VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Sunday, July 24, 2011

THE FIRST SIN (003-Stories from the Bible)





Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];' AL,tm],El:Aip];l}:Kam],sG].Agk],SUn]AU;yQn]kGL,kgp]:piUw]:KLAm],hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];'

AU:Em:'  siUc].nc],An]kUn];sa};ekL.niuc]:Am],hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];El:kUn];tc];la}l}:pQn]kUn];mI;A pYt]:nn].'sc],wL:An]ekL.niuc]:hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];nn].n}.'tk];hQt];hG]:kUn];tc];la}l}:pQn] kUn];Siuw]:etL,nn].yw]."(rUw];m5;19)

luk]:Agn],' 1. pQn]PG]mL;kw];ekYL;SUn];yUc];Aip];?
       2. ygn].Sc]El:AL,tm],el:Aip];KLpa}:tQt],pqp].TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:w}.?
       3. PG]sG].hG]:AL,tm],El:Aip];Pat],yan]Agk],SUn]AU;yQn],nn].kGL,?
*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

Cast Out of the Garden of Eden

For a time—we do not know how long—Adam and Eve were at peace in their beautiful garden. They talked with God as a man would talk with his friend. They did whatever God told them to and did not know of anything evil.
Yet Adam and Eve needed to learn that they must always obey God’s commands. God told Adam and Eve, “You may eat the fruit from all the trees in the garden except one. If you eat the fruit of that tree, you will die.”
Now among the animals there was a serpent, or a snake. Satan, that evil spirit who tempts us to sin, went into the serpent to tempt the woman to sin.
The serpent said to Eve, “You will not die. God knows that if you eat of the fruit, you will become very wise and know what is good and what is evil.”
Eve listened to the serpent. She looked at the fruit, thought of how good it would taste, and wondered if it would really make her wise. Ignoring God’s command, she took the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to Adam, and he also ate.
That evening when Adam and Eve heard God’s voice, they did not come to Him as before. Fearfully they tried to hide.
Because of their disobedience, God said to Eve, “You will suffer pain and trouble, and your husband will rule over you.” To Adam, God said, “Because you listened to your wife when she told you to do wrong, you, too, must suffer by toiling and sweating among thorns and thistles.” God also cursed the serpent.
Adam and Eve could not stay in their perfect garden home. God sent them out and placed angels and a flaming sword at the entrance.
Genesis 3

Caption: Adam and Eve sent out of the garden because of disobedience.

Parents:       For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. (Romans 5:19)

Children:    1. Who tempted Eve?
2. Why did Adam and Eve hide from God?
3. Who made Adam and Eve leave the garden?

 (-Stories by Ura Millar)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

ADAM AND EVE (002-Stories from the Bible)








cw]:km],PL,1;26' 2

Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   AL,tm],El:Aip];'yU,Sw];w}.tI:nG];SUn]AU;yQn]hac]:lIAI;tin],nn].'

AU:Em:'  kw]KL:etygc]:eyL;sw]:eAL:' piUw]:wL:KL:n}.l}:Kam],hQt];pQn]w}.lUv]:An]lIkUw]lIkak], El:lIAam];lUc]Aam];lac]nL,nn]." (SL,lam],'139;14)

luk]:Agn],' 1. pQn]PG]hQt];pQn]AL,tm],El:Aip];?
       2. pQn]PG]ekL.tac],siuw]:tUw]St];An]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:hQt];siUw];nn].?
       3. An]AL,tm],El:Aip];KLyU,Sw];nG];mn];n}.pQn]SUn]AU;yQn]An]lG]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

The First Man and the Mother of All Living

On the sixth day of creation, God’s world was beautiful indeed. The fields were green, the flowers bloomed, and birds and animals roamed the forests.
But there were no people, houses, farms, or cities on the earth. No children played under the trees. The world was ready for men and women to enjoy it.
God said, “Let us make man in our likeness. He will have a soul and be master of all that is on the earth.”
Then God took dust from the earth and formed a man. He breathed into him the breath of life, and the man became a living soul. God named this very first man Adam.
To give man a home, God planted a beautiful garden in Eden with a clear river flowing through it. Adam was to care for this garden. Then God brought the animals to Adam and let him name each one. Adam noticed there were two of every kind of animal.
But there was no companion for Adam in this perfect garden. God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make someone to be with Adam and to help him.”
God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep, then He took a rib from Adam’s side. From the rib, God made a woman. Adam called her Eve. Adam and Eve loved each other. They were very happy in this beautiful garden God had given them for a home.
 Genesis 1:26; 2

Caption: Adam and Eve in the beautiful Garden of Eden.

Parents:       I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)

Children:    1. Who made Adam and Eve?
2. Who named the animals that God made?
3. In what garden did Adam and Eve live?

(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Be strong, Be not afraid,

“No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. ...” (John 7:4, NIV) !Am],mI;kUn];ekL.An]KG]:Agn]nL:Agn]tLpiUn]:nn].ekL.lG]'lgm]hQt];lp].lp].siUc].nn]"..."@(ygn]7;4)
“People don't hide what they are doing if they want to be well known… ”(John 7:4,GNT) !kUn];tc];la}n}.Am],SUc],Am],Sim];An]Kw]hQt];yU,nn].'epL;wL:Kw]KG]:mI;kUn];];nm]nn].Et."..."@(ygn]7;4)
“No one does anything in secret, if they want others to know about them. …” (John 7:4, CEV) !Am],mI;kUn];ekL.lG]lgm]hQt];lp].lp].siUc].nn]Sc]'epL;wL:Kw]KG]:hG]:piUn]:tac],ekL.hU.lgc]:Kw]n}"..."@(ygn]7;4)
“For no one does anything in secret when he himself seeks to be known publicly. …” (John 7:4, NASB)     !piUw]:wL:'Am],mI;kUn];ekL.lG]lgm]hQt];lp].lp].siUc].nn]Sc]'miUw]:mn];mgc];KG]:kUn];miUc];tc];la}];nn]."@(ygn]7;4
For no one does anything in secret when he wishes to be conspicuous and secure publicity….” (John 7:4, AMP)

eKL:SU;tgc];' tac],ekY;sU;sw]:AU:miUc];kac]haw]'An]sw]:Sc],lat]:w}.eKL:pUc]Sc],n}.'nG];siuw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:"
“…  Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, NIV) !..."w}.sG]kqn],Kqc]eSht];han]tL."yL,epkUw]EhSc]'yL,epsG]tUk];Sc]'piUw]:wL:'SUkGL,tac];lG]ekL:' sw]:hw];sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;SUn}.'tiun];mI;sgm];SUyU,"@(eyL;Su1;9' NIV)
 “…  Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, AMP)  !.."w}.sG]kqn],kqn],Kqc]Kqc]'hqc];wiun].wiun].'eSht];han]nL,nL,tL."yL,epkUw]'tUk];ekL:yL,eptUk];sG]KI:yan]: Sc]'piUw]:wL:'SUkGL,tac];lG]ekL:'sw]:sw]:hw];TL,wrL.JPL;SUn}.'tiun];mI;sgm];SUyU,"@(eyL;Su1;9' AMP)

GOD'S WONDERFUL CREATION (001-Stories from the Bible)





cw]:km],PL,'1' 2;1-3'
Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   TL,wrL.JPL;Pan],SGac];hQt];pQn]km],PL,elL;klIAam];An]niuc]:'

AU:Em:'  lUv]:tac];yum],mat]:eShw];hU.pgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]An]wL:' km],PL,elL;kn}.Kgt],Pgt]:hQt]; pQn]w}.sgm];eKL:kGam];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}eAL:" (hI;RpO;'11;3)

luk]:Agn],' 1. KiUc]:piUc]An]mI;yU,tc];mUt];siUw];n}.pQn]PG]hQt];w}.?
       2. sgc],mG];lat]:Enl}:KiUc]:piUc]Kqm].lIAn]JPL;hQt];nn].km]:Pgc]:hL.?
       3. tL,TL,wrL.JPL;Pan],SGac];km],PL,elL;kn}.mn];l}:hiuc]kGL,la}wn];?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

In the Beginning

The Holy Bible begins with God. He created the beautiful heavens above, and the earth below for us to live on. There was a time when everything was dark, very dark. No birds, animals, or laughter of little children were heard.
Then a voice spoke: “Let there be light!” And suddenly there was light! God separated the light from the darkness and named them day and night. This happened the very first day.
On the second day, God started to make a beautiful world. He divided the water from the air. Then the blue sky appeared.
On the third day, God made dry land by gathering the waters into oceans, streams, and rivers. He covered the plains, hills, and mountains with grass, flowers, vines, and trees. Olives, apples, cherries, peaches, and berries grew on trees and bushes.
On the fourth day, God put something yellow and round in the sky. It was the sun. In the evening a glowing moon appeared, and many stars dotted the sky.
On the fifth day, there were sounds everywhere. What did God create this day? He made birds to fly in the air and fish to swim in the water. They were all sizes, shapes, and colors. Whales, goldfish, bluebirds, geese, and ostriches were only a few of the many creatures He made.
On the sixth day, cattle, creeping things, and other animals were seen. God made cows, horses, sheep, dogs, and cats, along with lions, tigers, bears, and rabbits. It was a wonderful birthday present for the very first man whom God also created that day. Do you know the name of this first man? In the next story, you will read about him.
On the seventh day, God rested. He called it a Holy Day, for He had finished all His good work.

Genesis 1; 2:1-3

Caption: God created a wonderful world.

Parents:       Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God. (Hebrews 11:3)

Children:    1. Who made all things that live?
2. Can you name some nice things that God made?
3. How many days did it take God to create the world?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Follow Him Daily (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)


!wa};eSnn].mn];sw]:lat]:pn]Kw]tc];mBt];wL:'!epL;eSekL.eSkBn];n}.Aan];etmL;sgm];lc]kw]sibc]' mn];tk];etl}:Ep,pqt]:tBw]mn];eS'mqk],Sw]m}.wL;mibw];mn];pQn]wn];kB:wn];eSEl:sgm];kw]mL;yw]."@ (lbk].kL,9;23' NIV)  
kB:wn];kB:wn];n}.mn];mI;lgc];tac];KiBc]:piBc]la}la}An]mL;San]Kt];hw];'mn];mI;lgc]:sG]lbsG]piw]An]Aan]; etmL;tibt].sn]'Aw]hw];Pat],yan]k}tac];ybm],mat]:hw];mI;nG];sw]:Krit]:nn].'yB,yw]."nn]sc],sw]: ey,Sblat]:wL:'kB:wn];kB:wn];n}.hw];tk];Tbk],l}:liBk]:tL,etsgm];mn];sw]:'n}yw]."mac]pgk]:n}.mn]; pQn]ca}:nL,nL,tL,etwBn].wL:'!epL;yw].'kw]k}.kGL,wt].w}:SLman],man],yB,lB;'@Am],nn]ekL:!kw]lBTm], mkYam];lik]:kw]kB:wn];tnc];knBv],(AL;Tit].)yB,lB;'@nc],n}nn]." kBv];kL:An]pQn]];n}.' ASak]:Pwl}:pQn]Krit]:yan],ekL.nibc]:n}n}.'Am],sG]:lgc]:wL:hw];hQt];hibw]yB,nG];wn];Kaw];Sbt];wBc]:siBw]; nn].n}Sc]" mn];pQn]lgc]:An]hw];hQt];hibw]yB,Sw];sgm];wn];wn];nibc]:kGL,'kB:wn];wn];nn].yw]."sgc], mG];mI;w}.Kaw];yam];yB,lBv]:sgm];mn];sw]:'pQn]wn];kB:wn];wn];nn].yB,hL.?"sgc],mG];kGL,SB,hgt]:Pqw] Tibc]eS'w}.piBn]:tac],ekL.pQn]Tinibc]:Agn]tac];nn].hQt];nn]pQn]wn];kB:wn];wn];yB,hL.?"sgc],mG];wan], siBw].wan],Pn];'tL,etsg}:Tqm]Kw]siBw];An]lBw],w}.yB,nn].'kGL,pQn]wn];kB:wn];wn];yB,hL.?"
epL;mG];l}:hB.wL:'tI:An]mG];yac]:p}lBv]:mn];sw]:kGL,pQn]wn];kB:wn];wn];nn].'mac]mQw];n}.'mG];lBw],l}:Em; cUp].cikiBc]hLkn]tc];mn];sw]:yB,n}nn].sibc]'Kaw],lIn}.sm].'mG];sac]:tc]:Et,hQt];Aw]yam];etL:lQw]n}. kGL,miBw]:n}.km];lQw]yB,yw]."mI;tc];sG]Sibw]:yBw];Agn],eS'pin],win],wa},Kibn];sB;mn];sw]:eSEl:'tc]:sG] tc]:eKL;tqp];tt];tL,etsgm];mn];sw]:kGL,'km];lG]km];nn].pQn]kqp].pQn]km];kGL,tL."pn]hG]:mn];sw]:sI. Sc],Entac];yac]:tin]mG];siBw];nn].eS'hQt];sgm];wivin],mBt];sac],sw]:'mQw];An]tibk];yBc];SBn];eSL, epL,pQn]mL;tac];nG];mG];nn].kGL,tL."liBk]:tac];tL,etsgm];mn];sw]:kGL,kB:wn];nn].eS'pG].tBv];An] mn];sw]:ettac]tBw]mG];eS'hQt];kan]pn]nn].w}.yB,El:"
sw]:AB:JPL;hw];tI:KL:'KL:tac],ekY;sB;'An]sw]:pn]KL:mI;wn];tL,ethap],kan]can];sw]:hw];El:'sgm]; sw]:hw];Tqc]:wn];nibc]:nn].eAL:"Kqn];etL:sgm];Sgk]:hLnG];mak],hBw]sG]El:sG]KL:hw];'yam];etL:lQw]km]; n}.lQw]eS'Ka}.Agk],pqt]:mQw];An]sac]:etAw]KL:yan]k}tc];'An]Tgt]:mYat]:mBt];sac],mL;mI;sgm];w}.nn]. eSkm];"KL:liBk]:Aw]sG]sp];sw]:hw];w}.eS'etyac]:sgm];Kk].tgn]:yac]:tin]sw]:hw];kGL,yB,eAL:"SB; tgc];nG];sibw]:sw]:ey,SbeAL:"ALmin]:"
Follow Him Daily
"Then he said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me'"
(Luke 9:23, NIV)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Every day there are things that come against us, distractions that would try to pull us away from our faith in Christ. That's why Jesus said that every day we have to make the choice to follow Him. Sometimes it's easy to think, "Well, I go to church regularly" or "I read my Bible on Sundays." But really, the Christian life isn't about how we live on the weekends, it's how we live every single day. Are you spending time with Him, daily? Are you reaching out and putting others first, daily? Are you sowing seeds to help those in need, daily?
If you know you need to make some adjustments in your daily walk with Him, the good news is that you can start right now, today. Just simply turn to Him and make the commitment to follow Him moment by moment. Let Him direct your steps and follow that inner prompting of the Holy Spirit. Make the choice every day to follow Him and watch what He will do on your behalf!
Father God, thank You for another day to serve and follow You. Search my heart and mind right now and remove anything that would keep me from Your holy presence. I choose to keep my mind on You as I follow Your steps. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Only For the Truth

For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. (2 Corinthians 13:8, NIV)
For we can do nothing against the truth, but only for the truth. (2 Corinthians 13:8, NASB)
For we cannot do a thing against the truth, but only for it. (2 Corinthians 13:8, GNT)
For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth. (2 Corinthians 13:8, KJV)
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Corinthians 13:14,NIV)

piUw]:wL:' hw];Am],sac]:hQt];An]San]Kt];Aman],JtL;nn].l}:eSAn]eSmQw];' lUw],hQt];tL,Aman],JtL;kUv];eAL:" (2ekL;rin].13;8' NIV)
piUw]:wL:' hw];Am],sac]:hQt];An]San]Kt];Aman],JtL;nn].l}:eSAn]' lUw],hQt];tL,Aman],JtL;kUv];eAL:" (2ekL;rin].13;8' NASB)
piUw]:wL:' An]niuc]:ekL:hw];Am],sac]:hQt];San]Kt];Aman],JtL;l}:'      lUw],hQt];tL,mn];kUv];eAL:" (2ekL;rin].13;8' GNT)
piUw]:wL:' hw];Am],sac]:hQt];An]San]Kt];Aman],JtL;nn].l}:eSAn]' lUw],hQt];tL,Aman],JtL;kUv];eAL:" (2ekL;rin].13;8' KJV)
hG]:kuc],ekY;sU;sw]:hw];ey,SuKrit]:'Aik],tac];hk].sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;'El:An]kgc].ka},hQt];ekL. eS:kn]tc];wivin],mUt];sac],sw]:nn].'mI;lUv]];SQc]:eSkm];"(2ekL;rin].13;14' NIV)

Sudden Breakthroughs

!...sw]:JPL;hw];Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}An]pQn]KQn]kw]tc];la}nn].pn]kw]w}.TL:Agn]tac];'epL;miUn]nc], nm].lUc]l}lUc];elL,lup],TUm]:pqt]:nn].yw].'.."@
TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:KG]:Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}:pn]mG];An]niuc]:'pQn]kiuc].kac].mI;An]mn];sw]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]tqk], PUc].Agk],mL;nn].lG]'An]lgc]:lImn];sw]:tqk],Agk],km];niuc]:nn].lG]'siUc].nn]nn]."mn];sw]:KG]:pg},AL, nL,mn];sw]:'nG];la};tac];hG]:epL;ep,sG]ep,eKL;mG];TUn]:TI;nL,nn].eS'liup]:ehL:PU:KQn]mG];siUw];nn].pqt]: pn]AiUw]:"
sac]:eK;etpQn]An]mG];SU;tgc];ygn];l}:mI;lgc]:kp];Siup],Kw]:Agk],kn]An]niuc]:nn].hiuc]mL;la}pIyw]. nn].hiuw]'kiuc].kac].eSEl:'An]lG]ekL:tUk];Kgc].tUk];Aqk],mqn]:lgk];mqn]:la};mn];mL;km];lQw]hQt];nn]"n}.pQn]'An]Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}pn]An]niuc]:'nn].yw]."Am],nn]ekL:eK;mG];Kt];sG]hG]:l}:mI;kan]mI;can];eSAn]An]w}.yU,nn].En,"Kw]wL:tI:Kw]n}.Am],mI;kan]Sc]tL,pn]mG];n}w}.ekL:'kUv];kL:kiuc].kac].eSEl:' Kw]Kiun];hgc].hLmG];El:mG];l}:kn]An]mG];KG]:l}:nn].kGL,"n}.ekL:pQn]'lgc]:Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}pn]An]niuc]:' nn].yw]."yUw],eK;mG];l}:hLetL,SU:Kt];hqc];Kiuc]kYam],tiut];pqt]:yin].An]sp];w}.nn].'hiuc]nL,yw].ekL:p},tiut];l}:eS'wa};nn].l}:pQn]mL;eSpiUc]piUc]El:'Am],l}:yap],yQn];hLetL,SU:Kt];hqc];Kiuc],kYam],Sc]eS tiut];l}:kGL,hac];kUv];mn];"siUw];nn].n}.pQn]'An]Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}pn]'nn].yw]."
pqk].wL:mG];l}:hUp].TUp];etL,AI:Sc]lUc]w}.ekL:yL,mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]'pqk].wL:An]lG]ekL:tUv];lqp]:Am], pQn]l}:eSAit];hQt];nn]w}.yU,ekL:Am],pQn]Sc]'hU.w}.An]n}.tL.'TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:'ekL.Piut].sim]Kw]: Ek:K}pn]n}.KG]:mL;El,hiUn];mG];AiUw]:"hqn];tUw]:tn];w}.El:&'hLAn]mn];sw]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]El:lgc]:lImn]; sw]:nn].tL."tgc];w}.An]'TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:KYL;SU;pn]kUn];ekL.sgm];mgc];Sgk]:hLmn];sw]:'nn].tL."piUw]: n}El:'Siup],muc]:yiUc];Aan];l}:w}.yU,tL.'Suip]yum],w}.yU,tL.'kgp]:piUw]:wL:JPL;sw]:pL;Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}pn] n}.'tUw]:tn];w}.tL,etpn]lgc]:lImn];sw]:'hG]:epL;ep,sG]ep,eKL;mG];TUn]:TI;lInL,nn].yw].'wn];miUw]:n}."
sw]:AB:hw];miBc];kac]haw]tI:KL:'wn];miUw]:n}.'KL:muc]:yiUc];Aan];l}:lgc]:lIsw]:hw];yU,eAL:"KL:sgm];hLAn] sw]:hw];Tuk],mqn]:sG]nn].yU,eAL:"KL:yum],ym]An]wL:sw]:hw];'ekL.pQn]JPL;sw]:Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}pn] n}.'pL;tc];Puc];tn];KUw];yG],lUc]tac]tUw]KL:eShQt];kan]pn]yU,'n}nn].eAL:"sg}:Tqm]hG]:KL:l}:yU,Sw];' ASak]:PwAn]pn]tac];sUm];Tuk],sG]sw]:hw];nn].kGL,'Pgc];KL:tiuk].pG].TL:'hG]:miuw];Puc];tn];KUw];yG],lUc] sw]:hw];'tUc].niuc]hQt];Sac]:pn]kGL,nG];ASak]:PwKL:n}.yU,nn].eSkm];"SB;tgc];nG];sibw]:sw]:ey,Sb eAL:"ALmin]:"
Sudden Breakthroughs
…the Lord has broken through my enemies before me, like the bursting out of great waters…"
(2 Samuel 5:20, AMP)
TODAY'S WORD from Joel and Victoria
God wants to give you a breakthrough—a sudden burst of His favor; an explosion of His goodness. He wants to release His power in such a way that it overwhelms you and drives out your enemies!
Maybe you've been praying about a relationship for years, and suddenly, things get into place. That's a breakthrough. Or you were trying to get a certain job. They said there were no openings; but suddenly, they call you back and you get the job. That's another breakthrough. Perhaps you've struggled with an addiction for a long time, but then something happens and it's not a struggle anymore. Those are all breakthroughs.
No matter what you've been facing, no matter how impossible things look, know this: the God of the breakthrough wants to visit your house. Get ready! Look for His favor and goodness. Remember, God rewards the people who seek after Him. So keep expecting, keep believing because the God of the breakthrough is ready to overwhelm you with His goodness today!
Father in heaven, today I am expecting Your goodness. I am looking for Your favor. I'm trusting that You, the God of the breakthrough, are working mightily on my behalf. Help me to live a life pleasing to You as I wait for Your hand to move mightily in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen