tgn]:Agn]tac]; Sut];n}.sm].'mn];pQn]An]w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]hUm]:kn]nn]."
kUn];tc];la}n}.'yum],ym]kUn];ekL. An]w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]miUn]kn]'tI:lgc]:tac];KiUc]:piUc]siUw];An]Kw]w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]nn]."
epL; hQt];nn]sc],' Kw]ethU.l}:lgc]:An]wL:' Kw]sac]:yum],ym]kUn];ekL.nn].eShG]:tqp];tt];pn]'
are two major parts to being trustworthy. First there are shared values..
People only trust someone who values the same things they value. They then know
that they can trust that person to make decisions that match their joint
Kw]Am],pn]Am],sG].sa}tL,kUn];miUc];tc];la}" PU:Agn]hUw]ekL.niuc]:n}.'sac]:eK;etAgc],mqc],l}:tI:
!miUw]:Puk]:miUw]: hiuw];'wUc]:etmL;'El:liUn]etmL;'@n}nn].eS' kUv];kL:Sm].Am],pQn]kan]l}:han].etL,Tiuc]'
!pIetmL;'@El:!Tqc]:hL:pIetmL;'@miUw];nL:nn]." sQw];El:nan];kUv];' eSekL.ekL.ethLhn]
mqn]:lgc]:wL:ciun];n}.l}:sG].sa},kGL,tI:lG]n}nn].yw]." miUw]:Kw]l}:hLhn]kGL,nn].'
Kw]etAm],yum], ym]PU:Agn]ekL.nn].Sc]Tqc]:yw]."
leaders value themselves more then they value their people. They spend lots of
money on themselves and their families, but not on the people. A leader may be
successful in telling the people that they share values for the "next day,
next week, and next month" but that does not work for "next
year" and "next five years". Sooner or later, someone finds out
how the money is being spent. When they find out, they will no longer trust the
kUn];tc];la}n}.ethQt];nm]nm]' pn]ekL.An]w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]hUm]:kn]tc];Kw]'El:
hk].Kw]nn]." Kw]hU.An]wL:' Kw]sac]:yum],ym]hG]:kUn];ekL.nn].tqp];tt];eKL:tqp];tt];pn]'
siUw];An]tm]tUw]Kw]ekL:ettqp];tt];miUn]kn]nn].n}yw].' ygn].kgp]:piUw]:wL:' Kw]hUm]:kn]mI;w}.
will do a lot for someone who shares their values and who loves them. They know
that they can trust that person to make the same kind of decisions they
themselves would make because they share the same values.
kgp]:piUw]:Kw]l}:hn]wL:mn];w}.nm].nk];kL: Kn]hUm]:kn]tc];Kw]n}nn].yw]." kUn];miUc];tc];la}Kw]w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]'
An]hG]:epL;l}:lgt]: lqw];tI:miUc];RpitiSYKw]'nn].AiUw]:" wL,SYic]tn],n}.' pQn]sw]:h}:sw]:nL;ekL.mak],mI;lIpQn]ekL.
eSSUn]h}:nL;mn];nn].n}yw]." piUw]:n}El:mn];Kam],sun].' An]mn];piUc],w}.kU:siUw].kU:piUc]El:
tc];ASak]:Pwmn];nn].eS'luk].Agn]hUw]tp].Siuk];" An]n}.pQn]Sak]:eS,Enpn]lgc]:An]wL:'
mn];w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]tL,hG]:epL;l}:lgt]:lqw];tI:RpitiSYKw]nn].n}yw]." miUw]:mn];Kiun]:
pQn]sgm]pgc]Siuk];n}.'mn];pQn]sgm]pgc]Siuk];tp].Siuk];pgt];hgc],nn].yw].' pqk].wL:mn];pQn]pQn]kUn];
pgt];san];n}ekL:" kUn];miUc];tc];la}Kw]lgm]lam];wUn].tUv];wL:' mn];w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]'tL,hG]:
kUn];pgt];hgc],Kw]lgt]:lqw];nn].yU,hiuw]' Am],nn]ekL:' tL,kUn];pgt];san];Kw]lgt]:lqw];nn].
kUv];En,'wL:nc],n}w}.yw]." tI:Et.mn];n}.'An]mn];Kt];sG]hQt];kan]tp].Siuk];pgt];hgc],nn].'
pQn]An]mn];nam];Agn]hG]:kUn];mUic];Kw]l}:hn]wL:' mn];w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]lgc]:lgt]:lqw];Kw]miUn]
kn]tc];lgc]:lgt]:lqw];kUn];pgt];san];Kw]' nc],kaw],n}nn].yw]."
People trusted George
Washington because they saw that he shared their values. The people valued
being free from the British. Washington was a wealthy farmer, but he thought
winning freedom from the British was more important than his farm. So he risked
everything he owned and his life by leading the army. That proved that he valued being free from
the British. When he became general, he was general of the Northern army even
though he himself was from the South. The people wondered if he valued people
from the North being free or just people from the South being free. The fact
that he worked hard for the Northern army led the people to see that he valued
their freedom as well as Southerner's freedom.
siUw];nn].' lUv]:An]kGL,mI;w}.sm]sm]Kw]nn].eS'Kam],sun].miUn]nc],luk]:Siuk];siUw];nn].sun].
tUw]sG]Kw]eSmc]yU,nn].AiUw]:" mn];tiUw];Entac];hk].mn];mI;etL,Kw]' lUv]:An]kGL,yU,Sw];
sgm];kUn];Siuk];Kw]tI:nG];pac]Sw];' Pgc];miUw]:Kaw];kt];wL:kt];eSyap],Piut],Kan]sG]lUc]lac]nL,
nn].'hQt];nn]w}.sgm];Kw]yw]." mn];sac]:miUw];Kiun];hiUn];eS' Kam],es;sQm],Sak]:SL,lUm]sG]tI:
hiUn];mn];nn].l}:yU," kUv];kL:mn];yU,Sw];sgm];kUn];Siuk];siUw];nn].w}.' kgp]:wL:mn];mI;sG]tUv];
Tiuc]pn]tL,Kw]nn]." mn];lw]:lat]:Tiuc]ehLKun]tqn];Pgc];siuc]:miUc];(kgn]krqt].S]'Congress) eS'hG]:sg}:SUc],pn]Kw]KUw];nuc]:tac];m}el:Kw]:nm].tac];kin]siUw];n}.yw]."
kUn];Siuk];Kw]sac]:l}: hn]An]wL,SYic]tn],w}.nm].nk];kL:Kn]Kw]nn].'El:Kw]yum],ym]mn];"
battles came, Washington showed that he valued his soldiers by being close to
them and running some of the same risks as the soldiers themselves did . He
further showed his love for them by staying in the soldier’s cold and difficult
winter camp with them. He could have gone home and enjoyed the comforts of his
home. But he stayed with his soldiers because he cared for them. He pleaded
with Congress to get them clothes and food. The soldiers could see that
Washington valued them, and so they trusted him.
!lgc]:KIm}:sG]n}.emLyL.tw]eS' naw].Sw]lk];pk];km].tac];yum],ym]nn].'
Kgn];lUm]cak]:kiUc];kGL,pqt]: l}:nn].El:' pQn]An]lUw],l}:Ew:'Am],nn]ekL:'
kgn];w}.nn].yw]." tac];yum],ym]n}.Aw]An]KI m}:sG]ygm];lUc];kUv];Am],kL;'
yuk].tac],lgc]:Tuk],emLkn]nn].Kuin]:pL;AiUw]:"@ “Anxiety undermines and weakens the Pillar of
Trust, and needs to be avoided or managed. Trust lowers anxiety and promotes
Harmony.” --- rit].KYt].EA,l]kUw];Sat].KY]'(PI,AQk].KY]tI<)' (Richard L. Gorsuch, PhD) ---
Am],kzk];Agk],Am],hiUc]:kiUc];yiuw]:yiut];Sc]eS' hw];Agn]kn]yip];km]kqn],tac];muc]:mgc];' An]hw];piut], pak],lat]:w}.tqk],lqc];nn].tL.hw];" piUw]:wL:mn];sw]:ekL.pn]ktiw}.n}.' yum],mat]:TiUk]:l}:lum]; lum];eAL:" (hI;RpO;'10;23) (Hebrews 10:23,NIV) Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
!yL,ephG]:mak],hUw]sG]SUyap],m}:Kan]sC]Sc]" yum],ym]JPL;sw]:El:'yum],ym]kw]pL;w}.Pgc]:tL." (ygn]<'14;1)(John 14:1,NIV) Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
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