tibk];mc]'[tuik];etL;'tQk];luip]:'mc]'{ = Assail, attack vigorously or violently, assailed, assailing,
mL;tuik];'kGL,tuik];'(ekL.-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Assailant, adj. N. a person who attacks,
m],pQn]An]mL;Tuic]sG]tUiw].sG]nn].Sc]yw]."@(A},65;17') = Come to mind, affect; overawe: “See, I will create
new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remember, nor will they come to mind,
mL;En'(sgc],kw]etl}:hgc].luc];yUc];mL;Enhuiw]?)' = Present: May I present Mr. Jones?, presented,
mL;nG];tac];kGL,mG];' = Across your path,
mL;/kGL,pt].mc]SG],' San]Kt];' Kt];' etL,nL:' = Against,
mL;mL;'Kuin];Kuin];'(kGL,kGL,mL;mL;/Kuin];Kuin];')' = Fro, adv. Ovsolete. from and back: to and fro,
mL;mI;sgm];' mI;sgm];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Presence, presentment,
mL;mI;sgm];kw]KL:El:'[pn]KL:l}:mI;tI:sw]:mL;mI;sgm];nn].El:{' = Let me in your presence,
mL;mI;sgm];eS,eS,'(tac];sg}:An] mL;mI;sgm];eS,eS,) = Ever-present, being always present; very present:
ever-present help,
mL;muc];hUm],' mL;hUm],Sum],' mbc];hBm],w}.' hUm],Sum],w}.' = Overtake, overtook, overtaking,
mL;yw].en:&'(ekL.hk];lc]kw]n}.mL;Pqw]yw].en:&)'mL;yw].&' = Here comes!: Here comes my betrayer!,
mL;lat]:Agk],tI:eSekL.ekL.w}.' = Spoken of through: spoken of through the prophet Daniel,(Mtt.24:15),
mL;lat]:Agk],tI:mG];/SU'(pQn]wivin],sw]:AU:SUmL;lat]:Agk],tI:SUnn].yw].)'lUc];mL;lat]:Agk],' =
Speak through you, speak in you,(The Spirit of your Father speaking through you.(Mtt.10:20,NIV)),
mL.lI:/elL:TUin],Agn],'(yUp]39')' = Wild or swift donkey or ass,
mL;luiw]:mI;w}.nUiw]' = Rest on/upon, dwell on/upon,
mL;hp].kw]' (mL;hp].kw]tI:tL:rTL;eSkGL,SUc],kw]tI:tL:hUiw];min]nL:') = Pick me up,( pick me up at
train station and drop me out at airport)
mL;hw];'tL.hw];'mL;hw];hQt];'SG],hw];'mL;El:AiUv];'mL;hw];Agn]kn]' = Let us, let us make, let’s,
mL;hw];kGL,'mL;hw];Agn]kn]kGL,'(!luk].El:'mL;hw];kGL,&@(mqt]:26:46)' = Let us go: Rise, Let us go!,
!mL;hw];kGL,'tI:n}m}:nL,emL.'@!kGL,kGL,'tc];kw]m}:nLn}.'@ =“Let’s go; it’s so humid here.”
mL;hQt];pn]etL,epL;Agc],mqc],lIcam];' = Come through, to endure or finish successfully.,
mL;hQt];hG]:Kuk];sG]l}:' = Bring to mind,
mL;hqn];Kam],Kqk],pn]Kw]' = Come and wait on them,
mL;hibk].SG],mG];' = Coming at you,
mL;huik].vL;' huik].vL;' (mUiw]:hw];tuik].p}tac];nG];pL,ma}.yU,nn].kuic].kc].eShw]l}:mL;huik].vL;kGc]tUw]nuic]:")' =
Come across, come upon,(We suddenly came upon a deer while walking in the woods.),
mL;Aw]lUm].'mL;pQn]'(Am],mI;lgc]:tum].tUiw].An]lG]etmL;Aw]mG];lUm].l}:')' = Befall, overtake: No harm will
befall you, befell, befallen, befalling,
mL.'[pQn]pUm]nUiw].An]Am],l}:m}:sG]An]pQn]puin]w}.tI:nc]'{ = Wen, N. a benign encysted tumor of the skin,
mL.'[mL.lQk].Agn],'{(mL.epL:/can]' (mL.Em:')' = Horse, N. pony: male horse; female horse, horses,
mL.klL,Auk]:' = Camels,
mL.km],lm]'mL.km],'[mL.tUw]mI;SIlm]{ = Black horse,
mL.km].'tc],yaw];'[m}.kqn],Kqc]tan];yaw];SG],SI,tin]/KLw}.tL,nc]:/Aw]km].KUw];nk];'mL.Tgk]:'{ = Prop bench,
mL.kUv],'mL.mUn],'[SImUn],SUw],hUw],Sw]:Sw]:hqt],hqt],w}.'{' = Pale horse,
mL.kgn];'[mL.lam]:sUik]:Kat],Kgp],w}.Am],pg},kGL,'{ = Horse or pony kept tethered for used or sale,
mL.KI,' = Horses for horseback riding,
mL.EK.'[mL.tL,Aw]KI,EK.kn]lqn]:Pa}/wqn]Suc]sL.kGL,'{ = Race horse,
mL.eKL;yaw];'[mL.tUw]Suc]eKL;yaw];la};pQn]sum]:'{ = Giraffe, N. Giraffa camelopardalis, of Africa,
mL.can]'[mL.epL:An]Am],tgn]hm]El:pQn]An]lQc].w}.tL,EP:sUiw].EP:KUiw];mn];nn].{' = Stallion, an
uncastrated adult male horse, especially one used for breeding,
mL.can]Agn],' = Colt,
mL.Sqt],' = Light bay horse,
mL.tac],'[mL./mL.lI/mL.elL:tUw]puik].w}.tL,tac],etL.KUw];/lak]:elL.kGL,mL;'{ = Caravan horse,
mL.tUc]:tac]:'[m}.Sgc]lun]:hQt];Pac]tin]yQp],tI:Suc]yan]SUn]:tm];nUiw]lin]nn].'{= Stilt, N. crutches, stilts,
mL.tgn]'[wUw];/kGa};tgn]'{ = Gelding, N. a castrated male animal, especially a horse,
mL.TUin],'[mL.lUic];yU,nG];pL,/TUin],'(nG];es:mUic];nwtmUic];AEm,rikmI;Aan],hQc]mn];'){ = Wild horse,
mL.nm].'[St];tUw]lUc]lac]kin]yUiw]:yL:tUn]:m}.'{ = Hippopotamus, N. a large herbivorous mammal,
Hippopotamus amphibius,
mL.num],'(mL.lI:num],)' = Foal, N. a young horse, mule or related animal: the foal of a donkey(Mtt.21:5),
mL.epL:' mL.can]' = Male horse,
mL.Em:'[mL.Em:tUw]yG],TUn]:lIyw].nn].'{ = Mare, N. a fully mature female horse or other equine animal,
mL.Em:kqt];' = Barren female horse,
mL.emLtin]'[mL.tUw]AkYac].lIKI,nn].'{ = Steed, N. a horse, especially a high-spirited one,
mL.ln];kn];/lqn]:w};/PG];/lqn]:Kun],'(mL.lqn]:Kun],SI,tin]) = Fleet horse, (compare ‘galloping horse’)
mL.lQk].Agn],'[mL.sL.KUiw];lQk].Agn],Ait];'{ = Pony, N. a small horse; a miniature horse,
mL.lqc]sac];hac];'[mL.tUw]SIlqc]epL;mUin]Tan],f};{'mL.lqc]' = Fiery red horse, red ponyporn,
mL.lI:' = Donkey, N.,
mL.lI:TUin],can]Agn],' = Wild donkey’s colt, wild jackass, wild ass,
mL.lI:lat];kGam];kUn];' = Donkey spoke human voice,(2 Peter 2:16)
mL.lI:eh,'hQt];SQc]mL.lI:eh,'[mL.lIhgc].hqc];hqc];/hQt];nc],SQc]mL.lI:eh,{ = Bray, brayed, braying,
Mythical flying horse,
mL.la};'[St];tUw]lQc].nUm];mUic];Afrik{ = Zebra, N. any of several horse like African mammals of the genus Equus,
mL.elL:'[mL.tac],KUw];tUw]mn];mUin]mL.hUmn];yaw];mUin]mL.lI:tin]hQw]tm];nqn]:lI{' = Mule, N. ass,
mL.lUic];' mL.can]ha}.'mL.TUin],' = Wild horse,
mL.eh,'eh,'[An]mL.tqc],SQc]hgc].h}:nn].'{'Eh,' = Neigh, to utter the cry of a horse; whinny, neigh, N.,
mL.Agn],'mL.elL:Agn],'[tUw]An]p},tQm]pI<nn].'{ = Foal, N. a young horse, mule or related animal,
especially one that is not yet one year of age; ass’s colt,
mL<KL.'[luk]:sa};nhUw];AL;l}:sgm];rumL,'{(cw]:22;24') = Maakah, Maachah, a son of Nahor by Reumah,
mL<Ka};'[AU:kuv];lL.'{(TUin],13;15')' = Maki, the father of Geuel, Machi,
Marshal, N. a military officer of the highest rank, (compare field marshal),
mL<TL,'(pI:nac];lUc]Em,rI,El:lL<sru)(mL,TL,) = Martha, [the sister of Mary and Lazarus, (Lk 10:38-42)],
mL<flL<'[lgt],An]hQt];hG]:SQc]Aik],sgt].kL;yQn]{' = Muffler, N. as an automobile exhaust system silencer,
= Marathon, N. a foot race over a course measuring 26 miles 385 yards (42 Killometers 195 meters). Any long distance race,
mL<rL,'[ngc]Agn],/nm].emLKUm]nG];pac],hat]:Sa};hqc]:SUiw]<{(Agk],15;23') = Marah, a pool of bitter water in Shur,
mL<Arat].'[wQc];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;59') = Maarath, a city in the hill country of Judah,
mik]:' (mik]:ekL,fI,')' = Brand, kind, grade, or make as indicated by a stamp, trademark, or the like:,(brand of coffee),
mik]:Kgn],lbm];' = Stamps,
mik]:sk];EP' tUw]<Kin]<' [Pac]hac]:'Sak]:eS,km].Tqm]'An]mat]:ma}'{' = Token, N. sign; proof; emblem,
mik]:sn].Tan]:'[mik]:ma}sqk],sk];EP'{(mik]:sn].Tan]:plik]:') = Badge, N. distinctive mark: a police badge,
mik]:tI:hQt];Agk],' mik];tI:KQn],Agk],' = Manufacture’s brand,
mik]:ma}' (mik]:ma}kL.kU;)' Amt]:' = Mark, trade mark, marks,
mik]:ma}kun],' = Trademark,
mik]:ma}sn].'[mik]:sn].Tan]:'{(mik]:ma}sn].Suik];) = Insignia, N. a badge of office or honor: a military insignia,
mik]:ma}sqk],sk];EP'[mik]:sk];EP/tUw]<Kin]<'{' = Distinguishing mark, token,
mik]:ma}tp].'[tp].Suik];sum];lQw]kUv];mI;mik]:ma}tp].lG]tp].nn].w}.'{ = Insignia of a military unit,
mik]:ma}tac];yuk].ygc]:An]niuc]:' = A mark of honor,
mik]:mG],sqt]:sqt]:' An]mG],sak]:sak]:' = Brand new,
SUc],tI:lG]n}nn].{' = Label, N.,
mik].SL,tik].Ti'yum],Pit];yum],pUic]:'[tik].Timik].SL,'{ = Heresy, N. false belief; heretic, heresies,
mik].tlkqt]<'[wQc];Tuc].lin]pQc];mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;37') = Migdal Gad, a town in the lowland plain of Judah,
mik].tlAI<tL,'[suiw]:wQc];mI;EK.lac];nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:35;21') = Migdal Eder,
mik].tlEA,'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];np].Tla};mI;tp].Kam],tuik];kqt],EKw}.'{(eyL;19;38') = Migdal El, a
fortified city in the territory of Naphtali,
mik].etL<'[suiw]:tI:lin]mUic];AI<kYip].Sgc]:tI:nG];kYam];kw],{(Agk],14;2')' = Migdol, the name of two Egyptian sites,
mik].Tm],'[hUw]eKL:-lqp]:etpQn]eKL:kGam];sG].Pa},h},tuic]:{(SL,16) = Miktam, Title: Probably a musical term,
Mikmash, Michmash, a city of Benjamin that figured prominently in the early history of Saul’s reign,
mik].emTt]<'[tI:lqn]lin]sap]:AI<Prim],tc];mnL;SL<'{(eyL;16;6') = Mikmethath, a place on the
border of Ephraim and Manasseh; Michmethath,
mic],'[St];tUw]lQc].nUm];mI;pik],min]'{ = Bat, N. any of numerous flying mammals,
mic]:'[Pac]hac]:sak]:rL,SI,Sip];Sgc]'{ = Pisces, N. the twelfth sign of the zodiac,
mic];'ngn];mic];'[ngn];etL.Et.tn];lp];Sgp].km];Agn],nuic]:kUv];'{' = Catnap, N. a short, light nap or doze,
mit]:' PL.'PL.Sac]:'PL.tuc];'PL.wqc];' = Knife, knives,
mit]:'mit]:pa}lqm]' mit]:pa}puk];' = Knife, usually a small knife, knives,
mit]:KUm];mUk];' mit]:mUk];KUm];' = Hidden edge knife, hidden knife,
mit]:sm]:'(mn];l}:Kam],tc];mit]:sm]:eSsUn]kGL,)' = At knifepoint: He was robbed at knifepoint,
mit];Suv];'[mit]:KUm];lQw]pa}lqm]wat]:Pk];sgm];Aqc]:'{ = Dagger, N. single-edge dagger worn at the waist,
mit]:TLhUw]'[mit]:/KUic]:TLnUt],/KUn]'mit]:hUn]'{ = Razor, N. a sharp-edged instrument used for shaving hair,
mit]:nQn]ln],'[mit]:sgm],Tgc];sL.yG],'{ = Jackknife, N. a large pocketknife,
mit]:mak],hin]lQk];pa},'(Agk],4;25')'PL.mak],hin]lQk];pa},' = Flint knife,
mit]:mUk];'[mit]:lgm],SUc],w}.sgm];tUw]Am],nn]eStI:tI:{' = Hidden knife,
mit]:lqm]pgt];'[mit]:Suv];pgt];KUm];nL'{= Stiletto, N. a short gagger with a blade is thick in portion to its width,
mit]:lqm]yaw];'[mit]:Aum],/Suv];lQk].yaw];yaw];lqm]lqm]'{ = Poniard, N. a small, slender dagger,
mit]:wit].'[mit]mak],lQk].pa}lqm]KUm];lqc]:kn];mn];k}.yaw];tL,Aw]wit]./Kqk];'{ = Carve knife, a small curve knife,
mit]:Aum],'[mit]:Sgc]KUm];pa}lqm]SG],kn];hac]:lIw}.{(mit]:Aum],Km];'mit]:Aum],ciun];')= Dagger, N.: a dagger overlaid
with gold, silver, etc.,
mit];Kw]:mun];pgc],mUc].yg}:'(mit];Kw]:mun];pgc],mUc].yg}:eSkin]yw].")(Em;tL,Kw]:kin]kum];kn]yw].') = Break
bread: …break the bread and ate,
mit];SBp];cqk];nL:pqt]:'mit];SUp];cqk];nL:kiUw].KUw]lQn]:' = Sneer, sneered, sneering, sneered at,
mit];SUp];mit];pak],'[An]sc],sG]Aw]SI,SUp];mit];nn].'{ = Twisted lips, distorted lips,
mit];Pa}.'SUv]'[Am],Suiw]:tI:/tac];yUic];hG]:kGL,{' = Awry, adj. adv. away from expected direction; amiss,
mit];yg}:' hk];lqw]'epL.lqw]'Tup].lqw]' yL.lqw]' = Break, broke, broken, breaking,
mit];yg}:'[yL.hQt];Kqp];yg}:lQk].'{ = Crumble, to break into small fragments or crumbs, crumbled, crumbling,
mit];lim],'Kgm]:pin]:pqt]:'pin]:'= Distort, pervert, to twist awry or out of shape; contort, distorted, distorting,
mit];hk];'lim],Kat],put];(lim],hUw]nUk].put];'(lI;1;15') = Wring, to twist focibly: wring of the head, wrung,
mit].KL,'[tI:kUn];KUiw];AiSer;Kw]kuit];w}.nG];pL,TUin],hUk].luik].lUc]'{(TUin],33;28') = Mithkah, a stopping
place of the Israelites in the wilderness,
mit].s'[luk]:sa};rU:EA,l'{(cw]:36;13') = Mizzah, a son of Reuel,
KL:')' = Mr. mister: a title of respect prefixed to a man’s name or position: Mr. Lawson, Mr. President., Messrs.
mit].Sit].S]'[suiw]:An]np].ym]eSSG],hgc].kuik];pn]tac];nL:suiw]:Em:yic];mI;PUw]{' = Mrs., abbreviation of
mistress, Mmes.
nac];'nL.Agk],lg}'pL:lg}'na};lg}'Agk],lg}'){'sw]:nac];'(sw]:nac];sgm]suic]:'sw]:nac];sgm]suic]:hw];KL:') = Ms. a
title of respect prefixed to a woman’s name or position, Mses.,
mit].SYin],'nL:kan]pun]:Pgn];' = Mission,
mit].SYin],t};Pgm].hUm]:'(t};'law];'T};'t};miUc];EK,') = TAI UNION MISSION
mit].tin];'[wQc];/wan]:nG];pL,TUin],mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;61') = Middin, a town or village in the wilderness of Judah,
mit]<'(KiUw];kUn];)[kUn];mUic];mI<tiy'{'mit].' = Mede, N., (Da 6:15; Acts 2:9,), medes,
min]'[Aw]pik],eSkGL,mL;nG];lUm];'hQt];hG]eSAn]An]kGL,mL;nG];lUm];'{(nUk].min]'(pg},waw],piw]')'piw]'wUc]' = Fly, to move
through the air using wings; to make something float or move through the aire: birds fly;to fly a kite , flew, flown, flying,
m],tuik];nn].)' = Aloft, adv. high up; in or into the air: flags flying aloft the castle,
min]sUiw]:w}.Pa},nUiw]'(Eh;liKgp]TUiw],min]sUiw]:w}.Pa},nUiw]hUc];tUik]:lUc]nn].')' = Hover,: The helicopter hovered
over the building., hovered, hovering,
min]Sqw]:'[tUp];pik],min]kGL,kGL,mL;mL;'{(nUk].Aqn],PL./fL.min]Sqw]:')= Dart, darted, darting: darting swallow,
min]tgk],Kibn]:Sbc]siBw]:miBn]hbc].etSqw]:' = Soar on wings like eagle,
min]tgk],Kiun]:Suc]sUiw]:w}.yw].Kun],Sqw]:lUc];' = Soar and swoop down,
nUk].tc];la}min]pn],kGL,pn],Kiun];him];kUn];Ag},tac];kin]Kw]nn].")'= Hover around (someone or something):
the mugger hovered around the side door to the theater, waiting for a victim. The birds hovered around the bird feeder,
min]pa}:' pa}:' min]kGL,' = Flight, an act or instance of fleeing or running away,
Kw]:kYoc],lIsuiw]:yG],eSl}:SUc],Agk],kGL,Ka}tc];wQc];lUc]Ta};ypun].(AI<sI;27;17')'{(Sin]11;33') = Minnith, a
city of Ammonites that apparently marked the easternmost limit of Jephthah military expension and conquest (Jdg. 11:33).
Minnith was famous for its high quality wheat, which export to Tyre (Ezk. 27:17),
min],hU'[nUiw];lup],Kgt].mgc].mgc].w}.eStUw].l}:lgm].pak],Pa},ngk]:hU;hUw}.{' = Helix, N., helixes,
min];'[mqc];lQk].Agn],Am],mI;pik],sup],kin]lUit]:sgm];tUw]El:tUw]KUm];{' = Body louse,
min];' = Lice, louse, small wingless insect,
min].' = Turmeric, N.,
mip],' Pn].'nUt]:' (emLmip],)' = Massage, massaged, massaging, massage, N.: massager, N.,
mip],' mip],lqw]'(mip],mak],PL:'mip],nm].mak],PL:SG],') = Crush, to force out by pressing or squeezing,
mip],' mip],Aw]nm].mak],'pn]:Aw]nm].mn];'(mip],Aw]nm].mak],PL:) = Squeeze, (to squeeze juice from lime)
mip],sp];' hip],sp];' Tip],' = Brace, brace against,
mip],sp];kn]' = Squeeze, compress,
mip],Pqp].' nQk];Pqp].' tQc]Pqp].' = Flat, to make flat, flatted, flatting,
mip],mG];yQt]:Kw]:nG];tUik]:Kw]' = Squeeze you into their box,
mip],hgt]:' mip],Aw]nm].nUm];' (mUc]muiw];mip],') = Compress, (compression glove)
mip].sL;'[Kun]KUiw];lQw]kn]tc];kUn];KUiw];AI<tum],'{(cw]:36;42') = Mibzar, an Edomite clan chief,
mip].Sqm];'[luk]:sa};luc];AiSYem;'{(cw]:25;13') = Mibsam, a son of Ishmael,
miw],KUw]<SL<' miw],KUw];SL,' = Mucosal, N. mucosa,
miw]<TGL<fn];'(sum];) = Mutual Fund,
miw]<rIAQt].'[PUw]<Tt].SIym],KlUw],r}.'Aw]hQt];Pun],Tat]:(em,eAL;sL,){' = Muriate of potash, potassium
chloride, KCl, used as a fertilizer,
mQk].kp].'[Pgc]mun]:/yL:tL;tL,tL;nL:'{ = Makeup, N. make-up; facial cosmetics,
mQc],'mQc],Kac];'[SQc]mQc],(luk]:Agn],lqc]mQc],AiAL.AiEA.)n}'{(luk]:Agn],lqc]mQc],) = Grunt, to utter the deep,
guttural sound: newborn grunting; baby grunting, grunted, grunting, grunt, N.,
mQc],'mQc],Kac];'[SQc]mQc],(luk]:Agn],lqc]mQc],AiAL.AiEA.)n}'{(luk]:Agn],lqc]mQc],) = Grunt, to utter the deep,
guttural sound: newborn grunting; baby grunting, grunted, grunting, grunt, N.,
mQt];'mQt];pL'mQt];Aw]'[hLtivgp];pLnG];nm].Aw]mak]:mQt];pL;/Am],pL;yUiw],mQt];{vgp];pL'hLpL'= Fish, to catch
or attempt to catch fish, fished, fishing,
mQt];ygk],Agk],' (mQt];ygk],pLyQn],Agk],hU;' mQt];ygk],ciun];piUn]:Agk],TGc];') = Fish out, extract,
mQt];Aw]'kgc].Aw]'pa};Aw]' = Hook, to join or connect,
c]:/lac];')' = Seed, N. the fertilized, matured ovule of a flowering plant, containing a embryo or rudimentary,
mQt].'San]'(San]Kw]:kYoc],'San]TUw],'San]cL;')'Kw]:piUk],' = Kernel, N. the seed of grain; grain, kernels,
mQt].'pQn]mQt].sm]:epL;sgt],tUw]:' = Dot, dotted,
mQt].'sm]:'[Aw]pa}km]suim];sm]:pQn]mQt].mUn];mUn];Agn],(sm]:tG]:/nL:/nUiw]){ = Dot, N.,
mQt].'pQn]mQt].sm]:epL;sgt],tUw]:'sm]:mQt].'hQt];mQt].' = Dot, dotted, dotting,
mQt].' Kqp];' Kqp];es:' Kqp];mak],hin]' = Tablets,
mQt].'(kin]nuic]:pgk]:2mQt].nuic]:wn];3pgk]:') = Tablet of medicine,: take 2 tablets and 3 times a day,
lI<tL,n}.lI'kUv];kL:tL,nm].yUw];n}.sG].l}:tL,20kL,lan],(75lI<tL,)'{ = Campden tablet, Campden
tablets (potassium or sodium metabisulfite)
[1] are a sulfur-based product that is used primarily to sterilize wine, cider and in beer
making to kill bacteria and to inhibit the growth of most wild yeast: this product is also used to eliminate both free chlorine and
the more stable form, chloramine, from water solutions (e.g., drinking water from municipal sources). Campden tablets allow the
amateur brewer to easily measure small quantities of sodium metabisulfite, so it can be used to protect against wild yeast and
bacteria without affecting flavor. Typical use is one crushed Campden tablet per US gallon (3.8 L) of must or wort. However,
when used only for the purpose of dechlorinating tap water before brewing, one tablet will effectively treat 20 US gallons (75 L)
of water.[2],
mQt].Km];SPL,w' = Gold grains,
= Underdeveloped grain, (compare ‘successful grains’)
n]An]kam],ha}.huiw].?) = Blip, N. a brief upturn, as in revenue or income; a small amount: Is it a blip, or is it a catastrophe?,
mQt].sUiw].'[mQt].lQk].Agn]mI;nG];sUiw]./Pn];nn].'{' lUit]:sUiw].' = Embryo,
mQt]./Pgc]Sa};'[mak],hin]mak],Sa};'(mak],hin]lQk].Agn],Ait];){= Sands, N. the small, loose grains of sands,
t]:'){mQt].TUw],' = Pulse, N. beans; peas; lentils, pulses,
mQt].TUw],Kam];' Pk];TUw],Kam];' TUw],Kam];' = Split pea, yellow split pea,
mQt].TUw],lin]' TUw],lin]' = Peanut, peanut seed,
mQt].pqk].'mQt].Sqn].'[mQt].pqk].'An]nuic]:pYL;mI;pak],mQt].'{ = Cent, a bronze coin the U.S., the 100th part of a U.S.
dollar, a penny the dollars of Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
mQt].pqk].'[mQt].pqk].'An]nuic]:pYL;mI;pak],mQt].'{ = Penny, a bronze coin, the 100th part of the dollars of various
nations, as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States; one cent,
mQt].PUn]' = Raindrop,
mQt].lQk].lQk].Agn],'(epL;k}nL,tan],nn].yw].n}wQc];n}.etL.Et.hn]pQn]mQt].lQk].lQk].Agn],kUv];yw].') =
Speck, -something appearing small by comparison or by reason of distance: By then the town was just a speck.)
mQt].hUc];Kw]:/kYoc],'hUc];mQt].Kw]:'(hUc];Kw]:nuic]:hUc];n}.k}.mI;mQt]:Kw]:mgk]:60mQt].)' = Heads of the grains,
mQt].Agn],'[An]pQn]mQt].Agn],/lqm]:Agn],{lqm]:Agn],' = Granule, N., granular, adj. a little grain or pellet,
mQt].Agn],' hg};Agn],'(mI;hg};Agn],lm]Pit];Pit];mUin]KI:KL,tI:pqk]:hU;lqc];nn].w}.')= Speck, a small spot differing
in color or substance from that of the surface or material upon which it appears or lies:,(Specks of soot on the window sill)
mQn]' mQn]tB,mQn]nw]:'mQn]Auv];'Auv];' = Odor, (bad odor), unpleasant odor,
mQn]'Am],kYOik]:'Am],Tuk],s]G'(sac]sUt];kUt];' mQn]ca},ca},)' = Unpleasant, adj. not pleasant; displeasing:
an unpleasant taste; unpleasant odor,
mQn]' mQn]ca},ca},' = Odor, N. a disagreeable smell,
mQn]'mQn]tU,'mQn]Kiun],kiuk].kiuk].' = Smell,
mQn]'Agk],Aa}mQn]Kqw];' Agk],Aa}Kqw];tgc].KUn].' = Stink, stunk, stinking,
mQn]kic],Eh.'[lgk];kic],Eh.kUn];Agk],hUiw],mQn]'{(lItL;/Sit];yLkic],Eh.mQn]tI,AUw];trqn].)= Armpit smell,
mQn]kYam];' = Crude, in a raw or unrefined,
mQn]Kqw];'Kqw];' (mQn]Kqw];pL)' = Fetid,: fetid fish , fishy smell, rank, stinky,
mQn]Kuin],' mQn]Kiun]kuik].kuik].' Kiun],'(mQn]Kiun]lqn];yL:)' = Rank,: a rank cigar, ranker, rankest,
mQn]ca},ca},'(mQn]ca},ca},w}.mQn]Sc]ekL:Am],hU.mG];wL:')' = Unpleasant odor, bad odor,
mQn]Sap],'[mQn]Aa}yQw]:/hUiw],hUc];K},hm]cam]:KLkUn];Am],Suk]:SI/St];(k}.pQn]mL.)'mQn]SL;'{= Stale, staled, staling,
mQn]SL;'[Kw]:/Kw]:mun];pgc],mUc].SL;El:mQn]'{'(lUm];Aa}mQn]SL;')= Musty, adj. not fresh; stale: stale air; smell musty,
mQn]SL;pqt]:'[Am],mI;An]tUc].nuic]tac],ygn];El:hqc];mn];ha}kGL,yw].nn].'{ = Stale, adj.(Law). having lost force
through absence of action, as a claim,
mQn]SUm]:'(nm].nUm];emLmQn]SUm]:epL;Am],SG],w}.nG];tiUk]:kt];nm].Kqc]) = Spoil: milk spoils if not refrigerated,
mQn]evL,'[mQn]mQw];Am],mqn]:sG]/Aa}nm].mn];KUw]:Pk];Kqm]:'{'evL,'= Offending smell, oil burn in a pan to smoke,
:/luyw].nn].'{'mQn]lUm];'(nUiw].wUw];mQn]SUm]:)'lu'(nnm].nUm];lu)'mQn]tU,Agm];Agm];'tU,' = Taint, to
become tainted; spoil: tainted beef; tainted milk, tainted, tainting,
mQn]tU,mQn]nw]:'[Aa}tU,Aa}nw]:'lIsc];'{(Aw]kw]pQn]kUn];mQn]tU,mQn]nw]:etL,pUin]:) = Obnoxious, adj. highly
offensive; odious: stench; hateful: making me obnoxious or odious to others,
mQn]tU,mQn]nw]:nL,nL,'mQn]nw]:' = Bad odor, a stench, stench of decay,
mQn]tU,Agm];Agm];' nUiw].wUw];mQn]SUm]:' = Tainted beef,
mQn]lip];mQn]KQw]'[mqn]Am],Tuk],sG]/Am],KG]:Kam],l}:An],hU.wL:pQn]Aa}mQn]AI:Sc]'{ = Smell offensively,
mQn]lUm];'(Kw]:Pk];Sak]:w}.Sgc]Sam]wn];n}.emLmQn]lUm];'epL;kin]sac]:pQn]tgc].pup]:'tgc].KUn].'tgc].eh:') = Spoil,
mQn]lUm];nw]:tU,'lqw]' kg}' yL.lqw]'kw],' nw]:' = Spoil, damage, disfigure, mar, spoiled, spoiling,
mQn]:'[tUw]St];SI,tin]kan];sgm];lin]mI;KUn]Kqc]pa}lqm]emLpuiw];Kuin]:'{' = Porcupine, N.,
mQw];'mQw];mn];'KUiw];mn];'(la}la}mQw];)'mQw];lG]mQw];nn].'sUiw].'= Kind, N. a class or group; sort: several kinds,
mQw];kuik];mI;lUv]:'[kuik];mI;lUv]:{(mQw];kuik];mI;lUv]:tI:ht];sun].)' = Inherent, ad. inhering: inherent risk,
mQw];SBtG];mgc];KG]:l}:An]mI;yB,w}.libk].libk].nG];Agk];mak],hBw]sG]SBnn]." = Deepest desires of
your heart,
mQw];nuic]:' lImQw];nuic]:' sL.lImQw];nuic]:' = One of a kind,
mQw];mn];' mQw];'(mG];yip];la}<Sqn]<mQw];lG]?)' = Type, N .kind, sort: What type of license you hold?,
An]nn].sUiw];mI;nG];Sa}ma}pQn]Sg}.pQn]tg};w}.nn].'){' = Item, adv. also; likewise (used especially to introduce each
article or statement in a list or series),
Sm].Am],sac]:hQt];huiw]/mUiw]:pUin]:lqn]lat]:kGam];Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc]tLSc]SG],mn];nn].'{ = Bullshit, N. nonsense,
lies or exaggeration, bullshitting,
mQw];lI'sL.lI'sL.Kqm].'sL.lIla}la}'sL.Kqm].lgn].lgn].' = A good kind, good kinds,
mQw];lG]mQw];nn].'sL.lG]sL.nn].' = Of its own kind, certain kind,
mQw];lG]mQw];nn].' sL.lG]sL.nn].'sL.' (n}.pQn]hQp];sL./mQw];nuic]:AUiw]:n}.")' = Type of, a certain kind:
This is some type of mushroom.
mQw];An]Am],pgc],RKL,Sc]nn].yL,Aw]hQt];pQn]kan]Kiuk].lUc]' = Don’t make it a big deal
out of thing which is not a big deal,
mQw];Am],KG]:lUw],hG]:pQn]hG]:mI;' mQw];An]Am],KG]:l}:' = Which is not wanted,
mQw];Am],sac]:hLhn]l}:kU:tI:(nG];eStI:tI:) = Could be found anywhere in (somewhere),
mqk],'etL.'tQc],'hap],'tiw]:'pL;'es;' = Carry,
mqk],'hap],'[hap],mL,'mqk],lun]:m}.'{ = Shoulder, to take upon, support, or carry on as if on the shoulder, shoulder,
mqk],Sw]m}.wL;mibw];mn];pqn]wn];kB:wn];eSEl:sgm];kw]mL;tL.' = Take up his cross daily and
follow me,
mqk],sI,tUw];niy'(miUc];) = Macedonia, Ancient kingdom in Balkan Peninsula, Republic in southeastern Europe ,
mqk].ksin];'(pp].)' pp].mqk].ksin];' = Magazine,
mqk];mqk];(hQt];-)'[mI;sG]k}.'{ = Painstaking, adj. N. showing diligent effort,
tLhn]Pa}lISut];'{ = Macula, N. a spot or blotch; macule; also called macula lutea, yellow spot, an irregularly oval,
yellow-pigment area on the central retina, containing color-sensitive rods and the central point of sharpest vision,
mqk].kgc]:' = Magazine, gun magazine,
mqk].eKtL,'[wQc];KUiw];Kun]pQn]wQc];kUn];KUiw];KL,nn],Kw]'{(eyL;10;11') = Makkedah, a royal city of the Canaanites,
mqk].ep,lL.'[SUn]El:Tm]:An]AL,RpL,ham],Suiw].tL,Pc]tUw]ta}em;mn];sL<lL,'{(cw]:23;19') = Machpelah,
a field, a cave, and the surrounding land purchased by Abraham as a burial place for his wife Sarah,
mqc],'cuin];pn]'An]pn]kL:mn];'(cuin];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],') = Payment, N.: payment allowance, payments,
mqc],kn]ekL.Ait];ekL.Agt];' = Let’s share,
kgc].San]kn]nn].yw]."{ = In-network Co-payment, the fixed amount (for example, $15) you pay of the allowed
amount for covered health care services to providers who contract with your health insurance or plan. In-network co-payments
are less than out-of-network co-payments,
n]yU,lImn];nn].'(tI:tqk]:mn];epL;wL:15pYL;n}ekL:')mn];etl}:mqc],kL:mn];sgm];15pYL;pgk]:lG]pgk]:nn].yU,yw].'{ =
Co-payment, co-pay,
kgc].San]nn].yw]."{ = Out-of-network Co-payment, the fixed amount (for example, $15) you pay of the
allowed amount for covered health care services to providers who do not contract with your health insurance or plan. In-network
co-payments are less than out-of-network co-payments,
mqc],pn]' Aap]:' = Bestow, present, bestowed, bestowing,
mqc],pn]Kuin];' mqc],pn]hw];Kuin];' = In turn,
mqc],pn]Puc];yG],hUc]hac];kw]KL:' = Bestow glory on me,
mqc],yiun]:pn]'EPpn]kn]' = Distribute, allot,
mqc],yiun]:pn]' = Distribute, to divide and give out in shares; deal out; allot, distributed, distributing,
mqc],yuin]:pn]'puin]EP:' (An]-'ekL.-'KUic]:-')' = Distributor, N.,
mqc],yuin]:pn]'puin]EP:'EPpn]kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Distribution, N.,
mqc],yiun]:pn]yL:'/kL.yL:'[puin]EP:yL:/kL.yL:mw];km]{ = Drug Distribution, / Trafficking,
mqc],rqt]<SYin],'[An]Tgk]:pam].km].kqn]/mqc],yuin]:pn]rqt]<SYin],'{(mqc],rqt]<SYin],tac];kin]tp].)= Ration, to
supply or distribute as ration, often followed by out: to ration out food to an army, rationed,
mqc],El.kn]' mqc],El.mn];' = Take turns, follow in sequence, rotate,
mqc],An]KL:mgc];pG].nn].' = Grant what I hope for, grant my longing or desire, answer my prayer,(Job 6:8,),
mqc];'mUc]:mqc];' = Moth, N. any of numerous insects, moths,
mqc];'tUik],'tUik],lUin]'ngn]'[Kw]:pL;tUik],Pqk].'tUik],kUm]'{' = Worm, (Zoology)N. including flatworms, roundworms,
Pest, N. an insect that harms or destroys garden plants, trees, etc.: bean pests; cucumber pests;rose pests;potato pests,
mqc];'mgt]:'[mqc];/mgt]:tc];la}{ = Beetle, N. any of numerous insects of the order Coleoptera,
mqc];knit]:(Kgc]min]<nrL<)' = Manganese, a hard, brittle, grayish-white, metallic element, an oxide of
which, MnO 2 (manganese dioxide), is a valuable oxidizing agent: used chiefly as an alloying agent in steel to give it toughness.
Symbol: Mn; atomic weight: 54.938; atomic number: 25; specific gravity: 7.2 at 20°C.,
mqc];/sk];kan];nm].'[sk];tUw]KQw]KLnL:mn];yuk].hgm];kn]mUin]muiw];kUn];hgm];w}:'{= Mantis, N. prayingmantis,
mqc];kUn]:ecL;'[mqc];An]sac]:sI:hac]yaw];pa}hac]mI;hqn],An]Agk],kgc].mn];{' = Scorpion, N. Scorpius,
Millipede, N. any terrestrial arthropod of the class Diplopoda,
;n}.mI;kgc].'{' = Centipede, N. any of numerous predaceous,
mqc];sI;'tUik],kin]'[KUp];kin]kGL,tik];Am],Tat],Am],wa};{' = Gnaw, gnawed, gnawn, gnawing,
L;Kaw];lUin]SI,lUin]hL:n}.mI;K},An]t};hgc].wL:AI,kuk]:n}nn].'{' = Scarab, N. any scarab beetle,
mqc];suic];'[Puic]:Am],mI;hqn],tUw]lQk].Agn],''{= Dammer bee, Indian stingless bee; Terragonula iridipennis,
mqc];sUiw].tac];pQn]'[mqc];lQk].Agn],An]hQt];pQn]erL;kL,{ = Germ, N. a microorganism, when disease-producing,
.yaw];lqc]sQm];yLSUp];mQn]El:tgc].kG]:')' = Hemorrhoids, N. internal or external hemorrhoids,
,'nUsL.kGL,nn].El:mLhqw]'mLTUin]:'){= Vermin, N. noxious or disgusting animals collectively, as flies, lice, bedbugs,
cockroaches, mice, rats; animals that prey upon game, as coyotes or weasels,
mqc];Sap],' = Roach, N. cockroach, cock-roach,
mqc];Sqc]'[mqc];KQw]mUin]mqc];sUsIAgn],tUw]lQk].'{ = Continis nitida, green June beetle,
mqc];tgc].'tUik],'[tUik],Pqp]./tUik].kUm]'{ = Intestinal worms, tapeworms or pinworms,
mqc];Tan]'[mqc];PU:lm]elL;lqc]/lUic]mI;sgm];tUv]:Tan]{' = Palm Weevil, N.,
mqc];nam]kuin][mqc];yU,sgm];tUn]:nam]kuin]mUic];mqk].sI,kUw]<'kun]AEm,ripgt];kac]'nG];es:tgn]:m}:{= Cochineal insect,
N. insect of the family of Dactylopius coccus, which lives on cactuses of Mexico, Central America, and other warm regions,
mqc];enL,' = Titan beetle, N.,
mqc];enL,kUc];' mqc];hUiw]<kYOlI<'[ca};mUin]sac].cgm],{' = Hercules beetle, N.,
mqc];ngn]lQt];'[yuc];K},w}.nG];nm].pQn]mqc];ngn]lQt];mL;eSwa};nn].yQn];pQn]yuc];{' = Gnat, mosquito,
mqc];pik],la};'[mqc];mUn];lUc]KUp];sQp];kin]lUit]mL.'wUw];'kGa};'sL.kGL,'{= Horse fly N. any bloodsucking, usually large fly of
the family Tabanidae, a serious pest of horses, cattle, etc.,
mqc];pU:'[KUiw];Puic]:lUc]hQt];hUc];nG];kUc]m}.'{ = Carpenter bee, N. any of several solitary bees of the family Apidae,
mqc];pqk].TI;riy'(pqk].TI;riy)(sp];tac];pQn]kn]ygn].mqc];pqk].TI;riy')' = Bacteria, N. singular bacterium:
bacterial infection,
mqc];Pgc].'(mqc];Pgc].k}.tgm]Kw]:Pk];An]mQn]lUm];)' = Gnat, any of certain small flies,
mqc];Pgc].' = Fruit fly, fruit flies
mqc];mn];'[mqc];mn];PU:n}.SI,lUic]mqc];mn];Em:n}.SIlqc]km],mQw];yU,nG];lin]SPL,wmn];nuic]:pIAgk],niuc]:pgk]:{' =
Edible big red ant,
mqc];mw]:'[mqc];tUw]mUin]mUt]./pUk],Sn],mI;pik],min]'{ = Flying white ant,
mqc];mI:'[mqc];mI;lqc]/lUc]'{ = Dragonfly, N. any of numerous stout-bodied nonstinging insects; devil’s darning needle,
mqc];mUn];' = Fly, flies,
mqc];mUn];KQw]'[mqc];mUn];SIKQw]tgm]/kin]sgm];St];'{ = Bluebottle fly, N. flies those of the genus Calliphora,
mqc];mUn];ta}Kw]yL.Aa}nm].hgm]mQn]tU,' = Dead flies give perfume a bad smell,(Ecc.10:1,NIV),
mqc];yUc],yac],'[mqc];Am],emLsI:ca};yuc];lUc]kUv];KLmn];yaw];nL,nL,'{ = Crane fly N. daddy longlegs,
mqc];lqc]'[sk];hQp];Agn],mI;SIlqc]sac]:KUw];KUm];sQp];'{ = Small red tick,
mqc];/sk];y};'[mqc];lUc]kin]l}:SQc]hgc].lc]Jtit];Jtit];ygn]:emL;hqc];'{ = Cicada, N. any large homopterous insect,
mqc];wUwL'mqc];mUmL'[mUin]lic];yU,sgm];tUn]:m}.Agc],Ag}:wUkGL,wUmL;'{ = Hoolock gibbon N.,
mqc];hUiw]<kYOlI<'[ca};mUin]sac].cgm],{'mqc];enL,kUc];' = Hercules beetle, N.,
mqt],'mqt],PL:'Pac],Pap]:'mqp];KUw];'el;'lut],'[tQc]pqt]:{ = Lap, overlap, lapped, lapping,
mqt],SUw],pUw],et;miy'[es:tgn]:pan]mUiw]:kgn],mI;nG];kun]AL,SYL.wn];tUk];'{ = Mesopotamia, N. an
ancient region in W Asia; now part of Iraq,(Acts 2:9,)
mqt],tITUiw],er;niyqn]<' nm].pac],la}mqt],tITUiw],er;niyqn]<' = Mediterranean, (Sea)
mqt],pqc];w}.(kw]mqt],pqc];w}.cuin];Ait];Agt];tL,sG].mUiw]:cw];la};Put];epL,nn].')'= Squirrel, to store or hide(money,
valuables, etc.) usually for the future (often followed by away): I’ve squirrel away a few dollars for an emergency,
mqt],pqc];An]Agc],mL;mUiw]:sc],Et,'[An]hQt];pQn]lIw}.nn].hG]:Suip],hQt];{ = Secure early wins,
mqt]:tiw]<'(kYam];lik]:) = Matthew, a book of Bible,
w]<' = Matthew, [one of the 12 apostles: originally called Levi( Mark 2:14,)],
mqt]:tiw];' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-mqt]:'){ = Matthew, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Matt.)],
mqt]:Tt]:'[luk]:sa};lI;wiEl:pQn]AU:hI;la};'(luk].3;24){ = Matthat,[the son of Levi, and father of Heli,],
.'{ = Matthias,[a disciple chosen to take place of Judas Iscariot as one of the apostles,(Acts 1:23-26)],
mqt]:ATL.'[luk]:sa};nL.Tn],'El:pQn]AU:mqn];n'(luk].3;31){ = Mattatha,[the son of Nathan,],
mqt]:AT};'[luk]:sa};eAmUit].AU:yUw];Sqp]:(luk].3;25){ = Mattathias,[the son of Amos, and father of Joseph],
mqt].temL;fik].'[hin]An]pin],pUic]mn];eSpQn]w}.puc],mG],'{ = Metamorphic, characterized by changing of form,
mqt]:tn],n'[tI:AiSer;Kw]tm];pac]Sw];yU,nG];Ek:ep,yEl:nhL<lI,ey,'{(TUin],21;19')= Mattanah,
mqt].tn];' [KUiw];pU,mgn],sw]:ey,Su{(mqt]:1;15') = Matthan, [the grandfather of Joseph,(Mtt. 1:15)],
mqt].tL,'(sG])'[wUc];wac];lUm];Tat]:sG]lgc]:hk].'sG]AI;lU'hk].mqt].tL,'{'mI;mqt].tL,' = Affection, N. often
affections, the emotional realm of love; sympathy; loving-kindness,
mqt].Tqk].Aqm],mL,'(wQc];)(2Sqm];'8;1') = Meltheg-Ammah,[ a city(2Sam.8:1)],
mqt].JTik].'hin]mqt].JTik].' = Matrix, the rock material in which fossils, pebbles, etc., are embedded,
1') = Madmannah, a town in the southern wilderness of Judah,
mqn],'[kUn];KUiw];yU,nUiw]lg}mUic];tic]nG];mUic];EK,'{= Ethnic group, a tribe inhabiting the mountain of Murng Ting, China,
n],13;1)'{ = Manaen, a Christian teacher at Antioch.(who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch,),
aw]:hqc];'eKL;Kqc]Sn]lc]Kqc]{= Meningitis, N. inflammation of the meninges, especially of the pia mater and arachnoid,
caused by a bacterial or viral infection and characterized by high fever, severe headache, and stiff neck or back muscles,
mqn]:'[An]mqn]:'An]sG]:'{(eKL:Tt];Sin]An]mqn]:mn];)' = Rectitude, N. correctness: rectitude of judgment,
mqn]:' sG]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Correct,
mqn]:' mqn]:yw].' mqn]:Et.' sG]:Et.' sG]:yw].' sG]:AiUw]:' = True, It’s true,
mqn]:'Em;Tt];pn]'Em;pn]hG]:mqn]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Correction, N.,
mqn]:' sG]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Correctness, N.,
Suiw]:/tUiw].') = Hit the mark, targeted; on target, (compare missed the target or mark)
mqn]:kn]'Kw]:kn]'(epL:lQc].kw]tc];kw]Kw]:kn]lInL,)= Get along with: My boss and I get along with very well,
mqn]:kn]'[Tuk],emLkn]'{ = Compatible, adj. capable of living together in harmony; fit or suitable to on another,
mqn]:Kaw];mn];'mUiw]:mqn]:Kaw];mn];'(pI<mqn]:Kaw];mn];) = Due season: due season year, in due season,
mqn]:Kaw];Tuic]yam];lI' = High time,
mqn]:Kic],mqn]:mUiw]:mn];'[Tuic]yam];mn];'{'(Kt];-Kic],Am],Tuk],mUiw]:Am],Tuk],'p},mqn]:Kic],mqn]:mUiw]:mn];') = Due
time, due course or due courase of time; timely, (ant: out of due time; untimely; abnormally)
t];Am],mqn]:sgm];tac];lat]:mn];') = Comport with, to be harmony or conformity: His statement does not comport with
the facts, comported,
t];Am],mqn]:sgm];tac];lat]:mn];') = Comport with, to be harmony or conformity: His statement does not comport with
the facts, comported,
mqn]:sgm];pk];piUc]' = Lawful,
mqn]:sgm];lgk];la};piUc]mn];lI' = Systematic, adj., systematical, adj.,
mqn]:sG]' kYOik]:sG]' sUm];Tuk],sG]' = Pleased with, happy with,
mqn]:tac];mqn]:la};mn];' = Correct way,
An]yG],lUc]lac]yc];sac]:t}a')' = Right spot,
mqn]:tI:mn];'(hk].mqn]:) = Fall in, to take one’s place in the ranks; fall in with or into: fall in love,
mqn]:Et.'mqn]:'mqn]:yw].'sG]:yw].'(An]nn].sG]:Et.eSmqn]:Et.yU,') = Correct, adj. free from error;
accurate; proper: It is true and correct, Correct! That’s right,
mqn]:Et.mqn]:wL:yw].' sG]:Et.sG]:wL:yw].' = Excellent point, I agree with you,
mqn]:nc],'hQt];nc],lUw],pQn]'hQt];mqn]:'hG]:mqn]:' = Conform, suit,
mqn]:nc],'hQt];nc],lUw],pQn]'hQt];mqn]:'hG]:mqn]:' = Conformity, N. in conformity with,
mqn]:pUic]' Kw]:KGac],pk];piBc]' Kw]:piUc]' = Legal,
mqn]:mqn]:' mqn]:Et.yw].' PQn]:PQn]:'tqt]:tqt]:etL;etL;'= Exactly, exactly as, even so,
mqn]:mUiw]:kn]lI'[Agk],/pQn]mqn]:mUiw]:kn]lI{(puc],hac]:El:SQc]Agk],/kGL,mn];Am],mqn]:mUiw]:kn]lI)' = Sync, N.
synchronization: “The picture and the soundtrack were out of sync.”,
mqn]:mUiw]:kn]lI' pQn]mqn]:mUiw]:kn]' = Sync, to synchronize, harmonize, synced, syncing,
.6;21') = Opportune, adj. appropriate or suitable: Finally the opportune time came.,
mqn]:mUiw]:pQn]mI;mL;lgc]:Kibk].libk].lIAam];' = Extraordinary Occasions,
mqn]:miUw]:Pa},niuc]:n}.' Pgc];miUw]:' = While,
mqn]:miUw]:lQw]kn]'hQt];miUw]:lQw]kn]'pQn]miUw]:lQw]kn]' = Simultaneous, simultaneously,
mqn]:miBw]:An]mn];lat]:hQt];Sbt];wa};yw].yL,kGL,mBt];nn].' = When it all said and done.
mqn]:ym]Tibc]tI:Tibc]tac];lI'mqn]:ym]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Efficiency,
mqn]:ym]Tibc]tI:Tibc]tac];lI'mqn]:ym]' = Efficiently,
mqn]:yw]:' sG]:yw]:' = Correct! That’s right,
mqn]:yw].' sG]:yw].' = You got it!
mqn]:yw].' sG]:yw].' sG]:eAL:' eAL:KL:' = Yes,
mqn]:yw]:' sG]:yw]:' = Correct! That’s right,
mqn]:yw].' sG]:yw].' = Correct, adj., Correct! That’s right, It’s correct,
mqn]:yam];mn];lI' miBw]:sibw]:sG]:Sc],Tbk],' yam];sibw]:sG]:Sc],Tbk],' = Right time,
mqn]:yam];lI' Sbn],lI' = Opportunity,
mqn]:lI'mqn]:sG]lI'Sc],etL,lI' = Felicitous, adj. well-suited, apt,
mqn]:lInL,' tqt]:etL;lInL,' = Exactly,
mqn]:lIlI' mqn]:mqn]:' = Correctly,
mqn]:lIlI'mqn]:mqn]:' = Correctly, adv.,
mqn]:El:Pit];'(KU;emLSgn]mqn]:El:emLSgn]Pit];)' = True and false, true and false teacher,
mqn]:wgc],sgm];SQn]:Sa}la};tac];'mqn]:wgc],tBk];Kgc].tBk];Aqk],sgm];'mqn]:wgc],'= In line with,
mqn]:wgc],sgm];SQn]:Sa}la};tac];wac]:Pqn]JPL;sw]:' = In line with God’s plan,
mqn]:hL.Pit];'(sqt]:sam];lUik]:tUv];mqn]:/Pit];')'= True or false, Multiple Choice and Ture/False Tests,
mqn]:hg};mqn]:tac];mn];'hg};tac];man],mqn]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Right track,
mqn];' mqn];hqc];' mqn];hqn],' = Showy, adj. flashy, loud, be ostentatious,
mqn];(Sa}lImqn];)' tuic],'(kqm]:tuic],)'= Prominent, adj. standing out beyond the adjacent surface or line,
mqn];'mqp]:'cgk]:'(KQw]:cgk]:'(mqn];lin].'mqp]:lin].') = Protrude, to thrust forward; cause to project: protruding teeth;
tongue protrusion, protruded, protrusion, N.,
mqn];SUt],Agk],'[pUm]sUk].KUk].'{(lup]Kw]mqn];SUt],Agk],pUm]sUk].KUk].') = Sick out, protuberant: bones stick out,
mqn];n'[luk]:sa};mqt]:ATL.'El:pQn]AU:em,El;'(luk].3;31){ = Menna, Menan,[the son of Mattatha,],
mqn];nfUw];Aik].sgt].' = Exhaust Manifold,
n];Sut];nn].)'pYL.En'mqn];' = Show off: the parade was designed to show off all the latest weapons of war,
mqn];EnpUin]:' p}lqc]:AUk];hqn]nL:' = Strut, show off, strutted, strutting,
mqn];EnpUin]:'p}lqc]:AUk];hqn]nL:'[Enhqc];Suik];/Pgm].'{ = Strut, parade; show off, strutted, strutting,
mqn];hqn],' hQt];Am],np].Am],ym]' Am],yBw],eS,' = Profane, crude,
mqn];Agk],'pqn]Agk],'[cgk]:'{(pa}hgk],pqn]Agk],PL'KUw]tL:hUiw];mqn];Agk],pUn].Pc],nm].') = Stand out, protrude,
k],nn].{= Manifesto, N. a public declaration issued by a government,
mqn]<en,kYL,'PU:kgn];'ekL.kgn];kan]' PB:kgn];kBn];hQt];kan]' = Manager, N.,
mqp]:' map]:' (mqc];hic],hg}:mqp]:lqc];' f};Tat]:mak]:lqc];') = Flicker, indicate, flash,
mqp]:'AI;Pibt].'St].SG],'tQk];SG],'yQt]:SG],'Sip].kqn],'AI;yw]:' = Thrust, thrust, thrusting,
mqp]:EnTL:lgc]:etmI;' mqp]:EnTL:lgc]:etpQn]' = Precursor,
mqp]:EnTL:lgc]:etmI;lUm];wUv],pL;kgc].'(KUic]:)' = Toxic air pollutant precursor,
mqp]:Enpn]'map]:En'(epL;kiut];kL;niUc]tac];sUw]:kqp].nn].t}:f};mqp]:Enpn]w}.El:') = Indicate, indication,
mqp]:lin].' = Thrust out the tongue,
mqp]:lqc];'Pqp].miun];'(law]mqp]:lqc];mqp];lqc];Kiun];fL.pac],)' = Twinkle, to shine with a flickering gleam of light, as
a star or distant light: stars twinkle at a clear night,
Aw]tLmgt],'(hQt];Sc]tLmG];Pqp].yup];Pqp].yup];?") = Flash, N.: blinding flash; Why do your eyes flash?,
mqp];'mUk];'mBk];SiBc],'SUic],'pqp].'(pqp].ybm];eSKzc];kGL,'km]tLmibw];mBk];Tgc];') = Hide, hid, hidden, hiding,
mqp];Kw]:'mqp];him];'[yQp].mqp];Kw]:'yQp]./TUw];mqp];him];'{ = Tuck, (Needlework) to sew tucks in, tuck in,
mqp];KUw];'mqt],'mqt],PL:'Pac],Pap]:'el;'lut],'[tQc]pqt]:{ = Lap, overlap; tuck in, lapped, lapping,
mqp];KUw];'mqt],PL:'Pac],Pap]:'el;'lut],'[tQc]pqt]:{ = Lap, lapped, lapping, [overlap],
yqc],Sin]:nQp];hUw]Sin]:mn];w}.'(mqp];hUw]kUn]mG];El:')' = Tuck, tucked, tuck up, in, under, etc., to pull up into a
fold or folds; to thrust in the loose edge: to tuck up one’s skirts,
Waylay, to intercept or attack from ambush, waylaid,
mqp];yQp].'[Aw]him];Pqn],Sgc]Pa},ma};kn]tUp].pQn]AQn]eSyQp].w}.'(mqp];yQp].tin]SUiw]:/kUn]){(mqp];yQp].tin]kUn]) =
Hem, to fold back and sew down the edge of (cloth, a garment, etc.): hem pants, hemmed, hemming,
mqp];him];/Kgp],'(An])[etL;mqp];Kgp],{ = Selvage, N. the edge of woven fabric so as to prevent raveling; margin,
mqp].'(etL,mImqp].) = Hide and seek, (play hide and seek)
mqm]:'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]TiSip];Sam]'{ = Mem, N. the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet,
mqw];'[St];Agn],An]kin]nUiw].{(mqw];TUin],)'= Cat, N. a small domesticated carnivore, Felis domestica: jungle cat, cats,
mqw];TUin],'hQn]' = Lynx, N. any of several wildcat of the genus Lynx (or files); jungle cat, lynx cat,
mQw];m}.'[St];lQk].Agn]mQw];kin]nUiw].tUw]yaw];sqt]:lqt]:'{ = Weasel, N. any small carnivore of the genus Mustela,
mqw];Auv].'[ekL.mak]:mI;lIpQn]PG];sgm];tac];hQt];Am],Sac];lac];{= Fat cat, N. any wealthy person, especially one who
has become rich quickly through questionable dealings; a famous person; a person who has become lazy as a result of privilege,
miKL;l'[luk]:yic];Agn],Kun]ehLKm];eSL;l'{(1Sqm];14;49') = Michal, the younger daughter of King Saul,
misPL.'[suiw]:lgk];lin]hUk];tI:nG];kYam];kw],'wQc];'{(cw]:31;49')= Mizpah, the name of six sites in the Old Testament,
misrAim];'(AI<kYip].)[luk]:sa};TUn]:Sgc]hqm];'{(cw]:10;6') = Mizraim, the second son of Ham,
miSm'[luk]:sa};AiSYem;'{(cw]:25;14') = Mishma, a son of Ishmael,
Misrephoth Maim, a place near the Mediterranean Sea, at the waters of Merom,
miSYeA;'[luk]:sa};Ausiw]<'{(Agk],6;22')' = Mishael, a son of Uzziel,
miSYL,l'[wQc];lqn]lin]mUic];AL;SYL;An]tm];w}.pn]kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};Kw]'{(eyL;19;26'1puin];6;74')= Mishal, a city
on the border of Asher assigned to the Levites; also spelled Misheal, KJV; Mashal,
miESY;'(sa};) = Misheal, [Daniel 1]
mitulin];'[wQc];lUc]tI:kun]lqt].Spgt].nG];nm].pac],la},AikYn]<(man],20;14'){ = Mitylene, the chief city
of the island of Lesbos, in the Aegean sea,
mitYin],[sUiw];kUn];El,sL;{(kUn];kL.mitYin],Kw](cw]:37;28)= Midianites, a nomadic people: Midianite merchants,
mitYin],'[luk]:sa};AL,RpL,ham],tc];KTU;rL.'(cw]:25;1-4'){' = Midian, a son Abraham and Keturah,
mitYin],'[tI:kUn];sUiw].KUiw];mitYin],Kw]yU,mI;Pa},Agk],nm].hgc]:eyL;tan],{= Midian, a land the descendants of Midian,
minit].' mQt].' = Minute
kum]nn].)' = Minutes, official records of the proceedings at a meeting, written memorandum, meeting minutes,
milKL,'[suiw]:nac];yic];Sgc],ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'(luk]:yic];hL,rn]<pQn]em;nhUw];'{(cw]:11;29'22;20-22')= Milkah,
the name of two women in the Old Testament; a daughter of Haran, Milicah,
mI' = Bear,
mI/Sac],SI:/SUiw]Agn],'[St];num],Agn],(mI'Sac],SI:'SUiw]'sL.kGL,){ = Cub, N. whelp; the young of certain
animals, as the bear, lion, or tiger, cubs,
mItUw]El,mL:hLkin]nn].' = Charging bear, rushing dear, ranging bear,
mI,'cak]:'[tI:sap]:kn]nn].cak]:tqk],AL:pQn]wqw],w}.{' = Gape, to open as a gap, gaped, gaping, gape, N.,
mI,kI;mn];' = Brick and mortar, Something that enters as an element into a mixture,
mI,tL,'(mt)(1mtn}.yaw];miUn]10smt') = Meter, (10cm= 1m),
mI,nL:'[mUiw]:vL;kin]mQw];Am],mak]./KUm]/SUm]:'{= Make an unpleasant face,
mI,nin];kYI,'[yG];mac]mac]Sam]sn].An]hUm],w}.pn]Agk];eALEl:Sn]lc]kUn];'{= Meninges, N. the three membranes
covering the brain and spinal cord,
mI,h}:'nL:mI,h}:'[hU,nL:hU,SUp];mI,nL:mI,tLh}:'{ = Crying face,
mI,rqn];tL;' (Sun],Am],tk];SQc]Sc]eSyU,w}.l}:') = Miranda, Miranda right, (rights to remain silence,),
mI,rI,ym],[pI:nac];mUw];eS,El:AL,run],{(em,rI,ym],) = Miriam, [the sister of Moses and Aaron, (Ex 2:4-)],
mI,lqc]'Pk];mI,lqc]'[hUw]lqc]lqc]'{(hUw]mI,lqc]')(nUic];-hUw]PUik],'mI,ehL')= Onion, N. red onion: onion bulb,
mI,lI,mI,tL,'(mlm)'(1mlmn}.yaw];miUn]0.03937Em:miuw];') = Millimeter, (0.03937inchesin 1mm),
mI,lI,yn],'lan].'[1,000,000{' = Million, N. 1 followed by 6 zeros, millions,
mI,ehL'Pk];mI,PUik],'Pk];mI,ehL' = Garlic, N.,
mI:'[la};emLmuiw];t};mUiw]:kgn],Aw]m}nuk];Pgc]Tan],mI:lm]eSsn]KQc]:pg},pqp].SG],hQt];hg};Tt];tqk]:w}.'{= Ruled line, a
mark or line made by using a blackened cord,
mI;' mI;w}.pn]' l}:mI;w}.' l}:hQt];w}.' = Have/has, had, having,
mI;' mn];mI;' [yip];sG].tiuw];tI:Et,ciUn]:/cw]:Tqw]lik]:Tqw]niuc]:'{ = There is/are/was/were/,
mI;'mI;nL,'mI;eSpUin]:mUt];'[mak]:mI;'mI;lUiw]/nL,'mak]:mI;Sut];'{' = Rich, adj., richer, richest,
mI;ktiSqt].sL,'mI;Sqt].sL,'lIybm],mat]:TiBk]:lbm];lbm];' = Faithfully
mI;krunL,yG],nm]lUc]'(AI,2;4')' = Rich in mercy,
mI;krunL,etL,SU/mG];' = Show you mercy,
mI;kac]sG]' = Willing, desire, want, aim to,
mI;kac]sG]KG]:sg}:' es,tnL,sUim]:' = Willing to help,
mI;kac]sG]KG]:hQt];'mI;kac]sG]' = Willing, desire,
mI;kac]sG]KG]:hQt];' mI;kac]sG]KG]:hQt];pn]' = Will, to exercise the will; to bring about; desire, willed, willing,
mI;kac]sG]:KG]:hQt];hG]:mUic];ehLKm];sw]:Kiun]:kGL,sn].Suc]' = Desire to advance the kingdom,
mI;kac]sG]hn]lIsgm];eSkm].Tqm]' hn]lIkm].Tqm]' = Consent to and support,
mI;kac]sG]hn]lIsgm];nc],kn]' = Mutual consent,
mI;kan]'(lgc]:-)(cw];la};lgc]:mI;kan])(Kt];-Am],mI;kan]') = Employment, N. condition of
employment,(ant: unemployment)
mI;kan]can];'mI;kan]mI;can];' = Career, adj. having a career,
mI;kL:mI;Kn]'(An]-)(nUic];-kL:epL;epL;) = High value, high-value, (compare to “low-value”)
mI;kL:Kn]'w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]'w}.kL:Kn]'(w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]yG],nL,) = Value: valued highly, valued,
mI;kL:Kn]TiBk]:yG],' mI;kL:mI;Kn]' = Valuable, adj., worthy,
mI;kuc],ekY;sB;' = Gracious,
mI;kbm],TBn]:lBn].liBc],lI' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Abundance
mI;kum],TUn]:lUn].yG],pUn].lUiw]Pa},pun].' = Abundantly above and beyond,
mI;ekL.pgc];ePL,kn]lIw}.yU,'(mG];mI;ekL.pgc];ePL,kn]lIw}.yU,')' = In good company, (You’re in good
mI;ekL.ma}w}.'ekL.wL:etAw]'(mn];sa};muit],Suip],pn]hw];ekL.wL:mn];sa};etAw](ekL.ma}mn];)')= Betrothed, N.
the person to whom one is engage: He introduced us to his betrothed,
mI;kUn];Sak]:eS,pQn]mU,lUc]' = Great cloud of witness,(Heb.12:1),
mI;ekY;sU;'ekY;sU;yG],etL,'(ekY;sU;yG],nL,KL:&) = Thankful, adj. feeling or expressing gratitude, grateful,
mI;kgc].'pQn]kgc].'mI;kgc].hqc];'(sQp];kG]:kgc].cU;Sk];) = Venomous, adj. poisonous: a venomous wound,
mI;kgc].'pQn]kgc].sac]:mUiw],'pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].'(tUn]:Aqk];mI;kgc].) = Poisonous, adj.: a poison shrub,
mI;kGam];ptivin],kp];Sibp],kn]w}.' = Covenant relationship,
mI;Kn]Kiun]:'(kL:Kn]emL<kit]<'lik]:hUm]:ma}yum],ym]kn]'nG];ptivin],Ka}n}.nm]lUn].liUw]mL;') = Equity,
mI;Kn]Kiun]:piUw]:hiUw]l}K};yg}. = Sweat Equity, - Value added to property due to improvements made by the owner,
mI;Kn]pQc];kn]'[pgc],wL:Kn]mqc],tc];Kn]Ka}nG];kat]:n}.pQc];kn]nn].'{ = At the money, means the strike price and
market price are the same,
mI;Kaw],pgc],lqc];lI'[mI;tac];hU.tac];hn]kGac]:lgc]:pa};pa};nuic]:/la}pa};nn].'{' = Well-informed, adj.,
mI;EK;tI,liUw]eSniuc]:ekL.' = More than one caddie, (golf)
mI;eKL:sism]:w}.pn]nc],n}' = Provided that,
mI;eKL:sI.Sc],w}.'[pQn]eKL:sI.nam];sG].hG]:pqc].ey;ciun];An]nuic]:pn]ciun];lUw],pn]kGL,man],man],nn].{' =
Standing order, N. an instruction to a bank to make a regular payments, banker’s order,
mI;KUic]:yip];tc];tuiw];es.muiw];w}.lI' KUic]:yip];tc];tuiw];es.miuw];w}.' = Thoroughly equipped,
mI;cw];la};pn]pQn]w}.sUic].nn]'(mn];tuin];Am],mI;cw];la};pn]pQn]w}.sUic].nn]lL;lL;yw].')' = Stand a
chance, (It doesn’t stand a chance.),
mI;cuin];Kw]:SL,sG]lUm]sG]' ciun];Kw]:SL,sG]lUm]sG]' = Sustainable income,
mI;ciun];tuin];lUn].lUiw]nm]nL,' = Extensive capital,
mI;sn].'sgm];pUic]'(mI;sn].yG],sn].lUc]') = Moral, adj.: moral greatness, morality, N.,
lgk];la};pk];pUic]Pgc];yam];pac]kum]nn].{' = Standing orders,(Parliamentary procedure)N. the rules ensuring the
continuity of procedure during the meetings of an assembly,
n].PG]sn].mn];w}./lgk]la};st];kan]Kuit];sn].{' = Standing order,(Military)N. a general order always in force
in a command and establishing uniform procedures for it; standard operation procedure,
mI;saw];sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],w}.' = Raise up offspring, have children,
mI;sL,ritlI' mI;piUc]ma}mI:lI' tUw]sw]:kw]mI;pUic]ma}mI:lI/sL,ritlI' = Self- discipline
lw]:Tuic]tI:kqp]:mn];n}.eAL:")' = Kind enough to: I would request that you be kind enough to hear us briefly,
ngc].pQn]kn]nn].'{ = Brotherly kindness, mutual affection; brotherly affection (fondness or love),
mI;suiw]:mI;SQc]' suiw]:yG],'(ekL.Suic];Kqn],mI;siuw]:mI;SQc]ekL.nuic]:)' = Star, prominent,(a star pitcher),
mI;sgt],kU:tI:yam];lQw]kn]'[mI;sgt],tUw]:w}.kU:tI:kU:lqn]yam];lQw]kn]'{(SL,139;5-12')= Omnipresent,
adj. present everywhere at the same time, omnipresence, N.,
mI;sgm];' pL;' pL;lUv]:' epL;pL;lUv]:' lBv]:' sgm];' Aic]lUv]:' Pa},' = With,
mI;sgm];mn];kGL,sgm];mn];yU,nn].' = With him on the way,
mI;sgm];him];'[mI;sgm];him];eSAn]An]'{'sgm];him];' = Alongside, adv. along, by, at or to the side of something,
mI;sG]'[lat]:lUv]:An]kQw],ASak]:tUw]St];Kw]nn].{ = Animate, adj. of or related to animal life, alive,
mI;sG]' mI;ASak]:yU,'(!mn];tuik].mI;sG]yU,'@(man],20;10'25;19')' = Alive: “He’s alive!”(Acts 20:10),
mI;sG]'lip];'kUn];lip];'(nUic];-ta}'kUn];ta}') = Living, N. usually the living, (compare ‘death, the dead’)
mI;sG]krunL,' krbnL,yG],' = Merciful, adj.,
mI;sG]kqn],Kqc]KUic],Km].w}.tL.' = Be strong,
mI;sG]kUn];'(Kt];-Am],mI;sG]kUn];' ha}.haw]:kYam];')' = Humane, adj., (ant: inhumane, brutal ),
mI;sG]kUiw];lIw}:SL'Enlgc]:kUiw];lI' = Worshipful, adj. feeling or showing worship,
mI;sG]KG]:' KG]:' sG]mI;KG]:l}:' = Wish, want,
mI;sG]KG]:tac],yibn]:lw]:Tibc]' = To be subject to, submissive,
mI;sG]KG]:hQt];pn]nL,nL,' mgc];pG].tL,et' mgc];pG].' = Longs to,
mI;sG]sc]:kuim];' w}.sG]sc]:kibm];' mI;sg};' = Persevere, persevered, persevering,
mI;sG]sc]:kuim];nc],sw]:Krit]:'(2Tit].3;5') = Christ’s perseverance,
mI;sG]es,tnL,lIetL,' mI;es,tnL,lI' = Kind, adjective.,
mI;sG]SePL;PQc],' = Even-tempered,
mI;sG]Suiw]:'sG]Suiw]:'[nm].sG]Suiw]:etL,'Suiw]:Suiw]:'{(la};mn];nac];w}.sG]mI;sG]Suiw]:)= Rectitude, N. moral virtue;
straightness; straight course: the rectitude of her motives,
mI;sG]Suiw]:'w}.sG]Suiw]:'(pQn]PG]eSAm],wL:ekL.mI;tac];pgc],sG]n}.w}.sG]Suiw]:kGL,Suiw]:Suiw]:'(Tuc];15;21') = Straight
course: whoever has understanding keeps a straight course, rectitude,
c],tL,wUn],pun]:Pgn];Pa},PL,SL,SSL,mI;w}.nn].'{ = Pious, adj. sanctimonious,
mI;sG]mn]:es,' mn]:es,' Am],pUic]:eSAit];' = Persistence, perseverance, continuance,
mI;sG]yU,'mI;sG]'ASak]:lip];yU,'(ekL.mI;sG]yU,) = Living, adj. being alive, not dead, heaving life: living person,
mI;sG]AI;lU'mI;sG]mqt].tL,etL,'(Kt];-Am],mI;sG]AI;lU')= Sympathetic, adj., sympathetically, adv.,(ant:
mI;sG]yUw];' = Bona fides, (law: good faith, honest,)
mI;sG]yU,' ASak]:lip];yU,' (sw]:-'ekL.-') = Living One,
mI;sG]yuin]:yuin]:pn]pn]'[sG]lIyuin]:yuin]:mqc],mqc],'{(mI;sG]hp].Kam],Kqk],yuin]:yuin]:pn]pn]')= Openhanded, adj.
generous: openhanded hospitality,
mI;sG]yibn]:yibn]:mqc],mqc],' sG]lIyuin]:yuin]:mqc],mqc],' = Generous, adj., generosity, N.,
mI;sG]lI'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)(hG]:mI;sG]lItQm]w}.pik];pik];etL,kUn];nc],kn]')' = Benevolence, N.
desire to do good to others; good will, charitableness: to be filled with benevolence toward one’s fellow creature,
mI;sG]lIsG]cam];w}.'(mn];mI;sG]lIsG]cam];w}.yU,) = Right mind, right mindset: He is in his right mind,
mI;sG]lIsG]mYat]:' = Noble character,
mI;sG]lIsG]mYat]:' lUv]:sG]lIsG]mYat]:' = Charismatic, of having characteristic of charisma,
mI;sG]lIyibn]:yibn]:mqc],mqc],kn]tL.' = Be generous,
mI;sG]hqc];ht];han] = Courage,
mI;sG]hqc];ht];han]w}.lIlItL.' = Be of good courage,
mI;sG]ha}.mUik]:Tac],Pit];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Evil suspicions,
mI;sG]ASak]:yU,kGL,TL,wrL.tL,eS,eS,' = Alive for ever and ever,
mI;sG]ASak]:yU,kGL,TL,wrL.Kaw];huic]' = Alive forevermore,
mI;sG]Am],yUw];' = Mala fides, (law: bad faith, intent to cheat,)
mI;sG]Aan];l}:' = Gimmick,(an offer that have a gimmick in it somewhere)
mI;sG]AQt];lB' = Compassionate, adj. having or showing compassion; merciful, compassionately, adv.,
mI;StihQt];lIlI' = Thoroughly, executed without negligence or omission, absolute, carefully,
mI;StilI'[np].Sgn],lIlI'lqt];'tac];hU.yG],'{ = Circumspect, adj. watchful and discreet; ell-considered; prudent,
mI;StilIEh.w}.pn]'(lgc]:-'/An]-) = Precaution, caution employed beforehand; prudent foresight.,
mI;Ser,mn]:nim]lI' = Integrity, steadfast adherence, soundness of character,
.wL:n}mL;huic]tan],tan],yw].nn].'{(pa};wUn].hp].hn]Tuic](tI,AUw],rI,)An]mI;Sak]:eS,Kam],sam];lIyw].)' =
Time-tested, adj. having proved valid, workable; or useful over a long span of time: time-tested theory,
mI;SQc]' Agk],SQc]' = Sonant, adj. having sound, sounding,
ekY;sU;JPL;sw]:{(1pI,4;10') = Faithful stewards of God’s grace; faithfully administering God’s grace,
mI;Sqt].sL,nUiw]mUic];sw]:kw],' = Fidelity to one’s country,
mI;Sqt].sL,' = Loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity,
mI;Sqt].sL,' ybm],mat]:TiBk]:lbm];lbm]:' = Faithfully, be faithful to,
mI;Sqt].sL,'(lgc]:-') = Allegiance N. the loyalty of citizen to his or her government, to some person,
= Faithful to His Word, (God is always faithful to His word!),
mI;Sqt].sL,etL,pk];pUic]hw];' = Fidelity to our laws,
mI;Sun],Kuik].tgn];'[mI;AKGac].lIl}:lgt]:{ = Privileged, adj. entitled to or exercising a privilege,
mI;Sbn],l}:' = Has the right,
mI;Sun]lInm]nL,' (mI;Sun]lInm],nL,ekL:epL;Am],Aw]n}mn];etpUn].pqt]:)' = Great opportunities,
mI;Sgc]ekL.n}.lIlUiw]eSmI;ekL.lQw]'(van],'4;9') = Two are better than one. (Ecc.4:9)
mI;van],'[lqt];'{' = Ingenious, adj. clever, ingenuity, N.,
mI;van],Pa}'[pgc]pQn]l}:/pgc],sG]l}:{ = Intelligible, adj. capable of being understood, intelligibility, N.,
mI;van],emLTt];Tgc]lgc]:lIAik],lgc]:sL.' = Discern, discerned,
mI;van],lI'[mI;nnm].kt].'mI;van],'pL;van],'Agk];eALlI'{' = Genius, N. intelligence; talent; ingenious,
mI;van],hB.sqc]:es;mBt];'[Sp].ep,vutvan],{(tUv];SL,lam],139'Tuc];2;5') = Omniscient, adj.
omniscience, N., omnisciently, adv. having complete or unlimited knowledge, or awareness, or understanding,
mI;van],ehL;lat]:emLKat]:tk].lam];l}:' = Gift of prophecy,
mI;van],Agk];eALlI' = Ingenious, adj.,
mI;tc];sG]Sibw]:yBw];Agn],eS' = Just simply,
mI;tp].Kam],tuik];kqt],EKw}.pn]' mI;tp].Kam],tuik];kqt],EKw}.pn]lIlI' = Fortify, to protect or
strengthen against attack; surround or provide with defensive military works., well-fortified, fortified,
mI;tac];kt].Kqn],'mI;nm]kt].'kt].Kqn],'Kqn],' = Talented, adj. having talent; gifted,
mI;tac];kin]tac];yqm].lUic],lISut];' = Richest of fare,(Isa. 55:2),
mI;tac];sG]SiBw];' sG]SiUw];' = Delight,(to give pleasure or enjoyment or satisfaction,),
mI;tac];sBm];Sibw];' = Delight (to give pleasure or enjoyment or satisfaction,), pleasure,
mI;tac];pun].en:&' = Over there,
mI;tac];PQc],pQc];' PQc],pQc];miUn]kn]' = Equality,
mI;tac];m}:' nqc]sG]' = Distress, adj., distressed, troubled, worried,
mI;tac];lImac],klL,'pn]tac];lImac],klL,'l}:tac];lImac],klL,' = Bless, blessed, blessing,
mI;tac];lImac],klL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-)'pn]tac];lImac],klL,' = Blessedness, N.,
,ciun];nm]nm]sc],Suiw].l}:nn].yw].'{' = In-the-money, in the money means that a call option's strike price is
below the market price of the underlying asset or that the strike price of a put option is above the market price of the underlying
asset. Being in the money does not mean you will profit, it just means the option is worth exercising. This is because the option
costs money to buy,
mI;tac];hk].mqt].tL,lUic],nm]kuin];' = Abounding in love or lovingkindness,
mI;tac];hk].yG],nm]kuin];'[hk].kuim];huic]'{(sw]:hk].kuim];huic])' = Rich in love, love endures,
c];kw]nn].KL:yw].'(SL,54;7')' = Look in triumph: my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes,
mI;tac];hU.'Pa},tac];hU.'(kUn];mI;tac];hU.)' = Intellectual, adj.: an intellectual person, intellectually, adv.,
mI;tac];hU.yG],'[hQn];hU.emL/mI;van],emLwUn].'{ = Erudite, adj. learned or scholarly,
An]lat]:kn]tI:hUc];kan]hUc];can];nn].wL:!Kw]:hG]:mgk],Agk],hG]:lat]:@n}nn].ekL:mqn]:yU,){' = Be nice, (You
should be nice.),
mI;tam],tac];Pit];' mI;wUt]:mI;tam],' = Guilty adj., guiltier, guiltiest,
mI;tam],tac];Pit];ApYt]:'(Kw]n}.mI;tam],tac];Pit];ApYt]:TL,wrL.nn].yw].'(mak].3;29') = Guilty of
sins: “…; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”,
mI;tL,wBn],pbn]:Pgn];' = Obligated, oblige,
mI;tL,wUn],pun]:Pgn];nc],kn]' = Mutual obligation, (Contract).,
mI;tQm]epL;sgt],w}.' = Teem with, overflow with,
v];)' = Discretion,( It is entirely within my discretion whether I will go or stay.), at discretion,
mI;tI:pgc],yU,' sG]:yU,nL,' sG]:lgc]:mn];yU,nL,/lU;' kuic]lIpQn]yU,' = It makes sense,
mI;tI:pgc],lInm]tgn];' = Mean more,
mI;tI:pgc],wL:' = Denote, mean, denoted, denoting,
mI;tUw]'tUw]kUn];'tUw]'(Kt];-Am],mI;tUw]')' = Mortal, N. a human being; (ant: immortal), mortals,
mI;Et.' Et.' man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:' An]Et.'sG]:Et.'sG]:' = True, perfect,
mI;Tat]:prUw];Tin]<' = Protein, adj. containing protein,
mI;Tqc]:' mI;l}:Tqc]:' = Any more, any longer,
mI;Tqc]:kgn],' Tqc]:km];niuc]:' = Again,
mI;Tqc]:pgk];niuc]:' = Another time,
mI;Tuc];'sp];AkYac].'(mI;Tuc];yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:'(sp];AkYac].KL.suiw]:KL.KUiw];pUin]:')' = Habitual, adj.: habitual
courtesy; habitual gossip, habitually, adv.,
mI;nc],hiuw]nuic]:ygn];puic]:ygn];Tam]?' = How is everything? How is everything going?
mI;nc],An]etl}:hn]n}.yw].' mI;nc],n}' = Videlicet, that is to say; namely (used especially to
introduce examples, details, etc.), viz,
mI;nm]liBw]' mak]:mI;nm]liBw]' = Has more,
mI;nm].kt].kibc],pQn]'kuic],TUik]:l}:' = Eligible,
mI;nm].kt].kibc],pQn]' kiuc]TUik]:l}:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Eligibility,
mI;nm].kt].Kuit];'(PU:tac],tUw]ekL.Am],mI;nm].Kiut];lI')' = Measure up, to be capable or qualified,(a
candidate who just don’t measure up,),
mI;nm].kt].tac];Kqn],tL,hQt];'ygn];kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;' = Requisite, adj.,
mI;nm].kt].pQn]kUn];sG]kqn],' = Strong people skills,
mI;nm].kt].An]lBw],nn].' = Have what it takes,
mI;nm].tgn];Pgn];lI' = Advantage
mI;nm].nk];lUiw]'[nk];lUiw]pUn].{= Outweigh, to exceed in weight, outweighed, outweighing,
mI;nm].mI;tUw]'kgn]:/tUw]mn];'tBw]kL,y'Pa},tUw]Kic];'hac]:Pac]'hac]:' = Physical, adj.,
mI;nL:tLsibn]:pac],SG]lI = Good attitude
mI;nL:mI;tL'mI;suiw]:mI;SQc]'sUiw].yG],KUiw];lUc]'(kUn];) = Prominent, well-known,(Prominent citizen)
mI;n}.en:&' tUv];Aw]n}.lL:' n}.yw].' = Here you are,
mI;nUiw]' Tuic]mL;tI:' = Upon,
mI;niUw]mn];kUv];' = It’s up to him,
mI;ngc]'yQn];ngc]'ngc]'[sQp];yQn];mI;ngc]epL;tQm]sgt],w}.'mUm],ngc]'{ = Purulent, adj. suppurating,
mI;ngn]' = Wormy, became wormy,
mI;ngn]'pQn]ngn]'[mI;ngn]tw]yU,nG];Kw]:nm].tac];kin]nn].{' = Maggoty, adj. infested with maggots, as food,
mI;nG];sG]w}.sUic].n}eSEl:' = With this in mind,
mI;nG];tin]nG];muiw];'Sim];pUic],w}.'mI;'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Possession, N.(Law) actual holding or occupancy,
either with or without rights of owership; in possession,
n}.lUw],mI;cuin];w}.nG];muiw];kum],kum],AUiw]:'n}nn]."{ = On hand, in one’s possession, available as in The business
needs to have enough cash on hand,
mI;pL;KI:K};mn];' KI:K};eKL,' = Drossy, adj. resembling or containing dross,
mI;pL;nm].nk];AL,nL,'(tac];hn]Tuic]An]mI;pL;nm].AL,nL,)' = Authoritative, adj. an authoritative opinion,
mI;pic].vL,'mI;tac];hU.'tac];hU.'pa};hU.'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Intellect, N., intellectual, adj.,
.") = Legion, adj. very great in number: The holy man’s faithful followers were legion,
mI;puc],hac]:mn];w}.'(mG];lUw],l}:mI;puc],hac]:mn];w}.TL:') = Get a picture of it,(You’ve got to get a picture of it.),
mI;pun].en:&' tUv];Aw]nn].lL:' nn].yw].' = There you are,
mI;pun]:Pgn];' = Accountable, responsible, obligated,
mI;;pun]:Pgn];'(tI:-'An]-')' = Accountability,
mI;pun]:Pgn];hp].tgp],'mI;pun]:Pgn];'(ekL./PU:mI;pun]:Pgn];) = Responsible, adj.: responsible person,
responsibly, adv.,
mI;pun]:Pgn];' = Obligated, accountable, responsible,
mI;pun]:Pgn];tm]:tI:TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:' = Accountable to God,
mI;pun]:Pgn];hp].tgp],pn]' = Answerable to, liable to be asked to give account, responsible,
mI;pa};hU.hn]kan]TUp];miuw];nm]' = Knowledgeable, experienced, competent,
mI;pa};hU.hn]'(mI;pa};hU.hn]Puin].PU;Kiun]:mL;)' = Cognitive, adj.: cognitive development, cognitively, adv.,
mI;pUic]mI:w}.'(tp].kUn];mUic];An]mI;pUic]mI:w}.tqt]:etL;lIcam];)' = Regulated, (a well regulated militia),
mI;pUic]ma}mI:lI' = Disciplined,
mI;pUiw]:can]Pan]pUiw]:yan]:' = You’ll be either rich by being brave or poor by being coward,
mI;pUiw]:can]Pan]pUiw]:yan]:'(kGam];kp];Tuk],)' = Take a chance, (Idiom) risk something,
mI;pgk];niuc]:'mI;wn];niuc]:'Tuic]mL;wn];nuic]:' = One time, one day,
6'Kuin];21;22') = Omnipotent, adj. almighty or infinite power, omnipotence, N.,
mI;Pun],mI;cG]:' (lin]lImI;Pun]mI;cG]:) = Generous, fertile; prolific: generous soil,
mI;PUw]mI;em;'[kUn];mI;PUw]mI;em;{(nUic];-Am],mI;PUw]mI;em;) = Married, adj. N. married couples, marrieds,
mI;PUw]mI;em;w}.'Et,nL:hiBn];' Aw]kn]' Aw]PUw]Aw]em;' = Marry, married, marrying,
mI;eP;'An]mI;eP;'pn]eP;'eP;nm]nL,' = Dangerous, adj. causing danger, hazardous; perilous,
mI;eP;km];lQw]' = Imminent Danger,
mI;Pa},nL:'[An]mI;/tI:Pa},nL:mn];'(Aqn],TI;rieAL;)'{ = Anterior, adj. situated before or at the front of; fore,
mI;Puin]Kqp];mk];ma}w}.TL:' = Precertification, N.,
mI;Pgn];lIsgm];' = Beneficial,(Law) helpful in meeting the needs, advantageous: a beneficial association,
mI;Pgn];lITibc]:tI:Tibc]tac];'mI;Pgn];lImL;'Aw]yip];tibw];kGL,l}:' = Effect, effective,
es;sgt],la}mQw];eSmn]:kuim];lInn].yw].")' = Mutual interests and mutual respect,(Our efforts to
engage nations, institutions, and peoples around the world should be on the basis of mutual interests and mutual respect which is
a comprehensive and sustained basis.),
mI;Pgn];lInc],kn]' = Mutual interests,
mI;Pgn];lIpUn].lUiw]'[Tan]:Suc]pUn].pUin]:'{(Am],l}:mI;Pgn];lIpUn].lUiw]'/Am],l}:Tan]:Suc]pUn].')' = Over
advantage, pre-eminence: have no over advantage,
mI;PG]Tqc]:' kBn];eSekL.ekL.' = Anyone else,
mI;PG]Tqc]:&' Am],mI;PG]Tqc]:yw].hL.&' = Anyone else!; Any person at all!;
mI;mak],hin]nm]' tI:mI;mak],hin]nm]' = Rocky, rocky places,
,pn]')' = Bear, to produce by natural growth: a tree that bears fruit, bore, born, bearing,
mI;mL;Kiun];' pn]Kiun];'[tgp],ekY;sU;pn]tac];lIKiun];{' = Return,
mI;mL;TL,wrL.Suip],Suip],tam]tam]sQm]mUiw]:Kaw];yam];yc];p},Et,' = From all eternity, from
everlasting; exixted before time began,
mI;mL;Agn]tac];'[An]pQn]An]mI;w}.sQm]mUiw]:Et.mUiw]:sw].sw].nn].{' = Pioneer, adj. being the earliest,
mI;mqt].tL,' mqt]:tL,' mit].tL,'mqt].tL,' = Affection, N. liking, fondness,
mI;mI;'[An]wL:mI;mI;n}eShgc].hG]:mqw];mL;sU;nn].'{ = Expression used in calling cat,
mI;ma}mI:puin].Kam],lIeSKw]:sU;kn]' = Principled engagement,
mI;mgk],nL:'[nL:tLAn]PG]hn]PG]tUv];ekL:lIhk].lImuit]:lIsUm];'{ = Pretty, adj. good-looking; pleasingly pretty;
pretty face; cute, prettier, prettiest,
mI;mG];/SUkUv];Am],mI;PG]Tqc]:' pqc],lUiw]eSmG];/SU' = Except only you, but you alone,
mI;yin].'sp];yin].'[kUn];tc];tUw]tc];sG]puic]:Aic]lw]:/yL:kGL,pqt]:'{= Addict, addicted, addicting,
mI;yin].yG],'sac]:sp];yin].'(yL:yLAn]sac]:sp];yin].mn];) = Addictive, adj.: an addictive drug,
addictiveness, N.,
mI;yU,'tik];tik];'Sibp],lam];tam];pbt]:kn]' = On and on, continuously, adv. unceasingly, consecutively,
mI;yU,'yip];yU,'(kgam];lat]:An]mI;yU,lat]:yU,') = Living, adj. in actual existence or use; extant: living languages,
mI;yU,eKLeKL' mI;kUv];mn];An]lQw]' = Detached, not attached,
mI;yB,sgm]; = Dwelling
mI;yU,sgm];KL:kGL,mL;p}kU:wn];nG];ASak]:PwKL:n}.' = Which follow me all the days of my life,
;yU,pQn]yU,yam];lQw]n}.') = Contemporary, adj. existing, occurring, or living; of the present time; modern: the Bible in
accurate, contemopary translations and formats,
mI;yiUc];ma}siUw];KG]:EK.kn]Aw]'(PiUw],tL.ethG]:mI;yiUc];ma}siUw];Kw]:kn]kgc].San]kn]w}.nn].') =
Competitive Goals (rather than Interlocked Goals),
mI;yiUc];ma}hUm]:kn]w}.miUn]Kw]' = Shared their goal,
mI;yG],nm]lUc]'[An]yG],lUc]nL,kGac]:nL,nm]nL,nL,nn].{(cuin];mI;yG],nm]lUc])' = Vast, adj. of very great
area or extent; size or proportions; very great in number, quantity, amount, etc., huge,: vast sums of money,
mI;yG];'[pL;yG];mac]mac]Am],nn]ca};kn]tc];yG];mac]mac]{' = Fibrous, adj. containing of or resembling fibers,
mI;luk]:'kUit],'kUit],lQc].'kUit],luk]:'kUit],Agk],'[kUit],lQc].{'(kUit],luk]:pn]luk]:ekL.nuic]:')' = Bear, to
give birth to: to bear a child, bore, born, bearing,
mI;lUm];naw]'naw]'[lUm];m}:nG];tUw]Kuin]:Suc]'{ = Fever, to affect with fever, fevered,
{(mI;pun]:Pgn];nL:kan]la}sUic].la}pUic])' = Manifold, adj. N. of many kinds; numerous and varied: manifold duties,
mI;la};kYac].tac];km]mn]:kqn],tI:hQt];kan]' = Strong work ethic,
!mI;la}<Sqn]<An]Sc],Tuk],'@ =“Properly Licensed”
mI;liBc],mI;nm] = Plenty
mI;lUic],lI'mI;yG],mI;nm]'mak]:mI;'mI;ciun];Km];nm]'mak]:mI;lIpQn]' = Rich, adj. N.,
mI;lUic],lISut];' mak]:mI;Sut];' mI;nm]eSpUin]:mUut];' = Richest,
mI;lUiw]'lUn].liUw]'lUiw]w}.'(An]-)= Excess, N. adj. the amount which one thing exceeds another; extra; surplus,
mI;lUiw]w}.'lUiw]w}.'pUn].tgn];Ek;lUn].lUiw]'lUn].lUiw]'lUiw]tgn];' = Exceed, exceeded, exceeding,
mI;lgc]:kibc],TiBk],lI'(Kt];-Am],mI;lgc]:kbic],TBik]:lI') = Reasonable, adj., (ant: unreasonable)
mI;lgc]:kiuc],TiUk]:lITac],TiUm]' = Reasonable doubt,
mI;lgc]:kuic],TUik],lIwUn].Sgn],'[mn];kuic],tan],sG]:yU,kuic],lIlat]:lIhQt];yU,{ = Reasonable thought,
mI;lgc]:sm]sG]eShUm]:hgm];hQt];' = Closely coordinated,
mI;sn]sp];sG]'lIsp];sG]'sn]sG]' = Attractive, adj. pleasing; fair: more attractive or fairer,
mI;lgc]:SQn],lI' = Logistic, adj. of or pertaining to logistics, logistical,
mI;lgc]:tac];Sc]?'mI;lgc]:sUic].huiw]?' = What is the matter?
mI;lgc]:mn];'(An]-)[lgc]:tac];An]Am],p},luim];sG]l}:'pYSnL,'{(mn];mI;lgc]:wL:etpQn]mUiw]:lG]nn].kUv];)' =
Question, N. a matter some uncertainty; problem: It was simply a question of time,
mI;lgc]:ybm],tm];sG]w}.'tm];sG]w}.' = Confidence
mI;lgc]:lIl}:(yum],)'[mI;cw]:cL,lgc]:tac];mn];lI'mI;AL,mKam],'{(mI;lgc]:lIl}:Tac],Pit];Tac],TUim]')= Wellfounded, adj. having a foundation in fact; based on good reasons, information, etc.; warranted: well-founded suspicions,
mI;lgc]:An]wL:etpQn]mUiw]:lG]yam];lG]nn].kUv];'pG].wn];mn];kUv];' = Matter of time,
mI;lgn].mI;kqn]' Sak]:eS,mI;lgn].mI;kqn]' = Substantial, substantial evidence,
mI;wBt]:mI;tam],'sG]An]mI;tac];Pit];ApYat]:' = Guilty conscience, guilty,
mI;w}.' = Exist, being,
mI;w}.'mI;yU,w}.'mI;sG]yU,w}.' = Exist, be; to have life or animation, existed, existing,
mI;w}.'mI;w}.suk];w}.l}:'mI;yU,w}.'mI;sG]'[pUk];tc]:Agk],pQn]mI;w}.'{ = Existence, N. being; mode of existing; life,
mI;w}.kgn],Agn]tac];'(cw];la};pa};yU,lImI;w}.kgn],Agn]tac];)' = Pre-existing,: pre-existing health condition,
mI;w}.sgm];kn][pUk];tc]:mI;w}.sgm];kn]{= Coexist, to exist together or at the same time; to exist separately or
independently but peaceably: Although their ideologies differ greatly, the two great powers must coexist, coexisting,
mI;/w}.sG]sp];Pa},'(ham]:w}.sG]sp];Pa},)' = Show favoritism: favoritism forbidden,
mI;w}.tI:nuic]:' wac];w}.' (lgk];lin]mI;w}.sgm];Kqp],Pc],pac],la},') = Lie, to be placed or situated; to be found or
located in a particular area or place: land lying along the coast, lay, lain, lying,
mI;w}.TL:' l}:mI;w}.TL:' = Pre-exist, to exist beforehand; to exist in a previous state,
mI;w}.niUw]' = Onto,
mI;w}.nUiw]KQc],mUt];yw].'[lat]:lUv]:lgc]:hQt];KUw];Kgc]nn].yw].lIlImI;w}.tUw]:tn];tL,Aw]Ka}Aw]sG].nn].'{' =
Off-the-shelf, readily available from merchandise in stock, ready-made,
Stand alone, VP.be unequaled; unique; one mind or purpose, stood alone,
mI;w}.yU,pL:nL:kUn];tc];la}Kw]' = Be up in front of people,
mI;w}.hc];kUv];eKLeKL' yU,ekL.lQw]eKLeKL' = Solitary existence,
mI;him];Kac]:AUim]:sm]' = Right next to,
mI;him];n}.en:&' = Over here,
mI;hqc];'kium];KiUc],nqn]:lI'= Sturdy, adj. strongly built; stalwart; robust: sturdy young athletes, sturdier, sturdiest,
Strengthen, strengthened, strengthening,
mI;hqc];sG]ht];'(mn];mI;hqc];sG]ht];mL;eS) = Nerve up, (got his nerved up),
mI;hqc];pgc]pQn]' = Generative, capable of producing or creating, ready to bear,
mI;hqc];f};sG]Kqc]'(sg}:hw];mI;hqc];f};sG]Kqc]') = Energize: energized us, energized, energizing,
mI;hqc];eAL;sL,AL,nL,' = Empower,
mI;hUw]sG]KYL;tm],'(!kw]n}.Suiw]:yUw];eSmI;hUw]sG]KYL;tm],'@(mqt]:tit];11;29') = Humble in heart: I am gentle
and humble in heart,
mI;hUw].lgm].'mI:PL'[hQt];hUw].lgm]./PLkc]:w}.'{(nUic];-Am],mI;hUw].lgm]./PL') = Wall, adj., (compare unwalled)
mI;hU;PL/lin]'(nUic];-Am],mI;hU;PL/lin]) = Vented, adj., (compare “unvented” or “ventless”)
mI;huic]'[mI;w}.huic]yw].nn].'{ = Have something a long time,
mI;hUin];'[pUic],hUin];/pQn]sw]:Kgc]hUin];'{ = Have or own a home, house, condo, etc.,
mI;hUin];'yU,hUin];yU,'(sgc],PG]mI;hUin];/yU,hUin];?) = Be at home: Is anybody at home?,
hI;7;6') = Trace: “…, did not trace his descent from Levi; who was not a descendant of Levi, traced, tracing,
mI;AEk;'[An]mI;AkYac]./tac];hQt];pL;Aic],Ser,eSSc],Tuk],nn].'{ = Decorous, adj.,
mI;AkYOw];'pn]AkYOw];'[Agk],pQn]mL;/mI;nm].tgn];Pgn];lI'{= Good result, be of benefit, effective,
mI;AkYOw];mL;Et.'lak],la};mL;Et.' = Make the difference, cause a change in effect,
mI;AkYOw];lI'kt].'kt].kYL.'(yLn}.kt].kYL.')' = Effective, adj. This medicine is so effective,
,epL;kuit];Sc]yw].')= Limited time frame, deadline, time is so limted,
mI;ASak]:PwlUv]:wivin],mUt];sac],'(rUw];8')' = Life through the Spirit,
mI;ApYt]:w}.' An]tuin];mI;ApYt]:' = Sinful, adj., sinfulness, N.,
mI;An]tk].w}.wL:sw]:ey,SuetkUit],' = The birth of Jesus foretold,
mI;An]Pit];Pqk],' An]ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];' = Defective, adj. having a defect or flaw; faulty,
mI;An]lQw]Am],mI;An]lG]miBn]'mI;ekL.lQw]Am],mI;PG]miBn]' = Unique,
mI;An]hQt];hG]:epL;l}:pQn]'(mI;An]hQt];t];hG]:epL;l}:hU.hn]sgm];)' =“Has/have/ had been” and
having been,: has been made known,
mI;AL,nL,Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];' = Sovereign, adj.,
mI;AL,nL,nm].kt].hQt];l}:' = Competent, adj.,
mI;AL,mKam],'[mI;lgc]:lIl}:yum],'{(Kt];-Am],mI;AL,mKam],') = Warranted, adj. well-founded,(ant: unwarranted)
mI;AL,mKam],w}.'hG]:l}:mI;AL,mKam],w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Assurance,
= Dignified, adj. characterized or marked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decorous, (ant: undignified)
mI;eA,mL;lg};lg};' hG]:ygm];kGL,tik]tik];' = Taper, to reduce gradually, tapered, tapering,
mI;eAL;sL,' = Influence
mI;eAL;sL,'/Am],mI;eAL;sL,' = Authorized,/ unauthorized,
mI;eAL;sL,yG],kGac]:liBw]Tqc]: = Greater influence
mI;eAL;sL,yG],hUm],cm];w}.'(pQn]ekL.mI;eAL;sL,yG],hUm],cm];w}.eSpiUn]:Sut];') = Influential, adj. N.: most
influential person, influentially, adv.,
mI;eAL;sL,w}.TL:'[mac]pgk]:n}.hgc].wL:pQn]An]Tgk]:Kam],km].Tqm]w}.Am],nn]An]mI;Kqp];mk];ma}w}.TL:n}yU,"{ =
Preauthorization, a decision by your health insurer or plan that a health care service, treatment plan, prescription drug or
durable medical equipment is medically necessary. Sometimes called prior authorization, prior approval or precertification. Your
health insurance or plan may require preauthorization for certain services before you receive them, except in an emergency.
Preauthorization isn’t a promise your health insurance or plan will cover the cost,
nL,yG],nUiw]kUn];Pan])' = Predominance, N.: the predominance of the rich over the poor,
mI;eAL;sL,AL,nL,yG],nG];tac];lat]:Aik],tac];hQt];' = Powerful in speech and action,
mI<tiy'[mUic];mUiw]:kgn],An]mI;nG];kun],AL,SYL.wn];tUk];{' = Media, N. an ancient country in W Asia,
muk];' = Telinga potato,
Group, N.: They sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties, groups,
muk].'[An]mI;w}.nm]sgm];kn]nn].{'muk].kUn];'(muk].law]tQm]fL.) = Host, N. a multitude number of persons or
things; throng: starry host,
muk].kUn];'mbk].sbm];Pbc]kBn];'[kUn];nG];pgk],nG];ygm],'kUn];nG];wan]:nG];nL;'kUn];nG];KU;nG];wQc];'{ = Community, N.,
;sw]:mI;pn]tL,kUn];kU:ekL.ekL.nn].'{' = PGL Community, N. Prosperous, Generous and Loved Community,
muk].sum];' = Body, N. a collective group,
mbk].sbm];' = Association, union, company, fellowship,
muk].sbm];' mU,sum];' = Organization, N.,
kit]<PiUm].pn]Tqc]:) = Government National Mortgage Association,(GNMA)
muk].sum];sw]:hiUn];' = Homeowner’s Association,-An association of homeowners that oversees the common
areas of the development and its rules and regulations,
muk].sum];etL,kgp].f]' = Golf Association, golf league,
muk].sum];nG];mUic];lum]:fL.Kw]' = International institutions,
muk].sum];pa};yU,lImUic];km],PL,'(eKL:eyL:-tpliw]<AQk].KY]AUw]<) = World Health Organization, an
agency of the United Nations, established in 1948, concerned with improving the health of the world's people and preventing or
controlling communicable diseases on a worldwide basis through various technical projects and programs. Abbreviation: WHO,
mbk].sbm];Pbc]kBn];'(mbk].sbm];Pbc]kBn];saw];siBw];mG];') = Community, association, (your community)
muk].sum];Puc]kUn];hU.kn]mUt];'[sum];kUn];/tI:/wan]:An]PG]ekL:hU.sk];suiw]:kn]kU:ekL.{ = Close-knit
community, where everyone know each other’s names and people look out for each other; a close-knit group,
c]:tqm]:Kgt], mt].w}.nn].El:hLpn]lgk];kat],tL,kUn];KG]:K}emL<kit]<Kw]{ = Federal National Mortgage
Association (FNMA)
mbk].sbm];Pbc]kBn];'[kUn];nG];pgk],nG];ygm],'kUn];nG];wan]:nG];nL;'kUn];nG];KU;nG];wQc];'{ = Community,
muk].sum];Puc]kUn];Pa},sgp],Kaw],' = Intelligence community,
muk].sum];mI;pun]:Pgn];tUv];Tuic]'[la};An]yU,tI:pQn]mU,pQn]sum];eStUv];Tuic]lum];lL;kUn];pQn]{' =
Accountable Care Organizations,(ACOs)
muk].sum];mUic];km],PL,kL.kU;etL,kn]'!tpliw]<TI<AUw]<@ = World Trade Organization, an
international body concerned with promoting and regulating trade between its member states; established in 1995 as a successor
to GATT. “WTO”
muk].sum];mUin]sgc]:lUc],lITI;hUm],kc]:pn]' = An umbrella organization,
muk].sum];Aic]nUiw]tac];yum],mat]:Kw]' = Faith-based organizations,
muk].Suik];'[Suik];kum];km]KUic]:er;tL;tp].nm].mUic];yU<Aqt].S]{ = Phalanx, N.(Military) a radar-controlled U.S. Navy,
muk].f};'(muk].f};luk].hun].hun].'(tqn]<3;17')'muk].P};' = Furnace, fireplace, fiery furnace; blazing furnace,
muk].f};Tan],'(muk].f};Tan],muk].niuc]:pic]:pLw}.') = Burning coals,(a burning coals with fish on it),
muk].f};luk].hun]:hun]:m}:lQk];mQn]Kuin]kuik].kuik].'(ehL;4;20') = Iron-smelting furnace,
muk].law]'[muk].sum];law]la}la}mQw];An]mI;suiw]:PG]mn];w}.{' = Constellation, N. any of various groups of stars,
muk].law]tQm]fL.'(SL,33;6') = Starry host,
mbc]:' mbc]:tBv];kGL,k}k}' = Vista, far-reaching,
muc]:tUv];'(kGL,muc]:tUv];Pqn],lin]nn].lU;'pUic]lUc]n}.wQc];eey,riKUw];nn].nL:'(eyL;2;1)= Look over, view,
muc]:tUv];'muc]:hn]' = View,
n]nn].SL,yL,lISUiw];sG]nL,') = Larger view,
mbc]:tBv];hn]k}k}' = Far-reaching vista,
mbc]:tBv];kGL,pL:nL:' = Look forward to,
muc]:pG].mgc];pG].w}.' mbc]:yiBc];Aan];l}:' muc]:pG].' = Expect, expected, expecting,
mbc]:mgc];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' mgc];' = Hope, N.,
mbc]:mgc];' mgc];' = Hope, hoped, hoping, hope for,
mbc]:mgc];tQm]ABk];tQm]sG]' mbc]:mgc];w}.Et.Et.' = Hopeful,
w]:') = Looking forward: looking forward to the city with foundation, whose architect and builder is God.”,
muc]:mgc];w}.Suc]Suc]El:' = Get your hope up,
muc]:mgc];w}.nL,nL,' = Full of hope,
muc]:mgc];w}.nG];sw]:hw];El:' = Hope in the Lord,
mbc]:yiBc];ma}yG],tan],JPL;sw]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = God-sized vision,
mbc]:yiBc];ma}' muc]:yiUc];ma}hn]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Vision, N.,
muc]:yUic];ma}' = Vision, to envision, visioned, visioning,
mbc]:yiBc];ma}Aan];l}:tQm]epL;lBn].epL;liBw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Vision of overflow,
muc]:yUic];ma}hn]'(An]-)(An]muc]:yUic];ma}hn]wL:etmak],mI;eSmI;Puc];yG],hUc]hac];)'hn]w}.nG];tL' = Vision,
N. a vivid, imaginative conception: visions of wealth and glory,
muc]:yUic];hn]' = Envision, envisioned, envisioning,: to envision a bright future,
muc]:yUic];hn]w}.TL:'[hn]tL,mUiw];nL:{ = Prevision, N. foresight, foreknowledge, or prescience,
mbc]:yiBc];Aan];l}:' muc]:pG].'mgc];pG].'muc]:pG].mgc];pG].w}.' = Expect, expected, expecting,
muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:'mgc];pG].'(ASak]:muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:yU,Tqc]:)' = Expectancy: life expectancy,
mbc]:yiBc];Aan];l}:eShac]:hqn];Kp];Kibc]' = Expect and Prepare
muc]:yUic];Aan];la}:Et.Et.wL:wL:' = Full of expectancy,
muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:hn]An]lak],la};lIygc]:Aam];nn].El:' = Expect a miracle,
muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:eSpG].TL:w}.'(SL,5;3)'Aan];l}:eSpG].' = Wait expectantly, will look up,
Perspective, N. adj. a mental view or prospect: proper perspective,
mbc]:hn]'(pa};-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Perspective, proper perspective, view, opinion,
mbc]:hn]sm]sm]es;es;' = Close-up view,
muc]:hn]SPL,wfic]:tiun];pQn]'(pa};-/'tac];-/lgc]:-/) = Natural perspective,
mbc]:hn]Sc],Tbk],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Proper perspective,
mbc]:hn]TL,miBw];nL:' = Outlook, the view or prospect of the future,
muc]:hn]Tuic]sw]:ey,SuEl:' = Look to Jesus,
muc]:hn]Tiuc]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:' muc]:hn]Tiuc]JPL;sw]:' = Look to God,
muc]:hn]Tiuc]An]JPL;sw]:etsuc]sn]sUw];Agn]Aw]mG];lt];Kam]:pUn].kGL,' = Look to God
to see you through,
muc]:hn]mqn]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' pa};muc]:hn]mqn]:' = Right perspective,
mbc]:hn]lUm]:tc];mUt];' = Big-picture view,
muc]:hn]l}:'tUv];hn]l}:'(lg}sUiw];yU,tI:k}eSmuc]:hn]l}:) = Visible, adj. that can be seen: mountains
visible in the distance,
muc]:hn]l}:ca}:ca}:' = Visible,
muc]:hqn]tUv];' muin];tLhqn]Kuin]:sU;' = Lift up eyes,
muc];'muc];kc]:pn]'muc];pn]'kc]:pn]' kc]:' = Shelter, harbor, sheltered, (shelter him from the rain),
muc];KL;'[Aw]tqp];KL;muc];hUin];muc];Sum].{'(muc];KL;hUin];)'(Sum].muc];KL;)' = Thatch, thatched, thatching:
thatching roofs, thatched hut,
muc];KL;'muc];KL;hUin];'tuik].muc];KL;hUin];/Sum]./TQc]' = Thatching roofs,
muc];Kqp];muc];' muc];hUin];Kqp];Aut],eKL' = Shingle, shingled, shingling,
muc];Kgp],mUn];'[hQt];Kgp],muc];mUn];hUm],w}.'hQt];mUin]Kgp],muc];mUn];'{= Dome, to cover with or shape like a dome, domed,
muc];sgc]:'kc]:sgc]:'(kac]:sgc]:Eh.lqt],'PUn]'lUm];')' = Open the umbrella, spread an umbrella,
muc];pqn]:tgp]:'[han].kuik];sp];ngk]:PLhUin];/hUc];tUik]:'pqn]:tgp]:'{ = Porch, N. a veranda or a portico, porches,
muc];mgc].hUm],w}.'[hQt];An]mgc].hUm],w}.Pa},nUiw]mn];'kUc],muc];'{' = Overarching, adj. forming an arch above,
muc];lQk];'[Aw]Kqp];lQk];KGc]pQn]ygc];hgc]:nn].muc];w}.'{ = Roof with corrugated aluminum sheets,
mbc];hBm],w}.'hUm],Sum],w}.' = Overtake,
mbc];hBm],w}.' hUm],Sum],w}.' mL;muc];hUm],' mL;hUm],Sum],' = Overtake, overtook, overtaking,
muc];hiUn];'lc]KL;muc];hiUn];' = Roof,
muc].'(k},muc].lQw]kn])Puc]' = Brood of: brood of chicks,
mut];Agk],'(nm].l}Agk],mL;lg};lg};) = Slime, ooze, exude slowly, transude,
mut].'Tuv],'[mUAw]sun],mn];Kut];/kuv].T}lin]hLkin]'{(mU,Tuv],lin]hLkin]') = Dig out, hog digging for food,
mun]sw]:'mun]sac];' = Monk,
mun]sw]:kgn];pa};'pI;Szp].'[kUn];ekL.lUlgm]wt].w}:SLsUiw];sw]:nG];nL:tI:Kw]/kUic];Aup].'ekL.lUlgm]tUv];Tuic]{' =
Bishop, N. a person who supervise a number of local churches; overseer,
SnL,pqc],'{' = Pope, N. (often initial capital letter) the bishop of Rome as head of the Roman Catholic Church,
mun]sw]:lgn],'Kun]ehLKm];ngn];EP;'lp];tLluim];mUic];kGL,'ta}' = Passed away, to cease, to die,
mun]Puc];'Pbc];yG],hBc]hac];'Pbc];'Puc];mun]'[Puc];mun]tn];KUw];AL,nuePL,{ = Glory, N., glorious, adj.,
mun]Puc];AL,nL,yG],kGac]:'[Kuik].Km],kGac]:yG],Suc]{(mun]Puc];AL,nL,yG],kGac]:hUc]hac];w}.)' = Resplendent, adj.
magnificent: resplendent glory,
mun],man],'[An]nc]kUn];vL;tUiw].mQw];Am],mqn]:eSKUm];pQn]tum],PUk].Kqp];nLKiun],tuin],'{= Urticaria, N. hives,
mun],mI:'[Pun]muk].kGam];f};lm]/Tan]mI:'{(An]tUm];Eh.mun],mI:) = Charcoal dust: charcoal dust mask,
mun]:'mun]:lin]'Pun],muk].' = Dust,
mun]:'Pgc]'(Pgc]kUiw]wan]mQt].niuc]:ekL:hw];epL;Am],mI;yw].' mun]:Kw]:tLmG];') = Speck, a very little bit or
particle,(We haven’t a speck of sugar . Speck in your eye,)
mun]:kqm]:Kgc],'yL:ygm].SUp];lqc]' = Rouge, N.,
mun]:Km];' = Gold flakes or dusts,
mun]:tn];Sac];'[Aw]tn];Sac];TU/pgt]:m}./lQk];El:l}:Pgc]{(mun]:lQk];tn];Sac];) = Filings, N.: iron flings,
mun]:tL;nL:'[Pgc]mun]:hgm]lItL;nL:tL;tUw]'{ = Face powder,
mun]:nam],SL,'[Aw]m}.nam],SL/m}.hgm]hQt];Pgc]num],num],tL,tL;nL:tUw]Kic];/Puk];hgm]'{ = Fragrant powder,
mun]:Pgc]mgt]:'[Pgc]m}.An]Agk],mL;tI:hU;mgt]:sI;kin]nn].{ = Dust from auger beetle hole,
mun]:lin]' Pun],muk].' Pgc]mun]:' = Fine dust, dust, as dust from dry soil or the earth,
mun]:lQk];lUiw]:'sak],lQk];liUw]:'(pQn]Pgc]m}.An]Agk],mL;sgm];miUw]:liUw]:m}.nn].') = Sawdust, N.,
TL,') = Enchant, charm, enchanted, enchanting, enchanter, N.,
mun];kL,TL,' lgt]:kL,TL,' = Charming, adj. using charm; exercising magic power,
mun];mG],Kuin]:Kuin];'(lgc]:-/An])[PwEm;mun];mG],mG],{ = Renaissance, N. adj. a renewal of life,
mun];mG],Kibn]:yG],' yG],mL:kL:Sbc]mL;' = Grow, grew, grown, growing,
mbn];mG],Kibn]:yG],nG];sw]:Krit]: = Growing in Christ
mun];mG],Kiun]:yG],lUv]:tac];yap],Puit],' = Growing through difficulty,
mun];Agk],'mun];'(lI,mgn],mun];' enL,m}.mun];Agk],'nUiw].nc],mG],mun];Agk],mL;) = Sprout, sprouted, sprouting,
mup];Pim];'[sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],pqn]<yL,min],'SYp].Pim];n}ekL:wL:'{(cw]:46;21')= Muppim, a descendant of Benjamin,
mUk],'lgt],'[mUk],pgc],pQw]'{ = Tube, N. a hollow cylindrical body metal,
mUk],'AUt],'[AUt],Kw]SUw];{(Aw]nm].mn];Tqm]mUk],Kw]SUw];'(1Sqm];16;1') = Horn, N. a ram’s horn or animal
horn for container: fill a horn with oil,
mUk],k},etL,'Sgc];k},etL,'[Sgc];/mUk],SG],k},etL,mUiw]:hw];kGL,hLetL,k},TUin],{' = Rooster coop,
mUk],Kw],'mak],Kw],'[KUic]:tm];pUic]w}.tL,Kw],hG]:emL;SQc]Klgk];Klgk];/Klik];Klik];{= Rattle, N. an instrument contrived
to make a rattling sound,
mUk],Kw]:lam]'[pgc]:m}.Kw]lam]Tqp];hQt];pQn]mUk],w}.tL,SG],Kw]:nQw]lam]f};(hQt];Kw]:lam])'{ = Hollow bamboo
stem container used to cook glutinous rice,
mUk],EKf};' KUic]:EKf};'[KUic]:hUt];/Sit];SG],hG]:f};mgt],{' = Fire extinguisher,
mUk],Sm];KQm]' mUk],Srin];' = Syringe pens, syringe pump,
mUk],Sit];'[KUic]:yip];tL,Sit];nm].SG],{'= Spray, N. an apparatus or device for discharging such a liquid; water pistol,
mUk],Sit];'[KUic]:Sit];hUt];nm].kn]'{'= Water pistol, N. water gun,
= String talkie, N.: how to make string talkie with Tin cans,
mUk],SG],puin]'[tI:SG],lqm]:puin]kac],w}./pL;kGL,sgm];tUw]{ = Quiver, N. a case for holding or carrying arrow,
mUk],tqk],'[mUk],kQn]es:Tqm]w}.mQw];emLtqk],mI;Sa}fYot].sut],pg},kGL,tqk],emL;SQc]mUiw]:hQt];pg};'{= Firecracker, N.,
mUk],eJtL:' S};' [KUic]:vgp];pL;hac]:pLtI:nm].sqw]:An]Aw]m}./lQk];tgk],San]hQt];w}.{' = Fish trap basket,
mUk],nm].' mUk],yUic],' = Bamboo water container,
mUk],pw],f};/P};'[mUk],kUc]tL,Aw]lUm];pw],f};luk].luk].'{ = Blowpipe, N. blow tube; blowgun,
mUk],f};Pup].'[kn]:f};t}:mUiw]:lUm];TUw];{' = Flare, N. a flaring or swaying flame or light, as of torches in the wind,
mUk],ygk]:'[mUk],lQk];nLnL{'(mUk],ygk]:klat].KY])' = Slave Cylinder: clutch slave cylinder,
mUk],ygk]:klat].KY]' = Clutch Slave Cylinder,
mUk],ygk]:lUc]klat].KY]' = Clutch Master Cylinder,
mUk],lgt],eKL;'(fL;ric].s])[mUk],/kUc]An]mI;nUiw].AQn]ehL,kgt],w}.eSSuip],pn]SUp];tc];nQc]lUc];tgc].{= Pharynx,
N. the tube or cavity, with its surrounding membrane and muscles that connects the mouth and esophagus to stomach,
mUk],wqk].kYom];sup],'(KUic]:An]sG].lUm];sup],Aw]KUw];Kgc]l}:nn].')'mUk],lut],' = Vacuum tube,
mUk],hUw]lQk];' mak],hUw]Eh;lmqt].' = Helmet,
mUk],AQk].Ser;' = X-ray tubes,
Aw]SL;kGL,/mUt].tgm]/mI;ngn]eSkin]Am],l}:yw].El:etl}:pqt]:pqt]:')' = Hoard, hoarded, hoarding,
mUk];'(pLmUk];nUiw].mUk];' Tan],f};lqc]mUk];tw]:')'kUm]' = Cover up, cook by burying in hot ash,
mUk];KUw];/kun],w}.'[Aw]KUw];/kun],Sim];w}.nG];Suic],/Kgc]./luk];Sim];KUw];pun]:tL,Aw]sG].wn];mUiw];nL:nn].'{' = Stock,
to lay up in store as for future use, stocked, stocking,
mUk];KUw];w}.' mUk];kun],w}.' = Stock up, stocked up,
mUk];sgk].'[kUn];ekL.Am],Agk],kGL,hLEl,lG]'KUw];Sim];w}.Am],yip];tuiw];eSpgk]:'{' = Hiding, being hidden,
mBk];Sim];w}.' Sim];pqc];w}.' = Store,
mBk];Sim];w}.pn]' Sim];pqc];w}.pn]' = Laid up for, store up,
mUk];Sum].'(Em:yic];nac];mUk];Sum].'(kUn];mUk];Sum].') = Tent-dwelling: tent-dwelling woman; tent-dweller,
mBk];SiBc],'SUic],'pqp].'mqp];'mUk];'(pqp].ybm];eSKzc];kGL,'km]tLmibw];mBk];Tgc];') = Hide, hid, hidden, hiding,
mUk];SiUc],w}.' = Stash, stashed,
mUk];nG];PI;f};' SG],nG];PI;f};/P};' = Stove, stoved, stoving,
mUk];f};'(pLmUk];nUiw].mUk];'Tan],f};lqc]mUk];tw]:')'kUm]'mUk];' = Cook by baking, or by burying in hot ash,
mUk];w}.'[Sim];w}.hG]:mI;eS,eS,{(KUw];yip];An]mUk];w}.) = Stock, adj. kept regularly on hand: stock articles,
mUk];hUin];'(kUn];mUk];hUin];') = Home-dwelling, keeping at home: home-dwelling persons,
mUk];hUin];'[kum],yU,hiUn];tc];wn];tc];Kiun];Am],epL;SU:Agk],kGL,El,lG]{= Stay at home and not go anywhere,
mUc]tin]'[An]Aw]m}TUw];hQt];TUc]yaw];Sup];Tuic]pL:nUiw]tLtin]tuiw];sgm];Sgk];tin]{= Sock, N. a bedspread, socks,
mBc]mibw];' = Glove, N.,
mUc]muiw];kgp].f]' = Golf Glove,
mBc],'Sg}'tqc];'sI;'yUc];'[Aw]KQm]Am],nn]lqm]:lqm]nn].hQt];{'(yUc];sG]mn];nac];') = Prick : prick her conscience,
mBc],'Sg}'tqc];'sI;'yUc];'sUk].SG],'[An]tqc];/sUk].nn].Am],Km]w}.{' = Prick, pricked, pricking,
mBc],'Sg}'tqc];'sI;'yUc];'(KQm]tqc];)'sUk].SG],'[An]sUk].nn].Am],Km]w}.{' = Prick, N. : the prick of a needle,
mUc],'(mUc],nam]sUk].miuw];mG];Agk],) = Extract a thorn that spiking in,
mUc],lL,Tuk]:'Pk];kat],luc];'[mI;kan]:pgt];mG]mn];tup],tUp].Kw]:hQt];pQn]luk]:mUn];'{ = Cabbage, N. Brassica
oleracea capitata,
tI:hUin];) = Pierce, pierce the ear: How to pierce your ear safely at home, pierced, piercing,
mUc]:'mUc]:mqc];'[mUc]:/mqc];An]yG],yw].nn].{' = Imago, N. an adult insect, imagoes,
mUc]:KUn]'mUc]:nc]'[mUc]KUn]yaw];yaw];yuv];yuv];'{ = Hairy caterpillar,
mBc]:KBn]etL'mUc]:'[mUc]:etyQn];pQn]kap],mUiw]:'{ = Caterpillar, N. the wormlike larva of a butterfly,
mUc]:KUm];'[mUc]tUw]lQk].KUn]yuv];emLsUk].hG]:KUm];k};'{ = Itchy caterpillar,
mUc]:Kuip]:'[mUc]:Am],mI;KUn]mUin]tUik],lUin]yaw];'{ = Measuring worm, the larva of a moth,
mUc]:mqc];'mqc];'(Kgk],mUc]:mqc];') = Moth, N.: a moth’s cocoon, moths,
mUc]:mqc];nG];hUin];nG];ey;'[mt];'min];'mqc];'mqc];Sap],'mqc];mUn];'yuc];'hiUt]:'{ = Household bugs,
mUc]:tun],'[pQn]mUc];sUw]:Kaw];eSetyQn];pQn]mUc]:Et.Am],nn]mqc];'{' = Larva, N., larvae,
mUc]:Tan]'[mUin]mUc]:tun],mI;SUp];lqc]lm]epL;Ek,mL;pQn]mqc];PU:lqc]yL.tUn]:Tan]{' = Palm Weevil Larvae, N.,
mUc]:enL,'[mUc]:mI;nG];kUc]m}.mgc]pQn]SIKaw]mUn];yaw];yaw];pQn]pgc]:pgc]:w}.'{' = Bamboo Caterpillar, N.,
mUc]:lQt];'han]lQt];'ygm],lQt];'[mUc]:KUn]Kqc]epL;vL;tUik].mn];sI:sQp];/KUm];{= Stinging caterpillar N.,
mUc]:lQn];'mUc]:la};'[mUc]:mI;yG];Kat]:Kgk],yG];mn];pUin]:Aw]hQt];m}la}:mI;kL:Kn]yG],{ = Silkworm, N.,
mUc]:l}:num],'[tUw]kn]:/nac];mUc]:mqc];An]mI;Kgk],kqn],yw].nn].{ = Chrysalis, N. the hard-shelled pupa of moth,
mUc];'[SQc]mgc];tg},sgm];Sqc],El:kgc]t};!mUc];'mUc];'puic]:mUc];KYL.mUc];'@n}'{= Sound of gongs with Tai drum music,
mBv]'mUv]tk];/tQk];nm].'[kgk];/puc];/mUk],SG],kan];yip];yaw];yaw];tL,kgn].nm].'{= Water dipper, dipper, N.,
mBv]'mBv]tBk];' = Snow, N., snow, snowed, snowing,
mUv]Kqp];Pgc]'[mUv]n}.pQn]Pgc]Kqp];Kaw]PUik],Agn],mac]mac]piw]tUk];mL;'Kqp];Pgc]mUv]'{' = Snowflake, N.,
mUv]tUk];sw].' = Early snow,
mUv]tUk];lL:' = Later days snow,
m].kum]:'(suiw]:t};tac],pn]nac];yic];ekL:sG]){ = Mist, N. a cloudlike aggregation of minute globles of water suspended in
the atmosphere at or near the earth’s suface; dew; fog; also (‘Muey Phong’ a female given name in Tai),
mBv]lUic],'[mUv]k}.tUk];/mI;nm]{(mUiw];wn];Kaw];kt];mUv]lUic],wn];nuic]:') = Snowy, adj. consisting of snow as the
weather: a snowy winter day, snowier, snowiest,
mUv]:'sQp];mUv]:'kUn].'kUn].kUn].Kiun]:Kiun]:'(Kqn]mUv]:/kUn]./Kuin]:)= Sore, adj. ache; dull pain: a sore arm,
mUv];kw]:'Pa};mUv];kw]:'[KUn]hUw]yaw];liw]KUv],Sgt],kQw]:kn]w}.'KUn]hUw]Pa};yg};'{ = Tress, N. long locks or
curls of hair; a plait or braid of hair, tresses,
mUv];kw]:'[pUm]sUik]:'{(mt].Kgt],mUv];kw]:'Kgt],pUm]sUik]:mUv];kw]:')' = Reef knot, N.: tying a reef knot,
:wa};wa};yw].')' = Deplete, to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of: Extravagant spending soon
depleted his funds, depleted, depleting,
mUv].mUt];pit];'ha}la}kGL,pqt]:k}k}'ha}la}pqt]:'hqc]:hQw]kGL,pqt]:'= Waste away, pine away; rot away,
mUv].yw].'mUv].mUt];'[Am],mI;w}.Tqc]:eSAit];yw].'{'KUiw];mn];mUv].mUt];yw].' = Extinct, adj. no longer
in existence; no longer in use; no longer in active,
mUt];'mUt];yw].'(kUiw]wan]mn];nac];mUt];yw].)' = Run out of, all used up; be finished; She had run out of sugar,
mUt];' mUt];mUt];' SQc]:SQc]:'mUt];SQc]:' (kw]etkin]mUt];mUt];'kw]Am],kin]SQc]:l}:') = Finish them
all,(I’ll finish them all, I could not finish them,)
mBt];'SQc]:'pw],'lap]:pw],w}.'Pac];'pw],huc]huc]'An]pw],' = Empty, adj. containing nothing; vacant;
unoccupied, emptier, emptiest,
mUt];sac],' Tgt]:mYat]:mUt];sac],' = Holy, adj. saintly; godly, holier, holiest,
mUt];sac],'Tgt]:mYat]:mUt];sac],'(tI:-/lgc]:-) = Holy, N. sacred place, holies,
mUt];sac],'mUt];SG]'[mI;sG]suin]:sac],mUt];SG]{(tac];hk].mUt];sac],'tac];hk].mUt];SG]') = Holy, adj. having a
spiritually pure quality: a holy love, holier, holiest,
mUt];sac],'suin]:sac],mUt];SG]'(lgc]:) = Holiness, N. the quality or state of being holy; sanctity; godliness
mUt];sac],tL,sw]:hw];'[kap]:Aap]:Tuic]sw]:hw];{' =“Holy to the Lord”, “dedicated to the Lord”(Zec.14:20),
mBt];SG]' mUt];SG]lI' kQc]:hiun]:hiun]:lI'(Kt];-Am],mUt];SG]')' = Clean, cleaned, (ant: unclean),
m];wUv],')= Fresh, adj. pure, cool, or refreshing, as air: fresh air or wind; clean air, (compare ‘air pollutants’)
mUt];SG],sgm];nc],Tuc];sam]mI;'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Ceremonial cleanness,
mBt];SG]tL,pa};yU,lI'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-/) = Hygiene,
mBt];SG]TiBk]:TBn]:lI' = Clean enough,
mUt];yw].' SQc]:yw].' mUt];SQc]:yw].' = All used up, be all gone, be finished,
mUt].'[mqc];lm]/lqc]/Kgn],/liUc]mI;nm]la}mQw];KUiw];'{ = Ant, N. social insects of the family Formicidae,
mUt].SUm]:'[mUt].SUm]:yU,nG];hUc];K},Kw]n}.kin]wan]{' = Pharaoh ant, edible reddish ant, red ant,
mUt].lqc]'[mUt].lqc]n}.sI:ha}.epL;mn];sI:n}sQp];sQp];KUm];KUm];'{ = Red ant,
mUt].lUm];'[mUt].lUm];mI;pik]:sac]:sI:'{ = Ant that has wings,
mUn],'(SI)'(KUn]hUw]hgk]elL;lm]mUn],SUw],hUw],tc];kgk];)'mUn],kGn];f};' = Gray, N. adj. full head of gray hairs,
mUn]:'[tUw]St];An]mI;KUn]nLnLAUn]:nUn];lInn].'{(SUiw]:KUn]mUn]:)'wUn]:' = Mink, N.: mink coat, minks,
mBn]:ekYL,SiBw];SGac]yB,w}.' = Jovial, jovial person,
mUn]:sG]'sBm];ekYL,kYOik]:sG]'hp].sBm];Aw]' = Enjoy,
mUn]:man];sG]' = Appreciating and enjoying,
mUn]:mUn]:SUiw];SUiw];'hBm]sBm];'sUm];'hBm]hBm]sBm];sBm];'mUn]:mUn]:ekYL,ekYL,' = Glad, adj. feeling of joy
or pleasure, joyous, joyful, cheerful,
mUn]:mUn]:ekYL,ekYL,/SUiw];SUiw];'hUm]sUm];'tac];sUm];'hUm]hUm]sUm];sUm];'(An]-) = Gladness, N.,
mUn];' tUc],mUn];'Kqp];mUn];'tUc],'luk]:mUn];' = Round, adj. N. circle; spherical or globular, as a ball,
2;45') = Maon, a city in the mountain country of Judah, a place, and a man in the Old Testament,
mUn];kqn];kqn];'mUn];tum].lum]./Aum]:lum]:/Agm]:lgm]:'(lUin]mUn];kqn];kqn];lInL,yw].)= At the full
round, perfectly round: The moon is at the full,
mUn];yaw];'[mUn];hac]:K},k},'{'mUn];law]:law]:' = Ovoid, adj. N. egg-shaped; ovate; an ovoid body,
tI:pac]sunn].yw].')' = Shove way: I shoved my way through the crowd to get out of the auditorium,
mBn].Em;' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Amend, Amendment,
mUp],' Aw]mUp],'(kgk];hQk],n}.epL;yip];hiuc]mL;tuin];vL;Aw]mUp],kGL,Ait];Ait];')' = Dent, to make a dent, denting,
mUp],'epL;mUp],epL;map],w}.'[wan],hQk],kgk];hQk],n}.epL;An]nk];vL;tQc]vL;tum].n}mn];mUp],mn];Pqk].kGL,nn].'{' =
Dent, a hollow or depression in a surface,
mUp],cgm]ecL,pG].'(ApYt]:n}.mUp],cgm]ecL,pG].pak],Pk];tUmG];yU,'(cw]:4;7) = Crouching: sin is crouching at your door,
mUp],tqt]:' AUp],mUp],tqt]:'mUp],Pqp].' = Prone, lying down, prostrated,(a patient was lying prone on the bed),
mUp],etwqn]'(SUiw]mUp],tc];nkL;mUk];')= Crouch, crouching, to stoop or bend low,(Crouching Tiger, hidden dragon)
mUp],etwqn]'(mUin]Sac],SI:ygk];tUw]mUp],pG].lp].lp].etwqn]nn].'(SL,17;12')'mUp],cgm]ecL,pG].'= Crouch, to
stoop or bend low: like a fierce lion crouching in cover, crouched, crouching,
mUp],TUSG],'(mn];sa};mL;mUp],TUSG],tI:tin]sw]:ey,Su') = Throw oneself at: He threw himself at Jesus’ feet,
mUp],ngn];' mUp],' ngn];mUp],' = Prostrate, prostrated, prostrating,
mUp],ngn];mUin]etwqn]'[lat]:lUv]:An]Ep.lg}hin]ngn];mUp],eSkUit],lQc].luk]:'(yUp]39){= Crouch down,
mUp],mqp];pG].Kzc];' = Lie in wait, to wait in ambush, lay in wait,
mUp],lUc];'(mLAgn],mUp],lUc];nUiw]tI:ngn];lQn]:mn];nn].)' = Flop: puppy flopped down on the couch, flopped,
mUm],'(mUm],kUv];'mUm],mak],lac];'mUm],mak],eTL;pat]:')' = Cover over to ripen,(cover over banana, jackfruit, avocado ),
mUm],'mUm],tUm];' mUm],w}.'= Plated, coated with a thin film of gold, silver, etc., as for ornamental purposes,
mUm],ngc]'[hg};sQp];nG];mI;ngc]Am],p},tqk],ettqk],Agk],ngc]'{= Suppurate, maturate, suppurated, suppurating,
mUm];'[Em;tBp].pUk].ehL,mqp];sgm];hg};yQp].KBw];hG]:mn];lqp]:lI{= Enfold, to wrap up; envelop, enfolded, enfolding,
mUw]' mgk],mUw]'[mgk],mUw]n}.mI;SIKaw]SIKgc],{' = Lotus, water lily,
sm].nm].yL,hG]:Kun],nL:ngc].'mUiw]:Puk]:yc];mI;Tqc]:yU,')'w}.sG]Kqc]Kqc]' = Keep your chin up, (Idiom) to improve
one’s mood, especially when sad or discouraged: Keep your chin up, honey-tomorrow’s another day,
mUw],nUw],mqt].Tlisim],'[w}.sn].lQw]'{(nUic];-pa}<mqt].Tlisim],)= Monometallism, N. the use of one metal
only, as gold or silver, as monetary standard; the doctrine or actions supporting such a standard; single standard, (compare
mUw],lip].tInm],'(KUw];lQk];PUik],SIciun];)' = Molybdenum, a silver-white metallic element, used as an alloy with
iron in making hard, high-speed cutting tools. Symbol: Mo; atomic weight: 95.94; atomic number: 42; specific gravity: 10.2. ,
mUw];' miUc];mUw];' Am],sqc]:' Am],pac],' = Misty, blurred, dim, hazy, unclear,
mUw];sL,'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];pqn]<yL,min],'{(eyL;18;26') = Mozah, a city in the territory of Benjamin,
eSPc]mn];w}.'{(TUin],33;30'ehL;10;6)' = Moserah, a camp of the Israelites in the wilderness, a place where Aaron
died and was burried, Mosera, Moseroth,
Moses, the Hebrew prophet who let the Israelites out of Egypt and delivered the Law during their years of wandering in the
wilderness. He was from the family line of Amram and Jochebed (Ex. 6:20),
mUw];pI;l]fUn];' mUw];pa};l]fUn];' = Mobile phone,
Moloch, N. anything conceived of as requiring appalling sacrifice; (2Ki.23:10; Jer.32:35;),
mUw];Aqp],'(wQc];)(emL,PL.) = Moab, [an ancient city E of dead sea, (Nu 21:10)],
mBw];eS,' = Moses
mUw];ltL,'[wQc];mUic];yutpgt];san];'{(eyL;15;26') = Moladah, a city in the southern Judah,
mUw];lqk].'[mUw];lgk].'(hI;RpO;milL.kum];)(man],7;43'){ = Molech,[(1Ki. 11:5; Acts 7:43,)(Hebrew Milcom)], Molek,
mUw];lqk].'[mUw];lgk].'(hI;RpO;milL.kum];)'{'JPL;mUw];lqk].'= Molech, Moloch, a deity whose worship was marked by the
propitiatory sacrifice of children by their own parent. 1Ki. 11:5; 23:10; Jer. 32:35; Acts 7:43,(Hebrew Milcom)], Molek,
mUw].'mUw].SG],'mUw].pn]mn];'[Aw]nm]./KUic]:hat],SG],nm]nm]etL,kn]'{= Rush attack,
mUw].mUw].'emL.emL.'Aqp];[KG]:wL:KUic]:yic];luk]:Agn],'{= Name of private part of a female (said of a child),
mUw]<nL,KI<'[la};Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];sw]:ehLKm];{' = Monarchy, kingship,
mu'mU.'[suiw]:t};tac],pn]nac];yic];'{ = Mu, a Tai female given name,
muSY};'[luk]:sa};Em,rra};'pQn]ekL.Et,cw]:kUn];KUiw];muSY};;(TUin],3;20'){(Agk],6;19')' = Mushi, a son of Merari,
mU'nUiw].mU' = Pig, N. a young swine; hog; pork,
mUsac].'[mUlUc]tin]Sam]kip],mI;nG];AEm,risan];'{= Tapir, N. any of several large, stout, three-toed, somewhat swine,
mUTUmLTLyU,kGL,sgm];' yU,kGL,sgm];' = Put up with, abide in, dwell and strive with, contend with,
mUyuv];'mUepL:'mU'(nUic];-mUTUin],') = Swine, N.,(compare wild boar,)
mUTUin],' = Boar,
tI:tgt]:Kqp];Em;Kw]nn].'{' = Pork Barrel, N. a government appropriation, bill, or policy that supplies funds for
local improvements designed to ingratiate legislators with their constituents,(origin: 1905-10, Americanism),
mUmL'[mUmLn}.pQn]St];sL,tiEk:mUic];EK,mUic];Ain];tiyEl:pc];klL.tqt].S]'{ = Hoolock gibbon, N.,
n]w}.yw].ekL:mn];Kuin];kGL,AUik],kUm],'(2pI,2;22') = Sow, N. an adult female swine: “A dog returns to its vomit,”
and, “A sow that is washed returns to her wallowing in the mud.” (2Pe.2:22),
Throng, N. adj. a multitude of people crowded or assembled together; the throngs; throng of people; crowd; host: a throng of
memories; a throng of mushroom,
mB,' Pbc]' Tqw]' muk].' sum];' = Group,
mU,'KUiw];'mU,/KUiw];lQw]kn]'(mB,pk];piBc]') = Family, N. a group of related things or people: families of law, families,
mU,kn]'pgc];kn]'(lgc]:-/An]-)[sum];An]ekL.etL,ekL./sum];la}sum];pgc];elL;kn]{ = Syndicate, N.
a group of individuals or organizations combined,
mU,kn]'pgc];kn]'(hQt];-/Aw]-) = Syndicate, to combine into a syndicate, syndicated, syndicating,
mU,kn]'Kgn]:pQn]mU,'(hQp];mU,'mU,hQp];')= Huddle, to gather or heap together, huddled, huddling, huddle, N.,
mU,kYO<rI</kYO;rI;' mU,' = Panel, N. a group of community members summoned for jury service, Jury panel,
mU,Kw]:' tL,Kw]:'!nibc]:wn];mG];kin]Kw]:la}tL,?@' = Meal,
mU,Kw]:Km]:' PiUn]Kw]:Km]:' Kw]:Km]:' = Dinner, supper,
mU,Kw]:Km]:sw]:hw];'[mU,Kw]:Km]:km];luin];Sut];{' = Lord’s supper, the last supper,
nn].{' = Panel, N. a group of usually three judges among the judges sitting on an appellate court who hear a
particular appeal compare full court,
mB,sbm];' = Institution, organization, establishment, foundation, society,
mB,sbm];sUiw];kBn];'[kUn];'kUn];mUic];tc];la}'muk].sum];Puc]kUn];'{= Society, N. humankind, people, community,
mU,sum];sUiw];kUn];nm]la}'[mU,sum];Puc]kUn];nm]la}'{ = Plural Society,
mU,sum];sUiw];kUn];lgt]:kin]SU,Sm];yL:' = Drug free society,
mUsum];sUiw];kUn];Suip],kuit];mI;w}.nG];pk];pUic]' = Law abiding society,
mU,sum];sUiw];kUn];lgt]:lqw];kL:pgc],kL:pQn]' = Freewheeling society, free-wheeling society,
mU,sum];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'(mU,sum];Tm],kYam];lik]:AEm,rikn],) = Bible Society: American Bible Society,
El:lgc]:Kt];An]mU,sum];pQn]sw]:Kgc]) = Institutional Ownership, the Pros and Cons of institutional ownership,
mU,sum];Puc]kUn];' kan]kUn];' k}.Kw]:Ek:Agk],kac]piUn]:' = Social,
mU,sum];Puc]/sUiw];kUn];El:tI,mUw],Ker,SI<' = Human society and Democracy,
mU,Slim],'(kUn];yum],mat]:AiSlm],) = Muslim, of or pertaining to the religion, law, or civilization of Islam,
sum];Kp].kn]Kuin]:)'{' = Platoon,(Military) N. a military unit consisting of two or more squads or sections,
mU,sum];tc];la}' (kU:mU,kU:sum];)' = Institutions,(every institution,),
mB,sbm];sUiw];kBn];'[kUn];'kUn];mUic];tc];la}'muk].sum];Puc]kUn];'{= Society, N. humankind, people, community,
mB,pk];piBc]' = Families of law,
mU,pI:sum];ngc].' = Immediate family, N. one's parents, step-parents, siblings, spouse, children, step-children,
foster children, in-laws, sibling in-laws, grandparents, great grandparents, step-great grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles,
nieces, and nephews, extended family,
mU,hQp];' = Huddle – mushroom,
mU;' mU;niuc]:'(nm].nk];niuc]:mU;n}.mI;2Ep;Am],nn]0.08Agc]<s') = Mooh, weigh equal to 0.08oz or 2 Baes,
mU;' mU;niuc]:' = Mooh, counting money in Tai as for ten cents,
mB;SiBw];'lL<TiBn],'[kUn];hLlm];yibw];kCac]yibw];Pan];yiuw];nUk].nG];TUin],hUv]:lg}'{= Hunter, N.,
'{' = Courtier, N. a person who is often in attendance at the court of a king or other royal personage,
mU;mat]:Pgc];mUic];tc];la}' sw]:fL.kqm]mUic];' = Princes,
emyL,Kun],'[wQc];nG];mUic];tqn]<'{(eyL;19;46') = Me Jarkon, a city of Dan
em,sL,hp].'[pQn]AU:em,Trqt].'{(cw]:36;39') = Me-Zahab, the father of Matred,
em,S};y'[sw]:ey,Su'PU:Ek,Kzt]:tiuk].mL;'ekL.kYO;Kw]muc]:mgc];mL;T},Tut],pUt];pg},Kw]{= Messiah, [Jesus Christ, (Jn
em,SYqk]:'(sa};)[nG];kUn];pgc];ePL,tqn]<nYI,ekL.nuic]:nn].'{ = Meshach, [Daniel 1:7]
em,SYqk].'[saw];KUiw];An]mgk],Enw}.wL:pQn]nG];sum];ek,tL<nn].'(SL,120;5'){ = Meshek, a tribe mentioned in
association with Kedar,(Ps. 120:5, Meshech; Mesech, KJV),
em,S};yJPL;sw]:' = God’s Messiah,
em,SYL;'[suiw]:Kgp],nm].lqn]lin]El:suiw]:kUn];sa};Sam]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:10;30')' = Mesha, the name of a
boundary and three men in the Old Testament,
em,tpL.'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];mUw];Aqp],Kw]mUiw]:kgn],kgn],'{(TUin],21;30') = Medeba, an ancient Moabites city,
Medad, an Israelite who prophesied in the wilderness camp,
em,tqn]<' = Medan, [the third son of Abraham by Keturah,(Gen 25:2)]
em,Trqt].'[Em:sw]:Kun]ehLKm];eh<tt].'{(cw]:36;39') = Matred, the mother-in-law of Hadar or Hadad,
em,Pat].'[wQc];lI;wa};nG];kUn];KUiw];rupqn]<'{(eyL;21;37') = Mephaath, a city of Levite in the tribe of Reuben,
L;sUiw];tgc].m}:nm].w}.nn].l}:kin]Aim],kin]tQm]'(SL,81;7){' = Meribah, the name of two different places where
Moses struck a rock with his rod, and water gushed forth to satisfy the thirsty Israelites,
em,ripL.'(nm].hgc]:)[nm].hgc]:em,ripL.kL,tqt].S'{(ehL;32;51') = Meribah, waters of Meribah Kadesh,
= Meroz, a place in northern Palestine near the Kishon River, in or near the Valley of Jezreel,
yL;11;5-7') = Merom, waters of Merom, a place where Joshua defeated a coalition of Canaanites led by Jabin,
em,lKi'[luk]:sa};yan],na};El:pQn]AU:mqt]:Tt]:'(luk].3;24){ = Melki,[the son of Jannai, and father Levi],
Melchizedek,[king of righteousness(Gen.14:18-20), the great High Priest,( Heb.5:6)],
em,lKiSu'[luk]:sa};Kun]ehLKm];eSL;l'{(1Sqm];14;49') = Malki-Shua, Melchi-Shua, a form of
Malchishua, Malchi-Shua,
em,El;'[luk]:sa};mqn];nEl:pQn]AI<la};Akim];(luk].3;31){ = Melea,[the son of Menna, and father of Eliakim,],
em,hqt].TEp,'[em;eh<tt].(eh<tL;)'{(cw]:36;39') = Mehetabel, the wife of Hadad or Hadar,
yip];tuiw];Aw]em:hQt];w}.mUin]nc],wan],em:'esL.em:'kgk];em:'cg};em;'Aum]em:'{= Porcelain, N. a vitreous, translucent
ceramic material, biscuit-fired at a low temperature, the glaze then fired at a very high temperature; ware made from this,
em:'lin]em:'[lin]mUic];EK,An]Aw]Pw]hQt];wan],/kgk];/cg};em:l}:nn].'{ = Porcelain clay, China clay,
em:mG]mgk],'[tUn]:mgk],pQn]KUic]:cw]:mG]nLtUv],tUv],mI;sUiw].nG];mG]'{= Cotyledon, N. rudimentary leaf of seed plants,
em;'[Em:yic];mI;PUw]'Em:hUin];'{'em;nac];' = Wife, N. a married woman,
em;kw],'PUw]kw],em;kw],'(nUic];-PUw]kw],) = Ex wife, former spouses, (compare ex husband)
em;ng}.'em;Agn],'(nUic];-PUw]ng}.'PUw]Agn],') = Lesser wife, (compare ‘lesser husband’)
n]Kw]:KGac],pk];pUic]w}.nn].'{'= Concubine, N. mistress; harlot, concubines,
em;mQw];Em:yic];ha}.PBw]' = Wayward wife,
em;ma}'ekL.ma}'[yic];)ekL.ma}w}.tL,Et,nL:hiUn];kn]'{' = Fiancée, a woman engaged to be married,
em;emLES,SUn];hG]:Pit];kn]' = Quarrelsome wife,
em;mG],'[em;ekL.tuik].sc],hLAw]p}epL;huic]'{ = New wife, newly married woman,(compare ex wife, former spouse)
em;lUc]'[kUn];sa};mI;em;nm]n}.pQn]em;ekL.Aw]Agn]tac];'{ = Principal wife, N. first married of wives,
em;Agn],'[Em:yic];ekL.Aw]kUn];sa};hQt];PUw]Am],Agk],nL:{' = Mistress, N. concubine; harlot,
Em,' (Em,nL;ham];') = Expand, to increase in size, enlarge, (expanding the abandoned rice paddy field),
Em,KGak]:pUn].lUiw]'[hUw]sG]Pqn]Suc]'Am],lInp].ym]'{ = Overweening, adj. exaggerated or arrogant; insolent,
Em,KGak]:pUn].lUiw]nL,' = Exaggerated, adj. unduly or unrealistically magnified, abnormally increased or enlarged,
Em,rra};'[luk]:sa};luin];lI;wi'{(cw]:46;11')' = Merari, the third and youngest son of Levi,
Em,rp].'[luk]:yic];lUc]Kun]ehLKm];eSL;l'{(1Sqm];14;49') = Merab, the older daughter of King Saul,
Em,rL,'[pQn]Agc]:tI:nuic]:nG];mUic];KL,nn],pgt];hgc],An]mI;sm]wQc];S};tn],'ArL,'{(eyL;13;4') = Mearah, a place
in northern Canaan near Sidon; Arah,
Em,rI,'[!nac];Saw]Em,rI,@n}ekL:wL:pQn]sUiw].KUiw];Kun]ehLKm];et;wit].pQn]Em:sw]:ey,Su'(mqt]:1;18'){'(mL,ri) =
Mary, [also called Virgin Mary, the lineage of David, the mother of Jesus, (Matthew1:18)],
Em,rI,'(yic];)(ngc].yic];mL,TL,) = Mary, [sister of Lazarus (Luke 10, John 11)],
Em,rI,mqk].tlin];'[nac];yic];pQn]kUn];Sak]:eS,An]sw]:ey,Suta}luk].Kiun];lip];{ = Mary Magdalene,
Em,rI,lqn].' = Maryland
Em<lK};' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-Em<l'){ = Malachi, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Mal.)],
Em:'Em:hc];Sqc]' = Mommy, mom, mother,
Em:'(Em:El:AU:'Em:tc];AU:')' = Mom: mom and dad, mother,
-tUw]Em:lik]:'Em:SQc]cw]:')' = Vowel, N. in English, a, e, i, o, u and sometimes w and y, (opposed to consonant),
Em:kQp];lQc].'[Em:yic];ekL.Aw]tI:yU,Em:nn].pn]eSlQc].luk]:pn]{' = Foster mother, N. a woman
who takes the place of a mother in raising a child,
Em:k},'Em:mak],lm]'[Em:mgk],yL:'em;Agn],'{ = Strumpet, N. prostitute; harlot; whore,
!Em:ekL.kUit],mG];sw]:eSlum];lL;mG];sw]:mL;n}.l}:tac];lImac],klL,eAL:"@ = “Blessed is
the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.”(Luke 11:27,)
Em:ekL.emLsgm];JPL;' = Godly mother,
Em:Kun]ehLKm];tc];la}' = Mother of kings,
= Mother-in-law: Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her,
Em:sw]:nUm];'[Em:yic];ekL.Kam],sac]:lQc].nUm];pn]luk]:Agn],lqc]pUin]:sup],kin]nUm];mn];nac];'{= Wet nurse, N. a
woman hired to suckle another’s infant,
Em:sw]:El:AU:sw]:'Em:sw]:tc];AU:sw]:' = Mother-in-law and father-in-law,
Em:sac]:kL:'Em:nac];wqn]' = Female professional dancer,
Em:sUiw];mI;luk]:tuik].kin]nUm];' = Nursing mothers,
Sgn].'-Y = kz' J- = JPL;' -G = KGL')' = Consonant, N. in English articulation(p, b, t, d, k, g, or m, n, ng, or f, v,
s, z, etc.),(opposed to vowel,(a, e, i, o, u, and sometime y, opposed sonant),
Em:Sa}'[wQc];lqn]lin]sap]:suic]:mUic];T};El:es:mUic];t};'{ = Mesai, N. a Thailand border town between Shan state,
Em:eSL,'[An]Agk],lI,/enL,/ygt]:hun]:Agn]tac];nG];tUn]:Puk],w}.'{= First shoots of grain planted,
Em:Suip],'[em;An]AU:ekL.nuic]:Aw]wa};mI;mn];{ = Stepmother, N. the wife of one’s father by a later marriage,
Em:tac]tqn];'[tUw]Em:/Em:yic];ekL.Kam],pL;tgc].man];tac],eSkUit],pn]luk]:nn].{ = Surrogate mother,
Em:tin]'[niw].tin]An]mI;Pa},nG];yG],Sut];tin]'{= Big toe, N. the first, innermost, largest digit of the foot; great toe,
Em:nL./AL/pL:'[mUiw]:np].ym]eShgc].nL./AL/pL:)'{ = Aunt, N., aunty,
Em:na};'[Agk],/na};ekL.mUin]Em:El:lan]lin]Kw]hk].eShgc].Kw]!Em:na};@n}'{ = Maternal grandmother,
Em:puc],nL;'[kUn];yic];pQn]puc],nL;'{'puc],nL:yic];' = Brahmin woman, N., castra,
Em:pG].hiUn];Kw]'[nac];yic];ekL.kuit];yU,w}.tI:hUin];'nac];Sqc]hUin];'{ = Women at home, she who remains at home,
Em:PUiw]./PI'emLPUiw].PIemL,'[suc]:'PI:suc]:/sum]:'{ = Sorceress, N. a woman who practices sorcery; witch,
Em:mak],lm]'Em:k},'[Em:mgk],yL:'em;Agn],'{ = Whore, N. prostitute; harlot; strumpet,
Em:mak],lm]'[Em:yic];ekL.Et,Kw]:hLpn]pUin]:Sm]k}.pQn]tL,l}:ciun];(Em:mgk],yL:){Em:k},' = Whore, N. a
prostitute; harlot,
Em:man]:'[nac];yic];ekL.pQn]man]:'{'nac];yic];man]:' = Burmese woman,
Em:man];'[nac];yic];sp];tgc]./pL;tgc]./sp];ptiSn],eT,'{ = Pregnant woman,
Em:emL'[kUn];ekL.lqt]:lqc]:nL,(KG]:wL:pQn]Em:yic];)'{= Psychic, adj. N. a person who is allegedly sensitive to psychic
influences or forces; medium,
Em:emLsg}:kUit],'(la};-/hQt];kan]-) = Midwifery, N. the technique or practice of a midwife,
Em:emLsg}:kUit],'[kUn];ekL.Puik];pn]w}.hG]:emLsg}:Em:yic];mUiw]:mn];kUit],luk]:'ekL.km].sg}:kUit],luk]:'{= Midwife, N. a
person trained to assist women in childbirth; childbirth assistant,
Em:ma}:' = Widow,
Em:muiw];'hUw]Em:puk];/muiw];'[An]pgt];puk];mI;Pa}nG];''{= Thumb, N. the short, thick, inner digit of the human hand,
Em:miuw];niuc]:'(1Em:miuw];n}.yaw];2.54sqn]tImI,tL,) = Inch, (2.54cm in 1 inch),
Em:mgk],yL:' = Prostitute, N. concubine; coutesan or courtezan, harlot, (Jos 2:1),
Em:mgk],yL:'(lgc]:hQt];-/An]hQt];-) = Prostitution,
Em:yic];' = Woman,
Em:yic];ekL.vgp];mL;'(kUp].kU:Aw]Em:yic];ekL.vgp];mL;') = Captive woman: marrying a captive woman,
Em:yic];ekL.tiuk].sm]etkiUt],luk]:' = Woman giving birth to a child,
Em:yic];Kam],tgc].sQp];kUit],luk]:' kn]:Kam],sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]' = Labor pain, the pain of
childbirth; labor; travail: a woman in labor or travail,
Em:yic];num],'kUn];yic];num],' = Young woman, damsel, N.,
Em:yic];PL:sQt].hUm],nL:'(kGam];1;7') = Veiled woman,
Em:yic];mI;PUw]'(nUic];tUv];-!PU:sa};mI;em;@)'Em:hUin];' = Married woman, (compare to “married man”)
Em:yic];ham];PUw]' = Desolate woman,
Em:yic];Am],lIhk].yBw],eS,'(Tuc];30;23') = Contemptible, odious, or unloved woman,
Em:yic];AiUv];&' = Woman!
mUiw]:em;mG];Em:yU,P};/f};man];sp];tgc].Tqc]:nn].) = Child’s birth mother: an adoption opportunity when your
child’s mother is pregnant again,
Em:lQc].' = Boss, N. female boss or employer,
Em:lQc].Saw]'[yic];num],ekL.sgm];luk]:pG].mG],tI:pg};pac]Kqk],'{(nUic];-epL:lQc].maw],')= Bridesmaid, N. a young
woman who attends the bride at a wedding ceremony, (compare bridesman; bridegroom attendant)
Em:hw];'Emkw]'(Em:hw];El:AU:hw];'Em:hw];tc];AU:hw];') = My mom: my mom and my dad, my mother,
Em:hac].'(hac].yUk];yI:yUk];yc],(emLkGam];t};kw],hgc].')= Divorced woman, single mom, single mother,
Em:hac].num],' = Young divorced woman or single mom,
Em:hiUn];' = Married woman,
Em:hiUn];num],' = Young maiden,
v]:An]mat]:kn]hk].eSKam],Sac],pn]luk]:sa};pUin]:(epL;pQn]kUn];sa};hgc].wL:epL:Agk],)'{ = Spiritual mother, N.
spiritual motherhood is a type of maternity women experience by grace, within their call to holiness, in imitation of Mary, both
married and unmarried alike,
Em:Agk],Agk],'Em:Et.'[Em:ekL.kUit],lQc].pn]luk]:ekL.nn].{ = Biological mother, birth mother,
Em:Agk],Agk],' = Own mother,
Em:Agn],'[em;Agn],/ng}.ekL.pQn]AU:mn];'Em:Suip],'{ = Next wife of one’s father, N. stepmother,
Em;' = Fix, to repair, mend, correct,
Em;' Em;pn]' = Repair, repaired, repairing,
Em;l}:' (Kt];-Am],Em;l}:')' = Reparable, (ant: irreparable),
Em;Ek:pYSnL,nn].tL.'yL,hLkGL,Em;An]ES.En;' = Fix the problem, not the blame.
Em;kup];mak],TL<yL,pgc],' Ek;kup];mak],kL;pgc],' = Flat fix, fix flat tire, flat tire repair,
Em;kum];pn]' = Redress,
Em;kup];Em;Puc]SUiw]:KUw];ygk];' = Repair or mend worn-out clothes,
Em;kbm];pn]An]l}:lbSc]:tiBw].tBw]sG]KBw];Kgc]' = Redress of grievances,
Em;kum];lum];lL;'(kL:Em;kum];lum];lL;hUc];tiUk]:') = Maintenance, (building maintenance fees,)
Em;kum];lum];lL;pa};yU,lI' = Health maintenance,
Em;kiUc]Em;kum];lum];lL;' = Disposition, arrangement, management, placement,
Em;Kp].'Kp].Kgm]:tm];wac];' = Arrange,
Em;KQw]:kup];KQw]:' = Dentistry,
Em;KUn].Em;T}eSPuk],'Em;KUn].Em;Sac]'= Cultivate, to develop or improve by education or training; refine:,
Em;KUn].Em;Sac]eSPuk],An]yG],lUc]Sut];nn].w}.tI:nG];ASak]:PwmG];n}.El:' = Cultivate
the greatest thing in your life,
Em;Kuin];'[em;yw].p},lIKuin]Em;Tqc]:'{'Kuin];Em;Tqc]:' = Repair again, fix it again and again,
Em;Kgt],Pgt]:' = Reform, reformed, reforming,
Em;Kgt],Pgt]:'Em;pUk];pgc]' = Reform, to change a better state, form, etc., reformed, reforming,
nn].eS'hQt];hG]:mqn]:nc],Aac]:Aan];cw]:piuc];An]Kw]Pgm].kn]tUk];lUc];'w}.nn].) = Reformation, A procedure in
which a court will rewrite or correct a written agreement to conform with the original intent of the persons making the deal. ,
Em;Kgt],Pgt]:epL;Am],yw].Am],tUw]:l}:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Unfinished reforms,
pn]mU,sum];Puc]kUn];El:An]kUn];nc],kn]tUv];Tuic]kn]nn].{' = Social reforms, reform movement,
social movement, a movement intended to bring about social and humanitarian reforms,
nn].{' = Land reform, N. any program, especially when undertaken by a national government, involving the
redistribution of agricultural land among the landless,
Em;Kgt],Pgt]:An]Sam]Kan];lUc]tL,mU,sum];Puc]kUn];' = Major social reforms,
Em;Kgn]:hgm]hqc];Kw]Kiun];mG],mG],' Em;Kgn]:hgm]hqc];Kw]' = Renew their strength,
Em;Kgn]:hgm]hqc];mG];' = Renew your strength
!Em;ciciun];pt].kYqt].hG]:Kuic]:PQc],kn]sgm];kU:pI<'@ =“Balance the budget every year”,
Em;ciSQc]'(Em;KQc]:em;yan];Sa}kI<tL,hG]:Kw]:kI;mn];lIlI') = Tune, tune in, tuning,
Em;cipn]hG]:PQc],' Em;cUp].ci' = Align, adjust,
Em;cUp].ci' Em;cUp].cikn]' Em;cUp].cipn]' = Adjust,
Em;cUp].cil}:' = Adjustable,
Em;cUp].cikn]la}pL:la}Pa},mUiw]:sm]pQn]lUw],l}:hQt];nn].' = Make necessary adjustments,
Em;cBp].cikiBc]hLkn]la}pL:la}Pa},'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An] = Adjustments
Em;sqt]:Em;AU' = Refine, to bring to a pure or fine state, free from impurity,
Em;SQm]:lqm]'[Em;hQt];hG]:lqm]{(Em;SQm]:lqm]pa}Kgn].lqm]) = Repoint, to repair or fix the point; repointing goads,
Em;Sgn]' Piuk];hG]:lk];lqm]' Sc],Sgn]'(sg}:'Tic];'En'lat]:'Em;') = Discipline, train,
Em;Sg}kqt];S}:kgk];P};Kw]' = Trimmed their lamps,
Em;tc]:/tm];/pUk];'[Kuin];Em;pUk];Et,tc]:pn]hG]:lI/Sc],Tuk],tL,yip];sG].tuiw];hQt];kGL,'Em;'{= Recondition,
to restore to a good or proper condition; repair; make over; reset upright,
Em;tm];pn]Agc]:tI:mG],' = Resettlement
Em;tac];'[Em;Kut];/hQt];tac];Em;ekL,Sac]:mG],Em;tac];lqw]nn].hG]:lI'{= Road repair, repairing a road,
Em;tLKw]:'kin]kum];kn]'[(kGam];kp];Tuk],)pgc],wL:kin]Kw]:kum];pUin]:'Kw]:hUm]:pL;sgm];tI:kum];kn]kin]ygc]:eyL;'{ =
Break bread, (Idiom) to eat a meal with others, to participate in Communion,
lIkgn],El:') = Refresh, revive: refresh yourself, refreshed, refreshing,
Em;Tt];lik]:'Em;Tt];' = Edit, edited, editing,
Em;Tt];lik]:'Em;Tt];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Edition, N.,
Em;Tt];pn]lI' = Correction, correct,
Em;Tt];pn]'Em;pn]hG]:mqn]:'mqn]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Correction, N.,
Em;Tt];pn]'Em;pn]hG]:mqn]:'Em;An]Pit];' = Correct, corrected, correcting,
Em;Tqm]SG],Tqc]:' = Modify
Em;En,'Em;En,'Tqk].Ek;'PL,Sin];'[em,en,' em,en,'etklL,'AuPL,sin];'{ = Mene, Mene, Tekel,
Upharsin,[Da 5:25]
Em;nUt]:Em;SI' = Remold,
Em;pn]Tuk],Tuk],'[nuc]:m}pn]'hQt];hG]:mn];Tuk],lImqn]:lInn].'{ = Habilitate, to clothe or dress; to make or
become fit, habilitated, habilitating, habilitation, N.,
Em;pn]ham].kYam];kYam];'(An]-)[Em;mk];mn]:pn]/Sc],Sgn]haw]:haw]:hqc];hqc];nc],la};kw],kU:pgk]:'{ =
Reprimand, N. a severe reproof or rebuke,
Em;pn]hG]:mqn]:tac];mI;ASak]:Pw' = Life-giving correction, rebuke, or reproof, reproof of life,
Em;pin],' lim],'win],'wa},' = Turn
Em;pin],kn]' = Alteration, change, adjustment,
Em;pin],lqk]:la}:' piUc]:kn]' = Vary, to change or alter as in form, appearance, or character, differ,
Em;pin],hac]:Pac]pn]' = Transform,
Em;pin],hac]:Pac]Pqn],lin]' = Land transformation,
Em;pin],hqc];f};fL.' = Rectify, Electricity . to change (an alternating current) into a direct current,
Em;pbt]:SG],pn]' la}:' = Replace, replaceable,
Em;pbt]:tqn];SG],' = Superseded, replaced,
Em;pUk];pgc]'[sun].pqt]:tac];hQt];ha}.mUik]:{ = Reform, to abandon evil conduct or error, reformed, reforming,
Em;pUic]hac]:mn];' = Reshape,
Em;PImn];'[Sc],Sgn]haw]:haw]:hqc];hqc];'{ = Reprimand, to rebuke severely in unusual way, reprimanding,
Em;Puc]'(Em;Puc]Sat],ygk];' kup];KUw];ygk];') kup];' = Darn, to mend as torn clothing, patch,
Em;Puc]'Em;kup];'Em;'(Em;Puc]KUw];kw],'Em;)' = Mend, mended, mending: mend old clothes,
Em;mk];mn]:pn]' = Reproof, reproved,
Em;mbn];mG],' lium].Kiun];' = Renew,
Em;mun];Tqc]:mG],mG],' Tqc]:' = Anew, in a new form or manner, fresh, again,
Em;mun];mG],lUv]:sG]lIsG]mYat]:' = Charismatic renewal,
Em;mun];mG],mG],' libm].Kibn];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Revival, N., renewal, N.,
Em;yLhG]:lIKiun]:'(ekL.-/la};-/An]-)[hQt];tL,piun]Kaw],Ka}KUw];'lin]hiUn];ey;{ = Rehabber,
Em;lt];'Em;lt];hG]:Suiw]:hG]:PQc],'lt]:hG]:Suiw]:hG]:PQc],' = Realignment, N. alinement, alignment,
Em;lt];ca}:'nBt]:Pn].l}:' = Moldable
Em;lt];sG]mG];hG]:sgm];kGL,' = Get your mind going,
Em;lI' mUn].Em;' Em;' = Improve, correct, amend,
Em;lIkn]' = Conciliate, appease,
Em;wUn].tUv];p},sG]:etL:'(kw]Em;wUn].tUv];p},sG]:etL:kw]Tac],kw]etAm],kGL,yw].')' = Second
thought, N. often, second thoughts: On second thought, I don’t think I’ll go,
Em;w}.sG]SU/mG];El:' = Reprogram your mind,
Em;w}.tac];muc]:hn]mG],mG],' = Get a new perspective,
Em;hac]:'tI:Em;hac]:'Sqc],Em;hac]:' = Salon, N. a shop or business offering service,
Em;hac]:KiUc]:' Em;hac]:KUic]:pn]' = Ornament, ornamented,
Em;hqn];An]PiBw],w}.pn]' PiBw],w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Alternate, N., alternation,
Em;hqn];An]PiBw],w}.pn]' PiBw],w}.' = Alternate, alternated, alternating, alternation, N.,
Em;hiUn];' yUt];hiUn];' = Rehab, refresh, renew, renovate, revamp,
Em;hiUn];'yUt];hiUn];'Em;yLhG]:lIKiun];' = Rehab, rehabbed, rehabbing,
") = Embalm, to treat (a dead boday) so as to preserve it as with chemical, drugs or balsams; keep in memory: his
deeds embalmed in the hearts of his disciples, embalmed, embalming,
Em;An]Pit];'Em;Tt];pn]'Em;pn]hG]:mqn]:' = Correct, corrected, correcting,
L.Pa},nL:{' = Overhaul, to make necessary repairs on; to catch up with, overhauled, overhauling,
Em;Auit];hU;hUw]:' (Em;Auit];hU;nm].hUw]:)' = Fixing leak, repair a leak,(fix a leaking water pipe),
em<kYa},'[PU:mI;van],lqt];'(mqt].2;1){' emkYa},' = Magi, [the wise men,(Mt 2:1)], Magoi,
Em<lK};' (mL,lKi'nG];t};kw],) = Malachi, [a Hebrew prophet in 450 B.C. (a book of Bible)],
m}'[Sa}kuv]/yG];eSmQw];mQw];Pn]:hgm];kn]pQn]SQn]:yaw];yaw];w}.tL,Aw]yQp].nn].'{(m}kuv]/cuin];/pan],')= Thread, N.
a fine cord of flax, cotton, or other fibrous material, used for sewing; sewing thread, threads,
m}kuv]'[m}An]pqn];/Pn]:kuv];hQt];w}.''{ = Cotton thread, N.,
m}'m}hUm],w}.'[m}tUv]'m}PL:yac]'m}PL:m}'{'(mgk],Agk],kUv];sUiw];nn].m}hUm],Kac]:lg}w}.')'= Blanket: the wild flowers
blanketing the hillside, blanketed, blanketing, cover or wrap body with something,
m}kuv]la}:'(m}kun]la}:pgt]:KQw]:)' = Floss,: dental floss,
m}kun],nI,'[m}yQp].TUc]san]:Kw]:(TUc]kn],nI,){'Pqn],kun],nI,' = Gunny, N.,
m}Km];'[m}An]Aw]Km];hQt];w}.'m}SIKm];'{ = Gold thread, N.,
m}Kt];huk],'PL:etL;'[Tqm]SG],'Pqn],/PL:An]etL;w}.yw].'{= Weft, N.(Textiles) filling; a woven fabric or garment,
m}KUn]SUw];'[m}Pn]:An]Aw]KUn]SUw];Pn]:hQt];w}.'{ = Wool, N. yarn made of wool,
m}cuin];'[m}An]Aw]cuin];hQt];w}.'m}SIcuin];'{ = Silver thread, N.,
pKam]:kGL,Kam]:mL;eSyw].Kgt],Pgt]:San]kn]pQn]Pqn],pk];yaw];mL;nn].'{ = Warp, N. the set of yarns placed lengthwise
in the loom, crossed by and interlaced with the weft, and forming the lengthwise threads in a woven fabric,
n].tqt]:Pqp].lI'{ = Topstitch, (sewing) usually ¼ inch from the seam to help the seam lay flat, topstitching,
m}tG]:'yQp].lgc]tqt]:'[yQp].sgm];sg}:hG]:AQn]hg};yQp].tqt]:Pqp].lI'{ = Understitch, (sewing), understitching,
m}pan],'[m}/sUik]:An]Aw]yG];/nc]pan],Pn]:hQt];w}.'{ = Yarn, N. rope yarn; flax or hemp thread,
m}pan],lqc]km],'m}Pn]:lqc]km],'pqn];m}lqc]km],' = Scarlet yarn,
L;huk],nn].'{ = Yarn, N. thread made of natural or synthetic fibers,
m}mt].'SQn]:tgk],'[Sa}ht].'m}mt].'{(m}mt].KUn]hUw]) = Band, N, a fillet, belt, or strap: a band for the hair,
m}mt].'SQn]:tgk],'[An]pQn]Sa}/m}tL,Aw]mt].{ = Fillet, N, a strip or any material used for binding; band,
m}mt].hUw]'[Sa}sUik]:/Pqn],tL,mt].KUn]hUw]{' = Headband, N., headbands,
m}mI:'[m}/sUik]:lQk].nuk];Tan],mI:eSAw]hQt];hg};Tt];tqk]:Suiw]:'{= Blackened cord used for a marking line,
m}yuc]:' = Thread messed up, mess up thread,
m}la}:'[m}An]Aw]yG];la}:Pn]:hQt];w}.'{ = Silk thread, N.,
m}lUc]' m}SQn]:yG],' = Bulky yarn,
m}PL:sQt].w}.' = Wrapped a towel around body,
m}hUk];kiw]'[m}An]Pn]:hgm];kn]w}.hUk];kiw]mUin]nc],m}KUn]SUw];tLetL;hQt];SUiw]:{ = Six-ply yarn, 6 Ply Yarn,
m},krun],'[suiw]:wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(1Sqm];14;2') = Migron, the name of two towns in the Old Testament,
m},kUiw]'pL;kUiw]'[Aw]kUiw]Ag}/Pgk];SG],elL;Ait];Agn],'{(SG],kUiw]Pgk];Pqk];'pL;kUiw]Ait];Ait];'(Kw]:m},kUiw]')= Salted, adj.
seasoned with salt: lightly salted; lightly salted sticky rice,
m},KrUw]<'[lQk].wL:lQk].nL,AL;lL;nn].{'lQk].wL:lQk].nL,' = Micro, adj. extremely small,
m},KrUw]<Kgm],piw]TUiw],'Kgm];Agn],' = Microcomputer,
m},KrUw]<KUic]:f};fL.'[KUic]:lQk].Agn],/Kqp];mac]mac]Agn],yip];tuiw];tL,Suip],f};fL.{' = Microelectronic,
m},KrUw]<KUic]:f};fL.Kqp];Agn],' = Microelectronic chip,
m},KrUw]<SkUp].'[man],yip];tuiw];mUiw]:tL,tUv];An]lQk].wL:lQk].nL,nn].{'man],PIlU;' = Microscope,
m},KrUw]<fim];' = Microfilm,
m},KrUw]<fUn];'[mqk].lat]:kGam];' mqk].'{' = Microphone,
m},KrUw]<mI,tL,'[KUic]:tqk]:tac];k}/tac];pUin];skGL,An]lQk].lQk].Agn],{' = Micrometer,
m},KrUw]<wQp].'[KUic]:Tat]:f};fL.tL,Aun],tac];kin]/hac];hG]:Aun],hG]:lUit],{' = Microwave,
;kGL,mUic];yU;rUp].nn].'(man],16;7'){ = Mysia, an ancient city in NW Asia Minor,
m}:' f};m}:' sp];f};' f};luk].' = Combust, burn,
m}:'f};m}:'f};sp];/sut],/luk].'(l}:Kam],Aw]f};sut],yL.lqw]pqt]:w}.') = Fire, to set on fire: destroyed by
fire, fired, firing,
m}:' tI:m}:' tI:hqc];lUm];m}:nm]' = High temperature,
"@(SL,68;6') = Scorch, burned scorched: “ but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land, scorched, scorching,
m}:KG]:l}:' tuk];tuk];m}:m}:kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;' = Pushy, adj., aggressively or ruthlessly ambitious,
m}:sG]'m}:'[m}:kin]'m}:KG]:l}:'m}:pQn]Puin];pQn]f};'{ = Worry, fret, worried, worrying, worry, N.,
m}:sG]tac]'(m}:sG]tac]tL,AiSer;)' = Solicitude, N. anxiety: solicitude for Israel,
m}:sG]m}:eKL;'nqc]sG]'mI;tac];m}:'(m}:sG]m}:eKL;nL,)' = Distress: realy distressed, distressed, distressing,
m}:sG]lBc]yB,' = Worrying
m}:SUekL:mUin]m}:hw];yw].'[ekL.lat]:n}.wL:mn];pQn]sG]ekL.l}:Kam],{' = Yes, we feel your pain.
m}:nL,m}:Aup].Ap].nL,'[m}:ekL:m}:lUm];ekL:Am],Tgc];Am]TUw];{' = Hot and humid,
m}:pQn]Pw],pqt]:'[f};/P};m};eSmQw];mQw];El:pQn]Tan],mI:tc];tw]:/Pw],f};pqt]:'{ = Burn up, burned up,
m}:pQn]Pibn];pQn]f}; = Fret
m}:pQn]Pibn];pQn]f};'(yL,epm}:pQn]Puin];pQn]f};') = Fret: Do not fret, fretted, fretting, fretful, adj., fret, N.,
m}:pqt]:mUt];' mG];ethiUw].nUn];hqc];yUt];mUt];kGL,' = Burn out, you will burn out,
m}:epL;KG]:Kqm]:'[m}:pUn].tI:nL,'{(lqt],m}:epL;KG]:Kqm]:')= Scorching, adj. very hot; burning: scorching sun,
m}:yap],sG]sgm];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Concern,
m}:yap],sG]sgm];lgc]:pa};mak]:mI;' = Concern about economy,
m}:luk].hun].hun].'luk].hun].hun].'map]:hiUw]:' = Flame, the action of flame or fire, flamed, flaming,
m}:luk].hUiw]:lqc];' f};luk].hUiw]:lqc];' = Burn bright,
m}:lUit],mUin]f};/P};hum];'f};/P};lUit],hum];' = Fiery, adj., fierier, fieriest,
m}:wuit]:wuit]:'m}:wat]:wat]:'(nc]:nc]:kUn]:epL;m}:wuit]:wuit]:)'liUt],'m}:'liut],m}:' = Hot, swelter,
m}:hgn].hQw],sgp]:'AUp];hqc]:' = Swelter, to oppress with heat; to suffer from oppressive heat, sweltered,
m}:hgn].tUw]sG]'(m}:hgn].tUw]sG]/pQn]Puin];pQn]f};tL,wn];mUiw];nL:) = Fretting about, fretting about the future,
m}:hgn].hqc]:hiUt],hiUt],lUc]w}.' = Warm and dry,
m}:hG]:hQt];pn]' mL;m}:KUiw];KUiw];yG];yG];' tuk];hG]:hQt];pn]' = Pushy, adj., offensively assertive or forceful,
m}:Aup].Ap].' yuik];yk];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Humidness,
m}:Aup].Ap].'(m}:nL,m}:Aup].Ap].nL,)' yuik];yk];' = Humid, adj. containing water vapor, stuffy,(hot and
humid climate), humidly, adv.,
m}.'m}.pqn]:'Piun];'EK:'lUw]<' = Wood, timber, bamboo,
m}./lQk];hg};hgc]:'[lqm]lin].tc];hg};hgc]:mn];{'hg};hgc]:tL,SG],'= Groove, N. groove line, (tongue- and-grove),
m}.km].' lk];km].' Sw]km].' Sw]pgk];' pgk];mn];' = Wooden supports,
m}.kn]:tLpUm]'[m}.pUk],/Sac];pgc]:hUt];Am],yG],l}:eStum].tukuw}.'{= Bamboo with the joints close together,
m}.kaw]'[m}.tUn]:yG],mI;mgk],lqc]pQn]KUw].'mgk],kaw]'{'mgk],kaw]' = Butea frondosa, agati, flower of agati tree,
m}.kqc]:'m}.kqc]:KI:'[m}.tUim]:tgk],/m}.hqc]:An]kUn];wan]:ngk]:kU:pgk]:Kw]Aw]sQt].kUn]:epL;Pa}:lUc]yw].'{ = Stick
used to clean after evacuation of the bowels,
m}.kip]:'[KUic]:yip];Aw]lQk];/m}.pUk],/mgc]hQt];mUin]kim];cip]:tL,cip]:/kip]:Aw]eSmQw];mQw];'{ = Pincers, N. pinchers,
m}.kUc]'[m}.sic]mI;kUc]{ = Hollow timber,
m}.Ek,tgk]:'m}.Ptgk].'[m}.nUiw].kqn],mI;mgk],lUic]pQn]KUw].'Ptgk].'{ = Pterocarpus marsupium, Padouk,
m}.ka},'[m}.lqm]:yaw];ka},Pa},pun].Pa},n}.{= Beam, N. any of various relatively long pieces of wood, parts of structures,
m}.ekL,'tUn]:ekL,' = Chestnut tree,
m}.kgc]:yL:'[m}.mgc]/kic],m}.pUk],An]hQt];kan];emL:yL:'{ = Species of bamboo used for pipe stems,
m}.kgn]hgc];muc];hHiUn];'m}.kgn]'kgn]' kgn]hgc];lqm]:Siuw]:'[(ser;la};SG]kac];SiUw]/lik]:t};kw],'){ = Rafter, N.,
m}.Kt];kUn]:kUv]'[m}.Sgc]Sik]:KGa},KLEpSG],hgc];kUn]:kUv]/pQt]:'{= Cross beams to bottom of bamboo basket,
mUiw];tuik].tUc].nn].'{= Rudder, N. a vertical blade at the stern of a vessel that can chage vessel’s direction when in motion,
m}.Km].'[nc]m}.Km].lip];hQt];Pgc]/tm]Agn],eSSG],nUiw].hQt];kgn]:'{= Tree which bark is used for food,
m}.Kw]:lam]'[m}.mI;yG];lItL,mUk],Kw]:lam]{= Kind of bamboo used for cooking or roasting glutinous rice,
m}.Kam]'mak],Kam]' = Gooseberry, Emblic myrobalan, wild gooseberry,
m}.Kaw]:hUw].' Kaw]:hUw].'(pk];lk];tc]:hUw].mn]:mn]:yw].SG],m}.Kw]:hUw].)' = Fence bars, fence cross bar,
m}.KI' KI'[m}.pUk],m}.Sac];m}.mgc]Kw]Agk],mgk],epL;sgt],tc];tUn]:yw].Am],huic]etta}kGL,{' = Bamboo flowering,
m}.KBc]:Kac];' = Leafless tree,
m}.K}.'[tUn]:m}.Aqk];mG]lQk].SQm]:yaw];sgt],lgt]:'(m}.nac];lw];){tUn]:mgk],wan]f};' = Willow, N. any tree or
shrub of the genus Salix, characterized by narrow, lance-shaped leaves; poplar tree,
m}.KGat],'m}.kat],'[mUiw]:Aw]kgk];ep,/KGa};tUc]Kw]:Sn]/cL;sL.kGL,Aw]m}.kat],hG]:pQc];pak],kgk];tUc]nn].lIlI'{= Stick
used to level grains in measuring basket to being full leveled with its beam,
m}.sran];'[m}.mgk],Sgm],'pQn]m}.nUiw].kqn],mI;lgn].'{= Ironwood, N. any of various trees yielding a hard, heavy wood,
m}.slI,'m}.lUm];'kqc];hgm]t};'m}.hgm]hUit]:'[mgk],slI,'m}.mgk],slI,'{ = Cassia, N. cassia flower, cassia tree,
m}.sic]'[m}.nUiw].tn]nUiw].kqn],kU:mQw];mQw];An]Am],sG]:m}.mI;kUc]m}.pUk],m}.mgc]'{= Hardwood trees,
m}.slgm];'[KUiw];m}.mgc]lun]:lQk].nUiw].nLlIAw]hQt];m}.kgn]hUin];'{ = Small kind of bamboo,
m}.sp];Pak],'Pak],'[tUn]:An]Aw]/puic]:tUn]:lUc]tUn]:nuic]:eSpQn]tUn]:Agn],sp];w}.nn].'{' = Parasite, N.,
m}.sL<(lg})'[kuc];/lgc]:m}.sL<'{' = Mizar, N. the hill or mount of Mizar,
m}.sI:' = Thorny shrub, the fruit of which is used in dyeing for blackening teeth,
m}.sUc]lUit]:'m}.sUc]hgm]' = Gum kino tree,
m}.Sep,'Sp].epY,'[tUn]:/m}./mgk],/mak],/mG]Sp].ep,{' = Eugenia, N. Eugenia tree, leaf, or flower, etc.,
m}.Sk];' tUn]:m}.Sk];' (pqn]:m}.Sk];) = Teak, (teak wood),
m}.Sw]wL;miuw];'(m}.Sw]wL;miuw];sw]:ey,SuKrit]:)'m}.wL;miuw];' = Cross, N.: Cross of Jesus Christ,
m}.Sac];'m}.Sac];Kqm];/nam]'m}.pUk],'m}.mgc]' = Bamboo, N.,
m}.Sac];Km];'[KUiw];m}.Sac];Kqm];mI;pUik],lUic],{ = Golden bamboo, N.,
m}.SL'[An]t};Aw]nc]mn];hQt];es:SLnn].'{m}.Sam]El;' = Tai paper tree,
m}.SL;es;'SL;es;'[An]Aw]tUm]:SL;es;Kuiw],Aw]l}:mL;hQt];pQn]kgn]:hqc]:w}.nn].'{' = Cutch, N.,
m}.Sik]:hUw].' Sik]:hUw].' (hUw].Sik]:tn])' = Flat bars for a fence,(flat bar fence),
m}.SQp],nUiw].'m}.pic]:nUiw].' = Skewer, N. a long pin of wood or metal for inserting through meat in cooking,
m}.vgc],' = Peepal tree, aspen-leaves peepal,
m}.teyL,'[m}.An]Aw]nc]mn];tUm]:hQt];nm].Sa},hUw]kUn];yic];'{ = Shrub of the Grewia polygama, the
bark of which is used in preparing shampoo,
m}.tan];'m}.ka},'[KUic]:lqm]:/lun]:An]wac];yaw];ka},nUiw]lk];/Sw]Kw]w}.'(m}.tan];lk]kUw];l]){ = Crossbar, N.
a horizontal bar forming part of the goal posts, as in football and soccer,
= Hurdle, N. a portable barrier over which contestants must leap in certain running race, usually a wooden frame with a
hinged inner frame that swings down under impact to prevent injury to a runner who does not clear it,
m}.t}:'[m}.pqn]:Sik]:lQk].Kqp];mac]mac]'{ = Gangplank, N. a flat plank,
m}.ta}Pak],'[tUn]:m}.An]kic],lUc]mn];ta}hqc]:Pa},nuic]:mgk]:Kuic]:tUn]:'{ = Partially dead tree,
m}.tw].' Kgn].tw].' = Staff, cane, hiking pole and walking stick,
m}.tqk]:'m}.Tt];'[sUik]:tqk]:'Tqw]tqk]:{ = Measuring rod, stick, or pole, measuring line or tape,
m}.tuic];'m}.pw];'[m}.nUiw].kqn],tUn]:Suc]lUc]'{ = Tall hardwood, Shorea robusta,
m}.tgc];'[tUn]:m}.lUc]mI;nam]sgm];lm];sgm];kic],eSmI;mgk],lqc]hac]:lI{ = Bombax ceiba, red cotton tree,
m}.Tt];' = Ruler, a thing that rules paper or wood,
m}.T},nc]'[tUn]:m}.kqn],nG];mUic];AEm,rikpgt];hgc],mI;mG]mUin]PL,muiw];AL:nc]m}.mn];T},mG],tL,eS,'{= Plane tree, N. any
tree of the genus Platanus, the buttonwood or sycamore of North America, having palmately lobed leaves and bark that sheds,
m}.Tgk]:'m}.km].'km].Tgk]:'pam].w}.(Kgn]./KUic]:/An]-)= Prop, N. a stick, rod, pole, beam, or other rigid support,
m}.nam],SL,'[m}.nam],SL,lqc]nam],SL,PUik],{ = Incense woods, incense sticks,
m}.nac];lw];'[tUn]:m}.sQw];yG],la};yG],Kuin]:mn];n}.kic],mn];lim],yG],Kuin]:mUin]pQn]KUv],'m}.K}.'{= Poplar, N. any of the
rapidly growing, salicaceous trees of the genus Populus, usually characterized by the spirelike manner of growth of its branches,
m}.nL,tu'nm].mn];hgm]nL,tu'[mn];tUn]:m}.nL,tu'tUn]:An]Agk],sgm];lg}himel;y(himwUn],tL,)nn].{' =
Nard, N., spikenard, an aromatic Himalayan plant, or ointment,
m}.nL.'[m}.Agk],tI:m}:Aw]hQt];SIygm].El:Tqn];yc]:nc]El:hQt];nm].muik].'{ = Myrobalan, N, tropical trees of
the genus Phyllanthus, used in dyeing, tanning, and making ink,
m}.nim]' = Oak,
t]:SG],mgn]hUw]'{(kgc]t};n}.Aw]m}.niw].hQt];) = Kapok, N. kapok tree, Ceiba pentandra; ceiba,
m}.pw]:'[tUn]:lUc]nc]mI;tum],nam]mI;mgk],lUic]pQn]KUw].'{(pqn]:m}.pw]:'(Agk],25;5') = Acacia, N. acacia wood or tree,
m}.pqk],'tUn]:pqk],lUc]'[tUn]:yG],mG]mUin]lqm]:KQm]yaw];yaw];KQw]eS,eS,'pqn]:m}.pqk],'{'= Pine, N. an evergreen,
coniferous tree of the genus Pinus, having long, needle-shaped leaves; wood of pine tree,
Fir, N. tree of the genus Abies, of the pine family; the wood of such a tree, firs,
m}.pqk],hgm]'[m}.AL,rit].{ = Cedar, (1Ki 5:6),
m}.pqn]:'lqm]:m}.pqn]:' hg};Rpt];' = Plank, a long, flat piece of timber, thicker than a board.,
m}.pqn]:'[Kqp];m}.lqm]:w}.An]lItL,yip];tuiw];hQt];pUic]ekL,Sac]:{' = Timber, N. wood suitable for structural uses,
m}.pUk],' m}.mgc]' m}.Sac];' = Bamboo,
m}.pUk],mgt]:' m}.mgc]mgt]:' = Bamboo damaged by lesser auger beetle,
m}.Pc].'m}.Auiw].'m}.nw]:'[m}.An]nw]:/Auiw].eSEl:Am],kqn],mUin]m}.yw].nn].'{' = Rotten wood,
m}.Pac]'[hak]:m}.Pac]Kuiw],kin]nm].pQn]yL,tL,nUiw].lUic]{' = Rubia tinctorum, N. (folk medicine) an herb of Mars;
common madder or dyer’s madder,
m}.Puv];'[m}.tUn]:lUc]mI;mgk],yuv];yuv];yw].mI;pQn]KUw].sgm];lm];/kic],lUc]mn];'{ = Careya arborea tree,
m}.Pa};hUiw];'[m}.lam]:Pa};'lam]:Pa};Kt];hUiw];'{ = Paddle, N. an oar; rudder,
m}.mUit],'[m}.AEm,rikpgt];hgc],wn];Agk],An]Aw]nc]Tap]:nG];mn];hQt];SIlUic]ygm].'{= Quercitron, N. an oak, Quercus
velutina, of eastern North America, the inner bark of which yield a yellow dye,
m}.mgk],yac]hgm]' = Myrtle wood,
m}.mgn];) = Mulberry, N. the edible, berrylike collective fruit and of any tree of the genus Morus: mulberry tree,
m}.yUm];'[m}.An]t};k}.Aw]hQt];kp];mit]:/lap],/lqw];'{ = Cedrela toona tree,
m}.yUm];tm],mL,'[KUiw];m}.mehLknI,'{ = Neem, N. the mahogany family; also called neem tree, nim tree, margosa,
m}./lQk];hg};hgc]:' hg};hgc]:tL,Sgt],'[lin].Sgt],tc];hg};hgc]:mn];{' = Groove, N. groove line; tongue and grove,
m}.lt];kgn]'[m}.wac];yaw];ka},w}.sgm];lc]KL;muc];hUin];tL,km].m}.kgn]Kw]w}.pn]'{ = Purlin, N. a longitudinal member
in a roof frame, usually for supporting common rafters or the like between the plate and the ridge,
m}.lam]:Pa};'lam]:Pa};Kt];hUiw];' = Oar, N. a paddle,
m}.lim],'[tUn]:m}.lm];tUn]:mn];lim],mUin]sUik]:Pn]:w}.'{ = Twisted tree,
m}.lUm];'kqc];hgm]t};'m}.hgm]hUit]:'[pQn]tUn]:m}.mQw];An]mak],/mgk],Aw]hQt];yL'{ = Cassia, N. any of numerous plants,
trees, and shrubs belonging to the genus Cassia, of the legume family, several species or which yield medicinal products,
m}.lUiw],' = Sycamore tree,
m}.lgn].'lgn].'lgn].m}.'[kqn]kac]m}.sic]An]kqn],nL,nL,nn].'{ = Heartwood, solid substance of as of a tree,
m}.wqt]:'[m}.nUiw].lm]kqn],nk];lIKam],huic]kL:Kn]yG],'{= Ebony, N.adj. a hard, heavy, durable black wood; a lustrous black,
m}.hm];kuv]'[m}.kUm]mI;Pa},lc]KUic]:huk],An]hqn];KQn];m}w}.etL;'{= Warp beam, N. a roller, located at the back of loom,
m}.hm];huk],'[m}.kUm]mI;Pa},nL:KUic]:etL;kI,tL,kQn]w}.Pqn],etL;'{= Cloth roll, N. a roller, located at the front of a loom,
Varnish, N. the sap of certain trees, natural varnish; black varnish or pitch; oil varnish; natural varnish,
m}.huc];'[m}.mG]nLtUn]:lUc]Agk],mUic];Ain];tiymI;kic],tUin];kGL,eSkic],mn];Agk],hak]:m}.ygn],lUc];sU;lin]'{= Banyan,
N. also called banyan tree; bania, baniya,
m}.h};'[Pk];hI.h};'Pk];hI.vgc],/lUc]'{' = Ficus, N. any of numerous chiefly tropical tree having milky sap,
m}.hgm]hUit]:'kqc];hgm]t};'[nc]m}.kqc];hgm]'kqc];hgm]EK,'{'mn];kqc];hgm]t};' = Cassia, N. also called cassia bark;
cassia pods; cassia pulp, Chinese cinnamon,
m}.An]kL:nL,nL,' = Costly wood,
m}.eAL:'[Kqm]'tBn]:Kqm]'{(pQn]pL,m}.eAL:pL,Kqm]hBk].him];hgc]:nm].El:nG];Ka};)' = Reed, N., reeds,
m}.eAL:An]tqk],w}.' = Bruised reed,
m}<KL<' [suiw]:perL;Pqt]:Agn],'{(m}<1;1) = Micah, [a Minor Prophet, (Mic. 1:1)],
m}<KL<' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-m}<'){ = Micah, [a book of Bible,(abbr.: Mic.)],
t]<1;9'){ = Michael, the title given to one of the chief angels: archangel Michael, (Dan.10:13; Jude 1:9),
m}<rL,'[wQc];tL:hUiw];mUiw];kgn],nG];mUic];liSiy'(man],27;5'){ = Myra,[the chief man of the island of Malta],
m}<lI;tt].'[wQc];kw],mUiw]:kgn],nG];kun]AL,SYL.Agn],'(man],20;15'){ = Miletus, an ancient city in Asia Minor,
ma}'(nm],pat]:) = Number,
ma}'[An]Pn]:w}.pQn]sUik]:SQn]:lQk].Agn],tL,Aw]yQp].KUw];{ = Thread, N. twisted filaments or fibers used for sewing,
ma}'ma}w}.'(ma}nm],pat]:la}<Sqn]<mn];w}.El:')= Jot, to write or mark down quickly or briefly: jot down his license number,
ma}' hg};' hg};pQn]sum]:' = Spot, N.,
ma}' ma}SUn]' ma}h}:' tI,'(ma}yUiw]:')' = Clear: clearing grass or weeds from garden, cleared, clearing,
ma}kn]w}.'ma}w}.'ma}'Kw]:sU;kn]'hLEt,Kw]:sB;' = Engage, engaged, engaging,
ma}kn]w}.'(lgc]:-'An]-') = Engagement,
kun];'(!x@)'ma}kun];' = Multiplication, N. multiplying or state of being multiplied, multiplication symbol “x”,
ma}Kaw];tac];(lgc]:-/An]-)[wac]:Pqn]Agk],Kaw];tac];{ = Itinerary, N. adj. paln of travel; record of travel,
ma}sqk],'(X)'sqk],' = Division, N.(Arithmetic) the operation inverse to multiplication; divided by,
m}asqn],Pa}.miuw];lISut];ep.piUn]:'(Pa}.pUw],kL,tqk].sqt].) = Best Hand Win (Texas Hold’em)
ma}suiw]:w}.'(Sa}ma}sUiw].sat]:kUn];sUiw];l}:Kam],m}suiw]:w}.eKLeKL'(Aqt].S]tI,Aqn],))mgk],En' = Designate, to
mark or point out, designated,(Specially Designated Nationals List(SDN)),
ma}sgm];w}.' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Profile,
ma}SQc]'[la};tqm]:ma}SQc]lik]:t};mI;hUk];An]'(-'-,'-:'-;'-.'-<'){ = Tone symbol,
ma}SQc]lc]'[nm],pat]:/tI,krI,Suc]tqm],SQc]nn].El:tac],huiw]eKYL.ekL:l}:{ = Volume, N. loudness,
ma}SQc]hqc];' [&{ = Exclamation Mark, {!}
ma}SUn]'ma}yUiw]:' = Clear weeds from garden,
ma}Sg}.pp].'Sg}.Puin]lik]:'[pp]./Puin]lik]:yQp].sp];kn]w}.pQn]tg};/KUiw];k}.pQn]tL,1pI<1tg};'{ = Volume, N.,
ma}tt];EP'[' & " ? / ! @ () * sL.kGL,sUiw];nn].{' = Punctuation, punctuation marks,
Resentment, N. grudge; rancor: At this, their resentment against him subsided.,
ma}etL;SKm]sG]w}.Am],emLep,' = Resentful, adj. full of or marked by resentment,
ma}tUik]:hp].lik]:'[ma}tUik]:tI:kUn];mUic];SUc]/hp].lik]:{ = Postbox or Mailbox number,
ma}tgc];' ma}tgc];w}.' tgc];ma}w}.' = Note, take note; to record, noted, noting,
ma}tgc];w}.km];epL.mn];Am],man],' = Incorrect score recorded, (golf rules 6-6)
ma}Tibw]tBv];hn]' = Identify, to represent to be or regard as the same, identified, identifying,
ma}Tuiw]tUv];hn]eSham]:SI;w}.lgc]:lgk],cLhLhQt];eP;SG],' = Identify and interdict threats,
ma}Tgn]'[pQn]Pac]hac]:!-@An]yip];sG].tuiw];nG];pa};np].'{ = Negative, N.(Mathematics) a minus sign,
ma}nm],pat]:Kqp];kqt].tlgk].kgn]krqt].S]hUc];tUv];lik]:' = Library of Congress Catalog Card
lum];yU<Aqt].S]sIAa}<Aqt].S]Kw]ekL.ma}tL,mUiw]:tac],ygn];krin];Kat].nn].'{' = A-number,
ma}niuc]:'Tinibc]:'ekL.tn];Agn]tac];piBn]:'km];Agn]tac];Sbt];' = First,
ma}pgc];'(+)'pgc];' = Plus, N. adj. added to; addition, plus sign symbol “+”,
ma}fUn];cw]:suic]:tI,Aqm]wI,' = DMV Call Centers,
ma}mn]:pn]' = Authenticate, confirm,
ma}min],hU'[ma}tqk],lqc];EnAn]ma}w}.tI:min],hUSt];tL,EnwL:St];tUw]nn].pQn]St];PG]pUic],n}nn].'{' =
Earmark, N. a mark of identification made on the ear of an animal to show ownership,
ma}mI:' piUc]' piUc]mI:' = Rules, Regulation
ma}mI:' ma}mI:pibn].Kam],' pibn].piBc]tac];hQt];' = Principle,
ma}mI:kBn];'[ma}mI:/Tuc];sam],sUiw];An]kUn];hQt];w}.wL:kUn];hw];lUw],l}:sgm];nn].'{ = Human rules,
Hearsay rule,(Law.) N. the rule making hearsay evidence inadmissible,
ma}mI:sL,timn];' = Rule of descent,
ma}mI:Sak]:eS,PrUw];' = Parol evidence rule, (Contract),
ma}mI:tac];' = Rules of the road,
ma}mI:etL,kgp].f]' = Golf Rules,
tI:hUc];SUc],lik]:yw].nn].'n}" ma}mI:n}.mI;eKL:wQn].w}.mn];nm]nL,') = Mailbox Rule, -A rule that holds that an
acceptance is legally valid at the time that it is posted; this rule is subject to several exceptions.,
ma}mI:pibn].Kam],' = Principle,
ma}mI:puin].Kam],mI;Sun],l}:Aik],pun]:Pgn];hp].tgp],' = Principles of rights and responsibilities,
ma}mI:piun].Kam],El:tc];km]kYac].hQt];sgm];' = Principles and practices,
ma}mI:piun].Kam],lgc]:Agn]hBw]' ma}mI:puin].Kam],tac];nm];Agn]' = Leadership principles,
ma}mI:piun].Kam],wan],siUw].mn];eSpat],pit];Aw]' = Principle of sowing and reaping,
ma}mI:piun].Kam],An]kUn];tc];la}hp].kU:ekL.' = Universal principles,
ma}mI:lQw]kn]sgt],tBw]:' = Uniform Rule,
ma}mI:la};kum];Tic];lgc]:kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],' = Rules of maintaining a relationship,
ma}mI:la};pQn]kBn];sibc]:miBc];piBc]lQw]kn]' = Uniform Rule of Naturalization,
ma}mI:la};pUic]Kp].tam];' = Rules of Order,
ac];lItI:An]wL:ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];nn].El:Sc]An]tac],ygn];yG],ygn];lUc]mL;nUiw]mn];nn].El:Sc]yU,yw]."{' =
Holder in Due Course Rule,(Contract), Under this rule, when a person acquires the instrument in good faith, he or she
takes titles free and clear of any defects or outstanding claims on it.,
ma}mUin]'(!=@)[hQt];hG]:mUin]kn]'hqc];kGL,hqc];mL;mUin]kn]'(ma}mUin]pa};Pa},Kqm];mi)n}ekL:wL:){= Equation, N. equalization;
equilibrium; also called chemical equation,
ma}yUiw]:'ma}SUn]' = Clear weeds from garden,
ma}hUin];'[nm],pat]:hUin];SG],pL;sgm];mUiw];tqm]:hQc];lik]:'{= House number, apartment or unit number with address,
ma}wn];tqm]:ma}tac],Puin]'(Kt];-wn];Sut];SQc]:')' = Registration date, (ant: expiration date),
ma}w}.'ma}'[tqm]:w}.pgt];pgt];'ma}w}.w};w};'{(ma}nm],pat]:la}<Sqn]<mn];w}.El:') Jot, to write or mark quickly: Jot down his
license number, jotted, jotting, =
ma}w}.' ma}w}.pn]' Kqn],' Kqn],w}.' = Mark, marked, marking,
ma}w}.pn]' ma}w}.El:' = Mark out, marked out,
ma}w}.pn]Suiw]:nL:tG]:tLhw];' = Set before us, marked out for us, (the race that set before us),
ma}w}.hUw]hup]:piun];pQn]' = Chronicle, to record in or as in a chronicle, chronicled, chronicling,
ma}hUiw];min]' = Flight Number,
ma}hg};mn];w}.'(la};ma}hg};JSL,Sgn]Pit];Kw]w}.')'hg};pQn]sum]:'pQn]sum]:pQn]sum]:w}.' = Spot, marked with spot
or spots: how to spot false teachers, spotted, spotting,
Book, record; register: We booked a table at our favorite restaurant, booked, booking,
ma}Aw]w}.'ma}Suiw].w}.'[kqm];w}.luk];ngn];tI:hUc];Sw];'{= Book, to reserve or make a reservation for (a horel room,
passage on a ship, etc., booked, booking,
ma},'[Auv]/nQk];sp];elL;Pa}ngk]:mn];(Aw]/AI,esL.hqc]:ma},pn]:Kw]:nQw]n}.Qn]!Kw]ma},kUiw]/AI,esL.@'{= Put upon,
ma};kn]'lUim],l}'[mqp];him];Pqn],Sgn].kn]'Aw]KL:muc];Kp]./Tap]:kn]'{ = Fold over, fold over fabric edges; overlap,
10;17'luk].9:13'){ciun];ma};n' = Mina, N. an ancient unit of weight and value equal to about 50 shekels (the sixtieth
part of a talent), minas,
t]<1;9'){ = Michael, the title given to one of the chief angels: archangel Michael, (Dan.10:13; Jude 1:9),
emL'emLvan],'[mI;tac];hU.tac];hn]emLhQt];eSsUiw].eSpUic]{' = Know-how, N.: knowledge of how to do something,
emLkum];Tic];tBw]sG]sw]:kw],'[emLTic];tUw]sG]sw]:kw],'{(lgc]:-)= Self-control, N., self-controlled,
emLkUw]ym]'[hG]:mI;sG]emLkUw]{'(!yL,w}.hUw]sG]Pqn]Suc]'hG]:emLkUw]ym]tL."@(rUw];11;20)' = Tremble, fear, be
afraid; stand in awe: “Do not be arrogant, but tremble.”(Ro.11:20),
emLkUw]ym]JPL;sw]:' = Awe, godly fear, awed, awing,
emLkUw]ym]JPL;sw]:' Aam];Et.Aam];wL:'(An]-)' = Awe, N.,
Aam];Et.Aam];wL:' = Awe, awed awing,
emLekL,mak],hin]' kUn];ekL,hin]' = Mason, a person skilled in building with stone,
emLekYL,emLSUiw];nL,' lIekYL,lISUiw];nL,' = So fun,
emLekYL;'ekYL;'[An]Aan];ekYL;'kw];lqn]'eKYL;kin]'hG]:l}:Kam],tQk];tQc]w}.'{' = Seductive, adj. tending to
seduce; beguiling; captivating: a seductive smile, seductively, adv., seductiveness, N.,
emLkGam];' kUn];hgc].kGam];' kBn];hQt];kGam];' = Singer, vocalist,
emLKw]:Agk],sm]sG]kn]tc];ekL.mL;puic]:' = Client rapport,
emLKqk];tUw]lik]:Kqk];hac]:'kUn];Kqk];tUw]lik]:Kqk];hac]:' = Engraver, N.,
emLKqk];hQt];'[Kqk];m}./mak],hin]hQt];Pac]hac]:/tUw]lik]:'sL.kGL,{'emLKqk];hac]:'= Sculptor, N., woodcarver,
emLKiun];tgp],Kqm].nL,'(!pUiw]:emLKiun];tgp],Kqm].nL,El:'mG];kGL,l}:yw]."…"@(mak].7;29')'= Such a reply: “ For
such a reply, you may go;…”,
emLKUic]:miuw];' KUic]:emLmiuw];' = Craft, skill; dexterity,( The silversmith worked with great craft), crafty,
emLKUic]:muiw];Kqn],'(An]emLKUic]:muiw];Kqn],Kw]hQt];'(ehL;27;15')' = Skilled hands, the hands of the craftsman,
emLsak]:'Tqk].nI;SYin];'[ekL.Piuk];Sgn]w}.eSmI;nm].kt].la};Tqk].enL;emL,van],la}mQw];'{= Technician, N.,
emLsak]:'[Pa},/pa};Aqn]kYin],nYI;yL<mI;nm].kt].emLhQt];/yip];/Em;sak]:la}mQw];nn].{= Engineering, N. engineer,
emLsQn]:'[ekL.yip];sak]:lQt]<eSKQn],hac]:KUic]:/ePL,puc]pn]'{= Turner, N. who fashions or shapes object on a lathe,
emLsBm];ygc]:eyL;' = Gratitude, thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness,
emLsgm];JPL;'sgm];la};tac];JPL;'(Kt];-Am],sgm];JPL;)' = Godly, adj., godlier, godliest, (ant: ungodly)
emLSgn]'KB;Sgn] = Teacher, tutor, professor
emLSgn]sqt]:sqt]:ekL.yum],mat]:TUik]:lum];lum];'(1Tim];2;7') = True and faithful teacher,
emLSgn]pa};pk];pUic]' = Teacher of the law,
emLtK};'(sa};) = Mordecai, [Esther’s cousin,(Es 2)],
emLterL;'kUn];emLTUw];terL;' = Violinist, N.,
Seer, N. a person who prophesies future events; prophet; a person who is reputed to have special powers of divination,
emLtk].kL,lL;' = Divination, N.,
emLtic],tum]:'[kUn];lQt];tic],/tg},tic],tum]:{ = Harpist, N. a person who play the harp, harpists,
emLtin]emLmuiw];' = Handicraft,
emLtqk]:tqm]:hac];tm];piBc]'(Pa},-/) = Architectural, adj., architect, N.,
emLtqm]:hQt];hac]:'emL'(tac];/lgc]:-/An]-)'(tac];emLtqm]:hQt];hac]:w}.') = Art, N. fine arts: artwork,
emLtqm]:hQt];hac]:'(kUn];/ekL.-')(hg};muiw];emLhQt];KQn],hac]:KUic]:) = Artist, N. a person who practices one of the
fine arts; whose trade or profession requires a knowledge of design, drawing, painting, etc., artistic, adj.: artistic designs,
emLtUv];la};muiw];'tUv];la};muiw];'[emLtUv];la};PL,muiw];kUn];ekL.nuic]:eSehL;ep,tac],kL,lL;'{= Palmistry, N.
the art or practice of telling fortunes and interpreting character from the lines and configurations of a person’s hand,
emLtuic]:tgc]:lit];' kUn];emLtuic]:tgc]:lit];' = Piper, N.(Music),
emLeJtL;'terL;'eJtL;'(emLeJtL;Sa}Kat],emLkGam];SQc]hap],Am],lITgm],)'= Violin, N. a violinist, violist, N.,
emLpL'tm],cL:'tm],cL:hLpL'kBn];hLpL'(hLpL'mQt];pL)' = Fisherman, (fishing), fishermen,
emLpqt].emLlqn]'sac]:pqt].sac]:lqn]'pqt].pqt].lqn]lqn]' = Deceptive, adj.: Charm is deceptive,
emLep,tac],kL,lL;'kUn];KL<ltiy' = Chaldeans, N.,
emLpa};mgn];'[emLsa};cam];/tg},KUic]:h},tuic]:'/hgc].kGam];/kL:{(emLpa};mgn];Pa},kL:) = Artist, N. a person who works in
one of the performing arts, as an actor, musician, dancer or singer; a public performer: an artist of the dance,
emLpYak]:'pYak]:'[pYak]:hG]:piUn]:hun].hun].KUw]KUw]'{= Comedy, N. joking; funniness; any comic or humorous incident,
emLpgc];ePL,pUin]:'[sac]:emLKw]:Agk],pUin]:'{ = Companionable, adj. N. sociable,
emLPan],SGac];hQt];pQn]'(van],)' = Creativity,
emLPan],SGac];hQt];pQn]'(hqc];AL,nL,eKL:kGam];emLPan],SGac];hQt];pQn]') = Creativitive, (the creative
power of words,),
emLPam];tL' emLPIPam];tL' = Magician,
emLPI'[An]kUiw];lIPI'emLPIPam];tL'{= Spiritist, N. wizard, spiritistim, N. the doctrine or practices of spiritualism,
n];ta}Am],nn]ekL:kp];San]ka},Suip],kUn];ta}Kw]eSemLtk].w}.lgc]:mUiw];nL:n}nn].'{ = Necromancer, N. a
person who uses witchcraft or sorcery, especially to reanimate dead people or to foretell the future by communicating with them;
who consults the dead, necromancy, N.,
emLPUiw].PIemL,'PiBw].PIemL,'[Em:PUiw].{'emLPI' = Sorcerer, N. sorceress, black magician, a wizard,
emLPiUw].PIemL,'emLPam];tL'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Sorceries, magic,
emLmip],'[kUn];sa};emLmip],/emLnUt]:AQn]'{= Masseur,N. a man who provides massage as a profession or occupation,
emLmip],yic];'[nac];yic];ekL.hQt];kan]emLmit],/emLnUt]:AQn]'{ = Masseuse, N,
emLmI;luk]:'(luk].tI:pQn]Em:yic];mn]eSpQn]mL;Em:emLmI;luk]:') = Fertile, adj. bearing or capable of bearing
offspring: from barren to fertile,
Amiable, adj. friendly; sociable: an amiable gathering, amiably, adv.,
emLmiuw];' lak]:SmL;' = Carpenter,
emLyL'tgk],tL,' = Physician, N. doctor of medicine, doctor,
emLyL'[ekL.Kw]:sum];yL:yLSuik];'KU;emLyL/emLsam];Puik];yL'luk]:hQn];Pa},emLyL'{ = Medic, N. a member of
a military medical corps; a doctor or intern; a medical student,
a}mQw];pn]kUn];pQn]ekL.nuic]:km];Suiw]:nn].'{ = Primary Care Physician, a physician (MD. - Medical Doctor or D.O.
– Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) who directly provides or coordinates a range of health care services for a patient. PCP,
S](KU;emLyLlUc])n}yw].Sc]wL:mn];sm]pQn]lUw],nL,nn].'{' = Primary care, N. medical care by a physician, or
other health-care professional, who is the patient’s first contact with the health-care system and who may recommend a specialist
if necessary,
ta};Tuic]l}:tac];hp].sG].sg}:Pa},pa};yU,lIla}la}mQw];nn]."{ = Primary Care Provider, a physician (MD. -
Medical Doctor or D.O. – Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist or physician assistant, as
allowed under state law, who provides or coordinates or helps a patient access a range of health care services,
eKLeKLw}.tc];nm]yw].nn]."{'KU;emLyLlUc]'pL,rkU,' = Specialist, N. A physician specialist focuses on a
specific area of medicine or a group of patients to diagnose, manage, prevent or treat certain types of symptoms and conditions.
Anon-physician specialist is a provider who has more training in a specific area of health care,
emLyLSt];' = Vet, N. veterinarian,
emLyLtL'emLyLhU' = Eye-specialist, eye doctor, ear doctor or specialist,
emLyLPa},KQw]:'emLEm;Kqw]:' = Dentist, N.,
emLyLlup],yLAQn]' = Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine,
emLyLlUc]'[emLyLekL.nam];/Agn]hUw]hUc];yL'KU;emLyLlUc]'{ = Medical dierctor, N. a physician who provides
guidance and leadership on the use of medicine in a healthcare organization, hospital department, clinical teaching services, etc.,
kL.tUv];pn]/hUm]:hgm];hQt];pn]nn]."{ = Physician Services, health care services a licensed medical physician
(MD. - Medical Doctor or D.O. – Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) provides or coordinates,
emLyip];emLygp];'[ekL.AkYac].Am],lI/sac]:pqt].{ = Craft, N. skill or ability used for bad purposes; cunning; deceit,
emLyip];emLygp];'sac]:pqt].'[AkYac].Am],lI{ = Craftiness, N.,
emLyip];emLygp];'sac]:pqt].'[AkYac].Am],lI{ = Crafty, adj. deceitful, wily; sly, craftier, craftiest,
emLyU,emLtUc].kt].' (hqc];suik];hw];emLyU,emLtUc].kt].kGL,l}:Kaw];yaw];)' = Viability, (long-term viability of
our force),
emLyUic];pk];sp];w}.'yiBc];pk];sp];' Aw]sG]pk];sp];' = Focus, focused, focusing,
emLlat]:nL,'emLAbp],emLlat]:'lgc]:/tac];emLAup],emLlat]:'= Eloquent, adj., eloquence, N.,
emLlat]:Pat]:tqk]:Aw]'(lgc]:-/An]-)[wic],kwUk].tiAlic],kL,{ = Oratory, N. rhetoric,
emLlat]:emLsL'[lqt];lk];lqm]emLlat]:/hQt];hG]:Ew:lgt]:lgc]:etl}:Kt];kn]'{ = Tact, N. a keen sense of
what to say or do to avoid giving offense, tactful, adj., tactfully, adv.,
Literate, adj. N. able to read and write,(ant: illiterate)
emLlic].emLEl,'lic].lim],ES:'[tac];hQt];epL;nL,eSluk]:Agn],{ = Trick, N., deception, a mean or
childish action, tricks,
emLwUn].Tt];lI'(ekL.emLwUn].Tt];lI)' = Sound judgment: a man of sound judgment,
emLwUn].hn]TL:'(ekL.Pak]:kn]An]emLwUn].hn]TL:)' = Prospective, adj. potential: prospective partner,
emLhp].Kam],Kqk],'(lUw],emLhp].Kam],Kqk],etL,kUn];pqk],nL:) = Show hospitality: to show hospitality to strangers,
emLhQt];lqt];sgm];' = Maneuverability,
emLhU;lL;'emLep,tac],kL,lL;'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Augury, N. an omen, or token, augur,
emLhU.mI;mL;'(hQt];hG]:emLhU.mI;mL;sG]lIyuin]:yuin]:mqc],mqc],TUn]:Et.yw]."(2ekL;8;2') = Well up in, adv.
knowledgeable about: welled up in rich generosity,
emLh},tuic]:'kUn];emLh},tuic]:' = Musician, N.,
emLAbp],emLlat]:'emLlat]:emLsL' = Eloquent
emLAa}' Aa}' = Shy, shied, shying,
emLAa}' Aa}' AL;nL,' Am],ht];' = Shy, adj. N. hesitant, reluctant, timid, shier, shiest,
emL,'nm].emL,'emL,nm].'nm].Agk],hU;' = Well, N. a hole drilled to obtain water, spring water,
emL,kUiw]'[nm].emL,sQm];kUiw]El:mUiw]:kgn],Aw]nm].nn].tac]kUiw]kin]{'nm].puc],' = Salt spring,
emL,Kut];Km];lUc];pQn]luk];lUc]' = Open-pit gold mining,
emL,Km];'[tI:Kut];Km];'emL,tI:Agk],Km];'{ = Gold mine, N. a mine yielding gold,
emL,Kut];sUc]Kw]:piun].hin]kGL,' = Underground mining,
emL,cuin];'[tI:Kut];cuin];'emL,tI:Agk],cuin];'{ = Silver mine,
emL,suin];'[tI:Kut];suin];'emL,tI:Agk],lQk];suin];'{ = Lead mine,
emL,SkUw]<'(wQc];cw]:miUc];) = Moscow,
emL,Sqc]'[tI:Kut];Sqc]sic],/Sqc];lqc]/Sqc]Sgm],'sL.kGL,'{= Mine of gemstones or precious stones,
emL,tL,KUic],sQt].man],' = Windshield Wiper Motor,
emL,tL,Pk];tUkL;' = Window Motor,
emL,etL,S},Ek,' lUt].KiUc]:' = Motorcycle,
emL,tgc];'[tI:Kut];tgc];'emL,tI:Agk],tgc];lUic]tgc];lqc]'{ = Copper mine,
emL,TL,' kgc]:emL,TL,' = Mortar,
emL,nm].mn];mQn]'[emLtI:Kut];/Am],nm].mn];mQn]'{ = Oil well, N. a well that yields or has yield oil,
emL,nm].ASak]:Pw'(Kiun];21;6')' = Spring of the water of life, (Rev. 21:6,NIV)
emL,nm].Agk],hU;luik].luik].lUc]tc];la}'(cw]:7;11') = Springs of the great deep,
emL,lTL,'[kun]nG];nm].pac],la}mqt],tITUw],er;niyqn];'(man],28;1'){ = Malta,[an island in the Mediterranean],
emL,lQk];'[tI:Kut];lQk];/lQk];PUik],/hQk],'sL.kGL,'{ = Iron mine,
emL,er;'[Agc]:tI:Sgc]tI:nG];kYam];kw],{(cw]:12;6'Kun]7;8')= Moreh, the name of two places in the Old Testament,
Moreh, the site of a terebinth or Oak tree near Shechem where Abraham built an altar,
(eyL;7;5') = Quarry, N. an excavation or pit: as far as the stone quarries (as far as Shebarim),
emL,hin]Eh:' = Mine, an excavation made in the earth for the purpose of extracting ores, coal, precious stones, etc.,
emL:' = Pot,
emL:kUn]:Sgc];'[emL:kUn]:Sgc];luik].tL,tUm]:/huc]/esL;'{ = Saucepan, N. a metal container of moderate depth,
emL:Kw]:'emL:huc]Kw]:'[emL:f};fL.tL,huc]Kw]:'{ = Rice pot, Rice Cooker,
emL:Kac]'emL:KUw]:'[emL:pak],kGac]:eStuin]:tL,SG],nm].mn];KUw]:Pk];/Kw]:/tac];kin]'emL:Sqc]:'{' = Pan, N. a
broad, shallow metallic pot, frying pan,
emL:Kac]lUc]'[emL:tL,KUw]:Pk];/Kw]:/tac];kin]'{'emL:tL,' = Wok, N. a large bowl-shaped pan,
emL:cra};'[tI:kUn];ta}yU,'pL,hQw]:'cra};/mrL,n'{(tUk];emLcra};lip];'(SL,55;15') = Sheol, N. the realm, place or
world of the dead; grave; hell: go down alive to the realm or the dead, hell, or Sheol; the grave swallow them alive,
emL:cg};'kgk];cg};'[emL:mI;wqw],SUp];cg};pL;tI:yip];eSpQn]tL,SG],nm].huiw]:nn].'{ = Pitcher, N.,
emL:tgc];'[emL:An]Aw]tgc];hQt];w}.'{ = Copper pot, bronze pot,
emL:nuic]:'[emL:An]Aw]Aa}nm].PUt].eShuc]Kw]:/Pk];/tac];kin]'{ = Steam pot,
emL:mw]:m}:'[An]sqt]:Tt];sam];haw]:kYam];lUiw]sG]nL,nn].{ = Crucible, N. a severe , searching test or trial,
emL:mgk],'mgk],emL:nm].'[emL:/Aum]lin]/man],/Pan],tL,SG],mgk],kan]:mn];nm].'{ = Vase, N., flower pot,
pQn]mQw];Aw]sG].yip];tuiw];mUiw]:lut],yL:lqc]/yL:lm]'emL:yL:nm].'emLyL:cgk];'emL:yL:tuv];'sL.kGL,'{ = Pipe, N. a tube
of wood, clay, hard rubber, or other material, with a small bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco, opium, etc.,
emL:lin]'[emL:An]Aw]lin]nQw];hQt];w}.'{ = Earthen pot, N. pot,
emL:lQk];'emL:tan],'[emL:An]Aw]lQk];hQt];w}.'{ = Iron pot, N.,
emL:hgm];'[emL:tL,yip];tuiw];mUiw]:ygm].SIPqn],/m}/SUiw]:KUw];'{ = Dyeing pot,
emL:Aac],lin]'kan]hQt];emL:'tI:hQt];emL:' = Pottery, N. ceramic ware; the business os a potter; a place
where vessels are made,
emL:Aqc],'emL:Aum]lUc]'[emL:/Aac],/Aum]lin]tL,SG],nm].'{ = Glazed pot, N. glazed pottery,
emL;' hgc].emL;' hgc].huit];' huit];' = Yelling,
emL;pn];'SQc]emL;'SQc]emL;Em;' = Noise, N.,
emL;nL,'emL;pn];'emL;epL;AUn]lUc]w}.'AUn]emL;'emL;Em;' = Noisy, adj. loud, nosier, noisiest,
w}.) = Rattle, to cause a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds: The windows rattled in their frames,
emL;cqm];cqm];cqm];cqm];'[kGam];nm]'{(mn];emL;cqm];cqm];cqm];cqm];lgc]:tac];pQn]mn];nn].epL;huic]nuic]:sUw]:mgc];') =
Rattle, chatter: He rattled on for an hour about his ailments,
emL;Ec;Ec;'h}:Ec;Ec;' Kac];Ec;Ec;' = Infant fussing, infants cry and fuss,
emL;SQc]'nm].mut];/mgt];Agk].hU;'nm].PUt].'nm].pun];pUk],' = Bubble, bubbled, bubbling,
emL;SQc]mL;eSL;eSL;lgm].hgp]:him];mG];miBn]nm].hgc]:An]l}yB,'= Bubbling out of you like rivers
of living water,
emL;eSL.eSL.ES.ES.'[SQc]emL;Em;{(nm].l}nUiw]mak],Kw]SQc]emL;eSL.eSL.ES.ES.) = Prattle, N. a
babbling sound; babble: the prattle of water rushing over stones,
emL;tit];tit];/tat];tat];'[nQk];hgn];/pg},hgn];emL;tit];tit];{ = Beep, beeped, beeping,
emL;tuit]:tuit]:tat]:tat]:' tuit]:tuit]:' = Low and heavy indistinct sound,
emL;pan];Pit];kn]' = Brawl, a noisy quarrel or fight, a bubbling or roaring noise, brawled, brawling,
emL;pan];Pit];kn]'(mw];lw]:emL;pan];Pit];kn])' = Brawl, N., a noisy quarrel or fight: drunken brawl,
;'emL;AUt].AUt].' = Murmur, murmuring,
emL;Em;'ABn]Aan]SBn]San]' = Lousy,
emL;r};y'(lg})[emL;ri{ = Moriah,a mountainous region where Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac (Gen 22:3;2Chr3:1),
emL;liBw]kat],kibn];kBn];' = Tumult
emL;wI;wI;/wU;wU;'SQc]emL;wI;wI;/wU;wU;' = Hum, hummed, humming, hum, N.,
emL;hBn]:' = Resonate
emL;Auin];Auin];/wU;wU;'San]Jtiot]:'lk].El,Sm].suiw]:pUin]:' = Buzz, buzzed, buzzing,
mn];emL.'(PG]hU.lL,emL.mUiw]:lG]sc],mUiw]:nn].kGL:) = Imperative affix, used in showing disappointment,
emL."eh;&"eA.&"(Pk];esL;wan]nL,eh;&'(sa};Agn],n}.Auv]./Aut].lIhk].nL,eA.&"(sG]:Et.emL.")= Suffix
used in a statement sentence that someone is charming, pleasing, amusing, etc., means it’s so
nice or bad: Stewed mustard soup is so delicious; this corpulent boy is so lovely; Yeah, it was so,
= Suffix used in a statement sentence that someone is boring, disagreeable, mean, nasty, etc.: Not
me; No, not like that; he supposed not to do that; a nasty habit,
emL<kit]<km];Agn]tac];' = First Mortgage,
emL<kit]<k}.SU:pQn]' = Conventional Mortgage,
w].'ekL.Ka}n}.Aw]Kiun];ciun];mn];km];Ait];Ait];sgm];nc],sUw]:yam];tL,pn]kL:emL<kit]<nn].') = Vendor Take-Back
Mortgage, also known as seller financing,
emL<kit]<Kn]KI:ciun];tUw];piUc]ta}' = Fixed-rate Mortgage,
emL<kit]<EK,kL:mn];Kp].y}sgm];'(kYI<pI,Aqm]<) = Graduated Payment Mortgage,(GPM)
Graduated Payment Adjustable Rate Mortgage,(GPARM) =
nn].Ka}ygn].mn];lut]:nn].El:ygn].pQn]hiUn];Kam]nI:nn].') = Mortgage,
emL<kit]<Sibw].' = Mortgage,
emL<kit]<Siuw].lUv]:TUc]pL;mw]'(emL<kit]<Siuw].pn]sgm];liUn]' Puv].Kiun];lg};lg};Aik],pL;la};EK,kL:emL;kit]<
Siuw].TUc]pL;mw]nn].tgn]:niuc]:sw].sw].') = Balloon Mortgage,
emL<kit]<Sgn].' = Second Mortgage (A mortgage that has a lien position that is subordinate to the
first mortgage (see also Junior Mortgage )
emL<kit]<tam];sn].' = Junior Mortgage
tUw];kUv];Am],p},nuk]:nG];Alac];mn];Sc]n}nn].') = Term Mortgage,
emL<kit]<pun]:ESYyL<l}:sUm];sgm];'(Aqt].S]eA,Aqm]<) = Shared Appreciation Mortgage
(SAM) A type of mortgage loan in which the lender shares with the borrower-owner in the differential between sale price and
purchase price (appreciation) at the time the property is sold. In return the lender charges a lower interest rate.
Wraparound Mortgage, In general, a third party lender refinances the property by assuming the existing mortgage, and its
debt service, and “wraps around” a new, junior mortgage.
emL<kit]<piut],pac],RpL.' = Open-End Mortgage,
emL<kit]<piut],PiUv]' = Open Mortgage,(which allows pre-payment of the principal at any time and in any amount,)
emL<kit]<PiUw],w}.ciun];TiUk]:l}:TiUk]:pn]'(JAL<eAAqm]<) = Reserve Annuity Mortgage (RAM)
emL<kit]<Em;cUp].ciKn]KI:ciun];tUw];l}:'(eA,JAL<Aqm]<) = Adjustable-rate Mortgage (ARM)
emL<kit]<yac]:Sgc]tgn]:' = Two-Step Mortgage (An adjustable rate mortgage that provides for one interest
rate for the first five or seven years of the mortgage term and a different interest rate for the remainder of the mortgage term.)
emL<kit]<yLhG]:lIKiun];' = Rehabilitation Mortgage,(created to cover the costs of repairing, improving)
Interest-In-Advance Mortgage (interest covers the period between the 1st and last day of that month,) =
miUn]nc],Aw]EK,kL:mn];pgt];niuc]:tgn]:niuc]:nn].') = Purchase Money Mortgage,
emL<kit]<ehL,lUc]' = Package Mortgage,
epL;yU,nn].') = Residential Home Mortgage,
emL<kit]<An]sac]:put]:Aw]pun]:Pgn];' = Assumable Mortgage, -that allows a new homebuyer to
take over obligation of making loan payment with no change in the terms of the loan,
muik];' (Kt];-hqc]:)' = Moist, adj., moistly, adv, (ant: dry),
muik];nL,' muik];pun].tI:nL,' = Moister, moistest,
muik];nL,' (Kt];-Am],muik];')' = Moistful, (ant: moistless),
muik];muik];w}.'[nm].yam];w}.Ait];Ait];'muik];'{ = Damp, adj. N. slightly wet; moist,
muik].'nm].muik].'[nm].muin]:/AUn]yac]mI;SItL,Aw]tqm]:/kU;Tut],lik]:{ = Ink, N. a fluid or viscous substance used for
writing or printing,
miuc]'[yL,kiut];miuc]yU,sgm];mL;El:'{'miUn],' = Mope, mopped, to be gloomy or dejected, be lost,
muic].'kum],muic].'[mgc];pG].epL;Am],yU,Am],Sw];l}:'{ = Hanker, to have a restless longing; hankering for,
muic].'muic].hQt];kan]'[muic].hQt];lUw],hQt];/kan]luim].hG];yw].'{ = Hanker down, get to work; hankering,
muic].tac];ekYL,' An]KG]:muic].tac];ekYL,'(tL,muic].tac];ekYL,mn];/Kw]kUv];)' = Appetite, A desire or
liking for something; fondness: their own appetites, appetites,
muic].tac];ekYL,sw]:kw],'(tL,muic].tac];ekYL,Kw]kUv];)' = Own appetites: their own appetites,
miut]:' miut]:kiuw];lIetL,' lImiut]:' lImuit]:lIkuiw];' = Friendly, adj. adv. affable; cordial,
muit]:'hLmuit]:kn]'hLhQt];ekL.kn]'[KG]:muit]:kn]{' = Friend, to befriend, friended, friending,
muit]:'muit]:nL:muit]:tL'tgn].hn]sgm];'(Kt];-nL:mG],tLmG],'Am],tgn].yam]:hn]) = Familiar, adj. wellacquainted; familiar with, (ant: unacquainted)
mibt]:kibw];kn]'la};hQt];ekL.mibt]:kibw];kn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Friendships
muit]:kuiw];sm]sG]'(muit]:kiuw];sm]sG]eShUm]sUm];hp].tgn]:)(muit]:kuiw];sm]sG]kn]eStUc].tk].SUmL;) = Warm, adj.
cordial or hearty: a warm welcome; greet you warmly, warmly, adv.,
miut]:kiuw];lIetL,'lImiut]:'miut]:' = Friendly,
muit]:kuiw];hk].hgm]kn]' = Fraternity,
miut]:Siup],kn]' Siup],miut]:pn]' = Introduce, introduce to, introduced, introducing,
muit]:Suip],kn]tI:kqp]:mn];' Suip],muit]:pn]tI:kqp]:mn];' = Brief introduction,
mibt]:Sibp],pn]eKL:Sc],Sgn]nn].tI:nUiw]lg}' = Introduction to the sermon on the mount,
mibt]:Sibp],lgc]:pk];piBc]tc];la}' = Introduction to laws,
muit]:nL:muit]:tLlI'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Familiarity, N.,
muit]:muit]:kuiw];kuiw];' = Cordial, adj., cordially, adv. friendly, warm: a cordial reception,
muit]:muit]:kuiw];kuit];sUm];Kam],Kqk],' = Cordial reception,
mibt]:yB,SL,sgm];sG]' kYOik]:sG]mibt]:yB,SL,sgm];' = Comfortable with, comfortable,
muit]:yU,muit]:Sw];w}.'(hG]:epL;muit]:yU,muit]:Sw];tI:kt];w}.)' = Accustom to, accustomed,
muit]:hUmL;lg};lg};' yam]:yin];nL,' = Become used to hearing,
mibt];'mUw];'cbip];mibt];mBw];tn]lImgc]sG]' cibp];'Sw]:' = Gloomy, adj., gloomier, gloomiest,
mibt];'Sw]:'mBw];'lIcin];Pan]nL,'cbip];mibt];mBw];tn]lImgc]sG]'cibp];'(lgc]:-)' = Gloom, N. dusk,
mibt];'Sw]:'mBw];'lIcin];Pan]nL,'cbip];mibt];mBw];tn]lImgc]sG]'cibp];' = Gloom, gloomed, glooming,
mibt];mBw];Am],pibt],pac],' = Vaguely,
nL;tQc]hG]:muit].muit].yL,hG]:hUw]:')= Fixing a leaking pond or dam,
mibn]Kuiw]tiuw]' nLTiuw]miun]Kiuw]tiuw]' = Doom, doomed,
n]:nn].lG]{ = Pout, pouted, pouting,
muin]mak],hUw]' = Hat brim,
miun],'(10000)'muin],nuic]:' = Ten thousands,
miun]:'tac];miun]:' = Slippery, sliding, slippery road,
muin]:lI' eKYL;lI'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Lubricant,
mibn]:lIlg}:lI' = Fluid, fluent,
miun]:luit]:luit]:'muin]:lgt]:lgt]:'muin]:luit].luit].'= Slippery, adj. to cause slipping or sliding,
miun];'Pbv],'pibt],'pibt],Pbv],'AL:'(muin];tLtUv];kGac]:kGac]:El:) = Open, opened, opening,
miun];tL' tLmiun];w}.' = Eyes opened, open the eyes,
muin];tLmG];muc]:hqn]Kuin]:sU;' = Lift your eyes toward, lift up eyes toward,
muin];tLmG];muc]:hqn]Kiun]:tUv];miUc];kac]haw]eS' = Lift up your eyes to heaven,
miup]:'(miup]:nQc]:ym];n}.Aw]miuw];Kgn]lQw]Pn].tw]lg};lg};hG]:epL;mgp],') = Mix, to make by combining the ingredients,
muip]:'(muip]:hG]:mgp],') = Droop, squeeze, (droop the leaves)
muiw];'muiw];Sgc]Kgn]'[KUic]:tUw]pgt];An]mI;pL;Kgp]:muiw];'niw].puk];El:niw].muiw];Kw]nn].'{ = Hand, N., hands,
muiw];kic],'tin]kic],'[mI;niw].muiw];/tin]nm]eSpuc],man],'(St];tin]kic],){= Polydactyl, adj.N. a polydactyl animal,
muiw];kuc]ekY;sU;yG],sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;' = Gracious hand of God,
muiw];kYam];'muiw];sL;haw],haw],'(la};yLmuiw];kYam];/sL;haw],haw],') = Rough hand: rough hand treatment,
muiw];kgt],ka},'kgt],ka},'(mn];kgt],ka},muiw];tL:AUk];w}.') = Folded arms, folding of the hands: He folded his
arms on his chest,
n]nm].mUin]mLel;kin]nm].nn].yw].'(Sin]7;6') = Cupped hands, putting hand to mouth to drink water,
muiw];kg}:'tin]kg}:'[mI;niw].tI:muiw];/tin]Kgn]nuic]:eA,eShL:niw].nn].'{ = Oligodactyly N. the presence of fewer
than five fingers or toes on a hand or foot,
muiw];/tin]Kt];'[tI:Kgp],muiw];/tin]/hUw]Kw],sL.kGL,Kt];sQp];Am],lUit]:'{= Sprained wrist or ankle,
miuw];Kgk];'Kqn]Kgk];'[Kqn]mibw];lip]:hQw],TiyiAm],mI;hqc];'mibw];Kgk];'Kqn]ecL;{ = Shriveled hand, withered hand,
muiw];Kgn]KGL' Kgn]KGL' (Kt];-Kgn]Sa}.' muiw];Kgn]Sa}.')' Pa},KGL,' = Right hand, (ant: left hand,),
c].ka},hQt];ekL.eS:kn]'(klL,2;9) = Right hand of fellowship: the right hand of Christian fellowship; Give the
right hand of fellowship,
muiw];Suiw]:'muiw];man],'muiw]:mqn]:'(sum];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Marksmanship, N.,
muiw];tqn];muiw];'tin]tqn];tin]'(Agk],6;24')' = Hand for hand, foot for foot,
muiw];tqm]:'[Puin]lik]:la};An]Aw]muiw];tqm]:ma}w}.nn].'Puin]lik]:muiw];tqm]:'{ = Handwriting, N. a handwritten
document; manuscript,
miuw];tiUw].' wac];miuw];' Aw]miuw];wac];' tiUw].' = Lay hand,
muiw];TUk];kQt];' muiw];pgk],lut],' = Scraped skin,
w}.')'= Hands-on, adj.(a workshop to give children hands-on experience with computer.),(ant: hands-off),
muiw];pw],la}'tin]pw],muiw];pw],'(Kw]pL;muiw];pw],la}eSmL;pac]pg};wn];kUit],)' = Empty-handed, adj.: They
came to the birthday party empty-handed,
muiw];/tin]put];'tin]put];muiw];put];'KL/Kqn]put];' = Maim, N. a physical injury especially a loss of limb,
muiw];Ep:lc]'muiw];Ep:pik],'(mt].muiw];Ep:lc]/pik],)= Hands behind the back, to put hands behinds the back,
muiw];pgk],lup],'[nc]pa}niw].muiw];cw]:nQp].kgk];lgk]:lQk].lQk].'{= Fingertips peeling, skin peeling around nails,
k];ng};) = Tendrill, N. a threadlike, leafless organ of climbing plants, growing in spiral form, as to support the plant,
mibw];mn];sw]:yibn];hgt]:lqn];Tibc]w}.' = His hand is out stretched,
muiw];emLlum];lL;'muiw];emLlum];lL;tUv];Tuic]' = Careful hand,
muiw];yaw];'[An]k}.emLlk].Ait];lk].Agt];nn].'{ = Pilfer, to steal, especially in small quantities, pilfered,
mibw];yibn];hgt]:lqn];Tibc]' = Outstretched hand
muiw];lUn];'[An]k}.lk].mQw];kL:epL;'{= Filch, to sreal (especially something of small value); pilfer, filched, filching,
muiw];/tin]lu'[kUn];lQn]:tac];lQn]:EK.kn]Am],Kqn],mUin]mUiw]:Agn]tac];yw].nn].'{ = Lose sport skills,
muiw];hQt];'[kan]An]Aw]muiw];hQt];Am],l}:sG].sak]:eShQt];nn].'{ = Handwork, N. work done by hand,
muiw];hqc];lUc]tc];Kqn]yuin];hgt]:lqn];Tuic]'(ehL;4;34') = Mighty hand and an outstreched arm,
muiw];An]pn]tac];lImac],klL,' = Hand of blessing,
m],hqc];/pit]Am],hqc];/epL.Am],hqc];yw].'{ = Arm or leg weakness, lack strength in hands, arms, or legs,
muiw].'muiw].muiw].kqc]kqc]'huc]'kqc]'huc]Kw]:huc]Pk];'(kUn];muiw].Kw]:muiw].Pk];) = Cook, cooked, cooking,
mUik]:'ha}.miBk]:'hbk];ha}.miBk]:'hbk];ha}.'sL.'ha}.miUk]:Am],lIAm],lk];'(lgc]:-/An]-)= Evil, N. adj.,
am],An]Pqn]Aan];sc]:sG]Aw]ta}kUn];An]tam],mn];nk].eSpUin]:Sut];nn].yw].)'sG]mUik]:kUt].' = Depraved,
corrupt, wicked,(killing through action showing a depraved indifference to human life can qualify as murder in the first degree),
depraved mind,
n]:sG]Am],lImI;sG]kUt].lIkUw]lIkak],ha}.lUic];mUin]tUw]TUin],{'(kUn];mUik]:kUt].kqk];ygk];)' = Wicked, (the wicked),
mUik]:kUt].kqk];ygk];EP:tUin];nm]mL;tik];tik];'(lgc]:-) = Ever-increasing wickedness,
miBk]:kBt].sp];Pit];' = Corrupt, corruption,
mUik]:kUt].sp];Pit];kan]pa};mUic];'(lgc]:-')' = Political corruption,
mUik]:kUt].sp];Pit];pqt]:'lulqw]kGL,' = Corrupt, to become corrupt; to infect, corrupted, corrupting,
mUik]:nuic]:'[km]tLmuiw];niw].puk];tc]:eStqk]:/Kuip].niw].si'{'km]tc]:' = A measure of the breadth of the
fist with the thumb erected,
miBc]'tqn]:hgc]:mUic]'[Et;/tqn]:yaw];Agn],Suip],kn]hQt];w}.sgm];Pc],hgc]:SGac];nm].nn].'{ = Levee, N. an
embankment; one of the small continuous ridges surrounding fields that are to be irrigated; natural levee,
mUic]:'[Pac]hQk],/tgc];/lin]kGac]:yG],Am],mI;muin]Suc]tL,KUw]:hqc]:'{'mUic]:KUw]:' = Shallow large frying pan,
miBc];' kBn];miBc];kB:siBw].kB:KiBw];' = Nation, nations, all nations, country,
mUic];'[mUic];/Pqn],lin]suic]:mUic];An]yU,tG]:Kun]AL,mirAup].pUic],'(mUic];Pgm].hUm]:AL,rp].'){ = Emirate, N. the state or
territory under the jurisdiction of an emir; the Emirates. United Arab Emirates,
miBc];km],PL,elL;k' mUic];elL;k' elL;k' km],PL,elL;k' km],PL,' = World, N.,
miBc];km],PL,elL;kPa},ngk]:tBw]KL:' = World outside me,
mUic];km],PL,elL;kpt];puin].'km],PL,elL;kkU:tI:kU:lqn]' = The whole world,
cL,cuin]:tuin];wQc];ey,ruSlqm],mG],'{ = Heaven, N. the expanse over the earth (Gen. 1:8); the dwelling place of God (Gen.
28:17); the location of the stars (Gen. 1:14; 26:4); the source of the new Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2), heavens,
mUic];kac]haw]tc];la}sac];puit],pn]mL;' = Heavens could open,
3 El:Aik],kw]hU.wL:kUn];sa};ekL.n}.n}.'(mn];pQn]kGL,tc];tUw]huiw]'Am]
mUiw];mUic];KYam];SL,nn].eAL:"(2ekL;12;2-4')'mUic];KYam];SL,' = Third heaven, paradise: I know a man in Christ
who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God
knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— 4was caught up
to paradise … (2Cor.12:2-4), Paradise,
mUic];kac]haw]mG],El:lin]mUic];mG],'(Kuin];puit],En21;1) = New heaven and new earth,
mUic];kut]:'(wQc];)(wQc];t};Agk],Sqc]lqc]/Sgm]kL:Kn]yG],nG];km],PL,) = Murnggood, (or Muonggood, or Moenggood)
mUic];kgk],'[tL:hUiw];pac],la},El:wQc];cw]:mUic];lUc]mUic];T};'{= Bangkok, N. a seaport and the capital city of Thailand,
Kac]{' = Murngkong, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities, now a township in the Kanchin state in Burma,
miBc];Km];kac]haw]sw]: = The Kingdom of Heaven,
mUic];Km];sw]:'miBc];ehLKm];'miBc];ehLKm];sw]:' = Kingdom, N. the Lord’s Kingdom,
mUic];Kac]'[pQn]es:mUic];nG];mUic];hUm]:tum],mUic];man]:{' = Kachin state, N. a state among seven member states of Burma,
Paradise, N. a place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness, = mUic];KYam];SL,'[tI:hac]:lI/sG]SUiw];/ekYL,nL,nL,'{
wL:mn];l}:Kam],tiAw]Kuin]:mUiw];mUic];KYam];SL,nn].eAL:"..."(2ekL;12;2-4') = Paradise, third heaven: I know a
man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not
know—God knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God
knows.(2Cor.12:2-4, a place of comfort,
mUic];sm]kn]'[mUic];sUiw];mI;sm]kn]la}la}mUiw];nn].'{ = Countries near by each other,
mUic];sw]:kw],'[suic]:mUic];sL,tikUn]ekL.nuic]:'wan]:kw],mUic];lc]'{mUic];AU:mUic];Em:'= Fatherland, N. one’s native
country; the land of one’s ancestors; the old country, motherland, N.,
mUic];sw]:fL.'[mUic];/wQc];An]sw]:fL.Aup].pUic],'{(mUic];t};kw]:ha};ehL) = Principality, N. a state ruled by a prince,
mUic];sL,ti'[lin]mUic];sw]:kw],{' = Native land, homeland, native country,
miUc];sL,ti'wQc];sL,ti' = Native town, native country,
miUc];sum];sn].Sam]nG];lun]:fL.' = Third world,
{' = Scandinavian Countries, consisting of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland,
mUic];Sn]lg}' = Hilly country,
mUic];skqc];'[pQn]tUic];nG];nL:tI:Aup].pUic],mUic];man]:{' = Sakaing division, N. a self-administrative division in Burma,
mUiw]:sUw]:kqp].km];Agn],nn].kUv];' = In a single moment,
mUic];sgm]suic]:' Er,pp].plik].'(sG].tI:siuw]:miUc];)' = Republic, a state which the supreme power rests in
the body of citizen,
nn].mUic];nuic]:{' = Hsenwi, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities in N Tai/Shan state, now a township in Burma,
c];nuic]:{SI,epL.'= Hsipaw, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities in N Tai/Shan state, now a township in Burma,
mUic];Sac]' = Abode of Brahmas, superior celestial regions,
mUic];SU:'(wQc];)(wQc];nG];miUc];t};pgt];kac]Agk],Sqc]lqc]mI;kL:mI;Kn]) = Murnghsu, Muonghsu, or Moenghsu,
nG];tUic];skqc];{ = Murngsongsoab, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities, now a township in Sakaing Division,
mUic];tc];la}AUn]An]emL;Em;' = Nations are in uproar,
mUic];tI:yU,sw]:kw],' siuc]:miUc];tI:yU,sw]:kw],' = Own country,
mUic];t};' = Murng Tai, Tai States, Shan state,
miUc];t};Pgm].hUm]:'(mtP) = United Tai States, (UTS)
South, N. adj. adv. a cardinal point of the compass, lying directly opposite north, abbreviations: S.
mUic];nik]:pan],' = Nirvana, N.,
nuic]:{' = Murngnai, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities in S Tai/Shan state, now a township in Burma,
;ekL.wa},nL:kGL,tac];lqt],tuik].Agk],nn].'{ = North, N. adj. adv. a cardinal point of the compass, lying in the plane of
meridian and to the left of a person facing the rising sun, abbreviation: N.
miBc];ngk]:' ngk]:miUc];' = Foreign,
mUic];pat],sap]:' = Country with a mixed economy,
mUic];pqc];klL;'[es:tgn]:sQc],hgc],wn];Agm],nG];mUic]Ain],tiy'{ = Bengal, N. a former province in NE India,
nuic]:{' = Murngbai, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities in S Tai/Shan state, now a township in Burma,
.pL;KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];) = Sexist, adj.: a sexist comments; sexist advertising,
mUic];pgt];san];' tac];Pa},san];' pgt];/Pa},san];' = Southern, adj., Southward,
mUic];pgt];hgc],' tac];Pa},hgc],' pgt];/Pa},hgc],' = Northern, adj., northward,
mUic];Pan]' (Kt];-mUic];mak]:mI;')' = Poor country, (ant: rich country),
mUic];PI' = Country or abode of spirits,
miBc];Pgm].hBm]: = United States, Federation,
miBc];Pgm].hBm]:kn]n}.' = This Union,
miBc];Pgm].hBm]:Kgn]<fqt],ter;SYin];' = Confederation
mUic];Pgm].hUm]:S}Aqm]<'[yUic];Aan];Kgt],Pgt],(mUic];Pgm].hUm]:T};'t};'law];'pI,yqt].nm].){ = Siam Federation,
miBc];Pgm].hBm]:fqt].EJt,t};'(sgm];nc],pUic]mI:Aqk].mUic];man]:1935') = Federated Shan States,
miUc];Pgm].hUm]:AEm,rik'(yU<Aqt].S]eA,'/yU<Aqt].S]') = United States of America, (U.S.A.,/U.S.)
mUic];frqn].'frqn].'[mUic];mI;pgt];wn];tUk];kun]yU;rUp].tac];kaGc]:mI;212736lk];pn]mUn];{ = France, N.,
miBc];man]:' = Burma, N. Myanmar,
mUic];maw];'[mUic];ehLKm];t};mUiw]:kgn],'{ = Ancient Tai kingdom near by Chinese border,
c]:{' = Murngmit, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities in N Tai/Shan state, now a township in Burma,
mUic];mI;nm].sG]mUin]kn]' sG]mUin]kn]' nm].sG]mUin]kn]' = Like-minded nations, like-minded,
miUc];mI;la};pUic]kum],TUn]:lUm]sG]' = Welfare State,
miUc];mUw];' mUw];' Am],sqc]:' Am],pac],' = Misty, blurred, dim, hazy, unclear,
mUic];mgn];'[pQn]es:mUic];nG];mUic];hUm]:tum]mUic];man]:'{ = Mon state, N. a state among seven member states of Burma,
s:mUic];Kac]{' = Murngyang, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities, now a township in Kachin state in Burma,
mUic];yac];'[pQn]es:mUic];nG];mUic];hUm]:tum],mUic];man]:{' = Karen state, N. a state among seven member states of Burma,
mUic];yac];lqc]'[pQn]es:mUic];nG];mUic];hUm]:tum],mUic];man]:{' = Karenni state, N. or Kayah state in Burma,
mUic];yUn];'[pQn]suiw]:mUic];law];An]nuic]:''{ = Also called Laos,
mUic];y}'[wQc];sw]:fL.t};mUiw]:kgn],nG];mUic];t};pgt];hgc],(Sqn]wIsan];n}ekL:hgc].)'{ = Murngyai, N. Shan principality,
n].mUic];nuic]:{ = Yaunghwe, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities in S Tai/Shan state, now a township in Burma,
mUic];rKqc],'[pQn]es:mUic];nG];mUic];hUm]:tum]mUic];man]:'{= Arakan state, N. a state among seven member states of Burma,
mUic];law];'(pQn]miUc];Kw]:sum];AL,SI<yn],') = Laos, (Asean members)
mUic];lqc];' = Day break, N.,
c];Kw]:pL;nG];puin];mUic];t};kw]:ha};ehLnn].mUic];nuic]:{' = Murng Lem, inhabitannts of Murng Lem, Lem, N.
Tai race and their principlaity area in Yunnan province in S China,
miBc];lbm]:fL.' = International, world,
mUic];lum]:fL.la}la}mUic];Pgm].kn]hQt];' = Multilateral international cooperation,
miBc];elL;k'km],PL,'miBc];km],PL,elL;k' = World,
mUic];lgk]:sgk],'[wQc];sw]:fL.nG];mUic];t};pgt];san];'{ = Lawksawk, N. Shan principality in Southern Shan state,
mUic];lgt]:lqw];Sw];eKL'Sw];eKL;'[lgt]:lqw];w}.eKLeKL'{'lgt]:lqw];Sw];eKL'= Independence, N. also
independency; the state of being independent,
miBc];lg}'mUic];hUv]:mUic];lg}' = Mountainous country, hill country,
mUic];wn];tUk];' tac];Pa},tUk];' pgt];wn];tUk];'Pa},tUk];' = Western, adj., westward,
mUic];wn];Agk],' tac];Pa},Agk],' pgt];/Pa},Agk],' = Eastern, adj., eastward,
mUic];wL.'[nL:tI:wL.Aup].pUic],hc];eKLmI;hUk];es:wQc];nG];mUic];t};'{ = Wa state, N. Was Self-administered areas,
miUc];wgc].ehLKm];' = Empire, dominion,
mUic];ham];' wQc];ham];' = Desolate city, ruined city,
mUic];him];hgm];'[suic]:mUic];lqn]lin]sap]:kn]{= Neighboring countries, countries sharing border with one another,
miBc];hBm]:tbm]' = Union,
mUic];/kUn];ha};Kun]'[kUn];/mUic];An]l}:Sak]:cuin];ha};tI:Kun]kgn];cm];kum];km]w}.nc],hp].mk];ma}w}.pn]nn].{' =
Tributary, N. a person or nation that pays tribute in acknowledgment of subjugation or the like,
mUic];Eh.kc]:pn]'(mUic];An]RpitiSY]Eh.kc]:pn]) = Protectorate, N. a state or territory so protected; the
government of a protector: a British protectorate,
mUic];ehLKm];' = Dominion, N. lands or domains subject to sovereignty, kingdom,
miBc];ehLKm];' = Kingdom,
miUc];ehLKm];kac]haw]' = Kingdom of heaven,
miBc];ehLKm];sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;'mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:' = Kingdom of God, God’s kingdom,
mUic];ehLKm];tc];la}pc];' mUic];ehLKm];tc];la}Kw]pc];' = Kingdoms fall,
mUic];ehLKm];An]lqc];' = Kingdom of light,
n}.w}.yw].')' = God’s kingdom: Jewish Messiah had come to inaugurate God’s kingdom on earth,
mUic];AEm,rik'AEm,rik'kun]AEm,rik' = America, N. the United States of America,
mUic];Am],nim]Sw];' (lgc];pa};mUic];Am],nim]Am],Sw];)' = Unrest, turmoil, (political unrest),
miUc];Am],hiUc]:kiUc];sp];Pa},lG]' = Non-alignment,
mUic];AL,w'AL,w'[Ain];wn}ekL:hgc].'pqn]wQc];lUc]mUic];ehLKm];man]:luin];Sut];'{' = Ava, N. also called Inwa, the royal
city of the last kingdom of Burma,
mUic];Ain],tiy'siuc]:miUc];Ain],tiy' = India, N.,
{ = City-state, N. a sovereign state consisting of an autonomous city with its dependencies,
miBc];ABv];lIkn]' = Alliance
miUc];eAL;sL,AL,nL,yG],' = Major power,
mUit],'[SG],elL;nc],wL:pQn]KUic]:mI,kI;mn];'mUit]:nUiw].'{(la};huc]/KUw]:Pk];KQw]mUit],nUiw].mU') = Mix, to add as an
element or ingredient: Pork mixed vegetable recipe, mixed, mixing,
miUn]'miUn]Kw]'miUn]Kw]kU:An]tc];piuk];' = Like, be Just like them,
mUin]'An]mUin]'lgc]:mUin]' = Likeness, N. the state or fact of being like; the semblance of something; guise,
miUn]kn]'kUn];mI;nm].sG]miUn]kn]' = Counterpart, match, duplicate,
miBn]kn]'miBn]pQn]w}.'lqp]:mUin]'nc],hac]:'lqp]:nc],' = Look like,
miBn]kn]'miBn]pQn]w}.'[An]lqp]:mUin]{ = Look-alike, N. adj. a person or thing loos like or closely resembles another,
mUin]kn]'[eKL:kGam];An]tI:pgc],mn];mUin]kn]/ca};kn]{'(nUic];tUv];-!Kt];kn]@)'ca};kn]' = Synonym, N.,
miUn]kn]' An]lQw]kn]' ekL.lQw]kn]' pUic]lQw]kn]' nc],nn]' = Same,
miUn]kn]' An]miUn]kn]' (Kt];' pqk],kn]') = Alike, (ant: unalike),
mn];sac]:vL;tUk];Sum];ca}:ca}:Agn],kUv];'hU.kL:pQn]nn]mUin]kn]kg};kg};/kUv];kUv];yw]."@) = Just the same,
(Idiom), in the same manner; all the same; nevertheless: It was a success, but it could easily have failed, just the same,
miUn]kn]nc],kaw],' etL:nc],nn]' = So also, likewise, too, also, moreover, similarly,
miUn]kn]Pgm].sG]kn]l}:tc];mUt];' = Common ground,
mUin]kn]mUt];'mUin]kn]kg};kg};/kUv];kUv];'(mn];mUin]kn]mUt];/pQn]nn]mUin]kn]kg};kg};/kUv];kUv];yw].) = All
the same, (Idiom) just the same: It’s all the same,
n]kn]Kqm].tan],kn]{' = Just the same (Idiom),
miUn]kw],' = Same as previous,
miUn]kw],'pUic]lQw]'sUic].nn]'(kw]etAm],hgn],tgn].pQn]pUic]lQw]mUin]kw],sUic].nn]') = Same, adj. unchanged in
character, condition, etc.: I will never be the same,
mUin]kw],' = Naïve, natural, original, plain,
mUin]kw],mUin]lQw]Am],pUic]:mL;Sc]' = More of the same,
mUin]K};tw];' = Moss like,
mUin]KUic]:cip]:ht].'[vgp];/yip];hqc];epL;tan],KUic]:cip]:ht].nn].cip]:ht].kqn],kqk];w}.{' = Viselike, adj.,
miUn]siUc].nc],' sL.siUw];'sL.Kw]'sL.Et,Aw]'siUc].nn]' = Such as,
mUin]sUic].n}yw].' = It’s like this,
mUin]SUw];tUw]Am],mI;PU:lQc].SUw];tUv];pn]nn].' = Like sheep without a shepherd.(Mtt. 9:36),
miBn]nc],'epL;'nc],' = As, similar to,
n}.etl}:hUp].TUp];An]Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];pn]nn].yw].'(kYam];eh,ERp;9;27)" = Just as man
is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, (Hebrews 9:27NIV)
miUn]nc],sw]:ey,Sulat]:w}.nn].Am],Pit];Am],piUc]:' = Just as Jesus had said,
miBn]nc],ngn];Pn]Aw]'hU.tUw]Kuic]:niuc]:Am],hU.Kiuc]:niuc]:'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Trance
miBn]nc],pQn]tI:nG];miBc];kac]hw]nn].' = As it is in Heaven
mUin]nc],pUin]:' = Same as others, like others,
mUin]nc],JPL;epL;hU.sk];kw]w}.tQm]TUn]:lInL,yw].nn].'(1ekL;13;12')' = As I am fully
known, as I also have been fully known,
miUn]nc],lat]:w}.nn].Am],Pit];Am],piUc]:' = Just as had said,
miBn]nc],wL:' = Similarly
miBn]nc],wL:nn].'n}ekL:wL:l}:yB,' = So to speak, as it were,
mUin]nc],wL:-pQn]' = In such a way that,
miBn]nn]nc],kaw],' = In that same way, also,
mUin]nn]yw].'[Am],lUiw]eSnn].'{(An]kw]KG]:wL:n}.mUin]nn]yw].(Am],lUiw]eSnn].)')= Just, adv. exactly or
precisely; not more than: This is just what I mean,
mUin]pQn]Et.Et.'(mUin]pQn]ciunn];mUic];Et.Et.) = Virtual,: virtual currency,
mUin]pQn]mak],Aqp];Ep;l]hac]:wan]tLmG];' = As the apple of your eye,
mUin]pUin]:' nc],pUin]:' nc],pUin]:/mUin]pUin]:tac],ekL.' = as sound as the other,
mUin]pUin]:' nc],pUin]:' mUin]nc],pUin]:' = Like other people,
.'(AI,2;3'))' = Like the rest, even as others or the rest: “Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of the wrath.”,
mUin]PU:emLwUn].'mI;van],emLwUn].' = Scholarly, adj. adv. like a scholar,
mUin]mL;lg};lg};' = Assimilate, Physiology. the conversion of absorbed food into the substance of the body.,
mUin]mL;lg};lg};' = Assimilate, Sociology . the merging of cultural traits from previously distinct cultural
groups, not involving biological amalgamation., assimilation,
mUin]mUk],' mUin]lgt],nm].' = Tubular, adj. having the form of shape of tube,
mUin]mUv]Kaw]'PUik],suin]:Kaw]SG]nc],mUv]' Kaw]SG]nc],mUv]' = White as snow,
mUin]lIlI'pQc];lIlI'mqn]:lIlI'(Kt];-Am],mUin]lI') = Exact, adj., exactly, adv., (ant: inexact, inexactly)
mUin]lIlIAm],Pit];Am],pUic]:' = Exact, exactly,
mUin]hac]:PQt],'hac]:PQt],'[Pam];wL:{ = Spectral, adj. of or relating to a specter; ghostly; phantom,
mUin]hac]:/An]'lqp]:et'lqp]:pQn]'nc],hac]:'np].Aw]wL:'lqp]:hac]:'= Seem, seemed, seeming,
miUn]An]nG];hw];km]:Pgc]:ekL:pQn]nn].nc],kaw],' = Seem like some of us has experienced,
mUin]AUt],wat]:' = Cone like, conelike,
miUn],'TiUc];TiUw].'Tiuc].Tac].' = Blunder, bumbling, awkward movement or action, clumsy,
miBn],Tibc].TiBc];' = Clunky,
mUiw]'sat],'sat],puin]'piun]'Puk];'mak],mUiw]' = Scatter, fling: to scatter seeds, scattered, scattering,
mUiw],'kgc].' cUn].' yL:mUiw],' = Poison, N., toxin, N.,
mUiw],'pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].'vL;kgc]./yL:mUiw],'Ag},cUn]./yL:mUiw],' = Poison, poisoned, poisoning,
mUiw]:' miBw]:hQt];' miBw]:An]' epL;' epL;hQt];' PiUw],wL:'mUiw]:lG]huiw]kUiw];wL:' = When,
mUiw]:kU:pgk]:n}.'(mUiw]:kU:pgk]:n}.nuic]:wUc]:sc],Kw]:kat],nuic]:pgk]:) = Back in the day,(Idiom),
mUiw]:kU:pgk]:Agn]tac];nn].'[mUiw]:Agn]tac];'{ = Once, adv. formerly,
mQw];mn];'KUiw];mn];'KUiw];kUn];' = Genus, N.(Biology) species, kind, type: the human genus,
mUiw],san]:'mUiw],san]:sc];' = Detest, scorn, despise, hate, detested, detesting,
kn]kU:wn];sUic].n}'(Am],l}:hn]Agk],pQn]Sc]mL;El:sgc],mG];mUiw],nL,san]:nL,yw].huiw]?') = Tired, adj. weary or
bored (usually followed by of); exhausted: tired of the same food every day; Are you tired of of not seeing results?, tired of,
mUiw]:kac]Kiun];lp];Sic],n}.hQt];Sc]El:tL,mqw];hUiw]:lUc]w}.?' = Why do cat’s eyes shine in
the darkness of night?
t]:tI:kat]:PG]mn];'ekL.Am],mI;mUiw]:kat]:tI:kat]:mn];n}n}.Am],mI;PG])= Fall of humanity, failure of humanity,
miBw]:kB:pgk]:n}.' = At one time,
miUw]:k}:'sUw]:kqp].'kqp].niuc]:'km];niuc]:kgn],' = Moment,
miUw]:k}:' miUw]:k}:Agn],n}.' miBw]:k}:n}.' = A moment ago,
mUiw]:ekL,sL.'Et,'Et,cw]:hBw]pibc];mn];'sL.'Agn]tac];'ekL,cw]:' = Begin, began, beginning,
miUw]:kgn],'mUiw]:kgn],nn].'mUiw]:kgn],kgn],nn].' = Ancient, adj. long time ago; from of old,
miBw]:kgn],kgn],siBw];nn].' = Back in those times,
miUw]:kgn],kgn],nn].'(k}.Aw]lat]:miUw]:etK}:Apum],Enluk]:Agn],Kw]nn].') = Long time ago, long ago,
mUiw]:kgn],pan]kw],' (KUw];lQc];hUin];ey;mUiw]:kgn],pan]kw],')' = Antique, dating from a period long ago: antique
furniture.,(antique furniture),
mUiw]:kgn],miUw]:miun].'(mUiw]:kgn],mUiw]:muin].sQm]mUiw]:SUp},Et,p},mI;'(ehL;4;32') = Years ago, long ago, ancient,
former times, long before: long before your time,
miUw]:kgn],hiuc]la}la}pI<pUn].nn].' = Many years ago,
mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]nn].tc];mUt];' = All the days of old,
mUiw]:Km]:wL;' Km]:wL;' Kiun];wL;' = Last night,
AL:" = When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.(Mtt.22:22)
mUiw]:Kaw];tac];tuik].kGL,/mUiw];/mL;'(kw]etEw.El,mG];mUiw]:Kaw];tac];tuik],kGL,nn].AUiw]:') = On the way,:
I’ll visit you on the way,
mUiw]:Kaw];mqn]:lI'mUiw]:yam];Kqm].lqp]:' = Perfect time, in perfect time,
mUiw]:Kaw];yam];Sut];'(1Tit].4;13-5;11'2Tit].2;1-12')' = The end times,
mUiw]:Kic],nuic]:'(lgc]:-/An]pQn]-) = Juncture, N. a point of time,
= In the night season and all the day long,
miUw]:sw].' miUw]:sw].-k}:' miUw]:k}:' = Earlier,
miUw]:sw].kac]Kiun];k}:' = Earlier at night,
miBw]:sBw]:kqp].Agn],'km];Agn],nibc]:' = At moment
mUiw]:sUw]:kqp].km];suiw]:sG]:Sc],Tuk],' = Right moment,
mUiw]:sUw]:kqp].km];Agn],'(mUiw]:sUw]:kqp].km];Agn]yam];An]hw];hp]Aw]---') = Very moment,
mUiw]:sUw]:pG].yam];kac]Kuin];km];luin];Sut];'(1Sqm];11;11') = Last watch of the night,
miBw]:sibw]:sG]:Sc],Tbk],' yam];sibw]:sG]:Sc],Tbk],' = Right time,
miUw]:Sc]wL:epL;--nn].kUv];' = If- and only if,
mUiw]:Sc],Tuk],lInn].' Kaw];yam];Sc],Tuk],' = Proper time,
mUiw]:Suin];'wn];Siun];'[pUn].mL;yw].Sgc]wn];'wn];Agn]tac];mUiw]:wL;'{ = The day before yesterday,
mUiw]:tac];Tuk],mqn]:sG]n}.ygn];hG]:mI;tac];yum],mat]:nn].' = When favor asks for faith,
mUiw]:tam];Kam]:Pgc];lqc];wn];wgt]:wW};kGL,lg};lg};nn].'(SL,65;8') = Evening fades,
miBw]:Et,cw]:hBw]pibc];' = Beginning of time,
miUw]:Et,mn];' = Initially,
miUw]:Et,mn];n}.' = At first,
mUiw]:Et,yum],Agn]tac];Sut];Sut];' = First believed,
miBw]:Et,hBw]tI;mn];lqp]:etl}:yQt]:AL:Kqn]wL;miuw];yuit]:yaw];nL,' = Stretch at first,
mUiw]:tuik].pQn]'[mUiw]:tuik].lQn]:/hQt];{(Ensgm];mUiw]:tuik].pQn])= Live, adj. being alive; being in play: live shows,
mUiw]:tuik].hQt];sUic].nn]nn].' = In doing so,
miUw]:Tiuc]wn];nn].mL;'miUw]:wn];niuc]:nn].'miUw]:wn];nn].n}.' = On that day, in that day,
mUiw]:nn].'mUiw]:wn];nn].'(mUiw]:nn].Et.kL:Kn]mn];tqm],) = Then, adv. at that time: Prices were lower then,
miUw]:nn].' mUiw]:Pgc];nn].' = At that time, then, back then,
miUw]:nn].' km];n}.' epL;pQn]nn]ekL:' = At this,
miUw]:nn].n}.' miBw]:lQw]' etL:lQw]' km];n}.' km];nn].' sc],n}.' yam];lQw]' = Now,
mUiw]:nn].El:mUiw]:lQw]'(mUiw]:nn].El:mUiw]:lQw]hU.Kn]mn];kGL,kn]Am],hac].yw].) = Then and now,
miUw]:n}.' = Today,
mUiw]:nuic]:'wn];mUiw]:nuic]:'[An]huic]Tqc]:Sam]wn];'/epL;mUiw]:huiw];yw].kgn],nn].'{ = Two days after tomorrow,
miUw]:niuc]:Kaw];niuc]:' yam];niuc]:km];niuc]:' = Single time,
mUiw]:pan]kgn],Agn]pUn].mL;sUiw];nn].' = Days of long ago,
mUiw]:pan]nn].'[nG];mUiw]:Pgc];yam];nn]nn].'Pgc];mUiw]:pan]nn].n}.'{ = Those days, in or during those days,
mUiw]:pan]nn].n}.'nG];mUiw]:Pgc];yam];nn]'nG];wUc]:wac]:nn].' = In those days, during those days,
mUiw]:pan]pU,mgn],hw];Kw]' = Days of our forefathers,
miUw]:pQn]wn];Tiniuc]:nG];wUc]:nn].' = The first day of the week,
miUw]:pUn].mL;'[wn];Agn]'(Atik]:){'mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]' = Ago, adj. adv. gone, gone by; past; in the past,
t]:'{' =“Past, present and future,”
mUiw]:pUn].mL;nn].kw]num],mUiw]:lQw]kw]Tw]:yw].' = I was young and now I am old.
mUiw]:pUn].mL;nn].kw]tgc];pan],Agn]tac];yw]." = I apologized first last time.
mUiw]:pUn].mL;p},epL;huic]Sc]nn].' = Some time ago,
miUw]:pUn].mL;p},epL;hiuc]epL;nan];Sc]nn].' Pgc];etL:lQw]n}.' = Recently,
miUw]:pUn].mL;p},epL;hiuc]epL;nan];Sc]nn].kUv];' = A short while ago, recently,
miBw]:pBn].mL;pgk]:nibc]nn].' = At one time, (may be at one time)
mUiw]:pUn].mL;l}apIAgn],nn].kUv];' = A few years ago,
mUiw]:pUn].mL;l}awn];Agn],nn].kUv];' = A few days ago,
miUw]:p},pQn]n}n}." = Before this,
mUiw]:pUin]:Kam]:pUn].'[Pgc];mUiw]:kL;pUin]:ehL:Kam]:pUn].Pa},Sa}.Pa},KGL,hw];kGL,nn].{' = Being Passed,
mUiw]:pgk]:nuic]:'[Kaw];yam];/Sun],lI/mUic]:Kic],nuic]:An]pQn]mUiw]:Sc],Tuk],/mqn]:sG]nn].'{ = Occasion, N. a
convenient or favorable time, opportunity, or juncture,
mUiw]:pgk]:niuc]:nn].' mqn]:mUiw]:pgk]:niuc]:nn].' = Occasion, on an occasion,
miUw]:Puk]:' = Tomorrow, N., the day after today, the next day,
miUw]:Puk]:miUw]:hiuw];' miUw]:Puk]:' Tqc]:wn];niuc]:' = Next day,
mUiw]:Pgc];nn].' miUw]:nn].' = Back then, at that time,
mUiw]:Pgc];yam];sUw]:mgc];nn].km];lQw]' = At that very hour,
mUiw]:JPL;sw]:puit],kUin],tUnm].ngc];lUc]sUiw];nn].' = When God opens the floodgates,
mUiw]:mqn]:Kaw];mn];' mUiw]:mqn]:Kaw];Kic],mn];' = Due season, in due season,
mUiw]:mqn]:yam];mn];lI' = Exact time,
miUw]:miun].Siun];kgn],' mUiw]:pUn].mL;' = Olden days, former times, past,
miUw]:miun].Siun];kgn],' wn];Agn],'(Atik]:)' = Past,
mUiw]:mG];Sum];kU:mQw];nn].mG];hQt];huiw]tc]:Et,kGL,?= When you lost everything how do start over?
miUw]:mG];pn]nn].w}.sG]es,tnL,lIeSpn]' = Give generously when you give.
mUiw]:mG];l}:lgt]:lUv]:An]Eh.kc]:pn]kU:mUiw]:kU:km];nn].' = Every time you were protected,
mUiw]:mG];hgc].hLmn];sw]:n}.mn];sw]:ettgp],ethUiw]mG];yU," = When you call on Him, He will
mUiw]:yc];Am],mI;PG]'(mUiw]:yc];Am],mI;PG]luip]:PG]lm];nn].)' = When no one, (when no one pursues),
mUiw]:yam];kUn];Kgn]:'tI:mUiw]:yam];kUn];Kgn]:'(Ta};m]Skg};r]) = Times square,
mUiw]:yam];nc],nn]'Pgc];nc],nn]nn].' = Meanwhile, N., meanwhile, adv. In the meantime,
miUw]:yam];nn]nn].' = At that time, at that point,
mUiw]:yam];mqn]:' = Timing,
miBw]:yam];wn];Kin];w}.nn].' = At appointed time,
miBw]:lQw]' etL:lQw]' = Now,
mUiw]:lQw]kw]hgt]:Pqw]k}mL;nL,yw].tL,ygm];kan].n}.Am],mI;tac];mn];' = I’ve come too far to
give up now,
miUw]:lQw]km];lQw]' etL:lQw]n}.km];lQw]' etL:lQw]' km];lQw]' = Right now,
miUw]:lQw]n}.mqn]:yam];mn];yw].' = Now is the time,
mUiw]:lQw]n}.lIyU,kYL.yU,' = This sounds good today,
miUw]:lQw]yam];lQw]Aik],TL,wrL.Kaw];huic]kGL,nL:' = Now and forevermore; both now and forevermore,
nn].tL."Aw]mn];hQt];tUw]tac];lU,sut],f};nn].eSlU,tan];kw]tI:nn]:tL."@= “Take
now your only son, whom you love, and go to a mountain I will show you. Offer him there for a
burnt offering.”
mUiw]:luiw]:sUw]:kqp].'luiw]:sUw]:kqp].'(luiw]:sUw]:kqp].nG];TQc]nL;/h}:/SUn]nn].') = Short rest, rest a little;
a few miniutes’ rest: for a short rest in the shelter,
mUiw]:liUn]pUn].'lUin]pUn].' = Last month,
miBw]:lG]?' = When?
miBw]:lG]ekL:'kU:mUiw]:kU:Kaw];eS,eS,'kU:mUiw]:' = In all times, the whole time, all the time,
mUiw]:lG]Am],wL:'Kic],/mUiw]:lG]eSAm],wL:' = Whenever, any time, at any time,
mUiw]:wn];mUiw]:Pgc];kt];lIcqn];cqn];w}.'(cw]:3;8') = In the cool of th day, cool of the day,
mUiw]:wn];sw]:JPL;hw];ey,SuKrit]:nn].' = Day of our Lord Jesus Christ,
mUiw]:wn];Sut];wUc]:' Kaw];Sbt];wBc]:'(Pgc];yam];lp];Sic],Pit];miBw]:Kaw];Sbt];wBc]:)' = Weekends,( during
black weekends),
mUiw]:wn];Sut];wUc]:n}.n}.' = This coming weekend,
mUiw]:wn];TUn]:Sam]nn].' = On the third day,
mUiw]:wn];n}.' wn];etL:/mUiw]:lQw]n}.km];lQw]' = This very day,
miBw]:wn];nn].n}.' = That day, those days, that time,
mUiw]:wn];mn];Sut];yw].yL,mUt];nn].'(tqn]<12;12') = At the end of the days,
wn];Agn]'(Atik]:)'miUw]:pUn].mL;'mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]' = Past, adj. adv. N. the time gone by; former times,
miUw]:wn];Agn]pun].' (sQm]miUw]:wn];Agn]pun].yw].'sQm]miUw]:lG]yw].') = Early day, (since the early day,)
mUiw]:wn];Agn]pUn].mL;la}sUw]:la}pan]yw].nn].' = Long ages past,
mUiw]:wL:Am],mI;' = To which, whereabouts, in which,
miUw]:wL;' = Yesterday, adv. adj. N.,
mUiw]:w}:SLhG]:sgm];la};hqn];sgm];pk];sgm];pUic]lIlI' = Good order in worship,(1Cor.14:26-40)
miBw]:hQt];' miBw]:An]' mUiw]:' epL;' epL;hQt];' PiUw],wL:' = When,
mUiw]:hQt];la};lG]ekL:kat]:yU,tik];tik];nn].' = When all else fails,
miUw]:hiuw];' = The following day, the day after tomorrow,
Times reach their fulfillment; the dispensation of the fullness of the times, this refers to the time when
God’s plan will be fully revealed at the second coming of Christ,
mUiw]:An]mG];l}:Kam],pUin]:etL,mG];epL;Am],lIAm],lk];' = When you’re being mistreated,
mUiw]:An]lG]ekL:Kqm].lqp]:ca}:sG]lItL,mG];tc];SQc]:nn].' = When all goes well with you,
Am],Tac],'Aw]mUiw]:vL;lUc]luim];/Am],w}.fac].hU.mqn]:nn].'{(Sim];/Aw]Kw]mUiw]:Am],tn];hU.tUw]nn].')= Surprise, N.
an assault, as on an army, made without warning; a coming upon uexpectedly; taking unawares: took them by surpise,
miBw]:Agn]tac];'kw],'mUiw]Et,sL.' = Former, adj. previous; prior; earlier; former part, formerly, adv.,
miBw]:Agn]tac];' miBw]:kgn]Agn]' miBw]:kB:pgk]:' = Before,
miBw]:Agn]tac];Et.tLkw]mgt],miBw]:lQw]kw]sac]:hn]yw].' = I was blind but now I can see,
miBw];'miBw];Kibn];hiBn];' = Return, return home,
miUw];kGL,hiUn];PG]hiUn];mn];' = Each to his own home,
miBw];Kibn];' pgk]:miUw];Kiun];' miBw];' = Return, returning,
mUiw];kgn],KL:&' mUiw];yw].nL:' mUiw]:yw].eh.&' kGL,yw].eh.&' kGL,kgn],nL:&' = Goodbye!
miBw];nL:'wn];mUiw];nL:'[An]etpQn]/mI;/mL;pgk]:nL:TL,luin];'{ = Future, N. adj. that is to be or come hereafter,
mUiw];nL:sm]sm]hn]w}.TL:l}:' = Foreseeable future, (Contract).,
mUiw];nL:mL;'Et,Aw]n}.kGL,nL:' = Hereafter, adv. from now on,
miBw];yB,Kibn];tI:kw],' = Reintegration
mUiw];lg};lg};' mUiw];yU,lIkin]wan]' lg};lg};' lg};lg};KL:' lg};lg};Kic];& = Take care! Goodbye!
mUiw];hQt];Kqk],mn];'kGL,/mUiw];hQt];Kqk],mn];sa};' = To be his guests,
mUiw];hUin];Suiw]:Sqt].'[luk].tI:nuic]:mUiw];hUin];km];lQw]Am],Ew.PG]Am],luiw]:{'mUiw];Suiw]:Sqt].' = Straight
back home, heading straight back home,
miUw]<rL,'(yc]murn],)'yc]nam]miUw]<rL,' = Myrrh, resinous exudation from (a small spiny tree),
pqk],nn].') = Myrrh, an aromatic resinous exudation certain plants of the genus Myrrhis),
mYat]:' l}:'hp].Aw]l}:'hp].l}:'l}:mI;' = Gain, get, profit,
pL;lUiw]hiuw]kg}pL;Arac];mUt];kUiw];wL:')' = Good break, stroke of luck,
mYat]:Pup].Kuin]:Sc],Tuk],nL,' = Right breaks,
mYat]:El:Sum];' = Gain and loss, profit and loss,
mYat]:la};wgk];'(kGam];kp];Tuk],)[l}:ciun];KUw];Kgc]la};Am],Suiw]:Am],yUw];{' = Ill-gotten gains,(Idiom),
v],lUic];'(Ta};1;7') = Dishonest gain, sordid gain; filthy lucre: not pursuing dishonest gain; not fond of sordid
gain; not given to filthy lucre,
mYL.'Sqc]mYL.'[Sqc]mI;SIKQw]man],pgc],{ = Emerald, N. gemstone that is colored green by chromium; emerald green,
mYOnIsEp,l]' = Municipal,
mgk],'mgk],lat]:wL:Agk],'mgk],En'(mgk],w}.lgc]:n}.) = Mention: mentioned it, mentioned, mentioning,
mgk],'lUc],mgk],' = Flower, N. the blossom of a plant, flowers
mgk],km].ekL,'[mgk],hgm]SIKaw]'mG]KQw]ygt]:mG]mn];Kgc],'{ = Mesua ferrea, N. Ceylon ironwood; Indian rose chestnut,
yam];Aup],AUw];eSlgc]:lgc]:)) = Tell me, (compare ‘talk to me’)
mgk],kan]:cgk];'[mgk],PUik],ca};mgk],Km];Sg}:'{' = Tuberose, N. creamy-white, lily-like flower, tuberose flower,
mgk],kaw];kqw];'[tUn]:tqm],mG]SQm]:lqm]{'tUn]:kaw];kqw];' = Balsam flower, N. the genus of Commiphora,
mgk],kaw].hgm]'[mgk],hgm]Kgc],lqc]pQn]KUw].'{(KUw].mgk],kaw],hgm]Kgc],lqc]tum],kI:SUv];SUv];'(kGam];1;14') = Henna, N. a
fragrant flower of shrub tree, Lawsonia inermis: a cluster of henna blossoms,
mgk],kin]Kw]:mUn]:kn]' = Fellowship meal, N., love feasts,
mgk],kI:SUv];SUv];'(lUc],mgk],kI:SUv];SUv];w}.')' = Showy, adj.: showy flowers, showier, showiest,
mgk],kI:yw].' lUc],'tUn]:mgk]:mgk],' = Blossom, to produce or yield blossoms, blossome, blossoming,
mgk],kum]:' = Cloud,
mgk],kum]:km],lm]Pit];pt].piw]lUc]mL;' = Black clouds swept down,
mgk],kum]:Kw]Kuin];cuip];mL;Tqc]:wa};PUn]nn].' = Clouds return after the rain,
mgk],kum]:Sum],' cuip];' cuip];muit];mUw];tn]' fL.ciup];' = Cloud, clouded,
mgk],kum]:Sum],' ciup];' fL.ciup];' = Cloudy,
mgk],kum]:Sum],tn]tik];' = Overcast, adj. cloudy, dark, gloomy,
mUiw]:lI'nm].Kun],yc];emLSG]'mgk],kum]:tn]tik];w}.tan],lG]ekL:tuin];etl}:hn]Sa}lqc];lqt]:pUic];mL;Kuin];'{ = Every
cloud has a silver lining, (Proverbial saying) no matter how bad a situation might seem, there always has some hope and
good aspect to it,
mgk],kum]:pac],kGL,yw].' = Cloud was gone,
mgk],kum]:PL:PUn]'[mgk],kum]:An]tUk];pn]PUn]{ = Rain cloud, N. mass of clouds that yields rain; nimbostratus,
mgk],kum]:PL:PUn]km],lm]Pit];nUiw]fL.'(SL,18;11')' = Dark rain clouds of the sky,
mgk],kum]:PUn]'PL:PUn]km],lm]Pit];' = Nimbostratus, N. a rain cloud of the layer type,
eSAit];nn].lG]' = Little cloud, a big cloud or no cloud;
n].eSca};mUin]KLkUc],kaw]w}.Et.'{' = Spider plant, Chlorophytum somosum,
mgk],kgn]'tUn]:mgk],kgn]' = Cherry, N. cherry tree; cherry flower,
mgk],kg}'[mgk],lUic]lUc],lQk].Agn],pQn]tUn}:KUiw];'{ = Dioscorea villosa (Wild yam), N. wild yam flower,
mgk],ekL,' mgk],ekL,Sg}:' mgk],kUw],Sg}:' = Chestnut flower,
mgk],Km];Sg}:' = Lilies, lily,
mgk],Km];lam]:'mgk],Km];'mgk],sam]Km];' = Orchid, N. the flower of any these plants,
mgk],Kw]:kap],'[mgk],pQn]KUw].mI;tI:pa}tUn]:Kw]:kap],{' = Corn tassel,
mgk],Kw]:tqk],'[tUn]:Aqk];mI;mgk],hgm]SIKaw]'{= Jasmine, N. any of numerous shrubs or vines having fragrant flowers and
used in perfumery, jasmine flower,
mgk],Kat]:tL,' = Land lily,
mgk],cL;sac].'[tUn]:KUiw];Kuin]:Puk],tL,mgk],Aa}hgm]An]mI;SIPUik],/lUic]/lqc];mUin]AUt],Agn],'{= Honeysuckle, N. any
upright or climbing shrub of the genus Diervilla, cultivated for its fragrant white, yellow, or red tubular flowers,
mgk],slap]:'[tUn]:mgk],Aqk];mI;SI;PUw],mgk],hL:mG]supQn]lUc],SImgk],km],/Kgc],/Sgm],'{ = Periwinkle flower,
mgk],/mak],sac].etL,'[mak],kuc],etL,'mG],yG],mgk],kI:SUv];SUv];{= Canna, N. any of tropical plants of the genus Canna,
eSAgk],mn];hgm](nm].mn];sam]kL;)An]Aw]yip];tuiw];SG],nG];nm].hgm]nn].'{'sam]kL;' = Champac, N. a
southern Asain tree, Michelia champaca, of the magnolia family, having fragrant yellow flower or orange flowers and yielding
an (champaca oil) used in perfumes,
mgk],es,twL,' = Cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides),
mgk],SPQt]<'[tUn]:Agn],mG]KQw]mUn];yaw];pa}lqm]mI;mgk],PUik],ca};lUc],mgk],Km];{= Spathiphyllum, N. Peace Lily plant,
mgk],Sac],kan];'[mgk],SIlUic],lUc],mUn];{ = Marigold, N. the genus Tagetes,
mgk],Sa}Kn]'[tUn]:KUiw];nQw]mI;mgk],SIes;la}mQw];{ = Clematis, N. any of woody vines, various colored flowers,
mgk],SUw}.lgc]:n}.' mgk],lat]:w}.' = Mentioned it,
mgk],Sgn].'[mgk],/hUw]mn];mgk],Sgn].{ = Dahlia, N. the flower or tuberrous root of dahlia, dahlia flower,
mgk],Sg}:la}:'[pQn]KUiw];mgk],hgn]k},'{ = Prince’s feather flower,
mgk],tm],mL,'tUn]:tm],mL,'[mgk],Kgc],/PUik]:la}la}SI{ = Pride of India tree,
mgk],tum],m}'[hUw]mgk],tn]mUn];tgm].lgm].mI;SIes;'{ = Globe amaranth, N. glove amaranth flowers,
t]:Pat]:tqk]:Aw]/kGam];lat]:tqk]:) = Flower owned by someone else, (rhetoric, an allegory),
mgk],nL,SI;Su'[pQn]KUiw];mgk],hQw];KUw].eSEl:mI;kqn]kac]lUv],mgk],pQn]hac]:kgk];SIlUic]/Kaw]kI:SUv];SUv];w}.nn].{ =
Narsissus, N. of the amaryllis family having showy yellow or white flowers with a cup-shaped corona,
mgk],niw].'[mgk],m}.niw].n}.km]:nm]pQn]SIlqc]SIKgc],PUik],ekL:mI;'{ = Kapok flower, kapok tree flower,
mgk],nqc];SI,Agn],'[mgk],nqc];SI,lUc],lQk].pQn]KUw]./nqc];SI,lUic];{ = Dog rose, N. also call canker rose; canker,
mgk],nUn];Km];'[mgk],yuv];yuv];pQn]KUw].kan]:yaw];SIlUic]'SIPUik],'{ = Acacia flower,
mgk],En'mgk],pn]'pg},Kaw],' puin]Kaw],' = Announce, announced, announcing,
mgk],EntI:kqp]:'tI:kqp]:mn];'An]kqp]:mn];'Sp];lqc];pgt];pgt];' = Brief, adj., briefly, adv.,
mgk],EntI:kqp]:'Sp];lqc];pgt];pgt];' = Brief, briefed, briefing,
mgk],EntI:kqp]:sgm];pQn]wn];kU:wn];' = Daily briefing,
mgk],/Enpn]eKLeKL' = Specify, to mention definitely; expressed; state in detail, specified, specifying,
mgk],pn]hG]:hU.sgm];' = Are told, might be told,
mgk],pan];eS;'[mgk],SIes;es;lUc],lQk].hgm]hUv];'{ = Fragrant flower,
mgk],pqk],'[mgk],PUik],kan]:yaw];Agk],sgm];pa}kic],mG]m}.pqk],'{ = Pine flower,
c],Agn],pQn]KUw].'{ = Padouk or Padauk, N. any of several trees belonging to the genus Pterocarpus, of the legume family,
native to tropical Asia and Africa, having reddish striped or mottled wood used for paneling, furniture, etc.; the wood istelf,
mgk],PU:'[mgk],mI;mgk],mn];kUv];Am],emLmak],Am],mI;mak],{(mgk],la}la}wL:mgk],Am],mak],)' = Male flower,
mgk],f};'lUc],mgk],f};/P};'mgk],P};' = Firework flower, N. fireworks shows,
mgk],f};tqk],'[KUic]:An]tqk],Agk],lqc];f};/SQc]emL;lc]lc]mUiw]:hQt];pg};sUm];yuk].ygc]:'{= Firework, N. fireworks. a
combustible or explosive device for producing a striking display of light or a loud noise, used as part of a celebration,
hgc],wn];Agk],pUin]:Aw]hQt];yL:yLtL;tL,yLAn]kG]:/lgk]:lqc]sgm];tUw]/KUm];/mqc];KUp];sUiw];n}.{' = Witch hazel,
N. a shrub, Hamamelis virginiana, of eastern North America, having toothed, egg-shaped leaves and small, yellow flowers, also
called Tobacco Wood, Spotted Alder, Snapping Hazel or winter bloom,
mgk],man];EK'[mgk],Km];Sg}:SIlUic]mak],sgk];mI;sum]:mQt].lm]Agn],'(mgk],mac];EK){= Tiger lily, N. a lily having dullorange flowers spotted with black,
;mQt].cL;Pqp].(cL;elL,)kUv];mn];lQk].eSlm]Pit];Pit];w}.'(mgk],mUv]Pgc]){'(mgk],lp].Ain]Amit].S]') = Love-ina-mist, N. a plant, Nigella damascene: Love-in-a-mist flower,
mgk],mUw]'mUw]' [mgk],mUw]n}.mI;SIKaw]SIKgc],{' = Lotus, water lily,
mgk],mUw]lg}'[mgk],mI;Kqp];kqn]kac]mUn];lUic]kap],mgk],PUik],eS;kI:mUin]Sa}lqc];pUic];{ = Daisy, N. English daisy flower,
mgk],mU;el;'[tUn]:Aqk];pQn]yum];mI;mgk],hgm]SIKaw]/lUic]num],'{ = Spanish jasmine N. flower,
mgk],Em:'[mgk],An]emLmak],mI;mak],l}:{(mgk],tqc]sic]mgk],Pk];pak]./ng};mac]lUc],mI;mak],mac]lUc],n}.Am],mak],)' =
Female flower,
mgk],m},'[mgk],nqc];SI,EK,n}ekL:wL:'(mgk],tac]es:mUic];hw};AI;nG];yU<Aqt].S]){= Hibiscus, N. also called China rose,
tUn]:m}.kac];'mgk],m}.kac];'[tUn]:Suc]mG]eS;mI;mgk],lUic]{ = Pride of China tree,
mgk],miUn]Tt];Siuw]:' = Straight Flush, -(8,9,10,J,Q clubs; or 2,3,4,5,6 diamond), (Texas Hold’em)
mgk],miUn]KiUw];Kun]' = Royal Flush, -(A,K,Q,J,10 the same suit) , (Texas Hold’em)
mgk],yac]hgm]' tUn]:mgk],yac]hgm]' [tUn]:murtu{(A},55;13') = Myrtle, N.,
mgk],yL:'mgk],yL:Pin],'[mgk],tUn]:yL:Pin],mI;SIlqc]/PUik],/km],es;'{ = Poppy flower, opium flower,
mgk],yg};Sg}:'[mgk],SIlqc]sac];hac];yg}.yaw];lUc];pQn]Sg}:/pU:hgk],{' = Tassel flower, N. love-lies-bleeding,
mgk],lat]:' lat]:wL:' lat]:pn]' K}:En' = Tell, told, telling,
mgk],lat]:K}:EneKLtuk];ygn];mG];sUiw];nn].El:' = Make your request known,
mgk],lat]:K}:Enlgc]:lImn];'(K}:Enlgc]:lImn];El:')' = Tell of His Goodness,(Tell of his goodness,),
mgk],lat]:EnkU:siUw].kU:lgc]:es;es;' = Tell everything,
mgk],lat]:hQt];Enpn]hG]:SUhU.hn]yin];sgm];' = Make it known to you,
mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Speech
mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];' mgk],lat]:Agk],' mgk],lat]:' lat]:' = Speaking, speak,
mgk],lat]:K}:En' mgk],lat]:Enpn]' = Describe, tell, portray, represent,
mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];tUk];sG]Aam];Aw]'(lgc]:-/An]-/) = Stunning speech,
:!sw]:Kun]sgm]suic]:'/sw]:sgm]suic]:hw];KL:'@)' = Address: “… word of encouragement that address you as a
father address his son. Address the president as “Mr. President.”, addressed, addressing,
mgk],lat]:pn]kUn];mUic];(kGam];-/An]-)'(mgk],lat]:pn]kUn];mUic];tc];la})' = Public address:
Deliver public address to the people,
;mn];Suiw]:Suiw]:'(Enpn]Sak]:eS,Aman],JtL;sqc]:sqc]:') = Setting forth plainly, manifestation: setting forth
the truth plainly(2Cor.4:2),
mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];An]yUc];sG]' = Stirring speech,
mgk],lIpL'[tUn]:yum];mgk],eS;pQn]KUw].ygt]:El:mgk],mn];kin]KUm]lgk].lgk].'{= Wild jasmine sambac flower,
mgk],lUc],hQw],hUc]:kGL,' = Dead flower,
mgk],el;vac];'[mgk],hqc]:Aa}huin];hgm]eSPQt];Ait];Ait];Aw]hQt];KUic]:mI,kI;SG],Pk];{ = Clove, N. the dried
flowr of a tropical tree, Syzygium atomaticum, used whole or ground as a spice,
;SUlgc]:kw]Kuk];sG]l}:tUc].tk].mL;n}nL:')' = Give my greetings to, convey my greetings or regards to: give my
greetings to your parents,
mgk],wn];wa},' mak],wn];wa},'mgk],/mak],wn];sUin];' = Sunflower, sunflower seed,
Aw]hQt];yUiw],Ag},mL.Ag},wUw];'{' = Vetch, N. genus vicia,
mgk],w}.TL:'(lgc]:-/An]-)'[An]EnSa}ca}w}.TL:'Ennimik]:mn];w}.'{ = Omen, N. presage; portent, omens,
mgk],w}.TL:' mgk],w}.kgn],Agn]' = Aforementioned, cited or mentioned earlier or previously,
mgk],w}.TL:'EnSa}ca}w}.TL:'[Encw];mn];w}.{ = Presage, N. augury; prediction,
mgk],w}.pn]'[tqm]:ma}/sI.sm]:En'mqp]:Enpn]'pYL./En'Enpn]eKLeKL'{'mgk],pn]' = Designate, to mark or
point out; indicate; show; specify, designated, designating, designation, N.,
mgk],hac]pL'[mgk],Km];lam]:'/mgk],sam]Km];mQw];nuic]:'{ = Kind of orchid,
mgk],AQc]:Km];'[hUw]mgk],Agn],hqc]:n}.Aw]hQt];AI:yLhqc];hUw]sG]{ = Safflower, N. its dried florets, used medicinally,
mgk],hQw];Km];'[mgk],mn];pQn]AUt],lUic]hac]:lInL,{' = Yellow arum,
mgk],hQw];KUw].'[km]:nm]pQn]SIlqc]km]mgk],nqc];SI,nn].{' = Amaryllis, N. also called belladonna lily, naked lady,
mgk],hQw];ciun];'[mgk],mn];pQn]AUt],PUik],hac]:lInL,{'(mgk],hQw];Km];) = Arum flower, also called
cuckoopint,(yellow arum), arum,
mgk],hgn]k},' = Cock’s comb flower, N. celosia cristata seeds; clockscomb flower,
mgk],hgm]luik];'[mgk],An]kI:An]hgm]mUiw]:kac]Km]:kac]Kiun];SIKaw]/PUik],mI;Sa}lUic]mgk],eS;eS;pQn]KUw].{' = Nightblooming Jasmine, night blossom flower Cestrum nocturnum,
mgk],Agk],kUv];nG];TUin]/pL,' tUn]:mgk],Agk],kUv];' = Wild flower,
mgk]:'him];hgm];' = About, adv. nearly; almost; near in time, number, degree, etc.: approximately; circa,
mgk]:'(lam];tBv];hBw]hbp]:mn];etmqn]:mgk]:kL:hibw]) = Approximately, adv., about, approximate, adj.,
mgk]:sm]sm]' An]lam];Aw]mgk]:sm]sm]mn];nn].' = Approximate, adj. proximate,
mgk]:sw].sw].pI<1990sUiw];nn].' = Early 1990s, in the early 1990s,
mgk]:tuik].lIp}mUiw]:wn];Sin]'[k}mgk]:lk];nuic]:ygm];ygm];'/1000-1200kqk].'/mgk]:nuic]:kI,lUw],mI,tL,'{ = Sabbath
day’s journey away, a Sabbath day’s walk, three-quarters of a mile,
mgk]:him];hgm];nG];Ek:45El:65nn].' = Roughly between 45 and 65,
mgc]'yqn]:'[yqn];nUiw].'yqn]:Pk];SUm]:PQt];'mgc]Pk];SUm]:nm].'yqn]:/mgc]TUw]nw]:'mgc]Pk];kum],SUm]:'mgc]nQc]:yam];'{' =
Ferment, produced or preserved by the action of microorganisms. In this context, fermentation typically refers to the
fermentation of sugar to alcohol using yeast, fermented, fermentation,
mgc]sG]'cqw]sG]ekL.lQw]lqw];' mgc]eSL,ehL,' = Lonely, adj. lonesome, lonelier, loneliest,
mgc]eKL:'[k}.pQn]An]TUv]:sG]yap],emL;ehL;Eh;eSA}ekL:A}TUv]:sG]kp].nG];AUk];'{ = Asthma, (Pathology). N. often
allergic disorder or respiration, characterized by bronchospasm, wheezing, and difficulty in expiration, often accompanied by
coughing and a feeling of constriction in the chest,
mgc]sG]pUiw]:t};ekL.eA,'mgc]sG]' = Lonesome, adj.,
mgc]eSL,ehL,' mgc]sG]' = Lonely,
mgc];'(kgc]'mgc];'Sqc],)(kgc]yG],hL.mgc];yG],?) = Gong, (drum, gong, symbol,)(Which one is bigger either drum or gong?)
mgc];'sBw]:mgc];' = O’clock, hour,
mgc];' mbc]:mgc];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Hope, hoped, hoping,
mgc];kUv];'mgc];kUv];Km];'tUc],'wqn]Km];' = Ring, golden ring,
mgc];kUv];Sup];pa}muiw];' = Finger top ring,
mgc];kgc]:'(tac],mgc];kgc]:w}.)' = Rifle bullet rotator, (rotating the bullet rotator),
mgc];KG]:hQt];pn]' = Longs, longs for,
mgc];KG]:hQt];pn]' mgc];pG].tL,et' mI;sG]KG]:hQt];pn]nL,nL,' = Longs to,
mgc];KG]:hQt];lIetL,SUnL,nL,yw]." = Long to be good to you,
mgc];sak]:'[Pqn],hUm],kgp];tc];kU:tI:ngn];w}.mUiw]:Am],p},lUw],ngn];nn].'{= Lever of a machine,
sw]:JPL;kw]tI:KL:AUiv];"@(SL,42;21') = Pant, to long with breathless or intense eagerness; yearn: As the deer pants
for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God, panted, panting,
mgc];Tqc]:nm]nm]' = Hope for more,
mgc];nL,nL,'(An]mak],hUw]sG]hw];mgc];nL,nL,') = Yearn, yearning, (the yearning of our hearts)
mgc];nL,nL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Aspiration, longing for, yearn for,
mgc];nL,nL,' = Aspire, yearn, aspired, aspiring,
mgc];nL,liUw]mgc];' = Hope more than a hope, panting,
mgc];epL;cw]sUn];sUn];'[mgc];nL,nL,pUn].'Kan]sG]l}:mgc];pG].'{ = Pine, to yearn deeply; suffer with longing;
long painfully for, pined, pining,
mgc];muiw];'[KUic]:An]EnKaw];yam];Aw]pat]:w}.sgm];Kgp]:muiw];/SG],Tgc];pL;kGL,mL;l}:nn].{' = Watch, N., watches,
nL,' = Long for, longed for, longing for,
mgc];pG].tL,et' mgc];pG].' mI;sG]KG]:hQt];pn]nL,nL,' = Longs to,
mgc];pG].Tgm],'mbc]:tBv];kGL,' muc]:mgc];pG].TL:' = Looking forward: looking forward to hear from you,
mgc];pG].epL;El,lgm]Tam]Kaw],'[muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:'mgc];pG].'{ = Looking ahead, expecting,
mgc];hLhn]' El,hL' = Look for,
mgc].' cgk];' kBt].' (tac];kBt].cgk];cqk];nL,El:kw]mw];kL;hak]:Agk],epL;pQn]lin];)' = Curving inward,
mgc].'An]mgc].kgc]:cgc]:'(lUin]mgc].)' = Crescent, N. adj. concave, incurved: crescent moon,
mgc].pQn]Tap]:'(KUn]hUw]yaw];mgc].pQn]Tap]:)' = Concave layers,(concave layers long hair),
tac];Kw]:) = Arch, curve, arched, arching, arch, N.,
mgc].hUm],'(muc];/An])[tac];mI;muc];mgc].hUm],{' = Arch, N. a doorway, gateway, etc., having a curved head; an archway,
= Arch, curve, arched, arching, arch, N.,
mgt],' mgt],srac];' mgt],tUw]lik]:An]Pit];' = Erase, extinguish, wiped out,
mgt],' tLmgt],'tL,mUw];epL;sm]mgt],' = Blind, adj. N., almost blind, blinder, blindest,
mgt],srac];pqt]:' = Deregister, deregistered,
mgt],srac];pqt]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Deregistration,
mgt],srac];pqt]:' mgt],srac];mn];pqt]:' = Write-off, a cancellation from the accounts as a loss,
mgt],pqt]:/ha}'sQt].'sQt].pqt]:'(sQt].nm].tL/PUin]'(mgt],lik]:')= Wipe, wiped, wiping, wipe out,
mgt],f};'mgt],pqt]:'Aw]mgt],'mgt],' = Quench, to put out or extinguish (fire, flames, etc.), quenched,
mgt],f};mn];pqt]:'(mgt],f};An]Suk].yuc]:luk].Puin].nn].pqt]:) = Quench, quell: to quench an uprising,
mgt],yibt];Aibt];pik].' mgt],' = Extinguish,
mgt],ha}'lulqw]'(tac];-)'An]yL.lu'= Undoing, N. annulling; ruin; destruction, undo, erase; destroy,
mgt],ha}yQp],nqn]:pqt]:'mc]ep.pqt]:' = Subdue, defeat, suppress,
mgt],hG]:yQn]'eKYL;hG]:yQn]'kin]lgc]eKL;'= Quench, to slake or allay, (thirst, desires, passion, etc.), quenched,
mgt]:'[mqc];sI;m}.pUk],m}.mgc]/m}.sic]hqc]:pQn]hU;nUiw].m}.epL;Pgc]mUin]Pgc]mun]:{(m}.mgt]:)= Auger beetle, N, lesser auger
beetle; powder post beetle: wood damaged by auger beetle,
mgt]:'mgt]:Kw]:'mgt]:TUw],'[tUw]lm]lQk].Agn],yL.Kw]:San]/Kw]:pUik],/mak],m}.sL.kGL,{' = Weevil, N. also called
snout beetle, weevils,
mgt].S]'[kzc];pik]:man],/tI:mU,Slim],Kw]w}:SL{ = Mosque, N. a Muslim temple or place of public worship,
mgn]'An]mgn]'[Aw]eSAn]An]ES,Kw]:km].w}.tG]:mn];yL,hG]:l}:lUm].Am],nn]hG]:mn];Suc]mL;Tqc]:{'km].'= Prop,
to support, propped, propping, prop up, prop, N.,
mgn]'(mgn]n}.epL;Am],emLAqp];emLlam]n}kin]Am],wan],mn];Kn];)' = Plant of the arum family,
,nn].'@'{= Quid pro quo, N. something that is given or taken in return for something else; “something for something” or
“this for that”, similar meaning include: “give and take”, “tit for tat”, quid pro quos,
mgn]hUw]' = Pillow, N., pillows,
mgn]Aic]'[mgn]hUw]Sam]sQc],/tc]:w}.tL,nc]:Aic]'{ = Pillow or cushion to lean on,
mgn],'[tQk];sI;/AI;Kw]lin]AUn]:nQw]hG]:pQn]hU;w}.'{(mgn],pL,yQn],)= Dig into, hollow out; thrust through: Eels hole,
tUw]lQk].'{'= Fish jumping out of water, fish leaping out of water, fish darting up water
surface,mgn];nac];'[wL:tI:yic];sG]lIhac]:lIKqm].Kuik].tgn];'{ = Appellation for a very excellent woman
L.nuic]:)' = Epitome, N. a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the feature of a whole class; perfect
example: He is the epitome of goodness,
mgn];K},'[pQn]SIlUic],mI;tac];nG];kUim]:PUik],K},El:pQn]pgt];pUic]lUc]mn];nn].{' = Yolk,
mgn];PL:Sgn];sG]' Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn]'Aw]nm].mn];tL;SG],hUt];SG],' = Anointed, to choose by
divine intervention, to apply oil,
mgn];mn];'kqn]mn];'lgn].mn];'(mgn];K},k},) = Essence, significance, element, principle, substance,(egg essence)
SU:mI;pL;hL:tgn]:1kan];yip];(hac]T})'2kan];mgn].'3cuk];mgn].'4Sgk];tin]T}'5hUw]tin]T}'sL.kGL,'){= Wooden plough,
plough handles; common five parts of a wooden plough are:1.handle,2.beam,3.body,4.shoe,5.share, etc.,
n];nc],huiw]hG]:sgm];m}mI:lIlInn].'{' = Monitor, N.,
pUic]An]sak]:luk]:nuic]:st];kan]tUc].nuic]nn].'{' = Monitor, N.,
mgp],'(Aup].mG]Pk];KQw]mgp],kGL,) = Drooped leaves, (leaves drooping)
mgp],Aap]:w}.'[Am],m}:sG]Am],Sgn],tG]:Sgn],nUiw]Sc]ygm];sG]tm];sG]Aap]:w}.lum];lum];{ = Cast on, cast upon,
mg}' KUn]' (mg}sgm];tUw]KUn]hUw]kUn];'KUn]nUk].)' = Hair, feather, pilus: body hair; bird feather,
mg}' KUn]' = Pilus, a hair or hairlike structure,
mg}kac];' kac];yg};' kac];yuv];' = Beard, long beard,
mg}kic],Eh.' = Armpit hair,
mg}kg};' KUn]kg};' = Panis hairs,
mg}Kgp],'[m}yg};hac]:KUic]:w}.sgm];lqn]Kgp],eSmQw];mQw];nn].{= Fringe, N. a decorative border of thread, cord, or the like,
mg}tL'[mg}Agk],sgm];Kgp],tLnUiw]tc];Kgp],tLtG]:{'tLmg}' = Eye hair, eyelashes,
mg}hBw]nw],'KUn]hUw]nw],'mg}hI'mg}kg};' = Pubic hairs,
mg}:' tLPI,mg}:'[KG]:ngn];nL,tLepL;Am],KG]:muin];l}:lp];Et.Am],sG]:nn].{' = Sleepy eyes,
mg}:kac]:pL' = Remove fish bones,
mg}:Aw]'[sG].hqc];muiw];/Aw]muiw];mit];/yip];/TUv]:/Tgn]Aw]lg};lg}:{(mg}:kac]:pL)' = Remove: remove fish bones,
slowly remove,
mG]'mG]m}.'tgc]'[mG]m}.SIKQw]mI;kan]:Agn],sp];kic],m}.w}.'mG]m}.yG],Aw]hQt];tgc]l}:'PUiw]m}.'{ = Leaf, N. a petal, leaves,
mG]kp];lm];'[tUn]:Am],mI;kic],mI;mG]Agk],kp];lm];mn];w}.(yUiw]:'tUn]:Kw]:'sL.kGL,){ = Sheathing leaves,
mG]kQp];ciun];' = Bills,
mG]kQp];ciun];kL:f};fL.An]kL:mn];Suc]pQc];fL.pQc];mgk],' = Sky high electricity bill,
tac],An]nn].{' = Banker’s bill, a draft drawn by one bank on another, banker’s cheque, bank draft,
mG]kqc];'ygt]:kqc];'[ygt]:m}.mak],kqc];'{ = Tender tamarind leaves,
mG]kUv]:'tgc]kUv]:'(Kw]:mun];ehL,tgc]kUv]:')' = Banana leaf, banana leaves,
mG]kUv]:num],'[mG],kUv]:An]pQn]lI,Agk],mL;mI;SIKQw]lUic]kQn];cQn];w}.nn].{' = Banana flag leaf,
mG]kiuk];tUw]'[cw];la};pQn]w}.tUw]mn];hc];mn];{(mI;mG]kuik];tUw]mG],nG];TL,wrL.JPL;) = Identity, N. the condition of being
oneself or itself; person’s individuality: a new identity in God,
mG]kuik];tUw]KUiw];Kun]' = Royal identity,
mG]KQm]'mG]pqk],'[mG]pQn]lqm]:lQk].yaw];yaw];mUin]KQm]'{ = Needle leaves, pine leave,
mG]Kqp];Km];' = Gold-bearing leaves,
n]kL:KUw];nn].'{(kw]tqm]:mG]KYqk].pn]tL,100etL,lL,)' = Check, a printed form, used instead of money, to
make payments from your bank account: I wrote a check for $100, bank check,
mG]/mG]<KYqk].cibn];hBw]liBn]' = Paycheck,
SpQn]An]yip];sG].mUin]pQn]ciun];es:Am],nn]Aw]lqk]:kU;cuin];mUic];An]mG];kGL,El,nn].l}:'{' = Traveler’s
check, a piece of paper that you buy from a bank or a travel company and that you can use as money or exchange for the local
money of the country you visit,
mG]Slip].'[Puin]pUic]lik]:pgt];Agn],An]tqm]:ma}tgc];Kaw],pgc]lqc];mn];w}.pn]nn].{(mG]Slip].Tuk],ciun];)' = Slip,
N. a small paper form on which information is noted: a withdrawal slip,
An]nuic]:nn].{' = Paying-in-slip, N. small document recording money that you pay in to a bank account,
nn].{' = Withdrawal slip, N.,
mG]SUc],KUw];'(Ain]wg}.S])[pQn]mG]kQp];ciun];tL,kun]Sin]An]Ka}kGL,/lgc]:hp].sG].sg}:An]l}:km].sg}:pn]w}.sUiw];nn].'{' =
Invoice, N. an itemized bill for goods sold or services provided, containing individual prices, the total charge, and the terms;
the merchandise or shipment itself,
mG]eS;'[mG]m}.An]Kqp];mn];Am],yG],k}.pQn]KUw].w}.'{ = Small-leaved,
mG]Sg}:'[mG]yaw];sgt]:lgt]:cw]:hQw]pa}lqm]{= Lanceolate, adj. shaped like the head of a lance: lanceolate leaf; sharp-leaved,
mUiw]:kw],kU:pgk]:k}.Aw]hQt];yL:yLKuiw]KYL.tUik],/yLesL.ngc]sQp];yQn];ha}nn].'{' = Wormwood, N. any low shrub
of the genus Artemisia, a bitter, aromatic plant, of the old world, used as a vermifuge and a tonic,
mG]tuit];' wG]tuit];'[Kqp];es:pgt];pQn]Sak]:eS,tL,EnKw]:pac]pg};'tUv];cw];tUc].'KI,rL.TL;'sUiw];n}.{' = Ticket, N.
a slip, usually of paper or cardboard: a railroad ticket; a theater ticket,
mG]Tan]' = Palm leaf,
mG];np].Sgn],wL:mak],mG];Am],lQn]:l}:'(kgp].f])' = You consider your ball unplayable,
mG]nm]PUv];nL'[tUn]:m}.mI;mG]nm]PUv];nLAum],w}.tc];tUn]:'{(pL,m}.mG]nm]PUv];nL') = Leafy, adj. having,
abounding in or covered with leaves or foliage: the leafy trees or woods,
mG]pqk],'[mG]pQn]lqm]:lQk].yaw];yaw];mUin]KQm]'{ = Pine leaves, needle leaves,
mG]pUc];'mak],pUc];'pUc];'[tUn]:mak],mak],nm]mI;nm]nUiw]tUn]:mn];{(mUic];mak],pUc];hUc];kgn]:'(tUn]:m}.mG]pUc];')= Luxuriant,
adj. abundant in growth, as vegetation; fruitful; productive: a luxuriant country; luxurient trees,
mG]pU.'[pU.'{(AUm]pU.')' = Betel leaf, N. betel or betel pepper: chewing betel leaf,
mG]mak],kqc];' ygt]:mak],kqc];'[ygt];kqc];SL:'huw]pLAgc],ygt]:mak],kqc];{' = Tamarind leaves,
mG];mI;pun]:Pgn];hp].tgp],tL,KUw];Kgc]mG];' = You are responsible for your property,
mG]mUn];'[mG]m}.pQn]Kqp];hac]:mUn];mUn];'{ = Round-leaved,
mG]m}.'(kGam];Slqc];'-ciun];')'pqk].San],'ciun];' = Moolah, noun slang. Money,
mG]m}.piw]sgm];lUm];'(yUp]13;25') = Windblown leaf,
mG]m}.hqc]:Kgp].Kgp].Kqp].Kqp].'(mG],m}.lUn],yw].hqc]:Kgp].Kgp].Kqp].Kqp].epL;Tuic]Kaw];m}:mL;) = Dry crunchy leaves,
mG]mgk],'[mG]Agk],kuik];mgk],ehL,w}.Tap]:ngk]:Sut];ehL,w}.SI;PUw],mgk],'{(mG],mgk],pgc];lUm];w}.nn].') = Calyx, N.(Botany) the
outermost group of bloralparts; the sepals: an inflated calyx,
mG]yUuiw]:'[tUn]:yUiw]:yL:k}.mI;mG]yaw];'{ = Blade of grass,
mG]lam]:'[pa}m}.lam]:tI:An]hQt];Pqp].Pqp].w}.'{ = Blade of a paddle or an oar,
mG]lqm]'[mG]m}.pa}lqm]'{ = Sharp-leaved,
mG]wI;'[tqp];wI;'Kqp];wI:'{ = Leaf of a fan,
mG]lik]:lg};ciun];kn]' = Bill of exchange, N. a written authorization or order to pay a specified sum of
money to a specified person,
mG]lik]:km].Tqm]lgc]:pa};yU,lI' = Bill of health, a certificate, carried by a ship, attesting to the presence or
absence of infectious diseases among the ship's crew and at the port from which it has come., clean bill of health,
mG]lik]:km].Tqm]lgc];pa};yU,lIKqm].lqp]:' = Clean bill of health, perfect clean bill of health,
mG]hp].'mG]<hp].' = Receipt,
mG]hp].SGac];SG],pqc].AEm,rikn],'(eAtIJAL) = American Depositary Receipts(ADR),
mG]hp].Puin]ma}tgc];El:hUw]hup]:tc];mUt];mn];' = Records and totals receipts,
mG]hBm],lBm]:' = Security,(Contract), A share of stock, a bond, a note, or one of many different kinds of
documents showing a share in a company or a debt owned by a company or a government, securities,
mG],' An]mG],' = New,
mG],sak]:sak]:'[KUw];/Kgc]/KUic]:yip];tac];tuiw];An]p},l}:yip];sG].nn].'{ = Brand-new, adj. entirely new,
mG],sibn]:SG]lI' mG],lIKiun];' Em;tBw]mG],sG]mG],' = Refresh
mG],Suc]&Kiun]:yG],mG],Suc]&pI:ngc].hw];&sUm];Et.KL:&' = Words of cheer, Cheer!
mG],Suc]&mG],Suc]KL:&kin]Kw]:yw].hL.&yU,lIyU,hL.&' = Greetings, N. the act or words of a person who greets,
mG],Sbc]'Kuin]:yG],'Kuin]:yG],mG],Suc]'Kuin]:yG],Suc]'= Thrive, advance,thrived or throve, thrive, thriving,
mG],Suc]kac]nG]'mG],Suc]wn];sa}.'mG],Suc]kac]Km]:'(mG],Suc]&)' = Good morning,/afternoon,/evening,
mG],Suc]KL:&' = “MaiSoongKha!”, a greeting word in Tai means for progress and prosperity,
mG],Suc]wn];sa}.'mG],Suc]wa};wn];' = Good afternoon,
mG],mG],'mG],lI'mG],lInL,'mG],mG],Sut];'mG],SUic]hUic]' = Fresh, adj. newly; freshly, fresher, freshest,
mG],lI'mG],mG],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'mG],siun]:SG]lI'mG],SUic]hUic]' = Fresh, N. a freshest, freshness,
mG],lIKiun];'Em;tBw]mG],sG]mG],'mG],sibn]:SG]lI' = Refresh, refreshing,
mG],lIw}.ASak]:Pw' = Freshness in life,
mG];' SU' KUiw]' mG];sw]:' = You,
mG];kn].Kt];sG]hQt];sgm];SQn]:tac];mG];hG]:epL;hgt]:Tuic]sik];sgm]mn];nn].mL;yw]." = You
were working your way to the top;
:" = “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
mG];kum];kgn];w}.lgc]:ekYL,mUn];SUiw];sG]mG];' = You are in control of your happiness.
mG];kGL,pL;sgm];kUn];kUt].PUw]kUt].em;pUin]:sUiw];nn].'(SL,50;18') = You throw in your lot with
adulterers, you associate with adulterers; you have taken part with adulterers,
Tuk],) = I’ll go wherever you may go,
mG];kGL,mI;yU,tI:lG]w}.?' = Where have you been on earth?
mG];Kt];sG]hQt];hG]:Kiut];Tiuc]tI:kL:nc],pic],vL,mG];emLnn].yw].yw].' = You’ve gone as far
as your education allows.
mG];eK;etmI;kac]sG]lIyU,' = You may means well,
c].nuic]Am],pin],lqk]:la}:kUw]nn].kUw]n}.yU,huiw]?sgc],mG];KG]:suin]:Kqn];lIhuiw].?{' = How bad do you want it?
mG];KG]:hU.ekLepL;mG];Suiw]:yUw];eShQt];kGL,--' = You know what? If you simply do --,
mG];KG]:hG]:kw]hQt];Sc]pn]mG];?' = What do you want me to do for you?
mG];sac]:yip];km]hQt];Sac]:kGL,l}:yU,' = You can handle it,
mG];sac]:hQt];l}:yU,'mG];sac]:hQt];l}:yw].&'hw];sac]:hQt];l}:yU,' = You can, you can! We can,
mG];Sum];pqt];kan]mG];hQt];' = You lost your job,
mG];/SUsac]:yip];km]hQt];Sac]:An]nn].l}:yU,&' = You can handle it!
mG];/SUmI;An]lUik]:mn];yU,AUiw]:' = You have a choice.
mG];/SUwL:huiw]lL,?' tL,mG];/SUlL,? = What about you?
mG];/SUTac],wL:huiw]lL,?' = What do you think?
mG];/SUmL;hQt];Sc]?' = Why have you come?
mG];SG],sG]tBv];Tibc]pn]' = You care,
mG];vL;mc]kg}pqt]:la}pgk]:la}km];nm]nL,AL;lL;yw]." = You’ve blown it too many times,
mG];tk];lBw],l}:tibn],lbk].Kibn]:mL;yw].' = You’ve got to get up,
mG];tk];hUm],lUm]:lIeSl}:hp].tac];Ek,Kzt]:yw].' You will be saved,
mG];tqp];tt];sUiw].huiw]ekL:kw]etkm].Tqm]mG];yU," = I’ll support you whatever you decide.
mG];tUw]:tn];mUiw]:lG]ekL:l}:'[kGam];lIwL:tI:ekL:sn]Kaw];yam];huic]nn].{= Any time when you’re ready,
mG];etkGL,yU,n}k}:hL.n}.? = Did you say you are going?
mG];etkGL,Aw]An]mG];pUic],nn].mUiw]:lG]? = When are you going to get what belongs to you?
mG];etp},l}:hgt];tI:nn]:n}ekL:' = You may not be there just yet,
mG];etmI;ASak]:yU,kGL,eSetAm],ta}' = You will live and not die.
mG];etyum],Kaw],la};can];PG]pn]? = Whose report you will believe?
t.hL.&" = Don’t you dare settle for mediocre life!
mG];/SUethn]yU,'[eKL:tgp],mUiw]:Tam]wL:mG];ethQt];huiw]n}nn].'{ = You’ll see, you’ll find out,
mG];ethQt];hiuw]Aw]hQt];Sac]:kGL,sgm];kU:Kaw];kU:cw];la};nG];sUw]:ASak]:PwmG];n}.? = How
are you going to make it through the seasons of your life?
mG];etAm],l}:kGL,hap],Tam];kan]sg}:mUic];sL,tisw]:kw],Pgc];yam];Suik];nn].' = You may
not be allowed to serve your native country during war,
mG];etAw]nn].hQt];AI:Sc]?'mG];ethQt];sgm];An]nn].kGL,AI:Sc]sUic].huiw]?' = What are
you going to do with it?
mG];etL.Et.pQn]kBn];mI;ASak]:yB,w}.kBv];' = You’re merely existing,
mG];tiuk].Tuk],lIhQt];yU,' tiuk].Tuk],lIhQt];yU,' = You still should,
mG];/SUtuin];ethgt]:tI:nn]:yU,' = You will get there,
mG];tibn];etAm],l}:lIl}:pQn]eSpgk]:' = You’re never going to get well,
mG];TUik]:l}:nm]lUiw]nn].AUiw]:' = You deserved more than that,
mG];n}.pQn]ekL.An]---Am],sG]:En,? = Are you the one ---?
mG];n}.l}:Aw]Pbk],Sgm]:w}.yw].' = You have been planted,
mG];n}.Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' = You are not able.
mG];pQn]kUn];puc],kac]pan]kac]mn];kUv];" = You’re just average.
mG];pQn]mG];yB,nn].' mG];pQn]ekL.mG];pQn]nn].AUiw]:' ekL.mG];pQn]' = Who you are, you are who you are,
mG];pQn]mG];yB,nn].' = Who you are
mG];pQn]ekL.PG]piBc], = Whose you are
mG];pQn]ekL.An]JPL;sw]:lat]:wL:mG];pQn]PG]nn].AUiw]:" = You are who God says you are.
mG];epL;l}:hgt]:Pqw]mL;k}nL,yw]." = You’ve come too far,
mG];pgc]pQn]l}:lIlIyU,' = You are well able,
mG];man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:yU,ekL:epL;mG];liUc];n}siuc]mG];Pit];kGL,yw].' = If you are right but you are
rude then you are wrong,
mG];mI;kan]lBw],hQt];nm]nL,' (epL;Am],tan];cgk]:hBw]) = There is so much in your plate, [idiom]
mG];mI;kGam];lUw],lat]:lgc];mn];AI:Sc]siUw].hiuw]?' = What have you to say about him?
mG];(sw]:)mI;Pgn];lITiSut];tL,pun]:kw](KL:)w}.tI:nG];mak],hUw]sG]sw]:nn].AiUw]:(eAL:)" =
You have my best interest at heart,
mG];mI;pun]:Pgn];nL:kan]w}.yw].' = You’re on assignment,
mG];mI;Pgn];lITiSut];tL,kw]w}.tI:nG];mak],hUw]sG]mG];' = You have my best interest at heart,
mG];mI;lgc]:sUic].huiw]?" = “What’s the matter with you?”
mG];mI;lG]?' SUmI;lG]?' = Where are you?
mG];mI;w}.nG];sG]mn];sw]:yB,tc];wn];tc];Kibn];' = You are on his mind day and night
= You’d still be better off living your life positive,
mG];yc];p},pgc],sG]kgn],lUc]n}.' p},pgc],sG]kgn],lUc]n}.' = You just don’t get it.
mG];yc];p},pgc],sG]hL.n}.?' p},pgc],sG]kgn],hL.n}.?' = Do you still not understand?
mG];yam]:hQt];Sac]:Sw];nc],kB:pgk]:kB:Pw],' = Get around like you used to,
mG];(SU)yum],w}.hG]:TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:hQt];pn]mG];AI:Sc]?" = What are you believing God for?
mG];yU,tI:n}:mL;hiuc]la}pI<yw].?" = How long you have been living here?
mG];lp].lgc];mn]:sG]yB,hL.? = Are you sure?
mG];El:kw]'SBEl:hw];'sw]:El:KL:'pIEl:ngc].' = You& me, You and I, you and me,
mG];l}:hQt];w}.AI:Sc]mL;la}la}?' = What have you done? What is it you have done?
mG];l}:hBp].TBp];hn]mqn]:' = You come across,
mG];lgk],kw]' mG];lgk],kw]tUk];sG]' = You scared me.
mG];wL:ekL:sG]:yU,l}' = Your point is valid, I understand your point,
mG];wL:Sc]ekL?' wL:Sc]ekL?' = What are you talking about?
mG];wL:n}k}:hL.? = Have you said that?
mG];wL:lQn]:yUw].? Am],sG]:wL:Et.kGL:" = Are you kidding me? No, I’m serious.
mG];hn]yU,Am],sG]:hiuw].?' tL,mG];Am],hn]hL.&?'(sgc],mG];hn]huiw]?') = Don’t you see it?,(Do you see it?)
mG];hn]wL:mn];Am],pQn]Sc]' = You don’t matter,
tL,Enl]JTm].)' = “Whatever you’re doing, keep it short, fast and direct. It’s more polite.”,
mG];hQt];huiw]lL,n}.?'mn];hQt];Sc]mL;? = What have you done? What has he done?
mG];hQt];hG]:kw]sG]sL.'[mG];pgc].kw]'!sL.AUiw]:'PG]sG].mG];KG]:pgc].kw]'@{ = You make me nervous,
mG];hQt];AI:Sc]ekL:yw].' = Whatever you do,
mG];hQt];AI:Sc]sUic].n}lL,n}.?'(cw]:3;13') = What is this you have done?
mG];Am],SG],sG]tUv];pn]' = You not care that …, don’t you care that …,
;KLhL;pQc];Kw],sw]:kw],n}.pQc];PL,tin]kUv];){ = “You have no part with me”,( From this(very words of
Jesus answered to Peter John13:8) we learn a lesson that we ought to be on God’s side, not wanting God to be on our side.)
mG];Am],mI;nm].kt].An]lBw],' = You don’t have what it takes,
mG];Am],sac]:Aw]piUn]:pin],pa},lqk]:la}:mI;JPL;sw]:kUv];sac]:hQt];l}:" = You can’t change
the people only God can,
mG];Am],wL:n}k}:hL.? = Haven’t you said that?
mG];Am],tap]:lBw],l}:lgm]np].Sgn],tBv];epL;es;sgt],w}.nn].Sc]" = You don’t have to
figure it all out,
mG];Am]lUw],l}:tgc];pan],pun]:An]JPL;sw]:pn]tac];lImac],klL,ciun];tI:mG];nn].Sc]' = You
don’t have to apologize for the blessing that God blessed you with money.
mG];Aw]tBw]sG]sw]:kw],tm];wac];w}.tL,' = You are setting yourself up to be,
mG];Aan],yw].Kqp];hin]Sqc]Saw];Kqp];yw]." = You counted 20 marbles.
mG];AUiw]:' pQn]mG];n}.yw].' pQn]mG];n}.km];lQw]yw].' pQn]mG];AUiw]:' = It is you.
mG];Agk],Kaw];tac];kGL,lG]ekL:mn];pL;sgm];' = It travels with you,