VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Nga - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


c'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TiSam]{' = ‘Nga’, the third letter of the Tai alphabet,

cra};'(n}.k}.Aw]lat]:tI:han].tqm],)'mrL,n' = Hades,(often lowercase), hell, place of torment,

cra};'emL:cra};' = Hell, hades,

cra};luik].'yc],Am],tUik]:'[tI:An]luik]./kGac]:nL,El:epL;Am],tqk]:tUv];l}:nn].{' = Abyss, N.,

ck];'[tUp]./cw].lQk];hG]:mn];pQn]ck];eScgk];pQn]sQc],w}.nn].{'ck].' = Bending angle, bent angle,

ck];lg}' ck].lg}' = Bend mountains,

ck];ck];'[SQc]mLKUp];kn]ck];ck];{' = Quarrelsome noises (as stray dog biting each other),

ck].'ck];'(epL;yU,k}tUv];tUn];lg}n}mUin]mn];pQn]ck];pqn]ck];w}.'ck];/ck].lg}') = Angle bend, angle bending,

cc]:cc]:'[SQc]mLha}.mLEhKG]:KUp];kUn];eSKac];cc]:cc]:yU,nn].'{'cc];cc];' = Growling dog sound,

cn]cn]' h}:cn]cn]'[h}:cn]cn]'h}:cuv]cuv]'h}:cun]cun]'{' = Mournful cry,

cm]'km]'[yip];w}.mn]:mn]:kqn],kqn],'{(cm]/km]tLmuiw];')' = Grip, to hold firmly, gripped, gripping,

cm]:'cm].'mLcm]:/cm].'(yL,ygk],mLmn];cm]:pn]mG];AUiw]:km].&')'KUp];'mLKUp];' = Dog bite,

cm];'[muc];hUm],Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];tc];Eh.kc]:{' = Overtake by shadowing, governing and protecting,

cm];cw];' Tac],TUim]' (kw]cm];cw];An]yUc];sG]mn];nn].sUiw];nn].AUiw]:')' = Suspect, to doubt or mistrust,

suspected, suspecting,(I suspect his motives),

cm];cw];kibc],lIsqt]:Tam]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Questionable,

cm];cw];nG];sG]' Tac],TUim]' = Suspect, have suspicion, suspected, doubt,

cm];cw];mw];kGc]' kGc]' kGc]sG]' ybc]:yc]:kGc]sG]' = Confuse,



El:')' = Confound, to perplex; bewilder; confuse; to throw into disorder: The complicated directions confounded him; the

revolution confounded the people; confound their words, confounded, confounding,


;n}.kt];yQn]n}ekL:wL:) = Peace, N. freedom of the mind from any strife, distraction, anxiety, etc.; serenity,



= Baffle, to confuse, bewilder, or perplex; to frustrate: He was baffled by the technical language of the instructions,

cm];yQn]'[kt];kt];yQn]yQn]{(miUw]:Agn]tac];n}.kt];yQn]ekL:wL:)(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Peace, N.,

cm];yQn]sqt]:sac],' = Perfect peace,

cm];yQn]Sut];ygt]:' = Ultimate peace,

cm];yQn]etmL;sU;mG];Kiun];kUv];' = Peace just come back to you,

cm];yQn]nim]Sw];lI' = Peaceable,

cm];yQn]n}.pQn]Agc]:tI:sn].hw];mI;AL,nL,nn]." = Peace is our position of power,

cm];yQn]Aik],pgc],sqc]:lqc];kn]'(An]-) = Tranquility, N. peacefulness; calmness; serenity,

cm];yQn]Aik],pgc],sqc]:lqc];kn]'(tI:-'Agc]:tI:-') = Tranquil place,

cw]' cw]sUn];sUn];' eKL;KBm]' sG]sL.'Am],SUiw];' = Sad, affected by unhappiness or grief, unhappy,


Sw]:nL:mgc]w}.nn].{' = Despondent, adj. :despondent about failing health,

cw]sUn];sUn];'cw]cUim].cUim].' = Downhearted, adj. disheartened, sad, downcast,

cw]cUim].cUim].' = Downcast, adj. dejected in spirit; depressed,

cw]Sw]:SUw],hUw],' Sw]:SUw],hUw],' = Somber, sad, depressing,

cw]Sw]:ww];mgc]' = Get sour,

cw]ngn];' SBt];ngn];' = Drowse, drowsed, drowsing, drowse, N.,

cw]ngn];' SBt];ngn];' = Drowsy, adj.,

cw]ngn];tc];AUn]:nUn];hUiw].sG]eSehL:' = Drowsy and Fatigued Driving,

cw]mgc]eSL,ehL,'[KG]:l}:nL,mgc];epL;cw]sUn];sUn];'hQw],sgp]:'{ = Languish, to pine with desire; fade, languished,

cw]:'[cw]:tUn]:m}.'cw]:Sw]'{'(Kt];-pa})' = Bottom, (ant: top),

cw]:km],PL,'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL;-cw]:'){ = Genesis [a book of Bible,(abbr.: Gen.)],

cw]:kUn]:'cam]:kUn]:' = Caudal, adj. N.(Anatomy, Medical) the posterior end of body; a caudal anesthetic,

cw]:Kam],mn];'(yip];tuiw];pQn]cw]:Kam],mn];)' = Chiefly, adv. N. primarily; mostly: used chiefly,

cw]:KL'[tac];nL:tUw]kUn];tI:KLlUc]tUp].El:pQn]tI:KLlUc]kp];tUw]kUn];Pa},tG]:tgc]./pum]nn].{' = Groin,

cw]:Kqn]'hUw]Kqn]'[tI:nG];Ek:Kqn]lUc]tc];hUw]mL,kUn];hw];nn].'{' = Top upper arm,

cw]:Kam],puin].mn];' = Ground, N. the foundation or basis on which a belief or action rests,

cw]:eKL;'[pgt];sp];Pa},tG]:kgc],ekL:kUn];nn].'{' = Base of neck,

cw]:KUiw];hUin];'[cw]:hUin];'ekL.pQn]cw]:hUin];'{(cw]:KUiw];hUin];Kw]')'= Family head of family, head of household: the

heads of their families, head family,

cw]:cL,' cw]:' = Fundamental, primary,

cw]:cL,Kw]:nm].tac];kin]'[tac];kin]An]kUn];kin]l}:eSlItL,hqc];tUw]Kic];kUn];{' = Food source,

cw]:cL,ciBn]:tibn];' cw]:cL,PU:SUc],Kaw],' ciUn]:mn];' ciUn]:tiun];' = Source,

cw]:cL,cUin]:tuin];El:An]ta};Tuic]hp].l}:Am],mqn]:pUic]' = Illicit sources and access to,

cw]:cL,PU:SUc],Kaw],'ciUn]:tiun];' ciUn]:mn];' cw]:cL,ciBn]:tibn];' = Source,

cw]:cL,Am],pL;Am],l}:' = Cornerstone, -Something that special, vital element, essential part,

cw]:cbn];'[sum];An]kUn];ekL.lG]ekL.nn].Kw]/pL,tIKw]/suic]:mUic];Kw]'hUm]:pQn]nG];sum];lQw]kn]{' = League,

cw]:cun];'[Kuic]:kac]tI:hup]:suw}.kQw],lgc]:st];kan]la}la}An]nn].'{' = Headquarters, N.,

cw]:cun];'[tI:mI;lum];nm]El:pQn]tI:Agk],eKL:sI.Sc],tc];la}nn].'{'lum];cw]:cun];' = Headquarters, N.,

cw]:cun];'[yU<nit].tp].Suik];tI:mI;PU:kgn];Suik];tc];PU:km]./kqm]mn];'{'cw]:cun];Suik];' = Headquarters,

(Military) N a military unit consisting of the commander, his staff and other assistants.,

cw]:cun];sum];kum];kgn];El:Eh.erL;kL,'(sItIsI) = Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC),

cw]:cun];sum];pgc]kan]siuc]:miUc];' = Central Executive committee,

cw]:cun];t};sgp],Kaw],'(ctsK) = Tai Central Intelligence Agency

cw]:cun];pqc].ey;ciun];t};Pgm].hUm]:'(cptP) = United Tai Central Bank,

cw]:cun];pgc]kan]Siuk];' = Military command headquarters,

cw]:cun];miUc];lum]:fL.' = League of Nations, (1920),

cw]:cun];lum];yU<Aqt].S]sIAa}<Aqt].S]' = USCIS Service Center,

cw]:cbn];lBc]lbm];Tt];Sin]miBc];Pgm].hBm]:miBc];man]:' = Chief Court of the Union of Burma,

cw]:cun];hup]:sutum]' Kibc]:kac]' cw]:cun];' = Center,

cw]:cun];hup]:sutum]' cw]:cun];' Kibc]:kac]' pgt];kac]' = Central, adj.,

cw]:Et,' cw]:' cw]:Et,mn];/cw]:mn];' = Primary, adj., primarily, adv.,

cw]:Et,Kgc]min]<nrL<'(mUin],nc],wL:pL;pQn]cuin];ekL:pQn]kgn]:ciun];nG];hin]Eh:nn].w}.km];lQw]')' = Primary

minerals, A mineral formed at the same time as the rock enclosing it, by igneous, hydrothermal, or pneumatolytic processes,

and that retains its original composition and form,


'{ = Elemental, adj. of the nature of an ultimate constituent; basic or primitive, elementally, adv.,

cw]:sibc]:' = Central headquarters,

cw]:suic]:lgc]:kL:kU;mUic];lum]:fL.' = International Trade Centre, (ITC)

cw]:pibc];'[cw]:hak]:{' = Origin, N. root,

cw]:puic];cUin]:tuin];mn];'[tI:et,sL.pQn]mL;kw],kw],Et.Et.nn].{' = Original source,

cw]:pibc];mn];'(pp].nn].yc];tuik].pQn]An]yQp].w}.cw]:puic];mn];yU,)'sQm]cw]:puic];mn];' = Original, adj.: The

book still has its original binding.

cw]:pibc];mn];'(cw]:pibc];kGam];lat]:hI;RpO;') = Original: word in original Hebrew,

cw]:puic];mn];Et,tI:kUn];mL;'(cw]:puic];mn];Am],sG]:Et,tI:kUn];mL;)= Human origin: Is not of human origin,

cw]:piun].piuc];' = Original foundation,

cw]:muiw];'[Et,luk].tI:An]pQn]km];Agn]tac];Sut];Am],nn]cw]:puic];cUin]:tuin];mn];mL;nn].{' = Firsthand,

adj. adv. from the first or original source,

cw]:lin].'[pgt];tac];lc]lin].{' = Root of tongue,


Like father, like son,” (idioms),

cw]:hak]:' = Inception, root, commencement, source, conception,

cw]:hUin];'ekL.pQn]cw]:hUin];'(PG]pQn]cw]:hUin];?)' = Head household: Who is the head of household?,

cw];' cw];hiUw]:' Sqc]lImI;cw];' = Refraction, brightness,

cw];'];' hUm]:cw];' cw];tUn]:m}.' cw];hiUn];' = Refraction, shade,

cw];' kgc].cw];' = Shadow,

cw];' cw];Sqc]'(Sqc]lImI;cw];)' = Ruby luster, sapphire or jade luster,

cw];tBc].' = Movies

cw];lqc];'[Am],sG]:An]lqc];lIEt.Et.pQn]An]hUiw]:Tgc],Kuin];nn].kUv];{' = Shimmer, glimmer,

cw];lqc];'(cw];lqc];lUin]n}.l}:mL;tI:lqc];lqt],Tgc],SG],nn].)' = Shimmer, shimmered, shimmering,

cw]:lqc];lUin]' = Moon shimmer light,

cw];la};' = Condition, situation,

cw];la};'(cw];la};mn];Am],epL;KG]:sp];yw].') = Situation, N. condition; case: plight: He is in a desperate situation,

cw];la};kQw],tI:hQt];kan]'(tgn]:Pa},cw];la};kQw],tI:hQt];kan])' = Working conditions: category of

working conditions,

cw];la};KG]:pQn]' = Desire situation,

cw];la};sc],n}.' = Up-to- date, current situation,

cw];la};sUiw];sg}:SL,sG]' = Relief situation,




Condition subsequent, (Contract) -If a certain future event happens, a rights or obligation ends,



Agn]tac];)' = Condition precedent, (Contract) A condition, fact, or occurrence that must occur before a

contractual obligation is triggered,

cw];la};tUw]kL,y' = Physical condition,

cw];la};pn]pQn]'km];lImn];'[Sun],lI{'tuiw].tac];'(tuiw].tac];km];lITUn]:Sgc]')= Chance, N. opportunity: a

second chance,

cw];la};pQn]Et.mI;Et.' = Actual situation,

cw];la};pQn]w}.mI;w}.' pQn]w}.mI;w}.' = Situate, situated, situating,

cw];la};pa};yU,lImI;w}.kgn],Agn]tac];' = Pre-existing health condition,

cw];la};piUc]pQn]' = State, condition, status,

cw];la};Pbt];epL,' cw];la};Kibk].Kk].Pbt];epL,' = Emergency



w:lgt]:An]etpQn]hqc];nL,nn]."{ = Emergency Medical Condition, an illness, injury, symptom or condition so

serious that a reasonable person would seek care right away to avoid severe harm,


LKiut];Kuit];"{ = Emergency Medical Transportation, Ambulance services for an emergency medical condition,

cw];la};mn];mqn]:lInL,yw].' = Conditions are just right,

cw];la};mn];pn]lInL,yw].' = Conditions are ripe,

cw];la};miUw]:pUn].mL;' = Past situation,

cw];la};miUw]:lQw]' = Present situation,

cw];la};miUw];nL:' = Future situation,

cw];la};yam]:hp].hQt];KL:sG].mL;mUiw]:kgn],Agn]' = Previous condition of servitude,

cw];la};lUm];'Pac]:hac]:cw];la};'lUm];' = Atmosphere, the gaseous envelope surrounding the earth, the air,

cw];la};lUw],yL' = Medical condition,

cw];la};luin];wa};'[Kk].tgn]:wa};pQn]yw].{' = Following social situations, post-event processing,

cw];la};lgc]:KUic],Km].kL;' = Vehicle Condition,

cw];la};wac];Am],mUin]kw],mL;KGac]w}.' = Interference by abnormal ground conditions,

cw];la};An]kw];pn]tac];yap],' = Troubling circumstances,



c].nuic]hQt];Sac]:kGL,mqn];sgm];pk];pUic]lIlIyU,n}nn].'{' = Implied condition, (Contract), that is not stated in

the contract and presumed to exist from the conduct of the parties that they will act lawfully,

cw];la};An]pQn]w}.' nG];cw];la};' = Environment, conditions,

cw];la};An]mgk],Enw}.'[n}.pQn]cw];la};An]tqm]:mgk],Enw}.nG];ptivin],nn].'{' = Express condition,

cw];hac]:SQc]' TI<wI<' KiBc]:pg},SQc]hac]:' TI,wI,' = Television, TV,

cw];hUiw]:'(Sqc]lqc]hac]:lImI;cw];hUiw]:law]hUk];Sa}su)' = Bright luster: Bright 6-ray star ruby,


,kYOw];/kYOw];@n}yw].')' = Bright 6-ray star ruby: ruby bright luster,

cw].' cw].Aw]'(cw].Aw]yL,epAI') = Pull, to draw or tug at with force: pull not push,

cw].tuit].Kgn];hG]:Kw]lUm]'(Kun]16;3') = Tore them loose: tore them loose, bar and all,

cw].sU;tUw]'naw].'naw].Aw]' = Haul toward oneself with force,

cw].lUc];'sn]lUc];'tuit].lUc];'ngc],lUc];'lak]:lUc];'naw].' = Pull down,

cw].Aw]yL,epAI;' cw].El:yL,AI;' = Pull not push,

cak]:'[tI:sap]:kn]nn].cak]:tqk],AL:pQn]wqw],w}.{' = Gape, to open as a gap, gaped, gaping,

cak]:Puv],'tqk],'(lUm];lUc]pt].Pk];tUhU;lqc];cak]:Puv],El:Aw]man],mn];tqk],st].kGL,) = Burst, break open,

cac].'(cac].SUp];pL)' AL:' puit],' Puv],' = Open: Open fish mouth, opened, opening,

cac].' tqk],AL:' Aw]st].' = Cleave, to make by or as if by cutting, clove, cleft, cleaving, to cleave,

can]'ht];'(kUn];ht];'sa};can])'ht];can]' = Brave, adj., bold, daring, heroic, (brave man), braver, bravest,

can]'ht];'ht];can]'(kUn];ht];'sa};can])' = Brave, adj., bold, daring, heroic: brave man, braver,

bravest, bravely, adv.,

can]' ht];'(lgc]:-'An]-')' = Bravery, N. courage, valor, daring; prow, braveness, N.,

can]ha}.ht];han]'(kUn];can]ha}.ht];han]'(SL,76;5') = Valiant, adj. stouthearted: the valiant or stouthearted;

valiant men, valiantly, adv.,

can]ha}.ht];han]' = Valiant, adj., valiantly, adv.,

can]:'[Kun],wqn]sQp];pQn]km];pQn]km];{(hUw]can]:')'sQp];can]:SG],can]:SG],' = Ache, pain: headache,


n}.epL;tQn]:lU;lL;hLkan];Kiun]:PLmUin]nc],Am],hU.wL:tUw]:sw],hQt];Sc]yU,n}nn].'{'= High fever too high,

can];lU;'lU;'[lU;lL;'{' = Delirium, N. a state of violent excitement or emotion, delirious, adj.,

can];'naw]can];'[naw]S}:kG]:'naw]sk];hQp];'{ = Spotted fever, N. typhus fever; tick fever,

cap],' cap],pL' = Gill, fish gills,


w]sG])' = Gasp, to struggle for breath with the mouth pen: last gasp; dying gasp; to breath their last, gasped, gasping,


yw].)' = Last gasp,(Idiom) the point of death, dying: At his last gasp he confessed to the murder,

cap]:Aw]sG]etta}'(yUp]11;20') = Dying gasp, last gasp; last breath,

cam],' lqp]:'(wac]:Pqn]sgm];lUv]:sG]hU.An]cam],Puc];tn];KUw];yG],sw]:nn].')' = Befitting, adj. suitable, proper:

planned with a befitting sense of majesty,

cam],kn]' KUp];cam],kn]'(An]mI;Am],cam],kn]tc];An]hn])'= Match, to be equal or suitable, to fit together,

cam],kn]nc],Kw]tuk];ygn];sUiw];nn].tc];SQc]:' = Met all their demands,

cam],mqn]:tL,tuik];Suik];'(Sin]20;17') = Fit for battle,


Fit for service: fit for service in the kingdom of God,

cam],lI'(la};tUc].nuic]lQn]:hqc];An]cam],lI) = Wholesome, adj.: wholesome exercise, wholesomeness, N.,

cam],pa};yU,lI'[An]sg}:hQt];hG]:tUw]Kic];kUn];yU,pI;San];nn].{(tac];kin]cam],pa};yU,lI'lUm];cam],pa};yU,lI)' = Wholesome, adj. conducive to bodily health, healthful: wholesome food, wholesome air,

cam]:' cqm]:' pQn]cqm]:'(cqm]:pa}lqm]lin].' cam]:m}.)' = Fork, {forked tongue, between two branches,},

cam]:' (cam]:KL' cam]:lg}') cqm]:' = Crotch, as of the human body between the legs, curve, fork,

cam]:' tqk],AL:' (cam];nUm];' cam];kUn]:')' = Cleavage, (breasts cleavage),

caw]:'[Am],epL;lqt];lI{' = Dull-witted, adj. mentally slow, stupid,

caw]:nL,'cUiw]:caw]:' = Silly, adj. weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish; cuckoo,

caw];' cqw];'[An]mQw];hgc].caw];caw];/cqw];cqw];{' = Meow, N. the characteristic sound a cat makes,

caw].'[cU;KQw]hac]hqc]:{'caw].hac]hqc]:' = Green viper,

cL' cLw}.' yiBc];' yiBc];w}.' = Aim, to point or direct a gun, punch, etc., toward, aimed, aiming,

cL' cLw}.' cLkn]w}.' = Aim at, to make a target, targeting,

cLet' sm]et' epL;tk];et' = Almost, about to, on the verge of,

cLyUic];w}.' = Leverage, to use a quality to obtain desired effect or result,

cLhLhQt];eP;SG],' = Threaten,

cL:cL:'h}:cL:cL:'h}cuv]cuv]' = Cry with loud bursts of grief, non – stop child crying,

cL;' (cL;PUik],'cL;Pqp].'cL;mUn];'cL;lm])' = Sesame, N.: white, flat, round, or black sesame,

cL;'KQw]:cL;'[KQw]:yaw];pa}lqm]wit];wit];'{(hk];TUv]:cL;Sac],SI:sUiw];nn].pqt]:KL:El:'(SL,85;6') = Fang, N. one

of the long, sharp, hollow or grooved teeth; a canine tooth: tear out the fangs of those lions,

cL;' KQw]:cL;' = Eyetooth, canine tooth, eye teeth, tusk,

cL;sac].' = Ivory, ivories,

cL;S};' = Entrance to a fish trap,

cL;Suik];' Tqw]Suik];' Sa}Suik];' = Column of soldiers, troops column,


L;epL;puk];yw].@n}'!kin]mL;KQw]:epL;cqm]:yw].@n}ekL:wL:')' = Blunt eyeteeth, blunt canine teeth,

cL;Pa}' = Sharp eyeteeth, sharp canine teeth,

cL;mL' = Dog canine teeth,

cL;mUw]' = Water lily root, lotus root,

cL;mUTUin],' = Boar tusk,

cL;lqm]'(KQw]:cL;lqm]wit];wit];Agn],hac]:lI' KQw]:cL:lqm]wat],wat],lUc]lIkUw]') = Fang-like eyeteeth,

cL.' cL.AL<'(kGa};Agn],hgc].wL:!Ec.EA@n}') = Water buffalo sound,

cin];kt];w}.Ait];Ait];' = Feel cold,

cin];kUw]cin];cqw]'yin];kBw]yin];cqw]' = Fearful, adj. frightening; feeling fear, dread, or solicitude,

cin];sUm];'cin];sUm];cin];SUiw];' = Feel happy,

cin];Pan]' = Feel sad,

cin];mUiw],cin];san]:' = Disgust, disgusted, disgusting,

cin];lI'(cin];lIEt.Et.KL:)'cin];lIcin]sUm];' = Feeling of appreciation: I appreciate that very much,

cin];Aa}' lIAa}' cin];kUw]cin];Aa}' = Feeling of shame,

cin];Aa}mQn]'cin];Sqw]mQn]' = Smell a bad odor,

cin];Aa}hgm]' = Smell a sweet scent,

cip]:'kip]:' kim];cip]:' kim];kip]:'(kim];cip]:Tan],f};) = Tong, tongs, N.: coal tongs,

cip]:' kip]:' cip]:kic],Eh.' AL:KLcip]:hgc]:' cip]:hgc]:w}.Sgc]Pa},' = Pinch, (pinch brook,)

cip]:ht].kqn],'[Aw]KUic]:cip]:ht].nn].yip];/mip],sp];/hip],/kip]:w}.pn]hG]:kqn],kqn],nn].{' = Vise, to hold,

press, or squeeze with or as with a vise, vised, vising,

cip]:Aw]'vap]:Aw]'(yip];kim];/TU,kU:niuc]:cip]:Aw]') = Hold or work with tongs,

cqk]:'[hqn]nL:Kiun]:tUik]:tUik]:{'cqk]:eKL;' cqk]:tak],h}' = Turn face up,

cqk]:'Kuin]:kGL,tik];tik];'tak],Kiun]:kGL,'Kiun]:Suc]kGL,' = Upward, adj. adv.,

cqk]:lc]Aic]' nc]:cqk]:kgc]lc]Aic]' = Leaning back against, leaned back against,

cqk];' cqk];pqt]:' = Shun, to keep away from (a place, person, object, etc.), shunned,

cqk];nL:pqt]:'[Ew:'{ = Shun, to keep away from motives of dislike; eschew, shunned, shunning,



w]pn]nn].lL;lL;"(ehL;28;14') = Turn aside from, to change position so as to face in a different or the opposite

direction; go aside from,

cqn]:'[yum].cqn]:hG]:hn]KQw]:{'(epL;Am],KG]:yum].eScqn]:n}.wL:nL:!cqn]:tUik]:@)' = Grin, to smile broadly, grinned,

cqn]:Kqw]:cqn]:Pn];'[kUn];cqn]:KQw]:kn]:Kam],sQp];{' = Grin, draw back the lips so as to show teeth as a person in pain,

cqn];eKL;'[cqn];eKL;yL,hG]:epL;TUv]:sG]l}:nn].{' = Choke, strangle, choked, choking,

cqn];eKL;ta}'[ta}kUv];{'hut].eKL;ta}' = Suffocate, smother, strangle, suffocated, suffocating,

cqn];ES;' nik]:sak]:cqn];ES;' = Torture, torment,

cqp];mak],hUw]' = Cap peak,


lG]'tI:hUin];t};wan]:ngk]:n}.k}.pQn]An]muc];tL,wL;Puin];'ygc]Kw]:lG]'skGL,nn].{'cUip],hUin];' = Awning, a roof like

shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, fro the top of a window, over a deck, etc. in order to provide

protection, as from the sun,

cqm]:'cam]:'pQn]cqm]:'(cqm]:pa}lqm]lin].' cam]:m}.)' = Fork, to divide into branches; between two branches: forked tongue,

cqm]:SUn]:puin]'SUn]:kQc]' = Nock, N. a metal or plastic piece at the end of an arrow, having a nock for the bowstring,

cqw]'[mI;ekL.lQw]kUv];Am],hn]PG]El:lgm]kUw]w}.nG];sG]{' = Fear of loneliness,

cqw]kUn];'k}kUn];'[Am],epL;mI;kUn];yU,nm]{' = Solitude, absence of human activity, loneliness,

cqw]sG]ekL.lQw]lqw];' = Loneliness,

cqw]sG]miBn]mI;ekL.lQw]lqw];' = Feel alone,

cqw];cqw];'[SQc]mqw];Agn],hgc].{'(mqw];lUc]hc].cw];cw];)'cw];cw];' = Cat sound,

ci' cI.'(sam];tUv];lIlI)' = Bring into line, make equal,

ci' cI.hG]:PQc],'[ciyL,sU,yLhG]:mn];pL,Pa},lG]{' = Equate, equated, equating,

cipn]'[sg}:Ek:K}An]TQc]kn]nn].sgm];la};lI'{ = Umpire, to act as umpire; arbitrate, umpired, umpiring,


n].{ = Index,(Economics) to adjust (wages, taxes, etc.) automatically according to changes, indexed, indexing,

cuk];'[kic],m}.hk];kan].tUk];pQn]cuk];kuit];kuik];lm];m}.w}.{' = Stub, N. a short projecting part, stumpy end, butt stock,

cuk];kgc]:'SUn]:kgc]:'[pgt];Pa},lc]Sut];Sut];hUin];kgc]:yaw];{= Buttstock, N. butt stock of a firearm,

cuk];SUn]:kgp];mL.'[pgt];tac];lc]kgp];mL.k}.pQn]mgc].kUc],Kuin]:w}.nn].'{(nUic];-tum],/cuk];hUw]kgp];mL.')= Cantle, N. the

hind part of a saddle, usually curved upward,(compare ‘pommel’)

cuk];/tum],hUw]kgp];mL.'[pgt];An]mqn];w}.nUiw]sik];tac];nL:kgp];mL.'{(nUic];-cuk];SUn]:kgp];mL.')= Pommel, N. the

protuberant part at the front and top of a saddle,(compare ‘cantle’)


kn]sUiw];l}:Kuin]:hun].ekYL,mUn]:sUiw];l}:cuk].nL:sw]:tLmgc])(Kt];-Kuin]:'l}:Kuin]:'pQn]Pa},Kiun]:')= Become a nonstriker, or as an anvil,

cuc];cuc];'[mLhaw],mLKac];{'cuc];cuc];cc];cc];' = Dog growling or barking sound,

cuv]cuv]'h}:cuv]cuv]'h}:cL:cL:' = Cry with loud bursts of grief, non-stop crying child,

cuv].'[Aw]kn];eSAn]kuv]./cac].Puv],{' = Pry, to move, raise, or open by leverage,

cuv].'kuv].'[Aw]lQk];/m}.lI;wUiw],ES,eSyuk].{ = Lever, lift up with a lever; to apply a lever, levered, levering,

cut],cit],'Aut].Ait].sG]'yU,yap],' = Uneasy, adj. not easy in body or mind; disturbed, uneasier,

cun];'[An]mqn];/SUt],Agk],mUn];mUn];w}.{(cun];lg})' = Abrupt end of anything, N., as a tuberous root,

cun];'[nUiw].An]mqn];Agk],mUn];mUn];w}.{(cun];kUn]:)' = Tuber, N. end of spinal column in man: tuber butt,

cun];kUn]:k},sac].' = Tuber turkey tail, turkey tail meat,

cun];kUn]:'[cun];kUn]:Kit];{'cun];hac]' = Tuber tail, tuber butt,

cun];lg}'[hin]An]mqn];Agk],w}.tI:lL,hL.hin]/lL,kan].lg}nn].{' = Precipice, N.,

cun];hak]:'[cw]:tUn]:tI:yac]:hak]:Agk],pQn]lm];w}.nn].mUin];nc],hak]:Sam]pU;{' = Rootstock, N.,

cum];'[An]emLyL/pU,lQc].cum];tUv];lUit]:lUm];kUn];pQn]{'cum];tUv];' = Feel pulse/heartbeat with hand,

cum];'[An]tam],cL:cum];hLvgp];pLnG];nm].{'cum];pL' = Feel after, to search for: feel after for fish,


.kn]AQn]]tac];ekYL,mn];)' = Feel after, to seek to find, feel,

cBc];' ygt]:lI,mG]' enL,' [mG]/tBn]:m}.An]Et,sL.Agk],{' = Sprout,

cBc];' Agk],cUc];' Agk],ygt]:lI,mG]' Agk],enL,' = Sprout, sprouted, sprouting,

cUc];KU:nc]'(KU:nc]cUc];'KU:nc]kuc];)' = Tip end of the nose: big nose,

cUc];cUc];'[SQc],mLhgn]cUc];cUc];cUc];{' = Dog howling sound,

cUc];cUc];cac];cac];'[SQc],mLKUp];kn]kw];kn]{' = Dog wailing sound,

cUc];sac].'[KU:nc]sac].n}.cUc];cUc];yaw];yaw];taw];Aw]tac];kin]lut],Aw]nm].l}:{' = Elephant trunk,

cUc];Tan]'[tUn]:Agn],Agk],mL;tI:sUiw].tUn]:Tan]{' ygt]:Tan]' = Palm sprout,







l}:yw].){' = Bean sprouts, the sprouts of newly germinated beans especially of mung beans, used as a vegetable,

cUc];mak],Aun]'[tUn]:Agn],Agk],mL;tI:luk]:mak],Aun]/Tan]{' ygt],mak],Aun]' = Coconut sprout,

cUc];Agk],' Agk],hU;'[sUiw].Pn];cUc];Agk],lin]'nm].Agk],hU;{' = Spring, sprang, sprung, springing,

cUn].' pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].' kgc].' = Poison, toxin,

cUn].' kgc].' yL:mUiw],' = Poison, N., toxin, N.,

cUn].'pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].'vL;kgc]./yL:mUiw],'Ag},cUn]./yL:mUiw],' = Poison, poisoned, poisoning,

cUn].'mI;kgc].'pQn]kgc].sac]:mUiw],'pQn]cBn].pQn]kgc].'(tUn]:Aqk];mI;kgc].) = Poisonous, adj.: a poison shrub,

cUp].' = Turn face down,

cUp].' tUp].' (tUp].KUw];' cUp].Pa}.) = Fold, folded, folding,

cUp].'[Aw]PLmuiw];wa},lUc];wac];w}.{(cUp].kgk];/wan],)(lqc]:PL,muiw];)= Prone, having the palm downward, as the hand,

cBp]]'cUp].cikn]' = Negotiate,

cBp]}:'cUp];cica}:' = Flexible,

cUp].ciyap],' cUp].cI.yap],' = Inflexible,

cUp].nL:'kUm]:nL:'(mn];ngn];cUp].nL:sp];Pak]:w}.)' = Face down, adv. : He was lying face down on the floor,

cUw];'wUw];epL:'wUw];'(wUw];can]'wUw];epL:num],')' = Bull, N. ox: a young bull, bulls,



suiw]:tam];kn]pn]wL:'!ey:'AI,'Aam]'Aa},'AUw]:'@n}nn].)' = Name given to fifth son in a Tai family: as

the 1st to 5th sons a respectively called, as while the 1st to 5th daughters are named differently:,

cUw].cL.'(pp].K}:sG]tqm]:cUw].cL.') = Soggy, adj. spiritless, heavy, dull or stupid: a soggy novel, soggier, soggiest,

cU;' cU;haw],' = Snake, N., serpent,

cU;kQw]:Kgn].' cU;KQn];Kgn].' = Snake entwined staff,

cU;Kn],pgc]:' = Yellow belled Bangarus or kraits,

cU;KQw]'[cU;sL.lQk].SIKQw]{' = Green snake, any slender, green snake of the genus of Opheodrys, of north America,

cU;KQw]hac]lqc]'cU;KQw]hac]hqc]:' = Green viper,

cU;sUc]Aac]'[l}:hU.wL:cU;mQw];n}.mI;nG];mUic];t};yU,nG];tUn]:m}.n}'{' = Large deadly serpent,

cU;suin];' = Blind worm, a limbless European lizard, Anguis fragilis,

cU;SL'[cU;la};Kn],pgc]:lqc],km],/la};Kgn],Sgk];tgk];kgc].hqc];{' = Venomous snake,

cU;Sin][k}.hLkin]nU{' = Rat snake, house snake,

cU;Sa}kac],'cU;Sa}Sin]:'cU;wa}' = Striped snake,

cU;nm].'cU;AUc].nm].' = Water snake,

cU;lUim]'[sam];tUv;{' = Python, any of Old World boa constrictors,

cU;lgk]:Kap],' = Snake sheds skin,

cU;haw],'cU;' = Serpent, N., snake,

cU;haw],kak],' cU;haw],pgc]:' cU;haw],mUn],' cU;haw],lm]' = Cobra, king cobra, black cobra,

cU;haw],f};' cU;f};' cU;P};' = Fiery serpent,

cU;ha}.' = Viper, N. a venomous snake; adder, snake,

Ec:' Ec:lI' Ec:lgm]:lgm]:' yQn],' = Tame, adj. meek; be tamed, tamer, tamest,

Ec;'Ec;Ec;'(h}:Ec;Ec;'emL;Ec;Ec;')'Agc]:Ec;' = Nickname for baby girls: infants cry, babies cry,

Ec;Ec;'Kac];Ec;Ec;'emL;Ec;Ec;'h}:Ec;Ec;' = Infants cry and fuss,

ca}:'ca}:ca}:' ca}:sG]lUm]sG]' = Easy, adj., not hard or difficult,


:')' = Ease, (I’ll help if it will ease your job.),

ca}:cqm]:' ca}:ca}:Agn],kUv];' ca}:nL,' = Easy, adj., simple,

ca}:cqm]:eSkin]kUv]:'(kGam];kp];Tuk],)[kan]/la};hQt];mn];Am],yap],Sc]{' = Piece of cake, (Idiom),

ca}:sG]' ca}:sG]lInL,' = Easily, without trouble, beyond question, by far,

ca}:sG]lUm]sG]'(tac];-'lgc]:-/An]-) = Easiness,

ca}:sG]lBm]sG]'mgn]:lIlg}:lI'lgt]:kac];lI'ca}:lIlBm]lI'ca}:sG]' = Ease, N.,

ca}:eSEl:mw]' = Easy and light,

ca};' (wn];ca};' yam];ca};') = Morning, time about or after breakfast,

ca};' ca};kn]' ca};ca};kn]' = Similar, having a likeness, like, resembling,

ca};' ca};kn]' = Resemble, to be like or similar to, resembled, resembling,

ca};kn]etL:nc],nn]' = In a sense, hypothetically, apparently,

ca};kn]mUin]nn]nc],kaw],' miBn]nc],wL:' mUin]kn]' = Similarly, adv. in a similar way; same way,

ca};kn]mUin]nn]nc],kaw],yw].' = In a similar way,

ca};nc],' miBn]nc],'epL;'nc],'kL:sBw]:' = As,

ca};nc],' nc],' miBn]nc],' = Like, as,

ca};mUin]'(ca};mUibn]rqm];mtI,nG];ptivin],nn].)' = Quasi, adj. seeming, as if, as it were, (quasi-contractual remedy),

ca};mUin]sum];hQt];tac]kUn];mUic];'[pQn]ekL./sum];hQt];kan]pn]lUc]pgc]suic]:nn].{ = Quasi-public agency,

ca};mUin]rqm];mtI,nG];ptivin],nn].' = Quasi-contractual remedy,

ca};hac]:tUn]:m}.' = Arbores cent, treelike in size and form.,

ecL;' ecL;KUn]hUw]' = Curl, curled, curling,

ecL;' (KUn]hUw]ecL;') = Curly: curly hair,

ecL;kGL,'hac],kGL,'hUt];ecL;'ygn],lUc];'Sut]:'[kGLk},k}pqt]:'hac],k}kn]kGL,pqt]:'{ = Recede, to go away; to

become more distant, receded, receding,

ecL;Kqn]'[Kqn]Am],lqn];Suiw]:cgk];w}.tI:cgk];Sgk],{' = Bend arm, bend elbow,

ecL;Ec;elL;El;ca}:nL,'ecL;'(yL,sG]ecL;ca}:nL,Pqw]')'sG]ecL;ca}:' = Sensitive, (Don’t be too sensitive),



tm],47' hqc];ngc],sn]mk];ma}w}.eKLeKLn}.pQn]10.5mUiw]lUm];m}:20tI,krI,Sqn]<tIkrQt].'{'cuin];kiw],' = Silver,

(Chemistry) a white, ductile metallic element, used for making mirrors, coins, ornaments, table utensils, photographic chemicals,

etc. Symbol: Ag; atomic weight: 107.870; atomic number: 47; specific gravity: 10.5 at 20°C. , =

ciun];' ciun];es:' = Money,

ciun];' ciun];mQt].ciun];' = Silver, silver coin,

ciun];km].Tqm]luk]:Agn],'(cuin];km].Tqm]luk]:nc],eKL:Sc],lum];JtL;mI;w}.')' = Child support,: court-ordered

child support,

ciun];kL:sac]:' = Payroll, N. the sum total of payments to the employees to be paid with the amount due to each,

ciun];kL:prI<mIym]'[ciun];tgn]:pn]la}An]l}:pn]tL,Aw]hUv];hG]:l}:Suiw].KUw];hQt];Agk],nn].{ = Premium,


l:epL:lQc].mG];k}.pn]sgm];pQn]lUin]Am],nn]ekL:pn]sgm];kGL;tL;pI<mn];kGL,(nuic]:pI<mI;SI,kGL;tL;)'{ = Premium,

(healthcare) the amount that must be paid for your health insurance or plan. You and/or your employer usually pay it monthly,

quarterly or yearly,

cibn];kL:hqc];' cibn];kL:hqc];hQt];sgm];wBc]:/wn];/sBw]:mgc];' kL:sac]:' = Wages,

ciun];kL:hqc];kin]sac]:pQn]pgk]:' = Odd jobs income,

cuin];kL:hqc];pn]sgm];sUw]:mgc];' = Hourly wage,

cuin];kL:hqc];pn]sgm];wUc]:' = Weekly wage,

cuin];kiw],' ciun];' (Km];' Km];tqc]:') = Silver, (gold)

ciun];kQp];Kgn],l}:' = Revenue, the income of a government from taxation, excise duties, customs, or other sources,

ciun];kqk];' = Demonetized note,

ciun];kU:' = Loan, a grant for temporally use of something,

ciun];kU:'[ciun];Agk],KI:{' = Loan, a certain sum of money by a lender to borrower to be repaid w/ or w/out interest,


,pqt]:srac];cuin];kU:'(kU:pn]') = Loan, N. a certain sum of money by a lender to borrower to be repaid w/ or w/out

interest: cancel loan; make a loan,

ciun];kU:Kiun];tqn];yg}:' = Rollover Loan, A loan that is amortized over a long period of time,

ciun];kU:ST'(ciun];An]sum];Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];Siuk];Tak]:nn].kU:pn]kUn];Siuk];Tak]:Kw]tL,Aw]Siuw].hiUn];') = VA Loan, -

Home loan guaranteed by the U.S. Veterans Administration, enabling a veteran to buy a home with noe money down,

ciun];kU:tL,ekL,Sac]:' = Construction Loan,

ciun];kU:tL,Em;hiUn];' = Home –Improvement Loan, -A loan used to finance home improvement,

ciun];kU:tqn];KI:tc];tUw]kGL,sgm];hUw]pI<mn];' = Annual Loan Constant,

ciun];kU:emL<kit]<Em;cUp].cil}:'(eA,Aqm]EA,l]) = Adjustable Mortgage Loan (AML)

cuin];kU:luk]:hQn];' = Student loan,

ciun];kU:lUc]' = Jumbo Loan, -Loan size that larger than the limit established by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac,

ciun];kU:lUn].pUn].liUw]'(ciun];An]kU:Aw]liUw]eSkL:Kn]KUw];Kgc]75%nn].') = High-ratio Loan,

cuin];kU:hUm],lUm]:tm];sG]'[cuin];kU:mI;An]km].w}.pL;Kgc]tac]mUin]nc],hUin];lG]kL;lG]nn].'{' = Secured loan, a loan

that is backed up with collateral, such as a home or a car,

ciun];kU:Am],mqn]:' = Non-Conforming Loan,-A loan that does not meet Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae standards,

cuin];kU:Am],hUm],lUm]:'[cuin];kU:An]Am],mI;Kgc]tac]Sc]km].w}.nn].(Kqp];mG]suik];Suiw].){' = Unsecured loan, a

loan not backed up by collateral, i.e. a credit card,


:kw],hLkin]kUv];Kw]nn].tc]:Et,pUk];Kgm]<pnI,Agn],Kw]l}:'{' = Microloan, N. a very small, short term loan at low

interest, especially to a start-up company of self-employed person,

ciun];kU:Aqp].f]AQk].KY]eA,' = FHA Loan,-This program provides insurance to protect lenders against the risk of

default on loans to qualified buyers,

ciun];k}.SU:kU:pn]' = Conventional Loan, -Any loan other than a VA or FHA loan,

ciun];kuit];' An]kuit];' ciun];Am],pQn]sa},' cuin];Kac].w}.'An]Kac].w}.' = Remainder,

cibn];kgc]kac]' = Fund


eStL,l}:sa},miUw]:mn];liuw]:kan]liuw]:can];kGL,yw].nn].') = Pension Funds,

cuin];kgc]kac]yip];w}.nc],kn]' = Common fund,

ciun];kgc]kac]hUm],lUm]:sUw]:pan]t};' (hG]:pQn]ciun];pun]:pac]:sg}:pn]tL,yU,Sw];kin]Sac]:kGL,l}:wa};kiut];liuw]:epL;

kan]') = Tai Social Security Fund

ciun];Krqn];liUc]' (Eh:ciun];pQn]kgn]:SImn];hm].KG]:pL;Pa},lUic]kQn];cQn];w}.') = Krennerite, One of the gold

telluride group of minerals, (Au,Ag)Te2; corresponds to the same general formula as sylvanite and calaverite. Silver-white to pale

yellow color; sp gr, 8.35.

cibn];Km];KBw];Kgc]' = Treasure,

cibn];Km];KBw];Kgc]mBk];SiBc],' = Hidden treasure,

cibn];Kw]:'(hG]:cibn];Kw]mG];la}la}pbn]) = Income,

ciun];Kw]:KUp],pI<' = Annual income,

ciun];Kw]:SL,sG]lUm]sG]' mI;cuin];Kw]:SL,sG]lUm]sG]' = Sustainable income,

cibn];Kw]:Tbk],SGac];Kgn],' = Taxable income,

ciun];Kw]:TUc]' = Net Income, (gross income that remain after the deduction of all charges, taxes or costs,)

cuin];Kw]:nm]' = High income,

cuin];Kw]:lI'[sac]:l}:nm].mYat]:nm]'hLciun];l}:nm]'l}:SU;nm]'{(kan]kL.Ka}l}:ciun];Kw]:lI)'l}:ciun];Kw]:lI' =

Lucrative, adj. profitable; moneymaking; remunerative: a lucrative business,

cuin];Kw]:Ait];AI:Agn],'ciun];Kw]:Ait];Agt];' = Slim income, very few or little income,

ciun];Kun]sg}:'[cuin];An]lUc]pgc]suic]:Tuk]:sg}:pn]sgm];nc],mI;nG];lik]:hUw]ma}nn].{' = Subsidy,

ciun];Kgn],kzc];pik]:man],Sgc]Jtqk].m'(mqt]:'17;24')' = Two-drachma temple tax,(Mtt.17:24),

ciun];sram],' sram],' = Advance,

ciun];es:' ciun];' = Money,


nuic]:nn].?"(1ekL;9;7') = Expense, N.: “Who serves as a soldier at his own expense?(1Cor.9:7), expenses,


nuic]:kUv];Suiw].kin]Aim],pQn]tL,yw].')' = Buy many things with a little money,


n]:w};){ = Disinflation, N. a period or process of slowing the rate of inflation,

cibn];sibk];Sibw].' Krqt].tit].' kbc],SerL,nL:tL' Aw]nI:Aw]Kgt],' = Credit,

ciun];sg}:'(ciun];sg}:sUw]:Kaw];tL,nL:hUin];sUiw];Auip];yak]:kgt];Pan]Kan]sG]')' = Cash assistance: temporary

cash assistance for needy families, financial assistance, monetary or financial aid,

cibn];sg}:hUm],lUm]:sUw]:pan]kUn];' = Social Security income,

cuin];sG].sa},tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare spending,

ciun];sG].sa},PL,Kiuc]:kiuc],' = Cash Break-even Ratio,

ciun];sG].sa},miUc];kac]haw]'ciun];mUic];kac]haw]' = Heaven’s Currency,

cibn];SekL;lL;sg}:pa};pic],vL,' = Scholarships,


n];kGL,'@(TUin],16;38') = Cost, N. cost inefficiency; “at the cost of their lives”,

ciun];SQc]:kL:kun],'[ciun];An]Suiw].kun],kL:hQt];Agk],kun],kL:kUn];hp].sG].sg}:{' = Direct cost,

ciun];SQc]:eSAm],Tuic]tI;Tuic]tac];Sc]' = Cost inefficiency,

ciun];SQc]:tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare costs,

ciun];SQc]:niUw]An]lam];nG];ciun];kgc]kac]' = Cost of Funds Index,

ciun];SQc]:ngk]:lqk]:'[mUin],nc],ciun];l}:pn]kL:Kgn],lgk];lin]tI:hUc];sak]:/kan]mI;{' = Indirect cost,

ciun];SQc]:miUw]:Kiun];hQt];Agk],' = Reproduction Cost,

ciun];SQc]:miUw]:put]:SG],KUw];hiUn];' = Replacement Cost,

ciun];SQc]:elL;Tqc]:' = Additional costs,


EP:tiUn];tiUw];nm]mL;tik];tik];') = Tai Freedom 401K

ciun];SU;'[ciun];An]pn]luk]:lQc].ngk]:lUiw]eSkL:hqc]Kw]nn].'(cuin];epL;nt].S]){' = Bonus, premium,

cibn];eSpn]'(cibn];An]lbm];JtL;mk];mn]:hG]:pn]tI:ekL.TiBk]:l}:) = Alimony,

ciun];S}:tqn];' = Indemnification, N. something that serves to indemnify, compensation, indemnity, N.,

Earnest Money, A deposit made by a buyer of real estate towards the down payment to evidence a good faith, =


ciun];tc];nm]lUc]' = Large sum of money, large amounts of money,

cuin];tqc];kL;'cuin];mQt].pYL;'[cuin];mQt].nuic]:pYL;/etL,lL,{ = A Dollar Coin,

cuin];tum].Kiun];' ciun];Aan];Kiun];' = Rebate, partial refund,

cuin];tUk];ehL,'[cuin];/kun],Sin]KUw];Kgc]An]AU:Em:Pa},luk]:KUv]mG],pn]Pa},luk]:pG].mG],{ = Bride price, N. dowry,

cuin];tu' = Counterfeit money, forged note,

cuin];tqn];nI:'[tqn];SG],Kqp];mG]suik];Suiw].'KI:ciun];tUw];'cuin];kU:pn]luk]:hQn];'skGL,'{ = Debt payments, any

payment to a credit card, student loan, etc.], payment of debts,

cibn];etL<lL<' ciun];etL,lL,' = Dollar

cuin];t};'cuin];etL<lL<t};'cuin];tqc];kL;t};'(TAI$)' = Tai dollar, (TAI$)

ciun];etL,Ek;'[cuin];Kgn],l}:SGac];sw]:fL./Kun]fYO;tL<l]{ = Fief, N. a fee or feud held of a feudal lord: fief and fee,

cuin];tuik].kuit];mI;tL,tn];Aw]l}:' = Available balance,

cuin];tuik].kuit];mI;nG];pqc].'(kw]KL:KG]:ygn];sqt]:tUv];ciun];tuik].kuit];mI;nG];pqc].kw]eAL:'sg}:Ait];nuic]:KL:')' = Bank

balance: I would to check my bank balance, please,

ciun];tiun];' Alac];' = Capital, principal, asset, the wealth,

cibn];tgc];'cibn];Km];' = Finance



hUin];ey;l}:nn]."{' = Microfinance, N.,

cuin];tgn]:'[tgn]:ciun];Ait];Agn],pn]tI:ekL.pG].hp].sG].sg}:PUin]Kw]:'{ = Gratuity, N. tip,

ciun];tgn]:'[hk].kn]/KG]:sg}:kn]/nm].ym]kn]/mat]kn]/pI:ngc].kn]pn]ciun];kn]la}la}{' = Money gift,

ciun];tgn]:pn]la}' = Premium, bonus or sum additional to price, interest,

cuin];Tlqn].'[pQn]ciun];mI;nm].nk];3,000SYqk];kUw];(Agk],'38;25')El:pQc];kn]tc];94 3/7pgc],'{'Tlqn].' =

Talent, of silver contained 3,000 shekels(Ex.38:25,),and was equal to 94 3/7lbs.

ciun];TlU;rI;mUn],'(Eh:cuin];SImUn],ca};miUn]siun];nG];mn];pL;Km];'ciun];El:tgc];') = Tellurium(Te), Sylvanite,

cibn];Tip].' = Tips,

ciun];Tuk],pn]Kun]'= Assessment, a local tax levied against a property for a specific purpose such as for streetlight,

ciun];Tuk],pn]Kun]eKLeKL' = Special Assessment,

ciun];Tuk]:pn]sa},' = Disbursements,

ciun];Tuk]:pn]sa},el:ciun];pn]KGac].sa},liUw]' = Disbursements and additional allowances, 


kuit];mI;tL,tn];Aw]l}:n}.eA,eS!0@Sun],kGL,pqt]:nn].'{' = Overdraft, N. an act or instance of overdrawing a

checking account, the amount overdrawn and the available balance goes below zero,

cuin];Tut],'[ciun];An]tuk];ygn];pun]:tL,pg},kUn];ekL.l}:Kam],tivgp];w}.nn].mUiw];Kiun];{' = Ransom money, N.

money demanded for the return of a captured person,



t]:Aw]' = Redemption money, N.: “Moses gave the redemption money to Aaron and his sons, as commanded

by the word of the LORD.”(Numbers 3:51),

ciun];TiUk]:l}:TiUk]:pn]' = Annuity,

ciun];prI<mIym]AL,mKam],' = Insurance premium,


Sun],tUw]{' = Budget, a plan you create to contro your spending and mange your personal finances,

cuin];pt].kYqt].Kaw];yaw];lut]:tin];tgn];' = Long-term budget deficit,

cuin];pt].kYqt].tc];kL:srip]:Sgn].fac].kqm]' = Budget and contingency costs,

cibn];pn]kL:AL,mKam],ASak]:Pw' = Life insurance payouts,

cuin];pn]KGac].sa},tL,kan]Ain]kYin],nYI;yL,Kw]' = Engineering allowance (EA),

cuin];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],'An]pn]KGac].sa},mqc],' = Payment allowance, allowed amount,


thgc].wL:pQn]'srip]:kuic],TUik]:l}:hp].'/An]pn]KGac].sa},mqc],'/Kn]An]cUp]]w}.'n}ekL:wL:yU,yw]."{ = Allowed

Amount, maximum amount on which payment is based for covered health care services, this may be called ‘eligible expense,’

‘payment allowance’ or ‘negotiated rate’,

ciun];pn]tL,lIK}:sG]' = Consideration, -Anything of value given to induce another to enter contract,

cuin];pn]tL,lIK}:sG]nn].eA,nL,' = Lack of consideration, (Contract).,

ciun];pn]TL:kL:suik];Siuw].'(eK,ciun];pn]TL:kL:suik];Suiw].') = Down Payment, the part of purchase

price paid in cash up front, reducing the amount of the loan or mortgage: make a down payment,

cibn];pqn],SYin],' = Pension

ciun];put]:AmUv],' = Inherited money,

cuin];pun]:pac]:Pgn];lI' = Benefits,

cibn];pgk]:TI,'Am],nn]ciun];lgc];l}:' = Lottery or gambling winnings,

ciun];Puv].Kiun];' = Reimbursement,

ciun];PUc].Kw]:' = Cash Throw-off,

ciun];EPSG],Alac];' = Contribution, -The money paid by one responsible for a share,

ciun];EPpn]Pgn];lI'(Kgc]-/An]-) = Contribution, gift, donation,

cuin];EPpn]Pgn];lIl}:lgt]:Kgn],'(ciun];EPSG],Alac];l}:lgt]:Kgn],) = Tax-free contributions,

ciun];Pg}' = Silver in lumps or nuggets, as formally used in Shan state, 






m];'mG];mqc],kL:mn];ngk]:sum];kgc].San]'srip]:mG];tac],sUiw].tac],mQw];sUiw];n}.SG],pL;sgm];An]mk];Kan];w}.n}.Sc]"{ = Outof-Pocket Limit, the most you pay during a policy period (usually a year) before your health insurance or plan begins to pay

100% of the allowed amount. This limit never includes your premium, balance-billed charges or health care your health insurance

or plan doesn’t cover. Some health insurance or plans don’t count all of your co-payment, deductibles, co-insurance payments,

out-of-network payments or other expenses toward this limit,

ciun];mQt].'mQt].yg}:'(ciun];mQt].ciun];'ciun];mQt].Km];'ciun];mQt].tgc];lqc]) = Coin, ( gold coin, silver coin, copper coin,)

ciun];mQt].Km];' = Gold coin,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].'[Puin]Kqp];mk];ma}An]tac]w}.wL:pQn]sw]:Kgc]pun]:ESYyL<nG];Kgm]pnI,An]nuic]:nn].{' = Stock, N.

a certificate representing a share of ownership in a company,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].Kgm];mgn];' = Common stock, -Shares in a corporation that depend on their value on the value

of the company,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].An]SUc]sG]' = Preferred stock, -A class of stock that entitles the holder to a stated

dividend that must be paid before any dividend payment is made to holders of common stock. Holders of preferred stock

generally do not have any voting rights in the corporation,

ciun];mUk];Stgk].mac]Sgm],' = Blue Chip Stock, -The equity issues of financially stable companies that have

demonstrate their ability to pay dividends in good and bad time,

cbin];mBk];Stgk].El:ESYyL<' = Stocks & shares


mQt].lUc]kUn];KUiw];hI;RpO;Kw]sG].mUiw]:kgn],'{'SYqk];kUw];'= Shekel, N. the common standard both of weight and value among

the Hebrews; it is estimated a little more than half an ounce; a chief silver coin of the ancient Hebrews, shekels,


.nn].'(1Kun]10;17'luk].9:13'){ = Mina, N. an ancient unit of weight and value equal to about 50 shekels (the sixtieth

part of a talent), minas,

ciun];miUc];' = Currency, paper or coin of a country, money,

cuin];mUic];kac]haw]' = Heaven’s currency,

cuin];mYat]:'(mYat]:El:Sum];)' = Money gained, profit: profit and loss,

cuin];mYat]:KUp],pI<'[cuin];l}:mYat]:mL;tI:Pc]Alac];w}.huic]pI<nuic]:yw].nn].'{ = Annual Return, Annual return

is the return an investment provides over a period of time, expressed as a time-weighted annual percentage. Sources of returns

can include dividends, returns of capital and capital appreciation. The rate of annual return is measured against the initial amount

of the investment and represents a geometric mean rather than a simple arithmetic mean.

cuin];mgn]'[An]pn]Kgc]mgn]kin]SU;kin]lap]:kn]/mgn]ciun];TUw];lap]:kn]nn].'{' = Bribe money,

ciun];yim]'[Am],sG]:ciun];sw]:kw],hLl}:pQn]ciun];An]yim]pUin]:w}.nn].{' = Borrowed money,

ciun];yum],ym]tiuk].kiut];mI;nG];pqc].' = Bank balance of trust,

ciun];eyL,' An]eyL,' = Forfeiture, forfeits,

ciun];yg}:'(ciun];mQt].Ep;'mU;'mat]:'KGa};'El:tc];ciun];es:mac]pYL;sUiw];n}.') = Change,

cuin];lk];ciun];kw]' = My own money,


l}:SGac];Kgn],nUiw]mn];nn].El:Am],pgc],Kaw],la};can];Tuic]lUc]pgc]suic]:nn].'{' = Black money, N. income earned

surreptitiously or illegally, usually in cash, and not reported to the government so as to avoid paying taxes on it,

cuin];lUw]pn]kGL,man],man],' = Regular payments,

ciun];lUw],Agk],Tgc];'(ciun];An]etl}:pn]/Tuk],w}.)' = Out of pocket, adj. paid out or owed in cash, N.,

ciun];lU,' tac];lU,' lU,pn]' = Donation, contribution,

ciun];l}Kw]:yG];yG];' = Cash Flow, -The amount of cash derived over a certain period of time from an incomeproducing property,

ciun];l}:' = Gross Income,

cuin];l}:' cuin];Kw]:' = Revenue, the collective items or amounts of income of a person, a state, etc., incomes,

ciun];l}:(Kat]:)la}pun]:tUp].nqp],'(kYI<Aa}<Aqm]<) = Gross Income (Rent) Multiplier,(GIM)

cibn];l}:miUw]:ekY,eA;Amb' = Settlement from lawsuits,

ciun];l}:An]mI;Pgn];lITiuc]tI:Tiuc]tac];'[ciun];l}:An]mI;hqc];hQt];'{ = Effective Gross Income,

ciun];l}:An]mI;hqc];hQt];l}:' = Potential Gross Income,

cuin];lUin]ekL.hp].etL,' = Receptionist salary,

cibn];liBn]KBw];Pak],Kgc]Tqm]' = Emolument,

cuin];lg};'(Kgm]pnI,lg};ciun];')'lgc]:lg};ciun];' = Money transfer: money transfer companies,

cuin];wac],'[cuin];An]tgn]:/An]lU,{' = Money offering, N. donation, contribution, offerings,

cuin];hLl}:' = Earnings,

cuin];hLl}:An]sac]:wUn].hn]TL:' = Prospective earnings,

cuin];hUw]lUin]pn]sgm];wUc]:'(ciun];hUw]lUin]pn]sgm];Sgc]wUc]:nuic]:pgk]:) = Weekly salary,(Bi-weekly salary),

cuin];h}a;'[ciun];An]Sak]:Tiuc]Kun]{(pL;cuin];ha};mL;Sak]:mn];')'ha};' = Tribute, N. gift, levy, toll: bring tribute to him,

cibn];hgm]w}.tL,kiut];libw]:epL;kan]' = Retirement Savings,

cibn];hBw]liBn]' = Salary,

ciun];hgm]w}.' hgm]ciun];w}.' = Saving,


;sQw];l}:hp].ekL:mn];tUiw];mI;kL:Kn]TUik]:yG],"@ = “Provided money can earn interest, any

amount of money is worth more the sooner it is received.”,

ciun];An]EPw}.tL,' = Allotment,


Inflation, N. the state of being inflated,

ciun];Aan];'ciun];tum].'[ciun];An]pn]/l}:Kiun];mUiw]:hw];EK,kL:mn];lUiw]eSAn]mqn]:nn].'{ = Change, N.

the balance of money given or received when the amount tendered is larger than the amount due,

cuin];Ain]fel;SYin];'[kL:Kn]cuin];mUic];miUc];niuc]:Kn]ygm];eSAn]kuic],mI;'(nm].cuin];lUc];){= Inflation, N.,

ciun];Aqt].SRKOw];'[ciun];An]kUn];wUc]:kac]ekL.kQp];;SGac];SG],SQn]:ma}eSyip];w}.pn]'{ = Escrow, N.,

cuin];AUt];'ciun];Aiut];SUp];'[cuin];An]pn]eSlgk],pL;wL:yL,hQt];/lat]:Sc]nn].'{ = Blackmail, N.,

cuin];Agk],KI:'(kU:pn]mn];cuin];Agk],KI:') = Money at interest: lend him money at interest,

cibp];' = Muggy,

ciup];' fL.ciup];'mgk]:kum]:Sum],' = Cloudy,

ciup];'fL.ciup];'cuip];miut];mUw];tn]'mgk],kum]:Sum],' = Cloud, adj., cloudy, adj.,

cbip];mibt];mBw];tn]lImgc]sG]'cibp];'Sw]:'mBw];'mibt];'lIcin];Pan]nL,'(lgc]:-)' = Gloom, N.,

cbip];mibt];mBw];tn]lImgc]sG]'cibp];'Sw]:'mBw];'mibt];'lIcin];Pan]nL,' = Gloom, gloomed, glooming,

cuip];w}.nUiw]Aman],JtL;nn].' = Cloud the truth,

ciup];Auim]tuim];'cuip];miut];mUw];tn]'Auim]tuim];' = Cloudy and humid,

cUik]:kac];la};'cUik]:' = Alligator, N., crocodile, N.,

ciUc].'ciUc].Ew:' = Dodge, elude or evade by a sudden, avoid, dodged, dodging,


Parry, to turn aside; to evade or dodge: to parry an embarrassing question,

cUic].l}:l}:'cUic].lgt]:lgt]:'[Ew:lgt]:lgt]{(cUic].ma}mI:sUiw];nn].l}:l}:'(cUic].eKL:Tam]nn].lgt]:lgt]:))' =

Evade, to avoid; elude: to evade rules; to evade a question, evaded, evading,

cUic].Ew:pqt]:'[Ew:pqt]:{(cUic].Ew:pqt]:lUic]];nn].)' = Circumvent, to avoid ort bypass: to

circumvent the real issue, circumvented,




= Avoid fraud, No, thank you; ask and check; talk to someone before invest,

cUin]:tac];kL.kU;'[cUin]:tac];An]hUiw];Sac];ePL;kUn];kL.Kw]'Puc]kUn];El,kL.kU:Kw]'sL.kGL,Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;p}nn].{' =

Trade-route, trade rout, N.,

cUip],hUik],SUp];'(lin].kw]yac]sp];cUip],hUik],SUp];kw]w}.') = Roof of mouth: my longue sticks to the roof of my mouth,

cUiw]:cL.TQc]Tgc]kn]'[TQc]mQw];Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc]tLSc]nn].{' = Foolish controversies,

cUic].Ew:pqt]:'[Ew:pqt]:{(cUic].Ew:pqt]:lUic]];nn].)' = Circumvent, to avoid ort bypass: to

circumvent the real issue, circumvented, circumventing,

cUic].Ew:yLhG]:vL;PL,kGac]tUw]St];' = Avoiding Collisions With Deer,

ciBn]:'(epL;hLciBn]:mn];eSsgm];K}:tBv];n}ethn]AiBw]:) = Trace,(tracing missing persons)

ciUn]:cG]:'pn]cUin]:'pn]SQc]'(Am],lat]:Sibw]:Sibw]]SQc]ciBn]:mn];kBv];)' = Hint, allude, give a hint,

cUin]:kGam];'[mgk],EnAm],nn]ekL:pn]van],km];Agn]tac];Sut];'{(pn]cUin]:kGam];lgc]:pa};pa};nuic]:')' = Broach, to

mention or suggest for the first time: to broach a subject,

ciUn]:cG]:' cG]:' (etKut];mqc];man];hG]:tUv];cG]:'kGam];piUn]:siuw]:pUin]:sG]:hG]:Aw]') = Trace, hint, indication,

ciUn]:tac];' = Route, a course for a passage,

cUin]:tac];kGL,Kaw];pgt];Sut];'[KG];wL:tac];lt];nn].{' = Shortest route,

cUin]:Et,'[Kgp],SI,nL:An]Kp].Kuic]mI;pL;w}.ma}hac]:Pac]la}la}mQw];Am],nn]la};Kuic]Sac]:pa};np].la}An]'{= Matric, N.

(Mathematics) a rectangular array of numbers, algebraic symbols, or mathematical functions,


Matric, N. something that constitutes the place from which something else originate, takes form, or develops,

ciBn]:tibn];' = Source

cUin]:tuin];kGam];lat]:'[kGam];lat]:An]l}:luk].tI:nn]:eSpin]EpkGam];w}.nn].{' = Source language, the

language from what the translation is done.,

cUin]:tiun];puk]:lik]:'[puk]:/pp].lik]:An]l}:pin]EpkGam];w}.nn].{' = Source text, the ext from which

a translation is done,

ciBn]:tibn];Alac];' = Resources, a source of supply, resort, means,

ciUn]:mn];' ciUn]:tiun];' cw]:cL,ciBn]:tibn];' cUin]:SUc],Kaw],' = Source,

ciUn]:mn];SUn]:mn];' piun].Kam],' piUc]piun].Kam],' = Basis, basic,

cUin]:ehL'[Kun]Aup].pUic],pQn]KUiw];hUin];lQw]kn]Kp].y}sgm];kn]Aup].pUic],mL;{(cUin]:ehLKUiw];mic];)' = Dynasty, N. a

sequence of rulers from the same family or group: the Ming Dynasty, dynasties,

cUip],'wqw],'[Ek:PLhin]tqk],AL:w}.nn].{(cUip],hin]PLhin])' = Clefts, : clefts of the rock,

cUip],SUp];'[pQn]hUik],muc];tac];nUiw]nG];kUc]SUp];kUn];{ = Palate, N. the roof of the mouth; hard palate and soft palate,

cUip],hin]PLhin]'(nUk].tU:kw]An]mI;nG];cUip],hin]PLhin]nn].AUiv];')' = Clefts of the rock, :My dove in the clefts

of the rock.(Song.2:14),

ciBp],PL' = Alcove,


lqt]:w}.nn].lG]'tI:hUin];t};wan]:ngk]:n}.k}.pQn]An]muc];tL,wL;Puin];'ygc]Kw]:lG]'skGL,nn].{' = Awning, a

roof like shelter of canvas or other material extending over a doorway, fro the top of a window, over a deck, etc. in order to

provide protection, as from the sun,

ciUw]:'Tibc].'Tibc].Tc].'Am],l}:lgc]:'cUw].cL.' = Dull, dumb, stupid,

cUiw]:' cUiw]:nL,' (A}a:cUiw]:' eA;cUiw]:') = Dumb, (dumber),

cUiw]:caw]:' cUiw]:SUin]:' caw]:nL,' = Silly, adj. weak-minded or lacking good sense,

cUiw]:cL.' Tiuc].' (Kt];-van],lqt];'lqt];')' = Foolish, adj., (ant: wise),

cUiw]:cL.'(tac];-'lgc]:-'An]-')'nLTuiw]' = Stupidity, dullness of mind, foolishness,

cUiw]:Suiw]:lk];Suik]:'[Am],epL;cUiw]:epL;lk];{' = Feeble-minded, adj. half-witted; mentally-deficient,

cUin]:SUin]:'kUn];cUiw]:SUin]:'[cUiw]:cL.'ygc],'nLTuiw]'{ = Ass, N. a stupid, foolish, or stubborn person,


n],sac]:kUit],pQn]kUn];nn].'(yUp]11;12') = Witless, adj. foolish; stupid: But the witless can no more become wise

than a wild donkey’s colt can be born human,

cgk]:'[pqn]Agk],tac];nL:{(KQw]:cgk]:)' = Protrude, to thrust forward; cause to project: protruding teeth, protruded,

cgk]:cqk]:tUv];'[Am],sG]:wL:hG]:tUv];tqt]:tqt]:nqt]:nqt]:'{(mn];cgk]:cqk]:tUv];hw];km];nuic]:')' = Give a quick

look, : He gives us a quick look,

cgk]:tUv];' = Raising head to look,


.etKw]:mL;")`= Lift up your head: If you will lift up your head, then the Lord mighty in battle will come in,

cgk];' win],hUw]' = Turns,

cgk];' kBt].' mgc].'(tac];kBt].cgk];cqk];nL,El:kw]mw];kL;hak]:Agk],epL;pQn]lin];)' = Curving, bend line,


;KGL,PQc],kn]lItUv];nL,)' = Turn, ( turn left, turn right and go straight,),

cgk];kGL,nL;tac];Agk],' = Turn eastward,

cgk];cqk];'[kUt].cgk];kGL,cgk];mL;nm]nL,{(tac];cgk];cqk];nL,) = Winding, adj. bending or turning; sinuous: winding road,

cgk];Sgk],'(Aw]cgk];Sgk],tm]SG],ngk];SG],)' = Elbow,( to prod or push with elbow),

cgk];Sgk],AI;lg};lg};'cgk];Sgk],tm]'cgk];Sgk],yw]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'= Nudge, N.,

cgk];hUw]'(cgk];hUw]Pgm].sgm];'cgk];hUw]mk];mn]:')' = Nod, nodded, nodding, (to nod agreement, to nod approval,),

cgk];p-Kiun];' (yL,cgk];p-Kiun];) = U-Turn, : No U-Turn,


= U-turn, a U-shaped turn made by a vehicle so as to head to the opposite direction from its original course,

cgk];win],hUw]Sam]lqc]'[tL,win],hUiw]kL;Kuin];ehL:kGL,tac];lc]nn].'{' = Three-point Turns,

cgc];'(pQn]SQm]lQk].lQk].Agn],tL,Aw]ma}yUiw]:yL:hUk].ma}SUn]ma}h}:)' = Hoe, garden hoe, using to scrape or weed,

cgp];'hUin];cgp];'Sum].tgp];' = Shanty, N. hut, cabin or house,

cgm]'cgm]ecL,'nc]:cgm]ecL,'[kUw]eSKUt];kUm]:hUw]nc]:w}.{ = Cringe, to shrink, bend or crouch especially;

crouching, cringed, cringing,

cgm];'[k},Em:hgc].suluk]:k},Agn],cgm];tG]:pik]:mn];{'k},cgm];luk]:'= Hen gathering chicks under her wings,

cgm];'[k},Em:AL:pik],tUm];eScgm];K},mn];hG]:tqk],Agk],luk]:k},Agn],mL;'{ = Brood, incubate, brooded, brooding,

cgm];K},'[nc],k},Em:cgm];K},mn];hG]:tqk],Agk],luk]:k},Agn],mL;'{= Incubate, brood, incubation, incubating,

cgm];luk]:'cgm];K},'(k},/nUk].-)= Bird mother is sitting on the young or the eggs, incubating; brooding,

cg};' cg};yuiw].' cg};nm].nQc]:' = Kettle, small kettle with a spout or handle,

cg};tUv];sgm];'[sgm];hG]:epL;l}:hU.Sac];lac];lI{' = Peer, to look searchingly, as an effort to discern clearly, peering,

cg};tuik];'cg};yuiw];'pG].Kzc];hqm]'(Kw]pG].cg};yuiw];/Kzc];hqm]mn];w}.) = Ambush: They are waiting in ambush for him,

ambushed, ambushing, ambush, N. also ambushment,

cg};nm].PUt].lUc]'nm].PUt].nG];cg};lUc]'(yUp]41;31') = Boiling caldron, a jar or pot,

cg};yuiw].'cg};nQc]:'[emL:/Aum]SG]An]mI;tI:yip];mI;PLhUm],mI;SUp];cg};tI:huiw]:nm].Agk],'{ = Teapot, N.,

cg};lUc]'[cg};lUc]/pg}<lL<tL,tUm]:nm].PUt].{ = Caldron, or cauldron, N. a large kettle or boiler: a boiling caldron,

cg};' cg};tUv];' cg};hL' cg};lgm]'sgm];cg};' = Pry into, to look closely or curiously, peer, pried, prying,

cG]:mn];' hn]/hU.tac];mn];'(Kw]mI;cG]:mn];'Kw]Am],hn]tac];mn];')' = Clue, (They have no clue how…),

cG]:'ciUn]:cG]:'(etKut];mqc];man];hG]:tUv];cG]:'kGam];piUn]:siuw]:pUin]:sG]:hG]:Aw]')' = Trace, N. clue, hint, indication,

cG]:'kUm],'Auc]' = Silt, earthy matter, fine sand, or the like carried by moving or running water and deposited as a sediment,

cG]:lg}f};'[hin]sUim];pQn]nm].AUn]Agk],tI:lg}f};{' = Lava, N. the molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano,

cG]:Auit];'(cG]:tQm]hgc]:epL;tuin]:nm].l}l}:)' = Silt, become filled or chocked up with silt, silted, silted up,

(The river silted up.),

cG]:tQm]hgc]:epL;tuin]:nm].Am],l}l}:' = River silted up,


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