VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

You're in Good Company (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

nG];eKL:kYam];lik]:n}.' mI;An]kUn];mUic];tc];la}Kw]mL;San]Kt];sw]:ey,SueSEl:'wL:lgc]:Am],lISG], mn];sw]:' la}pgk]:la}km];nm]nL,nL," nG];kYam];lik]:n}.lat]:w}.la}pgk]:la}km];tc];nm]lUc]wL:'!sw]: ey,SuAm],tgp],pn]Kw]eSeKL:eSkm];'@n}yw]." mn];sw]:yU,yUw];yUw];Agn],eSAm],hp].tgp],Kiun]; kUn];Kt];Tt];Sac]mn];sw]:sUiw];nn].hQt];nn]kUv];" mn];sw]:Am],kYam],hLeKYL;wgn];Kw]'hG]:Kw]epL; pin],sG]Kw]nn].Sc]" mn];sw]:Am],pQn]sG]sL.eKL;KUm]ygn].kgp]:eSekL.ekL.n}.' K}:KUiw];mn];sw]:yU, nn].Sc]" Am],pQn]'Am],hQt];nn]' mn];sw]:etL.Et.Am],mat]:SGac];kin]An]nn].pqt]:kUv];"
mUiw]:kUn];tc];la}Kw]mL;San]Kt];mG];eSyw].El:' Kw]SI:ek.mG];' kYam],Aac]:hQt];hG]:mG];epL;hac]:sL.hac]: mUiw],pqt]:w}.' kYam],Aac]:hQt];hG]:mG];sG]tUk];w}.nn].' tgc];Kuk];sG]l}:An]mG];mI;ekL.pgc];ePL,kn]lIw}.yU,' nn].tL." sw]:ey,Sun}.' lqp]:etl}:Kam],An]pUin]:wL:lgc]:Am],lISG],nm]lUiw]eS' kUn];tac],ekL. nn].Et.Et.wL:wL:yw]." kw]mqn]:sG]sgm];tI:An]wL:' mn];sw]:Am],kYam],hLSac];lac];pn]hc];kUv]; mn];sw]:nn].nL," mn];sw]:Am],kYam],Aac]:hQt];hG]:' kUn];kU:ekL.epL;pgc],sG]nUiw]mn];sw]:nn].Sc]" mn];sw]:yUic];pk];sp];w}.tI:nUiw]'An]mn];sw]:l}:Kam],hgc].sG].mL;hQt];nn].kGL,tik];tik];kUv];" mn]; sw]:lqn]:sgm];' Sa}SQn]:EK.KQc],tL,mn];sw]:nn].kGL,Suiw]:Suiw]:yUw];yUw];kUv];"
t};ekL.' sw]:ey,Sutm];pn]pUic]lItqk]:nUic];tL,mG];El:kw]w}.yw]." hw];Am],tap]:lUw],l}:kYam],hLhG]: l}:' An]kUn];tac],ekL.Kw]mk];mn]:pn]nn].Sc]" hw];lUw],l}:hU.pgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]w}.lgc]:wL:' kUn];kU: ekL.n}.etAm],pgc],sG]nUiw]hw];l}:kU:ekL.ekL.'n}nn].AUiw]:" tI:yUic];pk];sp];tL,hw];n}.'Tuk],lIpQn] An]sgm];lc]JPL;sw]:nam];Agn]kGL,nn].'eSEl:' pg},hG]:mn];sw]:sI.Sc],pn]tac];kGL,Kk].yac]:tin] hw];nn].yw]." Tqc]:pgk]:etmL;' epL;mI;eSkL.eSkUn];mL;wL:lgc]:Am],lISG],mG];n}suic]' Kuk];sG]l}:' pUic]lItqk]:nUic];tI:sw]:ey,Sunn].El:" tUv];Kam]:pUn].pqt]:An]pUin]:wL:nn].eS' yL,epAw] etL;SPUt].' eSAm],kL;' Suip],kaw].Kuin]:nL:kGL,nG];Kaw];tac];yUic];Aan];mUiw];nL:' An]JPL;sw]:mI; w}.pn]tL,mG];nn].tik];tik];tL."
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' KL:lUt];pn]kUn];ekL.An]wL:lgc]:Am],lISG],KL:' Am],nn]ekL:' kYam],Aac]:mL; Aw]KL:sG]tUk];nn].' kU:ekL.ekL.yw].KL:eAL:" KL:lUik]:lUik]:eSpg},wac];KGac].pn]Kw]yw]." KL:lUik]:wa}, kgc]lc]pqt]:mQw];An]yL.Pat],kw];yan]Aw]sG]piw]nn].yw]." KL:lUik]:yUic];pk];sp];tI:nUiw]sw]:hw];' El:'tI:nUiw]tac];lImac],klL,nm],la}lUc]'An]sw]:Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]tL,KL:' lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey, Su'nn].eAL:" ALmin]:"

You’re in Good Company
“...but Jesus refused to answer.”
(Luke 23:9, NLT)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In scripture, many times people would come against Jesus and criticize Him. Many times it says, “Jesus answered them not a word.” He simply didn’t respond to His critics. He didn’t try to convince them to change their minds. He didn’t get upset because somebody was talking about Him. No, He just ignored it.
When people come against you and they’re jealous, trying to make you look bad, trying to discourage you, remember you’re in good company! Jesus was probably criticized more than anyone else. I love the fact that He didn’t try to explain Himself. He didn’t try to make everyone understand Him. He just stayed focused on what He was called to do. He simply ran His race.
Friend, Jesus set the example for you and me. We don’t have to try to win the approval of others. We have to understand that not everyone is going to understand us. Our focus should be on following God’s leading and let Him order our steps. The next time someone criticizes you, remember the example of Jesus. Overlook it, don’t get offended, and keep moving forward in the destiny God has for you!
Father, today I release every person who has criticized me or tried to discourage me. I choose to forgive them; I choose to turn away from that distraction. I choose to focus on You and the blessings You have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pay Them No Mind (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!kUv];kL:' kUn];Am],mI;Kgp],mI;pUic]Kw]km]:Pgc]:n}.lat]:wL:' !AUv];ekL.ekL.n}.' ethQt];hiuw]sac]:Ek, Kzt]:hw];l}:?'@wL:n}yw]." Kw]Tac],lQk].mn];El:' Kw]Am],pL;Kgc]Pak],tgn]:Sc]mL;tgn]:pn]mn];" kUv];kL:' eSL;ln}.Am],tk];SQc]eSSuip],yU,yQn]SI,SI,w}.yw].eAL:"@
nG];eKL:kYam];lik]:n}.' Kun]ehLKm];eSL;lvL;kUn];km]:Pgc]:mL;San]Kt];mn];yw]." Kw]sUiw];nn].Aw] mn];hQt];pQn]An]lIKG]:KUw]yw]." mn];sac]:etsG]piw]eS'Aw]An]mn];yUic];pk];sp];w}.nn].ha}la}kGL, pqt]:ca}:ca}:lU;kgn]," mn];sac]:l}:lat]:tL,kqt],EKEh.kc]:tUw]sw]:kw],eSEl:wL:' !kw]n}.pQn]PU: Agn]hUw]lIekL.nuic]:AUiw]:" kw]mI;nm].kt].An]lUw],nn].yU,AUiw]:"@wL:nc],n}nn].yU,yw]." kUv];kL:' mn];Sm].hQt];Sc]? mn];Am],tk];SQc]Sc]eSSuip],yU,yQn]SI,SI,w}.kUv];yw]." nG];Puin]pin],Ep,kGam]; An]nuic]:lat]:w}.wL:' !mn];Am],Aw]Kw]SG],sG]Sc]'@n}yw]."
t};ekL.' mac]pgk]:n}.' nn].pQn]An]mG];lUw]l}:hQt];'mqn]:mUiw]:vL;kUn];tc];la}Kw]mL;San]Kt];mG];nn]. yw]." mG];lUw]l}:tn];hU.mqn]:wL:' kUn];km]:Pgc]:n}.Kw]El,hLlgm],etL,pUin]:nn].kUv];' n}nn].yw]." mn];Am],sG]:wL:kUn];kU:ekL.ekL.n}.'etmI;Pgn];lITiSut];tLmG];w}.tI:nG];mak],hUw]sG]Kw] nn]." yL,pn]hG]:Kw]kum];kgn];w}.nUiw]Kaw];tac];yUic];Aan];mUiw];nL:mG];nn].lL;lL;" yL,pn]hG]:Kw]mL; yL.Aw]mG];sG]piw]eSPat],yan]An]lITiSut];JPL;sw]:nn].pqt]:" PUiw],tL.etkum],kGL,hLEnAn] Kuik].mn];pn]tI:kUn];tc];la}' Am],nn]ekL:' kum],kGL,hLKG]:ep.kUn];Kt];Tt];Sac]mG];sUiw];nn].tc]; mUt];hQt];nn]nn].' tL.mG];Aw]tLyUic];pk];sp];tI:nUiw]lgc]:An]JPL;sw]:mI;w}.pn]tLmG];nn].kUv]; lL:" Aw]Kaw];yam];eSyU,Sw];kin]Sac]:sgm];' kUn];sUiw];tUv];hn]An]JPL;sw]:hQt];pn]AI:Sc]tI: nG];mG];nn].El:" Aw]sG]yUic];pk];sp];tI:nUiw]kUn];sUiw];etsUm];sgm];mG];nn].tL." yL,mat]:SGac];kin] kUn];Kt];Tt];Sac]sUiw];nn].lL;lL;' nn]sc],' mG];etsac]:pQn]ekL.An]JPL;sw]:hgc].Aw]mG];mL; tL,etpQn]kU:An]tc];SQc]:nn].l}:AUiw]:"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.' KL:Aw]mak],huw]sG]el:sG]KL:yUic];pk];sp];tI:nUiw]sw]:hw];w}.yw]." KL:lUik]:tL,etAm],mat]:SGac];kin]kUn]sUiw];w}hUw]wut];wut];nn].yw]." KL:lUik]:tac];tL,etEw:pqt]: SQc]Kt];kn]sUiw];nn].yw]." KL:puin]Paw],Agk],lUv]:tac];yum],mat]:nn].eSwL:' KL:tiun];ethQt]; yw].tUw]:TUn]:lIsgm];wac];Pqn]An]sw]:hw];mI;w}.pn]tLKL:' kL:nc],KL:w}.sw]:hw];pQn]Tiniuc]:Agn] tac];Sut];kGL,kU:wn];' sgm];tI:An]KL:hQt];KL:Sac]:kU:An]An]nn].eAL:" SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]: sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Pay Them No Mind
“But some scoundrels said, ‘How can this fellow save us?’ They despised him and brought him no gifts. But Saul kept silent.”
(1 Samuel 10:27, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In scripture, King Saul had some people come against him. They were making fun of him. He could have easily become distracted and lost his focus. He could have defended himself saying, “I’m a good leader. I have what it takes.” But what did he do? He kept silent. One translation says, “He paid them no mind.”
Friend, sometimes that’s what you have to do when people are coming against you. You have to realize that some people are just jealous. Not everyone is going to have your best interest at heart. But don’t let them control your destiny. Don’t let them distract you from God’s best. Instead of playing up to people or trying to win over all your critics, keep your eyes focused on what God has for you. Spend time with people who see what God is doing in you. Focus on those who will celebrate you. Ignore the critics so you can be all that God has called you to be.
Father, today I keep my heart and mind focused on You. I choose to ignore the naysayers. I choose to turn away from critical voices. I declare by faith that I will accomplish the plan You have for me as I daily put You first in everything that I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Monday, November 26, 2012

God of Wonders


D             Em                          C             D                   Em                                    C
sw]:TL,wrL.PB:SGac];Pan], nm].El:lin]Aik],fL.wBc];Sgm],
D             Em                                C          D                          Em                          C
hiBn];sw]:yB,pQn]miBc];kac]haw]  ygc]:eyL;JPL;sw]:mI;tI:Sbc]
lm],SQc] 1'
 G                                    D                               Am                               C                             C
sw]:pL;lIAam];mI;tI:niBw]Sbc]Pbc],fL. sw]:n}.mBt];sac], mBt];sac],
G                                          D                                                Am                         C                             C
tc];skYL,wrL,ygc]:Aam];Pbc];tn];KBw];yG],sw]: sw]:n}.mBt];sac], mBt];sac],
C                                                             C
sw]:miBc];kac]haw]El:lbm]:fL. x 2
yam];sw].nG]nL:miBc];SG] KL:sBm];hp].Abn],Sa}lqc];sw]:
yam];Kibw]:libt];tI:nG];lp];Sic], miBw]:Kibn];libk];KL:hgc].sibw]:sw]:
Am                                                 C                     D                  Am
 hL;El;lB;yL,Tibc]sw]:miBc];kac]haw]El:lbm]:fL. x 3

lm],SQc] 2'
sw]:pL;lIAam];mI;tI:niBw]Sbc]Pbc],fL. sw]:n}.mBt];sac], mBt];sac],
tc];skYL,wrL,ygc]:Aam];Pbc];tn];KBw];yG],sw]: sw]:n}.mBt];sac], mBt];sac],
sw]:mYat]:hw];Pbv],hBw]sG]sw]:pn]KL: sw]:n}.mBt];sac], mBt];sac],
D             Em          C             G             D             Am         D

Third Day

Verse 1:
Lord of all creation, of water, earth and sky,
The heavens are Your tabenacle. Glory to the Lord on high!
Chorus 1:
God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are holy, holy.
The universe declares Your majesty. You are holy, holy;
Lord of heaven and earth, Lord of heaven and earth.
Verse 2:
Early in the mornig I will celebrate the light.
When I stumble in the darkness, I will call Your name by night.
Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth (x3)
Chorus 2:
God of wonders beyond our galaxy, You are holy, holy.
Precious Lord, reveal Your heart to me, You are holy, holy,

Beautiful Lady of New Tailand (song)


A                             A
A                                             D                                             Bm                         A
Bm                                         Em          Em                          A                             D


Bm                         F#m        Bm
Bm                         F#m        Bm
Em                          Em                                                         
A                             F#m                                        Bm                         Bm                         D

Beautiful  Lady of  New Tailand

Hey! Hey! Hey!
A sound of boisterous laughter, echoing in the valeys, forests and all over the mountains,
Near a globe of green pine trees, while attending  to a Tai new year party,

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Meeting a beautiful Tai young lady in her loving smile while greeting guests, 
With dimple in her rosy pink cheek, a kind of  beauty that suitably matches with a New Tailand,

                Either when she (you) smiles or laughs,
                When she (you) gives a glance at me,
                My heart seems to skip a beat,
                If  there is a chance,  most likely to ask  if she has a fiancé,

Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey!  Beautiful Tai young lady, who is welcoming us in a loving smile, 
With that dimple in your rosy pink cheek, O young lady of New Tailand, you are so beautiful,

ma}tgc];" (tI:nG];Kgp],pw],nn].' epL;tUk],siuw]:kUn];miUc];t};hw]; kUn];KiUw];t};hw];kU:KUiw];KiUw];eShgc].kGL,l}:n}etKqm].lInL,")
Kuk];sG]l}:kGam];puk]:An]hw];hgc].eSkL:sgm];'mUiw]:pan]pQn]luk]:hQn];sn].sgm]'nn].El:'Em;sap]:SG],eKL:mG],mn];Tqc]:mUiw]:11/22/2012' tL,num],ha};sa};yic];kUn];mUic];t};tc];SQc]:'