- tL,ekL.KUn].Sgk]:hL'
km].sg}:ciun];tgc];' = Financial assistance,
kan]kQw],lgc]:yU,lIpI;San];' = Health
kan]Kaw];lG]Kaw];nn].' =
Seasonal work,
kL:srip]:AL,mKam],' = Insurance costs,
kL:nc],Kw]mI;sG]KG]:hQt];/l}:nn].' = Everything
they wished,
kL:prI<mI<ym]eA,eA,' =
Lower premium,
kL:hp].sG].sg}:'(yL:yLkL:hp].sG].sg}:)' = Fee-for-service,
adj.: fee-for-service
kL:hp].sG].sg}:mQw];TUik]:sa},TUm]pn]' = Covered
kL;tac],kUn];pQn]'[kL;/hUiw];/hUiw];min]lm];An]SG],w}.KUic]:yip];tac];tuiw];Kuik].tgn];eKLeKLpQn]pun]:tL,tac],etL.SUc],kUn];pQn]kGL,sU;hUc];yLnn].'{ = Ambulance, N.,
kL.yG],Ka}lUc]'(kan]-/sum];')'[kan]kL.yG],Ka}lUc]{' = Large business,
kQp];cuin];An]tuik].kuit];mI;w}.'[mUiw]:ekL.km].sg}:pn]Pa},pa};yU,lI(emLyL)kQp];kL:mn];tI:mG];tL,An]pUic]:kn]tac];nm]ciun];An]emLyLAw]kL:mn];El:ciun];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],nn]."tI:tqk]:mn];'Sc]wL:emLyLAw]kL:mn];mqn]:100etL,lL,El:ciun];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],n}.Sm].pQn]30etL,lL,kUv];epL;n}'emLyLnn].etkQp];kL:mn];tI:mG];tL,An]kuit];w}.30etL,lL,"epL;pQn]emLyLekL.SUc]sG]km].sg}:pn]nn].suic]mn];etAm],kQp];ciun];tuik].kuit];mI;w}.An]pQn]kL:hp].sG].sg}:mQw];TUik]:sa},TUm]pn]nn]."{ = Balance Billing, when a provider bills you for the difference between the
provider’s charge and the allowed amount. For example, if the provider’s charge
is $100 and the allowed amount is $70, the provider may bill you for the remaining
$30. A preferred provider may not balance bill you for covered services,
kum];Tic];kL:srik]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare
cost control,
kUt],Tt];sn].Tan]:'(pa}eAL;elL;kYI,)'[pQn]la};pa};Sa}tqp];tt];mk];mn]:w}.nn].El:pQn]eKL:tqm]:Sp];lqc];EntL,sqk],Tan]:mn];pn]wL:pQn]sum];lG]sum];nn].n}w}.Agm]:pgm]:lInL,nn]."{ = Diagnosis, N.(Biology) scientific determination; a description
that classifies a group or taxon precisely,
kL:SPLwpYSnL,/Sa}ca}An]nuic]:nn]."{ = Diagnosis, N. a determining or analysis of the cause or
nature of a problem or situation,
kUt],Tt];erL;kL,'[An]Aw]Pa},yL:yLsqt]:sam];tUv];eStqp];tt];mk];mn]:pn]wL:mn];pQn]erL;kL,Sc]n}nn]."{kUt],Tt];sn].Tan]:'kUt],Tt];Sa}ca}' = Diagnose, to
determine the identity of (a disease, illness, etc.) by a medical examination, diagnosed,
tUv];Sa}ca}cw];la};tac];pQn]An]nuic]:nn]."eKL:tqp];tt];An]l}:w}.mUiw]:sqt]:sam];Tt];tUv];nn].ekL:sG]:"eKL:eyL:mn];n}.!tIAqk].s]@n}yw]."{ = Diagnosis, N.(medical) the process of determining by
examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition; the decision
reached from such an examination. Abbreviation: Dx.,
kUn];ekL.TUik]:lIyum],' =
Reasonable person,
kUn];ekL.An]epL;Aw]P}a,yL:yLwL:n}.Am],AL,mKam],l}:'[kUn];ekL.Am],sac]:Suiw].AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIl}:ygn].An]mI;puin];pQn]erL;kL,tac];pQn]K}:naw]Kiuk].luik].hqc];nL,Am],nn]ekL:ygn].cw];la};pa};yU,lImn];mI;w}.kgn],Agn]tac];{' = Medically uninsurable people,
kUn];Kw]:mUic];mqn]:pUic]' = Legal immigrants,
kUn];suic]:mUic];sUiw];AL,yuyG],' = Senior
kUn];num],18KUp],etL,29KUp],' = Young
adults age 18to 29,
kUn];pQn]ngk]:'[kUn];pQn]ekL.l}:kGL,Kam],yLtI:hUc];yLtI:nG];Kgc].AI,mUiw]<kYqn].sI,Am],nn]nG]:Kgc].yLtI:hUc];yLnn].eSekL:kUv];kL:Am],l}:Aw]tac],hUc];yLw}.nn].'{ = Outpatient, N. a patient who receives treatment at a hospital, as in an
emergency room or clinic, but is not hospitalized,
kUn];pQn]nG];'[kUn];pQn]erL;kL,ekL.l}:luiw]:Sw];w}.nG];hUc];yLPgc];mUiw]:mn];l}:hp].An]lum];lL;pn]yLpn]nn].'{= Inpatient, N. a patient who stay in a hospital while
receiving medical care or treatment,
kUn];mUic];ngk]:mL;yU,Am],mqn]:pUic]' = Illegal
kUn];hQt];kan]ekL,lL,SUiw]:PUik],'[kUn];hQt];kan]Kun]/Kun]lum];{' = White-collar worker,
kUn];hQt];kan]ekL,lL,SUiw]:Sgm],'[kUn];hQt];hLkin]sgm];hqc];{' = Blue-collar workers, common laborer,
kUn];hQt];kan]sgm];Kaw];mn];' =
Seasonal workers,
kUn];hQt];hLkin]sgm];hqc];' =
Working class, blue-collar workers,
kUm]:nL:'(kUm]:nL:lUc];sU;lin])' = Fell facedown,: fell facedown to the ground(Mtt.17:6),
ekL,lL,SUiw]:PUik],'[kQw],nL:kan]sn].Kun]kan]PU:lUc].lqn],Am],sG]:kUn];kin]sac]:{ = White-collar, adj.
ekL./kUn];pQn]yQw]:wan]'[kUn];mI;erL;kL,yQw]:wan]'{ = Diabetic, adj. N. of or
relating to diabetes, diabetics,
ekL.km].sg}:pn]cuin];tL,tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];' = Home-care
ekL.km].sg}:pn]Pa},pa};yU,lI'[emLyL/pU,lQc]./epL:puic]:ekL.hp].yLpn]erL;kL,{ = Health care provider,
!ekL.kuic],TUik]:l}:sUiw];Kw]:mG],@' =“New
!ekL.kuic],TUik]:l}:sUiw];mI;w}.kw],kw],@' =“Old
ekL.kuit];luiw]:epL;kan]' = Retiree,
N. a person who has retired from an occupation or profession,
ekL.np].Sgn],Kn]mn];pn]' =
Actuary,( Insurance) N.,
ekL.mI;AL,mKam],' = The insured,
ekL.hp].sG].sg}:Pa},pa};yU,lI'(emLyLcw]:Et,') = Health
care service provider: primary care provider,
ekL.Am],mI;AL,mKam],' =
The uninsured,
ekL,lL,SUiw]:Sgm],'[kQw],nL:kan]kUn];Aw]hqc];hLkin]mUin]nc],kUn];Em;sak]:Kw]{' = Blue-collar, adj.,
ekL.SGac];Sa}ma}' = Enroller,
ekL.mL;SGac];Sa}ma}' = Enrollee,
kuic],TUik]:l};yip];sG].tI:lqk]:kU;tc];la}'(tac];-/lgc]:-) = Eligibility
to use exchanges,
kgc].San]kn]pQn]sn].pQn]Tap]:w}.' = Tiered
Krqt].tit].lUt];Kgn],'[An]ygm];pn]tc];nm]ciun];Kgn],lUw],SGac];Kun]nn].{' = Tax credits,
Klqt].S]TrUw]<'[An]SIKaw]SG]SG]Agn],mI;nG];nUiw];tUw]St];El:tac];kin]la}mQw];nn].{'(epL;Klqt].S]TrUw]<nm]nL,n}.)' = Cholesterol, N. a white crystalline substance found in animal tissues and
various foods,
Kn]An]cUp].cI.pn]w}.' =
Negotiated rate,
Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]sam];tUv];Agn]tac];' = Pilot
= Personal wellness rewards program,
Kaw],pgc],lqc];kQw],An]Tqm]pn]AL,hL,rL.' = Nutritional
Tuk]:ciun];Kun]sg}:' = Subsidize, subsidized, subsidizing,
KUp],pan]Aan];w}.'[k}.pQn]An]tUv];sgm];tac];yG],mL:kL:Suc]luk]:Agn],nn]."tI:tqk]:mn];sUw]:KUp],An]luk]:Agn],ekL.nuic]:Et,Pan]:yw].kan];kGL,'emLnc]:'emLsuk];'emLp}'emLlat]:sL.kGL,pan]lG]pan]nn].'{ = Expected age,
Kuic]tUk];hgn]:tUk];pqt]:An]pI;AUiv],TUv],nn].' = Obesity
Kiun];Em;luim].'Kuin];Em;pUk];'(An]lUw],-) = Reconstructive, adj.,
KUic]:Pa},yL:yL' = Medical devices,
Kgm],pnI,Pa},AL,mKam],' =
Insurance company,
Kgm],pnI,yL:yL' = Drugs company,
Kgc].yLmUiw]:cw];la};Put];epL,' = Emergency
Kgn].Tgk]:kic],Eh.'[Kgn]./m}.km].tG]:kic],Eh.tL,sg}:mUiw]:kUn];KLEK.KLhan]:Kw]p}{ = Crutch, N. prop, crutches,
cw];la};tUw]kL,y' = Physical condition,
ciun];kL:sac]:' = Payroll,
N. the sum total of payments to the employees to be paid
with the amount due to each,
ciun];kL:prI<mI<ym]'[ciun];tgn]:pn]la}An]l}:pn]tL,Aw]hUv];hG]:l}:Suiw].KUw];hQt];Agk],nn].{ = Premium,
cuin];Kw]:nm]' = High income,
ciun];Kun]sg}:'[cuin];An]lUc]pgc]suic]:Tuk]:sg}:pn]sgm];nc],mI;nG];lik]:hUw]ma}nn].{' = Subsidy,
ciun];sg}:'(ciun];sg}:sUw]:Kaw];tL,nL:hUin];sUiw];Auip];yak]:kgt];Pan]Kan]sG]')' = Cash assistance: temporary cash assistance for needy
families, financial
cuin];sG].sa},tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare
ciun];SQc]:tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare
ciun];SQc]:elL;Tqc]:' = Additional costs,
ciun];SU;'[ciun];An]pn]luk]:lQc].ngk]:lUiw]eSkL:hqc]Kw]nn].'(cuin];epL;nt].S]){' = Bonus, premium,
ciun];Aan];Kiun];' = Rebate, partial refund,
ciun];tgn]:pn]la}' = Premium, bonus or sum additional
to price, interest,
cuin];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],'An]pn]KGac].sa},mqc],' = Payment
allowance, allowed amount,
ciun];prI<mIym]AL,mKam],' =
Insurance premium,
cuin];EPpn]Pgn];lIl}:lgt]:Kgn],'(ciun];EPSG],Alac];l}:lgt]:Kgn],) = Tax-free contributions,
ciun];lUw],Agk],Tgc];'(ciun];An]etl}:pn]/Tuk],w}.)' = Out of pocket, adj. paid out or owed in cash, N.,
sam];tUv];Agn]tac];'(KUc];kan]sam];hQt];tUc];Agn]tac];)' = Pilot, adj. pilot
sqk],EPkL:Kn]Suiw].AL,mKam],pa};yU,lI' = Price
discrimination for health insurance,
sum],tUw]Em:lik]:[An]Kw]:pL;tUw]np].'tUw]:Em:lik]:'ma}tt];EP'sUiw];nn].{' = Character set,
sum];Pgm].hUm]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = United
sum];hqc];kan]tL,tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];' = Home-care
sum];hUm]:tum]kUn];hQt];kan]' =
Labor Union,
sUm];Tuk],sG]mqn]:sG]Et.' =
Well pleased,
sg}:kUn];sUiw];lUw],tac];sg}:nL,lUiw]pUin]:Sut];' = Helping
those who need the most help,
sg}:Puik];(lgc]:-/An]-)[sg}:yLpa};sG]{(sg}:Puik];lat]:kGam];') = Therapy, N. psychotherapy: speech therapy,
sg}:hQn];hG]:emLlat]:kGam];'[An]lQp]:hQn];SPL,wmn];eSsg}:Puik];pn]{ = Speech-language pathology,
sG].tuiw];kGac]:kGac]:KGac]KGac]'yip];sG].kGL,Kaw];huic]' = Extended
SeT;lUc]'mI;lUc]'(kUn];mI;lUc])' = Affluent, adj. having abundance of wealth, rich: an
affluent person,
SQn]:ma}hgm]ciun];w}.tL,pa};yU,lI' = Health
savings accounts(HSAs),
SUw],ESY,lit].Kw]Sim];Aw]pQn]Kgc]suic]:'[la};Aw]lUc]pgc]suic]:n}.ekL.pQn]sw]:Kgc]eSkum];kgn];lgc]:hQt];Agk],lgc]:puin]EP:El:Aik],yip];pUic],w}.ciun];tuin];tc];Pqn],lin]'sL.kGL,sUiw];nn].{'(An]SUw],ESY,lit].Kw]Sim];Aw]hUc];kan]hQt];Kgc]nn].pQn]Kgc]suic]:)' = Socialization: the socialization or nationalization of
SU;tL,yU,lIkin]wan]Sun],tUw]' = Personal
wellness rewards,
Sa}ma}luk]:lQc].' =
Payroll, N. a list of employees to be
paid with the amount due to each,
AQn]lUit]:' = Blood vessel, artery,
Suip],lam];tam];put]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Heredity, N.,
SGac];Sa}ma}' tqm]:suiw]:sw]:kw],SG],' = Enroll, enrolled, enrolling,
tac],Puin]lw]:ygn];'[tL,ygn];tI:lUc]pgc]suic]:nn].{(sgc],SUlUw],l}:tac],Puin]lw]:ygn];Aan];Kiun];ciun];Kgn],yU,huiw]?)' = File, to make application: Do
you have to file a tax return?, filed, filing,
taw]<lUt]<'[tL,etSUc],(Sgp].wg};'et,tL,eKL:mun];'sum],tUw]Em:lik]:'sL.kGL,)luk].tI:k}mL;nG];Kgm]<piw]<TUiw],tI:sm]/luk].tI:An]yG],SG],nG];An]lQk]./luk].nG];Kgm]<Agk],SG],nG];KUic]:tI,pa}.S]nn].{' = Download,( Computer) to transfer (software, data, character sets, etc.) from a
distant to a nearby computer, from a larger to a smaller computer, or from a
computer to a peripheral device,
tI:lqk]:kU;nG];mUic];tI:lQw]' =
Single national exchange,
tI:lqk]:kU;la};tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsUiw].sat]:' = National
health exchange,
tI:lqk]:kU;AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIAic]lUv]:es:mUic];' = State-based
health insurance exchange,
tI:lqk]:kU;AL,mKam],pa};yU,lItc];la}' = Health
Insurance Exchanges,
tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsgt],tUw]:pt];puin].' = Universal
tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];' = Home-care, adj. medical care, given or received at home, home care,
tUw]TUp];'(tUw]TUp];tac];ta})' = Taste, “taste” originated from an old Latin word which meant to
feel, to handle-to experience; is used to translate the Hebrew word, pronounced
taw-awn, which also meant to experience: taste
tUw]np].[nG];lik]:la};An]tqm]:Entc];nm]1'2'3'4'{ = Cardinal number, also
called cardinal numeral,
tUw]Em:lik]:' = Letter, N. a symbol or character that is conventionally used in
writing and printing, character,
tt];EPtgn]:lG]tgn]:nn].' = Punctuate,
punctuated, punctuating,
tac],mI;mak],elL.' = Wheelchairs,
tac],hUc];yL'Kuin]:hUc];yL'[lgc]:lum];lL;tUv];pn]tI:nG];hUc];yLAn]lUw],l}:sgm];la};hp].pn]KGac].Kw]:pQn]kUn];pQn]nG];nn].eSlUw],l}:ngn];tI:hUc];yLKiun];nuic]:"An]ngn];Kiun];nuic]:tL,pG].lQp]:lgm]Tgm]tUv];pn]n}.sac]:wL:pQn]An]lum];lL;kUn];pQn]ngk]:n}nn].yw]."{ = Hospitalization, N. care in a hospital that requires admission as an inpatient
and usually requires an overnight stay. An overnight stay for observation could
be outpatient care,
tac];pQn]kUit],pL;'[An]kUit],mL;tin]muiw];Am],es;KLlip]:Kqn]Kgk];/tLmgt],/hUnUk],sL.kGL,{ = Birth defect,
tac];pQn]yQw]:wan]'erL;kL,yQw]:wan]' = Diabetes,
tac];lUik]:tL,kUn];mUic];'[lUc]pgc]suic]:ekL.pQn]sw]:Kgc]mn];eSpn]kUn];mUic];tc];la}mL;lUik]:Aw]nn].(pQn]wac];Pqn]AL,mKam],An]lUc]pgc]suic]:ekL.st];nn].Sqk],lqk],kBv];){ = Public option,(Healthcare): merely a government-run insurance plan,
tam],ciun];Kgn],'[Am],SGac];Kgn],El:l}:pn]tam],ciun];nn].{' = Tax penalties,
Tqm]pn]AL,hL,rL.'(Kaw],pgc],lqc];kQw],Tqm]pn]AL,hL,rL.)' = Nutritional, adj.: nutritional information,
Tqm]AL,hL,rL.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Nutrition, N. the act or process of nourishing,
TUm]pn]'hUm],tUm];pn]'(An])'(An]hUm],tUm];/TUm]pn]n}.sgc],pL;tL,An]lulqw]ygn].nm].ngc];TUm]:nn].hL.?'(TUm]pn]srip]:pa};yU,lI') = Coverage,(Insurance), Does the coverage include
flood damage?; health coverage,
Tgn]Agk],l}:'ygm];pn]l}:'[np].Sgn],wL:mn];Am],pL;nG];SQn]:ma}ciun];Kw]:An]etl}:SGac];Kgn],nn].'{(ciun];EPSG],sum];es,tnL,sg}:Tqm]n}.pQn]srip]:An]Tgn]Agk],l}:) = Deductible, adj.: Charitable contributions are
deductible expenses,
np].Sgn]Kn]mn];pn]'(kL:Kn]sgm];nc],np].Sgn],Kn]mn];pn]w}.nn].)' = Actuarial, adj.: actuarial value,
nL:tI:An]kL:yU,kL:kin]Suc]' = High
cost-of-living areas,
nL:tI:An]kL:kin]kL:yU,eA,' = Less-expensive
living areas,
nL:hUin];ey;kUn];hQt];kan]' =
Working families,
petL;lkYI,'[pa};Sa}</Pa},lQp]:hQn];kQw],cw]:puic];El:SPLwEl:Kgp],wUc];erL;kL,tac];pQn]sUiw];nn].{(sg}:hQn];hG]:emLlat]:kGam];) = Pathology, N. the science
or the study of origin, nature, and course of diseases: speech-language pathology,
pn]cuin];tL,An]Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:En' = Pay-for-performance,
Pgm].pn]hQt];' = Approve, to
consent or agree to, approved,
pqk]:Pk];tU'[pqk]:tac];yQp],Kw]:Pk];tUhUin];{' = Threshold, N., also called: doorsill, sill,
pQn]Kgp]:nL,pG].wn];mn];kUv];'[mUiw]:An]tac];pQn]kUn];ekL.nuic]:n}.Tuic]tI:wL:yLAm],l}:yw].n}El:lqp]:etta}Am],kat]:nn].'{ = Terminal illness, when a person’s illness reach a point that is likely to lead to
their death,
pQn]mU,pQn]sum];eS' = Team-based,
pI;AUiv],TUiv],'[pI;hac]:sL.hac]:mUiw],{ = Obesity, N. the
condition of being very fat or overweight,
pa};yU,lIsUiw].sat]:' = National health,
epL;mG];KG]:sG].hQt];n}' = If you wish,
epL;nn]hQt];Sc]El:...n}lL,?' = Why
epL;mG];KG]:l}:/Aw]/pQn]/mI;/kGL,/yU,/hU./emL' = If
you want, if you want to, wanna,
epL;mG];pn]hQt];n}' = If you approve,
epL;mG];lUw],'epL;mG];Tac],wL:mG];lUw],' = If
you need, if you think you need,
epL;Aw]Pa},yL:yLwL:n}.Am],AL,mKam],l}:' = Medically
puin];pQn]erL;kL,tac];pQn]K}:naw]Kuik].luik].hqc];nL,' = Significant
illness history,
PU:lUc].lqn],Pa},tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare
PU:lUc].lqn],Pa},pa};yU,lI' =
Healthcare professional,
Pgn];sI,'[la};lqn]kin]wL:etsQw];l}:mYat]:n}eSAw]ciun];tI:kUn];Puk],Pc]Alac];Kw]sQm]mUiw]:sL.Et,nn].ygk],lUim]:ekYL;kw];hG]:epL;ht];sun].nm]nm]nn].(KG]:ca};kn]tc];An]kUn];mUic]:man]:Kw]k}.eSL,kn]hQt];ciun];suekY;nn].)'{(lgk];Pqn]kan]Pgn];sI,)' = Pon-zi, N. a swindle in which a quick return, made up of money investors,
on an initial investment lures the victim into much risks: “pon-zi scheme”, ponzi,
PG]etsac]:l}:An]lUc]pgc]suic]:km].sg}:ciun];tgc];?' = Who will be able to get government financial assistance?
faw],et;SYin];emLyLKw]' =
Physicians Foundation,
mk];Kan];w}.ciun];tL,Agk],Tgc];eA,eA,' = Lower
out of pocket limits,
mqc],kL:mn];sgm];'[tac];nm]ciun];An]mk];ma}w}.pUic]ta}An]pQn]pun]:tL,hG]:kUn];ekL.nuic]:l}:pn]mUiw]:pUin]:sg}:yUt];yLpn]yU,lImn];nn].'(tI:tqk]:mn];epL;wL:15pYL;n}ekL:')mn];etl}:mqc],kL:mn];sgm];15pYL;pgk]:lG]pgk]:nn].yU,yw].'{ = Co-payment, co-pay,
mqc],'cuin];pn]'An]pn]kL:mn];'(cuin];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],') = Payment, N.: payment allowance, payments,
mI;Puin]Kqp];mk];ma}w}.TL:' =
Precertification, N.,
muk].sum];mI;pun]:Pgn];tUv];Tuic]'[la};An]yU,tI:pQn]mU,pQn]sum];eStUv];Tuic]lum];lL;kUn];pQn]{' = Accountable Care Organizations,(ACOs)
Em;kum];lum];lL;pa};yU,lI' =
Health maintenance,
ma}tt];EP'[' & " ? / ! @ () *
sL.kGL,sUiw];nn].{' = Punctuation,
punctuation marks,
emLyLSEp;ESY,lit].S]'[emLyLSEp;ESY,lit].S]n}.pQn]ekL.An]yUic];pk];sp];tUv];pn]nL:tI:Pa},yL:yL/sum];kUn];pQn]Pa},nuic]:eKLeKLnn].eSkUt],Tt];tac];pQn]/kgn];pn]/Eh.ham]:pn]/yLpn]Sa}ca}cw];la};erL;kL,tac];pQn]Kw]nn]."SEp;ESY,lit].S]ekL.Am],sG]:emLyLn}n}.pQn]ekL.l}:Puik];Sgn]w}.kQw],lgc]:lum];lL;tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIPa},nuic]:eKLeKLw}.tc];nm]yw].nn]."{'KU;emLyLlUc]'pL,rkU,' = Specialist, N.
A physician specialist
focuses on a specific area of medicine or a group of patients to diagnose,
manage, prevent or treat certain types of symptoms and conditions.
Anon-physician specialist is a provider who has more training in a specific
area of health care,
emLyLlup],yLAQn]' = Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine,
yLlup],yLAQn]'[la};sg}:yLPuik];hG]:nUiw].AQn]tc];lup],lIKiun]:eSl}:yU,lIpI;San];{ = Osteopathy, N. a therapeutic system, osteopathic, adj., osteopathically, adv.,
yL:yLlup],yLAQn]' = Osteopathic medicine,
yL:yLmk];ma}tm];pn]tL,kin]pQn]sup]:' = Prescription
yip];sG].tuiw];lUn].lUiw]pUn].'[pQn]tL,kum];Tic];yL,hG]:kL:srik]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIhqc].l}:SQc]:nm]pUn].AL;lL;nn].{'(lgk];la};pUic]kQw],lgc]:yip];sG].tuiw];lUn].lUiw]pUn].)' = Overutilization:
overutilization of healthcare system,
yuk].tac],hqc];lgc]]:yU,lIpI;San];tc];yU,lIkin]wan]' = Health
and wellness fostering,
ygm];sun].pqt]:An]kQw],lgc]:lut]:hQt];sgm];' = Non-compliance
ygm];kin]' = Diet, dieted, dieting,
tac];kin]ygm];Tat]:' = Diet, N.,
ygm];pn]ciun];kL:sac]:'(An]-) = Payroll
ygm];la};sG].sa},' = Spending cuts,
lQp]:lgm]Tgm],tUv];'[(kQw],hUc];yL)An]emLyLhG]:kUn];pQn]mI;w}.sm]hUsm]tLKw]eSpG].lQp]:hQn];sam];tUv];cw];la};Kw]nn].'{ = Observation, N.,
luk]:Agn],Pa},tG]:18KUp],' =
Children under age 18,
nG];ptivin],An]nuic]:nn].{'Am],hQt];sgm];' = Non-compliance,
Kgp]:nL,pG].wn];ta}mn];kUv];nn].'(hUin];/Sum].tL,kUn];El,hLw}:JPL;Kw]mL;luiw]:nn].ekL:sG]:){ = Hospice, N. (medical) a health-care facility for terminally
ill; a house of shelter or rest for pilgrims, strangers, etc.,
lUc]pgc]suic]:ekL.pQn]sw]:yL:yL' = Socialized
l}:ciun];kL:Kgn],' = Tax breaks,
l}:sun].nm]' = High risk,
l}:hp].mI;lgc]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare
la};kuic],TUik]:l}:Sgc]tgn]:'(sg}:!la};kuic],TUik]:l}:Sgc]tgn]:'@)' = Dual eligible: Helping “Dual Eligible”,
la};tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsUiw].sat]:' = National
la};yU,Pa},lQw]pn]'[yU,tI:pgc]suic]:etekL.Kam],sa},pn]mUt];{ = Single-payer system, (Healthcare),
lUic]:eKL:mn]:kqn],AL,mKam],' = Guaranteed
Issue: (Insurance jargon),
lgk];Pqn]kan]Pgn];sI,' =
Pon-zi scheme, ponzi scheme,
lgc]:wL:kw]mI;AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIw}.nn].kw]ethQt];huiw]EnSak]:eS,mn];?' = How will I prove that I have health insurance?
lgt]:Kgn],'[Am],l}:pn]Kgn],{(ciun];EPSG],Alac];l}:lgt]:Kgn],)' = Tax-free: tax-free contributions,
wac];Pqn]EPsn].w}.' = Standardized
wQn].w}.pn]hG]:lgt],Kgn],' =
Tax exemptions,
ht];sun].nm]nm]' = Much risk,
hp].sG].sg}:Pa},pa};yU,lI'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Health
care services,
lUw],yL,Kuit];Kuit];nn].El:An]tUv];yLpn]nc],huiw]Sa}ca}cw];la};mn];etAm],ha}.sL.lUiw]mL;nn].'{ = Emergency Services, evaluation of an emergency medical condition and treatment to
keep the condition from getting worse,
hp].sG].sg}:lgc]:yU,lIpI;San];El:lgc]:kUn];' = Health
and human service,
hak]:eAL.hak]:EA.'[An]mUin]tgc].KUn].eShak]:lUm];hak]:lqc].la}la}Pgc];mUiw]:Et,sp];tgc].nn]."n}.pQn]Pac]hac]:lIlgc]:wL:luk]:An]sp];w}.n}.Puin].PU;yG],Kiuin]:mL;lg};lg};yw].n}nn]."{ = Morning sickness,
ham]:Eh.EKeP;'Eh.ham]:EKeP;' = Preventive,(medicine)adj.,
ham]:Eh.eP;sac]:mat],yG],sQp];lUc]' = Prevent
dangerous harm,
hQt];kan]sw]:kw],hLkin]kUv];'[Am],sG]:luk]:lQc].kin]ciun];lUin]Am],nn]pg};sL;hLkin]sgm];kL:pg};sL;/ApI;mn];nn].{' = Self- employed, adj.,
hQt];hG]:kUn];pa}:' = Depopulate, depopulated, depopulating,
hUc];yLAn]emLyLpUic],' =
Physician-owned hospitals,
hUv];hG]:hQt];'hUv];hG]:l}:/Aw]' = Induce,: to induce a
person to buy a raffle ticket,
induced, inducing,
hUv];hG]:l}:/Aw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Inducement,
hUw]kUn];sUiw];mI;ciun];Kw]:nm]' =
High income population,
hUw]kUn];sUiw];mI;ciun];Kw]:eA,' = Low
income population,
hUw]hup]:kUn];'(hUw]hup]:kUn];sL,timUic];'hUw]hup]:kUn];hQt];hLkin]sgm];hqc];)' = Population: the native population; the working-class
hUw]hup]:KUw];hQt];Agk],nG];mUic];tc];mUt];(kYItIPI,)[An]hQt];Agk],nG];mUic];hUm]:hum]:kn]tc];mUt];Am],pL;An]ciun];An]pn]tL,Puk],Pc]Alac];ngk]:mUic];nn].'{' = Gross Domestic Product, N. gross national product excluding payments
on foreign investment. Abbreviation: GDP,
hU;Kw]:'[tac];Kw]:kGL,nG];hUin];Am],nn]hUc];tUik]:lUc]nn].{' = Threshold, N., the entrance of a house or building,
hU;Kw]:tac];ygm];pn]Kgn],ciun];Kw]:' = Income
tax deduction threshold,
Eh.kc]:pn]kUn];pQn]Kw]' =
Patient protection,
tL,EKeP;' = Protect against danger or harm,
hG]:epL;lp].lgc];nn].' =
To be sure,
hUin];lum];lL;kUn];Tw]:' =
Nursing homes,
sG].kUn];yU,' = Populate, to
inhabit: live in, populated, populating,
hG]:hQt];sgm];ekL.etL,ekL.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Individual
ASak]:tan];yaw];Sut];' = Life span, maximum life span,
ASak]:muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:yU,Tqc]:'[tc];nm]pI<mUic];An]kuit];nG];ASak]:PwkUn];ekL.nuic]:lqp]:etSuip],lam];tam];put]:yU,kGL,l}:Aic]lUv]:An]etsac]:tum].tUiw].ygn].cw];la};tUw]kL,y/lgc]:Tqm]AhL,rL./kan]lUc].lqn],mn];nn].'{' = Life expectancy, expectation of life,
An]Sqc],mak],hUw]sG]kUn];' =
Coronary, adj.,
An]Pa},tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsa},TUm]pn]' = Healthcare
An]wL:ekL.etL,ekL.hG]:hQt];sgm];n}n}.sgc],mn];sm]pQn]lUw],l}:hQt];Et.yU,huiw]?' = Is the individual mandate really necessary?
An]AL,mKam],hUm],tUm];pn]'[An]Kgm]<pnI,AL,mKam],etekL.sa},kL:mn];pn]{' = Insurance coverage,
Ap];lUt]<'[tL,etSUc],(Sgp].wg};'et,tL,eKL:mun];'sum],tUw]Em:lik]:'sL.kGL,)luk].tI:An]lQk].SG],nG];An]yG],nn].{' = Upload,( Computer)to transfer(software, data, character sets, etc.) from a smaller
to a larger computer,
Am],lUw],mqc],kL:mn];sgm];' =
No co-payment,
Am],mI;kan]'(kUn];Am],mI;kan])' = Unemployed, adj.: the unemployed,
Am],AL,mKam],l}:' = Uninsurable,
Aw]KUw];Kgc]km].w}.'(sG].Aw]KUw];Kgc]mG];km].w}.)' = Liens on property: put a lien on your property,
Aw]ciun];tuik].kuit];lUw],kQp];'[kQp];ciun];An]tuik].kuit];mI;w}.{ = Balance-billed charges, balance
Aan];Kiun];ciun];Kgn],'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Tax
pa};yU,lImG];nn].pn]km]:Pgc]:/tc];mUt];lUv]:la};lqk]:kU;kn]tc];ciun];kL:prI<mIym]nn].'{ = Health insurance, a contract that requires your health insurer to pay some or all
of your health care costs in exchange for a premium,
AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIAn]Am],Aw]tuin];Am],l}:' = Mandated
health insurance,
AL,mKam],An]l}:sun].nm]' = High-risk
AL,mKam],An]Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].eSl}:' = Employer-based
AL,hL,rL.sut]:lut]:' =
Malnutrition, N. lack of
proper nutrition,
Aic]lUv]:es:mUic];' = State-based,
Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].'Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].eS' = Employer-based,
AQn]lUit]:'[Sa}AQn]lUit]:An]etL.lUit]:luk].tI:mak],hUw]sG]kUn];eSSUc],pn]sgm];nG];pgt];tgn]:tUw]Kic];kUn];sUiw];nn].{'(erL;kL,AQn]lUit]:An]Sqc],mak],hUw]sG]kUn];)' = Artery, N. a blood that conveys blood from the heart to any part of
the body: coronary artery disease,
AUic],nm].'ngc]Agn],' = Pond,
AUic],nm].'AUic],KUiw](AUic],KUiw]kGa};)' = Pool: water buffalo pool,
AUic],lgk];'AUic],nm].' = Pool,
AUic],lgk];tI:l}:sun].nm]' =“High-risk-pool”(insurance),
Care Organizations,(ACOs) =
Actuarial, adj.: actuarial value, = np].Sgn]Kn]mn];pn]'(kL:Kn]sgm];nc],np].Sgn],Kn]mn];pn]w}.nn].)'
Actuary,( Insurance) N., = ekL.np].Sgn],Kn]mn];pn]'
Additional costs, = ciun];SQc]:elL;Tqc]:'
Affluent, adj. having
abundance of wealth, rich: an affluent
person, =
Allowed Amount,
maximum amount on which
payment is based for covered health care services, this may be called ‘eligible
expense,’ ‘payment allowance’ or ‘negotiated rate’,= ciun];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],'[cuin];tI:nm]Sut];An]etsa},
Ambulance, N., = kL;tac],kUn];pQn]'[kL;/hUiw];/hUiw];min]lm];An]SG],w}.KUic]:yip];tac];tuiw];Kuik].tgn];eKLeKLpQn]pu
Appeal, a request for your health insurer or plan
to review a decision or a grievance again,= yuin]:ygn];Kiun]:'(lgc]:) [An]ygn];hG]:ekL.AL,mKam]Am],nn]sum];wac];Pqn]pn]Pa},pa};yU,lImG];nn].Kiun];Em;Tt];Sac]tUv];eKL:tqp];tt];Kw]nn].lG]Am],nn]ekL:lgc]:mG];l}:Sc]:tUiw].sQp];sG]nn].lG]'{
Approve, to consent or agree to, approved, = pn]hQt];' Pgm].pn]hQt];'Tgk],Kam],km].Tqm]pn]'
Artery, N. a blood that conveys blood from the heart to any part
of the body: coronary artery disease, = AQn]lUit]:' [Sa}AQn]lUit]:An]etL.lUit]:luk].tI:mak],hUw]sG]kUn];eSSUc],pn]sgm];nG];pgt];tgn]:tUw]Kic];kUn];sUiw];nn].{'(erL;kL,AQn]lUit]:An]Sqc],mak],hUw]sG]kUn];)'
Billing, when a provider
bills you for the difference between the provider’s charge and the allowed
amount,= sa},pn]mUt];'[An]emLyLkQp];ciun];mG];mUiw]:kL:mn];tUk];mqn]:nm]lUiw]eScuin];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],nn]."tI:tqk]:mn];'An]emLyLAw]kL:mn];n}.mqn]:100pYL;eSciun];pn]KGac].sa},pn]tL,mG];n}.Sm].pQn]70pYL;kUv];nn].ekL.km].sg}:Pa},pa};yU,lInn].etAm],sa},pn]tL,mG];mUt];"{
Billing, when a provider
bills you for the difference between the provider’s charge and the allowed
amount. For example, if the provider’s charge is $100 and the allowed amount is
$70, the provider may bill you for the remaining $30. A preferred provider may
not balance bill you for covered services, =
Balance-billed charges, balance billing,
Birth defect, = tac];pQn]kUit],pL;'[An]kUit],mL;tin]muiw];Am],es;KLlip]:Kqn]Kgk];/tLmgt],/hUnUk],sL.kGL,{
Blood vessel, artery, = Sa}AQn]liUt]:' AQn]lUit]:'
Blue-collar workers, common laborer, = kUn];hQt];kan]ekL,lL,SUiw]:Sgm],'[kUn];hQt];hLkin]sgm];hqc];{'
Blue-collar, adj. = ekL,lL,SUiw]:Sgm],'[kQw],nL:kan]kUn];Aw]hqc];hLkin]mUin]nc],kUn];Em;sak]:Kw]{'
Bonus, premium, = ciun];SU;'[ciun];An]pn]luk]:lQc].ngk]:lUiw]eSkL:hqc]Kw]nn].'(cuin];epL;nt].S]){'
Cardinal number, also called cardinal numeral, = tUw]np].[nG];lik]:la};An]tqm]:Entc];nm]1'2'3'4'{
Cash assistance:
temporary cash assistance for needy families, financial assistance, = ciun];sg}:'(ciun];sg}: sUw]:Kaw];tL,nL:hUin];sUiw];Auip];yak]:kgt];Pan]Kan]sG]')'
Character set, = sum],tUw]Em:lik]:[An]Kw]:pL;tUw]np].'tUw]:Em:lik]:'ma}tt];EP'sUiw];nn].{'
Children under age 18, = luk]:Agn],Pa},tG]:18KUp],'
N. a white crystalline
substance found in animal tissues and various foods,
Co-insurance, your share of costs of a covered health
care service, calculated as a percent (for example 20%) of the allowed amount
for the service, = AL,mKam],sgm];'mqc],kL:mn];sgm];'[pun]:mG];l}:Kam],kL:srip]:mn];sgm];tLAn]pUin]:
of Pregnancy, Conditions due
to pregnancy, labor and delivery that require medical care to prevent serious
harm to the health of the mother or the fetus. Morning sickness and a
non-emergency caesarean section aren’t complications of pregnancy, =
co-pay, = mqc],kL:mn];sgm];'[tac];nm]ciun];An]mk];ma}w}.pUic]ta}An]pQn]pun]:tL,hG]:kUn];ekL.
Coronary, adj., = An]Sqc],mak],hUw]sG]kUn];'
Coverage,(Insurance), Does the coverage include
flood damage?; health coverage, =
TUm]pn]'hUm],tUm];pn]'(A n]-)(An]hUm],tUm];/TUm]pn]n}.sgc],pL;tL,An]lulqw]ygn].nm].ngc];TUm]:nn].hL.?'(TUm]pn]srip]:pa};yU,lI')
Covered service, =
Crutch, N. prop, crutches, = Kgn].Tgk]:kic],Eh.'[Kgn]./m}.km].tG]:kic],Eh.tL,sg}:mUiw]:kUn];KLEK.KLhan]:Kw]p}{
Deductible, adj.:
Charitable contributions are deductible expenses,= Tgn]Agk],l}:'ygm];pn]l}:'[np].Sgn],wL:m
Deductible, the amount you owe for health care
services your health insurance or plan covers before your health insurance or
plan begins to pay. For example, if your deductible is $1000, your plan won’t
pay anything until you’ve met your $1000 deductible form covered health care
services subject to the deductible. The deductible may not apply to all
services,= Tgn]
Depopulate, depopulated,
depopulating, = hQt];hG]:kUn];pa}:'
Diabetes, N., = tac];pQn]yQw]:wan]'erL;kL,yQw]:wan]'
Diabetic, adj. N. of or relating to diabetes, diabetics, = ekL./kUn];pQn]yQw]:wan]'[kUn];mI;erL;kL,yQw]:wan]'{
Diagnose, to determine the identity of (a disease,
illness, etc.) by a medical examination, diagnosed, = kUt],Tt]; erL;kL,'[An]Aw]Pa},yL:yLsqt]:sam];tUv];eStqp];tt];mk];mn]:pn]wL:mn];pQn]erL;kL,Sc]n}nn]."{kUt],Tt];sn].Tan]:'kUt],Tt];Sa}ca}'
Diagnosis, N.
a determining or analysis
of the cause or nature of a problem or situation, = kUt],Tt];Sa}ca}(lgc]:-)'[An]tqp];tt];mk];mn]:pn]/Tt];Tgc]tUv];pn]lgc]:ygn].Sc]El:l}:pQn]Am],nn]ekL:SPLwpYSnL,/Sa}ca}An]nuic]:nn]."{
Diagnosis, N.(Biology)
determination; a description that classifies a group or taxon precisely, = kUt],Tt]; sn].Tan]:'(pa}eAL;elL;kYI,)'[pQn]la};pa};Sa}tqp];tt];mk];mn]:w}.nn].El:pQn]eKL:tqm]:Sp];lqc];EntL,sqk],Tan]:mn];pn]wL:pQn]sum];lG]sum];nn].n}w}.Agm]:pgm]:lInL,nn]."{
Diagnosis, N.(medical) the process of determining by
examination the nature and circumstances of a diseased condition; the decision
reached from such an examination. Abbreviation: Dx., = kUt],Tt];erL;kL,'(eKL:-/lgc]:-)'[Kk].tgn]:
Diet, dieted, dieting, = ygm];Tat]:' ygm];kin]'
Diet, N., = ygm];Tat]:' tac];kin]ygm];Tat]:'
Computer)to transfer(software, data, character
sets, etc.) from a distant to a nearby computer, from a larger to a smaller
computer, or from a computer to a peripheral device, = taw]<lUt]<'[tL,etSUc],(Sgp].wg};'et,tL,eKL:
Drugs company, = Kgm],pnI,yL:yL'
Dual eligible: Helping “Dual
Eligible”, =
Durable Medical
Equipment (DEM), Equipment
and supplies ordered by a health care provider for everyday or extended use.
Coverage for DME may include: oxygen equipment, wheelchairs, crutches or blood
testing strips for diabetics,=
Eligibility to use exchanges, = kuic],TUik]:l};yip];sG].tI:lqk]:kU;tc];la}'(tac];-/lgc]:-)
Medical Condition, an
illness, injury, symptom or condition so serious that a reasonable person would
seek care right away to avoid severe harm, =
Medical Transportation, Ambulance
services for an emergency medical condition, = cw];la};Pu
Emergency Room
Care, emergency services you
get in an emergency room, = lum];lL;nG];Kgc].yLAI,mUiw] <kYqn].sI,'[lgc]:hp].sG].sg}:mUiw]:cw];la};Put];epL,An]tUv];lum];lL;pn]mG];tI:nG];Kgc].yLmUiw]:cw];la};Put];epL,nn].'{
Emergency room, = Kgc].yLmUiw]:cw];la};Put];epL,'Kgc].AI,mUiw]<kYqn].sI,'
Services, evaluation of an
emergency medical condition and treatment to keep the condition from getting
worse, =
Employer-based insurance, = AL,mKam],An]Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].eSl}:'
Employer-based, = Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].'
Employer-based, = Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].eS'
Enroll, enrolled, enrolling, = SG],suiw]:' SGac];Sa}ma}' tqm]:suiw]:sw]:kw],SG],'
Enrollee, = ekL.mL;SG],suiw]:' ekL.mL;SGac];Sa}ma}'
Enroller, = ekL.tqm]:SG],suiw]:' ekL.SGac];Sa}ma}'
Everything they wished, = kL:nc],Kw]mI;sG]KG]:hQt];/l}:nn].'
Services, health care
services that your health insurance or plan doesn’t pay for or cover, = SUiw]<wit].
Expected age, = KUp],pan]Aan];w}.'[k}.pQn]An]tUv];sgm];tac];yG],mL:kL:Suc]luk]:Agn],nn]."tI:tqk]:mn];sU
Extended use, =
Fee-for-service, adj.: fee-for-service medicine, = kL:hp].sG].sg}:'(yL:yLkL:hp].sG].sg}:)'
Fell facedown, : fell facedown to the ground(Mtt.17:6), = kUm]:nL:'(kUm]:nL:lUc];sU;lin])'
File, to make application: Do you have to file a tax return?, filed, filing, = tac],Puin]lw]:ygn];'[tL,ygn];tI:
Financial assistance, = km].sg}:ciun];tgc];'
Grievance, a complaint that you communicate to your
health insurer or plan,=
Gross Domestic
Product, N. gross
national product excluding payments on foreign investment. Abbreviation: GDP,
Guaranteed Issue: (Insurance
jargon), =
Services, health care
services that help a person keep, learn or improve skills and functioning for
daily living. Examples include therapy for a child who isn’t walking or talking
at the expected age. These services may include physical and occupational
therapy, speech-language pathology and other services for people with
disabilities in a variety of inpatient and/or outpatient settings, =
Health affairs, = kan]kQw],lgc]:yU,lIpI;San];'
Health and human service, = hp].sG].sg}:lgc]:yU,lIpI;San];El:lgc]:kUn];'
Health and wellness
fostering, =
Health care provider, = ekL.km].sg}:pn]Pa},pa};yU,lI'[emLyL/pU,lQc]./epL:puic]:ekL.hp].yLpn]erL;kL,{
Health care service provider:
care provider,= ekL.hp].sG].sg}:Pa},pa};yU,lI'(emLyLcw]:Et,')
Health care services, = hp].sG].sg}:Pa},pa};yU,lI'(lgc]:-/An]-)
Health Insurance Exchanges, = tI:lqk]:kU;AL,mKam],pa};yU,lItc];la}'
Health insurance,
a contract that requires
your health insurer to pay some or all of your health care costs in exchange
for a premium, = AL,mKam],pa};yU,lI'(lgc]:-/An]-)[pQn]ptivin],An]hQt];hG]:ekL.AL,mKam],pa};yU,lImG];nn].sa},
Health maintenance, = Em;kum];lum];lL;pa};yU,lI'
Health savings
accounts(HSAs), = SQn]:ma}hgm]ciun];w}.tL,pa};yU,lI'
Healthcare access, = l}:hp].mI;lgc]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI'
Healthcare cost control, = kum];Tic];kL:srik]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI'
Healthcare costs, = ciun];SQc]:tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI'
Healthcare coverage, = An]Pa},tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsa},TUm]pn]'
Healthcare professional, = PU:lUc].lqn],Pa},pa};yU,lI'
Healthcare professional, = PU:lUc].lqn],Pa},tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI'
Healthcare spending, = cuin];sG].sa},tL,tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI'
Helping those who need the
most help, =
Heredity, N., =
High cost-of-living areas, = nL:tI:An]kL:yU,kL:kin]Suc]'
High income population, = hUw]kUn];sUiw];mI;ciun];Kw]:nm]'
High income, = cuin];Kw]:nm]'
High risk, = l}:sun].nm]'
High-risk insurance, = AL,mKam],An]l}:sun].nm]'
High-risk-pool(insurance), = AUic],lgk];tI:l}:sun].nm]'
Home-care provider, = ekL.km].sg}:pn]cuin];tL,tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];'
Home-care staff, = sum];hqc];kan]tL,tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];'
Home-care, adj. medical care, given or received at home, home health care,= tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];'
Service, services to provide
comfort and support for persons in the last stages of a terminal illness and
their families, = sg}:lum];lL;kUn];pQn]Kgp]:nL,nL,nn].'[kan]hp].sG].sg}:El:km].Tqm]kUn];pQn]Kgp]:nL,pG].wn];mn];
Hospice, N.
(medical) a health-care
facility for terminally ill; a house of shelter or rest for pilgrims,
strangers, etc., = lum];
Outpatient Care, care in a
hospital that usually doesn’t require an overnight stay, = lum];lL;kUn];pQ
N. care
in a hospital that requires admission as an inpatient and usually requires an
overnight stay. An overnight stay for observation could be outpatient care,= tac],hUc];yL'Kuin]:hUc];yL'[lgc]:lum];lL;tUv];pn]tI:nG];
How will I
prove that I have health insurance? =
lgc]:wL:kw]mI;AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIw}.nn]. kw]ethQt];huiw]EnSak]:eS,mn];?'
If you approve, = epL;mG];pn]hQt];n}'
If you need, if you think you
need, =
If you want, if you want to,
wanna, =
If you wish, = epL;sw]:KG]:hG]:hQt];n}' epL;mG];KG]:sG].hQt];n}'
Illegal aliens, = kUn];mUic];ngk]:mL;yU,Am],mqn]:pUic]'
Income tax deduction
threshold, =
Individual mandate, = hG]:hQt];sgm];ekL.etL,ekL.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)
Induce,: to induce a
person to buy a raffle ticket,
induced, inducing, = hUv];hG]:hQt];'hUv];hG]:l}:/Aw]'
Inducement, = hUv];hG]:hQt];'
Co-insurance, the percent
(for example, 20%) you pay of the allowed amount for covered health care
services to providers who contract with your health insurance or plan.
In-network co-insurance usually costs you less than out-of-network co-insurance, = srip]:AL,mKam],nG];sum];kgc].San]'[pL<SYqn].srip]:(tI:tqk]:mn];20%)An]mG];
Co-payment, the fixed amount
(for example, $15) you pay of the allowed amount for covered health care
services to providers who contract with your health insurance or plan. In-network
co-payments are less than out-of-network co-payments, =
Inpatient, N.
a patient who stay in a
hospital while receiving medical care or treatment,= kUn];pQn]nG];'[kUn];pQn]erL;k
Insurance company, = Kgm],pnI,Pa},AL,mKam],'
Insurance costs, = kL:srip]:AL,mKam],'
Insurance coverage, = An]AL,mKam],hUm],tUm];pn]'[An]Kgm]<pnI,AL,mKam],etekL.sa},kL:mn];pn]{'
Insurance premium, = ciun];prI<mIym]AL,mKam],'
Is the
individual mandate really necessary? =
Labor Union, = sum];hUm]:tum]kUn];hQt];kan]'
Large business, = kL.yG],Ka}lUc]'(kan]-/sum];')'[kan]kL.yG],Ka}lUc]{'
Legal immigrants, = kUn];Kw]:mUic];mqn]:pUic]'
Less-expensive living areas, = nL:tI:An]kL:kin]kL:yU,eA,'
Letter, N. a symbol or character that is conventionally used in
writing and printing, character, = tUw]Em:lik]:'
Liens on property: put a lien
on your property, = Aw]KUw];Kgc]km].w}.'(sG].Aw]KUw];Kgc]mG];km].w}.)'
Life expectancy, expectation
of life, = ASak]:muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:yU,Tqc]:' [tc];nm]pI<mUic];An]
Life span, maximum life span, = ASak]:tan];' ASak]:tan];yaw];Sut];'
Low income population, = hUw]kUn];sUiw];mI;ciun];Kw]:eA,'
Lower out of pocket limits, = mk];Kan];w}.ciun];tL,Agk],Tgc];eA,eA,'
Lower premium, = kL:prI<mI<ym]eA,eA,'
Malnutrition, N. lack of proper nutrition, = AL,hL,rL.sut]:lut]:'
Mandated health insurance, = AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIAn]Am],Aw]tuin];Am],l}:'
Medical condition, = cw];la};lUw],yL'
Medical devices, = KUic]:Pa},yL:yL'
Necessary, health care
services or supplies needed to prevent, diagnose or treat an illness, injury,
condition, disease or its symptoms and that meet accepted standards of medicine, =
uninsurable people, =
kUn];ekL.An]epL;Aw]P}a,yL:yLwL:n}.Am],AL,mK am],l}:'[kUn];ekL.Am],sac]:Suiw].AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIl}:ygn].An]mI;puin];pQn]erL;kL,tac];pQn]K}:naw]Kiuk].luik].hqc];nL,Am],nn]ekL:ygn].cw];la};pa};yU,lImn];mI;w}.kgn],Agn]tac];{'
Medically uninsurable, = epL;Aw]Pa},yL:yLwL:n}.Am],AL,mKam],l}:'
sickness, = hak]:eAL.hak]:EA.'[An]mUin]tgc].KUn].eShak]:lUm];hak]:lqc].la}la}Pgc];mUiw]:Et,
Much risk, = ht];sun].nm]nm]'
National health exchange, = tI:lqk]:kU;la};tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsUiw].sat]:'
National health, = pa};yU,lIsUiw].sat]:'
National healthcare, = la};tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsUiw].sat]:'
Negotiated rate, = Kn]An]cUp].cI.pn]w}.'
Network, the facilities, providers and supplies
your health care insurer or plan has contracted with to provide health care
services, = kgc].San]kn]'[pQn]tI:An]hqn];tm];KUic]:es;mQw];w}.pn]El:An]km].sg}:pn]sgm];sum];AL,mKam],Pa},pa};
New eligible, = ekL.kuic],TUik]:l}:sUiw];Kw]:mG],'
No co-payment, = Am],lUw],mqc],kL:mn];sgm];'
Non-compliance waivers, = ygm];sun].pqt]:An]kQw],lgc]:lut]:hQt];sgm];'
N., = lut]:hQt];sgm];'(lgc]:-/An]-)[lut]:ham];/Am],Kam],hQt];sgm];nc],mI;w}.pk];
Provider, a provider who
doesn’t have a contract with your health insurer or plan to provide services to
you. You will pay more to see a non-preferred provider. Check your policy to
see if you can go to all providers who have contracted with your health
insurance or plan, or if your health insurance or plan has a “tiered” network
and you must pay extra to see some providers, =
Nursing homes, = hUin];lum];lL;kUn];Tw]:'
Nutrition, N. the act or process of nourishing, = Tqm]AL,hL,rL.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)
Nutritional information, = Kaw],pgc],lqc];kQw],An]Tqm]pn]AL,hL,rL.'
Nutritional, adj.: nutritional
information, =
Obesity screening, = Kuic]tUk];hgn]:tUk];pqt]:An]pI;AUiv],TUiv],nn].'
Obesity, N. the condition of being very fat or overweight, = pI;AUiv],TUiv],'[pI;hac]:sL.hac]:mUiw],{
Observation, N.,= lQp]:lgm]Tgm],tUv];'[(kQw],hUc];yL)An]emLyLhG]:kUn];pQn]mI;w}.sm]hUsm]tLKw]eSpG].lQp]:hQ
Old eligible, = ekL.kuic],TUik]:l}:sUiw];mI;w}.kw],kw],'
Osteopathic medicine, = yL:yLlup],yLAQn]'
N. a therapeutic system, osteopathic, adj., osteopathically, adv.,= yLlup],yLAQn]'[la};sg}:y
Out of pocket, adj. paid out or owed in cash, N., =
Co-insurance, the percent
(for example, 20%) you pay of the allowed amount for covered health care
services to providers who do not contract with your health
insurance or plan. In-network co-insurance usually costs you less than
out-of-network co-insurance, = srip]:AL,mKam],ngk]:sum];kgc].San]'[pL<SYqn].srip]:(tI:tqk]:mn];40%)An]
Co-payment, the fixed amount
(for example, $15) you pay of the allowed amount for covered health care
services to providers who do not contract with your health
insurance or plan. In-network co-payments are less than out-of-network
co-payments, = mqc],kL:mn];ngk]:sum];kgc].San]'[tac];nm]ciun];Kan];w}.pUic]ta}(tI:tqk]:mn];15pYL;
Limit, the most you pay
during a policy period (usually a year) before your health insurance or plan
begins to pay 100% of the allowed amount. This limit never includes your
premium, balance-billed charges or health care your health insurance or plan
doesn’t cover. Some health insurance or plans don’t count all of your
co-payment, deductibles, co-insurance payments, out-of-network payments or
other expenses toward this limit, = ciun];mk];Kan];lUw],l}:Agk],Tgc];'
Outpatient, N.
a patient who receives
treatment at a hospital, as in an emergency room or clinic, but is not
hospitalized,= kU n];pQn]ngk]:'[kUn];pQn]ekL.l}:kGL,Kam],yLtI:hUc];yLtI:nG];Kgc].AI,mUiw]<kYqn].sI,Am],nn]nG]:Kgc].yLtI:hUc];yLnn].eSekL:kUv];kL:Am],l}:Aw]tac],hUc];yLw}.nn].'{
overutilization of healthcare system, =
yip];sG].tuiw];lUn].lUiw]pUn].' [pQn]tL,kum];Tic];yL,
Pathology, N.
the science or the study of origin, nature, and course of diseases: speech-language pathology,= petL;l kYI,'[pa};Sa}</Pa},lQp]:hQn];kQw],cw]:puic];El:SPLwEl:Kgp],wUc];erL;kL,tac];pQn]sUiw];nn].{(sg}:hQn];hG]:emLlat]:kGam];)
Pathology, N.
the science or the study of origin, nature, and course of diseases: speech-language pathology,= petL;l kYI,'[pa};Sa}</Pa},lQp]:hQn];kQw],cw]:puic];El:SPLwEl:Kgp],wUc];erL;kL,tac];pQn]sUiw];nn].{(sg}:hQn];hG]:emLlat]:kGam];)
Patient protection, = Eh.kc]:pn]kUn];pQn]Kw]'
Pay-for-performance, = pn]cuin];tL,An]Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:En'
Payment allowance, allowed
amount, =
Payment, N.: payment
allowance, payments, = mqc],'cuin];pn]'An]pn]kL:mn];'(cuin];pn]KGac].sa},mqc],')
Payroll deductions, = ygm];pn]ciun];kL:sac]:'(An]-)
Payroll, N. a list of employees to be paid with the amount due to
each, = Sa}ma}luk]:lQc].'
Payroll, N. the sum total of payments to the employees to be paid
with the amount due to each, = ciun];kL:sac]:'
Personal wellness rewards
program, = Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]pn]SU;tL,yU,lIkin]wan]Sun],tUw]'
Personal wellness rewards, = SU;tL,yU,lIkin]wan]Sun],tUw]'
Physical condition, = cw];la};tUw]kL,y'
Services, health care
services a licensed medical physician (MD. - Medical Doctor or D.O. – Doctor of
Osteopathic Medicine) provides or coordinates, =
Physician-owned hospitals, = hUc];yLAn]emLyLpUic],'
Physicians Foundation, = faw],et;SYin];emLyLKw]'
Pilot programs, = Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]sam];tUv];Agn]tac];'
Pilot, adj. pilot project, = sam];tUv];Agn]tac];'(KUc];kan]sam];hQt];tUc];Agn]tac];)'
Plan, (healthcare)
a benefit your employer, union or other group sponsor provides to you to pay
for your health care services,= wac];Pqn]'(tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI)[Pgn];lIAn]epL:lQc].mG];/sum];kUn];hQt];kan]ekL.Aw]pun]:Pgn];sg}:sa},pn]kL:lum];lL;tUv];Tuic]Pa},pa};yU,lImG];pn]nn]."{
Pon-zi scheme, ponzi schemem, = lgk];Pqn]kan]Pgn];sI,'
Pon-zi, N. a swindle in which a quick return, made up of money investors,
on an initial investment lures the victim into much risks: “pon-zi scheme”, ponzi, = Pgn];sI,'[la};lqn]kin]wL:etsQw];l}:mYat]:n}eSAw]ciun];tI:kUn];Puk],Pc]
Pool, = AUic],nm].'AUic],lgk];'
Populate, to inhabit: live in,
populated, populating, = hG]:kUn];yU,' sG].kUn];yU,'
the native population; the working-class population, = hUw]hup]:kUn];'(hUw]hup]:kUn];sL,timUic];'
a decision by your health
insurer or plan that a health care service, treatment plan, prescription drug
or durable medical equipment is medically necessary. Sometimes called prior
authorization, prior approval or precertification. Your health insurance or
plan may require preauthorization for certain services before you receive them,
except in an emergency. Preauthorization isn’t a promise your health insurance
or plan will cover the cost, = mI;eAL;sL,w}.TL:'[mac]pgk]:
Precertification, N., = mI;Puin]Kqp];mk];ma}w}.TL:'
provider, a provider who has
a contract with your health insurer or plan to provide services to you at a
discount. Check your policy to see if you can see all preferred providers or if
your health insurance or plan has a “tiered” network and you must pay extra to
see some providers. Your health insurance or plan may have preferred providers
who are also “participating” providers. Participating providers also contract
with your health insurer or plan, but the discount may not be as great, and you
may have to pay more, =
Premium, (healthcare)
the amount that must be paid for your health insurance or plan. You and/or your
employer usually pay it monthly, quarterly or yearly, =
Premium, bonus or sum additional to price, interest, = ciun];tgn]:pn]la}'
Premium, = ciun];kL:prI<mIym]'[ciun];tgn]:pn]la}An]l}:pn]tL,Aw]hUv];hG]:l}:Suiw].KUw];hQt];Agk],nn].{
Drug Coverage, health
insurance or plan that helps pay for prescription drugs and medications, = TU
Prescription drugs, = yL:yLmk];ma}tm];pn]tL,kin]pQn]sup]:'
Prevent dangerous harm, = ham]:Eh.eP;sac]:mat],yG],sQp];lUc]'
Preventive,(medicine)adj., = ham]:Eh.EKeP;' Eh.ham]:EKeP;'
Price discrimination for
health insurance, =
Primary Care
Physician, a physician (MD.
- Medical Doctor or D.O. – Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) who directly
provides or coordinates a range of health care services for a patient , = emLyLcw]:Et,'[emLyL(emLyLAm],ekL:emLyL
Primary Care
Provider, a physician (MD. -
Medical Doctor or D.O. – Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), nurse practitioner,
clinical nurse specialist or physician assistant, as allowed under state law,
who provides or coordinates or helps a patient access a range of health care
services, = emLyLcw]:Et,'[emLyLKw]'(emLyLAm],ekL:emLyLlup],yLAQn])
Protect against danger or
harm, = Eh.eP;' tL,EKeP;'
Provider, a physician (MD. - Medical Doctor or D.O.
– Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), health care professional or health care
facility licensed, certificated or accredited as required by state law, = ekL.km].sg}:pn]'[emLyL'(emLyLAm],
Provider, N., = ekL.km].sg}:pn]'[KUic]:/kUn];ekL.An]km].sg}:pn]'{
Psychologist, N., = PU:emLSa},kUw],pa};sG]'
Public option,(Healthcare): merely a government-run insurance plan, =
Punctuate, punctuated,
punctuating, = tt];EPtgn]:lG]tgn]:nn].'
Punctuation, punctuation
marks, = ma}tt];EP'[' & " ? / ! @ () *
Reasonable person, = kUn];ekL.TUik]:lIyum],'
Rebate, partial refund, =
Surgery, Surgery and
follow-up treatment needed to correct or improve a part of the body because of
birth defects, accidents, injuries or medical conditions, =
Reconstructive, adj., =
Services, health care
services that help a person keep, get back or improve skills and functioning
for daily living that have been lost or impaired because a person was sick,
hurt or disable. These services may include physical and occupational therapy,
speech-language pathology and psychiatric rehabilitation services in a variety
of inpatient and/or outpatient settings, =
Retiree, N. a person who has retired from an occupation or
profession, =
Seasonal work, = kan]Kaw];lG]Kaw];nn].'
Seasonal workers, = kUn];hQt];kan]sgm];Kaw];mn];'
Self- employed, adj., = hQt];kan]sw]:kw],hLkin]kUv];'[Am],sG]:luk]:lQc].kin]ciun];lUin]Am],nn]pg};sL;
Senior citizens, = kUn];suic]:mUic];sUiw];AL,yuyG],'
Significant illness history, = puin];pQn]erL;kL,tac];pQn]K}:naw]Kuik].luik].hqc];nL,'
Single national exchange, = tI:lqk]:kU;nG];mUic];tI:lQw]'
Single-payer system, (Healthcare), = la};yU,Pa},lQw]pn]'[yU,tI:pgc]suic]:etekL.Kam],sa},pn]mUt];{
Skilled Nursing
Care, Services from licensed
nurse in your own home or in a nursing home. Skilled care services are from
technicians and therapists in your own home or in a nursing home, =
the socialization or nationalization of industry, =
SUw],ESY,lit].Kw]Sim];Aw]pQn]Kgc]suic]:' [la};Aw]lUc]pgc]suic]:n}.ekL.pQn]sw]:Kgc]eSkum];kgn];lgc]:hQt];Agk],lgc]:puin]EP:El:Aik],yip];pUic],w}.ciun];tuin];tc];Pqn],lin]'sL.kGL,sUiw];nn].{'(An]SUw],ESY,lit].Kw]Sim];Aw]hUc];kan]hQt];Kgc]nn].pQn]Kgc]suic]:)'
Socialized medicine, = lUc]pgc]suic]:ekL.pQn]sw]:yL:yL'
N. A physician specialist focuses on a specific area of medicine or
a group of patients to diagnose, manage, prevent or treat certain types of
symptoms and conditions. Anon-physician specialist is a provider who has more
training in a specific area of health care, =
Speech-language pathology, = sg}:hQn];hG]:emLlat]:kGam];'[An]lQp]:hQn];SPL,wmn];eSsg}:Puik];pn]{
Spending cuts, = ygm];la};sG].sa},'
Standardized plans, = wac];Pqn]EPsn].w}.'
State-based health insurance
exchange, =
State-based, = Aic]lUv]:es:mUic];'
Subsidize, subsidized,
subsidizing, = Kun]Tuk]:ciun];sg}:'
Subsidy, = ciun];Kun]sg}:'[cuin];An]lUc]pgc]suic]:Tuk]:sg}:pn]sgm];nc],mI;nG];lik]:hUw]ma}nn].{'
Taste, “taste” originated from an old Latin word
which meant to feel, to handle-to experience; is used to translate the Hebrew
word, pronounced taw-awn, which also meant to experience: taste death, = tUw]TUp];'(tUw]TUp];tac];ta})'
Tax breaks, = l}:ciun];kL:Kgn],'
Tax credits, = Krqt].tit].lUt];Kgn],'[An]ygm];pn]tc];nm]ciun];Kgn],lUw],SGac];Kun]nn].{'
Tax exemptions, = wQn].w}.pn]hG]:lgt],Kgn],'
Tax penalties, = tam],ciun];Kgn],'[Am],SGac];Kgn],El:l}:pn]tam],ciun];nn].{'
Tax return, = Aan];Kiun];ciun];Kgn],'(lgc]:-/An]-)
Tax-free contributions, = cuin];EPpn]Pgn];lIl}:lgt]:Kgn],'(ciun];EPSG],Alac];l}:lgt]:Kgn],)
Tax-free: tax-free
contributions, = lgt]:Kgn],'[Am],l}:pn]Kgn],{(ciun];EPSG],Alac];l}:lgt]:Kgn],)'
Team-based, = pQn]mU,pQn]sum];eS'
illness, when a person’s
illness reach a point that is likely to lead to their death, = pQn]Kgp]:nL,pG].wn];
The insured, = ekL.mI;AL,mKam],'
The uninsured, = ekL.Am],mI;AL,mKam],'
Therapy, N. psychotherapy:
speech therapy, = sg}:Puik];(lgc]:-/An]-)[sg}:yLpa};sG]{(sg}:Puik];lat]:kGam];')
Threshold, N., also called:
doorsill, sill, =
Threshold, N., the entrance of
a house or building, = hU;Kw]:'[tac];Kw]:kGL,nG];hUin];Am],nn]hUc];tUik]:lUc]nn].{'
Tiered network, = kgc].San]kn]pQn]sn].pQn]Tap]:w}.'
To be sure, = hG]:epL;lp].lgc];nn].'
UCR (Usual,
Customary and Reasonable), the
amount paid for a medical service in a geographic area based on what providers
in the area usually charge for the same or similar medical service. The UCR
amount sometimes in used to determine the allowed amount, = yU<sIJAL'(An]k}.SUhQt];An]pQn]Tuc];sam],El:An]mI;lgc]:kuic],TUik]:nn]
Unemployed, adj.: the unemployed, = Am],mI;kan]'(kUn];Am],mI;kan])'
Uninsurable, = Am],AL,mKam],l}:'
United healthcare, = sum];Pgm].hUm]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI'
Universal healthcare, = tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsgt],tUw]:pt];puin].'
Computer)to transfer(software, data, character
sets, etc.) from a smaller to a larger computer, = Ap];lUt]<' [tL,etSUc],(Sgp].wg};'et,tL,eKL:
Urgent Care, care for an illness, injury or condition
serious enough that a reasonable person would seek care right away, but not so
severe as to require emergency room care, =
Well pleased, = sUm];Tuk],sG]mqn]:sG]Et.'
Wheelchairs, = tac],mI;mak],elL.'
White-collar worker, = kUn];hQt];kan]ekL,lL,SUiw]:PUik],'[kUn];hQt];kan]Kun]/Kun]lum];{'
White-collar, adj. = ekL,lL,SUiw]:PUik],'[kQw],nL:kan]sn].Kun]kan]PU:lUc].lqn],Am],sG]:kUn];kin]sac]:{
Who will be
able to get government financial assistance? = PG]etsac]:l}:An]lUc]pgc]suic]:
Why then..?, = epL;nn]hQt];Sc]El:...n}lL,?'
Working class, blue-collar workers, = kUn];hQt];hLkin]sgm];hqc];'
Working families, = nL:hUin];ey;kUn];hQt];kan]'
Young adults age 18to 29, = kUn];num],18KUp],etL,29KUp],'
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