VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Thursday, August 16, 2012

On Your Side! (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)

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On Your Side!
“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
(Romans 8:31, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Joshua chapter six tells the story about how the odds were stacked against Joshua and the people of Israel. They were standing at the massive walls of Jericho that many thought were impenetrable.
I’m sure as he was standing before the well-fortified walls and gates of the city, many around him didn’t think his future was too bright. But you see Joshua had something others overlooked; he had the promise of Almighty God. Joshua had faith because He knew God was on His side, and God had already determined the victory. Sure enough, just as God promised, the people marched around the city for six days, and on the seventh day, they shouted the victory and the walls came tumbling down!
Today, don’t look at the walls in your life; look at the promise of God. He is for you, and if God is for you, nothing can stand against you. Get a vision of victory and don’t let it go. Keep moving forward in faith and obedience knowing that when you do, the Most High God is on your side!
Father God, thank You for Your favor, grace and victory in my life. I choose to trust You. I choose to follow Your leading. I choose to be faithful to You because You are faithful to me. I love You and bless You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

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