VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Za - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


s'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TiSI,{' = ‘Za’, the fourth letter of the Tai alphabet,

skYL,wrL,'(nG];skYL,wrL,km],PL,elL;ktc];SQc]:lum];lum];) = Universe, N.: whole universe, universal,

skYL,wrL,km],PL,elL;ktc];SQc]:lum];lum];'[nG];skYL,wrL,{ = Whole universe,

skGL,siUw];n}.' skGL,la}An]la}mQw];siUw];nn].' = So forth, continuing similarly,

skGL,la}An]la}mQw];siUw];nn].' skGL,siUw];n}.' = So on and so forth, continuing similarly,

settiy'[nuic]:fLlgc]<'{(1600settiyn}.pQn]mgk]:1600fLlgc]<200lk];(300kI,lUw],mI,tL,')' =

Stadia, N, a furlong: 1,600 stadia is about 200 miles (about 300 kilometers,

sen,'/Sw]'(wn];-)[wn];TisQt];nG];wUc]:lG]wUc]:nn].El:pQn]wn];tam];wn];Sgk].kYL,{' = Saturday, N.

the seventh day of the week, following Friday,

smut]:'Pk];smut]:'[smuc],lUc]Pn];mn];hgn]kn]:mn];mG]mn];SG],tac];kin]wan]{' = Dill, dill weed, dill pickle,

smuc],'Pk];smuc],'[mG]mn];eS;yuv];yuv];w}.mak],pn]sUiw].smuc],hgm]{'= Anise plant, Pimpinella anisum,

smuc],lUc]'[KUiw];Pk];kI;PL;slI;mG]mn];eS;yuv];yuv];mI;kan]:yG]cw]:mn];ca};Pk];kat],hUw]cun];{'= Fennel, N. a

plant, Foeniculum vulgae, of the parsley; also, fennel seed,

srac];ciun];'[tac];nm]ciun];mG];mI;w}.nG];SQn]:ma}ciun];tgc];mG];An]nuic]:nn].'{' = Account balance, the amount

of money in an account. Your account balance is the amount of money you have in one of your financial accounts. For example,

your bank account balance refers to the amount of money in your bank accounts,


n];kU:) = Loan, N. a certain sum of money by a lender to borrower to be repaid w/ or w/out interest: cancel loan,

srac];ciun];Kw]:Agk],' = Balance Sheet,

srac];SQn]:ma}cuin];nG];pqc].'[tac];nm]ciun];mG];mI;w}.nG];SQn]:ma}ciun];nG];pqc].la}la}An]nn].{' = Bank

account balance, the amount of money in your bank account,

srac];Sgn],p},yw].'An]p},Sgn],srac];yw].' = Unsettled account, amounts, funds, cash, etc.,


n].{' = Bank statement, a printed record of money put in or removed from a bank account,

srac];lam];np].Sgn],' = Pro Forma, -Projected financial statements based on assumption,

sram],' An]tn];Agn]tac];' = Advance payment, advance,

srip]:'ciun];sa},' = Expenses, expenditure,

srip]:siuc]:miUc];' = National expenditure,

srip]:tac];'[cuin];SQc]:mUiw]:An]Agk],Kaw];tac];tUc].nuic]Kuic]Sac]:hQT];kan]kL.Ka}{' = Travelling expenses,

srip]:nUiw]hUw]hUc];sak]:' = Factory overhead, manufacturing overhead or factory burden,

srip]:yU,Sw];kin]Sac]:' = Living expenses,

srip]:hQt];Agk],KUw];An]SQc]:pUic]ta}' = Fixed manufacturing costs,




In-network Co-insurance, the percent (for example, 20%) you pay of the allowed amount for covered health care 

services to providers who contract with your health insurance or plan. In-network co-insurance usually costs you less than out-ofnetwork co-insurance,




"{ = Out-of-network Co-insurance, the percent (for example, 20%) you pay of the allowed amount for covered

health care services to providers who do not contract with your health insurance or plan. In-network co-insurance usually costs

you less than out-of-network co-insurance,

ser;Tut],lik]:'[ekL.kin]sac]:hQt];kan]Tut],tqm]:lik]:An]kUn];tac],ekL.tqm]:w}.nn].'{' = Amanuensis,

N. secretary, amanuenses,

ser;' PU:ma}' = Scribe, N. a public clerk or writer, scribes,

ser;'(es;er;)[ekL.l}:Kuin]:KU;w}.pn]Pa},SL,SnL,{ = Clergy, N. the group of ordained persons in a religion,

ser;'PB:ma}'(es;er;)'[ser;Pa},pk];pUic]'ser;Puin]ma}tgc];'{ = Clerk, N. law clerk; records clerk; cleric; clergy,

ser;'PB:ma}'(kQw],Pa},-/An]-/) = Clerical, adj. doing the work of clerks,

ser;tqm]lik]:'PU:tqm]:lik]:'ekL.tqm]:lik]:' = Writer of a book,

ser;perL;hQk]:'tI<Kn]<'[ser;/kUn];sg}:perL;hQk]:tI:nG];wt].w}:SLsUiw];sw]:Krit]:yan],{ = Deacon, N.,


ser;lum];tqm]:ma}tac],Puin]' = Registration clerk,

ser;lum];JtL;' = Court clerk, N. clerk of courts,


;wac];kzc];mun]sw]:{ = Building erected for the use of the public usually in a monastery ground,

srWp]:ehL;JtL;' = Synagogue, A Jewish house of worship (Jn 9:22),

slmun],'[luk]:sa};nL,Sun],{(rut].4;20') = Salmon, [a son of Nahshon,(Ruth 4:20)],

sluc],'wan],sluc],'(wan],sluc],n}.lQk].eSAac],sluc],) = Deep bowl,

sEl,' (2kgk];=1pgc],=0.472lI<tL<) = Zlaeh,(1Zlaeh=2cups=1lb=0.472L)

selL;fihqt].'[sa};kUn];KUiw];mnL;S'{(TUin],26;33')' = Zelophehad, a man of the tribe of Manasseh,

slUiw]:slL:'(hQt];slUiw]:slL:')' = Slovenly, adj. adv. characteristic of a solvent: slipshod; a careless

manner; bad-mannered; jumble, disorderly; cluttered; unsettled;: slovenly work,

slg},'[Sa}/sUik]:SQn]:lQk].hQt];pQn]KUic]:hac]:KUic]:tL,pa}.nUiw]hUw]mL,ygn],lUc];hgp]:kic],Eh.KUw];sum],'{' = Aiguillette,

N. an ornamental cord or braid on the shoulder of a uniform; aglet, fourragere,

sk]:EK;'[kUn];sa};ekL.lQk].Agn],'{ = Zacchaeus [the little man] (Lk 19;1-10)

sk];' Tqk],' Tqk],sk];' kgk],hgc]:EP' = Diversion, -The act diverting,

sk];'(sk];tgk],)kUn],'kan].'Sik],' = Tear up, tore, torn, tear down, split,

sk];' sk];EP' PL,' = Segment, to separate or divide into segments, split,

sk];kan];nm].'[mqc];kan];nm].{'(K},sk];kan];nm].)' = Praying mantis, an insect: praying mantis egg,

sk];Kit],'[sk];Kit],yU,nG];tUc]:nL;{'(sak];Kit],KUw]:Kgp]:kin]wan])' = Kind of field cricket,

sk];KQw]'[sk];KQw]mac]mQw];n}.yL.tUn]:Pk];yUiw]:nc];KQw]'{ = Grasshopper, N. the families of Acrididae,

sk];KQw]lUc]'[sak];tUw]yG],k}.mI;SIKQw]'{ = Katydid, N. any of several large, usually green grasshopper,

sk];EK:'sk];Puin];' = Split big firewood into smaller pieces,

sk];K},nL;' = Cricket, field cricket,

sk];eKL.'[mqc];sgn];{' = Kind of cricket,

sk];Kuic]:'EPKuic]:'ygm];Kiun]:'hUm]:Kuic]:'(hUm]:kn]Kuic]:etL,Kuic]:) = Halve: halve together, halved, halving,

sk];sL:'[sk];y};{'(sak];sL:/y};num],tc];Ek,KUw]:Kgp]:kin]wan]')' = Cicada, cicadas, cicadae,

sk];tqn]'[sk];nUt],pgt];k}.min]pQn]Puc]kin]mUv].pqt]:Pk];yUiw]:nc];KQw]pQn]pL,pQn]pL,kGac]:nL,nL,nn].'{= Locust,

N. also called acridid, short-horned grasshopper,

sk];tgk],'[Aw]PL.wqc];Pa}Pa}sk];m}.mgc]/Sac];num],hQt];pQn]tgk],mt].tgk],San]{hQt];tgk],' = Split young

bamboo to make bamboo strip,

sk];EP' EPkn]eKLeKL' = Distinction, divide, separate, segment,

sk];EPtUv];lgk];kat],' = Market Segmentation,

sk];EPw}.eKLeKL'sk];EP'(Kqp];Em;sk];ePw}.eKLeKL')' = Distinct, (distinct ballots),

sk];EPw}.eKLeKL'sk];EP'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Distinction,

sk];EPw}.eKLeKL' = Discrete, adj. separate; distinct,

sk];EPAL,nL,Pgc];cm];' = Separation of Powers,

sk];mk];ma}AkYac].mn];w}.' sk];mk];ma}tac];hQt];' = Characterized,

sk];y};'[mqc];lUc]kin]l}:SQc]hgc].lc]Jtit];Jtit];ygn]:emL;hqc];'sk];sL:'{= Cicada, N. any large homopterous insect,

sk];yg}:' = Severance, -The act of severing or state of being severed , breaking off,

sk];yg}:'sk];yg}:yg}:'(sk];yg}:yg}:Sg};eS;eS;Pk].Agn],Agn],) = Split into small pieces, chop,

sk];w}.pQn]pgt];pQn]tgn]:'[Sac];lac];'hQt];w}.tgn]:lG]tgn];nn].'{= Break it down, simplify; streamline,



n];mqn]:mqn]:epL;n}nn].'){ = Diversified funds and non-diversified funds, Diversified funds cast a wide net for

assets, catching bonds, cash, and stocks from many companies. Under federal law, a fund cannot tie more than 5 percent of its

value in a single company's stock. Non-diversified funds concentrate their efforts in a single industry or geographic sector. You

may find bank stocks in a bank-sector fund or in a financial-sector fund, along with insurance companies, real estate interests,

and brokerage houses. An energy-sector fund might consist of power companies and oil and gas refineries and distributors. If you

go the telecommunications route, your fund will have land-line phone, wireless communications, and internet providers. Some

funds invest in stocks from particular countries or continents. (You might buck Diversified approach, opting for non-diversified

funds, which can reap higher returns if the stocks are picked correctly),

sk];hQp];'[tUw]Pqp].kUm]nc]lUim]:yG],mgk]:mqc];mUn];emLKUp];sup],kin]lUit]:wUw];kGa};{' = Tick, N. ticks on cow, ticks,

sk].Kut]:'[Kun],wqn]sk].Aw]eSlqn]:pa}:kGL,nn].{' = Snatch and run,

sk].SG],' sk].' huk].' Kun],huk].' hgk].' = Jerk, snatch,

sk].Aw]' sk].Kut]:' = Snatch, hasty grab,

sk].him]Aw]' = Snatch, -To seize or grasp something,

sk]<KUiw];'[AU:SYmGL;'suiw]:kUn];sa};hUk];ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],13;4')'= Zakkur, the father of Shammua, Zaccur,

sc],' sc],kg}:' wa};eSnn].sc],' = Only then,

sc],sG]'sc]:sG]'(Am],sG]:mn];vL;luim];w}.mn];sc],sG]w}.pn]mG];AUiw]:nn].') = On purpose,

sc],sG]Kw]:sim]' = Intervene, to occur or be between two things, intervened, intervening,

sc],sG]Kw]:sim]Ek:K}pn] = Intervene, braking through, intervention,

sc],sG]pg},pqt]:Sun],pQn]sw]:Kgc]' = Abandon, to voluntarily relinquish the rights of property owner,

sc],sG]hQt];hLhG]:pQn]' = Go out your way,

sc],sG]hQt];hLla};tac];Kw]Agk],sG]mL;hc];kUv];Kw]eSKG]:hQt];' = Go out his way to want to,

sc],n}.' miBw]:lQw]' etL:lQw]' km];n}.' km];nn].' = Now, recently,

sc],n}.' sc],' etL,nc],sc],n}.' sc],hL' = Current, adj., currently, adv.,

sc],wL:' = Therefore, so, hence, for that reason,


t]:'20;16')' = “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”(Mtt.20:16),

sc],wL:tk];etl}:pQn]nn]Et.Et.eAL:' = So shall it be! Even so. Yes, it will happen!,

sc],wL:tL,SUekL:mn];etL:mUin]nn]nc],kaw].yw].' = So it is with you.

sc],wL:nn].yw].' hU.tiUk]:kL:pQn]nn]' mn];pQn]nn]yw].' = Of course,

sc],wL:epL;nn]ekL:'(sc],wL:epL;nn]ekL:Kw]etpQn]Kun]Tt];Sin]pn]SUnn].yw].')' = So then,

therefore: So then, they will be your judges.(Mtt.12:27),

sc],wL:la};mG];yL.lqw]hc];kUv];n}.pQn]n}yw].'(cw]:38;29') = So this is how you have broken

out! What a breach you have made for yourself,

sc],hL' tibk].sc],hL'(sc],hLhU.kUv];' tuik].sc],hLPqw]kUv];')' = Just: just heard; just arriving,

sc],hLtil}:w}.' = Have just caught,

sc],hLpQn]mL;miUw];k}:nn].' = Had just taking place, just happened,

sc],hLyam]:hU.yam]:yin];' = Acquaintance, the state of being acquainted, first preaching,


sc]:/hiw]:tUv];nm].nk];Sa}eKL;Km];')' = Weigh: How to weigh a gold necklace, weighed, weighing,

sc]:Kam],w}.l}:'[yip];w}./kuit];mI;w}.mn]:mn]:kuim];tI:tG]:An]lgc]:nk];tQk];tQc]nn].{' = Bear, to hold or remain

firm under (a load), bore or bare, borne or born, bearing,

sc]:sG]es,tnL,yG],' = Passionate, adj. extravagant fondness or enthusiasm, passionately, adv.,

sc]:sG]luk].hQt];' = Put your foot down, (idiom)

sc]:sG]hQt];' wL:Et.' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Seriousness,

sc]:sG]hQt];pn]la}la}' Agk],sG]sg}:hQt];pn]' sg}:kan]la}la}' = Voluntarily,

sc]:sG]hQt];hG]:mat],yG],sQp];lUc]' = Voluntarily causing grievous hurt,

sc]:sG]hqm]ta}kUn];' = Manslaughter voluntary,

sc]:sG]Am],mat]:Sgn],Aac]:Aic]mn];Sc]'mat]:Am],pQn]Sc]' = Disregard intentionally,

sc]:sG]:Aan];hQt];' = Intentional, planned, intended,

sc]:sG]Aan];hQt];' = Intentionally, adv., willfully, adv.,

sc]:sG]nc],AQn];Aan];mI;'(mn];sc]:sG];yU,huic]huic]nc],AQn];Aan];mI;w}.nn].)' = On purposes,

sc];'san]:'san]:sc];' = Hate, scorn, abhorrence, extremely dislike,

sc];sc];epL;san]:' = Bitter hatred,

sc];nL,nL,'(mn];sc];nL,nL,)' = Hate with a passion: He hates with a passion,

sc];epL;KG]:Sik],kin]nUiw].lip];'(Kw]sc];epL;KG]:Sik],kin]nUiw].lip];KL:nn].'(SL,25:19') = Fiercely

hate, hate with violent hatred, cruel hatred: how fiercely they hate me,

sc];epL;miBw],san]:' = Abominable, abomination,

sc];pUuin]:' nL:lIsc];' (An]-) = Hatred, N. sever dislike, repulsion, disgust,

sc];Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Hate Crimes,


tpQn]nG];PwkUn];ekL.nuic]:'sL.kGL,'(ep,tac],kL,lL;/hU;lL;){ = Horoscope, N. a diagram showing the relative

position of planets for use in calculating births, foretelling events in a person’s life, etc.,


;tac];yaw];/pgt];/nL/Suc]/tqm],mn];'El:mk];/lam];kL:Kn]pn]'{' = Gauge, gauged, gauging,

st];kan]'st];kan]tUc].nuic]'st];hQt];kan]can];' = Operate, operated, operating,

st];kan]'st];kan]tUc].nuic]'st];hQt];kan]can];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Operation,

st];kan]tQm]Ti' = Full-scale operation,

st];kan]tUc].niuc]TL:w}.'(pQn]Kk].tgn]:hQt];hG]:mI;nm].kt].kum];kgn];l}:nn].) = Preoperational,


piUc],Pa},lgk];la};piUc]ciun];kqm];w}.tL,miUc];Pgm].hUm]:'Kw]hQt];) = Open Market Operations,

st];kan]Pa},ciun];tgc];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Financial operation,

st];kan]An]lm],lgc]:nL,nL,' = Critical operations, crucial operations,

st];hQt];'hQt];' !hQt];pac]kbm]kQw],lgc]:kL.mak]:mI;@ = Hold, convene,

st];hQt];kan]hQt];can];'(];hQt];kan]can];) = Conduct, conducting, operate,(conductor)

st].' hg};st].'(hg};st].mak],hin])'tqk],st].' = Cleavage: rock cleavage, slightly crack,




.El:An]sw]:em,S};ytuik].mL;yU,nn].'{ = Sadducees, member of a Jewish faction that opposed Jesus during His

ministry,(Mtt.3:7) (a member of a Palestinian sect, consisting mainly of priests and aristocrats, that flourished from the 1st

century b.c. to the 1st century a.d. and differed from the Pharisees, rejection of oral laws and traditions, and denial of an afterlife

and the coming of the Messiah.) ,

sn]' ngc],' lak]:' tuit].' cw].' = Pull, pulled, pulling,

sn]' tibt].' tibt].sn]Aw]' suc]sn]' = Draw, drew, drawn, drawing, pull,

sn]KQc]:' KQc]:' = Drawn taut, tense,

sn]Kiun]:' lak]:Kiun]:' tuit].Kiun]:' = Pull up,

sn]sp];'(An]-) = Attraction, gravity,

sn]sp];sG]' = Attractive


sn]sG])' = Persuasive, adj. able, fitted, or intended to persuade: a very persuasive argument,

sn]sG]' hUv];' = Persuade, urge, entice, impel, persuaded, persuading,

sn]sG]piUn]:' sn]sG]kUn];miUc];' = Secure publicity,

sn]Sn];nL,'[wQc];mUic];yutpgt];san];Sut];Sut];'{(eyL;15;31') = Sansannah, a city in the southern Judah,

sn]lUc];' ngc],lUc];' lak]:lUc];' tuit].lUc];' cw].lUc];' = Pull down,

sn]yaw];yaw];' Aw]yaw];' Aw]huic]' tuit].Kaw];yaw];' = Protract, protracted,

sn]yuit]:'yQt],'yuit]:'(sn]yuit]:Tqw]Tt];tqk]:mn];w}.'(yUp]38;5') = Stretch, to extend: stretched a

measuring line across it, stretched, stretching,

sn]hw];lBc];AI;hw];tBk];' = Hold us down,

sn]hac]:' tqm]:hac]:' = Draw a picture, drawing,

sn]:'TUc]'[An]mUic]TUc]/Tgc];mI;nG];tUw]St];/tUn]:m}.{ = Sac, N. a pouch, baglike, part in an animal or plant; sack,

sn];' lg}sn];' = Steep, adj., steep mountain,

sn];Pc],huik];' Pc],hiuk];sn];' = Steep, adj. having an almost vertical slope or pitch,

sn];kU;'[m}.nG];mUic];t};lgn].hqc]:mn];n}.lqc]km],hgm]Puv]:lIEl:Ait],hQt];Pgc]pgc];yL:yLkin]l}:{' = Fragrant

wood or tree found in Tai state,

sn];tyL;'PI,Aqn];nUw]<'[KUic]:h},tuic]:SG],Sa}lQt];mUin]tic],{' = Piano, N., pianos,

sn].' = Standard,

sn].'[Tap]:'{(pQn]sn].pQn]sn].Tap]:kn]w}.)' = Layer, N. ply, layers,

sn].'sn].Tan]:kUn];'Tan]:' = Class, N. adj.,

sn].'[sn].nm].kt]./sn].pQn]Tap]:PG]Suc]eSPG]tan],lG]nn].{ = Tier, N. a layer; level; stratum,

sn].lk];nUic];mn];'(Am],pG].pL;hQt];sgm];sn].lk];nUic];mn];mI;') = Normative level, N.: fail to maintain a

normative level,


sqt]:lgc]:yuin]:ygn];Kuin]:13)tI:tG]:lum];Tt];Sin]sik];sgm]cw]:suic]:'{ = Court Role, N. In the federal court’s

system in the US present form, 94 district level trial courts and 13 courts of appeal sit below the Supreme Court,

sn].hQn];'[tI:luk]:hQn];sum];nuic]:hUp].kn]tL,Tgm],An]]:En.nam];pn]nn].'{ = Class, N. adj. a meeting

of a group of students for instruction,

sn].kac]' = Intermediate,

sn].kac]' = Middle school,

sn].kan]' Agc]:tI:sn].' sn].' = Position, rank, job,

sn].kL:Kn]cuin];es:'(pUic]lUc]mn];Km];n}.Aw]yip];tuiw];tL,tm];pn]sn].kL:Kn]cuin];es:nn].')'= Monetary

standard,(gold is mainly used as monetary standard),

sn].RkQt].' = Gradation, categorization, classification,

sn].RkQt].kuim];KUic],nqn],lItL,tp].Suik];' = Military-grades sturdy stuff,

sn].Kk].tgn]: = Level

sn].Kk].tgn]:mG],' = New level,

sn].Kk].tgn]:mG],lum];lum];' = Whole new level,

sn].Kn]kn]:'[tI:Suc]Kn]KUw];An]Kuin]:yU,nn].yuit];kGL,El:ekL.KG]:Ka}KUw];lIKa}'{ = Resistance level,

sn].Kn]km].'[Kn]An]KUw];An]nuic]:etAm],lUc];tqm],eSnn].tL,sUw]:yam];nuic]:'{ = Support level, refers

to the price level that an asset does not fall below for period of time,


etL,epL;l}:hp].KU;)' = Kindergarten,

sn].cw]:'(emLSgn]sn].cw]:) = Elementary, adj. of or relating to an elementary school: elementary teachers,

sn].cuin];suik];Suiw].' = Credit line,

sn].ciun];pt].kYqt].' = Budget line,

sn].sw]:Kun]Aup].pUic],' sn].sw]:sn].Kun]' = Hierarchy, any system of persons or things ranked

one above another. The power or dominion of hierarch,

sn].sgm][hBc];hQn];sn].sgm]tI:lQp]:sn].Suc]Sut];{= University, N. an institution of learning of the highest level,

sn].sgm]ekL;lQk].' hUc];hQn];ekL;lQk].' = College,

sn].sgm]tc];lUc]' = Colleges and universities,

sn].sgm]pa};pk];pUic]' = Law University, Law Institute,

sn].Sbc]' = Senior, high,

sn].Suc]' = High school,

sn].Sbc]Kibn]:nL:' tn];Agn]tac];' = Advancement, advance,

sn].Suc]Sut];'[lIlUc]hUc]hac];'sik];sgm]'{ = Superlative, adj. N. supreme, superlatively, adv.,

sn].Sa}ca}nm].kt].mn];'[nm].kt].tac];lIlUw],l}:mI;/hQt];{' = Quality criteria, quality requirements,

sn].Sa}ca}<mn];' Kr}.tI;riy' = Criteria,

sn].Suik];'(sn].Kun]Suik];lUc]) = Military rank, position in army, army rank: the rank of captain,

sn].tqm],Sut];tG]:Kw]' = Least inferior to those,

sn].tG]:' sn].tqm],' (Kt];kn]-sn].nUiw]'sn].Suc]') = Inferior, (ant: superior,)

sn].tG]:'tI:tqm],'tG]:'tqm],'(Kt];-nUiw]'Suc]')' = Lower, adj. N. a lower level, (ant: upper),

sn].tqm],' KiUw];sn].tqm],' = Second-class, inferior, of a secondary class or quality, Second-race,

sn].nUiw]' nUiw]' Suc]' sn].Suc]' (Kt];-tG]:' tqm],')'= Upper, adj. N. a higher level,(ant: lower),

sn].Tan]:' = Status,

sn].Tan]:Suc]' Kiuk].tgn];sn].Tan]:Suc]' = Supernatural,

sn].Tuk],Aw]ey;sgm];tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Criminal spectrum,

sn].pQc];tan],kn]' = Equivalent, equal in value, measure, force, effect, significance, etc.,

sn].pQn]suic]:mUiw];'[sn].Tan]:cw];la};pQn]mUic];mUic];nuic]:{ = Statehood, N. the status or condition of being a state,




lgc]:nL,kL:hiuw]Sc]'{ = Grade point and Vital Point,

sn].mG],tI:Agc],ep.'sn].Kk].tgn];mG],tI:Agc],ep.' = New level of victory

sn].yU,Sw];' = Living standard,

sn].yG],' sn].Sbc]' kUn];AL,yuyG],' = Senior,

sn].l}:hp].hQt];' (sn].mn];l}:hp].hQt];tI:nG];muk].sum];n}.pQn]AI:Sc]?) = Role, position,

responsibility,(What is his role in the organization,)

sn].lk];kan]miBc];lbm]:fL.' = International Standard,

sn].lQk].' sn].Agn],'(Kt];kn]-sn].yG],' sn].lUc]') = Minor, (ant: major,)


hQt];Amul}:)= Standing, N. adj. the right to initiate or participate in a legal action: having “standing” to file a lawsuit,

sn].hL:'[lat]lUv]:tI:yU,nUiw]hUin];tUik]:lUc]An],mI;la}la}han].nn].{' = Fifth floor, on the fifth floor,

sn].hQt];man],tLepL;l}:' = Optical-grade,

sn].hqc];EnSak]:eS,l}:' sn].hqc];EnSak]:eS,km].Tqm]pn]' = Standard of proof,

sn].hUk];' hUc];hQn];sn].hUk];'(mn];tUk];sn].hUk];')' = Sixth grade, (He failed sixth grade.),

sn].hUin];' han].hUin];' = Storey, a floor or level of a building, floor, level, stories,

sn].An]kUn];Auip];yak]:kgt];Pan]' = Poverty rate,


nn].'{' = Status quo, the existing state or condition, (the parties can be returned to their original positions),

sp];w}.' pL.w}.' En.sp];w}.' Ep.w}.' = Stick, to remain attached by adhesion, stuck, sticking,

sp];' tit];sp];w}.' tit];sp];pk];pG].w}.sgm];An]nn].El:' = Stick, stuck, stick with it,

sp];'t}:'lqc];pn]'pUic];lqc];pn]'pUic];pn]lqc];'(sp];kgk];f};t}:piUc];pn]lqc];tI:lp];Sic],') = Light,

lighted, to set burning candle, lamp, ignite, burn,


sp];kn]w}.) = Glue, to join or fasten with glue; to cover, fix or attach firmly with glue; make adhere closely, glued,

sp];kn]' = Fix, fix together, stick,

sp];kqn],w}.' (kgn]:man],lUim]:SPL,wsp];kn]kqn],w}.') = Adamantine,(vitreous adamantine luster),

sp];kgn];'sp];'kgp]:'kgp]:lam];m}.' (kgp]:/sp];w}.nUiw]kic],m}.)' = Perch, to set or place on: Perched on a limb,

sp];sgm];Kiut];Kuit];'[p}sgm];tac];lc]mn];sm]sm]{' = Right up, walk right up to someone or something,

sp];sgm];Kiut];Kiut];El:' = Just walk right up,

sp];sg};sqt]:lIsc],Kuic]pgc]'[w}.sG]sp];sg};hQt];eSyw].mI;lgc]:kuic],TUik],lIEl:sc],hQt];Kuic]pgc]kGL,nn].'{= Due

diligence, N.(Law) Due diligence is an investigation, audit, or review performed to confirm the facts of a matter under

consideration. In the financial world, due diligence requires an examination of financial records before entering into a proposed

transaction with another party. It is a reasonable care and caution exercised by a person who is buying, selling, giving

professional advice, etc., especially as required by law to protect against incurring liability. Due diligence is an investigation,

audit, or review performed to confirm the facts of a matter under consideration. In the financial world, due diligence requires an

examination of financial records before entering into a proposed transaction with another party: The court said there was due

diligence on the part of the plaintiff,


Tbk],hQt];nn].eSyac]:Agk],kGL,eSEl:yip];sG].An]mn];sw]:Aap]:pn]hw];w}.nn].") = Diligent, adj.: But we

have to be diligent and do our part and step out and use what He’s given us,

sp];sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Obsession, N.,


mn];w}.yw].)' = Obsess: Suspicion obsessed him, obsessed, obsessing, haunt,

sp];sG]mqn]:'(tac];ekYL,ygk],tLmn];nac];sp];sG]mqn]:kGL,yw].') = Sparkle, to cause to sparkle: pleasure

sparkling her eyes, sparkled, sparkling,


p];SI,SUp];' = On my lips,: His praise will always on my lips.(Ps.34:1),

sp];sgm];hm];p}lBv]:PB:KQn]Kw]tc];nm]' = Adhering to their enemies,

sp];sgm];hgm];p}' pqc];hk].sp];sg};' = Adhere, to stay attached, cleave, cling, stick, hold fast to,

sp];sgm];hgm];p}w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Adhesion, the act or state of adhering,

sp];sg};hQt];eS,'(An]-) = Diligent, adj.: diligent hands bring wealth, diligently, adv.,


;puik];AUiw]:") = Engross, to occupy completely, as the mind or attention: She is engrossed in her work, engrossed,

sp];tac];pQn]kn]' lu' (lgc]:-/An]-) = Infection, N.,

sp];tac];pQn]kn]' sp];erL;kL,kn]' = Infect, to affect with disease, infected, infecting,


.nm].kt].tac];lImn];/lgc]:kYac].tac];km]mn];/cw];la};mn];hG]:epL;Am],Tuk],Am],mqn]:sG]kGL,nn].'{' = Infect, to taint

or contaminate with something that affects quality, character or condition unfavorably, infected, infecting,

sp];tgc].' Et,ptik]:Sn],eT,' Et,Sn],eT,' = Conceive, conceived, conceiving,

sp];tgc].luk]:Agn],w}.' = Found to be with child, (she was found to be with a child)

sp];nUiw]'[ngn];hUn];/lUc];mL;eSyU,w}.{(nUk].sp];nUiw]tUn]:m}.')'sp];w}.nUiw]' = Alight, to settle or stay after

descending: the bird alighted on the tree, alighted, slighting,

sp];Pa},' = Bias, partisan,

sp];Pa},'liUk]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]sp];Pa},'liUk]];' = Favoritism,

sp];Pa},'sgm];Pa},'(mG];Am],sp];Pa},sgm];Pa},PG]Sc]eSlat]:sLsgm];Aman],JtL;kUv];') = Partiality, N.: you do

not show partiality but speak in accordance with the truth,

sp];f};'t}:sp];f};' = Ignite, burn, catch fire,

sp];f};' Pw]' (Pw]Tan],') = Combustion, N. the act or process of burning,

sp];f};'f};luk].'Pw]'m}:'f};m}:' = Combust, to burn, combusted, combusting,


n];sp];f};lqc];nG];man],SG]SG]w}.') = Sparkle, to issue in as fire or light: the candlelight sparkled in the crystal,

sparkled, sparkling,

sp];mak],hUw]sG]'[pk];sp];w}.nG];mak],hUw]sG]{ = By heart, to fix in the heart,

sp];mik]:El,ep,' = To label,



kan]sUiw];nn].')= Recidivism, N. repeated or habitual relapse into crime: programs designed to reduce recidivism and

allow some prisoners to earn credits toward early release by taking part in those programs, recidivistic, adj.,

sp];yin].'sp];yin].mn];' = Addicted to,

sp];yin].'mI;yin].'[kUn];tc];tUw]tc];sG]puic]:Aic]lw]:/yL:kGL,pqt]:'{= Addict, addicted, addicting,

sp];yin].'yin].'mI;yin].' = Addiction, N.,

sp];yin].Pa}.'[sp];yin].etL,Pa}.{' = Card addition,

sp];yin].f};'[sp];yin].lut],lqn];yL:/emL:yL:{' = Cigar addition, addicted to smoking cigars,

sp];yin].yL:'[sp];yin].yL:yLeSAn]nuic]:(km]:nm]n}.k}.pQn]An]sp];yin].yL:mw];km]nn].){' = Drug

addition, an addiction to a drug (especially a narcotic drug),

sp];yin].lw]:' = Alcohol addiction,



:epL;l}:Sm].elL;PyG],KG]:l}:nm]lUn].pUn].lUiw]mc]tik];tik];{' = Gambling addiction,

sp];erL;kL,'(sgc],mG];sac]:sp];erL;kL,mqw];mG];huiw]?')' sp];tac];pQn]' = Catch a disease: Can you catch

a disease from your cat?,

sp];w}.'tBik]:Km]w}.kbik];libk];' = Stuck,

sp];AkYac].'mI;Tuc];'(mI;Tuc];yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:'(sp];AkYac].KL.suiw]:KL.KUiw];pUin]:')' = Habitual, adj.: habitual

courtesy; habitual gossip, habitually, adv.,

sm]' sm]kn]' AiUm]:kn]' sp];kn]' = Near, close,

sm]kGL,sm]kGL,lg};lg};' sm]mL;sm]mL;tik];tik];yw].' = Getting closer and closer,

sm]sm]' sm]sG]' mgk]:sm]sm]' mgk]:him];hgm];' sm]kn]' = Close to,

sm]sm]'AUim]:sm]kn]' = Proximity, N. nearness in place, time, or relation, proximity to,

sm]sm]es;es;'[hUw]yg}:mn];'{(muc]:hn]sm]sm]es;es;') = Closeup, N. close-up; close-in; intimate or

detailed: close-up view,

sm]sm]Agn],kUv];' = It’s just nearby,

sm]sm]mn];'mgk]:sm]sm]' = Proximate, adj. approximate, proximately, adv.,

sm]sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Intimacy, N. closeness, intimacies,

sm]sG]'(t};]sG]) = Intimate, adj. associated in close personal relationship; very private: an intimate friend,


m]sG]kn]Sut];' = Closet relationship, in closest relationship with the Father,(Jn.1:18),

sm]tan],tan],'Am],epL;k}epL;sm]' = Close by,

sm]tLk}tin]'sm]yU,ekL:k}kn]'[hn]w}.mI;w}.sm]kn]yU,ekL:mn];k}kn]mn];Am],sm]kn]{' = So near and

yet so far, so close and yet so far,

sm]et'sm]tk];' = Almost, nearly, about to,

sm]et'(mUiw]:SUsm]etKw]pac]Suik];nn].') = About to, adj. approaching: when you are about to go into battle,

sm]etta}' Aw]sG]ta}lium];yU,' = Dying, the point of death,

sm]TiSut];' mI;him];Kac]:AUim]:sm]TiSut];' = Closet,

sm]Tuic]tam];Km]:yw].' = Evening approached, when evening came,

sm]Tiuc]yw].' mL;sm]yw].'(Kaw];Kic],tL,SUn}.sm]Tiuc]yw].&') = Coming, (Your season is coming!)

sm]Tuic]lUw]Tqc]:Sgc]wn];kUv];' = Two days away: the Passover is two days away(Mtt.26:2),

sm]nL,nL,'[sm]et'sm]tk];'cLet'(sm]nL,nL,kUv];Am]Tuic]/sG]:/mqn]:lInn].'){ = So close, almost,

sm]pQn]lUw],nqt]:'sm]pQn]lUw],(l}:/hQt];/pL;/mI;/lat]:) = Necessary, adj., as necessary, adv.,



t];sn].yL:yLyU,n}nn]."{ = Medically Necessary, health care services or supplies needed to prevent,

diagnose or treat an illness, injury, condition, disease or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine,


n]kn]kGL,'(Sin]5;15') = At one’s heels, (Idiom) following close behind someone: rushing or rushed forth at his heels,

sm]eP;nL,'(An]sm]eP;nL,n}.pQn]AI:Sc]'..')' = At stake: What is at stake in…, in it,

sm]yBt];mBt];pit];' = Run out, to terminate or expire, to used up,

sm],sum],mim];'[suiw]:kUn];erfAim]<An]kUn];KUiw];Aqm]<mun],hgc].Kw]nn].'{(ehL;2;20') = Zamzummites, the

Ammonite name for the people called Rephaim,

sm],Ep,'[mgk],sm],Ep,{' sam]kL;' = Champac flower,

sm]:' sup].' sum],'yUp]: 'wUv].' = Dip, dipped, dipping,

sm]:' mQt].' [Aw]pa}km]suim];sm]:pQn]mQt].mUn];mUn];Agn],(sm]:tG]:/nL:/nUiw]){ = Dot, N.,

sm]:'sm]:SG],'sm]:mQt].'sm]:mQt].epL;sgt],epL;es;' = Dot, dotted, dotting,

sm]:' man],sm]:' = Mirror, glass that reflects image, looking glass,


tUv];sn]sG]El:hn]ca}:nn].'{(Pa},kU;Tut],lik]:) = Bullet, (Printing)N. a heavy dot for marking paragraphs,

sm]:tG]:'[ma}SQc]!5@lik]:t};(-.){(kKYL;sm]:tG]:wL:!kL.@)' = Tone’s symbol in Tai language, fifth tone,

sm]:nL:'[ma}SQc]!4@lik]:t};(-;){(kKYL;sm]:nL:wL:!kL;@)' = Tone’s symbol in Tai language, fourth tone,

sm]:nUiw]'[lik]:t};pan]kw],(-M)tac]!Am]@{' = Symbol which represents the vowel “a:m” in old Tai,

sm]:yuiw];'[Aw]kgc]:sm]:eSyiuw];nn].{' = Shot or being shot at gunpoint,

sm]:hUm]:wan],lQw]kn]' = Dipping food from same dish or bowl,

sm].'[Am],hqc]:hUit],hUit],{(SIKQw]sm].)'sm].sm].' = Texture, N. an essential quality; essence: green texture color,

sm].'sm].sm].'SIsm].sm].'(Kt];-hqc]:hUit],hUit],)' = Rich color, texture,(ant: dry color)

sm].'n}./nn].sm].' = Connecting word used when to add example in a sentence,

sw]:' sw]:sa};' = Sir, lord, master, prince,

sw]:'(sw]:kL;'sw]:kgc]:'sw]:SUn]')' = Owner: car, gun or firm owner,


k}.Aw]lat]:pL;lUv]:sG]np].ym]'{(SUiw]<&)= Sir., Abbreviations & Acronyms. Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach,

sw]:' = Lord, lord,

sw]:' sw]:hw]; ' JPL;sw]:' sw]:hw];sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;' = LORD,

sw]:'sw]:hw];'JPL;sw]:' = Lord,

sw]:' sw]:JSL,' JSL,' = Master,

sw]:'sw]:sgm]'Kun]'[kUn];sUiw];sn].Tan]:Suc]Sut];'{(tI:nn]:pQn]tL,sw]:tLKun]Kw]kUv];') = Elite, N. persons

of the highest class: Only the elite were there, elites,

!sw]:hw];KL:'@!sw]:hw];tI:KL:'@!sw]:kw]KL:'@ =“My Lord,”

sw]:kw],' (wQc];tI:yU,sw]:kw],)' = One’s own, (own town,),

sw]:kw],'tUw]'tUw]kw],'tUw]sw]:kw],'(Kt];-pUin]:'pUin]:tac],ekL.')' = Self, oneself, (ant: other),

sw]:kac],'[ekL.emLyip];kac],/kac],kgn]puit];/yuiw];nn].'{ = Archer, N. bowman,

sw]:kL;'[ekL.ehL:/KI,kL;sw]:kw],Agk],tac];{ = Motorist, car owner,

sw]:kqm]mUic];' kqm]mUic];' = Oldest son of a Tai ruling prince, heir apparent,

sw]:kun],'[ekL.pUic],/Suiw].w}.kun],kL.tac];Ka}nn].{ = Owner of goods, merchant,

sw]:ekL.yG],lUc]lUiw]pUin]:'(ekL.yG],lUc]lUiw]pUin]:pL;nuic]:n}.yU,Sw];w}.nG];kw]KL:yU,')' = Greater One,(The

greater One lives in me,),

!sw]:ekL.Am],pin],lqk]:la}:mUin]kgc].cw];Kw]Ka}.kGL,Ka}.mL;nn].'@(kYQm];1;17')' =“Who does

not change like shifting shadows”(James 1:17,),

sw]:kGL,tac];lG]ekL:KL:etsgm];sw]:eAL:'(luk].9;57') = “I will follow you wherever you go.”

sw]:Krit]:'(sw]:)'[sw]:em,S};y(mqt]:tiw];'16;13-19'){' = Christ, [the Messiah],


eAL:"(AI,4;13')' = Fullness of Christ: “…, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.”,

sw]:Kw]:'[kUn];kL.Ka}Kw]:{' = Rice merchant, rice dealership,

sw]:Kw]:mun];'[kUn];hQt];/kL.Ka}Kw]:mun];{' = Bakery shop owner,

sw]:KUk].'(sw]:KUk].tm]Kw]:'sw]:KUk].nm].mn];')' = Miller, N.: rice miller, miller oil,

sw]:Kun]K},fL.ehLKm];' = Monarch,

sw]:Kun]KUiw];perL;hQk]:' = Royal priesthood,

sw]:Kun]sik];sgm]'[Kun]pUic],eAL;sL,AL,nL,sik];sgm]{ = Supreme authority,

sw]:Kbn]ehLKm];' sw]:Kbn]' = Royal, kingly, majestic,

sw]:Kun]ehLKm];' sw]:mun]yG],Kun]ehLKm];' = Sir, king,

sw]:Kun]ehLKm];lUc]' = Great King,

sw]:Kgc]'(sw]:kL;/elL./hUiw];/hUin];/SUn]/nL;/h}:/Kw]:/nm]./lin]/)' = Owner, property’s owner,

sw]:Kgc]kw],kgn],' = Fee Simple (Fee Absolute or Fee Simple Absolute) –Absolute ownership of real property,

sw]:Kgc]ekL.etKa}'(Aqp].f]Aqt].S]pIAUw]<) = FSBO (For Sale By Owner),-A property for

sale that not listed with a real estate broker and therefore will not be listed on the Multi Listing Service (MLS),

sw]:Kgc]Kw]:yU,' = Owner Occupant,- A tenant of a residence who also owns the property,

sw]:Kgc]Tuk],pk];pUic]' = Legitimate owner, property’s legitimate owner,

sw]:Kgc]Am],yU,' = Absentee owner,[an owner who does not personally manage or reside at property owned],


'sw]:cuin];lUc]'{' = Capitalist, N. a person who has capital, especially extensive capital, invested in business enterprises,

sw]:ciun];tiun];lUc]'(lgk];la};pUic]sw]:ciun];tuin];lUc]') = Capitalistic, adj.: a capitalistic system,

sw]:sa};' = Gentleman, sir,

sw]:sac];'mun]sac];'[mun]sac];puk].TmUiw]:p},Kuin]:pQn]mun]sw]:nn].{' = Buddhist monk, N.,

sw]:sa};sw]:yic];'[luk]:sa};luk]:yic];sw]:fL.{' = Prince and princess, children of Tai Saopha,

sw]:sibw]:sG]:Sibw]:etL,' = Upright One


Imperial, N. of, like, or pertaining to an empire or empress: imperial tax,

sw]:Sac],'[sa};Agn],nuc]:lUic]mUiw]:p},Kiun]:pQn]mun]sac];puk].T{' = Novice, N. a young Buddhist monk,

sw]:SBn]'sw]:h}:sw]:nL;' = Farmer,

sw]:Siuk];' = Colonel, lieutenant colonel,

sw]:Siuk];'(sS) = Colonel, (COL)

sw]:Siuk];lUc]'(sSl) = Brigade General, (One-star General)(BG)

sw]:Sibk];Pbc];tn];KBw];yG],' = Might warrior

sw]:Suic],Sim];KUw];' = Storage owner, warehouse owner,

sw]:JSL,'JSL,rp].p};'[KB;emLSgn]lBc]tI:kzc];saw];KiBw];kYO;Kw]{ = Rabbi, N. chief religious official of synagogue,

sw]:tac];cm];yQn]'sw]:fL.kqm]miuc];cm];yQn]'sw]:cm];yQn]' = Prince of Peace,

sw]:tL:'[kUn];ekL.pUic],/ehL:hUiw];Kam]:tL:{' = Ferryman, N. a person who owns or operate a ferry,

sw]:tqc],lgc];'[kUn];ekL.yip];w}.ciun];sap]:kn]nn].{'tqc],'= Stakeholder, N. the holder of the stakes of a wager,

sw]:tqm]:ASak]:Pwpn]' = Author of life

sw]:tI:Sgn]:pibc]:'sw]:tI;hw];Sgn]:puic]:' = Refuge: God our Refuge and Rewarder.(Ruth 2:1-23),

sw]:Et,cw]:hUw]puic];El:sw]:Kgt],ygt]:lUp];lc]luin];Sut];' = The Beginning and the End,

sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;'(sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;n}.pQn]tI:SUSgn]:puic]:'(ehL;33;27')'TL,wrL.JPL;'JPL;sw]:'= Eternal

God, God: The eternal God is your refuge,(Deut.33:27),

sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;SU' = Lord your God,

sw]:TL,wrL.JPL:n}.pQn]cm];yQn]'(Sin]6;24') = “The LORD Is Peace.”

sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;n}.pQn]JPL;'(ehL;4;32-40') = The LORD is God,

sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;Puc];tn];KUw];AL,nL,yG],lUc]' = Lord God Almighty,

sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;mI;tI:nn]:'[sw]:hw];mI;yU,tI:nn].'{(AI;48;35')= THE LORD IS THERE,

sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;hw];etkm].sg}:pn]'(cw]:'22;14')' = The LORD Will Provide.(Gen. 22:14),

sw]:nac];' = Lady, queen,

sw];nac];kqm]miBc];'nac];fL.'sw]:yic];' = Princess, N.,

sw]:nac];ehLKm];'[1.em;Kun]ehLKm];'2.sw]:Kun]K},fL.ehLKm];ekL.pQn]Em:yic];nn].'nac];ehLKm];'{= Queen, N.

the wife or consort of a king; a female monarch,

sw]:nL;'[ekL.pUic],lgk];/tUc]:nL;{ = Rice field owner,

sw]:nI:'[kUn];/sum];kL.Ka}An]TUik]:l}:cuin];tqn];pn]'(Pa},Kt];mn];pQn]!kUn];Tuk],nI:'@{ = Creditor, N. a person or

firm to whom money is due (opposed to debtor),

sw]:nUiw]sw]:tc];mUt];' = LORD OF LORDS, Lord of lords, (Rev 19:16)

sw]:pw];'[ekL.Kuic]pgc]kan]pn]eSkQp];pw];pac]Pa}.pac]etL,lgc];'{ = Casino dealer, N. gambling dealer,

sw]:pL;lQw]kBv];pQn]JPL;kw]KL:' = You alone are my God,

sw]:pQn]ekL.nn].eAL:' mG];pQn]ekL.nn].yw].' = That is who are,


@(Kiun];1;4') = “Who is, and who was, and who is to come,”

sw]:pUic],nm].cm];lin]nUiw]kUn];mUic];tc];lum]:fL.' = Lord of all the earth,

sw]:Puc];tn];KUw];yG],lUc]'TL,wrL.JPL;'sw]:hw];&'(Su22;22')' =“…,The Might One, God,

the Lord!”(Jos.22:22)

sw]:Puc];tn];KUw];yG],mI;pL;lQw]' = Mighty One,(Mtt.26:64),

sw]:Pbc];tn];KBw];yG],lBc]lac]' = Almighty

sw]:Pbc];tn];KBw];yG],hUc]hac];'(2pI,1;17') = Majestic Glory, the Majesitc Glory,

sw]:PL.sw]:mit]:'[kUn];KQn],/Ka}PL./mit]:{' = Knife-maker, knives seller,

sw]:JPL;kw]' JPL;sw];kw]' JPL;pQn]sw]:&' = My God, My God!

sw]:JPL;sqt]:Et.Et.'sw]:sqt]:Et.Et.'(1ygn]<5;20')' = True God,

sw]:JPL;man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:mI;pL;lQw]kUv];' = Only True God,

sw]:JPL;mBt];sac],pL;lQw]' = Holy One, the Holy One,

sw]:JPL;mBt];sac],sw]:pL;lQw]'(luk].4;34')' = Holy One of God,(Luke 4:34,),

sw]:JPL;mBt];sac],AiSer;pL;lQw]'(SL,78;41)' = Holy One of Israel,(Ps.78:41),

sw]:JPL;hw];sw]:niUw]sw]:tc];SQc]:' = Lord over all,

sw]:JPL;hw];p},liUk]:Aw]siUw];Kw]n}.w}.eSekL." = The Lord has chosen none of these.

sw]:JPL;hw];Aik],pQn]sw]:AU:hw];'(1Tit].3;11')' = Our God and Father,

sw]:JPL;AiSer;' = The Lord God of Israel,

!sw]:JPL;AU:hw];'sw]:JPL;AL,RpL,ham],El:sw]:An]A};sk].kUw]ym]'@(cw]:31;42')= “God of

my father, the God of Abraham and the Fear of Isaac”,

sw]:fL.'(sw];PL.)'sw]:sa};kqm]miBc];'sw]:PL.' = Prince,

sw]:fL.kqm]miUc];elL;kn}.'sw]:kqm]miUc];elL;k' = Prince of this world, (John 12:31, 14:30, 16:11)

sw]:fL.'nac];fL.'sw]:sgm]'(kQw],-)(ehLsw]:fL.'hUin];sw]:sgm]lUc]') = Princely, adv.: princely mansions,

sw]];yQn]' sw]:cm];yQn]' = Prince of Peace,


kqm]sw]:fL.{' = Tetrarch, N. the ruler over the fourth part of a province; a subordinate ruler,

sw]:mak],hin]mI;sG]'[pQn]suiw]:An]hgc].sw]:ey,SuAn]nuic]:{(1pI,2;4') = Living Stone,

sw]:man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,pL;lQw]'(man],7;52') = Righteous One,(Acts 7:52,),

sw]:mI;sgm];kw]' sw]:mI;sgm];kw]KL:w}.yU,' = You are with me,

sw]:mI;Sqt]:sL,PU:Pan],SGac];pQn]kw]'[sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;kw]{' = My faithful Creator,

sw]:mI;Sqt]:sL,PU:Pan],SGac];'(sw]:mI;Sqt]:sL,PU:Pan],SGac];pQn]Kw]'(1pI,4;19')'= Faithful Creator:

Their faithful Creator,

sw]:mI;AL,nL,Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];yG],' = Sovereign LORD,

sw]:mun]' mun]sw]:' mun]sac];' = Monk,

!sw]:em,S};yTL,wrL.JPL;'@(luk].9;20')' = “God’s Messiah”(Luke 9:20,),

sw]:Em:'[ekL.Em:sw]:fL./sw]:kqm]mUic];{' = Mother of a prince,

sw]:mUic];'[sw]:wan]:sw]:mUic];{'(KQc],sw]:mUic];)' = Zaomurng, N. a guardian; a hief of a region in Tai state or the

spirit of that chief: alter of Zaomurng,


mUic];RpitiSY]Kw]tac],pn]PU:sa};KUiw];mYat]:sn].tG]:tam];sw]:kqm]mUic];/sw]:fL.mUic];RpitiSY]'{ = Duke, N. the male ruler

of a small state in in Continental Europe; a British nobleman holding the highest hereditary title outside the royal family, ranking

immediately below a prince and above a marquis,

sw]:mYat]:'ekL.yG],Tgt],mYat]:'PI'[perL;Pqt]:'{= Diviner, N. a person who is divine; soothsayer; prophet,

sw]:mgk],'[kUn];Ka}mgk],/Puk],mgk],'sw]:mgk],sw]:mG]'{' = Florist, N. a retailer of flowers; a grower of flowers,

sw]:mG];(SU)TL,wrL.JPL;' = The Lord your God,

sw]:yic];'[luk]:yic];sw]:fL.{' = Daughter of Tai saopha, princess,

sw]:yip];muiw];Kgn]KGLkw]KL:w}.pn]eAL:' = “…;You hold me by my right hand.”(Ps.73:23)


w];Sqp]:(ygn]<6;42'{= Jesus, N. also called Jesus Christ; Jesus of Nazareth; (Jn.18:7), Jesus the son of Joseph (Jn.6:42),

sw]:ey,SuetkzmL;pgk]:km];Sgc]'(tac];-/lgc]:-An]-) = Jesus’ second coming,


wtc];SQc]:nn].eAL:' =“Jesus is the One who is all we need for salvation, and for life”,

sw]:ey,Sun}.pQn]JPL;'(rUw];10;9)' = Jesus is Lord,(Ro.10:9)

!sw]:ey,SukUn];wQc];nL;srqt]:'Kun]ehLKm];kUn];KiUw];kYO;'@(mqt]:27;37') = “JESUS OF NAZARETH,


sw]:ey,SuyU,w}.yU,tL,eS,TL,wrL.'(hI;RpO;'7;24')' = Jesus lives forever,(Heb. 7:24),

sw]:ey,Suhk].luk]:Agn]lQk].Agn]sUiw];nn].eAL:' = Jesus loves the little children,


nn].eSAit];' = Jesus doesn’t to see you setting for anything less than His very best,

sw]:lin]'[ekL.pUic],w}.lgk];lin]tL,hQt];hUin];/lin]SUn]{' = Landowner,

sw]:wn];Sin]' = Lord of the Sabbath,

sw]:wn];Sin]'ey,SupQn]sw]:wn];Sin]' = Lord of the Sabbath, Jesus the Lord of the Sabbath,

sw]:wivin],An]pn]mI;ASak]:Pw'(1ekL;15;45)' = Life-giving spirit,

sw]:wUc]:kac]' kUn];wUc]:kac]' ekL.hQt];pn]Ek:kac]' = Mediator, intermediaries, broker,

sw]:wgc].ehLKm];'(sw]:/Kun]) = Emperor,

sw]:wgc].ehLKm];lUc]SI;sL,'(siuw]:sw]: wgc].ehLKm];lUc]rUw];mmiUw]:kgn],) = Caesar,-the title assumed by the

Roman emperor after Julius Caesar,

sw]:hw];'hw];KL:etsac]:kGL,sU;PG]KL:? = Lord, to whom shall we go?

!sw]:hw];KL:'sw]:JPL;kw]KL:tI:KL:'@ =“My Lord and my God,” 

sw]:hw];KL:sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;kw]KL:tI:KL:' = My Lord and my God,

sw]:hw];ta}yw].luk].Kiun];lip];mI;sG]' = Resurrection of our Lord,


LORD our God: The LORD our God, the Lord is one,

sw]:hw];em,S};y'sw]:hw];sw]:Krit]:' = Lord’s Messiah, Lord’s Christ, Lord the Christ,

sw]:hw];ey,SuKrit]:' = Jesus Christ our Lord,

sw]:hw];yG],lUc]hUc]hac];Et.&' = The Lord is great!; the Lord be exalted or magnified,

sw]:han]'[PU:mI;sn].Siuk];tqm],eSsw]:Siuk];El:Sm].Suc]eSKun]Siuk];lUc]{ = Major,

sw]:h}:sw]:SUn]'sw]:h}:' = Peasant, farmer,

sw]:h}:sw]:nL;'sw]:h}:' = Farmer, peasant,

sw]:ehLKm];'Kun]ehLKm];' = King, N.,

sw]:hiUn];' = Landlord,-The owner of real property who rents or leases to another party,

sw]:hiUn];' = Lessor, the landlord,

sw]:hUiw];' = Owner of a boat, vessel, ferryboat, yacht, etc.

sw]:hUiw];Sc];ePL;'sw]:hUiw];' = Owner of a ship or ferry,

sw]:AL,nL,kqm]tBw]' la};sw]:AL,nL,kqm]tBw]Abp].' = Dictator, dictatorship, authoritarianism,

sw]:AL,nL,kqm]tUw]' = Authoritarianism, government by one, absolute rule, dictatorship,

sw]:AL,nL,Suik];'(sw]:AL,nL,Suik];Aup].)' = Military dictator, military regime: military dictatorship,


Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.

sw]:AL,lfL,el:sw]:AUw],mikL,' = Alpha and Omega ,

sw]:AI:yL'[kUn];ekL.mI;la}<Sqn]<tL,Kp];Kuic]hQt];/sap]:/ePL,AI:yLEl:puin]EPyL:yL'{= Pharmacist, N.

pharmaceutical chemist; druggist; apothecary,

sw]:AU:' AB:' sw]:AU:hw];' AU:hw];' epL:' sw]:epL:' et;' = Father,

sw]:AU:ekL.ASak]:lip];yU,' = Living Father,

sw]:AU:wivin],hw];'sw]:AU:wivin],tc];la}' = The Father of spirits,

!sw]:AU:lqc];mUic];kac]hac]tc];la}'@(kYQm];1;17')' =“Father of heavenly lights”(James 1:17,),

sw]:AU:lqc];mUic];kac]haw]tc];SQc]:'(kYQm];1;17') = Father of heavenly lights, Father of lights,

sw].' sw].sw].sQw];sQw];' sQm]sw].sQm]sQw];' = Early,

sw].'sQw];sw].'[sQw];pQn]/mL;/hQt];yw].sw].nL,p},Tuic]TUn]:Kaw];mn];nn].'{ = Premature, adj. occurring,

coming, or done too soon, prematurely, adv.,

sw].sw].wn];nuic]:' wn];nuic]:sw].sw].' = Early one day,

sw].sw].' hUw]nG]sw].sw].' = Early in the morning, very early in the morning,

sak],'sak],mn];'sak],m}.'(Aw]PL.Pa}Tak],m}.kUm]hG]:epL;Pqp].El:sak],m}.miUw]lUc]kGL,) = Slice, wood slice,


k];An]hUc]:w}.' = Scraps, a small portion, small pieces of material cut away, flaked off,


kiut];)'sam],mak],hin]'yuk];yk];Kc].w}.' = Debris, the remains of anything broken down or destroyed,

sak],sa}' tQn]:' ksak],ksa}' [Kt];kt]tc];-nim]siuc]:{ = Disperse, scatter, spread, banish,

sak],mn];'(mak],pgm];Pc]lin]tqk],PUc].PU,SG],El:sak],mn];kGL,Kam]lm];tUn]:m}.lUc]w}.') = Slice,

sak],mac]' Kqp];mac]' Sg};mac]mac]' = Chip, N., slice,

sak],muc];hiUn];SQn]tUk];mL;' = Pieces of the roof came off,


nn].KL:eAL:'(mqt]:'15;27)' = Crumb, :”..even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters table., crumbs,

sak],lQk];liUw]:'(pQn]Pgc]m}.An]Agk],mL;miUw]:sgm];miUw]:liUw]:m}.nn].') = Sawdust,

sak]:'(sak]:yQp].KUw];)' = Machine, N. mechanism: a sewing machine,

sak]:' Ain]kYin],' = Engine,

sak]:'(Pa},/lgc]:/la};-)[KUic]:yip];sG].tuiw];sgm];sak]:la};yip];sak]:{ = Mechanical, adj. being a machine,

sak]:/kUn];epL.Kw]:' kUn];/sak]:tm]Kw]:' = Thresher, rice thresher,

sak]:kic]:tac];'[sak]:nk];lUc]Aw]Aa}nm].AUn],ehL:mI;tum]mUn];kic]:hG]:tac];tqt]:'{' = Steam roller, N.,

sak]:kqt];yUiw]:'sak]:pat],yUiw]:' = Mower, N., lawn mower, mowing machine,

sak]:kU;Tut],lik]:'[kU;Tut],Puin]lik]:Puin]la};/Kqp];hac]:skGL,{ = Printer, N. ,

sak]:kUic]tac];'[kUn];/sak]:An]kUic]hG]:pQc];sn].'{' = Grader, N. a person or thing that grades,

sak]:kgk];pUik],' sak]:pgk],pUik],' = Paring machine, N.,

sak]:KQn],hac]:Pac]pn]'[SYQp];pL<'sak]:SYQp];pL<'{' = Shaper, N. (Metalworking),

sak]:Kut],lin]'[sak]:mI;mak]:T}lUc]Kut],lin]mak],hin]pqt]:(pU;;l]tUw]<sL,){ = Bulldozer, N.,

sak]:SUv];Sqc]'sak]:SUv];' = Lapidary machine, N.,

sak]:SG],Tat]:SI,'sak]:SG],nm].mn];kL;' = Gas pump, N.,

sak]:cgm];K},'[nc],k},Em:cgm];K},mn];hG]:tqk],Agk],luk]:k},Agn],mL;'{cgm];K},' = Incubation machine,

sak]:tm]/lUv]Kw]:'sak]:Ait],Pgc]'[sak]:tL,Kuit]:/Ait],mQt].kin]kgn]:yg}:nn].{ = Mill, N, a machine for

grinding, crushing, or pulverizing any solid substance: a coffee mill,

sak]:tL,KUn].Sgk]:hLnG];Ain];TUiw];nqt].' = Internet search engine,

sak]:tqm]:tUw]lik]:'[sak]:tqm]:/Kqk];tqm]:tUw]lik]:pQn]tUw]pQn]tUw]nn].{' = Machine writing character,

sak]:tqm]:lik]:' = Typewriter,

sak]:tum]pn],'[KUic]:pn],mI;tum]mgn]pQc];pQc];tL,kUn];hQt];emL:nUt]:lin]nQw]nUiw]mn];{' = Potter’s wheel, N.,

sak]:Tut],lik]:'sak]:kU;lik]:' = Copier, copy machine,

sak]:TUpgt]:eKYL;'[plQn];nL<'sak]:plQn];nL<'{' = Planer, N. (Metalworking),

sak]:np].' kUn];np].Sgn],' KUic]:np].' = Calculator, N., calculating machine,


l:Agk],pn]mG]<hp].Puin]ma}tgc];w}.hUw]hup]:tc];mUt];mn];nn].'{' = Cash register, N. also called sales register,

sak]:nm].mn];'sak]:Ait],nm].mn];' = Oil mill, N. oil press machine,

sak]:Encw];tUc].' = Movie projector, N.,

sak]:/KUic]:pn]lUm];m}:'/hqc];m}:' = Heater, N.,

sak]:epL.Kw]:/tm]Kw]:' = Threshing machine, a machine for removing rains and seeds from straw and chaff,

sak]];tUc].' = Movie camera, N. also called cine camera,

sak]:pgk],pUik],' sak]:kgk];pUik],' = Paring machine, N.,

sak]:PQw]:mUv]' = Snow plow, N. snow removal,

sak]:fI;tic];'(sak]:fI;tic];tiAw]Eh:Tc];Stn],) = Feeding machine,(Tungsten ore feeding machine),

sak]:f};'[sak]:An]hQt];Agk],pn]f};fL.nn].{'sak]:P};' = Electric generator, N. electric power generator,


k].kGL,/ygc]:kGL,Ka}.tI:mn];lG]Kp].kn]lG]l}:nn].{' = Forklift, N. also called forklift truck, fork truck,

sak]:yuk].mQt];' RKQc];mQt];' = Hoisting apparatus, N., crane,

sak]:yuiw];'[KUic]:Suik];mUiw]:kgn],An]sG].tL,AI;yw]:mak],hin]/puin]kac],kGL,hqc];hqc];nn].{' = Catapult, N. an ancient

military engine for hurling stones, arrows, etc.,

sak]:ygk]:lUm];'pm].lut],lUm];' = Air pump, N. an apparatus for drawing in, compressing, or exhausting air,

sak]:rL,SI,' sak]:yL,SI,' nk]:Kt]:lUin]law]' = Zodiac, N.,

sak]:lp].PL.lp].mit]:' = Edge knife sharpening machine,

sak]:lac];hgc]:'sak]:lut],' = Dredging machine,



hac]:KUic];mn];pn]nn].'{' = Lathe, N. a machine for use in working wood, metal, etc. that holds the material and rotates it

about a horizontal axis against a tool that shapes it, lathe machine,

sak]:lut],'[sak]:lut],Aw]Auc]Aw]Sa};piun].nm].nn].Kiun]:'(sak]:lac];hgc]:){ = Dredge, dredging machine,

sak]:lUm];pn],'[sak]:Aw]hqc];lUm];pt].pn],'{ = Windmill, N. wind generator; wind plant,

sak]:lUiw]:' = Sawing machine,

sak]:lUiw]:pqn]:'[pQn]tI:mI;hUc];tUik]:hac]:lQk];lUiw]:tL,lUiw]:tum],m}.hQt];pqn]:'{' = Sawmill,

sak]:lUiw]:m}.'[pQn]Sa}lqn]:mI;KQw]:lQk];lUiw]:sgm];tUc],sUik]:lQk];eSAw]kGL,Aw]mL;ca}:{' = Chain saw,

sak]:lg};KUw];' sak]:lac].wan],' = Washing machine, N.,

sak]:Ew;l]tic];'[sak]:An]sG].mUiw]:tL,Aw]pgt];lQk];la}pgt];kp];kn]nn].{' = Welding machine, N.,

sak]:wit].'sak]:lp].hG]:Pa}' = Sharpening machine,

sak]:hiw]:'[yL,sU,{' = Weighing machine, scale,

sak]:hQt];KUic]:'[sak]:Tqp];/wit]./pgt]:KUic]:KUw];lQk];{' = Machine tools, a power-driven machine,

sak]:Ait],lik]:'[sak]:kU;Tut],lik]:{ = Printing machine, N. printer,

sak]:Ait],Ag}:'[sak]:Ait],lqm]:Ag}:tL,Aw]nm].Ag}:'{ = Sugar cane press,

sak]:EAY;Kgn]<'(eA,sI,) = Air Conditioner, (AC)

sak].sL,'[es:kqt];yaw];SQm]:SQm]:pa}lqm]SG],kn];yip];{' = Pennant stick, N. a long tapering paper flag,

sac]' sac]yw].' Ek.' = Lacking in flavor, lacking in quality,


)' = Insipid, adj., without sufficient taste to be pleasing, as food or drink; bland; tasteless: a rather insipid soup,

sac]kUt];kUt];'(Pk];n}.Am],wan]sac]sUt];kUt];sac]Sc]ekL:Am],hU.yw].)' = Unpleasant taste,

sac]sac]' (Kgc],sac]sac])' = Tinge, tinged, tingeing,(pinkish tinge),

sac]sqt];kqt];'sac]Es.Ek.'[Am],wan]eSAit];{' = Very insipid, have no flavor at all,

sac]:' yim]' Kat]:' = Hire, lease, hired, hiring,

sac]:'[pQn]l}:'{(sG]:yw].hw];sac]:hQt];l}:yU,&)' = Can, v. be able to, to know how to: Yes, we can!, could,

sac]:Km];' sac]:cibn];' (KQn],Agk],KBw];Km];KBw];ciBn];hac];lI) = Goldsmith, silversmith,

sac]:eK;et' = Might be,

sac]:etl}:' l}:yU,' = May, might, (used to express opportunity or permission)

sac]:et---lU;kgn],yw]." sac]:l}:wL:---n}yU,ekL:' = Could have,

sac]:cibn];' (KQn],Agk],KBw];ciBn];hac];lI) = Silversmith,

sac]:sap]:Sqc],kp];ka},kn]' sac]:Am],kac];kn]' = Susceptible, liable or subject to,

sac]:sp];'(erL;kL,An]sac]:sp];)'Suip],pQn]KUiw];KUiw];yG];yG];' = Contagious, adj.: Contagious disease,

sac]:sp];yin].'mI;yin].yG],'(yL:yLAn]sac]:sp];yin].mn];) = Addictive, adj.: an addictive drug,

addictiveness, N.,

sac]:tqk]:'tqk]:l}:' = Measurable, adj.,

sac]:tqk]:tUv];'tqk]:tUv];l}:'(Kt];-Am],sac]:tqk]:tUv];) = Fathomable, adj., (ant: unfathomable),

sac]:tqk]:tUv];lgc]:luik].lm],km],PI,tc];la}' = Gift can fathom all mysteries,

sac]:etyam]:l}:hQt];'yam]:l}:pQn]/mI;'eK;etsac]:pQn]' = Might have,

sac]:etpQn]'(mQw];An]sac]:etpQn]tL,Aw]sg}:') = Might have been: that what might have been used to help,

sac]:etpQn]-huiw]kUiw];wL:' sac]:etpQn]--lU;kgn],yw].' = Might –have-been,

sac]:etL.Et.'etL.Et.sac]:' = Can just,

sac]:tgn].emL'(tgn].sac]:emLygn];emLTam])' = Could even,(could even ask,),

sac]:tgn].yam]:'(sac]:tgn].yam]:ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]w}.nn].)' = Can ever, (can ever dream),

sac]:Tac],lQk].pUin]:'(mn];n}.sac]:Tac],lQk].pUin]:) = Despicable, adj.: He was a mean, despicalble man,

sac]:En;SG],l}:wL:---n}yU,ekL:' = Could have accused,

sac]:nUiw].'[kUn];hQt];nUiw].tUw]St];Ka}/kUn];hqm]kin]nUiw].St];'{' = Butcher,

sac]:pQn]kGL,l}:yU,' sac];pQn]mL;l}:yU,' = Could have been,

sac]:lQk];' = Blacksmith,

sac]:pQn]Et.'(lgc]:tac];An]sac]:pQn]Et.)' = Unquestionable, adj. indisputable: an unquestionable fact,

sac]:pQn]lgc]:lIyU,n}ekL:kUv];kL:' = Would have been good--, but--,

sac]:pqt].'emLyip];emLygp];'[AkYac].Am],lI{ = Craftiness, N.,

sac]:pqt].'emLyip];emLygp];'[AkYac].Am],lI{ = Crafty, adj. ceceitful, wily; sly, craftier, craftiest,

sac]:pqt].sac]:lqn]'pqt].pqt].lqn]lqn]'emLpqt].emLlqn]' = Deceptive, adj.: Charm is deceptive,

sac]:puit],Agk],mgk]lat]:Enl}:'(Kt];-Am],sac]:puit],Agk],mgk],lat]:Enl}:)' = Expressible, (ant:


sac]:EP:sp];kn]'(erL;kL,An]sac]:/emLEP:sp];kn])' = Epidemic, (epidemic disease),

sac]:EP:nm]mL;'(cuin];mUk];Stgk];An]sac]:EPnm]mL;') = Cumulative, adj.: cumulative preferred stocks,

sac]:ePL,nm].ePL,tUw]l}:'(Kt];-wUn].Kqm].w}.nG];sG]')' = Pragmatic, practical, practicable, (ant:


sac]:mat],'An]sac]:hG]:pQn]eP;' An]sac]:mat],miuw];' = Noxious, adj. toxic, injurious,

sac]:emLKw]:Agk],pUin]:'[emLpgc];ePL,pUin]:'{ = Sociable, adj. N. companionable, sociably, adv.,

sac]:yL.lukw];lqw]' = Destructive, tending to destroy or overthrow, causing destruction,

sac]:lat]:Agk],pak],yU,tac];wn];ekL:'kUv];kL:'...' = We can say all day long, but…,

sac]:lUc]luim];'Am],hU.nUiw].'[kUn];ta}Pak], k}.pQn]pL;An]tUiw].ekL:Am],hU.wL:tUiw]./sQp];/lUit],{'= Insensible,

adj. incapable of feeling or perceiving; can’t feel,


Perishable, adj. subject to decay, ruin, or destruction,(ant: unperishable)

sac]:l}:'(Kt];-Am],sac]:l}:')' = Attainable, achievable, within reach,(ant: unattainable, unachievable,),

sac]:l}:nm].mYat]:nm]'(kan]sac]:l}:nm].mYat]:nm])' = Profitable: a profitable deal,

sac]:wUn].hn]TL:'(ciun];hLl}:An]sac]:wUn].hn]TL:)' = Prospective, adj. of the future: prospective earning,

sac]:w}.fac].tUv];han]l}:ca}:ca}:' = Noticeable, adj.,

sac]:hp].mI;l}:' ta};Tibc]hp].l}:' ta};Tibc]l}:' = Accessible,

sac]:hQt];yw].l}:'(wac]:Pqn]An]sac]:hQt];yw].l}:)' = Feasible, adj. a feasible plan, feasibility, N.,

sac];'mun]sac];' = Buddhist monk, N.,

sac];'[Suk]:/lac]./lg};hG]:mn];mUt];lI{'(lg};KUw];n}.Sk].Sp].pYL,yw].sac];nm].nm]nm])' = Wash down, to clean

completely by washing, rinse,


w];nn].'{ = Rinse, to douse or drench in clean water as a final stage in washing, rinsed, rinsing,

sac].'[sac].epL:'sac].Em:{'(cUc];sac].'cL;sac].)' = Elephant: elephant trunk, ivory,

sac].cgm],'[ca};mqc];enL,kUv];sac].cgm],n}.mI;cUc];yaw];ca};mUin]cUc];sac].{' = Elephant beetle, N.,

sac].pa};'[sac].Puik].w}.tL,Kiun];tisac].TUin],nn].{' = Decoy elephant,

sac].epL:' = Male elephant,

sac].PUik],' = White elephant,

sac].Em:' = Female elephant,

sat],' sat],puin]'piun]'Puk];'mUiw]' = Scatter, fling: to scatter seeds, scattered, scattering,


kGL,Sgm]:nG];nL;'{ = Sow paddy seeds to grow paddy seedlings for transplanting in the paddy field,

sat],Ka};'[pQn]KUiw];kGac]mUin]kGac]kUv];KLmn];pgt];eSkGac]{' = Hog deer, N.,


:/tUik],kL:nG];SUn]'skGL,'{' = Scattering the seeds,

sat]:'sUic];'sat]:Sqc];'[lik]:/kGam];sap]:lqp]:hgc].EnK}:Enkn]{(sat];Sqc];t};)'Sqc];' = Drama,

sat]:nL:'sat]:etmL;'[ASak]:Pwwa};ta}'{ = Afterlife, life after death, future life, the life to come,

sat]:n}.'(!kw]hU.lgc]:wL:kw]etyU,kGL,etL,l}:hn]lgc]:lIsw]:hw];nG];sat]:n}.n}eAL:"@SL,27;13) = Present

life, N. this present life: “I know that I will live to see the Lord’s goodness in this present life.”(Ps.27:13,GNTD)

sat]:pan]'(sat]:pan]mI;es;sQm],') = Living, N. state, or status of life; livelihood: luxurious living,


nn].'{(sat]:pan]kUn];lum]:fL.hw];n}.mn];pgt];nL,') = Span, N. a limited space of time, as the term or period of living:

Our span on earth is short,

san]'[Aw]Pk];/nm].Pk];SG],elL;Kw]:kin]{'sun]:kin]' = Mixed rice with curry or soup to eat,

san]nn]nim];'[Agc]:tI:lqn]lin]sap]:Pqn],lin]mUic];np].Tla};pgt];san];'{(eyL;19;33') = Zaanannim,

a place on the southern border of the territory of Naphtali,


TUc]san]:Kw]:(TUc]kn],nI,){'TUc]san]:Kw]:' = Gunny, N. a strong, coarse material made from jute, especially

for bags or sacks; also called gunny sack, gunnies,

san]:Kw]:'TUc]lUc]'(cuin];mI;w}.nG];pak],TUc]san]:Kw]:nn].') = Sack, N. a large bag: money in the mouth of the sack,

san]:sc];' san]:' sc];' = Abhorrence, scorn, extremely dislike, hate,

san]:sac];'[mUiw],san]:lum];lum];'Kn].hn]/sUk].tL'{' = Abhor, detest utterly; loathe, abhorred, abhorring,

san]:kn]' lImiUw],lIsan]:' miUw],kn]san]:kn]' = Abomination,

san]:kn]El:l}:KIcw]mgc]sG]' = Abomination that causes desolation, abomination of desolation,

san]:nL,'hiBw].hL,epL;hqc]:' hiBw].hqc];tqk],' hiBw].ABn]:' miUw],nL,' = Exhausted, tired of,


kn]kU:wn];sUic].n}'(Am],l}:hn]Agk],pQn]Sc]mL;El:sgc],mG];mUiw],nL,san]:nL,yw].huiw]?') = Tired, adj. weary or

bored (usually followed by of); exhausted: tired of the same food every day; Are you tired of of not seeing results?, tired of,

san];'(tac];)[tac];Agk],'tac];tUk];'tac];hgc],'{ = South, N., [East, West, North,] ,

san];hiUn];' kac]san];' = Balcony,


nUk]. )' = Snatch eating, snatch/eat,

sap],' sap],Sqc],' = Clapping cymbals, banging cymbals,

sap]:'[Aw]elL;kn]{(nm].Aun],sap]:nm].kt];'SIlUic]sap]:SIKQw]')' = Make a mixture, mixing,

sap]:sUiw].sap]:KUiw];'sap]:pI:sap]:ngc].'(pI:ngc].sap]:kn]Pa},AU:)' = Related, be related or relative,

sap].sap].'[SQc]SUp];emL;mUiw]:kin]{(kin]tac];kin]Am],lIpn]SQc]SUp];emL;sap].sap].')' = Noisy eating,

sap]:' kp];' hBm]:' hBm]:sgm];' pgc];' = Join, joined, joining,


n].kp];))' = Engraft: to engraft a peach on a plum, engrafted, engrafting, ingraft,

sap]:ciun];kn]' (sap]:cuin];kn]pg};mak],nc]mUn];)' = Wagering, bet, stake,(place a wager on a soccer match)

sap]:Tqc]:' tUk];Tqc]:' SG],Tqc]:' = Bet,(Texas Hold’em)

sap]:kn]' sap]:ciun];kn]' lgc];kn]' = Bet, betting, wagering,

sap]:kn]' kQw],kn]' sap]:Sqc],kn]' kp];ka},kn]' = Relate, relation,

sap]:ciun];kn]' (sap]:cuin];kn]pg};mak],nc]mUn];)' = Wagering, bet, stake,(place a wager on a soccer match)

sap]:Sqc],kp];ka},kn]' Am],kac];kn]' = Liable,

sap]:Sqc],kp];ka},kn]' = Subject to,

sap]:pI:sap]:ngc].' sap]:kn]' = Related, descent, connected in race,

sap]:lUv]:' = Regarding to, connected,

sap]:lUv]:'(lgc]:/An])[lgc]:/An]Aac]:Aic]'SePL;JtL;'{(sap]:lUv]:An]n}.Et.lI:han].sG]yU,') =

Regard, N. reference; an aspect, point, or particular: quite satisfactory in this regard,

sap]:lBv]:'(mn];Am],lat]:Sc]eSAit];sap]:lUv]:mgc];muiw];An]ha}kGL,nn].") = Regarding, adj. with regard to;

respecting; concerning: He said nothing regarding the lost watch,

sap]lUv]:' = Respecting, concerning, regarding,

sap]:lUv]:'Suip],'[pL;'{= Connected, adj.(Math) pertaining to; joined together in sequence, connected with,

sap]:lBv]:Pa},pk];piBc]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Legal affairs


Agk],mn];hgm](nm].mn];sam]kL;)An]Aw]yip];tuiw];SG],nG];nm].hgm]nn].'{'mgk],sam]kL;' = Champac, N. a

southern Asian tree, Michelia champaca, of the magnolia family, having fragrant yellow flower or orange flowers and yielding

an (champaca oil) used in perfumes,

sam],'(mn];l}:sam],ciun];Kw]:Kqm].TUn]:TI;tI:JTt].S]fn];mn];SG],w}.nn].Et.yw].)' = Enjoy: He enjoys an

excellent income from his trust funds, enjoyed, enjoying,

sam],man]:sam],mUic];'[sam],wan]:sam],mUic];{' = Enjoy in ruling a country,

sam],hac]:sam],ehL' = Enjoy the monarch’s power,

sam];' sam];tUv];' sqt]:Tt];tUv];' sqt]:sam];' = Test, tested, testing,

sam];'sam];kn]'(KG]:sam];kn]tUv];En,?) = Challenge: Want to challenge?, challenged, challenging,

sam];'Sg}:'yg};'Kqp],' ngk]:mn];'(sam];KQn];hUw]'Sg}:nL:SUiw]:'yg};TUc]'Kqp],PL:hUm],PL:m}')' = Fringe, margin,

sam];(KUic]:-/An]-)'[Pqn],SUiw],hUm],nUiw]KUc],/PUin]kin]Kw]:'{ = Test checker, N. ,

sam];km];tUv];'sam];nUm]tUv];'Kam],sL;nG];sG]'hU.nUiw].'nG];sG]' = Feel, felt, feeling, feeling, N.,

sam];KQn];hUw]' = Turban tassel,


v];km];luin];Sut];)' = Runoff, N. a final contest to determine a victor after earlier contest: The election was too close

to call, so they decided to have a runoff,

sam];sG]'[sam];kUn];ekL.nuic]sgc],yum],ym]l}:nm].sG]mn];pQn]huiw]'{ = Personality test, character test,

sam];tUv];'sqt]:Tt];tUv];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Test, N.: to put to the test,

sam];tUv];kac]sG]kUn];miUc];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Test poll,

sam];tUv];kGL:'sam];tUv];El:'SG],hw];sam];tUv];' = Take a chance, (VP) risk something,

sam];tUv];cw];la};hsUit],' = Test the condition of hazard,

sam];tUv];tac];Kam],mn];' = Endurance test,

sam];tUv];Piw]pt].tic];krin];' = Testing the surface of the putting green,

sam];tUv];Agn]tac];'(KUc];kan]sam];hQt];tUc];Agn]tac];)' = Pilot, adj. pilot project,

sam];Tqc]:km];niuc]:El:' sam];tUv];Tqc]:' mc]tUv];Tqc]:' = Try again!

sam];Piuk];'(Piuk];Kuin]:Piuk];yiuw];sam];tUv];'(sam];Puik];tp].')'Puik];sam];tUv];'Puik];'= Drill, N. (Military)

training in formal marching or other precise military or naval movements; an exercise in such training: gun drill; Army drill,

sam];Puik];sG].tuiw];tI:kan]' = Practical test,


k]:"tL.hw];yU,kGL,nG];pL,TUin],luik].lUc]sUic].n}yc];eK;etlIkgn],lL:"@ = “What’s the use of

even trying? We’ll never defeat those people. We might as well just stay out here in the


sam];mL;El,tUv];sUw]:kqp].' sam];mL;El,tUv];' = Visit for a glimpse,

sam];muiw];mqn]:'[sam];yiuw];kgc]:/kac],Am],nn]puit];mak],kgn]/kac]kgn]{' = Target shooting accuracy test,

sam];lam];tBv];Aw]' = Imagine, imagination,

sam];lam];tBv];Aw]'lam];np].Sgn],wL:/Aw]' = Imagine, visualize in advance,

sam];wUn].K}sG]tUv];sUic].n}lU;&' = Think about it this way,

saw];KUiw];'sUiw].KUiw];' = Race, N. a group of tribes or peoples forming an ethnic lineage, ethnic,

saw];siUw].KiUw];'ekL.pQn]yU,mI;yU,'mI;w}.'kUn];' = Being, N., a living thing, existence, a human being,

saw];siBw].KiBw];Sa}Sibp],' = Offspring, generation,

!saw];sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],mG];/SUekL:tk];etpQn]nn]Am],hac].yw]."@(rUw];4;18) = “So shall

your offspring be.”

saw];siBw].KiBw];kUit],Agk],tgc].Agn]tac];Sut];kU:ekL.' = First offspring of every womb,

saw];siBw].KiBw];Sa}Suip],miBw];nL:' = Posterity,

saw];lQw]'saw];/KUiw];lQw]kn]' = Same race, same kind,



.epL;lc]epL;ygn]:Agk],tac];kUn]:kgc]lITgm],hUmUn]:sG]w}.nn].')' = Drum tuning dough or paste of rice,

sL,'Pqn],sL,'m}TUw];sL,'[An]Aw]m}Aw]KQm]TUw];muiw];hQt];w}.hac],hac],ha};ha};Agk],{' = Lace, N.,

sL,Kr};yEl:AI<liSpqt]<' = Zacharias and Elisabeth, (Lk 1:5-25)

sL,Kra};y' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-sL,'){ = Zechariah, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Zech.)],

sL,tn],'PIsL,tn],' = Satan, ( “the devil” Luke 8:12; “the wicked one” Mt 13:19)

sL,ti'[kUn];sL,ti'{(mUic];sL,ti'(kUn];sL,timUic];t};') = Native, adj. N. a person born in a particular place or

country: native land, town, or country; a native of Murng Tai,

sL,tikBn];' sL,ti'(lUv]:sL,tiPa},tUw]kL,ykUn];)' = Descent, N.: by physical descent,

sL,tiPa},tUw]kL,ykUn];' = Physical descent,


lQw]kn]An]mI;pL;JPL;ekL.pQn]sw]:AU:'Krit]:ekL.pQn]sw]:luk]:El:tc];wivin],mUt];sac],sw]:'nn].{= Deity, N. the

Deity, God, the Godhead; Supreme Being, deities,


Krit]:ekL.pQn]sw]:luk]:El:tc];wivin],mUt];sac],sw]:'nn].{' = Godhead, N. the Supreme Being; the Holy

Trinity of God the Father, Christ the Son, and the Holy Ghost,

sL,nUw];AL,'[suiw];wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'wQc];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;34'56') = Zanoah, the name of two cities in

the Old Testament,


:41;45') = Zaphenath-Paneah, the Hebrew form of the Egyptian name given to Joseph by Pharaoh,

sL,rit' = Discipline, N., (self-discipline)


Zarethan, a city situated east of the Jordan River valley, apparently in the territory of Menasseh,

sL,erPt].'[wQc];Agn],nG];es:tgn]:S};tn],(luk].4;26'){ = Zarephath,[Sareta in the region of Sidon,]


Agn],Aw]ta}'{(Sin]8;5-21')' = Zalmunna, one of two Midianite kings who was killed by the army of Gideon,

sL,lmn],'[lg}sL,lmn],'(SL,68;14'{' = Zalmon, mount Zalmon,


nn]'{(TUin],33;41')= Zalmonah, the first desert camp of the Israelite after Mount Hor and before they reached Punon,

sL,wn]<'[luk]:sa};AI<sUiw]<kUn];KUiw];hUw];ri'{(cw]:36;27') = Zaavan, a son of Ezer the Horite,

sL,hap].'[wL,hqp].'Am],hU.tI:mn];'{(TUin],21;14')' = Zahab, an unknown place near the border of Moab, Waheb,

sL,AQn]yQp].'[KUw];kL.Ka}km]:nm]k}.w}.sL,AQn]yQp].mn];5/8Em:muiw];'{ = Seam allowance, (sewing) most

commercial pattern have a 5/8 inches seam allowance,

sL;' = Coarse, rough, coarser, coarsest,

sL;'kYam];'kYam];pQn]lgn]pQn]lbk];KBc]:yan];' = Rough, adj. having coarse or uneven surface, rougher,

sL;yin],'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]TisQt];'{ = Zayin, N. the seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet,

sL;haw],haw],' tqk],Kap],' nc]tqk],' = Friction, rubbing of the surface, rough,

sL;huit];huit];'sL;hgt];hgt];Agn],'sL;huit];huit];lUc]'An]sL;'puin].SUiw],/wac];lin]sL;' =

Rough, adj. not smooth; shaggy or coarse, rougher, roughest, rough, N., coarse surface,

sL.'sG]sL.etL,'KG]:sL.' = Indignation, N. righteous anger, indignant, adj., indignantly, adv.,

sL.'ha}.miBk]:'hbk];ha}.miBk]:'hbk];ha}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Evil,

sL.'sL.etL,'(lan]sL.etL,pU,etL,na};etL,Kic];etL,Agk],Kw])'sL.sL.sQt]:sQt]:' = Crossly, adv.

testily, indignantly,


= Indignant, adj. infuriated, mad: an indignant expression on his face; She was being indignant at being nerved,

(sL.kGL,')' El:tac],An]siUw];nn].' = Etc. et cetera, (etc.) and others, so on and so forth,

sL.Kqm].lISut];'(cuin];kiw],sL.Kqm].lISut];tL,mG];eAL:'(yUp]22;25') = Choicest, adj. of very good quality;

precious: the choicest silver for you,}:'[sG]lm]/ecL;ca}:'nQn]lUic],{ = Touchy, adj. sensitive to touch; ticklish, touchier, touchiest

sL.siUw];'sL.Kw]'sL.' = Such as,

sL.vam].'Am],Kqm]./lI'(Sqc]sic],Am],Kqm]./sL.vam].) = Poor quality, of poor quality; bad,

sL.Et,'tc]:Et,'Et,' = Start];'[sL.mLlUc]/Agn],{KUiw];EPmn];' = Subgenus, N.(Biology)a category of related species within a genus,

sL.lQk].'Am],nm]'(ciun]:Kw]:Am],nm])' = Slender, adj. small in size, amount, extent etc.,

sL.lI'sL.Kqm].'sL.lIla}la}'sL.Kqm].lgn].lgn].'mQw];lI' = A good kind, good kinds,

sL.lG]sL.nn].'mQw];lG]mQw];nn].'sL.'(sL.lI/sL.vam].)' = Certain kind, of its own kind, type of,

sL<tI<'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]Agn]Ti18'{ = Tsadhe or Sadhe, N. the 18th letter of the Hebrew alphabet,

sL<rL,'[em:AL,RpL,ham],pQn]Em:A};sk].{(cw]:17;15'18;10')' = Sarah, the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac,

sL<ra};'[suiw]:sL<rL,mUiw]:sw].sw].Agn]tac];{(cw]:11;29)' = Sarai, an earlier name of Sarah,

sik];'sgm]'pa}'pa}PUv];' = Top,

sik];sik];'(nm].tLmn];nac];yg}.ygt],sgm]; kqm]:sik];sik];) = Suffix used in showing a non-stop flowing

or dribbling of water or liquid,(tears trickled down her cheeks),

sik];sik];sgk];sgk];' Ait];Ait];Agt];Agt];' = little here and there, dumb little man,

sik];sgm]' = Supreme, adj.,

sik];sgm]' SI:mgm]:sgm]hUw]' [sik];hUw]'sgm]hUw]'(An]tac],SI:mgm]:sgm]hUw]'){ = Crown, N. the top of the head,

sik];sgm]pa}lg}' = Mountaintop,

sik];pa}lg}'[sgm]/pa}tI:Suc]Sut];{ = Crest, N. the highest part of a hill or mountain range; summit; the top of anything,

sik];hUw]etL,pa}tin]'(nuc]:KUw];nc]lm]Piut];Puit];sik];hUw]etL,pa}tin])' = Top to toe: dressed in black

leather from top to toe,

sik];lqm]lqm]' sik];pa}lg}' = Alpine, of, pertaining to, on, or part of any lofty mountain.,

sik].ra};'[luk]:sa};AishL,'suiw]:kUn];sa};12ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(Agk],6;21') = Zikri, Zichri, a son of Izhar,

sik].lqk].'[wQc];nG];pL,hat],Sa};hq]c]:lUc]nqk];kqp]<pgt];san];mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;31')= Ziklag, a city in the Negev,

sic],' sic];'[suiw]:tac],pn]kUn];sa};t};{(A}a:sic],'Kun]sic],/sic];')' = Zingh, male given name in Tai,

sic].'pn],sic].'[pn],w};nim]suic]:suic]:huic]huic]{(luk]:Agn],t};etL,mak],Kac],EK.mak],Kac],kn]sic].lI)'= Whirl,

whirled, whirling, whirled, adj., whirl, N.,

sit];'[Aw]niw].muiw];Kun],wqn]tUiw].SG],lg};lg};hG]:KUm];luit];luit];/nm];nQn]{' = Tickle, to poke, tickled, tickling,

sit];'sit];SG],'sit];Agk],'[Kun],wqn]Sit];SG],/Agk],{'(mak],Auin]:sit];SG],tLkw])' = Squirt, to eject a spurt

of liquid: the lemon squirted in my eye, squirted, squirting,

sit];nQn]'(Aw]niw].muiw];sit];)'niw].muiw];sit];' = Poke, to prod or push as a finger; tickle,

sit].'sit].niuc]:'(nm].nk];niuc]:sit].n}.mI;400Ep;'nk];miUn]niuc]:pgc],) = Zitt, weigh equal to one pounds(1lb),

sit].'sit].niuc]:'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];25kYap]:'nm]tan],0.47lI<tL,) = Zitt, liquid volume equal to 0.47liters,

sit].'kgk];sit].'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];25kYap]:'nm]tan],0.47lI<tL,) = Zitt, liquid volume equal to 0.47 Liter,

sit].tim];'[wQc];mUic];np].Tla};mI;tp].Kam],tuik];kqt],EKw}.'{(eyL;19;35') = Ziddim, a fortified city of Naphtali,

sin];npL<' hin]Eh:sin];npL<lqc]'[pQn]hin]Eh:Agk],mL,kYO,rI,An]mI;SIlqc]km],nn].'{' = Cinnabar, a

mineral, mercuric sulfide, HgS, occurring in red crystals or masses: the principal ore of mercury. red mercuric sulfide,,

sin]<'[pac],hat],Sa};hqc]:lUc]'(pL,TUin],hUk].luik].lUc]){(TUin],13;21')' = Zin, Desert of Zin,

sip],PUw];'[pQn]AU:pL,lak],'{(TUin],22;2')' = Zippor, the father of BALAK,

sip],PUw];rL,[luk]:yic];ey,JTOw];'em;mUw];eS,{(Agk],2;21)= Zipporah, daughter of Jethro and the wife of Moses,


24'SL,54') = Ziph, the name of two cities and two men in the Old Testament; a city in the Negev of Judah,

sip].sip].'(SQc]hgc].k},Agn],nUk].Agn],nG];hc];hgc].emL;sip].sip].)' = Chirping sound,

sip].sip].'(k},Agn],nUk].Agn],hgc].sip].sip].)'emL;/hgc].sip].sip].' = Chirp, chirped, chirping,

sip].A}.'[sa};kUn];yU,wQc];sip].nG];mUic];yut(1Sqm];23;19'26;1'){= Ziphites, the inhabitants of Ziph, a city in Judah,


;nn].)' = Stave, N. one of the thin, narrow, shaped pieces of wood, stick, or the like, staved or stove,



;tqk],AL:kGL,nn].{'tqm]' = Wedge, N. a piece of hard material with tow principle faces meeting in a sharply

acute angle, for raising, holding, or splitting objects by applying a pounding or driving force, as from a hammer; peg,

sim]Ek:mn];' = Interject, interjecting,(to interject a clarification of a previous statement.),

sim]Ek:mn];(eKL:-'lat]:-'An]-')'(mUiw]:Aup],kn]n}.Aw]sim]lat]:kGL,sgm]')' = Interjection,

sim]SG],'tgk],tqm]SG],'(Aw]lqm]:KL:sim]hU;sI;hUtL,tuiw];pI,hUlUc])'(Aw]tqm]tgk],PL,tum]m}.lUc]')' = Wedge: to

wedge open a log, wedged, wedging,



n]hgc].kGL,nn].hG]:epL;lITgm],)= Interlude, N. an intervening episode, period, space, etc.,

sim],ra};'[luk]:sa};SL,lU;'{(TUin],25;14')' = Zimri, son of Salu,

sim];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Taste,

sim];'sim];tUv];' = Taste, to try, eat or drink a little,

sim];tUv];' sim];sam];tUv];' = Foretaste,


Tqc]:tik];tik];nn].yw].")= Savor, to have savor: This is a book you’ll want to savor again and again, savoring,

sim];nm].wan]mn];'nUm]Aa}hgm]mn];'Tgm],Sa}kGam];mn];' = Savor, to taste or odor, savored, savoring,

siw];ciw];'[KQw]siw];ciw];{(AUw]eS;Sit].S]tI:KQw]siw];ciw];)'KQw]siw];ciw];' = Verdant, adj.: a verdant Oasis,


,t};kU:pI<')' = Zeing, first month of Tai year,

sQc],' = Corner, angle,

sQc],sgk].pac],la},' = Cove,

sQc],tac];su' sQc],tac];' = Road corner, corner, street corner,

sQc],Pa}.'[hac]:Kgp],SI,sQc],Pa}.mI;Sgc],sum],etL,nL:Kac];kn]w}.nn].'{' = Parallelogram, N. quadrilateral having

both pairs of opposites parallel to each other,

sQc],san];wn];tUk];' = Southwest, N., southwestern, adj.,

sQc],san];wn];Agk],' = Southeast, N., southeaster, adj.,

sQc],ngk]:'= Exterior angle, N.(Geometry) an angle formed outside parallel lines by a third line that intersects them,

sQc],nG];'= Interior angle, N.(Geometry) an angle formed between parallel lines by a third line that intersects them,

sQc],lqm]'[sQc],An]kqp]:eS90tI,krI,nn].'{ = Acute,(Geometry) adj. of an angle less than 90°, acute angles,

sQc],wat]:'[sQc],An]kGac]:eS90tI,krI,kUv];kL:Sm].kqp]:eS180tI,krI,nn].'{' = Obtuse angle, N. of an

angle greater than 90° but less than 180°,

sQc],hgc],wn];tUk];' = Northwest, N., Northwestern, adj.,

sQc],hgc],wn];Agk],' = Northeast, N., Northeastern, adj.,

sQc]:sQc]:' = Stand up! stand up! (used to encourage an infant to stand up)

sQc]:tUw]mn]:'la};sQc]:tUw]mn]:w}.' = Anchor, N., anchoring device, to fix or fasten, affix firmly,

sQc]:tUw]mn]:w}.' ygn],mak],ngc],hiUw];lUc];' = Anchor, drop the anchor, anchored, anchoring,

sQt];'[hUk];El:nuic]:elL;kn]l}:sQt];'Pac]hac]:mat]:ma}mn];pQn]7'{ = Seven, N. a cardinal number, 6 plus 1; a

symbol for this number, as 7 or VII,

sQt];'[tUw]nm].t};pgc],wL:mI;sQt];An]{(hUk];El:nuic]:pgc];kn]l}:sQt];)' = Seven: 6 plus 1,

sQt];Sip];'sQt];Sip];AQt];'(sQt];pak],sQt];Sip];sQt];)' = Seventy, N., seventy one,

sQt]./lac].pun];pUk],hqc]:' tk];pun];pUk],pqt]:' = Scum, to remove the scum from, scummed,

sQt].sQt].pgt]:pgt]:'(tc];sQt].tc];pgt]:hG]:epL;eKYL;epL;lUim]:lIw}.)' = Rub down, to smooth off, polish,

sQt].' sQt].pqt]:' = Wipe, wiped, wiping, wipe out,


w]kU:mQt].nn].pqt]:{ = Wipe away every tear from their eyes,

sQt].pt];pqt]:'TUpgt]:pqt]:'[sQt]./pt];mun]:/Pun],muk].pqt]:{= Scour, to remove dirt, grease, etc., scoured,


.'Kqp];SkQt].sp];tin]ekL.KI,mn];kGL,nn].'{(mI;wivin],mL;sQt].pn]nL:kw]kGL,lg};lg};'(yUp]4;15')'hgm];pU;kn]kGL,' =

Glide, to move smoothly and continuously along, as if without effort or resistance, as a flying bird, a boat, or a skater; to pass

by gradual, glided, gliding, glide, N.: A spirit glided past my face,

sQt].PUin]mUt];mUt];' sQt].PUin]kQc]:kQc]:' = Clear the table, clean the table,

sQn]'[KUn]eyL:SUw];kqt];Aw]mL;tI:SUw];nn].{ = Fleece, N. the wool shorn from a sheep at one shearing,


w]:kut]:sQn]'SUiw]:Sgn].sQn]'mak],hUw]sQn]'PL:m}sQn]')' = Fleece, N. a fabric with a soft, wool shorn from a sheep, sued

for warmth: fleece coats, fleece jackets, fleece hats, fleece blankets,

sQt];yUt];'(tk];lUw],l}:sQn];lUit]:mn];yUt];)= Drain out, to flow off gradually: it’s blood shall be drained out,

sQn];yUt];'yUt];'yUt];-pqt]:'yUt];nm].'Kac],nm].' = Drain, to withdraw or draw off (a liquid)

gradually, to exhaust; drain out, drained, draining,

sQp];'sQp];mUv]:'sQp];sG]'mUv]:'Kiun]:'sQp];Sqp],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Pain, N., pains,

sQp];' sQp];mUv]:' sQp];sG]' mUv]:' Kiun]:' sQp];Sqp],' = Pain, hurt, pained, paining

sQp];' sQp];sG]' sQp];mUv]:' = Pain, wound, lesion,

sQp];/kqn];pQn]tI:'[k}.pQn]ygn].Kt];tI:Aqc]:/hUw]Kw],sL.kGL,nn].{ = Sporadic pain,

sQp];kqn];lIkUw]lIkak],nL,eSta}kGL,nn].' = Horribly painful death,


(nm].kUiw]pac],la}Kw]:tLSqp],wat]:wat]:')' = Sting, to cause to smart or to cause a sharp pain: The blowing sand stung

his eyes, stung, stung, stinging,

sQp];kqn];sI;nG];hUw]nG];tUw]'(yUp]30;17') = Gnawing pains,

sQp];kUc]eKL;'eKL;sQp];'[A}nL,El:sQp];Am],nn]naw]El:sQp];{' = Sore throat,

sQp];kgc]ekL:'kgc],ekL:sQp];/Kt];'eKL;Kt];' = Neck pain,

sQp];Kt];mUv]:kG]:lup],kp];lup],etL,'(erL;kL,') = Arthritis, arthritis ad joint pain,

sQp];Kan]sG]' (wBv],tnL,') = Suffering, pain,

sQp];Kan]sG]nL,' sQp];mUv]:' Kuin]:' = Painful, adj., sore, adj.,

sQp];KU,'[An]pQn]tI:nUiw].Tit].SYO;m}.El:km]:nm]n}.pQn]tI:kqn]:m}.nUiw].nLnLnn].{ = Canker, N. a defined

area of diseased tissue, especially in woody stems,

sQp];KU,sQp];yQn];(erL;kL,-/tac];pQn]-)'[erL;kL,kin],sL,{' = Gangrene, N. cancer, canker,

sQp];Kuin]:suit]:suit]:'Kt];sQp];Kuin]:mUv]:suit]:suit]:' = Pain, arthritis pain,


t];'Kt];Kuit].Kuit].'(sQp];Kuin]:suit]:suit])' = Tingle, tingled, tingling: tingling pain,

sQp];sUk].'sQp];sUk].mak],hUw]sG]' = Sting, stung to the heart,

sQp];sUk].sG]w}.Agk];ngk];' = Bitter full,

sQp];sUk].tqc];mak],hUw]sG]'(Kw]l}:Kam],sQp];sUk].tqc];mak],hUw]sG]Kw]nL,El:lat]:...'(man],2;37')' = Cut

to the heart, pierced to the heart; picked in their heart: they were cut to the heart and said,

sQp];sG]'(kw]sQp];sG]) = My heart hurts,

sQp];sG]' Tuic]sG]Tuic]eKL;nL,'(eKL;KUm]sQp];sG]nL,)'= Bitter, adj. hard to bear: a bitter sorrow, bitterly, adv.,

sQp];sG]'sQp];sBk].sG]w}.' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Bitterness

sQp];sG]Kan]sG]'sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]'sQp];mUv]:tuk].KKan]sG]'tuk].K'Kam],Kan]sG]' = Suffer, to

endure pain, disability and death willingly, suffered, suffering,

sQp];sG]Tuic]sG]Tuic]eKL;'(kn]:h}:Kac];sQp];sG]Tuic]sG]Tuic]eKL;)' = Bitterly: wept bitterly,

sQp];tum],PI'tum],PI'[hg};sQp];AUm]ngc]hac]:sL.hac]:mUiw],{(Kuin];16;2')' = Ugly festering sore, ulcer,


p];' = Anguish of heart, disquietness of my heart: I groan in anguish of heart,

sQp];mI;kQt];mL;'[hg};sQp];yQn];hqc]:mL;eSmUuin]Kan]eKL,w}.'{'pQn]hit];' = Scab, scabbed, scabbing,

sQp];mUv]:'Kiun]:'sQp];'kqn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Sore, N., pain, hurt, harm,

sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]nL,' tuk].KnL,' = Suffering greatly,

sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]lIkUw]lIkak],pQn]hqc];nL,' = Terrible suffering,

sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]hqc];nL,' = Suffering severe pain,

sQp];mUv]:etkUit],luk]:'[sQp];An]Em:man];ekL.nuic]:l}:Kam],mUiw]:Pgc];sm]etkUit],luk]:'{' = Birth pains,


SL,38;7') = Searing pain: My back is filled with searing pain,

sQp];wuin];AUm]ngc]'wuin];' = Fester, to form pus, festered,

sQp];yQn];' yQn];' (pQn]sQp];yQn];sgm];tin]sgm];muiw];)' = Abrasion, (Medical.): skin abrasion,

sQp];yQn];ngc]yg}.yUt].yUt].' = Running sore, skin sore,

sQp];haw]:kYam];lUiw]sG]mUiw]:kUt],luk],' = Childbearing very severe,

sQm]ngk]:sQm]nG];tc];mUt];' = Inside and out,

sQm]cw]:puic];mn];'cw]:pibc];mn];'(pp].nn].yc];tuik].pQn]An]yQp].w}.cw]:puic];mn];yU,) = Original, adj.: The

book still has its original binding.

sQm]puic];'(sQm]puic];mn];Am],lat]:w}.etEt,hLlat]:etL:lQw]kUv];hU.pUin]:yum],yap],yw].)' = From the

very start, from the very beginning,

sQm]piUn]:tc];hw];' sQm]piUn]:elL;hw];' = Us and others, or others and us,

sQm]miUw]:' Et,Aw]nn].mL;' = Since, adv., since,

sQm]mUiw]:KL:yc];tuik].lQk].lqc]kin]nUm];Em:KL:yU,nn].'(SL,22;9)= Even at my mother’s breast,

sQm]mUiw]:sw].sw].' miUw]:sw].' miUw]:sw].-k}:' miUw]:k}:' = Earlier,


sQm]mUiw]:Et,etL,Sut];' ekL.luin];Sut];' = From first to last,

sQm]mUiw]:yG],pQn]kUn];mL;' tc]:Et,yG],pQn]kUn];' = Since when I’ve grown up,

sQm]miUw]:lG]pun].yw].' = Since the early day,

sQm]lQk].'(kin]Kw]:nQw]t};mL;sQm]lQk].)' = Since youth, since childhood,

sQm]lQk].tc];yG],'sQm]lQk].etL,yG],' = From small to big,

sQm]lQk].tL,Tw]:'sQm]lQk].etL,yG],' = From young to old; from youth to old age,

sQm];'kUiw]sQm];'sQm];kUiw]' = Salty, adj., saltier, saltiest,

sQm];' wan]' sQm];kUiw]wan]'sQm];sg}:sg}:' = Sweet, adj., sweeter, sweetest,


/sg}:sg}:')' = Tasty sweet,


w}.)' Brackish, adj., slightly salt,

sQm];nL,' sQm];pUn].tI:nL,' = Too sweet, very sweet,

sQm];nL,' sQm];kUiw]nL,' kUiw]sQm];nL,' kUiw]sQm];epL;KG]:KUm]' = Too salty, too much salt,

sQw];' hQt];sgm];km];lQw]'(sQw];tgp],' tgp].sgm];km];lQw]')' = Prompt, adj. a prompt reply,

sQw];' Am],hibc]Am],nan];'Am],tan];hiuc]kL:hiuw]Sc]eS' = Soon, sooner, quick,

sQw];'(epL;mG];sQw];hgm]n}cuin];mG];sac]:EPnm]mL;w};w};) = Sooner: The sooner you save, the faster your money can grow,

sQw];kUit],sw].'[sQw];kUit],luk]:sw].p},TUn]:lUin]'{ = Premature birth, N. give birth prematurely,

sQw];kGL,nL,'sQw];pUn].nL,'[Am],tn];hU.Sc]epL;kGL,/pUn].yw].{'(wn];mUiw]:wL;sQw];pUn].nL,) = Went too

soon: Yesterday went too soon, gone too soon,

sQw];sp];'[epL;SG],ekL:f};sp];luk].mL;Pup].Kuin]:mL;km];lQw]{ = Fire quickly start up, flare up,

sQw];yw].'hG]:sQw];yw].'[hQt];hG]:yw].nm]yw].w};'{= Getting more work done in less time, save time,

sQw];lp];nL,' ngn];nUk],lInL,' = Fast asleep, adj.,

sQw];El:nan];kUv];' Am],hiuc]Am]nan];w};mn];mL;n}.' = Sooner or later,

sQw];hQt];'[hQt];sw].eSAn]muc]:yUic];Aan];w}.nn].{' = Do something sooner than expected,

sQw];hQt];sQw];yw].'yL,pn]Kaw];yam];pUn].pqt]:la}la}' = Don’t waste the time,

sQw];hQt];sQw];yw].yL,mUin],AUin]AUiw]:' = Get things done in short bursts,


tG]:pG].nUiw]yU,)'(Kt];-yL,nqt]:hQt];'yL,PUm]:hQt];) = Do hurry up, do not delay,(ant: Don’t do it yet!)

sQw];hgt]:w};Ait];ngn],nuic]:' = A little sooner,

sqk],'(X)'ma}sqk],' = Division, N.(Arithmetic) the operation inverse to multiplication; divided by,

sqk],'EP'EPpn]kn]'Kqn]:'Tqk],sk];Tt];EP' = Divide, divided, dividing,

sqk],sk];Tt];EPlgc]:lIAik],lgc]:ha}.mUik]:' = Distinguish good from evil, discern good and evil,

sqk],sk];EP'sqk],sk];Tt];EP' = Distinguish, distinguished, distinguishing,

sqk],sk];mk];ma}' = Define,

sqk],sn].mn];w}.' sqk],Tan]:mn];w}.' = Classify, classified, classifying,





{' = Classification, N. the category, as restricted, confidential, secret, or top secret, to which information, a

document, etc., is assigned, as by a government or military agency, based on the degree of protection considered necessary to

safeguard it from unauthorized use, =


saw];KUiw];/saw];KUiw];pUin]:nn].'{ = Racism, N. discrimination; hatred or intolerance of another race or other races,


w];'nL:tLsG]SePL;sqk],saw];KUiw];')' = Racist, adj. of or like racists or racism: racist policies; racist attitudes,

sqk],siuw]:' el,ep,sqk],siuw]:' = Label, labels,

sqk],tqk],yqk]:'[Aw]Pat],sum];pUic]lUc]{ = Segregate, to separate from main group, segregated,


sqk],EP'[sqk],EPsUiw].KUiw];lUik]:nL:lQk].nL:yG],{ = Discrimination, N.,

sqk],EPsgm];pa};hn]mqn]:suiw]:sG]:' = Positive discrimination,

sqk],EPkn]Am],l}:' = Indivisible,

sqk],EPkL:Kn]Suiw].AL,mKam],pa};yU,lI' = Price discrimination for health insurance,

sqk],EPsn].Tan]:eShLetL,SU:'(lgc]:Kgc].Km]tUik]:tn]Ek:sn].Tan]:kUn];) = Class struggle, also

called class conflict,

sqk],EPsn].Tan]:kUn];ya}:kn]'(n}.pQn]nG];pa};wUn].mak].sit].) = Class warfare, the struggle for political

and economic power carried on between capitalists and workers, class war, (in Marxist thought)

sqk],EPTan]:kUn];'sqk],EPsaw];KiUw];'(An]sqk],EPTan]:kUn];/saw];KUiw];n}.Am],lIAm],JtL;)' =

Discrimination, N.,

sqk],EPTan]:kUn];'sqk],EP' = Discriminate, discriminated, discriminating,

sqk],EPniUw].liUt]:siUw].KiUw];Aic]niUw]Piw]nc]kUn];' = Discrimination by color of skin,

sqk]:' mL.sqk]:'[mL.suk];nUiw]KLSgc]Kgn]lc]{' = Horse standing on two legs,

sqk].sqk].' sik].sik].' sik].sgk];sik].sgk];' eSL.eSL.'eSL.ES.eSL.ES.' = Sounds of

trickling water,

sqk].kn].' ES;kqn].' = Second, N., seconds,



AUn]'AUn]Ag}.Ag}.')' = Thin gravy, (compare to gravy),

sqc]:' sqc]:lInL,yw].' = Clearly, obviously,

sqc]:sqc]:'hUiw]:hUiw]:'lUim]:lUim]:'(SIKQw]hUiw]:hUiw]:)' = Vivid, adj. strikingly bright: a vivid green, vividly, adv.,

sqc]:sqc]:lqc];lqc];'(Kqk];tqm]:SG],nUiw]Kqp];mak],hin]nn].w}.hG]:sqc]:sqc]:lqc];lqc];El:)' = Make it plain: make it

plain on tablets, to make plain,

sqc]:sqc]:lqc];lqc];' = Plain, adj.: make it plain, plainly, adv.,

sqc]:lqc];'Sac];lac];'sqc]:lqc];Sac];lac];' = Overt, overt act

sqc]:lqc];mI;tBw]mI;hac]:' = Manifest

sqc]:lqc];lI'Sac];lac];'Sac];lac];lI'pac],lI'SG]lI'sibn]:lI' = Clear,

sqc]:lqc];lISut];' Sac];lac];lISut];' SC]lISut];' pac],lISut];' = Clearest,

sqc]:lqc];lUiw]' Sac];lac];lUiw]' SC]lUiw]' pac],SG]lUiw]' = Clearer,

sqc]:lInL,yw].' sqc]:lInL,' sqc]:' = Obviously, clear, evident, plain, obvious,

sqc];hqc];'lqc]sqc];hqc];'[lqc]eShUiw]:hUiw]:w}.kUv];mn];lQk].nn].{' = Bright small red,

sqt]:(An])'man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:' An]Et.'sG]:Et.' sG]:' mI;Et.' = True, perfect, real,

sqt]:kUt],Tt];tUv];' sqt]:tUv];' Sgk]:tUv];' = Inspection,

sqt]:sac],' Kqm].lqp]:siuw]:sG]:nL,' sqt];sac],man],mqn]:' Kqm].lqp]:' = Perfect,

sqt]:sac],' sibn]:sac],mBt];SG]'sibn]:sac],pac],SG]'sibn]:sac],' = Pure, perfect, genuine, fair,

sqt]:sam];' = Experiment, a test, trial,

sqt]:sam];'sam];tUv];' = Experiment, N. a test, trial,

sqt]:sam];'(Kk].tgn]:/lgc]:/la};-/An]-)(An]sqt]:sam];nG];luk];sam];pa};Sa}<)= Experimentation,

N. the act, process, practice or an instance of making experiment: laboratory experimentation,

sqt]:sam];tUv];Ait];Agn],nuic]:'(An]-') = Small test,

sqt]:sam];pn]'[Kk].tgn]:kan]lum];JtL;An]]:pn]hG]:lik]:ma}kac]sG]ekL.ta}yw].nn].Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:'{ =

Probate, Court process to establish the validity of the will of a deceased person, probating,


An]sqt]:sqt]:/An]Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:kL:tI:nG];lum];JtL;sqt]:sam];pn]nn].'{ = Probate, N., (Law) the official

proving of a will as authentic or valid in a probate court,


mk];ma}pn]sG].Kw]:KGac],kan]lum];yw].n}nn].'{ = Probate, N., an officially certified copy of a will so proved,

sqt]:sam];Piw]Pa},ngk]:'(la};) = Superficial test,

sqt]:sqt]:'mG],mG],' (An]-) = Virginity, N. the state or condition of being pure, fresh or unused,

sqt]:sqt]:'(KUw];/Kgc]mUiw]:kgn].sqt];sqt]:)'= Authentic, adj. not false or copied; genuine; real: an authentic antique,

sqt]:tUv];'Sgk]:tUv];' = Check out,

sqt]:tUv];'(sqt]:tUv];erL;kL,nG];tUw])'sam];tUv];'km];tUv];nUiw].tUv];lUit]:' = Examine,

examination, N.: have a physical examination,

sqt]:tUv];sG]sw]:kw],hc];kUv];' = Self-examination,


L;etL;kgn],Agn]tac];mUiw]:p},hQt];Agk],pQn]pp].pQn]Puin]nn].) = Vet, to examine or check for accuracy: An expert

vetted the manuscript before publication, vetted, vetting,

sqt]:tUv];nG];luk];sam];kQw],pa};Sa}<' = Laboratory test, N.,

sqt]:tUv];pa};yU,lI' = Physical exams,

sqt]:tUv];erL;kL,' = Medical checkup, medical check,

sqt]:Tt];kum];Tic];'[tL,etsgp],Tam]hLcUin]:'kUt],Tt];tUv];'Am],nn]ekL:sgp],Sgk]:kUt],Tt];'{' = Check

on/up on, to investigate, scrutinize, or inspect,

sqt]:Tt];sam];'sqt]:Tt];sam];kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Trial, trials,

sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]' = Trial, try, examine, (examining before the judge & determining in due process)

sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]kU:lgc]:lgc]:'(kQw],kp];lgc]:) = Trials generally,

sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]lUv]:eKL:kqm]:mn];' = Summary trail,

sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]Am],pL;kYO<rI<' = Non-jury trial,

sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]Am],mqn]:la};mn];' = Mistrial,

sqt]:Tt];Sin]pL:nL:kBn];miBc];' = Public trial,

sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]lUv]:kYO;rI;'(sqt]:Tt];lUv]:Kun]sg}:Tt];kYO<rI<) = Jury trial,

sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]w};w};' = Speedy trial,

sqt]:Tt];tUv];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)[An]pgc],wL:sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]{ = Test, N. a means of trial,

sqt]:Tt];Tgc]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Filter,

sqt]:Tam]'[pac]sqt]:Tam]lik]:{ = Exam, N. school exam, test,

sqt]:Tam]' sqt]:Tam]Tt];tUv];' = Examine, test, examined, examining,

sqt]:Tam]km];Agn]' = Examination in chief,

sqt]:Tam]Sm].Kiun];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Re-examination,

sqt]:Tam]Sm].Kiun];' = Re-examine, re-examined,

sqt]:Tam]pin],Ek:Kiun];'hgc].mL;sqt]:Tam]pin],Ek:Kiun];' = Cross-examine, cross-examined,

sqt]:Tam]pin],Ek:Kiun];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Cross-examination, N., cross-examined, adj.,

sqt]:Tam]pin],Ek:Kiun];'(ekL.-/) = Cross-examiner, N.,

sqt]:Tam]lik]:'(An]-'pac]-') = Examination, test,

sqt]:hG]:mqn]:'(sqt]:hG]:la};pgc];tUw]lik]:mn];mqn]:)'sqt]:tUv];wL:mn];mqn]:/sG]:' = Verify, to ascertain the

truth or correctness of, as by examination, research, or comparison: to verify a spelling, verified, verifying,

sqt]:nm].'[sqt]:tUv];nm].sgc],mn];lIsgc],mn];SG]sgc],mn];elL;Sc]sL.kGL,'{' = Test the water,

sqt]:nm].'(KUic]:-/An]-)[sqt]:tUv];nm].sgc],mn];elL;Sc]'{' = Water test, water testing,

sqt]:pQn]sup]:'[sqt];tUv];pQn]sup]:mUiw]:tan];mUiw]:luiw]:sUw]:kqp].'{ = Batch check, batch check everything,

sqt]:lUit]:'[sqt]:tUv];lUit]:sgc],mn];lIpQn]lUit]:mQw];Sc]sL.kGL,'{' = Test the blood,


nn].pQn]lUit]:mQw];lG]'sgc],mn];mI;An]sac]:sp];tac];pQn]kn]n}nn].{' = Blood test, N. a test of a sample of blood

to determine blood group, presence of infection or other pathological condition, parentage, etc.,

sqt]:Amu' sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]' = Try,(Law), tried, trying,


;'SUp];sac]sqt];kqt];)' = Very insipid, have no flavor at all, tasteless,

sqn]tImI,tL,'(stm)'(1stmn}.yaw];miUn]10mlm') = Centimeter, (10mm=1cm),

sqn],'sqn],Kp].'[Kp].sgm];la};hqn];mn];/hG]:Sc],Tuk],lI{= Order, to arrange methodically or suitably, ordering,


t];kan]')= Order, N. formal array: the order of the troops; order of operation,

sqn],tm];'Kibn]:KI,'Kibn]:sB;'hac]:w}.'Kibn]:kgc]:Kibn]:kac],' = Mount, mounted, mounting,

sqn],Tqw]Kiun]:' sqn],Tqw]kGL,' = March, to walk in regular, marched, marching,

sqn],Tqw]Kuin]:'[la};tUc].nuic]/Kgp],wUc];sqn],Tqw]kGL,'{(la};sqn],Tqw]Kuin]:') = March, N. the act or course of

marching; forward movement: order of march,

sqn],Tqw]Kiun]:lQp]:hgp]:' = March around,

sqp].pI,tI;'(sa};)[AU:KU;wL;lUc]kYQm];El:ygn]<'{' = Zebedee, the father of apostles James and John,(Mtt.4:21),


Zebulun,[a son of Jacob and Leah,(Gen.30:20); and a name of territory,(Mtt.4:13)],

sqw]:'(la};tc]:tUw]yU,lgt]:/lt];Kam]:l}:nm].sqw]:)'nm].sqw]:' = Strong current: How to survive a strong

current, swift-flowing water,

sqw]:'nm].sqw]:'ln];kn];nL,'[An]sac]:Ka}.kGL,tUc].nuic]kGL,w};/PG];nL,nL,{ = Swift, adj. moving with great

speed or velocity; fleet; rapid, swifter, swiftest,


nn].(Ta};3;13'){ = Zenas, a disciple called “the lawyer,” whom Paul wished Titus to bring with him (Titus 3:13),

sinL.'[suiw]:t};tac],pn]kUn];sa};{' = Zinah, Tai male given name,


Zebah, one of two Midianite kings who was killed by the army of Gideon,

sipL.'sL,lmun],n'[Kun]ehLKm];kUn];mitYn],Sgc]pL;'(Sin]8;5-21'SL,83;11'){' = Zebah, Zalmunna,

sipYin],'[luk]:sa};SiyekL.nuic]:'{(cw]:36;2') = Zibeon, one of the sons of Seir,

sipg};Aim]<'[wQc];An]l}:Kam],yL.lqw]sgm];wQc];S};tn],El:wQc];ekL;emL;rL,'{(cw]:10;19'ehL;29;23')= Zeboyim,

Zeboiim, Zeboim, N. one of the cities destroyed along with Sodom and Comorrah (Deut. 29:23),

siPrun],'[tI:lqn]lin]pL,lqt].Stin];pgt];hgc],'{(TUin],34;9') = Ziphron, the northern boundary of Palestine,

siPL.'(An]EptI:pgc],pn]w}.wL:pQn]pI<tiBw],'pgc],wL:mak],hin]') = Cephas, (which, translated is Peter,(Mt 1:42))

simr}.'kUn];KUiw];simr}.'[saw];KUiw];kUn];mUic];KL,nn],KUiw];nuic]:'{(cw]:10;18')= Zemarites, a Canaanite tribe,

silPL.'[pQn]Em:kqt]<El:AL;SYL<''(cw]:30;10-13'){ = Zilpah, the mother of Gad and Asher,

silL.'[pQn]em;lm]<mqk].ekL.nuic]:An]mI;Sgc]ekL.nn].{(cw]:4;19')' = Zillah, one of the two wives of Lamech,

siAqp],'[nG];sw]:fL.kUn];KUiw];mitYin],nn].ekL.nuic]:An]Sum];kan].pn]tp];Suik];kitiAgn],'{(Sin]7;25')= Zeeb,

one of two princes of the Midianites defeated by the army of Gideon,

siAqp].'[nG];sw]:fL.kqm]mUic];kUn];mitYn],Kw]nn].ekL.nuic]:'(Sin]7;25'SL,83;11'){' = Zeeb, one two princes of

the Midianites,

sItI' Kqp];sItI' (n}.pQn]Kqp];tL,SGac];kGam];w}.eSPuv],Tgm],l}:nG];sak]:mn];') = CD, compact disk,

sIwIput].'[put].rp]<pL,hUm],epL;l]kz}c].An]pn]eS,eS,{' = CV Boots,

sI,'pic]:'Pw]'mUk];f};'Pw]f};'KUw]:hqc]:' = Roast, roasted, roasting,

sI,'[nUiw].wUw];/mU/k},/pLpic]:Am],nn]sI,{'pic]:' = Barbecue, N. pieces of beef or pork, fowl, fish, or the like roasted,

sI,/pic]:nUiw].' pic]:/sI,pL' = Barbecue, barbecued, barbecuing,

sI,Tan],f};'Aw]f};tat]:'[Aw]Tan],f};lqc]sut],/sI,{ = Sear, to burn or char, seared, searing,


m]:')' = Char, to burn slightly; scorch: The flame charred the steak; the fire charred the paper, charred, charring,

sI:'[mqc];/mUt]./Puic]:sL.kGL,An]mI;hqn],nn].KUp];{(Puic]:sI:/mUt].sI:)' = Sting, stang, stung, stinging,


tI:hUin];)' = Pierce, pierce the ear: How to pierce your ear safely at home, pierced, piercing,

sI;tm]'[Aw]Kgn].lqm]sI;/tqc] ;SG],mL.'KI,mL.lqn]:w};w};'{ = Spur, to goad one’s horse with spurs or a spur: ride

quickly, spurred, spurring,

sI;pgc],'Pgk]:hU;'[Aw]KUic]:pa}lqm]lqm]sI;hG]:pgc],pQn]hU;w}.{ = Puncture, punctured, puncturing,

sI;lc]KL;muc];hiUn];pgc],' = Making a hole in the roof,

sI;hU;'Pgk]:hU;'Kut];/KGak]:hU;'[Aw]KUic]:Pa}pn],sI;/Kut];hQt];hU;{' = Bore, to make a hole by drilling with some

rotary cutting instrument; to enlarge a hole, bored, boring, borer, N.,

sI;hB;'sI;'sI;hU;mUn];' = Drill a hole, drilled, drilling,

sI;hU;' Kut];' = Drill, drilled, drilling,

sI;hU;Sam]sQc],'(KUic]:-/lQk];sI;-)(lQk];sI;hU;Sam]sQc],)= Triangle Hole Drill: triangle drill bit,

sI;hU;SI,sQc],'(KUic]:-/lQk];sI;-)(lQk];sI;hU;SI,sQc],) = Square Hole Drill: square drill bit,

sI.'[niw].sI.'sI.piUn]:{'sm]:'si' = Point, pointed, pointing,]:' = Instruct, outline,]:En'[sI.EnSac];Sac];lac];{' = Call attention, point out carefully and clearly, signalize, point out,]:En']:Enpn]' = Refer, referred to, point out, direct attention,]:Enpn]' En.nam];' = Direct, to act as a guide, directed, directing,]:Entac];pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Guidance,]:Entac];pn]' Entac];' En.nam];' = Guiding, guide,]:Enpn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Direction, the act or an instance of directing,]:pibt],EnwL:'[An]]:puit],EnwL:pQn]n}pQn]nn]nn].kUv];etAm],sG]:An]mgk],En'{ = Implicit,

adj. implied, rather than expressly stated, implicitly, adv.,]:Enpn]tac];kGL,Kk].yac]:tin]KL:' = Directing my steps,]:mqp]:En' = Indicate, indicated, indicating, to indicate,]:mqp]:Enpn]' = Signify, signifying,]:pibt],EnwL:' = Imply, to express or indicate indirectly, infer, implied, implying,]:w}.Agn]tac];'[Puin]lik]:la};(pQn]lik]:ma}mat]:w}.kac]sG]tL,wa};ta}/Puin]Aap]:AL,nL,PU:Sac]:tac]pk];pUic]A


n];ep.tUw]l}:yw].nn].'{' = Advance Directive, N. a document (as a living will or durable power of

attorney) in which a person expresses his or her wishes regarding medical treatment in the event of incapacitation,]:An]Kuik].mn];'(An]-'lgc]:-') = Emphasis,]:An]Kuik].mn];'(tL,]:tI:Kuik].mn];)= Emphasize, emphasizing, (to emphasize a point)]:An]sG].tuiw];tI:kan]l}:Et.'(eKL:-/lgc]:-) = Practical instructions,

sI.sI.'[An]niw].sI.sI.eSwL:tI:luk]:Agn],pg},pUv]hG]:mn];nuc]:KUw];mn];/mUiw]:vL;pg},tI:lIAa}:pUin]:{' = Shame!

Shame! Shame on you!,

sI.esL.'hQt];sI.hQt];esL.'[Am],Et.hQt];wL:Am],hQt];eS,{' = Doing too little, doing too little too late,

sI.Sc],' Sc],' pUc]eKL:Sc],' = Order, direct, command, ordered, ordering,

sI.Sc],pn]tac];kGL,Kk].yac]:tin]KL:' = Ordering my steps,


sw]:sI.Sc],pn]tac];kGL,Kk].yac]:tin]hw];') = Ordering your steps, (He is the one who ordering your

steps.), (Let Him order our steps.),

sI.Sc],w}.kin];kin];'pUc]eKL:sI.Sc],w}.kin];kin];' = Ordered strictly,

sI.nam];' = Instruction, point out,

sI.nL:tm]tLeShiut];SG],SQc]yG],SQc]lUc]' = Yell at rudely and loudly,

sI.nL:tm]tLpUin]:'[An]sG]lm]eStc];];lL,pgc].TL.wL:SG],{'= Angry pointing finger at someone,

sI.En']:En' = Point out,

sI.En']:En'[pn]cUin]:/tac];K}:sG]'{(hL:wac];Pqn]sI.En')= Point, N. a hint or suggestion: five-point plan,

sI.En;SG],' emL;Em;' = Complaint, complain,

sI.En;lgc]:Am],tm];sG]Kbn]' = Impeach, impeached, impeaching,

sI.En;lgc]:Am],tm];sG]Kbn]'[Kbn]nG];lBc]pgc]sibc]:Kw]kBv];k}.hQt];{' = Impeachment,

suk];'luk].suk];'suk];w}.' = Stand, stood, standing,

suk];Kam],'suk];Kam],w}.'[suk];w}.Am],Kam],Ka}.tI:{' = Remain standing,

suk];Kam],etL,nL:'(Kw]Am],suk];Kam],etL,nL:mn];l}:yw].') = Stand before: They could stand before him,


Stand in: will not stand in the judgment; or will be condemned,

suk];sUiw]:lUiw]:sL:lL:w}.yU,nG];kac]kat],' = Standing in the marketplace,


w]:w}.yU,tI:nn]:yw].'{' = Stood there speechless,

suk];sUiw]:lUiw]:w}.yU,him];hgm];nn].' suk];w}.him];hgm];' = Standing around,

suk];sUiw]:lUiw]:w}.tI:n}:tc];wn];tc];wn];Am],hLhQt];kan]hQt];can];Sc]' = Standing

here all day long doing nothing,

suk];siUw]:liUw]:w}.'suk];Suiw]:Suiw]:w}.' = Stood tall,

sbk];sgm];' suk];yB,w}.'(suk];w}.nUiw]tac],)' = Standing on: standing on the chair,

suk];Suiw]:Suiw]:'[tm];tUw]tm];sG]mn]:mn]:eSsuk];w}.lIlI'{'= Stand tall, have and imposing and confident stance,

suk];tUw]pQc];'[lgk];suk];hac]:pG].la};t};mI;Tqc]:la};nuic]:hgc].wL:!suk];Sam]lqm]'@{ = Plateau, N. a flat stand,

suk];Pa},'(hw];suk];Pa}SUyU,')' = Stand with : I stand with you,

suk];Pa},nG];kUin],tUtI:hac],kn]hUk];yac]:nn].El:' = Stand six paces inside the gates,

suk];Pa},lc]' suk];Pa}lc]-w}.' = Back, backed, backing,

suk];mn]:Kqm].TUn]:TI;' = Excellent standing,

sbk];mn]:mn]:eSKt];pqt]:'(suk];mn]:mn]:eSKt];pqt]:Pqn]kan]PIha}.mUik]:Kw]') = Stand against: stand

against the devil’s schemes,

sbk];mn]:lBv]:hqc];KiBc],Km]. = Stand strong



n].'{' = Good standing, (Business) status a firm (or member of an organization) which is current with the payment or

statutory dues and filing of required periodical reports, excellent standing,



2') = Stand still: “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the valley of Aijalon,

suk];yqc],Ey:' = Stand on tiptoe,

sbk];w}.mn]:mn]:'suk].mn]:tuic]:tuic]:' = Stand firm,

!suk];w}.mn]:mn]:tL.'SUetep.ASak]:Pwn}.yU,"@(luk].kL,21;19')' =“Stand firm, and

you will win life.”(Luke 21:19),

suk];hUm]:kn]pun]:tL,lgc]:Tac],hac]:' = Stand together for liberty,

suc]'[yU,pL:nL:eSsuc]sUik]:mLsuc]muiw];ekL.sgm];lc]kGL,{' = Lead pulling, pulling on the lead,

suc]sn]' tibt].'tibt].sn]Aw]' sn]' = Draw, carry on, lead to,

suc]sn]' tiut].ta};' = Draw, carry someone on, draw someone close to,

suc]sn]kw]w}.sm]sm]sw]:/mG];El:' = Draw me close to you,

suc]sn]tiut].ta};hgc].t};ekL.mL;pn]mn];nac];nm]nm]' = Draw friends to her,

suc]sn]w}.sm]sm]'(suc]sn]kw]w}.sm]sm]sw]:tL,eS,)' = Draw close to,(draw me close to you always),

suc]sn]Agn]mG];lt];Kam]:pUn].kGL,' = Bring you through,

suc]miuw];'yip];muiw];'(suc]miuw];luk]:Agn],eSSgn]yac]:Agn]p}kGL,) = Hold hand,: hold a child’s hand teaching and

leading to walk on,

suc]muiw];kGL,'(suc],muiw];mn];nac];kGL,)' = Lead by holding hand: Hold her hand and lead; led her by the hand,

suc]Aw]muiw];Kw]eSAgn]Kw]Agk],mL;' = Took them by hand to lead them out off,

suc]:'sum]:'PIsum]:'[An]Pam];pQn]Aw]eShLekYL;kin]pUin]:/lgk],kin]la}la}'{' = Bewitching spirit,

suc]:'PIsuc]:'PIsum]:'[emLPUiw].PIemL,{ = Witch, N. a sorceress,

suc];huc];' lqc]suc];huc];' lqc]sac];hac];' = Exceedingly red, too red,

sut],' Pw]' f};m}:' = Burn, burned, burnt, burning,

sut],sun].lU,' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Burnt sacrifices,

sut],Pw]lU,tan];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Burnt offerings,(Heb.10:6),

sut],Pw]lU,tan];tL,suin]:sac],'(TUin],19;17') = Burned purification offering, burnt purification,

sut],f};'Sum]f};'SG],f};' = Kindle, to start a fire, kindled, kindling,

sbt]:ygm];' nm].kt].Am],kiuc],Kiut];pQc];' = Inadequate,

sbt]:ygm];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Inadequacy, inadequateness,

sbt]:lbt]:'sut]:lut]:yUp]:ygm];' = Lack, lacked, lacking,

sbt]:lbt]:yBp]:ygm];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'(Kt];-lUiw]')''eA,'ek,' = Lack, N., (ant: surplus),

sut]:lut]:lUw],w}.yU,' = In want, absence or deficiency of something desirable or requisite; lack:, want,


n].kGL,pqt]:?'(klL,5;7') = Cut in, to thrust oneself abruptly between others; interrupt: Who cut in on you to keep you

from obeying the truth?,

sut];Agk],'sut];lut];Agk],'(nm].sut];Agk],tI:lgt],nm].hk];nn].)' = Gush: water gushed from the

broken pipe, gushed, gushing, gush out,

sut].S'[suiw]:JPL;nG];mUic];krik].mUiw]:kgn],'(man],14;12)'{ = Zeus, the supreme god of ancient Greeks,

sun],KU:lc]'[lat]:/tqm]:lUv]:lgc]:tUw]St];{(sun],KU:lc]mU)' = Snout, N.: pig snout,


;mU') = Muzzle, N. the projection part of the head of animal including jaws, mouth and nose: pig muzzle,

sun]:kin]' san]'[Aw]Pk];/nm].Pk];SG],elL;Kw]:kin]{' = Mixed rice with curry or soup to eat,


:n}.lIsun];yuc];)'Aw]kGn];f};sun];' f};kGn];sun];sun];' = Making smoke from a slow fire to

drive away insects, smoke, smoking,

sun].' sun].hQt];' Kam],sun].' = Risk, risked,

sbn].' sun].hQt];' Kam],sun].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Sacrifice, N., sacrifices,

sbn].'sun].hQt];'Kam],sun].'(sw];ey,Susun].ta}pun]:hw];)' = Sacrifice, (Jesus sacrificed for us), sacrificed,

sun].'Kam],sun].'sun].hQt];'(Kam],sun].ASak]:PwkUn];ekL.nuic]:)' = Venture, risk: to venture one’s

life, ventured, venturing,

sun].kL.Ka}tUv];'(An]-)' = Venture, N., to risk the loss, something risked in the hope of profit,


sun].sm]ASak]:hqc]:nL,eAL:mUiw]:mn];Aw]kUn];Pilit].StiekL.nn].ta}n}."(1Sqm];19;5') = Take (one’s

or someone’s) life in (to) (one’s) (own) hands, to risk that could result in the loss of one’s or someone’s life: He

took his life in his hands,



6;17)' = Sacrifice of thanksgiving, N.,(Ps.50:14), sacrifice of praise; sacrifice a thank

offering,(Ps.116:17), a sacrifice to show how grateful I am,

!sun].sUm];ygc]:eyL;'@(hI;13;15') = “Sacrifice of praise,”(Heb.13;15,)


sG].sa},SQc]:kL:hiuc]siUw];n}.w}.yU,nn].eShQt];kGL,') = Operating Business Risk,

sun].Siuw].Ka}tUv];' = Market Risk,

sun].tL,eP,ApYt]:'(lgc]:-/An]-)(tL,lU,tan];Kgc]Pak],tgn]:tc];An]sun].tL,eP,ApYt]:') =

Sacrifice for sins: to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins,

sun].tqn];tac]pn]' = Atone, compensate, pay, appease, correct, atoned, atoning,

sun].tqn];tac]pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Atonement, N.,

sun].nm]nm]'ht];sun].nm]nm]' = Much risk,

sun].nL,nL,'(cw];la};pUic]pQn]l}:sun].)' = At risk, (at-risk state),

sbn].pqt]:'[kibt];yibt];pqt]:lgc]:hQt];An]Am],lIsiBw];nn].{ = Purge, to rid of, purge, purging,

sbn].pqt]:'(lgc]:-/)'Pgc];tuik].sun].pqt]:' = Purge, N. the act or process of purging,

sbn].pqt]:'sun].pg},pqt]:'pg},pqt]:'pqt]:'[pg},luim];pqt]:'{(pg},pqt]:Sun],pQn]sw]:Kgc]') = Abandon, forsake,

abandoned, abandoning,

sbn].pqt]:mn];yw].'sun].pqt]:mn];eS'PL:wac];pqt]:' = Get rid of it, put aside,

sun].piUc]ta}tUw]' = Static Risk (Risk associated with unusual occurrences such as storms, fire or theft that affect

one property, but not all properties of the same class.)

sbn].pqt]:pg},pqt]:' pg},pqt]:'(lgc]:-/An]-') = Abandonment, N., desert,


0;1-18')' = Sacrifice once for all: “Christ’s sacrifice once for all”(Heb.10:1-18,),


An]mI;Kn]Kiun]:'siUw];nn].n}.sgc],etkum],tL,srip]:st];kan]tUc].niuc]nn].hiuw]n}eShQt];') = Operating Financial Risk,

sun].Pa},wivin],'(sun].lU,Pa},sG]wvin],'(1pI,2;5') = Spiritual sacrifices: offering spiritual sacrifices,

sbn].mc]kGL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Adventure,

sun].mc]kGL,Kqm].sap]:lqp]:lInL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Epic adventure,

sun].lat]:sLetL,'(yUp]4;2') = Venture a word with, assay to commune with; venture to converse,

sun].lU,tan];tL,lgc]:cm];yQn]'[lU,tan];ygn];kgc].ka}hQt];ekL.eS:kn]'{(lI;wa};7;37') = Sacrifice of

peace offering, fellowship offering,

sun].lU,w}.tI:PI'lU,PI' tac],PI' = Sacrificed to a spirit,

sun].hQt];'Kam],sun].'sbn].'(sw];ey,Susun].ta}pun]:hw];)' = Sacrifice, (Jesus sacrificed for us), sacrificed,

sun].hQt];An]man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,'(SL,4;5) = Sacrifices of the righteous,”(Ps.4:5,)

sun].ha}.nL,'sun].ht];nL,'ht];sun].nL,'(yL,sun].ha}.nL,) = Risky, adj. dangerous: Don’t be risky,

sun].ehLKm];'(Kun]ehLKm];sun].plac],ehLKm];) = Abdicate, to voluntarily renounce a throne; abandon: the kind

abdicated the throne, abdicated,


tc];mUt];eSAm],kL;Am],sac]:tm];Kp].ma}mn];pn]l}:Sc]nn].'{ = Risk of Default,

sun].Aap]:pn]'(!...'PU:lQc].SUw];lIn}.'Aw]Sak]:Pwmn];sun].Aap]:pn]SUw];tc];la}w}.yw]."(ygn]<'10;11') =

Lay down, to give up: The good shepherd lay down his life for the sheep.(Jn.10:11), laid down,

sun].AL,nL,mn];pqt]:' = Giving away his power,


6)) = Kiss: “Greet one another with a holy kiss.”(Ro.16:16), kissed, kissing,


m];'Aw]etL:lgt],nm].lut],kin]'AUm]kin]mak],AUm]sQm];') = Suck, absorb, extract, inhale, placed inside the mouth,


;'Aw]etL:lgt],nm].lut],kin]'AUm]kin]mak],AUm]sQm];') = Suck, N. a small drink; sip,

sup],kqm]:' nUm]kqm]:' hgm]kqm]:' = Kiss the cheek,

sup],cG]:nG];hgc]:nG];ngc]pqt]:' = Remove lake or river silt and muck in pond, cleaning silt from pond,

sup],SUt].kin]'[SUt].kin]Ait];Ait];'sup],kin]/Aw]'{' = Drink, N. a small drink; sip; suck,

sup],nUm]kUiw];lI'(muiw];kw]yuin]:lU,tan];Kw]An]sup],nUm]kUiw];lInn].(yUp]31;27') = Kiss of homage,

sup],nUm]tUc].tk].'[sup],nUm]tUc].tk].hp].tgn]:{'= Kiss greeting,

sup],nUm]SUc],Sc],mgn];mgn];'(nUic];-sup],nUm]tUc].tk].hp].tgn]:') = Kiss of goodbye, goodbye kiss,

sup],nUm]hp].tgn]:'(sup],nUm]tUc].tk].hp].tgn]:mL;Kiun];hUin];')= Kiss welcome: Kiss welcome home,

sup],nUm]hgm]mUt];sac],'(tUc].tk].kn]lUv]:An]sup],nUm]hgm],mUt];sac],nn].tL.") = Holy kiss,(1Cor.16:20)

sup],nUm]hgm]lIhk].'(!ekL.nuic]:tc];ekL.nuic]:tUc].tk].kn]lUv]:An]sup],nUm]hgm]lIhk].nn].tL.'(1pI,5;14')' =

Kiss of love, a kiss of charity: Greet one another with a kiss of love,

sup],lut],Aw](lgc]:-)[An]sup],Aw]eSmQw];mQw];{ = Absorption, N. the act of absorbing; assimilation,

sup],Aw]'(Kiun];sup],Aw]Kiun];)' = Absorb, to suck, to swallow up the identity, (reabsorb),

sup],Aw]'sup],Agk],' lut],Aw]' hut],Aw]'= Suck in, absorb, extract, inhale,

sup],Aw]' tiAw]' = Infuse, to soak up, infused, infusing,

sup],Aw]'tiAw]'SGac];nG];AQn]'(lgc]:-') = Infusion, the act or process of infusing,

sup],Aw]l}:' hQt];hG]:sup],Aw]l}:' = Impregnate, to cause to be infused, impregnation,

sup],Aw]lg};lg};' = Assimilate, (Botany) the total process of plant nutrition, including photosynthesis and the

absorption of raw materials., assimilation,

sup]:'sup]:nuic]:'[tc];nm]An]lUw],Aw]hQt];sgm];kn]pgk]:lQw]{'(SG],nuic]:sup]:24An])' = Batch, N.,

sup].'sup].nm].'yUp].nm].' = Dip, put down into liquid, dipped, dipping,

sup].' sum],' yUp]:' wUv].' sm]:' = Dip, dipped, dipping,

sup].Tap]:ngk]:mn];w}.'(Aw]KUw];lQk];sup].nik];Ek,hG]:lUim]:eSAm],sac]:ehL)' mUm],ngk]:mn];w}.' mUm],-'

= Plate, to coat (metal) with a thin film of gold, silver, nickel, etc., by mechanical or chemical means, plated, plating,


mUin]tgc];mUin]lQk];Et.nn].{' = Electroplate, electroplated, electroplating,

sum],' sbm],nibc]:' sum],tQm]' sum],nuic]:tQm]tQm]' = Set, complete set,

sum],' sup].' yUp]:' wUv].' sm]:' = Dip, dipped, dipping,

sum],Kw]:'wqn]Kw]:'Pac]:Kw]:'Pac]:Kw]:tUk];hgt]:nG];'Pac]:SG],nG];eSAn]An]'= Plunge, immerse;

submerge, plunged, plunging, plunged into,


:tUk];hgt]:nG];'(An]-) = Plunge, N. act of plunging; a leap or dive, as into water,

sum],Kgn].wut].'[k}.pQn]Kgn].wut].1''3'El:5'{'(Kgn].wut].1n}.hgc].wL:tr}.wL,')' = Golf Wood Sets,

sum],Kgn].epL.kgp].f]'[k}.pL;Kgn].wut].'Aa};yUin];'Pit].KYic];wqt].kY]'Sqn].wqt].kY]'pt],tL,'{' = Golf Sets,

sum],sup],Aw]'[sum],nG];nm].eSsup],Aw]nn].{'(Aw]Pqn],/eS:sum],sup],Aw]nm].)' = Soak up,

sum],tQm]Kgn].epL.kgp].f]nuic]:sum],mI;13Kgn].' = Complete Golf Set 13 Pieces,

sum],tUw]Em:lik]:[An]Kw]:pL;tUw]np].'tUw]:Em:lik]:'ma}tt];EP'sUiw];nn].{' = Character set,

sum],nm].'Suk]:saw],nm].'[Aw]nm].Tgk],SG],Pk];/Aw]Pk];sum],nG];nm].eSSuk]:nn].{' = Rinse, to wash

lightly as by pouring water into or over or by dipping in water, rinsed, rinsing,

sum],sUm]w}.' sum],/sup].sup],Aw]'sup],Aw]'= Absorb, to suck, to swallow up the identity, soak up,

sbm],nibc]:' sup]:niuc]:' sup]:Sgc]' = Set, set one, set two,

sum],niuc]:' KUw];sum],' = Suit,

sum],nm].' Es:' Es:nm].' = Soak, soaked, soaking,

sum]:' suc]:'PIsum]:'[An]Pam];pQn]Aw]eShLekYL;kin]pUin]:/lgk],kin]la}la}'{' = Bewitching spirit,

sum]:tgk],' sum]:' = Seal,

sum]:tgk],pn]lgc]:man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,' = Seal of the righteousness,(Ro.4:11)

sum]:tgk],ma}pQn]sw]:Kgc]'sum]:tgk],ma}Kgc]pUic],' = Seal of ownership,(2Cor. 1:22)

sum]:Agn],'[sum]:lQk].Agn],Kw]:KGac],kan]lum];'{(mgc];kUv];sum]:Agn],) = Signet, N. a small official seal: signet ring,

sum];' mB,' Pbc]' Tqw]' muk].' = Group,

sum];' mU,sum];' (kUn]:Kw]:mU,sum];) = Team, (Team members)

sbm];' mB,' = Team, merge, combine, unite, ally, band,


/pg};EK.KQc],kn]lQn]:nn].'{= Runner-up, N. the competitor, player, or team finishing in a second place, as in a race,

contest, or tournament, runners-up,

sum];kp];San]' = Contact team,

sbm];kan]can];hBm]:mk];Kan];pbn]:Pgn];'(khK) = Limited Liability Partnership, (LLP)

sum];kL.Ka}' = Firm, business, enterprise, company, organization,

sum];kL.Ka}'[kan]can];hUm]:/muk].sum];An]hQt];kan]kL.Ka}hLciun];{ = Firm, N., a partnership or association for

carrying on a business, enterprise, company, organization,

sum];kUn];KUiw];t};'(nUic];-'sun];kUn];AEm,rikn],')= Tai society, (compare American society)


;sUiw];) = Assembly, N. a group of persons gathered together, usually for a particular purpose: whole or entire assembly,

sum];kUn];sUn]'[k}.KG]:wL:pQn]kUn];sUn]An]mI;kUic];mI;Puc]nn].{' = Bandit, N. robber, bandits,

sum];kUn];AEm,rikn]'(nUic];-sum];kUn];AL,SYL.'sun];kUn];KUiw];t};') = American society,

sum];kUn];AL,SYL.'(nUic];-'sun];kUn];KUiw];t};') = Asia society, (compare Tai society)

sbm];ekL<pBw],er;SYin];kan]kL.Ka} = Business Corporation

sum];kuic].kc].Kw]:tuik];'[sum];kuic].Kw]:him]/Sim];Aw]'{ = Raiding parties, spoilers, raiders,

sum];kgn];pac]lUik]:kQp];' = Election commission,

sum];EPKrit]:yan],' = Denomination, N. a religious group,

sgm];Tuc];sum];EPKrit]:yan],' = Denominational, adj. of or pertaining to a denomination or denominations,

sbm];Kt];Kibn];' = Opposition group,

sum];Kt];kn]Puin].kn]'[sum];/kUn];ekL.An]Kt];kn]Puin];kn]yU,nn].'{ = Contending parties,

sum];Kaw],' = Media,

sum];Kun]kUn];sG].lum];'[tL,lum];wQc];Agn],/AUic],'{= Constabulary, N. the body of constables of a district,

sum];KYQm];pUiw]<'[sum];Pa},hQt];Agk],pk];pUic]/Kun]Tt];Sin]{ = Chamber, N. a legislative, judicial or the like body,


n];miUc];t};hQt];hLkin]'eSl}:hiUw]:hiUc];Kiun]:yG],mak]:mI;kGL,pan]Siup],pan]') = Tai Capital Financial Group, LLC

sbm];siBw];sw]:' = Church

sum];siUw];t};ekL.' = Group of Friends,

sum];Sqm];mI<nL<Agn],' = Seminar, a small group of students engaged in advance study, a meeting of such group,

sbm];Sbk].ybc]:lbk].Pibn].' = Insurrection

sum];Siup],Kaw],' = Media,

sum];Suiw],Kaw],' = News Journal,

sbm];tL,lgc]:cm];yQn]'(lBc]pgc]sibc]:miBc];Pgm].hBm]:AEm,rik) = Peace Corps,


Agn],Am],mI;AU:Em:Kw]'{ = Orphanage, N. an institution for the housing and care for orphans,

sum];Et,tc]:lgc];nim]Sw];wan]:miUc];' = State Law and Order Restoration Council, (SLORC)

sum];Tt];Sac]lgc]:Puk],Pac]Alac];' = Band of Investment Analysis,

sum];En.nam];'[sum];pUt]<An]sg}:sI.Sc],En.nam];pn]{ = Directive board,

sum];nuic]:'Puc]nuic]:'pUk].nuic]:'(kUn];ygc],sum];nuic]:) = Pack, N. a group of people or things: a pack of fools,

sum];pL,tI,lQw]Aup].piUc],'(wL,t) = Totalitarianism, government by one party,

sum];pL,tI,lQw]Aup].pUic],' = Totalitarian,

sbm];pBt]<'sbm];PU:lBlgm]tBv];Tibc]' sum];' = Board, Board of Supervisors,

sbm];pBt]<SmL,Tiwan]:' = Board of Trustees of Village,

sbm];pBt]<lBlgm]sg}:hG]:l}:lISbt];' = Procurement Policy Board

sum];pUt]<hUm],lUm]:siUw].sat]:t};' = National Security Board for Tai,

sum];pa};mUic];'[sum];kUn];hQt];kan]mUic];pL;El:pL,tI,pa};mUic];tc];la}{' = Political groups, political parties,

sbm];pgc]kan]' = Executive Committee



sUiw];pQn]sum];pgt];PG]tgn]:mn];w}.hc];Kw]) = Sect, N. a religious denomination; any group or faction united by a specific

doctrine or under a doctrinal leader: who belong to their sect,

sum];EPKrit]:yan],' = Denomination, a religious group,

sbm];Pa},sgp],Kaw],' = Intelligence Agency,

sbm];Pa},Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amb' = Judicial Branch,

sum];Pa},pgc]kan]Aup].pUic],' = Executive Branch, administrative,

sum];Pa},lUc]pgc]siuc]:'(kYI,AUw]<) = Governmental Organization, (GO)

sum];PU:Sac]:tac]pk];piUc]' kgc],sI,sum];PU:Sac]:tac]pk];piUc]' = Bar, Bar Council,

sum];PU:yum],ym]kiUw];kum]' = Board of trustees,

sbm];PU:lBlgm]tBv];Tibc]' = Board of Supervisors,



m]suic]:mUic];AEm,riknn].{' = Electoral college,

sum];PU:lUik]:kQp];pn]sgm]suic]:' = Electoral college-presidential election,

sbm];Pgc];cm];Tam];kan]sw]:' = Ministry, ministires,

sum];Pgc];cm];Tam];kan]sg}:Tqm]Krit]:yan],(sIeAAqm]<) = Christian Aid Ministries(CAM),

sum];Pgc];tac]mUic];' = Embassy, N. an ambassador and his or her staff,

sum];Pgm].hUm]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = United healthcare,

sum];fn];Pa},ciun];es:nG];mUic];lum]:fL.'(A}Aqm]Aqp].f])' = International Monetary Fund

(IMF), an international organization that promotes the stabilization of the world's currencies and maintains a monetary pool

from which member nations can draw in order to correct a deficit in their balance of payments: a specialized agency of the United

Nations. Abbreviation: IMF, I.M.F. organized in 1945.,

sum];mL.tac],'[kUn];KImL.El:mL.tac],sL.kGL,Kgn]:kn]w}.tc];SQc]:nn].'{ = Cavalry, N. horsemen, horses,

etc., collectively, cavalries,

sum];mit].SYin],' = Missionary, N., missionaries, missioner,

sum];mI;puin].hU.'[kQw],lgc]:tac];hU.tac];hn]/puin].hU.tac];emL'{' = Gnostic, adj. N. pertaining to knowledge,

sum];mI;Pgn];miUn]kn]Kw]El:SQc]hUw]sG]kUn];miUc];' = Interest groups and public opinion,

sum];mI;hqc];SUn];tUc].niuc]' = Dynamic group,

sum];emLkGam];' = Choir,

sum];mUic];yUAqt].S]sg}:Piun].PU;yuk]. tac],kUn];mUic];lum]:fL.' = USAID Mission, Agency for

International Development,

sbm];miBc];lbm]:fL.(yU<Aqn],) = United Nations(UN)

sum];mUic];lum]:fL.Pa},ciun];kgc]luk]:Agn],'(yU,nI,SQp].)' = United Nations Children’s Fund,


sum];mUic];lum]:fL.Pa},yL:yLEl:tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:'(yU,Aqn]AUw]tIsI,)' = United

Nations on Drug and Crimes,(UNODC)

sum];mUic];lum]:fL.Pa},lgc]:Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]Puin].PU;Kiun]:'(yU<Aqn]tIpI,)' =United Nations

Development Programe,(UNDP)

sum];mUic];lum]:fL.An]tL,tUv];Tuic]kUn];pa}:eP;tc];la}'(yUAqn]AQk].KY]sIJAL)' = United

Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,(UNHCR)

sum];miUc];hUm]:tum]yU;rUp].'(AI;yU<) = European Union,(EU)

sum];yip];kgc]:kac],' = Armed groups,

sum];ygn];Pat],Agk],'ekL.ygn];Pat],Agk],' = Separatist,

sum];lUc]'[kUn];sum];nuic]:An]mI;kUn];hUw]pak],mn];nn].{ = Cohort, N. a group or company; abettor, cohorts,

sbm];lBc]pgc]sibc]:'[kgc],sI,sg}:wUn].K}:sG]pn]sgm]suic]:(sum];Pgc];mUic];lUc]pgc]suic]:){ = Cabinet, N. a council

advising a president, sovereign, etc., especially the group of minsters or executives responsible for the government of a nation,

sum];lUik]:tc]:sgm]suic]:' = Electoral college - presidential election,


tgt]:Kqp];Em;pn]mQw];An]etpQn]Pgn];lItL,sum];Kw]nn].'{'lgp];pI<' = Lobby, N., lobbies,


an]mU,sum];Puc]kUn];sUiw];n}.{' = Think tank, a research institute or organization employed to solve complex

problems or predict or plan future developments, as in military, political, or social areas.,


;hQt];Agk],pk];pUic]nn].'{' = Special interest, N. special-interest group,

sum];hQt];kan]'yB<nit].' = Unit, N. any group of things or person regarded as an entity,

sbm];hQt];kan]Am],Aw]nm].mYat]:nm].tgn];'(skAt) = Non-profit organization,

sum];hQt];nc],KL:eSPgc];cm];Tm];kan]sw]:' = Ministry of servanthood,

sbm];hQt];Agk],pk];piBc]es:miBc]; = State legislature

sum];hqc];kan]' (sum];kUn];hQt];kan]sgm];kn]sum];niuc]:' sum];kUn];km].sg}:PU:kgn];/PU:pgc]kan]sum];niuc]:') = Staff,

a group of persons or employees, a group of assistance to manager or executive,

sum];hqc];kan]tL,tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];' = Home-care staff,

sum];hUm]:tum]kUn];hQt];kan]' = Labor Union, Workers Union,

sum];hBm]:pgc];' = Coalition,

sum];hUm]:pgc];PU:hk].KUiw];hk].mUic];t};(shmt) = Murng Tai Patriots Coalition(MTPC),

sum];h},tiuc]:' = Band Guitar,

sum];h}tuic]:sqn],Tqw]Kuin]:'sum];p}sqn],Tqw]Kuin]:' = Marching band or foot drill,

sum];h},tiuc]:hgc].kGam];' = Music Band,

sum];ehL;'[sum];ser;Kw]hup]:sukn]'sum];PU;l]Pit].{= Pulpit, N. the pulpit; members of the clergy collectively,

sum];Am],sG]:Pa},lUc]pgc]siuc]:'(Aqn],kYI,AUw]<) = Non Governmental Organization, (NGO)

sum];Aup].pUic],'[sum];lUc]pgc]suic]:An]tuik].yip];AL,nL,'{ = Regime, N. a government in power,

sum];Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];miUc];t};Pgm].hUm]:sUw]:Kaw];'(AmtK) = Interim Governing Body

for United Tai States, (IGBUTS)

sum];eAL;Kqt]<SJTL,'[sum];kUn];emLh},tuic]:mI;KUic]:es;la}sUiw].la}mQw];{' = Orchestra, N.,


k];Tgc];)(sUk];pUsUk];pLyU,nG];hU;tG]:kUip],mak],hin]')' = Put one’s hand into a pocket, bag, or hole,

sUk],KUk],' ygm]sUk],KUk],'ygm]sUk],KUk],kGL,tik];tik];' = Emaciate, emaciated, emaciating,

sUk];kGam];' mQt];kGam];' = Fishing question,


TL,wrL.JPL;mL;kUv];eAL:'(Tuc];16;33') = Lot, N.: “The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord”,



n];Aw]'{(SG],hw];sUk];Em;kn]PG]kgk]:ekL:mn];Aw])' = Cast lots, casting lots,

sUk];Em;kn]'(SG],hw];sUk];Em;kn]eSPG]pgk]:ekL:mn];Aw]') = Lot, to cast or draw lots for: Let’s decide by lot who

will get it., lotted, lotting,

sUk];Agk],'sUk],Agk],Tgc];/TUc]mL;' = Take out of the pocket or bag,

sUk].'nam]sUk].'[nam]nn].Km]w}.SQp],w}.nG];nUiw].{' = Thorn spikes, spiked, spiking,

sUk].SG],'[An]tqc];/sUk].nn].Am],Km]w}.{'Sg}'yUc];'tqc];'sI;'mBc],' = Prick, pricked, pricking,

sUk].SG],'[An]sUk].nn].Am],Km]w}.{'Sg}'sI;'tqc];'mBc],'yUc];'(KQm]tqc];)' = Prick, N. : the prick of a needle,


Loathe, loathe on sight: I loathe people who spread malicious gossip, loathed, loathing,


hk].mn];sa};mI;nUiw]mn];nac];n}.mn];sUk].tqc];sG]mn];El:l}:tqm]:lik]:Puin]n}.yw].') = Spur, to prick with a

spur ot spurs; incite or urge on: His love for her spurred him to write the letter, spurred, spurring,


t];eP;SG],kUn];{' = Rhinoceros, N., rhinoceroses,

sUc]' = Excavate, make a hole or cavity,

sUc]Kw]:'(PU:lk].sUc]Kw]:hUin];')' yL.Kw]:' = Break in, to enter by force,, (thieves break in)

sUc]Kut];kUc]pgc],Pat],'sUc]lin]'(Kw]sUc]Kut];puin].hin]kUc]pgc],Pat],eS) = Tunnel, an underground passage:

they tunnel through the rock, tunneled, tunneling,


tI:mn];pn]{ = Zoning, Land use, determined by municipal authorities, to which property may be put to in specific areas,

sUv].tUv];lIlIyw].eSTim],w}.eSmQw];mQw];' = Deliberately omitted something,

sBv].tBv];Aw]' wUn].sUv].tUv];lIlI' = Deliberate, reflect, ponder, consider carefully,

sUv].tUv];lIlIyw].eS' wUn].sUv].tUv];lIlIeS' = Deliberately,

sUv].Tgm],lIlI' = Attentive listening, listen attentively,

sUv].Pit];' = Misconstrue, take in a wrong sense, misread, misconstrued, misconstruing,

sUv].l}:la}mQw];'(eKL:tgp],sUv].l}:la}mQw];' Am],tgp],tqk],lqc];')'(Kt];-tqk],lqc];lI)' = Ambiguous,

open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; uncertain, unreliable: ambiguous answer, (ant: unambiguous),

sUv].l}:la}mQw];'[Am],Aic]puic]:l}:{' = Uncertain, adj. ambiguous, unreliable,

sUn]'[lk]./lgk],eSAw]tQk];Aw]KUw];Kgc]pUin]:{' = Rob, to steal from; to deprive, robbed, robbing,

sBn]' AmukUn];sUn]' = Robbery,

sBn]sBn]lk].lk].' tQk];Aw]la}' = Plunder, plundered, plundering,

sBn]pac],la},' = Pirates,

sUn]mUik]:kqk];'(kUn];-)' = Thug, N. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer,

sUn]h}a.kYqk].'[An]sG].hqc];lgk],cLhLhQt];eP;SG],eSlk]./sUn]/tiAw]kGL,nn].{' = Hijack, adj. to steal,

rob, seize by force or threat of force,

sUn]ha}.kYqk].'[kYam],lgk],eSlk]./sUn]/tivgp];Aw]{' = Hijacked, to engage in such stealing or seizing,

sBm]' lm]nm].' sum],nm].' = Immerse, dip into water, be submerged,

sBm]' = Sink, sank, sunk,

sUm]' mUk];lin]/Sa};'(mak],kgp].f]sUm]w}.') = Embed, embedded, embedding,(embedded ball)

sUm]sik];pqt]:w}.'[sUm]lin]nm].suiw].sL.{(yL,epsUm]sik];pqt]:w}.nG];!eKL:pk];pUic]@kYam];Tuc];lI;wa};nn].')= Bog,

to sink in a bog (often followed by down): Don’t get bogged down in the ‘legalese’ of Leviticus, bogged down,

sUm]nm].'[sUm]nm].El:TUv]:sG]kp].eSta}{ = Drown, to die under water of suffocation, drowned, drowning,

sUm]-PU;nm].Aw]'(la};Aw]Eh:Kgc]min]<nrL<')' = Sink-float process, The most common technique for using

Sink-Floats is the "beaker" method. A transparent container such as a lab beaker, cylinder, or battery jar is employed to hold the

density liquid, or filled with product for quality control testing,

sBm]w}.'lm]nm].'sum],nm].'sUm]sik];' = Immerse, to plunge in to liquid, to involve deeply, immersing,

sBm]w}.'lm]nm].'sum],nm].'sUm]sik];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Immersion, N., adj.,

sUm];'hBm]sBm];'hBm]hBm]sBm];sBm];' = Glad, adj. feeling of joy or pleasure, joyous, joyful, cheerful,

sUm];'hUm]sUm];sgm];'mUn]:man];sG]'(Kt];-Am],epL;sUm];'Am],sUm];') = Appreciative, adj.,(ant: inappreciative)


ekY;sU;yG],nL:KL:' = Thank you! Thanks a lot! Thank you so much,

sUm];'hBm]sBm];sgm];'cin];lIcin];sUm];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Appreciation, N.,

sUm];kin]tn];SUw];kUn];TUw];mgn]pn]'[(ser;la};SG]kac];SiUw]/lik]:t};kw],'){ = Bribery,

sBm];ekY;sU;'sBm];SiBw];yG],nm]'sBm];Et.Et.' = Gratefully, adv.,

sBm];ekYL,kYOik]:sG]'hp].sBm];Aw]'mUn]:sG]'Kam],es;sQm],mn];'sam],' = Enjoy, enjoyed, enjoying,

sUm];ekYL,kYOik]:sG]'mUn]:mUn]:'ekYL,ekYL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-)[tac];ekYL,{ = Enjoyment, N. pleasure,

sUm];ekYL,lQn]:'[sUm];lQn]:'ekYL,'{ = Frolic, N. adj. merry play; gaiety; fun; full of fun,

sUm];ekYL,lQn]:'[hun].ekYL,lQn]:'{ = Frolic, to gambol merrily; to play in a frisky; romp; play merry pranks,

sUm];sUm];SUiw];SUiw];'hUm]hUm]sUm];sUm];' = Joyfully,

sUm];sgm];'hQt];pg};sUm];yuk].ygc]:'hQt];pg};'Kam],Kqk],' = Celebrate, celebrated, celebrating,

sUm];sgm];mG];' = Celebrate you, rejoice with you,

sBm];sG]KBm];nL,'sG]KBm];tBc].tibn],nL,'sG]KBm];nL,' = Excited, so excited,

sBm];SiBw];'sUm];SUiw];sgm];'sUm];SUiw];ekYL,mUn]:' = Rejoice, rejoiced, rejoicing, rejoice with,

sUm];SiUw];ekYL,TUn]:TI;'sUm];SUiw];ekYL,Sut];ygt]:mn];' = Overjoyed, rejoiced,

sUm];SiUw];ekYL,'(Kt];-An]Kac];Aiuw].Aiuw].') = Rejoice, laugh, (ant: mourn,)

sBm];SiBw];ekYL,nG];Pgc];yam];yap],Pibt],la}Kaw];yam];' = Rejoice in the difficult times,

sUm];SUiw];kYOik]:sG]' sG]SiUw];' sG]SUiw];sgm];' w}.sG]SUiw];' = Delight,

!sUm];SUiw];eSyU,mUn]:mUn]:ekYL,ekYL,tL.'..@(Kiun];19;7) = “Rejoice and be glad…”(Rev.19:7),

sUm];SiUw];tac],ekY;sU;' sUm];tac],ekY;sU;' sUm];Et.' = Thankful,


7') = Be glad, :“rejoice and be glad”(Rev.19:7),

sUm];SUiw];Et.Et.wL:wL:' = Greatly rejoice,

sBm];SiBw];nL,' sUm];lUc]sUm];lac]' = Rejoice greatly,


sU;)' = Grateful, adj., deeply appreciate of other’s kindness: I am grateful to your help; a grateful letter,

sBm];SiBw];Aw]kbc],Aw]mbn]' = Congratulate, congratulated, congratulating,

sBm];SiBw];Aw]kbc],Aw]mbn]' = Congratulation, N.,

sUm];tac];lI'sUm];SUiw];' = Merry, adj., merrier, merriest,

sUm];tac];lIKrit]:Smt].S]' = Merry Christmas,

sUm];tac];lIKrit]:Smt].S]eSekYL,SUiw];pI<mG],' = Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

sUm];Et.Et.' sUm];Et.Et.KL:yw].' = Thank you very much, thank you so much,

sUm];tgn]:' sUm];hp].tgn]:' = Joyfully welcome, welcome with joy,

sBm];Tbk],sG]' mqn]:sG]' Tuk],sG]' = Pleasing, pleased,

sUm];Tuk],sG]mqn]:sG]Et.' = Well pleased,

sUm];nL,'sUm];Et.sUm];wL:yw].'(hw];sUm];nL,'l}:lat]:etL,SUn}.sUm];Et.sUm];wL:yw].)' = Very glad:

I’m very glad. It’s very glad to talk to you,

sUm];yw].kw]Am],lUw],'(sUm];yw].kw]Am],lUw],'kw]lUw],tac];SUiw];ekYL,kw]kUv];')' = No thanks, :No thanks,

I need only my joy.,

sUm];'tUp];miuw];eyL;Aam];'pn]hqc];'sUm];eyL;Aam];'(An]-)(hG]:sUm];pn]hqc];') = Cheer, N.: Be

of good cheer!(Idiom), cheerful, adj.,

sUm];lUc]sUm];lac]nL,'[sUm];hLtI:lat]:epL;Am],mI;{ = Fill with joy,

sUm];El:km];n}.'sUm];El:'(!sUm];El:km];n}.&luk].El:&mn];sw]:hgc].mG];yw].'@(mak].40;49)'sUm];'= Cheer

up!: “ Cheer up! On your feet! He is calling you.”,

sBm];hp].hgc];Aw]' hgp],Aum]:Aw]' = Embrace, embraced, embracing,


El:" = Embrace the bright future He has for you.

sUm];hp].'(epL;pUin]:pn]n}.nm]ekL:yw].eA,ekL:yw].hG]:emLsUm];hp].)'sUm];hp].Aw]' = Gladly receive,

sUm];hp].Kam],Kqk],'nL:kI:tLSG]etL,'hp].yum].nL:kI:etL,'(nL:hUin];ey;An]sUm];hp].Kam],Kqk],)' =

Hospitable, adj. a hospitable family,

sUm];hp].Aw]'[KG]:l}:Et.epYL,sG]Et.eSAw]Am],sG]:pUin]:tQk];sG].hp].sG].Aw]nn].{ = Accept gladly,

sUm];hQt];pn]' sUm];' (Am],pQn]Sc]KL:' eAL:l}:yU,KL:' l}:yU,Am],pQn]Sc]t};ekL.')' = Pleasure,(It

is my pleasure to do so. It’s mu leasure. You are welcome.), take pleasure in,


l:sUm];hun].mc]'(Kw]sUm];hun].mc]km];lQw]yw].') = Elated, adj. very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits; glad:

an elated winner of a contest; they were elated,

sUm];Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Admiration, N. a feeling of approval,

sUm];Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]' = Admire, to regard with wonder and pleasure,


n];SU;pn]'{' = Compliment, N. an expression of commendation or admiration; good wishes, compliments,

sUm];Aup],nm].la};epL;PUc].'(sUm];Aup],lgc]:mn];mI;lan]mG],nm].la};epL;PUc].)'PUc].' = Gush, to express

oneself extravagantly; talk effusively, gushed, gushing,

sUw]:-tiuk].' Pgc];miUw]:' mqn]:miUw]:Pa},niuc]:n}.' = While,

sBw]:km];nibc]:' km];nuic]:kUv];Am],huic]Sc]' = For a while, in a while,

sUw]:kw]tiuk].hQt];l}:n}.kw]ethQt];lITiSut];' = While I can I will do my best,

sBw]:kqp].' = Momentum, a moment,

sUw]:kqp].km];Agn]lG]Am],wL:' (sUw]:kqp].km];Agn],mUiw]:lG]Am],wL:') = Any moment, (at any moment),

sUw]:kqp].km];Agn],mUiw]:lG]Am],wL:' = At any moment,

sUw]:kqp].Pqp].tL' = Twinkling of an eye,

sBw]:kqp].sBw]:Kaw];' = Pro tempore, for a time being, temporary,

sBw]:kqp].Pqk].tL,Agn],nn].kBv];' = In an instant,

sUw]:kqp].PUiw],w}.pun]:Kaw];tac];yUic];Aan];mUiw];nL:' = Destiny-alternating moments,

sUw]:kqp].mUiw]:JPL;sw]:Kiun]:KU;pn]' = God-ordained moments,

sBw]:kqp].Agn],' km];Agn]nibc]:'(pG].km];Agn],nibc]:nL:) = Momentary, adj.,

sBw]:kibm];hibc]' = Tenure, duration,

sBw]:Kaw];' = Interim, interval, meantime, temporally, temporary,

sUw]:Kaw];mUiw]:p},Tuic]'sUw]:mUiw]:sm]etTuic]' = Shortly before,

sUw]:KBp],' sBw]:pan]' ASak]:'(lbk]:sa};mG];epL;l}:la}KBp],yw].eA.?) = Age,



Suiw].Ka}lw]:kin]lw]:l}:n}nn].etlIyU,')' = Legal gambling age,

sUw]:sqk].kn].Agn],niuc]:nn].' = A split second,

sUw]:sG]'[tac];huic]An]Pa},pa}eAL;elL;kYI,wL:KUic]:eAL,kqn],nuic]:Kam],l}:Sut];Sut];nn].{' = Lifespan, N.,

sUw]:tiuk].' Pgc];miUw]:' mqn]:miUw]:Pa},niuc]:n}.' = While,


nuic]:kUv];(Sc],KL,r)nn].eSkm];KL:'(SL,39;4') = Fleeting, adj. transient; frail: let me know how fleeting my life is,


v];nn].)' = Fleeting, adj. passing swiftly; vanishing quickly; transitory: fleeting pleasure, in a short time,

sUw]:niuc]:yw].sUw]:nuic]:'sup]:nuic]:yw].sup]:nuic]:' = Periodic, recurring or repeated at intervals of time:,

sUw]:pan]' pan]' = Lifetime, age,

sBw]:pan]kUn];' pan]kBn];' kBn];kB:pan]pan]'sUw]:luk]:pan]lan]' = Generation, generations,

sUw]:pan]kUn];Sip];SI,Suip],' = Fourteen generations,


n]Sut];SQc]:nn].lU;kgn],AUiw]:'(mqt]:28;20))' = End of the age: “And surely, I am with you always, to the very

end of the age.”(Mtt.28:20),

sUw]:pan]etmL;'(AL,nL,sUw]:pan]etmL;)' = Age to come, coming age: the powers of the coming age,

sUw]:pan]n}.'(mak].10;30)(nUic];-!sUw]:pan]etmL;An]pQn]ASak]:PwTL,wrL.'@) = Present age, N. this

present age,(Mark 10:30),(compare “the age to come eternal life”),

sUw]:pan]mI;Pgn];lITiuc]tI:Tiuc]tac];' = Effective Age,

sUw]:pan]miUc];' = Era, age, epoch,

sUw]:pan]mUic];lISqc]mgn];Km];'sUw]:mgc];yam];lISqc]mgn];Km];' = Golden era, golden hour,

sUw]:pan]luin];mn];' = Latter part of his life, latter days of him,

sBw]:pI<Tam];kan] = Term of Years

sUw]:pI<Tam];kan]sgm]suic]:' = Terms of the President,

sUw]:p},Tiuc]' sUw]:nL:p},Tiuc]' kgn],Agn]' miBw]:Agn]tac];' miBw]:kB:pgk]:'TL:' = Before,


yam];kac]Kuin];'{(kUn];pG].yam];kac]Kuin];') = Night watch, N. a watch or guard kept during the night; a watch in the

night; a person keeping such watch: night watchman,

sUw]:Pw'[tac];huic]An]kUn];ekL./tUw]mI;sG]tUw]nuic]:yU,l}:nn].{' = Life span, lifespan, N.,

sUw]:Pqp].tLAgn],'Pqp].Pqp].' f};mqp]:' [f};Pqp].Pqp].'{' = Blip, N. bleep; also called pip,

sUw]:muc]:'k}sUw]:muc]:'[tac];k}An]muc]:tUv];/muc]:hn]l}:nn].{' = View distance,

sUw]:mgc];niuc]:kUv];' = An hour only,

sUw]:mgc];yam];lQw]kn]nn].' = That very hour,

sUw]:mgc];yam];mUiw]:kw]Et,yum],' = The hour I first believed,

sBw]:yam];' sUw]:Kaw];yam];sUw]:niuc]:' sUw]:niuc]:' = Period, a period of time, periodic,

sUw]:yam];kuc],ekY;sU;' = Grace Period,-The time period between the due date of a mtg payment and the

date when late charges are assessed,

sUw]:yam];kUn];lUc]Kw]lqk]:pn],put]:kn]' = Leadership transition period,

sUw]:yam];Kat]:hiUn];' = Tenancy,

sUw]:yam];Kat]:hiUn];nc],pL;nG];lik]:ma}mat]:kac]sG]' = Tenancy at Will, -A tenancy

arrangement with the permission of the owner, must leave at the landlord’s will,

sUw]:yam];Kat]:hiUn];pQn]pI<mn];' = Tenancy for years, -Created by a lease for a fixed term such as six

months, two years, etc.,

sUw]:yam];Kat]:hiUn];Pgm].sG]miUn]kn]' = Tenancy in Common, -Ownership of a property by two or

more persons, each of whom has an undivided interest, without the right of survivorship. Upon the death of one of the owners,

the ownership share of the deceased is inherited by the beneficiary designated on the owner’s will.,

sUw]:yam];sg}:sam];AL,mKam],pn]kUn];sUiw];yip];la}<Sqn]<mG],tc];SQc]:' = Probation period of

all other new licensed driver,

sUw]:yam];lUit]:yL,SI,lUc];' = Menstruation, N. the period of menstruation,


nI:nn].l}:'sgm];nc],Sun]l}:nG];KGac],pk];piUc]mac]es:miUc];nn].') = Redemption Period,

sUw]:yam];pn]Kuin];'(sUw]:yam];tqn];Kiun];) = Payback Period,

sUw]:yuin];Kqn]' = Arms’ length, (Chemistry)., arm's length adj. the description of an agreement made by two

parties freely and independently of each other, and without some special relationship, such as being a relative, having another

deal on the side or one party having complete control of the other. It becomes important to determine if an agreement was freely

entered into to show that the price, requirements, and other conditions were fair and real. Example: if a man sells property to his

son the value set may not be the true value since it may not have been an "arm's length" transaction,

sUw]:yuin];muiw];' = In reach, within reach,

sBw]:yibn];mibw];pL:nL:' = Right out in front of you,

sUw]:luk]:pan]lan]' pan]kUn];' kB:sUw]:kU:pan]' = Generations,

sUw]:luk]:pan]lan]Sam]Suip],'[sUw]:pan]lin](An]kUn];Tw]:t};mUiw]:kgn],Sgn],){ = Third generation,

sUw]:luk]:pan]lan]etL,Tuic]sUiw].KUiw];sUiw];etSuip],mL;tc];SQc]:nn].'(SL,71;18')= Next

generation to all who are to come,

sUw]:luk]:pan]lan]mUiw];nL:' = Next or future generations,

sUw]:lG]'pQc];sUw]:lG]'[tqk]:tac];Suc]/tac];k}{(sUw]:hUw]'sUw]:muc]:)' = How high: Head height; view distance,

sUw]:wL;muiw];'yaw];sUw]:wL;muiw];' = Arms length,

sUw]:wUc]:sUw]:Kaw];la}wn];' eSwUc]:eSKaw];' = A few days,

sUw]:hUw]'pQc];sUw]:hUw]'[tac];Suc]tI:pQc];sUw]:hUw]kUn];nn].{' = Head height,

sUw]:ASak]:PwnUiw]lin]mUic];'(1pI,4;2') = Earthly life,

sUw]:ASak]:PwmG];An]tibk].kibt];mI;w}.yB,n}.etpQn]PwlITiSbt];mG];yB,yw]." = The

rest of your life will be the best of your life!

sUw]:ASak]:PwmG];An]yc];tuik].mI;w}.yU,nn].' = Rest of your life,

sUw]:ASak]:mn];n}.wn];nuic]:ekL:mn];Am],tgn].yam]:hQt];kan]' = Never having

worked a day in his life,


:m}.tI:lm];mn];Suc]pQc];sUw]:AUk];nn].(tIpIAQk].KY]))' = Breast height, normally 4.5 feet: measuring diameter at

breast height(DBH),

sBw];'(sUw];hQt];tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:)hUv];' = Solicit: solicitation to commit a crime, solicited, soliciting,

sBw];'sUw];Aw]SU' tuik];ygn];' = Implore, beg, beg you, solicit,

sUw];kn]pqt].kin]'pL;kn]kYam],'[pL;kn]Pit];hLpqt].hLlqn]{= Collude, to conspire in a fraud, program, etc., for

the discussion of questions of public interest; also called online forum, internet forum, web forum, colluded, colluding,

sUw];kn]pqt].kin']pL;kn]kYam],'[pL;kn]Pit];tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:{ = Collusion, N. conspiracy,


Along, adv. in a company; as a companion; with one: She took her brother along,

sUw];t};ekL.mG];mL;El,hw];El:' = Bring your friend to visit us,

sUw];mL;' pL;mL;' pL;mL;sgm];' (pL;ekL.mG];hk].mL;sgm];)' pL;mUiw];' Aw]mL;'(sUw];t};ekL.mG];mL;El,hw];

El:)' = Bring, to carry someone or something to come with, brought,

sBw];hQt];tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Criminal solicitation, solicitation to commit a crime,

sUw];hQt];Pit];' = Solicitation to commit wrong doing,

sBw];hQt];huk].ha}.pUn].pqn]Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Solicitation to commit a crime of violence,

sUw]<pL.'[mUic];ehLKm];An]mI;nG];SI;riy{(2Sqm];8;3')= Zoba, Zobah, an Aramean kingdom situated in Syria,

sUw]<fL;'[t};ekL.yUp]<ekL.TiSam](yUp]2;11'11;1'){' = Zophar, the third of the friends of Job,

sUw]<fim];'[Agc]:tI:Suc]nG];mUic];mUw];Aqp],'{(TUin],23;14')' = Zophim, a high place in Moab,

sUw]<rL,'[wQc];Tuc].lin]pQc];yut(eyL;15;33')An]EPpn]kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];tqn]<'{(eyL;19;41')= Zorah, a

city in the Shephelah, or lowland of Judah allotted to the tribe of Dan,

sUw]<hL<'[AU:AI<Prun],'{(cw]:23;8') = Zohar, the father of Ephron,


:13;10'19;20')' = Zoar, the city where Lot and his family took refuge during the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah,

sUw]<Aqn],'[suiw]:wQc];eT;nit].S]An]tac],w}.nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'(SL,78;12'{' = Zoan, Biblical name of Tanis,

sukn]' Kgn]:' Kgn]:pgc];kn]' = Aggregate, total or gross amounts, combined, collection,

sukn]' = Band, banded, banding,

sukn]' Kgn]:kn]'[Aw]KUw];Kgc]w}.sgm];kn]{'kgc]kn]' = Assemble, to bring, assembled, assembling,

sukn]pQn]puk].'/pQn]tum];'/pQn]tg};' = Agglomerate, to collect or gather into a cluster or mass,

sukUn];sum];Ait];Agn],'[eSL,kUn];pQn]Puc]yuc]:yc]:{ = Rabble, mob, rabbled, rabbling,

suciun];' = Gather money,

susim]<'[kUn];cw]:Et,yU,mUic];hqm];{(cw]:14;5') = Zuzites, a primitive tribe who lived in Ham, Zuzim, Zuzims,

sbSibk];tibk];San]Kt];Kibn];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Levying War against,

sutum]'[hgc].kUn];sutum]kn]tI:nuic]:'sutum]kn]eStI:tI:'{'Kgn]:kn]' = Gather together, gather, together,

sutum]kn]' = Convene ,

sutum]kn]'[sutum]kum]kn]kUn];nm]nm]{' = Congregate, assemble in large numbers, congregating,

sutum]kn]'sutum]kn]w}.nm]nm]' = Congregated, adj. assembled,

sutum]kn]'[An]kUn];tc];nm]Kuin]:hUm]:tum]kum]kn]pun]:tL,w}:SLPL,SL,SL,SnL,mUin]kn]nn].{'= Congregation,

N. an assembly of persons brought together for common religious worship, church,

!sutum]kn]kgc].ka},kn]eShqn];tUw]:tn];tUc].nuic]'@ = “Convene, connect and mobilize”,

sbtbm]kbm]kn]'Kibn]:hBm]:tum]kn]'SG],hUm]:kn]' = Assemble, gather, meet, assembled, assembling,


k];lUc]tI:pac],pac],kGac]kGac]:nn].{'pac]suSuik];Kiun]:Enhqc];' = Assembly, N.(Military),

sutum]kum]kn]' ASqm],plI,'(pac]sutum],kum]kn]kU:lgc]:lgc]:')' = Assembly,(General Assembly),

sbtbm]Kgn]:kn]' sukn]' kQp];' Kgn]:kn]' = Gather, gathered, gathering, gather together,

sutum]Kgn]:kn]pQn]mU,pQn]pac]w}.' = Gathered around,

sbtbm]Kgn]:kn]yw].'hgc].sukn]yw].' = Got together, gathered, came together,

suf'[suiw]:sa};ekL.nuic]:El:tI:nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],{(1Sqm];1;1') = Zuph, an Ephraimite, an ancestor of the

prophet Samuel; and a district northwest of Jerusalem where Saul searched for his father’s lost donkeys (1Sam. 9:5), Zuphim,


12')' = Zur, a Midianite leader, a king of Midian; the name of men in the Old Testament,

suriSYta};'[AU:ESY,lumIey,'{(TUin],1;6')' = Zurishaddai, (the Almighty is my rock) the father of Shelumiel,

surIey,'[luk]:sa};Apieh;l'{(TUin],3;35)' = Zuriel, son of Abihail,

suw}.' hgm]w}.' = Stall, to put or keep in stall, stalled, stalling,


lQw]kL:nG];puc],hac]:nm].yL:ygm].tqm]:tqk]:Ennn].)' = Embody, to give a concrete form to: to embody an idea in an

allegorical painting, embodied, embodying, embodiment, N.,


nn]ekL:Kw]:hUm]:pL;'nn].{' = Embody, to collect into or include in a body; incorporate; to embrace or comprise,

embodied, embodying, embodiment, N.,

suAL,'[AU:en,Tqn]<en,l'{(TUin],1;8')' = Zuar, the father of Nethanel,


n]:nn].lG]{ = Pout, pouted, pouting,


L;Kaw];lUin]SI,lUin]hL:n}.mI;K},An]t};hgc].wL:AI,kuk]:n}nn].'{' = Scarab, N. any scarab beetle,

sUsU'[SQc]nUhgc].{(!n@wL:nUemL;sUsUsgm];sgk].)' = Mouse or rat sound,

sUSUp];'sgk];pak],'hU,SI,SUp];'[tup],tUp].Kw]:/Aw]hU,'hup]:sgk];'{(sUSUp];'sgk];pak],'hU,SI,SUp];') = Purse, to

contract into folds or wrinkles; pucker: to purse one’s lips, pursed, pursing, purse lips,

sU;'[sam];tUv;{(sU;KU:lc]Am],l}kin]nUiw].tU,)' = Follow, to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: if one

follows his/her nose he/she does not eat tainted meet,

sB;' mL;sB;' kGL,sB;' = Toward,

sU;kn]'sU;kn]kin]'sUw];kn]kin]'[yL,/Am],kin]ekL.lQw]{ = Share food, food sharing,

sU;sG]Et.' sU;sG]:Et.KG]:-yU,kUv];kL:/et' sU;sG]kw]Et.' = I wish,


n].{' =“I wish I can do it” means: I’m not sure, but I hope to be able to do it.,

!sU;sG]Et.KG]:hQt];yU,kUv];kL:@[mI;tI:pgc],wL:!kw]Am],sac]:hQt];eSL;rI;AL;nL,}nn].'{' =“I

wish I could do it” means: I can’t do it. I am sorry,

sU;sG]pUin]:'[pUin]:sG].pUin];wL:Sc]ekL:sgm];hQt];pn]tik];tik];{' = Follow a person’s wishes,

sU;tac];Kan].'(etl}:hQt];huiw]Em;AkYac].An]sU;tac];Kan].nL,nn].)' = Being so freaking lazy: Ho

to stop being so freaking lazy,

sU;Aw]tac];mw]eS'Am],Aw]SG],sG]'siUw]:liUw]:slL:'Am],SU,Am],sG];'lUm]lam]mw]mac]' =

Unstudied, adj., careless, adj., carelessly, adv.,

sU.'].'[maw],Saw]hk].kn]p},Aw]kn]{' = Sweetheart, either of a pair of lovers in relation to the other, boy/girl

friend,],' = Former boyfriend or girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend,

estqt]:'[tI:lqn]lin]pL,lqt].Stin];pgt];hgc],{(TUin],34;8') = Zedad, the northern boundary of Palestine,


Zenan, a city of Judah in the Lachish. It may be the same place as Zaanan (Mic. 1:11),

esPUw];'[luk]:sa};TUn]Sam]EA,lifL.'esPa};'{(cw]:36;11') = Zepho, the third son of Eliphaz, Zephi,


48;2'SL,48;2'){= Zaphon,[a city situated east of the Jordan River, in the territory of Gad (Josh. 13:27; Judg. 12:1; Num.

48:2-15;Ps. 48:2,]


Zemaraim, a city in the territory of Benjamin,

esr'[wQc];mI;hUw].lgm].An]mI;tI:Pc],Pa},tUk];nm].pac],la},Ek;lI,lI;'{(eyL;19;35') = Zer, a walled city west of

the Sea of Galilee,

esrL,'[pU,mgn],na};yL,Kun]ehLKm];eSL;l'{(1Sqm];9;1') = Zeror, an ancestor of king Saul,

esrqt].'[hUv]:esrqt].'{(TUin],21;12')' = Zered, Zered Valley,

esrqt].SL,hL,'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];rupqn]<'{(eyL;13;19')= Zereth Shahar, a town in the territory of Reuben,


= Zeruiah, a sister, or perhaps half sister, of David (1 Chr. 2:6). Her three sons – Abishai, Joab, and Asahel – were

commanders in David’s army,

esruA'[Em:eyrUw];pUm]<Kun]ehLKm];mUic];ehLKm];AiSer;pgt].hgc],nn].mn];nac];pQn]em;nI;pt]<'(1Kun]11;6'){' =

Zeruah, the mother of Jeroboam, the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel, and wife of Nebat (1 Kin. 11:6),

esErrL,'[wQc];nG];hUv]:nm].hgc]:eyL;tan],{(Sin]7;22') = Zererah, a town in the Jordan River valley,


Zelzah, a place in the territory of Benjamin, near Rachel’s tomb,

es,Ku'[tI:Kun]ehLKm];eSL;lhgt]:Pqw]kGL,mUiw]:mn];luip]:lm];sgm];hLet;wit].nn].'{(1Sqm];19;22') = Seku,

Sechu, Secu, a place where King Saul arrived in pursuit of David,

es,tnL,'sG]es,tnL,' es,tnL,lI' mqt].tL,' = Kind, kindness, kind heart,

es,tnL,sUim]:' mI;kac]sG]KG]:sg}:' = Willing to help,

es,tnL,sg}:Tqm]' = Charitable, generous in donations or gifts to relieve the need of indigent or helpless persons,

es,tnL,sg}:Tqm]' = Charity, generous in donations or gifts to relieve the need of indigent or helpless persons,

es,tnL,sg}:Tqm]'(mn];nac];ygn];hQt];kan]AUiw];Am],sG]:An]es,tnL,sg}:Tqm]nn].)' = Charity: She

asked for work not charity,

es,tnL,sg}:Tqm]'(sum];)' = Charity, a charitable fun, foundation or institution,

es,tnL,lIetL,' w}./mI;sG]es,tnL,lIetL,' = Be kind,

es,tnL,lIyiun]:yiun]:mqc],mqc],' = Give generously,

es,pul'[Kun]tG]:ApI;mlqk].Aup].wQc];SYqk];Kqm],'{(Sin]9;28') = Zebul, the ruler of Shechem under Abimelech,

es,Pn};y' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-es,'){ = Zephaniah, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Zeph.)],

es,Pt].'[wQc];KL,nn],mI;nG];mUic];yutpgt];san];{(Sin]1;17') = Zephath, a Canaanite city in southern Judah,

es,Pun],'[nG];luk]:sa};kqt]<sQt];ekL.nn].ekL.nuic]:'{(cw]:46;16')' = Zephon, one seven sons of Gad,

es,rupep,l'[luk]:sa};SI;ATil{ = Zerubbabel,[ a leader of Jew after Babylon,(Ezra 2:1)]

es,lL,'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]suic]:mUic];pqn]<yL,min],'{(eyL;18;28') = Zelah, a town in the territory of Benjamin,

es:' es:lik]:Piun]la};' = Paper, papers,

es:Km];' = Gold paper, gilded paper,


tUik]:/PLsL.kGL,{(PLes:Kqp];pqn]:'tUik]:es:Kqp];')' = Cardboard, N. stiff pasteboard used for signs, boxes, etc.:

Cardboard box or pasteboard box; cardboard walls, cardboard, adj., pasteboard, N.,

es:Kgc],' (Piun]eKL:fac].Stilgc]:PL:pqt]:) = Pink Slip, -Notice of dismissal,

es:ciun];' = Silver paper, silvered paper,

es:Sa};'[es:Kqc]Kqc]Aw]Sa};tL;mam],w}.Tap]:nuic]:tL,Aw]sG].tuiw];tI:pgt]:hG]:eKYL;hG]:lUim]{ = Sandpaper, N.,

es:sQt].'[es:Tit].SYO;sL.nLtL,Aw]sQt].muiw];sQt].PUin]sQn].mUin]PL:sQt].{' = Paper towel, N.,

es:sQt].kUn]:' = Toilet tissue N. toilet paper,

es:sQt].nL:'[es:AUn]:nUn];lIsG].yw].pqt]:pun]:tL,sQt].nL:mUin]Pqn],sQt].nL:'{' = Facial tissue N.

hygienic tissue paper; paper handkerchiefs; napkins,



yLsUiw];n}.{'es:t};' = Tai paper, Tai original invention of white paper,


hQt];hqc]:w}.pQn]Puin]tL,tqm]:lik]:nUiw]mn];nn].'{' = Parchment, N. the skin of sheep, goats, etc., prepared for use as

a material on which to write,

es:tqm]:lik]:'[Kqp];/es:/pqn]:tqm]:{' = Writing paper, writing pad,

es:tqm]:'Kqp];tqm]:'pqn]:tqm]:'[mQw];pQn]Kqp];pQn]mac]tL,tqm]:ma}nUiw]mn];{' = Writing pad,

es:tqm]:lik]:' = Stationery, N. Writing paper,

es:tgn]:'es<tgn]:'(miUw]:kU:pgk]:n}.hgc].sgm];Pa},man]:wL:-Krqc],'etd) = Region, district, province

es:tgn]:' sUc]<' = Zone, region,

es:tgn]:Kuik].tgn];pa};mak]:mI;'(pk];pUic]es:tgn]:Kuik].tgn];pa};mak]:mI;) = Special Economic Zone:

special economic zone law,

es:tgn]:Sn]lg}' = Hilly region,

es:tgn]:kL.kU;kn]lgt]:lqw];' = Free Trade Zone,

es:tgn]:tL,tiuk];mc]ep.' Es:tgn]:tL,kuit];yuit];' = Combat zone,

es:tgn]:lm]'[nL:tI:An]lUc]pgc]suic]:Am],kum];km]l}:nn].(km]:nm]mI;nG];mUic];hUm]:tum]mUic];man]:){ = Black

zone, N. the area which is beyond government control, especially the Union of Burma,


pUn].Pc],eyL;tan],'{ = Transjordan region, Transjordan plateau; Transjordan tribes,

es:tgn]:hQt];kan]' = Work Zones,

es:tgn]:Agk],Km];' = Gold-bearing districts,

es:tgn]:Agn],AL,SYL.' = Asia Minor,

es:Tit].SYO;'[es:mac]mac]sac]:Aw]ehL,/Tap]:nUiw]lik]:/puc],hac]:eSkU;tqk]:sgm];l}:{ = Tissue paper, N.,

es:Tgc]'Pqn],Tgc]'(es:/Pqn]Tgc]lUm];'Tgc]nm].mn];'Tgc]nm].')' = Filter, (air filter, oil filter, water filter),


nn]tuim];hUin];lG]sUiw];n}.{' = Wallpaper, N. paper, fabric, foil, vinyl material, etc. used as a wall or ceiling covering,

es:pqt]:' = Wastepaper, N. paper thrown away as useless,

es:fg};'[KUw];Kgc]lQk];An]hQt];pQn]Kqp];mac]wL:mac]epL;mUiw]es:w}.{(es:fg};KGc])' = Foil, N. metal in the form of a very

thin sheets: aluminum foil,

es:mUic];An]mI;kUn];yU,eA,Sut];' = Least populous State,

es:lit].mt].S]' = Litmus paper,

es:wQc]; = Township, City,

es:An]Aw]pin],pQn]Km];l}:'(tqk]:" cuin];es:') = Gold-convertible paper instruments,

es;' kUn];es;' (kUn];hw];es;yw].En,) = Everybody present,(Is everybody present?)

es;' es;kUn];kU:ekL.' l}:nc],kn]kU:ekL.'es.' = No one left behind, everyone has their share,

es;' tQc],' mqk],' hap],' tiw]:' pL;' etL.' = Carry,

es;' = Piggyback carry, carry piggyback,

es;kUn];' es:kn]kU:ekL.' l}:nc],kn]kU:ekL.' = Everyone has their share,

es;sQm],'(KUw];Kgc]-'Agc]:tI:-')' Kam],es;sQm],mn];' = Luxury, enjoyment,

es;es,'[Kqp];tgc];Sam]sQc],/mUn];tg},Agk],SQc]mUin]mgc];{' = Triangular or circular falt brass gong,

es;es;'es;kUn];'es;muiw];']mUt];'(KUic]:yip];tac];tuiw];es.muiw];w}.yw].')' = Thoroughly,

adv., no one left behind: thoroughly equipped, thorough, adj.,

es;es;sgt],sgt],'sgt],sqt],mUt];' = Pervasively, adv. spread throughout, pervasive, adj.,

es;sgt],' = Throughout, at every moment or point,

es;sgt],kU:Kic],kU:KL,' = Throughout all time,

es;sgt],mUt];'tc];mBt];lbm];lbm];'tc];SQc]:tc];mUt];' = Entirely,thoroughly, being wholly,


c];es:miUc];Ek,lI,fUw];niyeSlUc];kGac];kGL,mUiw];wn];Ti21lUin]Sqp].tim],pUiw],pI<2012nn].)' = Piggy-backing

on,(US space shuttle iggy-backing on a modified Boeing 747flew past the California state capitol and landed on 21 September


es;mUt];' = Every inch, from A to Z,


;3')'suiw]:kUn];sa};sQt];ekL.nG];Tm],mkYam];kw],{ = Zerah, the name of seven men in the Old Testament,

es;rL.' [luk]:sa};yut{ = Zerah, Zara, [a son of Judah,(Mt 1;2)],

es;rit].' = Zeresh, [Esther 5:10],

es;er;' kUn];tqm]wgk];' kUn];tqm]:kGam];lc],' = Poet, N. ,

es;lIlI'kum],lIlI'(lgc]:tac];ygn].mn];mI;kum],lIlI)(hG]:epL;es;lIlI)' = Adequate, adj.(Law).reasonably

sufficient for starting legal action: adequate grounds, adequately, adv.: more adequately,

es.' es.kU:mQw];' es;' es;kUn];' = Nothing left out, no one left behind, complete,

es.'(SUmI;KiUc]:yip];tc];tuiw];es.miuw];w}.yw].') = Have nothing want, complete, full,

es.' es;' es;kUn];kU:ekL.' l}:nc],kn]kU:ekL.' = No one left behind,]:ciun];tgc];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Financing,]:ciun];tgc];sUw]:Kaw];' = Interim Financing]:ciun];tgc];Tqm]lgk];hac],' = Gap Financing,]:ciun];tgc];pun]:kUn];Kat]:yim]' = Leasehold Financing

es.muiw];'es;kUn];'es;muiw];']mUt];'es;es;'(KUic]:yip];tac];tuiw];es.muiw];w}.yw].')' =

Thoroughly, adv., no one left behind: thoroughly equipped, thorough, adj.,

Es'[Aum]lUc]'Aum]yG],Aum],lUc]tL,SG],tL,Es:eSmQw];mQw];w}.l}:Kaw];huic]nn].'{ = Large jar,

Es:'Es:nm].'es:nm].'sup].nm].'sum],nm].'mL,' = Soak, soaked, soaking,


)(mL,Kw]:nQw]yw].sc],nuic]:)' = Steep, to soak in water as to soften, cleanse, or extract some constituent; saturate : to

steep tea in boiling-hot water; to steep sticky rice in cold water before steaming, steeped, steeping,

Es:Kw]:nQw]'mL,Kw]:'(mLKw]:w}.hUw]Km]:eSluk].nuic]:yam];nL:mUic];sm]lqc];')' = Steep sticky rice in cold

water before steaming,

Es:KL;'[KL;hqc]:Es:nm].hac];hqc];tL,P};KL;{' = Soak that grass to prepare for weaving that,

Es:nm].kUiw]'[sam];tUv;{(sam];tUv];lIlI)' = Soak in brine, be salted,

Es:nm].ym];epL.eyL.'(yum]mak],yum]h}Es:nm].ym];epL.eyL.')'ym];epL.eyL.' = Saturate, to

soak or impregnate thoroughly: to saturate a sponge with water, saturated, saturating,

Es;rL,'[lan]yic];yL,kup]:pQn]lan]Pa},silPL.'{(cw]:46;17')' = Serah, a granddaughter of Jacob by Zilpah,

Es;rit]:'[luk]:sa};sqp].pYOln],'pQn]]:kUn];KUiw];Es;rit]:Kw]'{(cw]:46;14')' = Sered, a son of Zebulun,

Es.'(Kit],-/sm]:-/tL;-/ygt],-)'lQt];pa},pqt],'pt];pa},pqt]:' = Dab, N.,


c]mac]/Am],ygt],SG],nm]{' = Dab, to apply (a substance) by light strokes, dabbed, dabbing,

s}yn}.' = Cyanide,

s}yn}.Km];'(KUic]:Kqm];mit].Ek,l]pL;Km];)[sG].tI:la};Aw]f};fL.tiAw]Km];'{ = Gold cyanide,

s}<eAL,'[wQc];nG];mUiw];lg}yut'mI;sm]hI;prun],'{(eyL;15;54') = Zior, a city in the hill country of Judah, near Hebron,

s}<Agn]<'(lg})[lg}An]wQc];ey,ruSlqm],Et,w}.niUw]mn];{ = Zion, -The hill on which city of Jerusalem stands,

sa},'[tUm]:/huc]/esL;enL,hG]:epL;pUv],hG]:Aa}Kiun],enL,mgc]SUm]:Am],mI;nn].{'sa},lI' = Properly cooked,

sa},'sa},srip]:'sa},ciun];sa},' = Expend, to use up, expended, expending,

sa},' sG].sa},' yip];sG].tuiw];'(emLsa},ciun];lqt];lqt];)' = Spend, spent, spending, (spend wise),

sa},kL:mn];' EK,kL:mn];' pn]kL:mn];' = Payment, pay, pay money or bill,

sa},kL:mn];' Aw]kL:mn];'(mG];etAw]kL:hqc];mG];kL:hiuw]?kw]l}:sa},kL:mn];Sgc]km];AiUw]:n}.') = Charge: How

much do you charge for you service? They charged me twice, charged, charging,

sa},ciun];pUv],'sa},pUv],'(luk]:sa};},ciun];pUv],') = Prodigal, wastefully extravagant, (prodigal son, )

sa},cuin];epL;tan],nm].' = Spending money like water,



L:mn];l}:nn].{' = Cash business, a business that runs primarily on cash transaction,

sa},Tw]:'[lat]:/hQt];Am],lqp]:pan]kUn];Tw]:{' = Boorish, adj. of or like a boor; unmannered; crude; insensitive,


emLAa}kUn];eSAit];)' = Boor, N. a churlish, rude, or unmannerly especially an old person,



n].etAm],sa},pn]tL,mG];mUt];"{ = Balance Billing, when a provider bills you for the difference between the

provider’s charge and the allowed amount,

sa},pn]mG]kQp];ciun];mG];' pn]kL:mG];ciun];mG];' EK,kL:mn];' = Pay your bills,

sa},pBv],sgm];lBm];Tat];sG]' = Emotional spending,

sa},Pqt];Pqw],pqt]:'sa},Pqt];Pqw],pqt]:sgm];/mUt];'= Spent money recklessly,


nuic]:kUv];Suiw].kin]Aim],pQn]tL,yw].')' = Buy many things with a little money,

sa},mG]kQp];ciun];'(mG];etl}:sa},mG]kQp];ciun];nn].')' = Bill, billed, billing, (You will be billed.),

sa},mG]kQp];ciun];'(An]-')' = Billing,

sa},lUc]kin]lUc]'sa},lUc]' = Profuse in buying, big spender,

sa};'(PUn]sa};')'wa};'wa};liun];mn];'An]luin];nn].' = Latter, adj. : latter rain, the latter,

sa};'/yic];'(kUn];-'ekL.-'PU:/Em:-') = Man,/woman, boy/girl,

sa};'/yic];' PU:/Em:' epL:/Em:' = Male,/female,

sa};'An]epL:/PU:'tUw]epL:/PU:'(kUn];sa};'k},PU:'mL.epL:')'(Kt];-yic];'tUw]Em:')'= Male,(ant: female),

sa};'sa};sa};'sa};Agn],'Agn],Ait];AU:' = Nickname for baby boys,

sa};kBn];sibc]:miBc];' = Male citizen


n]lgt]:lqw];)' = Freedman, N. a man who has been freed from slavery: freedman of the Lord; Lord’s freeman,

sa};kUn];JPL;'[sw]:ey,SuKrit]:{(sa};kUn];JPL;mI;w}.eKLeKLekL.n}.)' = God-man, N. Jesus Christ: this

unique God-man,

sa};kUn];lgt]:lqw];'(nUic];-yic];kUn];lgt]:lqw];') = Free man, (compare “free woman”),

sa};ekL.k}.El,Tuc].pac],wan]:ngk]:' = Man of the open country,

sa};]:sG]kUt].em;pUin]:' = Adulterer,

sa};ekL.nm].mn];ln]' = Man has an unusual bodily discharge, man with a discharge or running issue,


t].w}:SL/eKL:sI.Sc],'{(pa};la};sgm];pUic]AU:hw];' la};PU:sa};kgn];cw]:KUiw];hUin];) = Patriarchal, adj. of or pertaining

to a patriarch, the male head of a family, tribe, community, church, order, etc: my father’s conservative, patriarchal ways,


KUiw];hUin];Aup].pUic]Pgm];cm];{ = Patriarchalism, N. a philosophy, form, or system of patriarchal government,

sa};KL;'sa};KL:hUin];' = Eave of a thatched roof,

sa};KL;hUin];'[muc];hUin];An]pqn]ygn],lUc];tG]:w}.{'sa};KL;'= Eave, N. the overhanging lower edge of a roof, eaves,

sa};cw]:KUiw];hUin];'[PU:sa};ekL.Agn]hUw]nL:hUin];/sUiw].KUiw];{ = Patriarch, N. the male head of family or tribal line,


An]hqm]kn]Pn];kn]yuiw];sL.sUiw];n}.nn].{' = “Tough Guy Actor”, tough guy film actor,

sa};cam];cw];tBc].' kUn];kL:Sqc];' kUn];kL:sat]:' = Actor,

sa};sgm];hUiw];min]'[sa};ekL.hp].Kam],Kqk],nUiw]hUiw];min]'{ = Steward, N. a man flight attendant; air host; cabin crew,

sa};PU:Agn]hUw]kUn];wQc];' = Leading men of the city, the chief men of the city,

sa};El:yic];ekL.emLsgm];JPL;' = Godly man and woman, the godly,


AUiw];pL:wL:'Aa}:AUiw];kw]wL:mG];Am],Tgm],)' = Boy, Interjection. Also oh, boy,

sa};Agn],'sa};num],'luk]:Agn],sa};'[luk]:Agn],pQn]kUn];sa};ekL.p},yG],TUn]:Tuic]18KUp],'{ = Boy, N.,

sa};Agn],'/yic];Agn],'sa};num],/yic];num],' = Boy,/ girl,

sa};Agn],lQc].SBw];' = Shepherd Boy,

sa}.' wn];sa}.' wa};wn];' yam];wa};kac]wn];tQc]:' = Afternoon,

sa}.' Pa}.' Am],pQc];' Am],PQc],'Am],Siuw]:' = Different degree, different angle, sideways,

sa}.'sUin];'[pUic]:Tqw]mn];/sQc],mn];kGL,tac],tac];pqt]:nn].{' = Slant, to veer or angle away, slanted, slanting,

sa}.tL,tUv];' = Sideways look, glance at suspiciously, look sideways at,

esL:'nam]esL:'[nam]lqm]wit];wit];pQn]mU,w}.sgm];kn]{'(nam]epL;esL:lUc]w}.)' = Group of thorns,

esL;'niuc]:esL;'(Kw]:Sn]1esL;=10tc]/11tc]=mgk]:1400kgk];) = Zau,(1Zau =10 or 11tungs= about 1400cups)

esL;' nap]:' esL;Pk];KQw]'nap]:Kw]:/nUiw].' = Stew, to cook (food) by simmering or slow boiling,



pic]:esL;enL,'nUiw].k},esL;enL,'Pk];kut],esL;'Pk];nam]esL;'Pk].mn]esL;')' = Stew or cook food with

sweet and sour soup by simmering or slow boiling,


v]lin]Agk],Kut];h]G:pQn]luk];pQn]hU;tL,pk];Sw]hiUn];lG]lk];hUw].lG]sUiw];nn].{' = Narrow shovel, N.,

esL;cgc];'[KUic]:lQk];Agn],tL,Kut];/SUk],lin]Puk],mgk],Puk],Pk];nG];SUn]{' = Garden trowel,

esL;ti'[kUic];sUiw];kUn];sgm];wL,tpa};SL,SnL,cw]:cL,put].T{' = Buddhist fundamentalist,

esL;Pqp].lUc]'[lQk];Pqp].pQn]hgc]:pYL;yG],eSesL;tL,esL.KUv]lin]pqt]:!ekL,pYL;@n}ekL:wL:{ = Shovel, N.,

esL.'(Aw]esL;Pqp].lUc]esL.Tan],hin])'esL.SUk],Aw]' = Shovel: to shovel coal, shoveled, shoveling,

esL.' kak],' = Spoon,

esL.'(nm].mn];1esL.=15mI,lI,lI<tL<=3esL.kL,fI,) = Tablespoon, (liquid 1tbsp=0.5oz=15ml=3tsp)

esL.nm].nQc]:'(nm].mn];1esL.=0.166Agc]<s=5mI,lI,lI<tL<) = Teaspoon, (liquid 1tsp=0.166oz=5ml)

esL.kin]' esL.Aw]' = To eat with or transfer in a spoon,

esL.cqm]:'lqm]:lQk];cqm]:'(esL.cqm]:tc];esL.'(esL.Sam]cqm]:') = Fork, N.: fork and spoon: three-pronged fork,

esL.Sam]cqm]:'[esL.cqm]:mI;Sik]:Sam]Sik]:'{(1Sqm];2;13') = Three-pronged fork,

esL.SUk],' Pac]SUk],' SUk],' (esL.SUk],Tan],hin])' = Scoop, (coal scoop),


,/nQk];sp];An]emLekL,Sac]:Kw]kUn];hQt];SUn]Kw]yip];tuiw];nn].{' = Trowel, N.,

esL.pYL;lUc]'kak],Pqp].'[esL./kak],kan];yaw];pa}Pqp].pYL;yip];KUt].Pk];KUw]:'esL.ePL,AI:yL'{ = Spatula, N.,

esL.lUc]'kak],'[esL.mI;kan];yaw];tL,kgn]./tk];Pk];Am],nn]nm].Pk];{ = Ladle, N.,

esL.lUc]tk];'kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].'Aw]kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].' = Ladle, ladled, ladling,

esL.Aw]' kgn].Aw]' wgk].Aw]' = Spoon, spooning,

sibk];'suik];Suiw].'Suiw].suik];'suik];Aw]' = Buy on credit, pay by credit card,


w]:puic];mn];nn].{(Kw]tqp];tt];etsuik];Suiw].kL;)' = Credit, N. a method of paying for goods or services at a later

time, usually paying interest as well as the original money: They decided to buy car on credit,

suik];pn]'pn]suik];'Ka}suik];' (nUic];-suik];Suiw].') = Sell on credit, (compares ‘buy on credit’)

suic]'epL;pQn]/wL:n}/nn]suic]' = Connecting word used in cause and effect sentences,

suic]pQn]nc],n}'suic]sac]:/ep.pQn]n}/nn]' = Why is this so? Why is that so? Why is it so?


;Pa},tp].Suik];/tp].nm]./plip]:/sum];EKf};'{(kan]kQw],lgc]:suic]:kUn];) = Civilian, N. adj. civil: civilian affairs,

suic]:Km];sw]:TL,wrL.(mUic];-)'(!...mUic];ehLKm];sw]:n}.pQn]mUic];suic]:Km];sw]:Puc]fL.TL,rL."@)' = Eternal

kingdom: “His kingdom is an eternal kingdom;..”(Daniel 4:3,NIV),

siuc]:Kgm];mgn];miUc];lgt]:lqw];hUm]:tum]' = Commonwealth, a group of sovereign states,

sbic]:miBc];' wan]:miUc];' man]:miUc];'suic]:' = State, nation, country,

suic]:mUic];' wan]:mUic];' man]:mUic];' = Nation, country with its own government, state, kingdom,

siuc]:miUc];tI:yU,sw]:kw],' mUic];tI:yU,sw]:kw],' = Country of their own, own country,

suic]:mUic];pt];puin].'pt].puin].sgt],tUw]:suic]:mUic];' = Whole country,

suic]:mUic];mac]mUic];etAm],pn]KGac].l}:pQn]kUn];suic]:mUic];Sgc]mUic];' = Some countries won’t

allow dual citizenship,

sbic]:miBc];miBc];ngk]:' = Foreign State,

suic]:mUic];lQw]kn]tG]:JPL;sw]:' = One Nation Under God,

sbic];'[m}:lg};lg};'f};sp];suic];w}.'{'f};siuc];kqp],'(f};suic];kqp],m}:lg};lg};)' = Burn slowly,: husk burnt slowly,

suit],sat],'[Am],kYOik]:eSlL:lIhQt];kGL,{'hQt];suit],sat],' = Dislike, disliked, disliking,

suit]:suit]:'Kiun]:/mUv]:suit]:suit]:'[sQp];epL;Am],Tat],nn].{'(tgc].mUv]:suit]:suit]:')' = Non-stop

pain: non-stop stomach pain,

sibn],Kgn]:hqc];Kqc]' suin],tUw]Kgn]:hqc];' = Energetic, adj.,


nL,)' = Spasmodic, adj. characterized by spasms or burst of excitement; resembling spasms; sudden but brief sporadic:

spasmodic contraction of the muscles,

suin],Kgn]:hqc];pUn].' = Spasm, N. any sudden, brief spell or great energy, activity, feeling, etc.,



t]:f};nn].'(tUv];kYam];Kun]Tt];Sin]16')= Snap, to act or move with quick or abrupt motions of the body: Samson

snapped, or broke the bowstrings as easily as a piece of string snaps when it comes close to a fame, snapped; snapping,

suin],hqc];' = Press, pressed, pressing,

suin],hqc];Kt];sG]Et.Et.wL:' = Strain, to make violent physical efforts, strive hard,

sibn],hqc];tibc]:Kibn]:nL: = Press on, press forward,

suin],hqc];tuic]:Kiun]:nL;sU;tI:yUic];ma}'(Pi3;14') = Press on toward the goal,

suin],hqc];lt]:Kw]:kGL,sU;tac];Agc],ep.' = Press through to victory,

suin],hqm]'(km]tLmuiw];kqn],kqn],Tup].SG],w};w};hqc];hqc];) = Jab, to punch quick blow, to poke, thrust abruptly or sharply,

siun],hqm]Sgn].'(miuw];Kgn]Sa}./KGLKgn]lQw]suin]hqm]Sgc]km];Tp];kn]')'Sgn].Sgc]' = Double jab,

siun]:sac],mUt];SG]' = Sanctify, [bless, anoint,] to make holy,

suin]:Kqn];lI' = Heal, free from ailment or evil; cleanse; to effect a cure; cured, healed, healing,

sibn]:Kqn];lImL;' lIKiun]:Kiun];mL;' = Get batter,

sibn]:Kqn];lImL;' l}:lIl}:pQn]' = Get well,

suin]:Kqn];lImL;w}.mG],mG],' = Newly-healed,

siun]:Kqn];lIyw].' l}:sibn]:Kqn];lI' Kqn];yw].' = Healed, recovered from illness, get well,


m];wUv],')= Fresh, adj. pure, cool, or refreshing, as air: fresh air or wind; clean air, (compare ‘air pollutants’)

sibn]:sac],' = Genuine,

sibn]:sac],Sibw]:yBw];lI' = Genuine, pure and honest,

sibn]:sac],mBt];SG]'sibn]:sac],pac],SG]'sibn]:sac],' = Pure, adj. free from extraneous matter,

siun]:sac],mUt];SG]' lac].hG]:mUt];SG]'= Sanctify, to make holy, to purify, sanctified, sanctifying,

sibn]:sac],mBt];SG]'suin]:sac],'hQt];hG]:suin]:sac],mUt];SG]' = Purify, purified, purifying,

suin]:sac],mUt];sG]' sibn]:sac],' (lgc]:-) = Purification, N., sanctity,

suin]:suin]:sac],sac],' mac]yqm],yqm],' = Sheer, transparently thin;,


n]tI:yQn]sG]yQn]eKL;lI')' = Serene, adj. tranquil; clear: serene weather; a serene landscape, serenity, N.,

sibn]:lI'Sac];lac];'Sac];lac];lI'pac],lI'SG]lI'suin]:SG]' = Clear, adj., clearer, clearest,

sibn]Kqn];lIyw].'siun]:Kqn];Kiun];'erL;kL,ha}'Kqn];yw].' = Cured, heald,

suin];'(Pb)' = Lead, Chemistry. a heavy, comparatively soft, malleable, bluish-gray metal, sometimes found in its

natural state but usually combined as a sulfide, especially in galena. Symbol: Pb; atomic weight: 207.19; atomic number: 82;

specific gravity: 11.34 at 20°C.,

sibm];Kw]:' = Sink in; to be diffused through,

suim];Kw]:'hUiw]:Tgc],Kw]:'(Sa}hUiw]:lqc];lqt],hUiw]:Tgc],Kw]:nG];luk];mL;)' = Permeate, to pass into; pervade; saturate:

Bright sunshine permeated the room, permeated, permeating,

suim];Kw]:l}:'hUiw]:Tgc],Kw]:l}:'(nm].suim];Kw]:l}:'lqt]/lqc];hUiw]:Tgc],Kw]:l}:') = Permeable, adj.

capable of being permeated,

sibm];sim]Kw]:'[lgm]lt];Pan],Kw]:kGL,lg};lg};tL,ettuik];'{ = Infiltrate, infiltrated, infiltrating,

suim];sim]Kw]:'(An]l}:Kam],-)' = Infiltration, (Military) N.,

sibm];sim]Kw]:'(ekL.-) = Infiltrator, N.,

sium];yiuc]:w}.'(nm].tLmn];sa};/nac];sium];yiuc]:hUv],)' = Well up: tears well up in his/her eyes,

suim];Agk],' = Diffuse, to pour out and spread, as a fluid, diffused, diffusing,

sibm];Agk],' = Transude, transuded, transuding,

sium];Agk],lg};lg};'suim].'mut];Agk],'Piw],' = Ooze, oozed, oozing, oozing through,

suim].' sium];Agk],' = Percolate, ooze; leach; filter; seep, percolated, percolating,

sibm].'(lUit]:suim].Agk],mL;tI:Pqn],pUk].sQp];nn].)' = Ooze through: Blood oozed through the bandage,

sibm].sibm];Kw]:' = Sink down into,

suim].suim];Kw]:nG];mak],hUw]sG]Kw]w}.luik].liuk].' = Get down on the inside of their hearts,


PU:lk].w}.yw].)' = Name:“ to name a baby”; They named her speedy.”“He was named as a thief.”, named, naming,

suiw]:'[suiw]:kUn];/Agc]:tI:/KUic]:pUic]eSmQw];mQw];'{(tL,Eh.kc]:suiw]:lImn];) = Name, N.: to protect one’s good name,

suiw]:'suiw]:sG]:'sG]:'Et.'mqn]:' = Right, adj., true, adj., real, adj., authentic, adj., correct, adj.,

suiw]:KUic]:Sgc],f};' = Kitchen parts names,

suiw]:KUiw];hUin];'[suiw]:KUiw];hUin];An]Kw]sUiw];kUn];nL:hUin];ey;sum];nuic]:Suip],lam];tam];put]:tac],pn]kn]'{= Family

name, N. the hereditary surname of a family, last name, surname,

suiw]:tac],'[suiw]:An]tac],pn]pL:nL:suiw]:KUiw];hUin];{= First name, N. given name,


An]tac],pn]sgm];Tqc]:tUw]Sgc]Am],nn]ekL:suiw]:KUiw];hUin];Pa},Em:'{ = Middle name, N. the part of a person’s

name occurring between the first and family names, as a second given name or a maternal surname,

sibw]:sn].' siuw]:sn].piBc],' = Title, a distinctive appellation,

sibw]:sG]:Sac],Tbk],' = Decently, adv., decent, adj., decency, N.,

sibw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,'sibw]:sG]:'Sibw]:etL,'sG]:'man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,' = Righteous, right,

sibw]:sG]:mqn]];(kUn];-'ekL.-')' = Right people, right persons,

suiw]:SQc]yG],'(kUn];ehL;JtL;suiw]:SQc]yG],)' = Popular, adj.: a popular preacher,

suiw]:Et.'suiw]:Et.Et.' = Real name, N. formal title or name,

suiw]:Et.sG]:Et.' libm];sG]l}:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Certainty, N.,

suiw]:nw]:luiw];'(kUn];tUk];Tgc],ekL.suiw]:nw]:luiw];)' = Notorious, adj.: a notorious prisoner,

suiw]:pUic],lgk];lin]' = Title for the land, land title,

siuw]:Piun]lik]:' hUw]eKL:'siuw]:pp].' = Title,

suiw]:yG],' sibw]:luiw];' = Famous, adj., famed, adj.,

siuw]:yG],liuw];lc]' = Outstanding, eminent, prominent,

sibw]:yG],libw];hBc]' Stac];lc]k}' suiw]:yG],'Stac];hUc]' = Famous, adj., fame, N.,

suiw]:yG],luiw];hUc]' kUn];tc];nm]];wL:pQn]' = Well-known, was known as,


;lIhk].nn].lUv]:An]mI;sG]mqt].tL/An]lIKG]:KUw]/An]muit]:nL:muit]:tLlIw}.nn].{' = Nickname, N. a name

added to or substituted for the proper of a person, place, etc., as in affection, ridicule, or familiarity,




:@skGL,sUiw];n}.'(An]Am],sG]:suiw]:Et.nn].){= Nickname, N. as Jim for James and Peg for Margaret, informal name,

suiw]:lU.'[suiw]:Am],lI/suiw]:nw]:{'suiw]:lu' = Bad name, have a bad name,

sibw]:luiw];' hQt];hG]:suiw]:luiw];' = Fame, famed, faming, fame, N.,

suiw]:luiw];lc]'[hUc]hac];luiw];lc]{(PU:Agn]hUw]suiw]:luiw];lc]'(An]suiw]:luiw];lc]Pa},kan]mUic];') = Illustrious,

adj. renowned; famous: an illustrious leader; illustrious career in politics,

suiw].'[AUn]:eSym];nm].w}.{(lin]suiw].suiw].w}.) = Marshy, adj. soft and wet: marshy land, marshier,


f};'yuit];Puin];f};')' = Keep firewood together so that fire will not be put off,

sUik]:' = Rope, cable, cord,

sUik]:' Sa}sUik]:' (sUik]:lQk];StI;l]{ = Cable, rope: steel cable,


w];mQw];{' = Rein, N. straps or thongs as checkrein,


kGL,{ = Reef, N. a part of a sail that is rolled and tied down to reduce the area exposed to the wind,

siUk]:KQc]:' = Taut rope, tense rope, stretched rope, tightrope,

sUik]:suc]'[sUik]:suc]wUw];/kGa};/suc]mL'sUik]:mt].k},'{' = Leash, N. a chain or strap for controlling or leading animals,

sUik]:Sam]kiw]n}.Am],sQw];Kat],' = A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.(Eccl.4:12)

sUik]:Sa}'siUk]:Sa}Pn]:hgm];'(sUik]:Sa}tac];ta}nn].kgc].sp];kw]w}.(SL,18;2') = Cords, N.: the cords of death,

sUik]:hut].mt].'[tUc],sUik]:mI;pL;hU;hUSgt],eSEl:eTL,kGL,mL;/tuit].hut]:l}:'{' = Slipknot, N. running knot,

sUic].pUin]:' = As someone else,

siUk]:SQn]:lQk].'Sa}'[siUk]:Sa}m}lqc]km],{ = Cord, [scarlet cord],(Jos 2:18)

siUk]:Sa}Pn]:hgm];' Sa}:f};' = Cords,

sUik]:tqk]:'Tqw]tqk]:'[m}.tqk]:'m}.Tt];'{ = Measuring line or tape, measuring rod, stick, or pole,

sUik]:tgc];'Sa}tgc];'[sUik]:/Sa}An]Aw]tgc];hQt];w}.'{' = Bronze cord, bronze rope,

sUik]:pan],'[Aw]nc]tUn]:pan],Pn]:hQt];w}.'{ = Hemp cord, hemp rope, flax rope,

sUik]:pan],Sa}kac],'[sUik]:/nc]pan],tL,Pn]:Sa}kac],/kac],kgn]'{ = Bowstring hemp, N.,

sUuik]:pan],hum];Kqm]:'[sUik]:/m}Aw]nc]pan],Pn]:w}.n}.vL;f};hup],Kqm]:epL;KG]:m}:'{(Sin]15;14')= Charred flax,

sUik]:epL'[Aw]nc]tUn]:epLPn]:hQt];w}.{' = Jute rope,

sUik]:Pc].' = Tattered rope or cord,

sUik]:Pqp].tqk]:' = Measure tape,

siUk]:Pqt];' = Braided rope,


w];mQw];{' = Rein, N. straps or thongs as checkrein,

siUk]:Pqp].' ma}Pqp].' tiUk],Pqp].' = Tape,

siUk]:Pqp].lqc]' ma}Pqp].lqc]' = Red Tape,

sUik]:mQt];'[sUik]:/Sa}An]mt].mak]:mQt];mQt];pL{' = Fish line, N., fishing string, fishing line,

sUik]:yan];' = Prone rope, loose rope, slack rope,


sgc],mn];pUk];tc]:Suiw]:lIyU,huiw]n}nn].El:Am],nn]tqk]:tac];luik].nm].'{'Sa}ygn],tqk]:' = Plumb line,

sUuik]:lam]:mL./wUw];/kGa};'[sUik]:Aw]mt].St];w}.pn]mn];kGL,mL;nG];Kgp],An]mk];Kan];w}.nn].kUv];{= Tether, N. a

rope or chain by which an animal is fastened to a fixed object so as to limit its range of movement,

sUik]:lQk];'sUik]:lQk];StI;l]'[sUik]:An]Aw]lQk];hQt];w}.'{ = Iron rope, steel rope,

siBk]:lQk];'Tbk],siBk]:lQk];mt].w}.'tUc],sUik]:lQk];'Sa}tUc],sUik]:'= Chain of iron, chain, in chains,

sUik]:lQk];StI;l]' Sa}sUik]:lQk];StI;l]' = Steel cable, steel rope,

sUik]:wuit].Sup];'[sUik]:yaw];tL,tim'wUw];'sL.kGL,'{= Lasso, N. a long rope using for roping horse, cattle, etc., lassos,

sUic],sI:sUic],sac]'(kUn];epL.pUv];nn].sUic],sI:siUc]sac]eSlUm].kGL,')'AUic],AI:AUic],Ac]' = Reel, stagger:

the boxer reeled and fell, reeled, reeling,

sUik]:hut].mt].'[tUc],sUik]:mI;pL;hU;hUSgt],eSEl:eTL,kGL,mL;/tuit].hut]:l}:'{' = Slipknot, N. running knot,

sUic];'kL:sUic];'(tac];kL:sUic];)' = Allegory, N. a symbolical narrative, allegorical, adj.: allegorical dance,


w],nL,'{(sUic];tuin],tQn]:lgn].lgn].') = Melodrama, N. a dramatic form that does not observe the laws of cause

and effect and that exaggerates emotion; melodramatic behavior or events: sheer melodrama,

siUc].TiUc];' nan];' TiUc];' = Delay, slow, delayed, delaying,

siUc].TiUc];' nan];' TiUc];' = Delay, delayed, delaying,

sUic].TUic];' nan];hQt];' hQt];hG]:TUic];hG]:nan];' = Retard, to make slow; delay the progress, retarded,

sUic].TUic];Am],mqn]:wgc],'/lQn]:TUic];' = Undue delay/slow play,(golf rules 6-7),

siUc].nc],' sL.siUw];' sL.Kw]' sL.Et,Aw]' siUc].nn]' = Such as, as, like,

siUc].nc],nn]' = Just as, as the same time as, even as, just so,

sUic].nn]' miUn]kn]' An]lQw]kn]' ekL.lQw]kn]' pUic]lQw]kn]' nc],nn]' = Same,

sUic].nn]' = Like that, in that manner, in that way,

sUic].n}' n}' = Like this, in this manner, in this way,

sUic].nac];'[PU:yic];ekL.pQn]kUn];sgm];kUn];sg}:nac];ehLKm];Am],nn]ekL:nac];fL.'{ = Lady-in-waiting, a lady

who is in attendance upon a queen or princess,

sUic].hUin];lUc]'[sUic].hUin];'{(sUic].hUin];lUc]kU:mQw];'(lI;wa};11;29')= Great lizard, N. lizard: any kind of great lizard,

sUic].hUin];'[St];tUw]sac]:kan];/t},kGL,sgm];PLsgm];tuim];hUin];{'= Lizard, N. the constellation lacerta,

sUic].huiw]?'pQn]sUic].huiw]' = Like what? How?

siUc].hiuw]ekL:'pQn]hibw]ekL:'epL;pQn]nn]' = Anyway,

siUc].hiuw]ekL:yL,' = In any case, regardless of circumstances, be that as it may, anyhow,

sUin];'[pUic]:Tqw]mn];/sQc],mn];kGL,tac],tac];pqt]:nn].{'sa}.' = Slant, to veer or angle away, slanted, slanting,

sUin];siUn];'piUn];piUn];'(An]-)[An]hQt];hG]:pUin];/sUin];w}.'{ = Ramp, N.,


Ramp, to provide with a ramp: Entrances will be ramped to accommodate those in wheelchairs, ramped, ramping,

siUm]:'Agc],'[Aw]An]liUt],/An]Aun],eShQt];hG]:mn];siUm]:{= Melt, molten, to become liquefied by warmth or heat,

siUm]:'ePL,nm].'(kUiw]sUim]:'mUv]sUim]:') = Dissolve, melt: to dissolve salt in water, snow dissolves, dissolved,

sUim]:nG];nm].(KUw];Kgc]-')'sUim]:nG];nm].mn];(KUw];Kgc]-')' = Solute,

sUim]:nG];nm].l}:' = Water-soluble, capable of dissolving in water,

sUim]:l}:'(sUim]:nG];nm].l}:')' = Soluble, adj.: water-soluble,

sUiw]:kuit];w}.'(mak],sUiw]:kiut];tL:pak],hU;w}.) = Overhang, to hang or be suspended over, overhanging,

(golf)(ball overhanging the hole)

siBw]:pg},pn]kic]:lBc];hc];mn];' = Coast, to slide, move along,

siUw]:liUw]:slL:'Am],Aw]SG],sG]'Am],SU,Am],sG];'lUm]lam]mw]mac]' = Careless, carelessly,

sUiw];' nm]' nm]la}' Kw]' tc];la}' tc];nm]' = Plural, adj. N., plural form “usages” in Tai,


nG];tUw]kL,ymn];sw]:eAL:"(AI,5;30')' = Members of one body: members of his body,

siBw];sw]:'(kUn];)[ekL.ybm],sw]:ey,SbeSAw]mn];sw]:pQn]PB:Ek,Kzt]:n}.pQn]siBw];sw]:{ = Church, N.,

sUiw];sw]:Krit]:'wt].w}:SLsUiw];sw]:Krit]:'(KUiw];t};sUiw];sw]:Krit]:)' = Christ’s Church, N.: Tai

Christ’s Church,

siBw];sap]:lBv]:'(siBw];sap]:lBv]:sibc]:miBc];miBc];ngk]:) = Subjects of, (subject of foreign states)

sUiw];tuik].kuit];mI;w}.'An]tiuk].kiut];mI;w}.'(nG];Kw]tEp;siUw];tiuk].kiut];mI;w}.') = The rest of : the rest of


sUiw];tuik].kuit];mI;w}.'An]tiuk].kiut];mI;w}.'(nG];Kw]tEp;siUw];tiuk].kiut];mI;w}.')'An]lUiw]nn].'= The rest

of, everything else: the rest of disciples, the rest,

siUw];nc],hac]:pQn]mL;An]pqk],piUw]:lak],la};eSsiUw].eSpiUc]SG],mG];w}.yU,siUc].nn]'= As though

something strange were happening to you,

siBw];nn].' = Those,

sUiw];nn].n}.' Kw]' KL'[Kw]siUw];nn].'KLSgc]ekL.'{'Kw]n}.'sUiw];Kw]' = They,

siBw];n}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = These,

siUw];n}.tc];SQc]:tc];mUt];' = All this, these things,

siUw];n}.tc];mUt];kUv];p},kL;" = But that’s not all,

sUiw];n}.n}.pQn]la};tac];An]hw];Enlgc]:hk].nn].lgn].lgn].yw].' = These are all ways

we show love.

sUiw];pQn]luk]:pQn]lan]' = Subjects,(the subjects of the kingdom of heaven, Matt. 8:12,NIV), children,

sons and heirs,


n]' = Brethren, brothers, brothers and sisters,

sUiw];mw]mac]yU,kGL,wL:eS'(la};yU,Sac]:Sw];nc],Am],epL;np].ym]Tuc];sam],lG]Sc]nn].') = Alternative

lifestyle, a lifestyle generally perceived to be outside the culture norm(example include hippies, yuppies, goths and punks,),

sUiw];mI;w}.tc];mUt];'(kUn];tac],sUiw].tac],KUiw];sUiw];mI;w}.tc];mUt];) = Full number: full number of the gentiles,


An]lG]mqn]:?')' = Which ones? Which one?: Which ones do you teach? Which one is correct?,

sUiw];wn];kgn],mUiw]:Agn]tac];' = Earlier days: those earlier days,

sUiw];An]Krit]:yan],w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Christian values,

siBw].'sUiw].Pn];'Pn];'sUiw].mn];'(Pn];Pk];kat],/Pk];kI;)' = Seed, N.: mustard seeds, seeds,

sUiw].'siBw].Pn];'sUiw].mn];' = Gene, N.(Biology), genes, genetic, adj.,

sUiw].Pn];'Pn];'[sUiw].An]pQn]KUic]:cw]:'(K},Agn],){= Ovule, N.(Botany) a rudimentary seed; (Biology, a small egg.),

sUiw].Kw]:' Kw]:sUiw].' Pn];Kw]:wan],' = Rice seed,

sUiw].KUiw];'KiUw];hUin];'Sa}KiUw];hUin];'= Lineage, N. line; seed, genealogy, clan, family tree, ancestry,

siBw].KiBw];'saw];KUiw];' = Ethnic, national, nationalities, nation,

siUw].KiUw];'(kUn];sUiw].KUiw];mUt];sac],ekL.nuic]:)'sUiw].KUiw];kUn];' = Nation, N. :a holy nation, nations,

siUw].KiUw];'sUiw].sat]:'miBc];'mUic];tc];la}'kBn];miBc];kB:siBw].kB:KiBw];' = Nation, N., nations,

sUiw].KUiw];'[Sa}KUiw];hUin];{'KUiw];' = Ancestry, N. lineage,

sUiw].KUiw];kUn];mUt];sac],' = Holy nation,

sUiw].KUiw];sqt]:'(mL.n}.sUiw].KUiw];sqt]:)' = Unmixed lineage, used especially of horses,

sUiw].KUiw];sqt]:'sUiw].sqt]:KUiw];man],'[KUiw];kUn];KUiw];lQw]Am],elL;tac],KUiw];'{ = Pure lineage,

siBw].KiBw];Sa}Sibp],' = Descendant, “Jesus” as to his human nature was a descendant of David, descendants,

sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],Kun]ehLKm];et;wit].' = Descendant of David,

sUiw].KUiw];pqn]<yL,min],'[kUn];ekL.pL;nG];KUiw];hUin];pqn]<yL,min],{ = Benjamite, N.,

siBw].KiBw];pB,mgn],na};yL:'pU,mgn],'pU,mgn],na};yL:' = Ancestor, N., ancestors,

sUiw].KUiw];lQw]'KUiw];lQw]' = Same ethnicity group,

sUiw].smuc],'[pQn]mQt].hqc]:lUic]lUic]Agn],ca};mUin]mQt];Kw];pUik],kUn];mak].puAw]SG],yL,puAUm]{' = Anise seed,

sUiw].sw]:KUiw];Kun]'KUiw];sw]:KUiw];Kun]'KUiw];sw]:fL.' = Prince lineage, royal family,

siBw].sat]:' = National, adj., nationals, N.,

siBw].sat]:'nG];mUic];'(kan],sUiw].sat]:' kQw],lgc]:nG];mUic];')' = National, adj.: national affairs,

siBw].tL,Agk],An]yG],' = Seeds of greatness,

siBw].Pn];mI;sG]ASak]:Pw' = Life-giving seed,

sUiw].Pn];An]Agk],tUn]:' = Plants bearing seed,

sUiw].mn];'mqc];sUiw].tac];pQn]'[tum],mgk],'kU,'/enL,'lI,'/sUiw].Pn];'{ = Germ, N. a bud, offshoot, or seed,

sUiw].mqc];'w};rt].S]'(hqp].sIw};rt].S]'(sUiw].mqc];sI') = Virus, N.: Hep C Virus,

siUw].hiuw]?' sUiw].huiw]sUiw].hL?' hQt];hiuw]?' hQt];sUic].huiw]?' sUic].huiw]?' = How?

siUw].hiuw]?' sUic].huiw]?' AI:Sc]?' AI:Sc]ekL?' wL:hiuw]?' pQn]Sc]?' = What?

sgk];' pUm]' (sgk];hUw]'' pUm]m}')' = Skein, N., anything wound in or resembling such a coil: skein of hairs or thread,

Bundle, bundled, bundling, = sgk];'[Aw]tgc]/Pqn],/es:sL.kGL,n}.ehL,eShup]:pa}tgc]/Pqn],/es:sUiw];nn].


sgk];'ehL,'pUk].'sgk];mUiw];'ehL,SUc],' = Parcel, wrap as a parcel, pack, wrap, parceled, parceling,


mUiw];hL.kin]kL:n}:?') = Takeout, N. something made to be taken out, a restaurant specializing in preparing food

meant to be carried out for consumption elsewhere; food to take out: to take out or to go,

sgk];hUw]'[KUn]hUw]mt].sgk];w}.Am],nn]mt].Sgt],kn]w}.{' = Knot of hair, skein of hair,

sgk].'(wan]:sgk].) = Remote, adj. N. far apart; secluded: isolate: remote village,


v];nL:PG]huiw]n}.?)' = Heck, N. interjection. (used as a mild expression of annoyance, rejection, disgust, etc.): What

the heck do you care?,



c].nn]'{' = Shit, interjection.(slang) used to express disgust, disappointment, frustration, contempt, or the like,

sgk].sQc],' sgk].' sQc],'(KUic]:km].sgk].Pk];tU)' = Angle, N., corner: door angle stop,

sgk].sQc],45tI,krI,' = 45 degree angle,

sgk].Pk];tU' sgk].sQc],Pk];tU'(KUic]:km].sgk].Pk];tU)' = Door angle: door angle stop ,

sgc],' sgc],pQn]Am],pQn]' sgc],--yU,hL.n}.' = If, whether,

sgc],Kw]tgn].yam]:sG]lm]nL,epL;tan],n}.huiw]?' = Have they ever been this angry?,

sgc],KG]:Tam]Sc]?' PG]KG]:Tam]Sc]?' = Any questions?

sgc],sn]'tuit].ngc],sgc],sn]'sgc],sgc],sn]sn]' = Pulling on, pull on one arm,


m].sgm];wL:!sG]:eAL:@n}nn].')Am],sG]:hL.SUwL:?' = Are you with me?


n])mn];nn].huiw]?' = Have you ever read a sequel to a novel without having read the original


sgc],SUyum],mat]:TUik]:lum];lum];l}:tL,tI:An]SUtc];sG]w}.wL:ethQt];nn].yU,En?" = Are

you faithful in the things you’re committed to?

sgc],SUyum],mn]:tm];sG]w}.nG];Kw]tc];puik];yU,hL.?' = Are you pouring confidence in them?

sgc],n}.pQn]nL:tI:An]SUsac]:luk].tiun],Kuin]:Suc]yw].Suc]Tqc]:kGL,nn].huiw]?" = Is this an

area where you can rise higher?

sgc],mn];ettn];l}:hiuw]?' sgc],mn];tn];huiw]?' = Is he available?

sgc],mn];mqn]:yU,KL:huiw]?' = Is it right?

sgc],mn];lqp]:Am],pQn]l}:sUic].nn]w}.hiuw]?" = Doesn’t it seem impossible?

sgc],mn];hqc].nan];pQn]nL,pUn].tI:hiuw]?" = Has it taken a long time?

sgc],mG]:KG]:suin]:Kqn];lIhuiw].?(ygn]<5;6')'[mG];KG]:l}:nL,tan],lG]?'{ = Do you want to get well?

(John 5:6,), How bad do you want it?,

sgc],mG];sam];lam];tUv];Aw]cw];la};mn];l}:yU,hiuw]?& = Can you imagine?!

sgc],mG];mk];ma}mn];huiw]?' = Do you recognize it?

sgc],mG];mI;nm].kt].An]lBw],nn].' = Do you have what it takes,


lqk]:la}:mn];tL.= Are you in the field you enjoy? If it is not start taking step to make a change.


' =“Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife.”

sgc],mG];hQt];pn]kw]An]n}.l}:?' = Can you do this for me?

sgc],mG];hB.'sgc],mG];hB.w}.' = Do you know, did you know,

Can you believe that God wants to move in your life, today? =


sgc],mG];tgn].yam]:pQn]An]kum],l}:pG].TL:yU,?' = Have you ever found yourself waiting for,

!sgc],mG];pQn]ekL.An]kw]Pan],SGac];hG]:mG];pQn]nn].mL;yU,huiw].?" = “Did you become who I

created you to be?

sgc],mG];wac];Pqn]tL,An]pQn]lgc]:lInn].En,?' = Do you plan for what is good?


“Did you stay true to what I put in your heart?

sgc],mG];et?' sgc],mG];et-l}:yU,hL.? = Would you?

sgc],mG];lBw],hG]:JPL;sw]:mI;yB,nG];ASak]:PwmG];n}.mI;yw].mI;kGL,Tqc]:tik];tik];nn].hibw].?"= Do

you need more of God in your life?

sgc],mG];hn]hiuw]?'sgc],mG];hn]En,?'(sgc],mG];l}:hn]') = Don you see it?,(Can you see it?)


= Did you say that: Did you say that you like to stay here? Why don’t you stay?

sgc],yc];mI;...?"sgc],mn];mI;...?" = Is there any …?


lgc]:hw];Aup],hw];lat]:') = Are you listening?

sgc],lqp]:etPUn]?' Pac]:hac]:Sa}ca}lqp]:etPUn]Am],PUn]' = Any sign of rain?

sgc]:'(sgc]:lUc],nuic]:)'mUin]sgc]:lUc],lITI;hUm],kc]:' = Umbrella, N: an umbrella., umbrella, adj.,

sgc]:kc]:epL.kgp].f]' = Golf Umbrella,

sgc]:kUp].'[kan];/elL.lQw]mI;sgc]:Sgc]lUc],{(elL.TUw];luk]:Agn],KI,mI;sgc]:kUp].) = Double umbrella: double

umbrella stroller; or twin umbrella strolla, twin umbrella,

sgc]:Km];'kc]:sgc]:Km];' = Golden umbrella,

sgc]:PUik],'(kUn];Tw]:Kw]k}.El<wL:!sgc]:PUik],TI:Kaw]@)' = White umbrella,

sgc]:lUc],Sgn].'[sgc]:lUc],lQw]kan];lQw]mI;Sgc]muc];Sgn].kn]w}.{' = Two layers umbrella. N.,

sgc].'[mt]./puk].KUn]hUw]tL,Aw]PUim].sgm];hG]:KUn]hUw]nUiw]hUw]nm]epL;sgk];/hac]:lI{' = Bundle hair, N.,

sgt],'sgt],kGL,kU:tI:'sgt],sqt],' = Pervade, pervaded, pervading, pervasive; pervasively;

sgt],kGL,kGac]:yaw];k}' = Go much wider,

sgt],es;' EP:sgt],'lam];'mak],miUw]' = Spread, spreading, scatter,

sgt],es;kU:tI:' sgt],hgt]:pt];piun].' = Widespread, adj.,

sgt],hgt]:pt];piun].' = Universal, widespread,


t],tUw]:mUt];) = Throughout, adv. all over; everywhere in; in or to every part of: They searched throughout the house,

sgt],tUw]:km],PL,' km],PL,elL;ktc];SQc]:' = Whole world,

sgt],tUw]:skYL,wrL,km],PL,elL;ktc];SQc]:' = Universality,

sgt],tUw]:nG];km],PL,elL;kkGL,kU:tI:kU:lqn]' = Throughout the world,

sgt],tUw]:nUiw]lin]mUic];n}.kGL,kU:tI:tI:' = Throughout all the earth, in all the earth,(Ro.9:17),

sgt],tBw]:nG];miBc];Pgm].hBm]:' = Throughout the United States,

sgt],nUiw]lin]mUic];kU:tI:tc];lum]:fL.yw].' = Over all the earth,


{(mI;pun]:Pgn];nL:kan]la}sUic].la}pUic])' = Manifold, adj. N. of many kinds; numerous and varied: manifold duties,

sgn]kin]'(mUiw];mG];sgn]kin]tac];kin]tI:eSekL.ekL.nn].eSKUp];kin]km];yG],yG],n}Eh:Eh:etpQn]huiw]')' = Ask

someone for a bite of their food: When you ask someone for a bite of their food, and then take a huge bite,


pUin]:w}.n}.mn];k}.l}:kuit].hap],etL,SU:An]Am],epL;mI;)' = Living in other family shelters: living in other

family shelters often cope with a lack of privacy,

sgn]lat]:'sim]lat]:'[lat]:Tqm]SG],nG];An]kUn];tac],ekL.mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];{' = Interject words into

another speech,

sgn]hk].' = Though love it but lost it,

sgn]hn]' sgn]tUv];' = Though see it won’t get it,

sgn]Aw]' sgn]Aw]-sG].' Aw]sG].' = Take-up, to get into one’s hold or hands or possession, use,

sgn]:'[tUw]St];mUin]nUmI;hac]pUc];kin]mak],m}.k}.hQt];hac];nUiw]tUn]:m}./nG];hU;kUc]m}.{'nUiw].sgn]:' = Squirrel, N.,

sgn]:n},'[sgn]:sL.lQk].{' = Squirrel, N. species of small squirrel ,

sgn]:PUic];'[tUw]St];hac]pUc];ca};mUin]sgn]:eSep.cU;haw],kak],El:Aw]cU;tc];la}ta}l}:nn].'{ = Mongoose, N.,

sgn]:PUic];la};'[sgn]:KUn]lm]tgc].la};lUic]{' = Large black squirrel,

sgn]:min]'wac],kU;elL;' = Flying squirrel,

sgn];'(An]-)'An]tL,Aw]sgn];ES,Kw]:' = Insert, N. something inserted or to be inserted,


lik]:Puin]la};An]tqm]:w}.nn].)' = Insert: to insert a key in a lock; to insert an extra paragraph in an article,

inserted, inserting,

sgn].tG]:mn];' Tak],Piw]mn];' = Wedge, wedged, wedging,

sgn].yUiw]:'(Aw]SQm]sgn].yUiw]:nG];wac];epL;kQc]:hiun]:huin]:)' = Clearing grass from the ground, clear away,


Kw]hQt];nn].{'(sgp],la};hQt];hUc];kan]hQt];Kgc])' = Espionage, N. industrial espionage,

sgp],Kaw],'(kUn];-/PU:-'An]-')[kGam];kp];Tuk],t};k}.wL:!hUemL:tgc];@{' = Spy, N., spying, adj.,

sgp],Kaw],' = Spy, spied, spying,

sgp],Sgk]:'(An]-'/KiUc]:-') = Tester,

sgp],Sgk]:kUt],Tt];'(tL,];la};El:tac];lIhiUn];sgc],mn];Kiut];sn].hiuw]n}nn].') = Inspection,

sgp],Sgk]:kUt],Tt];liun];Sut];' = Final inspection,

sgp],Sgk]:hQn];hL'(PU:-'/ekL.-'kUn];-') = Researcher, experimenter,

sgp],tUv];' sgp],Tam]' = Detect, detected, detecting,

sgp],tUv];l}:' sgp],Tam]l}:' = Detectable, adj. detectible, detectability, N.,

sgp],Tam]' = Interrogate, interrogated, interrogating, investigate,

sgp],Tam]'Tam]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Interrogatory, N., investigation,N.,

sgp],Tam]kgn],Agn]' = Preliminary enquiry,

sgp],Tam]tBv];' = Inquire, inquired, inquring,

sgp],Tam]hLciUn]:' sgp],Tam]hLciBn]:Amb' = Investigation, N.,

sgp],Tam]hLcUin]:'(sgp],Tam]hLcUin]:mn];eSSm].En')' = Investigate, (investigate and expose, ), investigated,

sgp],Tam]hLcUin]:An]kgc].kQw],lUv]:lum];JtL;' = Investigative forensics,

sgp],piun];Krqt].tit].' = Skimming, -Obtaining a person credit card information by running the card

through a hand-held device that stores the card information in downloadable form.,

sgp],la};Pa},hUc];kan]hQt];Kgc]' = Industrial espionage,

sgp],Am],hn]cUin]:mn];l}:'[Am],hn]sqc]:lqc];'{= Undetected, adj. not perceived, notice, or discovered,

sgp]:' sgp]:lUc];'(tUn]:m}.Kw]sgp]:lUc];mUiw]:fL.PUn]lqc].nm].hqc]:haw]:kYam];lUiw]sG]nL,nn].)'mG],m}.kic],m}.sgp]:'=

Stress, wither and hang down: Trees are stressed in severe drought., stressed, stressing,

sgp]:'wgt]:'ha}'/lg};lg};' = Fade, faded, fading,

sgp]:'hQw],sgp]:'[mUin]lUc],mgk],sgp]:ethQw],'hQw],'{ = Wilt, whither, wilted, wilting,

sgp]:kGL,lg};lg};'[wgt]:wa};ha}la}'hqc];AUn]:mw];wic];'{(sUw]:sat]:Pwmn];sgp]:kGL,lg};lg};yw].') = Ebb away,

fade away; fainted: His life is gradually ebbing, ebbed, ebbing,


Chief, N. boss or leader, chief, adj.,

sgm]'sgm]mn];'PUv];mn];'(PUv];m}.pUn].sgm]hiUn];) = Prime, highest eminence, most flourishing,

sgm]'Suc]Sut];'[tI:Suc]Sut];'sik];'sgm]'pa}sgm]'{ = Summit, N. the highest point or part; top; apex,

sgm]Kbn]Tt];Sin]' = Chief Justice

sgm]sum];hqc];kan]lUc]'(sw]:-/)(Pa},lum];sgm]suic]:/sgm]Pgc];mUic];lUc])' = Chief of Staff,

sgm]sibc]:'(sw]:-/sw]:Kbn]-)' = President

sgm]sibc]:ekL.lbk].tBc].hQt];Sac]:' = Acting President,

sgm]sibc]:ekL.liBk]:w}.' = President elect

sgm]sibc]:Agn]tI,mBw],Ker,SI,' = Presidential democracy,

sgm]sibc]:Agn]Pgc]:tI,mBw],Ker,SI,' = Semi-presidential democracy,

sgm]Siuk];'(sS) = Major General (Two-star General)(MG)

sgm]Siuk];lUc]'(sSl) = Lieutenant General (Three-star General)(LTG)

sgm]Sibk];lBc]'(sw]:-/) = Chief of Staff,

sgm]piw]' = Flag,

sgm]piw]sak].sL,' = Burgee, N. a triangular flag, used as an identifications flag especially by yachts,

sgm]piw]Agc],pg};'mik]:ma}' = Banner,

sgm]pgc]Siuk];'(spS) = General (Four-star General)(GEN)

sgm]pgc]Siuk];lUc]'(spSl) = General (Five-star General)(GA)

sgm]pgc]Sibk];lUc]'(sw]:-/Kbn]-) = Chief of Military, commander in chief,

sgm]pgc]miBc];'(sw]:-/Kbn]-) = Chief of State,

sgm]PU:pgc]kan]' = UN Chief,

sgm]PB:lat]:Sac]:tac]pa};piBc]' (sw]:) = Attorney General

sgm]Pgc];miBc];lUc]'(sw]:-/sw]:Kbn]-)' = Prime Minister,

sgm]han]'(sh) = Lieutenant colonel,(LTC)

sgm]han]lUc]plik]:' = Police chief,

sgm]hUin];' = Housetop, ridge of a roof,

sgm]hUin];'[pa}sik];nUiw]lc]KL;muc];hUin];pQn]Et;yaw];yaw];w}.{ = Ridge, N. ridge of roof; gable roof,

sgm],'[SG],w}.nG];TUc]/Tgc];/pqm];{'(pp].sgm],TUc]'km]suim];sgm],Tgc];'PL.sgm],pqm];')' = Put in, put into,

sgm],Ek:pUin]:/mn];'[sgm],'sgm],nG];Ek:mn];w}.'{' = Interpose, put into or between, interposed, interposing,

sgm];'sgm];niuc]:'(Aw]hUw]Em:muiw];tc];niw].sI.Kuip]:)'(1sgm];n}.yaw];8Em:miuw];') = Zawm, (8 inches),

sgm];'sgm];kGL,'sgm];lc]'(sgm];lc]mn];El:)' = Follow, follow after: follow him, followed, following,

sgm];' Pgm].sgm];' = Go along with, to concur or agree,

sgm];' (p},kGL,sgm];SQn]:tac];kGac]:lUc])' pL;mL;sgm];' = Along, through, on, beside, (walk along a expressway)

sgm];'Kqp],sgm];Kac]:'(p},kGL,sgm];SQn]:tac];kGac]:lUc]'(lqn]:Kqp],sgm];Kac]:Kgp],kac]./KQc],') = Along, through, on,

beside, or over to the direction; from one end to the other of: to walk along a highway; to run a border along a shelf,

sgm];him];'[mI;sgm];him];eSAn]An]'{'Kqp],Kac]:w}.' = Alongside, adv. along, by, at or to the side of something,

sgm];'pL;'pL;lUv]:'pL;tc];'epL;pL;lUv]:'lBv]:'sgm];'Aic]lUv]:'Pa},'mI;sgm];' = With,

sgm];kn]'hUm]:kn]' = Together,

sgm];km];lQw]' = At once and not delay, immediately, straightway,

sgm];km];lQw]' epL;yw].ekL:-km];lQw]' = Right away,

sgm];kw]'(mL;sgm];kw]El:)' = With me, Come with me!,

sgm];kw]mL;tL,'mL;sgm];kw]El:'sgm];kw]tL.'sgm];kw]mL;El:' = Follow me,

sgm];kw];lgk],ciut]:' = Stalk, stalked, stalking,


Stalking, N. adj. the act or an instance harassing another in an aggressive, often threatening an illegal manner: Stalking is now

a crime in many states.

sgm];kiw],sgm];cqk]:'kiw],Agn],'tac];Agn],' = Alley, N. a passage: a narrow back street, alleys,

sgm];kGam];JtL;sw]:Krit]:'[An]kQw],lUv]:/pG].pL;hQt];sgm];kGam];JtL;sw]:ey,SuEl:tc];An]mn];Sgn]pn]'{' =

Evangelical, adj. pertaining to or in keeping with the gospel and its teachings, evangelic,

sgm];kGam];mn];El:'sgm];eKL:kGam];mn];El:'Tgm],kGam];mn];El:' = Follow his word,

sgm];kGL,sgm];p}' pL;kGL,pL;p}' sgm];kGL,'kGL,sgm];' = Go along with, to accompany in travel,

sgm];KG]:l}:'[sgm];mgc];Sgk]:hLmqt].tL,eSekL.ekL.'El,hLKG]:l}:pUin]:'{' = Court, woo, courted, courting,

sgm];KG]:l}:eSpqn]muiw];ygn];hG]:mG];Tuk],mqn]:sG]'(yUp]11;19') = Court your favor, entreat your favor,

sgm];sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;kGL,' = Follow God

sgm];sQc],tac];' sgm];sQc],tac];sUiw];nn].' = Street corners,

sgm];sgp],tUv];'(hw];sgm];sgp],tUv];wac]:Pqn]pac]Suik];PU:KQn]Kw]') = Intercept, to see or overhear (a message,

transmission, etc., meant for another); to check passage, travel, etc.: We intercepted the enemy's battle plan, intercepted,


Favor, N. make amends; goodwill; preferential treatment: Do me a special favor, favorite, N.,

sgm];sG]'sgm];sG]sw]:kw],'sgm];sG]pUin]:'(sgm];sG]sw]:kw],eSsa},Pqt];Pqw],pqt]:mUt];')' = Indulge in,

to allow (oneself) to follow one’s will (usually followed by in): to indulge oneself in reckless spending, indulged,

sgm];sG]KG]:tgp],tqn];piBn]:' sgm];sG]KG]:hQt];EK.pUin]:' = Grudge, adj.,

sgm];sG]pUin]:eSygn],yan];pn]Tqc]:km];nuic]:' = Give into compromise once again,

sgm];sG]Agk],sG]KG]:pqt]:pn]kUn];sUiw];n}.' = Favorably disposed toward this people,

sgm];Suk].sgm];kw];pUin]:'[kw];Suk].hG]:lU.lqw]{' = Meddlesome, adj. intrusive,

sgm];Sgk]:hL' sgm];mgc];Sgk]:hL' = Seek,

sgm];Sgc]wUc]:niuc]:pgk]:' = Biweekly,

sgm];tam],An]TiBk]:pQn]ygn].pk];piBc]nn].' = Consequence of Appropriation made by Law ,

sgm];tUv];St];' = Herd, herding, guard, watch,

sgm];tUv];pn]SUkGL,etL,epL;Tuic]tI:Agc],ep.' = See you through to victory,

sgm];nc],kac]sG]mI;'(PG]Am],sG].Am],nic]:hQt];) = Accord, -Without being asked or told, (of one’s own accord,)

sgm];JtL;'PQc],pQc];sgm];JtL;lI'JtL;' = Fair, adj. free from bias, or injustice, fairer, fairest,

sgm];Tuc];k}.SU:hQt];'(Sqc],StUw];Puv],wn];Aac],kL,sgm];Tuc];k}.SU:hQt];)= Formally, adv. in a formal manner;

as regards form; in form: The store was formally opened on Tuesday; It may be formally correct, but it is substantively wrong,

sgm];Tuc];k}.SU:hQt];/pQn]' = Formal, adj. N. adv. being in accordance with the usual requirements, custom,

conventional; marked by form or ceremony; in formal attire,

sgm];Tuc];sum];EPKrit]:yan],tc];la}' = Interdenominational, occurring between, involving, or

common to different religious denominations, interchurch,

sgm];Tuc];sum];EPKrit]:yan],' = Denominational, of or pertaining to a denomination or denominations,

sgm];nc],'(sgm];nc],Aman],JtL;nn].) = Accordance, N.: in accordance with the truth,

sgm];nc],'sgm];lBv]:' = Accord, accorded, according,

sgm];nc],Kw]hQt];kan]tgn]:PG]tgn]:mn];mL;nn].' = According to their own labor,

sgm];nc],eKL:kGam];mG];'sgm];nc],kGam];mG];'[sgm];nc],mG];lat]:/wL:nn].'{ = According to your word,


According to you faith will it be done to you.(Mtt. 9:29)

sgm];nc],tac];lUw],tUw]nUiw].nc]'(klL,4;23') = According to the flesh,

sgm];nc],nn]PQn]:PQn]:' = Accordingly,

sgm];nc],pk];piBc]' = According to law,

sgm];nc],ma}mI:'tG]:ma}mI:' = Under the rule, according to the rule,

sgm];pk];sgm];pUic]lIlI'[sgm];la};hqn];la};hQt];mn];lIlI{'(wUn].Sgn],sgm];pk];sgm];pUic]lIlI)' = Orderly, adv.

methodically: orderly thinking,

sgm];pQn]pgk]:pQn]pgk]:' = From time to time,

sgm];pQn]wn];'kU:mUiw]:kU:wn];'hQt];sgm];kU:wn];'kU:wn];wn];'kU:wn];' = Daily, adj. adv. day by day,

sgm];pQn]wUc]:'sgm];pQn]liUn]'sgm];pQn]pI<' = Weekly, monthly, yearly,

sgm];pUiw]suiw]:sG]:PQc],pQc];' = Fairly, adv. properly; legitimately,

sgm];piUc]ta}'eS,eS,' = Unchanged, adj. not altered or different in any way, unchangeable, dogmatic,

sgm];pUic]fgm];miw],lL,mn];wL:' = Formulary,

sgm];pG].lum];lL;' = Attend, to take care of; to wait upon; accompany, attended, attending,

sgm];PL,SL,SL,SnL,' = Follow a religion,

sgm];Pa},'(sgm];Sgc]pL:Sgc]Pa},') = Partisan, (Bipartisan)

sgm];Pa},'[sp];Pa},'{(kUn];Sak]:eS,sgm];/sp];Pa},') = Partial, adj. N. biased: a partial witness,

sgm];Pa},kw]eSKt];Puin].pqt]:' = Contended at my side,

sgm];Pa},lc]' km].Tqm]sgm];tac];lc]' = Get behind, support someone, appreciate,

sgm];JPL;'sgm];SQn]:tac];JPL;'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Godliness,

sgm];Pgk],'(lat]:lUv]:St];tc];la})'KG]:sgm];Pgk],' = Court,(of animals) woo; mate, courted, courting,

sgm];Pgk],kn]'[Aw]St];Kw]mL;sgm];kn]tL,EP:sUiw].EP:KUiw];Kw]'{Aw]sgm];Pgk],kn]'Pgk],' =Mate, to bring

(animals) together for breeding purposes, mated, mating,

sgm];mn];sw]:kGL,' sgm];lc]mn];kGL,' = Follow Him,

sgm];mn];sw]:kGL,pQn]wn];kB:wn];wn];El:' = Follow Him Daily,

sgm];ma}mI:' = Follow the rules,

sgm];ma}mI:pk];piBc]PQn]:lI' = Take discipline,

sgm];mgc];Sgk]:hL' sgm];Sgk]:hL' tG];mgc];Sgk]:hL' = Seek, sought, seeking, seek out,

tG];mgc];Sgk]:hL' sgm];mgc];Sgk]:hL' = Seek after,

sgm];mgc];Sgk]:hLAgn]tac];'(sgm];mgc];Sgk]:hLmUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:Agn]tac];'(mqt]:6;33')) = Seek

first: Seek first the kingdom of God.(Mtt. 6:33),

sgm];yL.sgm];kw];'[sgm];Sgp],sgm];yL.'{ = Harry, to harass, annoy; to ravage as in war; dog, harried, harrying,

sgm];Sgp],sgm];yL.'[mUin]mLsgm];lc]Sgp],hg};mn];'sgm];yL.sgm];kw];'{ = Dog, to follow or track like a dog, especially

with hostile intent; harry, dogged, dogging,

sgm];lc]' sgm];kGL,' sgm];' (sgm];lc]mn];El:)' = Follow, (follow him,),

sgm];lc]An]sw]:Agn]hUw]' = Follow your leading,

sgm];lUv]:'(kL:Kw]:sum];nuic]:pI<mqn]:Sip];etL,lL,') = Per, for each; for every: Membership costs ten dollars per year,

sgm];lUv]:'(sgm];lUv]:tgn]:ma}pk];pUic]mI;w}.n}.eSEl:)'sgm];lUv]:-mI;w}.n}.eS' = Pursuant, adj.

proceeding after, following: pursuant to this provision,

sgm];lUv]:'sgm];nc],'(kw]SUc]tUik]:nn].pn]sgm];nc],mG];sI.Sc]yw].') = Per, according to; in accordance with,

sgm];lUv]:'sgm];nc],' = Thant conforms to, according to; as laid down by,

sgm];lBv]:' lBv]:'lBv]:tc];'lBv]:An]'sgm];nc],' = By, through,

sgm];lUv]:' lUv]:la};' = By means of, with the help of, through,


:kU:ekL./An]tc];SQc]:El:nG];kU:ekL./kU:An]tc];SQc]:tc];lUc]nn].eS'{ = Through all and in all,

sgm];lUv]:sw]:ey,SbeSpQn]];can]tgn];Ek;liBw]PB:Sim];miBc];nn].kgn],' =

More than a conqueror through Jesus,

sgm];lBv]:tac];mak]:mI;lIpQn]Puc];yG],hUc]hac];mn];sw]:' = According to his riches in glory,

sgm];lUv]:tac];yum],mat]:El:tac];yUin].sG]yaw];nn].eS' = Through faith and patience,

sgm];lUm];'(Kt];-Kt];lUm];)'(lUm];TUw];kGL,tac];lG]ekL:pg},kGL,sgm];tac];nn].)' = Downwind, (ant: upwind,),

sgm];la};tac];JPL;'emLsgm];JPL;'(Kt];-Am],sgm];JPL;)' = Godly, adj., godlier, godliest, (ant: ungodly)

sgm];la};nn].eS' sgm];tac];nn].eS' = By means of, with the help of, through,

sgm];la};hqn];la};hQt];mn];lIlI' = Methodically, adv.,

sgm];lgk];sgm];piBc]sibw]:sG]:Sc],etL,' = Aright, rightly, correctly, properly,

sgm];hL' sgm];K}:hL' mgc];hLhn]' El,hL' hLtBv];' hL' = Look for, loking for,

sgm];hLKuic]hLhQt];' (hLKiuc]hLhQt];An]lInn].) = Ever follow that, try to ,seek after, (ever follow or seek

after which is good),

sgm];him];'[mI;sgm];him];eSAn]An]nn].{ = Alongside, adv. along, by, at or to the side of something,

sgm];hUv];hL' hUv];' lm];' luip]:'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Pursuit, N.,

sgm];hBv];hL' hUv];' lm];'liup]:'lm];sgm];luip]:sgm];' = Pursue, trail, hunt, pursued, pursuing,


nn].kUv];' = Pursue engagement among peoples-not just governments-around the world,

sgm];hUv];hLla};tp];Suik];etL,tp].Suik];Kgt],mn]:kn]' = Pursue military-to-military ties,

sgm];hUv];hLSun]lImG],mG],nn].Tqc]:El:' = Pursue a new opportunity,

sgm];hUv];hLhG]:l}:mI;lgc]:sm]sG]JPL;sw]:etL,sUw]:'= Lifetime pursuit of intimacy with God,

sgm];hUv];hLAn]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:SG],w}.nG];mak],hUw]sG]mG];nn].tL.'mn];tiuk].TiUk]:hQt];-yU,' =

Pursue that God’s put in your heart. It still should,

sgm];hUv];hLtac];mI;Sqt].sL,' = Pursue loyalty,

sgm];hUv]:sgm];lg}Kw]' sgm];hUw]hUv]:haw];lg}Kw]' = Into the valleys and hills,

sgm];hUm],sgm];kum].pn]'kum].pn]'kum].'(Eh.kc]:pn]eSsgm];hUm],sgm];kum].ASak]:PwkUn];)' = Preserve:

protect and preserve human life, preserved, preserving,

sgm];hUw]liUn]' = Monthly,

sgm];hUw]pI<' Kgp]:KUp],pI<' KUp],pI<niuc]:pgk]:' = Yearly,

sgm];hg};' = Trail, to follow the track or track, trailed, training,

sgm];hg};tin]mn];kGL,'libp]:lBv];'luip]:lm];sgm];lc]'= Track down, to pursue until caught; follow,

sgm];hg};mn];' lm];sgm];hg};' sp];sgm];hg};' = Trace,

sgm];hg};mn];'(tac];kGL,mn];sw]:n}.PG]ekL:Am],sgm];hg};mn];l}:)' = Tracing out: his paths beyond tracing out,

lm];hG]:Kiut];'sgm];Kuit];(kw]lUw],l}:lm];hG]:Kuit];Kw]AUiw]:)= Catch up to, caught up to: I’ve got to catch up to them,

sgm];An]];'An]pQn]Et.hQt];Et.'(Kt];-Am],sgm];An]];') = Realistic, adj.,

sgm].hgm].' lp];Sic],sgm].hgm].' (yam];lp];Sic],sgm].hgm].)' = Twilight, adj.: in the twilight hours,

sg}:' sg}:Tqm]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'tac];sg};tac];Tqm]' = Help, N., aid, assistance,

sg}:' sg}:Tqm]' = Help, aid, assist, help, helping,

sg}:' sg}:Tgk]:pam].'(sg}:Suik];)' = Afford, to furnish; supply: afford a war, afforded, affording,

sg}:kan]la}la}' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-/ekL.-/) = Volunteer,

sg}:kan]la}la}[sg}:hQt];pn]la}la}Am],Aw]ciun];kL:hqc];{ = Volunteer, adj.: a volunteer fireman,

sg}:kan]la}la}'(sg}:hgc].kGam];pn]la}la}puk]:nuic]:)' = Volunteer: to volunteer a song, volunteered,

sg}:kan]la}la}' (ekL.-'kUn];-') = Volunteer,

sg}:kUn];sUiw];lUw],tac];sg}:nL,lUiw]pUin]:Sut];' = Helping those who need the most help,

sg}:Ek:EKAw]'ek:EKAw]' sg}:Ek:EKpn]' (lgc]:-/An]-) = Rescue, N., rescue, adj.,

sg}:Ek:EKAw]'Ek:EKAw]' sg}:ek:EKpn]' = Rescue, rescued, rescuing,


w]kw]pUn].lgt]:muiw];PU:KQn]nn].') = Rescued from, be rescued from: He rescued me from enemy’s clutches; or

delivered me out the hand of enemy,

sg}:ekL,Sac]:Kiun]:Sc].' = Constructive,

sg}:kUit],pn]'[An]kUit],luk]:'tL,sg}:kUit],luk]:'{(emLyLsg}:kUit],pn]luk]:Agn],') = Deliver, to give birth to,

to assist at the birth of: The doctor delivered the baby, delivered, delivering,

sg}:kGL,mUiw];nL:Kaw];huic]'[yuk].tac],/Kuin].'{ = Further, to help forward; promote, furthered, furthering,

sg}:Kp].y}pn]Kk].yac];tin]' = Map out steps,

sg}:ciun];'sg}:ciun];tgc];' = Monetary or financial aid,

sg}:sam];AL,mKam],pn]' = Probation

sg}:sg}:Tqm]Tqm]' lgc]:sg}:lgc]:Tqm]' = Aid,

sg}:SUc],pn]' SUc],pn]' = Deliver, to give into another position, to assist, delivered, delivering,

sg}:Suik];'sg}:tuik];Suik];'(sam];tUv];lIlI)' = Afford a war,

sg}:tUv];pn]' = Render, give, supply, rendition,

sg}:tUw]kw],' sg}:etL,tUw]' = Self-help,

sg}:Tqm]' = Aiding,

sg}:Tqm]kUn];ekL.mI;tac];lUw],w}.nn].' = Helping people in need,

sg}:Tqm]El:hUm]:hQt];/PiUm].sg}:' = Aiding & Abetting / Accessory,

sg}:Tqm]pn]' km].' km].sg}:' = Assistance, assist,

sg}:Tgk]:pam].km].kqm]pn]' = Supply, supplies,

sg}:nc],kL:mn];sac]:etlUw],'(!pn]mn];nac];tac];sg}:tac];Tqm]nc],kL:mn];sac]:etlUw],tI:SUnn].'@)' =

Any help he/she may need: “to give her any help she may need from you,”(Ro.16:2),

sg}:pn]JtL;PQc],pQc];An]ln];kn];eSlp].lgc];lI' = Deliver swift and sure justice,

sg}:pn]Tqm]pn]'[Tgk]:pam].km].kqm]pn]{'(sg}:pn]Tqm]pn]nm].kin]tL,kUn];ekL.nuic]:)' = Ply, to supply with: to

ply a person with drink, plied, plying,

sg}:pn]hqc];hQt];'yuk].tac],'(sg}:pn]hqc];hQt];cm];yQn]'/yuk].tac],lgc]:cm];yQn]') = Promote, to help or

encourage to exist: promote peace, promoted,

sg}:pUk];pgc]' pUk];pgc]' Tqc]:Tqm]Aqn]hqc];yG],pn]' = Build up, to strengthen; to develop or increase,

sg}:pUk];luk].'pUk];luk].'(ekL.nuic]:n}.sac]:sg}:pUk];tac],ekL.nn].luk].')' = Help up,(one can help the other up),

sg}:pg},pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Ransom,

sg}:pg},pn]' = Ransomed, release, redeem, deliver,

sg}:pg},pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Ransom, N.,

sg}:pg},pn]' = Ransom, release, redeem, deliver, ransomed, ransoming,

sg}:PQc],pQc];SL,sG]'(pk];pUic]sg}:PQc],pQc];SL,sG])(Kt];-w}.nL:lQk].nL:yG],') = Equitable, adj.: equitable law,

equitably, adv.,(ant: inequitable,)

sg}:PQc],pQc];SL,sG]'(la};hQt];etL,An]sg}:PQc],pQc];SL,sG]tL,kUn];suic]:mUic];tc];SQc]:)' = Equitable, just and

right,(equitable treatments of all citizens,),

sg}:Puik];(lgc]:-/An]-)[sg}:yLpa};sG]{(sg}:Puik];lat]:kGam];') = Therapy, N. psychotherapy: speech therapy,





yI:ygc],yqc],nn].hG]:lIKiun];sUiw];n}.pn]'tI:kUn];pQn]nG];tc];kUn];pQn]ngk]:hUc];yLtc];la}Kw]nn]."{ = Habilitation

Services, health care services that help a person keep, learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living. Examples

include therapy for a child who isn’t walking or talking at the expected age. These services may include physical and

occupational therapy, speech-language pathology and other services for people with disabilities in a variety of inpatient and/or

outpatient settings,


:tc];kUn];nL:hUin];ey;mn];hG]:epL;mI;tac];Sak]:SL,lUm]sG]"{ = Hospice Service, services to provide comfort and

support for persons in the last stages of a terminal illness and their families,

sg}:wBn].tBv];pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Input, input of others,

sg}:wUn].pn]' = Input,

sg}:lUiw]'[kUn];/KUic]:An]sg}:mUiw]:lUw],nn].{' = Auxiliary, N. a person or thing that gives aid of any kind,

sg}:hap],sg}:pL;tac];nk];nLpL;pan]:kn]El:" = Carry each other burden,

sg}:hQt];pn](pI:ngc].mn];mL;sg}:hQt];pn]miUw]:mn];nac];naw]) = Help out: her relatives help out when she became ill,

sg}:SL,sG]' sg}:hG]:SL,sG]' (sum];sg}:hG]:SL,sG]') = Relief, (relief team),

sg}:yLpa};sG]'(lgc]:-/An]-)'Pa},sg}:yLpa};sG]' = Psychotherapy, N. psychotherapy: speech therapy,

sg}:Puik];lat]:kGam];'(lgc]:-/An]-)'Pa},sg}:Puik];lat]:kGam];' = Speech therapy, N.,

sg}:him];tin]him];muiw];'(kan]sg}:him];tin]him];muiw];)' = Personal assistance: a personal assistance job,

sg}:hQn];hG]:emLlat]:kGam];'[An]lQp]:hQn];SPL,wmn];eSsg}:Puik];pn]{ = Speech-language pathology,

sg}:hG]:SL,tI:l}:TUp];eP;tuk].KKan]sG]' = Disaster relief,

sg}:hG]:SL,sG]El:lw]:lat]:kaw],Tiuc]'(An]) = Remedies and Pleading,

sg}:hG]:mG];pUn].lgt]:tam],mn];' = Keep you out of trouble,

sg}:hG]:l}:lISbt];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Procurement

sg}:AQn]sg}:hqc];'[tUw]hQt];sg}:{(la};sg}:AQn]sg}:hqc];)= Physical assistance: How to provide physical assistance,

sg}:AL,mKam],(miBw]:Sa}ca}caw];la};Pbt];epL,) = Bail out

sg};JtL;SG],' Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;SG],' = Prosecute, prosecuted, prosecuting,

sg};JtL;En;SG],' En;SG],' = Accuse, indict, to charge with the fault or crime, blame,

sg};Amb(lgc]:-/An]-/eKL:-)'(eKL:sg};Amutam],nk];) = Charge, N.: serious charfes, charges,



OrI<sg};AmurL,swUt]:SG],mn];lgc]:Aw]ta}kUn];nn].yw].") = Indict, to bring a formal accusation against, as a mean

of bringing to trial, to charge with a crime; accuse of wrong doing: the grand jury indicted him for murder, indicted,

sg};AmbrL,swBt]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Indictment, N.,

sg};Amb' = Charge, charged, charging,

sg};AmuSG],lUn].lUiw]pUn].nL,'sG].hG]:hQt];/Aw]kL:mn];lUn].lUiw]pUn].nL,' = Excessive charges,

sg};AmumG],ciun];kn]' = Sue, bring a civil action against, sued, suing,

sg};AmutI:lum];'(mn];nac];lgk],cLhLhQt];eP;SG],wL:etsg};AmutI;lum];n}yw].) = Sue, bring suit: She

threatened to sue, sued, suing,

sg}.'Aa}:sg}.'nac];sg}.'[suiw]:t};tac],pn]kn]{' = Zoyh, a Tai name given to a boy or girl,

sg}.'sg}.niuc]:'(nm].nk];niuc]:sg}.n}.mI;4pgc],') = Zoyh, weight equal to 4 pounds(4lbs),

sg}.'puc];sg}.'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];100kYap]:'nm]tan],1.88lI<tL,) = Zoyh, liquid volume equal to 1.88 Liter,

sG]'tUn]:sG]' = Mind, N.,

sG]kp].'[TUv]:sG]yap],/hUit],/hUiw].pUiw]:Am],l}:lUm];lI{' = Pant, to breathe hard; to suffer from difficulty in

breathing, as in a close atmosphere; to gasp, as for air, panted, panting,

sG]kw];sG]Kuin]:'An]kw];sG]Kuin]:'hqc];kw];sG]Kiun]:' = Feisty spirit,

sG]kqn],'ht];hQt];'[Am],eKYL.etL,etL,'{ = Plucky, adj. brave, pluckier, pluckiest, pluckily, adv.,

sG]kqn],'[ta}yap],nL,El:Am],SU:lL:lIt}aca}:ca}:{'sG]kqn],nL,' = Tenacious of life, be tenacious of life,

sG]kqn],nL,'sG]kqn],Kqc]'(Kt];-hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]') = Strong, adj., stronger, strongest, (ant: weak),

sG]kqp]:'(Kt];kn]-sG]kGac]:') = Narrow minded, small-minded,petty,(ant: broad-minded, open-minded, tolerant,)

sG]kqp]:' = Rigid, closed minded, narrow-minded, inflexible,

sG]kqp]:' kUn];sG]kqp]:' = Small-minded, selfish, petty, or narrow-minded., small-minded people,

sG]kuv]'[pUn];m}'{'pUn];kuv]'Kgt],pUm]m}' = Skein or knot of cotton,

sG]kBt].'kUt].'(lin].sG]kUt].)'sG]kUt].eShQt];' = Malicious, adj.: malicious tongue, Maliciously, adv.,

sG]kBt].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Malice, Crooked mind,

!sG]kUt].eSwUn].w}.TL:'@!mI;sG]kUt].wUn].w}.TL:'@ = “Malice Aforethought”,

sG]kUt].sG]ecL;' = Despiteful, malicious, despitefully,

sG]kUt].tm],Kuin],tm],Kn];En;SG],' = Spouting malicious accusations, breathe out cruelty or violence,


k];ygk];En;SG],hw];Am],JtL;'SUp];nm]kGam];nm]lat]:sG]kUt].Kt];hw];{(3ygn]<1;10') = Spreading

malicious nonsense about us, gossiping maliciously about us, unjustly accusing us with wicked words; prating against

us with malicious words, (3John1:10),

sG]kUw]' kBw]' kBw]Eh' kUw]ym]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Fear,

sG]kUw]n}.Aw]AiSer;Kw]k}yan]tac];Kw]:Aw]AmUv],Kw]'(tUv];kYam];la};hqn];nG];TUin],) = Fear

keeps Israel from entering into its inheritance,

sG]k}.hQt];kan]'(sG]k}.hQt];kan]mG];An]tc];hk].tuik];yUc];SUn];eSL,pQn]mL;'(1Tit].1:3') = Labor, N. “

your labor prompted by love”(1Thes.1:3), toil,

sG]k}.hQt];kan]An]tac];hk].tuik];yUc];SUn];eSL,pQn]mL;' = Labor prompted by love,

sG]kium].sG]Sw]:' = Vague, adj., obscure, unclear, unreasonable, vaguer, vaguest,

sG]kYam];'Kt];kn]w}.'(An]-)[An]sc];'sG]ha}.'Kan].hn]'Am],mqn]:kn]'{ = Enmity, N. hatred; ill will;

animosity; antagonism,

sG]kGac]:'[mI;sG]Tgm],A}a<tI,yiUw]<mG]'eKL:TQc]mG],{ = Open-minded, impartial, unprejudiced, broad-minded,

sG]kGac]:KGac]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Resilience, N.,

sG]kGac]:KGac]sUiw].sat]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = National resilience,


pt];pqt]:eSEl:') = Self-pity, N.: Shake off the self-pity,

sG]Kac];kqt],tBw]'sG]Agn],eAL,EA,' = Self-pity,

sG]Kat]:'[An]TUv]:sG]nn].kuit];kGL,{'sG]SQc]:kGL,yw].' = Become dead, die, to cease to live,

sG]Kan].'[sG]Am],KG]:wUn].KG]:hU.KG]:emLSc]Am],KG]:tUc].nuic]/hQt]'{' = Idle mind, lazy brain, inactive,

sG]Kqc]Sit];Sit];'[pUin]:lat]:Am],Tgm],pUin]:wL:Am],Aw]{'sG]Kqc]' = Unyielding, stubborn, narrow-minded,

sG]KUp];cam],kn]' = Meeting of the minds,-The general agreement between parties to a contract as to material terms,

sG]KUm];sUm];pG].TL:'sG]KBm];sgm];'sG]KUm];sUm];sgm];'sG]KBm];w}.TL:' = Excite, excited, exciting,

sG]KUm];sgm];'sG]KBm];nL,'[lIsG]KUm];nL,'{(kL.Ka}Stgk].n}.lIsG]KUm];nL,') = Excited, adj. stirred emotionally;

brisk: an excited crow awaited the arrival of thr famed rock group; an excited buying and selling stocks, so excited,

sG]KUm];sgm];'sG]KUm];sUm];pG].TL:'sG]KUm];sUm];sgm];'sG]KBm];w}.TL:'(lgc]:-/An]-)= Excitement, N.,

sG]KUm];nL,'[sG]Am],nim]l}:'KUn]tum],nUiw].kI:'{ lIsG]KBm];sgm];nL,' = Exciting, adj. stirring; thrilling,

sG]eKL;sL.etL,'Am],sBm];Tbk],sG]'Am],mqn];sG]' = Displease, displeasing,

sG]eKL;Am],lI' = Nervous, irritable state of mind,

sG]Kiun]:'[l}:hn]/yin];/hU.El:kUw]tUk];sG]epL;Kiun]:suit]:suit]:{' = Consternate, to dismay, or terrify,

consternated, consternating, consternation, N., consternated, adj.,

sG]Kgt];' = Short-tempered, testy,

sG]KYam];SL,'Tbk],sG]'kYOik]:'SU:sG]'SUc]' = Prefer, like better, preferred, preferring,

sG]Kgt];Sn],Sw],'[sG]lm]ca}:'nqt]:Sn],Sw],'{ = Hotheaded, adj. easily angered; rash,


kin]tac],mQw];lUiw]eSKw]:mun];mn],nL,n}.'@(TUin],11;6')'(kw]Am],Agk],KG]:kin]Kw]:wn];eA;mUiw];n}.') = Appetite, N. a

desire for food or drink: but now we have lost our appetite, or our appetite is gone, or our soul is dried away; I have no appetite

for lunch today, appetites,

sG]KUm];sgm];epL;Sn],tin];tin];' kt];Sn],tin];tin];'kUw]Sn],tin];tin];' = Shiver, to

shake or tremble with cold, fear, excitement, etc., shivered, shivering, shiver, N.,

sG]KG]:tUc].nuic]hQt];Sac]:' = Alive, in a state of action; in force or operation; active: to keep hope alive.,

sG]KG]:tgp],tqn];piBn]:' = Grudge, a feeling of ill will or resentment,

sG]KG]:pQn]/l}:/hQt];' = Wish, N. something wished or desired: He got his wish-a new car,


kGL,n}.'Kw]etKG]:Et,nL:hUin];yw]."@(1Tim];5;11') = Sensual desires: “For when their sensual desires overcome

their dedication to Christ, they want to maryy.”,

sG]ecL;' sG]ecL;KUt];KUv],pqt]:w}.'(mUin]tqk].yw].') = Bent out of shape,(Idioms), :all bent out of shape,

sG]ca}:'[Pgm].ca}:pn]ca}:Am],SU:TQc]{'(mn];pQn]kUn];sG]ca}:)' = Easy disposition: He has an easy disposition,

sG]ecL;ca}:'ecL;Ec;elL;El;ca}:nL,'ecL;'(yL,sG]ecL;ca}:nL,Pqw]')' = Sensitive, (Don’t be too sensitive),

sG]cibp];Aibm]tibm];wBv],liBc];' = Polluted mind,

sG]sc]:kibm];' mI;sg};' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Perseverance, N.,

sG]sp];'(sG]sp];sgm];Kw]')'(Kt];-sG]Am],sp];') = Mindful, careless, thoughtless: mindful of them,(ant: mindless),

sG]sp];kn]epL;tan],Sa}lIsp];kn]' = Enthrall, enthralled,(They are so enthralled with one another,),

sG]sp];sg};hQt];eS,'k}.'sG]k}.' = Diligence, N. consistence and earnest and persistence effort,

sp];sg};hQt];eS,'k}.'mI;sG]k}.'(An]-)(luk]:hQn];k}.') = Diligent, adj. painstaking; industrious: diligent hands

bring wealth; a diligent student, diligently, adv.,

sG]sp];pqn];'(sG]sp];pqn];An]kw],kw],)' = Mindset, N., (old mindsets),

sG]sp];pqn];' = Disposition, state of mind regarding something; inclination:( a disposition to gamble), mindset,

sG]sp];pqn];w}.'(Aw]sG]mn];sp];pqn];w}.)' = Mind set on: have his mind set on,

sG]sp];mn]:es,sgm];mn];sw]:/sa};eS,eS,' = Mind stay on him, mind stay on him forever,

sG]sp];mw];sgm];' ygc],' kUn];ygc],' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Foolishness, N.,

sG]sp];mqn]:' = Attention,

sG]san]:sc];' = Loathsome, hateful,

sG]sL.'[sG]eKL;Am],lI'mI;tac];ma}sG]ygn].kUw]Sum];kUw]pQn]eSmQw];mQw];nn].'{' = Jitter, N. nervousness, jitters,

sG]sL.'(mn];sG]sL.sgm];An]sqt]:tUv];erL;kL,nn].nL,') = Jittery, adj. nervous; jumpy: Hs’s very jittery about

medical checkup,

sG]sL.eKL;KBm]' KG]:sL.' = Upset,

sG]sL.etL,'[Pit];sG]'KG]:sL.'{ = Displeasure, N. indignation; dissatisfaction; displeasure toward someone,

sG]sL.ygn].Am],mI;lgc]:PL,kac]wac];Kibc]:'sG]sL.piBw]:Am],JtL;'KG]:sL.' = Indignation, N.,



kUt].kqk];ygk];Kw]lgk],cLhLhQt];eP;SG],sUiw];nn].eAL:'@(SL,55;2-3') = Distraught, adj. distracted; deeply

agitated; mentally deranged; crazed: people are distraught,

sG]sQp];tL,' sQp];sG]tL,' = Anguish, anguished, anguishing,

sG]sQp];' sQp];sG]'(An]epL;lsG]sQp];tL,AiSer;)' = Anguish, N.: Paul’s anguish over Israel,


kL.nn].Am],nn]sum];sum];nuic]:nn].'sG]mUik]:sG]kUt].'{' = Gangrene, N. moral or spiritual corruption that

pervades an individual or group; depravity, canker,

sG]sun].sg}:piUn]:'(wL,t) = Altruism,

sG]sBm];tac],ekY;sB; = Gratitude

sG]estnL,'estnL,'mqt].tL,'es,tnL,lI'mI;es,tnL,sG]AQt];lU' = Kindness, N., kind,

sG]es,tnL,yG],'sc]:sG]es,tnL,yG],'(An]-) = Passion, N. extravagant fondness or enthusiasm,


t.El:)'hw];w}:SLsw]:'@ =“Our passions stirring deep inside, you’re all that really satisfies,

we worship you,”

sG]sg};'[sG]sg};KG]:kin]/mI;/yin];/hn]eSmQw];w}.nn].'{'(kw]sG]sg};KG]:kin]nUiw].pic]:wan]put];nuic]:AUiw]:mG];')' = Have

an appetite for, (Idiom): I have and appetite for a nice big steak,

sG]Stilqt];lI' = Conscious, consciousness, knowing, alert, awake, watch,


t];Et.hQt];wL:){(1pI,1;13) = Minds that are alert and fully sober, gird up the loins of your mind;

prepare your minds for actions,

sG]SePL;'(mI;sG]SePL;PQc],)' = Temper, a particular state of mind or feelings,(even-tempered),

sG]Sn],kGc]mw];Am],nim]Sw];l}:'sG]wac],wiBw]:'sG]Sn],' = Frustration, frustrate,


epL;n}' = If you frustrated because somebody offended you,”

sG]Sn],nL,'sG]tibn],tQn]:nL,'(tc];sG]tuin],tQn]:nL,eSsUm];lat]:') = Fervor, N.: spoke with great

fervor, fervency,






tac];cm];yQn]eSSuip],hQt];An]man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,nn].kGL,tik];tik];tL.") = Secret frustrations,


.PG];'sG]tgt],Puik].Puik].'Kgn];hqc];' = Tremble: heart trembles, trembled, trembling,

sG]Sw]:ww];mgc]' sG]Am],puit],Am],pac],'(Kt];-SUiw];') = Somber mood, (ant: happy, pleasant,)

sG]SQc]:'sG]SQc]:nL,'[lIKan].nL,'hUiw].sG]nL,yw].'{ = Fed up, adj. bored; down; tired: be fed up, lose interest,


n];hw];sG]SQc]:w};nL,?')' = Lose interest: Why do men lose interest so quickly? be fed up,


lgc]:/ekL.ekL.nn].Sc]yw].{' = Grow cold, to wane; to lose interest or enthusiasm for something or someone,

sG]Suk].Sk].sgm];'[hQt];hG]:Am],yaw];'vL;tac];yap],'{(cw];la};An]l}:sG]Suk].Sk].sgm];)' = Vexatious,

adj. causing vexation; troublesome: vexatious situation,

sG]Sibk];ht];han]' = Warrior mentality,

sG]Suiw]:'wL:Suiw]:'lat]:Suiw]:' = Straightforward, adj., adv. direct, honest, straight forwards,

sG]Suiw]:'mI;sG]Suiw]:'[nm].sG]Suiw]:etL,'Suiw]:Suiw]:'{(la};mn];nac];w}.sG]mI;sG]Suiw]:) = Rectitude, N. moral

virtue; straightness: the rectitude of her motives,

sG]SiUw];' mI;tac];sG]SUiw];sgm];' = Delight,

sG]SiUw];' mI;tac];sG]SUiw];sgm];'sG]SUiw];sgm];' w}.sG]SUiw];' (w}.tUw]sG]sw]:kw],SUiw];')' = Delight,

delighted, delighten, delighting, (delight yourself),

sG]SiUw];' lIsG]SUiw];sgm];' = Delighterful,

sG]Sgc]cam]:'(kUn];mI;sG]cam]:'(SL,119;113'kYQm];1;8')' = Double-minded: double-minded man,

sG]tn]'[Sp];lqc];EnsUic].huiw]ekL:Am],p},pgc],sG]{' = Lack of understanding,

sG]tm],Kibn],tm],Kn];' = Fits of rage,

sG]tit];' = Uncertain, unconfident, unsure, ambiguous,

sG]tit];nn].tit];n}.'(hip]:hip]:nqt]:nqt]:eSsG]tit];nn].tit];n}.)' = On edge: In hurry and on edge,

sG]tQk];tQc]sw]:kw],Sbm];kan].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Self-defeating,

sG]tBk];' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Discouragement, 

sG]tBk];' = Discourage, depress, distress,

sG]tBk];' sG]tUk];pQc];lin]' sG]tUk];w}.' = Discourage, discouraged, discouraging,

sG]tBk];sG]SQc]:' = Stress, stressed out,

sG]tBk];sG]SQc]:'sG]tUk];sG]hUc]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Stress, N.,

sG]tBk];sG]SQc]:'(yL,sG]tUk].sG]SQc]:sgm];kan]mG];hQt];nn].'Sc])'sG]tUk];sG]hUc]:' = Stress: Don’t stress out

over your job, stressed, stressing, stressed or stressing out,

sG]tBk];tqm],yB,tG]:piBn]:'(An]-) = Inferiority, low-quality, second rate,

sG]tBk];tqm],yB,tG]:piBn]:An]elL;El;SUn]San]la}mQw];' = Inferiority complex,


k]:tn]')' = Despair, to give up hope: “so that we despaired of life itself”; Don’t despair, despaired, despairing,

sG]tUk];tiUk]:tn]' tiBk]:tn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Despair, N. loss of hope, hopelessness,

sG]tUk];hqc];nL,'sG]tUk];pQc];lin]' = Heartsick, adj. extremely depressed or unhappy, heartsickness,

sG]tiun],tQn]:' = Emotion, any strong agitation of feelings,

sG]tuin],tQn]:'lBm];Tat]:sG]'pa};Tat]:sG]'lUm];Tat]:sG]tuin],tQn]:' = Emotion, N. any of the

feeling of joy, sorrow, fear, hate, love, etc., emotional, adj., emotionally, adv.,


Suip],hap],pun]:Pgn];kaw].Kuin]:nL:pun]:tL,enL,tqn];KUiw];hw];') = Settled memory: Know history and knowing full

well the future, has an anchor in our soul and move forward for the benefit of our generations by carry on the duty which our

progenies will profit from it,


Throb, to feel or exhibit emotion: He throbbed at the happy thought; He throbbed at painful sore, throbbed, throbbing,

sG]tG];KG]:pQn]' = Eagerness, keen,

sG]tG];mgc];KG]:l}:ha}.mUik]:' = Evil desires,


n].nL,eSTac],TUim]nUiw]la};w}.sG]pUin];tac],ekL.sUiw];nn].'{ = Paranoia, N. a mental disorder; baseless or excessive

suspicion of the motives of others,

sG]Tac],TUim]pUn].'[An]mI;sG]Tac],TUim]pUn].sUic].nn]{ = Paranoid, adj. of, like, or suffering from paranoia,

sG]Tiuc]'(kw]sG]Tuic]SUnL,'kw]km];km];Kuk];sG]l}:SU) = Think of, miss: I think of you quite often; I miss you so much,

sG]Tuic]hUin];'[Kuk];sG]l}:hUin];tik];tik];{(kw]sG]Tuic]hUin];')' = Miss home: I miss home,

sG]nk];'[eKL;KUm]'sG]Aan]'{' = Heavy-hearted, adj. sorrowful; melancholy,

sG]nm]'[yan];etL,mQw];An]k}.pin],lqk]:la}:nn].nL,'Am],eS,'{'sG]lUn];' = Fickle-minded, adj. prone to

casual change; inconstant, fickle, adj., fickleness, N.,

sG]nm]'[nL:nm]'EP.'Am],mI;pw].ma}'{ = Haphazard, adj. promiscuous; aimless, haphazardly, adv.,

sG]nim]'Tic];sG]l}:'(An]-) = Composure, N. serene, self-controlled state of mind; calmness; tranquility,

sG]nim]Sw];lI'sG]nim]Sw];' = Sound mind,

sG]nQw]'[kGL,tac];nL:tik];tik];'nUk],nUk],ht];ht];{ = Onward, adj. adv. directed or moving forward; bold,

sG]pac],SG]lI'sG]pac],' pac],SG]lI' = Lucid, easily understood, shining and bright, transparent,

sG]pL,'sG]tuiw]tn]'[luim];tUw]luim];hac]:'tuiw]tn]'{(kUn];sG],tuiw]tn]tuik];'(sG]pL,ha}.lUic];')' = Wanton, adj.

N. careless; reckless; headstrong; willful: a wanton attack; wanton cruelty, wantonness, N.,

sG]pL;'Kw]:sG]' pL;sG]' = Interest, interested, interesting, have interest in,

sG]pit];sG]pgt];' = Quick-temper,

sG]pit];sG]pgt];' = Bigoted, adj. intolerant: an outrageous bigoted viewpoint, bigotry, adj.,

sG]piw]'yL.Pat],kw];yan]'sG]piw]yan]Pat],' = Distracted, distraction,



m],Kw]:kn]/]kw];yuc]:lUv]:An]hQt];hG]:Am],l}:sG]kn]nn].'AUn]Aan]emL;Em;'{ = Distraction, N. mental

distress or derangement; that which divides the attention, or prevents concentration; that which amuses, entertains, or diverts;

amusement; entertainment; division or disorder caused by dissension; tumult, distracted, adj.,

sG]piw]'Aw]sG]piw]Pat],yan]'yL.Pat],kw];yan]' = Distract, distracted, distracting,

sG]pgc]pqc]' = Tricky, unreliable, doubtful, waver in mind or opinion,

sG]pgc]pqc]'[Am],nim]ngn];hUn];w}.nc],yum],'yuiw]:yuit];'{ = Doubtful, adj. unsettled in opinion or belief; undecided,

sG]pgt];' sG]pit];sG]pgt];' = Moody, irritable,

sG]pgt];' = Irritate, to impatience, irritated, irritating,

sG]SePL;nim]'[nim]ngn];hUn];sgm];SPL,wmn];{ = Temperament, N. natural predisposition,

sG]Pit];Pqk],etL,' Am],Kw]:kn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Dissension, N.,

sG]EP.'EP.'[lat]:hQt];wUv],mUik]:lUic];'nL:hac]:EP.'{ = Sensual, adj. sensual nature; lewd,

sG]/kUn];EP.'EP.'[lat]:hQt];wUv],mUik]:lUic];'nL:hac]:EP.'{ = Sensuality, N. lewdness; unchastity,

sG]PiBw],piBn]:PiBw],hw];'(PU:tUic],pac],pgc]Sac]:Pa},hUc];hQn];ekL.mI;sG]PUiw],pUin]:PUiw],hw];') = Empathic, adj.:

empathic school counselor,

sG]PiBw],piBn]:PiBw],hw];'(kp];Suip],kUn];mL;puic]:lUv]:sG]PUiw],pUin]:PUiw],hw];)' = Empathic, adv.: empathetically

communicate with clients,

sG]PiBw],piBn]:PiBw],hw];' = Empathy, N.,


ekL:KG]:l}:km];lQw]'{' = Hasty, adj. rash, hastier, hastiest,


f};pQn]muk].l}:nn].{' = Wick, N. smoldering wick,

sG]mn]:kqn],w}.'tqp];tt];mn];mn]:' = Resolutely, adv., resolute, adj. resoluteness, N.,

sG]mn]:ht];han]tqt]:etL;' = Tenacity, N., tenacious, adj., tenaciously, adv., tenaciousness, N.,

sG]mw]'[Am],mI;lgc]:KIm}:sG]/lgc]:sG]lQk].sG]tUk];{'l}:mw]sG]kGL,' = Peace of mind N. :have a peace of mind,

sG]man]man],'hUw]sG]Am],Suc]'yU,man],man],'yUw];yUw];' = Lowly, humble in station, condition or nature,

sG]mI;KG]:l}:' mI;sG]KG]:' KG]:' = Wish, want,

sG]emLsBm];eyL;Aam];'sG]emLpn]hqc];' = Cheerful mind

sG]emLsBm];ygc]:eyL;eS,eS,Am],Tat],' = Constant gratitude,

sG]mUik]:kUt].sp];Pit];An]tUw]nUiw].nc],Agk],sG]tG];mgc];KG]:l}:' = Corrupt desire of the flesh,


am],An]Pqn]Aan];sc]:sG]Aw]ta}kUn];An]tam],mn];nk].eSpUin]:Sut];nn].yw].)'sG]mUik]:kUt].' = Depraved,

corrupt, wicked,(killing through action showing a depraved indifference to human life can qualify as murder in the first degree),

depraved mind,

sG]mUik]:sG]kUt].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Depravity, N.,

sG]mUin]kn]' nm].sG]mUin]kn]' mUic];mI;nm].sG]mUin]kn]' = Like-minded, like-minded nations,

sG]mG],sibn]:SG]w}.' Em;tBw]mG],sG]mG],' = Refresh,

sG]yaw];'sG]yG],sG]yaw];'yUin].sG]yaw];'(tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Patience, N., patient, adj.,

sG]yQn]yQn]' = Sober judgment, sound judgment, sound wisdom,

sG]yQn]' yQn]'ABn]:Agn],'(lUm];yQn]Agn],)' = Gentle, adj., not severe, or violent; mild: a gentle wind,

sG]yQn]'ABn]:Agn],'yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:'yQn],Ec:Sibw]:yBw];'(hQt];yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:)'= Gentle, adj.,

polite, moderate, amiable: a gentle manner,

sG]yQn]yQn]'(w}.sG]yQn]yQn]eShQt];pn]/sgm];)'yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:' = Gently, adv.: to deal gently,

sG]ygk];'[AkYac].Am],lI'yUic];Aan];Am],lI'{(Aac]:Aan];nm].sG]ygk];mn];)' = Ignoble, adj. of low character,

aims, etc.; mean; base: his ignoble purpose, ignobly, adv.,

sG]ygc],sG]mL:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Madness,

sG],yG],'[Aic]puic]:{(Amunn].sG],yG],eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,mn];sa};kUv];yw].) = Stand on, to depend on: the case

stands of his testimony,

sG]yG],sG]yaw];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'w}.sG]yaw];yaw];' = Patience, N., patient, adj.,

sG]yG],sG]ht];'ht];hQt];ht];Sac]:' (sG]yG],sG]ht];nUk],TUn]:lI)' = Boldness,(full of boldness),

sG]yG],l}:'(luk]:lQc].ekL.sG]yG],l}:)' = Dependable, adj. worthy of trust, reliable: a dependable employee,

sG]yG],'(luk]:lac];n}.sG]yG]AU:Em:Kw]AUiw]:)'tac];sG],yG],' = Depend, to rely for support: children depend on their

parents, depended, depending,

sG]lm]'Agk],etL;S' = Anger, outrage; outraged, outraging; to become angry, angered, angering,

sG]lm]' etL;S' Agk],etL;S' = Anger, N., out-rage,

sG]lm]'sG]lm]nL,'sG]lm]Sut];pk];'(mn];sG]lm]TUn]:nL,yw].')Agk],etL;S'= Angry, adj.: he was angry

enough to, angrier, angriest,

sG]lm]ca}:'(kUn];sG]lm]ca}:)' = Easily angered,

sG]lm]eStgp],Kibn];' = Retort,

sG]lm]S}:km],'Agk],etL;SsG]lm]S}:km],nL,'sG]lm]nL,' = Angrily, adv.,

sG]lm]S}:km],etL,' = Mad at a person, angry,

sG]lm]ygn].Am],mI;lgc]:PL,kac]wac];Kibc]:' = Indignation,

sG]lm]lp];Sic],Pit];nL,' = Enraged, madden, inflame, anger,

sG]lm]lUit],hgn].' tam],kGam];kin],' = Fierce anger, wrath, resentment,

sG]lQk].' sG]lQk].tUk];tqm],' sG]tUk];' = Depress, depressed, depressing

sG]lQk].eKL:KUm]' eKL;KBm]' = Sad, sorrowful or mournful,

s]GlQk].sG]ng}.'sG]lQk].'[kBw]KI:yan]:{'(tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Timid, timidity, lack of courage, 

sG]lQk].tBk];tqm],'sG]lQk].' = Depression, dejection,

sG]lQw]kn]'(Pgm].SQc]pQc];pak],pQn]sG]lQw]SQc]lQw]kn]'(rUw];15;6')'= One mind, one purpose: ‘one mind one voice’,

sG]lQw]kn]'(Kw]pQn]sG]lQw]kn]'(SL,83;5')' = One mind: with one mind they plot together,

sG]lqt];tUw]lqt];'[tUc].tuin],Kw]:hL{(kUn];sG]lqt];tUw]lqt];) = Agile, adj. active; lively: an agile person,

sG]wivin],KG]:hQt];KG]:Sac]:'mI;sG]wivin],KG]:hQt];KG]:Sac]:' = Willing spirit,

sG]lI'[En/mI;sG]nim]Sw];lI'emLwUn].TT];lI'sG]AI;lU'sG]mqt].tL,'mI;es,tnL,lI'{(kUn];sG]lI)' = Sane, adj.,

warm-hearted, adj. having or showing sound mind and judgment, sympathy, affection, kindness, cordiality; warm-hearted;

kind-hearted; etc.: a sane person,


w]kw],w}.pQc];tan],kUn];sn].tG]:/tqm],eSw}.tin]muiw];mw]mI;sG]KG]:Agn]hUw]Agn]kan];hQt];kUn];lUc]sg}:pUin]:pn]{' =

Condescending, adj. showing or implying a usually patronizing descent from dignity or superiority but voluntarily put it

aside and assume equality with one regarded as inferior,

sG]lIsG]mYat]:' An]lIAn]mYat]:'Suiw]:yUw];yG],mYat]:'yG],mYat]:' = Noble, adj., nobler, noblest,

nobility, N.,


sg}:pUin]:pn]'{ = Condescend, to behave as if one is conscious of descending from supper position, rank, or dignity,

behave patronizingly, condescended, condescending,

sG]lIsG]mYat]:' sG]lI' = Charisma, great personal charm, a divine conferred gift or power,

sG]lIyw].' lIyU,' lIsG]' = Feel good,

sG]lIyuin]:yuin]:mqc],mqc],'[mI;sG]yibn]:yibn]:pn]pn]{sG]lI' = Generous, adj. openhanded, generosity, N.,

sG]lIhp].sg}:'[kUm]:nL:kUm]:tLhQt];Am],nn]Sgn],wL:mn];Tuk],yU,eSw}.tin]mw]muiw];mw]hQt];kUn];lUc]sg}:pUin]:pn]'{ =

Condescend, to stoop or deign to do something, condescended, condescending,

sG]lIhU.An]Pit];An]Tuk],' = Good conscience,

sG]lB.'sG]pUic]:'sG]lusG]pUic]:'[hUic]:kUic];'{ = Falter, loss of courage or confidence; waver, faltered, faltering,

sG]lU.'(lgc]:sG]kUt].n}.hQt];hG]:sG]wivin],mn];lU.) = Fester, to cause to rankle: malice festered his spirit, festered,

sG]lU.sG]mL:'[cw];la};An]sG]Am],pQn]sG]l}:Kam],]kw];yuc]:w}.{' = Derange, to throw into disorder; to make

insane, deranged, deranging,

sG]El,Sac]law].Sac]law].' Sac]law].Sac]law].' = Restless mood,

sG]wac],wiUw]:kUw]Eh'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Trauma, N. the psychological injury so caused,

sG]wivin],'wivin],'Pn]'[hqc];Tat]:sG]'sG]'wivin],KGn]cw];{ = Spirit, N. enthusiasm, mind, apparition,

sG]wivin],' wivin],' hqc];Tat]:sG]' = Spirit, enthusiasm, mind, apparition, spiritual,

sG]wivin],nim]suic]:yQn]lI'(1pI,3;4')' = Quiet spirit,

sG]wivin],nim]mn]:Sw];lI' = Steadfast spirit,

sG]wivin],PL,SL,SL,SnL,'(tuik];pqt]:sG]wivin],PL,SL,SL,SnL,)' = Religious spirit,


c]Kiun];/hG]:Kw]yU,lIpI;San];{ = Broken spirit,

sG]wivin],El:sG]' tUn]:hqc];sG]' = Soul and mind,

sG]wivin],hw];' tUn]:sG]wivin],' tUn]:sG]' = Soul,

sG]wivin],ASak]:Pwhw];' = Our spiritual life,

sG]wivin],AUn]:Tgp].Tgp].'(sG]wivin],kw]AUn]:Tgp].Tgp].nL,yw].KL:'(SL,77;3') = Spirit grew faint: my

spirit grew faint,

sG]wBn].mac],KG]:l}:Aw]nn].kBv];' = Wishful thinking,

sG]hk].KUiw];'An]hk].KUiw];hk].mUic];' = Patriotic, adj. characteristic of a patriot; inspired by patriotism,

sG]ht];'ht];'[ht];can]'{ = Stout-hearted, adj. brave; dauntless,

sG]ht];can]'(Kt];-sG]KI:yan]:'sG]Agn],eA;')' = Braveness,(ant: timidity, cowardice), hreoism,

sG]ht];han]' hqc];sG]ht];han]'(Kt];-sG]Agn],eA;)' = Courage,(ant: cowardice),

sG]haw]:'[sG]lm]tUiw].sG]ca}:'{ = Passionate, adj. easily moved to anger; fervid; irascible, passionately, adv.,

sG]haw]:' = Fervid, adj. heated or vehement in spirit, enthusiasm, etc.; passionate, fervidly, adv.,


Frenzy, N. extreme mental agitation; wild excitement or derangement, frenzies,

sG]haw]:Kuin].Kn].nL,'[mL:Tac]:Tac]:'{ = Frenzy, to drive to frenzy; make frantic, frenzied, frenzying,

sG]haw]:Kuin].Kn].sG]KUm];sgm];nL,'(yUp]39;24') = Frenzied excitement,

sG]huk];sG]ha}.' sG]ha}.mUik]:' sG]ha}.' = Evil-minded,

sG]hUm]sUm];' hUw]sG]SUiw];ekYL,'[SGac],SUiw];sG]lI'{ = Joyful heart, a heart that is merry, in good spirits,

sG]hU.'AL,ruc],'hU.'hU.nG];tUw]nG];Kic];' = Sensation, N.,

sG]hU.'AL,ruc],'hU.tUw]Kiun];' = Senses, came to his senses,

sG]hU.' AL,ruc],' (hU.tUw]Kiun];)'sG]hU.tUw]lI' = Senses, (came to his senses), good sense,

sG]hU.tUw]lIlI' = Good sense,

sG]hU.emLsgm];eKL:pUc]'(la};-/lgc]:-) = Sense of order,

sG]hU.An]Pit];An]Tuk],'hbAn]Pit];An]Tbk],' lqt];lk];lqm]' = Conscience,

sG]ha}.'sG]kYam];'[An]sG]lUic];sG]kYam];'An]Kt];kn]w}.'{ = Ill will, N. hostile feeling; malevolence, enmity,

sG]ha}.pBn].pqn]'Kibn]:tibk];'Kt];kn]'hQt];Kt];'hQt];la};Kw]:tuik];' = Offensive, adj. insulting,

sG]ha}.mUik]:Tac],Pit];'(mI;-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Evil suspicions,

sG]hUit],'(mG];Aw]kw]sG]hUit],'mG];hQt];hG]:kw]sG]epL;hUit],)'= Take my breath, (You take my breath,),

sG]hg}:tit];w}.'(An]sp];yU,nG];sG]kin]ekL:wUn].kGL,ekL:wUn].sgm];eS,eS,)' = Attachment, a feeling that binds

one to a person, thing, cause, ideal or the like: a fond attachment to his cousin: a profound attachment to the cause of peace,

sG]An]KYL;tm],' = Humble, humility,

sG]An]JPL;sw]:TUv]:SG],pn]w}.' = God-breathed, given y his aspiration,(2Ti 3:16),

sG]An]mI;tac];Pit];ApYt]: = Guilty conscience

sG]An]emLTuk],mqn]:sG]' = Favor-minded,

sG]Am],kqn],'[kUic];'Am],tqp];tt];sG]l}:'{ = Vacillating, adj. not resolute; swaying; fluctuating; indecisive,

sG]Am],kqn],'hQt];Am],Tuic]tI:Tuic]lqn]'[sG]pgc]pqc]'Am],tqp];tt];sG]l}:/sG]Am],mn]:kqn],'{ = Vacillate,

to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute, vacillated, vacillating,

sG]Am],mn]:kqn],'sG]Am],kqn],' = Irresolute, adj. not resolute; inform of purpose; vacillating,

sG]Am],sp];'(Kt];-sG]sp];')' = Mindless, careless, thoughtless,(ant: mindful),


m];tL,wUn],pun]:Pgn];') = Unmindful, adj. not mindful; heedless; forgetful; careless; neglectful: unmindful of obligations,

sG]Am],SiUw];Am],SL,' = Feel bad, unpleasant emotion,

sG]Am],tQm]'[pQn]erL;kL,lUm];hUw]sG]Am],epL;lI{' = Mental disorder illness, mentally disorder,


nim]nn].)(Kt];-nim]'sG]nim]') = Unstable, adj. unsound: the unstable, (ant: stable)

sG]Am],nim]Am],Sw];l}:' Am],l}:luiw]:l}:Sw];' = Unrest, restless,

sG]Am],mUin]kn]'Am],mUin]kn]'[pqk],pUic]:kn]w}.Sgc]/Sam]mQw];la}la}An]{ = Discrepant, adj. differing,


pQn]nuic]:mQw];nn].') = Discrepancy, N. unacceptable difference; inconsistency: Resolve customer discrepancies,

sG]Am],yaw];'sG]Suk].Sk].'(sG]Am],yaw];sgm];kUn];Ka}sg}:TUic];TUiw].nn].')' = Vex, irritated: vexed at the slow

salesclerks, vexed, vexing, vexation, N.,

sG]Am],yaw];l}:'Am],yUin].l}:'(Kt];-yUin].sG]yaw];'w}.sG]yaw];yaw];) = Impatient, adj.,(ant: patient),

sG]Am],lI'sG]Am],lIsgm];'sG]sL.' = Feel bad, feel bat about, (I feel bad about not attending the funeral,),


;ha}kGL,El:hLAm],hn]l}:n}pQn]PG]ekL:Am],lgt]:pQn]sG]Am],lIAm],lk];)' = Sick feeling,

sG]Am],lIsgm];' sG]lQk].eKL;KUm]' = Mournful, sorrowful,

sG]Aan]'sG]nk];' = Melancholy, N. a gloomy state of mind,

sG]Aac]:Aan];' = Ambition, aspiration, yearning,

sG]Aac]:Aan];tL,pun]:tUw]kw],kUv];' = Selfish ambition,

sG]:Aac]:Aan];An]Agn]PwkUn];'[tac];sc]:sG]es,tnL,yG],An]PUim].Tqm]pn]nc],AQn];Aan];mG];mI;{' =

Driving ambition of life, driving passion to fulfill your purpose,

sG]Aic]Kic];puic]:' = Rely on thoroughly,

sG]AQt];lB'AQt];lB'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Compassion, N. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow,

sG]Aun],'(tL,hG]:sG]epL;Aun],n}.mG];lUw],Sc]?')' = Feel secure: What do you need to feel secure?,

sG]ABn]:' lm],hUw]lUc];kGL,' = Get down,

sG]AUn]:sG]Agn],' (kgp]:n}El:hw];Am],sG]AUn]:sG]Agn],eSAit];"(2ekL;'4;16')) = Lose heart, become

discouraged,(Therefore we do not lose heart.(2Co 4:16))

sG]Agn],eA;' Agn],eA;' lgc]:Agn],eA;'(sG]Agn],eA;mn];Aw]mn];l}:Aa}pUin]:')' = Cowardice,

(His cowardice shamed him.),

sG]Agn],eAL,EA,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Self-pity, self-indulent manner,

sG]:' mqn]:' (lgc]:-/An]-) = Correct,

sG]:' man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]' man],mqn]:Sibw]:etL,' kibc],cam],Sc],Tbk],' An]Tuk],' An]mqn]:'

An]suiw]:An]sG]:' = Right, rightness,

sG]:'suiw]:'Tuk],'man],'mqn]:'(Kt];-Pit];'Pit];pUic]:'hQt];Pit];'Am],mqn]:') = Right, adj., (ant: wrong, false)

sG]:' sibw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,'sibw]:sG]:'Sibw]:etL,' = Righteous, right,

sG]:Et.' Et.' man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:' An]Et.' mI;Et.' = True, perfect,

sG]:Et.sG]:wL:yw].' mqn]:Et.mqn]:wL:yw].' = Excellent point, I agree with you,

sG]:Et.sG]:wL:Am],Pit];Am],piUc]:' = It is indeed true,

sG]:Et.yw].'sG]:Et.eAL:' = Amen, adv. verily; truly,

sG]:Et.yw].' tqt]:etL;lInL,yw].'lp].lgc];'Am],hac].'Am],kat]:' = Surely,

sG]:Et.eAL:&'sG]:Et.AUiw]:' = True! It is true. Yes, it’s true.

sG]:yw]:' mqn]:yw]:' sG]:yw].' = That’s right, Correct!

!sG]:yw].'pQn]nc],mG];Kun]lUc]lat]:nn].yw].'@[mG];Kun]lUc]lat]:nn].mqn]:Et.yw].'{'(mqt]:27;11)' =

“Yes, it is as you say.” You have said so, (Mtt.27:11)

sG]:yw].mL;kw]lat]:EnSU' = Yes, I tell you,

sG]:yw].El:tc];ALmin]:'[sG]:yw].hG]:pQn]nn]tL.ALmin]:'{' = Yes and amen,

sG]:yU,kUv];kL:'[eKL:sim]Ek:mn];{' = Well, interjection (used to introduce a sentence, resume a conversation, etc.):,

!sG]:yU,kUv];kL:n}.mn];Am],lI"@ =“Well, this is not good.”

sG]:yU,nL,'sG]:lgc]:mn];yU,nL,/lU;'kuic]lIpQn]yU,'mI;tI:pgc],yU,' = It makes sense,

sG]:yU,hG]:pQn]nn]tL.' = Granted, adv., quite right, well;


n].kan]/tI:yU,'ciun];tgc];'sL.kGL,'Am],tUv];pun]:tUw]kw],kUv];'{ = Selfless, adj. , selflessness, N. having little or no

concern for oneself, especially with regard to fame, position, money, etc.; unselfish, selflessly, adv.,

sG]:eAL:' eAL:KL:' eAL:' sG]:yw].' mqn]:yw].' sG]:KL:eAL:' sG]:yU,'AUiw]:' = Yes,

sG]:AiUw]: 'mqn]:' mqn]:yw].' mqn]:Et.' sG]:Et.' sG]:yw].' = True, It’s true,

sG]:AUiw]:' sG]:eAL:' = Yeah, yes,

sG]:AUiw]:pQn]/wL:nn]AUiw]:'sG]:yw].pQn]sUic].nn]yw].'sG]:yU,lIhQt];yU,' = Yes, yep, yup,

sG];'El,'SB,sG];'[kGL,El:kGL,law];'mL;SB,mL;sG];pI;ngc].'{ = Visit, a call paid to a person or family, visiting,

sG];eS,eS,'k}.mL;sG];' = Haunt, linger, -To visit habitually or regularly, to remain persistently,

sG];tUv];'(sgc],mG];etsG];tUv];tUn]:mgk],tUn]:mG]kw]pn]l}:Pgc]:yU,huiw]mUiw]:kw]Agk],Kaw];tac];k}nn].?)' = See

after, to attend to; take care of: Will you please see after my plants while I’m away?,

sG];hQt];KiUw];KiUw];yG];yG];' = Harass, to disturb persistently, torment,

sG];hQt];KiUw];KiUw];yG];yG];' pan];Pit];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Harassment, annoyance, trouble,

sG].'[sG].hQt];eSsiBw].eSpiBc]{ = Utilize, order, send, employ service, ask to do something,

sG].kw]lat]:' (mn];sG].kw]lat]:) = Told me to say,(He told me to say,)

sG].kw]hp].Kam],pun]:Pgn];mn];tUk];nUiw]kw]l}:yU,' = Hold me personally responsible for him,

sG].kin]mG];'(sG]kUt].sG]ecL;eSsG].kin]mG];nn].')' = Use you: despitefully use you,

sG].kGL,'hG]:kGL,'(nUic];-sG].mL;'hG]:mL;') = Order or tell to go,(compare to “ order or tell to come”), send,


etTUm]:nn].') = Evacuate, to remove persons from (a city, town, building, area, etc., evacuated, evacuating,

sG].sa},'(pa};-'la};-')'wac];Pqn]sG].sa},' = Spending plan,

sG].sa}pqt]:mUt];'kgt];KI:lic];mUt];'SQc]:mUt];'SQc]:kGL,mUt];' = Used up,

sG].sa},pUv],PUw].PL.pqt]:' = Wasteful spending,

sG].sa},eA,eA,' ygm];sa},' = Spending less,

sG].SUhQt];kGL,tL,Kaw];tac];yUic];Aan];mUiw];nL:' = Destined you to do,

sG].tac],ekL.Tgm],sg}:pn]' = Using others to listen,

sG].tI:lG]ekL:l}:' lIsG].' lIyip];' mI;kL:mI;Kn]' = Useable, useful, valuable,

sG].tibw];' sG].' yip];tibw];' yip];' = Use, used, using,

sG].tuiw];kGac]:kGac]:KGac]KGac]'yip];sG].kGL,Kaw];huic]' = Extended use,


n].{'(yip];sG].tuiw];hQt];kan]l}:Et.']:An]sG].tuiw];hQt];kan]l}:Et.)' = Practical, adj. adapted

or designed for actual use, useful: practical use, practical instructions,


l}:Et.)' = Practical, adj. of or pertaining to practice or action: practical mathematics,

sG].tuiw];tI:kan]l}:Et.' ePL,nm].ePL,tUw]l}:' = Practicable, adj.,

sG].tuiw];l}:' sG].tI:lG]ekL:l}:' = Useable, useful,


tL,SU:kqt],EK{' = Apologize, to make a formal defense in speech or writing, apologized, apologizing,

sG]tgt],Am],man],'[rit].tm],la};tgt],nG];mak],hUw]sG]Am],man],{ = Arrhythmia, N. any disturbance in the

rhythm of the heartbeat,

sG].pG].kum];Tic];tUv];w}.lIlIcam];cam];' = Posting the guard, setting a watch,

sG].mn];hQt];nc],mn];mI;pun]:Pgn];w}.nn].' = Hold him accountable,

sG].mL;' SBc],' SBc],pn]' p}g,SBc]' pg},sG].' (PG]sG].mG];mL;?) = Send, sent, (Who sent you?)

sG].mL;'hG]:mL;'hgc].mL;'(nUic];-sG].kGL,'hG]:kGL,')= Order or tell to come,(compare to “ order or tell to go”), call for,


.Stik]./es:sG].yw].pqt]:)' = Disposable, adj.: disposable plastic spoon, disposable, N.,

sG].yU,k}yan]Am],pn]mL;sm]' sG].Kw]yU,k}k}El:' = Keep them away,

sG]ygk],/lgk],sG]'kw];'(An]-) = Agitation, N. psychological and physical restlessness; emotional agitation,

sG]lm]'Agk],etL;S'(mn];sG]lm]/Agk],etL;SlUit],tc];tUw]yw].')'= Anger N. ire: he burned with anger,

sG].lat]:En' hG]:mgk],pn]' = Ask to tell,


<frm],An]lQk];tiut].sp];Am],epL;tiuw].Aw]l}:nn].EPkGL,yU,Pa},niuc]:') = Magnetic separation, a

process in which magnetically susceptible material is extracted from a mixture using a magnetic force. This separation technique

can be useful in mining iron as it is attracted to a magnet. In mines where wolframite was mixed with cassiterite, At these mines a

device called a Wetherill's Magnetic Separator (invented by John Price Wetherill, 1844–1903)[1] was used. In this machine the

raw ore, after calcination was fed onto a moving belt which passed underneath two pairs of electromagnets under which further 

belts ran at right angles to the feed belt. The first pair of electromagnets was weakly magnetised and served to draw off any iron

ore present. The second pair were strongly magnetised and attracted the wolframite, which is weakly magnetic. These machines

were capable of treating 10 tons of ore ,

sG].hw];lat];wL:nn]wL:n}Agk],SUp];Agk],pak],kGL,' = Tells us what to say,

sG].hap],eKYL;' sG].hap],epL,tL,' hap],eKYL;/epL,tL,' = Forced labor, forced to porter,

sG].hQt];' sG].hQt];pn]'(pQn]mn];sG].kw]hQt];AUiw]:')' = Ask to do, being asked to do,

sG].hQt];sgm];Sm].Am],pn]ciun];tgc];pL;'(An])' = Unfunded mandate,


{ = Call off, to cancel a project, event, or activity; to stop or restrain a person or animal that is behaving aggressively,

sG].hG]:pn]'(mn];sac]:etsG].hG]:pn]tac];hn]Tiuc])' = Require, (He may require the opinion,),

sG].hG]:pn]pQn]'tQk];hG]:pQn]'hG]:mI;pbn]:Pgn];' = Compel, to force or drive to, compelled, compelling,

sG].hG]:hQt];'[pn]nL:kan]'Sc],hG]:hQt];{'(kw]/hw];ygn];puic]:sG].hG]:SUhQt];'kw]pn]nL:kan]mG];') = Charge, to put

a load or burden on or in; adjure: I charge you, charged, charging,

sG].hG]:hQt];' pn]nL:kan]' = Charge, to put a load or burden on or in, charged, charging,

sG].Am],mqn]:tI:'[sG].tI:mn];Pit];Am],nn]ekL:tI;Am],Sc],Tuk].nn].{'= Misuse, N. wrong or improper use,

sG].Am],mqn]:tI:'[sG].tI:mn];Pit];Am],nn]ekL:tI:Am],Sc],Tuk].nn].{ = Misuse, to use wrongly or

improperly; misapply; maltreat, misused, misusing,

sG].Agk],'hG]:lgt]:pqt]:'[luip]:Agk],/luip]:Ka}.Agk],hUin];'{= Oust, (Law) to eject or evict; dispossess, ousted,


yQn]lIkGac]:lIeShQt];tI:nn]:'{ = Use Third Spaces, If you’re struggling with open-plan offices, then try to

incorporate more third-space work into your day for critical thinking; try to find a quiet space in the office, a serviced office, or

negotiate some time to work from home,


Nga - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


c'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TiSam]{' = ‘Nga’, the third letter of the Tai alphabet,

cra};'(n}.k}.Aw]lat]:tI:han].tqm],)'mrL,n' = Hades,(often lowercase), hell, place of torment,

cra};'emL:cra};' = Hell, hades,

cra};luik].'yc],Am],tUik]:'[tI:An]luik]./kGac]:nL,El:epL;Am],tqk]:tUv];l}:nn].{' = Abyss, N.,

ck];'[tUp]./cw].lQk];hG]:mn];pQn]ck];eScgk];pQn]sQc],w}.nn].{'ck].' = Bending angle, bent angle,

ck];lg}' ck].lg}' = Bend mountains,

ck];ck];'[SQc]mLKUp];kn]ck];ck];{' = Quarrelsome noises (as stray dog biting each other),

ck].'ck];'(epL;yU,k}tUv];tUn];lg}n}mUin]mn];pQn]ck];pqn]ck];w}.'ck];/ck].lg}') = Angle bend, angle bending,

cc]:cc]:'[SQc]mLha}.mLEhKG]:KUp];kUn];eSKac];cc]:cc]:yU,nn].'{'cc];cc];' = Growling dog sound,

cn]cn]' h}:cn]cn]'[h}:cn]cn]'h}:cuv]cuv]'h}:cun]cun]'{' = Mournful cry,

cm]'km]'[yip];w}.mn]:mn]:kqn],kqn],'{(cm]/km]tLmuiw];')' = Grip, to hold firmly, gripped, gripping,

cm]:'cm].'mLcm]:/cm].'(yL,ygk],mLmn];cm]:pn]mG];AUiw]:km].&')'KUp];'mLKUp];' = Dog bite,

cm];'[muc];hUm],Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];tc];Eh.kc]:{' = Overtake by shadowing, governing and protecting,

cm];cw];' Tac],TUim]' (kw]cm];cw];An]yUc];sG]mn];nn].sUiw];nn].AUiw]:')' = Suspect, to doubt or mistrust,

suspected, suspecting,(I suspect his motives),

cm];cw];kibc],lIsqt]:Tam]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Questionable,

cm];cw];nG];sG]' Tac],TUim]' = Suspect, have suspicion, suspected, doubt,

cm];cw];mw];kGc]' kGc]' kGc]sG]' ybc]:yc]:kGc]sG]' = Confuse,



El:')' = Confound, to perplex; bewilder; confuse; to throw into disorder: The complicated directions confounded him; the

revolution confounded the people; confound their words, confounded, confounding,


;n}.kt];yQn]n}ekL:wL:) = Peace, N. freedom of the mind from any strife, distraction, anxiety, etc.; serenity,



= Baffle, to confuse, bewilder, or perplex; to frustrate: He was baffled by the technical language of the instructions,

cm];yQn]'[kt];kt];yQn]yQn]{(miUw]:Agn]tac];n}.kt];yQn]ekL:wL:)(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Peace, N.,

cm];yQn]sqt]:sac],' = Perfect peace,

cm];yQn]Sut];ygt]:' = Ultimate peace,

cm];yQn]etmL;sU;mG];Kiun];kUv];' = Peace just come back to you,

cm];yQn]nim]Sw];lI' = Peaceable,

cm];yQn]n}.pQn]Agc]:tI:sn].hw];mI;AL,nL,nn]." = Peace is our position of power,

cm];yQn]Aik],pgc],sqc]:lqc];kn]'(An]-) = Tranquility, N. peacefulness; calmness; serenity,

cm];yQn]Aik],pgc],sqc]:lqc];kn]'(tI:-'Agc]:tI:-') = Tranquil place,

cw]' cw]sUn];sUn];' eKL;KBm]' sG]sL.'Am],SUiw];' = Sad, affected by unhappiness or grief, unhappy,


Sw]:nL:mgc]w}.nn].{' = Despondent, adj. :despondent about failing health,

cw]sUn];sUn];'cw]cUim].cUim].' = Downhearted, adj. disheartened, sad, downcast,

cw]cUim].cUim].' = Downcast, adj. dejected in spirit; depressed,

cw]Sw]:SUw],hUw],' Sw]:SUw],hUw],' = Somber, sad, depressing,

cw]Sw]:ww];mgc]' = Get sour,

cw]ngn];' SBt];ngn];' = Drowse, drowsed, drowsing, drowse, N.,

cw]ngn];' SBt];ngn];' = Drowsy, adj.,

cw]ngn];tc];AUn]:nUn];hUiw].sG]eSehL:' = Drowsy and Fatigued Driving,

cw]mgc]eSL,ehL,'[KG]:l}:nL,mgc];epL;cw]sUn];sUn];'hQw],sgp]:'{ = Languish, to pine with desire; fade, languished,

cw]:'[cw]:tUn]:m}.'cw]:Sw]'{'(Kt];-pa})' = Bottom, (ant: top),

cw]:km],PL,'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL;-cw]:'){ = Genesis [a book of Bible,(abbr.: Gen.)],

cw]:kUn]:'cam]:kUn]:' = Caudal, adj. N.(Anatomy, Medical) the posterior end of body; a caudal anesthetic,

cw]:Kam],mn];'(yip];tuiw];pQn]cw]:Kam],mn];)' = Chiefly, adv. N. primarily; mostly: used chiefly,

cw]:KL'[tac];nL:tUw]kUn];tI:KLlUc]tUp].El:pQn]tI:KLlUc]kp];tUw]kUn];Pa},tG]:tgc]./pum]nn].{' = Groin,

cw]:Kqn]'hUw]Kqn]'[tI:nG];Ek:Kqn]lUc]tc];hUw]mL,kUn];hw];nn].'{' = Top upper arm,

cw]:Kam],puin].mn];' = Ground, N. the foundation or basis on which a belief or action rests,

cw]:eKL;'[pgt];sp];Pa},tG]:kgc],ekL:kUn];nn].'{' = Base of neck,

cw]:KUiw];hUin];'[cw]:hUin];'ekL.pQn]cw]:hUin];'{(cw]:KUiw];hUin];Kw]')'= Family head of family, head of household: the

heads of their families, head family,

cw]:cL,' cw]:' = Fundamental, primary,

cw]:cL,Kw]:nm].tac];kin]'[tac];kin]An]kUn];kin]l}:eSlItL,hqc];tUw]Kic];kUn];{' = Food source,

cw]:cL,ciBn]:tibn];' cw]:cL,PU:SUc],Kaw],' ciUn]:mn];' ciUn]:tiun];' = Source,

cw]:cL,cUin]:tuin];El:An]ta};Tuic]hp].l}:Am],mqn]:pUic]' = Illicit sources and access to,

cw]:cL,PU:SUc],Kaw],'ciUn]:tiun];' ciUn]:mn];' cw]:cL,ciBn]:tibn];' = Source,

cw]:cL,Am],pL;Am],l}:' = Cornerstone, -Something that special, vital element, essential part,

cw]:cbn];'[sum];An]kUn];ekL.lG]ekL.nn].Kw]/pL,tIKw]/suic]:mUic];Kw]'hUm]:pQn]nG];sum];lQw]kn]{' = League,

cw]:cun];'[Kuic]:kac]tI:hup]:suw}.kQw],lgc]:st];kan]la}la}An]nn].'{' = Headquarters, N.,

cw]:cun];'[tI:mI;lum];nm]El:pQn]tI:Agk],eKL:sI.Sc],tc];la}nn].'{'lum];cw]:cun];' = Headquarters, N.,

cw]:cun];'[yU<nit].tp].Suik];tI:mI;PU:kgn];Suik];tc];PU:km]./kqm]mn];'{'cw]:cun];Suik];' = Headquarters,

(Military) N a military unit consisting of the commander, his staff and other assistants.,

cw]:cun];sum];kum];kgn];El:Eh.erL;kL,'(sItIsI) = Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC),

cw]:cun];sum];pgc]kan]siuc]:miUc];' = Central Executive committee,

cw]:cun];t};sgp],Kaw],'(ctsK) = Tai Central Intelligence Agency

cw]:cun];pqc].ey;ciun];t};Pgm].hUm]:'(cptP) = United Tai Central Bank,

cw]:cun];pgc]kan]Siuk];' = Military command headquarters,

cw]:cun];miUc];lum]:fL.' = League of Nations, (1920),

cw]:cun];lum];yU<Aqt].S]sIAa}<Aqt].S]' = USCIS Service Center,

cw]:cbn];lBc]lbm];Tt];Sin]miBc];Pgm].hBm]:miBc];man]:' = Chief Court of the Union of Burma,

cw]:cun];hup]:sutum]' Kibc]:kac]' cw]:cun];' = Center,

cw]:cun];hup]:sutum]' cw]:cun];' Kibc]:kac]' pgt];kac]' = Central, adj.,

cw]:Et,' cw]:' cw]:Et,mn];/cw]:mn];' = Primary, adj., primarily, adv.,

cw]:Et,Kgc]min]<nrL<'(mUin],nc],wL:pL;pQn]cuin];ekL:pQn]kgn]:ciun];nG];hin]Eh:nn].w}.km];lQw]')' = Primary

minerals, A mineral formed at the same time as the rock enclosing it, by igneous, hydrothermal, or pneumatolytic processes,

and that retains its original composition and form,


'{ = Elemental, adj. of the nature of an ultimate constituent; basic or primitive, elementally, adv.,

cw]:sibc]:' = Central headquarters,

cw]:suic]:lgc]:kL:kU;mUic];lum]:fL.' = International Trade Centre, (ITC)

cw]:pibc];'[cw]:hak]:{' = Origin, N. root,

cw]:puic];cUin]:tuin];mn];'[tI:et,sL.pQn]mL;kw],kw],Et.Et.nn].{' = Original source,

cw]:pibc];mn];'(pp].nn].yc];tuik].pQn]An]yQp].w}.cw]:puic];mn];yU,)'sQm]cw]:puic];mn];' = Original, adj.: The

book still has its original binding.

cw]:pibc];mn];'(cw]:pibc];kGam];lat]:hI;RpO;') = Original: word in original Hebrew,

cw]:puic];mn];Et,tI:kUn];mL;'(cw]:puic];mn];Am],sG]:Et,tI:kUn];mL;)= Human origin: Is not of human origin,

cw]:piun].piuc];' = Original foundation,

cw]:muiw];'[Et,luk].tI:An]pQn]km];Agn]tac];Sut];Am],nn]cw]:puic];cUin]:tuin];mn];mL;nn].{' = Firsthand,

adj. adv. from the first or original source,

cw]:lin].'[pgt];tac];lc]lin].{' = Root of tongue,


Like father, like son,” (idioms),

cw]:hak]:' = Inception, root, commencement, source, conception,

cw]:hUin];'ekL.pQn]cw]:hUin];'(PG]pQn]cw]:hUin];?)' = Head household: Who is the head of household?,

cw];' cw];hiUw]:' Sqc]lImI;cw];' = Refraction, brightness,

cw];'];' hUm]:cw];' cw];tUn]:m}.' cw];hiUn];' = Refraction, shade,

cw];' kgc].cw];' = Shadow,

cw];' cw];Sqc]'(Sqc]lImI;cw];)' = Ruby luster, sapphire or jade luster,

cw];tBc].' = Movies

cw];lqc];'[Am],sG]:An]lqc];lIEt.Et.pQn]An]hUiw]:Tgc],Kuin];nn].kUv];{' = Shimmer, glimmer,

cw];lqc];'(cw];lqc];lUin]n}.l}:mL;tI:lqc];lqt],Tgc],SG],nn].)' = Shimmer, shimmered, shimmering,

cw]:lqc];lUin]' = Moon shimmer light,

cw];la};' = Condition, situation,

cw];la};'(cw];la};mn];Am],epL;KG]:sp];yw].') = Situation, N. condition; case: plight: He is in a desperate situation,

cw];la};kQw],tI:hQt];kan]'(tgn]:Pa},cw];la};kQw],tI:hQt];kan])' = Working conditions: category of

working conditions,

cw];la};KG]:pQn]' = Desire situation,

cw];la};sc],n}.' = Up-to- date, current situation,

cw];la};sUiw];sg}:SL,sG]' = Relief situation,




Condition subsequent, (Contract) -If a certain future event happens, a rights or obligation ends,



Agn]tac];)' = Condition precedent, (Contract) A condition, fact, or occurrence that must occur before a

contractual obligation is triggered,

cw];la};tUw]kL,y' = Physical condition,

cw];la};pn]pQn]'km];lImn];'[Sun],lI{'tuiw].tac];'(tuiw].tac];km];lITUn]:Sgc]')= Chance, N. opportunity: a

second chance,

cw];la};pQn]Et.mI;Et.' = Actual situation,

cw];la};pQn]w}.mI;w}.' pQn]w}.mI;w}.' = Situate, situated, situating,

cw];la};pa};yU,lImI;w}.kgn],Agn]tac];' = Pre-existing health condition,

cw];la};piUc]pQn]' = State, condition, status,

cw];la};Pbt];epL,' cw];la};Kibk].Kk].Pbt];epL,' = Emergency



w:lgt]:An]etpQn]hqc];nL,nn]."{ = Emergency Medical Condition, an illness, injury, symptom or condition so

serious that a reasonable person would seek care right away to avoid severe harm,


LKiut];Kuit];"{ = Emergency Medical Transportation, Ambulance services for an emergency medical condition,

cw];la};mn];mqn]:lInL,yw].' = Conditions are just right,

cw];la};mn];pn]lInL,yw].' = Conditions are ripe,

cw];la};miUw]:pUn].mL;' = Past situation,

cw];la};miUw]:lQw]' = Present situation,

cw];la};miUw];nL:' = Future situation,

cw];la};yam]:hp].hQt];KL:sG].mL;mUiw]:kgn],Agn]' = Previous condition of servitude,

cw];la};lUm];'Pac]:hac]:cw];la};'lUm];' = Atmosphere, the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth, the air,

cw];la};lUw],yL' = Medical condition,

cw];la};luin];wa};'[Kk].tgn]:wa};pQn]yw].{' = Following social situations, post-event processing,

cw];la};lgc]:KUic],Km].kL;' = Vehicle Condition,

cw];la};wac];Am],mUin]kw],mL;KGac]w}.' = Interference by abnormal ground conditions,

cw];la};An]kw];pn]tac];yap],' = Troubling circumstances,



c].nuic]hQt];Sac]:kGL,mqn];sgm];pk];pUic]lIlIyU,n}nn].'{' = Implied condition, (Contract), that is not stated in

the contract and presumed to exist from the conduct of the parties that they will act lawfully,

cw];la};An]pQn]w}.' nG];cw];la};' = Environment, conditions,

cw];la};An]mgk],Enw}.'[n}.pQn]cw];la};An]tqm]:mgk],Enw}.nG];ptivin],nn].'{' = Express condition,

cw];hac]:SQc]' TI<wI<' KiBc]:pg},SQc]hac]:' TI,wI,' = Television, TV,

cw];hUiw]:'(Sqc]lqc]hac]:lImI;cw];hUiw]:law]hUk];Sa}su)' = Bright luster: Bright 6-ray star ruby,


,kYOw];/kYOw];@n}yw].')' = Bright 6-ray star ruby: ruby bright luster,

cw].' cw].Aw]'(cw].Aw]yL,epAI') = Pull, to draw or tug at with force: pull not push,

cw].tuit].Kgn];hG]:Kw]lUm]'(Kun]16;3') = Tore them loose: tore them loose, bar and all,

cw].sU;tUw]'naw].'naw].Aw]' = Haul toward oneself with force,

cw].lUc];'sn]lUc];'tuit].lUc];'ngc],lUc];'lak]:lUc];'naw].' = Pull down,

cw].Aw]yL,epAI;' cw].El:yL,AI;' = Pull not push,

cak]:'[tI:sap]:kn]nn].cak]:tqk],AL:pQn]wqw],w}.{' = Gape, to open as a gap, gaped, gaping,

cak]:Puv],'tqk],'(lUm];lUc]pt].Pk];tUhU;lqc];cak]:Puv],El:Aw]man],mn];tqk],st].kGL,) = Burst, break open,

cac].'(cac].SUp];pL)' AL:' puit],' Puv],' = Open: Open fish mouth, opened, opening,

cac].' tqk],AL:' Aw]st].' = Cleave, to make by or as if by cutting, clove, cleft, cleaving, to cleave,

can]'ht];'(kUn];ht];'sa};can])'ht];can]' = Brave, adj., bold, daring, heroic, (brave man), braver, bravest,

can]'ht];'ht];can]'(kUn];ht];'sa};can])' = Brave, adj., bold, daring, heroic: brave man, braver,

bravest, bravely, adv.,

can]' ht];'(lgc]:-'An]-')' = Bravery, N. courage, valor, daring; prow, braveness, N.,

can]ha}.ht];han]'(kUn];can]ha}.ht];han]'(SL,76;5') = Valiant, adj. stouthearted: the valiant or stouthearted;

valiant men, valiantly, adv.,

can]ha}.ht];han]' = Valiant, adj., valiantly, adv.,

can]:'[Kun],wqn]sQp];pQn]km];pQn]km];{(hUw]can]:')'sQp];can]:SG],can]:SG],' = Ache, pain: headache,


n}.epL;tQn]:lU;lL;hLkan];Kiun]:PLmUin]nc],Am],hU.wL:tUw]:sw],hQt];Sc]yU,n}nn].'{'= High fever too high,

can];lU;'lU;'[lU;lL;'{' = Delirium, N. a state of violent excitement or emotion, delirious, adj.,

can];'naw]can];'[naw]S}:kG]:'naw]sk];hQp];'{ = Spotted fever, N. typhus fever; tick fever,

cap],' cap],pL' = Gill, fish gills,


w]sG])' = Gasp, to struggle for breath with the mouth pen: last gasp; dying gasp; to breath their last, gasped, gasping,


yw].)' = Last gasp,(Idiom) the point of death, dying: At his last gasp he confessed to the murder,

cap]:Aw]sG]etta}'(yUp]11;20') = Dying gasp, last gasp; last breath,

cam],' lqp]:'(wac]:Pqn]sgm];lUv]:sG]hU.An]cam],Puc];tn];KUw];yG],sw]:nn].')' = Befitting, adj. suitable, proper:

planned with a befitting sense of majesty,

cam],kn]' KUp];cam],kn]'(An]mI;Am],cam],kn]tc];An]hn])'= Match, to be equal or suitable, to fit together,

cam],kn]nc],Kw]tuk];ygn];sUiw];nn].tc];SQc]:' = Met all their demands,

cam],mqn]:tL,tuik];Suik];'(Sin]20;17') = Fit for battle,


Fit for service: fit for service in the kingdom of God,

cam],lI'(la};tUc].nuic]lQn]:hqc];An]cam],lI) = Wholesome, adj.: wholesome exercise, wholesomeness, N.,

cam],pa};yU,lI'[An]sg}:hQt];hG]:tUw]Kic];kUn];yU,pI;San];nn].{(tac];kin]cam],pa};yU,lI'lUm];cam],pa};yU,lI)' = Wholesome, adj. conducive to bodily health, healthful: wholesome food, wholesome air,

cam]:' cqm]:' pQn]cqm]:'(cqm]:pa}lqm]lin].' cam]:m}.)' = Fork, {forked tongue, between two branches,},

cam]:' (cam]:KL' cam]:lg}') cqm]:' = Crotch, as of the human body between the legs, curve, fork,

cam]:' tqk],AL:' (cam];nUm];' cam];kUn]:')' = Cleavage, (breasts cleavage),

caw]:'[Am],epL;lqt];lI{' = Dull-witted, adj. mentally slow, stupid,

caw]:nL,'cUiw]:caw]:' = Silly, adj. weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish; cuckoo,

caw];' cqw];'[An]mQw];hgc].caw];caw];/cqw];cqw];{' = Meow, N. the characteristic sound a cat makes,

caw].'[cU;KQw]hac]hqc]:{'caw].hac]hqc]:' = Green viper,

cL' cLw}.' yiBc];' yiBc];w}.' = Aim, to point or direct a gun, punch, etc., toward, aimed, aiming,

cL' cLw}.' cLkn]w}.' = Aim at, to make a target, targeting,

cLet' sm]et' epL;tk];et' = Almost, about to, on the verge of,

cLyUic];w}.' = Leverage, to use a quality to obtain desired effect or result,

cLhLhQt];eP;SG],' = Threaten,

cL:cL:'h}:cL:cL:'h}cuv]cuv]' = Cry with loud bursts of grief, non – stop child crying,

cL;' (cL;PUik],'cL;Pqp].'cL;mUn];'cL;lm])' = Sesame, N.: white, flat, round, or black sesame,

cL;'KQw]:cL;'[KQw]:yaw];pa}lqm]wit];wit];'{(hk];TUv]:cL;Sac],SI:sUiw];nn].pqt]:KL:El:'(SL,85;6') = Fang, N. one

of the long, sharp, hollow or grooved teeth; a canine tooth: tear out the fangs of those lions,

cL;' KQw]:cL;' = Eyetooth, canine tooth, eye teeth, tusk,

cL;sac].' = Ivory, ivories,

cL;S};' = Entrance to a fish trap,

cL;Suik];' Tqw]Suik];' Sa}Suik];' = Column of soldiers, troops column,


L;epL;puk];yw].@n}'!kin]mL;KQw]:epL;cqm]:yw].@n}ekL:wL:')' = Blunt eyeteeth, blunt canine teeth,

cL;Pa}' = Sharp eyeteeth, sharp canine teeth,

cL;mL' = Dog canine teeth,

cL;mUw]' = Water lily root, lotus root,

cL;mUTUin],' = Boar tusk,

cL;lqm]'(KQw]:cL;lqm]wit];wit];Agn],hac]:lI' KQw]:cL:lqm]wat],wat],lUc]lIkUw]') = Fang-like eyeteeth,

cL.' cL.AL<'(kGa};Agn],hgc].wL:!Ec.EA@n}') = Water buffalo sound,

cin];kt];w}.Ait];Ait];' = Feel cold,

cin];kUw]cin];cqw]'yin];kBw]yin];cqw]' = Fearful, adj. frightening; feeling fear, dread, or solicitude,

cin];sUm];'cin];sUm];cin];SUiw];' = Feel happy,

cin];Pan]' = Feel sad,

cin];mUiw],cin];san]:' = Disgust, disgusted, disgusting,

cin];lI'(cin];lIEt.Et.KL:)'cin];lIcin]sUm];' = Feeling of appreciation: I appreciate that very much,

cin];Aa}' lIAa}' cin];kUw]cin];Aa}' = Feeling of shame,

cin];Aa}mQn]'cin];Sqw]mQn]' = Smell a bad odor,

cin];Aa}hgm]' = Smell a sweet scent,

cip]:'kip]:' kim];cip]:' kim];kip]:'(kim];cip]:Tan],f};) = Tong, tongs, N.: coal tongs,

cip]:' kip]:' cip]:kic],Eh.' AL:KLcip]:hgc]:' cip]:hgc]:w}.Sgc]Pa},' = Pinch, (pinch brook,)

cip]:ht].kqn],'[Aw]KUic]:cip]:ht].nn].yip];/mip],sp];/hip],/kip]:w}.pn]hG]:kqn],kqn],nn].{' = Vise, to hold,

press, or squeeze with or as with a vise, vised, vising,

cip]:Aw]'vap]:Aw]'(yip];kim];/TU,kU:niuc]:cip]:Aw]') = Hold or work with tongs,

cqk]:'[hqn]nL:Kiun]:tUik]:tUik]:{'cqk]:eKL;' cqk]:tak],h}' = Turn face up,

cqk]:'Kuin]:kGL,tik];tik];'tak],Kiun]:kGL,'Kiun]:Suc]kGL,' = Upward, adj. adv.,

cqk]:lc]Aic]' nc]:cqk]:kgc]lc]Aic]' = Leaning back against, leaned back against,

cqk];' cqk];pqt]:' = Shun, to keep away from (a place, person, object, etc.), shunned,

cqk];nL:pqt]:'[Ew:'{ = Shun, to keep away from motives of dislike; eschew, shunned, shunning,



w]pn]nn].lL;lL;"(ehL;28;14') = Turn aside from, to change position so as to face in a different or the opposite

direction; go aside from,

cqn]:'[yum].cqn]:hG]:hn]KQw]:{'(epL;Am],KG]:yum].eScqn]:n}.wL:nL:!cqn]:tUik]:@)' = Grin, to smile broadly, grinned,

cqn]:Kqw]:cqn]:Pn];'[kUn];cqn]:KQw]:kn]:Kam],sQp];{' = Grin, draw back the lips so as to show teeth as a person in pain,

cqn];eKL;'[cqn];eKL;yL,hG]:epL;TUv]:sG]l}:nn].{' = Choke, strangle, choked, choking,

cqn];eKL;ta}'[ta}kUv];{'hut].eKL;ta}' = Suffocate, smother, strangle, suffocated, suffocating,

cqn];ES;' nik]:sak]:cqn];ES;' = Torture, torment,

cqp];mak],hUw]' = Cap peak,


lG]'tI:hUin];t};wan]:ngk]:n}.k}.pQn]An]muc];tL,wL;Puin];'ygc]Kw]:lG]'skGL,nn].{'cUip],hUin];' = Awning, a roof like

shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, fro the top of a window, over a deck, etc. in order to provide

protection, as from the sun,

cqm]:'cam]:'pQn]cqm]:'(cqm]:pa}lqm]lin].' cam]:m}.)' = Fork, to divide into branches; between two branches: forked tongue,

cqm]:SUn]:puin]'SUn]:kQc]' = Nock, N. a metal or plastic piece at the end of an arrow, having a nock for the bowstring,

cqw]'[mI;ekL.lQw]kUv];Am],hn]PG]El:lgm]kUw]w}.nG];sG]{' = Fear of loneliness,

cqw]kUn];'k}kUn];'[Am],epL;mI;kUn];yU,nm]{' = Solitude, absence of human activity, loneliness,

cqw]sG]ekL.lQw]lqw];' = Loneliness,

cqw]sG]miBn]mI;ekL.lQw]lqw];' = Feel alone,

cqw];cqw];'[SQc]mqw];Agn],hgc].{'(mqw];lUc]hc].cw];cw];)'cw];cw];' = Cat sound,

ci' cI.'(sam];tUv];lIlI)' = Bring into line, make equal,

ci' cI.hG]:PQc],'[ciyL,sU,yLhG]:mn];pL,Pa},lG]{' = Equate, equated, equating,

cipn]'[sg}:Ek:K}An]TQc]kn]nn].sgm];la};lI'{ = Umpire, to act as umpire; arbitrate, umpired, umpiring,


n].{ = Index,(Economics) to adjust (wages, taxes, etc.) automatically according to changes, indexed, indexing,

cuk];'[kic],m}.hk];kan].tUk];pQn]cuk];kuit];kuik];lm];m}.w}.{' = Stub, N. a short projecting part, stumpy end, butt stock,

cuk];kgc]:'SUn]:kgc]:'[pgt];Pa},lc]Sut];Sut];hUin];kgc]:yaw];{= Buttstock, N. butt stock of a firearm,

cuk];SUn]:kgp];mL.'[pgt];tac];lc]kgp];mL.k}.pQn]mgc].kUc],Kuin]:w}.nn].'{(nUic];-tum],/cuk];hUw]kgp];mL.')= Cantle, N. the

hind part of a saddle, usually curved upward,(compare ‘pommel’)

cuk];/tum],hUw]kgp];mL.'[pgt];An]mqn];w}.nUiw]sik];tac];nL:kgp];mL.'{(nUic];-cuk];SUn]:kgp];mL.')= Pommel, N. the

protuberant part at the front and top of a saddle,(compare ‘cantle’)


kn]sUiw];l}:Kuin]:hun].ekYL,mUn]:sUiw];l}:cuk].nL:sw]:tLmgc])(Kt];-Kuin]:'l}:Kuin]:'pQn]Pa},Kiun]:')= Become a nonstriker, or as an anvil,

cuc];cuc];'[mLhaw],mLKac];{'cuc];cuc];cc];cc];' = Dog growling or barking sound,

cuv]cuv]'h}:cuv]cuv]'h}:cL:cL:' = Cry with loud bursts of grief, non-stop crying child,

cuv].'[Aw]kn];eSAn]kuv]./cac].Puv],{' = Pry, to move, raise, or open by leverage,

cuv].'kuv].'[Aw]lQk];/m}.lI;wUiw],ES,eSyuk].{ = Lever, lift up with a lever; to apply a lever, levered, levering,

cut],cit],'Aut].Ait].sG]'yU,yap],' = Uneasy, adj. not easy in body or mind; disturbed, uneasier,

cun];'[An]mqn];/SUt],Agk],mUn];mUn];w}.{(cun];lg})' = Abrupt end of anything, N., as a tuberous root,

cun];'[nUiw].An]mqn];Agk],mUn];mUn];w}.{(cun];kUn]:)' = Tuber, N. end of spinal column in man: tuber butt,

cun];kUn]:k},sac].' = Tuber turkey tail, turkey tail meat,

cun];kUn]:'[cun];kUn]:Kit];{'cun];hac]' = Tuber tail, tuber butt,

cun];lg}'[hin]An]mqn];Agk],w}.tI:lL,hL.hin]/lL,kan].lg}nn].{' = Precipice, N.,

cun];hak]:'[cw]:tUn]:tI:yac]:hak]:Agk],pQn]lm];w}.nn].mUin];nc],hak]:Sam]pU;{' = Rootstock, N.,

cum];'[An]emLyL/pU,lQc].cum];tUv];lUit]:lUm];kUn];pQn]{'cum];tUv];' = Feel pulse/heartbeat with hand,

cum];'[An]tam],cL:cum];hLvgp];pLnG];nm].{'cum];pL' = Feel after, to search for: feel after for fish,


.kn]AQn]]tac];ekYL,mn];)' = Feel after, to seek to find, feel,

cBc];' ygt]:lI,mG]' enL,' [mG]/tBn]:m}.An]Et,sL.Agk],{' = Sprout,

cBc];' Agk],cUc];' Agk],ygt]:lI,mG]' Agk],enL,' = Sprout, sprouted, sprouting,

cUc];KU:nc]'(KU:nc]cUc];'KU:nc]kuc];)' = Tip end of the nose: big nose,

cUc];cUc];'[SQc],mLhgn]cUc];cUc];cUc];{' = Dog howling sound,

cUc];cUc];cac];cac];'[SQc],mLKUp];kn]kw];kn]{' = Dog wailing sound,

cUc];sac].'[KU:nc]sac].n}.cUc];cUc];yaw];yaw];taw];Aw]tac];kin]lut],Aw]nm].l}:{' = Elephant trunk,

cUc];Tan]'[tUn]:Agn],Agk],mL;tI:sUiw].tUn]:Tan]{' ygt]:Tan]' = Palm sprout,







l}:yw].){' = Bean sprouts, the sprouts of newly germinated beans especially of mung beans, used as a vegetable,

cUc];mak],Aun]'[tUn]:Agn],Agk],mL;tI:luk]:mak],Aun]/Tan]{' ygt],mak],Aun]' = Coconut sprout,

cUc];Agk],' Agk],hU;'[sUiw].Pn];cUc];Agk],lin]'nm].Agk],hU;{' = Spring, sprang, sprung, springing,

cUn].' pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].' kgc].' = Poison, toxin,

cUn].' kgc].' yL:mUiw],' = Poison, N., toxin, N.,

cUn].'pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].'vL;kgc]./yL:mUiw],'Ag},cUn]./yL:mUiw],' = Poison, poisoned, poisoning,

cUn].'mI;kgc].'pQn]kgc].sac]:mUiw],'pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].'(tUn]:Aqk];mI;kgc].) = Poisonous, adj.: a poison shrub,

cUp].' = Turn face down,

cUp].' tUp].' (tUp].KUw];' cUp].Pa}.) = Fold, folded, folding,

cUp].'[Aw]PLmuiw];wa},lUc];wac];w}.{(cUp].kgk];/wan],)(lqc]:PL,muiw];)= Prone, having the palm downward, as the hand,

cBp]]'cUp].cikn]' = Negotiate,

cBp]}:'cUp];cica}:' = Flexible,

cUp].ciyap],' cUp].cI.yap],' = Inflexible,

cUp].nL:'kUm]:nL:'(mn];ngn];cUp].nL:sp];Pak]:w}.)' = Face down, adv. : He was lying face down on the floor,

cUw];'wUw];epL:'wUw];'(wUw];can]'wUw];epL:num],')' = Bull, N. ox: a young bull, bulls,



suiw]:tam];kn]pn]wL:'!ey:'AI,'Aam]'Aa},'AUw]:'@n}nn].)' = Name given to fifth son in a Tai family: as

the 1st to 5th sons a respectively called, as while the 1st to 5th daughters are named differently:,

cUw].cL.'(pp].K}:sG]tqm]:cUw].cL.') = Soggy, adj. spiritless, heavy, dull or stupid: a soggy novel, soggier, soggiest,

cU;' cU;haw],' = Snake, N., serpent,

cU;kQw]:Kgn].' cU;KQn];Kgn].' = Snake entwined staff,

cU;Kn],pgc]:' = Yellow belled Bangarus or kraits,

cU;KQw]'[cU;sL.lQk].SIKQw]{' = Green snake, any slender, green snake of the genus of Opheodrys, of north America,

cU;KQw]hac]lqc]'cU;KQw]hac]hqc]:' = Green viper,

cU;sUc]Aac]'[l}:hU.wL:cU;mQw];n}.mI;nG];mUic];t};yU,nG];tUn]:m}.n}'{' = Large deadly serpent,

cU;suin];' = Blind worm, a limbless European lizard, Anguis fragilis,

cU;SL'[cU;la};Kn],pgc]:lqc],km],/la};Kgn],Sgk];tgk];kgc].hqc];{' = Venomous snake,

cU;Sin][k}.hLkin]nU{' = Rat snake, house snake,

cU;Sa}kac],'cU;Sa}Sin]:'cU;wa}' = Striped snake,

cU;nm].'cU;AUc].nm].' = Water snake,

cU;lUim]'[sam];tUv;{' = Python, any of Old World boa constrictors,

cU;lgk]:Kap],' = Snake sheds skin,

cU;haw],'cU;' = Serpent, N., snake,

cU;haw],kak],' cU;haw],pgc]:' cU;haw],mUn],' cU;haw],lm]' = Cobra, king cobra, black cobra,

cU;haw],f};' cU;f};' cU;P};' = Fiery serpent,

cU;ha}.' = Viper, N. a venomous snake; adder, snake,

Ec:' Ec:lI' Ec:lgm]:lgm]:' yQn],' = Tame, adj. meek; be tamed, tamer, tamest,

Ec;'Ec;Ec;'(h}:Ec;Ec;'emL;Ec;Ec;')'Agc]:Ec;' = Nickname for baby girls: infants cry, babies cry,

Ec;Ec;'Kac];Ec;Ec;'emL;Ec;Ec;'h}:Ec;Ec;' = Infants cry and fuss,

ca}:'ca}:ca}:' ca}:sG]lUm]sG]' = Easy, adj., not hard or difficult,


:')' = Ease, (I’ll help if it will ease your job.),

ca}:cqm]:' ca}:ca}:Agn],kUv];' ca}:nL,' = Easy, adj., simple,

ca}:cqm]:eSkin]kUv]:'(kGam];kp];Tuk],)[kan]/la};hQt];mn];Am],yap],Sc]{' = Piece of cake, (Idiom),

ca}:sG]' ca}:sG]lInL,' = Easily, without trouble, beyond question, by far,

ca}:sG]lUm]sG]'(tac];-'lgc]:-/An]-) = Easiness,

ca}:sG]lBm]sG]'mgn]:lIlg}:lI'lgt]:kac];lI'ca}:lIlBm]lI'ca}:sG]' = Ease, N.,

ca}:eSEl:mw]' = Easy and light,

ca};' (wn];ca};' yam];ca};') = Morning, time about or after breakfast,

ca};' ca};kn]' ca};ca};kn]' = Similar, having a likeness, like, resembling,

ca};' ca};kn]' = Resemble, to be like or similar to, resembled, resembling,

ca};kn]etL:nc],nn]' = In a sense, hypothetically, apparently,

ca};kn]mUin]nn]nc],kaw],' miBn]nc],wL:' mUin]kn]' = Similarly, adv. in a similar way; same way,

ca};kn]mUin]nn]nc],kaw],yw].' = In a similar way,

ca};nc],' miBn]nc],'epL;'nc],'kL:sBw]:' = As,

ca};nc],' nc],' miBn]nc],' = Like, as,

ca};mUin]'(ca};mUibn]rqm];mtI,nG];ptivin],nn].)' = Quasi, adj. seeming, as if, as it were, (quasi-contractual remedy),

ca};mUin]sum];hQt];tac]kUn];mUic];'[pQn]ekL./sum];hQt];kan]pn]lUc]pgc]suic]:nn].{ = Quasi-public agency,

ca};mUin]rqm];mtI,nG];ptivin],nn].' = Quasi-contractual remedy,

ca};hac]:tUn]:m}.' = Arbores cent, treelike in size and form.,

ecL;' ecL;KUn]hUw]' = Curl, curled, curling,

ecL;' (KUn]hUw]ecL;') = Curly: curly hair,

ecL;kGL,'hac],kGL,'hUt];ecL;'ygn],lUc];'Sut]:'[kGLk},k}pqt]:'hac],k}kn]kGL,pqt]:'{ = Recede, to go away; to

become more distant, receded, receding,

ecL;Kqn]'[Kqn]Am],lqn];Suiw]:cgk];w}.tI:cgk];Sgk],{' = Bend arm, bend elbow,

ecL;Ec;elL;El;ca}:nL,'ecL;'(yL,sG]ecL;ca}:nL,Pqw]')'sG]ecL;ca}:' = Sensitive, (Don’t be too sensitive),



tm],47' hqc];ngc],sn]mk];ma}w}.eKLeKLn}.pQn]10.5mUiw]lUm];m}:20tI,krI,Sqn]<tIkrQt].'{'cuin];kiw],' = Silver,

(Chemistry) a white, ductile metallic element, used for making mirrors, coins, ornaments, table utensils, photographic chemicals,

etc. Symbol: Ag; atomic weight: 107.870; atomic number: 47; specific gravity: 10.5 at 20°C. , =

ciun];' ciun];es:' = Money,

ciun];' ciun];mQt].ciun];' = Silver, silver coin,

ciun];km].Tqm]luk]:Agn],'(cuin];km].Tqm]luk]:nc],eKL:Sc],lum];JtL;mI;w}.')' = Child support,: court-ordered

child support,

ciun];kL:sac]:' = Payroll, N. the sum total of payments to the employees to be paid with the amount due to each,

ciun];kL:prI<mIym]'[ciun];tgn]:pn]la}An]l}:pn]tL,Aw]hUv];hG]:l}:Suiw].KUw];hQt];Agk],nn].{ = Premium,


l:epL:lQc].mG];k}.pn]sgm];pQn]lUin]Am],nn]ekL:pn]sgm];kGL;tL;pI<mn];kGL,(nuic]:pI<mI;SI,kGL;tL;)'{ = Premium,

(healthcare) the amount that must be paid for your health insurance or plan. You and/or your employer usually pay it monthly,

quarterly or yearly,

cibn];kL:hqc];' cibn];kL:hqc];hQt];sgm];wBc]:/wn];/sBw]:mgc];' kL:sac]:' = Wages,

ciun];kL:hqc];kin]sac]:pQn]pgk]:' = Odd jobs income,

cuin];kL:hqc];pn]sgm];sUw]:mgc];' = Hourly wage,

cuin];kL:hqc];pn]sgm];wUc]:' = Weekly wage,

cuin];kiw],' ciun];' (Km];' Km];tqc]:') = Silver, (gold)

ciun];kQp];Kgn],l}:' = Revenue, the income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs, or other sources,

ciun];kqk];' = Demonetized note,

ciun];kU:' = Loan, a grant for temporally use of something,

ciun];kU:'[ciun];Agk],KI:{' = Loan, a certain sum of money by a lender to borrower to be repaid w/ or w/out interest,


,pqt]:srac];cuin];kU:'(kU:pn]') = Loan, N. a certain sum of money by a lender to borrower to be repaid w/ or w/out

interest: cancel loan; make a loan,

ciun];kU:Kiun];tqn];yg}:' = Rollover Loan, A loan that is amortized over a long period of time,

ciun];kU:ST'(ciun];An]sum];Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];Siuk];Tak]:nn].kU:pn]kUn];Siuk];Tak]:Kw]tL,Aw]Siuw].hiUn];') = VA Loan, -

Home loan guaranteed by the U.S. Veterans Administration, enabling a veteran to buy a home with noe money down,

ciun];kU:tL,ekL,Sac]:' = Construction Loan,

ciun];kU:tL,Em;hiUn];' = Home –Improvement Loan, -A loan used to finance home improvement,

ciun];kU:tqn];KI:tc];tUw]kGL,sgm];hUw]pI<mn];' = Annual Loan Constant,

ciun];kU:emL<kit]<Em;cUp].cil}:'(eA,Aqm]EA,l]) = Adjustable Mortgage Loan (AML)

cuin];kU:luk]:hQn];' = Student loan,

ciun];kU:lUc]' = Jumbo Loan, -Loan size that larger than the limit established by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac,

ciun];kU:lUn].pUn].liUw]'(ciun];An]kU:Aw]liUw]eSkL:Kn]KUw];Kgc]75%nn].') = High-ratio Loan,

cuin];kU:hUm],lUm]:tm];sG]'[cuin];kU:mI;An]km].w}.pL;Kgc]tac]mUin]nc],hUin];lG]kL;lG]nn].'{' = Secured loan, a loan

that is backed up with collateral, such as a home or a car,

ciun];kU:Am],mqn]:' = Non-Conforming Loan,-A loan that does not meet Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae standards,

cuin];kU:Am],hUm],lUm]:'[cuin];kU:An]Am],mI;Kgc]tac]Sc]km].w}.nn].(Kqp];mG]suik];Suiw].){' = Unsecured loan, a

loan not backed up by collateral, i.e. a credit card,


:kw],hLkin]kUv];Kw]nn].tc]:Et,pUk];Kgm]<pnI,Agn],Kw]l}:'{' = Microloan, N. a very small, short term loan at low

interest, especially to a start-up company of self-employed person,

ciun];kU:Aqp].f]AQk].KY]eA,' = FHA Loan,-This program provides insurance to protect lenders against the risk of

default on loans to qualified buyers,

ciun];k}.SU:kU:pn]' = Conventional Loan, -Any loan other than a VA or FHA loan,

ciun];kuit];' An]kuit];' ciun];Am],pQn]sa},' cuin];Kac].w}.'An]Kac].w}.' = Remainder,

cibn];kgc]kac]' = Fund


eStL,l}:sa},miUw]:mn];liuw]:kan]liuw]:can];kGL,yw].nn].') = Pension Funds,

cuin];kgc]kac]yip];w}.nc],kn]' = Common fund,

ciun];kgc]kac]hUm],lUm]:sUw]:pan]t};' (hG]:pQn]ciun];pun]:pac]:sg}:pn]tL,yU,Sw];kin]Sac]:kGL,l}:wa};kiut];liuw]:epL;

kan]') = Tai Social Security Fund

ciun];Krqn];liUc]' (Eh:ciun];pQn]kgn]:SImn];hm].KG]:pL;Pa},lUic]kQn];cQn];w}.') = Krennerite, One of the gold

telluride group of minerals, (Au,Ag)Te2; corresponds to the same general formula as sylvanite and calaverite. Silver-white to pale

yellow color; sp gr, 8.35.

cibn];Km];KBw];Kgc]' = Treasure,

cibn];Km];KBw];Kgc]mBk];SiBc],' = Hidden treasure,

cibn];Kw]:'(hG]:cibn];Kw]mG];la}la}pbn]) = Income,

ciun];Kw]:KUp],pI<' = Annual income,

ciun];Kw]:SL,sG]lUm]sG]' mI;cuin];Kw]:SL,sG]lUm]sG]' = Sustainable income,

cibn];Kw]:Tbk],SGac];Kgn],' = Taxable income,

ciun];Kw]:TUc]' = Net Income, (gross income that remain after the deduction of all charges, taxes or costs,)

cuin];Kw]:nm]' = High income,

cuin];Kw]:lI'[sac]:l}:nm].mYat]:nm]'hLciun];l}:nm]'l}:SU;nm]'{(kan]kL.Ka}l}:ciun];Kw]:lI)'l}:ciun];Kw]:lI' =

Lucrative, adj. profitable; moneymaking; remunerative: a lucrative business,

cuin];Kw]:Ait];AI:Agn],'ciun];Kw]:Ait];Agt];' = Slim income, very few or little income,

ciun];Kun]sg}:'[cuin];An]lUc]pgc]suic]:Tuk]:sg}:pn]sgm];nc],mI;nG];lik]:hUw]ma}nn].{' = Subsidy,

ciun];Kgn],kzc];pik]:man],Sgc]Jtqk].m'(mqt]:'17;24')' = Two-drachma temple tax,(Mtt.17:24),

ciun];sram],' sram],' = Advance,

ciun];es:' ciun];' = Money,


nuic]:nn].?"(1ekL;9;7') = Expense, N.: “Who serves as a soldier at his own expense?(1Cor.9:7), expenses,


nuic]:kUv];Suiw].kin]Aim],pQn]tL,yw].')' = Buy many things with a little money,


n]:w};){ = Disinflation, N. a period or process of slowing the rate of inflation,

cibn];sibk];Sibw].' Krqt].tit].' kbc],SerL,nL:tL' Aw]nI:Aw]Kgt],' = Credit,

ciun];sg}:'(ciun];sg}:sUw]:Kaw];tL,nL:hUin];sUiw];Auip];yak]:kgt];Pan]Kan]sG]')' = Cash assistance: temporary

cash assistance for needy families, financial assistance, monetary or financial aid,

cibn];sg}:hUm],lUm]:sUw]:pan]kUn];' = Social Security income,

cuin];sG].sa},tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare spending,

ciun];sG].sa},PL,Kiuc]:kiuc],' = Cash Break-even Ratio,

ciun];sG].sa},miUc];kac]haw]'ciun];mUic];kac]haw]' = Heaven’s Currency,

cibn];SekL;lL;sg}:pa};pic],vL,' = Scholarships,


n];kGL,'@(TUin],16;38') = Cost, N. cost inefficiency; “at the cost of their lives”,

ciun];SQc]:kL:kun],'[ciun];An]Suiw].kun],kL:hQt];Agk],kun],kL:kUn];hp].sG].sg}:{' = Direct cost,

ciun];SQc]:eSAm],Tuic]tI;Tuic]tac];Sc]' = Cost inefficiency,

ciun];SQc]:tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare costs,

ciun];SQc]:niUw]An]lam];nG];ciun];kgc]kac]' = Cost of Funds Index,

ciun];SQc]:ngk]:lqk]:'[mUin],nc],ciun];l}:pn]kL:Kgn],lgk];lin]tI:hUc];sak]:/kan]mI;{' = Indirect cost,

ciun];SQc]:miUw]:Kiun];hQt];Agk],' = Reproduction Cost,

ciun];SQc]:miUw]:put]:SG],KUw];hiUn];' = Replacement Cost,

ciun];SQc]:elL;Tqc]:' = Additional costs,


EP:tiUn];tiUw];nm]mL;tik];tik];') = Tai Freedom 401K

ciun];SU;'[ciun];An]pn]luk]:lQc].ngk]:lUiw]eSkL:hqc]Kw]nn].'(cuin];epL;nt].S]){' = Bonus, premium,

cibn];eSpn]'(cibn];An]lbm];JtL;mk];mn]:hG]:pn]tI:ekL.TiBk]:l}:) = Alimony,

ciun];S}:tqn];' = Indemnification, N. something that serves to indemnify, compensation, indemnity, N.,

Earnest Money, A deposit made by a buyer of real estate towards the down payment to evidence a good faith, =


ciun];tc];nm]lUc]' = Large sum of money, large amounts of money,

cuin];tqc];kL;'cuin];mQt].pYL;'[cuin];mQt].nuic]:pYL;/etL,lL,{ = A Dollar Coin,

cuin];tum].Kiun];' ciun];Aan];Kiun];' = Rebate, partial refund,

cuin];tUk];ehL,'[cuin];/kun],Sin]KUw];Kgc]An]AU:Em:Pa},luk]:KUv]mG],pn]Pa},luk]:pG].mG],{ = Bride price, N. dowry,

cuin];tu' = Counterfeit money, forged note,

cuin];tqn];nI:'[tqn];SG],Kqp];mG]suik];Suiw].'KI:ciun];tUw];'cuin];kU:pn]luk]:hQn];'skGL,'{ = Debt payments, any

payment to a credit card, student loan, etc.], payment of debts,

cibn];etL<lL<' ciun];etL,lL,' = Dollar

cuin];t};'cuin];etL<lL<t};'cuin];tqc];kL;t};'(TAI$)' = Tai dollar, (TAI$)

ciun];etL,Ek;'[cuin];Kgn],l}:SGac];sw]:fL./Kun]fYO;tL<l]{ = Fief, N. a fee or feud held of a feudal lord: fief and fee,

cuin];tuik].kuit];mI;tL,tn];Aw]l}:' = Available balance,

cuin];tuik].kuit];mI;nG];pqc].'(kw]KL:KG]:ygn];sqt]:tUv];ciun];tuik].kuit];mI;nG];pqc].kw]eAL:'sg}:Ait];nuic]:KL:')' = Bank

balance: I would to check my bank balance, please,

ciun];tiun];' Alac];' = Capital, principal, asset, the wealth,

cibn];tgc];'cibn];Km];' = Finance



hUin];ey;l}:nn]."{' = Microfinance, N.,

cuin];tgn]:'[tgn]:ciun];Ait];Agn],pn]tI:ekL.pG].hp].sG].sg}:PUin]Kw]:'{ = Gratuity, N. tip,

ciun];tgn]:'[hk].kn]/KG]:sg}:kn]/nm].ym]kn]/mat]kn]/pI:ngc].kn]pn]ciun];kn]la}la}{' = Money gift,

ciun];tgn]:pn]la}' = Premium, bonus or sum additional to price, interest,

cuin];Tlqn].'[pQn]ciun];mI;nm].nk];3,000SYqk];kUw];(Agk],'38;25')El:pQc];kn]tc];94 3/7pgc],'{'Tlqn].' =

Talent, of silver contained 3,000 shekels(Ex.38:25,),and was equal to 94 3/7lbs.

ciun];TlU;rI;mUn],'(Eh:cuin];SImUn],ca};miUn]siun];nG];mn];pL;Km];'ciun];El:tgc];') = Tellurium(Te), Sylvanite,

cibn];Tip].' = Tips,

ciun];Tuk],pn]Kun]'= Assessment, a local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose such as for streetlight,

ciun];Tuk],pn]Kun]eKLeKL' = Special Assessment,

ciun];Tuk]:pn]sa},' = Disbursements,

ciun];Tuk]:pn]sa},el:ciun];pn]KGac].sa},liUw]' = Disbursements and additional allowances, 


kuit];mI;tL,tn];Aw]l}:n}.eA,eS!0@Sun],kGL,pqt]:nn].'{' = Overdraft, N. an act or instance of overdrawing a

checking account, the amount overdrawn and the available balance goes below zero,

cuin];Tut],'[ciun];An]tuk];ygn];pun]:tL,pg},kUn];ekL.l}:Kam],tivgp];w}.nn].mUiw];Kiun];{' = Ransom money, N.

money demanded for the return of a captured person,



t]:Aw]' = Redemption money, N.: “Moses gave the redemption money to Aaron and his sons, as commanded

by the word of the LORD.”(Numbers 3:51),

ciun];TiUk]:l}:TiUk]:pn]' = Annuity,

ciun];prI<mIym]AL,mKam],' = Insurance premium,


Sun],tUw]{' = Budget, a plan you create to contro your spending and mange your personal finances,

cuin];pt].kYqt].Kaw];yaw];lut]:tin];tgn];' = Long-term budget deficit,

cuin];pt].kYqt].tc];kL:srip]:Sgn].fac].kqm]' = Budget and contingency costs,

cibn];pn]kL:AL,mKam],ASak]:Pw' = Life insurance payouts,

cuin];pn]KGac].sa},tL,kan]Ain]kYin],nYI;yL,Kw]' = Engineering allowance (EA),

cuin];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],'An]pn]KGac].sa},mqc],' = Payment allowance, allowed amount,


thgc].wL:pQn]'srip]:kuic],TUik]:l}:hp].'/An]pn]KGac].sa},mqc],'/Kn]An]cUp]]w}.'n}ekL:wL:yU,yw]."{ = Allowed

Amount, maximum amount on which payment is based for covered health care services, this may be called ‘eligible expense,’

‘payment allowance’ or ‘negotiated rate’,

ciun];pn]tL,lIK}:sG]' = Consideration, -Anything of value given to induce another to enter contract,

cuin];pn]tL,lIK}:sG]nn].eA,nL,' = Lack of consideration, (Contract).,

ciun];pn]TL:kL:suik];Siuw].'(eK,ciun];pn]TL:kL:suik];Suiw].') = Down Payment, the part of purchase

price paid in cash up front, reducing the amount of the loan or mortgage: make a down payment,

cibn];pqn],SYin],' = Pension

ciun];put]:AmUv],' = Inherited money,

cuin];pun]:pac]:Pgn];lI' = Benefits,

cibn];pgk]:TI,'Am],nn]ciun];lgc];l}:' = Lottery or gambling winnings,

ciun];Puv].Kiun];' = Reimbursement,

ciun];PUc].Kw]:' = Cash Throw-off,

ciun];EPSG],Alac];' = Contribution, -The money paid by one responsible for a share,

ciun];EPpn]Pgn];lI'(Kgc]-/An]-) = Contribution, gift, donation,

cuin];EPpn]Pgn];lIl}:lgt]:Kgn],'(ciun];EPSG],Alac];l}:lgt]:Kgn],) = Tax-free contributions,

ciun];Pg}' = Silver in lumps or nuggets, as formally used in Shan state, 






m];'mG];mqc],kL:mn];ngk]:sum];kgc].San]'srip]:mG];tac],sUiw].tac],mQw];sUiw];n}.SG],pL;sgm];An]mk];Kan];w}.n}.Sc]"{ = Outof-Pocket Limit, the most you pay during a policy period (usually a year) before your health insurance or plan begins to pay

100% of the allowed amount. This limit never includes your premium, balance-billed charges or health care your health insurance

or plan doesn’t cover. Some health insurance or plans don’t count all of your co-payment, deductibles, co-insurance payments,

out-of-network payments or other expenses toward this limit,

ciun];mQt].'mQt].yg}:'(ciun];mQt].ciun];'ciun];mQt].Km];'ciun];mQt].tgc];lqc]) = Coin, ( gold coin, silver coin, copper coin,)

ciun];mQt].Km];' = Gold coin,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].'[Puin]Kqp];mk];ma}An]tac]w}.wL:pQn]sw]:Kgc]pun]:ESYyL<nG];Kgm]pnI,An]nuic]:nn].{' = Stock, N.

a certificate representing a share of ownership in a company,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].Kgm];mgn];' = Common stock, -Shares in a corporation that depend on their value on the value

of the company,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].An]SUc]sG]' = Preferred stock, -A class of stock that entitles the holder to a stated

dividend that must be paid before any dividend payment is made to holders of common stock. Holders of preferred stock

generally do not have any voting rights in the corporation,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].mac]Sgm],' = Blue Chip Stock, -The equity issues of financially stable companies that have

demonstrate their ability to pay dividends in good and bad time,

cbin];mBk];Stgk].El:ESYyL<' = Stocks & shares


mQt].lUc]kUn];KUiw];hI;RpO;Kw]sG].mUiw]:kgn],'{'SYqk];kUw];'= Shekel, N. the common standard both of weight and value among

the Hebrews; it is estimated a little more than half an ounce; a chief silver coin of the ancient Hebrews, shekels,


.nn].'(1Kun]10;17'luk].9:13'){ = Mina, N. an ancient unit of weight and value equal to about 50 shekels (the sixtieth

part of a talent), minas,

ciun];miUc];' = Currency, paper or coin of a country, money,

cuin];mUic];kac]haw]' = Heaven’s currency,

cuin];mYat]:'(mYat]:El:Sum];)' = Money gained, profit: profit and loss,

cuin];mYat]:KUp],pI<'[cuin];l}:mYat]:mL;tI:Pc]Alac];w}.huic]pI<nuic]:yw].nn].'{ = Annual Return, Annual return

is the return an investment provides over a period of time, expressed as a time-weighted annual percentage. Sources of returns

can include dividends, returns of capital and capital appreciation. The rate of annual return is measured against the initial amount

of the investment and represents a geometric mean rather than a simple arithmetic mean.

cuin];mgn]'[An]pn]Kgc]mgn]kin]SU;kin]lap]:kn]/mgn]ciun];TUw];lap]:kn]nn].'{' = Bribe money,

ciun];yim]'[Am],sG]:ciun];sw]:kw],hLl}:pQn]ciun];An]yim]pUin]:w}.nn].{' = Borrowed money,

ciun];yum],ym]tiuk].kiut];mI;nG];pqc].' = Bank balance of trust,

ciun];eyL,' An]eyL,' = Forfeiture, forfeits,

ciun];yg}:'(ciun];mQt].Ep;'mU;'mat]:'KGa};'El:tc];ciun];es:mac]pYL;sUiw];n}.') = Change,

cuin];lk];ciun];kw]' = My own money,


l}:SGac];Kgn],nUiw]mn];nn].El:Am],pgc],Kaw],la};can];Tuic]lUc]pgc]suic]:nn].'{' = Black money, N. income earned

surreptitiously or illegally, usually in cash, and not reported to the government so as to avoid paying taxes on it,

cuin];lUw]pn]kGL,man],man],' = Regular payments,

ciun];lUw],Agk],Tgc];'(ciun];An]etl}:pn]/Tuk],w}.)' = Out of pocket, adj. paid out or owed in cash, N.,

ciun];lU,' tac];lU,' lU,pn]' = Donation, contribution,

ciun];l}Kw]:yG];yG];' = Cash Flow, -The amount of cash derived over a certain period of time from an incomeproducing property,

ciun];l}:' = Gross Income,

cuin];l}:' cuin];Kw]:' = Revenue, the collective items or amounts of income of a person, a state, etc., incomes,

ciun];l}:(Kat]:)la}pun]:tUp].nqp],'(kYI<Aa}<Aqm]<) = Gross Income (Rent) Multiplier,(GIM)

cibn];l}:miUw]:ekY,eA;Amb' = Settlement from lawsuits,

ciun];l}:An]mI;Pgn];lITiuc]tI:Tiuc]tac];'[ciun];l}:An]mI;hqc];hQt];'{ = Effective Gross Income,

ciun];l}:An]mI;hqc];hQt];l}:' = Potential Gross Income,

cuin];lUin]ekL.hp].etL,' = Receptionist salary,

cibn];liBn]KBw];Pak],Kgc]Tqm]' = Emolument,

cuin];lg};'(Kgm]pnI,lg};ciun];')'lgc]:lg};ciun];' = Money transfer: money transfer companies,

cuin];wac],'[cuin];An]tgn]:/An]lU,{' = Money offering, N. donation, contribution, offerings,

cuin];hLl}:' = Earnings,

cuin];hLl}:An]sac]:wUn].hn]TL:' = Prospective earnings,

cuin];hUw]lUin]pn]sgm];wUc]:'(ciun];hUw]lUin]pn]sgm];Sgc]wUc]:nuic]:pgk]:) = Weekly salary,(Bi-weekly salary),

cuin];h}a;'[ciun];An]Sak]:Tiuc]Kun]{(pL;cuin];ha};mL;Sak]:mn];')'ha};' = Tribute, N. gift, levy, toll: bring tribute to him,

cibn];hgm]w}.tL,kiut];libw]:epL;kan]' = Retirement Savings,

cibn];hBw]liBn]' = Salary,

ciun];hgm]w}.' hgm]ciun];w}.' = Saving,


;sQw];l}:hp].ekL:mn];tUiw];mI;kL:Kn]TUik]:yG],"@ = “Provided money can earn interest, any

amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.”,

ciun];An]EPw}.tL,' = Allotment,


Inflation, N. the state of being inflated,

ciun];Aan];'ciun];tum].'[ciun];An]pn]/l}:Kiun];mUiw]:hw];EK,kL:mn];lUiw]eSAn]mqn]:nn].'{ = Change, N.

the balance of money given or received when the amount tendered is larger than the amount due,

cuin];Ain]fel;SYin];'[kL:Kn]cuin];mUic];miUc];niuc]:Kn]ygm];eSAn]kuic],mI;'(nm].cuin];lUc];){= Inflation, N.,

ciun];Aqt].SRKOw];'[ciun];An]kUn];wUc]:kac]ekL.kQp];;SGac];SG],SQn]:ma}eSyip];w}.pn]'{ = Escrow, N.,

cuin];AUt];'ciun];Aiut];SUp];'[cuin];An]pn]eSlgk],pL;wL:yL,hQt];/lat]:Sc]nn].'{ = Blackmail, N.,

cuin];Agk],KI:'(kU:pn]mn];cuin];Agk],KI:') = Money at interest: lend him money at interest,

cibp];' = Muggy,

ciup];' fL.ciup];'mgk]:kum]:Sum],' = Cloudy,

ciup];'fL.ciup];'cuip];miut];mUw];tn]'mgk],kum]:Sum],' = Cloud, adj., cloudy, adj.,

cbip];mibt];mBw];tn]lImgc]sG]'cibp];'Sw]:'mBw];'mibt];'lIcin];Pan]nL,'(lgc]:-)' = Gloom, N.,

cbip];mibt];mBw];tn]lImgc]sG]'cibp];'Sw]:'mBw];'mibt];'lIcin];Pan]nL,' = Gloom, gloomed, glooming,

cuip];w}.nUiw]Aman],JtL;nn].' = Cloud the truth,

ciup];Auim]tuim];'cuip];miut];mUw];tn]'Auim]tuim];' = Cloudy and humid,

cUik]:kac];la};'cUik]:' = Alligator, N., crocodile, N.,

ciUc].'ciUc].Ew:' = Dodge, elude or evade by a sudden, avoid, dodged, dodging,


Parry, to turn aside; to evade or dodge: to parry an embarrassing question,

cUic].l}:l}:'cUic].lgt]:lgt]:'[Ew:lgt]:lgt]{(cUic].ma}mI:sUiw];nn].l}:l}:'(cUic].eKL:Tam]nn].lgt]:lgt]:))' =

Evade, to avoid; elude: to evade rules; to evade a question, evaded, evading,

cUic].Ew:pqt]:'[Ew:pqt]:{(cUic].Ew:pqt]:lUic]];nn].)' = Circumvent, to avoid ort bypass: to

circumvent the real issue, circumvented,




= Avoid fraud, No, thank you; ask and check; talk to someone before invest,

cUin]:tac];kL.kU;'[cUin]:tac];An]hUiw];Sac];ePL;kUn];kL.Kw]'Puc]kUn];El,kL.kU:Kw]'sL.kGL,Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;p}nn].{' =

Trade-route, trade rout, N.,

cUip],hUik],SUp];'(lin].kw]yac]sp];cUip],hUik],SUp];kw]w}.') = Roof of mouth: my longue sticks to the roof of my mouth,

cUiw]:cL.TQc]Tgc]kn]'[TQc]mQw];Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc]tLSc]nn].{' = Foolish controversies,

cUic].Ew:pqt]:'[Ew:pqt]:{(cUic].Ew:pqt]:lUic]];nn].)' = Circumvent, to avoid ort bypass: to

circumvent the real issue, circumvented, circumventing,

cUic].Ew:yLhG]:vL;PL,kGac]tUw]St];' = Avoiding Collisions With Deer,

ciBn]:'(epL;hLciBn]:mn];eSsgm];K}:tBv];n}ethn]AiBw]:) = Trace,(tracing missing persons)

ciUn]:cG]:'pn]cUin]:'pn]SQc]'(Am],lat]:Sibw]:Sibw]]SQc]ciBn]:mn];kBv];)' = Hint, allude, give a hint,

cUin]:kGam];'[mgk],EnAm],nn]ekL:pn]van],km];Agn]tac];Sut];'{(pn]cUin]:kGam];lgc]:pa};pa};nuic]:')' = Broach, to

mention or suggest for the first time: to broach a subject,

ciUn]:cG]:' cG]:' (etKut];mqc];man];hG]:tUv];cG]:'kGam];piUn]:siuw]:pUin]:sG]:hG]:Aw]') = Trace, hint, indication,

ciUn]:tac];' = Route, a course for a passage,

cUin]:tac];kGL,Kaw];pgt];Sut];'[KG];wL:tac];lt];nn].{' = Shortest route,

cUin]:Et,'[Kgp],SI,nL:An]Kp].Kuic]mI;pL;w}.ma}hac]:Pac]la}la}mQw];Am],nn]la};Kuic]Sac]:pa};np].la}An]'{= Matric, N.

(Mathematics) a rectangular array of numbers, algebraic symbols, or mathematical functions,


Matric, N. something that constitutes the place from which something else originate, takes form, or develops,

ciBn]:tibn];' = Source

cUin]:tuin];kGam];lat]:'[kGam];lat]:An]l}:luk].tI:nn]:eSpin]EpkGam];w}.nn].{' = Source language, the

language from what the translation is done.,

cUin]:tiun];puk]:lik]:'[puk]:/pp].lik]:An]l}:pin]EpkGam];w}.nn].{' = Source text, the ext from which

a translation is done,

ciBn]:tibn];Alac];' = Resources, a source of supply, resort, means,

ciUn]:mn];' ciUn]:tiun];' cw]:cL,ciBn]:tibn];' cUin]:SUc],Kaw],' = Source,

ciUn]:mn];SUn]:mn];' piun].Kam],' piUc]piun].Kam],' = Basis, basic,

cUin]:ehL'[Kun]Aup].pUic],pQn]KUiw];hUin];lQw]kn]Kp].y}sgm];kn]Aup].pUic],mL;{(cUin]:ehLKUiw];mic];)' = Dynasty, N. a

sequence of rulers from the same family or group: the Ming Dynasty, dynasties,

cUip],'wqw],'[Ek:PLhin]tqk],AL:w}.nn].{(cUip],hin]PLhin])' = Clefts, : clefts of the rock,

cUip],SUp];'[pQn]hUik],muc];tac];nUiw]nG];kUc]SUp];kUn];{ = Palate, N. the roof of the mouth; hard palate and soft palate,

cUip],hin]PLhin]'(nUk].tU:kw]An]mI;nG];cUip],hin]PLhin]nn].AUiv];')' = Clefts of the rock, :My dove in the clefts

of the rock.(Song.2:14),

ciBp],PL' = Alcove,


lqt]:w}.nn].lG]'tI:hUin];t};wan]:ngk]:n}.k}.pQn]An]muc];tL,wL;Puin];'ygc]Kw]:lG]'skGL,nn].{' = Awning, a

roof like shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, fro the top of a window, over a deck, etc. in order to

provide protection, as from the sun,

ciUw]:'Tibc].'Tibc].Tc].'Am],l}:lgc]:'cUw].cL.' = Dull, dumb, stupid,

cUiw]:' cUiw]:nL,' (A}a:cUiw]:' eA;cUiw]:') = Dumb, (dumber),

cUiw]:caw]:' cUiw]:SUin]:' caw]:nL,' = Silly, adj. weak-minded or lacking good sense,

cUiw]:cL.' Tiuc].' (Kt];-van],lqt];'lqt];')' = Foolish, adj., (ant: wise),

cUiw]:cL.'(tac];-'lgc]:-'An]-')'nLTuiw]' = Stupidity, dullness of mind, foolishness,

cUiw]:Suiw]:lk];Suik]:'[Am],epL;cUiw]:epL;lk];{' = Feeble-minded, adj. half-witted; mentally-deficient,

cUin]:SUin]:'kUn];cUiw]:SUin]:'[cUiw]:cL.'ygc],'nLTuiw]'{ = Ass, N. a stupid, foolish, or stubborn person,


n],sac]:kUit],pQn]kUn];nn].'(yUp]11;12') = Witless, adj. foolish; stupid: But the witless can no more become wise

than a wild donkey’s colt can be born human,

cgk]:'[pqn]Agk],tac];nL:{(KQw]:cgk]:)' = Protrude, to thrust forward; cause to project: protruding teeth, protruded,

cgk]:cqk]:tUv];'[Am],sG]:wL:hG]:tUv];tqt]:tqt]:nqt]:nqt]:'{(mn];cgk]:cqk]:tUv];hw];km];nuic]:')' = Give a quick

look, : He gives us a quick look,

cgk]:tUv];' = Raising head to look,


.etKw]:mL;")`= Lift up your head: If you will lift up your head, then the Lord mighty in battle will come in,

cgk];' win],hUw]' = Turns,

cgk];' kBt].' mgc].'(tac];kBt].cgk];cqk];nL,El:kw]mw];kL;hak]:Agk],epL;pQn]lin];)' = Curving, bend line,


;KGL,PQc],kn]lItUv];nL,)' = Turn, ( turn left, turn right and go straight,),

cgk];kGL,nL;tac];Agk],' = Turn eastward,

cgk];cqk];'[kUt].cgk];kGL,cgk];mL;nm]nL,{(tac];cgk];cqk];nL,) = Winding, adj. bending or turning; sinuous: winding road,

cgk];Sgk],'(Aw]cgk];Sgk],tm]SG],ngk];SG],)' = Elbow,( to prod or push with elbow),

cgk];Sgk],AI;lg};lg};'cgk];Sgk],tm]'cgk];Sgk],yw]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'= Nudge, N.,

cgk];hUw]'(cgk];hUw]Pgm].sgm];'cgk];hUw]mk];mn]:')' = Nod, nodded, nodding, (to nod agreement, to nod approval,),

cgk];p-Kiun];' (yL,cgk];p-Kiun];) = U-Turn, : No U-Turn,


= U-turn, a U-shaped turn made by a vehicle so as to head to the opposite direction from its original course,

cgk];win],hUw]Sam]lqc]'[tL,win],hUiw]kL;Kuin];ehL:kGL,tac];lc]nn].'{' = Three-point Turns,

cgc];'(pQn]SQm]lQk].lQk].Agn],tL,Aw]ma}yUiw]:yL:hUk].ma}SUn]ma}h}:)' = Hoe, garden hoe, using to scrape or weed,

cgp];'hUin];cgp];'Sum].tgp];' = Shanty, N. hut, cabin or house,

cgm]'cgm]ecL,'nc]:cgm]ecL,'[kUw]eSKUt];kUm]:hUw]nc]:w}.{ = Cringe, to shrink, bend or crouch especially;

crouching, cringed, cringing,

cgm];'[k},Em:hgc].suluk]:k},Agn],cgm];tG]:pik]:mn];{'k},cgm];luk]:'= Hen gathering chicks under her wings,

cgm];'[k},Em:AL:pik],tUm];eScgm];K},mn];hG]:tqk],Agk],luk]:k},Agn],mL;'{ = Brood, incubate, brooded, brooding,

cgm];K},'[nc],k},Em:cgm];K},mn];hG]:tqk],Agk],luk]:k},Agn],mL;'{= Incubate, brood, incubation, incubating,

cgm];luk]:'cgm];K},'(k},/nUk].-)= Bird mother is sitting on the young or the eggs, incubating; brooding,

cg};' cg};yuiw].' cg};nm].nQc]:' = Kettle, small kettle with a spout or handle,

cg};tUv];sgm];'[sgm];hG]:epL;l}:hU.Sac];lac];lI{' = Peer, to look searchingly, as an effort to discern clearly, peering,

cg};tuik];'cg};yuiw];'pG].Kzc];hqm]'(Kw]pG].cg};yuiw];/Kzc];hqm]mn];w}.) = Ambush: They are waiting in ambush for him,

ambushed, ambushing, ambush, N. also ambushment,

cg};nm].PUt].lUc]'nm].PUt].nG];cg};lUc]'(yUp]41;31') = Boiling caldron, a jar or pot,

cg};yuiw].'cg};nQc]:'[emL:/Aum]SG]An]mI;tI:yip];mI;PLhUm],mI;SUp];cg};tI:huiw]:nm].Agk],'{ = Teapot, N.,

cg};lUc]'[cg};lUc]/pg}<lL<tL,tUm]:nm].PUt].{ = Caldron, or cauldron, N. a large kettle or boiler: a boiling caldron,

cg};' cg};tUv];' cg};hL' cg};lgm]'sgm];cg};' = Pry into, to look closely or curiously, peer, pried, prying,

cG]:mn];' hn]/hU.tac];mn];'(Kw]mI;cG]:mn];'Kw]Am],hn]tac];mn];')' = Clue, (They have no clue how…),

cG]:'ciUn]:cG]:'(etKut];mqc];man];hG]:tUv];cG]:'kGam];piUn]:siuw]:pUin]:sG]:hG]:Aw]')' = Trace, N. clue, hint, indication,

cG]:'kUm],'Auc]' = Silt, earthy matter, fine sand, or the like carried by moving or running water and deposited as a sediment,

cG]:lg}f};'[hin]sUim];pQn]nm].AUn]Agk],tI:lg}f};{' = Lava, N. the molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano,

cG]:Auit];'(cG]:tQm]hgc]:epL;tuin]:nm].l}l}:)' = Silt, become filled or chocked up with silt, silted, silted up,

(The river silted up.),

cG]:tQm]hgc]:epL;tuin]:nm].Am],l}l}:' = River silted up,
