VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Monday, August 2, 2021

Stones - Kim Walker Smith 2020 - (singing by Mo Tk & a Tai Translation- with Luke 19:40)

I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”(Luke 19:40)

































Find me in the valley

Standing with my hands held high

The valley will never take my song

Find me in the desert

Holding onto You for life

The desert will never take my song

Oh, the desert will never take my song


I will praise You

I will praise You

I won't let the stones cry

I won't let the stones cry out

I will praise You

Something in me has to

I won't let the stones cry

I won't let the stones cry out


Find me with the promise

Dancing where You prophesied

Still shouting of everything You've done

High up on the mountain

I was made to testify

Forever, You will have my song

Oh, forever, You will have my song


The longer the wait, the longer I'll praise

The stronger the pain, the stronger my faith grows

The higher the need, the higher I'll reach

The greater the cost, the more I'll believe for


Believable, trustworthy,          = yum],l}:'

Believe again: We are ready to believe again,= Kiun];yum],'(hw];tUw]:tn];tL,Kiun];yum],kn]Tqc]:km];nuic]:yU,yw].')

Believe and declare     = yum],eSpuin]Paw],Agk],'

Believe in oneself,       = yum],tUw]'yum],tUw]kw],'

Believe in others,        = yum],piUn]:El:'yum],pUin]:'

Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved,      = !ybm],sw]:ey,SbEl:'mG];etl}:tac];E k,Kzt]:eShBm],lBm]:lIAUiw]:@'

Believe with all my heart,       = yum],w}.kqn],kqk];lUv]:mak],hUw]sG]kL:mI;tc];SQc]:lum];lum];wL:'

Believe, believed, believing,               = ybm],' hp].ybm],' ybm]Aw]' ybm],mat]:'

Believer, N.,     = kBn];ybm],mat]:'

Believing for,  = ybm],wL:Aan];l}:'

Believing for, believe for,       = yum],w}.tL,Aan];l}:' yum],w}.wL:Aan];l}:'

Cost at certain confidence lever (Cp),                        = Kk].sn].kL:srip]:tuin];lUw],SQc]:'

Cost Depreciation Approach,             = la};np].ciun];SQc]:niUw]kL:Kn]tUk];'

Cost of following Jesus,         = Alac];l}:pn]tL,sgm];lc]sw]:ey,Su'

Cost of Funds Index,  = ciun];SQc]:niUw]An]lam];nG];ciun];kgc]kac]'

Cost of living, the average cost of food, clothing, and other necessary or usual goods and services paid by a person, family, etc., or considered as a standard by the members of a group.,  = kL:yU,kL:kin]'[kL:ciun];SQc]:puc],kac]pan]kac] pun]:tL,tac];kin]KUw];nuc]:El:An]sm]pQn]lUw],l}:mI;sUiw];n}.tL,kUn];ekL.nuic]:Am],nn]tL,nL:hUin];ey;lc]nuic]:Am],nn]ekL:An]np].Sgn],wL:mn];An]Kuit];sn].sgm];nc],sUiw];kUn];Kw]:sum];sum];sum];nuic]:Kw]np].Sgn],w}.nn].'{'

Cost, N. cost inefficiency; “at the cost of their lives”,       = ciun];SQc]:'Alac];l}:pn]'kL:'kL:srip]:'(cuin];SQc]: eSAm],Tuic]tI:Tuic]tac];'(!l}:Aw]ASak]:Kw]tac]pn]kL:mn];kGL,'@(TUin],16;38')

Cost, N.: estimated, actual and variability cost, costs,    = kL:srip]:'(kL:srip]:n}.pQn]An]lam];w}.'An]Et.Et.E l:tL,An]pin],ca}:Ka}.w};nL,nn].')'

Costly wood,  = m}.An]kL:nL,nL,'

Costly, adj. expensive, costlier, costliest, = kL:nL,'SQc]:kL:mn];nm]nL,'SQc]:kL:SQc]Kn]yG],nm]nL,'

Costs incurred,            = kL:srip]:mat],nI:w}.'

Costs, the prices paid to acquire,       = Alac];l}:pn]' kL:Alac];l}:pn]' ciun];SQc]:'

Derail, derailed, derailing,      = pUic]:ygc];tac];El:pin]:'[rTL;(lUt].f};)/kL;ehL:lqn]:elL:Agk],PLyg c];tac];mn];kGL,eSpin]:pqt]:nn].{'pUic]:Agk],ygc];tac];'

Derail, to become derailed; go astray, derailed, derailing,      = pUic]:Agk],ygc];tac];'pUic]:tac];'[kGc]tac];pUic]: tac];'pUic]:tac];mn];kGL,pqt]:'{'

Derailment, N.,             = pUic]:ygc];tac];El:pin]:'(lgc]:-/An]-)'pUic]:Agk],ygc];tac];'

Elongate, lengthen; extend; long and thin, elongated, elongating, elongated, adj.,= yaw];lUc]kGL,'[An]Suip] ,yaw];yaw];'KGak]:kGac]:yaw];kGL,'yaw];eSkqp]:'{

Hold on I’m in the middle of something.       = pG].km];nuic]:El:kw]Am],p},PL:An]n}.l}:'

Hold on to your dream,          = yip];km]An]mG];ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]nn].w}.El:'

Hold on to, hold to, hold onto,           = yip];km]pG].pL;hQt];sgm];' yip];km]pG].pL;'kgt],w}.'

Pain relief tablets,       = yL:yLhUw]K}:'[yL:yLkin]{'yLkUn].Kuin]:/KQw]:sQp];'

Pain, arthritis pain,      = sQp];Kuin]:suit]:suit]:' Kt];sQp];Kuin]:mUv]:suit]:suit]:'

Pain, N., pains, = sQp];mUv]:'sQp];'sQp];sG]'mUv]:'Kiun]:'sQp];Sqp],'tuk].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)

Pain, pained, paining,              = sQp];mUv]:' sQp];' sQp];sG]' mUv]:' Kiun]:' sQp];Sqp],'

Painful loss of dignity,            = kuc],Ser,tUk];Sum];epL;Am],kuit];Sc]'

Painful loss,                 = Sum];Sum];epL;Am],kuit];Sc]'[Sum];KUw];lQc];Sum];ciun];tgc];Sum];kuc],Ser,Sum];nL: tLAn]pUin]:np].ym]Sum];kU:An]An]sUiw];n}.{'

Painful, adj. difficult, sore,           = sQp];Kan]sG]nL,'Kiun]:nL,'sQp];nL,'sQp];mUv]:'yap],sQp];Kan]sG]'

Pains of childbirth, birth pains,           = sQp];mUv]:etkUit],luk]:'

Painstaking, adj. N. showing diligent effort,   = hQt];mqk];mqk];'[mI;sG]k}.'{

Rock, N. stone in the mass: the Lord is my rock,            = hin]'hin]piun].Kam],'(sw]:hw];n}.pQn]hin]puin].Kam],tL,k w](SL,18;2)'Sw]hin]Sw]PL'mak],hin]mak],PLlUc]'PLhin]'

Rock eternal, everlasting rock,            = hin]TL,wrL.'

Rock of Ages,             = hin]pibn].Kam],tL,kB:sBw]:pan]'

Rock salt, common salt occurring in extensive, irregular beds in rocklike masses,        = kUiw]mak],hQp];'(kUiw]tuik].pQn] mQt].pQn]kgn]:Agn],w}.sgm];nc],SPL,wtak],l}:mL;nn].')'kUiw]Sic];eTL;'

O, Oh, = eAL:'enL:/eAL:tI:KL:'AUiw]:'AUiw]:sc],wL:'[SQc]Aw]lat]:lUv]:An]np].ym]yG],nm]nL,nn].' SQc]Aw]lat];sgm];tac];mI;es,tnL,sG]AQt];lU{'(eAL:tI:KL:sw]:'(AUiw];sc],wL:'hG]:Kw]...')'

Stone: stone to death, stoned,       = Aw]mak],hin]Suic];/Sat]:SG],'(Aw]mak],hin]Suic];/Sat]:SG],hG]:epL;ta})

Stone, N., stones,         = mak],hin]' kgn]:hin]' mak],kgn]:hin]'

Stone, adj. made of stoneware: a stone mug or bottle,      = hin]'[Aw]mak],hin]hQt];w}.{(kgk];hin]'/Agm]hin])'

“ A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE”; a stone that causes people stumble and a rock that makes them fall, = !mak],hin]An]hQt];hG]:kUn];tc];la}vL;Kuiw]:luit];El:hin]An]Kt];K w]lUm].tUk];kGL,nn].'@(1pI,2;8')

Stony, adj. full of stones: stony beach,           = pL,hin]lUic],'[mI;mak],hin]nm]nL,{(Pc],pac],la},pL,hin]lUic],)'

Stony, adj. unfeeling; merciless: stony heart,    = Kqc]Sit];Sit];'[Am],mI;sG]krunL,{(mak],hUw]sG]Kqc]Sit];Sit];)'

Stone-cutter,   = kUn];liUw]:mak],hin]'kUn];tg},mak],hin]'

Stone Pavement,         = mak],hin]SiUw],'kiw],tac];SUiw],hin]'

Testify, testified, testifying,   = Kam],Sak]:eS,' piut],pak],lat]:Agk],'

Testimony, N.: human testimony,    = eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,'(eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,kUn];puit],pak],lat]:Agk],')

Valley, N. an elongated depression between uplands, hills, or mountains, especially one following the course of a stream; any place, period, or situation that is filled with fear, gloom, foreboding, or the like: the valley of despair, valleys,= hBv]:'hBv] :libk].'[tI:An]tQk];lUc];w}.eSyaw];lUc]kGL,mI;nG];Ek:lin]Suc]/kuc];/kgc];/lg}Kw]nn].El:k}.pQn]tI:mI;Sa}hgc]:nm].Agn],l}lUc];kGL,sgm];nn].'Agc]:tI:/sUw]:yam];/Sa}ca}cw];la};An]mI;pL;lgc]:kUw]/lIcin];Pan]nL,sL.sUiw];n}.tQm]pik];pik];w}.nn].'{(hUv]:luik].sG]tUk];tUik]:tn]')


pUic]:tac];'El,lqn]:kzk];wqn]'= Stray, to deviate from the direct course; roam; ramble, strayed, straying,

piUc]:tac];mn];kGL,pqt]:'kGc]tac];piUc]:tac];'pUic]:tac];'pUic]:hg};' = Astray, out of the right way, path, or route ,

ey:Kqn];Kqm].AUiw]:n}.'        = It sounds better,

ey:Kqn];nm]'nuic]:Kqn];nm]'         = Much more,

ey:Kqn];etlImL;'             = Will even get better,

ey:Kqn];lUiw]nL,epL;tan],lG]lU;kgn],'   = How much more,

ey:Kqn];ht];lUiw]mL;'        = Dare all the more,

ey:Kqn];hQt];nm]nm]'tc];SQc]:tc];lUc]' = All the more, even more,

ey:Kqn];ha}.sL.lUiw]kGL,' ha}.' ha}.nL,' ha}.sL.nL,' ha}.sL.lUiw]'     = Worse,

ey:mQw];ey:An]'nuic]:mQw];nuic]:An]'    = One of each kind,

ey:mQw];ey:Ait];'nuic]:mQw];nuic]:Ait];'   = Little of each kind,

ey:miBc];km],PL,elL;kn}.tiBw];lp];Sic],mL;tik];tik];ekL:ey:mn];Kqn];ettiBw];hiBw]:lqc];liBw]mL;tL,kBn];JPL;sw]:yw].'    = The darker it gets in the world the brighter it’s going to be for God’s people.

ey:nm]-ey:hqc];mL;tik];tik];'      = The more – the stronger,

!ey:mG];kGL,Suc]ey:mn];etmI;kUn];sc];mG];nm]'@ = “The higher you go the more haters will come out.”

ey:hk].ey:mI;AL,nL,'niuc]:/yuic]:hk].niuc]:/yuic]:mI;AL,nL,'   = More love more power,

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