Acts 3:19-25, NIV
19Repent, then, and turn to God, so that
your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, 20and
that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. 21Heaven
must receive him until the time comes for God to restore everything, as he
promised long ago through his holy prophets. 22For Moses said, ‘The
Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own
people; you must listen to everything he tells you. 23Anyone who
does not listen to him will be completely cut off from their people.’
24“Indeed, beginning with Samuel, all the prophets who have
spoken have foretold these days. 25And you are heirs of the prophets
and of the covenant God made with your fathers. He said to Abraham, ‘Through
your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.’
27!...'sw]:n}.pQn]sw]:Krit]:'(em,S};y)'pQn]luk]:sa};JPL;'pQn]ekL.An]tk];etKw]:mL;nG];miUc];km],PL,elL;kn}.nn].'n}yU,eAL:"@(ygn]<'11;27')27“…, you are the Christ
(Messiah), the Son of God, who is to come into the world.”(John 11:27,)
sw]:AU:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI;KL:'KL:sUm];tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:hw];pg},sG].luk]:sa};sw]:'ekL.pQn]sw]:ey,SuKrit]:n}.mL;pun]:nc],huiw]Kw]kUn];sUiw];yum],eShp].Aw]mn];sw]:pQn]PU:Ek,Kzt]:Kw]nn].'l}:hp].tac];Ek,Kzt]:eShUm],lUm]:lI'El:Aik],mI;tac];tL,Sun],tUw]l}:kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],kn]tc];sw]:hw];eAL:"KL:yum],wL:An]l}:hU.sk];mn];sw]:n}.pQn]cw]:cL,cUin]:tuin];lgc]:cm];yQn]Et.Et.El:pQn]An]PUim].Tqm]hQt];yw].tUw]:pn]nG];ASak]:PwkUn];hw];n}eAL:"ygn];SU;hG]:kUn];mUic];kU;sUiw].kU:KUiw];tc];la}l}:hU.sk];sw]:Krit]:'An]pQn]sw]:em,S};yn}.eSl}:tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL.tc];SQc]:eSkm];'sUm];SUiw];eSSU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:"ALmin]:" Heavenly Father,
I thank you that you sent Your Son Jesus Christ so that those who believe and accept
Him as their savior will be saved and have personal relationship with You. I
believe that knowing Him is the source of true peace and fulfillment in life.
May all nations get to know Christ, the Messiah and be blessed in Jesus’ name!