VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Good News! - Jesus One For All! - in Tai and English

Jesus died to sin once for all,

Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, i.e.,

for all nations, including “Tai/Shan” people, whom I am one of them,

to save sinners – of whom I am the worst,

for those who would believe in him,

to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him,

Thanks be to God in Jesus Christ!

Kaw],lI& sw]:ey,SuekL.lQw]tL,tc];SQc]:&


sw]:Krit]:Kam],sun].pgk]:lQw]tL,etAw]ApYt]:kUn];tc];la}mUt];ha}pqt]:pn]' mn];sw]:etepL,mL;Tqc]:pgk]:km];Sgc]'








tac];ta}An]mn];sw]:ta}kGL,yw].nn].'pQn]mn];sw]:ta},nG];ApYt]:pgk]:lQw]tL,tc];SQc]:nn].eAL:'kUv];kL:ASak]:PwAn]mn];sw]:yU,Sw];w}.n}.sm].'mn];sw]:yU,nG];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:eAL:" (rUw];m6;10')

15tI:n}:n}.mI;kGam];sap]:lqp]:lIyum],eKL:nuic]:An]kuic],TUik]:hp].hgc];Aw]tQm]tQm]TUn]:TUn]:'An]wL:'sw]:Krit]:ey,SumL;nG];km],PL,elL;kn}.'pun]:tL,etEk,Kzt]:Aw]kUn];sUiw];mI;ApYt]:nn].eAL:"An]nG];Kw]nn].kw]n}.pQn]ekL.ha}.sL.Sut];eSpUin]:"16kUv]:kL:pUiw]:lgc]:tac];nn].eSEl:'JPL;sw]:mI;krunL,AQt];lUpn]kw]pun]:nc],huiw]El:tI:nG];kw]'An]pQn]ekL.ha}.sL.Sut];pUin]:nG];kL:kUn];mI;ApYt]:tc];la}n}.'sw]:ey,SuKrit]:etpuit],pYL.EnAn]mn];sw]:yUin].sG]yaw];yG],lUc]lac]nn].pn]'hG]:pQn]An]lItqk]:nUic];tL,Kw]kUn];sUiw];etyum],mn];sw]:eSl}:hp].ASak]:PwTL,wrL.nn].eAL:"17yam];mUiw]:lQw]n}.hG]:sw]:Kun]ehLKm];TL,wrL.'sw]:Am],mI;tUw]etta}'sw]:An]tUv];Am],hn]l}:'sw]:pQn]JPL;mI;SU,lQw]n}.'l}:tac];yuk].ygc]:Aik],Puc];yG],hUc]hac];tL,eS,TL,wrL.eSkm];lUv]:"ALmin]:" (1Tim];mtI,1;15-17)


25sw]:ey,Sulat]:mn];nac];wL:'!kw]pQn]ekL.ta}yw].lbk].Kibn];lip];mI;sG]El:pQn]ASak]:PwAiUw]:"ekL.An]yum],kw]n}.mn];etl}:mI;yU,'pqk].wL:mn];ta}kGL,n}ekL:yL,tL."26eSAm],kL;'ekL.An]mI;yU,El:yum],kw]n}.mn];tk];etAm],hgn],tgn].ta}eSpgk]:"sgc],mG];yum],An]n}.hiuw].?'@wL:nc],n}eAL:" (ygn]<11;25-26')

26epL;Am],nn]Et.'sw]:Krit]:n}.tk];lUw],l}:Kam],sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]la}pgk]:la}km];nm]nL,nL,'Et,Aw]sQm],mUiw]:Pan],SGac];hQt];pQn]km],PL,elL;kn}.nn].yw]."kUv];kL:'mn];sw]:epL,mL;pgk]:lQw]tL,tc];SQc]:Tuic]tI:ygt]:hgt]:tI:lUp];sgm]mn];'tL,sUw]:pan]kUn];lUw],l}:Ek:l}:lit]:tac];Pit];ApYt]:nn].'lUv]:An]Kam],sun].tUw]sw]:kw],mn];pn]nn].yw].eAL:"27mUin]nc],kUn];tc];la}n}.yU,kGL,nG];Kaw];tac];mUiw];nL:An]etl}:ta}pgk]:nuic]:nn].eS'wa};nn].n}.etl}:hUp].TUp];An]Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];pn]nn].yw].'28sc],wL:'sw]:Krit]:n}.Kam],sun].pgk]:lQw]tL,etAw]ApYt]:kUn];tc];la}mUt];ha}pqt]:pn]nn].yw].eAL:"eSEl:mn];sw]:etepL,mL;Tqc]:pgk]:km];Sgc]'n}.Am],sG]:tL,mL;pL;Aw]ApYt]:nn].kUv];'pQn]tL,pL;lgc]:Ek,Kzt]:mL;pn]Kw]kUn];sUiw];pG].TL:mn];sw]:nn].eAL:" (hI;RpO;9;26-28')

17epL;kw]l}:hn]mn];sw]:n}ekL:'kw]KL:lUm].Kup].mUp],him];tin]mn];sw]:nc],pQn]kUn];ta}nn].yw]."hQt];nn]eSmn];sw]:Aw]muiw];Kgn]KGLmn];sw]:tac],nUiw]kw]eSlat]:wL:'!yL,epkUw]"kw]pQn]ekL.Tinuic]:Agn]tac];Sut];El:ekL.Kgt],ygt]:luin];lc]Sut];nn].yw]."18kw]pQn]ekL.ASak]:lip];yU,nn].AUiw]:"kw]ta}kGL.yw].'tUv];El:mUiw]:lQw]n}.'kw]mI;sG]ASak]:yU,kGL,TL,wrL.tL,eS,nn].yw]."eSEl:'kw]yip];puk].kak],eSL;tac];ta}El:mrL,nsUiw];nn].w}.AUiw]:"@ (Kiun];puit],En1;17-18')

The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.(Ro. 6:10)

15Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. 16But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life. 17Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:15-17)

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. (1 Peter 3:18)

25Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

26Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. (Hebrews 9:26-28)

17When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. 18I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. (Rev.1:17-18)

Friday, September 17, 2021

Aa - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


A'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]luin];Sut];TiSip];kw]:{= “Aa”, the ninteenth and last letter of the Tai alphabet,


w];TL,wrL.JPL;'(pin],EpkGam];w}.Am],TUik]:yum],mat]:l}:/Am],tqt]:etL;')'= Unfaithful, adj. not faithful; faithless;

disloyal; infidelity; not accurate or complete; inexact: unfaithful to the LORD; an unfaithful translation, unfaithfulness, N.,

AkL,pL,'[wQc];tL:hUiw];'kUt].pac],la}AkL,pL,{ = Aqaba, a seaport; Gulf of Aqaba,

Akim];' [KUiw];pU,mgn],sw]:ey,Su{ = Akim, [a son of Zadok,(Mt 1:14)],


)' = Decorum, N. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.; dignity: gentleman decorum, decorous, adj.,

Aek;kUn];sa};'[Ser,kUn];sa};'{ = Gentleman decorum, gentleman’s dignity,

AkYac].tac];yam]:lk];lqm]lqt];Sqw];' = Prudent behavior, prudent life, wise behavior,

AkYac].' lgc]:kYac].tac];km]' Pac]hac]:la};pUic]' = Character, moral, ethical,

AkYac].tac];yam]:' = Behavior, manner,

AkYac].tac];yam]:' (AkYac].tac];yam]:kw],)' = Habit, (old habit),

AkYac].tac];yam]:mG];' = Habit of your

AkYac].tac];yam]:Am],lI'AkYac].ygk];' AkYac].lu' = Bad habit,


= Moral, adj. N. ethical: moral greatness, morally, adv., moralityy, N.,

AkYac].lu' Am],mI;sn].' = Immoral, immorality,

AkYac].lbliBc];' = Debauchery,

AkYac].lulUic];' = Moral turpitude, N. conduct that is regarded as immoral,

AkYac].wUv],lUic];' Am],mI;sn].' = Moral filth, filthiness,

AkYac].Am],lI'[sac]:pqt].'priEy,'{ = Wile, N. a trick or stratagem meant to fool or entice; craftiness, wily,

adj., wilily, adv.,

AkYOw];' = Effect, N. result, consequence, out come, effects,

AkYOw];nm].tgn];' mYat]:' l}:'hp].Aw]l}:'hp].l}:'l}:mI;' = Gain, get, profit,




c],tUv];emLyLEl:Sc]lIyU,yw].)' = Side effect, or side-effect, N. any effect of a drug, chemical, or other

medicine that is in addition to its intended effect, especially that is harmful or unpleasant: If you have question about side effects,

contact your healthcare provider or call doctor for advice,

Akgk]:' = Imposts


nn].pQn]sQm]mUiw]:wL;mUiw]:Suin];pun].') = Antecendent, adj. N. preceding; prior; reason: an atecedent event,

AKpUw];'[pQn]AU:ep;AL,hnn],'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sam]ekL.{(cw]:36;38') = Akbor, the father of Ball-Hanan, Achbor,

AKt].'[wQc];An]nim]<rgt]:ekL,Sac]:w}.'){(cw]:10;10') = Akkad, a city built by Nimrod, Accad,

AKn]<'[luk]:sa};AI<sUiw]<'{(cw]:36;27') = Akan, a son of Ezer,

AEK;ltm'[SUn]pL,lUit]:An]mI;him];wQc];ey,ruSlqm],{' = Akeldama, N. Field of Blood; Aceldama,

AK}<y'[mUic];Pc],pac],kQc]:Agn],nG];nL:lin]mUic];krit].s]{ = Achaia, N. a narrow strip of territory in Greece,

AK}<y'[es:tgn]:nG];mUic];krik].mUiw]:kgn],{ = Achaia or Achaea,[a province of ancient Greece,(Ro.15:26,)],


;ltI:wQc];lUc]Aqp];fSt].nn].'(1ekL;16;17){ = Achaicus, a Christian of Corinth who, along with Stephanas

and Fortunatus, visited apostle Pau at Ephesus,

AKGac].'[pn]eAL;sL,AL,nL,hQt];eSmQw];mQw];'hn]lUv]:sgm];Tuc];k}.SU:hQt];'{= Permission, N. formal consent,

AKGac].lIl}:lgt]:' = Privilege,

AKGac].hQt];l}:'(Am],mI;AKGac].hQt];l}:')' = Permitted, right, lawful, (not permitted),

AsnUt].eT;pUw],'[Agc]:tI:An]mI;him];Kgp],lqn]lin]np].Tla};pgt];san];'{(eyL;19;34') = Aznoth

Tabor, a place near the southern boundary of Naphtali,

Asmun],'[tI:lqn]lin]sap]:pgt];san];mUic];yut{(TUin],34;4')= Azmon, a place on the southern border of Judah,


p];Kic];'El:naw]'{= Acetaminophen, N. a crystalline substance, C8H9NO2, used as a headache and pain reliever and to

reduce fever,

Aes,KL,'[wQc];mUic];yutL.An]mI;him];wQc];SUw];KUw];'{(eyL;10;10') = Azekah, a city of Judah near Socoh,

AesL;' [KUiw];pU,mgn],sw]:ey,Su{ = Azor, [a son of Eliakim,(Mt 1:13-14)],

ASeK<lun],'[wQc];lUc]nG];mUic];Pilit].StihL:wQc];nn].wQc];nuic]:'{(eyL;13;3') = Ashkelon, one of the

five principal cities of the Philistines,

AStgt].'[wQc];nG];Pilit].StihL:wQc];'{(eyL;11;22')= Ashdod, one of five chief cities of the Philistines,


l:pQn]wQc];cw]:cun];hup]:tI:lgc]:pQn]Krit]:yan],pan]mUiw]:sw].sw].nn].'{ = Ashdod, N. a town in W Israel: an

important ancient Philistine city; early center of Christianity,


hL;1;4'eyL;9;10') = Ashtaroth, a city east of the Jordan River; the home of Og king of Bashan; Ashteroth Karnaim,


;1;4'){(cw]:14;5')= Ashteroth Karnaim, a city in which the Rephaim lived during the invasion of Chedorlaomer,

ASEp;l'[luk]:sa};pqn]<yL,min],'pQn]pU,mgn],kUn];KUiw];ASEp;l'{(cw]:46;21')' = Ashbel, a son of Benjamin,

ASrIey,'[sa};kUn];KUiw];Agn],nG];KUiw];mnL;SL<'{kUn];KUiw];ASrIey,'(TUin],26;31')' = Asriel, a man

of the tribe of Manasseh (Jos. 17:2; 1Chr. 7:14), Asrielites,


2;13){' = Asahel, a son of Zeruiah, David’s half-sister, and brother of Joab and Abishai (2 Sam.. 2:18),

ASak]:'AL,yu'sBw]:KBp],'sBw]:pan]'(lbk]:sa};mG];epL;l}:la}KBp],yw].eA.?) = Age, N.,

ASak]:ekL.nuic]:'ASak]:Sa}sG]SQn]:nuic]:' PwkUn];ekL.nuic]:' = One’s life,

ASak]:Saw];KUp],tc];Saw];Kuin]:nUiw]' = Twenty years old or more, twenty years old and upward,

ASak]:tan];' ASak]:tan];yaw];Sut];' = Life span, maximum life span,

ASak]:TBn]:yG],pQn]kBn];lBc]'pan]Tan]:yG],' = Mature, adj. grown-up, maturer, maturerest,

ASak]:pan]sac]:kUit],luk]:l}:'(Em:yic];ekL.ASak]:Ek,pUn].pan]sac]:kUit],luk]:l}:yw].)= Childbearing

age: A woman who was past childbearing age,

ASak]:pan]Tan]:yG],' = Age of majority,

ASak]:pa};mak]:mI;'(Kaw];mI;Sun],hQt];hG]:Kiun]:Sc].Kiun]:Suc]Aic]niUw]kL:Kn]lin]hiUn];) = Economic Life,


w]:KUp],ep.tUw]lInc],mI;pk];pUic]mk];ma}w}.){ = Underage, adj. lacking the required age, especially that of legal maturity,

ASak]:pgt];' (Kt];-ASak]:yaw];')' = Short-lived, (ant: long-lived),

ASak]:Pw' ASak]:' Sa}sG]' = Life, N.,

ASak]:PwSL,sG]' = Sustaining life,

ASak]:PwEt,mL;mUiw]:sp];tgc].' = Life Begins at Conception,

ASak]:Pwpan]kUn];An]lITiSut];' = Best life, live your best life,

ASak]:PwTL,wrL.' ASak]:TL,wrL.' = Eternal life,


/mn]:KUic],kuim];lI') = Life endurable: Wisdom makes life endurable,

ASak]:PwmI;wivin],mUt];sac],tQm]w}.pik];pik];' = Spirit-filled life,

ASak]:PwmG];tc];sUw]:tc];sat]:' = Your whole life,

ASak]:PwmG];An]tibk].kibt];mI;w}.yB,n}.etpQn]ASak]:PwAn]lITiSbt];mG];yB,yw].'= The

rest of your life will be the best of your life!

ASak]:Pwwa};ta}'[sat]:nL:'sat]:etmL;'{ = Life after death, afterlife, future life, the life to come,

ASak]:PwAn]Am],Sut];Am],SQc]:' = Unending life, immortality,

ASak]:mI;Sip];pqt],KUp],' = Eighteen years of age,



.'{' = Life expectancy, expectation of life,

ASak]:mG];mI;la}KUp],yw].?"ASak]:mG];tQm]18KUp],yw].hL.?" = How old are you? Are you 18 years old?,

ASak]:yaw];'hG]:ASak]:yaw];' = Long-lived, longevity, N.,

ASak]:yaw];'(la};nan]Tw]:ASak]:yaw];)= Longevity, N. the length or duration of life: Anti-aging and Longevity,

ASak]:yG],'ASak]:TBn]:yG],pQn]kBn];lBc]'pan]Tan]:yG],'yG],TUn]:'= Grown-up, adj. mature; old,


')'(num],eS'ekL.lQk].) = Older, adj.“ The older will serve the younger.” (Gen.25:23; Ro.9:12;),(ant: younger),

ASak]:yiun];yaw];'ASak]:tan];'ASak]:tan];yaw];Sut];'= Life span, maximum or full life span,

ASak]:lip];yU,' yU,' yU,Sw];' mI;yU,' = Live, lives, alive,

ASak]:lip];yU,' ASak]:mI;sG]yU,'(sw]:-'ekL.-') = Living One,

ASak]:lQk].'num],'kUn];num],'[Am],Tw]:'lQk].'{ = Young, adj. N. not old, younger, youngest,

ASin]KrI<tt].'[Krit]:yan],nG];mUic];hUw];m'(rUw];16;14){' = Asyncritus, N. (Ro.16:14),

ASqm],plI,hQt];pk];piBc]' = Assembly,

ASqm],plI,sak]:'[KUic]:la}mQw];tL,Aw]SG],hUm]:kn]hQt];pQn]sak]:luk]:nuic]:{ = Assembly, N.(Machinery),


8){' = Assyria, an ancient empire in SW Asia. Capital: Nineveh,

ASUw]<k'[ta}232kpK'pQn]Kun]ehLKm];Ain];tiyekL.Aw]pa};yum],ym]put].ThQt];pQn]SL,SnL,mUic];'{ = Asoka,

N. died 232 b.c., Buddhist king in India 269?-232? b.c.; Indian emperor who elevated Budhism to the official state religion,

AES;nt].'[em;yUw];Sqp]:El:Em:mnL;SL<'{(cw]:41;45') = Asenath, wife of Joseph and mother of Manasseh,

ASYnL,'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];yutmI;tin]lg}pgt];tUk];'suiw]:Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;33')= Ashnah, a city,

ASYnL,'[suiw]:wQc];/wan]:Sgc]tI:nG];pp].kYam];eyL;Su'{(eyL;15;43') = Ashnah, the name of two villages,

ASYan];'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};''{(eyL;15;42') = Ashan, a city of the Levites; Bor Ashan,


m]hG]:mI;Sun],mI;man]n}nn].'{(ASgc],tp].nm].mUic];yU<Aqt].S]n}.pQn]Ep.tUw]nuic]:') = Mascot, an animal, person, or

thing adopted by a group as its represent symbol and supposed to bring good luck: The U.S. Navy mascot is a goat,

Atm],mL.'[wQc];np].Tla};An]mI;tp].Kam],tuik];kqt],EKw}.'{(eyL;19;36')= Adamah, a fortified city of Naphtali,

Atm],m};en,Kqp].'[wQc];Tuc].pQc];Ek;lI,lI;An]mI;nUiw]lqn]lin]sap]:kUn];np].Tla};'{(eyL;19;33')= Adami

Nekeb, a place in lower Galilee on the border of Naphtali,

AtL.tL,'[wqc];lUc]mUic];yutpgt];san];wQc];nuic]:'{(eyL;15;22') = Adadah, a city in southern Judah,

AtiTAim];'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];yutTuc].lin]pQc];'{(eyL;15;36') = Adithaim, a city in the lowland of Judah,


) = Adummim, a pass leading down from the hill country surrounding Jerusalem to the lowland of Jericho and Jordan,

AtUw]niep,sqk]:'[Kun]ehLKm];wQc];ep,sqk]:'{(Sin]1;5') = Adoni-Bezek, a king of Bezek,

Atulm],'[suiw]:wQc];El:Tm]:An]nuic]:'{(cw]:38;1'm}KL,1;15') = Adullam, the name of a city and a cave,


(man],27;2'){ = Adramyttium,[an important seaport of the Roman province, in NW Asia Minor. As a prisoner, Paul

boarded a ship of Adramyttium],

ATrim];'[Agc]:tI:tI:nuic]:An]tqm]:mgk]:kgc].ka},w}.sgm];Kaw];nG];Kw];tac];Agk],pa}:'{(TUin],21;1')' = Atharim, a

place mentioned in connection with the exodus,

ATrWt].'[wQc];Pa},Agk],hgc]:eyL;tan],'suiw]:SI,tI:nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],32;3')' = Ataroth, a town east of Jordan,

ATrWt].AtL;'[tI:lqn]lin]sap]:Pqn],lin]AI<Prim],tc];pqn]yL,min],'{(eyL;16;5') = Ataroth Addar, a

place along the border of Ephraim and Benjamin,

ATqt].'[tI:epL.Kw]:nG];nL;'{(cw]:50;10')' = Atad, either a person or a place referred to in Genesis 50:10-11.

The ‘threshing floor of Atad’,

ATB;mn];' = Particularly,

AJTgt].SUw]Pn],'[wQc];Pa},Agk],hgc]:eyL;tan],'{(TUin],32;35')' = Atroth Shophan,

AnTUt].'[suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.El:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;21;18'1Kun]2;26'1puin];7;8')= Anathoth,

the name of two men and one city in the Old Testament,

Ank].'[luk]:sa};AL,pL.'{(TUin],13;28')' = Anak, a son of Arba,


= Anatomy, N. the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants; a skeleton, anatomies,

Ant].'[AU:SYqm];kL;'{(Sin]3;31'5;6') = Anath, the father of Shamgar,


(es<14;26'Kuin];21;22')= Omnipotent, adj. almighty or infinite power, omnipotence, N.,

Anm]<'kUn];KUiw];Anm]<'[Aqn];nnim]<'{(cw]:10;13') = Anamites, Ananim,

APqk].'[suiw]:wQc];KUiw];KL,nn],mUiw]:kgn],SI,wQc];'{(eyL;12;18')= Aphek, name of four ancient Canaanite towns,

Anap]<'[wQc];nUiw]lg}nG];mUic];yut'{(eyL;11;21') = Anab, a town on the mountain of Judah,

AnL,hL,rt].'[wQc];nG];hUv]:ey,srI:An]Aw]EPpn]kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];AiSKL,'{(eyL;19;19') = Anaharath, a

town in the valley of Jezreel allotted to the tribe of Issachar,

Anim];'[wQc];nG];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;50') = Anim, a town in the hill country of Judah,

ApK(kgn],pI<Krit]:)El:' pK(pI<Krit]:)' = B.C/BC [Before Christ] & AD

Aprim];'(lg})[Sn]lg}Aprim];'{(ehL;32;49') = Abarim, Abarim range,

AprUw];nL,'[tI:kUn];KUiw];AiSer;Kw]pk];pac]Sw];tI:nuic]:nG];pL,TUin],hUk].luik].lUc]'{(TUin],33;34')= Abronah,

one of the encampments of Israelites in the wilderness,

ApL.'[eKL:kGam];JAL,em;yik].An]pQn]tL,hgc].AU:nn].'{(rUw];8;15) = Abba, N. an Aramaic word for father,

Apip]<'[lUin]sQt];nG];nuic]:pI<kUn];KUiw];kYO;Kw]nn].'{(Agk],13;4) = Aviv, or Abib, the seventh month of the

Jewish year, equivalent to Nisan of the modern Jewish calendar.Ex.13:4&34:18,

Apqt]en,kUw];'(sa};)(Apqt]<en,kUw];) = Abednego, [Daniel 1]


;2;13){' = Abishai, the oldest son of Zeruiah, David’s half-sister, and the brother of Joab and Asahel (2 Sam.. 2:18),

ApinUm]<'[AU:pL,rk].'(Sin]4;6){ = Abinoem, [the father of Barak,(Jud.4:6; 12: 5:1)],

Apilin]<'[AUic],/wQc];An]sw]:fL.l},eS;niyAup].(luk].3;1){ = Abilene, a district in tetrarch of Lysanias,

Apieh;l'[AU:surIey,'suiw]:PU:sa};3El:Em:yic];2nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],3;35') = Abihail, the father of Zuriel,

ApI;mlqk].'[Kun]ehLKm];Aup].mUic];kI;rL<{= Abimelech, [a king of Gerar,(Gen.20:1-18;26:1-31)], Abimelek,

ApI;mlqk].'[perL;hQk]:mUiw];pan]et;wit].'{ = Abimelech, [a priest in the time of David,(1Chr.18:16)],

ApI;mn];' kL:pg};sL;' = Broker fees,


Abimael, the ninth of the 13 sons of Joktan, a descendant of Shem,

Apbm],'pibn];lgc]:mG];pQn]'piun];pQn]' lgc]:An]pQn]' = Story,

Apbm],Tbk],mqn]:sG]Tut],mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]: = Favorite Bible Stories from Bible,

Apum],pgt];'[Aw]puin];pQn]Sgn]kn]'Apum],pgt];pqt];mI;sn].{ = Apologue, N. a didactic narrative; a moral fable,

Apum],pgt];'[puin];pQn]kqp]:kqp]:'Aum],pgt];pqt];Sgn]kn]'{ = Short story, apologue,

Apum],pgt];pqt];'[kGam];Suip],kGam];kUv];/wUn].pQn]Aw]'{ = Fable, N. legends or myths collectively,

ApUw]<lUw];niy'[wQc];nG];mUiw];mqk],sI,tUw];niywQc];nuic]:'(man],17;1'){ = Apollonia, a city of Macedonia,

Ap};tqn]<'[luk]:sa};kitiAgn],n};'{(TUin],1;11')' = Abidan, son of Gideoni,

Ap};t'[luk]:sa};mitYin],ekL.TUn]:SI,(AU:tac];])'{(cw]:25;4') = Abida, Abidah, the forth son of Midian,

Ap};rm],'[suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],(TUin],16;1'El:1Kun]16;34'SL,106;17'){= Abiram, the name of

two people in the Old Testament,

Ap};hu'[luk]:sa};AL,run],El:EA,la};SYpL.'{(Agk],6;23')' = Abihu, a son of Aaron and Elisheba,

Ap};ASp].'[luk]:sa};/sUiw].KUiw];Sa}SUip],KUw]<rL,'{(Agk],6;24')' = Abiasaph, a son or descendant of Korah,


36'mak].2;26'){ = Abiathar, [a priest of Israel and a companion of David.(I Sam. 22:20; II Sam. 15:24-36)],

Ap};AIsL,'[sac]:pQn]ekL.lQw]kn]tc];ey,AIsL,'{(TUin],26;30'eyL;17;2')= Abiezer, the son of Hammoleketh

(Josh.17:2; 1 Chr.7:18). Possibly this Abiezer is the same person as Jeezer (Num.26:30); two Old Testament men, Jeezer,

Ap};Aut].'[KUiw];pU,mgn],sw]:ey,Su{ = Abiud, [a son of Zerubbabel who is an ancestor of Jesus,(1 Chr 3:10)],

ApYt]:' = Sin,

ApYt]:tuiw]tn]tc];la}' = Willful sins,


wa},sG]Kuin];') = Cycles of sin: illustrate cycles of sin and repentance,

ApYt]:mQw];TUik]:l}:ta}ygn].'(1ygn]<5;16') = Sin that leads to death,


Agn]Pit];tac];pUic]:tac];nn]' = The worst sin a leader can commit is to knowingly mislead.

APQk].KL,'[wan]:nUiw]lg}mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;53') = Aphekah, a village in the hill country of Judah,


kGam];hI;RpO;) = Apollyon, N. the destroyer; the angel of the bottomless pit, Abaddon,

AEP;lit].'[Krit]:yan],kUn];sa};nG];mUic];rUw];mekL.An]KU;wL;lUc]epL;lSUc],kGam];tUc].tk].Tuic](rUw];16;10){' =

Apelles, N. a Christian at Rome to whom apostle Paul sent greetings (Ro.16:10),


mI;mgk]:Sip];AQt];lan].sQt];Sqn]lk];pn],mUn];'{' = Africa, N. a continent S of Europe and between the Atlantic and

Indian oceans. About 11,700.000sq.mi.,

Afrikpgt];hgc],' = North Africa,

Amlqk].'[luk]:sa};EA,lifL.El:pQn]lan]sa};AI<eSL;'(cw]:36;12'1puin];1;36'SL,83;7){' = Amalek, the

son of Eliphaz and grandson of Esau,

Amt]:l}:' = Score,

Amt]:l}:98' = Scored 98,

Amt]:l}:miUw]:Puk],Pc]Alac];'(lin]hiUn];Tuc].lin]pQc];)= Investment Entry Point (Urban Real Estate)

Amt]:fikUw]SkUw]<' = FICO Score,-The three-digit number, ranging from 300 to 850, by Fair, Isaac & Company,

Amm];'[wQc];KL,nn],pgt];san];pn]yut'{(eyL;15;26') = Amam, a town in southern Canaan assigned to Judah,

Amac],klL,' kam],ha}.' = Misfortune, plight, dilemma,

Amat]:'[Kun]kgn];lum];JtL;ehLKm];'{ = High official of the royal court or king’s court,

Aman],Kn]pQn]'[lp].lgc];'luim];sG]l}:'tuin];etpQn]'{ = Without doubt, adv. certainly; assuredly,

Aman],JtL; = Truth,

Aman],JtL;n}.etpUt];pg},pn]SUlgt]:lqw];AiUw]:" = The truth will set you free,

Aman],JtL;lum];lum];'(lgc]:-)(mn];nac];mgk],mn];sa};Aman],JtL;lum];lum];yw].) = Whole truth: She told

him the whole truth,

Aman],JtL;An]Kuiw],Aw]nm].lgn],mgn];mn];w}.AUn]AUn]nG];eKL:kGam];eA,eA,nn].'= Truth

condensed into a few words,

Amic].'eKL:pUc]'eKL:sI.Sc],' = Order, N. An authoritative direction or instruction, a command,

Amic].pg},Agk],Tgc],' = Parole, N.,

Amit].t};(AU:perL;Pqt].yUw];nL.) = Amittai,[the father of Johan the prophet (2 Kings 14:25-27)]

AmiSYta};'[AU:Aeh<sL,'{(TUin],1;12')' = Ammishaddai, the father of Ahiezer,

Amintqp].[AU:EA,la};SYpL.ekL.pQn]em;AL,run],{(Agk],6;23)= Amminadab, father of Elisheba, Aaron’s wife,

Amintqp].'[luk]:sa};rqm];(mqt]:1;4')AU:nL,Sun],'(luk].3:33'{ = Amminadab, an ancestor of Jesus,

Amintqp].' [luk]:sa};rqm];{ = Amminadab, [a tribe of Judah, (Num 1:7)],

Amihut]<'[AU:AI<la};SYm'suiw]:kUn];sa};hL:ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(TUin],1;10') = Ammihud, the father of Elishama,

AmBv],'[Kgc]pBv]:pU,mgn],'lin]Kgc]pUv]:'{AmBv],Kgc]pBv]:' = Inheritance, N. legacy; estate, inhritage,

AmBv],tL,kBn];ybm],mat]:' = Heritage of the believer,

AmUv],TL,wrL.An]pn]ktiw}.' = Promised eternal inheritance,

AmUv],nUiw]lin]mUic];' = Earthly heritage,

AmUv],nG];mUic];kac]haw]' = Heavenly heritage,

AmUv],hqc]:EK,El,'(lin]tqk],Kap],/hqc]:EK,El,') = Weary inheritance, inheritance or heritage when it

was parched or eary: parched land,

AmUw];niy'(pQn]Tat]:An]yip];tuiw];tI:tUik]:kt];tLhQt];hG]:mn];kt];nn].')(NH 3)' = Ammonia, a colorless,

pungent, suffocating, highly water-soluble, gaseous compound, NH 3 , usually produced by the direct combination of nitrogen

and hydrogen gases: used chiefly for refrigeration and in the manufacture of commercial chemicals and laboratory reagents,



Ln}:KI:tUiw],'{ = Ammonium chloride, N. a white, crystalline, water-soluble powder, NH 4 Cl, which produces a

cooling sensation on the tongue, used chiefly in the manufacture of dry cells, in electroplating, and in medicine as an expectorant,

Amb'[lgc]:An]Kun]Kw]sgp],Tam]hLcUin]:mn];/plik]:Aw]Aey;/sg};JtL;nG];lum];/{' = Case, N.,

Amb'(mn];tac],Amunqn]:nLlInn].eSSan]K t];pk];pUic]An]yuin]:ygn];mL;nn].w}.yw].)' = Case, N: He

presented a strong case against the proposed law.

AmukUn];sUn]'(lgc]:-)' = Robbery,

AmukUn];lk].'(lgc]:-)' = Burglary,

AmbekY,eA;kn]' = Settlement Case

AmuKac].Km]' = Lis Pendens, - “Lawsuit Pending”,

Amuca}:yUw];yUw];Agn],Kw]'(Amuca}:yUw];yUw];Agn],Kw]nn].kUn];mUic];Kw]tqp];tt];hc];kUv];') = Simple cases,

AmusUn]eSAw]ta}kUn];' = Dacoit, a member of a gang of armed robber or murderer,(in India & Burma)

Ambsibw]:libw];lgc]:hQt];Pit];rL,wBt]:tam],nk];' = Infamous crime,

AmbSI;wI;l]sbic]:kBn];' = Civil case,

AmbSI;wI;l]' = Civil Lawsuit,

AmuvL;Aw]ta}kUn];' = Homicide,

Ambtam],ta}' = Capital (crime)

AmbTQc]Tgc]kn]' TQc]Tgc]kn]'(lgc]:-') = Controversy,

Controversies to which the United states shall be a party, =


Amunqn]:nLlI'(kw]mI;Amunqn]:nLlInn].w}.yU,kw]lp].lgc];wL:lum];JtL;etkm].sg}:hw];yU,) = Strong case,

AmbpBt];Ka}.sgm]sibc]:Agk],lbm];pqt]:' = Case of the Removal of the President,

AmumG]cuin];kn]'pQn]Amukn]'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Lawsuit, N. a case in a court of law involbing a claim,

complaint, etc. by one party against another; suit at law, lawsuits,


n];eKL;kUn];ekL.nuic]:tuit].sn]hut].eKL;kUn];ekL.l}:Kam],nn].epL;ta}'{' = Chokehold case,

Amulgc]:hQt];mw]mac]' = Neglect case,

AmuAw]f};sut],hiUn];' = Arson,

AmuAw]ta}kUn];TUik]:tam],ta}' = “Capital Murder”, (first degree murder),

AmuAw]mit]:tqc];kn]' = Stabbing case, penetrating, piercing,

AEm,rik'mUic];AEm,rik'kun]AEm,rik' = America, N. the United States of America,

Aem,rikAgn]tac];'[pgc],wL:pL,sL;mUic];AEm,rikw}.Agn]tac];Am],sG]:tL,mUic];AEm,rikkUv];{= America First,

Aey;'(yL,w}.Aey;mn];)' = Case, N. matter: get off someone’s case,(Idiom),

Aey;'(Am],pgc],Aey;Sc]'Am],pgc],lgc]:Sc]')'lgc]:'(lgc]:n}.)' = Matter: Don’t matter; this matter,

Aey;yG],'Kiuk].'lm],lgc]:Sam]Kan];'lm],lgc]:' = Important, adj.: it’s so important, importance, N.,

ArSL,'ArSL,tac];hU.'[tac];wan]{(Am],sG]:ArSL,tac];hU.kYO;Kw]) = Flavor, N. taste: non-Jewish flavor,

Arac];lUc]'Alac];lUc]' = Large-cap, - designating a company, or a mutual fund that invests in companies,

with a market capitalization of $5 billion or more. ,

Aram];Ain];tqk].s]' = ARMS Index, Also known as Trading Index (TRINS) ,

ArL,'[!Em,rL,@n}ekL:hgc].'pQn]Agc]:tI:nuic]:nG];mUic];KL,nn],pgt];hgc],An]mI;sm]wQc];S};tn],'{(eyL;13;4')= Arah, a

form of Mearah, a place in northern Canaan near Sidon,


7;10') = Arah, a son of Ulla, of the tribe of Asher, and a man (1 Chr. 7:39; Ezra 2:5; Neh. 7:10),

Arit].S]tUw]Ker,SI<' = Aristocracy,


Sgn]EA,lqk].sn];tL;lUc]nn].{' = Aristotle, N. 427-347b.c, Greek philosopher,


nn].'(rUw];16;10){' = Aristobulus, N. a Roman to whose household apostle Paul sent greetings (Ro.16:10),

Arit].STL;Kt]<'[Kun]Aup].pUic],ekL.lITiSut];pQn]kUn];sL,tiwQc];Tit].SL,elL;nik]:'(tman],sw]:'20;4'{ =

Aristarchus,[best ruler, native of Thessalonica,]


JPL;PQc],pQc];An]hUp].TUp];kn]nG];kac]pac],nUiw]kgc];nn].{ = Areopagus, N. a hill in Athens; It denotes also the

council or court of justice which met in the open air on the hill,

Arimety'(wQc];) = Arimathea, A town in ancient Palestine,(Mt 27:57; Jn 19:38),

ArUw],AL;[wQc];sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],kqt]<Kuin];Em;mG],{(TUin],32;34')= Aroer, a town restored by the descendant of Gad,

ArumL,'[wQc];tI:ApI;mlqk].kGL,Sw];yU,w}.mUiw]:mn];sa};l}:Kam],luip]:Agk],wQc];SYqk];Kqm],nn].'{(Sin]9;41')= Arumah,

a town where Abimelech stayed when he was expelled from Shechem,

Aer;piy'[kun]ygn],nG];kun]AL,SYL.sQc],san];wn];tUk];nn].'(klL,ti1;17){= Arabia, N. a peninsula in SW

Asia; also called Arabian Peninsula,

AErla};'[luk]:sa};kqt]<'pQn]cw]:kUn];KUiw];AErla};'{(cw]:46;16') = Areli, a son of Gad,

AerLta};'[luk]:sa};kqt]<'pQn]pUic]tqm]:suiw]:ArWt].'{(cw]:46;16')' = Arodi, a son of Gad; a form of Arod,

Almun],'[wQc];perL;hQk]:nG];KUiw];pqn]<yL,min],'{(eyL;21;18') = Almon, a priestly town in the tribe of Benjamin,

AlmUt].'[eKL:kGam];hI;RpO;pQn]hUw]eKL:El:lqp]:etpQn]eKL:kGam];sG].Pa},h},tuic]:'{' = Alamoth, a Hebrew word,

AlemL;tqt]<'[luk]:sa};ygk].Tn],'{(cw]:10;26'1puin];1;19-23)' = Almodad, a son of Joktan,

AlwL.'[Kun]mUic];AI<tum],ekL.nuic]:'{(cw]:36;40') = Alvah, a chief of Edom; also spelled Aliah,

AlwI;lL,'[tqw];hUik],KQw]:lup],mI;hU;Agn],'kYic],kYa};wL,'{ = Alveolar, (Anatomy) adj.N. alveolar ridgeto; gingival,

Alp]<'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];AL;SYL;'{(Sin]1;31') = Ahlab, a town of Asher,

Alm]mlqk].'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];AL;SYL;'{(eyL;19;26') = Allammelek, a town of the tribe of Asher,

Alac];' ciun];tiun];' = Principal, prime, paramount, a capital sum,

Alac];' ek;lac];'(cuin];Puk],Pac]Alac];w}.') = Principal,(a principal investment),

Alac];l}:pn]' ciun];SQc]:' = Costs, the prices paid to acquire ,

Alac];l}:pn]tL,sgm];lc]sw]:ey,Su' = Cost of following Jesus,

Alac];km].'Alac];km].mn];' = It’s up to the ---,

Alac];put]:tqn];pn]' = Principal of Substitution,

AlUw],'lUw],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)[mqw];sm]pQn]lUw],mI;Aic]lUv]:cw];la};{ = Need, N. urgent want,

AlUw];&' AlUw];enL&'AlUw];lUw];&' =“Wow!”

AlU;wI,ym],'(Sa};Pgc]hin]Pgc]lgc]:nm].mL;kgc]w}.sQm]kgn],') = Alluvium,

AlU<mnQt].'(Kqm]<miSJTI,)[kUiw]tL,ePL,nm].Aqt].Sit].AlU<mInm]h},Jtgk].s}.{' = Aluminate, N.ALO4,

Algc];'An]Et,hL'(Et,hLkt];mL;(JPL;put].TAlgc];') = Incipient, N. beginning to exit or appear; an initial

stage: an incipient cold; an incipient Buddha, incipency, N.,

Alg};'(Alg};=n}.pQn]kgn]Eh:elL;El;)' = Alloy, mixture, substance composed of two or more metals,

Alg};tgc];lqc]tc];Sgt]:elL;kn]' = Brass, any of various metal alloys consisting mainly of copper and zinc.,

Awit].'[wQc];cw]:mUic];eh<tt].'Kun]ehLKm];mUic];AI<tum],'{(cw]:36;35') = Avith, the capital city of Hadad,


2;23')' =Avvites, the name of a tribe of Canaanites and a town of the territory of Benjamin, Avvim, Avim, Avites,

AhI;mlqk].'[perL;Pqt]:ekL.An]eSL;Aw]mn];ta};ygn].mn];sg}:et;wit].'(1Sqm];21;1-9'){= Ahimelech,[a

priest who was kill by Saul for helping David(I Sam. 21:1-9)], Ahimelek,

AhUw];lipmL,'[em;AI<eSL;ekL.nuic]:'{(cw]:36;2')= Oholibamah, a wife of Esau, Aholibamah,

AhUw];lipmL,'[ekL.pQn]sw]:Kun]kUn];AI<tum],'{(1puin];4)= Oholibamah, the chief an Edomite clan; Aholibamah,

AhUw];lYqp].'[luk]:sa};Aha};Smk]<kUn];KUiw];tqn]<'{(Agk],31;6') = Oholiab, a son of Ahisamak; Aholiab,

Ahust]:'[t};ekL.Kun]ehLKm];ApI;mlqk].mUic];kI;rL<{(cw]:26;22) = Ahuzzath, a friend of Abimelech,

Aeh<sL,'[luk]:sa};AmiSYta};'suiw]:sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(TUin],1;12') = Ahiezer, son of Ammishaddai,

Aha};Smk]<'[AU:AhUw];lYqp].kUn];KUiw];tqn]<'{(Agk],31;6') = Ahisamak, a father of Oholiab and the tribe of Dan,


1;10')' = Ahiman, one of three descendants of the Anakim,


Ahiram, the third son of Benjamin, also called Ehi (Gen. 46:21) and Aher (1 Chr. 7:12),

Aha};rL.'[luk]:sa};AI;nn],'{(TUin],1;15')' = Ahira, son of Enan,

Aha};hut]<'[luk]:sa};SYilUw]m};'PU:Agn]hUw]KUiw];AL;SYL;'{(TUin],34;27') = Ahihud, son of Shilomi,


tqk],pa}:SQc]AUn]Ak];Ak];) = Rout, to disperse in defeat and disorderly flight: to rout an army, routed, routing,

Ak].KUw],'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]KL,nn],'{(Sin]1;31') = Akko, a city of Canaan; Acco; Accho,

Ak].sip].'[suiw]:Sgc]wQc];nG];mUic];AiSer;'{(eyL;15;44') = Akzib, the name of two town in Israel; Achzib; aczib,

Ac]'Ey,'yUiw],'[An]Ait]Aw]nm].yw].eSkuit];w}.{(Ey,TUw],PU;')(Ac]hUn];') = Dreg, N. sendiment;

lees: dregs of Tofu, dregs,

At].sn],'[AU:PLlTIey,'{(TUin],34;26') = Azzan, the father of Paltiel,

At].Al};y'[wQc];tI:Pc],pac],la},wQn]Pqm]fI;liynG];mUiw];TUiw]<kI<pan]mG].'(man],14;15)'{ = Attalia, a city

on the sea coast of Pamphylia in modern Turkey,

An]'An]niuc]:'An]lQw]'lqw];' = Singular, adj. N. being the only one, odd, unique; a form in singular,

An]'KUw];'Kgc]'Kam],'ekL.Kam],' = Object,

An]'KUw];lQc];KiUc]:piUc]'KUw];/KUic]:An]-' = Material, N., materials,




n]hac]:'An]hU.An]hn]'An]Aw]Aw]pn]') = Something, Pronoun, adv.,

An]kp];'Pk];kp];'[mQw];An]SG],sgm];tL,hac]:KUic]:mn];/kp];kin]hG]:mn];tUiw];wan]nn].{' = Garnish, N.,

An]km]mn]:pn]:kqn],'kqt],pn]'= Fortification, N. the act of fortifying; somethin that forties or portect,

An]kw]KG]:wL:n}.Et.' = What I’m saying is that,

An]kw]Sgn]pn]yU,n}.mn];Am],sG]:tac];emLkw]' = My teaching is not my own,

An]kw]tuik].mI;kuit];w}.tc];mUt];n}.'[pUin]:Aw]kGL,mUt];El:mn];kuit];w}.An]n}.kUv];{= All I’ve got left,

An]kw]l}:Kam],pUt]kan]pqt]:n}.mn];Am],lIeSAit];" = “It’s not good that I got laid off.”


lL,n}.?'{ = What is this I hear about you?


hU.yw].yin];yw].eSAm],kL;pgc],sG]w}.hc];PG]yw].nn].{ = Which I wish I didn’t need to say,

!An]kw],n}.lIlUiw]"@!An]kw],n}.lIlUiw]AUiw]:"@ = “The old is better.”

An]kw],An]lQw]'[lat]:lgc]:lIKan].nL,km];lG]ekL:wL:/En/pQn]Sm].la};lQw];{= Same old same old,

An]kw];sG]Kuin]:'sG]kw];sG]Kuin]:'hqc];kw];sG]Kiun]:' = Feisty spirit,

An]kam],lI/man]/mI;Sun],'lItI:An]wL:' = Fortunate, adj., fortunately, adv.,

An]kL:sat]:/sUic];' hQt];pg};Sqc];' = Dramatic, adj. of or pertaining to the drama,

An]kit],Ka}.l}:' An]kit],mQw];sac]:Ka}.l}:' = Movable obstruction,

An]kit],tac];El:Ka}.l}:' = Moveable obstructions,( golf ),

An]kit],Am],Ka}.l}:' = Immoveable obstructions,( golf ),

An]kqt],Eh.'[Kgn]<tm],{' = Prophylactic, N. a device used to prevent conception or venereal infection; condom,

An]kqp]:mn];'tI:kqp]:mn];'Sp];lqc];pgt];pgt];'mgk],EntI:kqp]:' = Brief, adj., briefly, adv.,

An]kum],wUn].hLES.hLEn;' = Debunk theory,


,pqt]:srac];cuin];kU:'(kU:pn]') = Loan, N. a certain sum of money by a lender to borrower to be repaid w/ or w/out

interest: cancel loan; make a loan,

An]Ek,'Ek,'[Pk];KQw]/m}.An]Am],num],yw].nn].'{(kw]mk].kan]:Pk];kat],Ek,)= Coarse texture, not tender: I

enjoy the sores texture of this mustard,

An]Ek:K}' ekL.Ek:K}'An]Ek:lit]:' = Solver,

An]kuic].kc].'(An]kuic].kc].tgc].m}:'(An]kuic].kc].tUiw].sG]'(An]kuic].kc].KG]:l}:')' = Pang, N. a sudden; spasm: hunger

pangs; a pang of remorse; a pang of desire,

An]kuit];'ciun];kuit];'ciun];Am],pQn]sa},'cuin];Kac].w}.'An]Kac].w}.'= Remainder, N. adj. adv. balance,

An]kiut];mI;w}.' An]Am],tUk],pL;' An]kuit];w}.' = Remainder, residual,

An]kiut];mI;w}.'(kUn];AiSer;sUiw];An]kuit];mI;w}.)'An]kuit];w}.' = Remnant, N. remainder, residue, a trace;

vestige: “The remnant of Israel”(Ro.11),


k]:pn]tam],An]kg}llU.lqw]'kL:kQw],suiw]:SQc]An]kg}lU.lqw]'{' = Monetary damages, includes three broad

categories: Compensatory damages; Punitive damages; Nominal damages,

An]kGL,mL;hQt];Sac]:'[la};w}.nL:tL'AkYac].tac];yam]:{ = Deportment, N. demeanor; behavior; comportment,

An]kYam];mn];'(et,tL,eKL:mun];kYam];mn];)' = Raw, unprocessed or unevaluated,(raw data),

An]Kt];kn]n}.sm].' = In contrast,

!An]Kt];sG]sp];sg};hQt];tL,hiBn];sw]:hw];n}.etpQn]An]hbp],m}:kw]KL:pqt]:nn].yw]."@ =


An]Kp].Kuic]KQn],hac]:KUic]:w}.' hac]:tI,sqc];' = Design, N.,

An]Kw]yum],mat]:w}.nG];mG];nn].etyUp]:ygm];kGL,pqt]:' = They will lose faith in you,

An]Kw]l}:Kam],ES.Sgm];En;tac];Pit];SG],nn].PQc]pQc];JtL;yU,nc],wL:yw].&' = Their

condemnation is deserved or just!

An]Kw],'mUk],Kw],'mak],Kw],'[KUic]:tm];pUic]w}.tL,Kw],hG]:emL;SQc]Klgk];Klgk];/Klik];Klik];{' = Rattle, N. an

istrument contrived to make a rattling sound,




tAw]mG];Kiun]:yG],mG],Suc]hgt]:tI:Kk].sn].mG],mG],lItL,mG];Agc],ep.nn].AUiw]:')'@ = Vindication and victory is

in front of you,


Engagement begins with our closest friends and allies,

An]Kw]:yU,w}.'Kw]:yU,'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Occupancy, N.,

An]Kan]sG]Kan]eKL;' = Miserable forces or principles, beggarly elements; worthless elemental things,

An]KL:mI;KL:pQn]kB:An]An]' = Everything that I am,

An]KI,nQk];tQk];tQc]nk];' = Load of oppression: People cry out under a load of oppression; (Job 35:9),

An]Kibk].yG],tgn];Ek;lBc]tac];lImac],klL,mn];sw]:' = Great measure of His blessing,

An]Kibk].libk].lIAam];' = Extraordinary,

An]KG]]:pn]n}.sm].' = The fact is,

An]sp];sg};hQt];eS,' = Diligent, adj.: diligent hands bring wealth, diligently, adv.,


)' = Morbid, adj. suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude; unwholesomely: a morbid interest in death,

An]sac]:pQn]eP;'[mI;eP;nm]'An]pQn]eP;'{ = Unhealthy, adj. dangerous,

An]sac]:mYat]:tI:KUw];hQt];Agk],km];Suiw]:' = Direct product profitability,

An]sap]:lUv]:' m}:yap],sG]sgm];' = Concern, concerned, concerning,

An]sap]:lUv]:KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];' = Genital, adj. N. of or relating to the sexual organs; genitalia,

An]sqk],sk];mk]ma}pn]wn];miBw];nL:mG];n}.pQn]AI:Sc]?' = What defines your future,

An]sun].kUw]l}:Kam],tI.SUc],Kiun];mUic];kw],' = The risk of deportation,

An]sUm];sgm];'pac]pg};sBm];ybk].ygc]:' = Celebration, N.,

An]sUw];hG]:tUc].nuic]'(n}.pQn]An]sUw];hG]:tUc].nuic]nn].') = A call to action: This is a call to action,

An]sa},mG]kQp];ciun];' = Billing,

An]suiw]:Et.sG]:Et.' = Certainty of the things, exact truth,

An]suiw]:An]sG]:' man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]' man],mqn]:Sibw]:etL,' kibc],cam],Sc],Tbk],' An]Tuk],'

An]mqn]:' = Right, rightness,

An]sg}:hG]:SL,sG]' tI:s}g:hG]:SL,sG]' = Remedy, relief,

An]sG]nim]'An]Tic];sG]l}:' = Composure, N. serene, self-controlled state of mind; calmness; tranquility,


“Better is open rebuke tha hiden love.”(Ps.84:10),


k],'Am],kuic],')' = Suitable, adj. apt, fitting; feat, suitability, N.,(ant: unsuitable)

An]Sac];lac];En' eKL:Sac];lac];' = Explanation,

An]Sac];lac];lInL,n}.' = To illustrate,

An]Sqc],mak],hUw]sG]kUn];' = Coronary, adj.,

An]Sup];hUw]'An]tuiw];hUw]'[mak],hUw]'kup];'pan];kum];'sL.kGL,'{ = Headgear, N. any covering for the head,

An]Sum];];'(nUic];!lgt].nm].mYat]:mn];@)' = Net loss, (compares to “net profit”),

!...'An]SUsuk];tc]:tUw]w}.nUiw]mn];'@ = “…, on which you have taken your stand.”(1Cor.15:1)

An]SUSU;tgc];KG]:l}:KG]:pQn]eSsUiw].eSpUic]' = Something you’re praying about,

An]SUm}:yap],sG]sgm];hQt];pn]kw]kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;'(2ekL;7;7) = Your concerns for me,




c]?')' = Riddle, N. a puzzling question, problem, or matter, riddles,

An]tac]Kgn],w}.' = Tax Lien, -Lien for nonpayment of taxes,

An]tac]w}.tam];sn].' = Junior Lien,-When property is foreclosed, lenders are repaid, it after the first claimant,


n]p},l}:pn]El:kL:KUw];An]p},l}:sa},nn].'epL;Am],sgm];n}Aw]Aey;tI:lum];JtL;l}:'{ = Mechanic’s Lien,

An]tac];kin]wan]'AUn]:nUn];eKYL;lI' = Delicate, adj. N., delicately, adv.,


Remedy, N. relief: “Don’t find fault. Find a remedy. (Quote by Henry Ford),

An]tL,etsac]:l}:' = In order to,

An]tQk];kn].'tQk];kn].hQt];'tQk];kn].' = Rape, raped, raping, rape, N,

An]tqk]:tac];yaw];/kGac]:/yG],'tqk]:' = Measure, to be of a specified measure: a length is measuered in

units, area is measure in square units, and volume is measured in cubic units, measuted, measuring,

An]tqk]:tac];kGac]:'tac];kGac]:'[An]tqk]:/tac];kGac]:Kgp],SI,nL:/SI,sQc],PQc]/Kgp],Sam]sQc],'sL.kGL,'{ = Unit

of area, the unit area of a rectangle, square, triangle, etc., area of,

An]tqk]:tac];yaw];'[An]tqk]:yaw];pgt];mn];Kuip]:/Sgk],/ep,/kqk]./lk];/mI,tL,/kI,lUw],mI,tL,'sL.kGL,'{ = Unit

of length, mesaure of length,

An]tqk]:tac];yG],'[An]Aw]KUic]:tUc]kgk];/KGak]./Ep,/lI,tL,/kL,lan],'sL.kGL,tUc]tUv];'{= Unit of volume,

mesaure of bulk and capacity,

An]tqm]:ma}tac],Puin]tL,w}.kL;' = Parking Registration,

An]tqm]:w}.nn].sm].' An]tqm]:ma}w}.nn].wL:sm].' = It is written,


mn];sUiw];nn].') = Following, the following, that which comes immediately after, as pages, lines, etc.,: See the

following for a list of exceptions,

An]tUc].tgp],hqc];pUn].' = Overreaction,

An]tUc].nuic]pn]Auin]:Auin]:lUc]kGL,' = Swirling events,

An]etmL;n}.' = Up next,

An]etmL;tuik].mI;tc];nm]' = A lot more to come: There’s a lot more to come,

An]etl}:lgt]:eP;' = Safety measure,

An]etl}:lgt]:eP;tc];kL:l}:pn]tL,An]etl}:lgt]:eP;' = Safety measures

compare safety measures prices,

An]Et,tc]:w}.lgt]:lqw];eKLeKLEl:sbm];ekL<pBw]<er;SYin];lBc]pgc]sibc]:' = Independent

Establishments and Government’s Corporations,

An]]; = Actual

An]tuik].kuit];mI;w}.'sUiw];tiuk].kiut];mI;w}.'(nG];Kw]tEp;siUw];tiuk].kiut];mI;w}.')= The rest of: the rest of




c],An]nn].eShQt];hG]:pQn]An]kit],Kgc]:/kw];yL.huk];ha}.nG];nm].pac],la},w}.nn].{ = Undertow, N. underset, riptide,


c]w}.eShQt];hG]:kUn];ekL.nuic]:l}:hp].mI;tL,wUn],pun]:Pgn];mn];nn].'{' = Adhesion, (Contract), contracts of


An]tuin];mI;ApYt]:' mI;ApYt]:w}.' = Sinful, adj., sinfulness, N.,

Poignant, adj. keenly distressing to the feelings: a poignant story, poignancy, N.,= An]tUiw].sG]hqc];'(puin];pQn]A



Sl}:yU,mL;hQt];yw].'@(2ekL;11;27')= I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone

without food,


n].Sc]yw].' = What used to be struggle is not a struggle any more.

An]Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];pn]mqn]:mqn]:'[eKL:sG]:lat]:mqn]:Sc],etL,Kaw];mn];{ = A ruling rightly

given, a word fitly spoken,

An]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:hgc].wL:mG];pQn]PG]' = What God calls you,

An]Tuk],mqn]:sG]Kqm].nL,Kuik].nL,' = Exceptional favor,



t]:nm]lUiw]Tqc]:nn].'!tit];@@ = “Your call has been forwarded to voice messaging system. 1234560789 is not

available. After the tone record your voice message; after recording you may hang up or press one for more


An]TiBk]:lBw],eyL,pn]' = Compensation,(something received or given as an equivalent for services),indemnity,

An]Tgt]:mYat]:l}:pQn]kUn];'yG],Tgt],mYat]:l}:pQn]kUn];'(lgc]:-)' = Divine being,

An]Tgn]kL:srip]:yw].El:kibt];mI;w}.' = Net, “the net produce of all Duties”

An]nn].'mn];' = It

An]nn].' lgc]:nn].' tac];nn].'nn].'nn].pQn]' = That, adj. adv. pronoun,

An]nn].sgc],mn];mqn]:Am],mqn]:KL:?' = Is it right to … or not?

An]nn].n}.pQn]An]Pgm].tBk];lBc];l}:sG]kn]nn].yw]." = It’s a done deal,

An]nn].An]n}. 'hQt];nn].hQt];n}.' ekL.nn].ekL.n}.' = So-and-so,

An]np].Sgn],Kw]:pL;l}:nn].mI;An]nuic]:An]lQw]kUv];' = The only thing that counts,


n]w}.?)= Volume, N. a mass or quantity of something: What makes up (approx.) 80% of human brain’s volume?,

An]num],'num],'[Pk];KQw]/m}.An]Am],p},Ek,'{(Pk];KQw]An]num],An]Ek,)= Tender, adj. N. not har, old, coarse,

etc.: tender and coarse texture of vegetable,

An]/ekL.nuic]:yw].An]/ekL.nuic]:Suip],tam];sgm];lc]kn]eS' = One after another,

An]nuic]:El:An]niuc]:Kgn]:hqc];pn]kn]' = Reinforce one another,

An]nibc]:yw].An]nibc]:'(Sm].Sgn].kn]pQn]mL;An]nibc]:yw].An]nibc]:) = One thing after another,

An]n}.' lgc]:n}.' tac];n}.' n}.' = This, Pronoun.,


Sc]')' = Neither nor: neither the present nor the future,

An]n}.KG]:pgc],wL:' = That means,

An]n}.n}.' tI;n}:n}.' = It is,

An]n}.mn];mqn]:tL,hw];mUin]kn]nc],nn]Et.yw].wn];mUiw]:n}.' = The same is true for us


An]niuc]:n}.' = This one thing,

An]niuc]:An]lQw]kn]'mak],hUw]sG]Pgm].PQc],An]niuc]:An]lQw]kn] ' = Oneness, oneness of heart,

An]ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]lU.lqw]kg}kGL,yw].' = Dream died,

An]/lgc]:ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]Agk],pQn]Et.mL;' = Dream came to pass,

An]pn]tac];sUm];Tuk],sG]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:' = What please God,

An]pw],'SQc]:'mBt];'pw],'lap]:pw],w}.'Pac];'pw],huc]huc]' = Empty, adj. containing nothing; vacant;

unoccupied, emptier, emptiest,

An]pit].Tip],Kibn];' = Bounce

An]pQn]' lgc]:tBc].nibc]' pac]pg};' = Event,

An]pQn]km]:nm]'(nUic];-!km]:pL:eA,@) = Commonly, adv., common, adj.,(compare ‘less commonly’)

An]pQn]km]:nm]' = Commonly,

An]pQn]kGL,pQn]mL;yB,nG];ASak]:PwmG];' = That’s going on in your life,

An]pQn]Kan]sG]'[An]erL;kL,tum].ygn]:tUiw].SG],w}.nn].'{(Ant];TmI,lQp]:hQn];An]pQn]Kan]sG])' = Morbid,

adj. affected by or characteristic of disease: morbid anatomy,

An]pQn]eKL:pn]StiEl:tc];eKL:pn]hqc];sG]pgc];elL;kn]w}.' = Combination of warning

and encouragements,

An]pQn]sgm];lUm];ygc],'(mG];hQt];sgm];lUm];ygc],nn].AUiw]:n}.') = Foolish thing: You’ve done a foolish thing,

An]pQn]tI:tgc];ma}w}.' An]tgc];kuim];'tL,tgc];ma}w}.' = Memorial, adj., memorially, adv.,

An]pQn]Et.Et.' = Reality,

An]pQn]Et.mI;Et.' = Actuality, authenticity, reality,

An]pQn]Et.hQt];Et.'sgm];An]];'(Kt];-Am],sgm];An]];') = Realistic, adj.,

An]pQn]mL;tI:Kgt],ygt];lBp];lc]' = Final outcome,

An]pQn]ygn].tut]:' = Leprous, adj. affected by leprosy.,

An]pQn]lak],lak],la};la};'lgc]:tUc].nuic]sUiw];kqn],ep.lIAam];' = Remarkable events,

An]pQn]w}.Et.'(nn].Am],sG]:An]pQn]w}];)' = Case, N. the actual state of things: That is not the case,

An]pQn]An]hQt];pgk]:lQw]kUv];' = One-time event,

An]pqk],pUin]:'[An]wUn].hn]nG];tL'{(mn];nac];kYOik]:KUw];An]pqk],pUin]:') = Odd, adj. fantastic; bizarre: Her

taste in clothing was rather odd,

An]pqt]:lgk],pqt]:la}' Kgc]pqt]:lgk],pqt]:la}' = Waste matter, refuse,

An]pUn].mL;'[An]pQn]w}.Agn]tac];{(pgt];tgn]:lik]:An]pUn].mL;nn].pL;pYSnL,mL;)' = Foregoing, adj.

previously stated, written, or occurring; preceding, precedent; earlier: The foregoing paragraph presents the problem,

An]pUn].mL;'An]pQn]w}.Agn]tac];' = Forego, forewent, foregone, foregoing,

An]p},Sgn],srac];yw].'srac];Sgn],p},yw].' = Unsettled account, amounts, funds, cash, etc.,

An]epL,pQn]' = Occurrence, happening, the action,

An]epL:/PU:'sa};'tUw]epL:/PU:'(kUn];sa};'k},PU:'mL.epL:')'(Kt];-sa};'tUw]Em:')' = Male,(ant: female),

An]pgm]An]Pac];' = Fraud, deception, falsity,


An]Pn]hn]kac]wn];'Pn]hn]kac]wn];' = Daydreaming, impractical idea, daydream, N.,

An]Pit];'Pit];'Am],sG]:'(mG];/SUPit];w}.yw].')(Kt];-mqn]:'Tuk],')' = Error, N.: You are in error,

defect, slip, mistake, fault, flaw, failing, (ant: correctness,),

An]Pa},tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIsa},TUm]pn]' = Healthcare coverage,

An]JPL;sw]:tUic],pac],pgc]Sac]:pn]lp].lp].' = God’s council, secret counsel of God,

An]JPL;sw]:pn]hG]:hU.' = Word of knowledge from God,

An]JPL;sw]:AQt];lU' = God’s compassion,

An]fac].Sti' ekL.fac].Sti' ekL.tUk],' = Reminder,

An]fac].Stilm],lgc]:Ait];Agt];' = A Few Important Reminders,

An]mn];lIwan]lI'An]hgm]An]hUv];'(Aa}hgm]An]hgm]An]hUv];)' = Savory, adj. N. pleasant in taste

or smell: a savory aroma, savories,

An]mw]'mw]Tgc]ygc]'mw]'(Kt];-nk];') = Light, adj., lighter, lightest, lightweight, adj., (ant: heavy)

An]mw];lw]:mw];yL:'kin]lw]:mw];pqc]:w}.eS,eS,'= Drunkenness, N.,

An]mw];lw]:mw];yL:' kin]lw]:mw];pqc]:w}.eSeS,' = Drunkenness, N.,

An]mat]:ma}' hac]:mat]:ma}' = Symbol, Emblem,

An]man],An]mqn]:' An]sG]:An]sG]:' = Truthful, telling the truth, honest, frank,


,nG];wQc];lUc]hw];n}.'(sum];kL.Ka}n}.pQn]An]mL;mG],nG];puin].tI:emLkan]puin]Kaw],nn].') = Newcomer, N. a person or thing

that has recently arrived; new arrival: She is a newcomer to our city. The firm is a newcomer in the field of advertising,

An]mL;hUm]:hw];n}.hw];sUm];Et.Et.KL:yw].' = Thank you very much for joining us,


sG]:'sG]:' = Right, N., rightness, N.,


=“Something of value”:(Contract), could be money, a promise or an action,

An]mI;cuin];n}.mn];Am],Pit];Sc]kUv];yL,pn]hG]:ciun];mI;mG];nn].kUv];' = There is nothing

wrong to have money, but just don’t let money have you.

An]mI;sG]yU,'kUn];mI;sG]ASak]:lip];yU,' = Living being, living soul,(Gen. 2:7)

An]mI;sG]yU,'(hc];Kw]An]mI;sG]yU,kU:mQw];kU:An]'(ehL;11;6)= Living thing: every living thing belong to them,

An]mI;sG]yB,nG];miBc];kac]haw]' = Living being in heaven,

An]mI;SePL;Suiw]:'lat]:Suiw]:hQt];Suiw]:'(An]-/)' = Uprightness, N.: my uprightness,


kp];etL,kn]eShQt];kan]pQn]kan]kGL,sgm];kn]nn].') = Fabric, N. framework; structure: a fabric of society,

An]mI;tac];yap],Kt];sam];pn],put]:kn]mL;eSmI;tac];muc]:mgc];pgc];elL;kn]w}.' =

Combination of alternating challenge and hope,

!An]mI;tac];lImac],klL,tQm]TUn]:TI;lIcam];w}.'@ =“The fullness of the blessing,”

An]mI;Pa},nL:'[An]mI;/tI:Pa},nL:mn];'(Aqn],TI;rieAL;)'{= Anterior, adj. situated before or at the front of; fore,

An]muc];' An]muc];An]kc]:' = Shelter,

An]mUn];'tUc],mUn];' Kqp];mUn];' tUc],' = Circle, N. a ring, circlet, or crown, round,

An]Em:' yic];' tUw]Em:'(kUn];yic];' k},Em:)'(Kt];-epL:'tUw]epL:'PU:')' = Female,(ant: male),

An]m}:' hqc];f};Agk],tI:An]m}:' = Thermal, thermal energy,

An]ma}w}.sgm];pqk]:tac];' = Pavement Markings,

An]emLAw]sG]piw]nn].sun].pqt]:mUt];mUt];' = Get rid of any distractions,

An]muiw];Kw]hQt];w}.sUiw];nn].'(Kuin];9;20') = Work or works of their hands,


28') = Man-made, the work of men’s hands: man-made gods of wood and stone,

An]muiw];JPL;sw]:hQt];w}.'(AI,2;10')'KUw];muiw];JPL;sw]:hQt];w}.' = God’s handiwork,

An]mUin]'[Puin]mUin]/An]Kuin];hQt];mUin]An]hQt];w}.mI;w}.'{ = Replica, N. a copy or reproduction of a work,

An]mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];' = Speech,

An]mG],sak]:sak]:' mik]:mG],sqt]:sqt]:' = Brand new,

An]mG],n}.mL;yw].' = The new has come,

An]mG];sac]:vL;wUn].K};sG]mqn]:sUiw];nn].' = Point that has accesses your thoughts,

An]mG];SU;ygn];nn].hG]:pQn]tL.'[mG];l}:An]mG];SU;ygn];nn].yw].'{ = Your request is granted,

An]mG];mbc]:mgc];w}.siBw];nn].Sibp],mbc]:mgc];yB,tik];tik];' = Keep your hopes up,

An]mG];yuin];Am],Tuic]l}:Am],mI;Sc]' = Nothing is beyond your reach,

An]yap],nL,AL:lL;tL,sw]:hw];TL,wrL.JPL;n}n}.sgc],yc];mI;Sc]hibw].? = Is anything

too hard for the LORD?

An]yap],nL,AL;lL;tL,JPL;sw]:hw];n}n}.sgc],yc];mI;Sc]hL.?(cw]:18;14') = Is anything

too hard for the Lord?

An]yap],nL,AL;lL;tL,mn];sw]:n}n}.Am],mI;Sc]' = There’s nothing too hard for Him,

An]yL.lqw]PQw]:mUv].'An]yL.lukw];lqw]' = Destruction, N.,

An]yip];An]kqm];'KUw];Kgc]yip];tuiw];' KUw];yip];' = Article, N. articles of use, articles,

An]yum],w}.' pa};yum],' lgc]:yum],' = Ideology, beliefs, ideological,

An]yU,fL.kac]haw]'[An]mI;Puc];tn];KUw];tman],kac]haw]{(2pI,2;10)' = Celestial beings; angelic majesties,

An]yU,mUic];kac]haw]'tUw]St];miUc];kac]haw]' = Heavenly being,

An]eyL,' ciun];eyL,'An]l}:eyL,pn]pqt]:' = Forfeiture, N., forfeits,

An]yuin]Kam],' = Avowal, N.,

An]yg}:yqm];'[lgc]:tac];El:KUic]pUic]An]Am],lm],lgc]:Sc]nn].{' = Trivia, N. trifles; trivialities; pieces,


,126;2') = Great things: “The Lord has done great things for them.”(Ps.126:2),

An]yG],An]lUc]' yG],'lUc]' = Big, adj. adv. N. enormous, great, huge, large, massive, vast,

An]lp].lgc]:kL.kU;Am],nn]kan]kL.Ka}' = “Trade or business secrets,”

An]lm],lgc]:nL,'An]kQw],lUv]:ciun];tuin];' = Capital, ad. highly important,

An]lak],la};'[Kuik].luik].lIAam];'lak],la};'Kqm].nL,'{ = Singular, adj. extraordinary; remarkable; exceptional,


lIygc]:Aam];')'An]lIygc]:Aam];'= Miracle, N. a wonder; marvel: Miracle worker, miracles,

An]lat]:EnsiBw];n}.yL,hG]:pQn]' = Lest

An]lQk].Ait];Agn],kUv];El,nn].' = That’s little.


t.AUiw]:")' = Little things mean a lot,(Those little things mean a lot.),

An]lQk].Agn],Ait];' ekL.lQk].Agn],Ait];' = Little ones,

An]lQw]' lqw];' = Singular,

An]lQw]kn]' miBn]kn]' = The Same,

An]lQw]eKLeKL'kUv];'ekL.lQw]eKLeKL'yB,ekL.lQw]eKLeKL' = Solitary, adj. N. alone; by itself; secluded;

seclusion; recluse, solitarily, adv.,

An]lQw]lqw];' ekL.lQw]lqw];' lQw]' = Single, adj. one only; sole; lone,

An]lqc]' lqc]' SIlqc]' = Red,

An]lqc];'lqc];'Sa}lqc];'f};lqc];'lqc];f};' = Light, N.,

An]lqc];pak]:lp];Sic],'[Sa}lqc];hUiw]:pUic];nG];lp];Sic],{lqc];pak]:lp];Sic],' = Light in the darkness,

An]lqn]:' hqc];f};Agk],tI:An]lqn]:' (An]Aqn],El:kL:n}.pQn]tac];tUc].niuc]hqc];f};lqn]:')= Kinetic

energy,(running and dancing are kinetic activities,)

An]lI' lI'Siuw]:etL,lI' = Good, adj. N. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious,

An]lIKw]:sG]'(epL;Am],mI;An]lIKw]:sG]n}.kw]Am],sac]:tqm]:wgk];l}:')' = Inspiration,N.: I cannot write

poetry without inspiration,

An]lIKan].'(kan]An]lIKan].' Kaw];tac];An]lIKan].')' = Tedious, adj. tedious tasks, tedious journey,

An]lIKuk];sG]l}:'[An]tgc];ma}w}.{' = Souvenir, N. a memory,

An]lISut];Sut];' = The very best,

An]lISUn]sG]eSpUin]:Sut];n}.' = Most notably,


etpQn]huiw]mL;nn].') = Dubious, adj. doubtful, of uncertain outcome: a dubious reply; in dubious battle,

An]lITiSut];nG];kL:mG];tgn].yam]:sac]:l}:sac]:mI;' = The very best you could ever have!

An]lIma}tgc];'[An]Kuik].luik].kuik];puin];/mn]:kuim];w}.nn].'{(An]Agc],ep.lIma}tgc];)' = Monumental, adj. of

historical or enduring significance: monumental victory,

An]lIyUic]:' tI:tqk]:mn];' piBc]lItqk]:niBc];' = Example, an example,

An]lIAn]mYat]:'sG]lIsG]mYat]:' Suiw]:yUw];yG],mYat]:'yG],mYat]:' = Noble, adj., nobler, noblest,

nobility, N.,

An]lIAam];'An]lak],la};' = Wonder, N. something strange and surprising; a cause of surprise or admiration,

An]lUc]An]lac]'lUc]lac]'[yG],lUc]lc]'{ = Gigantic, adj. very large; huge; giant,


Gigantic, adj. very large; huge: a gigantic statue; a gigantic furnace,


pg},tUk];lUc];piw]nG];lUm];eShgt]:tI:mn];hUm],lUm]:lgt]:eP;lInn].(PL<rL,SYot].)'{ = Chute, N. a parachute,

An]lUn].liUw]'lUiw]w}.'mI;lUiw]' = Excess, N. adj. the amount which one thing exceeds another; extra; surplus,

An]lUw],nc],kn]kU:ekL.'(An]kUn];hw];lUw],nc],kn]kU:ekL.)' = Common need: humanity’s common need,


n}.pQn]An]sw]:ey,SumL;mI;sgm];nn].yw].'{' = The priority of the presence of Jesus,

An]lUw],nn].ES:'@ =“What if you fail? What are other people going to think? You

don’t have what it takes.”


Prerequisites, N. something prerequisite:( A visa is still a prerequisite for travel in many countries.),

An]lUw],l}:hQt];sgm];mUiw]:pg},mak],tUk];'(kgp].f])' = Dropping requirements,

An]l}:tBk];sG]Aw]'[lIkUw]lIkak],nL,'tUk];sG]Aam];Aw]'{ = Lurid, adj. gruesome; shocking, luridly, adv.,

An]l}:pQn]mL;nn].sm].' = As a result,


"(SL,84;10')' =“Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;…”(Ps.84:10),

An]l}:hn]'tBv];hn]l}:' = Sight,

An]l}:hgc].Aw]w}.pQn]KUiw];Kun]' = Royal calling,


muiw];Ka}.') = Manual, adj. operated, worked by hand rather than electronic device: a manual gearshift,

An]elL;kn]w}.la}mQw];' elL;kn]w}.'(An]-')' = Synthesis, N., synthestic, adj.,

An]libk].lp].tc];la}' = Secret things,

An]luik].lm],' An]tUiw];luik].lm],' = Serious matter, more serious matter,

An]luik].lm],km],PI,lgc]:JPL;sw]:' = Deep things of God,

An]luin];nn].' = Latter, adj., the latter,


(SUiw]:KUw];Am],hQt];pQn]kUn];'){ = All that glitters is not gold,(Idiom), Clothes do not make the man,

An]liUw]'liUw]'yG],liUw]'(tL,SQt]:mn];)[An]Tqm]'{ = Extra, adj. N. additional,

An]liUw]'An]Tqm]' = Surplus, remain above what is used,

An]lgc]' An]hgc];' = Liner, layer,

An]lgt];lqw];lIw}.' = Freeing things,

An]lG]?' An]' = Which? Which one? which,

An]lG]ekL:'An]lG]eSAm],wL:'(mG];kYOik]:An]lG]ekL:Aw]El:') = Whichever, pronoun. any on that: take

whichever you like,

An]lG]ekL:lqp]:pQn]An]Pit];PUn]Kt];KGc]w}.yU,hQt];nn]ekL:' = It seems everything has

gone wrong,

An]lG]ekL:lI'Am]An]niuc]:ekL:An]niuc]:' = Either,

An]lG]ekL:Am],lI'Am],lIeSAn]'Am]mqn]:eSAn]' = Neither,

An]lG]ekL:Am],Agk],pQn]mL;nc],mG];wac];Pqn]' = Things didn’t turn out as you planned,

An]lG]lUw],ekL:hQt];An]nn].Agn]tac];' = First things first,

An]lG]An]nn].'lgc]:lG]lgc]:nn].'ekL.lG]ekL.nn].' = Each, adj. adv. individually; one by one,


.kGL,{'(kgp].f])' = Loose Impediments,( golf ),

An]wan]'ArSL,'tac];wan]' nm].wan]' = Taste, N. flavor of some quality,

An]wan]An]sQm];'wan]'kin]wan]nL,'wan]sG]wan]eKL;nL,' = Sweet, best taste,

An]wL:ekL.etL,ekL.hG]:hQt];sgm];n}n}.sgc],mn];sm]pQn]lUw],l}:hQt];Et.yU,huiw]?' = Is

the individual mandate really necessary?



ygn]<20;29') = Phrase that has a meaning of “say or said so,” used ending in a sentence of

quotation: “...; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”(John 20:29),

An]wBv],lIhc]:'wBv],' wBv],hc]:' = Filthy, adj. disgusting, detestable, messy,

An]wUn].hn]Aw]'lam];wBn].hn]Aw]nG];tLkBv];'(lgc]:-) = Fantasy, N.: chase fantasies, fantasies,


lgc]:tc];KUic]:pUic]sUiw];nn].'@(kYOw];AUw],Stin];)'=“Worship is a sign that you are trusting God;

worry is a sign that you are trying to control things.”(Joel Osteen),

An]w}:PI'[An]kUiw];lIPI'emLPIPam];tL'{ = Spiriitism, N. the doctrine or practices of spiritualism,

An]hk].KUiw];hk].mUic];' sG]hk].KUiw];' = Patriotic, adj. characteristic of a patriot; inspired by patriotism,

An]hk].An]pqc];'lgc]:hk].lgc]:pqc];'lgc]:tac];hk].'[Pa},lgc]:hk].'{ = Love affair, romance,

An]hp].' ekL.hp].' = Recipient, receiver, welcomer, acceptance,


) = Accepted on your behalf, to be accepted for you,

An]hac]:Siuk];'[Kp].Kuic]/Puik];tp].Suik];w}.tL,pac]Suik];{= Military array, phased-array, array of military,


w].nn].{'(Sw]hin]mG],nG];SUn]mgk],nn].tUiw];hac]:lIeSAn]Agn]tac];mn];') = Predecessor, N. something

succeeded or replaced by something else: The new monument in the park is more beautiful than its predecessor,

An]hqn];hac]:KUic]:wa}yL,Ain]kYin],w}.' = Engine Wiring Harness,

An]hQt];hG]:l}:mI;tac];KIm}:sG]mL;' = Cause of the anxiety,

An]hQt];Agk],'KUw];Agk],'Kgc]Agk],'KUw];hQt];Agk],'= Production, N. amount produced, product, N.,

An]hQt];Agk],Kgc]mG],l}:' = Innovative, adj.,

An]hQt];Agk],pQn]pp].pQn]Puin]Pa},pk];pUic]' = Legal Publications,

An]hup]:w}.pgt];pgt];' = Entail, (Law) N.,

An]hup]:w}.pgt];pgt];'[An]hup]:w}.pgt];pgt];mUin],nc],An]wL:pQn]lin]Kgc]pUv]:n}nn].'{' = Entail, (Law)

N. something that is entailed, as an estate,

An]hUm],'PLhUm],'[KUw];eSmQw];mQw];pQn]tL,Aw]hUm],/tUm];/muc];'PL:hUm],kgk];/emL:/Aum]'{ = Cover, N. a lid,


pUw]<er;SYin];nn].'{ = Partnership, N.,

An]]yap],'PL:kc]:'PL:sQt].' = Veil, N.: a veil of smoke,

An]]yap],nn].lp].w}.'kc]:KL:kc]:'PL:sQt].hUm],']yap],' = Veil, veiled, veiling,

An]Eh.kc]:pn]'An]Eh.kc]:'lgc]:Eh.kc]:'= Protection, N.: protection of property, protect,

An]];pUiw]<' = Bumper Cover,

An]hgc].wL:' = Known as, that is known as,

An]hG]:pQn]KUiw];KUiw];'[ma}mI:sL,timn];An]hQt];hG]:yw].yL,kn]pun]:tL,lin]Kgc]pUv]:An]nuic]:nn].{' = Entail,

(Law) N. the rule of descent settled for an estate,

An]Am],sgm];Pa},PL,SL,' = Nonreligious, adj.,

An]Am],tUk],pL;' An]kiut];w}.' = Residual, remainder,

An]Am],Tuk],mqn]:Krit]:'An]San]Kt];sw]:Krit]:' = Antichrist,


c]:mI;Pgn];lInc],kn]nn]." = Disagreement should not prevent cooperation on the issues of

mutual interest,

An]Am],yam]:mI;/hn]/TUp];' Kuik].luik].lIAam];PG]Am],lam];l}:' = Unprecedented, adj.,

!An]Aw]tc]:sG]sp];sgm];JPL;sw]:yw].nn].'@ =‘Devoted to God’,

An]Aw]hk];/lqw]/tqk],/kg}'(nm].ngc];lUc]Aw]Pa}kUn],) = Rupture, the act of breaking or bursting,


:PU:mI;AL,nL,/Kun]nn].lG]Am],nn]ekL:sgm];Tuc];Tt];Sin]An]nuic]:nn].lG]'{' = Citation, N. the act of citing or

quoting a reference to an authority or a precedent,


n].'{' = Citation, N. a summons, especially to appear in court; a document containing such a summons; reference,

An]AL,mKam],hUm],tUm];pn]'[An]Kgm]<pnI,AL,mKam],},kL:mn];pn]{' = Insurance coverage,

An]Aun],hgn]hgn]'(Pgt]:m}ehL,cg};yuiw].Aun],hgn]hgn]) = Cozy, adj. N. snugly warm; cosy: tea pot cozy knitted,

An]Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];eA,Sut];n}.pQn]lUc]pgc]siuc]:lITiSut];" = Government is the best

which governs least,

An]Auin]St].S}:'[mQw];An]Auin]kin]nn].'{' = Gorge, N. something that is swallowed,

An]Agk],lUm];ygc],han].sG]ca}:nL,nn].' = Complacency of fools,

An]Agc],ep.n}.tiuk].mL;yU,' = Victory is Always on the Way,

An],EJt,' eP;' eP;nm]nL,' = Danger, dangerous,

An]:'pan]:'Auit];'(mn];Aw]kap],nLAn]:/pan]:kUv]tLhac],eSmt].Kat]:pak]mn];w}.')= Close, closed,

closing, to stop or obstruct the enternces, apertures, or gaps in: He closed the crate with bamboo shets and tied it up,

An];nL<'[Kun]perL;hQk]:lUc]ey,ruSlqm]{'An];nL;' = Annas, a high priest at Jerusalem A.D. 7-14,(Jn 18:13),

An];nL;n};y'(sa};'kUn];KiUw];kYO;) = Ananias, [a common Jew,(Acts 5:1-5)],


k];pn],mUn];)epL;lqp]:pQn]n]mUv]Kqp];nm].Kqc]hUm],w}.lum];lum];nn].{ = Antarctica, N., also called Antarctic

continent; the continent surrounding the South Pole: almost covered by an ice sheet, about 5,000,000 sq. mi.,


Aw]kGL,mUiw]:kac]Kiun];nn].'(man],23;31'{ = Antipatris, N. a city built on the Plain of Sharon by Herod the Great. To

this place Paul was brought by night,

An]<tipL.'[PU:ht];can]ekL.mI;Sqt]:sL,'(Kuin];2;13'){ = Antipas, a faithful martyr,


nI:)'nG];kGam];AL,rp].hgc].wL:!ALTKiy@'kGam];TUiw]<kI<hgc].wL:!An],TkYL,@'{' = Antioch, N. a city in S

Turkey: capital of the ancient kingdom of Syria 300-64b.c.,



;mUic];wn];Agk],km];Agn]tac];Sut];tI:An]tac],pn]suiw]:!Krit]:yan],@n}nn].'(man],11;19'26'){ = Antioch, N.

Arabic Antakiya. Turkish Antakya. A city in S Turkey: capital of the ancient kingdom of Syria 300-64 b.c. It was call the “first

city of the East” where the name “Christian” was applied;(Acts 11:26,),


{' = Upload,( Computer)to transfer(software, data, character sets, etc.) from a smaller to a larger computer,

Am]SQc]'[Ew:/kac];kn]tc];An]lat]:kGam];{(yUp]<4;2) = Keep or refrain from speaking, keep silent,

Am]lp].w}.'lp].w}.'(lgc]:-)(Kt];-Am],Am]lp].w}.Sc])' = Concealment, N.,(ant: nonconcealment),

Am]w}.'hBm],tUm];w}.'Am]lp].w}.'Tim],w}.' = Conceal, cover, envelope,

Am],'Am],sG]:'Am],mqn]:'tiun];Am],'mw],'(Am],tUv];'/pn]'/pQn]'/hQt];'/Aw]') = No, adv., nope,

Am],--kUv];eSAm],kL;Am],wL:' Am],sG]:eSAn]' = Neither - - nor,

Am],kt].Am],kYL.' Am],Tiuc]tI:Tiuc]tac];' Am],mI;AkYOw];' = Ineffective,

Am],kp];Am],ka},kn]'(hUw]yg}:eKL:yg}:Am],kp];Am],ka},kn]eSAit];)' = Impertinent, adj. not pertinent or

relevant; irrelevant,(an impertinent detail),

Am],km]' Am],km]tLmuiw];SUw}.' = Unclench, unclench your fit,

Am],km]kYac].hQt];sgm];PQn]:PQn]' = Disorderly Behavior,

Am],km].Tqm]'(Kt];-km].Tqm]')' = Disprove, (ant: prove),

Am],kac];kn]l}:'[miUn]Sa}nIsp];kn]{ = Inseparable, incapable of being separated, departed, or disjoined, subjest to,

Am],kL:'epL;nL,' = Inexpensive, adj. not expensive; not high price; costing litter,

Am],kL:'epL;'Ka}epL;'epL;nL,'Kn]tqm],'(Kt];-kL:'Ka}kL:'Kn]Suc]')= Cheap, adj. adv. costing very little; lowpriced; inexpensive, (ant: expensive; high-priced), cheaply, adv.,

Am],kL:huiw]Sc]'mn];Am],kL:huiw]Sc]' = Not worth mentioning, insignificant,

Am],kL:huiw]nc],kaw],'(cw];la};mn];Et.Am],mI;tI:muc]:mgc];Sc]yw].kUv];Am],kL:huiw]nc],kaw],)' = Not serious:

situation is hopeless, but not serious,

Am],kL:huiw]pUin]:'pUin]:Am],kL:huiw]mn];'(mn];Tac],wL:pUin]:Am],kL:hiuw]mn];n}')' = Degrade, bring into

contempt: He felt they were degrading him, degraded, degrading,

Am],kL;'(Am],kL;--kUv];pL;--Pgc]:El:')'huiw]kL;' = Not just: not just only—but—as well,

Am],kin]lw]:mw];pqc]:w}.eS,eS,'(Ta};1;7') = Not given to drunkenness,

Am],kQp];Kgn],' = Not taxed,

Am],kQw],kn]'(Am],kQw],kn]tc];hw]Sc];) = Have nothing to do with,(have nothing to do with us,)

An]kQw]kp];Sqc],yL,kn]' = Respectively,

Am],kQw],Kgc].sgm];Sc]nn].AiUw]:" = It is better to let a guilty man go free than convict an

innocent man.

Am],kQw],SL,SnL,' (Am],w}.pa};kUiw];lIpQn]lk];pUic]lUc]') = Secular, not pertaining to or connected with religion (

opposed to sacred): secular music.,


) = Unearthly, adj. ghostly; unnaturally strange; weird: an unearthly scream,

Am],kQw],lUv]:tc];' Pat],EPkn]' Pat],pa}:pg},pqt]:w}.'= Apart from, aside from, besides,

Am],kum],Am],epL;lI' Am],kum],kin]kum],yqm].'lut]:hUw]lut]:hac]'(ngn];PL:hUm],pgt];)' = Shortage,

a deficiency in quantity, scarcity, lack,(ant: enough, sufficiency)

Am],kum],lI' hLyap],' = Scarcity, N., scarcities,

Am],kum];Tic];sUw]sG]sw]:kw],'[Am],sac]:kum];Tic];sUw]sG]sw]:kw],l}:'{= Without self-control, incontinent,


yQt],yuin];muiw];lqn];Kqn]epL;Am],kUn].'(SL,77;2') = Untiring, adj. (of a person or their actions) continuing or

persisting without declining in strength or vigour: I stretched out untiring hands,

Am],kUw]'Am],Sgn],Sc]'hQt];sUiw]:lUiw]:sL:lL:' = Care not, doesn’t care, unconcerned,

Am],kUw]Sc]eSAit];' = Fearless,

Am],kUw]lgc]:An]piUn]:ethn]niUw]mn];siUc].hiuw]n}Sc]' = Did not care about anyone thought,

Am],kBw]Am],EhSc]eS' = Fearlessly


Boldly, adv. courageously: be bold and fearless,

Am],kUw]Am],Aa}PG]'(An]Am],kUw]Am],Aa}PG]eSlam];w}.'(nL:Am],kUw]Am],Aa}PG]nn].')'= Brazen, adj. bold:

brazen presumption; brazen face,

Am],k}.SB:'Am],k}.SU:pQn]'pqk],kn]' = Unssual,

Am],k}.SU:pQn]SU:mI;' = Irregularity, change, inconsistency,

Am],k}.pQn]sUic].n}tL,eS,nc],kaw],' = This is not always the case,

Am],kibc],cam],Aap]:'Am],lqp]:' = Unfit, adj. it is not fitting for,

Am],kibc],tan],lIl}:' = Is not worth the,

Am],kiuc],pn]hQt];Agk],'(pk];pUic]lUic];An]Am],kiuc],pn]hQt];Agk],')' Am],kuic],pn]Agc],pUn].' = Ought

not to pass, (ONTP), (A bill that really ought not to pass)

Am],kuic],lIpQn]'(Sa}ca}cw];la};nn].Am],kuic],lIpQn]) = Don’t make sense: The circumstances don’t make sense,

Am],kibc],lBw],l}:hQt];/pQn]' = Unnecessary,


Sc]eSAit];yw].")' = No match for you, (They’ll be no match for you.),

Am],kuic],Am],TUik]:'(Kt];-kuic],TUik]:'Kn]TUik]:yG],nL,) = Unworthy, adj., unworthily, adv., (ant: worthy)

Am],kibc],Am],TUik]:Sc]nn].'Am],kuic],tan],TUik]:l}:' = Undeserved

Am],kuic].kc].sG]lm]'(yUw];EA,'2;13')' = Slow to anger,(Joel 2:13),

Am],kuit];Sc]SQc]:mUt];yw].'kGL,pqt]:k}k}mUt];yw].' = All is gone,

Am],kiut];Am],liuw]:eSAit];'Am],kiut];eSkm];'[Suip],etL,kGL,{ = Nonstop, adj. N. adv. continually,

Am],kUiv];mL;eSpgk]:' = Never ever been,

Am],kiBt],'Am],p},kiBt],' = Unborn,

Am],kUiw];nm].tgn];'(eKL:tqp];tt];Am],kUiw];nm].tgn];ekL.Aw]Aac]:Aic]/rqp]<frI<')= Disinterested, adj.

unbiased by personal interest or advantage: a disinterested decision by the referee,


Sc]) = Irreligious, adj. not practicing a religion; showing hostility to religion: irreligious statements,

Am]ekYL,'(ygn]./kgp]:Sc]El:mn];nac];Am],ekYL,?')' = Unhappy, adj. sad, downcast: Why is she so unhappy?

Am],kYOik]:' nL:SUm]:tut],Aut],' = Dislike,



L.Ser,mn];nac];yw]."(ehL;21;14'))' = Not pleased with: If you are not pleased with her, let her go wherever

she wishes. You must not sell her or treat her as a slave, since you have dishonored her. (Deut.21:14),

Am],kgc].Am],ka},kn]'(Kt];-kgc].ka},kn]')'Am],kgc].Am],ka},' = Incoherent, adj. without logically or

meaningful connection; rambling,(ant: coherent; not coherent)

Am],kgn];ep.tUw]l}:yw].'[pQn]tuk].Kit'{' = Incapacitate, disable, incapacitated, incapacitating,

Am],kgn];ep.tUw]l}:yw].'[hG]:AL,nL,Pa},pk];pUic]nn].Sut];wa};eSl}:hQt];kGL,tac],la};tac],tac];Aw]nn].{' =

Incapacitate,(Law), incapacitated, incapacitating,

Am],kgn];ep.tUw]l}:yw].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Incapacitation, N. disability,

Am],kgn];ep.l}:'(epL;Am],kgn];ep.l}:yw].mn];tiun];KYL.Am],lgt]:yw].') = Loss of balance control,

Am],kgm].kBv];----pL;tc];' = Not only---- but also,

Am],kgm].kBv];--nn].'kBv];Am],kL;' = Not only – but,

Am],kgm].kUv];wL:pQn]nn]'(Am],kgm].kUv];wL:pQn]nn]tam]tUw]hw];sUiw];n}.ekL:...) = Not only so, but …,

Am],kgm].kUv];wL:pQn]-mQw];yUw];yUw];nn].kUv];' = Not just any kind of,


2')' = Not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor; not with eye service as men-pleasers,

Am],kGL,tac];lG]' Am],kGL,lG]'(mUiw]:wn];Sut]; wUc]:pUn].n}.hw];Am],kGL,lG])' = Nowhere, adv, to no place:,(We

went nowhere last weekend.),

Am],kGL,miUw];lG]' pn],tUc],TUc],TQw]:yU,nn].yw].' = Going nowhere,

Am],Kt];Puin].pqt]:l}:'(elL;kYik].epL;Am],Kt];Puit].pqt]:l}:nn].)' = Irresistible, adj.: irresistible logic,

Am],Kp].w}.lIlI' = Disorder, lack of regular arrangement,

Am],Kw]:kn]' = Divided, separated,

Am],Kw]:kn]' ya}:kn]' Pat],EPkn]' = Disintegrate, break down, fall apart,

Am],Kw]:kn]tqk],ya}:kn]w}.yU,hc];kUv];mn];' = Divided against itself,

Am],Kw]:KGac],Kw]:piUc]' = Illegitimate, unlawful; illegal:,

Am],Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:'Am],Kw]:KGac],mat]:ma}' = Invalid,

Am],Kw]:KGac],pk];piUc]'Am],Kw]:piUc]' = Illegal,

Am],Kw]:tac];kan]'(Kt];-Kw]:KGac],kan]lum];') = Unofficial, adj.,(ant: official)

Am],Kw]:pUic]'kac]la}'(kGam];/eKL:Tam]-/lgc]:-)= Illegitimacy, N. the state or quality of being illegitimate,

Am],Kac];kn]l}:'[Am],tqk]:kn]l}:'{p},l}:Kac];kn]w}.' = Unparalleled, adj. not paralleled; peerless,

Am],Kat],lUw],Sc]'kw]tk];etAm],Kat],lUw],Sc]' = Shall not be in want, : I shall not be in want,

Am],Kam],Sc],Sgn]hG]:mI;pUic]ma}mI:lI'Am],lk];lqm]' = Are not disciplined,

Am],Kam],ta}' Am],ygm];ta}' yL,Kam],ta}' = Refused to die,

Am],Kam],pn]eKL:tgp],mn];' = Refused to answer,

Am],Kam],pn]eKL:tgp],mn];'yL,Kam],pn]eKL:tgp],mn];' = Refused to answer,

Am],Kam],pn]tac];m}:sG]KIsG]tQk];'yL,Kam]pn]m}:sG]' = Refuse to worry,

Am],Kam],mL;' TQc]pqt]:eSAm],Kam],mL;lL;lL;' = Refuse to come,

Am],Kam],lat]:' Am],Kam],mgk],'yL,Kam],lat]:/mgk],' = Refused to talk,

Am],Kam],l}:'Am],hp].l}:' = Could not bear,

Am],Kam],l}:'Am],hap],l}:'Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' = Unbearable,

Am],Kam],hp].'Am],Kam],Aw]'yL,Kam],hp]./Aw]' = Refused to receive,

Am],Kam],huic]'Am],tL,eS,'Kam],sUw]:nuic]:kUv];' = Not lasting, permanent or eternal; transitory,

Am],Kam],Aa}mn];l}:' = Can’t stand the smell,

Am],Kam],Agk],nL:'[tac];hQt];/lgc]:tac];An]w}.tUw]sw]:kw],hUw]sG]KYL;tm],eSyU,tqw];lc]w}.nn].'{' = Selfeffacement, N. the act or fact of keeping oneself in the background, as in humility,

Am],Kam],Agk],pa}:ygn];epL;pqt]:'yL,Kam],Agk],pa}:ygn];epL;pqt]:' = Refuse to quit,

Am],Kam]:pUn].l}:' Kam]:Am],pUn].l}:' = Insurmountable, adj. incapable of being surmounted, passed

over, or overcome;,

Am],Kqm]./lI'sL.vam].'(Sqc]sic],Am],Kqm]./sL.vam].)= Bad, adj. of poor quality; defective: a bad diamond,

Am],Kqm].lqp]:suiw]:sG]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Imperfection,(The American influence comes not

from our perfection, but from our striving to overcome our imperfection.),

Am],EK.lUik]:kQp];Kiun];Tqc]:yw].'(mn];Am],EK.lUik]:kQp];Kiun];Tqc]:yw].') = Drop out of/from reelection,

Am],Ka}lI'(ygn].Sc]El:kw]Am],Ka}lI?)' = Slow sale: Why are my sales so slow?,

Am],eKL.EK.enL.En.' Kqc]'Am],Pg},Am],AUn]:' = Tough, not brittle or tender, tougher, toughest,

Am],Kiuk].Sc]'yUw];yUw];kUv];'ca}:ca}:Agn],kUv];' = Simple, adj. not complicated; mere,

Am],Kuik].Sc]lUc]nn].' = That’s insignificant.

Am],Kiuk].Am],Ka};'Am],epL;Kuik].epL;Ka};'Am],epL;mI;nL:mI;tL' = Insignificant, unemportant,

Am],Kibc]pgc]pQn]l}:sgm];piBc]mI:Kgt],Pgt]:wan]:miBc];' = Constitutional disability,

Am],Kuit];pUin]:'(kw]Kam],sL;nG];sG]wL:kw]Am],Kuit];pUin]:n})' = Inferior to others: I feel so inferior to others,

Am],Kiut];pUin]:'ygn],pL,lc]'tUk];Tum]:'[p}/lqn]:Am],Kuit];pUin]:tUk];Tum]:yan]hac],k}w}.{= Lag behind,

Am],Kiut];pUin]:'ygn],pL,lc]'tUk];Tum]:pUin]:'[p}/lqn]:Am],Kuit];pUin]:tUk];Tum]:pUin]:k}k}{ = Lag behind,

Am],Kiut];lI'Am],Tiuc]lI'[Tim]:/wuit]./Suic];Am],Tuic]lI{' = Lag, fall or stay behind, lagged, lagging,

Am],Kiut];l}:' yiun];Am],Tuic]l}:' (An]mn];Sac];lac];Enn}.kw]Am],Kuit];l}:")' = Beyond

reach, unattainable, out of reach, (His explanation is beyond my reach.),

Am],Kiun];w}.mak],tI:kw],mn];'(ma}mI:18)' = Failing to replace the ball,

Am],Kgn];Am],wa}'Am],eKYL.Am],ygm];' = Relentless, adj. unrelenting; unyielding harsh, relentlessly, adv.,

Am],Kgp],Am],kac]'[sn].tqm],'pQn]puc],kac]Am],hUw]Am],hac]'{(la};/An]Kuic]pgc]Am],Kgp],Am],kac]')= Second-rate,

adj. inferior, mediocre: a second-rate performance,

Am],],kw],' Am],eKYL.pUin]:nc],kaw],' = Okay, acceptable, not bad, so-so,

Am],RKL,Sc]' Am],pgc],RKL,Sc]' = Little significant, not a big deal,

Am],KG]]Aw]'(la};-') = Non-competitive,

Am],KG]:sac]:Tic];tBw]sG]sw]:kw],l}:' = Hardly contain themselves,

Am],KG]:tum].tUiw].PG]'(sUiw];mI;tUn]:sG]Am],KG]:tum].tUiw].PG]'(Tuc];1;11')'Am],tum].tUiw].PG]/pUin]:' =

Harmless, adj. without the power or desire to do harm: some harmless soul,

Am],KG]:ep.l}:' hLetL,SB:Kibc]kYam],' = Struggle, struggled, struggling,


wL:wL:') = Struggle, N.: in a great struggle against,

Am],KG]:ep.l}:' = Struggle against, struggled,

Am],KG]:pG].Kan].pG].' Kan].pG].' = Don’t like to wait,

Am],KG]:l}:Am],m}:Sc]sgm];' = Apathy,

Am],KG]:wL:pgc],Sc]sUic].huiw]eSAit];' = Means nothing,

Am],cam],kn]'Am],Sc],etL,'Am],tUk];Tuk],'lUik]:nL:'(SIlUik]:nL:Am],SU:lL:lIlqp]:kn])' =

Unsuitable, adj.: unsuitable color,

Am],cam],kan]'p},l}:KUp];cam],kn]' = Unmatched, adj. unequaled,

Am],cam],lI'(Kt];-cam],lI') = Unwholesome, adj., unwholesomely, adv.,



c]wL:' = Tough, adj. strong and durable; not easily broken or cut, (you’re tough.),

Am],ca}:sG]ca}:eKL;' Am],Sc]Tuk],eSAit];' = Inconvenience,

Am],ciUc].Ew:l}:'Ew:Am],lgt]:l}:'[Am],lUiw]l}:{ = Unavoidable, adj. inevitable: an unavoidable delay,


Ait];)' = Turn a blind eye: The government turns a blind eye,

Am],sc]:sG]hQt];' vL;hQt];' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Accident,

Am],sc]:sG]hqm]ta}kUn];' = Manslaughter involuntary,

Am],sc]:sG]Aan];lqn]' = Unintentionally committed a lie,

Am],sc]:sG]Aan];hQt];' = Unintentionally, accidental, unplanned, inadvertent,

Am],sp];Pa},PG]'Am],sgm];Pa},PG]'Am],pQn]sG]PG]' = Neutrality,

Am],sp];Pa},PG]'/sgm];Pa},PG]',pQn]sG]PG]'(Kt];kn]-sp];Pa},) = Neutral, impartial, (ant: biased, partial)

Am],sac]:'Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' = Unable, adj. lacking the necessary power, competence, etc.; disable; cannot,

Am],sac]:kbm];kgn];Sc]l}:'lL:lI:pQn]sak],sa}epL; Am],sac]:kbm];kgn];Sc]l}:' = Out of control, no longer under


Am],sac];kum];Tic];tUw]sG]sw]:kw],l}:'= Incontinent, adj. unable to contain or retain; lacking in self-control,

Am],sac]:Kqn];Kiun];'[erL;kL,tac];pQn]epL;tan],etAm],yLhG]:Kqn];l}:{' = Beyond recovery,


L,119;70') = Unfeeling, adj.: their hearts are callous and unfeeling,


n];hQt];kan]Kw]lUw]pn]hG]:Kw]l}:hQt];kan]tL,hLlQc].nL:hUin];ey;Kw]kUv];@= “Workers cannot

be forced to pay dues or fees to a union boss just to work and feed their families,”

Am],sac]:tk];SQc]' Am],tk];SQc]' = Speechless, silent,

Am],sac]:tk];SQc]'(sUm];epL;Am],sac]:tk];SQc])' = Speechless: speechless joy,

Am],sac]:tqm]:Sp];lqc];Enl}:' = Indescribable,

Am],sac]:tqk]:'Am],tqk]:l}:'(Kt];-sac]:tqk]:'tqk]:l}:') = Non-measurable adj., (ant: measurable),

Am],sac]:tqk]:tUv];'Am],tqk]:tUv];l}:'(Kt];-sac]:tqk]:tUv];) = Unfathomable, adj., (ant:


Am],sac]:tgp],TQc]pak]:pqt]:l}:' = Undeniable,

Am],sac]:TUv]:sG]'[Sut],lUm];TUv]:sG]Am],KG]:l}:{(kw]Am],sac]:TUv]:sG]')= Cannot breathe: I can’t breathe,


Sak]:eS,km].Tqm]pn]epL;Am],sac]:Enl}:lgc]:wL:mn];Pit];)' = Irrefutable, adj. that cannot be refuted or

disproved: irrefutable proof,


(Kt];-sac]:puit],Agk],mgk],lat]:Enl}:)' = Inexpressible, (He heard inexpressible things,), (ant: expressible),

Am],sac]:yU,sac]:Sw];'yU,yap],nG];sG]' = Unsettled, perturbed, uncomfortable,

Am],sac]:lusac]:lqw]'(tac];hk].Am],sac]:lusac]:lqw])' = Incorruptible, adj.: incorruptible love,

Am],sac]:lulqw]ta}ha}l}:'(Kt];-sac]:lulqw]ta}ha}kGL,pqt]:') = Unperishable, adj., (ant: perishable)

Am],sac]:l}:'(Kt];-sac]:l}:')' = Unattainable, unachievable, unreachable,(ant: attainable, achievable,),

Am],sac]:luim];l}:'luim];Am],l}:'hQt];huiw]luim];ekL:Am],l}:' = Unforgettable, impossible to forget,

Am],sac]:wL:epL;-ekL:' (Am],sac]:wL:epL;kw]tUk];luin];ekL:yL,pG].kw]kin]Kw]:Km]:nL:')' = In case, if it

should happen that;:( In case I am late, don't wait to start dinner), If,

Am],sac]:ham]:Kw]kuit];pqt]:An]pn]eKL:hn]Tuic]Pit];pin]:PUn]nn].' = Can’t stop the

negative comments,

Am],sap]:pI:sap]:ngc].kn]' = Nonrelatives, N. adj.,

Am],sap]:Sqc],kn]' = Irrelevant,

Am],sap]:lUv]:'Am],kgc].ka},tit];sp];kn]' = Unconnected,

An]sap]:lUv]:tL,'(An]sap]:lUv]:tL,wn];mUiw];nL:Kw]nn].')' = In /with regard to, referring to;

concerning: in regard to their future,

Am],sL.'Am],hac]:ha}.'(pQn]huiw]eA.pI<n}.?Am],hac]:ha}.nc],kaw],'(lItan],tan],yU,Am],],kaw],')= Not

bad, also not too bad; not too shabby: How are things going?-Not too shabby; Fairly good, not bad,

Am],sqc]:' mUw];'ww];' = Unclear, blurry, dim,


Am],sqt];sac],')' = Impure, adj. not pure: impure water and air: impure spirit, impurely, adv.,

Am],sut]:lut]:yUp]:ygm];Sc]eSmQw];' = Lacking nothing,

Am],sut]:lut]:yUp]:ygm];mQw];An]lInn].eSAn]eSmQw];' = Lack no good thing,

Am],sBm];Tbk],sG]' = Displease

Am],sUw];PG]kGL,sgm];' Am],hgc].PG]mL;sgm];' ekL.lQw]' = Privately, alone,



Unsatisfied, adj. (of a person, demand, need, etc.) not sastified or fulfilled: an unsatisfied demand for fresh fruit,

Am],es,Am],mn]:' = Unsteady,

Am],suik];PG]'wL:SG],'[Sat]:SG],km];lQw]'Sat]:Suiw]:'{(mn];wL:SG],Suiw]:Suiw]:'(mn];Am],suik];PG]') = Speak out,

make plain; flat out; bluntly,

Am],suiw]:Am],sG]:'[map],wL:Pam];pQn]'map],Pam];'{(lat]:An]Am],suiw]:Am],sG]:'(tQk];map],Pam];wL:') = Falsely,

adv. based on mistagken, erroneous ideas or facts; wrongly: speak falsely,

Am],sibw]:Am],sG]:eStQk];En;map],wL:SG],' = Falsely accused, wrongly accused,

Am],sUim]:l}:' = Insoluble, insolubility,

Am],sgm];SQn]:tac];JPL;'Am],sgm];JPL;' = Ungodliness,


Informal, adj. without formality, not of a formal or official, unconventional; casual: an informal visit; informal meeting,

Am],sgm];Tuc];sum];EPKrit]:yan],lG]' = Nondenominational,


'(Tuc];29;15') = Undisciplined, indiscipline: a child left undisciplined disgraces its mother,

Am],sgm];Pa},'[JtL;'PQc],pQc];'{(Kun]Tt];Sin]Am],sgm];Pa},')(Kt];-sgm];Pa},)= Impartial, adj. not partial or

biased; fair; just: an impartial judge, impartiality, N.,

Am],sgm];JPL;' Am],sgm];SQn]:tac];JPL;'(Kt];-sgm];JPL;)' = Ungodly, adj. wicked, (ant: godly),

Am],sgm];fic]:SPL,wmn];' = Unnatural, adj. against nature,

Am],sgm];hUv];hLl}:mYat]:Am],Suiw];Am],yUw];'(Ta};1;7') = Not pursuing dishonest gain, not

fond of sordid gain,

Am],sgm];An]];'hQt];lQn]:kUv];'(Kt];-sgm];An]];') = Unrealistic, adj.,(ant: realistic)

Am],sg}:tUw]kw],l}:' = Helpless, unable to help oneself,

Am],sG]yG],PG]' lgt]:lgt]:lqw];lqw];' = Without regard to, independently, adv.,

Am],sG]yG],l}:'(Kt];-sG]yG],l}:') = Undependable, adj.,(ant: dependable)


PG]eSAm],/mw],wL:'(eSAm],/mw],kL;') = No, adv. adj. a denial or refusal; not at all: Whoever; not only, nope,

Am],sG]:'Am],suiw]:' = Not to be true, it’s not true, it’s not correct, incorrect, false,

Am],sG]:kw]ekL.lQw]kUv];' = Not my own,

Am],sG]:Kun]ehLKm];kUn];KUiw];AiSer;' = Non-Israelite king,

Am],sG]:Kgc].Km]tiUk]:tn]nG];pac],etL,' = Non-game conflict,

Am],sG]:sUic].n}' = Not this way,

Am],sG]:sUiw];n}./nn].eSAn]' = None of these, or those,

Am],sG]:Sc]'Am],mI;Sc]'pw],'[Am],sG]:/mI;Sc]eSmQw];'Sun]'{ = Naught, N. adj. nothing; a cipher (0); zero,

Am],sG]:sG]mG];yUw].?'[lL:lI:wL:/hQt];tI:pUin]:Am],lIAm],lk];'{(hQt];Sc]mG];hQt];n}Am],sG]:sG]mG];yUw].?) = Are

you insane? Are you crazy?,

Am],sG]:Sc]' (mn];nac];luk].tI:Am],sG]:Sc]eSl}:ep.pQn]kUn];Kqn],KYqm].pI,yn],mL;)' = Nowhere, N.,

anonymity or obscurity: (She came from nowhere to win the championship.),

Am],sG]:Sc]' Am],mI;Sc]' Am],mI;Sc]eS/ehmQw];' = None, nothing,

Am],sG]:eSAit];' Am],pQn]nn]Sc]eSAit];' Sc]eSAit];' = Not at all,

Am],sG]:tL,hLkUiw];Tuiw]PL,SL,SL,SnL,An]nuic]:nn].pQn]tL,mL;hLJPL;sw]:kUv];" = Not

to find a religion but to come to God,

Am],sG]:Et.' = Untrue, adj. not true,

Am],sG]:Et.'[Am],mqn]:'Am],tqt]:etL;'{'Am],Suiw]:etL,' = Untrue, adj. not true; incorrect or inaccurate,

Am],sG]:piBc]lBc]mn];'[Am],sm]pQn]lUw],mI;/hQt];{ = Nonessential, adj. not essential; not necessary,

Am],sG]:wL:mn];yw].la}' = Not without results; not in vain; not useless and fruitless,


m].sgm];wL:!sG]:eAL:@n}nn].') = Are you with me?

Am],sG]:hL.?' Am],sG]:hL.mG];wL:?' Am],sG]:hL.SUwL:?' Am]sG]:huiw].? = Isn’t it,

Am],sG]:huiw]'nL,'[hUv],tLlqc];ygn].lUit]:/tLngn];Am],Aim],{(SUhU.yU,nL,'(mG];tgc];yU,Am],sG]:huiw]?')= Particle

used to remind someone of a previous action or condition; or to recall something: You know it. Don’t

you? Don’t you remember?,

Am],sG]:An]tqm]:Pam];hQt];pQn]' = Non-fiction,


n].Sc]')' = No surprise: it’s no surprise to God,

Am],sG]:Am],pQn]/wL:nn]'Am],sG]:Am],sG]:sUic].nn]'Am],sG]:Am],lIhQt];nn]' = No,

Am],sG].tuiw];tI:kan]l}:'Am],sG].tuiw];l}:' = Impractical, adj. not practical or useful,

Am],Stilqt];'[Am],wUn].kgn],hQt];'Am],w}.Sti'nqt]:Sn],Sw],'nqt]:pUn].''{(Kt];-wUn];kgn],hQt];'lqt];')' =

Imprudent, adj. not prudent; incautious; rash, imprudently, adv.,

Am],Sc],Tuk],'(tac];hQt];An]Am],Sc],Tuk],)' = Indecent adj.: indecent or shameful acts,

Am],Sc],Tuk],'[An]Am],Sc],etL,'Am],Tuk],lIhQt];{'Am],mqn]:tI:mqn]:tac];mn];' = Out of

place, unsuitable to the circumstances; inappropriate,

Am],Sc],Tuk],lI'Am],Tuk],lIhQt];'Am],Tuk],' = Inappropriate, adj. not proper or suitable,

Am],Sn],Kgn];wa}' Am],hiBc]:Kgn];wa}' = Unshakeable,

Am],SL,sG]eSAit];' = Uncomfortable,


Uncomfortable, the armor is too large and uncomfortable,

Am],SL,yL,'Am],SUiw];'nL:Am],kI:'(Kt];-nL:kI:'nL:kI:tLlI'SL,yL,lI'SiBw];sG]'SUiw];') = Unpleasant,

adj., (ant: pleasant),

Am],SL,sG]' yU,yap],' (Kt];-yU,ca}:')= Uncomfortable, adj. uneasy; painful, (ant: be comfortable)

Am],SL,lBm]sG]' nk];ABk];nk];sG]w}.' = Uneasiness, N., uneasy, N.,

Am],SQn],lI'(Kt];-SQn],lI) = Illogical, adj. not logic; unreasoning, (ant: logical)

Am],Suk]:muiw];eSkin]'[kin]Kw]:/tac];kin]Am],Suk]:muiw];eSsc],kin]'{ = Eating with unwashed hands,

Am],Suk];Am],lip];'(tUm]:-'KUw]:-'sI,-'pic]:-')' Kiuc]:etL,Kiuc]:' = Medium or half boiled,

fried roasted, half and half, half cooked,

Am],Sut]:Am],hUn]' = Steadfastly, steady,

Am],Sut];Am],SQc]:eSpgk]:' = Infinite, everlasting, timeless,


Infinity, N. infinite space or quantity, an infinite extent, endlessness, boundlessness,


= Everlasting, adj. eternal: from everlasting to everlasting, infinite, timeless,

Am],Sut];Am],wa};eSpgk]:' = Timeless, without beginning or end,

Am],Sut];Am],wa};'kU:yam];'tL,eS,TL,wrL.'tL,eS,'eS,eS,' = Incessant, adj. ceaseless;

unending, incessantly, adv. forever; always; eternally,

Am],SU,Am],sG];' Am],Aw]SG],sG]' = Careless, negligent, ignorant,

Am],/yL,SU:k}.'Am],SU:k}.pQn]/mI;/hQt];'Am],np].etL:' = Seldom, adv. rarely; infrequently, not

often,(ant: more often), seldom, adj.,

Am],SU:k}.' Am],SU:k}.pQn]/mI;/hQt];' Am],k}.SU:' = Seldom, rarely, infrequently, not often,

Am],SU:KG]:Pgm].hQt];sgm];' = Hesitate to cooperate,

Am],SU:KG]:hQt];' AL;nL,' Am],ht];SU:' = Hesitate, waver, delay, to be reluctant,

Am],SU:tk];SQc]'Am],tk].pak],' Am],Sup];Am],SQc]' = Quiet, silence,

Am],SU:pQn]' pqk],kn]' Am],k}.SB:pQn]' = Unusual, not ordinary, not common,

Am],SU:lL:lI'(lat]:/hQt];/tUv];/) = Not usual,

Am],SU:lL:lIpQn]kGL,ca}:ca}:' (ekL.emLpgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]n}.Am],SU:lL:lI:pUic]:tac];mn];kGL,pqt]:ca}:ca}:)' = Is

not easily led, (A person of understanding is not easily led astray.),

Am],eSla}sG]'(lgc]:-/An]-)ht];sun].'sun].ht];'Kam],sun].' = Risk, N., risks,

Am],eS,eS,'(Kt];-eS,eS,Am],Tat],'man],man],')= Inconstant, adj. inconstantly, adv.,(ant: constant,)

Am],Suip],lQn]:eSepL;pqt]:' = Discontinuance of play, (golf rules 6-8),

Am],Siuw]:etL,' Am],man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:' (kUn];-'An]-') = Unrighteous,

Am],Suiw]:'Pqk],'[Pit];Pqk],'Sm],Suiw]:'{(puin]kac],Am],Suiw]:'puin]Pqk],') = Faulty, adj. having defects; treacherous:

faulty or treacherous bow, faultier, faultiest,

Am],Sibw]:Am],yBw];' Am],Suiw]:yUw];' = Dishonest,

Am],SUiw];' cw]' cw]sUn];sUn];' eKL;KBm]' sG]sL.'= Sad, affected by unhappiness or grief, unhappy,

Am],Sgk]:hLhn]tI:lG]/nG];mn];l}:'(Kt];-Sgk]:hLhn]l}:') = Unsearchable, adj.,(ant: searchable)

Am],Sgn],SI,Sgn]hL:'(kUn];num],ekL.Am],Sgn],SI,Sgn]hL:Sc]nn].)' = Impertinent, adj. insolently

rude, uncivil,(impertinent youth),

Am],Sgn],pL;' Am],lUw],kQp];yip];tiuw];sgm];ekL:l}:' = Not applicable,

Am],Sgn],wUn].Kuit];l}:' = Inconceivable, adj. unthinkable; unimaginable,

Am],SGac];kin]'Am],mat]:kn]'Am],mat]:Sgn],Aac]:Aic]'= Disregard, ignore; neglect, disregarded,

Am],SGac];kin]kn]'hQt];Am],SGac];kin]' = Discourtesy, N. incivility; rudeness, discourteous, adj.,

Am],SGac];kin]kn]' liun]:kn]' = Discourtesy, N., irreverence, lack of courtesy or respect,

Am],SG],sG]'[Am],mat]:pgc],Sc]'{ = Snub, to treat with disdain; ignoring, snubbed, snubbing, snub, adj.N.,

Am],SG],sG]SG],eKL;Sc]eS' = Flatly, low, boring,

Am],SG],pqc]:'(Kw]:mun];Am],SG],pqc]:)' = Unleavened, adj.: Unleavened Bread,

Am],vam].eSPG]' Kuit];pUin]:'(mG];Kiut];pUin]:yU,)'= Not inferior to others: You are not inferior to others,

Am],vL;/TUp];l}:' Am],hQt];yw].l}:' = Impossible to meet, impossible to make,

Am],tk];SQc]Sc]'(mUiw]:mG];Am],tk];SQc]Sc]nn].)= Saying nothing at all: When you saying nothing at all,

Am],tk];SQc]'yQn]SI,SI,'tQt],yQn]w}.' = Silently, remain silence, zip up, speechless,

Am],tk];SQc]Sc]' tQt],yQn]SI,SI,w}.' = Silence, silenced, silencing,

Am],tk];SQc]Sc]eSlgm]hQt];tQt],tQt],' = As quietly as possible,

Am],tk];SQc]Sc]eSyU,w}.'(Sun],Am],tk];SQc]Sc]eSyU,w}.l}:')' = Remain silent: Right to remain silent,


Tqm])' = Tacit, adj. silent: tacit approval, tacitly, adv.,

Am],tk];SQc]tk];pak],eSTgm],SQc]kGam];h},tuic]:nn].yU,' = Listening to music quietly,

Am],tt];Kn]mn];l}:' = Priceless,

Am],tn];'Am],tn];Suk].Sk].sgm];'kan]Suk].nL,' = Too busy for,

Am],tn];Kiut];'Am],tn];tUv];mqn]:'vL;lbt]:ham];'lut]:' = Miss, put off, missed, missing,

Am],tn];tgc];'(KLAm],tn];tgc];mn];sw]:'(luk].24;16') = Kept from or prevented from recognizing:

they were kept from recognizing him,

Am],tn];pn]pQn]'(An]Am],tn];pn]f};m}:pqt]:'(TUin],18;8') = Kept from or reserved from: that is

kept or reserved from fire,

Am],tn];mk];ma}tgc];sgm];l}:' = Unrecognized,

Am],tn];l}:hQt];/En/mI;Sun],nn].' = Had no opportunity,

Am],tn];l}:Aw]sG].tuiw];' = Misused,

Am],tn];hbSc]eSpn]Kgp]:hgp]:Kibn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Literally spin around,

Am],tn];hU.tUw]'Am],tn];l}:hU.sgm];'[mUiw]:kw]Am],tn];hU.tUw]nn].{ = Without my knowledge,

Am],tn];hibc]nan];kL:hibw]Sc]eS' = It won’t be long,

Am],tan],lIpQn]'Am],TUik]:pQn]/kuic],tan],pQn]'(Kt];-kuic],tan],pQn]'TUik]:pQn]') = Ureasonably, adv.

logically, (ant: reasonably)

Am],tap]:lBw],' = Don’t have to,

Am],tap]:lUw],' = Unnecessary, not necessary, not essential,


yw].n}.pQn]An]Kuic]pgc]Kuik].Kam],nL,Et.yw].')' = Beyond question, (Idiom) also, beyond all question; beyond

dispute; without doubt: It was, beyond question, a magnificent performance,

Am],tqk],ya}:kn]'(Am],tqk],ya}:kn]eStc]:sG]sp];sgm];sw]:JPL;hw];nn].eAL:") = Undivided, adj.

undistracted: “in undivided devotion to the Lord.”(1Cor.7:35),

Am],tqk],lqc];'[sUv].l}:la}mQw];'pL;An]yip];sG].tuiw];S}<fL/KUt]<lp].'sL.kGL,'{ = Cryptic, adj. N. mysterious in

meaning; ambiguous; involving or using cipher, code, etc.,

Am],tqk]:kn]l}:'[Am],Kac];kn]l}:'{ = Peerless, adj. having no equal; unparalleled; matchless; unrivaled,

Am],tqk]:tUv];l}:' = Immeasurable,

Am],tqk]:Enhac]:mn];l}:' = Pseudomorph, an irregular or unclassifiable form,

Am],tqc];pgc],l}:' = Impenetrable, not penetrable; that cannot be penetrated, pierced, entered, etc.,

Am],tqt]:etL;/tQm]pQc];lI'[Am],TUik]:yum],mat]:l}:'{(Kt];-tqt]:etL;')= Inxact, adj. not exact; unfaithful,

Am],tqt]:etL;lI' = Indefinite,

Am],tqt]:nqt]:ta}tUw]lI' = Inaccuracy,

Am],tqt]:Am],etL;' = Uncertain,

Am],tqp];tt];sG]l}:'Am],tqp];tt];l}:' = Indecisive, adj. undecided, vague or indistinct,

Am],tUk];Tuk],' = Improper

Am],tUc].nuic]Kuic]Sac]:l}:'[Am],hQt];kan]l}:lI{ = Dysfunctional, adj. malfunctioning,

Am],tUc].nuic]Kuic]Sac]:l}:lI'Am],hQt];kan]l}:lI'(tp];Am],hQt];kan]l}:lI)' = Malfunction, N.

failure to function properly: a malfunction of liver,

Am],tBv];'(nUic];-Am],pn]tLPat],') = Take eyes off, eyes off, (compares ‘does not take eyes off’)

Am],tUv];SI,tUv];hL:' mc]SG],Am],tUv];SI,tUv];hL:'Am],Sgn],tG]:Sgn],niUw]' = Blindly, a

blind manner, without understanding, unthinkingly,

Am],tUv];Tuic]kn]eSAit];'[pQn]l}:yU,mI;yU,ekL:Am],sg}:Am],yuin]:Am],pn]{' = Unsparing, unmerciful,



= Single standard, N. a single set of principles or rules applying to everyone, as a single moral code applying to both men

and women, (compare ‘double standard’)

Am],ta}'[Am],mI;cw];la};tUw]etta}'ASak]:PwAn]Am],Sut];Am],SQc]:{' = Immortality, N. unending life,

Am],ta};Tibc]l}:' Am],sac]:hp].mI;l}:' = Inaccessible, adj.,


,AUim]:sp];kn]) = Nonadjacent, adj.: nonadjacent angles,

Am],tuiw];Kqp];tin]'(KUiw];hUin];Am],tuiw];Kqp];tin]'(ehL;25;10') = Unsandaled, adj.: Family of the

Unsandaled; the house of him whose sandal is removed; the house of him that hath his shoe loosed,

Am],tiBw];nm]Kibn]:mL;Am],yBp]:ygm];kGL,Sc]' = Neither increased nor diminished,

Am],tUiw].'[KUw];pUin]:Am],tUiw].'tI:PG]Am],El,'{= Untouched, adj. not touched or handled, as material; not be visited,

Am],tUiw].niUw].tUiw].nc]'Am],hU.tUw],'Am],Tgm],PG]'Am],Tgm],Aw]SG],sG]' = Pay no attention,

Am],tgc];mat]:ma}w}.tac];Pit];' =“No record of wrongs, “it keeps no record of wrongs” (1Cor.13:5),

Am],tgc];mat]:ma}w}.tac];Pit];sUiw];nn].' = Keep no record of wrongs,

Am],tgn].mI;mUin]n}' Am],tgn].pQn]mUin]n}' = Nothing like this,

Am],tgn].mI;wL:tUk];luin];nL,AL;lL;yw].n}eSpgk]:'p},tUk];luin];' = It’s never too late,

Am],tgn].yam]:eSpgk]:' Am],p},tgn].' yL,tgn].' tiun];etAm],' = Never

Am],tgp],pn]Kw]eSeKL:eSkm];' (sw]:ey,SuAm],tgp],pn]Kw]eSeKL:eSkm];') = Answered

them not a word, (Jesus answered them not a word.),

Am],JtL;' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Unfairness, N.,

Am],JtL;' Am],PQc],pQc];sgm];JtL;' = Unfair, adj. injustice; unjust, unfairness, N.,

Am],JtL;PQc],pQc];' = Injustice

Am],JtL;Pa},kan]kUn];' = Social injustice,

Am],Tac],eS' = Unfortunately,

Am],Tac],eSvL;' Kuik].Kk].vL;' = Accidentally, unintentional, unforeseen,

Am],Tac],eSAit];'[mUiw]:Am],Tac],eSkuic].kc].pQn]mL;{ = Out of the blue, suddenly and unexpectedly,

Am],Tac],etpQn]mL;' Am],Tac],'Am],Tac],eS' = Unexpected, adj., unexpectedly, adv.,

Am],Tat],'(Suip],SU;tgc];Am],Tat],') = Unceasing, adj.: Be unceasing in prayer; pray without ceasing,

Am],Tat],eSpgk]:'(SQc]emL;Em;epL;Am],Tat],eSpgk]:)' = Persistent, constantly repeated: persistent noise,

Am],Tat],eSpgk]:' mn]:es,' Am],pUic]:eSAit];' = Persist, persisted, persisting,

Am],Tat],Am],wa};' = Never stop,

Am],Tat],Am],wa};'eS,eS,Am],Tat],' = Constantly, adv., steadily,

Am],Tat],Am],wa};'(Am],Tuk],emLkn]epL;Am],Tat],Am],wa};) = Ever-present: ever-present discord,

Am],Tic];ep.l}:'[AUn]Aan]emL;Em;'Suk].sG]Suk].eKL;'{ = Turbulent, adj. being in a state of tumult; disturbed,

Am],Tip],Kiun];' Am],pit].Kiun];' = Inert,


n]huic]nL,Am],tan],El:pQn]An]]:puit],EnwL:sun].pg},pqt]:Sun],l}:Sun],pQn]An]nuic]:yw].n}nn].{' =

Acquiescence, N.(Law) such neglect to take legal proceedings for such a long time as to imply the abandonment of a right;

agreement or consent by silence or without objection,

Am],TQc]El:mUin]Pgm].yw].nn].'[Am],tk];SQc]eSEnwL:Pgm].'l}:sG]'Pgm].'Pgm].sgm];'{' = Acquiesce,

to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent, acquiesced,

Am],Tqc]:eSAit];yw].' = No more,

Am],TI,hin].mqc],pUin]:pn]pUin]:tik];tik];' = Give without sparing, give and does not hold back,

Am],Tuk],'Am],Tuk],kn]'= Incompatible, adj. unable to exist together inharmony; contary or opposed in character,

Am],Tuk],'Am],Sc],Tuk],lI'Am],Tuk],lIhQt];' = Inappropriate, adj. not proper or suitable,

Am],Tuk],'Am],kibc],cam],Aap]:' Am],lqp]:' = Unfit, adj. it is not fitting for, not fitting,


t];-Tuk],pk];pUic])'kac]la}'= Illegitimate, adj. unlawful; illegal, not legal: an illegitimate action, (ant: legitimate),

Am],Tuk],mqn]:'San]Kt];'kUn];San]Kt];'(SPL,whim];hgm];An]San]Kt];Krit]:yan],)= Anti, N.: an antiChristian environment,

Am],Tuk],mqn]:pk];pUic]kUn];Kw]:mUic];Agk],mUic];' = Anti-Immigration Laws,

Am],Tbk],emLkn]'[Am],Pgm].l}:sG]kn]'pQn]la}sUiw].la}mQw];w}.{'pQn]la}pL:la}Pa},w}.' = Discord, to disagree; be

at variance, discorded, discording,

Am],Tbk],emLkn]'Am],Tuk],kn]'(tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Discord, N.,

Am],Tuk],emLkn]' Am],Tuk],emLepL;kGam];kn]' = Disharmony,

Am],Tuk],sG]eSAit];'[Am],kYOik]:eSAit];yw].nn].'{ = Out of favor, (Idiom) no longer liked or approved,

Am],Tuk],Am],mqn]:sG]'(Kt];-Tuk],mqn]:sG]nL,)' = Unfavorable, adj., (ant: favorable), unfavorably, adv.,

Am],TU;Sc]' (lat]:eSAm],lat]:eSekL:Am],TU;Sc]yw].') = Indifference, apathy, insensibility,

Am],Tiuc]lI'Am],Kiut];lI'[Tim]:/wuit]./Suic];Am],Tuic]lI{' = Lag, fall or stay behind, lagged, lagging,

Am],TUik]:yum],mat]:l}:' Am],mI;Sqt]:sL,' = Unfaithful, unfaithfulness,

Am],TUik]:wL:'(Am],TUik]:wL:mn];kqn],)' = Indeterminate, uncertain, indefinite,(indeterminate hardness),

Am],Tgk]:Kam],km].Tqm]' = Disapprove, to withhold approval from, disapproved, disapproving,

Am],Tgc]kn]'Am],SU,Am],sG];kn]' = Unreached, out of reach,

Am],Tgm],ekL:l}:yin];'(kw]Kuik].Kk].vL;Am],Tgm],ekL:l}:yin];An]Kw]lat]:kn]yU,nn].yw].)'= Overheard,

(I accidentally overheard what they were saying),

Am],Tgm],kGam];'Am],hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];'liUw]kGam];' = Disobedience, N., disobedient, adj. refractory,


{ = Bury one’s head in the sand, (Idioms) to avoid reality: ignore the facts of a situation,

Am],Tgm],Aw]SG],sG]' = Pay no attention,

Am],Tg}lc]pqt]:mUiw]:p},pQn]Sc]nn].(Tuc];30;30')= Retreat before nothing, does not retreat before any,

Am],nn]' Am],nn]ekL:' epL;Am],nn]Et.' = Or,

Am],nn]ekL:mI;Tqc]:kgn],'(Am],nn]ekL:mI;Tqc]:kgn],hQt];huiw]El:..?)' = Or again, or else: Or again, how...?,

Am],np].etL:'(Am],np].etL:El,kn]sG];kn])' = Infrequent, adj. happening or occurring rarely: infrequently

visit, infrequently, seldom, =

Am],np].etL:'(Am],np].etL:sG]lm]ca}:)' = Not easily: not easily anger, infrequently, seldom,

Am],np].etL:sG]lm]ca}:'(tac];hk].n}.Am],etL:sG]lm]ca}:'(1ekL;'13;5')' = Not easily angered,: Love is

not easily angered;(1Cor.13:5),

Am],np].etL:mI;'[An]Tgk]:pam].km].kqm]sut]:ygm];'Am],lUic],lI'{(Am],np].etL:mI;Aqn]kYin],nYI;yL<lI) =

Dearth, N. an iadequste supply; scarcity: Ther is a dearth of good engineers,

Am],np].ym]'Am],np].Am],ym]' = Disrespect, N. lack of respect; discourtesy, disrespectful, adj.,

Am],np].ym]'hQt];Am],np].Am],ym]'= Disrespect, to regard or treat without respect, disrespected,


nim]nn].)'(Kt];-nim]'sG]nim]') = Unstable, adj.: the unstable, (ant: stable)

Am],nim]Sw];' Am],nim]yQn]' = Instability, the quality or state of being unstable; lack of stability or firmness.,

Am],nim]Am],Sw];l}:' AUn]AQn]miUc];emL;' (Kt];kn]-nim])' = Unstable, adj., (ant: stable),

Am],nqt]:'TiUc];'siUc].TiUc];'nan];'(Kt];-w};'PG];'nqt]:') = Slow, adj., (ant: quick, fast,), slower, slowest,

Am],nqt]:lat]:' = Slow to speak,


w}.'(kGam];sUm];Aw]nm].sG]mw]huc]huc]w}./Am],nqn]:nLlI'(SQc]Am],nqn]:nLlI/mw]huc]huc]/kUc]SUt],SUt],w}.) = Hollow,

adj. insincere or false; without real worth; not deep; empty: hollow compliments; a hollow voice,

Am],nuic]Am],ngk];'Am],tUc].'Am],Ka}.tI:'(Kt];-tUc].'Ka}.'nuic]nuic]ngk];ngk];') = Unmoving, adj. not

moving; not stirring the emotions; still; motionless; immobile,(atn: causing or producing motion)

Am],nUic];l}:'[kGL,pn]nL,{(Kt];-nUic];l}:') = Incomparable, adj. matchless or unequaled, (comparable),

Am],ngc],twa},sG]Kiun];' = Unrepentant, adj.,

Am],ngm];PG]' Am],ngm];etL,PG]' Am],ygn],yan];hLPG]' = Uncompromisingly,

Am],pn]kw]l}:mI;PQc],pQc];JtL;' = Denied me justice: “who has denied me justice,”(Job27:2),


;sw]:n}.'...@(hI;9;14')' = Unblemished, adj. without spot: “… offered himself unblemished to God,…”(Heb.9:14,),

Am],pn]ciun];tgc];pL;' (An]sG].hQt];sgm];Sm].Am],pn]ciun];tgc];pL;')' = Unfunded, not provided with a

fund or money; not financed.,(unfunded mandate,)

Am],pn]tLPat],'(mn];sw]:Am],pn]tLmn];Pat],],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,nn].'(yUp]36;7') = Does

not take eyes off, withdraw not eyes from: He does not take his eyes off the righteous,

Am],pn]PG]hU.' Am],hG]:PG]hU.' = Privately, confidentially, secretly, in private,

Am],pn]mI;Sun],l}:lat]:' = Denied right to speak,

Am],pn]/l}:m}:sG]'[SePL;lI'Sa}ca}lI{(Kun]ehLKm];pL;mI;SePL;lI'(yum].Sa}ca}lI) = Benign, adj. having a

kindly disposition; propitious: a benign king; a benign smile,

Am],pL;'(epL;Am],pL;kw]yL,kGL,nL:')Am],mI;'lgt]:' = Without, preposition. not with; excluding; free from;

not accompanied by: Don’t go without me,

Am],pL;sG]pL;eKL;'(Kt];-pL;sG]pL;eKL;'hQt];Et.Et.)' = Frivolous, adj., (ant: earnest; serious)

Am],pL;nG];Sa}ma}'Am],pL;nG];srac];'Ep,srac];pqt]:' = Exclude, excluded, excluding,

Am],pL;nG];Sa}ma}'Ep,srac];pqt]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Exclusion, keeping (or leaving) someone out,

Am],pin],pqc]l}:' = Irreversible,


v]:) = Asymmetric, adj. not idntical on both sides oe a central line; lacking symmetry; unsymmetrical; one side of lip

is lower than the other: asymmetrical lips, asymmetrical, adj.,

Am],pQc];kn]' Am],Kuic]:kn]' = Not equal to,

Am],pQc];sG]' Am],pQc];epL;sG]' = Discontent, unhappy, blue, complaining, fed up,

Am],pQn]kan]pQn]can];Sc]'Am],l}:Kgn],lI'[Am],mI;Pun],mI;cG]:{ = Unproductive, adj. sterile,

Am],pQn]Tqc]:yw].' = No longer, no more,

Am],pQn]Sc]' = No problem, nevermind,

Am],pQn]Sc]' Am],RKL,Sc]' = Doesn’t matter,

Am],pQn]Sc]'JPL;sw]:hQt];yUc].mn];w}.pn]kw]yw].' =“No problem I’ve been framed by God,

Am],pQn]Sc]l}:yU,' mn];Am],Kiuk].pQn]Sc]KL:l}:yU,KL:' = It’s not a big deal,



nL:eh;&'@n}tI:hw];mL;nn].{' = “My pleasure” “You’re welcome.”, a response to “Thank you,”,

Am],pQn]Sc]sUic].huiw]ekL:lIyU,' = It’s no big deal,

Am],pQn]sG]Pa},lG]' Am],sp];Pa},PG]'(ekL.pQn]pU,SmL,Tin}.Am],pQn]sG]Pa},lG]],wL:yw].)' =

Neutral, not aligned with or supporting any side or position in a controversy:,(The arbitrator was absolutely neutral),

Am],pQn]tac];sg}:tan],lG]Sc]' Am],epL;sg}:kL:huiw]Sc]' = Not much help,

Am],pQn]nn]Sc]eSAit];'[Am],sG]:eSAit];'Am],sG]:ES:/lL;lL;{Sc]eSAit];' = Not at all,

Am],pQn]Pa},wivin],'(Kt];-Pa},vin],)' = Unspiritual, (ant: spiritual),

Am],pQn]l}:' (An]Am],pQn]l}:huiw]mI;' An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;') = Impossible,(nothing is impossible),


]-)'(lUic]:An]Am],pQn]l}:')' = Impossibility,(issue of impossibility),

Am],pQn]l}:'[Am],mI;nm].kt].El:hqc];hQt];pQn]l}:pgc]l}:nn].{' = Incapable, adj. without ordinary capability,

Am],pQn]lgc]:pQn]la};Sc]mL;'(!Am],pQn]lgc]:pQn]la};Sc]mL;eSAn]'(man],5;36') = Came to nothing: It

all came to nothing,

Am],pqt].' (kw]Am],pqt].mL;tUv];El:') = Not telling a lie, (Come have a look! I’m not telling a lie.)


Am],Tuic]tI:)'(Kt];-ep.sG])' = Noncertitude, N. distrust, doubt, fear, incertitude, N.,(ant: certitude,),

Am],ep.sG]yL,lat]:' = Don’t say it if you don’t mean it,

Am],ep.sG]yL,lat]:' epL;SUAm],ep.sG]yL,lat]:' = Don’t say thing you don’t mean.

Am],ep.tUw]' = Deficiency, a state of lack, insufficiency

Am],ep.pQn]tan],nn].ES:'(mn];Am],ep.tan],nn].ES:) = Not that serious: It’s not that serious,



n]n}'(sw]:pac],]:6/15/22016)nG];Kaw],pac]lUc]'){ = Beat around the bush, (Idiom) avoiding the main

topic; not speaking directly about the issue,

Am],p},'yL,'p},'yL,ep'Am],' = Not yet, not, adv. (used to express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition),

Am],p},sG]:etL:wL:'[wL:etAw]/hQt];n}eSKuin];pin],sG]wL:p},Aw]/hQt];'{ =“No, No, I change my mind,”

Am],p},tgn].' Am],tgn].yam]:eSpgk]:' yL,tgn].' tiun];etAm],' = Never

Am],p},epL;'Am],p},kum],'Am],p},es;' = Not enough yet, not sufficient yet,

Am],p},epL;sG]l}:'[Am],epL;sG]l}:'Am],p},han].sG]/pQc];sG]l}:'{(Am],p},epL;sG]l}:tI:hLtac];hU.tac];hn]nn].')' =

Insatiable, adj. not satiable; incapable of being satisfied or appeased: insatiable hunger for knowledge,


lgc]:tL,lat]:sgm];Sc]'{' = No comment,

Am],p},l}:Kam],pat],pa}nc]'(ekL.Am],p},l}:Kam],pat],pa}nc])' = Uncircumcised, adj.:the uncircumcised,


El:An]Am],p},l}:pat],pa}nc]n}.An]lG]ekL:Am],mI;tI:pgc],Sc]'(klL,ti6;15')= Uncircumcision, N.: the

uncircumsicion of your flesh (Col. 2:13); Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anyting, (Gal.6:15),

Am],p},l}:hn]Kiun];An]nn].Et.Et.' = Haven’t really seen,


;kuit];nn].'{(Kt];-epL;El:') = No, not yet! Not yet! (ant: stop)

Am],epL;k}'(mn];Am],epL;k})' = Not so far away, not very far off: It’s not so far away,

!Am],epL;k}epL;sm]'@[Am],epL;k}kUv];kL:Am],epL;sm]{' =“Not so far, but nor so near”,

Am],epL;Kw]:Agk],pUin]:'(tI:k}kUn];' Am],epL;Kw]:Agk],pUin]:')' = Seclude, secluded, secluding,

withdrawn from or involving little human or social activity:secluded place, a secluded life, seclusion, N.,

Am],epL;Kqn];sG]'[Am],pUic],w}.Sc]/Pan]kqn];{(Kt];-Kqn];sG]') = Devoid, adj. not possessing or destitute

(usually followed by of). Opposed replete,

Am],epL;KG]:'Am],epL;Agk],sG]kL:hiuw]'(Am],epL;KG]:kGL,) = Not really, not really want to go,



epL;tQm]Kw]') = Autism, N. a pervasive developmental disorder of children, characterized by impaired communication,

excessive rigidity, and emotional detachment: now considered one of the autism spectrum disorders: autism care,

Am],epL;mI;PG]SU,PG]sG];'(kUn];sUiw];Am],epL;mI;PG]SU,PG]sG];) = Less-reached: Less-reached people or the


Am],epL;mqn]:sG]Am],emLAQn]:ekL.' AQn]:ekL:yap],' = Not get along with,


,epL;kuit];Sc]yw].')= Limited time frame, deadline, time is so limted,

Am],epL;cUiw]:epL;lk];' = Half-witted, lacking the normal mental powers,feeble-minded,


luin];Sut];)' = Too close to call: The election was too close to call, so they decided to have a runoff,

Am],epL;mI;' sbt]:lbt]:yBp]:ygm];' sbt]:lbt]:' = Lack of,

Am],epL;mI;'Am],np].etL:mI;'[hLyap],'sut]:lut]:yUp]:ygm];'Am],lUic],lI'{(An]Am],epL;mI;kUn];)= Dearth,

adj. scarcity; lack: the dearth of people,

Am],epL;mI;sG]KG]:etL,SU:Kt];pqt]:Sc]yw].' = Least resistance,

Am],epL;mI;tac];yum],mat]:' tac];yum],mat]:lQk].ek,eA,mac]' = Lack of faith,

Am],epL;mI;nL:mI;tL' Am],Kiuk].Am],Ka};' epL;Kuik].epL;Ka};' = Insignificant, unemportant,

Am],epL;mI;hqc];'Am],kum],'PL:hUm],pgt];' = Shortcoming, N. a failure or deficiency in conduct, codition,

thought, ability, etc.,

Am],epL;m}:' = Mild, warm,

Am],epL;m}:epL;kt];' = Moderate, adj calm or mild as of the weather,

Am],epL;yum],tm];sG]l}:' lgc]:ybm],tm];sG]eA,mac]' = Lack of confidence,

Am],epL;yU,lI' Am],epL;San];' Am],San];sG]' Am],kqn],Kqc]' = Unhealthy, not in a state of

good or normal health; in an unsound, weak, or morbid condition.,

Am],epL;lm],lgc]:'Am],epL;Kiuk].epL;Ka};'Agn],'lQk].Agn],' = Minor, adj. N, smaller,

Am],epL;lm],lgc]:'(Agc]:tI:Am],epL;lm],lgc]:) = Least important: least important place,

Am],epL;lqt];lI' = Isn’t smart enough,

Am],epL;elL;'[hQt];Am],epL;elL;Am],pL;sG]pL;eKL;{ = Have no interest in doing something,

Am],epL;huic]'km];Agn],kUv];'[lat]:Enlgc]:wL:etsQw];kGL,/mL;/yw]./hQt];yU,n}'{ = Not very long, soon,

Am],epL;hibc]nan];kL:hibw]Sc]' = It doesn’t take very long,

Am],epL;hiuc]epL;nan];' Am],epL;tn];hibc]nan];kL:hiuw]Sc]' = In a little while, before long,

Am],piut],Am],pac],' lp];Sic],kum];cum];' = Dark, cloudy, so dark,

Am],piUc]:' Am],piUc]:kn]' = Nothing’s change, no difference,


n]kn]Kqm].tan],kn]{' = Just the same (Idiom),



sG]wUn].nk];sgm];mn];Am],sG]:mQw];etmI;pYSnL,nn]."{' = UNCH, if the abbreviation UNCH is seen next to the

stock symbol, this means the price unchanged,

Am],pUic]:Sc]mL;' Am],hn]pUic]:Sc]' = Lukewarm, adj. halfhearted, indifferent,

Am],pUic]:eSAit];' mn]:es,' = Persistence, perseverance, continuance,

Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' pQn]tbk].Kit' pQn]kBn];hk];kBn];kqc].' = Disable, disabled, disabling,

Am],pgc]pQn]l}:'kBn];hk];kBn];kqc].'tbk].Kit'(Kt];-kUn];yU,lIpI;San];'mI;Aac],kL,es;lI') = Disabled,

N. adj. handicapped; paralyzed,(ant: able; healthy)

Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' tbk].Kit'kBn];hk];kBn];kqc].'(lgc]:-'An]-') = Disability, N. inability,

Am],pgc]pQn]l}:'(enL,tqn];Pgc];ekL.Am],pgc]pQn]l}:)' = Incompetent, adj. not competent, incapable: an

incompetent candidate,

Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' = Inability,(lack of power, capacity or means), unable, disable,

Am],pgc],RKL,Sc]' = Not a big deal: it’s no big deal; it’s not a big deal,

Am],pgc],RKL,Sc]miBn]nc],nm].lgt]:lc]pQt];kBv];' = Water off a duck’s back,

Am],pgc],tac];lG]' Am]hn]pUic]:Sc]mL;' Am],hgt]:lG]' = Nowhere, It’s going nowhere,

Am],pgc],P}a,lG]Sc]' = Nowhere, adj., worthless or useless: (That's a nowhere idea if I ever heard one.),

Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc],tL' kGam];Am],mI;tI:pgc],' = Nonsense; things don’t make sense,

Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc],tL'Am],mI;kL:mI;Kn]'= Worthless, adj. of no value; nothing worth; reduce to nothing,

Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc]tLSc]' = Means nothing, meant nothing,

Am],pgc],wL:pQn]-n}Sc]yw].'(!epL;pQn]nn]Ep,'nn].etAm],pgc],wL:pQn].'...n}Sc]yw]."@)' = No longer:

“If it were, that would no longer be…”,

Am],pgc],Aey;Sc]' Am],pgc],Sc]' = Don’t matter,

Am],pg},pn]pQn]'[ham]:SI;Am],pn]hQt];{' = Disallow, reject, prohibit, disallowed, disallowing,

Am],pg},wac];KGac].pn]kn]' = Unforgiveness

Am],Pat],kn]l}:[Am],Aw]Pat],l}:{ = Inseparable, adj. N. incapable of being separated, inseparably, adv.,

Am],Pat],yan]k}kGL,eSpgk]:' = Never go away,


= Leave you nor forsake you, (He will not leave you nor forsake you.)

Am],PL,kac]wac];Kiuc]:'Am],Kuic]:kn]'Am],pQc];kn]' = Unequal, adj. not equal,


:l}:)'tuin];lUw],l}:hQt];' = Indispensable, adj. incapable of disregard or neglected: an indispensable obligation,

Am],Pit];Am],piBc]:eSAit];' tqt]:etL;lI' = Accurately, accuracy,

Am],Pit];Am],Pqk],'Am],lip]:Am],Pac];'[Am],mI;tI:Pit];tI:Pqk],{= Flawless, adj., flawlessness, N.,

Am],PQc],pQc];sgm];JtL;' = Unfair, injustice,

Am],PQc],pQc];JtL;'Am],JtL;' = Unjust, adj. not just; lacking in justice or fairness: unjust criticism,

Am],Pqw]tac];lG]' = Nowhere, adj., being or leading nowhere; pointless; futile: to be stuck in a nowhere job.,


tt].3:14') = Unproductive, adj. unfruitful: not live unproductive lives,

Am],Pgm].' TQc]pqt]:' = Refuse,

Am],Pgm].' Am],KG]:hp].' = Disapprobation, disapproval,

Am],Pgm].' Am],l}:sG]' = Disagree,

Am],Pgm].SQc]pQc];pak],kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Dissension, N.,

Am],Pgm].SQc]pQc];pak],kn]' = Dissension

Am],Pgm].eSl}:hQt];'[Am],Agk],sG]sg}:hQt];'{ = Involuntary, adj. not voluntary, involuntarily, adv.,

Am],Pgm].l}:sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Disagreement,

Am],fac].vL;'(Kt];-fac].vL;') = Inconspicious, adj. not spnspicious, noticeable, or prominent,

Am],fac].mqn]:'lgm]lgm]pa}:'(Am],sac]:lgm]lgm]pa}:kGL,l}:yw].) = Unnoticed, adj. escaped notice: could not

go unnoticed,

Am],mk];Kan];w}.Sc]' Am],mk];Am],Kan];w}.Sc]' = Unlimited,

Am],mk];Kan];pun]:Pgn];' = Unlimited liability, -A concept that places all of a person’s personal assets

within reach of a civil judgment.,

Am],mn]:'Kgn];'lUm]'(KQw]:Kgn];'KQw]:Am],mn]:') = Loose, adj.not firm, taut, or rigid: a loose tooth,

Am],mn]:sG]'Am],es,'[Am],Tuk],'Aw]Kt];SUn]San]kn]hc];kUv];{ = Iconsistent, adj. incompatible; selfcontraditory, inconsistency, N.,

Am],mn]:tUw]mn]:sG]' = Insecure,

Am],mn]:Am],kuim];'Sc],KL,r'[lqk]:la}:pn],put]:tik];tik];{ = Transient, adj.N. not lasting, enduring, or

permant; transitory,


KL,r)nn].eSkm];') = Transient, adj. fleeting; frail: let me know how transient I am,

Am],mn];Am],es,' sUw]:kqp].sBw]:Kaw];' = Temporary, pro tempore, for a time being,

Am],mak],Am],EP:tUin];'(Kt];-mak],pUc];hUc];kgn]:'yG],EP:nm]kuin];') = Unfruitful, adj.,(ant: fruitful)

Am],mat],sQp];hqc];kL:huiw]'[Am],mI;An]yL.AkYOw];lu'Am],lulqw]nm]Sc]'{(Agk],21;232)' = No serious

injury, no mischief; no further damage,

Am],mat]:'Am],mat]:Kuik].'Am],mat]:pQn]' = Scorn, to treat or regard with contempt; despise, scorn, N.,

Am],mat]:kn]'Am],mat]:Sgn],Aac]:Aic]' = Disregard, irreverence,

Am],mat]:Kuik].eSES.En;wL:ygc],' = Scorn of fools; reproach of the foolish,


m],Aw]SG],sG]'tUv];Kam]:pUn].pqt]:'Am],mat]:kn]'{' = Ignore, overlook, disregard, ignored, ignoring,

Am],mat]:SGac];kin]'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Ignorance,N. the state or fact of being ignorant,

Am],mat]:SGac];kin]'(Kw]sUiw];Am],mat]:SGac];kin]JPL;sw]:) = Ignorant, adj.: those who are ignorant of God,

Am],mat]:tBw]kw],'[Am],yum],nm].kt].tac];emL/kL:Kn]sw]:kw],{' = Diffidence, N., diffident, adj.,

Am],mat]:pQn]Sc]eS'Am],SGac];kin]kn]' = Scornfully,

Am],mat]:pgc],Sc]'[Am],SGac];kin]'Tac],lQk].'{[mL,nyG],hUw]sG]Pqn]Suc]eSAm],np].Am],ym]PG]Sc]'{= Disdain,

scorn; despise, disdained, disdaining, disdain, N. haughty contempt,

Am],mat]:pgc],Sc]'[Am],SGac];kin]'Tac],lQk].'{(Am],mat]:pgc],Sc]eSTQc]pak]:pqt]:') = Disdainful, adj.

scornful: disdainful rejection,


= Godlessness, N., godless, adj. having or acknowledging no god or deity; wicked, godlessly, adv.,

Am],mat]:mn];Kuik].' mat]:mn];mw]' w}.mw]' = Insignificant, inconsequential, trifling,

Am],mat]:wL:mn];mw]' Am],mat]:mn];mw],nc],kaw],' = Not making light of ,

Am],man],' = Incorrect, wrong,

Am],man],Am],siuw]:sG]:' Am],man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,'(An]) = Unrighteous,

Am],man];luk]:' Am],pL;tgc].' = Unpregnant, adj.,

Am],map],wL:Pam];pQn]' = Disillusion, disillusioned, disabuse, undeceive,

Am],mL,'(kgc];)(2Sqm];'2;24') = Ammah,[ a hill in the territory of Benjamin,(2Sam.2:24)],

Am],mqn]:'Pqk],'Am],Suiw]:/Am],tUiw].'(nUic];-muiw];mqn]:'Suiw]:'tUiw].'mqn]:') = Missed the mark or target,

failed to hit, (compare hit the target or mark)

Am],mqn]:'(ngc],tAm],mqn]:)' = Imperfect, adj. not perfect: Imperfect contrition,

Am],mqn]:kn]'Kt];kn]'(An]-)[ekL./sum];/An]nuic]:tc];ekL./sum];/An]nuic]:Am],mqn]:kn]nn].'{' =

Antagonism, N. an active hostility or opposition,

Am],mqn]];' = Wrong people, wrong person,

Am],mqn]:sgm];pk];piUc]' = Unlawful,

Am],mqn]:sgm];ma}mI:' = Not conforming the rules,

Am],mqn]:sG]'(nn].Am],mqn]:sG]mn];)' = Not happy with, not pleased with: He’s not happy with that,

Am],mqn]:tac];mn];' = Not the right way,

Am],mqn]:tI:mqn]:tac];mn];'Am],Sc],Tuk],'[An]Am],Sc],etL,'Am],Tuk],lIhQt];{' = Out of

place, unsuitable to the circumstances; inappropriate,

Am],mqn]:nUiw].mqn]:lUit]:'(An]) = Allergy,

Am],mqn]:pUic]' = Illicit, not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful., illegitimate,

Am],mqn]:wgc],'(nqt]:Am],mqn]:wgc],)= Undue, adj. unwarranted, excessive, unnecessary: undue haste, unduly, adv.,

Am],mI;'Am],pL;'(epL;Am],pL;kw]yL,kGL,nL:'(Am],mI;/tuiw];Sgk];tin]')lgt]:'ngk]:' = Without, preposition.

not with; excluding; free from; not accompanied by: Don’t go without me; without shoses,

Am],mI;kan]'(kUn];Am],mI;kan])' = Unemployed, adj.: the unemployed,

Am],mI;kan]hQt];'Am],mI;kan]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Unemployment, N.,

Am],mI;kan]tL,hQt];' = Running out of work,

Am],mI;kan]tL,hQt];' (mn];Am],mI;kan]tL,hQt];El:Am],hQt];kan]Sc]eSyU,mL;Sam]pIpa}yw].')' = Out

of work, (He has been out of work over three years.),

Am],mI;kL:mI;Kn]' Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc],tL' = Worthless, adj. of no value; nothing worth; reduce to nothing,

Am],mI;kUn];yU,eSekL.' = Desolate, depopulate, to forsake or abandon, desolated,

Am],mI;ekY;sB;'luim];kuc],ekY;sU;'libm];ekY;sB;'nL:lu' = Disgrace, disgraced, disgracing,

Am],mI;K}mI;mn];'lgt]:K}mn];'(nUiw].mUPk].lgt]:K}mn];) = Lean, adj.: lean pork ground, leaner, leanest,


hUw]sG]Kw]w}.nn]." = No word could express their heartfelt thanks,

Am],mI;eKL:kGam];lat];tqk]:l}:' = Unspeakable,


(A},es<y'54;17) = “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.(Isaiah 54:17,JKJ)”

Am],mI;Kgp],mI;piBc]' = Chaos, disorder, a total lack of organization,

Am],mI;Kgp],mI;lqn]'(An]-)(Kt];- yQn]'yQn]SI,SI,') = Turmoil, N. a state of agitation, (ant: order)

Am],mI;Kgp],mI;lqn]tI:tUik]:mn];l}:'Am],mI;Kgp],mI;lqn]mn];l}:' = Boundless, adj.,

Am],mI;cw]:mI;hak]:'(An]mn];Tac],Pit];nn].Am],mI;cw]:mI;hak]:mn];Sc]lUc])' Am],mI;cw]:hak]:mn];Sc]'=

Groundless, without rational basis; without reason or justification,(his suspicions were groundless),

Am],mI;cG]:mn];' Am],hn]/hU.tac];mn];' = Not have a clue, have no clue,

Am],mI;sn].' Am],sgm];piUc]' = Immoral, immorality, morally bad,

Am],mI;sn].' = Morally bad, immoral,

Am],mI;sn].kn]Kqc]' = Unhealthy, morally bad, harmful, or contaminating: unhealthy examples for the young.,

Am],mI;es,tnL,' = Unkind, adj. lacking of kindness or mercy: severe, cold-hearted,

Am],mI;suiw]:mI;SQc]Sc]' = Anonymity, obscurity,


kaw],...n}kUv];') = Not so serious, unimportant,


;kUn];)n}.sw]:fL.kqm]mUic];ham];lulqw]"(Tuc];14;28') = Without subjects, the dearth of people: but without the

subjects a prince is ruined.(Prov.14:28),

Am],mI;sG]krbnL,' = Merciless, adj. having or showing no mercy; pitiless; creul,

Am],mI;sG]krbnL,'yLw}.sG]krunL,'(yL,w}.sG]kru,nL,etL,Kw]Sc]'(ehL;7;2') = Show no mercy, Merciless,

adj. pitiless; creul; unmerciful: show them no mercy,

Am],mI;sG]kUn];'[An]Am],mI;sG]kUn];'Am],epL;mI;sG]lI'mI;es,tnL,sG]AQt];lU'skGL,{' = Inhumane, adj. not

humane; lacking of humanity, kindness, etc.,

Am],mI;sG]kUn];'[sG]PIlU;PIPa};'Am],epL;mI;sG]AI;lU/mqt].tL,'{'Am],sgm];fic]:SPL,wmn];'= Unnatural,

adj. lacking human qualities or sympathies; monstrous; inhuman,

Am],mI;sG]KG]:hQt];'(Kt];-mI;kac]sG]KG]:hQt];) = Reluctant, adj. unwilling, reluctance, N., reluctantly,

adv., (ant: willing,)

Am],mI;sG]/tac];hk].'[Am],mI;mqt].tL,sgm];SPL,wmn];{= Unloving, adj. without love, without natural affection,

Am],mI;sG]nUiw].sG]nc]' = Cold-hearted, adj. lacking sympathy or feeling, unking,

Am],mI;sG]mqt].tL,etL,' Am],mI;sG]mqt].tL,' = Unsympathetic, (ant: sympathetic),

Am],mI;sG]hU.'Am],mI;sG]hU.tUw]lI' = Lack of judgment, lack of sense; has no sense; void of understanding,

Am],mI;sG]hU.'Am],mI;sG]hU.tUw]lI' = Has no sense, lack of sense; lacks judgment; void of understanding,

Am],mI;sG]AQt];lB'[Am],AI;lU'Am],mI;sG]krunL,'{(Am],mI;sG]AQt];lUSc]eSsG].kin]Kw]'(Agk],1;13')= Ruthless,

adj. without pity or compassion; merciless; cruel: worked them ruthlessly, ruthlessly, adv. viciously,

Am],mI;sgm];' Am],yB,' pw],' lbt]:' Am],mL;Kibn]:' Am],Kiun]:hgt]:' = Absence,

Am],mI;sgm];'Am],yB,'Am],mL;Kibn]:'Am],Kiun]:hgt]:'(mn];Am],mL;Kiun]:KL:)' = Absent: He was absent,


m];tL,wUn],pun]:Pgn];') = Unmindful, adj. not mindful; heedless; forgetful; careless; neglectful: unmindful of obligations,

Am],mI;Ser'Am],mI;Aic],Ser,' = Udignified, adj. appearing foolish and unseemly; lacking in diginity,

Am],mI;Sc]'Am],mI;AI:Sc]eSsiBw].eSAn]/mQw];'Am],mI;AI:Sc]' = Nothing, not even one,

Am],mI;Sc]nUic];l}:' = Un-compared,

Am],mI;Sc]liBw]n}.' = No less,

Am],mI;Sc]lUiw]n}.'lUiw]eSn}.Am],mI;Sc]Tqc]:' = Nothing more than this,

Am],mI;Sc]/PG]Eh.'puit],w}.pn]kGac]:nL,nL,' = Wide open for, wide open space, wide open,

Am],mI;Sqt].sL,' = Disloyalty, unfaithfulness, faithless, infidelity,

Am],mI;Sqt].sL,'(Kt];-mI;Sqt].sL,) = Infidelity, disloyalty, (ant: fidelity, loyalty)


L.JPL;'(pin],EpkGam];w}.Am],TUik]:yum],mat]:l}:/Am],tqt]:etL;')'= Unfaithful, adj. not faithful; faithless; disloyal; not

accurate or complete; inexact: unfaithful to the LORD; an unfaithful translation, unfaithfulness, N.,

Am],mI;Sqt].sL,etL,lgc]:Et,nL:hUin];kn]w}.' = Marital unfaithfulness,


Am],yum],kin]l}:'Am],Aic]piuc]:l}:'Am],yum],mat]:lum];lum];'{(AkYac].Am],mI;Sqt].sL,)' = Faithlessly, adv.,

faithless, adj. not adhering to allegiance, promise, vows, or duty; not trustworthy; unreliable; unfaithful: faithless behavior,

Am],mI;Sa}ca}tac];pQn]mn];Sc]' = Symptomless, having or showing no symptoms,


EP:sp];') = Asymptomatic, adj. showing no evidence of disease: asymptomatic spread,

Am],mI;tac],mQw];/An]Sc]Tqc]:'(lUiw]n}.Am],mI;lgc]:tac],An]Sc])'= Nothing else: nothing else matters,

Am],mI;tac],An]Sc]yw].'(lUiw]n}.Am],mI;lgc]:tac],An]Sc]yw].)' = Nothing else: nothing else matters,

Am],mI;tac];'(km]suim];An]ha}kGL,nn].Am],mI;tac];tL,ethLhn]yw].)'Am],mI;tI:/kL:lG]'= Nowhere adv. in

or at no place; not anywhere: The missing pen was nowhere to be found,

Am],mI;tac];Pit];Sc]' Am],hU.Am],kQw],Kgc].sgm];' = Innocent,

Am],mI;tac];mn];yw].' = No way

Am],mI;tac];muc]:mgc];' (Kt];-mI;tac];muc]:mgc];')' = Hopeless, (ant: hopeful),

Am],mI;tac];yum],kin]'[k}.pQn]mL;nG];pL,lIman],nG];mUic];pL,lI,mn],tI,mUw],Ker,SI,{' = Non-confidence,


,An]lG]Sc]nn].'{' = Faithless, adj. without trust or belief; being without religious faith,

Am],mI;tac];yum],ym]kn]' = Trust is broken,

Am],mI;tac];l}:ciun];' = Out of the money, (OTM) is term used to describe a call option with a strike price that is

higher than the market price of the underlying asset, or a put option with a strike price that is lower than the market price of the

underlying asset. An out of the money option has no intrinsic value, but only possesses extrinsic or time value,

Am],mI;tac];hU.'[lUm]lam]mw]mac]'{ = Unguarded, adj. careless; not cautious or discreet, unguardedly, adv.,

Am],mI;tac];AUk];tac];Aa}'Am],mI;tac];Aa}' = Unashamed, not ashamed,

Am],mI;tLngn];' = Slumberless, adj., sleepless, adj.,

Am],mI;tI:tqk]:tI:nUic];l}:' = Unequaled, adj. not equal,

Am],mI;tI:pgc],Sc]' kGam];kUn];ygc],' = Irrational, insensate, unreasonable,

Am],mI;tI:pgc],Sc]'[Am],mI;lgc]:mI;tac];Sc]{ = Unreasoning, adj. reasonless; thoughtless; irrational,

Am],mI;tI:pgc],tI:pQw]'(lat]:-/An]-)= Pointless, adj. without meaning or relevance, pointlessly, adv.,


n];)' = Meaningless, adj.: meaningless talk; emtry talk,

Am],mI;tI:pgc],lgc]:pgc],tLSc]' = Things don’t make sense, meaningless,

Am],mI;tI:Pit];'[Am],pL;An]Pit];{Am],kUw]:kUik],' = Faultless, adj. without fault, undefiled, adj.,

Am],mI;tI:yc],tUik]:'Am],yiBn].km]'(Kt];-yUin].km]') = Unrestrained, adj. unchecked,(ant: restrained)

Am],mI;tI:lIEn;Sc]'[Am],l}:Ser,luSc]'{ = Without spot, unblemished,


nn].)' = Immortal, adj. not mortal; not subject to death; undying: our immortal souls; the immortal words of Lincoln,

Am],mI;t};ekL.'Am],mI;t};ekL.eSekL.'(lgc]:-) = Friendless, adj., friendlessness, N.,

Am],mI;Tqc]:'lUiw]eSn}.Am],mI;Sc]Tqc]:' = Nothing more, no more,

Am],mI;Tqc]:yw].' Am],Tqc]:eSAit];yw].' = No more, no longer, not any more,

Am],mI;nm].kt].Kuit];'(kgp].f])' = Disqualification, (golf), an act or instance of disqualifying,

Am],mI;nm].kt].tac];lIKibt];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Disqualification, unqualify,

Am],mI;nm].kt].An]lBw],nn].' = Don’t have what it takes,

Am],mI;nm].mI;tUw]'Am],Kw]:Kuiw],Kw]:Ep'[Am],pQn]l}:tL,ethQt];Agk],pn]mL;eSAn]eSmQw];nn].Sc]{' =

Futile, adj. incapable of producing any result; ineffective; useless,

Am],mI;nL:lIhk].' KL,Ek,' = Pert, insolent, saucy,

Am],mI;nG];mUic];kUn];'[Am],mI;nG];km],PL,elL;kn}.{ = Nonexisting, unexisting, nonexistent, adj.,

Am],mI;pk];mI;pUic]'(hUk].ha}.pUn].pqn]Am],mI;pk];mI];pUic]')' = Lawless, adj.: lawless violence, lawlessness, N.,

Am],mI;pun]:Pgn];'(PU:mI;sn].Am],Aap]:mI;pun]:Pgn];)' = Non-commission, (non-commissioned officer),

Am],mI;Pun],mI;cG]:'[Am],l}:Kgn],lI{(lin]Am],mI;Pun],mI;cG]:) = Sterile, adj. unproductive; barren: sterile soil,

Am],mI;PUw]mI;em;'Am],Et,nL:hUin];' = Unmarried, adj. N.: the unmarried, (compare marrieds)

Am],mI;JPL;Tqc]:tac],SU,tac],pL;mI;pL;lQw]kUv];'(1ekL;8;4')' = There is no God but one,

Am],mI;JPL;JtL;'[Am],yUw],eS,kUw]ym]Sc]'{ = Ungodly, adj. impious, ungodliest,

Am],mI;PG]' Am],mI;PG]lG]' = No one,

Am],mI;PG]' Am],sG]:PG]' = None, not one,

Am],mI;PG]ekL.lG]' Am],mI;PG]' Am],sG]:PG]' = Nobody,

Am],mI;PG]ekL.lG]eSekL.' = Nobody else, no one else,

Am],mI;PG]ekL.lG]tgp],tqn];Kiun];hQt];An]Pit];tqn];An]Pit];nn].' = Nobody pays back

wrong for wrong,(1 Thes. 5:15,NIV),

Am],mI;PG]sg}:Kw]' = No one is helping them,

Am],mI;PG]tn];kGL,Kuit];sm]l}:' = No one is close up to it,

Am],mI;PG]Tqc]:' Am],sG]:tac]ekL.tac],kUn];lG]Sc]' = No one else,

Am],mI;PG]Tqc]:yw].hL.&' mI;PG]Tqc]:&' = Any person at all; Anyone else!;

!Am],mI;PG]yin];hw];l}:?'PG]sac]:yin];hw];l}:'@ =“Who can hear us? Who will hear us? No

one can hear us!,”

Am],mI;PG]lG]man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,' = No one is righteous,

Am],mI;PG]w}.fac].tUv];hn]SG],sG]'Am],mI;PG]fac].mqn]:' = It goes unnoticed,

Am],mI;PG]hQt];ha}.mUik]:tgp],tqn];Kiun];An]ha}.mUik]:etL,kUn];ekL.lG]eSekL.' = None render

evil for evil unto any man,

Am],mI;PG]];' Am],mI;PG]hU.sgm];l}:' = Obscurity, the condition of being unknown,

Am],mI;PG]hU.sgm];' = Undiscovered, adj.,

Am],mI;PG]Aw]w}.' Am],mI;PG]yU,w}.' pw],w}.' = Unoccupied,


kum];w}.) = Unruly, adj. ungovernable; turbulent; lawless: an unruly class, unrulier,

Am],mI;mG];kUv];' = You are not alone,

Am],mI;la};lG]lL;lL;' Am],mI;tac];mn];lL;lL;' = By no means, in no way, not at all,

Am],mI;lgk];pw],w}.tL,eKL:kGam];kw]eStI:' = Have no room for my word, (my word has no place in you,)

Am],mI;lgk];lin]'[Am],mI;Pqn],lin]/lin]pUic],w}.pQn]hc];sw]:kw],nn].{' = Landless, adj. not owning land,

Am],mI;lgc]:kBw]Sc]' = No fear,

Am],mI;lgc]:kbic],TBik]:lI' Am],mI;lgc];mI;tac];' = Unreasonable, irrational,

Am],mI;lgc]:Sc]' Am],pgc],Sc]' = Counts for nothing, profits nothing,

Am],mI;lgc]:SQn],lI' = Nonlogistical, adj. unlogistically, adj.,

Am],mI;lgc]:tac];Sc]eSkBn];miBc];tc];la}Kw]etAgn]kn]lIetL,mG];yw]." = People will

go out of their way to be good to you for no reason.

Am],mI;lgc]:tL,yB,hac],k}yan]kn]Sc]' = No stand-off,


n;lgt]:tac];En;yw].'@(Kuin];14;5') = No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless,

Am],mI;lgc]:mI;tac];mn];Sc]eS' = Without cause,

Am],mI;la};lG]' Am],mI;tac];mn];' = By no means, in no way, not at all,

Am],mI;/hn]hg};tac];kGL,mn];' = Trackless, adj. pathless, tracklessly, adv.,

Am],mI;hqc];'hqc];AUn]:'(Kt]:-hqc];'hqc];kqn],Kqc]'sG]kqn],Kqc]) = Weak, adj., weaker, weakest, (ant: strong),

Am],mI;hqc];'hG]:hqc];AUn]:'hqc];AUn]:kGL,' = Weaken, to make or become weak, weakend, weakening,


Unwalled, adj.: unwalled towns,

Am],mI;hU;PL/lin]'[tI:PLhUin];Am],mI;hU;lUm];Kw]:/Agk],{(nUic];-mI;hU;PL/lin]) = Unvented, adj.,

(compare “vented”)

Am],mI;AkYOw];'Am],kt].Am],kYL.'Am],Tiuc]tI:Tiuc]tac];' = Ineffective, adj.,

Am],mI;AkYOw];Pgn];lISc]' = Disadvantage

Am],mI;AkYOw];Pgn];lISc]tL,pa};tuik];' = Strategic disadvantage,

Am],mI;AKGac].l}:(-hQt];'-Aw]'-pn]') = Has no right, authority, or power to,

Am],mI;AKGac].hQt];l}:' = Not permitted,


= Without sin: Only one man, Jesus is without sin,

Am],mI;An]Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];sUiw];nn].w}.Sc]' = No Limits,


Limitless, adj. without limit; boundless,

Am],mI;An]sg}:An]Tqm]' = Helpless, vulnerable, helplessly,

Am],mI;An]pik].Aiut];w}.Sc]' = Unstopped, not obstructed, to free from any obstruction,

Am],mI;An]yUc];sG]tG];mgc];KG]:l}:Sc]Tqc]:yw].nn].'(van],12;5') = Desire no longer is stirred,

Am],mI;An]lG]Sc]' mn];Am],mI;An]lG]Sc]' = There is nothing, there’s nothing,

Am],mI;An]lG]mL;nUic];l}:'Am],mI;AI:Sc]mL;nUic];l}:' = Nothing else compare,

Am],mI;An]Eh.SI;siBc].TiBc];nn].' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Unimpeded

Am],mI;AL,nL,' Am],mI;hqc];' Am],ym]' = Powerless,

Am],mI;AQn]hg};yQp].' = Seamless, adj.,

Am],mI;AI:Sc]'Am],mI;AI:Sc]eSsiBw].eSAn]/mQw];' = Nothing, not even one,

Am],mI;Aa}hgm]Sc]' = Scentless, adj. non-scented, scentlessness, N.,

Am],mI;eAL;sL,' Am],mI;eAL;sL,eSsG].sa},kGL,' = Unauthorized, unauthorized use,



AL;sL,sG].Suiw].sG].sa},nn].epL;n}pqc].ey;ciun];n}.etAan];Kiun];mG];nn].pn](pqc].pn]Kiun];ciun];){'= Unauthorized

Purchases, those purchases made by someone other than you with your debit card, credit card or checks. If you can prove that

you did not authorize the purchase, the bank will refund your money,


n]l}:nn].')'tUv];Am],hn]l}:' = Invisible, adj. not perceptible or discernible by mind: invisible differences,

Am],muc]:hn]w}.TL:l}:'(Kt];-muc]:hn]w}.TL:l}:')' = Unforeseeable, adj.,(ant: foreseeable),

Am],mUt];sac],'[An]Am],Tgt]:mYat]:'Am],yUw],eS,kUw]ym]'{(Kt];-mUt];sac],)' = Unholy, adj. not sacred

or hallowed; impious,(ant: holy)

Am],mUt];SG]'tac];hQt];wUv],'wUv],' = Uncleanness, N., dirty, moral impurity, sinfulness,

Am],mUt];SG]' tac];hQt];wUv],' wUv],' = Unclean, dirty, moral impure, sinful, not clean,

Am],mUt];SG]nc],Tuc];sam],mI;'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Ceremonial uncleaness,

Am],Em;pbt]:SG],l}:'Am],la}:l}:' = Irreplaceable,

Am],emLkum];Tic];tUw]sG]sw]:kw],l}:' = Lack of self-control,

Am],emLkUw]'Am],kUw]Sc]eSAit];' = Fearless, adj., fearlessly, adv.,

Am],emLsUm];ekY;sU;' = Ungrateful,


Ta};tt].3:14') = Unproductive, adj. unfruitful: not live unproductive lives,

Am],emLm}:sG]Sc]'[w}.sG]ekYL,ekYL,'Am],m}:sG]'{ = Fretless, adj. be happy, not worry,

Am],emL,yU,emLSw];'[Am],emLcUp].cihG]:han].sG]l}:'{ = Maladjustment, N. bad or unsatisfactory adjustment,


mLlik]:'hU.lik]:')= Illiterate, adj. N. unable to read and write: an illiterate group,(ant: literate)

Am],emLhUt];' Pqn]An]Am],emLhUt];' = Unshrunk, adj, unshrunk cloth,

Am],emLhUiw].'(ekL.hQt];kan]Am],emLhUiw].) = Tireless, adj. utiring; unflagging: a tireless worker, tirelessly, adv.,


n}ekL:hG]:wL:!JPL;sw]:etkm].sg}:pn]yU,'JPL;sw]:mI;sgm];hw];yU,'@n}nn].") = Unflagging, adj. not declining in

strength or vigor; untiring; tireless: an unflagging optimism,

Am],emLAw]sG]sp];w}.l}:' = Lack of concentration,

Am],mUin]kn]'sG]Am],mUin];kn]'[pqk],pUic]:kn]w}.Sgc]/Sam]mQw];la}la}An]{ = Discrepant, adj. differing,

Am],mUin]kn]tc];mUiw]:' = Different time than,

Am],mUin]kw],' = Sophisticate, sophisticated,

Am],mUin]sG]' Am],han].sG]'[Am],pQc];sG]'Am],ekYL,'{ = Unsatisfied, adj. discontent; unhappy,

Am],mUin]mUiw]:kU:pgk]:yw].'(nL:tLsG]SePL;mn];w}.etL,kw]n}.Am],mUin]mUiw]:kU:pgk]:yw].') = Not what it

had been: His attitude toward me was not what it has been,

Am],mUin]lI'Am],tan],/pQc];/mqn]:'(Kt];-mUin]lI') = Inxact, adj., inexactly, adv., (ant: exact, exactly)

Am],mYat]:Am],Sum];'l}:Arac];Kiun];' = Break even Point, break-even point,

Am],miBn]miBw]:kgn],nG];pibn];nn].eSAn]' = No other time in history,

Am],mgc];KG]:l}:/mI;'[Am],lIKG]:l}:{'Am],mgc];KG]:hG]:pQn]' = Undesirable, adj. N. not desirable,

Am],mgk],/puit],En'(lU,cuin];Am],mgk],/puit],Entac];nm]mn];)= Undisclosed, adj.: donated undisclosed amount,

Am],mgt],l}:' (f};m}:An]Am]mgt],l}:') = Unquenchable, (unquenchable fire),

Am],ym]' Am],mI;AL,nL,' Am],mI;hqc];' = Powerless,

Am],yw].l}:Sc]'[Am],hgt]:Tuic]lG]'{ = Getting nowhere, accomplishing nothing, prevail nothing,


= Endless, adj., having or seeming to have no end or coclusion; incessant; infinite, endlessly, adv.,

Am],yw].Am],tUw]:l}:'hQt];Am],p},yw].p},tUw]:' = Unfinished, adj.,

Am],yLl}:'Am],Kqn];l}:' yL,Am],ha}l}:' ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];' = Incurable, not curable,

Am],];Am]hQt];hG]:sG]piw]'(kgp].f])' = No Disturbance or Distraction,( golf ),

Am],yL.lB.pqt]:l}:' = Inalienable, unalienable, inviolable, absolute,

Am],yL.lqw]PQw]:mUv].l}:'(Kt];-yL.lqw]PQw]:mUv].l}:) = Indestructible, N., (ant: destructible),

Am],yQn]Ec:'(yQn]Ec:lI') = Uncultured, adj. lacing of good taste, manners, upbringing, and education,

Am],yum],'(kw]Am],yum],mn];)' = Not belief, (I do not belief him.),

Am],yum],'Am],emLyum],' = Unbelief, 

Am],yum],kin]l}:' = Implausible, unreasonable,

Am],ybm],kin]l}:' kUn];ktilb' Pgk]:Sqt].sL,' = Untrustworthy, deceptive,

Am],yum],kUiw];lIPL,SL,SL,SnL,Sc]' = Non-religious, N.,

Am],yum],mat]:'(pan]kUn];Am],yum],mat]:)' = Unbelieving: unbelieving generation,

Am],ybm],ym]kn]l}:' = Distrust,

Am],ybm],El:Am],ybm],ym]kn]l}:' = Unbelief and distrust,

Am],ybm],wL:mn];hBm],lBm]:lI' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Insecurity

Am],yum],wL:mI;JPL;'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Atheism, N., atheistic, adj.,

Am],ybm].'Am],yum].Am],KUw]'nL:Am],yum].Am],KUw]eSAit];' = Smileless, adj., smilelessly, adv.,

Am],yUw],eS,kUw]ym]' = Impious, -Lack of reverence of God, disrespectful,

Am],yUw];'[Am],Suiw]:yUw];{' = Mendacity, N. falsehood, insincerity,

Am],yB,' pw],' = Absence,

Am],yU,lI'pQn]K}:naw]'pQn]K}:pQn]naw]' = Ill, adj. sick, iller, illest,

Am],yU,Am],Sw];' Am],nim]Am],Sw];' = Erratic, adj.N. unstable; wandering,

Am],yibt];Kibn];l}:'Am],Aw]Kibn];l}:' = Irrevocable,

Am],yuin]Kam],(An]-')' = Disavowal, N. denial,

Am],yuin]Kam],'[tgp],TQc]pak]:pqt]:lgc]:wL:mn];l}:hU.Am],nn]l}:kgc].ka},sgm];Am],nn]mn];mI;pun]:Pgn];nn].{' =

Disavow, to deny knowledge or, connection with or responsibility for, disavowed, disavowing,

Am],yuin];Tuic]l}:' Am],yiun];Aw]l}:' = Out of reach,

Am],yUin].SI;l}:'(Kt];-yUin].SI;l}:') = Unbearable, adj., intolerable, adj., (ant: bearable, tolerable,),


pk];pUic]sUiw];nn].pn]lUv]:tuin];Am],ygn],yan];hLkn]Sc]lL;lL;nn].'{' = Zero tolerance, N. a policy of

very strict, uncompromising enforcement of rules or laws,

Am],yiBn].l}:'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-)'(Kt];kn]-yUin].'yUin].l}:'') = Intolerance, N., (atn: tolerance)

Am],yUin].l}:yw].' = Could no longer forbear or could stand or endure it no longer,

Am],ygn].kuSUw],tac];lI' Am],ygn];kuSUw],tac];lImG];hQt];nn].Sc]' = Unmerited, not deserved,

Am],ygn],' = Unfailing, consistent, steadfast, continuing,

Am],ygn],yan];hLPG]' Am],ngm];PG]' Am],ngm];etL,PG]' = Uncompromisingly,

Am],ygm];ta}'yL,/Am],Kam],ta}'(nUic];!ygm];ta}' Kam],ta}'@) = Refused to die,(compare ‘not refuse to die’)

Am],ygm];PG]' Am],ygn],pn]' = Unyieldingly, unyielding,

Am],ygm];Agk],pa}:ygn];epL;pqt]:' Am],Kam],Agk],pa}:ygn];epL;pqt]:' = Refuse to quit,

Am]lp].w}.'(Am],Am],lp].w}.Sc]eSAit];)' = Fail to confess, conceal: did not fail to confess,

Am],lk];lI' lat]:lit]:wL:wI:lUc]kGL,'(Kt];kn]'-Sc],Tuk].Kuik].tgn];Et.')' Am],mUin]kw],' =

Abnormality, (ant: characteristic, specialty, property, attribute,)

Am],yUw];'Am],mUin]kw],'Am],lk];lI' = Abnormal, adj. not normal or usual,


An]Am],lp];Am],ngn];')'Am],mI;tLngn];' = Sleepless, adj.: a sleepless night; sleepless devotion to duty;

the sleepless ocean,

Am],lp].lgc];' Am],lp].lgc];wL:l}:' = Unsure,

Am],lp].lgc];'sUv].l}:la}mQw];'Am],luim];sG]l}:'pQn]kuim].pQn]Sw]:' = Uncertainty, N.,

Am],lp].lgc];wL:mak],ha}huiw]/AUw],pI,n}'(kgp].f])' = Unsure if the ball is lost or OB,( rule 27),

Am],lak],la};Sc]'Am],pUic]:Sc]mL;'(tL,kw]];Am],lak],la};Sc])' = Make no difference:

it makes no difference to me,

Am],lat]:kGam];l}:'(kUn];sa};ekL.PUiw].Kw]:El:Am],lat]:kGam];l}:nn].ekL.nuic]:)' = Could not talk,(a

man who was demon possessed and could not talk,(Mtt. 9:32)),

Am],lat]:Sc]eSeKL:eSkm];' = Not saying a word,

Am],lat]:Am],tk];SQc]Sc]' Am],lat]:Sc]' = Say nothing,

Am],lat]:Am],hQt];tqk],lqc];' = Lack of transparency,

Am],lam];l}:'lam];Am],l}:' = Unpredictable, uncertain, unforeseen, unforeseeable,

Am],lam];hU.w}.TL:l}:eSAit];' = No way of knowing,

Am],lL:lI:wL:' Am],map],wL:Pam];pQn]' = Disillusion, disillusioned, disabuse, undeceive,

Am],lip]:Am],Pac];' Am],Pit];Am],Pqk],' = Flawless, adj., flawlessness, N.,


AQn]]')= Dissuade, to advise or urge against: to dissuade an action, dissuaded, dissuading, (ant: befriend)

Am],lqt];eSAit];' kuik];liuk];El:kuic],liuc],mn];kuic],kn]mL;' = Stupid dumb,

Am],lqt];' nLTibw]' miun]Kiuw]tiuw]' Am],tiUw].niUw].tiUw].nc]' = Stupid, dull,

Am],lqt];'(Kt];-lqt];lqc]:')' = Insensitive, (ant: sensitive),

Am],lqt];Am],Sqw];'[hac]:Sw]:Sw]:lIKan].'{ = Monotonous, adj. lacking in variety and interest; dull; tedious,

Am],lqp]:pQn]' Am],Aap]:pQn]' = Unlikely, rarely, improbable, doubt,

Am],lqp]:pQn]l}:eSAit];lL;lL;' = Most unlikely,

Am],lI'Am],Kqm].'sL.vam].'(Sqc]sic],Am],Kqm]./sL.vam].)= Bad, adj. of poor quality; defective: a bad diamond,

Am],lIsG].' Am],lIyip];'Am],mI;tI:sG].mn];'Am],mI;kL:mI;Kn]' = Useless, not working, not valuable,

Am],lISUn]sG]'(Kt];-lISUn]sG]) = Unimpressive, adj. awful, (ant: impressive)

Am],lIeSAit];'Am],mI;An]lIeSAit];' = Not good at all, no good at all,

Am],lItan],/nc],/mUin]'(Kt];-lInac],/mUin]) = Not as good as, not good as; not close; far, (ant: as good as)

Am],lIetL,kn]'(Pqn],lin]suic]:mUic];Am],lIetL,kn])'Am],lImuit]:'= Unfriendly, adv.: unfriendly territory,

Am],lInp].ym]'(kUn];ekL.Am],lInp].ym])' = Insolent, adj. boldly rude or disrespectful,(an insolent person),

insolently, adv.,

Am],lIpg},En'Am],lIpYL.En'[Am],lIpn]hn]pn]tUv];{(pgt];Am],lIpg},En'pgt];Am],lIhG]:hn]') =

Unpresentable, adj. not fit to be seen: unpresentable parts,

Am],lIybk].ygc]: = Dishonor

Am],lIyBw],eS,' hQt];miBn]Am]w}.Kibk].Sc]' = Contempt, 

Am],lIyUw],eS,'(PU:Sac]:tac]pk];pUic]sUiw];Am],lIyUw],eS,) = Sleazy, adj. contemptibly low, mean: Sleazy

lawyers, sleazier, sleaziest,

Am],lIl}:pQn]'Am],lUw],l}:hQt];'[Am],sm]pQn]{' = Needless, adj. unnecessary; not needed or wanted,

Am],lIAm],sL.'Am],epL;pUic]:kw],' = So-so, adj. adv. indifferent; neither very good nor very bad,

Am],lIAw]wUn].'(eKL:pn]van],mQw];nn].Am],lIAw]wUn].") = Unthinkable, adj. not to be considered;

out of the question: Such a suggestion is unthinkable,

Am],lUw],kQw],sgm];'Am],kQw],kn]'(Am],kQw],kn]tc];hw]Sc]') = Have nothing to do with: have

nothing to do with us,

Am],lUw],ES.Sgm];En;SG],PG]' = No condemnation,

Am],lUw],tuik];lUw],etL;'(pun]:Pgn];mQw];Am],lUw],tuik];lUw],etL;)' = Noncombat, adj.: Noncombat duty,

Am],lUw],mqc],kL:mn];sgm];' = No co-payment,

Am],lUw],lat]:kGam];Sc]eSeKL:' = Don’t have to say a single thing,

Am],lUw],l}:pg},pn]hG]:' = You can’t let,

Am],lUw],l}:yap],sG]sgm];Sc]'(Am],lUw],l}:yap],sG]sgm];Sc]yw].km];n}.'(luk].12;19') = Take life easy,

Am],lUw],hLhG]:l}:'(An]) = Unearned,

Am],lUw],hG]:mI;tac];yum],mat]:sc],etpQn]n}Sc]eSAit];' = Wouldn’t take any faith,

Am],l}:' = No, not allow, get, receive, etc.; may not,

Am],l}:kQw],Kgc].sgm];Sc]' = Clean hands, N. freedom from quilt, wrongdoing, or dishonesty;

innocence; has not been deceitful or breached the contract through his own actions,)

Am],l}:kUw]Sc]eSsutum]kum]kn]' = Assemble without fear,

Am],l}:Kw]:' = No Entrance,

Am],l}:Kam],lUik]:w}.'pUin]:Am],lUik]:'(Kt];-l}:Kam],lUik]:') = Unchosen, adj.,(ant: chosen),

Am],l}:KGac].hQt];'(Am],l}:KGac].eSta};Aw]) = Unauthorized, adj. lacking permission: unauthorized access,

Am],l}:sG]' Am],Pgm].' = Disagree,

Am],l}:sG]' = Dissent, dissented, dissenting,

Am],l}:sG]'[tac];wUn].Am],Kw]:kn]{'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Dissent, N. dissenting opinion,

Am],l}:sG]' Am],Pgm].' = Disagree,

Am],l}:S}.'Am],l}:kin]' = Of no practical good, of no use,

Am],l}:vL;sQp];'[Am],l}:Kam],tac];sQp];tUw]sQp];sG]Sc]'{ = Unscathed, without harm,

Am],l}:vL;hQt];' = Might not,

Am],l}:tqm]:ma}tac],Pubin]w}.' (Kt];kn]-tqm]:ma}tac],Piun]w}.') = Unregister, registered, (ant: registered)

Am],l}:Tuic]tI:'(Am],l}:Tuic]tI:JtL;PQc],pQc];)' = Miscarriage, N. failure to attain the just, right, or desired

result: a miscarriage of justice,

Am],l}:EnPG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)(Kt];-puit],En')' = Non-disclosure,(ant: disclosure),

Am],l}:pn]kL:mn];'Am],l}:SQc]:cuin];' = Costless, adj. chargeless; for nothing, free of charge,

Am],l}:pG].lum];lL;'mw]mac]pg},pqt]:w}.' = Neglect, to be remiss in the care or treatment of, neglecting,

Am],l}:Pit];pUn]'(kUn];ekL.Am],l}:Pit];pUn]')' = Nonbreaching, adj.,(nonbreaching party),

Am],l}:Puik];Sgn]w}.' (Kt];kn]-l}:Piuk];Sgn]w}.') = Untrained, (ant: trained,)

Am],l}:mI;Pgn];lIpUn].lUiw]'(van],3;19') = Have no over advantage, have no pre-eminence,

Am],l}:ma}w}.'(Kum]pL,hQw]:sUiw];Am],l}:ma}w}.'(luk].11;44')(Kt];-An]ma}w}.')' = Unmarked, adj. not marked:

unmarked graves, (ant: marked,),


w]w}.Am],hU.mUiw]:lQw]n}.') = Lose track of: I lost track of my college roommate, so I have no idea ho she’s doing now,

Am],l}:yU,l}:Sw];eSpgk]:' = Hectic, adv .rapid movement,

Am],l}:lp];l}:ngn];'[Am],lp];Am],ngn];'{(Kiun];Am],l}:lp];l}:ngn];') = Have often gone without

sleep, sleepless, adj.: a sleepless night,

Am],l}:lum];pn]'[Am],tUv];Tuic]/sgm];pG].lum];lL;pn]'{ = Untended, adj. not care for or attedned to,

Am],l}:/lUw],SQc]:cuin];'Am],lUw],/l}:pn]kL:mn];' = Free of charge, chargeless; costlese; for nothing,

Am],l}:luiw]:Sw];'(hUw]sG]Am],l}:luiw]:Sw];)' Am],l}:luiw]:l}:Sw];' = Restless,(Restless heart),

Am],l}:luiw]:l}:Sw];' = Unrest, restless,

Am],l}:lgc]:'pqt]:la}'pqt]:la}nL,'Am],pgc],lgc]:' = Useless, adj. of no use; without useful qualities,

Am],l}:lgc]:' ciUw]:' Tibc].'Tibc].Tc].' = Dull, dumb, stupid,

Am],l}:lgc]:'pqt]:la}'pqt]:la}nL,'Am],pgc],lgc]:'= Useless, adj. of no use; without useful qualities; not

working; not valuable,

Am],l}:lgc]:l}:tL' Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc],tL' = Worthless, adj. of no use, good for nothing,

Am],lIl}:hQt];/pQn]'An]Am],lUw],'(Am],lIl}:sgm];hUv];hL)' = Unwanted, adj.: unwanted pursuit,

Am],l}:hQt];nc],sG]mI;' = Show no discretion, lacks discretion, without discretion,

Am],l}:hqn];w}.'(Am],l}:hqn];w}.tL,Kaw];PUn])'(nUic];-hac]:hqn];tn];w}.)' = Unprepared, adj.,

Am],l}:hU.eS' Am],l}:hU.eStL.ekL:' = Without knowing it,

Am],l}:hU.yin];sgm];'[Am],hU.sgm];'{(Kt];-hU.yin];sgm];)= Uninformed, adj.,(ant: informed)

Am],la};nuic]:ekL:la};nuic]:' hQt];hiuw]ekL:eSla};la};n}.' = Somehow or other, (Idioms)

Am],luim];sG]l}:'[Am],yum],mn]:tm];sG]/Am],w}.wac];sG]'{(yum].nL:hac]:Am],luim];sG]l}:)' = Uncertain,

adj. not confident or assured: an uncertain smile,

Am],libw]:'Am],wQn].Kaw];'[Am],wgt]:Am],ygm];kGL,tik];tik];'{ = Without intermission,


Kaw];') = Busyness, N. condition of being busy; lively but meaningless activity; no break, (ant: rest; intermission)

Am],libw]:Am],ygn],' Am],hQw],Am],sgp]:' = Faint not,

Am],liUc],epL;kum],kin]'Am],kum],lI'Am],lUic],'(Kt];-mI;kum],TUn]:lUn].liUc],lI) = Scarce, adj, insufficient

to satisfy the need or demand; deficient; rare, scarcer, scarcerest, (ant: abundant,)

Am],lUic],lI' hLyap],' lgc]:hLyap],' = Rare, adj., rarer, rarest,

Am],lUic],lI'hLyap],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Rarity, N., rarities,

Am],lUiw]eS'[mUin]nn]yw].'{(sc],wL:Am],lUiw]eSmG];hU.nn].yw].')= No more than, just, at most, nothing but,

Am],lUiw]eSnn].'(Am],lUiw]eScuin];pt].kYqt].mI;nn].') = Not exceeding: Not exceeding the budget,

Am],lUiw]l}:'[Ew:Am],lgt]:l}:'Am],ciUc].Ew:l}:'{ = Inevitable, adj. N. unavoidable: an invevitable conclusion,

Am],lUiw]l}:mG];KG]:pQn]yw].'[nc],mG];sG]mI;'Aw]wL:'{= An inevitable desire of you, as you wish; it’s up to you,

Am],lgt]:PG]hU.l}:TUp];yw].' = Face up to, to accept (an unpleasant fact, reality, etc.),

Am].wac];Kp].w}.' Am],Aac]:Aic]kQw],lBv]:Sa}ca}<cw];la};lG]Sc]' = Unconditional,

Am],wac];Kp].w}.' = Non-stipulation, N., unstipulated, adj. unconditional,

Am],wac];Pqn]w}.n}.pQn]An]mG];wac];Pqn]tL,tUk];Sum];nn].kUv];"(pqn]<yL,min],frqc].klin]<)= By

failing to plan you’re planning to fail.(Benjamin Franklin 1706 - 1789)

Am],wan]'[Am],wan]/mI;ArSL,'sa c]'{(Kt];-wan]nL,') = Tasteless, adj. having no taste or flavor; insipid,

(ant: tasteful, tasty, flavorful,)

Am],wL:-Sc]' kUv];eSAm],kL;Am],wL:/hG]:' = Nor,

Am],wL:lQn]:'[wL:/lat]:/hQt];Et.'{(Kt];-wL:lQn]:'ygk],kUv];') = No kidding, no joke,(at: kidding)


ac];yuv];')= Unkempt, adj. not combed; messy; disheveled: unkempt hair; an unkempt lawn,

Am],wUn].Kuit];l}:' = Unthinkable, adj. N. inconceivable; unimaginable: the unthinkable size of the universe,

Am],wUn].SI,wUn].hL:' lam];lim];wL:/hQt];' = Inconsiderate, adj., uncaring,

Am],w}.sG]AQt];lU'ygk];'kqk];'(mn];Am],w}.sG]AQt];lUAw]lqc];Sac]mc]pn]Kw]'(Sin]15;8') = Vicious, adj.

depraved; grossly immoral; corrupt; malicious; ferocious, viciously, adv.: he attacked them viciously or fiercely; struck them

ruthlessly; struck hip and thigh with a great blow, (Jdg.15:8),

Am],w}.nk];nL'[Stilgt]:'Am],Aw]SG],sG]{ = Inadvertence, N. heedlessness; inattention, inadvertent, adj.,

Am],w}.fac].hU.mqn]:' = Unaware, adj. not aware; unknowing, unaware, adv.,

Am],w}.fac].Aw]SG],sG]'mw]mac]pg},luim];pqt]:' = To omit through carelessness, neglect; forsake,

Am],wa},kgc]lc]pa}:pqt]:eSpgk]:' yL,wa},kgc]lc]pa}:pqt]:eSpgk]:' = Never turn back,

Am],ht];tk];SQc]Sc]'Am],SUiw];lat]:' = Dare not to say anything,

Am],ht];pn]Sa}kgc].mn];Kat],'Am],ht];pn]mn];lut]:' = Dare not disconnect,

Am],ht];Tam]'(Kw]Am],ht];Tam]mn];lgc]:nn].)' = Afraid to ask: They were afraid to ask him about it,

Am],ht];yum],'' = Disbelieve, dare not believe,

Am],ht].Sa}kum];km]pa}lin].Kw]w}.kqn],kqn],' = Do not keep tight rein on their tongues,

Am],hn]l}:'Aw]tLtUv];Am],hn]l}:(ekL.An]Aw]tL,tUv];Am],hn]l}:) = Unseen, N.: who is unseen,

Am],hp].'TQc]Am],hp].' TQc]pak]:pqt]:' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Rejection, N., (ant: acceptance),

Am],hp].' TQc]pak]:pqt]:' pak]:pa},' = Rejected, refused to have, take, accept, recognize, deny,

Am],hp].Kam],pun]:Pgn];' = Unresponsive,

Am],hp].Kam],'[tL,TQc]pqt]:mUin]nc],lum];mYOnIsEp,l]Am],hp].Kam],tqn];/pn]nI:An]lUw]l}:pn]nn].'{' =

Repudiate, to refuse acknowledge or pay a debt, as a state, municipality, etc.:, repudiating,


mI;mL;mG],mG],nn].)' = Repudiate, to reject with disapproval or condemnation: to repudiate a new doctrine,

Am],hp].Kam],'[mI;pun]:Pgn];hp].tgp],n}ekL:Am],hQt];sgm];mI;nI:Am],tqn];{' = Repudiation,

Am],hp].Kam],'(Am],hp].Kam],An]tac],ygn];mL;nn].)' = Repudiate, to reject as having no authority or force:

to repudiate a claim, repudiating,

Am],hp].Kam],'(Am],hp].Kam],An]sg};AmuSG],nn].eSwL:mn];Am],sG]:Et.n}nn].')' = Repudiate, to reject

with denial: to repudiate a charge as untrue,

Am],hp].n}km];lQw]'[Kun],TQc]pak]:pqt]:'{(hG]:wL:Am],hp].n}km];lQw]) = Rebuff, reject; abrupt rejection: to

give a rebuff to, rebuffed, rebuffing, rebuff, N.,

Am],hp].l}:'Am],Kam],l}:' = Could not bear,

Am],hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];' liUw]kGam];' wL:yap],liUw]kGam];' = Disobey, disobeyed, disobeying,

Am],hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];'liUw]kGam];'wL:yap],liUw]kGam];'= Disobedience, N., disobedient, adj. refractory,

Am],hp].pn]KGac].Kw]:l}:' = Inadmissible,


(!sw]:JPL;n}.PG]Am],hp].pgc],sG]sgm];l}:'];mn];sw]:l}:kUv];'@) = Incomprehensible, adj. impossible to

understand or comprehend; limitless: “God is incomprehensible, but knowable” J.I. Packer,

Am],hp]./Pgm].l}:'Am],TUik]:hp].'(Kt];-hp].Pgm].l}:'TUik]:hp].l}:)= Unacceptable, adj., (ant: acceptable)

Am],hac].' tqt]:etL;lInL,yw].'sG]Et.yw].'lp].lgc];'Am],kat]:' = Surely,

Am],han].sG]' Am],pQc];sG]pqc];eKL;' = Dissatisfy,

Am],ham]:' Am],ham]:w}.' = Unrestricted, nonrestricted,

Am],ham]:Eh.l}:' = Irresistible,

Am],hQt];kQc];'[Am],SUp];wan]kUn]:SUm]:'Suiw]:yUw];'suin]:sac],'{(!An]Am],hQt];kQc]:yum],@) = Unfeigned,

adj. not feigned; sincere; genuine: “unfeigned faith”,

Am],hQt];KUt]<lp].w}.'[Am],tqm]:KUt]<lp].{ = Unencrypted, adj. not enciphered or encoded; not encrypted,

Am],hQt];],kaw],'(mL:hLepL;Am],yU,Am],Sw];yw].kUv];Am],hQt];],kac],)' = Not serious:

desperate but not serious,

Am],hQt];Et.hQt];wL:' Am],hQt];tan],kuic]hQt];' = Didn’t do enough,

Am],hQt];etL,SUman],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:lI'Am],hQt];etL,SUlI' = Not treating you right,

Am],hQt];etL,piUn]:lI' = Treating others poorly,

Am],hQt];pn]sgm];' = Noncompliance, -Failure to comply or obey,

Am],hQt];sgm];tiun];Am],l}:' = Mandatory, obligatory, requisite, -Authoritatively ordered,

Am],hQt];yw].'Am],tn];l}:hQt];hG]:yw].tUw]:' = Undone, adj. not done; not accomplished or completed,

Am],hQt];hgt];lUc]kGL,km].sG]mG];KG]:hQt];' = Not to do whatever you want,

Am],hQt];Am],l}:'(yL,hG]:pQn]wL:Am],hQt];Am],l}:n}nn].)'hQt];nc],wL:l}:mI;pun]:Pgn];= Compulsion,

N., the act of compelling: not under compulsion,

Am],hQt];Am]l}:'(Kt];kn];-Agk],sG]sg}:hQt];) = Compulsory, required, mandatory, (ant: voluntary)

Am],hqc];PQc],Kibt];l}:piBn]:'hqc];Am],PQc],Kibt];l}:' = Handicap,

Am],hUm],hUw]'[nUiw]hUw]Am],mI;KUn]hUw]'Am],KQn];hUw]'Am],tuiw];mak],hUw]'pUt];hUw]w}.'{' = Head uncovered: woman who

has her head uncovered,

Am],hUm],Am],tUm];w}.l}:' Am],mI;An]hUm],An]tUm];' = Uncovered, adj.,

Am],hUm],Am],tUm];w}.'Am],mI;An]hUm],tUm];'pg},kaw]:pg},KL'EP,El.w}.' = Uncover, lay bare,

disclose, reveal, uncovered, uncovering,

Am],hU.kuc],'(An]mG];mISqt].sL,lgc]:mn];n}.pUin]:Am],hU.kuc],mn];') = Take for granted, to use, accept, or treat

in a careless manner; fail to properly appreciate someone or something: Your loyalty to the cause is taken for granted,

Am],hUw]Am]hac]'[pQn]puc],kac]Am],hUw];Am],hac]'{ = Undistinguished, adj. medocre,

Am],];' Am],hU.ekL.tqm]:' = Unknown, unknown writer,

Am],hU.ekY;sU;'[Am],tac],ekY;sU;{ = Unthankful, adj. not thankful; ungrateful; not repaid with thanks; thankless,

Am],];'Am],];kn]'Am],];'Am],hU.wL:pQn]PG]'Am],hU.sgm];'= Unknown, adj.,

Am],];l}:' = Unknowable,

Am],hU.sgm];'Am],hU.sgm];Sc]'Am],hU.Sc]sgm];' = Had no idea,

Am],hU.sgm];'[Am],'Am],sG]:/mI;/pQn]'tuin];Am],mI;tac];mn];'Am],mI;la};lG]lL;lL;'{ = N/A, adv. N. no; not; in

no way; by no means,

Am],hU.sgm];Sc]'(kw]Am],hU.'kw]Am],hU.sgm];Sc]')'Am],hU.yw].eh.& = Have no idea, (I have no idea,)

Am],hU.SI,hU.hL:Sc]' Am],pgc],tG]:pgc],nUic]Sc]' = Absurd, adj. nonsensical,

Am],hU.SI,hU.hL:Sc]lUc]nn].' = That’s absurd.

Am],hU.tUw],' Am],Tgm],PG]' Am],tUiw].niUw].tUiw].nc]' = Pay no attention,

Am],hU.tuic],tG]:tuic],nUiw]'[Am],mat]:SGac];kin]'Sgn]Am]l}:'{' = Unlearned, adj. ignorant; untaught,

Am],hU.nUiw].'[kUn];ta}Pak],k}.pQn]pL;An]tUiw].ekL:Am],hU.wL:tUiw]./sQp];/lUit],{'= Can’t feel, incapable of feeling

or perceiving; insensible,

kUn];Am],hU.Sc]'[kUn];Am],lqt];/Am],hU.kL:lIkL:lG]'{= Moron, N.who is notably stupid or lacking in good


Am]hU.kL:lIkL:lG]'[Am],lqt];/Agk];eAtuin]:'{= Moronic, adj. showing a lack of good sense; stupid or idiotic,

Am],];hU.piUc]Sc]' Am],hU.lgc]:pk];piUc]Sc]' = Know nothing of the law,

Am],];pQn]Sc]kGL,'(pQn]Sc]kGL,ekL:Am],hU.') = Don’t know what has happened to him,

Am],hU.l}:nL&Am],sgm];hU.l}:mG];wL:& = You never know!


Innocent, adj. free from legal or specific wrong, guiltless: innocent of the crime,

Am],hU.Am],kQw],Kgc].sgm];lgc]:hQt];Pit];nn].Sc]' = Innocent of wrongdoing,

Am],hiuc]'sQw];'Am],huic]Sc]' = Not long, before long, soon, promptly or quickly,

Am],hiuc]kL:hiuw]Sc]Tqc]:yw].' = Not- much longer, not – much more,

Am],hiuc]nan];Sc]kw]etsQw];mL;yU,'kw]etsQw];mL;yU,' = I am coming soon,

Am],hibc]Am],nan];' = Not so long, Sooner

Am],hibc]Am],nan];'Am],tan];hiuc]kL:hiuw]Sc]eS'sQw];' = Soon, sooner,

Am],hiuc]Am]nan];w};mn];mL;n}.' sQw];El:nan];kUv];' = Sooner or later,

Am],hibc]Am],nan];mL;'Am],epL;tn];hibc]nan];Sc]eS'Am],tn];huic]Sc]' = Before long,


m],kn]mL;" = Before long, your feelings will get in line.

Am],hiuc]Am]nan];w};mn];mL;n}.' sQw];El:nan];kUv];' = Sooner or later,

Am],hUic]:kUic];yuiw]:yuit];'Am],hUic]:kUic];'[nim]mn]:Sw];lI'{'Am],hUic]:kUic];Sut]:hUn]lc]'= Unwavering,

adj. steadfast, unwaveringly, adv.,

Am],hUic]:kUic];yuiw]:yuit];'nim]mn]:Sw];lI' = Unwavering, adj. steadfast, unwaveringly, adv.,

Am],hiBc]:Kgn];wa}' Am],Sn],Kgn];wa}' = Unshakeable,

Am],hgc].kGL,sgm];'pg},pqt]:' = Left out of

Am],hgc].mG];/SUKiun]:pac]kum]sgm];' = Leave you out of meeting,

Am],hgn],tgn].vL;l}:Pit];sG]eSpgk]:' = Never be disappointed,

Am]hG];Sut];'Am],hG]:kuit];/Kat],/yw].' = Unending, adj.,

Am],hG]:PG]hU.' Am],pn]PG]hU.' = In privately, confidentially, secretly, privately,

Am],hG]:ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];eSAit];[sqt].s]tI{' = Zero defects (ZD),

Am],hG]:l}:vL;tam],mn];'Am],pn]tam],'[Am],l}:Kam],Sc],Sgn]{ = Unpunished, adj. undisplined,

Am],An]n}.ekL;--An]nn].' = Either - - or,

Am],An]nibc]:ekL:An]nibc]:' = Either or,

Am],Am]lp].w}.Sc]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Non-concealment, N. did not fail to confess,

Am],Aw]K}a.l}:'mn]:kibm];nim]sibc]:w}.hG]:epL;Am],Aw]Ka}.pqt]:l}:' = Immovable,

Am],Aw]Kibn];l}:' = Irrevocable,

Am],Aw]sG]pk];sp];tBv];' = Unfocused,

Am],Aw]SG],sG]' = Careless, overlook, neglect,

Am],Aw]SG],sG]'miun]Kiuw]tiuw]'piuc],Tiuw]Tiuw]' = Unheeded, ignore, disregard,

Am],Aw]tqn];Kiun];l}:' Am],Em;pbt]:SG],l}:' Am],la}:l}:' = Irreplaceable,

Am],Aw]Tqc]:yw].' Am],hQt];Tqc]:yw].' Am],mI;Tqc]:yw].' epL;yw].' = No more,

Am],Aw]pun]:Pgn];' = Irresponsible, unreliable,

Am],Aac]:Aic]Sa}ca}<cw];la};lG]Sc]' Am],wac];Kp].w}.' = Unconditional

Am],Aac]:Aic]nUiw]An]Kam],sL;nG];sG]w}.nn].Sc]eSlgc]:eSAn]' = Don’t have

anything to do with feeling,

Am],Aan];et'(Am],sG]:'kw]Am],Aan];ethQt];/Aw]/kGL,/mL;/") = Not about to: No, I’m not about to,

Am],AL,mKam],l}:' = Uninsurable,

Am],Aic]niBw]' = Regardless

Am],Aic]pibc]:l}:' = Unreliable

Am],Aim],nqn]:lI'[kin]Kw]:Pk];Aim]yw].yc];tuik].KG]:kin]eSmQw];mQw];Tqc]:yU,sUic].nn]{' = Food

doesn’t appease my hunger,

Am],AQt];lUeSAit];'hQt];l}:miUk]:mG]:' hQt];l}:nL,' = Pitiless, bloodthirsty,

Am],AQn]:ekL.pUin]:'[mI;lUm];Tat]:sG]KG]:yU,eKLeKLhc];kUv];{' = Emotional detachment,

Am],Aun],sG]lI'[Am],tm];sG]/Am],luim];sG]l}:'KIsG]'{(Kt];-Aun],sG]lI')'sG]Am],Aun],' = Insecure, adj.

not confident or certain; anxious (ant: secure,),

Am],Aa}'Am],mI;tac];AUk];tac];Aa}' = Unashamed, adj. not ashamed,

Am],Aa}PG]'Am],emLAa}' = Shameless, adj. brazen or impudent, shamelessly, adv.,


l}:') = Unapproachable, adj. unreachable: unapproachable light, (ant: approachable),

Am],Agk],suiw]:' lp].siuw]:' = Anonymous, adj.,

Am],Agk],sG]KG]:l}:Sc]' = Unmotivated, adj., nonmotivated, adj.,

Am],Agk],sG]KG]:hQt];' Am],Agk],sG]' = Don’t feel like doing,

Am],Agk],SQc]' = Mute, adj. silent,

Am],Agk],pQn]eKL:pQn]kGam];Sc]'(Kac];TUv]:sG]lUc]/Kac];SQc]yG],SQc]lUc]Am],Agk],pQn]eKL:pQn]kGam];Sc]') =

Wordless, adj., not put into word; unexpressed: wordless groans,

Am],Agk],pQn]Sc]mL;eSmQw];'[yw].la}'{ = Come to nothing, useless,

Am],Agk],pQn]mL;sgm];la};tac];mn];Kiuc]w}.nn].' = Not going his way,

Am],Agk],lUit]:'nL:hqt],'[Am],mI;/Agk],lUit]:mI;/Agk],yac]'{(PL,tt];Am],Agk],lUit]:'(nL:hqt],) =

Bloodless, adj. without blood; very pale: bloodless surgery; a bloodless face,

!Am];pUw];'Aum]pUw]:'@[SQc]wUw];Em:hgc].{'(wUw];Agn],hgc].!Ep:'Ep:@') = Moo, moos, N. a cow mooing sound,

Aw]' Aw]El:' = Take, took, taking,

Aw]ktitc];nm]mn];sw]:nn].mL;fac].StitBw]sw]:kw],tL.' = Remind yourself of his


Aw]kn]' kBp].kB:Et,nL:hiBn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-') = Marriage,

Aw]kn]wL:pL;kn]pQn]' = Collaboration, coordination,


= Intermarry, to become connected by marriage, as two families, tribes, castes, or religions; to marry, intermarried,

Aw]kn];lQk];kUm]sI;hU;Kw]:sU;'[Aw]kn];lQk];sI;hU;sI;'{ = Cut a shaft,

Aw]kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].'kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].'esL.lUc]tk];' = Ladle, ladled, ladling,

Aw]kL:mn];'sa},kL:mn];'(mG];etAw]kL:hqc];mG];kL:hiuw]?kw]l}:sa},kL:mn];Sgc]km];AiUw]:n}.') = Charge: How

much do you charge for you service? They charged me twice, charged, charging,

Aw]kL:mn];epL,pQn]mL;wL:' = No matter what it brings,

Aw]kin];nL,'[Sw]:SUw],hUw],{(la};kYac].km]An]Aw]kin];nL,) = Austere, adj. grave; sober; serious: an

austere manner, austerity, N.,

Aw]kuc],mun]tBw]kw],' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Self-respect, self-esteem,

Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]' = Proud, adj., proud of, self-esteem, proudly, adv.,

Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]'(Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]sgm];hw];) = Take pride in: take pride in us; be proud of us, proud of,

Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]'(Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]sgm];hw];) = Proud of: be proud of us; take pride in us; to glory on our behalf,

Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]sgm];hw];' = To be proud of us; to take pride in us; to glory on our behalf,

Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]'(AU:Em:n}.pQn]tI:luk]:lac];Kw]Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]'(Tuc];17;6')= Pride for, proud of: “parents are

the pride for their children,

Aw]kUn];ekL,kan]ha}.Kw]:sU;JtL;PQc],pQc];' = Bring terrorist to justice,

Aw]kUn];Kw]:mL;nG];tac];kGL,mG];' = Bring people across your path,

Aw]kUn];sa};hQt];PUw]Am],Agk],nL:' = Extramarital sexual relationship with a man,

Aw]ekL.ep.wL:lum];lum];' pn]ekL.ep.mUt];mUt];' = Winner takes all,

Aw]pL;' Aw]pL;kGL,' = Take along, acquire,

Aw]PUw]/em;nm]' Aw]ekL.ePL,Pak]:nm]' = Polygamy, N. the practice of having more than one spouse,

Aw]ekL.Ait];ekL.Agt];' Aw]nuic];mQw];nuic]:Ait];' = Take a little bit each,

Aw]ekYL,ekYL,'ekYL,Et.'lIekYL,nL,'(mn];Aw]ekYL,nL,Et.') = Fun, N. enjoyment or playfulness: He’s full

of fun, funny, adj.,

Aw]ekYL,pBn].nL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Revelry, N., revel, N.,

Aw]ekYL,pBn].nL,'(Aw]ekYL,sgm];KUw];Kgc]sI.sQm]pUn].nL,) = Revel: to revel in luxury, reveled, reveling,



Am],l}:Kgn],)') = Impoverish, to reduce to poverty: a country impoverished by war; to make poor in quality,

productiveness, etc.: Bad farming practices impoverish the soil, impoverished, impoverishing,

Aw]kgc].sp];kn]'(lgc]:-/An]-)[Aw]An]pQn]mL;tc];nm]/Sa}ca}tc];la}nn].pgc];elL;kn]{ =

Conjunction, N. a combination of events or circumstances,

Aw]kGam];nn].Kuin];mL;mgk],kw]El:'[Kuin];mL;mgk],kw]El:'{(cw]:37;14') = Bring word back to me,

Aw]kGL,'Aw]pqt]:'Aw]mUt];ha}pqt]:pn]'Aw]kGL,pqt]:'(Aw]ApYt]:tc];la}mUt];ha}pqt]:pn])= Take away:

take away sins, took away,

Aw]Kn]mn];tUk];'(Kw]Aw]Kn]ciun];etL,lL,tUk];') = Debase, adulterate: They debased the value of the

dollar, debased, debasing,

Aw]Kap]:'sp];Pa},' sG]sp];Pa},' = Bias, N. adj. partiality; partisan, biased, adj. partial,

Aw]Kaw];yam];eSyU,Sw];kin]Sac]:sgm];' = Spend time with,

Aw]Kaw];yam];eSlUAan],yU,Sw];sgm];eKL:kGam];JL;sw]:kGL,wn];lG]wn];nn].kU:wn];' = Spend

time in the word of God every single day,

Aw]Kaw];yam];wn];mn];yaw];liUw]Tqc]:' = Extension of time,

Aw]Kaw];yam];pqt]:la}' = Waste the time,


luiw]:' = Take a break: Let’s take a break here. Be back in five minutes.

Aw]Kaw];yam];lg};lg};' lg};lg};yL,nqt]:' = Take time,

Aw]KQm],mat],'[Aw]KQm]mat],mat],kuik];w}.{ = Pin, to fasten or attach with or as with a pin or pins, pinned, pinning,

Aw]Kqm];misam];tUv];' = Chemical Tests,

Aw]KI:ciun];tgc];' = Financial Charge,-Interest charged by lender,

Aw]KUw];kU;kn]' = Barter,

Aw]KUw];kYam];SG],sak]:'[Aw]KUw];kYam];SG],sak]:eShQt];sgm];Kk].mn];kGL,nn].{' = Machine loading,

the process of loading raw materials into machinery for processing,

Aw]KUw];Kgc]km].w}.'(sG].Aw]KUw];Kgc]mG];km].w}.)' = Liens on property: put a lien on your property,

Aw]KUw];SGac];nI:Sgn],pQn]ciun];' = Liquidity,

Aw]KUw];Aw]lQc];eSAgk],kGL,' Sim];KUw];Sim];lQc];eSAgk],kGL,' = Packing and leave,

Aw]K}mn];hgt]:' (epL;l}:Aw]m}hgt]:KI:Piuc]:eSyQp].kup];kap],n}.kup];Kam],hiuc]') = Wax a thread,

Aw]Ka}.Agk],pn]kuit];luiw]:epL;kan]' = Sequester, to remove or withdraw into solitude or retirement,



L,nn].'{' = Sequester, law. to remove (property) temporarily from the possession of the owner; seize and hold, as

the property and income of a debtor, until legal claims are satisfied., sequestration,

Aw]Ka}.Agk],pn]eKLeKL' [tL,tuk];ygn];Aw]kum];km]w}.(KUw];Kgc]PU:KQn])nn].'{' = Sequester,

International Law. to requisition, hold, and control (enemy property). ,

Aw]Kuin]:nL:kGL,'suc]sn]kGL,'Agn]kGL,'Agn]Kuin]:nL:' = Carry on, carry through,

Aw]Kuin];'[Kiun];Aw]'Kiun];Sim];Aw]{'Kuin];Aw]' = Rtake, to take back, restore, to capture, retook, retaking,

Aw]Kiun];'Kibn];pBk];Et,tc]:pn]'Et,Aw]Kibn];tI:Sbt];kg}nn].' = Restore, retake,

Aw]Kgc]mgn]kin]SU;kin]lap]:'mgn]cuin];TUw];lap]:'( lgc]:-/An]-) = Bribe, N. offer or accept

a bride, bribery, N.,

Aw]Kgn],' kQp];Kgn],' = Collect tax,

Aw]Kgn]:kn]'Kgn]:sp];kn]w}.' = Concentrate, clustered or gathered together closely, concentrated,


Concentration, N.(Military) the assembling of military or naval forces in particular area in preparation for further operations;

act of concentrating,

Aw]Kgn].sgk];tg},mc]'[pgc],wL:mc]pn]hqc];nL,{ = Drop the hammer on something or someone,

Aw]Kgn].Pt].SG],tik];tik];' = Flog, whip, flogged, scourged,

Aw]ca}:' = Handy, adj. within easy reach; conveniently available,

Aw]ciun];tuik].kuit];lUw],kQp];'[kQp];ciun];An]tuik].kuit];mI;w}.{ = Balance-billed charges, balance billing,

!Aw]ciun];n}.hQt];Alac];eShQt];kan]'han].etL,kw]mL;Kiun];El:'@(luk].19:13')' = “Put

this money to work, until I come back.”(Luke 19:13),


;ptivin],mG],nn].n}yw].')' = Blackmail: The strikers claimed they were blackmailed into signing a new contract,

Aw]cgk];Sgk],AI;/tm]lg};lg};'[hG]:pUin]:Aw]SG],sG]/hG]:sQw];tUc]./sQw];hQt];'{ = Nudge, to push slightly gently

especially with elbow to get someone’s attention, prod someone into action, nudged, nudging,

Aw]srac];'Aw]SQn]ma}' = Accounted, accounting, to take account; rendering or submission of account report,

Aw]st].' cac].' tqk],AL:' = Cleave, to make by or as if by cutting,clove, cleft, cleaving, to cleave,




kn]hQt];sgm];sum];')(An]k}.El,l}:lat]:'Aw]wL:yw].eh.&'hQt];hiuw]ekL:lIyU,n}nn].') = Group think, the

practice of approaching problems or issues as matters best dealt with by consensus of group rather than individuals acting

independently; lack of a sense of personal responsibility; group interaction;,

Aw]es:Sa};pgt]:' = Sandpaper, sandpapered, sandpapering,

Aw]sUik]:pat]:tG]:hUiw];Sc];ePL;eSmt].hgm];kn]w}.mn]:mn]:'(man],27)= Undergirding the ship,

Aw]sgm],Ek:'(Aw]tUn]:mgk],sgm],Ek:tUn]:Aqk];Agn],sUiw];nn].w}.')'sgm],Ek:mn];' = Intersperse: to

intersperse flowers among shrubs, interspersed, interspersing,

Aw]sgm];Pgk],kn]'Pgk],'[Aw]St];Kw]mL;sgm];kn]tL,EP:sUiw].EP:KUiw];Kw]'{= Mate, to bring (animals) together

for breeding purposes, mated, mating,

Aw]sG]kUn];Am],yum],mat]:mgt],tn]tik];pqt]:' = Blinded the minds of unbelievers,(2Cor.4:4),

Aw]sG]Kiun](An])'pgt];nUiw]' Kn]Kuin]:' = Upside, adj. N. an encourage or positive aspect,

Aw]sG]sp];w}.'hG]:Aw]sG]sp];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Concentration, N. close mental application,

Aw]sG]sp];w}.'hG]:Aw]sG]sp];' = Concentrate, concentrated, concentrating,

Aw]sG]tUk];'[sG]lQk].tUk];tqm],'{(la};hp].Kam],Kqk],An]Aw]sG]tUk];')(Kt];-yUc];sG]Kiun]:') = Damp, N.

depression of spirits; dejection: damp reception,(ant: exhilaration), damper, dampest,

Aw]sG]tUk];(An])'pgt];tG]:' Kn]lUc];/tUk];' = Downside, adj. N. a discourage or negative aspect,

Aw]sG]ta}lium];yU,'sm]etta}w}.yU,' = Dying,

Aw]sG]pk];sp];tBv];' yUic];pk];sp];w}.' = Focus,

Aw]sG]kw]pG].pL;sp];sgm];hgm];p}JPL;sw]:kGL,' = Keep my mind stay on God,

Aw]sG]kw]pG].pL;sp];sgm];hgm];p}mn];sw]:/sa};kGL, = Keep my mind stay on him,

Aw]sG]pL;sgm];'[hQt];hG]:sn]sp];sG]/sUm];Tuk],sG]/pL;sG]'{(mak],hUw]lqc]nn].Aw]kw]sG]pL;sgm];kGL,yw].')' =

Appealing, to be attractive, pleasing or interesting: The red hat appeals to me, appealing to,

Aw]sG]piw]Pat],yan]' yL.Pat],kw];yan]' sG]piw]' = Distract, distracted, distracting,

Aw]sG]mn];wL: 'nc],KG]:l}:' nc],KG]:hQt];' = As wishes,

Aw]sG]mG];/SUsp];w}.'hG]:sG]SUsp];w}.' = Fix your mind,

Aw]sG]yUic];pk];sp];w}.' = Stay focused,

Aw]sG]wL:'[hQt];nc],KG]:hQt];kUv];PG]wL:ham];SI;ekL:Am],Tgm],'Aw]sG]wL:nL,{'= As one wishes, do as one wishes,

Aw]sG].' = Take-up, take up, use,

Aw]Ser,'(An]-)[Tic];sG]sw]:kw],hG]:mn]:{ = Self-assurance, N. self-confidence; self-possession; aplomb,

Aw]SUc],pn]' = Given over, delivered,

Aw]SBn]San]kn]'Aw]SUn]San]kn]pqt]:mUt];' = Perplex, puzzled, perplexed, perplexing,

Aw]SUn]:tin]Kuit]:'Aw]SUn]:tin]nUt]:/nuit]:SG],' = Crush with the heel,

Aw]SG],sG]' = Attend to,

Aw]tc];km],PL,wL:' = Worldwide,

Aw]tac];sg}:SL,sG]tI:hsUit],nm].'(kgp].f])' = Taking relief from a water hazard,

Aw]tac];sg}:SL,sG]tI:ma}wL:hsUit],nm].'(kgp].f]) = Taking relief from a lateral water hazard,

Aw]tac];Pit];ekYL;kw];SBn];hBv]; = Temptation

Aw]tac];hk].kw]kL:mI;eShk].mG];tQm]AUk];tQm]sG]' = Lavish my love on you,

Aw]tac];hk].mG];tUc].nuic]hQt];Sac]:kGL,El:' = Put Your Love into Action,

Aw]tLSUtUv];kGL,tac];nL:tik];tik];' = Keep your eyes forward,

Aw]tLtUv];sp];sgm];'(KL:Aw]tLtUv];sp];sgm];sw]:hw];w}.yU,eAL:' sw];ey,Su')' = Set eyes on,

(I set my eyes on You, Jesus.),

Aw]tLtUv];w}.tI:sw]:hw];/mG];' = Keep my eyes on You,

Aw]tLpk];sp];w}.' (mL;hw];Aw]tLpk];sp];w}.tI:sw]:ey,Su)' = Fix our eyes on, looking unto, (Let us fix

our eyes on Jesus.),

Aw]tLmG];pk];sp];yk].tUv];w}.' tUv];pk];sp];w}.' = Fix your gaze, look straight right on,

Aw]tLhQt];tgc].' lm],mak]:' elL;PyG],' = Greedy, having a strong or great desire for food or drink.,

Aw]tqk]:kn]En'(et;Aw]nm].ngc];lUc]tqk]:kn]Enpn]AL,nL,JPL;sw]:nn].')' = Liken to, (David

likened God’s power to a flood.(1Chron.14:11)),

Aw]tI:pgc]mn];pUic]:' = Misinterpret, misconstrue, to misunderstand the meaning,

Aw]tI:yU,'[tqn];pn]tI:pw],hG]:mI;An]ekL.nuic]:/tI:nuic]:lUw],l}:mI;nn].{ = Take the place of,

Aw]tI:yU,'Aw]tI:yU,w}.' pk];w}.' = Position, locate, positioned, positioning,

Aw]tI:yU,tUw]sw]:kw],w}.' = Position yourself,


(Kw]:mun];yat],tUk];muiw];')'yat],tUk];'= Drop, to let fall in drops or small portions, dropped, dropping,

Aw]tBw]sw]:kw],hqn];tm];tn];w}.' = Setting yourself


mUic];Aw]tUw]TUp];)' = Practical, adj. engaged or experienced in actual practice or work: a practical politician,

Aw]tUw]Aw]sG]mI;mqt].tL,pn]Et.Et.' = Give physical affection,

Aw]ta}' hqm]' KL:hqm]' = Kill, killed,

Aw]ta}' = Execute, -to inflict capital punishment on; put to death according to law,

Aw]ta}kBn];' kBn];Aw]ta}kBn];' = Murder, murderer,

Aw]ta}kUn];pQn]ekL,pQn]kgc]'[An]Aw]ta}kUn];nm]nL,nL,nn].'{' = Massacre, carnage, massacred,

massacring, massacre, N.,


n]Suik];nn].Aw]kn]ta}epL;pQn]ekL,pQn]kgc]lUc]w}.yw].)' = Massacre, N. a general slaughter, as of persons or

animals; bloodbath: the massacre of millions during the war,

Aw]ta}kUn];nm]nL,'[Aw]ta}kUn];pQn]ekL,pQn]kgc]{'tUw]ta}kUn];pQn]kgc]' = Carnage, N. massacre,

Aw]etL;SPBt].' lBla}pBn].pqn]hQt];Pit];etL,' = Offended,

Aw],]'(ngn];Aw]hUw]/tin]]) = Match, to place in opposition or conflict, matched against,

Aw]tg};kn]' Aw]cam],kn]' tg};kn]' kp];kn]' = Match, to fit side by side, matched, matching,

Aw]Tan],f};lqc]kgc]niUw]hUw]mn];w}.' = Heap burning coals on his head,

Aw]Tim]:pbc]:tac];nL:sn]tibt].hbk].hBn]lc]yibw]:yibt];w}.' = Tossed back and forth,

Aw]nn].hQt];Agk],pQn]Et.mL;' = Bring it to pass,


sum],nm].Aw]kUv];ekL:l}:Am],nn]ekL:kgk],kqk],nm].pqt]:Ait];nuic]:kUv];ekL:l}:)' = Rinse, to wash lightly as by

pouring water into or over or by dipping in water, rinsed, rinsing,

Aw]nm].Sit];Kut];Km];' = Hydraulic mining,

Aw]nm].tgn];Pgn];lInUiw]-' = Take advantage of, to make use of for gain,

!Aw]nm].tgn];Pgn];lInUiw]SU@ = “…, takes advantage of you”(2Cor.11:20)

Aw]nm].Puic]:'[kQp];sunm].Puic]:tI:hUc];Puic]:'{= Harvest honey, collect or gather honey, honey harvesting,

Aw]nm].mn];tL;SG],hUt];SG],'Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn]'mgn];PL:Sgn];sG]' = Anointed, to choose by

divine intervention, to apply oil,

Aw]nm].hqc];tUw]SUyUt];hqc]:'(lI;wa};26;16') = Sap your strength,

Aw]nik].pan],'[kGam];Pa},put].TPL,SL, lat]:sgm];tac];yum],wL:mun]:sw]:/kUn];saw];put].Tta}nn].'{= Enter

nirvana, be annihilated (said at the time of Buddha’s death),

Aw]nim]ngn];hBn];' = Dispose, settle or decide matter,

Aw]nI:Aw]Kgt],'Ka}suik];'Suiw].suik];' = Credit, sell or buy on credit, credited, crediting,

Aw]nbm],mL;Kibn];' = Rejuvenates

Aw]nUk],tiuk];Aw]' = Zealous, fervent, ardently active,

Aw]nUk],tuik];Aw]tL,pun]:JPL;sw]:' = Zealous for God: devoted to God (Ro.10:2),

Aw]nUk],nUk],' w}.sG]nUk],nUk],ht];ht];El:' = Be bold,

Aw]nBf};rgk].kqt].tac],SUc],' = Rocket, rocketed, rocketing,

Aw]n}.kGL,miBw];nL:'(Aw]n}.kGL,mUiw];nL:hw];Am],Aup],lgc]:nn].yw].enL:)'yuin];yaw];kGL,'kGL,mUiw];nL:' =

Further, adv., extended to: “Let’s not discuss it further.”,


6;18')' = With this in mind: With this in mind, be alert and …,


(yL,ephG]:l}:pn]sG]pUic]:kGL,ygn].lUv]:lgc]:pUc]Sgn]An]lak],la};pqk],pqk],w}.sUiw];nn].eSkm];;"(hI;13;9')' = Carry

away, to influence greatly or unreasonably, especially emotionally: “Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange


Aw]pL.w}.tI:man],sam]:nG];Kgc].Aap],nm].mG];nn].' = Post it on your bathroom mirror,

Aw]pQn]kBn];ta}Pak],' hQt];hG]:pQn]kUn];ta}Pak],' = Paralyze, paralyzed, paralyzing,

Aw]pQn]kGam];Kam],w}.'[Kgc]Kam],tac]kU:nI:'AL,mKam]pn]w}.'{= Take in pledge, security for a debt or loan, as a

guarantee or security; collateral,

Aw]pQn]tgn]:' = Install, installed, installing,

Aw]pqk],pUic]:kn]mL;Et.' pqk],pUic]:kn]kGL,Et.' = Make a difference,

Aw]pqt]:'Aw]mUt];ha}pqt]:pn]'Aw]kGL,pqt]:'(Aw]ApYt]:tc];la}mUt];ha}pqt]:pn])= Take away: take away

sins, took away,

Aw]pun]:EPmqc],Kuin];Pc]Alac];'(nUic];-pun]:EPmqc],nUiw].cuin];)= Dividend Reinvestment,(compares

‘cash dividend’)

Aw]pun]:Pgn];kum];' = Take charge,

Aw]pun]:Pgn];sgm];kn]'[lik]:t};tqk]:nG];lik]:hUw]ma}pac]lUc]!Aw]tL,wUn],sgm];kn]'@{ = Joint responsibility,

Aw]pun]:Pgn];sg}:'(kUn];-'ekL.-'sum];-'PU:-') = Sponsor, patron, backer, guarantor,

Aw]pun]:Pgn];np].pL;' = Give an account for, reckoning for, required of,


= Charge of the waters,

Aw]pun]:Pgn];pL;'mI;pL;'(mIpL;suiw]:mn];w}.'(Aw]pun]:Pgn];suiw]:)' = Bear, to support or hold up; to take, accept,

or assume the responsibility of; sustain; to bring or convey: to bear an expense; to be someone name, bore, born, bearing,

Aw]pun]:Pgn];f};'[hQt];pn]mUiw]:lUw],Aw]f};sut],/sp];{ = Charge of the fire, authority and power over fire,


n];hG]:Aw]pun]:Pgn];la};can];lgc]:mn];'(cw]:9;5')'Aw]pun]:Pgn];' = Account, N. an explanatory of conduct, as

to a superrior; reason: demand an accounting, accounting,

Aw]pun]:Pgn];hQt];'[An]lUw],hQt];/sG].hQt];nn].etKam],hQt];pn]Et.Et.{ = Take charge of,

Aw]piUc]:kn]' = Alienate, alienated, alienting, alienation, N.,

Aw]pUin]:sG]tUk];'lat]:hG]:tqm],eyL:'= Downplay, to treat or speak of (something) so as to reduce emphasis on

its importance, value, strength, etc.: The press has downplayed the president’s role in the negotiations, downplayed,

Aw]pUin]:etL;SPBt].' = Cause offense, offended other,

Aw]pUin]:hQt];yUiw],'(la};Aw]pUin]:hQt];yUiw],')' = Predatory, adj.: predatory tactics,

Aw]pgc];elL;kn]'pgc];elL;kn]' = Combine, unite, combined, combining,


;ekL.nuic]:Pat],kn]w}.tc];An]mI;eP;nn].)= Separate, to keep apart or divide as by an intervening barrier or space;

part; separate from: keep someone separate from dangerous things, separated, separating,

Aw]Pat],kn]'Pat],EPkn]'Pat],kn]w}.'(/lgc]:-/An]-) = Separation, N.,

Aw]Pat]kn]SG],nG];sum];pqk],pqk],Am],sG]:sum];kw],sum];lQw]' = Splitting into different teams,

Aw]Pat],kGL,' Aw]kGL,'(Aw]Pat],nG];ASak]:Pwn}.kGL,'Aw]Pat]Kw]kGL,'Aw]tI:Kw]kGL,')' = Taken

from,(taken from this life or them,),

Aw]Pit];'[Aw]Am],mqn]:An]mn];/Aan];Aw]mQw];nuic]:Sm].vL;Aw]tac],An]'{ = Take the wrong one,

Aw]PUw],ng}.' = Have an extramarital affair (woman only), take a lesser husband,


:hUin];sgm];{ = Marry, to take in marriage, married, marrying,

Aw]PUw],Aw]em;'Aw]PUw]'Aw]em;' = Giving in marriage,

Aw]Piun];'hL/hgn];Puin];'[kGL,nG];TUin],hLTqp];m}.mL;hiUn];/wL;w}.tL,SG],f};'{= Cutting or gathering firewood,

Aw]PUw],ng}.' = Have an extramarital affair (woman only),

Aw]Pgc]mak],hin]mak],Sa};hUm],'SUiw],Pgc],mak],hin]mak],Sa};' = Gravel, graveled, graveling,

Aw]f};sam];Km];El:Agc],Km];ABKm];hG]:mBt];SG]' = Fire tests and purifies gold,

Aw]f};sut],'(Aw]f};sut],hUin];'(Aw]P};sut],hUin];') = Afire, adj. on fire; aflame: to set a house afire,

Aw]mak],hin]Suic];/Sat]:SG],'(Aw]mak],hin]Suic];/Sat]:SG],hG]:epL;ta})= Stone: stone to death, stoned,

Aw]mak],hUw]sG]kw]tqk],'hQt];hG]:mak],hUw]sG]kw]tqk],' = Break my heart,

Aw]mL;/mUiw];'pL;mL;/mUiw];' pL;mL;sgm];'(pL;ekL.mG];hk].mL;sgm];)'pL;mUiw];'sUw];mL;'(sUw];t};ekL.mG];mL;El,hw];

El:)' = Bring, to carry someone or something to come with, brought,

Aw]mUn]:mUn];'Tgm],ekYL,ekYL,'kin]wan]wan]'(Aqn]kz};kin]lg};lg};') = Enjoy, enjoyed, enjoying,

Aw]em;'Et,nL:hUin];' = Take a wife, get married,

Aw]em;ng}.'Aw]em;Agn],' = Take a lesser wife, keep a mistress, have a concubine,

Aw]m}kuv]la}:pgt]:Ek:KQw]:' = Floss, flossing,

Aw]muiw];kk];k}'kGk];' kk];' (kgk];k}' kk];k}')' = Wave hand,

Aw]muiw];tUp];SUp];mn];'[Aw]PL,muiw];Pt].mc]SUp];kUn];ekL.nuic]:hqc];hqc];{ = Strike him on the mouth,

Aw]muiw];tUp];Auk];'(Kw]Aw]muiw];tUp];AUk];Kw]eSAgk],kGL,pqt]:k}k}yw].eAL:'(luk].23;48') = Beat their

breasts: they beat their breasts and went away,

Aw]muiw];mn];sm]:nG];wan],sgm];kw]' = Dipped his hand into the bowl with me,

Aw]miuw];wac];' wac];miuw];' Aw]miuw];tiUw].pn]' = Lay hand, laying hand,


Am],Tac],'Aw]mUiw]:vL;lUc]luim];/Am],w}.fac].hU.mqn]:nn].'{(Sim];/Aw]Kw]mUiw]:Am],tn];hU.tUw]nn].')= Surprise, N.

an assault, as on an army, made without warning; a coming upon uexpectedly; taking unawares: took them by surpise,


mUiw];hL.kin]kL:n}:?') = Takeout, N. something made to be taken out, a restaurant specializing in preparing food

meant to be carried out for consumption elsewhere; food to take out: to take out or to go,

Aw]mG]m}.pk];sgm];tUw]SUc],lp].tUw],mUiw]:tuik];Suik];mUk];' = Camouflage,

Aw]mG];wL:'sgm];sG]mG];'(JPL;sw]:ethQt];sgm];sG]mG];pn]yU,')' = Up to you, (God will make it up to you.),

Aw]mG];wL:eSkgn],el:' = Whatever you say,

Aw]mG];wL:yw].kw]Et.' Aw]wL:El:' = If you say so,

Aw]mG];wL:El:epL;n}' = OK as you’ve said,

Aw]mG];Agk],pUn].' = Bring you out, brought you out,

Aw]Aey;sgm];la};Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amu' = Judicial action,

Aw]yaw];' Aw]huic]' sn]yaw];yaw];' tuit].Kaw];yaw];' = Protract, protracted,

Aw]yip];st];kan]l}:' = Operative,

Aw]yip];tibw];kGL,l}:' mI;Pgn];lImL;' mI;Pgn];lITiuc]tI:Tiuc]tac];' = Effect, effective,

Aw]yip];tibw];hQt];ePL,nm].ePL,tBw]' = Application

Aw]yuc]:Aaw],yaw],'Suk].yuc]:sgm];'kgc].sp];'kQw]:sp];'(Aw]m}yuc]:Aaw],yaw],pqt]:) = Tangle, to

bring together into a mass of confusedly interlaced or intertwined threads, strands or the like, tangled, tangling,

Aw]lk];sgm]piw]pk];w}./Ka}.Agk],/yip];pn]w}.' = Flagstick attended, moved or held up,


mc]kn]Aw]lip];Aw]ta}wL:')' = Life-and-death, adj. crucially important: Life and death issues; the cobra was

engaged in a life-and-death struggle with mongoose,


;m}.Sw]wL;muiw];nn].yw].eAL:"@(ekL;elL;eS;'2;14-15)' =“.., nailing it to the cross….,

triumphing over them by the cross.”(Col. 2:14-15 )

Aw]lQk];m},nL;tgk],kuik];sp];' tgk],lQk];m},nL;kuik];sp]' = Nail, nailed, nailing,

Aw]lQk];lUit],tat]:'[Aw]lQk];/KUic]:f};fL.lUit],tat]:tL,yUt];yL{= Cauterize, to burn with a hot iron,

electric current, fire, or a caustic, especially for curative purposes; treat with a cautery: cauterizing a wound, cauterized,

Aw]lQk];lUit],tat]:yL'[la};Aw]lQk];/KUic]:f};fL.lUit],tat]:yUt];yLhg};sQp];{= Cautery, N. cauterization,

use a hot iron or electricity to burn tissue in order to close a wound and also to remove harmful tissue,

Aw]lqt],kibt];pn]tL,eyL;Sb' = Stopped the sun for Joshua,

Aw]lqw]' Aw]kg}' hk];' hbk].tuit].Tbp].lqw]pqt]:' kUn],' epL.lqw]' = Break,


lun]:pqt]:'{'= Enigmatic, adj. resembling an enigma,

Aw]lUc];' Aw]ygm];lUc];' Aw]tqm],' = Lower,

Aw]lUc];'(Kt];-yuk].ygc]:'Aw]Kiun]:')'pUt];lUc];' = Bring down, (ant: exalt, promote), put down,

Aw]lUv]Ait],Kw]:'[Aw]lUv]lUv]Kw]:{'tm]Kw]:KUk].muiw];' = Grinding with a hand mill,

Aw]lUn].hQt];lUiw]nL&'[hQt];/Aw]lUiw]nL,yw].n}.'{(KUiw]Aw]lUn].hQt];lUiw]nL,&(TUin],16;3')= Gone too far!

have gone far enough: you have gone too far, or far enough; you take too much upon you,

Aw]lUm];m}:Agk],'[Aw]lUm];m}:nG];tUw]Kic];Agk],{(la};Aw]lUm];m}:Agk],)= Reducing body heat: how to reduce

body heat,

Aw]lUm];m}:Agk],'[Aw]lUm];m}:nG];luk];tI:ngn];/hgc]:hUin];Agk],hG]:nG];luk];/Kgc]./hgc]:hUin];kt];lI{= Exhaust heat

from a room; extract hot air from a room or a building,

Aw]lUm];lut],/pw],Agk],'[Aw]lUm];lut],/lUm];pw],pt];hG]:kQc]:{ = Vacuum, N. vacuum cleaner or sweeper,

Aw]lUm].'lBm].lBc];tqt]:pQc];lin]' = Fell, fell down flat,

Aw]lu'Aw]lqw]'lqw]'kg}'lU./lulqw]' = Damage, to cause or become damaged, damaged, damaging,


sG]l}:'{ = Damage, N.(Law) damages, the estimate money equivalent for detriment or injury sustained,


Siphon, to convey, draw, or pass through siphon: to siphon water, siphoned, siphoning,

Aw]/hG]:luyG],Sum];nm]' = Lay waste, ravage; ruin; the devastation caused by attackers, laid waste,

Aw]l}:' l}:' l}:w}.' = Obtain, obtained, acquire, get,

Aw]la}' Aw]la}la}' = Take freely,

Aw]lium];pqt]:' Aw]hUc]:ha}pqt]:' = Leave out, to omit, exclude,

Aw]lUit]:tqk],yac]Agk],ta}'(An]Aw]perL;Pqt]:Kw]lUit]:tqk],yac]Agk],ta}nn].'(mqt]:23;30') = Shed

blood, to kill by violence; slaughter: shedding the blood the blood of prophets(Mtt.23:30),

Aw]lUit]:Pgk];SG],'[Sgn];lUit]:{' = Sprinkled with the blood,

Aw]lgc]:kQw],KiUc]:sa};KiUc]:yic];hQt];Pgn];lI' = Sexual exploits,


= “Load people down with burdens….”(Luke 11:46,),

Aw]lgc]:Pac];Pam];pqt].lqn] = Deceiving


11;23') '= Dispossess, strip; oust: you will dispossess nations, dispossessed, dispossing,

Aw]lg};lg};'Am],Tat],Am],wa};'man],man],'= Steady, adj., constant, constantly, regularly, steadily, adv.,

Aw]lg};lg};' (Aw]lg};lg};Aw]lg};lg};n}eShgc].mUiw]:kL:) = Steady, (Steady! Be steady!)

Aw]lg};lg};pQn]Kk].pQn]Kk].' Kiun]:lg};lg};pQn]yac]:pQn]yac]:' = Step by step,

Aw]w}.'Sim];' Sim];pqc];' Sim];w}.' = Keep, treasure, store, kept, keeping,

Aw]wuit].pqt]:' Aw]Agk],pqt]:' = Take off,

Aw]hk];/lqw]/tqk],/kUn],kg}' = Rupture, to break or burst, ruptured, rupturing,

Aw]hc];kUv];' hQt];hc];kUv];' = Have yourself,

Aw]hw];nL:SUm];tut],Aut],tc];wn];' = Sour our day,

Aw]hap],ham]sgm];kGL,' = Run with, to carry out with enthusiasm,

Aw]-hQt];-yL:-yL-yc];-Am],-epL;' = Barely-get-by

Aw]hQt];].'[lUik]:pn]pun]:Pgn];PU:km].'{ = Deputize, to appoint as deputy, deputized, deputizing,

Aw]hQt];KL:sG].' Aw]hQt];KL:sG].kin]' = Enslave,

Aw]hQt];tac];ekYL,tac];lQn]:' = Prank, to make an ostentatious show or display, prank, N.,

Aw]hQt];tI:lat]:mn];'(An]-)[mQw];An]Aw]lat]:w}.Enw}.Agn]tac];pun]:tL,Aan];hUm],tUm];/lp].w}.An]E];nn].'{(PU:Agn]hUw]Kw]Aw]lgc]:lUla}nn].hQt];tI:lat]:mn];eSpuin]Paw],tuik];Suik];kn])' = Pretext,

N. an ostensible reason: The leaders used the insults as a pretext to declare war,

Aw]hQt];Pibn]Aic]yip];kqm];'SG],nG];Puin]Aic]yip];kqm];' = Bibliograph, bibliographed,

Aw]hQt];Pgn];lI' = Exploit, to take advantage, utilize, exploiting,


t]:nn].{ = Bait, to entice by deception or trickery so as to entrap or destroy, baited, baiting,


c];mL;Kuin];'hgm]AQn]hgm]hqc];'{'hQt];hG]:kqn],Kqc]KUic],Km].' = Strengthen, strengthened, strenthening,


)' = Unnerve, to deprive courage or confidence: Fear unnerved him, unnerved, unnerving,

Aw]hUm],lUm]:pn]sgm];puc],man],mn];' = Securing in general,

Aw]hUlit],/liuc],'[hQt];hG]:hUlit],'Aw]hUluic],/lit],Am],yin];lIpqt]:'{= Deafen, deafened, deafening,

Aw]hiuc]nL,AL;lL;'(hiuc]nL,AL;lL;An]wL:n}.hiuc]kL:hiuw]?)' Aw]Kaw];mn];hiuc]nL,AL:lL;' = Take

too long,(how long is too long)

Aw]hG]:tac];ybm],mat]:mG];tBc].nibc]hQt];Sac]:El:' = Put your faith into action,

Aw]hG]:l}:' Aw]l}:' l}:w}.' l}:' = Obtainning, obtained,

Aw]hG]:l}:SU;' = Win the prize,

Aw]Aey;' [hQt];sgm];nc],Kk].tgn]:kan]pk];pUic]mI;w}.nn].'{' = Action, a legal process,

Aw]Aey;' = Taking action on,

Aw]Aey;'(An]-) = Prosecution, -The institution or carrying on of legal proceedings against a person ,

Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;' sg};JtL;SG],' = Prosecute, perform, conduct,

Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;'(An]-)= Prosecution, -The institution or carrying on of legal proceedings against a person,

Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;Pa},pk];pUic]'lgc]:-/An]-) = Legal prosecution,

Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;tac];Pit];rL,swBt]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Criminal prosecutions

Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;'(ekL.-'Pa},-') ekL.Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;SG],' = Prosecutor,

Aw]An]Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];siBw];nn].pqt]:eS' = Take the Limits Off,

Aw]An]Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.sUiw];nn].wuit].pqt]:eS' = Take off the limits,

Aw]An]ta}yw].hG]:luk].Kiun];lip];mI;sG]' = Resurrect, to raise from the dead, bring to life again,

resurrected, resurrecting,

Aw]An]nn].pin],pn]tI:JPL;sw]:w}.eSEl:' = Turn it over to God.

Aw]An]pQn]nG];PwkUn];kU:wn];nn].nUic];En' = Using an example from everyday life; put

this in human terms; speak after the manner of men,

Aw]An]mG];mI;nn].eShQt];hG]:l}:nm]Sut];Sut];El:' = Take what you have and make the

most of it.

Aw]An]lQw]'w}.ekL.lQw]' = Single, to pick one from others, singled, singling,

Aw]An]l}:hUn]lc]nc]:lUc];tqt]:pqt]:El:An]vL;hQt];Pit];sUiw];nn].pQn]tgn]:Sgn]' =

Learn from setbacks and mistakes,

Aw]Am],Aw]?'[Pgm].Am],Pgm].&'{' = Deal or No Deal!

Aw]Aac]:Aic]tL,et' = Subjects to, quotation,


:!nc]:JtL;!n}nn].'{ = Meditate: I meditate on Your word, meditated, meditating,

Aw]AL,rbc],sp];w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' nc]:JtL;' = Meditation,

Aw]AL,rbc],sp];w}.' = Meditating, meditate,

Aw]AL,ruc],sp];w}.TL:' = Premeditate, premeditation,

Aw]Agk],'TBk];Agk],' = Bring out, bring forth, take out,

Aw]Agk],kGL,' = Take out,

Aak],Kac]'Aak],Kac]hUw]KQw]' = Tree lizard, Urosautus ornatus,

Aak],Kac]min]'[nkL;min]'{ = Flying lizard, N. flying dragon,

Aak],Kac]hUw]KQw]'[Aak],Kac]la};lQn];sac]:pin],lqk]:la}:SInc]mn];la}la}mQw];{ = Chameleon, N. any of numerous

old world lizards capable of changing color of the skin,

Aak],lUin];'[sUic].hUin];mI;nc]lUim]:kQt];Sgn].Kp].kn]'{ = Skink, N. any of numerous lizards of the family Scincidae,

Aak],AQc]:'[sUic].hUin];sL.lQk].nc]mUn],'{ = Wall lizard, N. a small grey lizard, Lacerta muralis,

Aak].'Aak].Aak].'Aqk].Aqk].'[SQc]k},/kLlm]hgc].{= Caw, N. the harsh, grating cry of the crow, raven, etc.; croak,

Aac],' = Basin,

Aac],' Ac],sluc],' = Sink bowls,


.tc];nm]) = Body’s members, parts of a body; members of one body: each of us has one body with many members,

Aac],kL,'/Aac];kan];'(wn];-)[wn];TiSam]nG];wUc]:lG]wUc]:nn].El:pQn]wn];tam];wn];tc]lL,{' = Tuesday,

N. the third day of the week, following Monday,

Aac],sluc],'(wan],An]yG],eSwan]Pk];) = Big dish, bowl,

Aac],Suk]:nL:' Aac],lac].wan],' = Sink, wash basin, basin,

Aac],Suk]:muiw];'[kgk];lUc]/Aqc],/Aum]yip];sG].tL,Suk]:muiw];/nL:'{ = Washbasin, N. wash pot; washbowl,

Aac],tuc];'puc];tuc];'emL:tuc];'emL:'(emL:Sqc]:/emL;Kac])' = Pan, N. bucket, pot: frying pan,

Aac],tuc];nm].mn];Ain]kYin],' = Oil Pan,

Aac],hac];wUw];'Aac],hac];' = Manger, N., mangers,

Aac],Aap],nm].' = Bathtub,

Aac],AUp];' KQt],kUp];' = Bullfrog,

Aac]:' kYam],Aac]:' kYam]:hL'[Aw]lat]:Enlgc]:wL:mn];p},tn];pQn]Sc]nn].{' = Trying to,


sG]:'kw]Am],Aan];ethQt];/Aw]/kGL,/mUiw];/mL;/") = About to, ready to, on the verge of: I was about to leave when

it began to rain, (opposed to “not about to”: No, I’m not about to.)

Aac]:etpQn]yw].'(Aac]:etpQn]yw].mn];Sm].pin],sG]mn];pqt]:)' = Last minute, He changed his mind at the

last minute,

Aac]:ethQt];' = About to do,

Aac]:hQt];'Aac]:hQt];sgm];' = Attempt, tried to do so, assaying to do,

Aac]:Aw]ta}' kYam],hLAw]ta}' kYam],Aac]:Aw]ta}' = Trying to kill,

Aac]:Aan];Aw]ta}'(Pqn]Aan];sc]:sG]Aw]ta}kUn];')' = Intent to kill,(first degree murder),

Aac]:Aan];' Aan];' = Intend, intended, intending,

Aac]:Aan];ekL,Sac]:' = Intent to build,

Aac]:Aan];tL,hG]:mn];pQn]' = Intend for it to be,

Aac]:Aan];mUik]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Evil intent,

Aac]:Aic]'(ekL.-'Pibn]-'eKL:-'pp].-'An]-)= Reference, N. citation, regard, endorsement, references,


;mI;nm].nk];nn].{(mn];Aw]pUic]mI:Kgt],Pgt]:wan]:mUic];nn].Aac]:Aic]eSetL,SU:kqt],EKtL,tUw]mn];')' = Cite,

to quote (a passage, book, author, etc.) especially as an authority: He cited the constitution in his defense, cited, citing,

Aac];'lgk];Aac];'[Kqp];es;/tgc];/cuin];SI,sQc],An]tqm]:SG],kL,TL,w}.nUiw]mn];nn].{' = Square paper or

metal with charm written on it,


t],mn]:sp];kn]w}.nn].{ = Mortar, N. a mixture of lime or cement or a combination of both with sand and water, used as

a bonding agent between bricks, stones, etc.,

Aac];el;'ngc]ha};yL:'[suiw]:!ngc]Ain];el;(nm].ngc]wQc];ygc]:hUv],'mUic];t};pgt];san];')@Pa},t};'{= Inlay lake,

Aat]:'[luk]:sa};pI;lL.'Aqt]<tL<'n}ekL:pUin]:hgc].'{(TUin],26;40') = Ard, a son of Bela, also called Addar,

Aat]:'[luk]:sa};pqn]<yL,min],'{(cw]:46;21')' = Ard, a son of Benjamin,

Aan]'pQn]wt];'pQn]Aan]'[KI:muk]:yg}.mac]pgk]:SI:sm]/eKL;sQp];{= Cold, N. common cold, running nose, sneezing,

Aan],'np].Aan],'Sgn],tUv];'Aan],tUv];' = Count, to check over, enumerate,

Aan],'lU'Pt];'ehL;'[lU/Pt];tUv];'ehL;lik];ehL;la};'Aan],lik]:'{ = Read, read, reading,

Aan],mibn],Aan],hQc]' = Hundreds,

Aan],mibn],Aan],Sqn]' = Thousands,

Aan],hQc]Aan],miun],mn];' la}la}hQc]' = Thousands of,

Aan];' Aac]:Aan];' = Tend to, aim, intended to,

Aan];' Aan];w}.' = Intently,

Aan];' Aac]:Aan];' = Intend, intention,

Aan];ekL,Sac]:' Aac]:Aan];ekL,Sac]:' = Intent to build,


n];(tI:tqk]:'kL:Kn]KUw];mqn]:SI,pYL;El:epL;ekL.Suiw].pn]mL;mac]hL:pYL;n}ekL.Ka}pn]Kuin];pYL;nuic]:){ = Return, rebate,

Aan];Kiun];ciun];Kgn],'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Tax return,

Aan];KG]:hG]:l}:pQn],' = Intended,

Aan];cibn];'tbm].cibn];' = Refund, refunded, refunding,

Aan];sc]:sG]Aw]ta}kUn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Murder: Second-degree,

Aan];sc]:sG]Aw]ta}kUn];' = Second degree murder, manslaughter in second degree,

Aan];/Tac],etl}:' = Hope, to look forward with desire, hoped, hoping, hope to,

Aan];mL;hQt];'Aan];mL;Aw]' = Came for, have come for,

Aan];l}:'(Aan];l}:yG],l}:lUc]')' = Expectation, N. often, expectations: to have great expectations,

Aan];l}:eSpG].'muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:eSpG].TL:w}.'(SL,5;3)' = Wait expectantly, will look up,

Aan];w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Intention,

Aap],nm].' = Bathe, bathed, bathing, bath, N.,


p].Aap],tap]'Pqp].Aqp];tqp];')= Imperative affix, used to express about intensive applied to flatness,

Aap],nm].yL:yL'nm].yL:yLAap],' = Herbal bath, bath on herbal water,

Aap],lUit]:Aap],yac]'[Am],mI;sG]AI;lUSc]eSKL:hqm]ta}kUn];tc];nm]lUc]'Aw]ta}pQn]ekL:pQn]kgc]'{= Bloodbath,

N. a ruthless slaughter a great number of people; massacre,

Aap],lUin]'[pac]pg};Tuc];sam],Aap],nm].pqp]<tism],An]pQn]tL,tac],suiw]:pn]luk]:Agn],nn].'{ = Christening, N.

the ceremony of bapism, especially as accompanied by the giving of a name to a chilld,=

Aap]:' mqc],pn]' = Bestow, present, bestwed, bestwing,

Aap]:'tac],Tuic]' = Present, to hand over or submit; bestow, presented, presenting,

Aap]:'lqp]:'cam],'(KUw];nuc]:mn];n}.lqp]:pac]pg};Et.yw].')' = Befit, to be proper or appropriate for, suit: His clothes

befit the occasion, befitted, befitting,

Aap]:'Aap]:/lqp]:/kuic],kn]'(KLAap]:/lqp]:kn]nL,) = Suitable, adj. such as to suit; appropiate, suit,

Aap]:sn].kan]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Assignment, N., appointment,

Aap]:sn].kan]' = Assign, appoint, assigned, assigning,

Aap]:tUw]' tac],Tibc]'(Aw]Piun]lik]:Piun]la};tac],Tiuc]')' = Presented, presenting,(present documents)

Aap]:tUw]sw]:kw],' = Present youerselves,


Seemingly, adv. in appearance but not necessary in actuality,

Aap]:tiBk]:nL,' = Despondent, downhearted, blue, hopelessness,

Aap]:nL:kan]pun]:Pgn];' = Commission, to give a commission to; to authorize, commissioned,

Aap]:pn]'[Aap]:pn]eSAn]An]mUin]nc],KUw];Kgc]lG]'AL,nL,lG]sUiw];n}.'{' = Vest in, to place or settle

(something, especially property, rights, powers, etc.) in the possession or control of someone, vested,

Aap]:pn]'mqc],pn]'[yuin]:tgn]:Kgc]Pak],tgn]:{ = Confer, to bestow upon as a gift, conferred, conferring,

Aap]:pn]yip];tibw];tac]'hG]:pQn]kUn];tac]tBw]' = Delegate, to send or appointed (a person) as a

representative, delegated, delegating,


.km].kqm]{'= Delegate, to commit (powers, functions, etc.) to another as agent or deputy, delegated, delegating,


c],sUiw].tac],An]n}nn].Aap]:pQn]/sG]:yU,KG]:wL:n}'{= Odds, N. the ratio of probability that something is so, will occur, or

is more likely to occur the something else,

Aap]:pbn]:Pgn];pn]' = Vest appointments,

Aap]:mqc],KiBc]:yip];tac];tibw];' = Equip, equipped,

Aap]:mqc],KiBc]:yip];tac];tibw];es.muiw];w}.yw].' = Fully equipped, totally equipped,

Aap]:mqc],pn]' = Confer, to bestow upon as a gift, favor, honor, etc., conferred upon, conferring,

Aap]:mqc],eAL;sL,AL,nL,' = Authorize, authorized, authorizing,

Aap]:lum];lum];' lm],sG]lm],eKL;' (lm],sG]lm],eKL;w}.Kaw];yam];lUlik]:'(KUic]:pUic]Kgc]lUw],Aap]:lum];lum];)'=

Devote, to give up: to devote one’s time for reading; devoted things, devoted, devoting,

Aap]:w}.'yum],ym]eSAap]:w}.'Aap]:pn]' = Entrust, to invest or to commit, entrusted, entrusting,


n].huiw]mL;sm]Saw];pI<yw].)' = Vest, to invest or endow with something, vested, vesting,

Aap]:w}.pn]' = Handed to, committed to, entrusted and delivered to,

Aap]:AL,nL,pn]'Aap]:AL,nL,' = Transfer of power, hand over power,

Aap]:AL,nL,hqc];yG],sn].Tan]:Sbc]pn]' = Supernatural empowerment,

Aam];' Aam];Aw]' lIAam];' = Amaze, amazed, amazing,

Aam];'ygc]:'(Aam];/ygc]:tac];emL/kan]lUc].lqn],sw]:kw],Kuin];)' = Cry up, to extol: to cry up one’s profession,

Aam];tum],KUn]nUiw].epL;kI:' = Spectacular, dramatically daring or thrilling, breathtaking,

Aam];tUw]kw],' ygc]:tUw]kw],' = Exalt oneself, boast,

Aam];Et.Aam];wL:'emLkUw]ym]JPL;sw]:'(An]-)' = Awe, N.,

Aam];Et.Aam];wL:' = Awe, awed awing,

Aam];TUv]:sG]epL;hUit],' = Breathtaking, thrilling beautiful, exiting,

Aam];nL,eSEl:lat]:wL:' = Amazed and said,

Aam];nL,nL,' Aam];lUc]Aam];lac]' = Awestruck, fill with awe, amazement,

Aam];pin].Aam];pqt]:'[tUk];sG]Aam];Aw]Et.Et.wL:wL:'{ = Flabbergast, astound, flabbergasted,

Aam];pUn].Aam];lUiw]'[pn]tac];Aam];nn].mL;mc]ep.pqt]:'Aw]KI:yan]:kGL,pqt]:{ = Overawe, to subdue by

inspiring awe; intimidate, overawed, overawing,

Aam];lBc]kGL,' = Surprised,

Aam];lBc]Aam];lac]' = Astonish,

Aam];An]hn]w}.yU,tG]:tLnn].' = Amazed at the sight,

Aam];Aw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'(Aam];lUc]Aam];lac]kGL,)' = Amazement: great amazement,

Aam];Aam];sUm];sUm];nm].tLepL;tUk];' = Amazed and overjoyed,

Aam].'kin]'AUm].'[mUiw]:pgn]:Kw]luk]:Agn],lqc]wL:!Aam].mm]:mm]:@'{= Eat, as a baby eats baby solid food, ate, eating,

Aaw]'[ngc].sa};AU:'Aaw]Sac],'{(Aaw]KUv]n}.pQn]PUw]ALhw];)= Uncle, N. younger brother of one’s father: uncle-in-law,

Aaw]' luc];' nL.' = Uncle,

Aaw]KUv]' nL.KUv]' = Uncle-in-law,

Aaw],yaw],'yuc]:Aaw],yaw],mUin]hc];nU'(KUn]hUw]Kw]n}.yuc]:Aaw],yaw],epL;tan],hc];nU)'= Ratty, adj. shabby:

their hair was a ratty mess,

AL' pL:' nL.' = Aunt, aunty,

AL'[ngc].yic];AU:{(ALpG].n}.pQn]em;Aaw]hw];) = Aunt, N. younger brother of one’s father: aunt-in-law,

ALtUw]nies,tqk]:'[Kun]ehLKm];mUic];ey,ruSlqm],{(eyL;10;1') = Adoni-Zedek, a king of Jerusalem,


wL:!sw]:tUn]mYat]:@n})' = Adonai, Hebrew. N. a title of reverence for God,

ALpG].' nL.pG].' = Aunt-in-law, aunty-in-law,



{ = Armageddon, Hebrew. the site where the final battle of this age in which God intervenes to destroy the armies

of Satan and to cast Satan into the bottomless pit.(Rev.16:16)],

ALmin]:'ALmin]<' = Amen.


rit]:Kw]Aw]lat]:){' = Amen, interjection. It is so; so be it (used after a prayer, creed, or other formal statement to

express solemn ratification or agreement); Amen! N. an utterance of the interjection “amen”,


El:lg}Aprim];'{(TUin],33;46') = Almon Diblathaim, a stopping place during the wilderness journey of the

Israelites (situated in Moab), between Dibon and the mountains of Abarim,

ALlwn]<'[luk]:sa};lUc]SUw]pL,lpQn]lan]sa};Siy'{(cw]:36;23') = Alvan, the oldest son of Shobal,

AL,kuv];lL,'[suiw]:kUn];sa};'(suiw]:PUw]nac];prI,SI;lL,'(rUw];16;3)'{ = Aquila, N. eagle, a native of Pontus, by

occupation a tent-maker, whom Paul met on his first visit to Corinth(Acts 18:2), the husband of Priscilla(Ro.16:3),

AL,eK,lL.'[luk]:sa};lUc]Kun]EhLKm];Eh;rwt].{ = Archelaus, [people’s chief, the son of Hrerod,(Mtt 2:22)],

AL,sL,r};y'(sa};) = Azariah, [Daniel 1]

AL,sUw]<tt].'[tqm]:Pa},krik].w}.tL,eKL:An]wL:!AStgt].@n}nn].'{ = Azotus,[the Grecized (Acts 8:40,

etc.) form of Ashdod,(q.v.)],

AL,SL.'(Kun]ehLKm];yutKw]) = Asa, [the king of Judah, (1Ki 16:29)]

AL,SYL.'[kun]mUic];lUc]An]kGac]:mgk]:16,000,000lk];pn],mUn];(41,440,000kI,lUw],pn],mUn];){ = Asia, N. a

continent, about 16,000,000 sq. mi (41,440,000,

AL,SYL.'(kUn];-)'kUn];mUic];AL,SYL.' = Asian, adj. N. an Asian person, Asaitic,

AL,SYL.sQc],san];wn];Agk],'(AL,SI<yn],) = Asean, (ASEAN)


w]:pL;mUic];TUiw]<kI<'{' = Asia minor, a peninsula in W Asia between the Black and Mediterranean seas, including

most of Asiatic Turkey,


Adam, the of the first man,(Gen 2:20), the son of God,(Luke 3:38),

AL,tm]<El:Aip]<' = Adam and Eve,

AL,nL,'hqc];pgc]AL,nL,'hqc];AL,nL,'eAL;sL,AL,nL,' = Power, N. political or national strength; authority,

AL,nL,kum];kgn];Tic];w}.'[AL,nL,El:Sun],l}:Aup].pUic],eSkum];kgn];w}.{' = Dominion, the power or right of

governing and controlling,

AL,nL,tL,sg}:PQc],pQc];SL,sG]' = Equity power,(A court can exercises its equity power to order injunction,),

AL,nL,tL,pin],pa},kum];Tic];kn]' = Balance of power,

AL,nL,tL,hup]:Sim];Aw]'(AL,nL,mn];sw]:pn]tL,hup]:Sim];Aw]nn].)' = Conquering power, (His

conquering power),

AL,nL,Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amb' = Jurisdiction

AL,nL,Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];AmbPa},nm].pac],la},' = Maritime Jurisdiction,

AL,nL,Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amb' = Judicial Power

AL,nL,nUiw]lin]mUic];Kw]n}.wgt]:wa};ha}la}' = Earthly powers fade,

AL,nL,nG];es:tgn]:mI;lgc]:Ka}.kGL,Ka}.mL;' = Shifting power in region,

AL,nL,piBc],w}.' = Sole Power,

AL,nL,pgc]kan]' AL,nL,Pa},Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];' = Executive power, administrative power,

AL,nL,Pa},hQt];Agk],pk];pUic]' = Legislative power,

AL,nL,Pa},Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];' AL,nL,pgc]kan]' = Administrative power, executive power,

AL,nL,Pgc];cm];'mI;AL,nL,Pgc];cm];lgt]:lqw];' = Sovereign,

AL,nL,Pgc];cm];Tt];Sin]cw]:puic];mn];' = Original jurisdiction,

AL,nL,Pgc];cm];Tt];Sin]Amuyuin]:ygn];Kuin]:' = Appellate jurisdiction,

AL,nL,Pgc];cm];Tt];Sin]lgc]:pUn].pqn]Aic]niUw]piun].tI:Kgp],nm].lqn]lin]'= Geographical

Jurisdiction of Offenses,

AL,nL,Pgc];cm];lgt]:lqw];' = Sovereignty,

AL,nL,yG],'tiUw].ym],lInL,'hqc];yG],nL,nL,'eAL;sL,AL,nL,yG],' = Powerful, adj.,

ALnL,yG],Kuik].tgn];' = Excelling in power,

AL,nL,yG],sw]:Krit]:An]hQt];kan]nG];kw]ht];ht];hqc];hqc];n}.'(ekL;1;29')' = Christ so

powerfully or mightily works in me,

AL,nL,yG],Sut];nG];km],PL,' = Dominant world power, world’s most powerful,

AL,nL,yG],lBc]TBn]:TI;mBt];' = All-powerfull,

AL,nL,wI.tBw]' = Veto

AL,nL,lp];Sic],'(hqc];lp];Sic],') =‘Power of darkness.’

AL,nL,hp].hgc];Aw]pQn]'= Power of acceptance,-The right conferred on a person who has received a valid offer.,

AL,nL,An]Ek,Kzt]:Aw]' = Salvation power

AL,nL,An]T},Tbt]:pBt];pg},pn]' = Redemption power, deliverance power,

AL,nL,An]yBt];yLpn]' = Healing power

AL,nL,Aw]An]ta}yw].luk].Kiun];lip];mI;sG]' = Resurrection power,

AL,nL,Abp].piBc],Pgc];cm];' = Sovereignty, sovereign,

AL,nL,Aup].mUic];'[An]mI;sn]./AL,nL,Aup].mUic];'{ = Suzerainty, N. the position or authority of a suzerain,

AL,nL,Agc],ep.An]mI;nG];muiw];Kgn]KGLJPL;sw]:' = Victorious power of God’s right hand,

AL,nun],'[nm].hgc]:l}sqw]:Kw]:nG];nm].pac],la}ta}'{(TUin],21;13')= Arnon, a swift river that runs into the Dead Sea,


wL:kiriyAL,pL.'{(eyL;21;11')' = Arba, the ancestor of Anak the giant,

AL,pqt]:tgn]<'[tI:lulqw]'nG];kUn]:emL:cra};luik].luik].'{(Kuin];9;11')'APUw];lzn]<'(kGam];krik].) =

Abaddon, N. a place of destruction; the depth of hell, Apollyon,


ma}pac]lUc]1947nn].{ = A hot potato, (Idiom),

AL,piy' [luk]:sa};rIhpUm];{ = Abijah, [a son of Rehoboam,(1 Chr 3:10)],

AL,pUw],lUw],'(sa};KiUw];kYO;) = Apollos, [a jew, born at Alexandria, (Ac 18:24)],

AL,Rpm],'[suiw]:cw]:puic];AL,RpL,ham],ekL.pQn]AU:cw]:KUiw];hUin];lUc]AiSer;(pU,mgn],lUc]){(cw]:17;5') = Abram, the

original name of Abraham, the great patriarch of Israel,

AL,RpL,ham],'[AU:A};sk].'{(cw]:11-25) = Abraham, the father of Isaac and the founder of the Hebrew people,

AL,RpL,ham],pQn]ekL.l}:mqn]:tc];JtL;lUv]:tac];yum],mat]:' = Abraham justified by faith,



l:saw];sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],SUekL:tk];etpQn]nn]Am],hac].yw].eAL:"@(rUw];4;18) “…, =

Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to

him, “So shall your of spring be.”(Ro.4:18)

AL,RpL,ham],lic]<kun]<'[sgm]suic]:mUic];yUAqt].S]ekL.TUn]:16{' = Abraham Lincoln, 1809-65, 16th

president of the U.S. 1861-65,


w]eSluk]:sa};mG];n}yU,yw]."@= “Abraham, do not hurt your son Isaac! Now I know you love

God more than your son(Gen 22:12)

AL,fk].st].'[luk]:sa};SYqm];El:pQn]AU:K}<nn]'(luk].3;36){ = Arphaxad,[the son of Shem,],


mI;mgk]:Sip];AQt];lan].sQt];Sqn]lk];pn],mUn];'{' = Africa, N. a continent S of Europe and between the Atlantic and

Indian oceans. About 11,700.000sq.mi.,


Apphia, a female Christian at Colosse (Philemon 1:2), she may have been Philemon’s wife,


;yam];Kin];nn].yU,n}'{ = Bail, N.,

AL,mKam],' = Bail, Ensure, guarantee,

AL,mKam],' = Warrant, guarantee, approve, justify, insure,

AL,mKam],'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Warranty, (Contract), warranties,

AL,mKam],'(lgc]:-)'lgc]:mI;AL,mKam],'tuin];lp].lgc];' = Surety, N. guaranty, sureties,



.'{ = Co-insurance, your share of costs of a covered health care service, calculated as a percent (for example 20%) of

the allowed amount for the service,

AL,mKam],nm].kt].tac];lI'[lgk];la};AL,mKam],nm].kt].KUw];hQt];Agk],{ = Quality assurance,(QA),


w],tL,hQt];yw].tUw]:TUn]:lIsgm];nL:kan]pun]:Pgn];Aap]:pn]Kw]w}.nn]." = To ensure

they have the leadership, training, and equipment they require to accomplish their mission.

AL,mKam],pn]w}.'pn]eKL:mn]:kqn],w}.' = Guarantee, guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantee, N.,


pa};yU,lImG];nn].pn]km]:Pgc]:/tc];mUt];lUv]:la};lqk]:kU;kn]tc];ciun];kL:prI<mIym]nn].'{ = Health insurance, a

contract that requires your health insurer to pay some or all of your health care costs in exchange for a premium,

AL,mKam],pa};yU,lIAn]Am],Aw]tuin];Am],l}:' = Mandated health insurance,

AL,mKam],Piun]suiw]:pUic],'(lik]:-/lgc]:-An]-) = Warranty of title,

AL,mKam],mk];ma}pn]' = Grant

AL,mKam]mk];ma}pn]KL:l}:mI;JtL;PQc],pQc];ep.ekL.Pa},Kt];kw]KL:nn].eSkm];' =“Grant me

justice against my adversary.”(Luke 18:3),

AL,mKam],mn]:sG]' = Reassure, hearten, to reinsure, to confidence,


w]mI;yU,n}.pQn]Kw]Tuk],nI:JPL;sw]:w}.n}nn].')= Reassure, hearten; to assure again, to reinsure; to restore to assurace or

confidence: His praise reassured me; to resuure them that they owed their existence to God, reassured, reassuring,

AL,mKam],mn]:sG]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Reassurance, N.,

AL,mKam],emL<kit]<' = Mortgage Insurance,



t];nn].'{ = Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI), - Mortgage insurance provided by non-government

insurers that protect a lender against loss if the borrower defaults,

AL,mKam],lBn].liBw]pBn].nL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Excessive bail,

AL,mKam],l}:' = Insurable,


' = Reassert, to state with assurance; affirm; aver: to reassert his love for them, reasserted, reasserting,

AL,mKam],An]l}:sun].nm]' = High-risk insurance,

AL,mKam],An]Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].eSl}:' = Employer-based insurance,

AL,mKam],Aqm]<Aa}<' = MI,( Any insurance company that insure against loss in the event of a mortgagor’s

default under a conventional mortgage.)

AL,mnL.'[lg}luk]:nuic]:{(kGam];4;8')' = Amana, a mountain mentioned in Song of Solomon,

AL,mqt].'[wQc];tm];w}.pn]kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];AL;SYL;'{(eyL;19;26')= Amad, a town assigned to the tribe of Asher,

AL,mir'[sw]:fL./Kun]mUic];mU,Slim],Kw]km]:Pgc]:'{ = Emir, N. a prince or head of state in some Islamic countries,

AL,mun],'[luk]:sa};mnL;ES.'{ = Amon, [a son of Manasseh,(2 King 21:18-26)],


Amorite, a member of one the principal tribes, or nations, of Canaan before its conquest by the Israelites.(2Sam12;16-31),

AL,rpL,'[es:tgn]:Sam]Kan];lUc];nG];Pqn],lin]AiSer;{(ehL;1;1')= Arabah, a major region of the land of Israel,

AL,rt]:'[suiw]:wQc];wQc];nuic]:El:kUn];ekL.nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],21;1') = Arad, the name of a city and a man,

AL,rn],'[luk]:sa};tiSYn];'{(cw]:36;28')= Aran, a son of Dishan,

AL,rp].'[wan]:nG];mUic];lg}hI;prun],'{(eyL;15;52') = Arab, a village in the hill country of Hebron,

AL,rp].'[kUn];sUiw];lat]:kGam];AL,rp].'{(man],2;11')= Arab, N. a member of any Arabic-speaking people,


{(TUin],21;15') = Ar, one of the chief cities of Moab,

AL,rqt]<'[suiw]:wQc];wQc];nuic]:El:kUn];ekL.nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],21;1') = Arad, the name of a city and a man,

AL,run],'[pI:Aa}:mUw];eS,El:k}.mat]:wL:pQn]Kun]perL;hQk]:lUc]hI;RpO;Kw]n}'{(Agk],28'40;13-16')= Aaron, the

older brother of Moses, usually regarded as the first high priest of the Hebrews. Ex 28; 40:13-16,

AL,ruc],'hU.'hU.nG];tUw]nG];Kic];' sG]hU.' = Sensation, N., sensational, adj.,

AL,ruc],'(hU.tUw]Kiun];)'sG]hU.tUw]lI'sG]hU.' = Sense, N.: came to his senses, senses, good sense,

l}:AL,ruc],'hU.mL;nG];sG]'(Kw]hU.mL;nG];sG]wL:PUn]lUc]ettUk];)' = Sense, sensed, sensing,

AL,ruc],An]sp];sG]nL,eSpiUn]:Sut];nG];piun];' = Most touching senses in history,

AL,yu'ASak]:'sBw]:KBp],'sBw]:pan]'(lbk]:sa};mG];epL;l}:la}KBp],yw].eA.?) = Age, N.,

AL,leP;'[pQn]AU:kYQm];'(mak].'3;18')'mqt].tiw];'(mak].'2;14)'{' = Alphaeus, [ (1.) The father of James the

Less, the apostle and writer of the epistle (Matt. 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13), and the husband of Mary (John 19:25).

The Hebrew form of this name is Cleopas, or Clopas (q.v.). (2.) The father of Levi, or Matthew (Mark 2:14).],

AL,lfL,'(AL,lPL,)' = Alpha,



,nn]ekL:ha}.sL.nL,mgk]:5%'{ = Alpha, N. a measure of performance on a risk-adjusted basic, often used for mutual

funds, (number 3 or -5; it refers to 3% better or 5% worse),

AL,lfL,etL:lQw]'[tL,tqk],lqc];Enlgc]:wL:mG]hUm],lUm]:(cuin];mUk];Stgk].n}.Kuic]pgc]kan]lIyU,n}nn]."{' =

Weighted Alpha, a technical indicator used by traders and analysts to identify securities that have performed well recently.

It assigns more importance to recent performance during the year and less to earlier performance. Because today’s economy is so

fast-paced and therefore successful investors only used the weighted alpha in conjunction with other indicators, more

importantly, extensive market research to make investing decisions,


n]'{' = Alarm, N.,

AL,lL.SY'[pac]Sw];KUiw];AiSer;nG];pac],hat],Sa};hqc]:lUc]{(TUin],33;13') = Alush, a desert camp of the Israelites,

AL,lun],pL.kut].[tI:Pc]et,pUw];rL,mI;Pa},tG]:wQc];pqt]<tG]:{(cw]:35;8')= Allon Bakuth, a place below Bethel,

AL,lU;'hUw]AL,lU;' = Potato,

AL,w'[Ain];wn}ekL:hgc].'pqn]wQc];lUc]mUic];ehLKm];man]:luin];Sut];'{'mUic];AL,w' = Ava, N. also called Inwa, the royal

city of the last kingdom of Burma,

AL,wUc];'nUk].AL,wUc];'[nUk].KUiw];kLKUw],/nUk].pw]:Kw]nn].'{ = Imperial pigeon, N. a genus of the pigeon family

Columbidae, collectively known as imperial pigeons,


Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End.

AL,hL,rL.sut]:lut]:' = Malnutrition, N. lack of proper nutrition; being malnourished; anorexic,

AL,hL,rL.sut]:lut]:' = Malnourished, adj. poorly or improperly nourished; suffering from malnutrition,

AL,hL,rL.tac];kin]'(Kt];-AL,rL,rL.tac];kin]yUp]:') = Nourishment, N., food, (ant: undernourishment)

AL,hL,rL.tac];kin]yUp]:'(Kt];-AL,rL,rL.tac];kin]')= Undernourishment, N., (ant: nourishment)

AL,hp].'(luk]:sa};'Kun]ehLKm];Agm]r};') = Ahab, [1Ki 26:30]

AL,hLsU<rt].'(Kun]ehLKm];)(AL,hLsUrt].) = Ahasuerus, [a king ancient Persian,(Esther)],


pL;emLlat]:kGam];l}:lInn].'{ = Disgusting, detestable, filthy, messy,


n].yw]."AL:SUp];SUkGac]:kGac]:El:kw]etTqm]SG],pn]mn];tQm]tQm]"@(SL,81;10') = Open: open wide your mouth,

opened, opening,

AL:KL'AL:KLkUc],cUc],'AL:KLEP,El.'(An]-) = Sprawl, N. a sprawling posture,


tUv];nn].'{(mn];AL:KLngn];nUiw]kU,w}.'(la};AL:KLkUc],cUc],') = Sprawl, to be spread out legs; to sit or lie in a relaxed

position with the limbs spread out carelessly or ungracefully: He sprawled across the bed; sprawling posture, sprawling,

AL:KLkip]:'AL:KLcip]:'(suk];AL:KLkip]:w}.') = Astride, adj. PRE.: standing astride,

AL:KLyQp],'AL:KLKam]:'[AL:KLSgc]Kgn]yQp],w}.'yac]:yaw];yaw];eSKam]:kGL,'{(wqn]:AL:KLKam];')= Bestride, to get

or be astride of; to step over or cross with long stride, bestrode or bestrid, bestridden, bestriding,

AL:Kqn]wL;muiw];'(AL:Kqn]wL;miuw];eShp].)' = Open arms, (Receive with open arms),

AL:Kqn]AUp],pUw].kgt],SG],ngc].sa};mn];' = Threw his arms around, or fell upon his brother,

AL:sgm];hg};st].' [mI;hg};AL:w}.Ait];Agn],kgp]:pUiw]:cac].lG]kgp]:pUiw]:mn];tqk],lG]nn].'{' = Fissure, a narrow

opening produced by cleavage or separation of parts.,

AL:sgm];hg};st].'(hg};-/An]-)'[hg};st].'{hg};tqk],' = Fissure, N. cleavage,


c]:kGac]:)(nUuic];-tup],Sup];')= Open mouth: Widely open mouth; open wide, (ant: close mouth)

AL:SUp];kw]'pibt],SBp];pibt],pak],lat]:'(Kt];-yL,emL;'Auit];SUp];mG];w}.El:'yL,SUp];nm]')= Open my

mouth, open one’s mouth; speak; express,(ant: be quiet; shut one’s mouth; shut up)

AL:tin]wL;mibw];yac]:yqc],Ey:yibn];hgt]:lqn];Tiuc]' = Stretching yourself,

AL:pak],'AL:pak],pG].kin]'AL:pak],haw]hUim].'(nUk].Agn],Kw]AL:pak],pG].kin]')' = Gape, to open mouth

wide involuntarily as the result of hunger, or sleepiness: young birds gaping, gaped, gaping,

AL;kBw];'puic]:Aic]'piuc]:'Aic]puic]:AL;kUw];' = Rely, depend, relied, relying,


c]:sUiw];n}.n}.'(yut]<1;8') = On the strength of, (Idiom) on the basis of; relying on: on the strength of their dreams

these ungodly people; these filthy dreamers; by dreaming,



hw];KL:sUiw];nn].eS'..."@SL,44;6-7')' = Count on, VP. to depend or rely on: “ I do not trust in my bow; I do not

count on my sword to save nor bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies,…;”(Ps.44:6-7), counted on,


.lgc]:wL:mn];tk];lUw],l}:hQt];eSmQw];mQw];nn].'{(Kqn];etL:SUc],Kw]Agk],kGL,nG];tac];Kw]lUw],kGL,nn].eSkm];)' =

Would do well to do something, used for advising that someone should do something; please: You will do well to send

them on their way,

AL;kGL<rI;kYIyAqt].Sit].'[nm].Aqt].Sit].hqc];kin]Km];l}:{' = Aqua regia, a yellow, fuming liquid composed

of one part nitric acid and three to four parts hydrochloric acid: used chiefly to dissolve metals as gold, platinum, or the like.,


tgc],')sUiw];n}.pQn]kUn];KiUw];Agn],nG];miUc];t};'{ = Akha, such as (Wa, Palong, PaOh, Lahu) are ethnic people groups in Shan

state, while there are nearly some others seven tribes in Tai State,

AL;K}.'[sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],KL,nn],KUiw];nuic]:'{(cw]:10;17')' = Arkites, a tribe descendant from Canaan,

AL;SeK<nt].'[luk]:sa};kUw];mL<'{(cw]:10;3') = Ashkenaz, a son of Gomer,

AL;SUiw]<'[wQc];mUiw]:kgn],'(ASI;riy){(cw]:2;14') = Ashur, Assyria, Asshur,

AL;SYL;'[luk]:sa};yL,kup]:'(cw]:30;12-13){ = Asher,[a son of Jacob,(Gen.30:12-13)],

AL;nL,' = Hesitate, waver, delay, to be reluctant, hesitated, hesitating,

AL;nL,' Am],ht];SU:' Aa}' = Hesitant,adj., reluctant, undecided, shy,

AL;nL,Et.KL:&' AL;nL,kYL.KL:' eSL;rI;' eSL;rI;KL:' = Sorry, adj. interjection,

AL;piUw]<'[luk]:ekL.TUn]:Sgc]AL,tm]<tc];Aip]<pQn]ngc].sa};KQn]<'(cw]:4){ = Abel, a second of Adam and Eve,


k];hgt]:Tuic]k}Sut];Sut];nn].'{(Sin]11;33') = Abel Keramim, a city east of Jordan River,

AL;rL,rt].'[lg}nG];miUc];tiUw]l]kI,nn].luk]:niuc]:{(cw]:8;4') = Ararat,[a mountain in E Turkey,]

AL;lL;lL;&'AL;lL;kGL&'[yip];sG].mUiw]:l}:Aam];tUk];sG]Aw]epL;Am],KG]:/sac]:lat]:Sc]sgm];l}:'{= Denoting

surprise; astonishment; shock; etc.,

AL;lL;&'AUw];&' [SQc]hgc].eSL,wL:sgm];{'(AUw];Kqm].nL,'AL;lL;&lItUv];nL,')' = Oh,


lL;wU;&AL;lL;wU;&)= Teasing words or manner mostly used by children, as said “I told you so”,

AL;lUw].&JPL;pQn]sw]:&'KL:Am],p},tgn].yam]:l}:hn]pQn]sUic].n}mL;eSpgk]:" = Wow, God!

I’ve never seen anything like this before!

AL;lUw].&JPL;pQn]sw]:&' = Wow, God!


Am],kYOik]:/mUiw]:SUiw];ekYL,'sL.kGL,'Tgm],sgm];nc],la};tqc],SQc]lat]:Agk],mn];nn].eSAw]tI:pgc],mn];{' = Ah,

(interjection) uased as an exclamation of pain, surprise, pity, complaint, dislike, joy, etc. according to the manner of utterance,

AL;kgp].'[es:tgn]:nG];mUic];ehLKm];Agk].'{(ehL;3;4') = Argob, a district in the kingdom of Og,

AL;SUiw];rim];'[kUn];sUiw];yU,pgt];hgc],AiSer;'{(cw]:25;3'2Sim];2;9') = Ashurites, Asshurim,


SYL.kUit],'{(Sin]7;22'1Kun]4;12') = Abel Meholah, a town east of Jordan River,


pak],pI<18eSyw].hUm]:pgc];elL;niw];ygk].Stgk].AQk].KYQc];mUiw];pI<2008yw].nn].'{= American Stock Exchange


AL;riAgk].[suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'Kun]ehLKm];mUic];EA,elSL,'{(cw]:14;1') = Arioch, the name of two

men in the Old Testament; king of Ellasar,

AL;lUw].hiUv].& = Alas,



n];hgm]lG]siUw];n}.'(lItL,yLtac];pQn]yQw]:wan]){ = Aloe, N. Aloe vera, the African shrub, aloes,

AL.' Am],lat]:kGam];l}:'Am],sac]:lat]:kGam];' = Mute, adj. incapable of speech,

AL.'Am],lat]:kGam];l}:'Am],Agk],SQc]l}:'Aw]AL.kGL,pqt]:' = Mute, muted, muting,

AL.'(kBn];AL.') = Dumb, mute, speechless, voiceless,

AL.&'[SQc]Kac];mUiw]:vL;sQp];mUiw]:Am],Pgm].{'(AL.&mn];sQp];nL,El,']Et.Am],Pgm].')'= Oh,

!AL.'kw]KL:Am],kt].Kqn],tan],nn]."@ = “Oh, I’m not that talented.”

!AL.'mn];Am],pQn]Sc]ES:" wn];nuic]:mL;kw]sc],hQt];kGL:'@ =“Oh, It doesn’t really

matter. I’ll do it one day.”


9') = Woe, N. alas: Woe to the world.(Mtt.18:7),

AL<Kip].pu'[!t};ekL.hQt];Suik];Pak]:kn]@tc];epL;l'(ekL;4;17){ = Archippus, a “fellow-soldier” of Paul,

AL<SnQt].'(kUiw]tL,ePL,nm].AL<Snik].Aqt].Sit].') = Arsenate, a salt of arsenic acid,

AL<Sqn],nUw]P}.r}.(Kgc]min]<nrL<)' = Arsenopyrite, a common mineral, iron arsenic sulfide, FeAsS,

occurring in silver-white to steel-gray crystals or masses: an ore of arsenic. ,

AL<tmit].'[pQn]suiw]:nac];PIkUn];mUic];krik].pan]mUiw]:kgn],!sin];tiy@n}ekL:hgc].'{' = Artemis, N. also called

Cynthia. an ancient Greek goddess,

AL<tit].pgt];hgc],' = Northern Arctic,

AL<tqn]<'[nG];kGam];krik].wL:!AL<tin}<@wQc];cw]:mUic];krit].s]{ = Athens, N. Greek Athenai. A capital of Greece,

AL<yin]'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]Agn]Ti16'{= Ayin, N. the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet,

AL<rqk].kn}.'(4[CaCO3])'[mI;tI:nm].Aun],Agk],hU;' nG];tgc].hg}hin]El:hg}pEl;'(pQn]hg}Em:Sqc]pel;)'sUiw];n}.{'=

Aragonite, An orthorhombic mineral, 4[CaCO3]; formed from hot carbonated water in springs, cavities in basalt, or

biogenetically in shells and pearls (mother of pearl),

AL<lqp].'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]Agn]tac];Sut];'{ = Aleph, N. the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet,

AL<wt].'[wQc];lUc]mI;Pa},hgc],wQc];lUc]Ta};y'{(AI;sI;27;8') = Arvad, a Phoenician city north of Tyre,

Aik],'El:'eS'eSEl:/Sm].'eSAm],kL;'tc];'El:Aik],'Aik],Tqc]:'eSAm],kL;p}pL;'= And,

Aik],pL;tc];'sgm];lUv]:' = A long with,


n]f};w}.nn].)' = Igneous, of characteristic of fire, Igneous rocks,

Aic]'kgm];'kiUc];'cqk]:'(PLkUic];) = Lean, to incline or bent from vertical position: leaning wall, leaned, leaning,

Aic]'(suic]:mUic];n}.l}:Aic]Kgm]<pnI,w}.tI:tL,PQw]:Kgc]wuit].pqt]:la}(yuk];yk];)An]hUc];kan]Kw]pqt]:nn].') = Lean

on: The state is leaning on the company to clean up its industrial wastes,

Aic]' cqk]:' = Recline, reclining,

Aic]kuc],mun]cw];'Aic]pibc]:'Aic]niUw]/lUv]:' = Depend on, base on, rely upon, lean on, depending on,

Aic]Kqk].'Kqk].'[ngn];SI:kqc];Aw]cgk];Sgk],tw].PL,muiw];km].hUw]w}.{' = Rest on elbow,

Aic]tI:mI;eSkw],Pc].kGL,'[kL:Kn]hUc];tiUk]:hiUn];ygm];kgp]:mn];mI;tI:kUn];him];hgm];ha}.sL.liUw]kw],'{ = Locational Obsolescence,(Economic) Decline in the value of a building caused by the deterioration in the quality of its neighborhood,

Aic]niBw]' Aic]lBv]:' = Regarding, in regard to, base on, rest on,

Aic]niBw]' = Up to, Depends on,


Regard, N. reference; aspect or point: to err with regard to facts; quite satisfactory in this regard: I have no regard for them,

Aic]niUw]mn];kUv];' = Depend on him, it depends,

Aic]pibc]:' Aic]niUw]' Aic]lUv]:' = Depend on, base on, rely upon, lean on, depending on,

Aic]pibc]:' Aic]lUv]:' = Depend, regard

Aic]puic]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Dependency, N., dependencies,

Aic]pibc]:'Aic]niUw]'Aic]lUv]:'Aic]puic]:AL;kUw];' = Rely upon, depend on, base on, lean on,

Aic]puic]:yU,lUv]:kGL,'(An]mn];nac];lUw],l}:Aic]puic]:yU,lUv]:kGL,) = Live on, had to live on,

Aic]piuc]:l}:' = Reliable, trustworthy, authentic,

Aic]puic]:AL;kUw];' = Reliance, confident or trustful dependence,

Aic]mgn]ngn];lqn];' = Recline at full length,

Aic]lc]Pc]ngc]:kn]' = Rely on, depend on,

Aic]lc]Pc]ngc]:kn]' kUn];hw];Aic]lc]Pc]ngc]:kn]' = Ecology, human ecology,

Aic]lQn]:'ngn];AQn]:'[Am],Aan];ngn];lp];Et.{'ngn];lqc].'= Lie up, to lie at rest; stay in bed; lie down,

Aic]lUv]:es:mUic];' = State-based,

Aic]lUv]:nG];mn];sw]:eShw];l}:mI;tac];Ek,Kzt]:' = In whom we have redemption,

Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].' = Employer-based,

Aic]lUv]:epL:lQc].eS' = Employer-based,

Aic]lUv]:lgc]:Am],pgc]pQn]l}:'Aic]lUv]:An]pQn]tuKit' = Disability-Based,

Aic]Aw]' = Quoting, to cite,

Aic]ygc]Aic]ey;mn];w}.'[mI;tI:puic]:tI:l}:mn];w}.El:KG]:Aw]mUiw]:lG]ekL:l}:{' = Bank on,(Idiom),

Aic]Aic]Ag},Ag},'[An]luk]:Agn],k}.nc]:Aic]AU:/Em:/pU,/na};eSlQn]:nc],sG]kYOik]:{'Aic]Ag},'= Leaning upon,

Aic],kln], = England


n];) = Modesty, N. regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.: treated with special modesty, modesties,

Aic],Ser,'[AkYac].sG]lIsG]mYat]:{'kuc],Ser,' = Dignity, N. nobility of character, dignities,

Aic],Ser,mn]:nim]lI'kuc],Ser,lI' = Dignity of sentiments, nobility or elevation of character,

Aic],Ser,nac];yic];' = Modesty of a woman,

Aic],Ser,lI'[An]mI;AkYac].lIAic],Ser,mn]:nim]lI{'(Kt];-Am],mI;Ser,'Am],mI;Aic],Ser,') = Dignified,

adj. characterized or maked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decoruos, (ant: undignified)

Aic],Sn],'[Aic],Sn],mL;hqc];hqc];'Aic],Sn],mL;hqc];wL:hqc];{(Pqn],lin]w}') = Earthquake, N. a great earthquake,

Aic];klQt]:'Aqc];klQt]:'(kUn];'KiUw];kUn];') = English, N.,

Aic];klQt]:'(lik]:'/kGam];')'(kGam];El:lik]:Aic];klQt]:')' = English, adj.: English language,

Aic].'ngn];'[mUiw]:Auin];luk]:Agn],lqc]ngn];k}.wL:ngn];Aic].'{= Sleep, used while soothing a little child or infant sleep,

Ait],' Kiut]:' Ait],Kuit]:' = Grind, crush; grit, ground, grinding,


k],KiUw]SUm]:n}.Am]miuw];Kgn]lQw]km]mip],nUt]:nG];Aac],hG]:epL;lQw]')' = Crush, to force out by pressing or squeezing,

Ait],nm].mn];'[Ait]TUw],lin]/cL;/mak],San],lun],tL,l}:nm].mn];'{ = Oil press, to grind or

crush oil-bearing seeds or fruits to be pressed to extract oil,


n]'(ngk];nm].yL:lqc]elL;nm].yL:Sgm],') = Blend, to mix smoothly and inseparably together: to blend the ingredients

in a recipe; blend a little red paint with the blue paint, blended, blending, blend, N.,

Ait],lik]:'kB;Tbt],lik]:'[kU;Tut],lik]:Agk],pQn]pp].'kU;Tut],Puin]lik]:'{ = Print, printed, printing,

Ait],Aw]nm].AUn]mn];' = Juice, to extract juice from, juiced, juicing,

Ait],Agk],ciun];'KQn],cuin];mQt]./yg}:' = Mint, to make (coins, money, etc.) by stamping metal, minted,

Ait],Agk],ciun];Aw]'(kGam];kp];Tuk],)[hLkm];nuic]:kUv];l}:cuin];nm]nm]{' = Minting money,(Idiom),

Ait],Ag}:'[Aw]sak]:Ait],lqm]:Ag}:tL,Aw]nm].Ag}:'{= Press juice from sugar cane,

Ait];StL;yam];lqt],Kibn]:' = Easter Sunrise

Ait];StL;wn];tc]nBv],' = Easter Sunday,

Ait];tlI,'[suic]:mUic];mI;nG];kun],yU<rUp].pgt];san];'wQc];cw]:mUic];mn];pQn]!rUm];@'{ = Italy, N. a republic in S

Europe; Capital: Rome,

Ait];niuc]:'[eKL:lUp];lc]mUiw]:lat]:yQn],Ec;eSygn];hG]:pUin]:hQt];pn]eSmQw];mQw];nn].{(mL;tI:n}:Ait];nuic]:' sg}:K

L:Ait];nuic]:' sg}:pn]KL:Ait];nuic]:')= Please, adv., kindly, adv.: Please come here. Kinly help me. Kindly assit me,

Ait];niuc]:' eA,' (sBw]:wBc]:sBw]:Kaw];la}wn];) = Few, (a few days,)

Ait];niuc]:'(Ait];nuic]:kUv];'Ait];Agn],nuic]:')'(Kt];-nm]'nm]nm]')' = Little, (very little),(ant: more, much)

Ait];Ait];'Ait];Agn],kUv];'(An]n}.Ait];nuic];An]nn].Ait];niuc];)' = A little bit: a little bit of this a

little bit of that,

Ait];Ait];/nm]nm]' eA,eA,/nm]nm]' = Less/more, few/many,

Ait];Ait];' tan],tan],'(Am],sG]lm]etL.Et.tUiw].sG]Ait];Ait];kUv];')(nk];tan],tan],'mw]Ait];Ait];')

= Somewhat, (not angry, just somewhat disturb),

Ait];Ait];kUv];'Ait];Agn],Agt];nuic]:' = Inconsiderable, adj. small as in value, amount, or size,

Ait];Ait];Agt];Agt];' sik];sik];sgk];sgk];' = Little here and there, dumb little man,


n];tgn];'Sa}/pUic]sL.lQk].'kgt];Pan]/sn].tqm],'{(tUw]Kic];ygm]SQm]:'(cuin];Kw]:Ait];AI:Agn],')= Slim, adj.N. sized for

the thiner than average person; small or inconsiderable; meager; slender as in form; poor or inferior: slim body; slim income,

Ait];AI:kUv];'[kgt];Pan]TI,hin].{(Kt];-nm]nm]'mI;sG]lIyuin]:yuin]:mqc],mqc],') = Sparing, adj.

penurious, sparingly, adv.,

Ait];Agt];' eA,' ek,' = Few, not many but more than one,

Ait];Agn],'lQk].'lQk].Agn],'Agn],Ait];'Ait];niuc]:'lQk].ng}.' = Little, adj. adv.,

Ait];Agn],'[Ait];Ait];{(Ait];Agn],nuic]:ekL:sUm];yw].)' = Jot, N. a little bit: I don’t care a jot,

Ait];Agn],kUv];'Agn],AI:kUv];'(Kt];-Kiuk].'yG],lUc]')' = Paltry, adj.: a paltry sum;,(ant: major),

Ait];Agn],niuc]:'(Kt];-nm]nm]'nm]wL:nm]')' = Very little,(ant: very much),

Ait];Agn],nuic]:' = Small quantity,

Ait];Agn],Agt];niuc]:' tan],tan],' Ait];Ait];' = Slightly, small in amount, little important,

Ait].nn],'[wQc];mUic];yutpgt];san];him];hsUw]<AL;'{(eyL;15;23') = Ithnan, a city in southern Judah near Hazor,

Ain]JTUw],'[pgt];tgn]:SQc]h},tuic]:An]muit]:Suip],pn]tL,hgc].kGam];/sum];kL:tac];kL:nn].{ = Intro, N. the introduction

passage or a piece of a Jazz or dance band,

Ain]eAL,kqn];nik].'[Am],sG]:KUic]:sL,tikw],kw],mn];{'(Kt];-eALkqn];nik].') = Inorganic, adj.

(Chemistry)., (ant: organic), not fundamental or related,

Ain],tiy'(siuc]:miUc];'miUc];) = India,

Ain],tUw],nI;SYL;'(siuc]:miUc];'miUc];) = Indonesia,

Ain];tqk].S]'(piUc]np].pQn]') = Index, a number derived from a formula used to characterize a set data,

Ain];tqk].S]ey;ciun];Km];KUw];Kgc]' = Treasury Index,

Ain];tqk].s]yiUc];kGL,puc],kac]'(eAtIAqk].s]) = “Average Directional Movement Index (ADX),

Average Total Assets = Total Assets for the most recent financial period + Total for the

preceding financial period.”

Ain];tI;yn];'[saw];KUiw];Agn],nG];mUic];AEm,rik{' = Indian Tribes,

Ain];TUiw],KU;lL<'[KUic]:sg}:hG]:kt];lInG];Kk].tgn]:lUm];m}:Agk],mL;nn].(tqc],kI,){' = Intercooler,

Ain];TiUw]<nqt].' = Internet

Aip].'nc]:Aip].kn]'[nc]:tI:kqp]:Agn],Puit]:kn]'{= Sitting crowed together in a small place,

Aip].sn],'[Kun]Tt];Sin]Aup].pUic],AiSer;ekL.nuic]:'{(Sin]12;8') = Ibzan, a judge who ruled over Israel,

Aip].lqm]'[wQc];nuic]:{(Sin]1;27') = Ibleam, a town,


'{(eyL;17;11') = Ibleam, a town in the territory of Issachar assigned to the half-tribe of Manasseh west of Jordan River,

Aip]<'(nac];yic];ekL.Agn]tac];Sut];)'Aip];' = Eve, [name of the first woman,(Gen 3:20)],

Aip]<'wn];Pit]:'wn];tum];'[hUw]Km]:'tam];Km]:'kac]Km]:'{ = Eve, N. the evening,

Aim]Kim];' hgm]lUn],' Aim]Kim];lm]'[tUn]:Agn],mG];mn];hgm]huin];kin]l}:{' = Mint, N. menthe,

Aim]Kim];lm]'Aim]Kim];'[tUn]:Pk];mG]hgm]mI;SIKQw]/km],'{= Basil, N. the genus Ocimum, of the mint family; lemon basil,

Aim],'Aim],tQm]lI' tQm]lIlI' = Fill, have your fill, be satisfied with food or drink; be full,

Aim],nqn]:lI'(hG]:mn];epL;Aim],nqn]:lI)' = Assuage, to appease, satisfy, allay or relieve: to assuage one’s

hunger, assuaged, assuaging,

Aim],nqn]:lI'(mak],m}.n}.hQt];hG]:mn];Aim],nqn]:lI)' = Appease, to satisfy, allay or relieve; assuage: the fruit

appeased his hunger, appeased, appeasing,

Aim],mUiw],san]:ygn].' = Get tired, burn out, become exhausted,

Aim],yw].km];n}.'(lgc]:wL:kw]Aim],yw].n}n}.kw]ethQt];huiw]hU.?)' = I am full: How do I know I am full,


= Fed up, adj. impatient; disgusted; bored: I’m fed up with your conduct,


;30')= Imnah, the oldest son of Asher (Gen. 46:17) and the founder of the Imnite (Jimnites); also called Jimnah,

Aiw]:'tgc].Aiw]:'(kin]Sc]Am],Tuk],Am],hU.mG];tgc].Aiw]:w}.Ait];Ait];')= General abdominal pain with

bloating; irritable bowel system (IBS),


km];Sgc]tI:nG];wQc];nn].nn].'(2Tim];4;21'){ = Eubulus, a Christian of Rome who remained loyal to the apostle Paul

during Paul’s second imprisonment in that city (2 Tim. 4:21),

Aiw]<rk].'[nG];tI:cw]:suic]:lm],lgc]:mUic];ehLKm];nim]<rgt]:nn].tI:nuic]:'){(cw]:10;10')= Uruk, one of the most

important centers in Nimrod’s kingdom, Erech,

AQk];'hQk];'hQk];&'[SQc]kUn];wt].la};kn]k}.hgc].huit];SG],mUiw]:Kw]:hqm]/epL./Tup].mc]'{= Wilhelm scream, epic yelling,

AQk].KYQc];'lqk]:kB;kn]'(An]-)'(lqk]:kU;kn]tc];ciun];es:) = Exchange, N.: monetary exchange,

AQk].Ser;' KUic]:epL.AQk].Ser;' = X-ray, Physics . Often, x-rays. a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar

to light but of shorter wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases. a radiograph made by x-rays.,


m].mn];KUn]hUw]kgk];hUw]lUim]:{(tL;nm].mn];KUn]hUw]lUim]:AQc]AQc]'sQt].kL;Kqm].epL;lUim]:tQc]tQc]')= Imperative affix,

used to express about a very shine and smooth surface, hair, etc.,

Aqc],'[Aqc],mUic];kuic]Aw]lin]nQw]hQt];{'Aac],'(Aac],tgc];')' = Basin, N.: bronze basin,


n].')= Sick to my stomach, feeling upset, worried, or afraid: I was sick to my stomach when I saw what they had done,


1'{ = One, one more in addition (used only in compounds with 10s, 100s, etc.(i.e. 11, 21, …, 101, 901),

AQt];lB'sG]AQt];lB'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Compassion, N. a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow,


Kw]nn].'{(lIAQt];lUtI:pUin]:&) = Poor thing!: ‘you poor thing!’, Poor soul!,


Muscle, N. a tissue composed of cells or fibers; an organ composed of muscle tissue; muscular strength; brawn: muscle spasm

in stomach; stomach spasms, muscles,


mI;w}.tI:PG]mn];'sL.kGL,{ = Ligament, N. a band of tissue, usually white and fibrous, serving to connect bones, hold

organs in place, etc., ligaments,

AQn]kum],'AQn]lc]'[Kw]:pL;Pa},pgt];lc]/cam]:kUn]:Sut];tUw]Kic];kUn];'kum],kUn]:{= Posterior muscles,

AQn]KLlUc]' = Thigh muscles, N.,


n]./tUiw].mat],sQp];'{= Muscle pain, the common causes of muscle pain are tension, stress, overuse and minor injuries,

AQn]KQc]:'Kt];'[AQn]Kt];/AQn]pUic]:/AQn]lun}ekL:wL:{ = Muscle strain, also called: pulled muscle,

AQn]Kgn]:'[Kgn]:nUiw].AQn]hqc];{= Muscle contraction, the activation of tension-generating sites within muscle cells,

AQn]cam]:kUn]:/KLkUn]' cam]:kUn]:/KL' = Crease, N. crimp, pucker, furrow, fold,

AQn]Sn]lc]'AQn]Eplc]' = Spinal nerves,

AQn]ES;l]mac]mac]' = Membrane, N. a thin cell part,


h:Km];/ciun];/Tan],hin]/tgc];sL.kGL,') = Vein, N. a body or mass of igneous rock, deposited mineral: vein of gold,

silver, coal or copper ore, veins,

AQn]Suip],lup],'(AQn]Suip],lup],SUn]:tin])' = Tendon, N.: Achilles tendon,

AQn]SUiw]:/kUn]' hg};yQp].' = Stitch, N., stitches,

AQn]tin]SUiw]:/kUn]'[An]Aw]him];Pqn],Sgc]Pa},ma};kn]tUp].pQn]AQn]eSyQp].w}.'{'AQn]mqp];' = Hem, N. an

edge made by folding back the margin of cloth and sewing it down: hem,

AQn]tUc].' = Muscle twitch, ,

AQn]tgc].KQc]:'[Am],sG]:kin]tgc].kG]:yUw];yUw];sac]:pQn]ygn].kin]lw]:nm]AL;lL;'{= Tight stomach, stomach

muscle tension,

AQn]tgc].lim],Kt];'[mUiw]:lim],tUw]suin],hqc];pUn].Am],Sc],Tuk],/kin]Pit];eSpQn]'{= Stomach spasms;

abdominal cramps,

AQn]tgc].lu' tgc].sQp];AQn]tgc].lu' = Abdominal wall pains,

AQn]nQt];'AQn]San]:' = Muscle numbness, or tingling,


;nn].'{' = Innervate, to communicate nervous energy to; stimulate through nerves, innervated, innervating,

AQn]nUip].Sa}tL' = Optic nerve,

AQn]ngc]:'[AQn]lUc]km].AQn]ngc]:KLlUc]'{= Hamstring, N. the great tendon at the back of the hock; hamstring muscle,

AQn]pUic]:'Kt];'AQn]lu'AQn]lut]:' = Muscle dislocation, muscle strain,

AQn]yQp].'AQn]hg};yQp].'(SiUw]:KUw];etL;Aw]n}.k}.Am],mI;AQn]hg};yQp].) = Seam, N. line formed by sewing

together pieces of cloth,

AQn]yQp].TI:hac],'[n}.pQn]An]la};tin]KQw]:mLsak]:tUc].nn].tqp];tt];mk];mn]:'{ = Stitch length, (sewing) is

determined by the movement of the feed dogs. It can be set so that the stitches are longer or shorter, depending on the project,

AQn]yG];Pgt]:'[mUin]pQn]yG];mac]mac]Pgt]:San]kn]'{ = Choroid, adj. N. like the chorion; membranous; choroid coat,

AQn]lc]pQm].'[nUiw].AQn]Pa},lc]pQp]./kgc];lc]'{ = Dorsal muscle,

AQn]liBt]:' SQn]Sa}lUit]:' = Vein, N., veins,


n].{'(erL;kL,AQn]lUit]:An]Sqc],mak],hUw]sG]kUn];)' = Artery, N. a blood vessel that conveys blood from the heart to

any part of the body: coronary artery disease,


kUc]eKL;'{ = Esophagus, N. a muscular passage connecting the mouth or pharynx with the stomach; gullet,

AQn]hqc];'hqc];'(AQn]hqc];kw]yUp]:mUt];yw].') = Strength, N.: my strength fails me,

AQn]hqc];kqn],Kqc]liBw]' tiBw];hqc];kqn],Kqc]KUic],Km].' hqc];lUiw]eS' = Stronger,

AQn]hqc];Puc];tn];KUw];yG],' = Mighty strength,

AQn]hqc];mG];ekL:etl}:Em;Kgn]:mbn];mG],pn]mL;' = Your strength will be renewed.

AQn]hqc];yip];kgc]:'hqc];yip];kgc]:' = Armament, N. usually armaments; military strength collectively,

AQn]hqc];yG],tgn];sn].Tan]:Sbc] = Supernatural strength

AQn]hqc];El:sG]kGac]:KGac]kUn];KUiw];t};hw];' = Strength and resilience of Tai people,

AQn]hqc];An]mI;tG]:kbm];kgn];w}.' = Strength under control,

AQn]hUt];'[nUiw].Tit].SYL;tUw]Kic];yUp]:kGL,ygm]kGL,'{ = Atrophy, N. also atrophia; muscle atrophy; muscle shrinkage,

AQn]h}.JtOw],Tat]:m}:' = Hydrothermal veins,

AQn]hg};yQp].'(SiUw]:KUw];etL;Aw]n}.k}.Am],mI;AQn]hg};yQp].)= Seam, N. line formed by sewing together pieces of cloth,

AQn]Agk],hqc];'[AQn]Suip],lup],'An]pQn]cUin]:tuin];AQn]hqc];'{(pQn]AQn]Agk],sUiw];hqc];mUic];nuic]:mUic];nn].)'= Sinew,

N. a tendon; the source of strength: the sinews of the nation, sinews,

AQn]Agk];eAL'[kQw],lUv]:Sa},kUw],yLsG]mL:sG]lU;'{ = Neurotic, adj. N. of or relating to neurosis; psychoneurosis,

AQn]:' (yL,epAQn]:f};') = Play, play around, (don’t play around with fire),

AQn]:ekL.' hQt];ekL.pUin]:' = Get around: Do you ever get around a certain person and feel uneasiness?,

AQn]:/lQn]]'[hLhQt];ekL./pQn]ekL.pUin]:'{(AQn]:/lQn]:ekL.kUn];Pan]El:kUn];hqc];AUn]:sG]Agn],'(AQn]:e]lIlIyL,Pit];kn]sg}:kn]Tqm]kn]El:')(Kt];-SUn];kw];'Am],hL,hQt];ekL.'Am],lQn]:ekL.')= Befriend, to

make friends or become friendly with; take up with: to befriend the poor and the weak, (ant: dissuade)

AQn];w}.nG];sG]'Aan];w}.nG];sG]' = Had in mind to do something,

AQn];Aan];' tc]:sG]AQn];Aan];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Purpose,

AQn];Aan];'yUic];Aan];'tc]:sG]AQn];Aan];' = Purpose, purposed, purposing,

AQn];Aan];'tc]:sG]AQn];Aan];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)(tL,AQn];Aan];An]n}.km];lQw]yw].)' =

Purpose: for this very purpose,

AQn];Aan];nc],puit],lat]:w}.n}.' = Express purpose: for the express purpose,


t].EJt,nn].AUiw]:Am],sG]:tL,Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];AL,nL,kUn];AEm,rikn],' = The purpose

of the constitution is to limit the power of the federal government not the American people,


k],lUc](Aqk],tac],nUiw]lm];eKL;)tc];Aqk],Agm]:(Aqk],hgc]:tG]:lm];eKL;)tI:lm];eKL;kGa};nn].'){= Yoke or collar for

an animal,

Aqk],lUc]'[Aqk],yG],tac],nUiw]lm];eKL;kGa};'{ = Upper yoke or collar for plowing with a water buffalo,

Aqk],Agm]:'[Aqk],Agn],hgc]:tG]:lm];eKL;kGa};'{= Lower yoke or collar for plowing with a water buffalo,

Aqk],Ek,tmI<' Aqk],EktmI,' = Academy,

Aqk];'Aqk];Aqk];Agn],'pgk];pgk];Agn],' = Dwarf, adj. of unusually small stature or size; diminutive,

Aqk];'kUn];Aqk];' = Dwarf, miniature, very small person,



ygn].sUiw];kQw],eKL:tqp];tt];tgt]:Kqp];Em;nn].{ = Exit poll, N. a poll taken of a small percentage of voters as they

leave the polls, used to forcast the outcome of an election or determine the reasons for voting decisions, exit polling,

Aqk];SpUit]:hg};tin]' = Footprint expert

Aqk];SpUit]:hg};nQk];niw].muiw];/hg};niw].muiw];nQk];' = Fingerprint expert,


nn].'(man],11;28'){ = Agabus, a Christian prophet who predicted a severe famine,

Aqk].klqn];Aqk].'[n}.pQn]SQc]k},etL,Kn]'k},AUKn]!Auk].klun];Auk]:@{= Cockadoodledoo!, rooster crowing,

Aqk].sit].S]'Sun]kac]'Tqw]kac]'[Tqw]kac]Am],nn]Kuic]:kac]tI:Tqw]su{' = Axis, N. (Mathematics) a central

line that bisects a two-dimensional body or figure; a line about which a three-dimensional body or figure is symmetrical,

Aqk].Sap].'[wQc];KL,nn],pgt];hgc],An]eyL;SuSim];Aw]'{(eyL;11;1') = Akshaph, a northern city of Canaanite

conquered by Joshua, Achshaph

Aqk].SL,'[luk]:yic];kL,lqp].mI;ekL.lQw]'{(eyL;15;16') = Acsah, Aksah, the only daughter of Caleb, Achsah,

Aqk].run],'[wQc];Pilit].Stipgt];hgc],Sut];{(eyL;13;3')= Ekron, the northernmost of the five cities of thePhilistines,

Aqk].lun],'[suiw]wQc];nuic]:suiw]:Kun]ehLKm];pL;nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;10;3')= Eglon, the name of a city and a king,

Aqk].Aqk].'Aak].Ak].'Aak].'[SQc]k},/kLlm]hgc].{= Caw, N. the harsh, grating cry of the crow, raven, etc.; croak,


L;Kaw];lUin]SI,lUin]hL:n}.mI;K},An]t};hgc].wL:AI,kuk]:n}nn].'{' = Scarab, N. any scarab beetle,

Aqc]:'(mn];Aw]Sa}kqt];ht].Aqc]:w}.mn]:mn]:)'Aqw]' = Waist, (he had a belt firmly around his waist,)

Aqc]:cc],'[Aqc]:sQp];El:epL;p}tac];n}kUic];/kgm];kuk];cuk];lUc]kGL,nn].'{'Aqc]:cac],'Aqw]cac],' = Waist

bending aside or backward, as a result of lower back pain,


ngc]Pa},n}.kGL,Pa},pun].) = Backstroke, to swim the backstroke, backstroked, backstroking,

Aqc]:sQp];'Aqw]sQp];' = Lower back pain,

Aqc];klQt]:'(kUn];'KiUw];kUn];')'Aic];klQt]:' = English,


l:puin];An]nG];Kw]Puin].PU;Kiun]:yG],mL;nn].{' = Ethnology, N. a branch of anthropology ,

Aqt];'Aqt];Aqt];&'[SQc]sac].hgc].emL;etL,kn]{ = Elephant sounds,

Aqt];StL,'(nac];yic];')(yic];KiUw];kYO;) = Esther, [Jewess, the queen of Ashasuerus,(Es 1-2)],

Aqt];StL,' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-Aqt];'){ = Esther, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Esther.)],

Aqt];tm],'[KUic]:lQk].lQk].Agn],elL;El;kn]w}.eSpQn]cw]:cL,cUin]:tuin];tL,hqc];f};nU;klI;y{' = Atom,

(Energy) this component as the source of nuclear energy,

Aqt].Ksin]<'[wQc];lqn]lin]mUic];sqp].pYOln],'{(eyL;19;13')= Eth Kazin, a form of Ittah-Kazin (19:13, KJV),

Aqt].sITUn]<'[Am],mI;SIsac]:pQn]Aa}piw]Kiun]:pQn]nm].sUim]:f};Puk].sp];ca}:yip];sG].tI:tL;SInn].{'= Acetone,

N., a colorless, volatile, water-soluble, flammable liquid, C 3 H 6 O, usually derived by oxidation of isopropyl alcohol or by

bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates: used chiefly in paints and varnishes, as a general solvent, and in organic synthesis.,

Aqt];Skgt].'kUn];sgm];hUm],lUm]:'[ekL.yip];kgc]:eSpG].kum];Tic];pn]{' = Escort, N. an armed guard,

Aqt];SeKL<l'[pI:Aa}:mm],er;tc];AL,enr''{(cw]:14;13')= Eshkol, a brother of Mamre and Aner, Eshcol,

Aqt];STUw]l'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];tqn]<'nG];Tuc].lin]pQc];mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;33')= Eshtaol, a town of Danites,

Aqt];STmUw]<'[suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.El:suiw]:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;50') = Eshtemoh, the name of

two men and one town in the Old Testament; Eshtemoa,

Aqt];Span],'[luk]:sa};tiSun]<'{(cw]:36;26') = Eshban, a son of Dishon,


= Acid, a compound usually having a sour taste and capable of neutralizing alkalis and reddening blue litmus paper,

containing hydrogen that can be replaced by a metal or an electropositive group to form a salt, or containing an atom that can

accept a pair of electrons from a base. Acids are proton donors that yield hydronium ions in water solution, or electron-pair

acceptors that combine with electron-pair donors or bases,

Aqt].Sir'[luk]:sa};KUw]<rL,'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sam]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(Agk],6;24')'= Assir, a son of Korah,

Aqt];SYan];'[suiw]:wQc];la}wQc];sumI;nG];mUic];hI;prun],'{(eyL;15;52') = Eshan, a group of towns in Hebron; Eshean,

Aqt].tUiw]<'[wan]:Sgc]wan]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;42') = Ether, the name of two villages in the Old Testament,

Aqt].tgp].hit].tlUiw],' hit].tlUiw],' = Hitler, Adolf Hitler,

Aqt].ln]<tik].'[nm].Sm],muk].JtL,Aqt].ln]<tik].'{ = Atlantic, N., Atlantic Ocean; an ocean bounded by

North America and South America in the Western Hemisphere and by Europe and Africa in the Eastern Hemisphere. About

31,530,000 sq. mi. (81,663,000 sq. km); with connecting seas about 41,000,000 sq. mi. (106,100,000 sq. km); greatest known

depth, 30,246 feet (9219 meters),

Aqt]<t}a;'[luk]:sa};KUw]<Sqm]<El:pQn]AU:em,lKi'(luk].3;28){ = Addi,[the son of Cosam, and father of Melki,],

Aqt]<pI;l'[luk]:sa};AiSYem;ekL.TUn]:Sam]nG]:Kw]12ekL.'{(cw]:25;13') = Adbeel, the third son of Ishmael,

Aqt]<mL,'[wQc];An]l}:Kam],yL.lqw]sgm];wQc];eSL;tum],El:wQc];ekL;emL;rL,'{(cw]:10;19'ehL;29;23')= Admah, N.

one of the cities that was destroyed along with Sodom and Comorrah (Deut. 29:23),

Aqn]kYin],nYI;yL<'PU:emLsak]:'[Pa},/pa};Aqn]kYin],nYI;y'L<{ = Engineer, N. various branches of engineering,

Aqn]kYin],nYI;yL<f};fL.' = Electrical engineering,

Aqn]JTOw]epL;elL;kYI,pa};Sa}<'[An]lqp]:hQn];lgc]:kUn];mUin]El:pqk],pUic]:kn]tc];tUw]St];Kw]nn].'{ =

Anthropology, N. the study or human beings similarity to and divergence from other animals,

Aqn]JTOw]epL;elL;kYI,pa};Sa}<'= Anthropology, N. the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural

development, biological characteristics, and social custome and beliefs of humankind; the science of humans and their works,

Aqn],'Kbn],lqn]:'lqn]:Aqn],'lqn]:' = Run, ran, running,

Aqn],'Kun],lqn]:kGL,'Kun],' = Raced,

Aqn],Ek;ti'[Pqn],lin]/SUn]mI;nm].KQw]siw];ciw];'{(kGam];1;14')= En Gedi, an oasis on the barren western shore of

the Dead sea about 35 miles (54 kilometers) southeast of Jerusalem; vineyards prospered at En Gedi (Song. 1:14)

Aqn],kYI,AUw]<'(sum];Am],sG]:Pa},lUc]pgc]siuc]:') = NGO, (Non Governmental Organization,)

Aqn],etL;'[Agc]:tI:nG];kYam];kw],'(SL,83;10'){' = Endor, En-dor,

Aqn],pa}:'Aqn],/lqn]:pUn].' = Outrun,


lUc]{(cw]:14;7') = En Misphat, an oasis where the Israelites camped during their years of wandering in the wilderness,

Aqn];kn]<nim];'[suiw]:wQc];lUc]Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];lik]:'{(eyL;15;34')= En Gannim, the name of two Biblical cities,

Aqn];SYmqt].'[nm].Agk],hU;ma}w}.pQn]lk];Kqn]:lqn]lin]Ek:yuttc];pqn]<yL,min],'{(eyL;15;7')= En Shemesh,

a spring that served as a landmark on the border between Judah and Benjamin,

Aqn];etL;'[wQc];mnL;SL<'{(eyL;17;11'1Sqm];28;7') = Endor, a town of the tribe of Manasseh, En dor,

Aqn];Tqp].PuAL,'[wQc];/tI:lqn]lin]sap]:mnL;SL<El:AI<Prim],'{(eyL;17;7') = En Tappuah, a place on

the border between Manasseh and Ephraim,

Aqn];rUw]Ekl'[nm].emL,lqn]lin]sap]:yuttc];pqn]<yL,min],mI;Pa},Agk],wQc];ey,ruSlqm],'{(eyL;15;7') = En

Rogel, a well on the border of Judah and Benjamin, east of Jerusalem,

Aqn];hsUw]<AL;'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin],mUic];np].Tla};An]mI;tp].Kam],tuik];kqt],EKw}.'{(eyL;19;37') = En

Hazor, a fortified city in the territory of Naphtali,


tgc];'{(Sin]15;17')= En Hakkore, a spring at Lehi that miraculously came out of a hollow place when Samson prayed,

Aqn];ht].tL,'[wQc];lqn]lin]mUic];AiSKL,mI;him];wQc];Aqn];kn]<nim];'{(eyL;19;21') = En Haddah, a city on

the border of Issachar, near En Gannim,


w];16;7){' = Andronicus, N. a Jewish Christian at Rome to whom apostle Paul sent greetings (Ro.16:7),

Aqn]<trB;'(ekL.pQn]ngc].sa};S}mn],/Simbn],) = Andrew, (Simon Peter’s brother),


cm];Am],nn]pk];pUic]{ = Anarchy, N. chaos, lawlessness, a state of society without government or law; insubordination,


n].mG]KYqk].nn].tqm]:sG].pn]nm]lUiw]eSciun];An]mI;nG];SQn]:ma}pqc].nn].'{' = NSF, N. Non Sufficient Fund,


n]tItac];An]Kw]:El:nm].Kw]:kGL,nG];kUc]eKL;hg}nn].'{ = Epiglottis, N. a thin, valvelike, cartilaginous structure that

covers the glottis during swallowing, preventing the entrance of food and drink into the larynx,

Aqp],' tiUk]:' = Box, N., boxes,

Aqp],kiw],'Aqp],cuin];kiw],' = Ornament box made of pure silver,

Aqp],Kw]:'[kUn];t};Aw]tgk],Sn]hQt];tL,SG],Kw]:nQw]Suk];pL;kGL,ca}:'{ = Rice box, lunch box,

Aqp],KUw];'tUik]:KUw];Agn],'Sut].KQt].S]'[tUik]:Agn],SG],KUw];tL,pL;Agk],tac];'{ = Suitcase, N. luggage,

Aqp],cuin];'[Aqp],Aw]cuin];hQt];w}.tL,SG],KUw];Kgc]/kqw]:Sqc]cuin];Km];kL:Kn]yG],{ = Silver box, silver container,

Aqp],Tun],cuin];'[Aqp],Aw]cuin];hQt];SG],Tun]tL,yL,pu'{= Silver box for the lime used in chewing betel,

Aqp],nc]'Aqp];cuin];'[Aqp],Agn],km]:nm]Aw]nc]hQt];tL,SG],cuin];sgm],Tgc];pL;kGL,'{= Wallet, N. purse,

Aqp],nQc]:'[Aqp],SG],nQc]:yam];An]hQt];kin]nQc]:kUw]:'{ = Box for pickled tea,

Aqp],nQp];kgc]:pgt];' = Shortgun slot,

Aqp],peK;SYL;'(es:tgn]:) = Abkhazia, (in the Georgian,)

Aqp],pu'[Aqp],SG],mG]pu'Tun]'SL;es;'yL:lqc]'sL.kGL,sUiw];pQn]KUic]:yL,pu'{ = Betel box,

Aqp],Aac]:map],wL:'[Pam];wL:'pqt].'Am],sG]:Et.'{ = Canard, N. falsehood, fabrication, deceit, untruth,

Aqp]<pL<'[luk]:sa};ESY;lL,El:pQn]AU:EP;lqk].(luk].3;35){ = Eber,[the son of Shelah, and father of Peleg,],

Aqp],Pk];Aqc]:' (Aqp],Pk];kgc]:pgt];)' pqm];' = Waist pack, (gun waist pack),

Aqp],yL:yL'[Aqp],SG],AI:yLla}mQw];sgm];kn]w}./pL;Agk],tac];'{= Medicine box, medicine box travel,

Aqp],lqn];yL:'[Aqp],Agn],SG],lqn];yL:la}sUiw].la}mQw];'{ = Cigarette box, cigarette case,

Aqp],Aac]:'Aqp],Aac]:hQt];'(tiuw];man]tLlm]Aqp],Aac]:pQn]kUn];tLmgt],) = Act, fake, falsely, sham,

Aqp],Aac]:pQn]Kun]Tt];Sin]'(cw]:19;9') = Acting like a judge, play the judge,

Aqp],Aac]:hQt];'pgm]hQt];' = Bogus, adj. sham; not genuine; spurious, bogus, N.,

Aqp]:'Aqp]:kn]'[Aw]tUik]:/kUv]/puc];/mUk],/tw]:nm]./Agm]sL.kGL,w}.sgm];kn]sm]sm]epL;tUiw].kn]'{= Put or keep

things close together, place close together,


tik];tik];n}'{(mn];lat]:Aqp]:Aqp]:tc];huic]pUin]:Tgm],Am],Tgm],ekL:mn];Am],SUn]Sc]') = Imperative affix,

used to express about someone continuously long boring talk,

Aqp];' = Wallet, case, basket, folder, envelope, wrapper,

Aqp];' Aqp];pL' hQt];pLsgk];' = Roasting or steaming fish in banana leaves,


KUw];kqw]:Sqc]ciun];Km];') = Chest, N. a box, usually with a lid: a toy chest; a jewelry chest,

Aqp];'mUw].mUw].'emL.emL.[KG]:wL:KUic]:yic];luk]:Agn],'{= Name of private part of a female (said of a child),

Aqp];cuin];'Aqp],cuin];'TUc]ciun];'[Aqp],nc]n}ekL:wL:{ = Purse, N. wallet,


yt].'man],28;15'){ = Appius Claudius, who built an ancient Roman road the Appian Way,


.'(mak].7;34')"eKL:kGam];nn].mI;tI:pgc],wL:'!hG]:puit],Puv],tL.'@n}nn]."{ = Ephphatha, an Aramaic word spoken by

Jesus when he healed a deaf-mute (Mark 7:34). The word means “Be opened!”,


{= Ephrathah, the name of a woman and a city in the Old Testament,

Aqp];fSt]<'(wQc];lUc]) = Ephesus, [a major trading city, in ancient Greece, upper coast, (Ac 19:1)],


;la}sL,kGL,pQn]pun]:tL,sum];Pa},cuin];tgc];/ekL.Puk],Pc]Alac];ekL.lQw]{ = Portfolio, N. the total holdings of

the securities, commercial papers, etc., of a financial institution or private investor,

Aqp];lik]:la};emL<kit]<'[Aqp];SG],Piun]lik]:emL<kit]<Kgn]:kn]w}.tL,ekL.kU:pn]yip];{= Mortgage Portfolio,

Aqp];lik]:la};ciun];kU:'[ciun];kU:An]pqc].ey;ciun];Kw]yip];km]w}.(Am],Ka})pQn]tL,Puk],Pac]Alac];'{= Portfolio

Loan, a loan held (not sold) by banks as an investment.,

Aqp].tun],'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};nG];mUic];AL;SYL;'{(eyL;19;28') = Abdon, name of a city and four men,

Aqp].tgn]<'[pQn]nG];Kun]Tt];Sin]sn].lQk].kUn];mUic];AiSer;Kw]nn].ekL.nuic]:'(Sin]12;13'){ = Abdon, one of

the minor judges of Israel,(Judg.12:13-15),


k];pqc].ey;ciun];An]nuic]:eSpQn]tI:An]mG];sac]:Tuk]:Aw]ciun];mG];An]mI;nG];SQn]ma}pqc].mG];nn].{' = ATM,

abbreviation of Automated Teller Machine: a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, from which you can take money out of

your bank account using a special card,

Aqp]<Slum],'[luk]:sa};et;wit].ekL.TiSam]'(2Sqm];13-18){ = Absalom,[the third son of David],

Aqm]'TUw]:nw]:Aqm]'TUw],nw]:mgc]'TUw]nw]:yqn]:' = Fermented soya bean, pickled soybean,

Aqm]plifa},'[sak]:KGak]:yG],tiBw];es;'{ = Amplifier, N.,

Aqm],rm]'[luk]:sa};KUw]<hqt].pQn]pU,mgn],mUw];eS,{(Agk],6;20')'= Amram, a son of Kohath and ancestor of Moses,

Aqm];mYI,'[luk]:sa};ek,mla};'suiw]:kUn];sa};SI,ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],13;12') = Ammiel, son of Gemalli,


,SQc]l}:/Kac];pgc].emL;'{(mn];emL;Aqm];Aqm];yU,hc];kUv];kw]Am],hU.eKL:mn];lat]:') = Imperative affix, used to

express about a weak voice of an old or sick person (as grumbling),

Aqm]<pli'[Krit]:yan],kUn];sa};nG];mUic];rUw];mekL.An]KU;wL;lUc]epL;lSUc],kGam];tUc].tk].Tuic](rUw];16;8){' =

Amplias, N. a Christian in Rome to whom apostle Paul sent greetings (Ro.16:8), Ampliatus,

Aqm]<mun],'kUn];KiUw];Aqm]<mun],'[Aqm],mun],'Am],mun],'{(1Kun]11) = Ammonite, Ammonites, Ammon,

Aqm]<fI;pUw];lit].'[wQc];tc];Sgc]Pa},tI:mI;tp].Suik];lUc]rUw];mKw]pk];w}.'(man],17;1'){ = Amphipolis, a city on

both sides, a great Roman military station,

Aqm]<em<yt].'(eA,mgt].)'(wan]:him];ey,ruSlqm],')' = Emmaus,(a village near to Jerusalem, Lk 24:13 )

Aqm]<rEfl'[Kun]ehLKm];SYI,nL;ekL.An]KGak]:pUn].Kw]:mUic];KL,nn],mUiw]:pan]AL,RpL,ham],'{(cw]:14;1') =

Amraphel, a king of Shinar who invaded Canaan during Abraham’s time,

Aqm]<eA,Aa}<'(ekL.Kw]:sum];sn].sgm]kUn];mk];kL:Kn]pn]) = MAI (Member Appraisal Institute)


t];hG]:An]wan]tac];kin]nn].epL;wan]nL,nL,w}.nn].'{' = MSG, monosodium glutamate, N. a white,

crystalline, water-soluble powder, C 5 H 8 NNaO 4 ⋅H 2 O, used to intensify the flavor of foods, Msg seansoning,

Aqw]'(Aw]PL:sQt].KQn];wqt].Aqw]mn];w}.eS')'Aqc]:' = Waist, (wrapped a towel around his waist,),

Aqw]'Aqc]:'[Aqc]:km];'(PL:Pqn],SUiw]:KUw];)yaw];etL,Tuic]Aqw]/Aqc]:'{ = Hip, N. hip joint; adj. extending to hip,

Aqw]'pQm].Aqw]'nUiw].pQm].Aqw]'(ht].Aqw]mG];lIlI(hG]:hac]:hqn];tL,hQt];Et.hQt];wL:))' = Loin, N. usually loins:

gird up one’s loins (idiom),

Aqw]kgm];'lc]kgm];'lc]KUt];'(lc]kgm];yac]:yaw];')' = Hunchback, N. humpback, humpback: hunchback stride,

Aqw]lim],pin]:'[lup]:cw]:KLlut]:{ = Hip wrenched, thigh was out of joint; thigh was dislocated; hip was wrenched,

Aqw],' El,' = Tour, visit, toured, touring,

Aqw],Tuic]'El,'SB,sG];'(kGL,El:kGL,law];'mL;SB,mL;sG];pI;ngc].')' = Visit,(a call paid to a person or family),


= Ichabod, a male given name, from Hegrew that mean ‘the glory has departed.’,


TUin],13;7') = Igal, son of Joseph, one of the 12 spies sent by Moses to spy out the land of Canaan,

AiklL'[luk]:sa};ESY,m};y'{(1puin];3;22') = Igal, son of Shemaiah, Igeal, Igar,

AisKL,'[suiw]:luk]:yic];hL,rn]<'{(cw]:11;29')'= Iskah, Iscah, a daughter of Haran, Abraham’s younger brother,

AiSKL,'[luk]:sa};yL,kup]:El:el;AL,''(cw]:30;18'Kuin];7;5'){ = Issachar, a son of Jacob and Leah,

AishL,'[luk]:sa};KUw]<hqt].'{(Agk],6;18')' = Izhar, a son of Kohath, Izehar,

AiSkL<rit].' = Iscariot, Judas Iscariot,(Mk 14:10)


;44'1puin];7;30')= Ishyo, Ishvi, a son of King Saul by Ahinoam (1 Sam. 14:49; Ishui, KJV; Jishui NKJV),


Israel, the people traditionally descended from Jacob, the Hebrew or Jewish people,


t]:pQn]mUic];kUn];KUiw];kYO;mUin]lUin]em,1948'{= Israel, N. a republic in SW Asia, on the Mediterranean, a Jewish state,

AiSlm],'(SL,SnL,mU,Slim],Kw]kUiw];lI) = Islam, the religious faith of Muslims, religious system founded by the prophet

Muhammad and taught by the Koran, the basic principle of which is absolute submission to a unique and personal god, Allah,

AiSwL.'[luk]:sa};AL;SYL;ekL.TUn]:Sgc]'AiSuAL,'{(cw]:46;17')= Ishvah, second son of Asher, also called Ishuah,


30') = Ishvi, the third son of Asher and founder of the tribal family of the Ishvite also spelled Isui (Gen. 46:17), Ishuai (1

Chr. 7:30) and Jesui (Num. 26:44, NKJ),

AiSYem;'[luk]:sa};AL,RpL,ham],tc];eh<kL,'(cw]:16){ = Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar. (Gen. 16),

Aitil'[(JPL;mI;sgm];kw])'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];Tm],mkYam];kw],'(en,11;7'Tuc];30;1'){ = Ithiel, (God is

with me) the name of two men in the Old Testament: 1. A Benjamite who returned from Babylon to Jerusalem after the Captivity

(Neh. 11:7). 2. A person to whom AGUR addressed his oracle (Prov. 30:1),


19;15')= Idalah, a town in the territory of Zebulun, known as Khirbet el-Hawarah, near Nazareth,

AiTlL,'[wan]:kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];tqn]<'{(eyL;19;42') = Ithlah, a village of the tribe of Dan; Jethlah; Jithlah,

AiTrn],'[luk]:sa};tiSun]<El:pQn]lan]sa};Siy'{(cw]:36;26') = Ithran, a son of Dishon and grandson of Seir,

AiTm],mL,'[luk]:sa};luin];AL,run],el:EA,la};SYpL.{(Agk],6;23') = Ithamar, a son of Aaron and Elisheba,


{(eyL;17;11') = Ibleam, a town in the territory of Issachar assigned to the half-tribe of Manasseh west of Jordan River,

AifTL,'yip].TL,[wQc];Tuc].lin]pQc];mUic];yuT'{(eyL;15;43')= Jiphtah, Iphtah, a city in the lowland of Judah,

AifTL,EA,'[wan]:lqn]lin]mUic];sqp].pYOln],'{(eyL;19;14') = Iphtah El, a village of Zebulun; Jipthah El,

AirSYmqt].'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];tqn]<mI;him];lqn]lin]sap]:mUic];yut'{(eyL;19;41'Kun]1;33')= Ir Shemesh,

a city of the tribe of Dan near the border of Judah,

AirPI;l'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];Agn],pqn]<yL,min],mI;him];ey,ruSlqm],'{(eyL;18;27')= Irpeel, a city of the tribe of

Benjamin, near Jerusalem,

AIkBv]<t' = Equator


SUp];nm])'(nUic];-la};hgc].suiw]:wL:tI:PU:sa};!sa};/Aa}:@')= General appellation for girl or young woman,

AI,kac]:'[KUiw]lic];tLPUik],mI;nG];mUic];mel;SYL;'mUic]:man]:'mUic];T};'{ = Dusky leaf monkey, white-eyed monkey,

spectacled langur, is a species of primate in the family Cercopithecidae, found in peninsular Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand,


kuk]:nn].{(AI,kuk]:KUw]:elL;Pk];hL:pQn]Pk];wan]t};mI,nuic]:)' = Scarab ball, or, scarab larva,

AI,ecL:'[tUn]:ca};tUn]:muk];kan]:yaw];mI;mgk],lUic]kin]l}:(AI,ecL:esL;){= Edible plant having long stems,


;ArSL,SUm]:El:Aa}Kuin],'{= Dried pickled mustard leaves,

AI,tIAUw];piy'(kUn];miUbc];-')'miUc];AI,tIAUw];piy' = Ethiopian, Ethiopia,


;muc];hUm],nUiw]kan]:sUiw].mgk],mn];'{= Jack-in-the-pulpit, N. a north American plant, Arisaema triphyllum,

AI,fI;SYin];'(kYam];mG],) = Ephesians,[a book of Bible, New Testament,],

AI,fI;SYin];' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-AI,'){ = Ephesians, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Eph.)],


Mustard yellowish leaves pickled,

AI,mUiw]<kYqn].sI<'cw];la};Pbt];epL,' = Emergency,

AI,lqk].JTgm],' [kgn]:Alg};pL;tgc];lqc]50%nik];Ek,30%hQk],20%elL;kn]w}.{' = Electrum, an alloy

composed of about 50 percent copper, 30 percent nickel, and 20 percent zinc.,

AI,lI;riy(mUic];)[mUic];mUiw]:kgn],An]mI;tI:Pc],pac],la}eAJtIAqt].tik].Pa},wn];Agk],nn].'{' = Illyria, N. an

ancient country along the E coast of the Adriatic,



{' = Illyricum, N., [a Roman province in ancient Illyria founded after 168bc; it was traveled by Paul in his third

missionary journey.(Ro.15:19)],

AI,wuv];'[KUiw];lic];yuv];sL.lQk].'lic];yuv];Agn],'{ = Gibbon, N. any of small arboreal apes of the East Indies and

southern Asia that belong to the four genera of the family Hylobatidae (the lesser apes),

AI:Sc]?' AI:Sc]ekL?' wL:hiuw]?' pQn]Sc]?' siUw].hiuw]?' = What?

Nothing is ever going to change, = AI:Sc]ekL:tibn];etAm],pin],pa},lqk]:la}:mL;Sc]eSAn]'

!AI:Sc]KL:'sw]:hw];?'@(man],10;4')' =“What is it, Lord?”

AI:Sc]ekL:yw].'hQt];nc],kL:emLkB:mQw];' = Whatever,

AI:Sc]Am],wL:'AI:Sc]ekL:yL,/yw].'pQn]AI:Sc]ekL:'hQt];nc],kL:emLkB:mQw];' = Whatever,


w]Am],hU.eA.'(wL:huiw]KL:ekL/AI:Sc]KL:ekL'KL:Am],l}:hU.eSAit];/KL:Am],tn];yin];lI')= Pardon me; I beg

your pardon, used to indicate that one has not heard or understood something “Pardon me, I didn’t get that”,

AI:Sc]ekL:etAm],pqt]:lgk],pqt]:la}' = Nothing is wasted,

AI:Sc]AI:Sic],Am],hU.nm]nL,'[pQn]Sc]la}la}Am],hU.yw].nm]nL'{ = So much going on,

AI:yL' yL:yL' = Drug, N., drugs,

AI;' AI;kGL,' = Push, shove,

AI;'AI;Piut].'Puit].kn]'nQk];(yL,Puit].kn]KL:'yL,AI;KL:'yL,nQk];')' = Push, to press upon or against:

Please don’t push, pushed, pushing,

AI;'AI;tm]'tm]'[AI;tac];lc]pUin]:eSkGL,sgm];'AI;Puit].'{' = Shove, push, shoved, shoving,

AI;kUn];tUk];sUm]'(kUv];kL:PL,SL,SL,SnL,n}.mac]pgk]:mn];k}.AI;kUn];tUk];sUm])' = Push people down:

… but sometimes religion pushes people down,

AI;/TUw];elL.'[AI;/tw].elL.kGL,{(AI;/TUw];elL.tac],KUw];) = Push a cart, pusing a cart,

AI;Ek;l]'[km];];ygm];eS km];epL.pL,An]ma}w}.tL,hU;nuic]:nn].Sgc]km];'{'(mn];l}:AI;Ek;l])' = Eagle, -

Golf . a score of two stroke under par on a hole., (He made an eagle),

AI;kGL,' SUn];' SUn];sG]' AI;SUn];' = Propel, propelled, propelling, push,

AI;kGL,hc];mn];'SUn];sG]mn];hc];kUv];'[KUic]:An]mI;sak]:'{ = Self-propelled, adj. propelled by itself,

AI;Kw]:kGL,nG];tac];AQn];Aan];mG];nn].El:' = Push into your purpose,

AI;Kuin]:' Aw]Kiun]:' = Boost, hike, put up, upsurge, boosted, boosting,


118;13') = Pushed back: I was pushed back and about to fall,

AI;tw].Kiun]:' = Push up,

AI;tUk];'AI;lUm].'AI;lUc];' = Push down,


n].El:mUiw]:Agn]tac];n}.Aw]hQt];pQn]yLSut],hG]:luim];tUw]nn].'{' = Ether, N. also called diethyl ether, ethyl

ether, flammable liquid, C 4 H 10 O, used as a solvent and, formerly, as an inhalant anesthetic,

AI;Tn],'[suiw]:tac],pn]kUn];sa};'(kGam];hI;RpO;n}.pgc],wL:!hqc];@n}'){ = Ehtan, N. a male given name: from a

Hebrew word meaning “strength”,


;5') = Etam, a cave; a town near Bethlehem (2 Chr. 11:5),

AI;nn],'[AU:AhirL.'{(TUin],1;15')' = Enan, the father of Ahira,

AI;ngk]<'[luk]:sa};yL<rit]:El:pQn]AU:mtU<SlL,'(cw]:5;18-24'luk].3;37'hI;11;5-6')'{ = Enoch, [a son

of Jared and the father of Methuselah (Gen. 5:18-24; Luke 3:37), Heb. 11:5-6)]

AI;ngt]<'[luk]:sa};Sqt].El:pQn]AU:eK<nn]<'(luk].3;38){ = Enosh,[the son of Seth, and father of Kenan,],

AI;pak]:pqt]:'[An]epL,pQn]mL;AI;/tQk];tQc]An]lp]./Auit];tac];nn].AI;pqt]:pak]:pqt]:{ = Pushing back,

AI;pqt]:'pak]:pqt]:'pak]:Kiun]:'[etL;{ = Buck, to force a way through; object strongly; butt, bucking,

AI;pqt]<'[AU:ek;lL,'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(Sin]9;26')= Ebed, the father of Gaal,



sm].'[AI;Aa}pITItI=cuin];Kw]:-cuin];kL:srip]:(Am],pL;Kgn],'KI:cuin];tUw];tc];kL:Kn]tUk];)'{ = Earnings Before

Interest, Tax and Deprecation – EBITD, an indicator of a company’s financial performance, which is calculated as:

EBITD = Revenue – Expenses(excluding taxes, interest and depreciation),

AI;PI<Aqt].S]'[nm].mYat]:l}:nUiw]nuic]:ESYyL<nn].'{ = Earning Per Share (EPS), trailing P/E,

AI;Pibt].' St].SG],' tQk];SG],' yQt]:SG],' Sip].kqn],' = Thrust

AI;Puit].kGL,'[Puc]kUn];kiun];St].tik];AI;kn]Puit].kn]lUc]kGL,nn].{ = Pushing forward,

AI;em;l]' lik]:AI;em;l]' = E-mail,

AI;yw]:' = Thrust, thrust, thrusting,

AI;yw]:'[Kbn],AI;SG],hqc];hqc];epL;Aw]SQn]wBc]kGL,nn].{ = Hurl, throw forcefully, hurling,

AI;yw]:AI;tam]pgc].lL,' = Hurled insults at,

AI;lUc];'AI;lUm].' = Push down,

AI;lU(sG])'[mI;sG]AI;lU'mI;mqt].tL,etL,'{ = Sympathy, N. adj. expressing sympathy, sympathies,

AI;lU'lIAQt];lUnL,'tL.lIAI;lUlL:' = Pity, to feel pity or compassion for, pitied, pitying,

AI;lU'lIAQt];lUnL,'tL.lIAI;lUlL:'(mn];AI;lUmn];sa};nL,yw].'(yL,AI;lUmn];Sc]')' = Pity, N.

sympathetic or kindly sorrow: he took pity on him; show him no pity,

AI;lUKL:Ait];nuic]:'Kqn];etL:AI;lUKL:eSkm];' = Have pity on me,

AI;lUtI:pUin]:'tL.lIAI;lUmn];lL:'lIAQt];lUmn];nL,' = Pity on him/her,

AI;wa};'[Kun]ehLKm];mitYin],An]KUiw];AiSer;Kw]Aw]ta}{(TUin],31;8') = Evi, a king of Midian killed by the Israelites,

AI;Aw]kat],Aw]Am],nn]esL.Aw]mak],' = Pushing or scraping or spooning the ball,

AI<kYip].'(siuc]:miUc];) = Egypt, [Arab Republic, Capital Cairo, the land of the south(Isa 11:11)]

AI<sqm]'[wan]:nG];mUic];ytmI;Pa},san];ep,ySYI;pL.'{(eyL;15;29') = Ezem, a village in Judah,

AI<sI;kiw],'(kYam];lik]:'perL;Pqt]:) = Ezekiel, [a major prophet of the 6 century B.C.,(Bible)],

AI<sI;kiw],' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-AI<sI;'){ = Ezekiel, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Ezek.)],

AI<sUiw]<'[suiw]:kUn];sa};hUk];ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'luk]:sa};Siy'{(cw]:36;21')= Ezer, the name six Old Testament men,

AI<Sqk].'[nm].emL,An]kUn];A};sk].Kut];w}.nG];hUv]:kI;rL<'{(cw]:26;20') = Esek, a well dug by Isaac’s servant

in the valley of Gerar,

AI<eSL;'[luk]:sa};lUc]A};sk].El:er,pqk].kL<pQn]luk]:sa};cw]:kUit],PLEPnn].'{'AI;eSL;' = Esau, [elder

son of Isaac and Rebekah, Rebekah’s first born-twin son,(Gen.25:25)]

AI<tEr,'[wQc];nG];mUic];ehLKm];pL,San],'suiw]:Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],21;33')' = Edrei, a city in Bashan,

AI<tL,'[suiw]:wQc];mI;EK.lac];El:suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:35;21') = Eder, Edar,

AI<tin],'[SUn]AU;yQn],tI:AL,tm]<el:Aip]<yU,mL;'es:tgn]:AI<tin],{ = Eden, [the garden of God,(Gen 2)],

AI<tum],' = Edom, (Nu 20:14),

AI<tum],'[es:tgn];nG];Ek:nm].pac]la}ta}El:kUt].pac],la},AkpL.{'mUic];AI<tum],' = Edom, Idumaea,

AI<tum]miy'[sUiw];es:tgn]:AI<tum]'(cw]:36;16'mak].3;8'){ = Idumea, Greek name Edom,


3;20')' = Etham, a place “at the edge of the wilderness (Ex. 13:20) between Succoth and the desert of Sinai,

AI<ngk]<'[luk]:sa};KQn];'(cw]:'4;17'pQn]eKL:kGam];hI;RpO;An]Kw]k}.Aw]tac],pn]suiw]:kUn];sa};){ = Enoch, [a son

of Cain, (Gen. 4:17), a male given name: from Hebrew word meaning “teacher”,],


;mUic];rUw];mnn].(Pi'4;18'){ = Epaphroditus, [a messenger sent by the church at Phlipi,(Phil.4:18)],



3'{ = Epaphras, lovely, spoken by Paul, (Col. 1:7; 4:12) as “his dear fellow-servant,” and “a faithful minister of Christ”;

and “fellow-prisoner,”(Philem. 1:23),

AI<pL,l'[luk]:sa};SUw]pL,l'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.El:lg}nuic]:'{(cw]:36;23'ehL;11;29')= Ebal, a son of Shobal,

AI<Prim],'[luk]:sa};Agn],yUw];Sqp]:'saw];KUiw];AiSer;'(cw]:41;52'){ = Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph,

AI<Prun],'[luk]:sa};sUw]<hL,'{(cw]:23;8') = Ephron, the son of Zohar,

AI<JPt].'[suiw]:Em:yic];ekL.nuic]:tc];wQc];wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:35;16') = Ephrath,

AI<Pgt].'[AU:hn]<nIey,'{(TUin],34;23') = Ephod, the father of Hanniel,


4') = Ephah, a son of Midian; the name of two men, one woman, one tribe and a unit of measurement in the Bible,

AI<f'[luk]:sa};mitYin],'{(cw]:25;4') = Ephah, a son of Midian,

AI<f'[KUic]:tUc]hI;RpO;An]Kw]:mgk]:nuic]:pU;ESY,(35lI,tL,)mgk]:19Ep,t};'1/10hUm];m'{(A},5;10') = Ephah, a

Hebrew unit of dry measure, equal to about a bushel (35liters),

AI<fL;'[luk]:sa};mitYin],ekL.TUn]:Sgc]'{(cw]:25;4') = Epher, the second son of Midian,

AI<mim];'[kUn];KUiw];AI<mim];'{(cw]:14;5') = Emites, an ancient people of Canaan, Emim,

AI<mqk].eKsit].[wQc];kUn];KUiw];Agn],pqn]<yL,min],{(eyL;18;21')= Emek Keziz, a city of the tribe of Benjamin,


Tim];4;20'){' = Erastus, N. the city’s director of public works, (Ro.16:23),


Eran, a descendant of Ephraim through Shuthelah, Ephraim’s oldest son and the founder of a tribal family, the Eranites,


26') = Eldad, one of 70 elders chosen by Moses,

AI<ltL<'[luk]:sa};mitYin],ekL.TUn]:hL:'{(cw]:25;4') = Eldaah, the fifth son of Midian,

AI<lt].'[wQc];tL:hUiw];kUt].pac],la}AkL,pL,sQc],hgc],wn];Agk],tI:nm].pac],la}lqc]{(ehL;2;8')' = Elath, a

seaport town on the northeast corner of the Gulf of Aqaba, on the Red Sea,

AI<lm],'[luk]:sa};SYqm];(cw]:10;22'{ = Elam,[ the son of Shem(Gen.10:22)],

AI<lm],'[mUic];ehLKm];mUiw]:kgn],mI;Pa},Agk],pqp],plUw];niy'{ = Elam, N. an ancient kingdom E of Babylonia,

AI<lL,'[Kun]mUic];AI<tum],'suiw]:kUn];sa};hUk];ekL.El:hUv]:tI:nuic]:'{(cw]:36;41') = Elah, a chief of Edom,

AI<liSpqt]<'[Em:ygn]<pqp].tism],'{ = Elisabeth, Elizabeth,[ the mother of John the Baptist (Lk 1:5-25)]

AI<lim],'[tI:kUn];KUiw];AiSer;Kw]pk];pac]Sw];yU,wa};Kw]Kam]:nm].pac],la},lqc]yw].nn].{(Agk],15;27')' = Elim,

an encampment of the Israelites after they crossed the Red Sea,

AI<limlqk].'(kUn];sa};'luc];') = Elimelech, (Ruth,),

AI<liAqp].'(eA;lYL,PL.=luk]:sa};lUc]ey,ES;') = Eliab, [oldest son of Jese, (1Sa 17:13)],


43'Sin]12;11') = Elon, a border of a tribe of Dan and the name of three men,

AI<lun],'[AU:ep;Smqt]:'{(cw]:26;34') = Elon, the father of Basemath,

AI<el<sL,'[suiw]:kUn];sa};Sip];AQt];ekL.nG];kYam];lik]:'{(cw]:15;2')= Eliezer, the name of 11 men in the Bible,

AI<el<sL, = Eliezer, (Gen 15:2)

AI<la};'(sa};)[eA;li{ = Eli, [a Hebrew judge and priest,(1Sa 1-4)]


pqt]:kw]KL:?'@{(mqt]:27;46)' = “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, My God, why have

you forsaken me?”(Mtt.27:46),

AI<la};sPn],'[luk]:sa};PL;nk].'PU:Agn]hUw]KUiw];sqp].pYOln],'{(TUin],34;25') = Elizaphan, son of Parnak,

AI<la};sUiw]<'[luk]:sa};ESY,turL,'{(TUin],1;5')' = Elizur, son of Shedeur,

AI<la};SYm'[luk]:sa};Amihut]<'{(TUin],1;10')' = Elishama, son of Ammihud,

AI<la};SYL,'[luk]:sa};lUc]yL,wn]<'{(cw]:10;4') = Elishah, the oldest son of Javan,

AI<la};SYL.'[eA;lieS;'eA]lieS](lukL,4;27){' AI,la};SYL.' = Elisha, [2Ki 2],

AI<la};tqt]:'[luk]:sa};kiSlun],'pQn]PU:Agn]hUw]KUiw];pqn]<yL,min],'{(TUin],34;21') = Elidad, son of Kislon,


Elymas,[magician or sorcerer, the Arabic name of Jew Bar-Jesus,)],

AI<la};y'(eA;liy)'AI,la};y' = Elijah, [1 King 17]

AI<la};hiw];'[suiw]:kUn];hL:ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(1Sqm];1;1'1puin];12;20'26;7'27;18'yUp]32;2) = Elihu, (He is

my God) the name of five men in the Old Testament,

AI<la};Akim];'[luk]:sa};Ap};Aut].'{'AI,la};Akim];' = Eliakim, [a son of Abiud, (Mt 1:13)],

AI<la};ASp].'[luk]:sa};tuv];lL.'{(TUin],1;14')' = Eliasaph, son of Deuel,

AI<la};Aut].'[KUiw];pU,mgn],sw]:ey,Su{' AI,la};Aut].' = Eliud, [a son of Akim,(Mt 1:14)],

AI<hi'[luk]:sa};pqn]<yL,min],'suiw]:AI<hin}.Aha};rm],n}ekL:pUin]:hgc].'{(cw]:46;21') = Ehi, a son of Benjamin,

Auk];Suk];AUv]:SUv]:'pUiw],lUiw].pUiw],TUiw];'nm]wL:nm](ygc]:eyL;nm]wL:nm]')= Profuse, adj. spending or

giving freely and in large amount, often to excess; extravagant: profuse praise, profusely, adv. abundantly or extravagantly,


t]:put].T)'{ = Ghost of a deceased person who guards his former life own property,


Agn],w}.')= Hollow, adj. N. cavity; any hollow place; hollow; having a depression or concavity: a hollow surface,

Abc]' kUm],' lin]nQw]' (nuk];kUm],' nuk];Auc]' nUt]:lin]nQw]hQt];emL:') = Mud, N.,

Auc]'[hQt];hG]:Auc]{(nm].Agk],hU;Kun],AUn]) = Muddy, to make muddy: muddied spring, muddied, muddying,

Auc]Ka};'Ka};'[tUn]:mac]mQw];Agk],ekL:Am],sG]:lin]tI:lIPuk],Sgm]:pQn]lin]Auc']nG];Ka};'{ = Swamp, N., marsh, morass,

Auc]pUiw].pL.'pUiw].'pUiw].pI:pUiw].pL.'pUiw].pL.Auc]Ac]'(wa};PUn]lUc]tUk];nn].nG];nL;Auc]pUiw].pL.w}.yw].)'= Sloppy,

adj. muddy, slushy, or very wet: The field was a sloppy mess after the rain,

Abc]lin]nQw]El:Ka};ygp],yBn]:lin]Abc]lBm],' = Mud and mire,

Auc],'Aut].[suiw];t};tac],pn]sa};/yic];'{(Aa}:Auc],'eA;Auc],'sa};Aut].)= Tai male or female given name,

Auc];'[suiw];t};tac],pn]kUn];sa};'{(Aa}:Auc];'sa};Auc];') = Tai male given name,

Auv]'Ag}'[Ag}SG],nUiw]mn];'Puk];SG],'{'puin]'(Aw]kUiw]Ag}Ait];Ait];'(Aw]Pun],Auv]tUik],SUn]Pk];mI,nm]nm]')= Strew,

to let fall in separate pieces over a surface, strewed, strewn, strewing,

Auv];'mQn]'mQn]tB,mQn]nw]:'mQn]Auv];' = Odor, (bad odor), unpleasant odor,

Auv].'Aut].'[tUw]lUc]tUw]Kic];PUk].'pI;'{(mG];n};Auv]].nL,') = Corpulent, adj. large or bulky of

body; portly; stout; fat,

Aut]KU:[An]wUw];epL:hgc].mUiw]:ethLetL;kn]/mUiw]:hLsgm];Pgk],'{' = Oxen roaing, roaing ox,

!Aut]KU:@SQc]wUw];epL:'(t};wL:wUw];epL:Aut]KU:'wUw];Em:hgc].Aum]pUw]:n}')' = Oxen roaring sound,

Aut],'mak],Aut],'PLAut],'hUw].Aut],'(mak],Aut],el:Aac];ket,'(Agk],1;14') = Brick, N.a block of clay

hardended by drying in the sun or burning in a kiln, used for building, paving, etc.: in brick and mortar,

Aut],lqc]' mak],Aut],lqc]' = Red-brick,

Aut];Au t];Aat];Aat];'[eKL:lUp];lc]mn];mUiw]:KG]:lat]:lgc]:SQc]mUhgc].SQc]Puc]mU{ = Imperative affix,

used to express about grunting sound of a pig, porky pip, or pigs,

Aut].Ait].sG]' cut],cit],' = Be uneasy, feel constraint,

Aut].Ait].'yU,yap],' = Constraint, shyness,


Imperative affix, used to express about bulging swell or be bulged like rolling ball,

Aun],'Aun],kYL.'Aun],nL,'Aun],lInL,' = Warm, adj., warmer, warmest, warmly, adv.,

Aun],'m}:'(tac];-/An]-)[tac];Aun],tac];m}:{(tac];Aun],tac];m}:mn];) = Warmth, N.: its warmth,

Aun],Kw]:/Pk];'hQt];hG]:Aun],'Agm],f};' = Warm, to make wram; to heat; warm food, warmed, warming,

!Aun],sG]tI:mG];hgp],Aum]:Aw]nn].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' =“Warmth of your embrace”,

Aun],sG]lI'[Am],l}:mI;lgc]:KIm}:sG]'mI;lgc]Eh.kc]:pn]'{(Kt];-Am],Aun],sG]lI'Am],tm];sG]')' = Secure, adj.

without anxiety; protected: emotional secure, securer, securest, (ant: insecure, not confident),

Aun],tut].tut].'Aun],tgt].tgt].'Am],m}:Am],kt];' = Neither hot nor cold, mild hot,

Aun],hgn]hgn]'Aun]tut].tut]./tgt].tgt].'(hUin];Agn],Aun],tut].tut].'(cg};yuiw].Aun],hgn]hgn]') =

Snug, adj. warmly comfortable or cozy: a cozy or snug little house; a cozy tea pot, snugger, snuggest,

Aup],' Aup],kn]' = Conversation, chat,

Abp],'Abp],lat]:etL,'K}:KiBw];'Aup],AUw];'(Suip],Aup],Tqc]:yU,tik];tik];')lat]:etL,' = Talk: taked on

and on, talked, talking,

Aup],kn]'lat]:etL,kn]'[Aup],nc],emLAm],mI;pUic]{ = Chat, to converse in a familiar, chatted, chatting,

Aup],kn]'lat]:etL,kn]'[Aup],sUic].huiw]ekL:l}:Am],mI;pUic]Sc]{ = Chat, N. informal conversation,

Aup],kn]tUv];'tiBc],pac],cBp].cikn]tBv];'[kp];San]ka},Suip],kn]'AUp],AUw];kn]tUv];'{ = Confer, to

consult together, carry on a discussion; confer with, conferred, conferring,

Abp],kw]el:'Aup],'(mgk],/lat]:Kaw],pgc],lqc];/eKL:mun];'(Aup],lgc]:kQw],KUw];Kgc]lgc]:tac];lgc]:pa};An]nuic]:')= Talk

to me, talk: telling information. Talking about a subject,

Aup],Kqk],'Kam],Kqk],'[hp].tgn]:Kqk],{ = Entertain guests, greet or alk to a guest or guests,

Aup],etL,nL:etL,tLkn]' = Face-to-face talk, meet face-to-face,

Aup],pin]:PUn]eSlat]:tiuw]tn]' = Contrary and willful talk,

Aup],mUn];hun].nUw]kn]' = Chilling out, relax and talk,

Aup],/lat]:km]:mn];Sc],etL,' = Random talk, random chat,

Abp],lat]:K}:KiBw];' = Talk about,

Aup],/lat]:ht];ht];' = Bold talk, say it boldly,

Aup],lat]:tc];sG]kUt].' = Malicious talk,

Aup],lat]:mUin]kUn];ygc],kL:pgc],kL:pQn]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Foolish talk, silly talk,

Abp],lat]:la};PB:Kqn]' = Enemy-talk

Abp],lat]:la};JPL;sw]:' = God-talk

Aup],lat]:hQt];kGL,hUw]yg}:mn];tc];nm]lUc]lgc]:...'(ekL;2;18)' = Go into great detail about …,

Aup],lUc]'[Aup],waw];Sm],mqn]'{ = Vaunt, N. to speak vaingloriously of; boast of: to vaunt one’s achiements,


n]9;38')= Big talk, boastful talk: Where is your big talk now, you who said, …,



Sc]eSAn]eSmQw];'(kUn];Aup],lUc]n}.pUin]:Ew:pUin]:pa}:mn];yw].'{'(yL,Aup],lUc]' yL,ygc],mw];sgm];kGam];Aup],lUc])' =

Vain talk, N. Vain talking: Avoid vain talk, do not indulge in vain talking,

Aup],waw];'ygc]:tBw]kw],'Sm],'mL,nyG],hUw]sG]Pqn]Suc]' = Proud, adj., prouder, proudest,

Aup],hG]:epL;yum],w}.nG];sG]'(Aup],hG];tUw]mG];epL;yum],nn].w}.nG];sG])' = Talk into: talk yourself into it,

Aup],Am],mI;nm].mI;tUw]''[lat]:Am],kp];Am],ka},Am],ht];lat]:Suiw]:{ = Cloudy conversations,

Aup],AUw];kn]' tiUc],pac]kn]' = Discuss, discussed, discussing,

Aup],AUw];kn]'tiUc],pac]kn]'(lgc]:-/An]-)'ekL.Aup],AUw];' = Discussion, N., discusser, N.,

Aup],AUw];kn]l}:'tiUc],pac]kn]l}:' = Discussable, adj., discussible, adj.,

Aup],AUw];'[An]kUn];Sgc]ekL.Am],nn]kUn];tc];nm]Kw]Aup],kn]nn].{' Aup],AUw];kn]' = Dialogue,

conversation between two or more persons.,




n].eSEl:')' = Internal dialogue: Improve your internal dialogue; eliminating you negative internal dialogue;

changing your internal dialogue,


Em;tac];kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],kn])' = Relationship Dialogue Overhaul (RDO): RDO Announcement,

Aup],AUw];lgc]:pa};tuik];' = Strategic dialogue,

Aup],AUw];lgc]:pa};mUic];'(Aup],AUw];lgc]:pa};mUic];El:PU:yG],kUn];lUc]SU,sG];kn])' = Political dialogue,

(political dialogue and high-level visits),

Abp];'Aup];ep,'Aup];eyL;' = Woven bamboo box with lid,


m]@'{ = Box made with lathe, Acorn Box,

Aup].kgn];nL:tI:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Local administration,

Aup]./pUk]./mt].lUc]'(Pqn]Aup].lUc]'pUk].kuv]lUc]'mt].Puin];lUc]')'pQn]Aup].pQn]Aup].' = Bale, N. a

large bundle or package: a bale of fabrics; a bale of cotton; a bale of hay, bales,

Abp].'Aup].pUic],'Aup].piBc],Pgc];cm];' = Govern, reign, rule, governed, governing,

Abp].piBc],kgn];eKL'(es:miBc];Abp].piBc],hac];eKLn}.mI;lgc]:Tac],hac]:lgt]:lqw];)= Self-determination,

Aup].piUc],Siuk];Tak]:'(wI<eA,) = Veterans Administration (VA) - Created as part of the Servicemen’s

Readjustment Act of 1944 and authorized to guarantee a stated percentage of loans made to qualified veterans by qualified


Abp].piBc],Pgc];cm];' (sbm];-'Pa},-) = Executive Branch

Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];sgm];pk];piUc]' = Rule of law,

Abp].piBc],Pgc];cm];'Abp].piBc],' = Administration,

Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];' kgn];' Abp].' = Administer, administered, administering,

Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];pn]lgc]:JtL;PQc],pQc];' = Administered justice,

Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];sgm];pUic]mI:Kgt],Pgt]:wan]:mUic];' = Constitutionalism,

Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];JtL;PQc]pQc];tL,sg}:PQc],pQc];SL,sG]' = Equitable administration of justice,

Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];lgc]:hiUn];sw]:h}:sw]:nL;' = Farmer’s Home Administration (FmHA),-

An agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture that makes and insures for rural housing and farms,

Aup].pUic],hc];eKL'[nL:tI:Aup].pUic],hc];eKLAm],hQt];Agk],pk];pUic]{ = Self-government, self-administrative

area; autonomy,


k]:t};tqm]:nG];lik]:hUw]pa}pac]lUc]!tUw]kw],Aup].man]:mUic];@){ = Autonomy, N. self-government, self-aministrative ares,

Aup].pUic],hc];eKL' = Autonomous, adj. self-governing,


Suzerain, N. adj. a sovereign or a state exercising political over a dependent state, suzerainty, N.,

Aup].hUiw],'[hQt];hG]:tUw]Aun],epL;lUit],eShG];hUiw]tqk],Agk]nn].'{= Perspire, to secrete a salty, watery fluid from the

sweat glands of the skin, especially when very warm as a result of stenuous exertion; sweat, perspired, perspiring,

Aup].Ap].'[pik].tn]Am],l}:lUm];lITUv]:sG]epL;Am],Aim],l}:{' = Stuffy, adj. airless, humid,(a stuffy room),

Abm]'(Abm]nm].lBc]'emL:nm].) = Jar, (a big water jars, water pot,)

Aum]/puc];m}.lUc]'puc];lUc]'[An]hQt];w}.yG],yG],kqn],Kqc]tL,SG],nm].An]mUin]puc];Jtm],nn].'{ = Cask, N. a

container made and shaped like a barrel, especially one larger and stronger, for holding liquids, casks,

Aum]'emL:Aqc],'emL:Aum]lUc]'[emL:/Aac],/Aum]lin]tL,SG],nm].'Aum],mgk],'{ = Glazed pot, N. glazed pottery,

Aum]Pw],lup],kUn];ta}' = Funeral urn, urn,

Aum]/Aac],/sak]:tw]kqc];'[tI:SG],nm].nUm];eSpn],tw]w};w};hqc];hqc];hQt];pat]:'{ = Churn, N. a container or

machine in which cream or milk is agitated to make butter,

Aum]nm].'[Aum]nm].tw]:lin]'{ = Water jar, water pot, deep glazed water pot,

Aum]pUw]:'[SQc]wUw];Em:hgc].hLluk]:{' = Moo, to utter the characteristic deep sound of a cow, mooed, mooing,

!Aum]pUw]:@SQc]wUw];Em:hgc].'(wUw];Agn],hgc].wL:!Ep:@!Ep:@')' = Moo, moos, N. a cow mooing sound,

Aum]mgc]'[tI:SG],eSmQw];mQw];eSmgc]SUm]:nn].{'Agm]mgc]' = Fermenter, N. fermentor,

Aum]yqn]:Pk];' Aum]mgc]mak],' = Urn, a large or decorative vase especially one with an ornamental foot,

Aum]lin]' emL:lin]' kgk];mak].' = Earthenware jar, pot, mug, etc.,

Aum]lUc]'[Aum]lUc]tL,SG],nm].w}.'{ = Vat, N. a large container or tank used for storing or holding liquids, vats,

Aum]hin]Kaw]SG]'(mqt]:'26;7')' = Alabaster jar,

Aum],Km];w}.'[Aw]Km];Aum],w}./ehL,w}.pL:ngk]:mn];{'(tUik]:Aum],Km];)(KQw]:Km];)' = Gold-covered: gold-covered

ark; gold-plated teeth, gold-plated, or overlaid,

Aum],SG],'[Agn]kn]mL;/kGL,sU;tI:nuic]:{'(kUn];Aum],Puit].kn]mL;tUv];nUk].hac]:lI)' = Flocked to, flocking,

Aum],Puit].kn]mL;lgm].hgp]:mn];'(kUn];mUic];tc];la}Kw]Aum],Puit].kn]mL;lgm].him];mn];sw]:w}.)' = Crowding

around him,

Aum],w}.'(Aw]cuin];Aum],w}.)' = Overlay, overlaid, covered, plated: overlaid with silver,

Aum],w}.'[hQt];An]Eh.kc]:pn]l}:nn].hUm],w}.Tap]:w}.pn]Tap]:nuic]:{(Aw]tgc];lqc]Aum],w}.nUiw]lc]KL:hUin];') =

Sheathe, to cover with a protective layer or sheathing: to sheath a roof with copper, sheathed, sheathing,

Aum]:'hgp],Abm]:Aw]'sUm];hgp],Aum]:Aw]'hgp],Aum]:' = Embrace, embraced, embracing,

Aum];mL,'[wQc];nG]:Pqn],lin]An]EPpn]kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];AL;SYL;'{(eyL;19;30') = Ummah, a city in the

territory allotted to the tribe of Asher, near Aphek and Rehob,

Aum];Aum];'lat]:Aum];Aum];' = Grumble, to utter low, indistinct sounds; growl, grumbled, grumbling,

AUk];' nG];wac]:hUw]AUk];' him];Kac]:nG];wac]:hUw]AUk];' = Bosom,


:mL;nG];AUk];kw]Kiun];') = Bosom, N.: my prayers returned to my bosom or to me unswered,


/nUk].'(nUiw].AUk];)@{ = Chest, N.(Anatomy) breast,


w]:Agk],'pqt]:An]lut],lqn];yL:'luiw]:hUiw].luiw]:sG])'{ = Chest tightness, N. see your doctor if needed; some tips to

relieve chest tightness: drink fluids; breathing exercises; quit smoking; rest,


la}An]nL:Am],kGac]:!pk];kqp]:@'{(tUik]:Kgc].sn]5han].pk];kqp]:') = Narrow chest: Narrow 5-Drawer Chest,

AUk];kGac]:'AUk];wat]:'(nUic];-AUk];kqp]:') = Broad chest, (compare ‘narrow chest’)

AUk];KUc]:'[AUk];KUc];Am],sG]:mQw];k}.SU:pQn]nn].'{ = Sunken chest, Pectus excavatum is a Latin term that means

“hollowed chest”,

AUk];sQp];'AUk];ES,'[An]sQp];kqn];mUv]:Kuin]:sgm];nL:AUk];hUw]AUk];kUn];nn].'{ = Chest pain,

AUk];hk];sQp];sG]'(mn];AUk];hk];sQp];sG]kGL,yw].') = Brokenness, N.: He broke down, broken heart,

AUk];hUw]sG]sQp];epL;ettqk],' = Heartbreaking, heartbroken,


)'AUc],sL;lL;' AU,' = Swing, N.: Swing ride,


n]nnm].pac],la}Kw]nn].) = Toss, oscillate: the ship was tossed by waves, tossed, tost, tossing,

AUc]:Kqn]kac]AUk];tac];hk].' AUc]:Kqn]Ek:AUk];tac];hk].' = Loving arms,

AUc]:Kqn]wac]:AUk];'(AUc]:Kqn]wac]:AUk];tac];hk].AU:El:Em:) = Arms: mom and dad’s loving arms,

AUc]:tin]' PL,tin]' = Sole of foot,

AUc]:tin]sQp];'PL,tin]sQp];'(la};yLpn]AUc]:tin]sQp];)' = Plantar fasciitis: plantar fasciitis treatment,

ABc]:mibw];'PL,mibw];' = Palm

AUc]:'[An]mqc];sI;/KUp];yL.mak],m}.El:Am],lIkin]yw].{(mak],AUc]:')= Pest destroys fruit: fruit damaged by pests,

AUc].' kUc].' (tac];kuc].'tac];AUc].) = Circuitous, (circuitous route),

AUc].'[kUv]mI;Sa}kgc].nLPak],SG],KUc];Kgc]tQc]kGL,{ = Large basket with string to carry around the forehead,

AUv];ekL.' ekL.' (],nw]:mgn]kn]) = Fellow, (a fine old fellow),

AUv];],kn]'],nw]:mgn]kn]' = A fine old fellow,

AUv];ekL.kUn];KUiw];kYO;nc],kn]'(AUv];ekL.kUn];KUiw];kYO;kw]nc],kn]) = Fellow Jews: my fellow Jews,

AUv];ekL.kUn];suic]:mUic];lQw]kn]' = Fellow citizens,

AUv];ekL.kUn];tUk];Tgc],sgm];kn]'(Pil1;23')' = Fellow-prisoner,

AUv];ekL.kUn];yum],mat]:' = Fellow believer,

AUv];ekL.ekL.pQn]KL:nc],kn]'(AUv];];ekL.pQn]KL:nc],kn]) = Fellow servant: his fellow servant,

AUv];ekL.etL,EK.'(kgp].f])' kUn];lQn]:EK.sgm];kn]' = Fellow competitor,(golf ),

AUv];ekL.etL,]' = Fellow-competitor,

AUv];ekL.hQt];kan]Pak]:kn]' kBn];hQt];kan]Pak]:kn]' = Fellow worker, co-worker,

AUv];ekL.hQt];Suik];Pak]:kn]'(AUv];ekL.hQt];Suik];Pak]:mn];) = Fellow soldier: his fellow soldiers,

AUv];ekL.hUm]:hap],kan];lQw]' = Yokefellow, an associate or companion especially at work,

AUv];/t};ekL.hQt];Suik];Pak]:kn]'[ekL.An]pQn]kUn];Suik];nG];tp]./sum];lQw]kn]{ = Fellow-soldier,

AUv];lI' t};ekL.' (Kt];kn]-ekL.San]Kt];'PU:KQn]') = Ally, friend, (ant: opponent, enemy, foe)

AUv];lIkuim];KUic],nqn]:lI'(mUic];-'sum];-') = Sturdy alliances,


n]:eSmQw];mQw];SG],nG];Agm]/Aum]sL.kGL,'{ = Funnel, N. a cone-shaped utensil,

AUt],'AUt],AUw]'(hQt];AUt]:eSTqm]nm].mn];nG];tw]:mn];sc],Am],eh:) = Horn,

AUt],'AUt],AUw]'[AUt],Kw]SUw];{(SQc]tuic]:pw],AUt],Kw]SUw];lc]hUn]:Agk],'(SL,98;6')= Horn, N. ram’s horn: the

blast of the ram’s horn,

AUt],pQw]kGn];f};' kUc]AUt],kGn];f};' kUc]kGn];P};' = Chimney, N.,


{= Flower funnel, flower bouquet wrap,

AUt],lQk];An]Kn]:Eh.lUm]:w}.nG];kUc]mn];' = Insulated metal cylinder,

AUt],wat]:' AUt],' (AUt],mgk],n}.pa}lqm]'AUt],Tqm]nm].pa}wat]:Am],nn]ekL:SQm]:') = Cone,

AUt],Aa}.SRKim];'[AUt],An]kin]l}:pQn]tL,SG],Aa}.SRKim];/Aa}.SRKim];SG],AUt],w}.'{' = Ice-cream cone,

AUt],AUw]'[KUic]:sak]:An]KGak]:hG]:SQc]mn];lc]hqc];Tqc]:'{'lw].Spik],kL,' = Loudspeaker,

AUt],Agn],' pQn]AUt],ca};pan];kbm];' = Crownlike, crown like,

AUt];' AUt];kUn]:' SUn]:' (AUt];lqn];yL:') = Butt, (cigarette butt)

AUt];' Auit];' AUt];Agm]' Auit];hU;' = Close, obstruct, block, stop up,

AUt];' AUt];Agm]'(AUt];kqn]tac]:') = Closer, N.: cork closer; cork stopper, stopper,


/Agm]sL.kGL,'{(PLemL:'PLhUp];tUik]:'PLhUm],kgk];'AUw];mUk],Kw]:lam]'AUt];Agm]'PLhUm],Aum]') = Lid, N. a movable cover,

AUt];/Auit];Agm]'hUp];/hUm],PL'pik].PLhUp];'(hUm],PLemL:/kgk];/Aum]'hUp];tUik]:'hUp];/AUt];/Auit];Agm]) = Lid,

to supply or cover with a lid, lidded, lidding,

AUt];kqn]tac]:'(AUt];Agm]An]Aw]kqn]tac]:hQt];w}.nn].') = Cork, N., corks,

AUt];yUin].'yiUn].kn]l}:'kn]:'etL,SB:Kt];pqt]:' Kt];Pibn].pqt]:' = Resist, resisting,

AUn]' AUn]mn];' AUn]Pk];' = Paste, N., curry paste,

AUn]' AUn]Ag}.Ag}.' = Gravy, dressing, juicy,

AUn]'[AUn]Ag}.Ag}./AUv].AUv].{AUn]Pk];' = Gravy, N. the fat and juices that drip from cooking meat; dressing,

AUn]' nm].AUn]yac]' [nQw]'yac]sp];'yac]'{ = Viscous, adj. sticky; thick; adhesive; glutinous nature,


m]:kin])' = Syrup,


sm]:kin])' = Sugar syrup,

AUn]nQw]Simqn].' = Cement paste, cement plaster,



nn].'{' = Cement, any of various calcined mixtures of clay and limestone, usually mixed with water and sand,

gravel, etc., l, etc., to form concrete, that are used as a building material. any of various soft, sticky substances that dry hard or

stonelike, used especially for mending broken objects or for making things adhere., cement paste,

AUn]nUiw].mUAup].' AUn]nUiw].Aup].' = Gravy beef, gravy pork,

AUn]emL;'emL;Em;'emL;nL,'emL;pn];'emL;epL;AUn]lUc]w}.'= Noisy, adj. loud, nosier, noisiest,

AUn]lin]nQw]' = Clay paste, dust of clay mixed into water,

AUn]hgm]KUic]:hQt];hac]:hQt];Pac]'(AUn]Snap]:KL;')' = Fragrant paste for cosmetic purpose,

AUn]Ak];Ak];'pa}:SQc]AUn]Ak];Ak];'mc]hG]:yuc]:yc]:mak],mUiw]pqt]:'Ak];Ak];' = Rout, N.,

ABn]Aan]SBn]San]'emL;Em;'(wn];lImiBw],lIsan]:ABn]Aan]SBn]San])' = Lousy: lousy day,

AUn]Aan]pn];nn]:'(SQc]h}:/KUw]/]AUn]Aan]pn];nn]:lUc]kGL,) = Roar, roared, roaring,

AUn]Aan]emL;Em;' = Riot, a noisy violent public disorder, fray,

AUn]Aan]emL;Em;'(mUic];tc];la}AUn]Aan]emL;Em;')' = Uproar, riot, tumult: Nations are in uproar,

AUn]Aan]yuc]:yc]:'[An]tw]kw];yuc]:'{(An]AUn]Aan]yuc]:yc]:yU,nG];hgc]:hUin];lUc]nn].Kw]pQn]Sc]?)' =

Commotion, N. agitation; sedition: What’s all the commotion in the hallway?,


nim]nn].)(Kt];-nim]'sG]nim]') = Unstable, adj.: the unstable, (ant: stable)

AUn]Ag}.Ag}.'nm].mak],kuin];lI' = Juicy, adj.,

AUn]Ag}.Ag}.' = Juicy, adj., succulent, adj. full of juice,

AUn]Ag}.Ag}.'AUn]AUv].AUv].'(nUic];-sqc]'nm].sqc]sqc]')'= Gravy, adj. juicy, adj., (compare to thin gravy),

ABn]:'ABn]:lInBn];lI'eKYL.ygn],'[Am],kqn],/Kqc]/kYam];'{ = Soft, adj., softer, softest,

AUn]:'tgn],'[!AUn]:@k}.yU,sgm];ekLm}.pUk],/mgc]'!tgn],@yU,kU:tI:'{(KUv]tgn],)= Bamboo rat, mole, N.: molehill,

AUn]:Kqc]AUn]Kqc]w}.' cBp].cica}:' kGac]:KGac]' = Flexible,

AUn]:sG]AUn]:eKL;'AUn]:sgp]:sgp]:' = Feeble, physically weak, as from age or sickness; frail., icompetence,

AUn]:tUp].l}:' = Fairly soft,

AUn]:Tum];Tum];'[An]Kam],sL;nG];sG]lqp]:Am],epL;mI;hqc];tQm]lInn].'{ = Moderately weak,

AUn]:nUn];eKYL;lI'[sm].sm].eSmI;nm].kt].tac];lIKqm].nL,'AUn]:ygm]:ygm]:'An]nUn];lI'{ = Delicacy, N.

fineness of texture, quality, etc.; softness; daintiness, delicacies,

ABn]:nbc];sG]' hqc];ABn]:' = Weak,

ABn]:nBn];hiBw].sG]' = Fatigued, tired, weary,

ABn]:nBn];hiBw].sG]' = Worn-out, exhausted, fatigued,

AUn]:ygm]:ygm]:/yum]:yum]:'AUn]:ygm]:ygm]:lI' = Downy, adj. fluffy, soft, downier, downiest,

AUn]:mUin]Kt]:tI,pL,'nUn];Kt]:tI,pL,' = Velvet, adj. also velveted, velvety, adj.,

AUn]:ygm]:ygm]:w}.'pQn]nm].'[hQt];hG]:An]kqn],epL;pQn]nm]./epL;KG]:pQn]nm].nn].'sUim]:'{ = Thaw, to

cause from a frozen to a liquid or semiliquid; melt, thawed, thawing,

AUn]:AUn]:'yQn]Ec:'AUn]:Aun],sG]'AUn]:Agn],' = Tender,

AUn]:AUn]:Agn],' yQn],yQn],Agn],' = Mild, not sharp or strong, gentle,

ABn]:Agn],'(lUm];yQn]Agn],)' sG]yQn]' yQn]'= Gentle, adj., not severe, or violent; mild: a gentle wind,

ABn]:Agn],' sG]yQn]'yQn],Ec:Sibw]:yBw];' = Gentle, adj., polite, moderate, amiable: a gentle manner,

ABn]:Agn],'yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:' yQn],Ec:Sibw]:yBw];' sG]yQn]' = Gently, adv.,

AUn]:Agn],mL;'[ygm];/eKYL./AUn]:mL;'ygm];etL;S'{= Relent, to soften in feeling or tmper, relented, relenting,

AUn]:Agn],el:'ygm];El:eKYL.El:'(yUp]6;29) = Desist, stop, desisted, desisting, relent,

AUp],pUw].SG],'wqn]AUp].pUw].SG],'(mn];wqn]AUp],pUw].SG],nUiw]pUin]:) = Throw oneself on: He threw himself on,

AUp],mUp],'ngn];AUp],mUp],'AUp],pUp],' = Prostrate, prone; to lay flat, prostreated, prostrating,

AUp],mUp],kUm]:' kUm]:AUp],mUp],' AUp],mUp],' = Stoop, stooped down,

AUp];'pik].'Aibt];'pik].Aibt];'pik].pqt]:'Aibt];pqt]:'hBp];'hp];' = Shut, to close or ostruct, shut, shutting,

AUp];hqc]:'m}:hgn].hQw],sgp]:' = Swelter, to oppress with heat; to suffer from oppressive heat, sweltered,

AUm]'[SG],w}.nG];SUp];Am],Auin]lUc];eKL;Am],Aw]Kw]:eKL;'{' = Placed in the mouth,


m];'Aw]etL:lgt],nm].lut],kin]'AUm]kin]mak],AUm]sQm];') = Suck, absorb, extract, inhale, placed inside the mouth,


;'Aw]etL:lgt],nm].lut],kin]'AUm]kin]mak],AUm]sQm];') = Suck, N. a small drink; sip,


Morsel, N. a bite or mouthful of food; a small piece of anything,

AUm]ngc]'[hg};sQp];nG];mI;ngc]'{ = Maturate, to suppurate, maturated, maturating,

AUm]/Agk],ngc]'pQn]/mI;ngc]'[ngc]'hUw]ngc]'{ = Suppuration, N. the process of suppurating; pus,

AUm]pU.'[Aw]yL,pU.SG],SUp];AUm]yqm].lg};lg};{(yL,pU.)' = Chewing betel leaf: betel leaf wrap,

AUm]Auin]'(yL,pg},hG]:luk];lw]AUm]Auin]kw]KL:eSkm];'(SL,69;15')(lin]Auin])) = Close mouth over: Do not let

the pit close its mouth over me,

AUm]Aiun]pqt]:'(l}:Kam],tac];Agc],ep.AUm],Auin]pqt]:yw].)= Swallowed up in: has been swallowed up in victory,

AUm].'kin]'Aam].'[mUiw]:pgn]:Kw]luk]:Agn],lqc]wL:!Aam].mm]:mm]:@'{= Eat, as a baby eats baby solid food, ate, eating,

AUw]eK<' l}:yw].' l}:yU,' l}:yU,Am],pQn]Sc]' lIyw].epL;nn]' = Okay, OK.,

AUw]nn]<'[luk]:sa};yutekL.Sgc]An]l}:sgm];SukUn];mUic];KL,nn],{(cw]:38;4')= Onan, the second son of Judah,

AUw]nam],'[luk]:sa};SUw]pL,l'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:36;23') = Onam, a son of Shobal,

AUw]mL,'[luk]:sa};EA,lifL.'{(cw]:36;11') = Omar, a son of Eliphaz,

AUw]lim];pt].'[kUn];yic];ekL.pQn]kUn];sw]:JPL;nG];mUic];rUw];m'(rUw];16;15){' = Olympas, N. (Ro.16:15),

AUw]eA;Sit].S]'[Pqn],lin]tI:mI;nm].tUn]:m}.KQw]lIsiw];ciw];{' = Oasis, N.,

AUw],pL,l'[luk]:sa};ygk].Tn],'sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],SYqm];'(AI;pL,l'n}ekL:hgc].){(cw]:10;28'1puin];1;22) = Obal, a

son of Joktan and a descendant of Shem, also called Ebal (1 Chr. 1:22),



mun],Aw]Km];tc];Sqc]nn].(1Kun]9;28'1puin];29;4'){'mUic];AUw],Pir' = Ophir, 1. a son of Joktan; 2. a country of

uncertain location, possibly southern Arabia or the eastern coast of Africa, (on the Red Sea), from which gold and precious stones

and trees were brought for Solomon.(1 Kin. 9:28; 10:11; 1 Chr. 29:4),

AUw],mikL,'(eAL;em,kL,) = Omega,


c]EA;lik].nn].eSpQn]tL,yuk].ygc]:!sut].S]@An]pQn]JPL;krik].Kw]mUiw]:kgn],nn].') = Olympic, Also called 

Olympian Games . the greatest of the games or festivals of ancient Greece, held every four years in the plain of Olympia in Elis,

in honor of Zeus.,

AUw],pqt]t}a;y' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-AUw],'){ = Obadiah, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Obad.)],

AUw],PrL,'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];Agn],pqn]<yL,min],'{(eyL;18;23') = Ophrah, a city of the tribe of Benjamin,


yic];TUn]:Sam]'Aa},-yic];TUn]:SI,'AUw]:-yic];TUn]:hL:)sL.kGL,'{= Appellation for the fifth daughter,

AUw]:'[!AUw]:AUw]:@SQc]Aw]hgc].mLhG]:mL;sU;ekL.hgc].mn];'{(AUw]:AUw]:Aa}:Sqw];) = Particle used to calling dog,

AUw];&'(AUw];&'pan]kUn];Am],yum],mat]:eShQt];hgt];lUc]kGL,n}.AUiv];'(mqt]:'17;17') = O, the exclamation “o”:

O unbelieving and perverse generation(Mtt.17:17),

AUw];&' AL;lL;&'[SQc]hgc].eSL,wL:sgm];{'(AUw];Kqm].nL,'AL;lL;&lItUv];nL,')' = Oh,

!AUw];sG]Et.enL'kw]luim];kGL,'kt].kL:tUk],kw]lL:'@= O I totally forgot, thanks for remind me,

AUw];pqt]<' = Obed, [son of Boaz and Ruth, (Ruth 4)],

AUw];pUt].'[tI:kUn];KUiw];AiSer;Kw]pk];pac]Sw];nG];pL,TUin],hUk].luik].lUc]'{(TUin],21;10')' = Oboth,

AUw];PUw],'(Sqc]man],SIla};elL;) = Opal, a national gem stone of Australia,(Category=mineraloid)


;36') = Omer, a Hebrew unit of dry measure equal to the one-tenth of ephah (Ex.16:36),

AUw];rqp],'[hin]puin].Kam],mI;him];pqt]<pL,rL,'{(Sin]7;25'A},10;26') = Oreb, a rock near Beth Barah,

AUw];rqp],'[nG];sw]:fL.kUn];KUiw];mitYin],nn].ekL.nuic]:An]Sum];kan].pn]tp];Suik];kitiAgn],'{(Sin]7;25')= Oreb,

one of two princes of the Midianites defeated by the army of Gideon,

AUw];hqt].'[luk]:sa};SimYin],'{(cw]:46;10')' = Ohad, a son of Simeon,


Kt].mUiw];sgm];mn];hG]:mUiw];sU;kUn];wQc];ekL;elL;eS;Kw]nn].'(Pielmn],1;16'ekL;4;9'){ = Onesimus, useful, a

slave who was converted by the apostle Paul,


2Tim];1;16'4;19'){ = Onesiphorus, an Ephesian Christian who show great kindness to Paul at Rome (2 Tim. 1:16),

Aus'[suiw]:kUn];sa};SI,ekL.El:Pqn]lin]mUic];tI:yUp]<yU,nG];Tm],mkYam];kw],(cw]:10;23'eyL;1;1')'{= Uz, [the name

of four men and the land where Job ived in the Old Testament, (Gen. 10:23; 22:21; 36:28; 1 Chr. 1:17)],

AusL,l'[luk]:sa};ygk].Tn],'{(cw]:10;27') = Uzal, a son of Joktan,

Ausiw]<'[kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};pQn]luk]:sa};KUw]<hqt].'pQn]luc];AL,run],'{(Agk],6;18')' = Uzziel, a Levite, son of Kohath,

Ausiw]<'[kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};pQn]luk]:sa};KUw]<hqt].{(Agk],6;18')' = Uzziel, a Levite, son of Kohath,

Aus};y'[Kun]ehLKm];yutL.pL;Tikw]:{(mqt]:1;8-9') = Uzziah, [ninth king of Judah, (2 King 15:1-7)],


6:1'2Tim];1;5'){ = Eunice, the mother of Timothy, a believing Jewess, but married to a Greek (2 Tim. 1:5),



@n}nn]."{(Agk],28;30')' = Urim and Thummim, Urim and Thummim; objects, possibly made of metal or precious

stones and inscribed with symbols, worn in the breastplate of the high priest and used, perhaps like lots, to determine God's

response to a question answerable by “yes” or “no.” Ex. 28:30.,

Aur};'[luk]:sa};hUiw]<El:pQn]AU:ep,sel,lL.'{(Agk],31;2')' = Uri, a son of Hur and father of Bexaleel,

Aur};y'(sa};)[Kun]Suik];nG];tp].Suik];Kun]ehLet;wit].{' = Uriah, [an officer in David’s army, (II Sam 11.)],

AulL.'[sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],AL;SYL;nn].ekL.nuic]:'{(1puin];7;39') = Ulla, a descendant of Asher,

AUKm];'pgt]:Km];'(Pqn],pgt],Km];)= Gold polishing, dry-cleaning system for cleaning jewelry: gold polishing cloth,

AUcw];'[nm].kt].tac];lI/AkYac].tac];km]An]es;es;sgt],sgt],El:sk];EPw}.eKLeKL'{ = Aura, N. a

distinctive pervasive quality or character; air; atmosphere, auras, aurae,

AUmun]Puc];hqc];'[(lik]:sw]:kac];SiUw]/t};kw],'){ = Majestic, adj., imperia, splendid, mighty,

AUmun]Puc];hqc];'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Majesty, N. a royal personage, majesties, majestic in power,

AUmun]hiUc];'AUmun]hiUc];SG]yUv];yUv];' = Vigorous, adj., flourishing,

AUhiUc];' = Venerable, adj., respected, sacred,

AU,' lgm],' Kgk]:' = Crib, a child bed with enclosed side, stall or pen for cattle,


n],ngn];nG];mn];eSkG}mn];w}kGL,w}mL;l}:nn].'{' = Hammock, N.,

AU,luk]:Agn],'tI:ngn];luk]:Agn],' = Baby Cribs,

AB:' sw]:AU:' sw]:AU:hw];' AU:hw];' epL:' et;' = Father, N.,

AU:' (t};mac],sUiw];hgc].!epL:'@) = Daddy, dad, father,

AU:kQp];Em:kQp];'[pQn]AU:kQp];lQc]./Em:kQp];lQc].{' = Foster parent, N. a foster father or foster mother,

AU:kQp];lQc].'[kUn];sa};ekL.Aw]tI:yU, AU:nn].pn]eSlQc].luk]:pn]{' = Foster father, N. a man who

takes the place of a father in raising a child,

AU:kUn];la}sUiw].la}KUiw];tc];nm]' = Father of many nations,

AU:ekL.An]Aw]tLtUv];Am],hn]l}:' = Father who is unseen,

AB:Kic];pB,mgn],' = Fathers,

AU:cw]:KUiw];hUin];'pU,mgn],'[sQm]pan]pU,pan]mgn],{ = Patriarchs, N. the fathers or patriachs,


Tan]:kUn];Tan]:nuic]:'sL.kGL,'{' = Patriarch, N. a person regarded as the father or founder of an order, class, etc.,

AU:sw]:'epL:sw]:' = Father-in-law,

AU:sw]:El:Em:sw]:' = Father-in-law and mother-in-law,

AU:Suip],'[PUw]An]Em:ekL.nuic]:Aw]wa};mI;mn];{ = Stepfather, N. the husband of one’s mother by a later marriage,

AU:Em:'[ekL.pQn]AU:/Em:'{(nUic];-ekL.Am],sG]:AU:Em:')= Parent, N. adj. a father or a mother,(compare ‘non-patent’)

AU:Em:'AU:lIem:lI'[pQn]/hQt];AU:lIEm:lI'{ = Parent, parented, parenting, adj. N. parenthood,

AU:Em:Et.'[Em:/AU:Agk],Agk],'Em:Et.'{ = Birth parent, birthparent, N. a biological mother (birth

mother) or biological father (birth father),

AU:Em:luk]:lac];tc];hiUn];' kUn];nL:hiBn];ey;' = Household,(a family include its servant)

AU:lqc];mUic];kac]haw]tc];SQc]:'(kYQm];1;17') = Father of heavenly lights, Father of lights,

AU:lgc]:yum],mat]:hw];hL;' AU:tac];yum],mat]:hw];hL;' = Father of our faith,

AU:hw];' AU:kw]'[epL:hw];'epL:kw]'{'(AU:hw];El:Em:hw];)' = My dad: my dad and mom, my father,

AU:Agk],Agk],' = Own father,


nn].'Kgp],wUc];'Kgp],muc];mUn];'muc];mgc].hUm],'{ = Vault, N. an arched structure, hall, room, chamber, usually made of stones,

concrete, or brick; circuit; dome; arch,

AU;mac],mUic];kac]haw]'Kgp],muc];mUn];kac]haw]'(yUp]22) = Vaulted heavens, vault, dome, or circuit of heavens,


;tI:luiw]:hUiw].luiw]:mg}:{' = Garden, N.,

eA'[Em:kp];cw]:tUw]TiSI,nG];Em:kp];cw]:lik]:t};Sip];tUw]nn].'El:(e-)'(-Q)'{ = ‘e’ vowel, in Tai language,

eA'lbk]:Agn]lqc]' = Infant, N. baby, infants,

eAkUiw]<'[luk]:sa};yeK;'pQn]PU:tqm]:Tuc];kGam];ekL.nuic]:'(Tuc];30;1'){ = Agur, son of Jakeh,

eAkqk]<'[Kun]ehLKm];kUn];KUiw];Amlqk].'suiw]:Kun]ehLKm];Sgc]pL;{(TUin],24;7') = Agag, the king of the Amalekites,

eAKn]<'[luk]:sa};KL<m};'ekL.pQn]luk]:sa};sim]ra};'An]pQn]luk]:sa};es;rL,'kUn];KUiw];yutL.'{(eyL;7;1')= Achan,

son of Karmi, the son of Zimri, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah,


Achor, a valley near Jericho where Achan was stoned to death during the time of Joshua,

eASp]:'[kUn];KUiw];lI;wi'(2puin];20;14'SL,50'{ = Asaph, a Levite,

eASUt]<'[wQc];tL:hUiw];nG];es:tgn]:mUic];rUw];mnG];kun]AL,SYL.Agn],'(man],20;13'){ = Assos, a sea-port town

of Romans province in Asia Minor,

eAJtiy'(pac],la}-)(nm].pac],la},eAJtiy)' = Adria, N. the sea of Adria: Adriatic Sea, Adriatic, adj.,

eAJtIAqt].tik].'(nm].pac],la},)'pac],la}eAJtIAqt].tik].' = Adriatic, N., Adriatic Sea,

eApqt].'[wQc];nG];KL,nn],An]EPpn]kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];AiSKL,'{(eyL;19;20') = Ebez, a town in northern

Canaan allotted to the tribe of Issachar; another form of Abez,

eAmUt].'[luk]:sa};nhum];El:pQn]AU:mqt]:TTi'{ = Amos,[the son of Nahum, and father of Mattathias],

EAmtm]<'[luk]:sa};EA;El:pQn]AU:KUw]<Sqm]<'(luk].3;28){ = Elmadam,[the son of Er, and father of Cosam,],


cw]:10;22')' = Aram, a descendant of Shem, the name of four men and one region; Biblical name of ancient Syria,



KL:kYam];SL,lam],kn]puk]:60){' = Aram Naharaim, the northern section of the land between the Tigris and the

Euphrates Rivers. Psalm 60 refers to David’s war with two districts of Syria: Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah (Psalm 60, title),


mac]pgk]:pQn]KQn]mac]pgk]:pQn]]nn].'kUn];KUiw];eArm]{ = Aramean, Aramaean; Aramaic. an ancient desert people

who flourished along with the Israelites during much of their history, sometimes as enemies and sometimes as friend,

eA,'eA,nL,'[km]:pL:eA,'{'eA,Sut];' = Few, adj. less, fewer, fewest,

eA,'eA,nL,'[km]:pL:eA,'{'eA,Sut];' = Few, adj. less; low, fewer, fewest,

eA,'eAeA,'ek,ek,'Ait];Agt];'tan],tan],mn];kUv];' = Few, adj. N. not many but more than one,

eA,'Ait];niuc]:'(sBw]:wBc]:sBw]:Kaw];la}wn];) = Few, N.: a few days,

eA,k'[4,840kqk].pn],mUn];'0.405hqk].TUiw],'(640eA,kn}.mUin]kn]nuic]:lk];pn],mUn];){' = Acre, N.

equals 4,840 sq.yd.; or 0.405hectare; (640 acres equals one square mile), acres,

eA,Sli'[luk]:sa};nk].Ek;El:pQn]AU:en,hm],'(luk].3;25){ = Esli,[the son of Naggai, and father of Nahum,],

eA,sIKgm]prqt].SL,' = AC Compressor,

eA,Sut];' tqm],Sut];' vam].Sut];' = Lowest, least, fewest,

eA,Sut];'(Kt];kn]-nm]Sut];)' = Least, smallest amount or degree,(ant: most, greatest)


n];' = Minimum, N. least, lowest, minimums, minima, minimum, adj.,(ant: maximum),


.eA,Sut];etL,yG],lUc]nm]Sut];' = Least to greatest: from the least of them to the greatest,

eA,eS' = Less, less than, lesser,

eA,eSAgn],eS' = Lesser, less than,

eA,mac]kGL,' eA,Sut];' = Fewer, fewest,


= Thin out, become reduced or diminished; test out: The crowd is thinning out; I will thin them out, or test them out for you,

eA,mL,nBv],lL.' JPL;sw]:mI;sgm];hw];' = Emmanuel, Immanuel, God with Us,

eA,mUit].' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-eA'){ = Amos, [a book of Bible,(abr.: Amos)],

eA,mgt].'(wan]:him];ey,ruSlqm],'lukL, 24;13)' = Emmaus,(a village near to Jerusalem, Lk 24:13 )

eA,rL,wtI,' kQw]' nm].kQw]' = Irrawaddy, Irrawassy river,

eA,hqt].s' [luk]:sa};yUw];Tm],{ = Ahaz, [a son of Jotham,(2 King 15:38)],

eA,hut].'[Kun]Tt];Sin]AiSer;'suiw]:sa};Sgc]nG];kYam];kw],'{(Sin]3;15') = Ehud, one of the judges of Israel,

eA,Aqt].S]eA,'[sum];mk];kL:Kn]mn];pn]nG];AEm,rikn],{ = ASA, (the American Society of Appraisers)

eA,eA,'Ait];Ait];'(Kt];-nm]nm]') = Less, adj. adv. N., (ant: more,), little, least,

eA,eA,' Am],epL;nm]' = Small amount,

eA,eA,eSpUin]:'(tI:eA,eA,eSpUin]:n}.') = Lesser, (to a lesser extent,),

eA,JAL,Aqm],pin],pQn]l}:' = Convertible ARM,


w]:wL:tI:PU:sa};!sa};/Aa}:'Aa}:lqc]@')= Appellation for baby girl, girl, or young woman,

eA;'(Am],tgn].hn]tgn].vL;eA;'sG]:yU,hL.eA;?'lIyU,hL.eA;?'An]lG]lIeA;?'mL;El:eA;'Kqm].nL,eA;')' =

Huh, interjection.(used as an exclamation of surprise, bewilderment, disbelief, contempt, or interrogation.), huh?

eA;srL,' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-eA;s'){ = Ezra, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Ezra.)],

eA;tL.'[luk]:sa};AI;eSL;El:eA;tL,'(cw]:36;2'){' = Adah, the wife of Esau, and the mother of Eliphaz,

eA;nL.'[suiw]:yic];tc];kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:36;2') = Anah, the name of one woman and two men,


Suffix used in a statement sentence that someone is charming, pleasing, amusing, etc., means it’s

so nice or bad: Stewed mustard soup is so delicious; this corpulent boy is so lovely; Yeah, it was so,


= Suffix used in a statement sentence that someone is boring, disagreeable, mean, nasty, etc.: Not

me; No, not like that; he supposed not to do that; a nasty habit,

EA'[Em:kp];cw]:tUw]TihL:nG];Em:kp];cw]:lik]:t};Sip];tUw]nn].'El:(E-)'(-q)'{ = ‘ae’ vowel, in Tai language,

EA'tUn]:En' = Plant growing in damp places having an edible tuber,


') = Ezion Geber, the last stopping place of people of Israel before they reached Kadesh,

EATeK<'[wQc];lqn]lin]kUn];KUiw];tqn]<An]tm];w}.pn]tL,kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};'{(eyL;19;44') = Eltekeh, a

town of the tribe of Dan assigned to the Levites,

EAl]SYL.ta};'(kGam];lat]:eh,ERp;)[suiw]:JPL;sw]:nG];kGam];lat]:yut{ = El Shaddai,(Hebrew), El-Shsddai,


:Agk],kn]eSnp].kGL,nn].'{(sn].hQn];EAlkYI,RpL,') = Algebra, N.: algebra classes, algebraic, adj.,

EA,spun],'[luk]:sa};kqt]<'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:46;16')' = Ezbon, a son of Gad,

EA,TKun],'[wan]:nG];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;59') = Eltekon, a village in the hill country of Judah,

EA,Tult].'[wQc];pgt];san];mUic];yutAn]tm];pn]SimYin],'{(eyL;15;30')= Eltolad, a town in southern Judah,

EA,nAim];'[wan]:Tuc].lin]pQc];nG];mUic];yut{(cw]:38;14) = Enaim, a village in the lowland of Judah; Enam,

EA,pqt]<tG]:'[Agc]:tI:yLkup]:hQt];KQc],tac];lU,JPL;w}.nG];wQc];pqt]<tG]:'{(cw]:35;7') = El Bethel, El-bethel,

EA,ep,rit].'[JPL;ep,rit].'{(Sin]9;46') = El-Berith, the god of Berith,

EA,Prn]'[Agc]:tI:nG];pL,hat],Sa};hqc];lUc]Prn]'{(cw]:14;6')= El Paran, a place in the wilderness of Paran,



kun]AL,SYL.nn]."{' = Epenetus, N. a Christian at Rome, formerly from Asia, to whom Paul sent his

salutation,(Ro.16:5). He was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia, Epaenetus,


eAL,EA,nL,'{ = Crybaby, N. a person, especially a child, who cries readily for very little reason; a person who

complains too much, usually in a whining manner,

EA,lkL,nL.' = Elkanah,[1Sa 1:1]

EA,leKnL.'[luk]:sa};KUw]<rL,'suiw]:kUn];sa};pqt],ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(Agk],6;24')'= Elkanah, a son of Korah,

EA,lsPn],'[luk]:sa};Ausiw]<'{(Agk],6;22') = Elzaphan, Elizaphan, a son of Uzziel,

EAl]kla}<'[ep.S]kU:mQw];mI;la}la}mQw];nn].{' = Alkali, N. any of various base,


){' = Alkaline, adj. of or all like an alkali; capable of neutralizing an acid; Base are alkaline,

EA,lL,sL,' [KUiw];pU,mgn],sw]:ey,Su{ = Eleazar, [son of Eliud and one the ancestors of Jesus,(Mt 1:15)],

EA,lL,el;[wQc];nG];mUw];Aqp],Pa},Agk],hgc]:eyL;tan],{(TUin],32;3')= Elealeh, city of Moab east of Jordan river,

EA,lqk].sn];tL;lUc]'[Kun]ehLKm];mUic];mqk],sI,tUw];niy(kpK356-323){' = Alexander the Great, N.

356-323b.c, king of Macedonia,


= Alexandria, N., the ancient metropolis of lower Egypt,


w]:nn].'(mak].15;21'){ = Alexander,a man whose father, Simon the Cyrenian, bore the cross of Christ (Mark 15:21),

EA,lifL.'[luk]:sa};AI;eSL;El:eA;tL.'(cw]:36;2-4'){' = Eliphaz, a son of Esau and Adah,

EA,elSL,'[mUic];nG];es:tgn]:mqt],SUw],pUw],et;miy'{(cw]:14;1') = Ellasar, a Mesopotamian country,

EA,la};SYpL.'[em;AL,run],'pQn]luk]:yic];Amintqp].'{(Agk],6;23')'= Elisheba, the wife of Aaron,

EA,l]AI;tI,' = LED, light-emitting diode, (light LED with battery),

EA;'[luk]:sa};eyL;SuEl:pQn]AU:EAmtm]<'(luk].3;28){ = Er, the son of Joshua, and father of Elmadam,

EA;ngn]<'/AL,nbn],'(wQc];)'EA;ngn],' = Aenon,

EA;ra};'[luk]:sa};kqt]<ekL.TUn]:hL:'pQn]PU:Agn]hUw]kUn];KUiw];EA;ra};'{(cw]:46;16'TUin],26;36) = Eri, the fifth

son of Gad,


n],nn].{'(kYO;lat]:kGam];krik].') = Hellenist, N., Hellenistic, adj. Greek-speaking: Hellenistic Jews,

EA.'EA.EA.'[mUiw]:KG]:hG]:luk]:Agn],lqc]KI:wL:!EA.ES.@'{= Evacuate baby’s excrement, feces, or poo,

SYI;SYi'[mUiw]:KG]:hG]:luk]:Agn],lqc]yQw]:wL:!SYI;SYiSYI;SYi@'{ = To urinate a baby, pee,


= Alkali,any of various bases, the hydroxides of the alkali metals and of ammonium, that neutralize acids to form salts and

turn red litmus paper blue.,

eA<niy'[sa};kUn];ta}Pak],yU,wQc];lit].tekL.pI,tUiw],yLKqn];'(man],9;34'){ = Aeneas, N.,


Cough, to expel air from the lungs with a harsh noise, often involuntarily, coughed, coughing

A}'A}AUk].KUk].'(An]-)[SQc]A}'An]naw]El:A}'{ = Cough, N. the act or sound of coughing; an illness,

A}Kak],'(An]-)[kYam],Aw]KI,tUiw],nG];kUc]eKL;Agk],El:A}SQc]emL;hqc];'{= Hawk, N. a noisy effort to clear the throat,

A}Kqk].Kqk]./Kqk];Kqk];'(An]-)[A}Am],Tat],Am],wa};nn].'{ = Cough constantly,

A}lin]:'(An]-)[A}TUv]:sG]hUit],/TUv]:sG]Am],KG]:l}:'{= Losing breath coughing, shortness in breath cough,

A}hqc]:'A}hqc]:A}hgc]'(An]-)[A}Am],Agk],pL;Sc]mL;sgm];'Am],Agk],KI:tUiw],Sc]'{= Dry cough, N. a cough not

accompanied by expectoration; a nonproductive cough,

A}hut],'(An]-)[A}KI:muk]:yg}./KU:lc]tn]/hUv],tLlqc]/mI;lUm];naw]'sL.kGL,'{= Whooping cough,


TUin],21;11')' = Iye Abarim, Ije Abraim; a place where the Israelites stopped on the southeastern frontier of Moab,

A},es<y' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-A},'){= Isaiah, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Isa.)],

A},es<y'(perL;Pqt]:)(kYam];-')(A},es;y' AiSL,yL.) = Isaiah,

A},SUw]mqt].JTik].'(An]hqc];taw].kn]tan],kn]) = Isometric, of having equality of measure,

A},run],'[wQc];np].Tla};An]mI;tp].Kam],tuik];Kqt],EKw}.'{(eyL;19;38') = Iron, a fortified city of Naphtali,

A},AIsL,'kUn];KUiw];A},AIsL,'[sac]:pQn]KUiw];lQw]kn]tc];ey,AIsL,'{(TUin],26;30')= Iezer, Iezerites, a

form of Jeezerites (1 Chr. 7:18); two Old Testament men,

A};sk].'(Aisk].) = Isaac, a son of Abraham and Sarah, and father of Jacob,[Gen 21:1-4]

A}<Kgn];nYim]<'[wQc];cw]:mUic];mUic];likaw]<niy'(man],13;51)'{ = Iconium, the capital of ancient Lycaonia,

Aa}' emLAa}'AL;nL,' Am],ht];' = Shy, hesitant, reluctant, timid,

Aa}' emLAa}' = Shy, shied, shying,

Aa}' emLAa}' AL;nL,' Am],ht];' = Shy, adj. N. hesitant, reluctant, timid, shier, shiest,

Aa}'Aa}mn];'Aa}mQn]/hgm]'[sG]hU.An]l}:nUm]Aa}mn];'{ = Smell, N. the sense of smell; odor; scent,

Aa}' Aa}kGn];' Aa}kGn];tuv];tuv];' Aa}Tat]:' = Vapor, N., vapour,

Aa}'(kw]lat]:lgc]:n}.pn]tL,hG];SUepL;emLAa}nn].yw].)' = Shame, (I say this to your shame.(1Cor. 15:34)),

Aa}eKL:SUp];kGam];'[AL;nL,El:Am],ht];lat]:'Aa}El:Am],ht];Aup],'{'= Hesitate to say, shy to talk to,

Aa}Kuin],'Kiun],'Aa}Kiun],kuik].kuik].'(Aa},Kiun],mQn]kn];f};m}:Aa}yac]rp],pL,)' = Acrid, adj. exceedinly caustic:

acrid smoke from burning rubber, acrid smoke,

Aa}Kiun],Kqw];'(Aa}Kiun],Kqc];kaGc]/Ep.')'mI;Aa}Kiun],Kqw];' = Musk, N.: musk deer, must goat, musky, adj.,

Aa}Sqw]'mQn]' mQn]ca},ca},' = Odor, N. a disagreeable smell,

Aa}tU,Aa}nw]:' = Stench, odor, (Ex 5:21; 8:14)

Aa}nm].' = Mist, vapor,

Aa}nm].kum]:Sum],' mUw];' = Misty, murky, foggy,

Aa}nm].kum]:Sum],mUic];mUw];' = Haze, cloudy air,

Aa}nm].kum]:Sum],mUic];mUw];'(Aa}nm].kum]:Sum],nL:fL.mUic];mUw];') = Hazy, misty, (hazy weather),

Aa}nm].muik];'muik];'(nG];lUm];mI;Aa}nm].muik];w}.)'(Am],epL;muik];)' = Moisture, N.: moisture in the air; less moisture,

Aa}nm].Aun],'[tc]:/tUm]:nm].PUt].El:Agk],Aa}mn];mL;nn].{ = Steam, N. water changed to vapor by boilling,


n]:yU,tik];tik];')'(nUic];-nL:Am],Aa}tLAm],Kan].') = Qualm, N. an uneasy feeling to conduct; a sudden sensation;

compunction: He has no qualms about lying, (compare ‘no or without qualm)


n]l}:Agc],nn].')' = Qualm, N. a sudden feeling of apprehensive uneasiness: a sudden qualm about the success,

Aa}piw]Kuin]:'Sa}piw]Kiun]:'(Aqt].sI,TUn]<n}.pQn]nm].sUim]:sac]:pQn]Aa}piw]Kiun]:)' = Volatile, evaporating

rapidly,(Acetone is a volatile solvent),

Aa}piw]Kuin]:' Sa}piw]Kiun]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Volatility,

Aa}f};/P};'kGn];'kn];'(kn];f};'kGn];f};')'Aa}mn];' = Smoke, N., steam, smog, vapor,

Aa}mQn]'mQn]' mQn]ca},ca},'Aa}Sqw]' = Odor, N. a disagreeable smell; unpleasant smell,

Aa}lqt],'[lqt],Am],Tgc],vL;l}:Aa}Aun],mn];{(nUic];Aa}f};/P};') = Heat of the sun, (compare ‘heat of fire’)

Aa}hiun];hqc];' Aa}mQn]huin];'(Aa}mQn]huin];Pk];mI,PUik],)' = Redolent, adj. odorous, fragrant,(redolent of garlic),

Aa}hgm]'hgm]'Aa}'(Aa}hgm]mgk],nqc];SI,')'Sa}Sqw]' = Scent, N.: the scent of rose, scents,

Aa}hgm]'Sa}kGam];'nm].wan]'[tac];wan]/tac];hgm]mn];mI;w}.eKLeKL'nm].kt].mn];eKLeKL'{ = Savor, N. a particular

taste or smell; distinctive quality,

Aa}hgm]hUv];' A}ahgm]' = Aroma, N., fragrant or sweet-scented, aromatic, adj.,

Aa}hgm]hUv];mqn]:sG]Tuk],sG]sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;'(lI;wa};1;9'TUin],15)= Aroma pleasing to the LORD,

Aa}hgm]hUin];' = Home scents,

Aa}hgm]Aa}hiun];' = Fragrance, perfume, sweet smelling,

Aa},'m}.Aa},'[m}.eAL:'{ = Reed, N. kind of reed or large tall grass mush used in making thatch, reeds,


tI:kUn];yic];!eA;'eA;nac];'eA;lqc]@')= Appellation for baby boy, boy, or young man,


;eP;An]pQn]f};cra};lUc]nn].Am],hac].yw]."(mqt]:tiw];'5;22'){ = ‘You fool’, [But anyone who says, ‘You

fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.(Mtt 5:22)],

Aa}:Snaw];'kBn];pqt]:la}' = Good-for-nothing, scum, person who is good-for-nothing,

Aa}:tuiw]Aa}:tn]' Aa}:kGa};tuiw]' = Ruffian, N., a tough, lawless person, bully,

Aa}:TUw].'Aa}:AUin]Aan]'[suiw]:lQn]:An]k}.tac],pn]luk]:Agn],cUiw]:cL./nLTuiw]/miun]Kuiw]tuiw]'{ = Nickname

given to a stupid child, e.g. dunce, dumdum, birdbrain (whether affectionately or derogatorily),

Aa}:pUiw],'[suiw]:lQn]:An]k}.tac],pn]kUn];sa};ekL.yUw];nL,yUw];wL:yUw];Am],mI;Ser,Sc]'{ = Nickname given to

a person of very ordinary abilities, e.g. lowbrow (whether affectionately or derogatorily),

Aa}:lqc]' luk]:Agn]lqc]'Agc]:Ec;' = Baby,

Aa}:lgt];'lgt];'(lan]sa};AL,RpL,hm],) = Lot,(nephew of Abraham Gen.13:1-12)


;-la};hgc].suiw]:wL:tI:Em:yic];!AI,/eA;/nac];@') = General appellation for boy or young man,

Aa};y'[AU:risPL.em;ng}.Kun]ehLKm];eSL;l'{(cw]:36;24'2Sqm];3;7')= Aiah, the father of Rizpah,

Aa};yL,lun],[suiw]:wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];AiSer;nG];kYam];kw],{(eyL;10;12')= Aijalon, the name of two cities in Israel; a

form of Ajalon (Jdg.1:35),

Aa};yim];'[suiw]:tI:pk];pac]Sw];tI:nuic]:El:suiw]:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;29') = Iyim, the name of an

encampment and a city in the Old Testament; Iim; Ijim,

Aa};yUin];' lQk];' = Iron,

Aa};Aqn]'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];yutmI;pgt];san];Sut];Sut];'suiw]:Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;32') = Ain, a town,

Aa};Aqn]'[tI:nG]:Pqn],lin]KL,nn],pgt];sQc],hgc],wn];tUk];'{(TUin],34;11')= Ain, a place in northwest Canaan,

Aa}.SRKim];'[tac];kin]Kgc]wan]An]hQt];w}.hG]:km]:mUin]nm].Kqc]kUv];Am],Kqc]kqn],kqk];kqk];{'= Ice cream, N. ice-cream,

Aa}<'[suiw]:wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:12;8'eyL;7;2') = Ai, the name of two cities in the Old Testament,

Aa}<tI,yiUw]<' pa};wBn].'van],' = Idea

Aa}<rt].'[lan],sa};KQn]<'{(cw]:4;18')' = Irad, a grandson of Cain,

Aa}<yln]<'[suic]:mUic];'{ = Ireland, N. adj. Republic or Ireland. Irish Eire,

Aa}<ram],'[Kun]KUiw];lQn]kn]tc];kUn];KUiw];AI<tum],'{(cw]:36;43') = Iram, an Edomite clan chief,

Aa}<rit].SY]'[kUn];yU,nG];mUic];Aa}<yln]<'{ = Irish, N. adj. the inhabitants of

eAL'KQt],eAL'[tqc],SQc],tqm],tqm],hgc].mUin]KQt],{ = Croak, to utter a low-pithed, as sound of frog, croak, N.,

eALlIkLKI<'[la};pUic]An]Aw]sum];kUn];eA,eA,nn].eSAup].pUic],{ = Oligarchy, N., oligarchies,


n]mn];l}:nn].{'KUic]:eAL,kqn],' = Organ,(Biology),

eAL,kqn],'[KUic]:h},tuic]:Aw]m}.Eh./m}.eAL:hQt];'KUic]:eAL,kqn],f};fL.{' = Organ, also called pipe organ,


Organism, N. a form of life considered as an entity; an animal, plant, fungus, protistan, or moneran ,

eAL,kqn];nik].'[mI;pL;KUic]:sL,tikw],kw],mn];{'(Kt];-Ain]eALkqn];nik].')= Organic, adj. (Chemistry),

(ant: inorganic), inherent, fundamental,

eAL,tL,nQt].tL,'[KUic]:hQt];Agk],f};fL.PUiw],w}.pn]'{' = Alternator, a generator of alternating current,

eAL,tUw],Ker,SI<' = Autocracy,

eAL,SI;SYL;'(es:tgn]:) = Ossetia, (S Ossetia is in the Georgian, N Ossetia is Russia),

eAL,EA,nL,'[kUn];ekL.k}.Kac];nL,AL;lL;eSh}:Auit].Auit].nn].'EA,yqm].'{ = Crybaby, N. a person who

complains too much, usually in a whining manner,

eAL:' eAL:KL:' sG]:eAL:' sG]:yw].' mqn]:yw].' sG]:KL:eAL:'sG]:yU,' AUiw]:' = Yes,

eAL:kw]KL:mI;kL:n}:eAL:' hUiw]kw]mI;kL:n}:AUiw]:' = Here I am!

!eAL:KL:'eAL:'sG]:eAL:'sG]:KL:eAL:'@n}epL;KUiw];KUiw];yG];yG];' =‘Yeses’ planned out,

eAL:-sG]:-kw]luim];Et.mG];' eAL:-sG]:-vLetluim];yw].' = Oh yeah, I forgot; Oh yeah,

almost forgot,


;sgm];tac];mI;es,tnL,sG]AQt];lU{'(eAL:tI:KL:sw]:'(AUiw];sc],wL:'hG]:Kw]...')' = O, Oh,


eAL;kStt].)' = Augustus, also called Octavian (before 27b.c.), first Roman emperor: Caesar Augustus,

eAL;sn};'[kUn];pL;nG];sum];KUiw];kqt]<ekL.nuic]:'{(TUin],26;16')' = Ozni, a member of the tribe of Gad,

eAL;sL,' eAL;sL,hUm],cm];' = Influence,

eAL;sL,'(AL,nL,)' = Authority, (power)

eAL;sL,Pa},ngk]:hUm],cm];'(An]-)(pQn]miUw]:PQw]:lin]lG]'Em;hiUn];lG]') = Externalities,

Authority, permission to act, power to act, (power) = eAL;sL,'eAL;sL,AL,nL,'hqc];eAL;sL,AL,nL


eAL;sL,yG],'(Sak]:eS,An]mI;eAL;sL,yG],)'mI;eAL;sL,yG],' = Preponderant, adj. predominant,

prepondence, N.:prepondence of evidence,

eAL;sL,yG],' = Preponderant,

eAL;sL,yG],lUc]Sak]:eS,' hqc];eAL;sL,yG],Sak]:eS,'(nm].nk];Sak]:eS,An]Am],Aic]niUw]tac];nm]

Sak]:eS,'kUv];Aic]nm].kt].mn];Aw]nn].) = Preponderance of the evidence, the greater weight of evidence,

not as to quantity but as to quality,

eAL;sL,hUm],cm];Am],mqn];wgc],' = Undue influence, -Abusing or misusing a position of trust to overcome

a person’s will, usually to the benefit of the person exerting the improper control.

eAL;sL,AL,nL,yG],'tiUw].ym],lInL,'hqc];yG],nL,nL,'AL,nL,yG],' = Powerful, adj.,

eAL;sL,AL,nL,An]JPL;sw]:Et,tc]:pUk];pgc]pn]w}.' = Authority that God has established,

eAL;SJTI;y'(miUc];) = Austria,

eAL;SeJT;liy'(siuc]:miUc];'miUc];) = Australia,

eAL;SG],mUt];' = All in,

eAL;JTOw],'[pgt];tgn]:SQc]h},tuic]:Kgt],ygt]:lUp];lc]luin];Sut];{'lUp];luin];' = Outro, N. an instrumental

passage that concludes a piece of music,

eAL;pL,'(nac];yic];) = Orpah, [wife of Chilion, (Ruth 1)],

eAL;mUt];' SG],mUt];' eAL;SG],mUt];' = All in, (Texas Hold’em)

eAL;em,kL,' (AUw]mikL,) = Omega,

eAL;lwin];(Sqc]-/hin]-)'[mI;SIKQw]mak],San],lun],KQw]la}mQw];etL,SIKQw]mUn],mUn],w}.nn].){' = Olivine, N. a

group of magnesium iron silicates,(Mg,Fe)2 SiO4, occurring in olive-green to gray green,

eAL:wL:tI:&'wL:tI:&'[Aw]hgc].mUiw]:t};etEt,hQt];kGam];mak],kn]/kGam];t};kw],{' = Greetings! Hi! Hello!,}mL,(erL;kL,)'[pQn]Am],epL;KG]:hU.Sc]pqt]:{ = Alzheimer’s disease, N. a common form of dementia,

eAL.Agk],'hak]:Agk],'[hak]:'tUn].hak]:Agk],'{' = Puke, to vomit, puked, puking,


k].'(nUiw].AUk];)@{ = Chest, N.(Anatomy),

Auik];puik];'[eKL:lup];lc]mUiw]:KG]:lat]:lgc]:mn];tQm]epL;lUn].nn].'tQm]Auik];puik];'{= Imperative affix, used to

express that it is containing all that can be held; filled to utmost capacity,


cL.') Stupid, adj., dull; stubborn: being stupid, stupidity, N.,

Auik].'Auik].kin]'Auik].nuic]:/lQw]'(mn];tUn]kin]pI,yL,nn].tc];tw]:Auik].lQw]') = Gulp, N. the act of

gulping; swig: He drank the whole bottle of beer in one gulp, gulping,

Auik].Auik].'[kUn];kuin];Auik].Auik].'pg};kuin];Auik].Auik].'{= Imperative affix, used to express that it is crowded,

packed, or filled to capcity,

Auic]puic]'[kG]:Auic]puic]'kG]:Aun]lun]'kG]:epL;puiw]lUc]w}.'{ = Bulge, to swell or bend outward, bulged, bulging,

Auic]lgm],'[kUv]/lgm],/pQt]:kUn]:pQn]SI,sQc],pak],mUn];/SI,sQc],'{ = Wicker basket, N.,

Auic]:'[tQk];hQt];hG]:Agk],mL;nG];hU;/kUc]m}.'{tuic]:SG],'(Auic]:hU;tgn],) = Force or drive out, cause to come out,

Auic];Aac]:' Kac].Kak]:' = Toad,

Auic].Auic].'emL;Kuc]:Kuc]:'emL;RKioc]:RKoic]:'Kuc]:Kuc]:/RKioc]:RKoic]:' = Rumble, rumbled, rumbling,

Auit],'[Auit],SQc]h}:'{(Kan].yin];luk]:Agn],Auit],SQc]h}:Am],emLtQt],')= Make a prolonged sound as a

crying chil, or a resounding gong,

AUit],lUit],'tuic],Auic];huic];'[kG]:AUit],lUit],/tuic],Auic];huic];'{ = Bloat, to expand or distend as with air,

water, etc.,; cause to swel, bloated, adj. swollen, bloat, N. also called hoven; a person or thing that is bloated,

Aibt];'pik].'pik].Aibt];'pik].pqt]:'Aibt];pqt]:'hBp];'hp];'AUp];' = Shut, to close or ostruct, shut, shutting,

Auit];KU:lc]Aw]ta}'[Aw]ta}lUv]:An]Auit];eh./Eh.Sa}Sut],TUv]:sG]nn].{' = Stifle, to kill by

impeding respiration; smother, stifled, stifling,


= Muzzle, to retrain from the speech: The censors muzzled the press, muzzled, muzzling, muzzle, N.: I will put a

muzzle on my mouth,

Auit];SUp];mG];w}.El:'yL,emL;Em;'yL,SUp];nm]'(Kt];-puit],SUp];puit],pak],lat]:'lat]:')= Shut one’s

mouth, shut your mouth; to be quiet; conceal; retain,(ant: open one’s mouth; express; speak)

Aibt];tac]; = Roadblock,

Aiut];pUk].tL' = Blindfolded,



L:l}:'){' = Air lock, N. vapor lock; airlock; air-lock; an airtight,

Auit];w}.'Km]w}.' = Choke, choked, chocking,


= Impose economic sanction on,


hqt].sp];kn]w}.mUin]pQn]tgk],sum]:w}.nn].'{' = Seal, to fasten or close tightly as if by a seal, sealed, sealing,

Auit];eh.'[kit],tac];'Eh.'{' = Hamper, to hold back; hinder; impede: your steps will not be hampered, hampered,

Auit];eh.' eh.' Eh.Auit];tac];' = Impede, obstruct, hinder, impeded, impeding,



.np].Sgn],wL:pQn]An]Aiut];Eh.kan]kL.kU;'n}yU,yw].') = Block Trade, A trade so large that the normal

auction market can not absorb it.

Aibt];].tac];' = Block, barrier, deter, hinder, jam,

Auit];Eh.ham]:'[sc],sG]Eh.tac];'hG]:kuit];sUiw]:w}.'{ = Stonewall, to block or stall intentionally, stonewalling,

Aiun]'AUm],Auin]'Auin]pqt]:'Auin]kin]' = Swallow, swallowed, swallowing,

Auin]kin]wUw],wap],'[Auin]:nqt]:'Auin]Kw]:km];yG],{(mn];Auin]kin]Kw]:mn];wUp],wap],epL;tan],kUn];Auip];") = Gulp,

to swallow eagerly, in large drafts or morsels: He gulps down his food like a starving man, gulp down, gulp, N.,


w]."@(Kuin];19;21')'St].S}:' = Gorge, to stuff with food; to swallow, especially greedily: the vultures all gorged

themselves on the dead bodies; all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh, gorged, gorging,

Auin]kin]wUp],wap],'Agk],kuin];nL,' = Engorge, to swallow greedily; glut or gorge, engorged, engorging,


:hG]:ep,sG]kw]'(Agk],15;9') = Gorge on, be satisfied upon, or be gratified against: I will gorge myself on them; my lust may

satisfied upon them; my desire shall be gratified against them,

Aiun]Puit],'Auin]yap],[sac]:pQn]tI:nG];SUp];'mUk],/AQn]lgt],eKL;'kUc]eKL;{= Dysphagia, N.difficulty in swalling,

Aibn]mak]:mQt];' kgc].mak]:mQt];' = Hook up, hook,

Aiun];'Auin];Auin];'Auin];luk]:Agn],'(kGam];Aiun];luk]:Agn],ngn];)= Soothe, bring calm or comfort: soothing

sleep song for children; lullaby; lull]


Lull, to put to sleep or rest soothing means; to soothe or quiet: the lull a child by singing, lulled, lulling,

Auip];'hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]eStgc].m}:w}.' = Go hungry, grow weak and hungry, starving,

Auip];'(lgc]:-/An]-/)'(Kam],Auip];eSEnkac]s'G])'(mUic];km],PL,An]lgt]:tac];Auip];)' = Hunger, a shortage

of food: hunger strike, a world without hunger,

Aiup];Kw]:/nm];/tac];kin]'[Auip];Kw]:nm].tac];kin]{ = Deprived of food, undernourished; malnourished,

Aiup];ta}'[etta}ygn].Am],mI;Kw]:nm].tac];kin]AhL,rL.tQm]TUn]:{= Starve, dying of hunger, starved, starving,

Aiup];nUm];'[Am],l}:kin]nUm];Em:{ = Deprived of mother’s milk,

Auip];S}:epL;lUit]:'(Auip];S}:epL;lUit],wa};Kuin]:lg})= Famished, adj. extremely hungry: to be famished after a hike,

Auip];yak]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Misery,

Aibp];yak]:kgt];Pan]Kan]sG]' = Needy, extremely poor, impoverished, poverty-stricken,

Auip];yak]:kgn];Pan]Kan]sG]nL,nL,'(An]-) = Fill of poverty, have poverty enough or in plenty,

Auip];yak]:kgt];Pan],tqn],nak]:mc]SG](tac];-/lgc]:-/)' = Poverty-stricken,

Aibp];yak]:kgt];Pan]'Auip];yak]:Kan]sG]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Poverty, N. scantiness; insufficiency,

Auim]tuim];'cuip];Auim]tuim];'cuip];miut];mUw];tn]' = Cloudy and humid,


:tUk];sG]Aam];Aw]'sL.kGL,'Tgm],sgm];nc],la};tqc],SQc]lat]:Agk],mn];nn].eSAw]tI:pgc],mn];{' = Aha, (interjection)

uased as an exclamation of triumph, mockery, contempt, irony, surprise, etc., according to the manner of utterance,


Kw]:sG]pL;sG]'skGL,')' = Um, umm, interjection. (used as an expression of doubt, hesitation, deliberation, interest, etc.),

Auiw]:'kUn];Auiw]:''[kUn];nL:lUim]:{ = Brown-nose, to curry favor; fawn over, bron-noser, N. a toady; sycophant,

AUik],'AUik],kUm],'(kG}a;AUik],kUm],kic]:kGL,kic]:mL;)= Wallow, to roll about or lie in water, snow, dust, or the like as for

refreshment: wallow in mud, roll from side to side, wallowed, wallowing, wallow, N. an act of instance of wallowing,

AUik];AUik];Ak];Ak];'(hgc].-)(hgc].AUik];AUik];Ak];Ak];')= Shouted in a loud confused sound,


kGL,tc];mUt];mI;?????wan]:') = District, N. a subdivisions of a country or town; village district,

AUic],' AUic],nm].'ngc]Agn],' = Pond, pool,

AUic],KUiw]kGa};'[nm]./kum],/Auc]tI:kGa};AUik],'{ = Wallow, N. a place in which animals wallow,

AUic],es:tgn]:'[nL:tI:lin]/nm].kGac]:kGac]:'es:tgn]:'{(Pqn],lin]AUic],es:tgn]:Sip];AUic],') = Tract, N. an

expane or area of land, water, etc.; region: ten tracts of land,

AUic],lgk];'ngc]Agn],' = Pool, N., pools,

AUic],nm].'AUic],KUiw](AUic],KUiw]kGa};)'AUic],lgk];'ngc]nm].'ngc]Agn],' = Pool, N.: water buffalo pool,

AUic],lgk];tI:l}:sun].nm]' =“High-risk-pool”(insurance),



TUm]hUm],tUm];pn]lgc]:An]n}.nG];pI<2014nn].{' = Temporary “High-risk-pool,”

AiUc],Aac]'yiuw]:yiut];'[sUuic],sI:sUic],sac]'AUic],AI:AUic],Aac]'{ = Toss, reel; totter, tossed, tost, tossing,

AUic],Aac]'[AUic],Aac]Agc],Aqc]sgm];hgn]nm].pUip]:nm].{= Fluctuate, to move back and forth in waves, fluctuating,

AUic],Aac]yuiw]:yuit];'[Tim]:pbc]:tac];nL:sn]tibt].hbk].hBn]lc]yibw]:yibt];w}.{ = Tossed back and forth,

AUic],AI:AUic],Ac]'mw];AUic],Aac]wac],wUiw]:'[Am]p}/kGL,/suk];nim]nim]l}:'{wac],wI:wac],wUiw]:' = Stagger, to

walk, move, or stand unsteadily, reel, staggered, staggering, staggeringly, adv.,

AUic],AI:AUic],Ac]'(p}-/kGL,-/suk];-/An]-)'wac],wI:wac],wUiw]:' = Stagger, N. the act of staggering,


;Sgc]'{= Cud, N. the portion of food that a ruminant returns from the first stomach to the mouth to chew a second time; quid,

AUiv];'hUiv].&' = Hey, hey!,(used as an exclamation to call attention or to express pleasure, surprise, bewilderment, etc.),


hUiv];pI:Aa}:/nac];') = Hi, (used as an exclamation of greeting), Hello!

ABiv].AUiv].&'hUiv].hUiv].&'[Agk],SQc]mUiw]:ehLwUw];ehL:kGa};'{ = Sound used in driving cattel,

ABiv];'[eKL:hgc].kaw],lUp];sgm];pa}kGam];(t};ekL.Kw]AUiv];'JPL;pQn]sw]:AUiv];){ = Vocative ending as, Oh,

ABin]AiBw]:' = Shirk, avoid or neglect duty,

AiBm]:'AiBm]:sm]'AUim]:kn]'[k}.Aw]lat]:lgc]:kUn];/St];mI;sgm];kn]{= Near-by, close at hand,

AiUm]:kn]'sp];kn]' sm]' sm]kn]' = Near, close, close together,

AUim]:sp];kn]'Kqp],Kac]:kn]'Kqp],'[wac];w}.mI;w}.sm]sm]kn]{' = Adjacent, adj. adjoining, lying near,

AiUm]:sm]kGL,' Kw]:hL' = Approach, approaching,

AUim]:Pk];tUw}.yw].'(mI;sm]nL,yw].AUim]:Pk];tUw]w}.yw].')' = Right at the door: It is near, right at the door,

AUiw],'[kin]tac];kin]Aim],tgc].kG]:El:emL;SQc]AUiw],luk].nG];tgc].Agk],mL;{' = Belch, belched from the mouth,

AUiw],'AUiw],Agk],'PU,Agk],'(kUn];AUiw],Agk],lUm];m}:lUit],eKL;)(lg}f};PU,Agk],kGn];f};) = Eruct, to belch forth, as

gas from the stomach, eructed, eructing,

AUiw],'AUiw],Agk],lUm];m}:'AUiw],Agk],lUm];m}:mL;'= Eructate, to eruct, eructated, eructating,

AUiw],lUiw].(nm].mn];AUiw],lUiw].)'AUiw].lUiw].(sQm];AUiw].lUiw].)' = Extremely oily/sweet,

AUiw],Agk],lUm];m}:'AUiw],Agk],lUm];m}:mL;' = Eructation, N.,

AUiw]:enL:'(AUiw]:enL:lIAUiw]:nn].')' = Particle expression of assent to, (Yeah, it is good.),

AUiw]:' eAL:' sG]:AUiw]:' sG]:eAL:' = Yes, assertive or positive verbal affix,

AUiw]:" yw]." yw].yw]:" = Suffix used in a statement sentences,

AiUw]:ca}:' (kUn];)[kUn];ekL.An]piUn]:wL:Sc]ekL:AiUw]:sgm];Pgm].sgm];tik];tik];{ = Yes-man, a person

who, regardless of actual attitude, always expresses agreement with his or her superior,


n],lIhQt];lIpQn]nn].'{'sc],wL:nn].yw].Am],tgn].hn]tgn].vL;mG];wL:' = “Yes, it’s not.”,

AiUw];'(wQc];) = Ur,(an ancient Sumerian city on the Euphrates, in S Iraq,)


Tuic]sg}:nn].'{' = Ur!-eh!,: an utterance used to express feeling sorry,

AUiw];&' AUiv];&' [sG].mUiw]:hgc].siuw]:eSlat]:etL,kn]/yU,k}k}eS hgc].hLkn]nn].{' = Hey! Oh! Int., the

uttering of an exclamation,

AUiw].' Suk];AUiw].' (kUv]:Suk];AUiw].lInL,)' = Over-ripe, (over-ripe banana),

AUiw].AL.'Tibc].'Tibc].Tc].'ciUw]:'Am],l}:lgc]:'cUw].cL.' = Dull, adj., dumb, stupid,

AUiw]<pQn];'[Krit]:yan],kUn];sa};nG];mUic];rUw];m'(rUw];16;9){ = Urbanus, N. (Ro.16:9), Urbane,




tUv];Kgm],pnI,sUiw];hQt];hUc];kan]mUin]kn]nn].An]niuc]:tc];An]nuic]:'{ = Return on Equity - ROE, the amount

of net income returned as a percentage of shareholders equity. ROE is expressed as a percentage and calculated as: ‘Return on

Equity = Net Income/Shareholder’s Equity’. The ROE is useful for comparing the profitability of a company to that of other

firms in the same industry,





nm].mYat]:Kgm],pnI,nn].yw]."{ = Return on Assets - ROA, an indicator of how profitable a company is relative

to its total assets. ROA is displayed as a percentage. Sometimes this is referred to as a “return on investment”(the formula for

return on assets is: ROA=Net Income/Total Assets). ROA and ROE give clear picture of corporate health and use ROA to gauge

company’s profit,


w]:kGam];eh,ERp;Kw]'){ = Aramaic, N. also Aramean, Aramaean. a northwest Semitic language that from 300 b.c.-a.d. 650,


Architect, N. a person who engages in the profession of architecture,

Agk],'[Kic];n}.pQn]Em:Pa},AU:hw];'{(nUic];-na};') = Grandma, N. one’s maternal grandmother, grandmother,

Agk],' An]Agk],' = Output,

Agk],'pa}:'epL;'ygn];epL;'kibt];pqt]:'Ew:hBw]'pa}:pqt]:' = Quit, to cease, to resign, to stop trying,

Agk],'(rTL;Agk],10;00kn)' = Depart at, (the flight departs at 10:00am),

Agk],' Agk],kGL,' = Exit, to go out; leave, exited, exiting,


wn];)Agk],nn].'{ = East, N. adj. adv. a cardinal point of the compass, 90°to the right of north, abbreviation: E.

Agk],'Agk],mUiw];kGL,'Pat],yan]'(yam];Agk],'mUiw]:Pat],yan]kGL,') = Departure, N.: the time of departure,

Agk],kan]'ygn];epL;kan](hqn];tUw]:tn];tL,Agk],kan]yw].hL.?)= Quit work or job: Ready to quit your job?,

Agk],kn];tuv];tuv];' = Fume, to emit or exhale as a fume or vapor,


,kqn],mL;eSsQp];mUv]:suit]:suiw]:w}.nn].'{(nUiw].AQn]Agk],kQw],/Agk],puin].Kan])' = Cramps, N.: muscle cramps,


c]:wuin];'nUm];mak]:pUn].'{'(nUm];Agk],kuin];nL,'/nUm];mak]:')= Engorgement, N. too milk full breast: breast engorgement;

engorged breast,

Agk],kGL,' miUw];kGL,' yan]' = Left, leave, leaving,

Agk],kGL,' Agk],kL,lIlI' = Go forth, went forth,

Agk],kGL,'(hw];KI,hUiw];/Pa};hUiw];Agk],kGL,nG];pac],la},)' = Put out,(Nautical) to go out to sea: put out to sea,

Agk],kGL,Pa},tac];'[An]hUiw];/hUiw];min]Agk],kGL,Pa},tac];Agk],/tac];tUk];'{ = Departure, N. point of departure,

Agk],kGL,mI;nG];lqt],m}:' = Out in the heat,

Agk],/Kic];mgn],' Agk],/Kic];' = Great-grandmother/father, grandmother/father, (father’s side)

Agk],Kaw];tac];'kGL,tL:p}tac];'Agk],tac];' = Travel, go on a journey, take a trip,

Agk],Kaw];tac];kGL,huic]huic]'Agk],Kaw];tac];k}' = Take a long trip,

Agk],Kgp],' Agk],Kgp],Agk],lqn]mn];kGL,' = Out of bound (golf),

Agk],cUc];' cBc];' Agk],ygt]:lI,mG]' Agk],enL,' = Sprout, sprouted, sprouting,

Agk],sG]'Agk],sG]KG]:hQt];' = Feel like doing it,

Agk],sG]KG]:p}a:pqt]:' Agk],sG]KG]:epL;pqt]:' = Wanting to quit,


n];lISG],ciun];kgc]kac]sum];pa};mUic];)= Freewill, adj. voluntary: a freewill offering; a freewill contribution to a political fund,

Agk],sG]sUic].hiuw]ekL:mgk],/lat]:' = Say it like you feel it,

Agk],sG]sg}:hQt];'(Kt];kn]-Am],hQt];Am],l}:') = Voluntary, (ant: compulsory)

Agk],sG]sg}:hQt];pn]' = Volunteer, voluntarily,

Agk],Sin]'[An]saw];put].TKw]km]Sin]yw]./Kw]:wL,pUn].wn];yw].El:luiw]:{= Cease having religious

duties, ending lent period,

Agk],SQc]'[wL:Agk],SQc]tUw]lik]:/eKL:kGam];/Tqw]lik]:'sL.kGL,hG]:suin]:lI/pI,lI{' = Pronunciation, to enunciate or

articulate (sounds, words, sentences, etc., pronounced, pronouncing,

Agk],SQc]' mI;SQc]' = Sonant, adj. having sound, sounding,


man],yUw];yUw];nn].'{(tI:nG];hUc];tUc];lik]:nn].Kw]Am],l}:lat]:Agk],SQc]/SQc]lc]') = Aloud, adv. with the

normal tone or volume of the speaking voice, as distinguished from whisperingly: They could not speak aloud in the library,

Agk],SQc]sgm];tBn];SQc]' = Tone, toned, toning,

Agk],SUp];'ln]Agk],SUp];'lat]:Agk],SUp];yw].' = Spoken, has being spoken; coming out of lips,

Agk],Sa}ertIAQt].' = Fluorescence, the emission of radiation,

Agk],tac];hLEl,lw];tUv];yQm]:' = Sightseeing, touring,


.{ = Pilgrimage, N. a journey, escpecially a long one, made to some sacred place as an act of religious devotion,

Agk],tI:mn];kGL,El:&'(!yU,yQn]yQn]yL,emL;&'Agk],tI:mn];kGL,El:&'@) = Come out of him/her: “Be

quiet! Come out of him!”,

Agk],tum],PI'sQp];tum],PI'[hg};sQp];AUm]ngc]hac]:sL.hac]:mUiw],{(Kuin];16;2')' = Ugly festering sore, ulcer,

Agk],tum],mgk],tum],mG]' Agk],kU,' tum],' mgk],tum],' = Bud, budded, budding,

Agk],tUn]:'[An]mUiw]:Agn]tac];n}.nG];SUn]pw],w}.Am],mI;Sc]mUiw]:lQw]mI;tUn]:m}./mgk],/Pk];Agk],mL;{ = Growing,

there plants are sprouting or growing (as in a garden, field, grove, vineyard, etc.,

Agk],etL;S' sG]lm]' = Anger, out-rage; to become angry, angered, angering,

Agk],etL;SsG]lm]S}:km],' = Furious, extremely angry,

Agk],etL;SAm],epl}:'(mn];nac];Agk],etL;SAm],ep,l}:etL,mn];sa};lL;lL;') = Nursed a grudge

against: She nursed a grudge against him,

Agk],etL;SAm],ep,l}:'m}:etL;SKm]sG]w}.tik];tik];' = Resent, resented, resenting,

Agk],nm].nUm];'nm].nUm];kuin];'[hQt];Agk],nm].nUm];{ = Lactate, to produce milk, lactated, lactating,

Agk],nL:Agk],tL'Agk],nL:Agk],tLkGL,mL;Ek:kUn];miUc];' = Publicly move,(move about

publicly, appear publicly, openly,)

Agk],na};'[la};t};hgc].suiw]:wL:tI:ekL.pQn]Em:em;(Em:sw]:)nn].'{'Agk],lgc]'Agk],Kun]' = Appellation

given to married females as wife’s mother (mother-in-law),

Agk],ngk]:'[nc]:pG].yU,ngk]:pac]/kGL,Agk],ngk]:Agn],eSetKiun];Kw]:etL,/KG]:epL;'{ = Sit out, (Texas Hold’em)

Agk],ngk]:'nc]:pG].yU,ngk]:pac]' = Sitting out,

Agk],ngk]:Kgp],'(AUw]pI,) 'Agk],Kgp],' mak],Agk],ngk]:Kgp],' = Out of bounds, (OB) (golf)

Agk],ngk]:lUc]'Agk],ngk]:El,pac],'KI:'(mL.KI:')' = Poo, to defecate: horse pooing, pooed, pooing,

Agk],ngk]:wQc];' (Agk],ngk]:wQc];)' = Uptown, (go uptown),

Agk],ngk]:Agn],'kGL,P}a:ng}.'yQw]:' = Urinate, to pass or discharge urine; to pee, urinated, urinating,

Agk],ngc]'AUm]ngc]'[An]pQn]AUn]PUik],lUic],Agk],tI:hg};sQp];nn].'{' = Suppurate, to produce or discharge pus, as

a wound; maturate,

Agk],pn]nm].' Agk],nm].' nm].Agk],hU;' = Springing up, welling up,

Agk],pQn]kan]lgc]:lItL,mG];mL;'(kU:An]tc];SQc]:n}.etAgk],pQn]kan]lgc]:lItL,mG];mL;yU,')' = Work out

for your good: All things will work out for your good,

Agk],pQn]Et.mL;' Agk],pQn]kan]'(An]mG];ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]w}.nn].Agk],pQn]Et.mL;) = Come to pass,

(your dream comes to pass),

Agk],pQn]nm].pQn]tBw]mgk],mak],pBc];lImL;' = Fruition,

Agk],pQn]mL;'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Outcome, turn out, to result,

Agk],pQn]mL;'(lgc]:-/An]-)'Pgn];lIAik],sL.' = Result, N. outcome, outcomes, results,

Agk],pQn]mL;km];luin];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Aftermath, N. consequence, result, upshot,

Agk],pQn]mL;sgm];lUv]:ktiyG],Tgt]:mYat]:'(klL,4;23') = Result of a divine promise,

Agk],pQn]mL;tI:yw].Kgt],ygt]:mn];' (An]-') = Final outcome

Agk],pqt]:'epL;pqt]:'[pa}:/Ew:pn]'Tg}'hUn]lc]'{ = Stand down, to step aside; withdraw,

Agk],pqt]:'[kuit];/yuit];pqt]:An]Kuin]:hUc];hQn];/ekL;lQk].nn].'{ = Drop out, to stop attending school or college,

Agk],pun];pUk],' K},f};PUc].'= Sparkle, to emit little sparks, as burning matter, sparkled, sparkling,

Agk],pBn].' = Out off,

Agk],pUn].mUn].lgt],'(Am],tgn].tn];Agk],pUn].mUn].lgt]:tUc], cw]:cun];tUik]:tn]nn].l}:eSpgk]:yw].')' =

Move off, (never move off of dead center),

Agk],pUn].luk];' = Out of the pit,

Agk],pBn].lbk];nn].' = Out of the Pit

Agk],pBn].lgt]:sat]:KL:sG].' = Emancipation, to free restraint or influence or the like

Agk],pa}:' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-Agk],'){ = Exodus [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Ex.)],

Agk],pa}:' [kYam];Agk],pa}'{ = Exodus, a departure, [a book of Bible,(Ex)],

Agk],pa}:' Agk],kGL,' = Exodus, 

Agk],pa}:'pa}:Agk],'[kYam];Agk],pa}:'{ = Exodus, [Exodus: a book of Bible],

Agk],pa}:JtL;PQc],pQc];' = Flee from justice,

Agk],pa}:pqt]:'kGL,pqt]:'pBn].pqt]:'yL,Aw]SG],sG]' = Out of it,


n]niw].muiw];k}.Agk],kQw],sQp];Kuin];kqp].nuic]:lIKuin];hc];kUv];{'= Muscle cramps, muscle spasms: calf-muscle cramps,

Agk],piUc]:wgc],piUc]:tac];mn];nL,AL;lL;yw].' = Too off track,

Agk],/Pat],yap],'hLyap],'hQt];/pQn]yap],'(nn].Pat],mn];sa};yap],nL,) = Scarce, adj, seldom met

with; rare, scarcely, adv. It scarcely leaves him; hardly departh from him,


;wn];(mc]tI:nuic]:lUin])El:wa};nn].n}.hgc].wL:!Agk],P};@'{ = Recovering from childbirth, to leave the

fireplace, which is the custom for a Tai woman to stay by fireside for seven day or one month following childbirth,

Agk],mak],/ln]'[cw]:KLsQp];'{'pQn]ln]' = Groin lump, groin pain; lump in groin,


(Agk],mak],lqc];)'{ = Chickenpox, N. a disease, commonly of children, caused by the varicella zoster virus,

Agk],mL;El:'Agk],mL;' = Come out,

Agk],mL;la}}Sqn];' = Different output particle size,

Agk],mgn],' na};mgn],' = Great grandma,

Agk],ygt]:' pUc],PUiw]'Agk],ygt]:pBc],PiBw]mbn];mG],' = Spring, sprouting out,

Agk],ygt]:pUc],PUiw]mG],mL;' = Spring forth,


k],m}.mgc]m}.Sc];Agk],enL,)' = Shooting up, shoot up,

Agk],lik]:hgc].sG].Kam],Sak]:eS,' = Subpoena, subpoenaed, subpoening,

Agk],El,sgm];'(mn];nac];k}.Agk],El,sgm];PG]?) = Hang out, hang-out: who’s she being hanging out with?,


,El,TUin],'Agk],El,tUv];')' = Safari, N. a journey or expedition, for hunting or exploration: to go on a safari,

Agk],El,mUiw]:luiw]:kan]Kaw];yaw];' = Go on vacation,

Agk],El,mUic];'[KIkL;rTL;hLEl,wan]:tG]:mUic];nUiw]cuin];Am],SQc]:Kaw];tac];Am],epL;huic]{' = Excursion,

Agk],wL,' = Cease keeping lent, ending Buddhist lent period,

Agk],'Agk],hw];'[ekL.pQn]Em:AU:hw];Am],nn]pQn]em;Kic];hw];{ = Grandmother, mother of father or wife of

father of father, grandma,

Agk],hak]:' yc],hak]:' yc],hak]:Agk],' = Take root,

Agk],hqc];hQt];hL' = Made effort,

Agk],hUc];'mak],mak],mn];'(Kw]:Agk],hUc];)' = Grain formed heads, bore grain, brought forth fruit,

Agk],hUc];hQn];'Agk],kzc];'[Am],Kuin]:hUc];hQn];/Am],mL;kzc];{ = Leave school,

Agk],hG]:pUn].'(Agk],hG]:pUn].Sa}ca}cw];la};An]Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.) = Get out of: get out of a limited environment,

Agk],hG]:pUn].Kgp],mn];El:' = Get out of course,

Agk],Aa}'Agk],Aa}tuv];tuv];'(nm].PUt].Agk],ma}tuv];tuv];) = Vapor: vaporizing boiling water, vaporize,

Agk],Aa}Kqw];'Kqw];tgc].KUn].' = Reek, stink, reeked, reeking,

Agk],Aa}tuv];tuv];'tuv];tuv];'[An]nm].Aun],Agk],Aa}nn].'{(Aun],/kn];tuv];tuv];')' = Steam, to rise

or pass off in the form of steam or vapor,

Agk],Aa}mQn]Kqw];' Agk],Aa}Kqw];tgc].KUn].'mQn]' = Stink, stunk, stinking,


w]nn].'{ = Brain, N.(Anatomy, Zoology) the part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of humans and other

vertebrates, consisting of a soft, convoluted mas of gray and white matter and serving to control and coordinate the mental and

physical actions,

Agk];Kw]:mun];'[An]SG],/pgt];An]AUn]:AUn]:mI;Pa},nG];Kw]:mun];{= Crumb, the soft inner particle or portion of read,

Agk];lbp],'[mn];An]mI;nG];kBc]lbp],{' = Marrow, N.: bones rich with marrow; the marrow of his bones is moist,


Agn],w}.') = Hollow, adj. N. cavity; any hollow place; hollow; having a depression or concavity: a hollow surface,

Agk];lgk];-tUc],kac]-wQc];lUc]' = Inner-city setting,

Agk];lgk];sG]Kqc]Sit];Sit];' = Stronghold, a place that serves as the center of a group, as of militants or

of persons holding a controversial viewpoint:,

Agk];lgk];tac];nG];luik].luik].'nG];/tI:tp];pgt],hUw]sG]'(Tuc];20;27'30')= Inmost being, inmost parts,

Agk];lgk];tL'[lup],Eh.kc]:mak],tL'{= Eye socket, N. the socket or orbit of the eye; the bones that protect your eyes,


n]tI:hUw]Kw],cgk];pQn]Agk];lgk];w}.{' = Calf, N., calves,

Agk];lgk];PL,muiw];'(PG]l}:tqk]:tUv];nm].sUiw];mI;nG];Agk];lgk];PL,muiw];mn];sw]:'(A},40:12')= Hollow of hand,

Agk];lgk];liuk].'tac];nG];luik].luik].'nG];tp]p];pgt],hUw]sG]' = Innermost, adj. farthest inward, inmost,

Agk];lgk];hUw]sG]lin]mUic];' = Heart of the earth,

Agk];eAL' = Brain, N. sometimes brains; understanding; intellectual power; intelligence; mind; intellect,

Agk];eALtuin]:'(Kt];-Agk];eALlI')' = Idiot, adj. crazy, daft, foolish, (ant: brainy,),

Agk];eALtuin]:SUp];sac]:wL:'(kUn];SUp];sac]:wL:mLp}la}'(Tuc];kGam];t};)) = Babbling idiot, (Idiom),

Agk].'Agk].kin]'[k}.pQn]An]kin]lw]:tL,Auik]./Auin]km];nuic]:{(mn];Agk].kin]nG];tw]:Pqp].) = Swig, gulp

down liquid, swigged, swig, N. an amount of liquid, espeically liquor, taken in one swallow: He took a swig from the flask,

Agk].'Agk].Agk].'[mUiw]:pn]luk]:Agn],kin]nm].wL:!nm].Agk].Agk].@'{= Drink, as a baby drink water, drinking,

Agk].sI,kYin],'[Tat]:lUm];lIsg}:Sut],TUv]:sG]ca}:'{ = Oxygen, N.,

Agk].s}.' = Oxides,

Agk].s}.sUc]<SL,lf}.kgc]SG],w}.' = Oxidation zone of sulfide deposition,

Agk].tL,' pqt],nL:' 8sQc],'(kgn]:hin]pqt],nL:)' = Octahedron, a solid figure having eight faces,

octahedral crystal,

Agk].rn]'[AU:PL.kIey,'{(TUin],1;13')' = Okran, the father of Pagiel; Ocran; Ochran,

Agk]<'[Kun]ehLKm];kUn];KUiw];AL,emL;r}.nG];Pqn],lin]pL,San],nn].'(TUin],21;233'SL,135;11'){ = Og, a king of

the Amorites of the land of Bashan,

Agk]<SYin]<' = Auction,

Agk]<TQp].'[SQc]tg},h},tuic]:pQn]tg};yaw];yaw];'tg};SQc]h},tuic]:nuic]:tg};/sum],pQn]pqt],tg};nn].'{ = Octave, (Music)N.

adj. a series of tones; the harmonic combination of such tones; a series or group of eight, octaves,

Agc]tL'[An]pQn]nm].tuc]tuc]SG]SG]tQm]w}.nG];hUv],tLtac];Pa},lc]man],PIlU;tL,SG]sqc]:pgc],Pat],nn].{= Vitreous

humor, N. the transparent gelatinous substance filling the eyeball behind the crystalline lens,

Agc]pU'[nUiw].KUic]:nG];pUAn]mI;nG];Kgk],pUnn].'{ = Crab innards,

Agc],'(Agc],Suik];'Agc],pac]Tam]lik]:') = Win, accomplishment, gain, pass a test, success, victory: win the battle,

Agc],'siUm]:'(Aw]An]liUt],/An]Aun],eShQt];hG]:mn];siUm]:) = Melt, molten, to become liquefied by warmth or heat,


= Succeed, have the desired result: Our efforts succeeded, succeeded, succeeding,

Agc],'Agc],mqc],'(lgc]:-)[hQt];yw].tUw]:TUn]:lIl}:nc],yUic];ma}{= Success, N. the accomplishment of one’s goals,

Agc],'Agn],'[suiw];t};tac],pn]sa};huiw]yic];huiw]'{(sa};/nac];Agc],/Agn],') = Tai male or female given name,





c];ngc],sn]nn].'KUc];kan]sam];hQt];tUv];Agn]tac];'){ = Early wins, early wins excite and energize people

and build your personal credibility. Done well, they help you create value for your new organization earlier and reach the breakeven point much more quickly. To secure early wins, a leader should: (establish A-item priorities; identify a center of gravity;

initiate pilot projects),

Agc],sqt]:Aw]'Em;sqt]:Em;AU' = Refine, to bring to a pure or fine state, free from impurity, refined,


w];nn]{(kUn];Agc],Tuic]tI:lI') = Successful, N. achieving or having achieved success; having attained weath,

position, honors, or the like: the successful people, successfully, adv.,

Agc],Suik];'Agc],ep.Suik];' = Win the battle, be ictorious at war,

Agc],tat],'tw];'Agc],lgt].' = Water plant, N. seaweed,

Agc],pUn].'Agc],'Kam]:'SUc],pn]' yiun]:pn]'pUn].kGL,'lt];kGL,' = Pass, N. an act of passing,

Agc],pUn].yw].' Agc],pBn].' pUn].yw].'Agc],yw].' = Pass, passed, passing,

Agc],ep.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-') = Victory,

Agc],ep.tL,eS,' Agc],ep.' = Victorious, victory,

Agc],pg};'[hQt];pg};hun].sUm];Agc],ep.'{ = Triumphal festival,

Agc],mqc],yw].tUw]:Tuic]tI:ygt]:hgt]:tI:pa}' = Successfully and completely fulfilled,

Agc],yw].' l}:w}.yw].' = Win, to gain, obtain, to make one’s way, have won over,

Agc],lik]:'[Agc],pBn].An]sqt]:Tam]lik]:'Agc],pUn].sn].hQn];eSl}:Kuin]:Tqc]:sn].Suc]'{= Passed examination

(as a school test),


c];sL.kGL,){= Smelt, to fuse or melt (ore) in order to separate the metal contained, smelted, smelting,

Agc],Aw]Km];' Agc],Aw]sqt]:Aw]Km];' = Gold refinery, gold recovery,

Agc],Aqc]'[AUic],AI:AUic],Aac]'{ = Unsteady, adj. fluctuating or wavering; reeling,


n],tan],El:tUn]:Tan]epL;kUic];kGL,kUic];mL;)' = Sway, to move or swing to and fro, swayed, swaying,

Agc],Ag}:w}.' hg}:w}.' kgc].w}.' ygn],tgc],tg}:' = Suspend, suspended, suspending,

Agc]:' tI:'(tI:mUt];sac],)'(tI:/Agc]:kw],)' = Place: Holy place,

Agc]:kw],'tI:kw],'(kGL,Kiun];tI:kw],'Aw]yip];yw].w}.Kiun];tI:/Agc]:kw],mn];')' = Old place or position,

Agc]:Ec;'Aa}:lqc]'luk]:Agn]lqc]' = Baby, N. adj. an infant or very young child; infantile, babies,

Agc]:tI:' lum];' miUc];tI:sqt]:Amu' = Venue,

Agc]:tI:kuit];kL;'[tI:tL,kL;kuit];'tI:kuit];kL;'{'tI:w}.kL;' = Parking spot, car park,

Agc]:tI:kGac]:lI' = Space,

Agc]:tI:cqw]sG]ekL.lQw]lqw];'tI:lIKan].' = Lonely place,

Agc]:tI:sn].' sn].kan]' sn].' = Position, rank, job,

Agc]:tI:sn].yU,' = Position, location,

Agc]:tI:tBv];mbc]:' = Scene, on the scene, scenery, rural scenery,

Agc]:tI:pw],' tI:pw],' = Vacancy,

Agc]:tI:pQn]'tI:pQn]'[tI:An]pQn]/epL,eSmQw];mQw];{ = Scene, N. the place where some action or event occurs,

Agc]:tI:pibn].ep.S]ma}Sgc]' = Second base,

Agc]:tI:mUt];sac],Sut];eSpUin]:'(hI;RpO;9;25) = Most Holy Place,(Heb. 9:12, 25; Ex. 26:34,)

Agc]:tI:yUw];yUw];' = Common place, commonplace,

Agc]:tI:yU,mUt];sac],'(Agc]:tI:mUt];sac],tI:sw]:yU,Tc]Agc];nn].'(Agk],15;13')' = Holy dwelling,

Agc]:tI:yU,'[tI:An]eSekL.ekL.etmL;/kGL,yU,Sw];w}.mI;sgm];w}.nn].'{' = Dwelling place,

Agc]:tI:lin]'lin]'wac];'[wac];lin]SUn]{ = Ground, N. the solid surface of the earth; firm or dryland,

Agc]:lin]'Agc]:tI:lin]' = Plat,- A plan or map of a specific land area, a plot of ground or land,

Agc];'nm].Agc];'nm].AUic],'[nm].Agc];/AUic],w}.tI:nuic]:/nG];wan],Pk];'{' = Water stgnation,

Agc];'Tc]Agc];'Tc]yU,'Tc]'[Sw];yU,tI:nuic]:w}.Kaw];nuic]:'yU,sUw]:Kaw];'{(kGL,Tc]yU,w}.)= Sojourn, to stay for a

time in a place; live temporarily, sojourned, sojourning,

Agc]:tI:luip]:lUv];kn]KUn]hUw]epL;puiw];w}.' = Hair-raising chase scene,

Agc]<s'[28.34952Rkm],'0.02834952kI,lUw],Rkm],'{ = Ounce, (oz) weigh equal 28.34952g or 0.02834952kg,

Agt].nIey,'[luk]:sa};eK<nt].'{(eyL;15;17') = Othniel, son of Kenaz,

Agn]' Agn]kGL,' Agn]hQt];'[Agn]El,' Agn]El,mUic];{' = Conduct, to lead or guide,(to conduct a tour.),

Agn]' Agn]hUw]' nm];Agn]' nam];Agn]' nam];' = Lead, led, leading,

Agn]' Agn]hUw]' nm];Agn]' nam];Agn]' nam];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Lead, N.,

Agn]kn]' sgm];kn]' hUm]:kn]' hUm]:kn]Agn]kn]' = Together,

Agn]kn]wL:' pibn]Paw],Agk],' pibn]Paw],' = Declare, declared, declaring,

Agn]kn]hp].kqt],EKEh.kc]:' = Common defense,

Agn]kGc]tac];pUic]:tac];'Agn]pUic]:tac];mn];kGL,pqt]:' = Led astray,

Agn]kGL,'[nam];Agn]kGL,tac];lUw],kGL,nn].hG]:Tuic]tI:mn];'{ = Lead to go, take the lead in going,

Agn]tac];'pL,sL;Agn]tac];' = Prior, priority,

Agn]tac];'An]hQt];/pQn]/tUk];Agn]tac];'(lik]:Puin]n}.El:Puin]Agn]tac];mn];n}...'') = Predecessor,

N.: This letter and its predecessor,

Agn]tac];'Agn]tac];n}.'Agn]n}.' = Before now, previously, adv. earlier,

Agn]tac];Sut];'ekL,cw]:hUw]tI;'hUw]tI;mn];' = Firstly, adv. in the first place,

Agn]tac];Sbt];piBn]:'Tinibc]:'];Agn]tac];piBn]:' = First, be bery first,

Agn]tac];Sut];Sut];n}.' = First of all,

Agn]pin]:PBn]'Aw]pin]:PBn]'hn]pin]:PUn]'hQt];hG]:pin]:PUn]' = Pervert, misapply; to lead astray

morally, perverted, perverting,

Agn]Pit];tac];' Agn]piUc]:tac];'(yL,hG]:l}:Kam],Agn]Pit];tac];pUic]:tac];"(1ekL;'15;33))' = Mislead,

give someone wrong idea or information, lead or guide wrongly, misled, (Do not e misled.(1Cor. 15:33,NIV)),

Agn]lgn]'(Kw]:mun];mak],Agn]lgn]'Agn]lgn]lin]nqw]hQt];mak],') = Mold ball by hands,

Agn]lgn]mak],kUc]kgn]'[Aw]lin]nQw]Agn]lgn]hQt];luk]:mUn];lQk].hqc]:tL,SG],mak],kgn]puit];'{ = Pelletize,

pelletized, pelletizing,

Agn]hQt];pQn]TL:w}.pn]' nam];kGL,TL:pL:nL:' = Precede, preceded, preceding,


Superintend, to oversee and direct (work, processes, etc.); to exercise supervision over (an institution, district, place, etc.;

conduct, superintended, superintending,

Agn]hUv];tgm]sg}:'(An]-)kBn];Agn]hBv];tgm]sg}:' ekL.Agn]hUv];tgm]sg}:' = Catalyst, N.,

Agn]hUw]' Agn]' nm];Agn]' nam];Agn]' nam];'Agn]hUw]nm];nL:' = Lead, led, leading,

Agn]hBw]' nm];Agn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Leadership, N.,

Agn]hUw]TUw];tac];'(sgm];An]sw]:ey,SuekL.Agn]hUw]TUw];tac];nn].'(mak].10;32')' = Leading the way:

“…, with Jesus leading the way,…”,

Agn]hBw]pn] = Leading,

Agn]hBw]nm];nL:'(pQn]PU:Agn]hUw]nm];nL:pUin]:mL;')= Take the lead, be the head of: had been the head of all,

Agn]hBw]Entac];pn]' nam];Agn]eSEntac];pn]' = Leading and guiding,

Agn]hUw]luim];tUw]luim];hac]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Reckless leadership,

Agn]hG]:' = Led forth,

Agn]Aw]kw]kGL,' Suip],Agn]kw]Kuin]:nL:' = Carry me on, carried me away,

Agn]Aw]kw]lt];Kam]:pUn].kGL,hgt]:Pqw]Tuic]tI:Agc],ep.' = Carry me through to the place of


Agn],' lQk].Agn],' = Minor, adj. N little; small, smaller,

Agn],/lUc]' = Miniature/giant, mini/large,

Agn],h}a;'[lbk]:Agn],Sip];Sgc]Kiun]:etL,Sip];hUk];KBp],{'Agn],ha};sa};yic];' = Teenage child,

Agn],Ait];' lQk].' Ait];niuc]:' lQk].Agn],' = Little, tiny,

Agn],Ait];'(lQk].Agn],Ait];' lQk].lQk].Agn],')'(Kt];-yG],'lUc]')' = Little, (very little),(ant: big, large,)

Agn],eA;' sG]eAL,EA,' kBw]KI:yan]:' = Cowardice, lack of courage, fearfulness,

Agn]:wgn];'Agn]:wn];lw],sG]pn]' SL,lUm]sG]' = Comfort, comforted, comforting,

Agn]:wgn];hG]:Sak]:SL,sG]'Agn]:wgn];'Agn]:wgn];lw],sG]' = Comfort, make to feel better, encourage,

Agn];'[suiw]:kUn];sa};ekL.nuic]:tc];wQc];wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:41;45') = On, the name of a man and a city,

Agn];nKL,'[(mn];pUik],hg}hgm])nm].mn];Agn];nKL,'{'(Agk],30;34')' = Onycha,

Agp];SYin];elL;kn]w}.'[mI;tac];lUik]:la}Pa},la}An]{ = Synthetic options,

Agp];SYin];Ka}KQw]' = Put Option, -An option contract that gives the holder the right to sell (or ‘put’), and

obligates the writer to purchase, a specific number of shares of underlying stock at the giving strike price, on or before the

expiration date of the contract. Opposite of a CALL,

Agp];SYin];Siuw].KQw]' = Call Option, -An option contract that gives the holder the right (but not an obligation) to

purchase, and obligates the writer to sell, a specific number of shares of underlying stock at the giving strike price, on or before

the expiration date of the contract. Opposite of a PUT. ,

Agp];per,TUiw],'(ekL.tam];sn].Agp];per,TUiw],)' kUn];ehL:sak]:' = Operator,: junior operator,

Agp].na};'[wQc];EPpn]kUn];KUiw];Agn],pqn]<yL,min],'{(eyL;18;24')= Ophni, a city allotted to the tribe od Benjamin,

Agm]' tw]:' = Bottle, N.,

Agm]/tw]:sit].'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];25kYap]:'nm]tan],0.47lI<tL,)= Zitt, liquid volume equal to 0.47 Liter,

Agm]/tw]:lw]:wa}<An]p},Piw],hU;lUm];'(yUp]32;19') = Bottled-up wine, unvented wine,


Flask, N. a bottle , usually of glass, having a rounded body and a narrow neck, used especially laboratory experimentation,

Agm],sG]'hG]:l}:sgm],sG]Agm],eKL;' = Undisturbed, adj. not disturbed; uinterrupted; to keep one’s mind calm,


mUic];t};){(Agm]nm].tw]:lin]yac]:Kuiw],/KL,w}.eSSG],nm].kt];kt];tUn]kin]n}.hgm]kin]wan])' = Cruse, N. an earthen pot,

bottle, etc. for liquids,

Agm],f};'pg};Agm],f};'[sutum]Kgn]:kn]hQt];pg};Agm],f};{(pg};Km]:Agm],f};/P};) = Campfire, N. a gathering around

a fire: a campfire night,

Agm],lqt],'[yU,nG];lqc];lqt],Aun],k}.pQn]yam];kac]nG]An],nn]mUiw]:Kaw];kt];'{= Bask, to lie in or be exposed to a

pleasant warmth or heat, as in sunlight; to enjoy a pleasant situation: to bask in the sunshine, basked,

Agm],lgm]:Pgm].PQc],kn]tQm]TUn]:lI' Pgm].SQc]pQc];pak],kn]' = Complete unity,

Agm],lgm]:Pgm].PQc],kn]w}.nL,nL,'(tuk];ygn];hG]:Kw]Agm],lgm]:Pgm].PQc],kn]w}.nL,nL,) = Greater

unity: urge them to greater unity among themselves,

Agm],Aun],' Agm],f};' Am],Aun],Aa}f};' = Warm, warming oneself around fire,

Agm]:kGL,'cUic].Ew:kGL,'[Am],kGL,Suiw]:Suiw]:Am],lt];kGL,nG];mn];{' = Bypass, bypassed, bypassing,

Agm]:pgm]:'eKLeKLkUv];nn].'eKLeKL'lQw]kUv];'ATB;mn];' = Particular, adj., particularly, adv.,

Agm]:pgm]:lI'(nm]eA,Agm]:pgm]:lI') = Precise, adj. being exactly that and neither more nor les: a precise amount,

Agm]:pgm]:lInL,w}.Et.yw].' Agm]:pgm]:' = Precisely, distinctly, unmistakably, clearly, nice,


Imperative affix, used to express that a small substance is perfectly roung,

Agm]:Agm]:pqc];pqc];' = Thrifty, frugle,

Agm];Agm];'tU,Agm];Agm];'mQn]SUm]:'[lat]:lgc]:nm].nUm];/nUiw].mQn]Ait];Ait];p},tU,Et.Et.{'= Tainted, adj.

contaminated or spoiled: tainted beef, pork, meat, stc.,


= Imperative affix, used to express that some food, meat, beef, milk, etc., is tainted,


:eKLeKLnn].'mqn]:lI'Sc],etL,lI'{'lqp]:rW}.'= Well-suited, adj. appropriate for a particular purpose; felicitous,

Ag}'Auv]'[Ag}SG],nUiw]mn];'Puk];SG],'{'puin]'(Aw]kUiw]Ag}Ait];Ait];'(Aw]Pun],Auv]tUik],SUn]Pk];mI,nm]nm]')= Strew,

to let fall in separate pieces over a surface, strewed, strewn, strewing,

Ag},'[lQc].tac];kin]tUw]St];{(Ag},yiUw]:Ag},PUic];wUw];kGa};'lQc]./Ag},Kw]:mL') = Feed animal,

Ag},mg}:'TUic];TUiw].tUk];luin];' = Tardy, adj., moving or acting slowly; slow; sluggish, tardily, adv.,

Ag},mg}:mI;yB,sgm];' mI;yB,sgm];' yU,Tc]Agc];' = Dwell, dwelled, dwelling,

Ag},mg}:mI;yB,sgm];pYSnL,'(yL,hG]:l}:kGL,Ag},mg}:mI;yB,sgm];pYSnL,siBw];nn].yB,)= Dwell on problems, dwelling,

Ag},yUiw]:'Ag},'(Ag},yiUw]:Ag},PUic];wUw];kGa};) = Graze, grazed, grazing,

Ag}:' lqm]:Ag}:' = Sugar cane,

Ag}.Ag}.'[eKL:lup];lc]mUiw]:KG]:lat]:lgc]:tac];kin]'Pk];'nm].mak],sL.kGL,Am],sqc]nm].mn];AUn]Ag}.Ag}.'{= Imperative

affix, used to express that some food, curry, juice, etc. is just as good as gravy or juicy,


Throb, to feel or exhibit emotion: He throbbed at the happy thought; He throbbed at painful sore, throbbed, throbbing,


.n}.wL:tit].tit].&'){ = Ouch, interjection.(used as an exclamation expressing sudden pain or dismay), ouch!
