AmuvL;Aw]ta}kUn]; (Homicide)
vL;Aw]ta}kUn]; (Homicides)
Etl}:Et,wL:AmuvL;Aw]ta}kUn];kU:An]An]n}.Am],sG]:tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:mUt];mUt];n}yU,yw]."AmuvL;Aw]ta}kUn];An]wL:n}.Kw]:pL;lgc]:Aw]ta}kUn];El:hqm]ta}kUn];'kU:lgc]:kU:la};tac];mUt];nn].yw]."AmuvL;Aw]ta}kUn];km]:nm]n}.'pQn]An]Aw]ta}kUn];'lUv]:tac];hQt];ha}.pUn].pqn]pk];piUc]rL,swUt]:nn]."tac],siUw];'mac]mQw];An]pQn]lgc]:Aw]ta}kUn];mqn]:miUw]:lUw],kqt],EKtUw]kw],lUv]:An]EnEl:hQt];sgm];JtL;PQc],pQc];'siUw];nn].n}.'Am],sG]:tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:"lgc]:Aw]ta}An]Am],Kw]:KGac],pk];piUc]nn].sm].'Et,Aw]An]hqm]ta}kUn];nn].etL,An]Aw]ta}kUn];'siUw];n}.eS'Aic]niUw]sn].tI,krI,tac];hQt];An]lG]An]nn].eS'mn];mI;hqc];ngc],sn]An]Aw]pUn].pqn]tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:nn].'hc];PG]mn];w}.yw]."To begin with, not all homicides are crimes. Homicides include all killings of humans. Many homicides, such as murder and manslaughter, violate criminal laws. Others, such as a killing committed in justified self-defense, are not criminal. Illegal killings range from manslaughter to murder, with multiple degrees of each representing the gravity of the crime.
Aw]ta}kUn];' (Murder)
First degree murder is the most serious criminal homicide. Typically, first degree murder is both intentional and premeditated. Premeditated can mean anything from a long time plan to kill the victim, to a shorter term plan. The intent of the accused murderer does not need to be focused on the actual victim. If someone planned on killing one victim, but by accident kills someone else, the murder is still intentional and premeditated – meaning a first degree murder charge. For example, SaiUi comes home to find his wife in bed with SaiYawm. Three days later, SaiUi waits behind a tree near SaiYawm's front door. When SaiYawm comes out of the house, SaiUi shoots and kills him.
When a person commits first-degree murder if any death (even an accidental one) results from the commission of certain violent felonies – usually arson, burglary, kidnapping, rape, and robbery. For example, SaiUi and NangPawk rob SaiYawm's liquor store, but as they are fleeing, SaiYawm shoots and kills SaiUi. Under the felony murder rule, NangPawk can be charged with first-degree murder for SaiUi's death.
When there is a lack of premeditation but the killer intended to kill – for example, in homicides commonly described as occurring "in the heat of passion" – the homicide may draw second degree murder charges or perhaps voluntary manslaughter charges, depending on the state.
hqm]ta}kUn];' (Manslaughter)
Manslaughter generally means an illegal killing that falls short of murder. The lowest form of manslaughter is involuntary manslaughter. This means that the perpetrator did not intend to kill anyone, but still killed the victim through behavior that was either criminally negligent or reckless. One common example is a DUI accident which kills someone. Someone driving drunk is behaving in a criminally reckless manner, even if they had no intent to kill anyone.
Voluntary manslaughter usually means that the offender did not have a prior intent to kill – such as when the homicide occurs "in the heat of passion" and without forethought. Depending on the state, this crime may fall under a variant of murder charges, instead of manslaughter.
vL;Aw]ta}kUn];lUv]:Kw]:KGac],pk];piUc]' (Legal Homicides)
Some homicides are not illegal. Criminal laws carve out exceptions for some killings which would otherwise fall under criminal laws against manslaughter or murder. These are referred to as "justified homicide". One primary example is a killing in justified self-defense or defense of someone else.
tac],ygn];tL,l}:kQw],An]ta}ygn].Am],JtL;' (Related Wrongful Death Claims)
No matter where a homicide falls on the criminal spectrum, it may also bring a civil lawsuit for wrongful death. In the case of a homicide, the family of the victim may sue the alleged perpetrator to collect damages for that person causing the death of their loved one. While wrongful death lawsuits offer monetary results rather than criminal punishment, they also have a much lower standard of proof than the criminal standard of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
sg}:Tqm]El:hUm]:hQt];/PiUm].sg}:' Aiding & Abetting / Accessory
A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy. For example, SaiUi draws a floor plan of a bank, knowing of SaiYawm intention to rob it. After Dan commits the robbery, NangPawk agrees to let him store the stolen money at her house. Both SaiUi and NangPawk can be charged with aiding and abetting, or acting as accessories to the robbery.
kqt],EKtUw]kw],' = Self-defense,
kqt],EKpiUn]:tac],ekL.' = Defense for someone else,
ekL.Kw]hk].' = Their loved one,
ekL.Kam],Sum];' kUn];Kam],Sum];' = Victim,
ekL.l}:Kam],sg};JtL;En;SG],wL:Aw]ta}kUn];' = Accused murderer,
ekL.hqm]ta}' ekL.hQt];Pit];' = Perpetrator, killer, wrongdoer, criminal,
Kw]:kqw],pL;sgm];liuk].tan],lG]' = Degree of involvement,
Kqk];Agk],w}.' Kqk];hqt];' = Carve out, carve,
sn].RkQt].' = Gradation, categorization, classification,
sn].Tuk],Aw]ey;sgm];tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Criminal spectrum,
sn].hqc];tL,EnSak]:eS,km].Tqm]pn]' = Standard of proof,
sgm];nc],piUc]mI:' = Under the rule, according to the rule,
sg};AmumG],ciun];kn]' = Sue, bring a civil action against, suing,
vL;Aw]ta}kUn];tc];JtL;' = Justified Homicide,
tc];JtL;' EnEl:hQt];sgm];JtL;PQc],pQc];' sgm];JtL;' = Justified, justify,
tac],ygn];tL,l}:kQw],An]ta}ygn].Am],JtL;' = Related Wrongful Death Claims,
tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:TiUk]:tam],nk].' = Felonies,
ta}ygn].Am],JtL;' = Wrongful Death,
tI:tqk]:mn];An]k}.pQn]An]niuc]:n}.sm].' = One common example,
tI:tqk]:Encw]:cL,mn];An]niuc]:sm].' = One primary example,
Tiuc]epL;Am],mI;lgc]:kiuc],TiUk]:lITac],TiUm]' = Beyond reasonable doubt,
pn]tac];wBn].K}:sG]' pn]van],' = Advice,
piUc]:kn]' Am],miUn]kn]' = Vary, differ,
piUn]:tac],ekL.' = Third person,
Pqn]Aan];sc]:sG]Aw]ta}kUn];' = Murder: First-degree, Manslaughter in the 1st degree,
f};sut],hiUn];' = Arson,
mw]mac]Pit];rL,swUt]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Criminally negligence,
mI;lgc]:kiuc],TiUk]:lITac],TiUm]' = Reasonable doubt,
luk]:Agn],p},kiUt],' = Unborn child,
l}:Kam],KUn];yUc];hqc];lUm];Tat]:sG]haw].kYam];nL,'= Influence of extreme emotional disturbance,
wUn].kgn],hQt];' = Forethought, prudence, thoughtful provision beforehand,
hQt];hG]:ekL.Kw]hk].l}:ta}kGL,' = Causing death of their loved one,
hqc];ngc],sn]' nm].nk];' = Gravity, the force of attraction, heaviness or weight,
hB.sgm];' = Knowledge of, knowing,
ehL:miUw]:hUm],/ehL:miUw]:mw];'[ehL:kL;miUw]:l}:Kam],tG]:hUm],cm];w}./ehLkL;miUw]:mw];mic];'{ = DUI/DWI, [Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated],
AmbSI;wI;l]' = Civil lawsuit, civil case,
Amic].pg},lgt],Agk],Tgc],' = Parole,
Am],Tiuc]tI:l}:wL:pQn]' = Falls short of,
Aan];sc]:sG]Aw]ta}kUn];' = Murder: Second-degree, Manslaughter in the 2nd degree,
AL,rUc],yiUc];pk];sp].w}.TL:Agn]tac];' = Premeditated,
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