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A Widow’s Son Is Raised From the Dead
What a warm, dry day it was in Judea! Jesus and His disciples had already walked more than twenty miles. Wearily the disciples wondered how much further they would have to travel on this rough road.
The disciples had no way of knowing they were about to see one of the most touching scenes in history. But Jesus did. He knew He was needed in the city of Nain.
As Jesus and His disciples trudged along, many people joined them. Women left their housework, and men set aside their tools. Some folks brought sick friends to be healed. Curious children darted in and out of the growing crowd. These people were all drawn to Jesus because of His kindness and love.
Finally Jesus and His followers approached Nain. As they arrived at the city gate, they met a funeral procession. Leading the procession were four men carrying the coffin. Next came a woman who was weeping, then followed a crowd of mourners.
When Jesus saw the woman, He felt sorry for her. She was a widow who had just lost her only son. “Don’t weep,” He said tenderly. He walked over and touched the coffin. The pallbearers stopped short and stared. Who is this stranger, and what does He think He is doing?
Jesus looked into the face of the dead boy and commanded, “Young man, I say unto you, arise!” Immediately the boy opened his eyes, sat up, and began to speak. The astonished bystanders took a few steps back. Several gasps were heard. But Jesus calmly helped the boy to his feet and led him to his mother.
With one voice the people joined the woman in praising the Lord. “A mighty prophet has risen among us!” they exclaimed. “We have seen God’s hand at work today!”
News of this miracle spread rapidly throughout Judea and the neighboring countries. More and more people heard about Jesus and His wondrous power.
Luke 7:11-17
Caption: A widow thanks the Lord for returning her son to life.
Parents: But though he cause grief, yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies. (Lamentations 3:32)
Children: 1. In what city did Jesus meet the funeral procession?
2. Why did Jesus pity the widow?
3. What happened after Jesus touched the coffin?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)