6The Lord said, “If as one
people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they
plan to do will be impossible for them.(Genesis 11:6)
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I
will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.(2
Chronicles 7:14)
19Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may
be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20and that he may send the Messiah,
who has been appointed for you—even Jesus.(Acts 3:19-20)
Repent, to feel sorry or contrite for past conduct and
the disobedience, rebellion, or going in the opposite direction; to regret or
be conscience-stricken; to turn back to God and believe in the gospel and
pursue the knowledge of the truth; to feel sorrow for sin or fault as to be
disposed to change one’s life for better; (be penitent), repented, repenting, =
ngc],twa},sG]Kibn];' [!hG]:Kam],sL;nG];sG]wL:eSL;rI;'(tgc];pan],KL:)n}'Am],nn]pQn]sG]Am],lIwa};mn];pun]:An]l}:hQt];pUn].mL;'An]Am],hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];'/An]San]Kt];tuiw]Puin].'/An]yUic];kGL,tac];Kt];pin]:PUn]mmn];tik];tik];nn].'eShG]:nqc]sG]/hG]:tUiw].sG]hU.An]Pit];An]Tuk],nn].hqc];hqc];eS'win],wa},sU;TL,wrL.JPL;eSyum],kGam];JtL;JPL;sw]:'hG]:sgm];hUv];hLtac];hU.tac];hn]lgc]:Aman],JtL;'hG]:eKL:KUm]mgc]sG]ygn].ApYt]:/tac];Pit];eSpin]lqk]:la}:PwlItUiw];mL;nn].'@(ngc],ttac];Pit];){
Return, returned, returning, = pn]Kiun];'[tgp],ekY;sU;pn]tac];lIKiun];{'mI;mL;'mI;mL;Kiun];'
Return, rebate, returned, returning, = Aan];Kibn];cibn];'Kibn]Kibn];'pn]Kiun];'[Aw]KBw];An]Sibw].yw] .nn].pn]ekL.Ka}mn];Kibn];{
Return, returning home, = Kiun];mUiw];' Kuin];mUiw];hUin];' mUiw];Kiun];hUin];'
Return, returned, returning, = miBw];'miBw];Kibn];hiBn];'mL;Kibn];'Kibn];mL;'pgk]:Kiun];'pgk]:mL;/miUw];Kiun];'
Return, returned,
returning, = wa},Kiun];'wa},sU;Kiun];'wa},pgk]:Kuin];'wa},mL;Kiun];'[yU,tI:An]wa},kgc]lc]
Return of benefits
acquired under the contract,
(Contract)., =
pn]Kiun];ciun];pun]:pac]:Pgn];lI An]l}:w}.tI:ptivin],nn].'
Sorry, adj. interjection, = eSL;rI;' AL;nL,Et.KL:&'
AL;nL,kYL.KL:' eSL;rI;KL:'
Sorry, adj. apologetic, = eSL;rI;'tgc];pan],'tgc];pan],KL:'[hG]:tgc];pan],'{
Sorry, adj. regretful; sorrowful,
sorry for,= eKL;KUm]'lIeKL;KUm]sgm];'(lIeKL;KUm]sgm];mn];Et.nc],wL:yw].)'
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