VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Fa - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


f'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TiSip];Sgc]{' = ‘Fa’, the twelfth letter of the Tai alphabet,

frqt].tI<mqk].' = Freddie Mac/Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC)

frqn].'(siuc]:miUc];'miUc];) = France,

frqn].'(An]kQw],-/la};-)'(la};huc]frqn].)' = French, adj.: French cooking,

frqn].'(kUn];mUic];/kGam];lat]:)'(kUn];mUic];frqn].'kGam];lat]:frqn].)' = French, N.: the people of France,

frqn].'mUic];frqn].'[mUic];mI;pgt];wn];tUk];kun]yU;rUp].tac];kaGc]:mI;212736lk];pn]mUn];{ = France, N.,

frIkYIy'[suic]:mUic];mUiw]:kgn],mI;nG];pgt];kac]El:sQc],hgc],wn];tUk];AL,SYL.Agn],'{(man],2;10)' = Phrygia, N.

an ancient country in central and NW Asia Minor,

frU;ra}.'[kUiw]kgn]:h}.JtOw],frO;ra}.Aqt].Sit].{ = Fluoride, N. a salt of hydrofluoric acid, as sodium fluoride NaF,

flUw];KYat].'[An]Kit],lgk];eSSac];lac];Enw}.Kk].tgn]:la};hQt];hUw]yg}:mn];{' = Flow chart, flow sheet,


Flask, N. a bottle , usually of glass, having a rounded body and a narrow neck, used especially laboratory experimentation,

fl}a;wI;l]' = Flywheel,

fim];' fim];cw];tBc].' = Film,

fn];'(sum];) = Fund, an organization created to administer or manage a fund, as of money invested or contributed for

some special purpose,

fac].' fac].tBv];hn]Aw]' fac].vL;' = Notice, noticed, noticing, notice, N.,

fac].Sti'[An]pgc],Kaw],fac].Sti/pn]Sti{ = Notify, to inform or give notice to, notified, notifying,

fac].Sti' tUk],' pn]fac].Sti' = Remind, reminded, reminding,






mG];Agk],pUn].eSAm],kL;mn];sw]:etAw]mG];Agk],pUn].eSl}:tUiw];Kqm].lIeSmG];pQn]kU:pgk]:kU:Pw],nn].AUiw]:)'= Remind

yourself, Remind yourself: “This problem may have formed, but I have a promise from almighty God that it’s not going to

prosper.””He ‘s brought you through in the past, and He will bring you through in the future.” “You will not be overcome. You

will be the overcomer. You will not be a victim: you are the victor.” “God will not only bring you out, He will bring you out

better off than you were before!”,

fac].StitBw]sw]:kw],'tUk],hG]:tUw]sw]:kw],tgc];' = Remind yourself,

fac].StipG].'(nac];lum];lL;kUn];pQn]n}.fac].StipG].him];Kac]]etta}nn].w}.yU,') = Vigil, N. a watch or

period of watchful attention maintained at night or at other times: The nurse kept her vigil at the besides of the dying man,

fac].vL;'fac].tUv];hn]mqn]:'fac].tUv];vL;mqn]:' = Notice, noticed, noticing,

fac].vL;'sac]:w}.fac].tUv];han]l}:ca}:ca}:'(Kt];-Am],w}.fac].tUv];hn]l}:) = Noticeable, adj.,(ant:


fac].w}.'(fac].w}.lqt];lqt]:El:&'(mak].13;33')'Pac].w}.lqt];lqt];' = Alert, adj.: Be alert!(Mark 13:33),

fac].w}.lqt];lqt];El:&'(mak].13;33')' = Be alert! (Mark 13:33),

fac].w}.lqt];lqt];eSsG]yQn]yQn]'[emLwUn].Tt];lIlIeSsG]yQn]yQn]'{(1pI,4;7')' = Be alert and

of sober mind; be clear minded and self-control; be of sound judgment and sober spirit,

fac].hn]TL:mQw];sac]:pQn]eP;' = Vigilance, N. alert, vigilant, adj., vigilantly, adv.,

faw],et;SYin];'[sum];sg}:ciun];tL,pa};KUn].Sgk]:hL'pa};pic],vL,'el:pa};wQk].sL,An]sG].tuiw];l}:'{' = Foundation,

an institution financed by a donation or legacy to aid research, education, the arts, etc.: the Ford Foundation.,

faw],et;SYin];emLyLKw]' = Physicians Foundation,


lk];)'{ = Furlong, N, a unit of distance, equal to 220 yards (201 meters) or 1/8 mile; stadia,

fL;pUiw];l}.' (hin]Eh:An]Agk],Tc];Stn],)' = Ferberites, a mineral, ferrous tungstate, FeWO4 , n the

wolframite group: a source of tungsten.,


(Pac]hac]:mat]:ma}-Aqp].f]")' = Fahrenheit, adj. in which 32° represents the ice point and 212° the steam point.

(symbol: F), Fahrenheit scale,

fL.' fL.kac]haw]' PL.' = Sky,

fL.kac]haw]'(kQw],-/nUiw]-)(An]yU,fL.kac]haw])' = Celestial, adj. N. pertaining to the sky: celestial beings,

fL.kac]haw]Kgc]miBc];' = Territorial Air Space,

fL./PL.ciup];'fL./PL.Sw]:' = Cloud, cloudy,




mUiw]:lI'nm].Kun],yc];emLSG]'mgk],kum]:tn]tik];w}.tan],lG]ekL:tuin];etl}:hn]Sa}lqc];lqt]:pUic];mL;Kuin];'{ = Every

cloud has a silver lining, (Proverbial saying) no matter how bad a situation might seem, there always has some hope and

good aspect to it,

fL.ciup];Piun]siuw]:piUc],' = Cloud On Title,

fL.Sgm],' Sgm],wUc];fL.' Sgm],tgc].fL.' = Sky blue,

fL.pac],'PL.pac],'[nUiw]:fL.kac]haw]Am],mI;mgk],kum]:l}:hn]wUv];fL.Sgm],lInL,nn].{' = Clear, unclouded,

fL./PL.pac],mUic];lqc];'[KG]:wL:yam];kac]nG]mUiw]:mUic];tuik].sc],hLlqc];nn].{' = Undimmed, undarkened, light,

fL./PL/lc]' fL./PL.PL,' = Thunder, N.,

fL.PL,]eSfL.mqp]:' = Thunder and lightning,

fL.PUn]lqc].nm].hqc]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Drought,

fL.mqp]:'PL.mqp]:'(S}fL.mqp]:lqc];yan];lqc];yan];'(fL.mqp]:yan];yan];')= Lightning, N. flashes of lightning,

fL.mqp]:'PL.mqp]:'[fL.mqp]:lqc];yan];lqc];yan];'fL.mqp]:yan];yan];'{= Lightning, lightninged, lightning,

fL.mqp]:fL.tqk],]' fL.mqp]]' = Lightning and thunder,

fL.mqp]:yan];yan];'[mUiw]:fL.mqp]:lqc];map]:Agk],mL;pQn]Sa}ep;sgt],kGL,nn].{ = Bolts of lightning,]' fL.PL,' PL.PL,']' = Thunder, thundered, thundering,]Kuic].Kuic].' Kuic].Kuic].' Kuc]:Kuc]:' = Thunder rumble,

fL.wUt];/Aum];'mgk],kum]:Sum],tn]tik];' = Overcast, adj. cloudy, dark, gloomy,


nn].{ = Altocumulus, N. a cloud of a class characterized by rolls in layers or patches: altocumulus clouds,

fic]:Ec:' = Subculture,

fic]:Tuc];' (fic]:Ec:') = Culture, (subculture)

Subculture, N., subcultures,= fic]:Tuc];EP'[Tuc];/fic]:An]luk].tI:fic]:Ec:/Tuc];sam],kUn];KUiw];nuic]:EP:'{

fic]:Tuc];An]AkYac].lu'Tuc];AkYac].lu' = Immoral culture,

fic]:pUic]' ma}mI:pibn].Kam],' ma}mI:' pibn].piBc]tac];hQt];' = Principle,

fic]:piUc]Tt];Sin]' = Judicial principles,

fic]:pUic]pQn]pan]kUn];' = Life principle, vital principle,

fic]:fL.tiun];Aap]:pn]w}.' SPL,wfic]:tiun];pQn]' (Kt];-Am],sgm];fic]:SPL,w)' = Natural, adj.,

(ant: unnatural),

fic]:yam]:'puin].pUic]tac];hQt];' = Rule of conduct,


;kn]El:Aik],Kk].tgn]:mn];tc];nm]nn].'{ = Physiology, N. a branch of biology dealing with the structure functions

and activities of living organisms and their parts, including all physical and chemical process,

fim];'fim];cw];tBc].'flim],' = Film, N,

fiw];Slqk]<'[kqn]kac]hUiw];min]tI:hQt];w}.hG]:pik],El:hac]tc];sak]:hUiw];min]lm];nuic]:kp];sp];kn]w}.nn].{' =

Fuselage, N. the complete central structure to which the wing, tail surfaces, and engines are attached on an airplane,

fQt].s]'[An]tuik].pQn]nG];Kk].tgn]:kan]An]pin]lqk]:la}:/Piun].PU;Kiun]:yU,nn].'{'Kk].fQt].S]' = Phase, a

stage in a process of change or development: Each phase of life brings its own joys.,

fqt].Sit].' = Fascist,

fqt].SYin]<' hac]:Pac]' = Fashion,


= Festus, the successor of Felix as Roman procurator, or governor, of Judea,


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, (FDIC)

fqt].EJt,' = Federal,

fqt].EJt,' miBc];Pgm].hBm]:' = Federal, federation, United States,

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, =


fqt].EJt,suin]:sac],' = Genuine federal,

fqt].EJt,miUc];t};' = Federated Shan States,

fqn]nIEm;' = Fannie Mae,(acronym of Federal National Mortgage Association)


kat],tL,kUn];KG]:K}emL<kit]<Kw]) = Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,(FHLMC)


,yw].yw]:'@n}eShLyL.tac];yum],mat]:kUn];mac]sUiw];nn].''(2Tim];2;17'18'){ = Philetus,


lk];''(Kuin];1;11'3;7-12'){ = Philadelphia, a city of Lydia in Asia Minor, about 25 miles south-east of Sardis,

fI;Sik].S]'(pa};Sa}<An]lQp]:hQn];El:hQt];KUw];'hqc];f};'hqc];tUc].'lgc]:hqc];'sUiw];n}.nn].) = Physics, the science

fI;pI;'[suiw]:nac];yic];{' = Phoebe, N. a female given name,

fI;lik].'[mI;tI:pgc],wL:ekYL,'suiw]:Kun]Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];mUic];yut'(man],23;24'){ = Felix, happy, Governor,


n}.pQn]sgm]pgc]Suik];lUc]'yw].sgm]pgc]Suik];'yw].sgm]Suik];lUc]nn].'{' = Field marshal,(British army),

fI<niSiy'[mUic];pL,tUn]:Tan']pQn]mUic];ehLKm];mUiw]:kgn],nG];es:tgn]:mqt]tITUw],er;niyqn]<'{(man],11;19')' =

Phoenicia, Phenicia, N. the land of palm-trees; an ancient kingdom,

fI<elL;SfI<' pa};emLK}:sG]es;sgt],' = Philosophy,

fut].epL;l]' (AEm,rikn],fut].epL;l]) = Football, (American Football)

fut].epL;l]'(tac];lQn]:mak],nc]mUic];AEm,rikn],An]tc];pit].tc];Siuc];nn].') = Football,

fUc];hgn]nn].' hgn]nm].'piUp]:nm].' = Wave,

fUc];hgn]nm].'[tUc].kGL,mUin]hgn]nm].'pQn]Sa}mUin]hgn]nm].'{' = Undulation, N. a wavelike motion; a wavy form,

fUn];' Et,lI,fUn];' = Telephone, N., phone,

fUn];'Et,lI,fUn];'(pp].ma}fUn];) = Phone, N.: phone book, telephone,


mak],Kw]mI;nn].pn]Pgc];yam];mUiw]:tuik].lQn]yU,nn]."mn];n}.pQn]kUn];ngk]:"{ = Forecaddie, a “forecaddie” is

one who is employed y the committee to indicate to players the position of balls during play. He is an outside agency.,


Pa},n}.lQn]:mak],nuic]:luk]:mqc],]epL.kGL,han].etL,epL;Kw]:hU;lG]hU;nn].yw].(mqt].KY]'El:tc];SJtOk].'){' =

Foursome, see “forms of match play” and “forms of stroke play”,




n].pQn]km];epL.An]KLl}:pun]:tL,hU;nn].hQt];nn]kGL,(SJTOk].)'{' = Four-Ball, see “forms of match

play” and “forms of stroke play”,

fUw];rm]<nG];Sa}'nG];Ain];TUiw]<nqt].'nG];wqp].' = Online forum, Internet forum, Web forum,


:Tam]mI;mL;tL,pun]:pac]:Pgn];lIkUn];mUic];tc];la}nn].{' = Forum, N. an assembly, meeting place, television

fO;tL<lit].'(wL,t)[lgk];la};pUic]fYO;tL<l]{' = Feudalism, N. the feudal system,

fO;tL<l]'[lgk];la};pUic]PYO;tL<l]{' = Feudal, adj. feudal system,

Ef;wUv];'(kgp].f])' Sa}tac];mn];' = Fairway, (golf)

Ef;ehwn]<'[tL:hUiw];tI:Pc],pac],la},pgt];san];kun]RKit].'(man],27;8'){ = Fair Havens,[a harbor on the

south coast of Crete,(Acts 27:8-12)],

f};kL;' = Car light, car lights,

f};kUn]:kL;' f};tac];lc]' f};hac]hUiw];' = Tail Light,

f};kgc]:'[mUiw]:yuiw];kgc]:kac]Kiun];tI:lp];Sic],l}:hn]f};map]:lqc];tI:pa}kgc]:nn].{' = Gun spark,

f};kGn];tuv];tuc];'f};kGn];sun];sun];' = Smoke rising, rising smoke,

f};cra};lUc]'f};cra};' = Fire of hell,

f};sp];suic];w}.'sbic];'[m}:lg};lg};'{'f};siuc];kqp],'(f};suic];kqp],m}:lg};lg};)' = Burn slowly,: husk burnt slowly,

f};sp];lqc]sac];hac];'f};sp];luk].hun].hun].'(Kw]sut],tum]m}.f};sp];lqc]sac];hac];w}.)' = Ablaze, adj.

burning; on fire; they set the logs ablaze,

f};sac]:Pup].' sac]:Pup].f};' = Inflammable, adj. combustible,

f};sut],hiUn];'f};sut],'[f};kUn];sut],Am],sG]:mn];m}:kUv];nn].{' = Arson, N.,(Law),

f};SL,lfL,m}:luk].hun].hun].w}.'(Kiun];14;10') = Burning sulfur, (Rev. 14:10)


;Enhac]:Sti')skGL,'{ = Signal light, N. may refer to: Traffic light; Turn signals; Railway signaling; Signal lamp,

f};Sik]kEn,l]cgk];'[f};SG],w}.tI:kL;tL,mqp]:EnPa},yUic];kGL,/cgk];nn].'{ = Turn signal light, N.,

f};tac];'[f};tL,t}:sgm];tac];/f};An]t}:w}.sgm];tac];{' = Street light, street lights,

f};tQn];' = Candle light, candle lights,

f};t}:na};kum]:Sum],' = Fog Light,

f};t}:mUiw]:kuit];w}.' = Parking Light,

f};/P};Tat]:'[kgk];f};/kn]:f};fL.Agn],Aw]mak],Tan],hqc]:t}:pL;kGL,mL;ca}:{= Flashlight, N. also called torch,

f};Entac];ehL:' = Traffic lights,

f};Entac];ehL:'[lqc]w}.(kuit];)'lUic]w}.(hqn];tUw]:tn];tL,kuit];)'KQw]w}.(kGL,)'{'= Traffic lights, STEADY

RED(stop), STEADY YELLOW(Be ready to stop), STEADY GREEN(Go),

f};pI;Kn]<'[f};t}:w}.Suc]Suc]lqc];map]:Entac];/pn]StitI:lUw],Ew:Am],nn]lUw],w}.Kuik].{ = Beacon, N.,

f};pI;Kn]<kL;'[f};lqc];map]:hUiw]:SIlUic]/lqc]/Sgm],Aw]tac].w}.tI:Suc]nUiw]muc];kL;{' = Car beacon light,

f};fL.' la};sak]:f};fL.' = Electricity, electronic,

f};fL.tiut].sp];' = Electromagnetic,

f};map]:hUiw]:'[An]f};m}:luk].hun].hun]./hUiw]:lqc];{(wn];lqc];f};map]:hUiw]:'(kqw]:Sqc]Agk],fa};map]:hUiw]:') = Blaze, N.

a bright flame or fire: the blaze of day; a blaze of jewels,

f};map]:hUiw]:'[hG]:f};m}:luk].hun].hun]./hUiw]:lqc];{ = Blaze, to burn bright brightly; to shine like flame, blazing,


Aw]tLmgt],'(hQt];Sc]tLmG];Pqp].yup];Pqp].yup];?") = Flash, N.: blinding flash; Why do your eyes flash?,

f};map]:Agk],Aw]tLepL;mgt],'(eAmUt].5;9') = Blinding flash,

f};mqp]:'sUw]:Pqp].tLAgn],'Pqp].Pqp].'[f};Pqp].Pqp].'{' = Blip, N. bleep; also called pip,

f};mI;tin]tm];' tin]tm];kgk];f};' = Lamp stand, lampstand, lamppost,

f};m}:'m}:'f};sp];/sut],/luk].'(l}:Kam],Aw]f};sut],yL.lqw]pqt]:w}.') = Fire, to set on fire: destroyed by

fire, fired, firing,

f};m}:'sp];f};'sut],f};'f};sp];/m}:/luk].' = Fire, be kindled; to glow as if on fire, fired, firing,

f};m}:'m}:'sp];f};'f};luk].' = Combust, burn,



tc];An]l}:hQt];yw].tUw]:w}.nG];mn];kU:sUiw].kU:pUic]nn].etl}:Kam],f};m}:lac].EP,El.w}.yw]."@(2pI,3;10')' = Laid

bare, also burned up,

f};mgk],'[mUk],f};tqk],Agk],mUin]mgk],mUin]mG]puc]:Kiun]:piw]w}.nUiw]fL.{'f};mgk],tqk],' = Fire-work,

f};mgt],' = Light went out, light goes off,


;lc]nuic]:'Am],nn]f};kn]:EK:sp];f};t}:lqc];kGL,kac]Km]:nn].m}:mL;sU;tI:yip];mn];tik];tik];'{= Fire burnover,

f};lqc]yL,cgk];' = No turn on Red,

f};lqc]lUw],kuit];' = Stoplight,

f};lqc];'lqc];f};'lqc];'An]lqc];'Sa}lqc];' = Light, N.,

f};lqc];pUic];tL,yac]:tm];tin]'(kGam];sw]:pQn]P};lqc];pUic];tL,yac]:tm];tin]) = Lamp unto my feet,

f};luk].m}:kUv];mn];'P};/f};luk].mL;m}:kUv];mn];' = Spontaneously combust,

f};luk].hun].hun].'f};kuin];huin].huin].' = Flaming, adj. emitting flames; burning; fiery: flaming fire,

f};luk].hUiw]:lqc];' m}:luk].hUiw]:lqc];' = Burn bright,

f};/P};lUit],hum];' lUit],mUin]f};/P};hum];' = Fiery, adj., fierier, fieriest,

f};hqc];mUk];pI,Skit].[f};hqc];lUm];m}:tqm],tan],lIsI,Kw]:mun];{= Biscuit-fired, biscuit-fired at a low temperature,

f};hup],' = Singe, singed, to burn slightly,

f};hup],m}:Kqm]:pQn]Pw],pqt]:'(mn];nac];etl}:Kam],f};hup],m}:Kqm]:pQn]Pw],pqt]:yw].'(Kuin];18;8')= Consumed

by fire: she will be consumed by fire,

f};hUw]kL;' [f};lUc]tac];nL:tL,t}:tUv];tac];mUiw]:lp];Sic],nn].{' = Headlight,

f};An]etL;SPUt].luk].hun].hun].' = Raging fire,

f};An]m}:yU,eS,eS,' = Eternal fire,

f};An]lUm];Am],pw],'(yUp]20;26') = Fire unfanned, a fire not blown,

f};An]hup],m}:kin]wUp],wap],pqt]:'[f};An]hup],m}:pqt]:'{ = Devouring fire, consuming fire,

f};An]Agc],sqt]:Aw]'f};/P};Agc],sqt]:' = Refiner’s fire, refining fire,

f};Am],m}:l}:'(Kt];-f};m}:l}:'sp];f};l}:') = Incombustible, adj. flammable,(ant: combustible)

f};Am],l}:KGac].SG],'[f};lak],la};Am],mUt];sac],{(lI;wa};10;1')= Unauthorized fire, strange and unholy fire,

f}<EkY;lu'[Krit]:yan]].pa}:Pat],KU;wL;lUc]epL;lkGL,nn].'(2Tim];1;15'){ = Phygelus, a Christian

who deserted the apostle Paul (2 Tim. 1:15),

f}<en,l]' = Final,

f}l]' Puin]f}l]' = File,


= Fortunatus, a disciple of Corinth who visited Apostle Paul at Ephesus, (1 Cor. 16:17),

efL;SI;'hin]efL;SI;' = Fossil, of any object that existed in the geologic past and of which there is still evidence,

fgt].SfQt].'(kUiw]tL,ePL,nm].fgt].SfUw]rik].Aqt].Sit].') = Phosphates, a salt of phosphoric acid,

fYot].' = Fuse,

fYot].sUim]:'(tI:ma}fYot].sUim]: 1082°C(1980°F) )' = Fuse, fusing, (fusing point 1082°C(1980°F)), melt,

Jfqk].SYin];' np].EPpun]:'(pa};)'(epL;tqm]:pa};np].EPpun]:4pun]:1pun]:n}' tqm]:1/4)' = Fraction,


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