VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Nya - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


v'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TihUk];{' = ‘Nya’, the sixth letter of the Tai alphabet,

van],'[nm].kt].sac]:hQn];hU.'sac]:Enlgc]:mn];tac];mn];'sac]:pgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]{' = Intelligence,

van],' pL;van],'(emLAup],pL;van],)' = Wit, wits, N., witty, adj.: witty conversation,


{(van],kUit],kuik];mL;emLhLciun];)' = Instinct, N. a natural aptitude or gift: an instinct for making money,

van],Sgn]lqc];'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-van],'){ = Ecclesiastes, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Eccl.)],

van],tac];lqt];sg}:ehL:hG]:lgt]:eP;' = Safe Driving Tips,


eP;)' = Tip, N. a useful hint or idea; a practical fact: Safe driving tips,

van],tL,tgc];'(eKL:/pa};hn]/lik]:pn]-)'eKL:pn]van],tL,tgc];' = Witty remarks,

van],tUik]:'(van],Kw]tUik]:yw].'(SL,107;27')' = Wit’s end: they were at their wit’s end,

van],Tibc].'van],nuik];' = Feeble, adj. weak intellectually or morally: a feeble mind,

van],Pa}'(ekL.van],Pa},k}.lqt];'ekL.lqt];k}.van],Pa}) = Sharp intelligence, intelligent,

van],Pa}'lqt];' = Smart,

van],emLTt];Tgc]lgc]:lIAik],lgc]:sL.' = Discernment, N.,

van],lam];hn]l}:pL:nL:pL:lc]' = Insight, penetrating mental vision or discernment,

van],lqc];'[sG]hU.'lUc].lqn],lI{(van],lqc];kU:pa};kU:la};tc];SQc]:)= Wisdom, N. sense, enlightenment:all wisdom,

van],lqc];' = Wisdom, sense, enlightenment,

van],lqc];kU:pa};kU:la};tc];SQc]:' = All wisdom,

van],lqc];sn].Tan]:Sbc] = Supernatural wisdom

van],lqc];JPL;sw]:mqc],' = Godly wisdom,

van],lqt];'lqt];Sqw];'lqt];'(Kt];-cUiw].cL.' Tuic].')' = Wise, adj., wiser, wisest, (ant: foolish),

van],lqt];Pa}lIliBw]'van],lqt];lUiw]' = Wiser,

van],lI'[mI;van],'lqt];'mI;tac];hU.{ = Brainy, adj. intelligent; clever; intellectual, brainier, brainiest,

van],lUc].lqn],Aqk];spiUt]<' = Expertise,

van],]w}.TL:'(van],AnL,kt].Tm];S-kGam];pL,li)' = Prescience, N., foreknowledge, foresight,

vm];vg}:'[Aw]tac];kin]wan]ygk],luk]:Agn],hG]:mn];Kg}'{'vqm];vg}:' = Incite someone to envy what

another person has (said of children in a teasing manner),

vap]:'kip]:'cip]:' = Compress, squeeze, pinch, compressed, compressing,

vap]:es:' Klip].mat],'Klip].vap]:'Klip].ht].'mat],hUw]'= Clip, N., clips,

vap]:ht].kqn],kqn],' = Clutch, clutched, clutching,

vap]:hip],w}.'hqp]:'[KUic]:/m}./lQk];Pqp].yaw];tL,Aw]vap]:KUw];/Kgc]Sgc]Pa},mt].ht].kqn],w}.'{= Clamp, N.,


Clamp, to fasten with or fix in a clamp: clamping cauls; clamping tools, clamped, clamping,

vam].' Am],Kqn],' = Poor, not being talented,

vam].Sut];' tqm],Sut];' Tiuc].eSpiUn]:' Kuv]:nL,' KI:Pqc].' = Lowest, least, low,

vam].nL,' Tbv].nL:' Kbv]:nL,' = Unskillful,

vL;' TBp];vL;' = Face, face with,

vL;' TBp];vL;' hBp].vL;' = Confronted, encountered, challenged,

vL;'(hn]vL;' kin]vL;' vL;hQt];')' = Come upon, meet with, encounter, by chance, (see by

chance, eat unknowingly, accidently happened),

vL;'(mn];cLetAm],vL;PG]eSekL.yw].) = Come into contact with: He came into contact with almost no one,

vL;'(kw]Am],hgn],tgn.vL;An]yap],Et.yap],wL:eSAn]') = Come into contact with: I’ve never

come into contact with anything so difficult, come up against,

vL;'Sc],etL,eSl}:vL;'km]:mn];Sc],etL,'(hn]vL;' kin]vL;' vL;hQt];')' = By chance, come

upon; encounter: see by chance, eat unknowingly, accidently happened,


= Fall, to pass into some physical, mental, or emotional condition: to fall asleep; to fall in love, fell, falling,

vL;kn]' vL;mqn]:' = Meet or come across,

vL;km];tLmgt],mn];kUv];' = Just by chance, you got lucky,


:Agn],) = Take a rap, get to meet with an unfavorable incident,

vL;kGam];kin],'kin]wL:SG],'(hG]:vL;kGm];kin],) = Cursed, adj. under a curse; damned: be cursed,

vL;kGam];kin],' = Cursed, being cursed,

vL;kGam];kin]w}.'[sc];epL;Kan].hn]{' = Accursed, adj. under a curse; detestable; doomed; ill-fated; damnable,

vL;Kam]:pUn].pqt]:' Kam]:pUn].' = Trip, skip, tripped, tripping,

vL;Kgn].' km];Kgn].' (mn];vL;Kgn].20km];)' = Lash, N., (He received 20 lashes),

vL;kGam];kin],' tam],kGam];kin],' = Curse

vL;sa},'[srip]:yg}:yqm];An]l}:sa},sgm];Tqc]:nn].{ = Incidental, N. minor expenses, incidentals,

vL;Sac],Tuk],' vL;km];Sac],Tuk],mn];' = Find occasionally, by chance,


sG]hQt];'vL;Aw]kg}/lqw]'Kiuk].Kk].vL;tiUw].pQn]' (lgc]:-/An]-) = Accidental, N. accident,

vL;tac];tuk].K' tuk].K' = Suffered, to sustain loss, to undergo a penalty,


yap],'kUn];pn]tac];yap],pUin]:'kUn];kw];')' = Troublesome, adj. causing trouble; vexatious: a troublesome situation;

a troublesome person,

vL;tam],ygn].mn];'(etAm],l}:vL;tam],ygn].mn];'(Agk],21;19')= Held liable: will not be held liable, or

shall go unpunished,


n].'{'l}:vL;tam],' = Penalize, to subject to penalty, punish, be penalized,

vL;etL,vL;man]' man]vL;' man]' = Come upon just a right time of opportunity,

vL;TBp];'vL;PL,kn]'PL,vL;' = Run into, to crash into, collide with, encounter, experience,

vL;nm].mG];El:km];n}.'AL;lL;wU;'ep,nm].mG];yw].hiuw].'[vL.nm].sQm];mG];huiw].'{= You deserved it,

vL;pQn]' El.Sc].tac];etL,' = Incident, N. an individual occurrence or event, chance happening,

vL;pQn]An]yL.luk]:nG];tgc].tUk];kGL,kUv];mn];' = Spontaneous abortion,

vL;Pit];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Mistake, N. an unintentional error or act,

vL;Pit];'(!SUvL;Pit];hac]:ha}.nL,yw].&"@(mak].12;27') = Mistake, mistook, mistaken, mistaking:

You are badly mistaken!,

vL;Pit];Et.Pit];wL:' Pit];yG],Et.yG],wL:' = Colossal mistake,

vL;eP;'pQn]eP;(mUiw]:Kw]vL;eP;nn].sG]ht];han]Kw]luyw].')= Peril, N.: in their peril their courage melted away,

vL;eP;kL,lhL<lqc]' pQn]kL,lhL:lqc]' = Plague, to infect with a plague, plagued, plaguing,

vL;eP;lIkUw]'TUp];eP;lIkUw]'[hQt];hG]:tUk];sG]KI:yan]:/lIkUw]lIkak],{(Kuik].Kk].vL;/TUp];eP;lIkUw])' =

Appalling, adj. causing dismay or horror: an appalling accident,

vL;muc]:hn]mqn]:' = Spotted, spot, locate or identify by seeing,

vL;yQp],'vL;yQp],tin]kn]'[Aw]tin]yQp],{(kat],kuin];nL,epL;El,vL;yQp],tin]kn]kGL,yw].')'= Step on, to

place or press the foot on; tread on,


lat]:Tuk],yU,El,'lat]:mqn]:yU,El,')'lat]:Pit];kGL,' = Misspeak, to speak inaccurately, inappropriately, or

too hastily, misspoke, misspoken, misspeaking,

vL;lqn]' vL;pUin]:lqn]' = Encounter deception, be cheated,

vL;lut]:'vL;lut]:muiw];' = Trip, to cause stumble, slip, fail, error, skip, tripped, tripping, tripped off,

vL;lbt]:ham];' = Miss, put off,

vL;lUc]luim];'[Am],w}.fac].hU.mqn]:/luim];tUw]{' = Unaware, adj. not aware or conscious, unconscious,

vL;l}:Pit];sG]'(etAm],hgn],tgn].vL;l}:Pit];sG]eSpgk]:')' = Be disappointed, (never be disappointed),

vL;luim];pqt]:'(SUvL;luim];lim]:Kw]:mt].nuic]:pqt]:w}.nG];nL;nn].(ehL;24;19') = Overlook, forget: You overlook

or forget a sheaf in the field, overlooked,

vL;wUn].mqn]:'wUn].l}:'(mQw];An]Am],mI;sG]kUn];hw];ekL.lG]vL;wUn].mqn]:w}.') = Conceive, to hold as an opinion;

think: what no human mind has conceived, conceived, conceiving,

vL;hn]kGL,' = Found out unexpectedly, saw by chance, discovered accidentally,

vL;hQt];'Am],sc]:sG]hQt];'Kiuk].Kk].tiUw].pQn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Accident, N.,

vL;hiuk].etL,mqn]:Aw]kUv];' vL;hiuk].etL,SG],' = Coincidence, N. fate,

vL;hiuk].etL,mqn]:Aw]kUv];' vL;hiuk].etL,SG],' huik].vL;' = Coincide, coincided, coinciding,

vL;Aw]hUc]:tUk];w}.' Aw]lium];pqt]:' Aw]hUc]:ha}pqt]:' = Leave out, to omit, exclude,


qm];vg}:'[Aw]tac];kin]wan]ygk],luk]:Agn],hG]:mn];Kg}'{'vm];vg}:' = Incite someone to envy what

another person has (said of children in a teasing manner),

evL,'[mQn]mQw];Am],mqn]:sG]/mQn]Aa}nm].mn];KUw]:Pk];{'mQn]evL,' = Offending smell,

evL.kin]'(Aw]KUw];Am],lIEt.Et.nn].wL:mn];lIeSekYL;Ka}etL,/kw];kin]cuin];pUin]:') = Counterfeit, fake,

vgp];' vgp];tQk];w}.' tI.vgp];' tQk];w}.' = Captive,

vgp];' ti' tivgp];' = Seize, to grasp, grab, arrest, apprehend, catch,

vgp];' tI.' ti'vgp];mt].' = Arrest, arrested, arresting,

vgp];'tI.l}:'til}:'tivgp];'(vgp];l}:l}:) = Caught, catch, catching, catch, N.: sure catch,

vgp];km]'cm]'km]'[yip];w}.mn]:mn]:kqn],kqn],'{(cm]/km]tLmuiw];')' = Grip, to hold firmly, gripped, gripping,

vgp];km]sik];mn];w}.' = Manipulate, manipulated, manipulating,

vgp];/tipL'hLpL'mQt];'mQt];pL'[hLtivgp];pLnG];nm].Aw]mQt];/EK/nqc]:/tum]:/sL.kGL,'{= Fish, to catch or attempt

to catch fish by the use of dredge, rake, hook, or the like, fished, fishing,

vgp];tQk];nQk];w}.l}:'Kam],vgp];tQk];nQk];w}.'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Captivity, N., captivition, N.,


w],lI,'{'(km]sik];mn];w}.eSygn];SQt]:) = Monopoly, N. exclusive control: monopoly bargaining, monopolies,

vgp];Aw]hQt];KL:sG].' = Subjugate, enslave,


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