VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Ka - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


k'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]Tinuic]:Agn]tac];Sut];{' = ‘Ka’, the first letter of the Tai alphabet,

1ekL;rin].' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-1ekL;'){ = 1 Corinthians, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: 1 Cor.)],

2ekL;rin].' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-2ekL;'){ = 2 Corinthians, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: 2 Cor.)],

kpK(kgn],pI<Krit]:)El:' pK(pI<Krit]:)' = B.C/BC [Before Christ] & AD

kpK400pI<' = B.C. 400,

kti'(ekL.ktiman],'ekL.ktikuim];') = Promise, N.: Promise keeper, promises,

kti'pn]/w}.kti'(pn]/w}.ktietsg}:')= Promise, to make a promise: to promise help, promised, promising,

ktiKbn]' = Franchise

ktiSqt].sL, = An affirmation, Oath, vow, solemn,

ktiSqt].sL,Kuik].eKLeKL'(lI;wa};27;2') = Special vow, singular vow, dificult vow,

ktiSBp];kGam]; = Verbal promise

ktimn];sw]:siBw];nn].pQn]!sG]:yw].@El:!ALmin]:@= His promises are “Yes,” and “Amen”

ktiman],' = Keep one’s word,

ktilIAam];Et.Et.wL:wL:' = Wonderful promise,

ktilu'(pn]-'yL.-')'(hw];pn]ktilu') = Broke promise, (we broke our promise),

ktilut]:ham];la}' = Broken promises,

ktiham];pw],'(mn];pQn]kUn];emLAup],eSpn]ktiham];pw],tI:pUin]:kUv];)' = Empty promise,

ktiham];la}'[pn]ktiw}.eSAm],PUim].Tqm]hQt];yw].tUw]:sgm];{' = Unfulfilled promise,

kpiBw]<nYim]<'(wQc];) = Capernaum,

krik].'(miUc];) = Greek,

krit].s]' K}mn];muin]:' [kgn]:K}/K}sUim]:w}.eSAw]SG],hG]:muin]:lI{' = Grease, N. lubricant,

krit].s]'(miUc];)'miUc];krik].miUw]:pan]kgn],' = Greece, ancient Greek,


ngk]:Kw]eSpn]KGac].Kw]Kw]:mL;hQt];kan]nG];mUic];yU,Aqt].S]nn].{' = Green card, an official card originally

green issued by the U.S. government to foreign nationals permitting them to work in the U.S.,

krin];tI:tg},SG],hU;' pt].tic];krin];' = Green,(Golf course), putting green,

krin];pit].S]'(muk].sum];') = Greenpeace, an organization founded in 1971 that stresses the need to

maintain a balance between human progress and environmental conservation. Members take active but nonviolent measures

against what are regarded as threats to environmental safety, such as the dumping of nuclear waste in the sea,

krqp].f]'[lgk];Tt];Tqw]/sqk],Enlgc]:Kiun]:/nm]tc];lUc];/eA,nn].{'= Graph, N., graphic, adj.,

krqp].fa}.'[siun];lm]{' = Graphite, black lead,


.mL,Aqc];klQt]:)' = Grammar, N.: English grammar,

krow],l};nL;san];' = South Carolina

krOw],l};nL;hgc],' = North Carolina

krbnL,'(sw]:hw];'luk]:sa};et;wit].AUiv];'mI;krunL,nUiw]hw];KL:eSkm];'(mqt]:20;30')' = Mercy, N.: “Lord, Son

of David, have mercy on us.”(Mtt.20:30),

krunL,JPL;sw]:'(1ekL;7;25')' = Lord’s mercy, God’s mercy,

krbnL,yG],' mI;sG]krunL,' = Merciful, adj.,

krunL,hun].sUm];Agc],ep.nUiw]eKL:Tt];Sin]eAL:"(kYQm];2;13')= Mercy triumphs over judgment,



,Pc]Alac];yU,yw]."{ = Graham number, the Graham number is a figure that measures a stock's fundamental value

by taking into account the company's earnings per share and book value per share. The Graham number is the upper bound of the

price range that a defensive investor should pay for the stock. According to the theory, any stock price below the Graham number

is considered undervalued, and thus worth investing in.,

klc];kluic]:Kuc]:Kuc]:Kuc]:kluic]:'[SQc]]Pgc];mUiw]:PUn]tUk];{' = Thunder sounds,

klat].KY]'sum],klat].KY]'[nG];sum],klat].KY]n}.pL;(fl};wI.l]'{' = Clutch, clutch kit,

klat].KY][klat].KY]kL;An]sg}:mUiw]:Ka}.kI,yL,kL;kGL,An]nuic]:yw].An]nuic]:nn].{' = Clutch, N. Machinery,

klat].KY]tit].S]' = Clutch Disc,

klat].KY]lI;wUiw],' lI;wUiw],klat].KY]' = Clutch Lever,

klL,ti' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-klL,'){ = Galatians, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Gal.)],

klL,ti'(kYam];lik]:) = Galatians, [a book in the New Testament, (Gal)],

klL,ti'[suic]:mUic];pan]mUiw]:kgn],nG];pgt];kac]AL,SYL.Agn],pQn]mUic];Krit]:yan],sw].Agn]tac];pUin]:{ = Galatia, [an

ancient country in central Asia Minor: later a Roman province; site of an early Christian community.(1 Peter 1:1)],

klik];klgk];' kBn];Pgk]:Sqt].sL,' kBn];ktilb' = Treacherous

klqn].'[ES;l]An]nuic]:/la}An]hgm];kn]w}.eSpQn]An]hQt];Agk],pn]Sik]RKI;SYqn];{' = Gland, (Anatomy),

klqp].tgk].Ker,SI<'[mUic];PU:lk].Aup].pUic],{' klqp].tgk].Ker,SI,' = Kleptocracy, a government or

state in which those in power exploit national resources and steal;, rule by thieves,

klgt].SrI,eKL:kGam];' (S}ma}eKL:kGam];hgc].tc];nm]lUc]An]tqm]:tI:pgc],eKL:kGam];mn];Enpn]pL;w}.pn]') =

Glossary, a list of terms in a special subject, field, or area of usage, with accompanying definitions,

kEw;lL<'[tL:hUiw];mI;nG];pgt];Agk],mUic];krik].'{ = Kavalla, N. a seaport in E Greece,

kk];' kGc]kGc]kk];kk];'lat]:kGam];kk];' = Falter, to speak brokenly, to move unsteadily, stammer,

kk];k}'kk];miuw];'kGk];kG}' = Wave, to move freely and gently back and forth,


Brandish, to shake or wave, as a weapon, brandished, brandishing, brandish, N.,

kk];k}eSlU,tan];'(Agk],29;24') = Wave offering,


;n}.'hw];sac]:sG].tUw]St];pin],win],wa},kGL,tc];tUw]l}:AUiw]:"(ca};An]SUn]Sa}nc]kGa};/wUw];eSsG].kin]Kw]l}:nn].') =

kk].mL.'[Sa}sUik]:An]SG],nG];SUp];mL.eSehL:sG].mn];kGL,/kuit];/lqn]:/Kun],/wqn]skGL,{ = Horses’ bridle,

Bit, N., bridle bit, horse bridle, buffalo or cow bridle: When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obye us, we can

turn the whole animal, bits,

kc]:' muc];' kc]:pn]' muc];kc]:pn]' muc];pn]' SUic],w}.pn]'= Harbor, shelter, harbored, (they

harbor the refugees who streamed across the borders.),

kc]:' muc];'muc];kc]:pn]'muc];pn]'kc]:pn]' = Shelter, harbor, sheltered, (shelter him from the rain),

kc]:'kc]:w}.'kc]:PL:kc]:'kc]:PL'kc]:hUw].' = Cover, barrier, partition, veil, enclose, fencing,

kc]:'kc]:pn]'tBm];'hBm],'muc];'hUm],tUm];'tUm];tL'= Cover, envelope, conceal, enclose, covered, covering,

kc]:Sut];' kc]:PL:kc]:yuc];' = Cover with mosquito net, put up mosquito net,

kc]:PL' (kc]:pqn]:' kc]:PLla};') = Cover a wall, (wooden wall covering, woven wall covering,)

kc]:PLKqn]:kn]' (luk];lQw]kc]:PLKqn]:kn]pQn]Sgc]Kgc].w}.') = Partition off, (to partition off a room into two,)

kc]:PL:kc]:' = Close the curtain, draw the curtain on/over,

kc]:PL:kc]:'(kc]:PL:kc]:Kgc].Aap],nm]./hU;lqc];/Pk];tU) = Curtain, curtained, curtaining,

kc]:w}.tac];Kac]:' kc]:w}.sgm];him];' = Cover for side, side cover,

kc]:hUw].' hQt];hUw].Kqn]:w}.' lgm].hUw].' = Fence, to enclose by some barriers, fenced, fencing,

kc]:sgc]:'(kac]:sgc]:Eh.lqt],'PUn]'lUm];')'muc];sgc]:' = Open the umbrella, spread an umbrella,

kc];kic];' = Kangking, the name of vowel sign in Tai letters,


m]kn]wL:n}kgp]:mI;lgc]:m}:yap],sG]sgm];tac];yU,lIpQ;San];t};ekL.hw];pI:ngc].hw];kw]nn].)' = Terrible cold,

kt];Sn],tin];tin];'kUw]Sn],tin];tin];'sG]KUm];sgm];epL;Sn],tin];tin];' = Shiver, to

shake or tremble with cold, fear, excitement, etc., shivered, shivering, shiver, N.,

kt];epL;Sn],yqc],yqc],/tin];tin];' Sn],yqc],yqc],' = Freezing cold and shaking,

kt];mL;tik];tik];' = Grow cold, get cooler,

kt];'kt];lUiw]'kt];Sut];/kt];eSpUin]:Sut];'(kt];nL,muiw];/tin]epL;Agk],kQw],') = Cold, adj.

chilled, colder, coldest,

kt];' tI:kt];' tI;hqc];lUm];m}:tqm],' = Low temperature,

kt];km]:Kqc]' kt];sQp];' = Freezing,

kt];KQw]:' kiut].KQw]:kt];KQw]:' km]pak],' = Gnash, gnashing teeth,

kt];cqn];cqn];lI' kt];yQn]hin].ngn];' kt];yQn]' = Cool,

kt];sI:' kt];lac]:' kt];cn];cn];' = Chilly, adj., chillier, chilliest, chilly, adv.,

kt];suin]:KYam];SL,yQn]eA;'KYam];SL,'(mUic];KYam];SL,)'= Ease, N., be at ease, Paradise,

kt];suin]:yQn]sG]' =“Cool, calm and collected; calm and composed.”

kt];nim]' nim]Sw];' = Stable, adj., stabler, stablest,

kt];yQn]cqn];cqn];' = Breezing,

!kt];yQn]nim]lIeSAw]lg};lg};'@ =“Cool, calm and steady.”

kt];yQn]hin].ngn];' kt];yQn]' kt];cqn];cqn];lI' = Cool,

kt].' kt].kYL.' (yLn}.kt].kYL.') = Effective, adj. This medicine is so effective,

kt].' kt].kgc]:' = Be able to withstand or proof against gun bullet or knife, bullet-proof,



etpQn]nI:TUm]:hUw]mUt];yw].') = Have an edge on someone, verb phrase. to have an advantage; enjoy a

superior or wining position,

kt].kL:Kqn]EK:yc];mI;pqn]Ep:'kt].kL:' = Have the edge on, to have a slight advantage or superiority,


Gudgodah, a place where Israelites camped in the wilderness near Ezion Geber, also called Hor Haggidgad,

kt].Kqn],' = Talented, brilliant, expert, smart, clever, skillful,

kt].Kqn],'Kqn],'mI;tac];kt].Kqn],'mI;nm]kt].' = Talented, adj. having talent; gifted,

kt].Et.kt].wL:' (nm].kt].) = Skillfully, (skills)

kt];&' Kqn],;& = Nice job!

kn]'(nG];kYam];mqt]:tiw]<kn]puk]:22tgn]:eKL:kGam];ma}37')kn]puk]:lik]:' = Chapter, (Matthew chapter 22 verse 37,)

kn]'tI:kn]'(yip];muiw]:kn]'yL,hQt];tI:kn]') = Each other, one another: to hold each other’s hand; don’t fight

each other,

kn]pbk]:lik]:Tqc]:tgn]:etmL;' = The next chapter,

kn]hQn];kqm]tUw]'(lgc]:-'piun];-') = Parable,

kn],nI,' m}kn],nI,'[m}yQp].TUc]sn]:Kw]:{'Pqn],kn.]nI,' = Gunny, N.,

kn]:'(kn]:Pk];kat],'kqn]:mak],Pit].')'kqn]:' = Stem, N., (mustard stem, chilly stem,)

kn]:' kn]:sG]' = Stop breathing, breath holding,

kn]:'kn]:l}:l}:'kn]:kqn],kqn],'yUin].Kam],'Kam],hG]:l}:l}:'(kn]:lgc]:kin];sG]nn].l}:l}:') = Endure,

to hold out against; undergo; to bear with patience; suffer without yielding: endure hardship, endured, enduring,

kn]:Kam],sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]'Em:yic];Kam],tgc].sQp];kUit],luk]:' = Labor pain, the pain of

childbirth; labor; travail: a woman in labor or travail,

kn]:f};' = Torch, torches,

kn]:lgc]:kin];sG]nn].l}:l}:'yUin].Kam],tac];yap],yQn];Kan]sG]l}:l}:' = Endure hardship,

kn]:h}:Kac];'kn]nm].tL,sium];yuic]:hUv],'kn]h}:'(kn]:h}:Kac];sQp];sG]Tuic]sG]Tuic]eKL;) = Weep, cry:

wept bitterly or sore, wept, weeping,

kn];' kGn];' (kn];f};' kGn];f};')' Aa}mn];' = Smoke, steam, smog,

kn];'(kn];sgc]:'kn];hgk],'kn];Kgn].kgp]f]') = Handle, N. shaft: umbrella handle, handle of spear, golf club shaft,

kn];'kn];lQk];kUm]' = Shaft, N. a long pole forming the body of various weapons, as lances, halberds, or arrows,

kn];Kgn].kgp].f]'(kn];lQk];/kn];krqp].fa}.)' = Golf Shafts,(Iron shaft or Graphite shaft),

kn];tuv];tuv];' = Fumes, any smokelike or vaporous exhalation from matter or substances,, fume, vapor,

kn];PL./mit]:/lqw];'[kn];tI:yip];tL,lqw];/mit]:Aum],'{ = Hilt, N. the handle of a sword or dagger,

kn];lQk];kUm]' = Shaft, a long pole forming the body of various weapons, as lances, halberds, or arrows,

pinkish tinge, occurring in compounds whose silicates afford important blue coloring substances for ceramics. Symbol: Co;

atomic weight: 58.933; atomic number: 27; specific gravity: 8.9 at 20°C. ,

kn];elL.wac];yaw];'(nUic];-!kn];lk];tc]:@)' = Horizontal axis, (compare to “vertical axis”),

kn];mQt];pL' = Fishing pole,

kn].kn]'[tac];lQn]:hqc];kn].kn]PG]];l}:SU;nn].{ = Wrestle, N. wrestling,

kn].kn]'kuit].mc]'kibt].hap],etL,SB:' = Wrestle, cope with, to struggle, strive, wrestled, wrestling,

kn].kUk].'kn].kUk].hQt];' = Make great exertion to overcome a difficulty, ply,

kn].kUk].Aw]AQn]Aw]hqc];Kt];sG]pL;nm].kt].tc];emLkw]kL:mI;eShQt];'(van],2;19')= Poured

out my effort and skill,

kp];' = Fasten, join, affix, glue, cement, paste,

kp];'[kp];lqw];'kp];mit]:'{ = Sheathe, N. case or covering for the blade of a sword, knife, scabbard,

kp];Pk];kgc]:'[TUc]SG],kgc]:mt].sp];Sa}kqt];Pk];w}./pL;sgm];hUw]mL,/mt].sp];kgp];mL.nn].'{ = Holster, N. a

sheathe like carrying case for a firearm, attached to belt, shoulder sling, or saddle,

kp];lqw];' = Scabbard, N. a sheathe for a sword or the like,

SG],kp];'[Aw]lqw];/mit]:SG],km];mn];w}.{ = Scabbard, to put into a scabbard; sheathe, scabbarded,

kp];'(Pk];kp];nm].Pit].) = Together with, (vegetable to eat together with namphit sauce,)

kp];'kp];kn]'sap]:kn]'sap]:'[Aw]sUiw]./tUn]:/kic],kp];kn]sap]:kn]hG]:Agk],pQn]mL;tUn]:mG],mG],{' = Graft,

grafted, grafting, graft into,


.Tqc]:SG],eSmQw];mQw];mUin]nc],SG],pn]tac];wan]mn];SG],SImn];hac]:lIw}.nn]lG]'{' = Garnish, to provide or supply

with something ornamental or adorn: to provide (a food) with something that adds flavor, decorative color; etc.,

kp];ka},' kp];ka},kn]' = Related to, relevant,

kp];ka},kn]'kQw],kn]'[nUiw].lUit]:lQw]kn]{ = Akin, adj. of kin; related by blood; kindred,

kp];San]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'(];San])' = Contact: a contact agent,

kp];San]kn]' kp];San]' = Contact, contacted, contacting,

kp];San]ka},Sibp],'[tL,ygn];Kaw],lgc]:tac];/]:{ = Consult, consulted, consulting,

kp];San]ka},Sibp],'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Consultation, N., consult,

kp];Sibp],' la};kp];Sibw],' = Communication,

kp];Sibp],Kw]:Agk],' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Relationships

kp];Sibp],Kw]:Agk],'(mI;lgc]:kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],sm]sG]kn]Sut];tc];eSekL.ekL.) = Relationship, N. : in

closest relationship with someone, relationships,

kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],kn]Sun],tUw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Personal relationship,

kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],sm]sG]kn]'(lgc]:-)(nUic];-kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],k}kn]sUw]:yuin];muiw];') = Intimate

relationship, (compares ‘an arm’s-length relationship’),


:'(ygn]<'1;18')' = Closet relationship, in closest relationship with the Father,(Jn.1:18),

kp];Siup],Kw]:Agk],An]pL;tac];hk].niUw]mG];w}.nn].' = Loving relationship with you,

kp];Suiw],Kw]:Agk],An]Aw]hUw]epL;mw];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Toxic relationship,

kp];Siup],tc];Sa}<fUn];tc];Kgm]<' = Asynchronous communication,-The transmission of information

as it is completed, rather than when the party to whom it is addressed is ready to receive ti. Example: E-mail,

kp];Suip],tL,ekL:Sac]:lgc]:kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],kn]' = Communicate to build a relationship,

kp];etL,'(An])(lup],kp];lup],etL,')' = Pivot, (pivot point,)

kp];etL,Kuik].luik].'(An]pQn]tac];kp];etL,Kuik].luik].) = Pivotal, adj. of vital importance: a pivotal event,

kp].'(Puc]kUn];kiun];kp].tQm]wan]:tQm],miUc];') = Fully filled up: large crowds filled up everywhere,

kp].'kin];(epL;tiuw];Sgk];tin]kp].nL,tin]emLpgc];epL;lUm]nL,Sm].Am],lIp}) = Tight, adj. fitting too closely or

not extra room; not easily moved,

kp].'kqn],'(Auit];Pk];tUkp].kp]./kqn],kqn],El:')= Tight, adv. in a tight manner; firmly; securely: Shut the door tight,

kp].'[Pun],muk].Puk];nL,eSAm],l}:lUm];lIEl:TUv]:sG]kp].'{'TUv]:sG]kp].' = Suffocate, choke, suffocated,


kp].'TUv]:sG]kp].'cqn];eKL;ta}'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Suffocation, N.,

kp].'(Pun],muk].Puk];nL,eSAm],l}:lUm];lIEl:TUv]:sG]kp].')'TUv]:sG]kp].' = Suffocate, suffocation, choke,

kp].'Km]'Km]Ek:/kUc]/hU;'(hUiw];Km]Ek:mak],hin]'(Pk];tUn}.Km]ca}:nL,') = Jam, to become stuck, fixed, blocked, etc.;

clog; to wedge tightly between bodies or surfaces: The ship was jammed between two rocks; This door jams easily, jammed,

kp].kin];' kp].kp].kin];kin];'kin];kin];' = Strict, strictly, in a strict manner,

kp].kin];Kin]sG]' = Uptight, tense, nervous,

kp].kin];cibn];tgc];' = Financial obstacles,

kp].kin];sG]'(pQn]An]pin]:PBn]lgc]:SL,sG] ) = Intensify,(Antonyms: relieve)

kp].kin];Tg}lc]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Recession,

kp].St].tik];w}.'kuin];epL;Puit].kn]kGL,' = Overcrowd, overcrowded, overcrowding,

kp].Pibt],tqk],' = Friction, clash, conflict, rubbing of the surface,

kp].ATL.'(mak],hin]SiUw],)(nG];kGam];lat]:JAL,em;yik].) = Gabbatha, (Stone Pavement)

kp].Aqt].Aqt].'[wL:mn];kp].lInL,/kp].nL,SG],Kw]:kn]epL;Puit],w}.'{= Tight, adj. close-fitting; too tight,

km]' wk].vgp];' wk].Aw]' yip];w}.' vgp];' = Grip, gripped, gripping,

km]'km]w}.'pibc];Aic]km]kqn],w}.' = Take hold of, catch, {to seize or stop the motion of, (catch the ball, )}

km]'km]tLmibw];hw];' = Clench, clench our fits,

km]'[yip];sG].(KUic]:lak]:nak]:/KUic]:yip];tuiw];'sL.kGL,)mqn]:ym]Tuic]tI:lInL,nn].'{(km]tLmat],w}.) = Wield, to use

(a weapon, instrument, etc.) effectively; handle actively: wielding axe, wielded, wielding,

km]'[yip];(AL,nL,'eAL;sL,'sL.kGL,)nn].eSAup].pUic],w}./kum];kgn];Tic];w}.'{(km]AL,nL,w}.') = Wield, to

exercise (power, authority, influence, etc.), as in ruling or dominating, wielded,

km]'cm]'[yip];w}.mn]:mn]:kqn],kqn],'{(cm]/km]tLmuiw];')' = Grip, to hold firmly, gripped, gripping,

km]'km]w}.kin];nL,'[pqt].pqt].lqn]lqn]eSvgp];km]sik];mn];w}.{(km]Kn]mn];w}.)' = Rig, to manipulate

fraudulently: to rig the prices, rigged, rigging,


w}.)' = Clutch, N. usually clutches; power of control; mastery: She fell into the clutches of the enemy,

km]kqn],kqk];' = Squeeze the grip, squeeze,

km]kqn],kqn],'(nUic];-Am],epL;km]kqn],') = Strong grip, hold fast or tightly,(compare ‘loose grip’)

km]kYac].hQt];sgm];' = Practice, -To perform or do habitually,


Lay hold of, phases, grasp, seize on, catch, take by force; lay hold on: Your had will lay hold on all your enemies,


w],lI,'{'(km]sik];mn];w}.eSygn];SQt]:) = Monopoly, N. exclusive control: monopoly bargaining, monopolies,

km]siun];' = Pencil,

km]suim];'[KUic]:yip];tuiw];An]SG],/sup].nm].muik].eStqm]:lik]:{ = Pen, N. any of various instrument for writing with ink,

km]sium];' = Ball pen, Fountain pen,

km]tc]:'mUik]:nuic]:'[km]tLmuiw];niw].puk];tc]:eStqk]:/Kuip].niw].si'{' = A measure of the breadth of the

fist with the thumb erected,

km]tac];kin]' Ew:tac]kin]' = Refrain from food,

km]tac];kin]' yUin].km]tac];kin]SU;tgc];' = Fasting, fast,

km]tLmibw];eShQt];hgt];tBv];pbn]:Sbn],tBw]sw]:kw],kBv];' = Clench our fits and act selfishly,

km]nuic]:' (cuin];mQt].yg}:km]nuic]:)' = Handful, the quantity or amount that the hand can hold,(a handful coins),

km]pak],' km]pak],ygk],etL,kn]' = Draw lower lip beneath the upper teeth,

km]pak],' kiut].KQw]:kt];KQw]:' = Gnash, gnashing teeth,

km]pak],kiut].KQw]:kt];KQw]:' = Gnashing of teeth,

km]pak],cqn]:KQw]:sG]lm]etL;S'(mLcqn]:KQw]:KG]:KUp];)' = Snarling, : snarling dog,

km]pI,' = Writing or painting brush,

km]mn]:pn]:kqn],' = Fortify, to furnish with a means of resisting force, fortified, fortifying,

km]mn]:pn]:kqn],'kqt],pn]'(An]-) = Fortification, N. the act of fortifying; somethin that forties or portect,

km]mn]:mn]:'km]nqn]:nqn]:'[Am],hG]:lUm]kUv];Am],km]kqn],kqk];nL,'{ = Firm grip, (golf),

km]w}.'km]'(mL;pg},mG];lgt]:An]pUin]:km]w}.') = Take hold of, grasp, (keep you from taking hold of),

km]/kgt],mn]:mn]:/kqn],kqn],'yip];km]kqn],w}.'yip];mn]:pn]:kqn],w}.'= Hold fast, hold firmly,


Wield in: the rod they wield in fury will be broken,

km],'SIkm],'(SeT;nuc]:KUw];SIkm],(luk].16;19')'lqc]km],' = Purple, N. a rich man dressed in purple,

km],'km],Sgm],'(SI) = Violet, reddish blue, having purple,

km],epL;tiy'(miUc];')pQn]miUc];Kw]:sum];AL,SI<yn],') = Cambodia, (ASEAN members)

km],PL,Kiut];kap]:pan]mG],'(miUc];') = Modern world,

km],PL,tc];lUk]:' sgt],tUw]:km],PL,' = Whole world,



w]Aup].pUic],nn].{ = Free world, N. the nations of the world that function chiefly under democratic and capitalistic systems

rather than under totalitarianism of communism,

km],PL,elL;k' km],PL,' miBc];km],PL,elL;k' mUic];elL;k' elL;k' = World, N.,

km],PL,elL;kkU:tI:kU:lqn]' mUic];km],PL,elL;kpt];puin].' = The whole world,

km],PL,elL;ktc];SQc]:' sgt],tUw]:km],PL,' = Whole world,

km],mTan];' = Buddhist religious phrases for repetition, mindful meditation in Buddha,

km],PL,elL;kmiUc];pQn]Siuk];pQn]SiUw]' = Warring World,

km],lm]lp];Sic],Pit];w}.'km],lm]'km],lm]Pit];'lp];Sic],'lp];Sic],Pit];' = Dark,

km],lUn].lUiw]nL,' = Ultra-violet, beyond the violet in the spectrum, corresponding to light having wavelengths

shorter than 4000 angstrom units.,

km]Auit],tuit],'km],lm]' = Dark brown, purple and dark brown,


= Let it be,

km]:nm]n}.' k}.pQn]nL,n}.' = Mainly, especially, particularly,

km]:nm]n}.' = Especially, esp.,

km]:pL:nm]'nm]Sbt];Sbt];'Sbt];Sbt];'(Sbc]'tqm],'nm]'yG],'lQk].'liUw])= Most, [most of the people],

km]:pL:nm]' = Most of the time,

km]:pL:eA,'eA,eS'[ygm];eSnn].'eA,eSAgn],eS{'eA,'= Less, adj. adv. less commonly; less than,lesser,

km]:Pgc]:' mac]siUw];' mac]An]' = Some,

km]:Pgc]:' pQn]pgt];pQn]tgn]:' = Partially, being a part; component; constituent, partly, somewhat,


t]:kU:An](lt];Kam]:sgm];lUit]:SQc]:SQc]:)'@ = Some through the water, some through the

flood, some through the fire, but all through the blood,

km]:mn];Sc],etL,'epL,mL;km]:mn];Sc],etL,' = Randomly show up,

km]:mn];Sc],etL,'nuc]:km]:mn];Sc]etL,'mI;km]:mn];Sc],etL,'Sc],etL,eSl}:vL;' =

Casual, happening by chance, appropriate for wear or use on informal occasion,

km]:mn];pgc],mn];pQn]' liUc];'An]lak],An]la};' = Wild, undisciplined, unruly,

km];'pgk]:'(hQt];An]nuic]:hL:km];'(nuic]:km];/pgk]:'Sgc]km];/pgk]:'Sgc]Sam]pgk]:'SI,hL:km];') = Time, N. each occasion

of a recuring actionr or event: to do a thing five times,

km];' km];tUv];' = Touch by hand to feel or examine,

km];' El.'(km];mG];'El.mG];)'(km];mG];Et,yw].kw]epL;yw].tUk];];hQt];n}hw];mqc],]put]:kn]kGL,) =

Turn, chance, opportunity, move, (your turn, your move)

km];km];' k}.' k}.k}.'(km];km];mL;'k}.mL;'k}.k}.pQn]) = Customarily, usually, repeatedly, oftern, generally,

km];km];k}.' = Again and again,

km];km];l}:' = More often, repeatedly, generally, frequently, customarily,

km];kw]' yam];kw]' Kaw];yam];kw]' (n}.pQn]yam];/km];kw]lUw],hUiw]:lUc]w}.')' = My times, my time,

(This is my time to shine.),

km];ekL.ekL.' = One by one,


Morsel, N. a bite or mouthful of food; a small piece of anything,

km];Kgn].' vL;Kgn].' (mn];vL;Kgn].20km];)' = Lash, N., (He received 20 lashes),

km];Siuw]:' lat]:Siuw]:Siuw]:' = Directly, straightforwardly, plainly,

km];etmL;' pgk]:etmL;' = Next time, next,

km];etL,km];'[tgp],tqn];Kuin];la};lQw]mUin]kn]'tgp],lqt];nL,'sL.kGL,'{ = Tit for tat, N. tit-for-tat; as blow for blow;

with an equivalent given in retaliation; repartee, etc.: He answered their insults tit for tat,

km];Tqn]:mn];' = Milestone, s significant stage or event in life, progress, history, turning point,

km];n}.' = At this point,

km];n}.' = This time,

km];n}.'miBw]:lQw]' etL:lQw]' = Now, At this,

km];n}.'yam];n}.'tI:n}:n}.' = At this point,

km];n}.SBKG]:hbekL:' = You know what?

km];nuic]:kUv];' km];Agn],nuic]:' = Awhile, for a short period, for a little while,

km];nuic]:kGL:/kUv];'(pUin]:Tam]mn];p},kin]Kw]:hL.?n}mn];tgp],wL:km];nuic]:kGL,) = Later, a moment later,

km];nuic]:nn].'mI;km];nuic]:n}.'km];nuic]:tI:nuic]:nn].' = At one point, at just one point,

km];niuc]:kgn],lU;' km].kgn],lU;' = Wait a minute!

km];epL.' epL.' = Stroke,

km];];' = Score, (golf),

km];epL.nn].Am],Sgn],' mgt],km];epL.nn].pqt]:'= Stroke canceled, (golf rules 11-4),

km];epL.nm]' km];epL.lUiw]' hG];km];epL.lUiw]' = Higher score,

km];epL.El:tac];k}'(kgp].f])' = Stroke and distance,( rule 27),

km];epL.eA,' km];epL.ygm];' hG];km];epL.ygm];' = Lower score,


n]:KUp],mUiw]:hw];yw].")' = In turn: All of us will have to do it in turn,

km];yG],Tgt]:mYat]:mn];'[tac];yG],Tgt]:mYat]:lIsBw]:kqp].km];nuic]:{ = Divine moments, divine moment,

km];lQw]' yam];etL:lQw]' mUiw]:lQw]km];lQw]' = Right now,

km];lQw]' = Instantly, immediately, at once, imminent,

km];lImn];'cw];la};pn]pQn]'[Sun],lI{'tuiw].tac];'(tuiw].tac];km];lITUn]:Sgc]')= Chance, N. opportunity: a

second chance,

km];liun];Sut];'ekL.liun];Sut];'liun];piUn]:Sut];' = Last,

km];luin];Sut];Sut];mn];n}.' = Last of all, finally,

km];lG]ekL:' kU:km];km];' km];lG]ekL:-kU:km];km];yw].' = At every point,

km];win],wa},pin],pa},' = Turning point,

km];Ait];nuic]:kUv];' pG].km];nuic]:El:' pG].minQt].nuic]:kUv];' = Wait for a minute,

km];Agn]tac];Sbt];'Tinibc]:'];Agn]tac];piBn]:'pgk]:Agn]tac];' = First,

km];Agn],nibc]:' kqp].Agn],nibc]:' = For a minute,

km].'km].Tgk]:'Tgk]:'pam].w}.(Kgn]./KUic]:/m}./An]-)= Prop, N. a stick, rod, pole, beam, or other rigid support,

km].' km].Tgk]:' Tgk]:' (km].w}.yL,hG]:mn];lUm].)'pac].w}.' mgn]' = Prop up,

km].'].sg}:'(km].PU:nm];nG];'km].PU:kgn];'km].PU:kum];Tic];'km].ekL.lUlgm]'km].PU:pgc]kan]')'kqm]' =

Assistance, N.: assistance to secretary, manager, In-charge, supervisor or executive,

km].'(ekL.-/PB:-) = Deputy,

km].'[Tuk]:mqn]:sG]sgm];eKL:yiun]:ygn];Am],nn]tac];hn]Tiuc]nn].{ = Pro, in favor of proposition or opinion, for,

km].kUv];mL;Kiun];yw].' kw]kGL,km].kUv];mL;Kiun];yw].' = I’ll be right back,

km]}nibc]:'(km].Kbn]kgn];wQc];cw]:miBc];ma}nibc]:') = First Deputy, (First Deputy Mayor,)

km].kgn],' km].kgn],nL:' km];Agn],kUv];' = A short while,

km].Kbn]kgn];wQc];cw]:miBc];' = Deputy Mayor

km].Kun]Aup].pUic],'[km].PU:Sac]:tac]pk];pUic]suic]:mUic];{' = Procurator, N.(Roman History),

km].KUw];' km].' (mn];Aw]mgc];muiw];mn];kGL,km].w}.eShLciun];mL;)' = Pawn, to deposit as security, pawned,

pawning,(He raised money by pawning his watch.),

km].Kibn]:nL:km].Tg}lc]' = To go back and forth,

km].sgm]sibc]:'(sw]:-/sw]:Kbn]-)' = President pro tempore,

km].sgm]Pgc];mUic];lUc]' = Deputy minister,

km].sg}:ciun];tgc];' = Financial assistance,

km].sg}:pn]' = Provide, provided, providing,

km].sg}:pn]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Provision,

km].sg}:pn]Puin]lik]:Puin]la};Tqc]:nm]nm]' = Providing more documents,

km].sg}:pn]lgc]:lgt];eP;El:hUm],lUm]:' = Provide safety security,

km].sg}:El:pG].pL;kbm];Tic];pn]' = Provide and maintain,


nG];cw];la};la}sUiw].la}mQw];mUiw]:An]lUw],l}:nqt]:kuic].kc].hp].Tgm],Aw]SG],sG]km];lQw]nn].'{' = Life support, N. the

emergency treatments and techniques to save lives in a variety situations that required immediate attention,

km].sg}:An]nL,sI,Kw]tQk];sgm];nik]:sak]:cqn];ES;' = Assisted in Nazi persecution,

km].Tqm]' km].yn]' = Support, supported, supporting,

km].yn]'(Suic]kac].PUic];kUic];kGL,El:l}:Aw]m}.km].yn]w}.)' = Support, supported, supporting,

km].Tqm]sgm];tac];lc]' sgm];Pa},lc]' = Get behind, support someone, appreciate,

km].Tqm]pn]'(pUiw]:wL:kUn];hQt];kan]n}.TUik]:tan],l}:An]km].Tqm]pn]mn];nn].yw]."(mqt]:'10;10)') = Keep,

support, (For the worker is worth his keep or worthy of his support.(Mtt.10:10)),

km].Tqm]pn]'(Kt];-Am],km].Tqm]')' = Prove, (ant: disprove),

km].Tqm]pn]' km].Tqm]sg}:pn]' = Support, supported,

km]./kqm]PU:st];kan]' km]./kqm]tL,rqk].tL,' = Deputy director,

km].PU:kgn];'[PU:km]./kqm]/sg}:ekL.kgn];kan]nn].{' = Second-in-command, N. deputy, lieutenant,

km].El:Kt];' An]km].El:An]Kt];' = Pro and con, pro’s and con’s,

km].w}.'(An]-)'An]tac]w}.' = Lien,

km].w}.'pac].w}.'mat]:w}.wL:'(mat]:w}.wL:ygn]<pqp].tism],n}.pQn]perL;Pqt]:ekL.nuic]:'mqt]:21;26')' =

Hold, to bear, sustain, or support, as with hands or arms, or by any other means, hold that, regard as,



ak]:Pw@'{' = Life-sustaining, adj. performing an essential function in the living body: “vital organs”; “blood and

vital fluids”; “life-giving love and praise”,

kw]' kw]KL:' KL:' = I, me, my,

kw]' KL:' kw]KL:' hw];' (hc];kw]/KL:/kw]KL:/hw];') = I, my, me, (mine),

kw]kt].Kqn],yU,' = I’m talented.

kw]km]tLmuiw];Kam],sun].ASak]:kw]eS'(Sin]12;3') = I took or put my life in my hads,


n];cgm];tG]:pik]:mn];nn].'(mqt]:23;37)' = I often have longed to gather your children, as a

hen gathers her chicks under her wings,

kw]ekL:Tac],yU,' kw]Tac],Sa}.yU,nc],kw],' = I think so,

kw]ekL:pQn]nn]nc],kaw],' = So do I,

kw]ekL:yum],yU,' kw]yum],wL:etpQn]nn]yU,' = I believe so,

kw]kiuc],lI---AiUw]:emL.' = I should have …,

I say it all the time, magnify your God; don’t magnify your problems, =


kw]kGL,hgt]:Tibc]k}tan],kw]sac]:kGL,l}:nn].yw].yw]." = I’ve gone as far as I can go,

kw]Kan].luk].sw].' kw]Am],KG]:luk].sw].' = I don’t want to get up early.

kw]KL:Et.' epL;Aw]kw]wL:Et.' kw]Et.' pun]:kw]KL:Et.' = As for me,

kw]KL:tUw]:tn];lIeSettn];l}:yU,KL:' = I am ready and available.

!kw]KL:Tw]:yw].eSAm],kL;em;kw]KL:n}.Tw]:pUn].pan]mn];la}pI<nL,yw].KL:'@ =“I am an

old man and my wife is well along(well stricken or advanced) in years,

kw]KL:yc];tuik].sut]:lut]:yUp]:ygm];Sc]w}.yU,KL:?' =“What do I still lack?”(Mtt.19:20),

kw]KL:yuk].ygc]:El:tac],ekY;sU;sw]:pUiw]:tac];hk].sw]:hw];eAL:" = I honor and thank

You for Your love.

kw]KL:Am],kuit].hap],etL,SU:l}:hc];kUv];" = I can’t cope with it.

kw]KG]:mUiw];hUin];'pn]kw]mUiw];hUin];El:' = I want to go home. Let me go home,

!kw]KG]:l}:krunL,AUiw]:'Am],sG]:An]sun].hQt];nn].'@(mqt].'12;7')' = “I desire mercy, not


kw]KG]:l}:AUiw]:'KL:KG]:l}:eAL:'[pgc],wL:pn]kwEl:'kw]Aw]AUiw]:n}'{ = I want it, I’ll take it,

kw]tk];lUw],lat]:AI:Sc]nm]Tqc]:lU;kgn],?' = What more shall I say?

kw]etpQn]Sc]Am],hU.?' = What will I be? Who will I be?

kw]etpQn]huiw]Am],hU.?' = How will I be?

kw]etAm],tgn].pn]mG];ham];'kw]etAm],hgn],pn]mG];kat]:'= I will never let you down,

!kw]etAm],hgn],tgn].pQn]pUic]lQw]mUin]kw],sUic].nn]'@ =“I will never be the same”

kw]mI;sgm];SU/mG];w}.yU,'[pgc],wL:'kw]pL;sgm];mG];yU,'kw]pQn]Pa},mG];yU,'kw]pQn]sG]mG];yU,'skGL,{ = I am with you,

kw]pQn]hUw]mn];AUiw]:Am],tgn].pQn]hac]mn];eSpgk]:' = I am the head and never the tail,

kw]sm]etep,nI:kw]yw].' = I’m coming out of debt.

kw]sm]etyw].yw].' = I almost done,

kw]sac]:eK;ettBk];kGL,ekL:' = I may be down,

kw]sac]:hQt];An]n}.yU,'[kw]sac]:hQt];An]n}.l}:yUAUiw]:'{ = I can do this,

!kw]sac]:hQt];l}:yU,'@ =“I Can” , you can!,

kw]sac]:hQt];l}:kU:lgc]:kU:An]tc];SQc]:yU,' = I can do all things,


w]:"@ = “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”

kw]sQp];sG]'[l}:Kam],pUin]:hQt];lgc]:tum].tUiw].SG],nn].{' = My heart hurts,

kw]sUm];K}:EnSUlgc]:An]wL:' = I’d love to tell you that,

kw]SUiw];ekYL,lItgn];epL;Am],mI;tI:lat]:yw].'(2ekL;7;4') = My joy knows no bounds, I

am exceedingly joyful; I am overflowing with joy,

kw]tk];Aac]:KG]:Aw]mn];w}.tL,...n}ekL:kUv];kL:' = I would have liked to keep hi … but,

kw]tQm]TBn]:nim]sibc]:Kqc]lqc];yB,' = I am whole,

kw]etkGL,lG]' tI:kw]etkGL,' = Where I am going,

kw]etkGL,Aw]mn];mL;' = I will get him,

kw]etsac]:sg}:pUk];pgc]pn]PG]eA.?" = Who can I build up?


m],El,kw];mQw];nuic]:mQw];nuic]:p},KG]:mUiw];hUin];nn].{' = “I’m leaving! Do you hear me? Get out of there!”

kw]ethQt];sUiw];An]mG];ygn];hG]:kw]hQt];pn]nn].PQn]:PQn]:kU:An]yU,'(Agk],pa}:'33;17)'= I’ll

do very thing you asked.

kw]etlat]:/mgk],mG];l}' = I’ll let you know,

kw]etl}:pat],Kw]:Sim];mak],pUc];hUc];kgn]:lIAm],hac]." = I will reap my harvest,


la};An]mn];TUp];mn];pQn]w}.nn].mn];k}.epL,mL;eKL:Tam]sUic].n}eSmn];l}:tqp];tt];kGL,sUic].nn]nn].{= What

shall I do? This is what I’ll do.

kw]etAm],kUw]epL;Sn],tin];tin];nn].'(man],2;25')' = I will not be shaken,

kw]etAm],pn]lgc]:cm];yQn]kw]pUn].kGL,pqt]:la}la}' = I refuse to let go of my peace.

kw]etAm],ygm];pg},mn];pqt]:' = I refuse to give it up.


w];nn].eSpgk]:'@ =“I will never apologize for my faith and our values and freedom.”

kw]etAm],Aw]An]lIPit];sG]sUiw];nn].pL;Kw]:PL:eSngn];kgm]," = I’m not going to go

to bed all disappointed,

kw]Et.' kw]KL:Et.' epL;Aw]kw]wL:Et.' pun]:kw]KL:Et.' = As for me,

kw]tuik].hk].mG];yU,' hw];tuik].hk].SUyU,' = I still love you.

kw]Tw]:epL;tan],n}.ethQt];hiuw]sac]:mI;luk]:l}:?= How can I have a child when I am so old?

kw]n}.pQn]kUn];lIAam];ekL.nuic]:&' kw]n}.pQn]ekL.lIAam];&' = I’m amazing!

kw]n}.pQn]ekL.lQk].ng}.Sut];'(1ekL;15;9'Sin]6;15') = I am the least of or in,

kw]n}.l}:Kam],Pn],SGac];w}.' = I was created,

!kw]n}.hQt];w}.tL,hk].'kw]n}.pQn]pun]:tac];hk].'kw]n}.hQt];w}.tL,hG]:hk].sw]:'@ = “I was made

for love, I was made for love, I was made for loving you”


AiSer;Kw]{' =“I AM”,(Exodus 3:14), is the name of God told Moses to use when revealing Him to the Israelites.

kw]pQn]' kw]KL:' = I am,

kw]pQn]kBn];Agc],ep.AiBw]:Am],sG]:kBn];Kam],vam].' = I am a victor and not a victim,

kw]pQn]]pQn]n}.AiBw]:' = I am who I am.

kw]pQn]]:puic];mn];AUiw]:' = I’m original.

!kw]pQn]};@ =“I AM A MAN”

kw]pQn]ekL.yG],lBc]' = Great I AM,

!kw]pQn]].hG]:sgm]:mI;sgm];'(KL:n}.hk].An]sw]:mL;mI;sgm];nn].)'@ = I’m a lover of your


kw]pQn]n}.pQn]kUn];lImQw];nuic]:" = I’m one of a kind.

kw]pQn]lqc];miUw];elL;kn}.AiUw]:" = I am the light of the world,

kw]/hw];ep.sG]El:sc],lat]:' ep.sG]El:sc],lat]:' =“I mean it when I say…”

kw]epL;sac]:l}:hn]nG];tLw}.yw].' = I can already sense it,

kw]epL;etl}:lgt]:ASak]:'(nc],huiw]kw]epL;etl}:lgt]:ASak]:'(cw]:12;13')= My life will be spared,

kw]epL;Am],KG]:yum],l}:wL:mn];pQn]w}.yU,sUic].n}eSAit];' = I can’t believe this happening,

kw]mL;kL:n}:n}.sgm];lUv]:kac]sG]kw]ekL.lQw]kUv];Am],sG]:' = I am not here on my won.

kw]mqn]:sG]sgm];tI:An]wL:' = I love the fact that,

kw]mI;tac];kGL,El:etkGL,kgn],'wa};mL;kg}:vL;kn]' = I’ve to go, see you later,

kw]mbc]:mgc];wL:kw]etl}:lIl}:kYL.mL;AiBw]:' = I hope I get well,

kw]mgk],lat]:pn]mG];/SU' kw]lat]:pn]SU' = I am telling you,

kw]yc];tuik].p},l}:mw]sG]lIkgn],'(2ekL;2;13') = I still had no peace of mind,

kw]yw].yw].' kw]epL;yw].' kw]Et.epL;yw].' = I’m done.

kw]yam]:pQn]mL;siUc].mG];pQn]nn].yU,' yL,m}sG]' = I’ve been in your shoes. Don’t worry.


Skm]w}.mn]:mn]:El:yL,eppn]mn];lut]:&" = I encourage you today, grab hold of the

promises of God and don’t let go!

kw]ygn];lat]:Ait];nuic]:sgc],l}:?'(kw]ygn];lat]:etL,mG];Ait];nuic]:sgc],l}:?)' = May I say

something? May I say something to you?,

kw]lat]:SU/mG];tgc];w}.tL.' kw]lat]:SU/mG];Tgm],tL.' = I say to you, I tell you that,

kw]lat]:mG];(SB)Aman],JtL;mn];n}.sm].' = I tell you the truth, truly I tell you,

kw]lat]:mG];yU,El,'kw]wL:yU,El,'[Aw]lat]:mUiw]:KG]:En;wL:Am],Tgm],kGam];mn];n}nn].'{= I told you so,

kw]lIhk].mqn]:sG]An]nn].nL,' = I love that,

kw]lun]:AUiw]:' = My bad, my mistake-I’m to blame,

kw]lUw],kGL,tac];lG]' kw]Tuk],liUk]:tac];lG]' = Which way I should take,

kw]El:sw]:AU:n}.pQn]ekL.lQw]An]lQw]kn]' = I and the Father are one.


) = My anguish increased, my heart grew hot within me,

!kw]l}:hp].krunL,sw]:'JPL;sw]:mI;runL,AQt];lUpn]kw]'@(1Tim];1;13El:16') = “God had

mercy on me; God was merciful to me; I was shown mercy; I received or obtained mercy; I have

been mercifully treated;”

kw]l}:hp].mI;AL,nL,yw].' = I’m empowered.

kw]l}:hp].w}.nm]TBn]:Sbt];kibc],tan],kw]nn].yw].yw].' = I’ve achieved as must as most,

kw]l}:An]hac]:KUic]:SG],mL,SG],hqc];Aap]:mqc],KUic]:yip];tac];tuiw];pn]w}.yw]." = I’m equipped.

kw]lUim]:mUt];pit];Am],kuit];Sc]yw].' = I’m all washed up,

kw]wL:Et.'(kw]wL:Et.pG].TL:n}.lIlUiw]eSnqt]:nL,nn].')= I say that: I say that a wait is better off than haste,

kw]wL:Et.AUiw]:' wL:Et.kGL:' = I’m serious.

kw]wL:lQn]:kUv];' kw]ygk],mG];kUv];' = I’m kidding,

kw]w}.sG]sp];mn]:es,sgm];mn];sw]:/sa};eS,eS,' = Keep my mind stay on him,

kw]w}.sG]yaw];yiBn].pG].TL:sw]:hw];yB," = I patiently wait on you,

kw]/KL:w}.wac];sG]yum],mat]:' = Put my faith,

kw]hQt];Kibt];pQc];l}:lItan],AB:Em:kw]hQt];mL;nn].yw].yw]." = I’ve gone as far as my

parents did.

kw]hQt];lITiSut];nc],kL:emLEl:pQn]l}:nn].yw].' = I’ve done my best.

kw]];mn];lIlIyU,' = I do know him,

kw]];mG];kuik];tc];suiw]:mG];w}.lIlIyU,' = I know you by name,

kw]hU.lgc]:n}.yU,'[kw]hU.sgm];lgc]:n}.w}.yU,AUiw]:'{ = I know this,

kw]huiw]mI;Sc]yw].lL,n}.?'(Sin]18;24') = “What ealse do I have?”(Jdg. 18:24),

kw]hgt]:Pqw]mL;k}nL,yw].etkiut];pqt]:miUw]:lQw]n}.hiuw]pQn]&' = I’ve come too far to stop now!,

I don’t care, She doesn’t care or cares not, = kw]Am],kUw]'(mn];Am],Sgn],Sc]'(mn];hQt];sUiw]:lUiw]:sL:lL:kGL,')

kw]Am],KG]:kGL,hQt];kan]' kw]Kan].kGL,kan]nL,mG];' = I don’t want to go to work.

kw]Am],KG]:kYam],hQt];Aw]hc];kUv];sw]kw],' = I don’t want to try to do it on my own.

kw]Am],KG]:yU,ASak]:Pwn}.kGL,hc];kUv];sw]:kw],ekL.lQw]' = I don’t live life on my own.

kw]Am],sG]:' kw]Am],pQn]' (Am],sG]:kw]) = I am not, (not me),

kw]Am],sG]:kBn];mQw];nn].' = That is not who I am,

kw]Am],eSla}' kw]Am],SG],sG]' kw]Am],w}.sG]' = I don’t care.

kw]Am],Tac],siUc].nn]' = I don’t think so,

!kw]Am],p},PL:An]n}.l}:'@ =“ I’m in the middle of something.”

kw]Am],p},l}:Kiuc]Sc]w}.mG];wL:'(AL;&-') = I’ve not yet get anything planned or done,

kw]Am],epL;mI;nm].kt].tac];emL' = I’m lacking ability.

kw]Am],epL;kum],kin]' = I don’t have enough.

kw]Am],mI;kUn];pG].sg}:Pa},lc]kw]w}.eSekL.' = I don’t have people behind me,

kw]Am],mI;ciun];kgc]kac]Sc]w}.eSAit];' = I don’t have the funding.

kw]Am],mI;tI:yU,' = I had nowhere to live,

!kw]Am],];kUn];sa};ekL.n}.&'@(mqt]:26;72') = “I don’t know the man!” (Mtt.26:72)

kw]Am],hU.eA.'kw]pgc],sG]eA.' = I didn’t it, I didn’t catch that,

kw]Am],Agk],sG]KG]:lUkYam];lik]:eSAit];' = I don’t feel like reading my Bible.

!kw]Aap]:pn]mG];eKL:pUc]Sc],eKL:n}.w}.'@(1Tim];1;18')' = This command I entrust to you; I

am giving you this command; this charge I commit to you,

kw]Aa}wL:Aa}epL;Am],ht];EnnL:'(SL,44;15')[kw]nk];nLpL;pan]:ygn].l}:Kam],tac];Aa}nn].{ = My

face is covered with shame, my humiliation has overwhelmed me,

kw]Agk],sG]mL;hc];kUv];kw]Am],sG]:' = I have not come by my own,

kw],' = Old, used,

kw],'miBw]:Agn]tac];'mUiw]:Et,sL.' = Former, adj. previous; prior; earlier; former part, formerly, adv.,

kw],kw],eKLeKLKw]'(Pat],Agk],es:mUic];kaw],kaw],eKLeKLKw]nn].)' = Particular,(by cession of particular states),

kw],kGL,'ygm];kGL,'[(lat]:lUv]:hUc];kan]'la};Tqk].emLvan],'sL.kGL,)n}.kw]yw].'ygm];kGL,tik];tik];yw].nn].'{ =

Sunset, adj. (of an industry, technology, etc.) old; declining,

kw],Sw]:SUw],hUw],'[Sik],ygk];yg}'mUn],SUw],SUw],'{ = Dingy, adj. shabby; sismal; a dull or dirty color,

kw],Pc].'(m}.Pc].Am],lIsG].)'kw],Pc].kGL,' = Obsolete, adj., obsolescence, N.,

kw]:'[pqt],El:nuic]:elL;kn]l}:kw]:'Pac]hac]:mat]:ma}mn];pQn]9'{ = Nine, N. a cardinal number, 8 plus 1; a

symbol for this number, as 9 or IX,

kw];' = Disturb, disrupt, interrupt, intrude, agitate, bother, upset,

kw];'kw];Suk].Sk].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Baffle, N. something that balks, or deflects,

kw];kit],Kgc]:cm];yQn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Disturbing the Peace,

kw];ekYL;' pqt].' pqt].lqn]' pqt].kin]pUin]:' = Deceive, deceived, deceiving,

kw];ekYL;pqt].lqn]' Aw]lgc]:Pac];Pam];pqt].lqn]' = Deceiving,

kw];ekYL;SBn];yBc];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Temptation, N.,

kw];ekYL;SBn];yBc];' kw];' = Tempt, tempted, tempting,

kw];sG]Kuin]:'[kw];'{(pYSnL,Pa},pk];pUic]An]kw];sG]Kiun]:nL,nn].)' = Feisty, adj. troublesome: feisty legal problems,


ac],wUiw]:{'(mn];cm];cw];wUn].kGc]ygn]]:sUiw];pQn]kGam];lat]:sgm];lgk];sgm];la};mn];nn].')= Baffle, to confuse,

bewilder, or perplex; to frustrate: He was baffled by the technical language of the instructions, baffled, baffling,

kw];Suk].sG]'[pn]tac];Suk].Sk].sG]'{(kUn];kw];Suk].sG])= Tiresome, adj. annoying or vxatious: the tiresome people,

kw];Sbk].Sk].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Annoyance, nuisance,

kw];Suk].Sk].'Suk].Sk].sG]'pn]tac];Suk].Sk].sG]' = Annoy, to be bothersome, annoyed, annoying,

kw];Suk].hG]:lU.lqw]'[sgm];Suk].sgm];kw];pUin]:{ = Intrusive, adj. meddlesome,

kw];Suk].hG]:lU.lqw]' = Intrude,

kw];Suk].hG]:lU.lqw]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Intrusion, an act or instance of intruding.,

kw];Suk].hG]:lU.lqw]eSyuc]:tum].tUiw].hqc];nL,'(An]-) = Intrusion and harmful disruption,

kw];mG];' Sc]:tiBw].ygn]:sG]mG];' = Disturb you,

kw];yuc]:'yL.yuc]:'];yuc]:'[hQt];hG]:/Aan];hQt];hG]:yuc]:yc]:'Aw]yuc]:yc]:'{ = Disruptive, adj.

causing, tending to cause, or caused by discruption; discrupting,

kw];ygk].yqk].'(An]-)'kUn];kw];ygk].yqk].' = Tease, N., teaser,


(k}.pQn]mUiw]:lQn]:tac];lQn]]){= Tease, to irritate or provoke with persistent petty distractions, teased, teasing,


Beguile, to influence by flattery or delude; to charm, beguiled, beguiling,

kw];].tac];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)= Barrier

kw].'[nUk].tLlUc]KUn]la};Kgn],km]:nm}Agk],El,kac]Kiun];{(kUn];El,luik];') = Owl, N.: night owl; nighthawk,

kw].hat],Sa};'[nUk].kw].An]muit]:yU,sgm];pac],hat],Sa};hqc]:lUc]nn].'{ = Desert owl,

kw].PUik],'[nUk].kw].KUn]PUik],/la};PUik],'{' = White owl,

kw].Agn],'[nUk].kw].Agn],mUiw];yU<rUp].'{' = Little owl, N. a small European owl, Athene noctua,

kak],'esL.lUc]'[esL.mI;kan];yaw];tL,kgn]./tk];Pk];Am],nn]nm].Pk];{ = Ladle, N.,

kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].'esL.lUc]tk];'Aw]kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].' = Ladle, ladled, ladling,

kak],eSL;' eSL;' nQn]tI:ym]mn];' eSL;mn];' kI;' = Key, key point,

kac]' puc],kac]' Sqn];kac]' = Medium, middle,

kac]' kac]hQw].' kac]Kium];' kac]nqc]:' hac]:hQw].' hac]:tum]:' = Entrap, snare, trap, set a trap,

kac]kiw],' (etL,lQn]:mak],nim];kn]kac]kiw],'sgm];kiw],nG];wan]:miUw]:hw];ekL.lQk].) = House ground,

kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].'esL.lUc]tk];'Aw]kak],/esL.lUc]kgn].' = Ladle, ladled, ladling,

kac]Km]:'hUw]Km]:'tam];Km]:' = Evening, N. adj. the latter part of the day and early part of the night,

kac]Kibn];' kac]Km]:kac]Kibn];' = Night,

kac]Kuin];' Kaw];kac]Kiun];'(nUic];kn]-kac]wn];'Kaw];kac]wn];')' = Nighttime, N., (compare daytime),

kac]sG]' mI;kac]sG]' = Will, N.,

kac]sG]KG]:hQt];Sac]:' = Willing

kac]sG]man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:mn];sw]:mI;w}.tL,mG];' = His perfect will for your life,

kac]sG]lI' = Good will, goodwill,

kac]sG]hn]lI'kac]sG]hn]lIsgm];'hn]lIsgm];' = Consent, N. voluntary and active agreement,

kac]sG]hn]lIsgm];eSkm].Tqm]' hn]lIkm].Tqm]' = Consent to and support,

kac]nG]'wn];ca};'yam];ca};/sw]./nG]'(nG]n}.'nG]k}:'nG]nn].)= Morning, N.: this morning; thatmorning,

kac]nG]'wn];ca};'yam];ca};' nG]'(nG]n}.'nG]k}:'nG]nn].)' = Morning, N.: this morning; that morning,

kac]nG]kw]:mgc];pa}Sam]Sip];mQt].pa}Sam]Sip];ES;kqn].'9;30;30kn' = 9:30:30a.m.

kac]pac],' pac],' kac]san];' = Open air, field, meadow,

kac]pac],' tI:pac],pQc];' SUn]' h}:nL;' tUc]:' pac],' = Field,

kac]pac],' pac],' = Meadow, a tract of grassland used for pasture or serving as a hayfield., green, field,

kac]la}' [kGam];kac]la}'(lat]:Am],Kw]:Kiuw],Kw]:EpAm],pgc],lgc]:pgc]tLSc]){= Illegitimate, illegitimate talk,

kac]la}'Am],Kw]:pUic]'(kGam];/eKL:Tam]-/lgc]:-)= Illegitimacy, N. the state or quality of being illegitimate,


Kuin];'wn];kUp];Kuin];') = Day, N. the interval of light between two successive nights; the time between sunrise and

sunset: day and night,

kac]wn];' Kaw];kac]wn];'(nUic];kn]-kac]Kiun];'Kaw];kac]Kuin];')' = Daytime, N., (compare nighttime),

kac]wn];'[sUw]:Kaw];yam];wn];Et,hUw]nG]nL:mUic];SG],etL,Km]:nn].{' = Daylight, N. the period of day, daytime,

kac]wn];tQc]:' = Noon, midday,

kac]wn];tUk];' Kaw];kac]wn];tUk];' = Sunset, N. sun go down,

kac]wn];sm]tUk];yw].'Pgc];kac]wn];sm]tUk];' = Sun is setting, sun is going down,

kac]wn];epL;tUk];yw].' = Day is almost over, the day is almost over; the day is far spent,

kac]wn];epL;ettUk];'[epL;etSut];wn];yw].'{ = Day is nearly over, the day is coming to an end,

kac]wn];sa}.'wa};wn];' = Afternoon,

kac]wn];tuik].lqc];SUik],lUik],'(!kin]mw];hun].kw];lUiw]Pgc];kac]wn];tuik].lqc];SUik],lUik],nn].'@(2pI,2;13')' =

Broad daylight: to carouse in broad daylight,

kac]wn];Agk],mUic];lqc];SUic]hUic]'(han].etL,kac]wn];Agk],mUic];lqc];SUic]hUic]) = Daylight, N. break of day: until

daylight or till break of day,

kac]wQc];' = Midtown,

kac]wQc];tI:kUn];Kgn]:'[nG];wQc];tI:kUn];kuin];tL,eS,nn].{' = Town square, N. public square,

kac]wQc];tI:kUn];Kgn]:' = City square, open square of the city; town square,

kac],' kac],kgn]' = Bow, N.,

kac],kUc],Sa}w}.'kac],Kuin]:Sa},w}.' = Drawn bow,

kac],kgn]'mak],kgn]'kac],kUc] = Sling,

kac],lit]:Sa}'[kac],/mak],kgn]An]Am],SG],Sa}mn];w}.'{ = Unstrung bow, loose bow,

kac],El:piun]' = Bow and arrow,

kac]:' kac]:pL' = Fish bone,

kac];'[tI:Pa},tG]:SUp];{'(lup],kac];') = Chin, area under mouth; Jaws are bones of chin,

kac];' kac];kn]' = Be free from, be not subordinate to, not subject to,

kac];kn]tc];' = Keep from,

kac];kic];' kGa}.tG]:kGa}.niUw](-G])' = Symbol of a vowel in Tai language,(-G])


pqt]:nn].'{ = Trismus, N. a spasm of the jaw muscles that makes it difficult to open the mouth; lockjaw,

kac];yan]'(kac];yan]hUin];Sw];kac];yan]miUc];hw];yw].)' = Leave, go away,(left home and fled from our country),

kac];yan]k}kn]tc];' = Keep from,

kac];yg};' kac];yuv];' mg}kac];' = Beard, long beard,


n].hqt];Sak]:eS,Kiun];wL:hc];mn];{ = Trap him in his words, catch him in his words,

kac];lgt]:'l}:kac];lgt]:'(l}:kac];lgt]:tam],)' = Immune, adj. exempt or protected: immune from punishment,

kac];lgt]:' lgt]:tac];pQn]' = Immune, adj. protected from a disease or the like,

kac].' KQc],' KQc],tac],' = Shelf, N., frame, or stage, shelves,

kac].' kac].PL.' kac].PiUc];' = Shelves, knife shelves, hay shelves, shelf,

kac].' Ek,' = Chief of a village, village head-man,

kac].Ek,kUn];KUiw];Agn],AiSer;Kw]'(TUin],30;1') = Heads of the tribes of Israel,

kat],' kat],Ka}lum];' kat],Ka}yg}:' = Market, wholesale market, retail market,

kat],'kat],niUw].'kat]pL'kat],wUw];kat],kGa};'= Market, meat market, fish market, animal market,

kat],kac]Km]:' = Night Bazaar,

kat],Ka}yg}:'kL.Ka}yg}:'(Kn]Ka}yg}:) = Retail, adj.: the retail price, retail market,


;pac]lgc];la}la}pac]w}.sgm];{' Sum].pac]lgc];lUc]' = Casino, a building or large room used for meetings,

entertainment, dancing, etc., especially such a place equipped with gambling devices, gambling tables, etc.,

kat],pqt]:'tk];pqt]:/Aw]'[Aw]Ka}.Agk],{'(kat],/tk];Aw]Krim];wan]nm].nUm];) = Skim, to remove; to

clear (liquid) thus: to skim the cream of the milk, skimmed, skimming,

kat],mI'[lgk];kat],mI;Sa}kL:Kn]KUw];tUk];Kaw];yaw];{ = Bear Market, a long-term downtrend market,

kat],lUc]'Sqc],lUc]'(nUic];-kat],Agn],'Sqc],Agn],')' = Supermarket, N., (compare ‘bazaar; cut-rate store’)

kat],wUw];'[lgk];kat],mI;Sa}kL:Kn]KUw];Kiun]:{ = Bull Market, a long-term uptrend market,

kat],Aw]'pt];Aw]'kGat],Aw]' = Pass or draw over a surface with a stroke, scrape,

kat],Agn],'Sqc],Agn],'[kat],/Sqc],Ka}yg}:Ka}tac];kin]KUw];tuiw];es;sgt],{ = Bazaar, N. department store,

kat]:'(tiun];Am],kat]:/hac].')'hac].' = Fail to encounter, take, meet, catch, (never fail to..,)

kat]:'hac].'lut]:'(ethQt];sgm];kGam];l}:lat]:tiun];Am],pn]kat]:Et.KL:En,?') = Failure, an act or instance of failing

or proving unsuccessful; nonperformance of something due, required, or expected , lack of success, loser, fail step,


n],pn]mG];ham];')' = Let down, adv. phrase, N. to disappoint; fail: let you down; I’ll never let you down,

kan]' = Task,

kan]' nL:kan]' kan]can];' = Job, work, career, business,

Interest Service Provider (ISP), -A business that provides internet access through dial-up modems, =


kan]kL.kan]Ka}' = Enterprise, -A company organized for commercial purposes, business firm,

kan]kL.kan]Ka}KUw];Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Criminal enterprise,

kan]kL.Ka}' = Business

kan]kL.Ka}SUn}.pac]mn];ya}:yw].lU.yw]." = Your business is falling apart.

kan]kL.Ka}lQk].ng}.' = Small business,

kan]kL.Ka}Am],epL;lI' = Business slow,



pQn]nn]sc],pQn]n}'(t};){' = “The successes business is a combination of aptitude, work and

luck”(Donald J Trump) “Everyone who got where he is, has had to begin where he was.(Robert Louis Stevenson)”,

kan]kQp];suPuin]lik]:Puin]la};' = Paperwork,

kan]kQw],lgc]:' = Affairs

kan]kBt].lqn]ha}.miBk] = Evil work

kan]ekL.hp].etL,' = Receptionist jobs,

kan]kYam];'(mn];l}:vL;lum];KYL.tam],Tgc],15pIpL;tc];kan]kYam];')'tam],Tgc],pL;tc];kan]kYam];' = Hard

labor, N.: He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor,

kan]Kbn]Pgc];miBc];' = Administrative machinery,

kan]Kiuk].lUc]' kan]lUc]' = Big deal,

kan]can];' = Career

kan]kQw],lgc]:yU,lIpI;San];'Pa},yU,lIpI;San];' = Health affairs,

kan]Kaw];lG]Kaw];nn].' = Seasonal work,

!kan]can];sUiw];An]muiw];sw]:hQt];nn].'@ =“… the works of your hands.”(Ps.138:8)

kan]can];lIkU:An]An]' = Every good work,

kan]can];hBm]:' = Partnership

kan]can];hUm]:'(An]Et,Sgc],ekL.Kiun]:niUw]hUm]:kn]'Am],sG]:la};ekL<pUw]<er;SYin];nn].') = Partnership,

General partnership, -An unincorporated business organization co-owned by two or more persons, =


kan]can];hBm]:Sac]:' = Corporation,

kan]can];hUm]:t};es:tgn]:Kgp],SI,sQc],' = Square Zone Tai Partners, LLP

kan]can];hUm]:Pa},pa};tuik];' = Strategic partnership,

kan]can];hUm]:lUc]pgc]suic]:An]puit],tac];w}.' = Open Government Partnership,

kan]Sbn],tBw]' = Personal business

kan]sibc]:kBn];' = Civil Service


hG]:pQn]nc],kac]sG]mn];KG]:pQn]nn]." = The president’s job is to enforce the law, not

change it as it will!

kan]sgm];yam];'[kan]An]hQt];yw].eSl}:kL:mn];sgm];An]np].sUw]:mgc];Am],nn]np].wn];pn]nn].{' =

Time-work, N. work done and paid for by the hour or day,

kan]Suik];'pac]Sibk];'pQn]Siuk];' = Warfare, armed conflict, the process of military struggle between nations,

kan]tm];wac];pn]tI:yB,tn];Sw];' = Settlement





ac].tac];yam]:luk]:Agn],Kw]'{' = Child Care, N. 1. Principles of child growth and development; 2. Supporting

children’s social and emotional development; 3. Planning a safe, healthy learning environment; 4. Promoting children’s physical

and intellectual program; 5. Establishing productive relationships with families; 6. Observing and recording children’s’ behavior,

kan]TUp];muiw];' tUw]TUp];' = Experience, work experiences,

kan]nk];kan]nL[kan]kYam];'hQt];mUin]KL:sG].'{hQt];kan]nk];nL'= Bitter labor, hard labor; working like slave,

kan]nk];Sc]:Aqc]:Eplc]' = Backbreaking work,

kan]nL:wn]:nL:miUc];' kan]nL:wan]:nL:AUic],' = Public affair,

kan]ngk]:hUin];'[kan]lUw],hQt];Pa},ngk]:nG];lqt],nG];PUn]nn].{ = Outdoor work,

kan]perL;hQk]:hp].sG].sg}:tI:sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;'(eyL;18;7')= Priestly service of the LORD,

priesthood of the LORD,=

kan]pn]tUc],hQt];Agk],KUw];' = Production cycle,

kan]pqc].ey;cibn];' = Banking

kan]pgc];kz}c].wqn]. = Joint Venture

kan]Pa},pk];pUic]' = Legal work,

kan]Pa},lgc]:yU,Sw];kin]Sac]:kUn];mUic];')' = Public works,

kan]mak]:mI;' = Economic enterprises, enterprise, business firm,

kan]mak]:mI;pBk].klik' = Private Economic Enterprises,

kan]mB,sbm];Pbc]kBn];' = Social work, N.,

kan]muiw];hQt];'[An]h},kgc]/sap],Sqc],/tg},tic],/San]pqm];San]pQt]:'sL.kGL,{ = Handiwork, N. work done by hand,

kan]yQp].KUw];' = Tailor’s work, sewing,

kan]yg}:kan]yqm];'[kan]An]l}:kL:mn];sgm];nc],hQt];yw].pgt];lG]pgt];nn].Pit],lG]Pit],nn].nn].{' =

Piece-work, N. work done and paid for by the piece,

kan]lUc].lqn],' = Profession, occupation,

kan]lUw],nqt]:hQt];' = Immediate task,


nuic]:hQt];{'An]sG].hG]:hQt];' = Charge, N. a duty or responsibility laid upon or entrusted to one, charges,

kan]lUw],hQt];liun];Sut];'(kan]mn];lUw],hQt];luin];Sut];) = Final charge: a final charge to him,

kan]luim].'[kan]El:lik]:hUc];hQn];An]sG].Aw]mUiw];hQt];hG]:yw].ngk]:hgc]:hQn];nn].'{' = Homework,

schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom,

kan]wan]mUic];'[kan]hk].KUiw];hk].mUic];{' = Civic duties, patriotic endeavor, civic responsibility,

kan]hk].KUiw];hk].mUic];'[kan]wan]:mUic];'{ = Patriot endeavor, civic duty,

kan]hp].sG].sg}:TL,wrL.JPL;'[kan]hp].sG].sg}:JPL;sw]:{ = God’s service,

kan]hQt];tac]tBw]' = Agency Business,

kan]hQt];emL:'kan]hQt];emL:Aac],lin]' = Pottery, N. the business os a potter,

kan]hUm]:hQt];'[kan]An]l}:mI;kUn];sum];nuic]:eShQt];{' = Teamwork, N. work done with a team,

kan]hiUn];kan]ey;' = Housework,

kan]An]tiuk].hQt];' = Work at hand,


Architecture, N. the profession of designing buildings; the character or style of building, construction, hardware, software,

kan]:' lqm]:' (tum];) = Stalk, (stalks),

kan]:eKL;'lm];eKL;'eKL;'kgc],ekL:'[kUc]eKL;'{ = Neck, N. throat,


k],nn].El:pQn]tI:hQt];Agk],pn]sUiw].Pn];mgk],nn].'{' = Pistil, N.(Botany),

kan]:sUiw].mgk],'[tI:pa}kan]:sUiw].Pn];mgk],pQn]tI:hp].ePL;lin];mgk],nn].{ = Stigma, N.(Botany) the part of pistil,

kan]:Sg}:hqn],mgk],'[kan]:Sg}:hqn],mgk],tuik].mI;pL;Sg}:hqn],mgk],kuik];tc];kan]:mn];{' = Stamen, N. filament,

kan]:Sg}:hqn],mgk],'[kan]:lQk].Agn],An]km].w}.Sg}:hqn],mgk],nn].{' = Filament, N.(Botany) portion of a stamen,

kan];' kan];hap],' = Yoke,

kan];'liUn]:'t},'[tUw]sac]:kan];sac]:liUn]:'{ = Creeping, [creeping things,]

kan];'kan];cUw].kan];cL.'kan];SI,tin]'(Aw]tgc].mG];TUlUin]:kan];kGL,'(cw]:3;14') = Crawl, creep: crawl on

your belly; baby crawling, crawled, crawling,

kan];Kw]:'t},Kw]:'kan];cUw].kan];cL.'kan];SI,tin]' = Crawl in, crawl, creep on all fours,

kan];'[m}.Tak],hQt];kUm]kUm]Am],nn]m}.mgc]lqm]:yaw];tan],lIhap],tL:mL,'lqm]:Kgn].{= Pole, N. a rod or stave, poles,

kan];eKL;elL.'SUic];nuic]:'(wUw];SUw];SUic];nuic]:') = Yoke, N.: one yoke of oxen,

kan];T}' = Beam of a plough,

kan];tL,mat],'kan];tLmqt];' = Axe handle,

kn];]:'kan];PL./mit]:'kn];lqw];' = Knife handle, sword handle,

kan];mak],elL.'[pQn]lqm]:/tqc]:kn];yaw];tL,SG],mak],elL.epL;pn]l}:nn].{'Ak].sUw],' = Axle,

kan];mgc];' = Rod from which a gong is suspended,

kan];yL,sU,'kan];yg};' = Beam of a scale or weighing balance,

kan];elL.'kan];lk];tc]:'[kan];Sgt],pn],nUiw]mn];l}:{'(kan];lk];tc]:KUic]:T},hac]:/kqm]<RmL,')' = Axis, N. :

vertical axis,

kan];AI;prQk].' = Brake Booster,

kan].'kUn],'kUn],pac];tUk];'ya}:kn]'kg}PImn];yw].'tUp].' = Collapse, downfall, fall apart, collapsing,

kan].kic],m}.hqc]:pqt]:' = Lop off the dead branch,

kan].hk];tBk];hac]:sL.hac]:miBw],'}PImn];mBt];' (lgc]:-/An]-) = Bad break,


;')= Bamboo sheath,

kap],tin]'kip],wBw];/kGa};'(Kw]El:kap],tin],'(kip],cqm]:'/kap],tin]cqm]:')= Hoof, N.: horns and hoofs or hooves;

divided hoof, hoofs, hooves,

kap],miBw]:' = Butterfly,


Petal, N. the petals of flower, petals,

kap]:'sap],'[Kun]KUp];SG],/sk].Aw]w};w};{(mLkap]:'pLsap],')' = Snap, to make a quick or sudden bite or grab,

snapped, snapping,

kap]:' Aw]SUp];Aw]KQw]:kap]:w}.' = Pinch, to compress or squeeze between the teeth,

kap]:' kap]:w}.' (kap]:w}.lg};lg};yLvL;KUp];lqw]') = Hold between the teeth, pinch,

kap]:' kap]:wan]:pan]miUc];' = Length of time during which a being or thing has existed, age,

kap]:kw],' kap]:kw],pan]kgn],' = Old age, ancient time,

kap]:pan]kw],'KUw];mUiw]:kgn],'(nUic];-kap]:/KUw];pan]mG],)= Out of date, out-of-date; old style, (compare modern),

kap]:pan]kac]' = Middle age,

kap]:pan]kac]'[Et,mgk]:pI<500pKetL,mgk]:pI<1350pK{' = Middle ages, N., from about 500 a.d. to about 1350,

kap]:mG],' kap]:pan]mG],' = New age, modern time,

kap]:lin].w}.'(mn];Kan]sG]nL,epL;kap]:lin].mn];w}.)' = Gnawed tongue: He gnawed his tongue in agony,

kap]:lB,' kGam];ka},hL'ka},kGam];hLpn]' = Offer, offering,


lup],w}.'(AUm]puyqm].Ev.Ev.') = Gnaw, to bite or chew on, specially persistently: the spaniel gnawed happily on a

bone, gnawed, gnawn, gnawing,

kap]:Aap]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Dedication, N.,

kap]:Aap]:w}.'tc]:sG]tc]:eKL;Aan];hQt];' = Dedicate, pledge, consecrate, dedicated, dedicating,

kam],Sun],mun]etL,' = Fate, chance, luck,

kam],lI' man]'(man]vL;'man]etL,) = Fortune, position life as determined by wealth, chance, luck,

kam],lI'man]'mI;Sun],'(Kt];-kam],ha}.'kqn]') = Luck, N. good luck: lucky, adj.(ant: bad luck, unlucky)

lk];kI;kam],lI'km];mI;Sun],' = Lucky breaks,

kam],ha}.' Amac],klL,' = Plight, N. dilemma, misfortune: I can’t make light the plight of my people,

kam],ha}.' Amac],klL,' = Misfortune, N. adverse fortune, bad luck; mischance; mishap,

kam],ha}.'(lgc]:-/An]-)'(mn];pQn]mQt].cL;tLpUyU,huiw]:Am],nn]pQn]An]kam],ha}.huiw].?)= Catastrophe, N. any

misfortune or mishap; fiasco: Is it a blip, or is it a catastrophe?,

kam],ha}.'ta}huc]' = Fate, N. death, destruction or ruin, fatalness,

kam]:' Kqc]' = Freeze, become harden into ice or change from fluid to solid form by loss of heat, harden,

kam]:' tuc]'[lUit]:kam]:'nUiw].tuc]'{' = Clot, clotted, clotting, clottish, coagulate,

kam]:pQn]kgn];kqn],'[luk].tI:An]pQn]nm].w}.nn].eSkam]:pQn]kgn]:kqn],kGL,nn].{' = Solidify, to make

solid; make into a hard or compact mass; change from a liquid or gaseous to a solid form.,

kam]:lg};lg};' = Glacial, resulting from or associated with the action of ice or glaciers,,

kam];'kam];kn]' m};kn]'(km];liUm],l}kn]) = Put one edge overlaps the other (as for sewing)

kaw],' (pU,pan];emLkaw],es;sgt],lInL,')' lw]:lat]:tiUc],kaw],Tiuc]' = Address, addressing,


w]:lat]:tUic],kaw],Tuic]ekL.pQn]sgm]suic]:nn].wL:!sw]:Kun]sgm]suic]:'/sw]:sgm]suic]:hw];KL:'@)' = Address:

Address the president as “Mr. President.”, addressed, addressing,

kaw],' hgc].hL' yiun]:ygn];' = Call on, to ask or appeal,

kaw],kGam];yc],sG]'tiUc],kYam];lik]:'[pn]kGam];Kam],ktieStUiw],wL:{' = Take an oath, to swear solemnly,

kaw],Tiuc]' lw]:lat]:' lw]:Tiuc]' = Plead, request, pray, petition,

kaw],Tuic]'lw]:lat]:tac],Tibc]' = Supplication, N. humble prayer, entreaty or petition,


Address the threats and hazards confront us,

kaw]:' mak],kaw]:' (Sgk];tin]AUt],yaw];TUm]:mak],kaw]:') = Calf of human leg, (shoes calf leg wrap),

kaw]:' PL:kaw]:' (pUk].PL:kaw]:lUc];nL;El:epL;kUw]pic]KUp];mak],kaw]:') = Calf wrapper cloth,

kaw].' kaw].Ait],Ag}:' = Mill for crushing sugar cane,

kaw].' = Pull and bend down,

kaw].Kibn]:nL:' = Moving forward,

kaw].Kibn]:nL:kGL,pQn]yac]:pQn]yac]:sgm];km];lG]km];nn].' = Moving forward one step at a time,


kn];mn];eSpn],Ait],Aw]nn].{' = Oil mill handmade,

kL' = Crow,

kLEk' kLKUw],'kLAiuw]:' = Pigeon,

kLKap],'(nUk].) = Jaybird, jay,

kLKUw],' = Pigeon, rock dove family member,


.Pa},mw]nn].Kit];Kiun]:ekL.Pa},nk];n}.Kit];lUc];KI,Kit];Kuin]:Kit];lUc];sUic].nn]{' = Seesaw, teeter totter,

kLs};' = Snake bird,

kLSqw];' = Long-tailed Edulius,

kLSqw];'nUk].Sqw];'[SIlm]hac]yaw];pa}mn];cqm]:{' = Drongo, N. bird having black plumage and long forked tails,

kLlm]' = Raven, N.,

kLlUn],' = Mythical bird,

kLwaw],' waw],' = Kite,

kLAak].'kLhgc].Aak].Aak].'k},hgc].Aqk].Aqk].' = Caw, croak, cawing,

kL,sL,'[tL:hUiw];pac],la},mqt],tI,TUiw]er;niyqn];'{(cw]:10;19') = Gaza, N. a seaport on the Mediterranean Sea,


= Kadmonites, a nomadic Canaanite tribe that lived in Syrian desert,

kL,trL.'(wQc];) = Gadara, [capital province of Peraea,(Mt 8:28), Lk 8:6],Gadarenes, or Gerasenes,


{ = Kadesh, Kadesh Barnea,

kL,tqt].SpL,niy' = Kadesh-Barnea, a place on the south-eastern border of Palestine,(Nu 32:3-26)

kL,ta};'[AU:em,nL;hqm];'Kun]ehLKm];AiSer;'{(2Kun]15;14')' = Gadi, the father of Menahem, king of Israel,

kL,Tam],'[sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],EA,lifL.ekL.nuic]:'{(cw]:36;11') = Gatam, a descendant of Eliphaz,

graffiti art; of, relating to, or characteristic of this subculture: the hip-hop generation,

kL,TL,'(lgt]:kL,TL,'pw],kL,TL,')' = Chant, N.: chanting; charm, mantra, N.,

kL,TL,' = Charm, N. a chanting or recitation of a magic verse or formula; a magic charm,

kL,pun],' = Carbon, N.(Chemistry) a widely distributed element that forms organic compounds in combination with

hydrogen, oxygen, etc., and that occurs in a pure state as diamond and graphite, and in an impure state as charcoal. Symbol: C;

atomic weight: 12.011; atomic number: 6; specific gravity: (of diamond) 3.51 at 20°C; (of graphite) 2.26 at 20°C. k,

kL,pun],t}<Agk].s}.' = Carbon dioxide (CO2)

kL,fI,' kL,PI,' = Coffee,

kL,emlIey,'[luk]:sa};eP,tsUiw]<'{(TUin],1;10')' = Gamaliel, son of Pedahzur,

kL,emlIey,'[suiw]:emLSgn]epL;l'El:pQn]lan]sa};rp].pa};hI;El;(man],22;3'){= Gamaliel, the teacher of Paul,


Aw]hQt];AI:yL'{(Agk],30;34')'yac]klpnm],' = Galbanum, N. a gun resin with a peculiar, strong odor,

obtained from certain Asian plants of the genus Ferula, used in incense and formerly in medicine,

kL,lac],' klac],' = Syphilis, venereal disease,

kL,lan],'(1kL,lan],=4kGat].=3.785lI<tL<=16kgk];) = Gallon, (1gl=4 Quarts=3.785Liters=16Cups)

kL,lL.hL<lqc]'[erL;kL,An]emL:EP:sp];kn]'eP;kL,lhL<lqc]'{' = Pestilence, N. plague,



n],lin]suic]:mUic];Kw]nn]."kLlit]<n}.mI;w}.him];lg}kiliAqt]:nn].yw]."{(cw]:31;47') = Galeed, (heap of

witness) a pile of memorial stones erected by Jacob and his father-in-law Laban as a sign of their covenant of peace and as

boundary mark between their territories; Galeed was located near Mount Gilead,

kL,lqp].'[luk]:sa};ey,Pn],en,'{(TUin],13;6') = Caleb, son of Jephunneh,

kL,lan],'(=4kGat].=4sit].=3.785lI<tL<) = Gallon, (=4 quarts=3.785liters U.S. )

kL,wUn],yaw];'[An]Em:yic];nuc]:{' = Gown, N. a woman’s dress or robe, especially one that is full-length,

kL,hm],[luk]:sa};TUn]:Sgc]nhUw];AL;El:em;ng}.mn];{(cw]:22;24)= Gaham, the second son of Nahor and Reumah,

kL:' kL:mn];' = Price, cost, fee,

kL:' tI:' (mI;kL:lG]?mI;tI:lG]?) = Location, place, (where it is?)

kL:' tUn]:kL:' (kUn];wan]:Kw]tiuk].Sgm]:nL;yU,') = Paddy seedling,(Villagers are transplanting paddy

seedlings in the field,)

kL:'kL:ygp],'ygp],kL:'yuk].muiw];kL:'kL:emLemLkL:AUn]:AUn]:' = Dance, danced, dancing,

kL:'Ka}kL:'kL:nL,'(Kt];-epL;'Ka}epL;'Kn]tqm],') = Expensive, adj. very high-priced; costly, (ant: cheap, lowpriced), expensively, adv., expensiveness, N.,

kL:kL:'kL:yG],Kn]Suc]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = High price, N.,

kL:Kn]'()' = Values, (The United States was founded upon a belief in these values: These include an individual’s

freedom to speak their mind, assemble without fear, worship as they please, and choose their own leaders; they also include

dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice.),

kL:Kn]'mI;kL:Kn]TiBk]:'mI;kL:Kn]TiBk]:yG],' = Value, Valuable,



.sg}:'skGL,siUw];n}.'{(An]mI;kL:mI;Kn]tc];An]kL:epL;epL;) = Value, N.: high value v. low value,

kL:Kn]Kuin]:'[kL:Kn]An]KUw];Kgc]mI;nm]Kiun]:mL;nn].'{ = Appreciation, -increase in value of a property,

kL:Kn]Kgn]:pgc];kn]' = Aggregate value,


n]yUic];ma}tL,tI:Puk],Pc]Alac];nG];sum];miw]<TGL<fn];tc];la}nn].'{' = Capital Appreciation, a rise in the

value of an asset based on a rise in market price. It’s one of the two resources of investment returns. The combination of capital

appreciation with dividend or interest returns is referred to as total return. It is often a stated investment goal of many mutual

funds, capital growth,

kL:Kn]tqm],Sut];'(TIwI<) = Terminal value, terminal value (TV) represents all future cash flows in an asset

valuation model. This allows models to reflect returns that will occur so far in the future that they are nearly impossible to

forecast. The Gordon growth model, discounted cash flow and residual earnings all use terminal values that can be calculated

with perpetuity growth, while an alternative exit valuation approach employs relative valuation methods,

kL:Kn]nG];pp].' = Book Value, a the value of an asset as shown in the financial records,

kL:Kn]'kL:mn];' = Price,

kL:Kn]KUw];Tuk],SGac];Kgn],' = Assessed Valuation,

kL:Kn]SGac];nI:kn]' = Liquidation Value

kL:Kn]tc];la}El:yiUc];ma}tc];nm]' = Values and goals,

kL:Kn]tUk];' = Depreciation,

kL:Kn]tUw]kw],'(tL,l}:yU,Sw];kGL,nc],kL:Kn]tUw]kw],hw];mI;)' = Own value, (to live our own value,),

kL:Kn]Tuk],kuic],tan],lI'[Am],kL:pUn].Am],epL;nL,AL;lL;nn].'{(lI;wa};5;18') = Proper value,

kL:Kn]TiBk],yG], = Precious

kL:Kn]nG];kat],Siuw].Ka}'(Kn]An]ekL.Siuw].pn]Suc]Sut];El:ekL.Ka}Ka}ygm];TiSut];nn].) = Market Value

kL:Kn]lItgn];nL,nL,' = Incredible value,

kL:Kn]l}:m}:yap],sG]sgm];' = Concern Value,

kL:Kn]An]kUn];tc];la}hp].w}.kU:ekL.' = Universal value,

kL:Kn]An]mI;AL,mKam],l}:' = Insurable Value

kL:Kam],eyL,pn]' = Compensation,(something received or given as an equivalent for loss),

kL:Kit];pUk];Kit];pk];' Kit];pUk];Kit];pk];' = Acrobatic,

kL:KI:ciun];' = Fees paid for loan’s interests,

kL:KUw]lUc]tL:hUiw];'(wap].fit].kY])'[cuin];l}:sa},tI:An]yip];sG].tuiw];yUc],KUw]lUc]tL:hUiw];'{' = Wharfage, N.

the charge or payment for the use of the wharf,

kL:ciun];kU:'[ekL.Siuw].l}:sa},kL:mn];Tqc]:eKLeKLngk]:eSkL:lUp];sgm]Siuw].Ka}nn].{ = Loan Fee, a separate

charge to the closing costs of the buyer,

kL:srip]:'kL:mn];' = Cost, expenditure,

kL:srip]:'kL:mn];'(kL:srip]:n}.pQn]An]lam];w}.'An]Et.Et.El:tL,An]pin],ca}:Ka}.w};nL,nn].')'= Costs,

(estimated, actual and variability cost),

kL:srip]:Suic],Sim];KUw];' = Storage costs,

kL:srip]:puin]EP:KUw];' = Distribution expenses,

kL:srip]:mat],nI:w}.' = Costs incurred,

kL:srip]:lam];w}.puin].Kam],mn];' = Base cost estimate (BE),

kL:srip]:lqk]:pn]kn]' = Transition costs,

kL:srip]:An]muc]:hn]w}.TL:' = Expected cost (EC),

kL:srip]:AL,mKam],' = Insurance costs,

kL:sac]:'kL:hqc];'[cuin];kL:hqc];'cuin];lUin]'{ = Pay, N. wage; salary,

kL:sac]:/hqc];'cibn];kL:hqc];'cibn];kL:hqc];hQt];sgm];wBc]:/wn];/sBw]:mgc];' = Wage,N., wages,

kL:suk];yqc],Ey:' = Top toe dance, tiptoe dance,

kL:sBw]:'(kL:sUw]:kw]tuik].mI;sG]yU,Sw];w}.n}.') = As long as: as long as I live,

kL:sBw]:'kL:sUw]:han].etL,'han].etL,' = As long as, until,

kL:sUw]:-tuik].'(kL:sUw]kw]tuik].pQn]-yU,n}.')'kL:sUw]:' = Inasmuch as, N. insofar as, to such a degree as,

since, seeing that, in view of the fact that: Inasmuch as I am …,

kL:sUw]:JPL;sw]:p},wL:mn];pUn].yw].n}nn].mn];tiun];p},pUn].' = It’s not over until God said

it’s over,

kL:sUic];' kL:sat]:' kL:Sqc];' = Play, N. a dramatic composition or piece, plays,

kL:SQc]:kQw],SQn]:Sa}ma}f};fL.' = Electrostatic charge, N.,

kL:Sqc];'An]kL:sat]:/sUic];'hQt];pg};Sqc];'sUic];' = Dramatic, adj. of or pertaining to the drama,

kL:eSpUin]:Sut];' = Most expensive,

kL:tan],mG];emLkL:Kqn],lqn],lITiSut];nn].' = Dance your best dance,

kL:tL:' = Ferriage, fare charged for ferrying, docking fee,

kL:tqm]:ma}tgc];w}.' = Recording Fees,

kL:tUk];liun];'l}:pn]kL:mn];lUiw]pUiw]:tUk];luin];' = Late charges,


pQn]lG]pL<SYqn].niUw]tac];nm]ciun];kU:nn].n}yw]'{ = Origination Fee, a fee charged by a lender for processing a

loan application, expressed as a percentage of the mortgage amount,

kL:Et.kL:wL:nL,' kL:nL,' K}kL:kL:' = High prize,

kL:TiUk]:Km];'[mI;kL:Kn]mUin]Km];{(Sun],lIkL:TUik]:Km];)' = Golden, adj. exceptional valuable: a golden opportunity,

kL:TUik]:eyL,pn]'TiBk]:Tbk],l}:'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-)' = Compensation,


,/sut]:lut]:'sL.kGL,'cuin];S}:tqn];'{ = Compensation, N. something received or given as an equivalent for services,

debt, loss, injury, suffering, lack, etc.; indemnity,

kL:TBik]:eyL,pn]sgm];JtL;PQc],pQc];' = Just compensation,

kL:nc],Kw]mI;sG]KG]:hQt];/l}:nn].' = Everything they wished,

kL:nc],pQn]l}:nn].Kt];sG]' = Make every effort,

kL:nc],pQn]l}:TiSut];'(Kt];sG]hQt];kL:nc],pQn]l}:TiSut];)' = Utmost, adj. farthest; extreme limit,


lQk].hn]tqm],tUw]Kw]Kiun];nn].tL.' = Do your best that you never make anybody feel small,


Kqm].' = Do your best,

kL:nc],hw];pgc],pQn]l}:nn].' = As far as we can,

kL:nc],An]' pQn]AI:Sc]ekL:' AI:Sc]ekL:yL,' hQt];nc],kL:emLkB:mQw];' = Whatever,

kL:nc],Kw]sG].Kw]ygn];kU:An]An]' = Everything they asked,

kL:nc],An]hw];l}:huw}.n}.siuc]' = As far as we know,

kL:n}.' (kL:n}.Agn],kUv];ekL:Am],pQn]l}:hL.?) = Just as this, as much as this,

kL:prI<mI<ym]eA,eA,' = Lower premium,

kL:pQn]AL,nL,yG],mYat]:Kqm].tgn];lUiw]tc];SQc]:tc];lUc]' = All-surpassing power,(2Cor.4:7),

kL:pQn]An]yG],mYat]:Kqm].tgn];lUic]tc];SQc];tc];lUc]' = All-surpassing,

kL:pg};sL;' ApI;mn];' = Commission of a broker,

kL:EP:sgt],es;' = Spread (The difference between the cost of and yield on an investment.)

kL:mn];'(ciun];pn]tL,tgp],kuc],tac];emLPU:lUc],lqn],) = Fee, emolument, -Payments for professional services,

kL:mn];'kL:KIkL;/rTL;/hUiw];min]' = Fare, N. the price of conveyance in a bus, train, airplane or other vehicle,

kL:mn];kL:nL,'[Kan]cuin];mUk];Stgk].An]nuic]:nG];kat],n}.Suc]eSKn]tuin];mI;mn];{ = Over-priced,

kL:mn];Tuk],' kL:Tuk],' = Reasonable price,

kL:mn];epL;nL,'[Kan]cuin];mUk];Stgk].An]nuic]:nG];kat],n}.tqm],eSKn]tuin];mI;mn];{ = Under-priced,

kL:mn];w};l}:Sut];' = Full speed, at full speed,

kL:mUn].Em;tqn];' = Reparation,

kL:Em;An]ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];' = Curable Defect (physical or functional,)


kU;KUw];Kgc]kn]l}:pn](kL:yap],mn];)'{' = Transaction costs or fees, Transaction costs are expenses incurred

when buying or selling securities. Transaction costs include brokers' commissions and spreads (the difference between the price

the dealer paid for a security and the price the buyer pays). The transaction costs to buyers and sellers are the payments that banks

and brokers receive for their roles in these transactions. There are also transaction costs in buying and selling real estate. These

fees include the agent's commission and closing costs such as title search fees, appraisal fees and government fees,



m];sum];sum];nuic]:Kw]np].Sgn],w}.nn].'{' = Cost of living, the average cost of food, clothing, and other necessary

or usual goods and services paid by a person, family, etc., or considered as a standard by the members of a group.,

kL.yG],Ka}lUc]'(kan]-/sum];')'[kan]kL.yG],Ka}lUc]{' = Large business,


tqm],tqm],hG]:epL;pUn].'{= Limbo (dance), N. a dance from the West Indies, originally for men only, in which the dancer

bends backward from the knees and moves with a shuffling step under a horizontal bar that is lowered after each successive pass,

kL:lUp];sgm]Siuw].Ka}' KlUt];Sic];Kgt].S]' = Closing Costs,


.nn]'{(mn];kL:l}:hQt];eAL:')' = No option, no choice: He had no option or choice,


sUic].nn]'{' = No other choice, no other way,

kL:la};' pt].la};' = Martial arts dance,

kL:hp].sG].sg}:'(yL:yLkL:hp].sG].sg}:)' = Fee-for-service, adj.: fee-for-service medicine,

kL:hp].sG].sg}:mQw];TUik]:sa},TUm]pn]' = Covered service,

kL:hqc];f};'[pL;kL:nm].mn];/Tat]:SI,/kqt].S]sUiw];n}.tc];SQc]:{' = Energy cost,

kL:huiw]?'tan],lG]'(n}.kL:huiw]?'mqn]:kL:huiw]?'mn];nm]tan],lG]?) = How much?, adv.: How much it is?,

kL:Alac];l}:pn]' Alac];l}:pn]' ciun];SQc]:' = Costs, the prices paid to acquire,

kL:An]TiBk]:pn]' = Compensation

kL:An]mI;nG];kw]tc];SQc]:nn].' = All my inmost being, all that is within me,


n]An]nn].)' = Whim, (Not just making a wish list and praying every whim),


t];Pit];rL,wUt]:nn].kGL,') = Energetic, adj. powerful in action; vigorous: to take energetic measure against crime,

kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;'(hk].kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;) = Ardent, adj. zealous, fervent: ardent love, ardently, adv.,



yU,lI/lgc]:kL;/Agk],tac];)' = Insurance, an agreement in which you pay a company money and they pay your

costs if you have an accident, injury, etc: life/health/car/travel insurance,

kL:AL,mKam],eP;Am],lgt]:l}:'(eP;An]JPL;sw]:pn]pQn]'Am],nn]pQn]ygn].Siuk];) = Hazard Insurance,


Sa}ma}ciun];SQc]:sgm];Piun]la};can];'Am],nn]'hUw]hup]:Piun]siuw]:piUc],nn].') = Title Insurance,

kL:AUn]:AUn]:kL:ekYL,ekYL,' = Dance of joy, dance with joy,

kL;'(kL;Sgc]lm];) = Car, N. motor car, automobile, vehicle: two cares or vehicles,

kL;kw],'(kL;kw],ygm];Kn]Ka})' = Used car, (used car for sale),

kL;KrQc];'(kL:sak]:ehL:tL,yuk].Kgc]nk];tac],Kiun]:El:ygc]:Kgc]nk];Ka}.') = Crane, a device for lifting and

moving heavy weight in suspension, 

kL;Slun];' = Sedan, an enclosed automobile, luxury, covered,

kL;St].tQm]tac];' ehL:kL;ehL:hiUw];' kGL,mL;p}' = Traffic,

kL;St].tQm]Aibt];tac];'kL;St].tik];'kL;Sip].kn]' = Traffic jam, traffic backed up,

kL;tac],kun],' = Truck car, freight car,

kL;tac],kun],' = Freight, the charges, fee or compensation pair for freight: we pray the freight,


kUn];pQn]kGL,sU;hUc];yLnn].'{ = Ambulance, N.,

kL;tL,cw];la};Put];epL,' = Emergency Vehicles,

kL;tqk]<sI<' = Taxi,

kL;tqc].' = Tank,

kL;tUc].TUic];kGL,TUic];'[kL;n}.l}:mI;Kqp];Sam],sQc],SIlUic]mak],sgk];pL.w}.tac];lc]{ = Slow-moving Vehicles,

kL;JTqk].tL,'[KUic]:sak]:lUc]hqc];yG],tL,ehL:ygc]:El:tiut].lak]:Am],nn]AI;tw].Ka}.Kgc]nk];An]kuit];w}.nn].'{ =

Tractor, truck tractor, machinery, a device for lifting and moving heavy weights in suspension.

kL;tqc].' = Tank,

kL;tqc].'[kL;kgc]:lUc]tL,tuik];Suik];'{' = Tank, Military . an armored, self-propelled combat vehicle, armed with

cannon and machine guns and moving on a caterpillar tread.,

kL;pt].S]' = Bus,

kL;pt].S]hUc];hQn];' = School Bus,

kL;PL,' ehL:kL;PL,' kL;lqw]' = Traffic Crashes, accident,

kL;lUc]lUc]' = Large Vehicles,

!kL;ehL:Kw]:mL;Kgn]:pgc];Pa},tac];KGL@' =“Merging Traffic Entering From Right”

kL;ehL:nUiw]tac];' kUn];kGL,tac];' = Traffic, the vehicles, persons, etc., moving in an area, along a street, etc.,

kL;ehL:nUiw]mUv]'[kL:tL,KI,ehL:Agk],Kaw];tac];kGL,nUiw]mUv]{' = Snowmobile, skimobile,


nG];Auc]tI:mI;mak],hin]nm]kU:tI:'{' = All-terrain Vehicles(ATV), quad bike,

kL;Agn],' = Limousine

kL.' hLkL.hLKa}' kL.kU;' = Traffic, buying and selling; commercial dealings., deal, trade,

kL.' kL.kL.Ka}Ka}' = Trade, a purchase or sale, buying and selling, merchandize,

kL.' lqk]:kB;kn]' kL.kB;' kL.Ka}' = Trade, exchange, traded, trading,

kL.' kL.kL.Ka}Ka}'kL.kU;' = Trade, N., a purchase or sale, buying and selling,

kL.'kL.kU;' = Trafficking, traffic, trade,

kL.kB;' kU;' lqk]:kU;' = Trade, business deal or transaction, exchanging commodities,


wn];Agk],mUic];yU<Aqt].S])nn].{ = After Hour Trading (AHT), After-hours trading (AHT) refers to the buying

and selling of securities on major exchanges after the specified regular trading hours. Both the New York Stock Exchange and

the Nasdaq National Market operate regularly from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. ET. Buy and sell orders in the AHT session can be

entered and executed anytime between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm EST. At one time limited to institutional investors and individual

investors with high net worth, AHT is now an option for the average investor as well. The emergence of electronic 

communication networks (ECNs) ushered in a new era in stock trading. An ECN is an interface that not only allows individual

investors to interact electronically, but also lets large institutional investors interact anonymously, thereby hiding their actions.

The development of AHT offers investors the possibility of great gains, but you should also be aware of some of its inherent risks

and dangers: 1. Less liquidity - There are far more buyers and sellers during regular hours. During AHT there may be less trading

volume for your stock, and it may be harder to convert shares to cash. 2. Wide spreads – A lower volume in trading may result in

a wide spread between bid and ask prices. Therefore, it may be hard for an individual to have his or her order executed at a

favorable price. 3. Small fish – While individual investors now have the opportunity to trade in an after-hours market, the reality

is that they must compete against large institutional investors that have access to more resources than the average individual

investor. 4. Volatility – The AHT market is thinly traded in comparison to regular-hours trading. Therefore, you are more likely

to experience severe price fluctuations in AHT than trading during regular hours. AHT can be illustrated with an investor who

would like to sell her shares of Goldman Sachs (GS) for $230.00 after hours. Due to the highly illiquid nature of the after hours

market, the highest bid price from the sparse number of buyers is $220.00. She can either change her limit price to $220.00 to sell

right away or she can keep her original price and run the risk of a partial order or a 'not-filled' order. At the end of the trading

session at 8:00 pm, all orders that were not executed will be canceled,

kL.Ka}' (pa};-'Pa},-')'kL.kU;Siuw].Ka}' = Commerce, an interexchange of goods or commodities,

kL.Ka}'lgc]:kL.Ka}' = Commercial,

kL.Ka}sgm];pac]kat],' = Marketing,

kL.Ka}Sbm];yG],Sbm];lBc]' = Bad business deal,

kL.Ka}yg}:' Ka}yg}:'(Ka}kun]pQn]An]El:Kn]Ka}yg}:etkL:liUw]Kn]Ka}lum];)'kat],Ka}yg}:' kUn];Ka}yg}:' = Retail, retail

market, retailer,

kL.kL.Ka}lQk].ng}.' kL.Ka}yg}:'(kan]/kUn];') = Small business operations,

kL.kU;Am],mqn]:pUic]' = Illicit trafficking,

kL.K}akin]l}:'(Aw]hQt];Pgn];lIkL.Ka}kin]l}:') = Commercially, adv.: exploiting commercially,

kL.Ka}lQk].ng}.' (kan]-/sbm];-/) = Small Business,

kL.Sum];' = Trade loss, lose in a trade,

kL.m}.kL.pqn]:' Ka}m}.Ka}pqn]:' = Lumber,

kL.mYat]:' = Trade profit, make profit, make money by trading,

kL.hG]:tgn];ngn];hG]:Aun],(kGam];kp];Tuk],t};) = Gain profit in business and have a warm sleep,

kL<liAUw],'[sa};kUn];mUic];rUw];mkqm]Kun]Kgn]<SI;lL,AK}<y(man],18;12'{= Gallio,[the Roman proconsul of Achaia]

kL<emlYI,'[suiw]:emLSgn]epL;l'El:pQn]lan]sa};rp].pa};hI;El;(man],22;3'){ = Gamaliel, the teacher of Paul,

kL<At].'[lg}nG];suic]:mUic];lg}AI<Prim],'{(eyL;24;30') = Gaash, a mountain in the hill country of Ephraim,

kik];kik];' = An expression“Kikkik” used in calling chicken during feeding them,

kik];kik];kgk];kgk];'[mQw];mn];nm]elL;El;kn]tUv];An]lG]epL;Am],];l}:{' = Jumble, N. a mixed mass,

kik];kik];kgk];kgk];elL;kn]'Pan],Pa}.es:'pUPa}.Kw]kGa};' = Jumble, jumbled, jumbling,

kic],' kic],EP' kic],m}.' kic],Agn],' = Branch,

kic],sUiw];An]sap]:w}.' kic],sUiw];An]sap]:w}.kp];w}.' = Ingrafted branches,

kic],EP'[lum];nG];nL:tI:Am],nn]pYOrOw]nL:tI:Kgc]pqc].An]nuic]:{' = Branch, local office or bureau of a bank,


hQt];Agk],pk];pUic]'2.Pa},pgc]kan]Aup].pUic],'3.Pa},Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amu')' = Three branches of government,

(The three branches of the US government are the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.),

kic],m}.' Kqm];' Kqm];m}.hqc]:' hak]:enL,m}.' pgt];m}.hqc]:' = Twig,

kic],m}.kan].tUk];' = Branch fell, (a big branch of a tree fell,),


sgm];kn]lQp]:KQc],tac];lU,nn].tL.hw];"(SL,118;27') = Bough, N. a branch of a tree, especially one of the larger or

main branches: with boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the altar.(Ps. 118:27),

kic],lUc]'lm];m}.'lm];KL/Kqn]'lm];eKL;' = Limb, N. a large or main branch of a tree, part of body,

kic],Eh.' = Armpit,

kic]:' kic]:kUm]kic]:kUm]' = Roll, roll over and over,


mUv]kic]:kGL,kic]:mL;nG];kac]pac],nn].') = Rolled around: He fell to the ground and rolled around,

kic]:kUm]'pin]:lUm].pk];Kit];kGL,'pin]:lUm].kic]:kUm]'(pin]:lUm].pk];Kit];tak],ha}kGL,)= Tumble, to fall helplessly

down, end over end, as by losing one's footing, support, or equilibrium; plunge headlong: tumbles backward, tumbling,

kic]:kUik],' = Roll from one side to another again and again,

kic]:cqk];lUc];hqc];nL,'(mn];epL;Am],cqk];lUc];eSAit];)' = Big break, -Golf , (ii didn’t break at all),

kic]:tUk];' = Roll down,

kic]:pn],kL:pgc],kL:pQn]'[pn]lUc]kGL,mUin]nc],mak],elL.lgt]:kn];{'lgt]:lqw];kL:pgc],kL:pQn]' =

Freewheeling, adj. N. operating in the manner of a freewheel,

kit],' kit],kn]'(sgc],kw]kit],tac];mG];hiuw]?)' = Obstruct, to block, crowded, (am I on your way?)

kit],' kit],kn]'(sgc],kw]kit],tac];mG];hiuw]?)' = Blockade, crowded, (Am I in your way?, )

kit],' eh.Auit];tac];' (An]-) = Obstructions, impediment, bar,

kit],Kgc]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Disturbance,

kit],tac];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Hindrance, be in someone way,

kit],tac];' kit],' eh.Auit];tac];'(An]-) = Impediment, obstructions, obstacle, bar,

kit],eh.Auit];tac];'(An]) = Obstructions, (golf),

kit].Tit].'[hUw]eKL:-lqp]:etpQn]eKL:kGam];sG].Pa},h},tuic]:{(SL,8) = Gittith, Title: Probably a musical term,

kin]'kin]yw].'tiuk].kin]yU,'[kin]Kw]:/kin]nm].'{'Aam].[luk]:Agn],lqc]kin]Kw]:'{ = Eat, ate, eating,

drink, drank, drinking,


l:k}.Tam]wL:etkin]tI:nG];Sqc],Kw]huiw]etsgk];mUiw];kin]tI:hUin];/tac],tI:n}nn]."{(kin]kL:n}:hL.etsgk];mUiw];?) =

Stay or to take out? To stay or to go?,

kin]kin]SUt].SUt].'kin]El:SUt].kin]tUn]:kin]'[pgc],wL:kin]es;pL;lw]:{ = Eating and drinking,

kin]kqn],kn]' = Make mutual promise,

kin]kum];kn]'Em;tLKw]:' [(kGam];kp];Tuk],)pgc],wL:kin]Kw]:kum];pUin]:'Kw]:hUm]:pL;sgm];tI:kum];kn]kin]ygc]:eyL;'{ =

Break bread, (Idiom) to eat a meal with others, to participate in Communion,

kin]kU:mQw];' mc]kU:mQw];' = Omnivorous, eating both animal and plant foods.,

kin]Ek:mn];' = Gain profit in between,

kin]wan]wan]'Aw]mUn]:mUn];'Tgm],ekYL,ekYL,'(Aqn]kz};kin]lg};lg};') = Enjoy, enjoyed, enjoying,


,lg};lg};El:kg}kGL,nn].')' = Corrode, erode,(acid corrodes, corroded batteries,), corroded, corroding,

kin]Kw]:Km]:'kin]Kw]:' = Dine, have dinner; to take any meal, dined, dining,

kin]Kqk],' = Celebrate marriage,

kin]ca}:Am],Sqp],kUc]eKL;'(lw]:wa}<kin]ca}:Am],Sqp],kUc]eKL;) = Go down smoothly: wine goes down smoothly,

kin]cuin];' = Take bribe,

kin]sac]:'(kUn];')'kUn];hp].sG].' = Hired man, hired hand, a hired laborer,

kin]Sak]:pUin]:' = Eat the leftover food, living by leftover things,

kin]SQc]:kGL,lg};lg};'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Corrosion, N.,

kin]SU;kin]lap]:' = Graft, N. in politics, the illegal acceptance of bribes by government officials, accept a bribe,

kin]vL;kgc].mUiw],' = Food poisoning, it occurs when eat contaminated, toxic, or spoiled food. Beyond stomach

tightening, it’s typically accompanied by symptoms: abdominal cramps; diarrhea; vomiting; nausea; mild fever; headaches,

kin]nm].nUm];' = Drink milk,

kin]nm].Auik].nuic]:El:' kin]nm].kgk];nuic]:El:' = Take a drink,

kin]nUm];' (luk]:Agn],kin]nUm];) = Sucking milk, (Baby sucking milk)

kin]pUn].kin]liUw]epL;tUn].Agk],Kiun];tc];eKL;' = Overeating that causes surfeit by excess of

foor or drink,

kin]Pit];' = Food allergic, food allergic reaction,

kin]Pit];'Pit];tac];kin]'[kin]tac];kin]Am],mqn]:nUiw].mqn]:lUit]:'kin]Pit];'{ = Food allergy,

kin]mw];hun].kw];lUiw]'(Kw]kin]mw];hun].kw];lUiw]tc];Kiun];tc];Kiun];)'kin]mw];Sut];wn];Sut];Kuin];' =

Carouse: They caroused all night, caroused, carousing,

kin]mw];hun].kw];lUiw]'kin]mw];Sut];wn];Sut];Kuin];' = Carousal, N.,

kin]mUic];' kin]wan]:kin]mUic];' = Rule the country, enjoy the revenue of a country,

kin]yL' kin]yL:yL' kin]AI:yL' = Take medicine,

kin]yUiw]:' Ag},yUiw]:' (wUw];kGa};kin]yUiw]:kin]PUic];) = Graze, pasture on; browse, grazed, grazing,

kin]yUiw]:yL:tUn]:m}.'[St];tUw]kin]tUn]:m}.kin]yUiw]:yL:tc];la}'{ = Herbivorous, adj. feeding on plants,

kin]lw]:wa}<ygc],mL:mw];sgm];'(Kuin];14;8')' = Drink the maddening wine,

kin]lip];' = Eat raw, eat without cooking,

kin]lQn]:' kin]lgk],kin]la}' = East for fun, to snack,

kin]lUc]'kin]lUiw]'[pUim].'{ = Glut, sate; cloy, glutted, glutting,

kin]lUc]' = Big eater,


w]nL,' = Reven, to eat or feed voraciously or greedly: to raven like an animal, raven, N.,

kin]lgc]eKL;/tgc].' eKYL;hG]:epsG]' = Slake, to allay (thirst, desire, etc.) by satisfying, slaked, slaking,

kin]wan]' kin]Kw]:wan]' (kw]kin]wan]nL,') = Good appetite, (I have a good appetite)

kin]wUv],' kin]wUv],kin]hc]:' = Eating messily,

kin]Am],wan]' = Loss of appetite,

kin]hqc];' sG].kin]hqc];mn];' = Get profit out of labor,

kin]ApI;mn];' = Take broker fees,

kin]AmYat]:mn];' kin]nm].mYat]:mn];' = Make a profit,

kin]Aim],' kin]Aim],kin]tQm]' = Have satisfied the appetite, eaten sufficiently, full,


' = East your fill and live there in safety,

kin]Aim],ep,sG]epL;sG]Et.yw].' = Ate and were satisfied,(They all ate and were satisfied.(Mtt.14:20)),

kin]Aim],ep,sG]epL;sG]lIyw].'(ehL;8;10'mqt]:14;20'15;37)= Ate and satisfied, have eaten and satisfied,

kin]' kin]pqt]:'yip];tuiw];' = Consume, to eat or drink; use up, consumed, consuming,

kin]ekYL,'(kUn].Kan].n}.Am],l}:kin]ekYL,'(Tuc];12;27') = Roast party game, roast his prey: The lazy do not

roast any game,

kin]ekYL,kn]' = Feasting,

kin]sik];kn]'kin]sik];pUin]:' = Exploit, to take advantage, utilize, exploited, exploiting,


Kw]n}.Am],lI) = Exploitation, N. selfish utilization, wrong use, taking advantage, exploitationally, adv.,

kin]SUpqt]:'/Kgt],ygt]:SUpqt]:'(eyL;24;20') = Consume you, or make an end of you,

kin]SB;kin]lap]:' pn]lak]:Sgc],mgn]' = Bribery, bribe,

kin]yak]:kin]Pan]' = Eat poorly,

kin]yL:yL'[An]kin]/tL;/yip];tuie];yL:yL'{' = Medication, N. the use or application of medicine,


n]mn];{' = Drink tea,

kin]lw]:mw];pqc]:w}.eS,eS,' = Drunkenness

kin]lQc].sG]'(Kw]kin]mQw];An]tUc].nn].lQc].sG]') = Feed (up) on something: They feed on anything that moves,


sac]:emLmUiw],') = Edible, adj. N. fit to be eaten as food; eatable; esculent,(ant: inedible; harmful)

kin]l}:'(Pk];An]kin]l};n}.pQn]Pk];kp];Kw]:Pk];Am],kin]l}:n}.pQn]Pk];tU)' = Edible,

kin]lUic],lI'(kUn];k}.n}.lm];hLl}:w}.nm]kin]lUic],lI'(Tuc];12;27') = Feed on, to be nourished by something: the

diligent feed on the riches of the hunt,

kin]liUc],lU,liUc],' = Eat well,

kin]wan],Et.Et.'wan],Tuk],sG]nL,' wan]nL,' = Delicious, adj. tasty, delectable, deliciously, adv,

kin]wan]Et.Et.' wan]nL,' = Tasty, good taste, delicious, tasteful,

kin]wBp],wap],'Sik],kin]nUiw].mn];pqt]:'kin]wUp],wap],Auin]pqt]:'= Devour, devoured, devouring,

kin]sik];tgk],sgk];kn]' = Devour, shamelessly cheat, devoured, devouring,

kin]Aim],kin]tQm]tc];mUt];yw].' = Had all had enough to eat, were filled,

kin],' kin],kGam];' tUic],wL:' tUic],kGam];' = Swear, swore, sworn, swearing,

kin],sL,nUm];'mak],hQc];tw]:nUm];'[erL;kL,n}.Em:yic];Kw]kUv];k}.pQn]nm]{' = Breast cancer,

kin],pUin]:'kin],wL:SG],'(mn];kYOik]:kin],pUin]:nL,'(SL,109;17')' = Pronunce curse, to pronounce curse,

kin],wL:SG],'vL;kGam];kin],' kin],' = Cursed, curse,

kin]:'(mUiw]:etL,Pa}.man];SI,hUin];la};t};nn].epL;mak],tqw],Agk],Sc]ekL:tUw]nn].pQn]kin]:eSyG],ep.pUin]:mUt];') = Trump card,

kin];' kqp]:' = Narrow, tighten,

kin];'tUk];kin];'[vL;tac];yap],Puit],Kan]sG]/KIsG]m}:sG]/lUw],w}.'{(Kw]tUk];kin];w}.') = Strait, N. often straits. a

position of difficulty or distress; critical: they were in a strait, or their situation was critical,

kin];kin];' kp].kin];' = Strictly, in a strict manner,

kin];sG]'yap],yQn];Kan]sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Hardship, poor,

kin];nL,yw].' yap],nL,yw].'(Kw]kin];nL,yw].km];n}.)' = Deep trouble,(they are in deep trouble now,),

kip],'Pak],'[pQn]kip],/tgn]:/pgt];/Pak],{'pgt];tgn]:EP' = Segment, N. part, segments, segmental, adj.,

kip],' kip],mak],sgk];' (kgk];mak],sgk];kin]lg};lg};pQn]kip],pQn]kip],) = Segments, orange segments,

kip],' (ca};kap],nQp].muiw];kUn];eSkUv];mn];nLtUm];]pa}tin]tUw]St];)(kip],wUw];/kGa};/mL.) = Hoof,

kip],cqm]:'kap],tin]cqm]:'[St];kap],tin]cqm]:{(St];tUw]mI;kip],cqm]:eSkQw].AUic]:'(ehL;14;6')= Divided hoof,

split hoof or cleft hoof: animal that has a divided hoof and that chews the cud,

kip],mgk],'[An]Pgc]lUic]ePL;lin];mgk],mI;w}.nG];mn];{ = Locule, N.(Biology) a small compartment,

kip]:' (Aw]TUkip]:)' kip]:l}:' = Pinch, (use chopsticks to pinch), pinching, pinchable,

kip]:' (kip]:kic],Eh.)' cip]:' = Compress, squeeze, pinch, (underarm pinch)

kip]:kic],Eh.' = Underarm pinch,

kip]:Aqc]:' KLkip]:Aqc]:' Aw]KLkip]:w}.' = Squeeze, (use legs squeezing on the hip), squeezed by legs,

kip]:Aqw]' KLkip]:Aqc]:' = Hip carry, carry a baby on the hip,

kip].pqt]<Agn],'[wan]:kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];tqn]<'{(eyL;19;44') = Gibbethon, a village of the tribe of Dan,

kip].pgn]<'(Aqt].wt].kip].pbn]<'1737-94'PU:tqm]:piun];Aqc];klQt]:') = Gibbon, (Edward Gibbon, 1737-94 English historian)

kim];' (wUw];Kw]kim];') = Curving inward closely, (an ox with horns curving inward), closed curve,

kim];' = Tongs,

kim];' nqp],' = Pincer, tweezers,

kim];f};' kim];cip]:Tan],f};' = Goldsmith’s tongs, silversmith’s tongs or blacksmith’s tongs,

kim];h};' kim];kqt];' = Scissors,

kim];pU' kim];kuc]:' = Crab claws, lobster claws,

kiw]' kiw]sUik]:' = Strand of rope, cord, or the like,

kiw]' Tap]:'Tap]:sp];'(pqn]:Sam]Tap]:'m}hUk];kiw]')= Ply, N. a layer: three-plywood; six-ply yarn,

kiw],' cuin];kiw],' = Pure silver,

kiw],' eKL;kiw],' = Narrow, narrow neck,

kiw],' kiw],nG];wan]:nG];wQc];' = Small, narrow, small passageway, narrow street,

kiw],' tac];' [tac];nG];wQc];'kiw],nG];wan]:'tac];wan]:ngk]:'{ = Street, N. lane; country lanes, streets,

kiw],'kiw],tac];' tac];' (lbk]:Agn],Kw]ekYL,etL,mak],Kac],sgm];kiw],kac]wan]:) = Pathway, path,

kiw],tac];An]mI;KUw]l}sUin];sUin];lUc];' = Pathway with stairs slanted downwards,

kiw],lUc]'[SQn]:tac];wan]:ngk]:{ = Loan, N. a country lane; secondary road,


nn].{ = Ravine, N. a narrow steep-sided valley commonly eroded by running water,

kiw],hgc]:mqc];kUn]:ecL;'[Tqw]Kgp],nm].lqn]lin]mUic];KL,nn],'{(TUin],34;4')' = Scorpion Pass,

kiw],hgc]:'kiw],'tac];Agn],'[hgc]:tac];nm].tI:Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;l}:'tac];'cUin]:tac];kGL,kqp]:Agn],'{ = Pass, N. a

navigable channel; a road, a narrow route,

kiw],Agn],'tac];Agn],'sgm];kiw],sgm];cqk]:' = Alley, N. a passage: a narroe back street, alleys,


wL:'(kgn]:hin]SG]sqc]:miUn],man],mI;SIlqc]Kgn],'){ = Cuprite, An isometric mineral, Cu2O; red (crimson, scarlet,

vermillion, brownish-red); sp gr, 6.1; in oxidized parts of copper veins; an important source of copper. Also called ruby copper;

ruby copper ore.; red oxide of copper; octahedral copper; cuprous oxide; copper suboxide,(occurring in red crystals)

kQk].kY]' KUic]:st];tqk]:'(KUic]:st];tqk]:hqc];tQk];/Tip],mn];)' = Gauge, N.: pressure gauge,

kQc]' kQc]hgk],' = Tuft of a spear,

kQc]puin]'kQc]puin]kac],'[KUn]nUk].SG],SUn]:puin]pQn]An]Tic];hG]:puin]nim]mUiw]:yuiw];mn];piw]kGL,nn].'{ = Fletching, N.

the feathers on an arrow, which stabilize it druing flight,

kQc]piun]' kQc]puin]kac],' = Feathery of an arrow, nock,

kQc]hgm]' = Fragrant screw pine,

kQc]:' kQc]:hiun]:hiun]:lI' mBt];SG]lI' = Clean, cleaned,

kQc]:pac],pQc];lI' liBm]:lI' nBn];lI' eKYL;lI' = Smooth


= Neat, adj. in a pleasingly orderly and clean condition: a neat room: a neat cottage, neater, neatest,

kQc]:hiun]:hiun]:lInL,' mBt];SG]lInL,' = Cearly clean,


m}.Sam]KLtw].km].KiUc]:T},hac]:') = Tripod, a stool, table, pedestal, etc., with three legs: camera tripod,

kQc];' (kQc];tuc]'kQc];tgc];'kQc];m},'kQc];lUm];'kQc];lUin]'kQc];ha};') = Keng, (used in name of towns and tracks,)

kQt];' (kQt];pL'kQt];hgc]kQt];lin]:') = Scales of animal, (fish scales, snail scale, Pangolin scales, )

kQt];kgk];Agk],tI:nc]' pQn]kQt];pQn]kQt];w}.' = Scaly, adj.,


Scab, N. the incrustation that forms over a sore or wound during healing, scabs,

kQn]' hm];' (kQn]Silik].'kQn]/hm];lqn];yL:') = Roll up,

kQn]' kQn]Sat],' kQn]es:' kQn]tgc]' = Roll up,

kQn]' pit].Kqn]SUiw]:' = Roll up , roll up the sleeves,

kQn]' pt].Kqp];' = Roll up, roll up one or both of leg of a trouser or pant,

kQn]pUk].ehL,'[tL,hUm],w}.tUm];w}.hqt].hqt].'{(mn];nac];Aw]luk]:Agn],kQn]pUk].ehL,w}.nG];PL:)' = Tuck, to cover

snugly in or as if in this manner: She tucked the children into bed, tucked, tucking, tuck in,

kQn]pUk].ehL,'[An]kQn]/tUp].ehL,w}.nn].{'= Tuck, N. something tucked or folded in,

kQn]lik]:' = Scroll,

kQp];' ygc]:' yuk].' = Pick, picked, picking, pick up,

kQp];' liUk]:'(mak],kQp];lUik]:w}.' kUn];ekL.piUn]:lUik]:w}.') = Pick, picked, picking, (picked fruit, a crew of picked man,)

kQp];' kgp],' kQp];hgm]' kQp];tuc];Aw]' = Collect,

kQp];' Kgn]:' sbkn]' sutgm]Kgn]:kn]' = Gather, gathering,

kQp];kac]sG]' = Poll,

kQp];kUn];' kQp];kUn];Suik];mG],' kQp];Suik];mG],' = Recruit, recruited, recruiting,

kQp];kGam];' (kQp];kGam];pUin]:Kiun];Sm].lat]:') = Keep in memory of someone saying,

kQp];Kgn],'Aw]Kgn],' = Collect tax,

kQp];Kgn],'(la};-'lgc]:-') = Taxation,

kQp];Kgn],'SGac];Kgn],' = Tax, taxed, taxing,

kQp];Kgn]:kn]'sbtbm]Kgn]:kn]' sukn]' = Gather, gathered, gathering, gather together,

kQp];Kgn]:Kaw],pgc],lqc];' = Gathering information,

kQp];Kgn]:Sim];Kgc]'[kQp];sutum]etL.Aw]An]pat],Kw]:pit];mak],l}:nn].mL;w}.nG];ygc]nG]ey;{ = Ingather, to

gather or bring in as a harvest, ingathered, ingathering,

kQp];ciun];'sa},mG]kQp];ciun];'(mG];etl}:sa},mG]kQp];ciun];nn].')' = Bill: You will be billed, billed, billing,





TUm]pn]nn]."{ = Balance Billing, when a provider bills you for the difference between the provider’s charge and the

allowed amount. For example, if the provider’s charge is $100 and the allowed amount is $70, the provider may bill you for the

remaining $30. A preferred provider may not balance bill you for covered services,

kQp];su'sbtbm]Kgn]:kn]'hgc].sukn]'kQp];Kgn]:kn]' = Gather, get or come together, gathered, gathering,


;mn];nn].yw].')' = Round up, to assemble; gather: They round up all the suspects in any investigation,

kQp];Sim];w}.' suw}.' hgm]w}.' = Save, saved, saving,

kQp];SQn]:ma}hUw]kUn];'(tc];mUic];n}.k}.kQp];SQn]:ma}hUw]kUn];kU:10pI<nuic]:pgk]:')' = Census, to take census,

censused, (the entire nation is censused every 10 years),

kQp];Suik];mG],' kQp];kUn];' kQp];kUn];Suik];mG],' = Recruit, recruited, recruiting,

kQp];Tut],w}.' kQp];Tut],Aw]mL;'(kQp];Tut],Aw]mL;tI:nG];pp].eSAn]An]'tI:nG];cw];tUc].eSAn]An])=

Excerpt, to take or select a passage from a book, film, or the like,

kQp];hp].Aw]'kQp];lQc].'kQp];mk];ma}yip];tuiw];'kQp];lQc].pQn]luk]:' = Adopt, adopted, adopting,

kQp];mk];ma}yip];tuiw];'(kQp];mk];ma}yip];tuiw];pUic]mI:Kgt],Pgt]:wan]:mUic];n}.)' = Adoption,(adoption of this


kQp];mk];ma}yip];tuiw];pUic]mI:Kgt],Pgt]:wan]:mUic];n}.' = Adoption of this Constitution,

kQp];mt];SG],mUk],(An]-)'mQt].cL;tLpU'[cuin];l}:/cuin];Kw]:Ait];Agt];kqp].nuic]:'{' = Blip, N. a brief upturn, as

in revenue or income; a small amount,

kQp];yip];tiuw];hQt];sgm];'(kw]w}.sG]kQp];yip];tuiw];hQt];sgm];van],lqc];'(8;16') = Apply, to make use of

as relevant or pertinent: I applied my mind to wisdom, applied, applying,

kQp];yip];tiuw];hQt];sgm];' = Application,

kQp];yip];tiuw];hQt];sgm];l}:' = Applicability, -Applying or being applicable,




luk]:Agn],)'= Adoption, N. the act or process of establishing a legal relationship between a child and a parent other than the

child’s bological parent, thereby entrusting the designated adult with responsibility for raising the child: Adoption law,

kQp];lQc].Aw]hQt];luk]:sa};'(klL,4;5) = Adoption to sonship,

kQp];luk]:Suik];'kQp];Suik];'[Kan];hQt];Suik];'{(lgk];la};kQp];Suik];)= Selective service: Selective Service System,

kQp];w}.' = Keep it, keep something for oneself,

kQp];hUc]:w}.(An]-)(Kw]:pat],hUc]:w}.) = Gleaning, N. gleanings, things found by gleaning: gleanings of harvest,

kQp];]sgm];lqt];lqt];' = Learn quickly,

kQp];pgk]:Ait];Ait];'kQp];'[kQp];Aw]tI:/w}.pgk]:Ait];Ait];'kQp];hgm]sutgm]'{ = Glean, to gather slowly bit by bit;

collect, gleaned, gleaning,


:kan]An]nuic]:'{(kQp];hgm]tqm]:et,tL,eKL:mun];') = Compile, to gather or put together (documents, selections, or

other materials) in one book or work: to compile data, complied, compiling,

kQp];hgm]w}.' kQp];Sim];w}.' ciun];hgm]w}.' hgm]ciun];w}.' = Saving,

kQp];Aw]tI:pgc],mn];' = Infer, -Conclude or judge for premise, guess, speculate,

kQp];Aw]tI:pgc],mn];'(An]-')'(An]kQp];Aw]tI:pgc],mn];mL;tI:tac];hQt];kUn];ekL.nuic]:nn].')'= Inference,

(Contract)., (by inference from the party’s action),

kQp];Aw]mL;tI:' hp].Aw]l}:' = Derive, derive from,


= Picked up: “..., he fell to the ground from the third story and was picked up dead.”(Acts 20:9),

kQw]' nm].kQw]' = Irrawaddy river,

kQw],kn]' sap]:Sqc],kn]' sap]:kn]' = Relate, relation,

kQw],kp];kn]'kQw],kp];Sqc],yL,kn]'kQw],PG]mn];'PG]mn];' = Respectively, adv., respectively, adj.,

kUn];tc];la}'kBn];miBc];'kQw]kUn];mUic];'[Puv],tL,kUn];];SQc]:'{ = Public, adj. N. open to all persons,

kQw],KiBc]:sa};KiBc]:yic];'(hQt];Pit];lgc]:kQw],KiBc]:sa};KiBc]:yic];) = Sexual, (sexual harassment,)

kQw],Kgc].pL;sgm];' = Implicate, -To imply, to connect or involve,

kQw],suiw]:SQc]'(kL:kQw],suiw]:SQc]An]kg}lU.lqw])' = Nominal, adj, (Nominal damages,),

kQw],tac];nL:'(mc]tac];nL:mn];' tt];nL:mn];pqt]:')' = Frontal, adj. of, in, or at the front: frontal attack,

kQw],pk];piBc]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Legal matter


wmI;tUw]mI;sG]yU,Sw];kGL,nn].{' = Biological, adj., bio,

kQw],puin];pQn]nG]:Pw'(eKL:mun];kQw],puin];pQn]Pw)' = Biographical, adj.: a biographical data, bio,

kQw],Pa},ciun];tgc];' = Fiscal, monetary, commercial,

kQw],Pa},ciun];tgc];Kgp]:KUp],pI<' = Fiscal Year,

kQw],Pa},ciun];tgc];hG]:mI;la};tac];mn]:kuim];nqn]:nLlI' = Fiscally sustainable path,

kQw],Pa},Kbn]Kgn]<SI;lL<' = Consulship, N., consular, adj.,

kQw],muk].sum];Puc]kUn];'(huk].ha}.pUn]pqn]tUiw].muk];sum];Puc]kUn];)' = Communal, (communal violence),

kQw],lUv]:'(Puin]lik]:la};sUiw];kQw],lUv]:An]pQn]Amukn]nn].)'sap]:lUv]:' = Pertain, relate: documents

pertaining to the lawsuit, pertained, pertaining, pertain to,

kQw],lUv]:eKL:mun];'(eKL:l}:sG]kQw],lUv]:eKL:mun];An]tc]:Et,pUic],kUv];eKL)' = Informational, adj.

pertaining to factual information, proprietary informational agreement,

kQw],lUv]:tI:wL:pQn]w}.An]nuic]:'(An]kQw],lUv]:tI:wL:pQn]kUn];w}.ekL.nuic]:)' = Appertain:

appertaining to the person, appertained, appertaining,

kQw],lUv]:nm].kGam];' = Lyric, adj.,


sgm];kn]) = Festal, adj. pertaining to or gefitting a feast, festival, holiday, or gala occasion: festal procession,

kQw],lUv]:mUiw]:mI;lgc]:' kQw],lUv]:lgc]:' kQw],lUv]:' = In case of, in the case of,

kQw],lUv]:lgc]:nn].n}.' = In that case,

kQw],lgc]:' = About, pre. of; concerning; in regard to,

kQw],lgc]:pk];piUc]'eKL:Tam]kQw],Kgc].pk];piUc]' = Matter of law, Question of law,

kQw],lgc]:l}:pQn]' = Matter-of-fact, adj. literal,

kQw],lgc]:sG]hU.An]Pit];An]Tuk],' = Matter of conscience,

kQw],lgc]:yL:yL' pa};yL:yL' Pa},yL:yL' = Medical,

kQw],An]sw]:ey,SuwL:nn].l}:mI;lgc]:Kgc].Km]tUik]:tn]kGL,mUiw];nL:' = Further conflict

over Jesus’ claim,

kQw],An]lam];wUn].hn]Aw]nG];tLkuv];'(hac]:tI,Sc];An]lam];wUn].Aw]nG];tLkUv];)' = Fantastic,

adj.: fantastic designs,

kQw]:' KQn];' (cU;kQw]:Kgn]./KQn];Kgn].)' = Entwine, entwined, (snake entwined staff),

kQw]:kn]' = Entwine,

kQw]:Sgt],kn]'(PL,muiw];cUp].kn]niw].muiw];kQw]:Sgt],kn]w}.') = Clasp, (a clasp of hands)

kQw].' ym].' = Masticate, chew,

kQw].AUic]:'(wUw];kQw].AUic]:yam];hUw]Km]:mUiw]:sm]etngn];)= Ruminate, to chew the cud, ruminated, ruminating,

kqk];' tu' An]tu' An]pgm]' An]kqk];' = Forgery, N., forgeries,

kqk];' ygk];' sL.' ha}.' Am],lI' pqt]:la}' ha}.sL.' = Bad,


k],kin]nUiw].lip];) = Fierce, adj. menacingly wild or hostile: a fierce look; fierce animals; fierce anger, fiercely, adv.,

kqk].'(Sgc]Sgk],'niuc]:wa}:'Kiuc]:wL;)(1kqk].n}.yaw];3ep,') = Yard, (3 feet in a yard),

kqc]' (kqc]Pk];KQw]SG],TUw],nw]:t};n}.yL,pn]Pk];mn];liUc]kGL,') = Cook a green leaf soup,

kqc]:' (m}.kqc]:KI:'epL;KIyw].Aw]m}.sQt].kUn]:') = Scrap up with a stick,

kqc]:pUn];m}/sUik]:' = Distaff, N. a staff with a cleft end for holding wool, flax, etc.,

kqc];' ygm]kqc];' (ygm]kqc];hqc];SUiw]') = Think and small,

kqc];' (wUw];kqc];') = Deep red hair color of oxen,

kqc];hgm]'(tUn]:mI;mG]KQw]3/5AQn]ygc];yaw];pa}SQm]:Aw]nc]hqc]:mn];pQn]Pgc]hgm]SG],Pk];pQn]Pgc]liUc]Kqm]:miUn]Pgc]lin]) = Cinnamon,

kqc];hgm]t};'m}.hgm]hUit]:'[nc]m}.kqc];hgm]'kqc];hgm]EK,'{'mn];kqc];hgm]t};' = Cassia, N. also called cassia bark;

cassia pods; cassia pulp, Chinese cinnamon,

kqc].' m}.kqc].sUik]:' = Fork-stick on which rope or thread is woud,

kqc].' KLhk];KLkqc].' kUn];KLhk];KLkqc].' = Cripple, cripple legs,

kqt],' kqt],nL:mn];' (sgm];kqt],nL:mn];yL,hG]:mn];pUn].kGL,l}:tc];lG]') = Head off, to go before in order to

hinder the progress, thwart, hinder, obstruct,

kqt],EKw}.yL,hG]:Piun]tac],lw]:mG];Sum];ha}la}' = Protecting your application against loss,


defended, defending, defense, N.: the best defense is a good offense,

kqt],EKEh.kc]:tBw]kw],'(Sun],l};kqt],EKEh.kc]:tUw]kw],')' = Self-defense, (right of self-defense),

kqt],EKEh.kc]:lgc]:Tac],hac]:lgt]:lqw];PL,SL,SL,SnL,' = Defend religious liberty,

kqt],Eh.'[yLkqt],Eh.tac];pQn]{ = Prophylactic, adj. defending or protecting from disease or infection, as a drug,

kqt]:SmnI,'[SUn]AU;yQn],Pa},Agk],wQc];eylruSlqm],{ = Gethsemane, a garden east of Jerusalem,

kqt]:lqt]:lI'(kUn];kqt]:lqt]:lIekL.nuic]:)' = Neat, adj. smart: a neat person, neater, neatest,

kqt];' kqt];Kat],' = Cut off with scissors,

kqt];' (kqt];KUw];'kqt];KUn]hUw]'kqt];nQp].muiw];') = Cut off with scissors, (cut cloth, hair cut, nail cut,)

kqt];/yk];/pit];Aw]'[Aw]kim];kqt];Aw]'niw].muiw];yk];pit];Aw]'{(kqt];/yk];/pit];mgk],nqc];SI,)= Snip, to cut

with small, quick strokes: to snip a rose, snipped, snipping, snip, N.,

kqt];' (wUw];Em:kqt];' mL.Em:kqt];') = Barren animal, (Barren cow, barren female horse )

kqt];Kat],pqt]:' Tqp];put];pqt]:' TUiw]pqt]:' pat],pqt]:' = Cut off,

kqt];KUn]eyL:'kqt];eSmQw];mQw];'[kqt];KUn]eyL:SUw];{ = Shear, to cut or clip the hair, fleece, wool, etc. from,

sheared, shorn, shearing,

kqt];sQn]SUw];'[kqt];Aw]KUn]eyL:SUw];tI:tUw]SUw];nn].{ = Fleece, N. to remove the fleece of (a sheep),

fleeced, fleecing,

kqt];tt];pgt];'[yL.'{(yL,lqm];kqt];tt];pgt];mg}kac];mG];) = Clip off, mar: do not clip off the edges of your beard,

kqt];/mk];cqm]:'[Aw]PL.Pn];lm];m}.hG];pQn]mk];w}.nn].'kim];kqt];pQn]hg};cqm]:w}.'{' = Notch, notched, notching,

kqt];yUiw]:' pat],yUiw]:' (tI:kqt];yUiw]:w}.) = Mow, mowed, mown,(mown area)


'{' = Clip, (sewing) to help flatten a curved the seam snip at even intervals along the inner curve, clipped,



mL;mt].sp];kn]pn]nn].'{ = Buckle, N. a clasp consisting of a rectangular or curved rim with or more movable

tongues, fixed to one end of a belt or strap, used for fastening to the other end of the same strap or to another strap,


17;4'{' = Gath, one of the five cities of the Philistines, from which Goliah came (I Sam. 17:4), Geth,

kqt].'[wQc];pL;nG];wQc];lUc]PiliStihL:wQc];nn].'{(eyL;11;22')= Gath, one of the five chief cities of the Philistines,

kqt].Skit].'[pQn]Kqp];rp]<pL<elL;lQk];elL;sUik]:mI;hU;w}.tL,Kam],ht].yL,hG]:nm].hUw]:l}:{' = Gasket,

kqt].Sqt].'(SG],KUv],kqt].Sqt].sL.lIEl:mn];sc],Am],k}.kQn]PUn];eSyuc]:pqt]:)' = Cassette Recorder,

kqt].S]' nm].mn];t}:' = Gas,


wa};'lqp]:etpQn]wQc];lQw]kn]tc];wQc];pI;lqm](1puin];6;70'wQc];Aip].lqm](Sin]'1;27'){= Gath Rimmon, a town of the

half-tribe of Manasseh west of the Jordan River assigned to the Levites. It was probably the same town a s Bileam (1 Chr. 6:70)

and Ibleam (Jdg. 1:27),

kqt].rim],mun],'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];tqn]<'{(eyL;19;45')= Gath Rimmon, a city of the tribe of Dan,


eyL;19;13') = Gath Hepher, a border town in the territory of Zebulun, about three miles northeast of Nazareth,

kqt]<'[luk]:sa};silpL.'(cw]:30;11'Kuin];7;5'){ = Gad, a son of Zilpah,

kqt]<ta};'[luk]:sa};SuSa};'{(TUin],13;11')' = Gaddi, son of Susi,

kqt]<tYI,'[luk]:sa};SUw]<ta};'{(TUin],13;10')' = Gaddiel, son of Sodi,

kqn]' kqn]nL,' Am],mI;Sun],'(Kt];kn]-man]) = Unlucky, did not get that has expected,

kqn]' kqn]:' (kqn]tUn]:kUv]:' kqn]yUk],kUv]:') = Stem, (stem of banana tree),

kqn]kac]lUc],mgk],'[KUic]:sp];sgm];An]pQn]AUt],Agn],nG];lUc],mgk],hQw];KUw].nn].'{' = Corona, (Botany), N. a

crown like appendage, especially one on the inner side of a corolla, as in the narcissus,

kqn]kUv]:'yUk],kUv]:'[Aw]kqn]kUv]:Sg};eShuc]w}.tUm]:w}.pQn]Pk];hgc].wL:yUk],kUv]:{' = Banana stem,

kqn]tac]:'(An]AUt];tw]:lw]:wa}<n}.Aw]nc]m}.kqn]nn].hQt];') = Product made from cork bark,

kqn]mn];'sG]mn];' mgn];mn];' = Essence, significance, element, principle, substance,

kqn]m}.'kqn]mak],'S}:mak],'sG]m}.'lgn].m}.' = Core, gist, center,

kqn]mak],elL.'[pQn]tI:Kuic]:kac]mak],elL.tI:KLtw].mak],elL.mL;SQp],SG],w}.{' = Hub, the central part of a wheel,

kqn]hUv],tL'[kqn]kac]mUn];mUn];Agn],pQn]tI:Sa}lqc];lt];Kw]kGL,nG];hUv]tL,{ = Pupil, N. pupil of the eye,

kqn],' KQc]:Kqc]' yap],' kYam];' = Hard, hard pathways,

kqn],' kqn],kqk];' = Hardest, not soft or solid and firm to touch, so hard,

kqn],kak],kak],'Kqc]luic]:tuic]:'[Am],AUn]:lI{(PL:kgp];PUic];kqn],kak],kak],') Austere, adj. lacking softness, hard: an

austere bed of straw, austerity, N.,

kqn],kqk];' kqn],kqk];lInL,' = Compact, joined or packed together firmly, pressed, tight, compactly,


kqk];) = Compact, consolidate; condense: to compact rubbish, compacted, compacting,

kqn],kqn],'pn]:kqn],nqn]:nL' = Firmly,

kqn],kgk];kgk];'hQt];hG]:kqn],' = Indurate, to become hard, established or confirmed, indurated, indurating,

kqn],Kqc]' hqc];kqn],Kqc]' = Strong,

kqn],Kqc]Kam],etL,l}:' = Harden,

kqn],Kqc]lI' kuim];lI' yU,lIpI;San];' = Healthy,

kqn],sG]:' = So true, certainly, surely,

kqn],tk];' sc],wL:nn].yw].' hU.tiUk]:kL:pQn]nn]' mn];pQn]nn]yw].'= Of course,

kqn],nQw]' kqn],kqn],nQw]nQw]' = Dense, density,

kqn],nqn]:'nqn]:nL'nqn]:'kqn],' = Solidly, adv. firmly,

kqn],ep.lIAam];' lak],la};' = Remarkable, adj., amazing thing, unusual,

kqn],lk];'(kqn],lk];sc],wL:nn].yw].') = Surely, Cerainly, prefixed to a sentence, absolutely,

kqn],lgn].lQk];StI;l]SImUn],kGn];f};' = Hard steel-gray metal,

kqn]:' (kqn]:mak],kQc]/lac];') = Stem of anything, (pinapple stem, ), petiole, leafstalk,

kqn]:Kw]:kap],'[tI:mQt].Kw]:kap],Kw]sp].w}.pQn]hUc];El:pQn]lqm]:yaw];yaw];w}.{' = Corn pith,

kqn]:tgc],hU' ES:pI,hU' = Stem of earrings,

kqn];' (KQw]:kqn];') = Sore, ache, (tooth sore or ache,)

kqn];' (tLkqn];') = Eyes hurt by too much light,


t]:wat]:')= Sting, to cause to smart or to cause a sharp pain: The blowing sand stung his eyes, stung, stung, stinging,

kqn];sQp];pQn]tI:'[k}.pQn]ygn].Kt];tI:Aqc]:/hUw]Kw],sL.kGL,nn].{ = Sporadic pain,

kqn].' kqn].Aqk].Aqk].' (An]TUv]:sG]Am],l}:'TUv]:sG]kp].) = Choke, choke up, chocking up,

kqn].kGn];f};'(lut],lqn];yL,El:kqn].kGn];mn];) = Puff, to emit puff or whiffs of smoke, puffed, puffing,

kqn].Kw]:' kqn].nm].' = Choke with rice/water,

kqn].lUm];ta}' cqn];eKL;ta}'[ta}kUv];{' = Smother, suffocate, strangle, smothered, smothering,

kqp],' piUk],Kw]:' = Husk or chaff of grain,

kqp],num],' hm];' (hm];Ag},mU'Ag},wUw];'kGa};') = Bran, (bran for pets and livestock)

kqp],elL;hm];'Pk];TUw],'[pUik],Kw]:/pUik],TUw],An]Aw]ngk];Ag},mU{' = Pod, N. a dehiscent fruit; husks mixed with

dust of rice when pounded, pods,

kqp]:' kqp]:kqp]:Agn],'(sG]kqp]:'tac];kqp]:'nL:tI:kqp]:')'kqp]:nL,' = Narrow, (narrow mind, narrowpath, narrow area,)

kqp]:'kin];'(kUin],tU,Pk];tUkqp]:') = Strait, adj. narrow: Strait is the gate; narrow is the gate,

kqp]:kqp]:'pgt];pgt];'tI:kqp]:mn];'An]kqp]:mn];'Sp];lqc];pgt];pgt];'mgk],EntI:kqp]:'= Brief, adj.,

briefer, briefest, briefly, adv.,

kqp]:nL,' Puc]kUn];' kUn];kiun];nL,' kUn];St].tik];w}.' = Crowded, mass, so crowded,

kqp].' (kqp].mL.' kqp].m}.') = Skilled, skillful in certain area or direction, (skilled horse rider/riding, skilled climber,)

kqp].nL,(An]-)'[An]kqp].'An]lqt];lInL,'{(kqp].Sc]ta}kgp]:nn].') = Craftiness, N. skillfulness,

kqp].nibc]:'kqp].Agn]nibc]:'sBw]:kqp].Pqp].tL'sBw]:kqp].' = Instant, a moment, in an instant,

kqp].nuic]:kUv];'km];Agn],nuic]:'(kqp].nuic]:kUv];etEt,yw].') = Few moment: it will start in a few moment,

kqp].ptUw];Siy'[suic]:mUic];mUiw]:pan]mUiw]:kgn],mI;nG];pgt];wn];Agk],AL,SYL.Agn],{ = Cappadocia, [an ancient

country in E Asia Minor: it became a Roman province in a.d.(1 Peter 1:1)],

kqm]' km].' = Assistance or second in command, (used as a prefix)

kqm]' (pp].kqm]miuw];) = Keep close to one as a support or aid, (Hand book)

kqm]Kun]Kgn]<SI;lL,'[PU:Aup].pUic],nUiw]nL:tI:An]mL;Aic]puic]:Am],nn]ekL:nL:tI:An]Kw]:yU,Aw]w}.nn].{' =

Proconsul, N. any appointed administrator over a dependency or an occupied area,

kqm]Kun]han]'(kKh) = Sergeant Major,(SGM)

kqm]Kun]han]lUc]'(kKhl) = Command Sergeant Major,(CSM),

kqm]sgm]sibc]:' (sw]:Kbn]-) = Vice President

kqm]sgm]sibc]:ekL.liBk]:w}.' = Vice president elect,

kqm]PU:st];kan]' kqm]tL,rqk].tL,' = Deputy director,

kqm],PUiw],w}.'(lgc]:-/An]-)[pL:tG]:{ = Subalternate, adj. subordinate, subalternation, N.,


n]lqp]:etAm],hL,hn]l}:'Am],nn]ekL:Agk],Kgp],Agk],lqn]mn];kGL,nn].') = Provisional, substituting in

a role, (provisional ball in golf)

kqm]Pgc];cm];es:miBc];' (sw]:-) = State Lieutenant Governor

kqm]mUic];'sw]:fL.'sw]:fL.kqm]miUc];'sw]:sa};'(nUic];-sw]:yic];/nac];fL.) = Prince, N. a son of a king,

kqm]hUw]pw]:' km].hUw]pw]:' = Vice chairman,

kqm]:'[tI:nL:kUn];An]pQn]tac];tG]:tLpL:nUiw]lup],kac];nn].Pa},nuic]:/Sgc]Pa},'{ = Cheek, N., cheeks,

kqm]:kG]:' = Cheek swelling,

kqm]:kG]:sQp];mm].'[pQn]erL;kL,sQp];nG];tG]:hUcw]:lup],kac];'{' = Mumps, N. an infectious disease characterized by

inflammatory swelling or the parotid and usually other salivery glants, caused by a paramyxovirus,

kqm]:KUn]' kqm]:kac];KUn]' = Side-whiskers,

kqm]:Kgc],' = Pink cheek, rosy cheek,

kqm]:tuic],' kqm]:Pgc];' kqm]:kUm]' = Prominent cheek,

kqm]:tgp],/kUn].'(ygn].Sc]kqm]:kw]tgp],/kUn].?')= Tingled cheek, face tingling: Why do my cheeks feel tingly,

kqm]:mg}yg};' (mI;KUn]hUw]Suip],Agk],lUc];sgm];kqm]:him];hU) = Sideburns,

kqm]:luk];' kqm]:wup];' = Hollow cheek,

kqm]:lgk];' = Dimple, N.,

kqm];w}.' kqm]w}.' PUiw],w}.kqm];w}.' = Reserve, take hold of,

kqm];w}.' PUiw],w}.kqm];w}.' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Reservation,

kqm];w}.tI:kuit];tL,kL;kUn];tuk].Kit' = Reserved Parking for the Disabled,

kqm];w}.pn]tL,kUn];etKw]:mL;mUiw]:Puk]:nn].' = Reserved for somebody coming in tomorrow,

kqw]' mn];kqw]' = Kind of sweet potato,

kqw]pn]hG]:Sc],Tuk],' (sg}:Kp];Kiuc]lUlgm]hG]:mn];Sc],Tuk],El:tUk];tI:tUk];tac];eSyw].yL,kGL,lIlI') =

Moderate,keep reasonable or proper limits, make less violent, intense, preside over discussion,

kqw]:' Sqc]' Sqc]kqw]:' = Precious stone,

kqw];' (KUic]:kqw];K},k},hG]:mgn];El:nm].SG]mn];Kw]:kn])'kqw];nm].mn];Kw]:kn]' = Crush, (egg crusher),

kqw]:Sqc]cibn];Km];KUw];hg}:KUw];tuiw];' = Jewelry, articles of gold, silver, precious stones, etc. for personal adornment,

kqw]:Sqc]cibn];Km];' = Jewelry,

kiSlun],'[AU:AI<la};tqt]:'{(TUin],34;21') = Kislon, the father of Elidad,


min],nn].'{(1Sqm];9;1'1puin];12;1') = Kish, the father of king Saul and the son of Abiel,


Kish, a Levite who lived in David’s time,

kiSY'[kUn];KUiw];wa};}:pt];PQw]:kzc];pik]:man],mUiw]:pan]Kun]ehLKm];eh,sKa};ymUic];yut'{(2puin];29;12') = Kish,

a Levite who helped clean the Temple,

kiSun],'[nm].hgc]:mI;mUic];pL,lqt].Stin];Kw]'(Sin]5;21'SL,83;9){' = Kishon, a river in Palestine; Kison,

kitiAgn],'[kitiAun],{(Sin]6;1-40') = Gideon,

kitiAgn],n};'[AU:Ap};tqn]<'{(TUin],1;11')' = Gideoni, the father of Abidan,

kitum],'[Agc]:tI:nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];pqn]<yL,min],{(Sin]20;45') = Gidom, a place in the territory of Benjamin,

kiTim];'[luk]:sa};yL,wn]<'{(cw]:10;4') = Kittim, a son of Javan,


w]:Agc]:tI:Sam]tI:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;5;3')' = Gibeath Haaraloth, means the hill of foreskins,

kimUw],'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]TiSam]'{ = Gimel, N. the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet,


1;34')' = Kibroth Hattaavah, a campsite on the Sinai Peninsula between the Wilderness of Sinai and Hazeroth,


kipYin],'{ = Gibeon, a city in the territory of Benjamin, Gibeonites, the Cannanite inhabitants of the city of Gibeon,


5;49')= Kiriath Sannah, a city in the mountain of Judah assigned to the Levite, also called Debir and Kirjath Sepher,

kiriyt].eSPL;'[wQc];tm];pn]tI:yU,KUiw];lI;wa};{(eyL;15;15')= Kiriath Sepher, a city assigned to the Levites,


= Kiriath Baal, a fortified city that originally belonged to the Gibeonite; Kirjath Baal,


) = Kiriath Jearim, a form of Kirjath Jearim, a city originally belonged to Gibeonites, was also known as Baalah,

kiriyt].AL,pL.'[suiw]:mUiw]:kgn],wQc];hI;prun]'{(cw]:23;2') = Kiriath Arba, the ancient name of Hebron, Kirjath,

kiriyt].hUsUt].'[wQc];mUic];mUw];Aqp],tI:Kun]ehLKm];mUw];Aqp],pL,lak],yU,'{(TUin],22;39')'= Kiriath Huzoth, a

city of Moab where BALAk, king of Moab, lived, Kirjath Huzoth,

kiriATAim]<'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];rupqn]<Kw]Kuin];ekL,Sac]:{(TUin],32;37') = Kiriathaim, a form of Kirjathaim,

kilkL,'[An]kGam];hI;RpO;lat]:lUv]:SQc]!kic]:@nn].'{(eyL;5;9') = Gilgal, Gilgal sounds like the Hebrew for roll,

kilkL,'[pac]Sw];/wQc];nG];kYam];kw],{(ehL;11;30') = Gilgal, name of a campsite and two cities in the Old Testament,

kilpUw];'[tUn];lg}nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];AiSKL,'{(1puin];10;1')= Gilboa, a ridge of mountain in the territory of Issachar,


26;29')' = Gilead, a son of Makir and grandson of Manasseh,


kYL,tn],pgt];hgc],''(SL,60;7'){' = Gilead, a district of ancient Palestine, E of the Jordan River, in present N Jordan,

kihUn]<[nm].hgc]:Ek;nuic]:nG];SUn]AI<tin],{(cw]:2;12') = Gihon, one of the four rivers of the Garden of Eden,

kI,' (etL;kI,)' = Loom, looming, hand loom, (to weave something on a loom),



Kw]:pn]ekL'Sip];kin]pLlip];esL;enL,'Sip];AQt];piUn]:mQt];pLlgc]:l},'Sip];Sgc]Sqc]kgc]lc]sgt],wan]:'{ = Loom, looming,

kI,tc]:' = Movable loom,

kI,tL<'[KUic]:h},tuic]:An]k}.mI;Sa}hUk];SQn]:nn].{tic],' = Guitar, N.,

kI,yL,' kI,yL<' (kL;Agn],km]:nm]mI;kI,yL<SI,km];mac]lm];mI;hL:km];') = Gear,

kI,yL,An]l}:Aw]muiw];Ka}.' = Manual gears shift,

kI,yL,eAL,etL,' = Automatic Transmission, auto gear,

kI,lUw],Rkm],'(1kI,lUw],Rkm],n}.pQn]1000Rkm],')(kI,lUw],) = Kilogram, (kg) a unit of mass equal to 1000 grams,

kI,lUw],mI,tL,'(kmt)(1kmtn}.yaw];miUn]1000mt')'kI,lUw],' = Kilometer, (1000m= 1 km),

kI,lUw],mI,tL,pn],mUn];' kI,lUw],pn]mUn];' = Square Kilometer, N. square kilometers, sq. km.,

kI:'kI:w}.El:'[mgk],kI:'nL:kI:tLmn];{ = Bloom, bloomed, blooming,

kI:'mgk],kI:' (hac]:lImiUn]tum],mgk],sac],hLkI:') = Blossom, blossoming, (as beautiful as blossoming flower buds, )

kI:' (k},etL,kI:KUn]eKL;)'kI:KUbn]eKL;' = Bristle, bristling,(hair-like feathers are bristling )

kI:' KUn]tum],nUiw].kI:' (kUn];sa};Aa}:yG],Aa}:lUc]kUw]KUn]tum],nUiw].epL;kI:) = Bristle, bristled, (the man bristled )

kI:' (mL,Kw]:nQw]w}.Kuin];nuic]:hG]:kI:lIeSsc],nuic]:nG];h})'(mQt].TUw],hqc]:es:nm].kI:)= Expand, (dry bean expands while soak)

kI:sUik]:' Ek:sUik]:' lit]:sUik]:' = Untied the rope,

kI:sgc]:' kI:sgc]:kac]:muc];pn]' = Open umbrella,

kI:SBv];SBv];'(mgk],kI:SUv];SUv];) = Beaming, adj. radiant, smiling brightly, cheerful: beaming flower,

kI:SBv];SBv];'(nL:kI:SUv];SUv];) = Raiant, adj. smiling brightly, cheerful: radiant face, beaming,

kI:tUv];'(Am],lUw],lit]:pUk].mn];kI:tUv];ekL:l}:yw].) = Unroll, to open, to display,

kI:yG],'[SG],Pgc]pqc]:hG]:Kw]:mun];lip];kI:yG],mL;{' = Leaven, to add leaven to dough and cause to rise, leavened,

kI:w}.yU,tI:mG];mI;nn].El:' = Bloom where you are,

kI:w}.El:' = Bloom,

kI;' eSL;' nQn]tI:ym]mn];' kak],eSL;' eSL;mn];' = Key, key point,

kI;Ep,'[suiw]:wQc];El:Agc]:tI:la}tI:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;57') = Gibeah, a town and places in the Old Testament,

kI;lUw],'[wQc];nG];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;51') = Giloh, a town in the hill country of Judah,

kI<Jtgn],'(kiw],lg})' kI,JtWn],' = Kidron, [a ravine in E Jerusalem leading to mount of Olives,(Jn 18:1) ],

kuk];kuk]:' kuk];/kut];kuk]:wL:' kut];kuk]:'(Aw]muiw];Sgc]Kgn]tUm];nL:tUm];tLeSkuic].kac].Puv],etL,nL:luk]:


n]kuk];kuk]:wL:) = Peek-a-boo, or bo-peep, a game play by or with young children which one covers the face or hides

and suddenly uncovers or reappear and calling peekaboo,

kuk];kuk];kk];kk];' kuk].kuk].kk].kk].' (km]:nm]n}.luk]:Agn]Kw]Piuk];lat]:kGam];kuk]kuk];kk];kk];mUiw]:Kw]l}:11lUin]etL,

14lUin]'), = Uttering first word, (generally a child utters their first words at age 11 to 14 months),

kuk].'kuk].mL.'[KUn]yaw];Agk],sgm];lc]eKL;mL.Kw]'Sc],SI:Kw]'{'kuk].Sc],SI:'kuk]:' = Mane,

kuk].mL.yaw];piw]yuc]:yuc]:'(yUp]39;19')' = Flowing mane,

kuc],' kuc],ekY;sU;' kuc],mun]' ekY;sU;' kuc],ekY;sU;yG],' = Grace,

kuc],kmm],'[pQn]SIlUic]mak],sgk];'mgk],hqc]:mn];hQt];mI,kI;SG],Pk];hG]:wan]El:ygm].SIPak];hac]:wan]{ = Saffron, N.

also called vegetable gold, Crocus sativus; yellowish-orange color,

kuc],ekY;sU;kuc],ekY;sU;mI;yG]nUiw]mn];yw].' = Grace, grace to it!

kuc],ekY;sU;tL,wn];miUw]:n}.' = Grace for today,

kuc],ekY;sU;mI;liUc],nm]kiun];pn]' = Grace Abounds,

kuc],ekY;sU;yG],nL,' kuc],mun]yG],nL,' ekY;sU;yG],nL,' = Gracious,

kuc],ekY;sU;yG],JPL;sw]:' kuc],ekY;sU;JPL;sw]:' = God’s grace,

kuc],ekY;sU;yG],lIAam];' kuc],ekY;sU;lIAam];lUc]' = Amazing grace,

!kuc],ekY;sU;hG]:hw];hup]:Sim];Aw]l}:'mc]kUn];sc];hw];Sum];SQc]:'@ = Through grace we can

conquer, defeat all our foes,

kbc],Ser,'[AkYac].sG]lIsG]mYat]:{'Aic],Ser,' = Dignity, N. nobility of character, dignities,

kuc],Ser,tUk];Sum];epL;Am],kuit];Sc]' = Painful loss of dignity,

kbc],Ser,nL:tL' Krqt].tit].' = Credit

kuc],Ser,lI' Aic],Ser,mn]:nim]lI' = Dignity of sentiments, nobility or elevation of character,

kuc],Ser,lu' = Stigma, disgrace, blemish, reproach,

kuc],Ser,El:An]yuk].ygc]:'Puc];yG],hUc]hac];tc];lgc]:hac]:lI'(Agk],28;2') = Dignity and

honor, glory and beauty,

kUv];'ekL.lQw]'[mI;hc];kUv];eKLeKL{(Am],mI;mG];kUv];) = Alone, adv. only; solitarily: You are not alone,

kUw];SYqn];'[suiw]:nL:tI:Sgc]tI:El:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:45;10') = Goshen, name of two areas and one city,

kuna};'[luk]:sa};np].Tla};'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:46;24')' = Guni, a son of Naphtali,

kuc],Sik]:KL,' = Prestige, dignity,

kbc],Pbc];mbn]yG],hBc]hac];JPL;sw]:' = God glory,

kuc]:' = Shrimp, prawn, lobster,

kbc]:SUm]:' = Pickled shrimp,

kbc]:hqc]:' ekL;elL;' = Dried shrimp,

kuc];' KU:nc]kuc];'/KU:lc]kuc];' = Mound, mound nose,

kuc];' kgc];' = Hillock, N. small hill, highland, hummock, high place,

kuc];KU:lc]/nc]' = Dorsum of nose,

kuc];sap]:' Sin]:kuc];sap]:' = Petticoat, patch, pettiskirt or patched skirt,

kuc];kc];' kuic];kc];' = Crinum bulb,

kbc];TQp].'(wQc];)(wQc];cw]:miUc];mUic];T};)' pqc].kgk].' = Krung Thep (Bangkok)

kuc];pQc];tqt]:'pQc];nim]'[tI:lin]kuc];Pc],huik];nUiw]mn];pQc];{' = Plateau, N. a flat stand, plateaus,

kuc];yaw];'[kuc];mak],hin]/lin]Suc]An]mqn];Agk],mL;nG];nm].pac],la},nn].{' = Promontory, N. a headland,

kuv]'nun];kuv]'[tUn]:kuv]'mgk],kuv]'yG];kuv]'{ = Cotton, N. cotton plant; fibers of cotton,

kuv]PUc];'[kun]An]hQt];hG]:PUc];/puit];kuv]w}.tL,Aw]hQt];PL:hUm],PL:kgp];nn].'{ = Fluffy cotton,

kuv]hI:'kun]S}' = Jute,

kuv],rI;niyt].'[Kun]Aup].pUic],mUic];SI;riymUiw]:ApK27etL,pK14nI:nn].{(luk].2;2) = Quirinius,

kuv],rI;niyt].'[!Agk]eT;wiAn],@n}ekL:wL:'pQn]sw]:wgc].ehLKm];lUc]mUic];rUw];m{(SI;sL,eAL;kt].tt].)' =

Quirinius, also called Octavian (before 27b.c.), first Roman emperor: Caesar Augustus,

kuv];lL.'[luk]:sa};mL<Ka};'{(TUin],13;15')' = Geuel, son of Maki,

kuv].' kuv].Sgk]:hL' = Pry, to inquire, (to pry into personal affairs of others)

kuv].' cuv].' = Lift up with a lever, levering,

kuv].cLw}.' = Leverage, the action of a lever,

kuv].Sgk]:hLhn]' KUn].Sgk]:hLhn]' = Discovery, -The act or process of discovering,

kuv].Aw]'(Aw]lqm]:m}./lQk];yaw];ES,tG]:KUw];Aw]tum]mgn]kam].kac]mn];eSyU,Pa},niuc]:tQk];/ngc],lUc];) = Lift up

with a lever,

kbv].Agk],Sgk]:hn]' = Disclosed, uncovered, revealed,

kuv].Agk],Sgk]:hn]'(An]-)(eKL:kqp]:lat]:pn]kUn];mL;piuc]:'kQw],lgc]:ciun];kU:el:ciun];SQc]:') = Disclosure,

kut],'tUn]:kut],'pL,kut],'[tUn]:kut],kU:mQw];{'Pk];kut],' = Fern, N.: fern plant,

kut].p}a<' p};pa}<' mgn];mgn];' = Good bye! Bye-bye!

kut].pa}<kGL,yw].Ep.ygm]kqc],cqc]:AUiw]:wL:n}El:' = Say goodbye to the skinny goat,

kun]'(Pqn],lin]An]nm].lgm].hgp]:w}.kU:Pa},lum];lum];) = Island, a tract of land completely surrounded by water,

kun]kac]mUic];' = City Island, island-midtwon,

kun]kuk];'(tac];Am],pQc];mI;kun]kuk];pQn]Et;pQn]Et;lUc]kGL,'hQt];EK.lac];pG].f};w}.nUiw]kun]kuk];him];wQc];), =

Small hillock, hillock,(the road is uneven with many small hillocks, build a fire watch tower on a hillock by the town,),


n]nm].nn].eSSm].Ka}.kGL,TUic];TUic];lg};lg};yU,hQt];nn]'{' = Glacier, N. a slowly moving mass of ice originating

from an accumulation of snow,

kun]mak],hin]' = Rocky island,

kun]mak],hin]pt].mgt].' = Patmos, [a rocky island, off the SW coast of Asia Minor,(Rev 1:9)],


SeJT;liy'El:An].ATik'sUiw];n}.nn].'{ = Continent, N. the continent,


tit];sp];w}.pn]tc];puin].Pqn],lin]lUc]nn].'{(kun],ygn],niw];ygk].) = Peninsula, an area of land almost

completely surrounded by water except for an ithmus connecting it wity the mainland: Peninsula of New York,

kun]ygn],epL<lkn]<'[kun],ygn],yG],kGac]:lUc]sQc]san];wn];Agk],mUic];yU;rUp].{ = Balkan Peninsula,

N. a large peninsula in SE Europe,

kun]lin]mUic];' = State Island, islands of state,

kbn]rBt]<El:es:tgn]:Pbk].Sgm]:pL,m}.' = Rhode-Island and Province of Plantations,

kun]AL,SYL.' = Asia continent,

kun]Agn],'[kun]lQk]./Agn],'{(mUic];kun]Agn],tI:k}) = Isle, N. a small island; any island: of the isles or distant shores,

kun],'[kun],tac],SUc],nUiw]nm]./lUm];/lin]{' = Freight, cargo, goods, shipment,

kbn],' kbn],Sin]' = Goods, cargo, load,

kun],'(Aw]kun],tac],hiUw];Sc];ePL;Tim]:tUk];nm].pqt]:') = Cargo, (threw cargo overboard,),

kbn],kL.tac];Ka}' kun]kL.kun]Ka}' kun],Sin]' = Merchandise, goods,


w];tI:yw].mn];nn].'{' = Raw material, material before being processed or manufactured into a final form.,

kun],kYam];mn];Am],lUic],' = Shortage of raw material,


mn];sUiw];nn].'{(mn];nac];Suiw].Pgc]Kw]:kYoc],'Kw]Sn]'kUiw]El:Kgc]lUw],kin]lUw]sG].tc];nm]') = Staple, N. adj. a basic or

necessary item of food, things, elements: She bought flour, rice, salt, and other staples, staples,

kun],sG].mUiw]:tn];'[KUw];lQc];/kun],Sin]mQw];tL,Aw]sG].yip];tuiw];mUiw]:kan]tn];/luiw]:hUiw].{ = Leisure goods,

kun],Sin]'(kun],Sin]eKYL;mn];)' = Product,:finished product,

kun],Sin]eKYL;' KUw];eKYL;hQt];yw].' = Finished product,

kun],Sin]Puk],Sgm]:lQc].St];' = Agriculture, N. the production of crops, livestock or poultry,

kun],SUc],Agk],mUic];'(Kt];-kun],SGac];Kw]:mUic];)' = Export, exports, (ant: import),

kun],SGac];Kw]:mUic];'(Kt];-kun],SUc],Agk],mUic];)' = Import, imports, (ant: export),

kun],pqt]:lgk],pqt]:la}' = Waste goods,

kun],hQt];sm],etyw].' = Semi-finished goods,

kun];'(!x@)'ma}kun];' = Multiplication, N. multiplying or state of being multiplied, multiplication symbol “x”,

kup];'kup];kap],'[kup];PUic];{ = Hat with broad brim made of bamboo sheaths, straw hat,

kup];' Em;Puc]'(kup];KUw];ygk];' Em;Puc]Sat],ygk];') = Patch, to mend as torn clothing, darn,

kup];yL,hG]:nm].hUw]:'hQt];hG]:Kam],nm].' = Waterproof, waterproofed, waterproofing,

kup];eyL;' (kup];eyL;miUc];ngc]) = Hat with broad brim woven with rind strips of bamboo,

kum]' kum]kn]' (pac]kum]'TUp];kn]') = Gather together, talk, (meeting),

kum],'kum],kn]' (kum],kn]tc];SQc]:) = Enough, sufficient, (be enough for all,)

kum],'[Kw]:pL;Pa},pgt];lc]/cam]:kUn]:Sut];tUw]Kic];kUn];'kum],kUn]:{(AQn]kum],'AQn]lc]') = Posterior, adj.

N.(Anatomy) pertaining to the rear or caudal end of the body; buttocks: posterior muscles,

kum],kin]'epL;kin]epL;yU,'(caw];la};epL;kin]epL;yU,'(kL:sac]:kum],kin]') = Living, adj. pertaining to, suitable

for, or sufficient for existence or subsistence: living conditions: a living wage,

kum],kUn]:' kum],' = Buttock, N. haunch; hip; posterior, buttocks,

kbm],tQm]TUn]:epL;lI' tan],n}.ekL:epL;yw].' = Good enough,

kum],TUn]:tUw]kw],lI'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Selfsuficiency, able to supply one’s won needs,

kbm],TBn]:lI' = Ample, generous, fully sufficient,

kbm],TBn]:lI' = Amply, sufficient or abundantly,

kbm],pn],tBc],TBc],TQw]:' = Go around with,

kbm],pn],tBc],TBc],TQw]:wUn].tG]:wUn].nUiw]' = Go around thinking,

kum],epL;lI'kum],kuic],pQc];epL;lI'epL;yw].'tQm]TUn]:'epL;lI'epL;kum],kin]' = Enough, adj.,

kbm],yw].' epL;yw].' = Enough, good enough,


lImn];pqt]:)' = Procrastinate: to procrastinate until an opportunity lost, procrastinated, procrastinating,

kbm],mw];mL:sgm];lBm];ygc],'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Dissipation,

kum],muic].'muic].'[mgc];pG].epL;Am],yU,Am],Sw];l}:'{ = Hanker, to have a restless longing; hankering for,


:Sun],nn].lG]Am],nn]ygn].lUv]:An]Sgn].fac].kqm]w}.km]:Pgc]:nn].tUk];Sum];lut]:ham];kGL,"{' = Lapse, N. a falling

into disuse; (Law) the termination of a right or privilege through neglect to exercise it or through failure of some contingency,


tn];tgc];ma}w}.) = Lapse, N. a slip or error; failure: a lapse of memory,

kum],muic].tac],An]'[pUic]:Pa},sn].An]mI;w}.Agn]tac];'Am],pG].pL;hQt];sgm];sn].lk];nUic];mn];mI;'{' = Lapse, to

deviate from a previous standard; fail to maintain a normative level, lapsed, lapsing,

kum],muic].tac],An]sgm];tac];yum],Pit];yum],pUic]:nn].' = Lapse into heresy,


/tUik]:tI:tUv];tL,pun]:tUw]sw]:kw],kUv];{' = Self-seeking, adj. N. the seeking of one’s won interest or selfish ends,

kbm],lm],hBw]lBc];pn],tBc],TBc],TQw]:' = Go around down,

kum],lIlI'(lgc]:tac];ygn].mn];mI;kum],lIlI)'= Adequate, (Law).reasonably sufficient for starting legal action: adequate


kum],l}:muic].hQt];tL,An]luSum];kGL,mac]sUiw].mac]mQw];nn].' = Dealing with some sort of loss,


SQc]:nL,hUiw].nL,yw].")' = Dealing with these children, (I’m tired dealing with these children.),

kum];' Abp].piBc],Pgc];cm];w}.' Pgc];cm];' Aup].piUc],' = Rule,

kum];' kum];tp].' kum];Suik];' = In charge, chief or person in charge of military,

kum];' Pgc];cm];' Abp].piBc],Pgc];cm];' = Reign,


ey,Su') = Communion,


v];eSEn.nam];pn]{' = Rein, to check or guide, reined, reining,

kbm];kgn];' kbm];kgn];Tic];w}.'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Control, N.,

kgn];cuin];tgc];hw];' = Managing our finances,

kum];kgn];Suic],Sim];KUw];'(lgc]:-/la};-) = Warehouse management,

kum];kgn];Sa}ma}hUw]yg}:kun],Sin]/KUw];Kgc]'(lgc]:-/la};-) = Inventory management,

kum];kgn];tac];ehL:kL;kGL,mL;p}' = Traffic Control,

kbm];kgn];Tic];w}.' kbm];kgn];w}.' = Dominate, dominated, dominating, control,

kum];kgn];Tic];w}.'An]k}.Aw]hQt];(kGam];k}.Aw]lat]:)' = Dominant, adj.,

kum];kgn];pn]'(PU:Sac]:tac]pk];pUic]n}.ekL.kum];kgn];pn]lin]Kgc]pUv]:nn].w}.')' = Preside, to exercise management

or control (usually followed by over: The lawyer presided over the estate,

kum];kgn];lgc]:Kuic]pgc]kan]'(la};-/lgk];-/An]-)' = Performance-management,

kum];kgn];w}.' kgn];cm];kbm];km]w}.' = Control, controlled, controlling,

kum];kgn];hG]:Kqm].lIw}.'[lgk];la};Em;kum];lum];lL;sn].nm].kt].KUw];hQt];Agk],w}.{ = Quality control (QC),

kum];kgn];hG]:Kuin]:Sc].Kiun]:Suc]w}.' = Progress control,

kum];Tic];'pG].kbm];Tic];'pG].Tic];'(pG].kum];Tic];pn]mG];)' = Guard: guard you; keep you, guarded, guarding,

kum];Tic];' Tic];' = In charge, Guard,

kbm];Tic];' = Maintain, guard, preserve, take care of, maintained,

kum];Tic];kL:srik]:tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI' = Healthcare cost control,

kbm];Tic];sgm];K}:tBv];f}a,l]El:Pibn]lik]:' = Maintain and track files,

kum];Tic];w}.lgc]:kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],Pa},pa};mak]:mI;' = Maintaining economic relationship,

kum];Pa},ciun];tgc];' = Thrift, commercial management,

kbm];lbm];lL;' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Preservation

kum];lum];lL;pn]' Sim];pqc];pG].lBTic];tBv];' = Preserve, to keep up, maintain, preserved,

kum].'sgm];hUm],sgm];kum].pn]'(Eh.kc]:pn]eSsgm];hUm],sgm];kum].ASak]:PwkUn];)'kum].pn]' = Preserve:

protect and preserve human life, preserved, preserving,

kUc]'hgc]:'(hUw]sG]kUc]tgc].hgc]:S}:)' = Chamber, N. cavity: a chamber of the heart,

kUc]' = Chute, as a through, tube,

kUc]' kUc]Tm]:' hU;Tm]:' kUc]SUt],SUt],' = Hollow, cavity,

kUc]KU:lc]'hU;KU:lc]' = Nasal cavity, N.,

kUc]eKL;'eKL;'[lgt],eKL;{(eKL;hap],'kUc]eKL;kw]epL;hap],') = Throat, N. gullet, windpipe: my throat is parched,


k]:AUiw],Agk],lUm];m}:/nm].muin]:SUm]:SUm]:nn].'{'eKL;lUit],' = Heartburn, N. an uneasy burning sensation in the

stomach, typically extending toward the esophagus, and sometimes associated with the eructation or an acid fluid,

kUc]eKL;hg}'kelL;Tit].S]' = Glottis, N.,

kUc]SUt],SUt],'plL,pw]'[pw],'{(puin].tI:kUc]SUt],SUt],') = Hollow, adj. N. empty; not solid: a hollow sphere,

kUc]SUp];'[lIAam];nL,El:kUv]SUp];eSyk].tUv];tLepL;Am],Pqp].{' = Gape, to open as a gap, gaped, gaping,

kUc]SUp];'[SI,SUp];Am],AL:kGac]:{(kUc]SUp];tUv];n}.Am],sG]:tac];yam]:lI)= Opening mouth while watching,

kUc]tn]'Auit];w}.'hU;tn]'(Kt];-puit],'pgc],kUc]') = Impassable, adj. not allowing passage over, through, along,

etc.; impenetrable; blocked,(ant: open; passable)

kUc]tgc].' = Cavity of belly, abdominal cavity,

kUc]Tm]:' hU;Tm]:' (piuc]:Tm])' = Hollow cave, (circle hollow of a cave),

kUc]pgc],Pat],' = Tunnel, channel, hole, tube,

kUc]pgc]:m}.pUk]:/mgc]/Sac];' = Bamboo stem cavity,

kUc]mUk],yaw];'[m}./lQk];kUm]yaw];mI;kUc]pgc],Pat],Pa},pun].{'pQn]lgt],yaw];' = Slender, adj. having a

circumference that is small in proportion to the height or length,

kUc]m}.' = Hollow of a tree or bamboo,




nn].'') = Chute, N. an inclined channel, as a trough, tube, or shaft, for conveying water, grain, coal, etc. to a lower level,

kUc]hin]pSgt].' = Cavity of basalts,

kUc]AUt],kGn];f};' kUc]kGn];P};' = Chimney,

kBc],' kgm];' KBt];' cqk]:tak],ha}' = Hunched, bend,

kUc],'(kn];PL:kac]:kUc],lUc];w}.) = Bend, a bend in the curtain rod,

kUc],cUc],' kUc],cUc],kac]cac],' kUm]:kUc],cUc],' = Bend down, bend over to pick up something,

kUc],kac],kgn]'kUc],KLkac],'wUt]:kac],'(kUc],kac],kgn]eSSG],Sa}mn];yw].wUt]:kac],mn];puit];/yuiw];nUk].') = Bend

the bow, draw the bow,

kUc],kaw]' (kUc],kac]Kat]:yG];mn];) = Spider, (spider spin its web),


tac];Kw]:) = Arch, curve, arched, arching, arch, N.,


)' = Arch, (Architecture) N. a curved masonary construction for spanning an opening: arch bridge,

kUc],mgc].lUc];'kBt].'cgk];'mgc].'(huc];ha};kUc],mgc].lUc];lin])' = Curve, curved, curving,

mgc].hUm],'(muc];/An])[tac];mI;muc];mgc].hUm],{' = Arch, N. a doorway, gateway, etc., having a curved head; an archway,

kUc],l}:'yiut]:l}:'(lQk];StI;l]n}.kUc],pQn]tUc],ekL:l}:yuit]:sn]KQc]:,)' = Tensile, pliable, bendable,

kUc];' (kUc];piut];kuv]El:kUc];pn]kuc])' kUc];pn],kuv]' = Spinning wheel: cotton spinning wheel,

kUc];nm].' (kUc];tk];nm].) = Water wheels, wood water wheel,

kUc];hUt];nm].' kUc];Sgn];nm].' kUc];Sgn];' = Water wheels sprinkler,

kUc];lUw];' (kUn];kUc];lUw];nL:EP.) = Licentious, (licentious or lewd person),

kUc].' AUc].' (tac];kuc].'tac];AUc].) = Circuitous, (circuitous route),

kUv]' pQt]:' pqm];' KUt],' SL.' Sgc];' = Basket,

kUv]lUc]' pQt]:lUc]' Sgc];lUc]' = Large basket,

kUv]tLhac],' = Coolie basket with large holes,

kUv]PiUc];' kuk];luk];' = Feed-box, A box for animal feed ,

kUv]yuk];yk];tL,Kiun];Em;Agc],' = Recycle Bin,

kUv]yiUw],' kUv]yuk];yk];' = Trash Bin, Recycle Bin,

kUv],' mL.kUv],' = Gray horse, 

kUv],yU<S'[tUn]:sL,tipL,TUin],KQw]Amsgn]<'mG]mn];n}.Aw]hQt];yuiw].kin]mUin]yLKuiw],kin]hG]:mI;hqc];'{ = Guayusa,

N. a tree, Ilex guayusa, native to the rainforest in the upper Amazone river basin; the leaves of that tree, containing caffeine and

other compounds, prepared as a tea and us as stimulant,

kUv]:' = Banana,

kUv]SUm]:' = Banana with slightly sour in flavor,

kUv]:TUin],' kUv]:yUk],' = Wild banana, wild plantain,

kUv]:nam],SL,pU.' = Small fragrant banana,

kUv]:niw].'[kUv]:niw].n}.tUm]:kin]/KUw]:hqc]:kin]l}:'{(kUv]:yUk],) = Plantain, N. large green plantain: wild plantain,

kUv]:niw].muiw];nac];' = Long slim banana (found in the Shan state),

kUv]:mUSI' = Dwarf banana,

kUv]:yUk],'[kUv]:yUk],n}.Am],mak],mI;mG]kUv];eSAw]mG]mn];hQt];tgc]{(tgc]yUk],) = Wild plantain,

kUv]:rKqc],' = Banana with thin-skin,

kUv]:lqc]lUc]' = Red banana,

kUv]:hgm]' = Fragrant banana,

kUv]' = Large basket,

kUv]/Sgc];/tUik]:tLhac],'[Aw]Kqp];pqn]:/tgk],San]hQt]tUik]:/Sgc];/kUv]mn];tL,ehL,/SG],mak],'{= Crate, N. a

slatted wooden box, bamboo basket, or framework for packing, shopping, or storing fruit, furniture, glassware, crockery, etc.,

kUv];' kg};' hc];kUv];/kg};'(ekL.lQw]kUv];)'kUv];yw].' = Only, alone, (only one)

kBv];'(kg};)'nn].kBv];' = Merely,

kBv];kL:' kUv];yc];mI;'kUv];'n}ekL:'ekL:' kUv];Am],kL;' kUv];pQn]hiuw]ekL:' = But,


n]ekL.luin];n}.etl}:pQn]];Agn]tac];AUiw]:"@(mqt]:'19;30')' = “But many who are

first will be last, and many who are last will be first.”

kBv];kL:' = But, however,


=“But this is your hour when darkness reigns.”

kBv];kL:kw]Am],pn]mI;tac];m}:sG]eSpqk].Kqk];lqc]Sc]eSAit];' = But I’m not the least bit


kBv];kL:etL:lQw]n}.' = But now,

kUv];kL:mG];KG]:hU.ekL:' = But you see,

kBv];kL:wL:' = Yet, although, though, nevertheless,

kUv];kL:wL:nn]eStL.ekL:' = Still, adv. even then; yet; nevertheless; although,

kUv];kL:hw];hU.yU,wL:mn];Am],pQn]nn]Et.Et.n}' = But we know that’s not reality.

kUv];eSAm],kL;Sm].pQn]mL;'(mqt]:27;24)' = But that instead, but rather that,

kUv];eSAm],kL;Am],-' = Nor yet, neither,

kUv];eSAm],kL;Am],wL:/hG]:' Am],wL:-Sc]' = Nor,

kUv];];n}.'];pQn]' = Rather, More properly or correctly speaking, more truly,

kBv];etAm],'(etpQn]An]lQk].kBv];etAm],pQn]An]yG],) = Rather than,

kUv];nL,'kUv];nL?'(mI;kw]kUv];nL,emL.'mI;mG];ekL.lQw]kUv];nL?)' = Only: There’s just only me; Is there only you?,

kUv];p},kL;'kgm].kUv];'kgm].kL:' = Yet, after all, even though,

kUv];PUiw],tL.' = But rather,

kBv];mn];'hc];kUv];mn];' (PG]Am],sG].mn];kGL,mn];kGL,kUv];mn];kUv];') = He/she alone, him/her-self,


;emL;mL;kUv];mn];')' = Spontaneous, adj. unpremeditated; voluntary; unplanned; self-acting; produced by natural

process, spontaneously, adv: spontaneously combust; a spontaneous burst of applause,

!kUv];Am],sG]:El:wL:--kUv];pQn]An]-nn].kUv];yw]."@ = “Not because.., but because…”

kUt],Tt];'kUt],Tt];tUv];lIlI' = Scrutinize, scrutinized, scrutinizing,

kUt],Tt];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Scrutinization, N.,


ntL,sqk],Tan]:mn];pn]wL:pQn]sum];lG]sum];nn].n}w}.Agm]:pgm]:lInL,nn]."{ = Diagnosis, N.(Biology) scientific

determination; a description that classifies a group or taxon precisely,


kL:SPLwpYSnL,/Sa}ca}An]nuic]:nn]."{ = Diagnosis, N. a determining or analysis of the cause or nature of a

problem or situation,

kUt],Tt];tUv];lIlI' = Scrutinized, adj., scrutinizingly, adv.,

kUt],Tt];tUv];lIlI' = Scrutiny, A close searching or examination, audit, inspection, inquiry,

kUt],Tt];tUv];Am],l}:' = Inscrutable, adj. incomprehensible, mysterious,


{ = Diagnose, to determine the identity of (a disease, illness, etc.) by a medical examination, diagnosed,



mn];n}.!tIAqk].s]@n}yw]."{ = Diagnosis, N.(medical) the process of determining by examination the nature and

circumstances of a diseased condition; the decision reached from such an examination. Abbreviation: Dx.,

kBt].' cgk];' mgc].'(tac];kBt].cgk];cqk];nL,El:kw]mw];kL;hak]:Agk],epL;pQn]lin];)' = Curving, bend line,


PL.wqc];mgc].'tUn]:m}.kUt].')' = Vagrant, adj. not fixed or settled: a vagrant leaf blown by the wind; vagrant knife,

vagrant plant,

kBt].Kgk];lgn];' = Crooked and cunning,

kUt].Kgk];lgn];' = Iniquity, gross injustice,

kUt].cgk];kUt].cqk];'(nm].l}kUt].cgk];kUt].cqk];)' = Devious, adj. vagrant: a devious current,

kUt].cgk];kGL,cgk];mL;nm]nL,'(tac];kUt].cgk];kGL,cgk];mL;nm])' = Sinuous, adj.: a sinuous path,

kBt].cgk];Kgk];lgn];' = Crooked,

kUt].cgk];yU,Pa},ha}.mUik]:nn].'(Tuc];16;30') = Bent on evil,

kUt].pac],la},'(kUt].pac],la},mqk].sI<kUw],)[nm].pac],la},tI:An]mI;Pqn],lin]kgt],lgm].w}.pgt];nuic]:epL;KG]:hgp]:nn].'{ = Gulf,

(Gulf of Mexico),

kBt].PBw]kUt].em;piBn]:' = Adultery,

kUn]'[t};km]:Pgc]:hgc].wL:!tQw],@'{(kUn]t};) = Trouser, N.: Tai trousers or pants, pants, trousuers,

kUn]KLhit].' kUn]KLlI,' kUn]KLhQw]' = Narrow leg pants,

kUn]t};'(kUn]t};SUiw]:t};sum],nuic]:) = Tai trousers or pants: a suit Tai pants and jacket,

kUn]Tgc];nm]' = Baggy pants,

kUn]nuc]:kgp].f]'[etL,kgp].f]n}.k}.l}:nuc]kUn]KLyaw];SUiw]:mI;ekL,lL,tuiw];Sgk];tin]kgp].f].{ = Golf Pants,

kUn]pgt];' kUn]hgc];nG];' kUn]pit];' = Underwear,

kUn]pgt];' = Short pants,

kUn]yaw];' = Long pants,

kUn]lQn]:tac];lQn]:' = Sport pants,

kUn]lgc]K};'[kUn]pgt];/yaw];tL,nuc]:Sgn].tac];nG];{ = Drawers, N.,

kUn]lgc];pqn];' kUn]' [kUn]'(t}:km]:Pgc]:hgc].wL:!tQw],@'{ = Pants, N. trousers, pants,

kUn]hUc],yUc].' = Loose-fit pants, large loose-fit pants worn by Tai men in olden days,

kUn]hUw]yaw];' kUn]hUw]pgt];' = Long waist pants, short waist pants,

kUn]hgc];nG];' kUn]tac];nG];' = Underwear, as pants or trousers,

kUn],' kan].' Sik],' = Tear, tore, torn, tore down,

kUn],' kan].' kUn],pac];tUk];' ya}:kn]' kg}PImn];yw].' = Collapse, downfall, fall apart,

kUn],' Aw]lqw]' Aw]kg}' hk];' hbk].tuit].Tbp].lqw]pqt]:' epL.lqw]' = Break,

kUn],kan].tqk],AL:pqt]:w}.'Sik],AL:w}.'sk];Pat],' = Tear it open, split it open,

kUn],pc];tUk];'lUm].hqc];nL,'kg}PImn];'= Slump, to drop or fall heavely; collapse, slumped, slumping,

kUn],pc];pqt]:w}.'yL.'yL.Pat],kn]'Tgt],pqt]:'(yL.hiUn];kw],'yL.hUc];tiUk]:kw],') = Demolish, destroy,

demolished, demolishing,


sG].l}:'TQc]pqt]:'{ = Cut the ground from under, to render (an argument, position, person, etc.) ineffective or

invalid; refute; cut off occasion or opportunity from,

kUn],Pa}'(Kt];-tQc]Pa}')'yL.Pa}' = Break a dam, (opposite: furnish with a dam,)

kUn]:' (kUn]:kUv]'kUn]:nm].emL,'kUn]:emL:'kUn]:hUv]:') = Bottom, (bottom of a basket, well, pot, valley or ravine,)

kUn]:KQt],' = Bone just above the anus, coccyx,

kUn]:' kum],kUn]:' nUiw].kum],kUn]:' (nUiw].kum],kUn]:mU) = Butt, butt sock, (pork butt),

kUn]:' kUn]:kUn];' (hac]:tI,sqc];kUn]:) = Ashe, (Ashe design)

kUn]:kL;/elL.'hac]hUiw];'hac]hUiw];min]' = Stern, N.the after part of vessel; back or real of anything,

kUn]:nk];' = Linger, loiter, idle manner, lingered, lingering,

kUn];'(kUn];hUw]mUn];)' = Human, human being, humankind, people, man, men,

kUn];(lgc]:-)' = Humanity, humankind, the human race,



n];kk];' = People who stammer,


nUic];-yic];kUn];kt].') = Hero, N. a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character; star; a skillful people:

great hero, heroes, (compare heroine)

kBn];kt].Kqn],KYqm].pI<yn],' = Champion,

kUn];kt].pan]kw],' = Heroes of old, (Gen.6:4), mighty men of old,

kUn];kt].lUc]' = Great hero,

kUn];km]:pL:nm]n}.' = Most people,

kBn];km]:Pgc]:n}.eK;etsac]:wL:' = Some people might say,

kBn];km].sg}:ekL.tiBc],pac],hQt];Sac]:tac]' = Assistance of Counsel

kUn];kw]kUn];mUic];AiSer;tc];la}Kw](mqt]:2;6')' = My people Isreal,

kUn];kw],' kUn];yU,kw],kw],' = Old resident,


ShLpqt].lqn]kin]pUin]:nn].{(nUic];-suin]:sac],Suiw]:yUw];lI) = Impostor, N. a person who practices deception under

an assumed character, identity, or name, imposter, (compare ‘genuine’)

kUn];kw];Suk].hG]:lU.lqw]'];Suk].hG]:lU.lqw]' = Intruder, N.,

kUn];kL:Sqc];' kUn];kL:sat]:' sa};/nac];cam];cw];tBc].' = Actor, actress,

kBn];kL.' = Merchant, dealer, trafficker, trader,

kUn];kL.' = Traffickers, trader; buying and selling; commercial dealings, dealer, marketer,

kUn];kL.Ka}'[kUn];kL.kUn];Ka}{(kUn];kL.yG],Ka}lUc])' = Business man, business person: great business person,

kUn];ekL.sw]:Krit]:ta}tac]pn]mn];yw].nn].' = Someone for whom Christ died,

kUn];kL.yL:mw];km]' = Narcotics traffickers,

kUn];kL.yG],K}alUc]' = Great business person,

kBn];kL.m}.kL.pqn]:' = Lumberman, logger, lumberjack,

kUn];kL.lin]hiUn];ey;' = Realtor -A real estate professional, member of the National Association of Realtors,

kUn];kL.lQk];'[kUn];kL./hQt];KUw];lQk];StI;l]'{ = Steelman, N. a person engaged in the steelmaking business,

kUn];kin]sac]:'kUn];hp].sG].' = Hired man, hired hand, a hired laborer,

kBn];kin]sac]:' = Labor force, laborer,

kUn];kin]sac]:sgm];pI<etL,pI<'(lI;wa};25;53')= Worker hired from year to year,

kUn];kin]Pin],' = Drug fiend, narcotics addict, drug user, opium-smoker,

kBn];kin]lUc]' kUn];kin]lUn].kin]liUw]'(kin]wUp],wap],) = Glutton, a person who overeats,

kUn];kQp];Kgn],' = Tax collector,


nG];pqc].ey;ciun];ekL.Kuic]pgc]kuit].hap],Pa},ciun];tgc];/kQp];hQt];Puin]ma}tgc];lgc]:ciun];Kw]:ciun];Agk],{' = Cashier, N.,

kUn];kqk];' = Deceitful person,

kUn];kqt];KUn]hUw]' = Barber, haircutter,

kUn];kqt];KUw];'[Kqt];Pqn],tL,yQp].KUw];{'kUn];KUn]eyL:SUw];' = Shearer, N., sheep shearer,

kUn];kqn],Kqc]' = Strong person,

kUn];kqp].mL.'(kUn];KI,mL.Kqn],) = Horseman, a person who is skilled in riding a horse,

kUn];kqp].emLlUc].lqn],'[ekL.lUc].lqn],kt].Kqn],{ = Skilled workers, persons, or craftsman, expert,

kUn];kum];' = Guard, herder,

kUn];kum];Suic],Sim];KUw];' = Warehouseman, storekeeper,

kUn];kUt],Tt];'[ekL.An]mI;pun]:Pgn];sqt]:Tam]Sgk],tUv];eStI:tI:An]An]{ = Scrutinizer, N.,

kUn];kUt].em;pUin]:' sa};]:sG]kUt].em;pUin]:' = Adulterer,

kUn];kUt].PUw]pUin]:' yic];]:sG]kUt].PUw]pUin]:' = Adulteress,

kUn];kUw];tUw]kw],sG]:' = Self-righteous,


:yw].'@(rUw];14;11')' =“Every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.”

kUn];kU:ekL.etkUm]:hUw]Kup].Kw],etL,El:kUn];kU:ekL.etpiut],pak],ygm];yiun]An]];' =

Every knee will bow and every tongue confess,

kUn];kU:ekL.n}.pQn]lUm];TUv]:sG]km];nuic]:nn].kUv];'(SL,39;5) = Everyone is but a breath,

each man’s life is but a breath; every man at his best is a mere breath; “Human life is but a breath,

kUn];kU:ciun];' ekL.kU:pn]' = Lender, money lender,

kUn];kU:siUw].kU:KiUw];tc];miUc];' = The whole nation,

kUn];kU:Tan]:kU:pan]' = Men of all ages,

kUn];kU:pn]tUw]ciun];' = Hard Moneylender,-Lender who borrows money to who have trouble getting loan,

kUn];Ek,Kqn].' = Stunted person,

kUn];k}.' = Hard worker, diligent man,

kUn];ekL,kan]ha}.'kBn];ha}.miUk]:'(nG];Kaw],t};tqm]:wL:kUn];ekL,kan]ha}.') = Terrorist, N., terror, N.,

kUn];ekL,kan]ha}.tc];lgc]:ekL,kan]ha}.' = Terrorist and terrorism,

kUn];ekL,Sac]:' = Builder, constructor,

kUn];ekL,hin]' emLekL,mak],hin]' = Mason, a person skilled in building with stone,

kUn];ekL,Aut],' = Bricklayer,

kUn];ekL.' = Party, (as a person, group or entity),

kUn];/].Tqm]' = Supporter, N. a folloer, backer, or advocate, supporters,

kUn];],ekL.lQw]kn]' = Same people, same person,

kUn];]:sG]nc],AQn];Aan];mI;' = On purpose person,

kUn];]pQn]lUw],l}:pL;' kUn];];lUw],l}:pL;' = Necessary party,

kBn];ekL.sibw]:sG]:mqn]];' = Right person, the right person,

kUn];ekL.siUw];sc];mn];sw]:' = The ones who hated Him,

kUn];ekL./sUiw];l}:Kam],lUik]:w}.' = Chosen people,

kUn];ekL./sUiw];hQt];Am],mqn]:' = Imperfect people,

kUn];/ekL.Sbk].ybc]:lbk].Pibn].' = Insurrectionist, N.,

kUn];/ekL.tivgp];'kUn];/ekL.Sim];Aw]' = Captor, N.,

kUn];ekL.ta}yw].' = Dead person,

kUn];/ekL.tuik].Puik];'[kUn];Puik];'{' = Learner, N. beginner; tyro; rookie

kUn];/ekL.tuik].hLPiuk];mG],'(ekL.tuik].hLPuik];kan]mUic];mG],mG],) = Novice, N. a novice in politics,

kUn];ekL.TUik]:lIyum],' = Reasonable person,

kUn];ekL.n}.' = This fellow,

kUn];ekL.n}.' mn];n}.' Kic];n}.' luc];n}.' = This fellow, this guy,

kUn];ekL.nuic]:' = Certain person,

kUn];/ekL.pat],pa}nc]'(sum];kUn];pat],pa}nc]')(Kt];-Am],p},l}:Kam],pat],pa}nc]')'pat],pa}nc]' =

Circumcision, N.: circumcision group,(ant: uncircumcision)


tc];kUn];Tuic].cUiw].cL.Kw]n}.l}:Kam],tac];tum].tUiw].eAL:"@(Tuc];kGam];'13;20')' = “He who

walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harms.”(Prov.13:20,)

kUn];/ekL.epL.lik]:'[ekL.yip];st];kan]sak]:epL.lik]:'{ = Typist, N. a person who operate a tpewriter,

kUn];/ekL.Pam];puc],mn];kin]'[emLPam];tL'emLPUiw].PIemL,'{ = Enchanter, N. a magician; sorcerer,

kUn];ekL.Pa},Kt];' = Adverse party, adversary,

kUn];ekL.emLpgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]' ekL.emLpgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]' = Person of understanding,

kUn];/ekL.yL.AkYOw];pUin]:lu'[kBn];hQt];ha}.miUk]:'{ = Mischief-maker, N. evildoer,

kUn];ekL.yL.hac]:Pac]w}.'(lI;wa};21;18') = Disfigured, adj. N. the disfigured: disfigured or deformed,

kUn];ekL.lQw]' ekL.lG]ekL.nn].' ekL.etL,ekL.' = Individual,


k];nLpL;pan]:pUin]:tac],ekL.Sc]eSKt];sG]hQt];kan]hLkin]hG]:yU,lIpI;San];ep.tUw]sw]:kw],w}.nn].{'= “… each

one should carry their own load.”

kUn];ekL.hp].pin],lk]:la}:' kUn];sa};ekL.hp].pin],' = Changed man,

kUn];ekL.hLyL.tqk],ya}:Pat],EPkn]' ekL.hLhQt];hG]:Am],Kw]:kn]' = Divisive person,

kUn];/ekL.hQt];Kt];']' = Mocker, N., mockers

kUn];/ekL.hQt];kan]sw]:kw],hLkin]kUv];' = Self-employed person, N.,



;{' = Medically uninsurable people,

!kUn];ekL.An]yum],mn];sw]:n}.etAm],hgn],tgn].l}:Aa}eSpgk]:"@(rUw];9;33) = “…the one

who believes in him will never be put to shame.”(Ro.9:33),

!kUn];ekL.Am],Tgm],Am],yin];Sc]'ekL.mI;SUp];Am],sac]:hUiw]sac]:tgp],'@(SL,38;14')' =“One

who does not hear, whose mouth can offer no replay,”


an]ekL:yL,pn]mn];kin]Kw]:'{ =“The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” “if anyone would not

work, neither should he eat.”,

kUn];ekL.Am],lInp].ym]' = Insolent, N.,

kUn];ekL.Aac]:Aic]' = Person reference,

kUn];ekL.Agk],pQn]mL;tI:lin]mUic];' = Man of the earth,

kUn];kuin];nL,' = Big crowd, it’s a g crowd,

kUn];kiun];nL,'kqp]:nL,'Puc]kUn];'kUn];St].tik];w}.' = Crowd, mass, crowded,


= Crowd, crowded, crowding,

kUn];kUit],hUm]:nL:hUin];ey;lQw]kn]tc];mn];' = Born in his household,

kUn];kiUw];KUw];lQc];KiUc]:piUc]'[ekL.m}:yap],sG]sgm];KUw];lQc];KiUc]:piUc]liUw]nL,eSpa};sG]wivin],'{ = Materialist, N.,

kUn];kUiw];lIw}:SLJPL;'kUn];kUiw];lIw}:SLTL,wrL.JPL;sw]:' = God’s worshiper,

kUn];kiUw];SL,SnL,w}:JPL;nm]'(An]Am],sG]:Krit]:yan],'kYO;'mU,Slim],') = Pagan,

kUn];kiUw];lIhun],hac]:Sac];Tu'kUn];w}:hun],hac]:Sac];Tu' = Idolater,

kUn];kiUw].KUw]lQn]:pUin]:'(SUkUn];kUiw].KUw]lQn]:pUin]:) = Scoffer, N. you scoffers, scoffers,


,ep.kUn];kYam],') = Mugger, N. a person who mugs, especially one who assaults a person in order to rob him or her,

kUn];kYam],Pqn]kan]ha}.mUik]:' = Who ddevises evil schemes, man of evil,

kUn];kYam];' = Violent man,

kUn];kYL.' = Nice man,

kUn];ekYL;l}:ca};'];kin]ca}:' = Patsy, sucker,

kUn];kYOik]:yU,lIkin]lI'kUn];SUc]kin]ekYL,'[Aqp]:piKYO;riyn]<{ = Epicurean, an epicure,

kUn];kgt];'[ekL.Am],mI;Sc]{(hQt];hG]:sUiw];Kw]kUn];kgt];l}:Kam],tac];Aa}huiw].?(1ekL;11;22')' = Who have

nothing: humiliating those who have nothing,

kUn];kgt];Pan]'kUn];kgt];kUn];Pan]' = Poor person,

kUn];kzk];/wqn]'St];kzk];/wqn]' = Jumper, N. a person or thing that jumps,

kUn];kGc]tac];'[kUn];El,sL;'{(kUn];El,sL;Sac]law].') = Wanderer, N. nomad: restles wanderer; vagabond,

kUn];kGL,tac];' kL;ehL:nUiw]tac];' = Traffic, the vehicles, persons, etc., moving in an area, along a street, etc.,

kUn];kGa};'[ekL.cUw].cL.nLTuiw]/cUiw]:caw]:/hUw]Kqc]{ = Donkey, N. a stupid, silly, or obstinate person,

kUn];Kt];'kUn];ekL.Pa},Kt];'kUn];Pa},Kt];' = Adversary, N. adverse party, adversaries,

kBn];Kt];sG]' kUn];Kt];sG]Kt];hqc];' = Energetic personality,

kBn];Kt];Tt];Sac]' = Critics,

kBn];Kt];hac]hUiw];' pQn]ekL.Kt];ehL:hiUw];hG]:sgm];tac];lUw],kGL,' = Helmsman, a person who steers a ship,

kUn];Kw],hic],'(kUn];Kaw],hic],tI:ehL,Et,)' = Bellman, a person who carries or rings a bell, especially a town crier or

watchman:Hotel bellman,

kUn];Kw]:sum];' PB:Kw]:sbm];' = Member,


nn].{' = Valuable member,

kBn];Kw]:miBc];'kUn];Ka}.Kw]:mUic];' = Immigrant, N. migrant,

kUn];Kw]:mUic];mqn]:pUic]' = Legal immigrants,

kUn];Kw]:mUic];Agk],miUc];'(lgc]:-') = Immigration,

kUn];Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;p}tac];hUiw];/hUiw];min]' = Navigator, N.,

kBn];Kat]:SUn]'[kUn];Kat]:hQt];SUn]/h}:/nL;pUin];{ = Tenant, N. vine-grower, farmhand, husbanmen; renter,

kUn];Kat]:yim]' = Lessee, holder of the lease,

kBn];Kat]:hiBn];' (kBn];Kat]:hiBn];hBm]:kn])' = Tenant, (Joint Tenancy)

kUn];Kan].' Kan].AiBn]liBn]' !yB,lgk],yB,la}Am],hLhQt];kan]can];Sc]'@ = Idle, lazy person,

kBn];Kan].kBn];AiBn]' = Sluggard,

kUn];Kan].El,ygn];kin]' = Vagrant,(Law) N. an idle person without visible means of support, as a beggar,

kUn];Kan].AUin]lUin]'[Kan].Am],hLhQt];kan]kin]yw].ngn];ngn];luk].mL;kin]Tqc]:Kiun];ngn];{' = Lazy glutton,


n].{'ekL.hUm]sUm];hp].tgn]:' = Welcomer, N.,


False witness, N. if the witness proves to be a liar; if the witness is a fale witness,

kUn];Kam],Sum];' = Victim,

kBn];Kam],titac]' l}:Kam],titac]w}.(cw];la};-/An]-)' = Hostage, N.,

kBn];Kaw].' = Aging, aging people, the aged,

kUn];Kaw].kUn];Ek,' = Advanced age,

kBn];KLEK.KLhan]:' KLEK.KLhan]:' = Lame, the lame,

kUn];KL.suiw]:pUin]:'kUn];KL.KUiw];pUin]:'[kUn];KL.suiw]:pUin]:'{ = Gossiper, N. talebearer, gossip,

kUn];KL<ltiy'emLep,tac],kL,lL;' = Chaldeans, N.,

kUn];KL<ltiy'[kUn];nG];mUic];pqp]<plun]mUiw]:kgn],'{ = Chaldean, N. ancient people in Bablylonia,

kUn];KQn],/hQt];KUw];lQk];KUw];tgc];' = Metalworker, N.,

kUn];Kqn],'(mn];sa};pQn]kUn];yuiw];kgc]:Kqn],)' = Skilled person, skillful at: He is skilled in or skillful at shooting,

kUn];Kqn],ekL.niuc]:' pQn]tI,pQn]Tqn]:mn];eS,eS,' kUn];kYL.ekL.niuc]:' = One of the best,

kBn];Kqn],KYqm].pI,yn], = Champion,

kBn];Kqn];' kUn];Kqn];sG]' = Person who is well-off, wealthy or well-to-do,

kUn];KI,SkQt].' = Skateboarder, skater,

kUn];KI,SkQt].sgm];Tqc]' = In-line Skater,

kUn];KI,mL.' = Horseback Riders,

kUn];KImL.Kqn],'[kUn];KI,mL.lqn],lInL,eSEK.pUin]:l}:{' = Jockey, N.,

kUn];KI,emL,etL,S}Ek,' = Motorcyclists,

kUn];KI,lUt].Tip],' = Bicyclists,

kUn];KIlUt].Tip],SG],sak]:' = Moped Operator,

kUn];KI,elL.SkU;tL,' = Scooter,

kUw]KI:yan]:'s]GlQk].sG]ng}.'[sG]ht];han]eA,{ = Timidity, N., timidness, timidi, adj., timidily, adv.,

kUn];KI:yan]:' = Timid person, dreadful people,

kUn];Kut];emL,' kUn];Kut];nm].emL,' = Well men, well guys,

kUn];KUw],puic]:ASa};lm],kan]mUic];' = Political asylum,

kUn];KU;kUn];wQc];' kUn];wQc];' t};wQc];' = City guys, city men/women, city boy/girl,

kBn];EKf};' = Firemen, firefighter, fire extinguisher,

kUn];]' mUiw]:etL,kgp].f]El:tac];lQn]']' = Foe, foes, Golf. opponent,

kUn];Ka}' ekL.Ka}' = Vendor, seller,

kBn];Ka}' = Seller,

kBn];Ka}KUw];sgm];tac];' = Street seller,

kUn];Ka}eKL;pUin]:'kUn];lL,pUin]:/huit];lL,pUin]:/pgc].TL.pUin]:' = Slanderer, N defamation, calumny,

kUn];Ka}sg}:' = Salesman, saleswoman, salesclerk,salesperson,

kBn];Ka}mik]:Kgn],lbm];' = Stamp Vendor

kUn];Ka}yg}:'(Kn]Ka}yg}:etkL:liUw]Kn]Ka}lum];) = Retailer, N., retailers,

kBn];Ka}.Kw]:miBc];' = Migrant,

kBn];Ka}.Kw]:miBc];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Migration,

kUn];eKL;Kqc]' = Stiff-neck people,

kUn];eKL.' eKL.' ekL.Am],Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:' = Infirmity, longtime-ill, invalid,

kUn];Kuik].Ka};JPL;sw]:pUic],w}.eKLeKL'(1pI,2;9')= God’s special possession; a peculiar people,

kUn];Kuik].tgn];];sw]:pUic],' = His own special people,

kUn];Kuik].tgn];ekL.An]muiw];JPL;sw]:hQt];w}.' = God’s special workmanship,

kUn];/KUic]:Em;lt];Puik];pn]'kUn];/KUic]:An]Kuic]puc],mn];' = Shaper, N. a person or thing that shape,

kUn];KiUc]:miuw];' = Puppet, pawn, instrument,

kUn];KUiw];kqt]<'(TUin],32;1')' = Gadites,

kUn];KUiw];kiTim];'[KUiw];kiTim];luk]:sa};yL,wn]<'{(cw]:10;4') = Kittites, a tribe descended from Javan,

kUn];KUiw];ek,Sur'(eyL;13;2') = Geshurites, a tribe that occupied the territory between Arabia and Philistia,

kBn];KiBw];kibk];miBc];' = Indigenous


'{(cw]:10;16'eyL;3;10')= Girgashites, a member of tribe that inhabited Canaan before the Israel drove them out,

kBn];KiBw];kYO;'kYO;'kUn];/An]yum],PL,SL,kYO;' = Jew, N., Jews, Jewish, adj.,

kUn];KUiw];kYO;ekL.yum],mat]:' kYO;Krit]:yan],' = J ewish believer, Jew Christian,

kUn];KUiw];kYO;sUiw];kUw]ym]JPL:sw]:'(tman],'2;5')' = God-fearing Jews,

kUn];KUiw];KUw]<hqt].'[KUiw];luk]:sa};lI;wa};ekL.TUn]:Sgc]'{(eyL;21;4')' = Kohathite, Kohathites,

kUn];KUiw];KuSY'[KUiw];luk]:sa};lUc]hqm];pQn]nG];sUiw].KUiw];pqn]<yL,min],{(TUin],12;1') = Cushite,

kUn];KUiw];simr}.'simr}.'[saw];KUiw];kUn];mUic];KL,nn],KUiw];nuic]:'{(cw]:10;18')= Zemarites, a Canaanite tribe,

kUn];KUiw];susim]<'[kUn];cw]:Et,yU,mUic];hqm];{(cw]:14;5')= Zuzites, a primitive tribe who lived in Ham, Zuzim,

kUn];KUiw];suf'[kUn];wQc];rL,mTAim];sufim];{(1Sqm];1;1') = Zuphite, Ramathaim Zuphim, Zuph,

kUn];KUiw];es;rL,'(eyL;7;17') = Zerahites,

kUn];KiUw];SmL;riy' = Samaritan,

kUn];KUiw];SYqm];'[kUn];nG];sum];sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],SYqm];ekL.pQn]luk]:sa};lUc]nUw];AL,nn].'{(cw]:10;21')'= Semites, a

member of any of the peoples descended from Shem, the eldest son of Noah,

kUn];KUiw];tqn]<'(lI;wa};24;11')' = Danite, N. a member of the tribe of Dan,

kUn];KUiw];ET;mn]<'[kUn];KUiw];/wQc];ET;mn]<'(yUp]2;11'){' = Temanite, N.,


Perizzites, a tribal family descended from Perez, son of Judah, = Parzites,


n].'{(Sin]12;13') = Pirathon, a city in which Abdon died after judging Israel eight years, Pirathonite,

kUn];KUiw];mnL;SL<'(ehL;4;43'eyL;16;9') = Manassites, the descendants of Manasseh,


n];26;7)An]pQn]kUn];KUiw];Agn],AL,rp].KUiw];nuic]:nn].'{ = Maonites, a people who oppress Israel (Jdg. 10:12).

They may have been the Meunites (2 Chr. 26;7), a Arab tribe south of the Dead Sea,

kUn];KiUw];mUw];Aqp],' = Moabites,

kUn];KUiw];em,rra};'[kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];lI;wa};'{(eyL;21;34')= Merarite, the tribe of Levi, merarites,

kUn];KUiw];yL,Plqt].'[sUiw].KUiw];yL,Plqt].'{(eyL;16;3') = Japhletites, the descendants of Japhlet; Japhleti,

kUn];KUiw];yL<Pqt].'[kUn];KUiw];yL<Pqt].ekL.luk]:sa};nUw];AL,nn].'(cw]:10;2'){ = Japhethites,

kUn];KUiw];ey,puS}.'[kUn];wQc];ey,pu'{(cw]:10;16)= Jebusites, the name of original inhabitants of the city of Jebus,

kUn];KiUw];yG],KiUw];lUc]' = Great people,

kUn];KUiw];rUw];tnim];'[sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],yL,wn]<'{(cw]:10;4') = Rodanites, a tribe descended from Javan,

kUn];KUiw];rupqn]<'(TUin],32;1')' = Reubenites,

kUn];KUiw];lQw]kn]'(kUn];KUiw];lQw]kn]tc];SU/mG];')' = Own people: your own people,

kUn];KiUw];lI;wi'lI;wi' = Levite, [Ex 2],

kUn];KUiw];hqm];'[kUn];nG];sum];sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],hqm];ekL.pQn]luk]:sa};kac]nUw];AL,nn].'{(cw]:10;6')'= Hamites, a

member of any of the peoples descended from Ham, the second son of Noah,

kUbn];KiUw];hit].T}.'[mQw];hit].ti{ = Hittites,[Gen 10:15]


17'eyL;3;10') = Hivites, a member of an ancient of people inhabiting Cannan, conquered by the Israelites,

kBn];KiBw];AiSer;' = Israelites, people of Israel,

kUn];KUiw];erfAim]<'[erfAim]<'{(cw]:14;5') = Rephaites, an ancient people of Canaan, Rephaim,


Pat],EPmak],mUiw]kGL,pqt]:wa};eSkUn];KUiw];hI;RpO;Kw]hgt]:Pqw]mL;nn].'{(TUin],13;28'ehL;1;28'2;21')= Anakim,

Anakites, tall people or giants who lived in southern Palestine and were destroyed or scattered after arrival of the Hebrews,

kUn];KUiw];Ap};AIsL,'(Sin]6;11')' = Abiezerite, Abiezerites,

kUn];KUiw];Amlqk].'(cw]:14;7') = Amalekites, descendant of Amalek,

kUn];KUiw];AL,emL;ri'(cw]:48;22') = Amorites, Amorite,

kUn];KUiw];AL;SYL;'[kUn];Kw]:sum];mn];'{(Sin]1;32') = Asherites, descendants of Asher and members of his tribe,

kUn];KUiw];AI<mim];'[AI<mim];'{(cw]:14;5') = Emites, an ancient people of Canaan, Emim,

kBn];KiBw];Agn],' = Tribe, aboriginal, races,

kUn];KiUw];Agn],' kUn];KUiw];ng}.' = Minority, minority race or ethnic,


Tribal, adj. of, relating to, or characteristic of a tribe: tribal families of Israel,

kUn];Kgm],miw],nit].' kUn];Kw]:pL,tI,Kgm],miw],nit].' = Communist,

kUn];KG]:l}:nL:'(!SUkUn];sUiw];KG]:l}:nL:n}.AUiv];&'@(luk].13;15') = Hypocrite, N. You hypocrites!,

kBn];cUiw]:' kUn];cUiw]:cL.' = Stupid or dumb person, dumb guy; simpleton,

kUn];sc];' (Kt];kn]-t};ekL.)'];' = Foe, foes, (ant: friend), hatred,

kUn];sn].Suc]'(SL,62;9')[kUit],nG];sw]:nG];Kun]{ = Highborn, a high rank by birth; men of high degree,

kUn];sn].tqm],'[kUit],nG];kUn];ngm];tUw]/mUic];Pk];kL,yUw];yUw];{ = Lowborn, of humble birth; men of low degree,

kUn];sn].Suc]];kL:Kn]hiUn];tL,yU,' = Senior Residential Appraiser (SRA)

kUn];sn].Suc]ekL.Tt];Sac]kQw],lin]hiUn];ey;' = Senior Real Estate Analyst (SREA)

Senior Real Property Appraiser (SRPA) = kUn];sn].Suc]];kL:Kn]hiUn];tL,yU,El:


kUn];sp];yL:Pin],PUik],' = Junkie, a drug addict, especially one addicted to heroin,

kUn];sp];yin].' kUn];sp];yin].yL:' = Addicts, drug addicts,

kUn];sp];yin].Kzk].klqt].' = Chocolate junkie,

kUn];sp];yin].yL:' sw]:yL:' KI:yL:' kUn];SU,yL:' kUn];kin]Pin],' = Drug addict, dope

addict, dope-head, hophead, doper, drug user, narcotics addict, drug fiend,

kUn];sp];yin],lw]:' kUn];mw];lw]:' kUn];KIlw]:' sw]:lw]:' mw];eS,' = Alcoholic,

boozer, drunkard, inebriate, toper, wine-bibber,

kUn];sm]sG]mn];sw]:'(SL,148;14')' = People close to his heart,

kBn];sw]:nI:' = Creditor

kUn];sac]:' kUn];kin]sac]:' = Hired hand, laborer,

kBn];sac]:kL:' Em:sac]:kL:' = Dancer, professional dancer,

kUn];sap]:pI:sap]:ngc].kn]' KUiw];lQw]kn]' = Clan, N. family; a group of people as a clique, society or party,

kUn];sL,ti' = Native-born,

kUn];sL,tiSit];tiy'kGam]lat]:Sit];tiy' = Scythian, adj. N.,

kUn];sQw];emL' kUn];hQn];lqt];' = Keen learner,



n]KUiw];KL:/saw];KL:n}nn].'ekL.hG]:hk].KUiw];hw];sG].sc];KUiw];pUin]:')'{'sqk],sUiw].KUiw];' = Racist, N. a person who

believes in racism, the doctrine that a certain human race is superior to any or all others,

kUn];sum];es;kn]mUt];' = Full group,

kUn];/sum];tac],Pa},'[mUiw]:mI;kUn];Sgc]Pa},]n}.KG]:lat]:luk].Pa},nuic]:nUic];tac],Pa},nn].{= Other party,

kUn];sum];Ait];Agn],'[kUn];Puc]yuc]:yc]:'{(pL;tc];Puc]kUn];sn].tqm],Sut];sum];Agn],nuic]:nn].eS') =

Rabble, N. a disorderly crowd; mob; the rabble; the common people: with a crowd of lowest rabble,

kBn];sUn]' = Robber, burglar, bandit,

kUn];sUn]mUik]:kqk];' = Thug, N. a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer,

kUn];sUn]ha}.kYqk].' = Hijacker,

kUn];es;'(kUn];hw];es;yw].En,?'(mL;kU:ekL.yU,hL.?') = Everybody present: Is everybody present?,

kUn];sa};' kUn];' = Man, male, men,

kUn];sa};ekL.yum],mat]:mn]:kqn],ekL.niuc]:' = A man of faith,

kUn];sa};ekL.hp].pin],' kUn];ekL.hp].pin],lqk]:la};' = Changed man,

kUn];sa};sUiw];Am],l}:ngn];sgm];Em:yic];Kw]nn].'(1Sqm];21;4') = Men have kept themselves

from women; young men have not slept with any women recently,

kBn];sa};nbm],ekL.tibk].hLyG],Kibn]:' = Man growing up,

kUn];sa};mun]:lin]mUic];'[ekL.luk].tI:Pun],muk].mun]:lin]mUic];pQn]mL;{(1ekL;15;48)' = Earthly man,

kUn];sa};mUic];kac]haw]'[ekL.luk].mUic];kac]haw]pQn]mL;{(1ekL;15;48)' = Heavenly man,

kUn];sa};lUc]tqm],pgk];' = Little man,

kBn];sa};Am],nn]ekL:kBn];yic];'PU:sa};/PU:yic];'(Em:yic];'nac];yic];') = Man or woman,

kBn];sibc]:miBc];' = Citizen, N. a native or naturalized member of a state or nation,

kUn];suic]:mUic];sUiw];AL,yuyG],' = Senior citizens,

kUn];suic]:mUic];Sgc]mUic];'[kUn];ekL.lQw]pQn]kUn];suic]:mUic];Sgc]mUic];mUiw]:lQw]kn]'Sam]mUic];/nm]lUiw]nn].ekL:pQn]l}:{' =

Dual Citizenship, N. an individual is a citizen of two countries at the same time; also possible to be a citizen of three or

more countries,

kUn];suic]:mUic];mn];sc];mn];' = His subjects or citizens hated him,

kUn];sc];sw]:JPL;' = God-hater, N., God-haters,

kUn];sup]:pan]mG],' pan]mG],' (nUic];kn]-pan]kw],') = New generation,(compare old generation),

kUn];suiw]:nw]:luiw];tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Notorious crime,

kUn];suiw]:yG],luiw];lc]'[kt].Kqn],emLkan]Kt];sG]hQt];{' = Outstanding performer,(A-players),

kUn];suiw]:hUc]hac];luiw];lc]' = Men of renown, (Gen.6:4),

kUn];sUiw];'Kw]sUiw];'Kw]kUn];sUiw];'siBw];nn].' = Those,

kUn];sUiw];k}kn]pUn].tI:pUn].lqn]' pI:ngc].sap]:kn]k}' = Who are far off, distant relatives,

kUn];siUw];Kw]JPL;sw]:Sm].Aw]w}.nG];muiw];'[PL;sw]:Sm].Aw]kUn];sUiw];Kw]l}:mI;AL,nL,{ = Those God

has in his hand; whom God brings into their power,(Job 12:6)

kUn];siBw];sw]:' sUiw];sw]:' = Church, N., churches,

kUn];sUiw];sw]:ekL.pQn]luk]:cw]:'(hI;12;23) = Church of the firstborn,

kUn];sUiw];sw]:JPL;sw]:An]ASak]:lip];yU,'(1Tim];3;15) = Church of the living God,

kUn];sUiw];sw]:JPL;sw]:'(1ekL;11;22)' = Church of God, God’s church, (1Cor.11:22,),

kUn];sUiw];sw]:sw]:Krit]:'(rUw];16;16)' = Church of Christ, churches of Christ, (Ro.16:16,),

kBn];siBw];sibw]:sG]:mqn]];' = Right people,

kUn];sUiw];sG]lm]w}.' = Angry people,


nL,JPL;sw]:w}.lum];lum];') = Poor in spirit, those who admit their spiritual inadequacy and cast themselves on God

mercy[(Mtt 5:3) Bible Dictionary],

kUn];sUiw];p},puit],hUpuit],tL'[sUiw];p},tgn].l}:yin];l}:hU.l}:hn]An]etK}:En'{ = Enfold people,

kUn];sUiw];puin].Kam],wn];lc]pUic]:kn]' = People from different background,


= Too many people have been crippled with low expectations.

kUn];siUw];l}:Kac];yU,' = Those who mourn,(Mtt 5:4)

kUn];sUiw];l}:Kam],Ka}pn]Aw]hQt];KL:sG].'(Kuin];18;13')' = Human beings sold as slaves,

kUn];sUiw];l}:Kam],lUik]:w}.' = Members of chosen,

kUn];sUiw];l}:Puik];Pgn].w}.' = Trained men,


:Tuv].T}.mak],mI:mak],mUiw]{' = Some simply not up to job,(C-players),

kUn];sUiw];hQt];hG]:mI;lgc]:cm];yQn]' = Peacemakers,

kUn];siUw];An]yc];Am],l}:hn]kw]eSyum],mat]:n}.l}:tac];lImac],klL,AiUw]:" = Blessed are

those who have not seen and yet have believed,


lUic]kUn];Sam]ekL./Sam]kic],EPnn].'{' = Polyarchy, polyarchies,

kUn];siUw].KiUw];mUt];sac],'(!kUn];sUiw].KUiw];mUt];sac],ekL.nuic]:'@(1pI,2;9') = Holy nation: a holy nation,


yL,hG]:mn];vL;pUin]:hQt];tI:mn];tum].tUiw].mn];l}:){' = Bodyguard, N. escort,

kUn];sgm];hUm],lUm]:'[ekL.yip];kgc]:eSpG].kum];Tic];pn]{ = Escort, N. an armed guard,

kUn];sgm];'[ekL.yip];lk];sgm]piw]w}.pn]ekL:sG]:{' = Attendant,( golf ),

kBn];sgm];' = Follower, attendant, escort, servant,



L.Am],pgc]pQn]l}:'kUn];sgm]kw];lgk],ciut]:Aw]pUin]:hQt];yUiw],')' = Stalker, N. a person who harasses another person:

rejected stalkers; resentful stalkers; intimacy seekers; incompetent suitors; predatory stalker, stalkers,

kUn];sgm];SQn]:tac];sw]:'(man],24;14') = Follower of the Way,(Acts24:14),

kUn];sgm];SUc],' = Usher, a person who escorts people to seats in Church, a male person attendant of a bridegroom,

kUn];sgm];put].T' kUn];yum],put].T'kUn];saw];put].' = Buddhist, follower of Buddha,

kUn];sgm];JPL;sw]:'ekL.sgm];JPL;sw]:' = Man of God,

kUn];sgm];lc]sUiw];mI;Sqt].sL,'[kUn];sgm];lc]ekL.yum],mat]:TiBk]:lbm];lbm];l}:{ = Faithful followers, N.,

kUn];sgm];hUiw];min][kUn];hqt];kan]sum];hUiw];min]An]mI;pun]:Pgn];tL,sg}:tI:st];kan]mUiw]:hUiw];min]min]nn].{' =

Flight crew, N. aircraft personnel responsible for its operation during flight,

kUn];sg}:' kUn];sg}:hQt];'kUn];sg}:tUv];' = Helper,

kUn];sg}:kan]la}la}' (ekL.-') = Volunteer,


t];mL;pUw].SG],mn];nn].eSAm],kL;yc];tuik].sac]:w}.sG]yQn]yQn]eShp].tgp],etL,SU:Kw]kGL,yU,nn].'{' = Hard

man, N. who is unafraid of a fight or hardship and can deal with situations and issues that come against him and can still keep

his cool and deal with them,

kUn];sG]kUt].kGam];nm]' = Malicious talker,

kUn];sG]kUt].sG]ecL;' = Crooks,

kUn];sG]pit];sG]pgt];' = Bigot, N.,

kUn];sG]mL'[kUn];sa};ekL.sac]:Tac],lQk].pUin]:{(!w}.StikUn];sG]mLsUiw];nn].lIlItL.'@(Pi3;2')' = Dog, N. a

despicable man or youth; evil worker: “Watch out those dogs” “beware of evil workers”,

kUn];sG]lI' = Sane person: a sane person, kind-hearted person, warm-hearted person,

kUn];sG]lI'(lgc]:-)'lgc]:mI;sG]lI' = Humanity, the quality of being humane; kindness; benevolence,

kBn];sG].'kUn];sG].kUn];Sg}'kBn];sac]:'lbk]:lQc].'KL:'kBn];hap],Tam];kan]'PU:KL:' = Servant,

kUn];sG].him];tin]him],miuw];' = Bench-men, benchmen,

kUn];Stac];lc]k}'[ekL.suiw]:yG],luiw];hUc]/ekL.pUin]];nm]{' = Celebrity, celebrities, N. a famous or

well-known person,

kUn];St];ha}.mUik]:'[wL:tI:kUn];Am],sG]:kUn];{' = Evil brutes,

kUn];Sm],kUn];mqn]' = Boastful, adj.: the boastful,

kBn];Sak]:eS,'(kUn];Sak]:eS,Pa},kw]') = Witness, N.: my witness; witness to me, witnesses,

kBn];Sak]:eS,siBw];pQn]sG]mn];' = Witnesses in his favor,

kUn];Sak]:eS,sG]kUt].' = Malicious witness,

kUn];Sak]:eS,nL:lqc]' kUn];Sak]:eS,ekL.hUiw]:SG]lI' = Glowing witness,

kUn];Sak]:eS,mI;nm].nk];kL:Kn]hqc];yG],' = Powerful witness,

kUn];San]Kt];tuiw]Puin].' ekL.tuiw]Puin].' = Rebel, N., rebellious, adj.,

kUn];San]Kt];tiuw]Piun].' kUn];sUn]' = Rebellion, robber, (Now Barabbas had taken part in a

rebellion. Now Barabbas was a robber. John 18:40, NIV, NASB)

kUn];Suk].Sk].' = Mess, N., busybody,


n];Suk].Sk].pUin]:'@(2Tit].3;11') = Busybody, N.: “They are not busy; they are busybodies”, busybodies,

kUn];Suk].yuc]:' = Radical, N., provoker, troublemaker, radical, adj.,


kUn];Sum];mG];pQn]luk]:JPL;sw]:Suc]ygt]:Sut];Sut];nn].AUiw]:") = Failure, N.: “You may have failed, but you are not a

failure. You are a child of the most high God.”, loser, N.,

kBn];Sbm];' kUn];Sum];kan].' = Loser, N.,

kBn];Sbm];AmB.' = Judgment debtor,

kUn];SUc]'(kUn];SUc]tac];lQn]mak],nc]mUw];) = Fans, a shortening of Fanatic, Fanatic, (Soccer fans)

kUn];/ekL.SUc],Kaw],'PB:SBc],Kaw],'(PU:SUc],Kaw],kzc];pik]:man],'(van],5) = Messenger, N.: temple messenger,

kUn];SUc]yU,lIkin]lI'kUn];SUc]kin]ekYL,'[kYOik]:es;sQm],/sgm];sG]{ = Epicure, N., epicurean, N.,

kUn];SUc],KUw];'[etL.kun],Sin]El:KUw];Kgc]hQ t];Agk],sUiw];n}.SUc],pn]{ = Deliverer, N. who provides a

delivery service for goods and products,

kUn];SUc],nm].nUm];'[ekL.Ka}/SUc],pn]nm].nUm];{' = Milkman, a person who sells or delivers milk,

kUn];SUv];Sqc]' = Lapidary, a worker who cuts, polishes, or engraves precious stones, lapidist, lapidarist,

kUn];SUv];Sqc]'[kUn];hQt];kan]SUv];/pgt]:/TUiw]/Sqc]{ = Lapidary, N., also lapidist,

kUn];SUp];sac]:wL:mLp}la}'(Tuc];kGam];t};)'[Agk];eALtuin]:SUp];sac]:wL:'{ = Babbling idiot, (Idiom),

kBn];SUp];nm]'kUn];lat]:nm]' = Talkative, N. talker; man full of talk, verbose,


c],w}.lgc]:sG]kUt].'{ = Who speak cordially with their neighbors but harbor malice in their hearts,

kUn];SU,pL,lUc]'(An]kUn];SU,pL,lUc]SG],hqc];Kt];sG]hQt];nn].) = Superhuman, adj. above or beyond what

is human: a superhuman effort,

kUn];SU;tgc];'(hG]:pQn]kUn];SU;tgc];ekL.nuic]:')' = Man of prayer, person of prayer: to be a person of prayer,

kBn];eSekL.ekL.' = Anyone else,

kBn];eSL,Kaw],'(kUn];eSL,wan]:)'kUn];eSL,' = Herald, N. messenger: village herald, omen,

kUn];Sibk];'[luk]:Siuk];'{ = Warrior, soldier, troop,

kUn];Siuk];kw],' = Ex military, ex army soldier, fomer soldier,

kUn];Suik];sUiw];mat],sQp];' = Wounded warriors,

kUn];Siuk];Tak]:' luk]:Suik];Tak]:' = Veteran,

kUn];Suik];nG];tp].'(Suik];pUin]:n}.nm]lUiw]kUn];Suik];nG];tp].mn];nn].pUn].tI:nL,Et.Et.wL:wL:yw].')'= Army

of men: His army of men was greatly outnumbered.,

kBn];Suiw].' = Buyer,

kUn];Suiw].'kUn];mL;Suiw].'(Kt];-kUn];Ka}'kUn];mL;Ka}') = Purchaser, buyer, (ant: seller),

kUn];Suiw].eS,n}.pQn]Pa},sG]:tL,eS,' = Customer is always right, Phrase,

kUn];Suip].yip];tuiw];' kUn];Suiw].kin]' = Customer, N. buyer, customers,

kBn];Sibw].eS,'kt]<Stm]mL,' = Customer, N. buyer; patron, customers,

kUn];SGac];Kgn],'(hG]:mI;van],lqt];emLsG].sa},ciunn];etL<lL<kUn];SGac];Kgn]Kw]pn]')' = Taxpayer, (spend

taxpayers’ dollars wisely),

kUn];SG],van],kn]hQt];'(nUic];-kUn];pL;kn]kYam],'/sUw];kn]pqt].kin]') = Conniver, N.,(compares ‘colluder’)

kUn];vWp];l}:nG];pac]Suik];'[kUn];tivgp];l}:nG];pac]Suik];'{ = Prisoner of War (POW), captives in war,


Seer, N. a person who prophesies future events; prophet; a person who is reputed to have special powers of divination,

kBn];tc];nm]' = A lot of people,

kBn];tc];la}' = Men, people,

kUn];tc];la}' kBn];miBc];' = Public, people,

kUn];tc];la}'pL:nL:kUn];tc];la}'(Kt];-pUk].klikekL.lQw]'Am],hG]:PG]hU.') = Publicly, adv.,(ant: privately)

kUn];tc];la}n}.tit];hg}:sp];sgm];eKL:kGam];mn];w}.yw].' = People hung on his words,

!kUn];tc];la}n}.Am],l}:mI;An]wL:ygn];lgt]:nn].lgt]:n}.n}Sc]yw]."@ = “People are

without excuse.”(Ro.1:20), excuses,


tc];kUn];tm];yuiw]./nm].tI:nG];pac]pg};t};'){ = Cupbearer, N. a servant who fills and serves wine cups, as in a royal

palace or at an elaborate banquet,

kUn];tm];Kw]:tm];Pk];' = Waiter, waitress,

kUn];tac]tUw]' = Agent, N., delegate, representative,

kBn];tac]tBw]'[ekL./PU:km].'PU:tac]tUw]/tqn];Pgc];'{ = Delegate, N. deputy; representative,

kBn];/PU:tac]tBw]'[ekL./PU:km].'PU:tac]tUw]/tqn];Pgc];'{ = Delegate, N. deputy; representative, delegation,

kUn];tac]tUw]pa};mak]:mI;' = Economic agent,

kUn];tac]tUw]Aqt].SRKOw];' = Escrow Agent,

kBn];tac],ekL.' = Someone else,

kUn];tac],ekL.'kBn];eSekL.ekL.' mI;PG]Tqc]:' = Anyone else,

kBn];tac],ekL.Kw]' = Other persons

kUn];tac],siUw].tac],KiUw];' = Gentiles,

kUn];tac],tI:SI,lqn]' = People or person outside of your community,

kUn];tac].yan];'[kUn];mUic];kU:sUiw].kU:KUiw];yU,nG];es:tgn]:El:es:wQc];tac].yan];nG];mUic];t};pgt];hgc],{' =

Tangyanese, adj. N. a native or inhabitant of Tangyan; of relating to or characteristic of Tangyan,

kUn];tam];sn].ehL:' = Junior driver,



:'Kaw],lInn].ekL:l}:Aw]ehL;lat]:pn]tI:kUn];Pan]Kw]yU,yw]."@(mqt]:'11;5')' =“The

blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are

raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.”(Mtt. 11:5),


kUn];tL,mgt],nc],kn]nam];Agn]kn]n}suic]'KLetpL;kn]tUk];luk];lw]kGL,yw].')' = Blind leads the blind: “If the

blind leads the blind, both will fall into a pit”(Mtt.15:14),

kUn];tLmgt],Entac];'[ekL.tLmgt],Am],hn]tLn}.Sm].hQt];kUn];Entac];pUin]:nn].{ = Blind guides,

kUn];tL;SI' kUn];ygm].nm].yL:' = Painter,

kBn];tin]la}mibw];pw],' = Empty-armed people,

kUn];tQk];kqn].cqn].eKL;'An]tQk];kqn].cqn].eKL;' = Tormentor, N.,

kUn];tQk];tQc]pUin]:'(SeT;ekL.tQk];tQc]pUin]:) = Oppressor, N. Rich oppressor,

kUn];tqm]:Kaw],' = Correspondent,

kUn];tqm]:Kaw],ngk]:mUic];' = Foreign correspondent,

kUn];tqm]:wgk];' kUn];tqm]:kGam];lc],kL,' es;er;' = Poet, N. ,

kUn];/ekL.tisG].Tut],'[kUn];tiAw]kUn];ekL.nuic]:kGL,eSsG].Aw]cuin];mL;Tut],ekL.Kam],titac]'{= Kidnapper,N.,

kUn];tuk].Kit' kBn];hk];kBn];kqc].' Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' tbk].Kit' = Disabled, N., disabiled, adj.,

kUn];tut]:'[kUn];mI;erL;kL,tac];pQn]'kUn];pQn]tut]:'{ = Leper, N. a person who has leprosy; the diseased person,

kBn];tBk];Kgk]:AmbSI;wI;l] = Civil Prisoner

kUn];tUk];Tgc],' kUn];Tgc],' = Offender,

kUn];tUk];Tgc],kQw],lUv]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:' = Prisoner of Christ Jesus,

kUn];tUk];Tgc],kgp]:pUiw]:pun]:tL,JPL;' = Prisoner for the Lord,

kBn];tUk];Tgc],ygn].kan]pa};miBc];' kUn];tUk];Kgk]:kan]pa};miUc];' = Political Prisoner,

kBn];tBk];Tgc],pI<yaw];' = Long-term convict

kUn];tUk];Tgc],rL,swUt]:tam],nk];' = Felony Offender,

kBn];tBc].nuic]' ekL.tUc].nuic]' kUn];tUc].nuic]hQt];Sac]:eSAn]An]' = Activist,

kUn];tUv];' = Bystanders, passerby, observer, chance spectator,

kUn];tUv];pg};' kUn];mL;pg};' kUn];pn]hqc];tUv];' kUn];Tgm],yin];' = Audience,

kUn];tUv];pg};sUiw];yU,yQn]SI,SI,w}.' = Dormant audience,

kUn];tUw]tu' = Artificial person, -An entity or “thing”, especially a

corporation, that the law gives some of the legal rights and duties of a person,

kUn];tu'kUn];pgm]'(nUic];kn]tc];!kUn];Et.@)' = Artificial human, fake human, (compare to “real human”),

kUn];Et.'(nUic];kn]tc];!kUn];tu'kUn];pgm]'@)' = Real human, (compare to “artificial or fake human”),

kUn];Et.'(kUn];]tc];rUw];pgt]<')' = Real human: Humans Vs. Robots,

kBn];Et.kUn];wL:' kUn];suiw]:liuw];hUc]' = People of eminence, person of eminence,

kUn];Et.Et.'(sw]:ey,Sul}:Kam],hQt];pQn]kUn];Et.Et.) = Fully human: Jesus Made Fully Human,

kUn];ta}' ta}'(nUic];-mI;sG]'kUn];lip];') = Dead, N. the dead; death; dead people, (compare ‘the living’)

kBn];ta}Pak],' = Paralyze,

kBn];ta}Pak],(tac];pQn])' pQn]kUn];ta}Pak],' erL;kL,kUn];ta}Pak],' = Paralysis,

kUn];ta}Aik],kUn];lip];'(sw]:ey,SupQn]sw]:nUiw]kUn];ta}Aik],kUn];lip];') = The death and the living,

kBn];etL,kBn];lgc];' kBn];lgc];' = Gambler, bettor, gamester, player,

kUn];etL,kgp].f]' kUn];lQn]:kgp].f]' = Golfer,


l:ekL.An]Am],p},sG]:kUn];etL,kgp].f]lqn],eSetL,hLhG]:l}:ciun];l}:tgc];nn].'{' = Amateur Golfer, one

who plays golf for the challenge it presents, not as a professional and not for financial gain,( rules of amateur status, USGA),


ekL.An]Am],p},sG]:kUn];etL,kgp].f]lqn],eSetL,hLhG]:l}:ciun];l}:tgc];nn].'{' = Junior Golfer, an amateur

golfer who has not reached a specified age as determined by the governing body,( rules of amateur status, USGA),

kUn];etL,kgp].f]lqn],'[lgc]:etL,kgp].f]pQn]kan]hLlQc].tgc].{' = Golf professional, Golf Pro,

kUn];etL,]'(kgp].f])' = Opponent,( golf ),competitor,

kUn];etL,tUw]'(ekL.Am],mIPG]sg}:Am],l}:lgc];sg}:tI:PG]Sc]eShQt];hLkin]hc];kUv];) = Self-helper,

kUn];etL;SyG],' kUn];k}.sG]lm]' = Angry person,

kBn];etL;huk],' = Weaver,

kUn];tuik];Kqn],'[Suik];ht];han]kqn],Kqc]'{ = Good fighter, N. strong warrior,

kUn];tuik];Kqn],Sut];'(eyL;8;3') = Best fighting men,

kUn];tgt]:Em;' kUn];pn]Em;' = Voter,


' = Eunuch, N. a castrated man, especially one formerly employed by Oriental rulers as a harem guard or palace official,

kUn];tgn]'[kUn];sa};ekL.kUit],mL;Am],mI;K},hm]/tgn]hm]mn];pqt]:yw].nn].{' = Eunuch,(Medical),

kUn];tg},kI,tL<'kUn];tg},tic],' = Guitarist, N.,

kUn];tg},Sa}lUm];'kUn];yip];Sa}lUm];' = Telegraphist, N.,

kUn];tg},/epL.'Kgn].tg},/epL.'kUn];hQt];kan]sUiw];luk].Enkac]sG]' = Striker, N., strikers,

kUn];tg},hic],'kUn];Kw],hic],' = Bell ringer, N.,

kUn];/PU:tg},hgk]:'[ekL.Aw]Kgn],tg},tg},hgk]:/Kw],hG]:emL;SQc]'{ = Wooden bell ringer or striker,

kUn];Tw]:'Tw]:'[pU,Tw]:tc];na};Tw]:{ = Old, adj. N. old man and woman,

kUn];Tw]:kUn];Ek,' = Elderly person,

kUn];Tan]:kac]' kUn];sn].kac]' = Middle class,

kUn];Tan]:tqm],' kUn];sn].tqm],' = Second-class, inferior, of a secondary class or quality,

kUn];Tan]:tqm],'[kUn];mI;sn].Pa},tG]:sn].kac]nn].{' = Lower class, a class of people below the middle class,

kBn];Tam];kan]Kbn]' = Civil Servant,

kUn];Tam];kan]Suik];'[ekL.pL;nG];sbm];tp].Sibk];{' = Serviceman, a memer of the armed forces of a country,

kUn];Tic];St];'kUn];lQc].St];'(kUn];lQc].kGa};'kUn];lQc].Ep.') = Guard, N. herder,

kUn];Tic];luk]:Agn],' nL<nI,' (kUn];kin]sac]:Tic];luk]:Agn],pn]tI:hUin];pUin]:') = Nanny, a person usually

with special training employed to care for children in a household,











pUn].'sL,kGL,'n}.pQn]kUn];TQc]sL;/En;sI.En;esL.'{' = Sorehead, N. a disgruntled person especially an

unsportsmanlike loser; complainer,

kUn];Tqn];yac]:nc]'[ekL.emL/hQt];kan]hG]:nc]kYam];pin],pQn]Pqn],nc]tL,yQp].KUw];lQc];{' = Tanner, N.,


nI:'@){ = Debtor, N. a person who is in debt or under financial obligation to another (opposed to creditor),

kUn];Tut],lik]:'kUn];kU;lik]:' = Copyist, N.,

kUn];Tup].KQn],Km];tQk];/Km];Kqp];' = Gold beaters, people beating gold to make gold leaf,

kBn];T},hac]:' = Photographer,

kUn];Tuic].cUiw]:cL.' = Foolish people,

kBn];TUin],' = Guerilla,

kUn];TUiw]SUv];Sqc]' = Gem cutter, Jeweler: a jeweler or gem cutter engraves a seal or signet,

kBn];nc],kn]' = Fellowman, N., fellow human being, fellow creature,

kUn];nc],kn]tUv];Tuic]kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Humanitarian, adj. N.,

kUn];nc],kn]tUv];Tuic]kn]'(wL,t) = Humanitarianism, N.,

kUn];naw]' kUn];naw]kUn];eKL.' kUn];Am],epL;yU,lIkin]wan]' = Sick, the sick,

kUn];naw]' kUn];pQn]' = Sick people,

kBn];nL:liUm]:'(yL,hQt];luk]:Agn],nL:lUim]:) = Sycophant, N. a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite,

kUn];nL:hiUn];ey;' epL:Em:luk]:lac];tc];hiUn];' = Household, a family including its servants,

kUn];nL:hUin];ey;JPL;sw]:'(1Tim];3;15)' = God’s household, household of God, (1Tim.3:15),

kUn];nL:hUin];ey;AL,run],'(SL,115;12') = Household of Aaron, Aaron’s household, (Ps. 115:12),

kBn];nIpa}:Pa},nG];miBc];' = Internally Displace Persons (IDPs)

Displaced, N. persons who lack a home as through destruction of their previous shelter: Internally Displaced Person (IDP),=


kUn];nIpa}:Pa},nG];miUc];' = Internally displaced person,

kBn];nbm],'[ASak]:18Kibn]:niBw]etL,29KBp],{' pan]num],' = Youth, young adult,

kBn];nbm],' pan]num],' = Youth, adolescent person,

kUn];num],Sqn];hun]:mG],' = Younger generation,

kUn];num],18KUp],etL,29KUp],' = Young adults age 18to 29,

kUn];num],Pgc];hqc];wuin].' pan]num],Pgc];hqc];kqn],Kqc]PG];Pa}' = Vigorous youngster,

kUn];Enkac]sG]'[ekL.luk].Pibn].Kgm]:Kt];'luk].Enkac]sG]'{= Picket, N. a person engage in any similar demonstration,

as against a government’s polies or actions, before and embassy, office building, construction project, etc. triker; demonstrater,

kUn];nUiw].Kaw]KUn]hUw]Kaw]lUic]Km];' = Blond, blond person, of a person having light-colored hair and skin.,

kUn];ngk]:'(kgp].f])' = Outside agency,( golf ),

kUn];ngk]:'[ekL.Am],sG]:kUn];nG];sum];{kUn];ngk]:sum];' = Outsider, a person not belonging to a particular group,

kUn];ngk]:lqk]:mn];'(ekL.Am],kQw]sgm];pL;sgm];Pa}lG])'kUn];yU,Ek:mn];' = Third party,


w];Am],sG].tuiw];tI:kan]l}:El:Am],sgm];An]];nn].'{ = Dreamer, N. a person who dreams; who lives in a

world of fantasy; one who is impractical and unrealistic,

kUn];nG];sw]:Krit]:'(kUn];nG];sw]:Krit]:ekL.nuic]:) = Man in Christ,[a man in Christ,(2Cor.12:2)],

kUn];nG];'[kUn];Kw]:sum];ekL.nuic]:{'kUn];nG];sum];'ekL.Pa},nG];'= Insider, a person who is a member of a group,

kUn];nG];sum];hw];lgn].lgn].kUv];' = Only people from our group,

kUn];nG];nL:tI:tgt]:Kqp];Em;' = Constituents,

kUn];nG];nL:hiUn];ey;' kUn];nG];nL:hUin];ey;lQw]kn]' = Member of family,

kUn];nG];nL:hUin];ey;' = Household members, members of household, family member,

kUn];nG];hac]:nG];ehL' = King’s household,

kUn];pk];tLtUv];' kUn];pG].kac]' kUv];pG].tUv];' = Watcher, watchman,

kUn];pt];PQw]:' kUn];pG].pak],Pk];tU' = Janitor,

kUn];pt];yU;' = Sweeper, a janitor,


Smgk],pn]wL:pQn]hUemL:tgc];n}yw].(mn];sm]hUemL:tgc];nL,nL:)){' = Informant, informer,

kUn];pn]Kaw],Sa}ca}nL:fL.' = Weather person,

kUn];pn]hqc];tUv];' kUn];tUv];pg};' kUn];mL;pg};' = Audience,

kUn];pn]hqc];tUv];sUiw];yU,yQn]SI,SI,w}.' = Dormant audience,

kUn];pak],pn]tac];']tac];'ekL.hQt];SQn]:tac];pn]' = Way maker,

kUn];pL;kn]kYam],'kUn];sUw];kn]pqt].kin]'[ekL.pL;kn]Pit];{ = Colluder, N. conspirer,

kUn];pL;KUic]:lak]:nak]:'(kUn];pL;KUic]:lak]:nak]:sgm];mn];'(Sin]9;54') = Armor-bearer,

kUn];pL;lqw];'[kUn];ekL.pL;lqw];yip];lqw];Pn];pUin]:'{= Swordsman, N. a fencer or soldier, swordsmen,

kUn];hQt];tac];'[kUn];Em;tac];'{ = Road worker, road repairer,

kUn];pat],Kw]:' = Reaper,

kUn];pan]Tan]:yG],' pan]Tan]:yG],' = Grown-up, N. an adult,

kBn];pL;kn]Pit];(An]Pit];rL,swBt]:)' = Conspirator,

kUn];pL;sgm];' ekL.pL;sgm];' = Schemer, conniver,

kUn];/sak]:tm]Kw]:' sak]:/kUn];epL.Kw]:' = Thresher, rice thresher,

kBn];pin],EpkGam];' kUn];pin],PL,SL,' = Translator,

kUn];pin],EpkGam];la};emLkan]'[pin],pn]Pa},pa};Sa}'pk];pUic]'pa};yL:yL'la};Tqk]:emLvan],Kiut];kap]:'sL.kGL,{' =

Technical Translator,


sat]:sUic];sUiw];n}.nn].'{' = Literary Translator, a translator who works with novels, stories, poem or plays,

kUn];pin],EpkGam];hLkin]lQc].tgc].' = Freelance Translator,

kUn];pQn]' kUn];naw]' = Patient, patients, sick person,


SekL:kUv];kL:Am],l}:Aw]tac],hUc];yLw}.nn].'{ = Outpatient, N. a patient who receives treatment at a hospital, as

in an emergency room or clinic, but is not hospitalized,


Inpatient, N. a patient who stay in a hospital while receiving medical care or treatment,

kUn];pQn]erL;kL,K}:naw]' kUn];pQn]' kUn];naw],' = Sick people, sick person, patient,

kBn];pQn]Amb' = Litigant


= Stranger, N., strangers,

kUn];pqk],nL:lak],la};Am],tgn].hn]'pUin]:Sqk],lqk],' = Total stranger,

kBn];pqt]:la}' = God-for-nothing, scum, person who is good-for-nothing,

kUn];pqt]:la}'[kUn];Am],mI;kL:Kn]/ha}.mUik]:{' = Scum, N. a worthless or evil person; a social outcast; offscourings,

kUn];pqt].kUn];lqn]' = Liar,

kUn];puc],kac]' (mG];n}.Am],sG]:kUn];puc],kac]kUv];')' = Average person, (You’re not average.),

kUn];puc],kac]'[Kt];sG]tan],tan],Am],epL;lIepL;sL.Am],lut]:Am],ham];{ = Average one,(B-players),

kBn];pbt],AmBv], = Heir

kUn];ep.pun]:pUin]:' = Bully, N. a blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and

intimidates smaller or weaker people, bullies,

kBn];ep.AmB. = Decree-holder/Judgment creditor

kUn];p}tac];' = Pedestrians, N. walker,

kBn];pa}:eP;' = Refugee

kBn];epL.pUv];' = Boxer,

kBn];puik].mL.' = Horse breaker,

kBn];pgk];' kUn];Aqk];' = Short person, dwarf,

kUn];pgc];ePL,' ekL.pgc];ePL,' = Company,

kUn];pgc].emL;Em;En;siEn;seL.'[kUn];Kac];pgc].Aum];Aum];'{ = Grumbler, N. murmurer, grumblers,

kBn];pYak]:' = Comedian, joker, jokester, laughs,

kBn];pG].'kUn];pG].kac]' kUv];pG].tUv];' = Watcher, watchman,

kUn];pG].' kUn];sgm];' = Attendant, follower, escort, servant,

kUn];pG].'sw]:pG].'[kUn];pG].kUw];l]'sw]:kUw];l]{'kUn];/ekL.pG].tUv];' = Keeper, (goal keeper,)

kUn];pG].kac]' = Watchman, N. a person who keeps guard, watchmen,

kUn];pG].kUin],tUwac];w}.kL;' kUn];pG].Pk];tUhUc];w}.kL;' = Parking lot attendant,

kUn];pG].kum];Tic];'kUn];/ekL.kum];' = Guard, N. a person or group of persons that guards, protect, or keep watch,

kUn];pG].Sqc],' = Shopkeeper, storekeeper,

kUn];pG].SUn]' kUn];lum];lL;SUn]AU;yQn],' = Gardener,


= Timekeeper, N. a person employed to keep account of the hours of work done by others,

kUn];pG].Tic];kzc];' = Temple guards,

kBn];pG].Tgc],' = Jail watchman, prison watchman,

kUn];pG].pL;kum];Tic];lgc]:cm];yQn]' = Peacekeeper,


t];kGL,lt];mL;tI:tac];kUin],tUnn].{' = Gatekeeper, N., guardian, watchman,

kUn];pG].lum];lL;krin];' = Green keeper,

kBn];Pn];m}.' kUn];pgm]:m}.' = Woodcutter,


:kgn];hUiw];min]lm];nn].nn].{ = Copilot, N. a pilot who is second in command of an aircraft, copilots,

kUn];Pat],Puc]'[kUn];Kw]:sum];eSekL.ekL.An]Pat],yan]k}tc];PU:Agn]hUw]/PU:mI;sn].Kw]w}.nn].'{' = Rank

and file, the members of a group or organization apart from its leaders or officers., rank-and-file,

kBn];Pan]' = Poor

kUn];Pan]' kUn];kgt];kUn];Pan]' kUn];Pan]kUn];kqn];' = Poor person,

kBn];Pan]miBc];' = Stateless people, statelessness,

kBn];Pan]hUin];' = Homeless, homeless people, homelessness,

kUn];Pan]AU:' kUn];Pan]epL:' = Fatherless,

kUn];Pan]Am],mI;t};ekL.eSekL.'kUn];Pan]Am],mI;ekL.mI;eS:' = Friendless poor,

kUn];Pit];rL,swUt]:'An]Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Criminal, adj. N. a person guilty or convicted or a crime,

kUn];PIKw]:' = Medium, N. a person through whom the spirits of the dead are alleged to be able to contact the living,


c]lac]nUiw]lin]mUic];'luk]:KUiw];sn].Tan]:Suc]'kUn];sap]:sUiw].PI'{(cw]:6;4)' = Nephilim, the offspring of marriages

between ‘the sons of God’ and the ‘daughters of men’ (Gen. 6:4); giants in on the earth; children of the supernatural beings,

kUn];Puk],Pc]Alac];' = Investor,-One who makes investment,

kUn];Puk],Pc]Alac];ekL.etL,ekL.'(pUk].klikPuk],Pac]Alac];tL,sw]:kw],)= Individual Investors

kUn];Puc]yuc]:yc]:'(kQw],/Pa},-) = Mob, adj. realting to lawlessness, irrational, disorderly, or riotous crowd,

kUn];Puc]yuc]:yc]:' = Mob, N., the mob,

kUn];/PU:Kw]:sum];'kUn];/PU:Kw]:mU,sum];' = Team member,

kUn];/PU:pgc],Kaw],'};can];' = Reporter, N. a person who reports or informs,

kUn];EP.'nL:hac]:EP.'EP.'[sG]EP.'{ = Unchaste, adj. bawdy; lascivious; sensual, unchastely, adv.,

kBn];Pa},ngk]:' kUn];ngk]:sum];' = Outsider, outside agency,


SYyL<Kgm],pnIKw]El:k}.pQn]An]mqp]:Enlgc]:wL:Kn]cuin].mUk].Stgk].Kw]n}.sac]:eK;etKiun]:n}nn].{' = Insider

buying, insider buying is the purchase of shares of stock in a corporation by someone who is a director, officer, or employee of

a company. Insider buying should not be confused with insider trading. The act of insider trading refers to corporate insiders

making trades based on private information, a deed that is illegal. Insider buying is based on public information and often occurs 

when insiders believe that their stock is undervalued. Insider buying often occurs when employees believe that the public is not

valuing their stocks properly. Knowing that insiders are purchasing stock can signal future stock appreciation,

kUn];Pa},nG];lqk]:kU;mqn]:pUic]'(cuin];mUk];Stgk].)' = Legal Insider Trading,

kUn];Pa},nG];kL.kU;Am],mqn]:pUic]'(cuin];mUk];Stgk].)' = Illegal Insider Trading,








yw]."{= Insider Trading, (investopedia) the buying or selling of a security by someone who has access to material

nonpublic information about the security. Insider trading can be illegal or legal depending on when the insider makes the trade.

It’s illegal when the material information is still nonpublic. Illegal insider trading includes tipping others when you have any sort

of nonpublic information. Legal insider trading happens when directors of the company purchase or sell shares, but they disclose

their transactions legally,

kUn];Pa},pL:nm]lUla}AL,nL,' = Majority tyranny,

kBn];Pa},f};fL.' = Electrician,

kUn];Pa},eA,/kUn];KUiw];Agn],sw]:AL,nL,kqm]tUw]' = Tyranny or the Minority,

kUn];Pa};lam]:Kt];hUw]hUiw];' = Bow, N.(Nautical) also called bowman, bow oar,

kUn];Pa};hiUw];' (kBn];ehL:hiUw];') = Sailor, crew memer, (Crew),

kBn];Puik];' = Beginner,

kUn];Puik];'[kUn];tuik].hLPuik];mG],'{'ekL.tuik].Puik];hQt];' = Apprentice, N. beginner; learner; novice; tyro,

kBn];Piuk];hQn];' = Trainee,

kBn];Puik];Sgn]' KU;Piuk];Sgn]' = Trainer,


= Demon-possessed, demonic, with a demon: a boy with a demon, demonic boy, demon-possessed,(the healing of a boy

with a demon(Mtt.17:14-23),

kUn];JPL;sw]:' = God’s people, people of God,

kUn];JPL;sw]:Sip];Sgc]KUiw];'[kUn];KUiw];AiSer;Sip];Sgc]KUiw];{ = Twelve tribe, “the Twelve Tribes”,

kUn];JPL;sw]:pUic],w}.eKLeKL' = God’s special possession, people belonging to God, God’s own people,

kUn];JPL;sw]:lUik]:kQp];w}.' = God’s elect,

kUn];JPL;sw]:lUik]:w}.' = God’s chosen people,

kUn];mk];kL:Kn]pn]' = Appraiser,

kBn];mk].lw]:'kUn];mk].wa}<' = Drinker, alcohol drinker, wine drinker,

kBn];mw];lw]:' = Drunkard, intoxicated person,

kUn];mak]:mI;lUc]'(rut].2;1') = Man of standing, a man of great wealth; mighty man; worthy man; influential man,


{(mn];n}.pQn]kUn];hUw]Kqc]mc]kU:la};kL:mn];etL,eSEl:wUn].Sgn],wL:epL;yw].mL;ethn]kGL:n}tL,eS,yw].') =

Opportunist, N.: He is an extreme opportunist and always thinks the ends justify the means, opportunism,

kUn];mac]ekL.' eSekL.ekL.'mac]ekL.' = Somebody, someone, some person,

kBn];mac]ekL.n}.Kam]:pBn].kw]kGL,pqt]:yw].' = Somebody walked out on me,

kUn];mac]siUw];' piBn]:tac],ekL.' = Other people,

kUn];man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,' = The righteous,

kUn];mL:ygc],'mL:ygc],'[ekL.huit];TQk];SG],SQc]yG],SQc]lUc]/huk].ha}.haw]:kYam];nL,'kUn];ygc],kUn];mL:'{ = Maniac, N. a

raving or violently insane person; lunatic, maniacal, adj.,

kUn];mL:ygc],'[ekL.hQt];nc],pQn]kUn];ygc],'{= Madman, N. a person who is or behaves as if insane; lunatic; maniac,

kUn];mL;piuc]:' = Client,

kUn];mL;yU,mG],' = New resident,


An]Agk],Kaw];tac];Am],nn]An]ca};lgc]:sUiw];nn].eSmL;El,'Kqk],'{ = Visitor, N. a person who visits, as for

reasons or friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like; guest,

kUn];mQw];nuic]:eKLeKL'(mG];pQn]kUn];mQw];nuic]:eKLeKLsQm]cw]:puic];mn];nn].)' = One-of-a-kind, (You are a-oneof-a-kind original.),

kUn];mqn]];'(epL;vL;kUn];mqn]];ekL:etlIkn]],wL:yw].) = Real people, real person,

kBn];mI;'SeT;' kUn];mak]:mI;'/mI;ciun];Km];nm]'/mak]:mI;lIpQn]' = Rich, N., rich person,

kUn];mI;kan]es.muiw];' = Workflows, the flow or amount of work to and from an office, department, or employee.,

kUn];mI;sn].'kUn];sgm];piUc]' = Moral man,

kUn];mI;sG]ASak]:lip];yU,'An]mI;sG]yU,' = Living being, living soul,(Gen. 2:7)

kUn];mI;Sun],l}:tgt]:Kqp];kac]sG]Kw]l}:tgt]:Kqp];kac]sG]kU:ekL.' = Universal suffrage,

kUn];mI;tac];hU.'(mn];pQn]kUn];mI;tac];hU.ekL.nuic]:) = Learned man, man of learning: He is a learned man,

kUn];mI;tac];hU.'(yUp]34;2') = Men of learning, who know or have knodlwdge,

kUn];mI;nm].sG]miUn]kn]' miUn]kn]' = Counterpart, match, duplicate,

kUn];mI;pic],vL,' (Kt];kn]-kUn];Am],mI;pic],vL,') = Educated,(ant: uneducated,)

kUn];mI;lUc]'SeT;cuin];lan].'[ekL.mI;KUw];lQc];ciun];Km];kL:Kn]tan],lan].Kiun]:nUiw]{' = Millionaire, N.,

kBn];mI;ApYt]:' = Sinner

kUn];mL;kin]sac]:'ekL.sac]:mL;hQt];kan]' = Hired worker, a hired laborer,

kUn];mI;ApYt]:nm]'(kw]KL:n}.pQn]kUn];mIApYt]:nm]nL,eAL:"(luk].4;8') = Sinful man,

kBn];mI;Aac],kL,es;lI'[mI;Aac],kL,es;lI'{(Kt];-tuk].Kit'kUn];tuk].Kit')= Able-bodied, N. nondisabled;

unimpaired,(ant: disabled), abled, adj.N.,

kUn];mun];kL,TL,'[mun];kL,TL,'{= Charmer, N. a person claiming or seeming to have magical powers; casts spell,

kUn];mUt];sac],'ekL.mUt];sac],' = Saints,

kUn];mU,niuc]:' = Little group of people,

kBn];Em;sak]:' (kUn];Em;kL;'kUn];Em;rTL;') = Mechanic, (automobile/car mechanic, train mechanic,)

kUn];Em;lgt],nm].' = Plumber,

kUn];ma}Amt]:' KUic]:ma}'(KUic]:ma}nQp];lin]w}.EntI:mak],mI;') = Marker, (golf),

kUn];emLtqm]:hQt];hac]:' (ekL.-') = Artist,

kBn];emLeSL,emLyUc];' = Troublemaker, inciter, instigator,

kUn];emLSa},kUw],pa};sG]' = Psychologist,

kUn];emLtqm]:hQt];hac]:' = Artist,

kUn];emLtuic]:tgc]:lit];'emLtuic]:tgc]:lit];' = Piper, N.(Music),

kUn];emLTUw];terL;' emLterL;' = Violinist, N.,

kUn];emLpw],pI,'emLpw],tuic]:pI,En;KrL,' = Trumpeter, N., trumpeters,

kUn];/ekL.emLPIKw]:' = Medium, N. a person through whom the spirits of the dead are alleged to be able to contact

the living,

kUn];emLmuiw];lUc].lqn],kt].Kqn],'(Agk],36;8') = Expert hand, skillful workman,

kUn];emLyum],mat]:'(pQn]};emLyum],mat]:) = Man of faith: the man of faith,

kUn];emLlqn]' = Deceiver, swindler, cheat, conniver, liar,

kUn];emLla};' kUn];lQn]:la};' = One who performs martial arts,


tgc]:lit];sL.kGL,{' = Musician, N., musicians group,


la}la}kUv];')' = Sweet-talker, N. He is a sweet-talker, but in reality, he’s has a lowlife full of empty promises,

kUn];miun]Kuiw]tuiw]'[kUn];nLTuiw]'{ = Clod, N. a stupid person; blockhead; dolt,



.lqn],kt].Kqn],!Aqk];spUit]<@nn].)'{' = Marksman, N. a person who shoots well, marksmen,

kUn];muiw];/yuiw];mqn]:'[ekL.yuiw];kgc]:Kqn],mqn]:ekL:mqn]:{ = Sharpshooter, N. a person skilled in shooting,

kBn];miBk]:' kBn];ha}.miBk]:' = Evil one, evil person,

kBn];miBk]:kUt].kqk];ygk];' = Wicked person, the wicked,

kUn];mUik]:pa}.pL;KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];' kUn];/AkYac].mUik]:tG]:Sin]:tG]:SUiw]:' = Sexist, N.,

kUn];mUik]:lUic];'[kUn];Am],mI;Kgp],mI;pUic]'{ = Villain, N. scoundrel, villains,

kBn];miBc];' kBn];miBc];tac];la}' = People, Public,

kBn];miBc];kB:siBw].kB:KiBw];' = Nations, all nations,

kUn];mUic];kU:sUiw].kU:KUiw];Kw]n}.pQn]AmUv],sw]:hw];pUic],w}.nn].tc];SQc]:eAL:"(SL,82;8')' = All

the nations are your inheritance, it is you who possesses all the nation,

kUn];mUic];kU:sUiw].kU:KUiw];tUk];sG]kUw]Sn],' = Nations quake:“…cause nations to quake before you!,(Isa.64:2)

kUn];mUic];/kGam];lat]:AI<lm],'(man],2;9') = Elamite, N. a native or inhabitant of ancient Elam, Elamites,

kBn];miBc];Kw]TBp];eP;KQn]' = Public danger,

kUn];mUic];Kw]l}:mI;lgc]:PQc];pQc];mUin]kn]mUt];' = Equality among all people,

kUn];mUic];KL,nn],'kUn];KUiw];KL,nn],'[kUn];yU,nG];Pqn],lin]KL,nn],{(ehL;20;17') = Canaanites,

kUn];miUc];KUc];kac]' = Humankind, mankind,

kUn];mUic];KUw]lUw]nI,Kw]' kUn];mUic];KUw]<lUw],nI,Kw]' = Colonist, an inhabitant of a colony,

kUn];mUic];RKit].'[RKit].pQn]kun]nG];mUic];krik].'{(man],2;11')' = Cretan, adj. N. a native or inhabitant of Crete,







34ekL.'){' = Direct and universal system of elections,

kUn];mUic];SI;rI;y'[kUn];ekL.An]kp];ka},kn]Am],nn]ekL:yU,nG];mUic];SI;rI;ynn].{ = Syrian, N.,


<min]<nn].'(eyL;1;15'){ = Sabeans, [the inbitants of Sheba, an ancient country of southwest Arabia, now known as

Yemen (Job 1:15)],

kUn];mUic];SYqk];Kqm],' = Shechemites,

kUn];mUic];tmt].Skt].' = Damascene, N. an inhabitant of Damascus,

kUn];mUic];tc];pQn]An]nuic]:An]lQw]kn]'(cw]:11;6')' = As one people,

kUn];mUic];t};El:tgn]:Pa},pUk].klik' = Tai people and the private sector,


= Ninevite, N. a native or inhabitant of Nineveh, the ancient capital of Assyria, Ninevites,

kBn];miBc];ngk]:'[kUn];suic]:mUic];tac],mUic];{' = Foreigner, aliens,

kBn];miBc];ngk]:mL;yU,'[kUn];mUic];ngk]:ekL.mL;yU,w}.nG];mUic];mUic];nuic]:{'kUn];mUic];ngk]:' = Alien, N. foreigner,

kUn];mUic];ngk]:mL;yU,Am],mqn]:pUic]' = Illegal aliens,

kUn];mUic];pL,lqt].Sta};/tin];' = Palestinian, N. a native or inhabitant of Palestine,

kUn];miUc];pL<SYL;' = Persians,

kUn];mUic];Pk];kL,' = Private citizens, not holding public office or employment:,

kUn];mUic];yUw];yUw];'kUn];miUc];Pk];kL,' = Common people, folks, private citizen, general public,

kUn];mUic];rUw];m' = Romans,

kUn];miUc];l}:mw];mic];(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Public Intoxication,

kUn];mUic];l}:hLsw].kin]Km]:'[hQt];Am],ep.kin]Am],epL;'(kGam];man]:wL:lqt].lUk].lqt].sL;'){' = People live

from hand to mouth with little to spare,

kUn];mUic];hUm]:muiw];kn]'(hqc];kUn];mUic];hUm]:miuw];kn]SUn];tUc].niuc])' = Citizenry,(Dynamic citizenry),

kBn];miUc];AiSer;'AiSer;' = Israel, the people traditionally descended from Jacob, the Hebrew or Jewish people,

kBn];mUic];AiSer;' = Israeli, N., a native or inhabitant of modern Israel,

kUn];mUic];AiSer;hw];Kw]AUiv];'(man],5;35')' = Men of Israel,

kUn];mUic];Ain],tiy'[kL;lL;{' = Indian,

kBn];yan]miBc];'[kBn];siBw];kGL,mI;yB,ngk]:miBc];sw]:kw],{'yU,yan]mUic];' = Exile, N.,

kUn];yam]:hQt];'(sac]:kUn];yam]:hQt];') = Old hand: hire an old hand,

kBn];yic];/sa};' = Woman/man, ladies/gentlemen,

kBn];yic];Am],mI;lbk]:' = Childless woman,

kUn];yip];Sa}lUm];'[kUn];st];kan]tg},Sa}lUm];'{ = Ham, N. an operator of an amateur radio station; ham operator,

kUn];/ekL.yip];SQn]:ma}'ekL.tqm]:SQn]:ma}' = Bookkeeper, N.,

kUn];yip];kgc]:Tic];'(hG]:kUn];yip];kgc]:Tic];sum];nuic]:TUw];tac];kGL,pL:nL:) = Armed guard, armed men: with

an armed guard going ahead; let the armed men pass on before,

kUn];yim]ciun];'ekL.ygn];kU:' = Borrower, money borrower,

kBn];yQp].KUw];' = Tailor, needle worker, dressmaker,

kUn];yuk].muiw];'ekL.yuk].muiw];' = Hand raiser,

kUn];yum],PL,SL,kYO;' = Jewish believer,

kUn];yum],Pit];yum],pUic]:'[kUn];mik].SL,tik].Ti/tik].Timik].SL,'{' = Heretic, N., heretics,

kUn];yum],mat]:Kw]EPmqc],kn]KUw];lQc];Kgc]pUic]Kw]mI;' = The believers share their possessions,

kBn];ybm],mat]:' = Believer,

kUn];yum],mat]:sUiw];pat],pa}nc]' = Circumcised believers,

kUn];yum],mat]:sUiw];pQn]kUn];mUic];rUw];m' = Roman believers,

kUn];yum],mat]:sUiw];pQn]kUn];tac],sUiw].tac],KUiw];' = Gentile believers,

kUn];yUw];yUw];' = Ordinary person, ordinary people,

kUn];yB,' kUn];yU,nG];mUic];' yU,' tI:yU,'(lgc]:-) = Resident,

kUn];yU,eSeSyw].' = Permanent resident,

kUn];yU,Suip],etL,kGL,Am],Tat],' = Continuous resident,

kUn];yU,nG];nm].El:pac],la}'(cw]:10;5') = Maritime peoples,

kBn];yB,nG];miBc];Pgm].hBm]:' = Resident within the United States,

kUn];yU,nG];wQc];' kUn];wQc]' t};wQc];' = Urbanite, a resident of a city or urban community, city dweller,

kUn];yU,wQc];lUc]' = Metropolitan, N. an inhabitant of a metropolis,

kUn];yU,him];kin]sm]kn]' = Neighbor, neighborhoods,

kUn];yU,Aic]nUiw]cw];la};' = Conditional resident,

kUn];yUic]:' kUn];sUiw];yUic]:' ekL.yUic]:pUin]:' = Imitator, copyist, imitators,

kUn];ygk];'kUn];kqk];' = Bad people, bad guy,

kUn];ygc],' ygc],' = Fool, foolish, foolishness, insane person,

kUn];ygc],SeT;'[kUn];ygc],tac];mak]:mI;{(kn]hQn];kqm]tUw]tI:kUn];ygc],SeT;)' = Rich Fool: the parable

of the rich fool,

kUn];ygc],mL:mU' kUn];mL:ygc],' ygc],mL:mU' = Lunatic, an insance person,

kUn];ygc],El:ciun];mn];n}.Pat],kn]w};nL,' = A fool and his money are soon parted,(Idiom),

kUn];ygn];'kUn];ygn];kin]' = Beggar, a penniless person, panhandler,

kBn];ygn];' kUn];ygn];tac];sg}:tac];Tqm]' = Beggar, asker, person who asks for charity,

kUn];lk];lic];'(kUn];lk];lic];ekL.eA,') = Tricky dealer, cunning,

kBn];lk].' = Burglary,

kUn];lk].kUn];sUn]'[kUn];hLyL.hLsUn]'kUn];hLhim]Aw]'kuic].kc].Kw]:tuik];Sim];Aw]'{ = Pillager, N. marauder,

kUn];lk].Kw]:miUc];' = Illegal migrant,

kBn];lk].sBk];Tgc];' = Pickpocket

kUn];lk].etL.SUc],Siuw].Ka}kun],Am],SGac];Kgn],Kw]:Agk],miUc];' = Smuggler, crook, pirate,

kUn];lk].pa}:'(kUn];kQp];ciun];pL;ciun];nn].eSlk].la}:') = Absconder, N.,

kUn];lk].pa}:'kUn];lk].pa}:Tgc],' = Escapee, N. Prison escapee, escapees,

kUn];lk].pa}:'].pa}:' = Runaway, N. fugitive; deserter,

kUn];lk].yU,'[Am],l}:/mI;AKGac].yU,eSSac]:Sw];yU,w}.nn].'{ = Illegal resident,

kUn];lak],la};'[kUn];ekL.Am],tgn].yam]:l}:hn]/mL;'{' kBn];pqk],nL:' = Stranger,

kBn];lak]:Sa}.' kUn];yip];Sa}.' = Left-handed,


n]pQn]eKL:Aac]:Aic]l}:Et.Et.wL:wL:nn].El:pQn]eKL:lat]:w}.Sk];Sk];An]mI;eAL;sL,yG],hUm],cm];w}.nn].'{' =

Oracle, N. a person who delivers authoritative, wise, or highly regarded and influential statements,

kUn];lat]:Kt];' = Gainsayer, N., gainsayers,

kUn];lat]:mQw];nuic];hQt];mQw];nuic]:' = Pretender, a person who pretends, especially for a dishonest purpose;

deceiver, hypocrite,


tac],mQw];nn].'{' = Bilingual, N a person who is a native speaker of two languages.,


;ca}:ca}:kUv];kL:mn];lat]:/tqm]:kGam];lat]:An]nn].l}:tan],tan],yL,yL,kUv];Am],Kqn],lI'{= Passive Bilingual,

N. a person who has excellent comprehension of a language, but speaks or writes the language poorly,

kUn];lat]:Eh.tUw]'[kUn];lat]:Eh.tUw]tik];tik];'{= Egocentric, N. a egocentric person; the self-centered,

kUn];lat]:Am],hU.tI:pgc],tI:pQc]'kUn];lat]:Am],hU.eKL:' = Babbler, N.,

kUn];lip];' mI;sG]'lip];' (nUic];-ta}'kUn];ta}') = Living, N. usually the living, (compare ‘death, the dead’)

kUn];lQc].St];'[kUn];ekL.sgm];kum];Tic];Puc]St];pUic]lUc]mn];pQn]Puc]Ep.wUw];kGa};SUw];sUiw];nn].'{ = Herdsman,

N. a herder, herdsmen, herder, N. a person in charge of a herd, especially of cattle or sheep,

kUn];lQn]:' kUn];/ekL.etL,lQn]:' = Player, N. an actor, players,

kUn];lQn]:kgp].f]' = Golf Player,

kBn];lQn]:tac];lQn]: !kBn];lQn]:kgp].f]@ = Player, “Basketball player, Golfer, ”

kBn];lQn]:mak],nc]mBn];' = Ball players,

kUn];lQn]:mG],'kUn];mG],'[ekL.lQn]:tac];lQn]:sc],hLEt,mG],lQn]:Kqn],yU,kUv];p},emLlUc].lqn]lI'{ = Rookie, N.,

kUn];lQn]:hqc];'(An]-')' = Athletics, gymnastics,

kUn];lQn]:hqc];' = Athlet, gymnast,

kUn];lqt];Kqn],'lqt];Kqn],' = Brilliant, adj. having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc.; skillful,

kBn];lqk]:cbin];kin]' = Money Changer,

kUn];lqt];lgm]lqm]'[kUn];Sgt].Sqt].lgm]lqm]lqt];lk];lic];'{ = Weasel, N. a cunning, sneaky person,

kUn];lqn]kin]ca}:' = Dupe, N. a person who is easily deceived or fooled; gull,

kUn];lImL;yw].' = Straight up,

kUn];luk].San]Kt];Piun].Kiun];' = Protester, N., protestor, N., protesters,


w]:nn].mUiw]:n}.tik];tik];) = Now people, (be a now people, do it when you know to do it,)

kUn];lum];lL;'[kUn];lum];lL;kUn];pQn]'{nat].S]yic];'nat].S]sa};' = Nurse, N,

kUn];lUc]'[kUn];ekL.An]lm]lgc]:nL,nL,nn].'{ = V.I.P., or VIP, informal. very important person,

kBn];lBc]' = Man, gentleman,

kBn];lUc]' (kUn];lUc]el:luk]:Agn],) = Adult, (adults and children),

kUn];lUc]'[ekL.yam]:pQn]sw]:pQn]Kun]mL;yw].eStuik].mI;sG]KG]:hQt];Sac]:km].Tqm]sg}:pn]yU,{' = Patron, N.,

kUn];lBc]tibk].nbm],' kBn];nbm],kBn];km]' = Young men,

kUn];lUm];lUc]' = Pretentious person, showy/bombastic/snobbish person,

kUn];lUlgm]sg}:' ekL.lUlgm]sg}:' = Foreman, supervisor,

kUn];El,'kUn];mL;Aqw],'[kUn];ekL.Agk],Kaw];tac];pUic]lUc]mn];tL,tac];ekYL,'TU;lit].S]'{ = Tourist, N. a

person who is traveling esepeically for pleasure, tourists,

kUn];El,sL;'[kUn];kGc]tac];'kUn];Sac]law].'{ = Nomad, N. any wanderer; itinerant, nomadic, adj.,

kUn];El,sL;'kUn];ekL.kGc]tac];pUic]:tac];' = Wandering people,

kUn];El,sL;Sac]law].'[kUn];Sac]law].'{(kUn];El,sL;Sac]law].'(cw]:4;12') = Vagabond, N. nomad;

restless wanderer; vagrant: a fugitive and a vagabond,

kUn];El,luik];'[kUn];ekL.k}.El,kac]Kiun];El,huic]eSnan];pgk]:{ = Night owl, N. nighthawk,

kBn];El,hLKa}KUw];' = Hawker, a person who offers goods for sale by shouting his or her wares in the

street or going from door to door, Peddler,

kUn];El,hLw}:JPL;'kUn];El,mUic];'[kUn];Agk],El,tac],wQc];tac],mUic];{= Pilgrim N.: pilgrims to the Holy Land,

kUn];l}:Kam],tQk];tQc]w}.' kUn];l}:Kam],tQk];tQc]' = The oppressed, the afflicted,

kBn];elLEl' (mn];n}.kUn];elLEllUc]lat]:yw].Am],hQt];sgm];eSpgk]:') = Promise-breaker,

kBn];lUic];' = Wild, rude person,

kBn];lUiw]:pqn]:' kUn];lUiw]:m}.' = Sawyer,

kUn];liUw]:mak],hin]'kUn];TiUw]Sqc]KQw]'(kUn];TUiw]SUv];Sqc]') = Cutter, N.: gem cutter,

kUn];liUw]:mak],hin]'kUn];tg},mak],hin]' = Stone-cutter,

kBn];lgc];' kBn];etL,kBn];lgc];' = Gambler,


c]:hQt];Agk],pk];pUic]nn].'PU:Kw]:sum];lgp];pI<ekL.nuic]:nn].'{ = Lobbyist, N. a person who tries to influence

legislation on behalf of a special interest; a member of a lobby,


siuc]:miUc];mn];nn].) = Traitor, -A person who betrays another, or who commits treason by betraying his or her country,

kUn];wac],sL;'(Em:yic];sUiw];Sw];yU,sgm];kUn];sa};sUiw];wac],sL;') = Man who stray: Women who stay with

men who stray, strayed, straying,

kUn];wan],sUiw].wan],Pn];' kUn];wan],sUiw].Puk],Sgm]:' = Sower,

kUn];wan]:'kUn];nG];wan]:'[ekL.yU,nG];wan]:'kUn];wan]:kUn];SUn]'{ = Villager, N. an inhabitant of a village;

peasantry, villagers,

kBn];wan]:kUn];miUc];'kUn];man]:kUn];miUc];'kUn];mUic];'kUn];miUc];tc];la}' = People,

kUn];wan]:ngk]:'t};ngk]:'[(lik]:sw]:kac];SiUw]/t};kw],'){' = Countryman/woman,

kUn];wL,tKqc]pUn].tI:pUn].lqn]nL,' = Extremist,

kBn];wL:ca}:' kUn];wL:ca}:Tgm],kGam];' = Intelligent people, bright children,

kBn];wL:yap],'kUn];nLTiuw]'luk]:Agn],wL:yap],nLTuiw]' = Stupid person, stupid children,,

kUn];wL:yap],nLTuiw]' = Stupor, N. mental torpor,

kUn];wQc];' kUn];KU;kUn];wQc];' t};wQc];' = City guys, city men/women, city boy/girl,

kUn];wQc];kL,trL.' = Gadarenes, the inhabitants of Gadara, in Revised version “Gerasenes”(Mark 5:1: Luke 8:26,

37; Mtt. 8:28), Gergesenes,

kUn];wQc];ekL;rin].'KUiw];kUn];ekL;rin].' = Corinthian, N., Corinthians,

kUn];wQc];S};tn],'(ehL;3;9') = Sidonian, N., Sidonians,

kUn];wQc];tac].yan];'kUn];tac].yan];' = Tangyanese, N.,

kUn];wQc];Tim];nL.'[kUn];sL,ti/yU,wQc];Tim];nL.'{(Sin]15;6') = Timnite, a native or inhabitant of Timnah,

kUn];wQc];en,m'[kUn];sL,ti/yU,wQc];en,m'{' = Naamathite, N. a native or inhabitant of Naamah,

kUn];wQc];nn].ham].pL:nm]tc];mUt];' = Almost the whole city,

kUn];wQc];eh,mt]<'[kUn];yU,nG];wQc];eh,mt]<'{(cw]:10;18') = Hamathites, the people of Hamath,

kUn];wQc];Aqp];fSt]<' kQw],wQc];Aqp];fSt]<' = Ephesian, N. adj.,

kUn];wqn]lm],hUw]'[ekL.Aw]tac];hUw]wa},lUc];eSwqn]Pac]:Kw]:tG]:nm].kGL,{ = Diver, N.,

kUn];wUc]:kac]' hQt];pn]Ek:kac]' = Mediator, intermediaries, broker,

kUn];wUc]:kac]hQt];pn]sn].kac]' = Intermediaries, mediator, broker,


n]Tuic]Pa},PL,SL,SnL,mn];pqk],pUic]:kn]tc];An]pUk];tc]:mI;w}.yw].nn]."{ = Freethinker, N. a person who forms

opinions on the basic of reason, independently of tradition, whoes religious opinions differ from established belief; freethinking,

kUn];w}hUw]wut];wut];' = Naysayer, a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views:,

kUn];w}:SL' = Worshiper,


hUin];sgm];kn])nn].'{ = Philander, N. (of a man) to make love with a woman one cannot or will not marry,

kUn];/];lc]'[kUn];hk];lc]kn]'kUn];lgm]pQn]sG]pUin]:'{ = Betrayer, N. traitor, deserter, dissenter, renegade,

kUn];/];lc]kw]mL;yw].en:&' = Here comes my betrayer!,

ekL./kUn];hk].KUiw];' PU:hk].KUiw];hk].mUic];' PUhk].KUiw];' = Patriot, N., patriots,

kBn];hk];kBn];kqc].'tbk].Kit'Am],pgc]pQn]l}:'(Kt];-mI;Aac],kL,es;lI')= Disabled, N. adj. handicapped;

paralyzed,(ant: able-bodied; abled; nondisabled; unimpaired;)

kBn];hk];kBn];kqc].' Am],pgc]pQn]l}:' tbk].Kit'(lgc]:-'An]-') = Disability, N.,

kUn];ht];'[];lat]:ht];sLsgm];nc],mn];yum],Am],nn],yc];ht];tuik];tL,An]nn].kgn],'{' = Hard

man, N. generally someone who isn’t afraid to speak up for their belief or even fight for it,

ekL.hp].' An]hp].' = Receiver, N. welcomer, acceptance, recipient,

kBn];hp].' An]hp].'KUic]:hp].' = Receiver, N. a person or thing that receives,

kBn];hp].sG].sg}:' kUn];Tam];kan]'(lac].kL;'/lbm];lL;'/Em;mgc];mibw];'/pt];PQw]:')' = Serviceman,

kUn];hp].Suiw].' ekL.hp].Siuw].' = Vendee, The person to whom a thing is sold.,

kUbn];ht];can]'[Set,fn],'kUn];ht];can]ekL.Agn]tac];Sut];{ = Martyr, [Stephen, the first Martyr]


,/ma}mI:puin].Kam],/lgc]:eSmQw];mQw];'{(PU:ht];can]tL,lgc]:hG]:mI;JtL;PQc],pQc];nG];mU,sum];Puc]kUn];')= Martyr, N. a person

who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause: a martyr to the cause of social justice,

kUn];hw];muit]:kuiw];kn]sgm];la};tac];yG],Tgt]:mYat]:' = Divine-human friendship,

kUn];hac]:EP.'kUn];sG]pL,'kUn];sG]tuiw]tn]' = Wanton person,

kBn];hap],' An]hap],' = Carrier, a person or thing that carry,

kBn];hap],Tam];kan]' kBn];sG].'kBn];sac]:'lbk]:lQc].'KL:' = Servant,

kUn];hap],Tam];kan]ekL.w}.hUw]sG]KYL;tm],' = Humble servant,

kBn];hap],epL,tL,' kUn];hap],eKYL;'(vgp];kUn];hap],) = Porter, a person hired to carry burdens or baggage ,

(forced porter),

kUn];ham]kUn];pQn]'kUn];ham]EK.kUn];pQn]' = Stretcher bearer,

kUn];ham]kgm],kUn];ta}' = Pallbearer,

kUn];hLtac];Pit];pUin]:' = Faultfinder, N. complainer; finding fault, faultfinders,

kBn];hLpL' (hLpL' mQt];pL) = Fisherman, (fishing),

kUn];hLyL.hLsUn]'[kUn];hLhim]Aw]'kuic].kc].Kw]:tuik];Sim];Aw]'{ = Marauder, N. looter; pillager; raider,

kUn];hLhac]:k},TUin],'lL<TiBn],hac]:hQw].hac]:Kibm];' = Fowler, N., hunter,

kUn];hLhim]Aw]' = Looter, N. ,

kUn];hLhqm]pUin]:ta}'(SL,59;2') = Men of bloodshed; men who are after someone blood,

kBn];hit].' (yL,ephit].)' = Hunger cravings: stop hunger and food craving,

kBn];him];hgm];' = Neighbor, neighborhoods

kUn];hQt];kan]' = Worker,

kBn];hQt];kan]' = Labor, N., employee, worker,

kUn];hQt];kan]kUn];miUc];' luk]:lQc].kUn];miUc];' = Public employee,

kUn];hQt];kan]ekL,lL,SUiw]:PUik],'[kUn];hQt];kan]Kun]/Kun]lum];{' = White-collar worker,

kUn];hQt];kan]ekL,lL,SUiw]:Sgm],'[kUn];hQt];hLkin]sgm];hqc];{' = Blue-collar workers, common laborer,


;hQt];kan]sum];mn];Kiun];')' = Personnel, persons employed in an organization, persons, (to prosecute and

punish its own personnel),

kUn];hQt];kan]sum];'[ekL.mI;pun]:Pgn];tL,sum];El:hQt];tac]pn]tL,sum];nn].{ = Personnel, N.,

kUn];hQt];kan]sum];pn]put]:kn](lgc]:-)' = Personnel rotation,

kUn];hQt];kan]sgm];Kaw];mn];' = Seasonal workers,

kUn];hQt];kan]etL,lgt],' = Pipeline worker,


epL:lQc].mn];kUv];nn].'{ = Domestic worker, a person who works within the employer’s hosehold,

kUn];hQt];kan]pqc].ey;ciun];' = Banker, a person employed by a bank,

kUn];hQt];kan]pqc].ey;ciun];emL<kit]<' = Mortgage Banker,

kUn];hQt];kan]pqt].pqt].lqn]lqn]' = Deceitful worker,

kUn];hQt];kan]Pak]:kn]' = Co-worker,


lI'{ = Social worker, N.,

kUn];hQt];kan]mU,sum];Puc]kUn];' = Social worker,

kUn];hQt];kan]mUic];Aw]tUw]TUp];' = Practical politician,

kUn];hQt];kan]hUiw];tac],kun],'[kUn];hQt];kan]hUiw];Sc];ePL;'{' = Freighter, N. shipper,

kBn];hQt];]:etL,yap],' = Difficult people

kUn];hQt];Kt];' = Contender, N. challenger, competitor, rival,

kUn];hQt];Kw]:mun];'(mn];hQt];tc];puit],w}.Sqc],Kw]:mun];)' = Baker, N.: He is a baker and bakery owner,

kUn];hQt];sg}:tI:Kp].Tqw]' = Line worker,

kUn];hQt];Sum].' = Tentmaker, N.,

kBn];hQt];SUn]' = Gardener,

kUn];hQt];SUn]hQt];h}:' kUn];hQt];nL;' sw]:h}:sw]:nL;' sw]:SBn]' = Peasant, farmer,

kUn];hQt];nm].hgm]'[ekL.hQt];/Ka}nm].hgm]'{= Perfumer, N. a maker or seller of perfumes, perfumers,

kBn];hQt];mak],elL.'kUn];Kw]:f};mak],elL.' = Wheelwright,a person who makes or repair wheels, carriages,

kUn];hQt];em;ng}.pUin]:' kUn];hQt];PUw]ng}.pUin]:'[mI;em;/PUw]Sgc]ekL.{' = Bigamist,

kBn];hQt];emL:' = Potter,

kBn];hQt];elL.' = Cartwright,

kUn];hQt];lUic];hQt];kYam];'(TQc]pak]:pqt]:kUn];hQt];lUic];hQt];kYam];)' = Hostile actors, (deny hostile actors),

kUn];hQt];hLkin]sgm];hqc];' = Working class, blue-collar workers,

kUn];hQt];hUin];' kUn];ekL:Sac]:' = Builder, constructor,

kUn];hQt];ha}.'[kUn];ekL./sum];k}.sac],Kt];pUin]:'{ = Vermin, N. an objectionable person,

kBn];hQt];ha}.miUk]:'[kUn];yL.AkYOw];pUin]:lu{ = Evildoer, N. a person who does evil; mischief-maker, evildoers,


Am],sac]:luk].Kiun];l}:lL;lL;yw].'@(SL,36;12') = “Evildoers lie fallen-thrown down, not

able to rise”, There the doers of iniquity have fallen; they have been thrust down and cannot rise,

kUn];ha}.lUic];kYam];mUin]mL.lI:TUin],'(cw]:16;12') = Wild donkey of a man,

kBn];hQt];Agk],KUw];Kgc]' = Manufacturer,

kBn];hqn];tm];kgn];cm];sg}:' = Steward,

kUn];hqc];' kUn];hqc];KUic],Km].' = Strong man,

kUn];hqc];tuik];Suik];'(ehL;2;16'eyL;17;1') = Man of war, fighting men or men of war; great soldier,

kUn];hqc];tuik];Suik];'(pan]kUn];mI;hqc];tuik];(ehL;2;16') = Fighting men, men of war: generation of fighting men,

kUn];hqc];lUc]' = Mighty man,

kUn];hqc];lUc]pan]kw],' kUn];kt].pan]kw],' = Mighty men of old, heroes of old, (Gen.6:4),

kUn];hqm]pUin]:ta}'ekL.hqm]pUin]:ta}' = Assassin, a murderer,

kUn];huk].ha}.hqc];nL,Kw]' = Forceful men,

kBn];huc]Kw]:huc]Pk];' = Cook, chef,

kUn];hUm]:kan]can];' = Partner, associate, buddy, companion, comrade,

kUn];hUw]Kqc]'[ekL.Am],k}.SU:kUw]/ygm];PG]ca}:ca}:l:Am],eKL.EK.enL.En.{' = Tough man, tough guy,

kUn];hUw]sG]Suc]'[kUn];ekL.Sm],etL,pUin]:nL,'{'w}.hUw]sG]Suc]'= Snob, N., snobbish, adj., snobbishly, adv.,

kUn];hUw]sG]nm]' ekL.Aw]PUw]Aw]em;nm]' = Polygamist,

kUn];hUw]sG]Pqn]Suc]' = Arrogant, the arrogant,

kUn];hUw]mUn];Sqk],lqk],'(!...'sgc],SUAm],pQn]kUn];hUw]mUn];Sqk],lqk],nn].kUv];huiw].?"(1ekL;3;4') = Mere

human being: “…, are you not mere human being?(1Cor.3:4),

kUn];hUw]mUn];Sqk],lqk],kUv];'(1ekL;3;4')' = Mere human being,

kUn];];nm]' = Well known,

kUn];hU.kUn];emL' = Learned, the learned,

kUn];h},kgc]trm]<' = Drummer,

kBn];ha}' kUn];tUk];ha}' kUn];kGc]tac];' = Lost man, lost person,

kBn];ha}.' (luk]:Agn],ha}.') = Bad people, evil man, (naughty children),

kUn];ha}.miBk]:'[PIha}.mUik]:'PIsL,tan],'{ = Evil, N. the evil one; the devil; Satan, terror,

kBn];ehL:kL;'(kUn];ehL:elL.'kUn];ehLkL;')'kUn];ehL:' = Driver, (cart, carriage or car driver),

kUn];ehL:ekL.mL;yU,mG],' = New Resident driver,

kUn];ehL:ekL.Am],sG]:kUn];yU,nG];mUic];' = Non-Resident driver,

kUn];ehL:mI;pun]:Pgn];lgc]:ciun];Tuk],pn]Kun]' = Driver Responsibility Assessments,

kUn];ehL:elL.mL.' = Charioteer, N. a chariot driver,

kUn];ehL:him]' = Aggressive Drivers,

kBn];ehL:rTL;' = Train operator, train conductor, railroad conductor,

kBn];ehL:hiUw];' kUn];Pa};hiUw];' = Crew, crew member, sailor,

kUn];ehL:hUiw];min]'[kUn];ehL:hUiw];min]Suik];mUic];yU<Aqt].S]'{ = Aircrew, N. U.S Air Force. the crew of an aircraft,

kBn];ehL:hiUw];min]'kUn];ehL:hUiw];'(nUic];-kUn];Pak]:ehL:hUiw];min]) = Pilot, N. aviator, (compares “copilot”)

kUn];ehL;lat]:' = Preacher,

kUn];hUin];yU,him];kin]sm]kn]' = Neighbor’s house,

kUn];hgc].kGam];' kBn];hQt];kGam];' emLkGam];' = Singer, vocalist,

kUn];hgt]:pL:nL:TL:Agn]tac];hw];' = Someone ahead of us,

kBn];ASak]:yG],'kUn];Kaw].' = The aged, aging people,

kUn];Am],epL;mI;nL:mI;tL' kUn];Am],Kuik].Am],Ka};' = Insignificant people,

kBn];Am],Pgm].piBn]:' = Naysayers,

kUn];Am],mI;ktiSqt].sL,'[kUn];sac]:Tac],lQk].pUin]:{' = Lowlife, N. a despicable person,

kUn];Am],mI;Kgp],mI;pUic]' = Scoundrel, an unprincipled, dishonorable person; villain., scamp, rogue,

kUn];Am],mI;sG]wivin],mUt];sac],' = Person without the Spirit, the natural man,

kUn];Am],mI;sG]AQt];lUKw]km]kin];w}.'= Clutches of the rutless: rescue me from the clutches of the rutless,

kUn];Am],mI;pic],vL,' (Kt];kn]-kUn];mI;pic],vL,') = Uneducated,(ant: educated,)

kUn];Am],emLhn]lIpUin]:' = Cynic, N., cynics,

kBn];Am],yum],wL:mI;JPL;' = Atheist,

kBn];Am],l}:lgc]:' = Useless person,

kUn];Aw]Kaw],' PU:sgm],Kaw],' = Spy, spies,

kUn];Aw]ta}kBn];' ekL.Aw]ta}kBn];' = Murderer,

kBn];Aan],ciun];' sak]:Aan],ciun];' = Money counter, cash counter, cash teller,

kUn];AL,yuyG],' sn].yG],' sn].Sbc]' = Senior,

kUn];wQc];AL<wt].'[saw];KUiw];KL,nn],An]tac],suiw]:Kw]kuik];w}.wQc];AL<wt].nn].'{(cw]:10;18)= Arvadites, a

Canaanite tribe named after the city of ARVAD,

kBn];AL.' = Dumb, mute,

kUn];Ait],'KUic]:Ait],'lUv]Kw]:'kaw].Ait],nm].mn];/Ag}:' = Grinder, N. a person or thing that grinds,

kUn];Aqp];JPTL.'[kUn];sL,ti/yU,wQc];Aqp];JPTL./pqt]<lhqm],'{(rut].1;2) = Ephrathites, a native or

inhabitant of Ephrathah, or Bethlehem,

kBn];Aup],lUc]' = Boaster,braggart,

kBn];Abp].piBc],sn].tG]:'[(mUic];AiSer;)ca};sn].PB:kgn];AiBc],{ = Tetrarch, N. subordinate rulers,

kUn];Aum],Puit].pQn]mU,'pQn]mU,'pQn]Puc]' = Throng, to assemble, collect; crowd, thronged, thronging,


Throng, N. adj. a multitude of people crowded or assembled together; the throngs; throng of people; crowd; host: a throng of

memories; a throng of mushroom,

kUn];AUn]Aan]emL;Em;' = Rioter, N.,

kBn];Auip];' = Starving person,

kUn];AiUw]:ca}:'[kUn];ekL.An]piUn]:wL:Sc]ekL:AiUw]:sgm];Pgm].sgm];tik];tik];{'AUiw]:ca}:' = Yes-man, a person

who, regardless of actual attitude, always expresses agreement with his or her superior,

kUn];Agk],Kaw];tac];'kUn];kGL,tL:p}tac];' = Traveler,

kUn];Agk];tuin]:'[Agk];eALtuin]:'{(Kt];-Agk];eALlI')' = Idiot, adj. crazy, daft, foolish, (ant: brainy,),

kUn];Agc],ep.'(hw];pQn]kUn];Agc],ep.AiUw]:hw];Am],sG]:kUn];Kam],Sum];') = Victor , we are victors not victims,

kBn];Agn]hBv];tgm]sg}:pn] = Catalyst

kUn];Agn],AQn]:' = Doll, N. a small model or dummy of a human being, used as a child’s toy,

kUn].'kUn].kUn].Kiun]:Kiun]:'mUv]:'sQp];mUv]:'(mn];kUn].kUn].Kuin]:Kuin];/sQp];mUv]:tc];tUw]tc];Kic];)= Ache, to

have or suffer a continuous, dull pain: His whole body ached, ached, aching,

kUn].'nQt];'tgp],'(kUn].kUn].nQt];nQt];tc];tUw]'(kqm]:tgp],)' = Tingle, to have a sensation of slight

prickles, as from cold, a sharp blow: tingling all over; face tingling or tingled cheek, tingled, tingling,

kUp],mL.'[KUic]:mt].SG],lc]mL.lgc]tG]:kan];kUv]tac],mL.Sgc]luk]:tL,SG],KUw];etL.kGL,mL;{ = Saddle, N.,


w];n}.1'3'5'7'9') = Even, adj. even number; pair; divisible by two, as a number (opposed to odd),

kUp].' Sgc]SQn]:' Sgc]An]' = Double, adj. paired,

kUp].kn]'tg};kn]'Aw]tg};kn]'hgm];kn]' = Pair, paired, pairing,

kUp].kU:Et,nL:hUin];Kgp],KUp],25pI<' =25th Anniversar Marriage, 25th Wedding Anniversary,

kUp];'[KQt],lUc]SQc]lUc]luik].ygn]:nk];hUw}.'{ = Bullfrog, N. a large frog, Rana catesbeiana, having a deep voice,



n]wn];){' = Eclipse, N. the obscuration of the light of the moon by the intervention of the earth between it and the

sun (lunar eclipse) or the obscuration of the light of the sun by the intervention of the moon between it and a point on the earth

(solar eclipse),

kUp];kin]'(kUp];kin]wn];/lUin]) = Eclipse, : the moon eclipsed the sun, eclipsed, eclipsing,


n]luk]:lUin]lqc];nn].Kuin];') = Lunar eclipse, moon eclipse,


lg};eSl}:hn]luk]:lqt],lqc];nn].Kuin];') = Solar eclipse, sun eclipse,

kBp].kB:Et,nL:hiBn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'Aw]kn]' = Marriage, N.,

kUp].kU:kn]' tg};kn]' = Union, putting together,

kUp].kU:Et,nL:hUin];Kgp],KUp],25pI<' = 25

th Anniversary Marriage, 25th Wedding Anniversary,

kUp].kU:Et,nL:hUin];Aw]kn]El:sG].Aw]pn]kn]' = Marry and is given in marriage,

kUp].kU:Aw]Em:yic];ekL.vgp];mL;'(ehL;21;10-14') = Marrying a captive woman,

kUm]'[An]lqm]:/tUw]yaw];mUn];mUn];w}.(Am],Pqp].)nn].{'tUw]kUm]' = Round, adj.N. cylindrical,

kUm]' [pQn]hac]:Kgp],mUn];w}.nn].'{ = Cylindrical, adj. parting or having the form of cylinder, cylindric,

kUm]' (ngn];kUm]hUw]n}n}.pgc],wL:Aw]PL:hUm],tc];tUw]pL;hUw]nL:ekL:Am],Puv],) = Cover, covered,

kUm]' TUm]'(mqw];KI:yw].k}.y};Aw]lin]/tw]:kUm]/TUm]KI:Kw]Kiun];')' = Covered,

kUm]' mUk];'(Tan],f};lqc]mUk];tw]:') = Covered up, 


n]Pun],eSEm;lin]SUn]/h}:lIPuk],Sgm]:{ = Clod-burning, heaping plowed clods to be burnt,

kUm]Auin]luin]'[lat]:lgc]:kUm]/mUn];yG],yG],'{ = Very large cylinder, in the shape of a cylinder smoothly expanded,

kUm],' Abc]' lin]nQw]' (nuk];kUm],kUw]:kUm],' nuk];kUm],nuk];Auc]') = Mud,

kUm],Siuc],mL,'(kUm],Sik],mL,) = Slimy mud near a house where filthy and refusal are thrown,

kUm]:'kgm];tUw]kUm]:tUv];'(mn];kgm];tUw]kUm]:tUv];sc],l}:hn]An]mI;tG]:han].nn].) = Bending over,

kUm]:'kUm]:eKL;KUt];'[kL:mI;kL:kUm]:eStUv];/kin]{= Slouch, slouch or drooping posture; look downward, slouched,

kUm]:'kUm]:AUp],pUw].'kUm]:KUt];lc]'[yU,tI:tUw]suk];w}.eSkUm]:hUw]kgm];lc]lUc];{(kUm]:AUp].pUw].nUiw]KUc],')= Stoop: to

stoop over a desk, stooped, stooping,

kBm]:(hw];kUm]:hUw]hw];')kUm]:hUw]' = Bow: We bow our heads, bowed, bowing, bow head,

kUm]:kgm];' ngm];tUw]' = Bow, bow head and body,

kUm]:'(Kt];-hqn]')' kUm]:nL:' cUp].nL:' = Face down, adv. (ant: face up),

kUm]:nL:'(kUm]:nL:lUc];sU;lin])'kUm]:' = Fell facedown, face down: fell facedown to the ground(Mtt.17:6),

kUm]:nL:kUm]:tLhQt];' = Stoop, to bend or bow,

kUm]:nL:kUm]:hUw]'(Kw]kUm]:nL:kUm]:hUw]etL,plac],ehLKm];nn].eSw}:SLTL,wrL.JPL;sw]:yw].'(Kuin];7:11')) = Fell

down on face: they fell down on their faces before the throne and worship God,

kUm]:nL:Kw]cUp].sU;lin]eS' = Fell on their faces upon the ground,

kUm]:nL:Kw]eSw}:SLTL,wrL.JPL;sw]:' = Fell on their faces and worship God,

kUm]:nL:mc]kGL,tik];tik];' = Face down, to confront boldly (an opponent, critic, etc.),

kBm]:hBw]' = Bow,

kBm]:hBw]Kup].Kw],kw]eS' = Bow my knees,

kUm]:hUw]Kup].Kw],etL,' = Bowed the knee to,

kUm]:hUw]tqm],tqm],eSkUm]:nL:lUc];sU;lin]w}.'(TUin],22;31') = Bowed low and fell face down,

kBm]:hBw]ngm];tUw]etL,'kUm]:hUw]Kup].mUp],sU;' = Bow down,

kBm]:hBw]ngm];tUw]Kup].Kw],nUiw]lin]' = Bow down to the ground,

kUm]:hUw]mc]yU,tiuk].tiuk].Am],lqt];Am],Sqw];' Am],lqt];' = Dull, stupid,

kUm]:AUp],mUp],'AUp],mUp],' = Stoop, stoop dwon,

kUm];'kUm];nuic]:' (200) = Koam, two hundred monetary units as two hundred dollars,

kUm];' kUm];niuc]:'(nm].nk];Sgc]sg}.n}.mI;8pgc],') = Koam, weight equal to 8 pounds(8lbs),

kUw]' Am],ht];' (Am],ht];kGL,tI:nn]:'yL,epkUw]') = Afraid, (afraid to go there, don’t be afraid,), fearful,


nn].' =“Fear” is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real.

kBw]KIyan]:' kBw]hBw]epL;hBt];' = Timid,

kBw]tBk];sG]Aw]' = Daunting,

kBw]' kBw]Eh' kUw]ym]' = Fear, be afraid of, tremble, feared, fearing,

kUw]' kBw]Eh' kUw]ym]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Fear,

kUw]kGc]kiut];miuc]' kBw]kGc]epL;Am],hU.SI,hU.hL:Sc]l}:'kbit];mibc]'miUn],' = Panic, Panicked,

kUw]kGc]miuc]kGL,' = Horrify, frighten, terrified,


Fomo, or FOMO, N. fear of missing out: If I say no to a party invitation, I get a bad case of FOMO,

kUw]nL,'cin];kBw]cin];cqw]'lIkUw]lIkak],' = Fearful, adj. terrifying,


w]."(man],5;11'){ = They were all seized with fear, great fear seized the whole church,

kUw]ta}' (Kw]kUw]ta}')' = Scared to death, (They were scared to death.),

kUw]nL,Am],tan],'(kUn];sUiw];sw]:nG];wt].w}:SLKw]kUw],nL,Am],tan],w}.yw].'(man],5;11')' = Great fear:

Great fear seized the whole church,

kUw]epL;Sn],tin];tin];'(kw]etAm],kUw]epL;Sn],tin];tin];') = Shaken: I will not be shaken.(Acts 2:25),

kUw]epL;Am],tUc].l}:'(mn];kUw]epL;Am],tUc].l}:) = Gripped with fear: He was gripped with fear,

kUw]ym]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:nqn],nL,' = God-fearing,


111;10')= Fear of God, fear of the Lord; fear God: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;…”(Ps.111:10),

kUw]ym]mUt];sac],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Holy fear,

kUw]l}:Aa}piUn]:' kUw]l}:tac];A}apiUn]:ygn].mn];' = Fear of one will be put to shame,

kUw]Am],hU.tI:pgc],tI:pQw]mn];'[kUw]kU:sUiw].kU:mQw];kU:epL;Am],hU.Am],hn]Sc]{ = Fear the unknown,

kUw]Aa}epL;KQc]:epL;Kqc]' = Nervous, highly excited, timid, tense,

kUw],kQn];' yL:kUw],kQn];' = Cocaine,

kUw]:'(kUw]:kUm],kUw]:Auc])' nbk];'(KBw];nbk];nm].mn];)'= Stain, stained, become stained,

kUw]:'[Pk];kUw]:(muk];Pgc]kUw]:'Pgc]nc]kUw];'Pk];hikUw]:'Pk];ngk],muip]:/SL:'){ = Mix, preparing salad,


Pk];hI.kUw]:'muk];Pgc]kUw]:'Pgc]nc]kUw]:'kYL<Sn],kUw]:'sL.kGL,{' = Salad, N.,

kUw]:kiUk],' = Defile, to damage, to make unfit for ceremonial use, sully, dishonor,

kUw]:kiUk],'hG]:kUw]:kUik]:'kUw]:kUik],sp];'[hQt];hG]:Pit];/kUiw],/wUv],'Aw]Kn]mn];tUk];'{ = Defile, to make foul,

dirty or unclean, to make impure for ceremonial use, debase, defiled, defiling,

kUw]:kUik],'[kUiw],'nuk];'{ = Sully, to soil, stain or tarnish; defile, sullied, sullying,

kUw]:kUik],'wUv],kUw]:kUik],'wUv],'(luk];kUw]:kUik],epL;tan],Kgk]:mU'mLwUv],lIhac]:')' = Nasty, adj. physically filthy;

disgustingly unclean: a nasty pigsty of a room; a nasty dog,

kUw]:kUik],Pun],muk].mun]:lin]'(SL,22;29')' = Go down to the dust,

kUw];'yiBc];ma}'[tI:Sut];Sa}SQn]:EK.KQc],An]nuic]:nn].'{' = Goal, N. the terminal point in a race,

kUw];' kUn];pG].kUw];'(tac];lQn]:mak],nc]mUn];) = Goal, Goal keeper, (Soccer game),

kUw].nL:' nL:kUw].lUc]w}.' nL:KQc]:etL,' = Stern, (a stern face),


Aw]ygm].SI,Sgm],pn]tI:KUw];Kgc]Aw]lin]nQw]hQt];w}.nn].){' = Cobalt, a silver-white metallic element with a faint 

kUw];riy'(siuc]:miUc];)' kUn];kUw];riy' = Korea, Korean,

kUw];riysan];'(siuc]:miUc];'miUc];) = South Korea, moment,

kUw]<SUw]<wUw]<' (siuc]:miUc];-lgt];lqw];pI<2008) = Kosovo,

kUw]<mL<'[luk]:sa};lUc]yL<Pqt].'{(cw]:10;2') = Gomer, the oldest son of Japheth,

kUw]<ln],'[wQc];nG];es:tgn]:pL,San],wQc];nuic]:'{(ehL;4;43'1puin];6;71') = Golan, a city of Bashan,

kuSUw],tac];lI'TiUk]:Kam],AkYOw];lI' = Merit,

kU,(kU,Pk];hI.)' tum],' tum],mgk],' mgk],tum],' tum],mG]' = Bud, bud of flower,

kU,'[kU,la}la}Am],pL;PL:kgm];'{ = Bedstead, N.,

kU,tI:ngn];'[kU,'kU,la}la}Am],pL;PL:kgm];'{ = Bed, N. bedstead,

kU,tI:ngn];kUn];eKL.'tI:ngn];kUn];eKL.' = Sickbed, N. the bed used by a sick person,

kU,tI:ngn];kUn];mI;erL;kL,tac];pQn]'[kU,tI:ngn];kUn];eKL.'{ = Bed of illness, sickbed,

kU,Pk];hI.'(kU,mG]m}.huc];'kU,Pk];lUiw],'kU,Pk];wL:')' = Ficus bud, including fig bud, the banyan bud,

kU,hin]puin].Kam],'(kU,hin]puin].Kam],mn]:kqn],nqn]:nLlItL,sUiw].sat]:yG],Suc]')' = Bedrock, (bedrock of sustainable

national growth),

kU:' kU:KUw];'(Sk].KUw];tak],lqt],epL;hqc]:yw].kU:Kiun];') = Take back laundry that’s dried under sunlight,

kU:'kU:nuic]:'[mI;Sgc]An]'Sgc]An]tg};'{(Sgk];tin]:kU:mn];Pit];)' = Pair, N. two identical: a wrong pair of shoes,

kU:' [niuc]:kU:n}.pQn]mI;Sgc]An]{'(Kt];-lqw];'nuic]:Pa},'niuc];Kgn]') = Pairs, even, (ant: odd)

kB:'kB:cibn];pn]mn];' = Lend, lend him money,

kU:' kB:yim]cibn];' yim]' yim]cibn];' ygn];kU:' = Borrow,

kU:' kU:An]' kU:mQw];' kU:sUiw].kU:mQw];' = Every, everything, every item,

kU:km];km];eSKaw];yam];hiuc]hiuc]n}n}.' = At times,

kU:kUp].kn]'[pQn]Sgc]Pak],hgm];{'(wqn]Sa}kgc].kU:kUp].kn])' = Twin, adj. being one of a pair: a twin bracelets,

kB:ekL.'kBn];kB:ekL.' kU:ekL.kU:kUn];' = Everyone, everybody,

kU:Km]:' = Every evening, every night,

kU:Kaw];kU:yam];'kU:Kic],kU:yam];'kU:yam];' = At all time,

kU:Kic],kU:yam];'tL,eS,'eS,eS,'tL,eS,kB:yam];' = Always,

kU:Kiun];' kU:Km]:kU:Kiun];' = Every night,

kB:Kibn];'ygn];Kibn];'tgc];Kibn];' = Recalled, (to bring back from memory,), revocation, remember,

kU:ciun];Puv].kL:hiUn];' = Leverage,

kU:sw].nG]wn];Km]:' = Every morning, day and night,

kU:sUw]:kqp].sUw]:km];' kU:kqp].kU:km];' = Every moment,

kU:sUw]:kU:pan]' kU:pan]pan]' kBn];kB:pan]pan]' = Every lifetime, all ages,

kU:sBw]:kU:pan]' pan]kBn];' sUw]:luk]:pan]lan]' = Generations, ages,

kU:sUiw].kU:piUc]'kU;sUiw];sUiw];'kU:An]An]'kU:sUiw].kU:pUic]tc];mUt];'kU:mQw];kU:An]' = Everything,

kB:siBw].kB:mQw];' = All sorts, all kinds,

kU:Sqn];Sqn];'An]lQk].An]yG],kU:Sqn];Sqn];' = All sizes,

kB:tI:'kU:tI:kU:tac];'kU:tI:tI:'mI;sgt],tUw]:'= Everywhere, adv. in every place or part; in all places; all over,

kB:tI:'kU:tI:kU:tac];'(sgt],tUw]:km],PL,kGL,kU:tI:kU:tac];)' = All over: all over the world, everywhere,

kU:tI:kU:tac];'kU:tI:kU:lqn]' = Wherever, everywhere, all over,

kU:tI:kU:yam];nG];Pwkw]lUw],sw]:' = I need you every day in all areas of my life,

kU:tI:kU:lgc]:kL:An]mG];hQt];mG];Sac]:mG];pgc]nn].' = Everything you set your hand to!

kU:tg};kn]'};kn]'].kn]' ekL.kuik];kn]' = Couple, pair, a married or encaged

pair, dance partners, lovers,


w]')'kU:pL:kU:Pa},'kU:lgc]:kU:tac];' = Every area of: for victory in every area of my life,

kU:niuc]:'kUp].nuic]:'tuv],niuc]:'tg};nuic]:'SUic];niuc]:'(mUc]muiw];kU:nuic]:) = Pair, N. a pair of gloves,

kU:niuc]:'kUp].niuc]:'tg};niuc]:'Sgc]ekL.'PUw]em;' = Couple,

kU:nG]' = Every morning,

kU:pn]'pn]yim]'(kU:ciun];pn]mn];'/pn]mn];yim]cuin];')'kB:'kU:ciun];' = Lend: lend him money, lent, lending,

kU:pn]'kU:cuin];'kU:' = Lend,

kU:pL:kU:Pa},' kU:Pa},kU:pL:' = Every direction, every side,

kU:pgk]:' = Every time,

kU:pgk]:' yam]:pQn]mL;kU:pgk]:nn].' = Usually or frequently occurred in the past,

kU:pgk]:tL,eS,'k}.k}.wL:/hQt];/mI;yU,tL,eS,' = All the time, the whole time,

kU:Pa},kU:tac];'kU:pL:kU:Pa},'kU:hU;kU:tac];'(kUn];tc];la}Kw]lqn]:lUc]mL;kU:Pa},kU:tac];yw].') = All

directions: and the people came running from all directions,

kU:mn];Pit];'tg};Pit];' = Wrong pair,

kU:mUic];' kU:miUc];mUic];' = Every nation,

kU:miUw]:kU:Kaw];kU:yam];kU:km];' kB:miBw]:kB:Kaw];kB:km];kB:lgk];kB:lqc], = Every single time,

kU:mUiw]:kU:Kaw];eS,eS,'mUiw]:lG]ekL:'kU:mUiw]:' = In all times, the whole time, all the time,

kU:yam];'tL,eS,TL,wrL.'tL,eS,'eS,eS,' = Forever, adv. incessantly; always, eternally,

kB:yim]cibn];pun]:tL,miBc];Pgm].hBm]:' = Borrow money for the United States,

kU:lgc]:kU:An]tc];SQc]:tc];mUt];' kU:lgc]:kU:An]tc];SQc]:' = All things,

kU:lgc]:lgc]:' = Miscellaneous,

kU:lgc]:lgc]:' yUw];yUw];' puc],man],mn];Et.' puc],man],mn];' = General,

kU:wn];'kU:mUiw]:kU:wn];'hQt];sgm];kU:wn];'kU:wn];wn];'sgm];pQn]wn];' = Daily, adj. adv. day by day,

kB:wn];nG];sBw]:ASak]:PwKL:' = All the days of my life,

kB:wn];wn];n}.pQn]Kgc]Pak],tgn]:' = Every day is a gift,

kU:wn];wn];' = Day in and day out, every day without fail,

kU:An]' kB:siBw].kB:piBc]' kB:An]An]' = Everything,

kB:An]'tc];mBt];'kB:An]tc];mBt];' = All,

kB:Aw]Kibn];'Aw]Kibn];' = Take back,

kB:Aw]ASak]:PwmG];Kibn];tL.' = Take your life back,

kU;tqm]:' kU;lik]:' = Transcribe, copy,

kU;' lqk]:kU;' kL.kB;' = Trade, N., exchanging commodities, business deal or transaction,

kU;kn]lqk]:kn]' = Trade-off, the exchange of one thing for another of more or less equal value,


nn].'{ = Google, N.(Trademark),

kB;Tbt],lik]:' kU;Tut],Puin]lik]:' kU;Tut],lik];Agk],pQn]pp].' = Print, printing,

kU.Suw],' = Merit,

eksUiw]<'[wQc];lUc]kUn];KUiw];KL,nn],mUiw]:kgn],'{(eyL;10;33') = Gezer, an ancient Canaanite city,


3'(1puin];1;17') = Gether, 1. a son of Aram; 2. A son or descendant of Shem (1 Chr,1:17),

ek,' eA,' = Few, not many but more than one,


n].{(yUp]42;14') = Keziah, Kezia, a daughter of Job born after his restoration to prosperity and health,


(2Sqm];3;3') = Geshur, a small Aramean kingdom on the eastern slope of Mount Heron,

ek,Sur'[kUn];yU,nG];mUic];ek,Sur'{(ehL;3;14') = Geshurites, the inhabitants of Geshur, Geshuri,

ek,tL,'[wQc];pgt];sgm];mUiw];yutAn]eyL;Suhup]:Sim];Aw]'{(eyL;12;13') = Geder, a town in southern Judah,

ek,tL,rL.'ek,tL,rUw]TAim];[suiw]:Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;36')= Gederah, or Gederothaim, the

name of two towns in the Old Testament,

ek,tL,rWt].'[wQc];Am],hU.tI:mI;nG];tin]lg}mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;41') = Gederoth, an unidentified town in Judah,

ek,etL<'[suiw]:kUn];ekL.nuic]:El:wQc];SI,wQc];'{(eyL;15;58') = Gedor, the name of one person and four towns,

ek,plL.'[suiw]:wQc];El:es:tgn]:'suiw]:Pa},krik].hgc].wL:piplUw]<'(SL,83;7){'kUn];wQc];ek,plL.' = Gebal,

the name of a city and region; Greek name, Byblos, Gebalites,

ek,per,' (tman],kac]haw])' = Gabriel(the Angel)(Lk1;26)

ek,rsim],'[lg}nG];es:tgn]:SmL;ri'{(ehL;11;29')' = Gerizim, a mountain in the district of Samaria,

ek,rSun],'[nG];luk]:sa};lI;wiSam]ekL.pQn]sa};lUc]'{(cw]:46;11') = Gershon, the oldest of the three sons of Levi,


Gershom, the firstborn son of Moses and Zipporah; name of four men in the Old Testament,


3') = Gerah, an ancient Hebrew weight and coin, equal to 1/20 (0.05)of a shekel, gerahs,

ek,rin].hp].pk].'[yic];Agn],nG]:Kw]luk]:yic];yUp]<Sam]ekL.nn].'{(yUp]42;14') = Keren-Happuch, the

youngest of Job’s three daughters,

ek,l};lgt].'[lk];Kqn]:lqn]lin]nG];Ek:mUic];pqn]<yL,min],tc];yut'{(eyL;18;17') = Geliloth, a landmark on

the border between Benjamin and Judah,

ek,pL.'[wQc];pqn]<yL,min],wQc];nuic]:An]tm];pn]tL,perL;hQk]:Kw]yU,'{(eyL;18;24') = Geba, a city of

Benjamin assigned to the priests: also called Gaba,

ek,mla};'[AU:Aqm];mYI,'{(TUin],13;12')' = Gemalli, the father of Ammiel,

ek,rL<'[es:tgn];An]Kun]ehLKm];ApI;mlqk].Aup].mUiw]:kgn],(cw]:'10;19'{ = Gerar,[ a region which was ruled

over by a king named Abimelech, (Gen. 10:19,)],

ek;'(siuw]:pn]nG];kGam];Rkik]:An]mI;tI:pgc],wL:!sUm];SiUw];@') = Kay, Sir, a given name: from a Greek word meanings “Rejoice”,

ek;pUiw]<l]' (sUik]:lQk];nk];Kam],ekL:Kam],)(ek;pUiw]<l]f};fL.') = Cables, a heavy strong rope, (Electric cables),

ek;rL.'[luk]:sa};pI;lL.'suiw]:kUn];sa};SI,ekL.nG];kUn];KUiw];pqn]<yL,min],'{(cw]:46;21') = Gera, a son of Bela

ek;lac];' Alac];' = Principal, a capital sum,


9;26-45') = Gaal, a son of Ebed who led an unsuccessful rebellion by the inhabitants of Shechem against Abimelech,

ek.wa},tLPat]:tUv];' ek.tLtUv];' El.tLtUv];' = Glance at, a quick or brief, glancing,

EkEn<Srqt]:'[wQc];/ngc]kEn<Srqt]:{ = Gennesaret,[the town of Naphtali; the “lake of Genesaret”(Lk.5:1)],

EklUw],rI,' (eKL:eyL:-sIeAEAl])' = Calorie, Also called gram calorie, small calorie. an amount of heat

exactly equal to 4.1840 joules. (Abbreviation: cal),


.nn].'{(TUin],33;22')' = Kehelathah, a desert camp of the Israelites between Egypt and the Promised Land,

Ek,'pU,Ek,'kac].Ek,' = Village-headman, village leader,

Ek,'kUn];Tw];kUn];Ek,' = Old, old age,

Ek,'(KQw]Ek,) = Not light in color, (dark green,)

Ek,'(kw]mk].kan]:Pk];kat],Ek,)'Pk];Ek,'= Coarse texture, not tender: I enjoy the sores texture of this mustard,

Ek,kUn];ha}.'(pQn]Ek,kUn];ha}.sum];luk].Puin].nn].)' = Ringleader, N.: a ringleader of revolutionary activities,

Ek,sUn]' = Leader of robbery gang,


m],l}:yin];SQc]huit];Ek,eSL,KL:sG].Kw]Tqc]:yw].nn].'(yUp]3;18') = Slave driver, N. taskmaster: they no

longer hear the slave driver’s shout,

Ek,PU:lk].' = Leader of thieves, burglars or pickpockets,

Ek,Kqn].' Kqn].'[nan];yG],'Am],nn]ekL:Am],Suip],yG],l}:Tqc];yw].nn].'{ = Stunted, adj. slowed or stopped

abnormally in growth or development,

Ek,Kqn].' = Stunt, to stop, slow down, or hinder the growth, stunted,

Ek,Kzt]:'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Salvation, N.,


pg},lgt]:lqw];') = Salvation, N.: God’s divine powers of salvation, healing, Redemption,

Ek,Kzt]:' tL,Ek,Kzt]:' (Ek,Kzt]:Aw]Kw]hUm],lUm]:lI') = Save, to save, (saved them)

Ek:' Ek:sUik]:' = Untie,

Ek:' lit]:' lit]:/Ek:pqt]:' lit]:/Ek:pn]' = Loose, loosed, unbind, unbound,

Ek:kac]'nG];kac]'wUc]:kac]'nG];ek:'ek:kac]' = Between, N. adv. among; betweens, in the midst of,

Ek:kac]PBn]lBm];lqc].lBc]ASak]:Pw' = Midst of the storms of life,

Ek:kac]lgc]:yap]:Kt];sam];' = Midst of the challenge,

Ek:ekL.etL.ekL.' Sun],ekL.etL.etL.' = Interpersonal,

Ek:Kqn]nG];wac]:hUw]AUk];JPL;sw]:n}.puit],hp].tgn]:SUw}.yU,' = God’s arms are open to you.

Ek:EK' = Rescue,

Ek:K}' Ek:lit]:' = Solve, resolve,

Ek:K}pn]sgm];la};lI'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Arbitration,

Ek:K}pn]sgm];la};lIkQw],An]tUv];Tiuc]lgc]:yU,lIpI;San];'(tac];) = Health care arbitration,

Ek:sUik]:'eKYL.sUik]:'lit]:sUik]:'pg},sUik]:' = Unlash, to loosen, unfasten, or untie, unlashed, unlashing,

Ek:pg},tac];Pit]; = Amnesty

Ek:mn];' nG];Ek:' wUc]:kac]KUiw]' (nG];Ek:mG];El:kw]'nG];Ek:hL;n}.')' = Between, (Between you and me),

Ek:lit]:' eKL:Ek:lit]:' = Resolve, answer, to come to definite decision, determine,

Ek:lit]:lgc]:Kgc].Km]tUik]:tn]nn].' = Resolve the conflict,

Ek:lit]:lgc]:Kgc].Km]tiUk]:tn]An]sac]:yL.lukw];lqw]' = Resolving destructive conflict,

Ek:AUk];'(sQp];sUk].Ek:AUk];mak].hUw]sG]') = Center of chest, (chest pain and heart attack)

Ek;'[k}lUiw]'tgn];Ek;lUiw]'{ = Farther, adv. At or to a greater distance; more than,

Ek;' nm].hgc]:' Ek;nm].' nm].Ek;' hgc]:nm].' = River, N. a natural stream of water, rivers,

Ek;/hBw]nm].'[pgt]:tac];nUiw]nm].hgc]:'Ek;/hgc]:nm].'hUw]nm].hgc]:'{= Headwaters, N. the upper tributaries of a river,

Ek;nm].yU<PrQt];tI<'[Ek;nm].hgc]:nG];kun],AL,SYL.Pa},wn];tUk];An]tac];yaw];mI;1700lk];'{ = Euphrates,

Ek;lI,lI;' [kL,liel;{'(es:tgn]:/es:wQc];/wQc];-') = Galilee, (a province)

Ek.' Ek.sac]' = Lacking in flavor, lacking in quality,


sgm];la};Kw]:KGac],pk];pUic]Sc]yw].'(An]kQw],lik]:hBm]:ma}'pk];piBc]'ptivin],'){ = Void, adj. N. invalid, null, without

legal effect; not legally binding or enforceable,

Ek.sac]pqt]:' = Void, invalidate; nullify, voided, voiding,

Ek.sac]l}:'[An]kQw],lik]:hBm]:ma}'pk];piBc]'ptivin],'{ = Voidable, adj.,

Ek<lS}.'(CaCO3)'[mI;tI:hin]Tun]Agk],' tI:Agk],Kqp];hin]Sqc]'hin]Tun]tqm]:'sUiw];n}.(kgn]:hin]SG]sqc]:mUin]man],

hQt];man],tLepL;l}:'){' = Calcite, one of the commonest minerals, calcium carbonate, CaCO3 , found in a great variety

of crystalline forms: a major constituent of limestone, marble, and chalk; (optical-grade crystals). ,

k}' kG}' (k}/kG}AU,'k}/kG}/wUAuc]:sL;lL;)' wU' = Swing, to move or sway to and fro, swung,

k}'tac];k}'(yU,tI:Am],epL;k}epL;sm]nn].eSpG].tUv];'(lin]lap]:mUic];k}') = Distance, N.: watching from a

distance; in far distance, distant, adj.,

k}' tac];k}' = Distance,

k}' k}kn]' yan]kn]' k}yan]' hac],kn]' = Far, distant,

k}' mUic];k}' tI:k}'tac];k}'(luk].tI:k}l}:muc]:hn]tp].Kam],tuik];) = Afar, far away: He saw the castle afar off,


An]tUc].Sp];Sgn].w};eSSm].kn]kGL,tik];tik];nn].{(mLk}hac]mn];lit];lit];) = Wag, to move from side to side,

forward and backward, or up and down, especially rapidly and repeatedly: a dog wagging its tail, wagged, wagging,

k}kn]sUw]:yuin];muiw];'[Am],sm]/sm]sG]kn]Et.Et.{(lgc]:kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],k}kn]sUw]:yuin];muiw];) = Arm’slength, adj. not closely or intimately connected or associated; distant: an arm’s-length relationship,

k}kgc]:' kG};kgc]:' mgc];kgc]:' (k}kac],'nQn]kac],') = Trigger of a gun: trigger of crossbow,

k}k}'(SQn]:tac];k}k}nn].AUiw]:mn];lIl}:p})' = Yonder, being in that place or over there; being that or those

over there:(That road yonder is the one to take.)

k}k}' (tI:k}k})' = Yonder, adjective. being the more distant or farther: (yonder side.),

k}k}w};w};' k}k}PG];PG];' = Further and faster,

k}eSpUin]:Sut];'(tI:Kgp],mn];lqn]mn];tUik]:k}eSpUin]:Sut];Sut];')= Farthest, adv.: farthest limits, furthest,

k}tan],Kaw];tac];Sam]wn];'(Agk],3;18') = Three-day journey,

k}tan],tan],' l}:wL:k}tan],tan],' = Considerable distance,

k}etL,hgt]:Tuic]'[tan],Tuic]tan],pQn]l}:nn].'hG]:KGak]:kGac];yaw];/nm]tan],nn].'{ = As far as, also so far as. To

the extent, degree, or amount that,

k}Tic];mgc];kgc]:'[pQn]tI:yip];Agn],An]kp];etL,mgc];kgc]:w}.(k}.pQn]tL,kgc]:pgt];){' = Sear, N.,

k}nL,yaw];nL,AL;lL;' k}nL,huic]nL,AL;lL;' = Too far too long,

k}pUn].tI:pUn].lqn]nL,' = Far off,

k}eP;' = Far from danger, be safe,

k}lUiw]nn].' k}lUiw]Tqc]:' k}eSnn].Tqc]:' = Farther,

k}yan]kn]' yU,hG]:k}yan]kn]tc];' = Keep away from, stay away from,

k}yaw];Kaw];hiuc]' k}yaw];Kaw];hiuc]lUiw]' k}k}' = Further, adj., at or to a greater distance; farther:,

k}yaw];nL,pBn].liBw]'nm]lBn].yG],pBn].liBw]' = Far and Beyond,

k},' = Chicken, cock, hen, rooster,


,yUiw]:yaw];pL,tUn]:Kqm]sUiw];nn].{ = Gallinule, water chicken, common moorhen,,

k},Kn]' = Cock crows, rooster crows,

k},Kn]yw].' = Rooster crowed,

k},KL' = Pheasant,

k},cgm];luk]:'[k},Em:hgc].suluk]:k},Agn],cgm];tG]:pik]:mn];{' = Hen gathering chicks under her wings,

k},sac].'[nUk].miUc];AEm,riktUw]yG],mI;KUn]ca};nUk].yuc];kin]niUw].l}:miUn]niUw].k},{ = Turkey, a large gallinaceous bird,

k},etL,' = Fighting rooster, gamecock,

k},etL,'[k},epL:lQc].sgm];hUiv];'k}AU'k},lqc]'{ = Rooster, N. the male of domestic fowl; cock,


)(k},Kn]El:mUic];lqc];Am],sG]:ygn].nL:mUic];etlqc];El:k},etL,Kn]')= Rooster taking credit for the dawn,

(compare ‘the sun will rise even if the rooster doesn’t crow’)

k},etL,tc]:'[k},kU:wgk];/k},An]Aw]kGL,tc]:hac]:Kuim];pG].etL,Aw]k},TUin],nn].{' = Decoy bird or rooster,

k},etL,tUw]p}lqc]:AUk];' = Strutting rooster,

k},TiUn],' = Fowl, jungle fowl,

k},pQt];lQc].Ka}K},Ka}nUiw].mn];'(SUn]lQc].k},pQt];Ka}K},Ka}nUiw].mn];')' = Poultry, (poultry farm),

k},epL:' k},PU:' = Cock, rooster,

k},PU:El:k},Em:' = Cock/rooster/male chicken, and hen/chicken,

k},muc].lQw]'[k},An]tqk],Agk],K}:mL;wn];lQw]kn]{'k}Puc]lQw]' = Brood of chicks,

k},Em:'(k},muc].nuic]:) = Hen, N. chicken: a broody hen and her chicks; baby chicken with their mother hen,


,k}:epL:k},Em:mgk],hL:tUw]etL,pqt],tUw]){= A broody hen and her chicks, baby chicken and their mother hen,

k},Agn],'(k},Em:hgc].k},luk]:Agn],mn];sukn]tG];pik],mn];)' = Chicks: A hen gathers her chicks under her wings,

kg};'k};[KUic]:sa};'KUic]:tUw]epL:'tU;lI;'{ = Penis, N. the male organ of copulation and of urinary excretion; male priavte part,

k}.' k}.hQt];kan]' k}.hQt];kan]nL,' k}.nL,' = Hard working, industrious,

k}.'An]sp];sg};hQt];eS,'mI;sG]k}'(luk]:hQn];k}.') = Diligent, adj.: a diligent student, diligently, adv.,

k}.k}.' km];km];' k}.hQt];' = Often, frequently,

k}.k}.' k}.hQt];eS,eS,' man],man],'Am],Tat],Am],wa};' = Regularly, usually, normally,

k}.k}.pQn]' = So often, at times,

k}.k}.pQn]nL,' mn];k}.k}.pQn]nL,' = Very often,

k}.k}.pbin]Paw],mgk],En' = Regular Statement,

k}.KBw]man],man],' = Laugh regularly,

k}.SB:pQn]' k}.pQn]' k}.SG],'k}.mI;'k}.hQt];' = Usual, conventional, common,

k}.SB:pQn]' k}.pQn]' kiuc],pQn]'(lgc]:-'An]-')' = Usual, N., something that is usual,

k}.SU:mI;' k}.k}.mI;' = Common, of frequent occurrence; usual,

k}.SU:Am],sac]:Aw]hUm]:lUm]:pn]'(An]) = Not securable by conventional means,

k}.sp];yam]:kGL,'SBn]:lQw]ciBn]:lQw]kn]kGL,' = Routine,

k}.vL;kn]'(tI:)'(mL;Kiun];tI:k}.vL;kn]')= Haunt, -A place frequently visit, to return to one’s old haunt,

k}.pQn]km]:nm]' = Oftentimes,


,yaw];'{ = Nag, to annoy by persistent faultfinding or complaint; ill-tempered; vexing, nagged, nagging,

k}.mL;sG];'sG];eS,eS,'= Haunt, linger, to visit habitually or regularly, to remain persistently, haunted, haunting,

k}.emLpQn]' k}.pQn]' k}.yam]:hQt];' = Customarily, adv. usually,

k}.yw].ygk],'[An]yUc];etL;S/kw];ygk].yqk]./lat]:hQt];ygk],hG]:lIKG]:KUw]/yw].ygk],eShQt];hG]:Ser,lunn].{ =

Twit, to taunt, tease, ridicule, etc.; gibe at, twitted, twitting,

k}.yw].ygk],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Twit, N.,

k}.yam]:hn]'yam]:yB,yam]:TBp];'yam]:' = Used to see, used to it,



;kUn];him];hgm];mG];nn].nL,Pqw]epL;mG];El,lUn].lUiw]AL;lL;n}Kw]etsc];mG];AUiw]:"@(Tuc];kGam];'25;17')' = Visit

too often, to many visits: “Don’t visit friends too often, or they will get tired of it and start hating you.(CEV); “Seldom set

foot in your neighbor’s house – too much of you, and they will hate you.”(Prov.25;17,NIV),

k}.hQt];kan]' = Industrious, hard-working,

k}<yt].kYO;liyt].SI;sL,'[sgm]pgc]Suik];lUc]mUic];rUw];mekL.nuic]:'(kpK100-44kpK){' = Gaius Julius

Caesar, N. Roman general, b.c100 - 44b.c,

ka},kut],' nc]:ka},kut],' nc]:KLka},kgn];' = Crossed legs sitting,

ka},kgn]' = Erect rafters,

ka},kgn];' (nc]:KLk}a,kgn];) = With one knee over the other,

ka},kGam];hLyibn]:pn]'ka},kGam];hL'ka},kGam];Tam]pn]'hLhQt];pn]'yuin]:pn]'= Offer, offered, offering,

kGam];ka},hL' kap]:lB,'(An]-) = Offer, N. an act or instance of offering,

kap]:lB,'lU,tan];' = Offer, proffer: offer gifts and sacrifices for sins, offered, offering,


sG]') = Offer, to propose or put forward for consideration: to offer a suggestion, offered, offering,

ka},kGam];hL' yibn]:pn]' ka},kGam];hLTam]pn]' lU,tan];' = Offer, offered, offering,

ka},kGam];hLKa}' = Offering for sale,

ka},kGam];hLpn]tac];hn]Tiuc]Tqc]:tac],An]' = Offering another view,

ka},KUw]' (ka},KUw]Em;haw];) = Build a bridge, (build a bridge and repair the balustrade)

ka},KUw]Em;haw];' ka},KUw]' = Bridge, bridged, bridging,

ka},Kiun];'[(Pac]hac]:tqm]:ma}tac]Em:kp];Sgn].AI)tka},Kiun];sm]:nL:=t}; { = Name of a sign (-}) of the

spelling in Tai language,

ka},Suip],'[kp];pn]ka},pn]pQn]nc],KUw]nn].eShQt];hG]:Pa},nuic]:tc];Pa},nuic]:sac]:Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;sU;kn]l}:{'= Bridge,

to join by or as if by a bridge: a fallen tree bridging the two porches, bridged, bridging,

ka},Suip],(tgn]:-/pgt];-)'[pQn]tgn]:/pgt];nG];kGam];puk]:nuic]:(muit]:Suip],'SQc]lm],'ka},Suip],'{ = Bridge,(music) N.,

ka},Ep' = Put a cross beam connecting the tops of two posts,

ka};' KUm];KUm];ka};ka};' = Itch,

ka};kap],' ka};m}.' = Prickle, prickles on the bamboo sheath,

ka};Sqp].Sqp].'[KUm];lit];lit];/Am],yU,SL,sgm];tUw]/nG];hU/nG];SUp];'{' = Grating, adj. irritating or unpleasant or

one’s feeling, gratingly, adv.,

ka};tt].'[Krit]:yan],kUn];sa};nG];mUic];rUw];m'(rUw];16;23){' = Gaitus, N. (Ro.16:23),

ka};ygn];' = Prickles of a certain creeper,

ka};ygp].ygp]./yqp].yqp].'KUm];'ka};'KUm];KUm];ka};ka};' = Itch, itched, itching, itchy, adj.,

ekL' = Cluster, clump, committee,


El:rL;SYL;'(Pan],SGac];hQt];pQn]w}.mgk]:sw].sw].pI<1990sUiw];nn].){' = Contact group, The Contact Group is

composed of United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy and Russia (created in the early 1990s),

ekLkp];San]ka},Suip],' = Consultation Committee,

ekLhUm]:Sac]:' = Joint Action Committee,

ekLkUv]:' = Clump of banana trees, banana plant clusters,

ekLKw]:' = Cluster of young rice plants,

ekLm}.Sac];tn]'yum];Kqm];nL'yum];Kqm];'yum];tn]'pL,m}.tn]tik];' = Thicket, N. a thick or dense

growth of shrubs, bushes, or small trees,

ekLyiUw]:' = Clump of grass,

ekL?' AI:Sc]ekL?' wL:hiuw]ekL?' = Interrogative particle: What? What’s that again?

ekLniuc]:'(ekLm}.pUk]:ekLm}.mgc]' ekLm}.Sac];Kqm];') = Clump, cluster, (a clump of bamboos, clump of thorny bamboo),

ekLpBw],er;SYin];' = Corporation,

ekL,' = Pile up, heap, mass,

ekL,kan]ha}.'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Terror, N., terrorrism, N.,

ekL,Kiun]:'pUk];luk].Kiun];'pBk];Kiun]:' tac],Tqc]:'ybk].tac],' lQc].yG],Kibn]:' = Raise, raised,

ekL,Kiun]:lgc]:kuic],TUik]:lITac],TiUm]cm];cw];eSKt];Aman],JtL;' = Raise reasonable doubts

about the truth,

ekL,cw]:' ekL,cw]:mn];Kiun]:' = Bottom-up processes for forming,

ekL,cw]:hUw]tI;' hUw]tI;mn];' = Firstly, in the first place,

ekL,sL.' ekL,cw]:' Et,cw]:' = Beginning, at the beginning,

ekL,esL;kYam];/sL;'tan];SUiw];kYam];'[Pqn],nLnLtL,Aw]SUuiw],hUm],puin].hUin];nn].{'= Rug, N. a thick fabric for

covering part of a floor,

ekL,Sac]:'hQt];'ekL,Sac]:hQt];' = Construct, to build; frame, constructed, constructing,

ekL,Sac]:'hQt];'ekL,Sac]:hQt];'(An]-)kan]ekL,Sac]:' = Construction, N., construct, build,

ekL:Sac]:' ekL,Sac]:pUk];tc]:' ekL,Sac]:hQt];' = Build, construct, built, building,

ekL,Sac]:'(kUn];-'ekL.-'sum];-') = Builder, constructor,

ekL,Sac]:'tL,ekL,Sac]:miBc];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:'= Build, to build the kingdom of God,

ekL,Sac]:KUiw];hUin];w}.'[l}:mI;luk]:lac];mL;'{(cw]:16;2') = Build a family, obtain children,

ekL,Sac]:sum];hUm]:pgc];tL,hG]:pQn]An]km].An]Tqm]' = Build supportive coalitions,

ekL,Sac]:tac];mak],mI;lIpQn]' = Build wealth,

ekL,Sac]:Et,tc]:w}.nUiw]' = Built upon,



n].kGL,kqp]:kqp]:sgm];Sa}ca}<cw];la};lG]cw];la};nn].nn].') = Strict construction, -Strict construction of law

means taking it literally or “what is says, it means,” so that the law should be applied to the narrowest possible set of situations.,

ekL,Sac]:hQt];hG]:Tuk],emLkn]' = Build harmony,

ekL,nI;liyt].'(siuw]:kUn];mUt];sac],nG];nL:hiUn];ey;rUw];mKw]) = Cornelius, (Acts 10:1)

ekL,puin].mn];' ekL,cw]:' = Building foundation, build a foundation,


lUc]kGL,') = Winnowing fork,

ekL,mak],hin]' kan]ekL,mak],hin]' = Masonry,

ekL,miSYin],ekL,Sac]:lgc]:cm];yQn]' = Peace building commission,

ekL,mI,tI,Pg}.mUiw]:lUw],' = Ad hoc committee,

ekL,mI,tI,' = Committee,

ekL,mI,tI,' sum];pgc]Sac]:' = Committee,

ekL,mI,tI,sg}:sUiw].sat]:mI;Sun],l}:Tac],hac]:hQt];kan]'= National Right to Work Committee,

ekL,lL,SiUw]:' = Collar,

ekL,lL,SUiw]:PUik],'[kQw],nL:kan]sn].Kun]kan]PU:lUc].lqn],Am],sG]:kUn];kin]sac]:{ = White-collar, adj.

ekL,lL,SiUw]:PiUk],Pit];rL,swUt]:' = White Collar Crimes,

ekL,lL,SUiw]:Sgm],'[kQw],nL:kan]kUn];Aw]hqc];hLkin]mUin]nc],kUn];Em;sak]:Kw]{' = Blue-collar, adj.,


n]tc];ekL,lLeKL;SUiw]:w}.nn].'{(KQm]mat],ekL,lL,lL.AUk];)'pik],SUiw]:'= Lapel, N. either of the two parts of a

garment folded back on the chest, especially a continuation of a coat collar: lapel pin,

ekL:-- = Also/too

ekL:yL,' –n}ekL:yL,' = Even though, even if,

ekL:yL,' = Conjunction word: Whether – or,

ekL:yw].mn];El:' = So let it be, so let it be done,

ekL:yL,mn];El:' ekL:yw].mn];El:' = Never mind,

ekL:yw].El:' ekL:yw].El:Am],pQn]Sc]' = Never mind, no problem,

ekL;Ek;'(mn];etAm],ekL;Ek;hQt];ES:') = Would never, (He would never think of doing it.)

ekL;emL;rL,'(wQc];)' = Gomorrah, in the Bible city destroyed with Sodom, Comorrha,

ekL;rin].'[wQc];kw],nG];miUc];krit].s]{ = Corinth, N. an ancient city of Greece,

ekL;lekL;T'[kgc];him];wQc];ey,ruSlqm],tI:sw]:ey,Sul};Kam],tgk],kuik];Sw]m}.wL;muiw];'{'kgc];kgk];hUw]' =

Golgotha, [a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified,(Mt 27:33)], Calvary,

ekL;lQk].pa};pk];pUic]'(hUc];hQn];)' = Law College,

ekL;elL;eS;'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-ekL;'){ = Colossians, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Col.)],

ekL;elL;eS;'[wQc];mUiw]:kgn],mI;pgt];sQc],san];wn];tUk];nG];mUic];frIkYIy'(ekL;1;2){ = Colossae, an ancient

city in SW Phrygia; Colosse,

ekL.' AUv];ekL.'(],nw]:mgn]kn]) = Fellow, (a fine old fellow),

ekL.' kUn];ekL.niuc]:' = Person, a person,

ekL.ktiman],'[kUn];ekL.An]pn]ktiw}.eSEl:hQt];sgm];Et.Et.'{ekL.ktikuim];' = Promise keeper,]hk].' = My loved one, my beloved,],nw]:mgn]kn]'AUv];],kn]' = A fine old fellow,];San]ka},Sibp], = Consultant,].kqm]PB:lat]:Sac]:tac]pa};pk];piBc]'(],kqm]pa};piBc]) = Paralegal,].sg}:'].' = Assistant, deputy,].sg}:pn]'[emLyL'(emLyLAm],ekL:emLyLlup],yLAQn)'PU:lUc].lqn],Pa},tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIAm],nn]ekL:ekL

.mI;la}<Sqn]</mI;Kqp];mk];ma}/l}:mk];ma}Kw]:KGac],w}.Pa},tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lIAn]pQn]sgm];nc],pk];pUic]es:mUic];mI;w}.nn].'{ =

Provider, a physician (MD. - Medical Doctor or D.O. – Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine), health care professional or health

care facility licensed, certificated or accredited as required by state law,].sg}:pn]cuin];tL,tUv];lum];lL;pn]tI:hUin];' = Home-care provider,].sg}:pn]Pa},pa};yU,lI'[emLyL/pU,lQc]./epL:puic]:ekL.hp].yLpn]erL;kL,{ = Health care provider,].Tqm]'].Tqm]sg}:pn]' = Supportor, N.,]pQn]'kw]pQn]kw]yU,nn].' kw]pQn]]pQn]n}.AUiw]:' = Who I am, I am who I am,];ekYL;SBn];yBc];' = Tempter, N.,

ekL.kL.Ka}hQt];kan]hBm]:kn]' = Business partner

ekL.kQp];hgm]tqm]:'PU:kQp];hgm]tgm]tqm]:' = Compiler, N. a person who compiles; also called compiling routine,

ekL.kqt],EKSbn],l}:kBn]; = Human Rights Defender

ekL.kqm];w}.' ekL.PiBw],w}.kqm];w}.' = Reserved person or player,

ekL.kqw]pac]' = Moderator, a person or thing that moderates,

ekL.kum];'kUn];kum];' = In Charge,

ekL.kum];kUn];pat],Kw]:' = Master of reapers,

ekL.kum];Tgc],' = Jailor, a person who is in charge of jail, prison warden,

ekL./kUn];Siuc];mak],pQt].S]epL;l]'(ekL.Suic];tc];ekL.epL.) = Pitcher, N.(Baseball): pitcher and hitter,

ekL./kUn];tc]:tBw]yB,lgt]:'sUiw];tc]:tUw]yU,lgt]:' = Survivor, N., survivors,

ekL./kUn];pQn]yQw]:wan]'[kUn];mI;erL;kL,yQw]:wan]'{ = Diabetic, adj. N. of or relating to diabetes, diabetics,

ekL./kUn];epL.mak],pQt].S]epL;l]'(ekL.Suic];tc];ekL.epL.) = Hitter, N.(Baseball): pitcher and hitter,

ekL./kUn];emLtI,sqc];'[ekL.emLhQt];emLKp].Kuic]KQn],hac]:KUic]:{ = Designer, N.,

ekL.kBn];miBc];ybm],pibc]:Aic]' = Public Trust,

ekL./kUn];lt];kGL,him];'[kUn];ekL.tuik].lt];Kam]:/pUn].kGL,yU,nn].'{ = Passerby, N. a person passing by,

ekL./kUn];l}:SU;kgp].f]AUw];pqn];' = Golf Open Winner,

ekL./kUn];l}:SU;kgp].f]em,kYL,' = Golf Major Winner,

ekL./kUn];elLEl'[].lQn]:hk].elL:Am],SG],sG]Et.'{ = Flirtation, N. also flirter,

ekL.kU:pn]' kUn];kU:ciun];' = Lender, N., money lender,

ekL.kU:pn]tc];ekL.kU:Aw]'ekL.kU:tc];ekL.yim]' = Lender and borrower,

ekL.kU:Aw]'ekL.ygn];kU:'kUn];yim]ciun];'ekL.yim]' = Borrower, N., money borrower,

ekL.Ek:K}'An]Ek:lit]:'ekL.Ek:lit]:' = Solver,

ekL.ka},kGam];hL = Offeror

ekL.kuik];kn]' ekL.hUm]:kan]can];' = Associate,

ekL.kuik];kn]'};kn]' kU:tg};kn]'].kn]' = Couple, pair, a married or encaged

pair, dance partners, lovers,

!ekL.kuic],TUik]:l}:sUiw];Kw]:mG],@' =“New eligibles”

!ekL.kuic],TUik]:l}:sUiw];mI;w}.kw],kw],@' =“Old eligibles”

ekL.kuic],Aap]:' = Match, a person or thing able to cope with another as an equal,(to meet one’s match),

ekL./sum];kuic].kc].Kw]him]/Sim];Aw]'[sum];kuic].kc],Kw]:tuik];'{ = Spoiler, N. raider, spoilers

ekL.kuit];luiw]:epL;kan]' = Retiree, N. a person who has retired from an occupation or profession,

ekL.kiBt],kibk];pQn]kBn];sibc]:miBc];' = Natural born Citizen,

ekL./PU:kgn];'ekL.kgn];kan]'PB:kgn];kBn];hQt];kan]' mqn]<en,kYL,' = Manager, N.,

ekL./PU:kgn];kan]' mqn];en,kYOiw],' = Manager,

ekL.Kp].lik]:Kaw],' = Deskman, N.(Journalism) a member of a newspaper staff who processes news copy,

ekL.Kw]hk].' ekL.mG];hk].' = Their loved one, your loved one,

ekL.Kw]:Ek:EKsg};pn] =Vindicator


PL,wkUn];hw];'{ = Humanist, N. adj. a person having as strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and

dignity; a student of human nature or affairs; a classical scholar,

ekL.Kw]:yU,' = Occupant,

ekL.Kac];Auiw].Auiw].'ekL.Kac];sgm];Auiw].Auiw].'ekL.mgc]sG]Kac];sgm];' = Mouner, N., mourners,

ekL.Kam],kGam]; = Pledger

ekL.Kam],tam],nk];rL,swBt]:Aik],Sbm];Sbn],SI;l]wI;' = Attainder

ekL.Kam],Sum];ygn].pUin]:sgm];kw];lgk],cuit]:' = Stalking victim,

ekL.Kam],tuk].Ksgm];sw]:'(SL,72;2)'ekL.Kam],tuk].Ksgm];mG];' = Your afflicted one or ones,

ekL.KBc]<Sac]:hQt];Kgc]mG],' = Inventor

ekL.EK.KQc],' kUn];EK.KQc],' = Contender, N. challenger, opponent,

ekL.EK.Suiw].pn]Kn]Suc]Sut];'[tL,mUiw]:Ka}Agk].SYin];nn].{' = Highest bidder, (Auction),

ekL.Kiuc]pgc]hQt];Sac]:En'ekL.Kuic]pgc]'ekL.hQt];Sac]:En' = Performer, N.,

ekL.Kiun];Tt];'[ekL.Kiun];lUKiun];tUv];eSTt];pn]tqm]:w}.nG];pp].lik]:/sUic];'{' = Reviewer,

ekL.Kiun];pUk];Et,tc]:pn]' Kiun];pUk];Et,tc]:pn]'(ekL.-')' = Restorer,

ekL.K}:En'ekL.K}:Enpiun];pQn]'ekL.K}:mgk],pn]' = Narrator, N.,

ekL.Ka}' = Vendor, seller,


n]mm]:tI:ekL.Siuw].nn].'ekL.Ka}ethp].Aw]ciun];pQn]sgm];liUn]mn];Aw]kUv];'{ = Seller Financing,

ekL.Kiun];Ek:' = Rebutter,

ekL./KUic]:An]hQt];hG]:mn]:kuim];' = Sustainer, N. a person or thing that sustains,

ekL.KYL;SB;pn]' pQn]ekL.KYL;SU;pn]' = Rewarder

ekL./Kgc]tuin];lUw],l}:mI;' = Indispensable, N. person or thing that is indispensable,

ekL.KG]:Ka}nL,' = Motivated Buyer,-Any buyer with a strong circumstance or reason to sell,

ekL.KG]:Siuw].nL,' = Motivated Buyer,-Any buyer with a strong circumstance or reason to buy,]:Et,mn];'KUic]:cw];Et,mn];' = Primitive, N. someone or something primitive,

ekL.cipn]'[ekL.pUin]:lUik]:mn];sg}:Ek:K}An]TQc]kn]pn]sgm];la};lI'{ = Umpire, selected to settle disputes,];kan]' = Operator,].pQc];kn]'[ekL.An]mI;sn].Tan]:pQc];kn]Pa},pk];pUic]nn].'{'(Kun]sg}:Tt]kYO;rI;].pQc];kn])' =

Peer, N. a person of the same legal status: a jury of one’s peers,].mUin]kn]'[ekL.An]mI;nm].kt].tac];emL'nm].kt].tac];lI'kL:Kn]'ASak]:'puin];Kam],wn];lc]'El:sn].T

an]:kUn];mUin]kn]nn].'{'(nn].hQt];hG]].mUin]mn];nac];sUiw];nn].epL;l}:Aam];Et.Aam];wL:')' = Peer,

N. “…that leaves her peers in awe!”,

ekL.sp];f};'tI:Kit],sp];f};' = Igniter, N. a person or thing that ignites,]etta}'(eKL:kGam];]etta}lat]:luin];Sut];) = Dying person: the last words of dying person,

ekL./kUn];sw]:ey,SuKrit]:pUic],'(Kw]sUiw];l}:Kam],hgc].mL;hG]:l}:pQn]ekL.sw]:pUic],)' = Belong to Jesus

Christ: those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. (Ro.1:6),

ekL.sat];hQt];kan]can];'];kan]' = Conductor, operator,]:yL:yL/yUiw],St];'[ekL.Aw]KUic]:mn];la}mQw];sap]:hQt];Agk],KUw];Kgc]mQw];nuic]:'{= Compounder, N. a

person who mixe or combines ingredients in order to produce an animal feed, medicine, or orther sustance,]:lBv]:' = The party, concern party or person,

ekL.sam];' ekL.kYam],sam];' = Trier,

ekL.sam];Puik];hQt];tUv];kan]' = Intern, a person who works as an apprentice or trainee in an occupation or

profession to gain practical experience, ,

ekL.sqt]:Tam]pin],Ek:Kiun];' = Cross-examiner, N.,]:' ekL.sI.nam];' PU:sI.nam];' KU;emLSgn]' = Instructor, teacher, tutor,};' pQn]};El:' = Be the man,};num],kt].Kqn],'(Sin]20;15') = Able young men, choice men, chosen men,};mI;Ser,mn]:nim]' = Man of integrity,};emLyum],mat]:'kUn];emLyum],mat]:'(pQn]};emLyum],mat]:) = Man of faith: the man of faith,

ekL.suim];sim]Kw]:'KUic]:Tgc]'KUic]:Tgc]nm].' = Infiltrator, N.,

ekL.suiw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,' ekL.Sibw]:etL,man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:' = The righteous,

ekL.sgp],Tam]tBv];' = Inquirer, N.,

ekL.sgm];JPL;sw]:' = Man of God,

ekL.sgm];wL,tpa};SL,SnL,cw]:cL,' = Fundamentalist, N.,

ekL.sgm];hBv];hL' ekL.hUv];' ekL.lm];'ekL.liup]:'ekL.lm];sgm];luip]:sgm];' = Pursuer, N.,};JtL;En;SG],' = Accuser,

ekL.Sc],'[ekL.sG].Aw]pn]KUw];Kgc]An]mn];etSuiw].Aw]/KG]:l}:{ = Orderer, N. someone who places an order to buy,

ekL,Sac]:Kp].mak],Aut],' = Putting up brick buildings,

ekL.San]Kt];' An]San]Kt];'(Kt];kn]-AUv];lI')']' = Opponent, rival, (ant: ally,)

ekL.San]Kt];' An]San]Kt];'(Kt];kn]-AUv];lI') = Opponent, rival, (ant: ally,)

ekL./An]Sam]Kan];'(mn];n}.ekL:pQn]Sam]Kan];nG];puin];pQn]n}.nc],kaw],') = Key figure: he is also a key

figure in this story, key figures,


wac];Pqn]Pa},pa};yU,lImG];El:ethp].sG].sg}:pn]eSygm];Aw]kL:mn];nn].'{ = Preferred provider, a provider

who has a contract with your health insurer or plan to provide services to you at a discount. Check your policy to see if you can

see all preferred providers or if your health insurance or plan has a “tiered” network and you must pay extra to see some

providers. Your health insurance or plan may have preferred providers who are also “participating” providers. Participating

providers also contract with your health insurer or plan, but the discount may not be as great, and you may have to pay more,

ekL.SUn];tum]' ekL.Agn]Kgt],Pgt],' ekL.Em;Kp].Em;Kgm]:' PU:SUn];tum]' = Organizer,

ekL.SUn];tum]hgc].hQt];'(ekL.SUn];tum]hgc].hQt];pac]kum]) = Organizer, (a meeting organizer),

ekL.SUhk].' ekL.mG];hk].' ekL.sw]:hk].' = Your loved one, the one you love,

ekL.ES.Sgm];KL.K}asibw]:JPL;sw]:'ekL.ES.Sgm];pUin]:' = Blasphemer, N.,

ekL.Suik];ht];can]tgn];'(!sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;mI;sgm];mG];yU,'ekL.Suik];ht];can]tgn];AUiv];'@(Sin]6;12') =

Mighty warrior, mighty man of valor: The LORD is with you, mighty warrior,

ekL.Sibp],pbt]: = Successor,

ekL.Sibw]:etL,man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:' = The righteous,]:Et,El:pUic],kan]kL.Ka}kUv];eKL' = Proprietor, N.,];sw].'[ekL.mL;Agn]tac];'{(ekL.mL;Agn]tac];l}:tI:nc]:tUv];pg};tI:Kqm].Sut];') = Early bird, N. a

person who rises at an early hour; who arrives before others; first arrival or comer: the early bird got the best seats for the play,];kan]pn]'ekL.kU:pn]' = Assignor, (the mortgagee,)];kan]pn]' ekL.kU:pn]' = Mortgagee, (assignor,) the lender,];sG]'ekL.lIhk].'[sU.'].'{ = Beloved person, sweetheart,];pUic]'KUic]:Tic];hqc];' = Regulator, N. a person or thing that regulate,

ekL.tac]tBw]' PU:tac]tUw]' = Candidate, ambassador,

ekL.tac],lw]:'[kUn];ekL.tac],Puin]tac],lw]:eSlw]:ygn];pQn]kUn];suic]:mUic];/eSmQw];mQw];{' = Applicant,

ekL.tac],AmbmG]cibn];kn]'[ekL.yuin]:ygn];Tuic]Am],nn]ekL.tUic],lum];{ = Suitor,(Law) a petitioner or plaintiff,

ekL.tam]tUw]tc]:Et,hQt];' pQn]ekL.tam]tUw]tc]:Et,hQt];' = Self starter,

ekL.tLhn]tUw]TUp];'[ekL.lQp]:lgm]tUv];'kUn];Sak]:eS,'{'kUn];sUiw];tLhn]tUw]TUp];' = Onlooker, N.

spectator; observer; witness, onlookers,


/pg};EK.KQc],kn]lQn]:nn].'{= Runner-up, N. the competitor, player, or team finishing in a second place, as in a race,

contest, or tournament, runners-up,

ekL.taw].KQc],Kt];Kibn];' ekL.Kt];Kibn];'(Pa},-) = Opposite, opposites,

ekL.tQk];sBm]'mak],ngc],sBm]' = Sinker,


k]:mUic];'{ = Aggressor, N. a person, group, or nation that attacks first or initiate hostilites; an assilant or invader,

ekL.tqk]:yam];hiuc]' = Timer, a person who measure or records time,

ekL.tqn],nak]:mc]ep.'ekL.ep. = Defeater

ekL./PU:tqp];tt];'];/hQt];tqp];tt];' = Decision-maker, N,

ekL.tqm]:'PU:tqm]:'ekL./PU:tqm]:lik]:' = Author,

ekL.tqm]:kGam];' = Song-writer, N. a person who write music; composer,

ekL.tqm]:SQn]:ma}' PU:ma}' = Book-keeper, N.,

ekL.tqm]:Sa}ma}hUw]kUn];' = Census taker,

ekL.tqm]:Piun]ma}tgc];' = Records taker,

ekL.tqm]:ma}pgc],Kaw],'(ser;) = Scribe, a person who serve as professional copyist, a public clerk,

ekL.tqm]:Aik],ekL.hQt];hG]:yw].tUw]:pn]tL,tac];yum],mat]:hw];' = Author and finisher of our



Am],nn]lik]:pgn];sUiw];n}.nn].{ = Underwriter, N.,

ekL.tqm]:SG],suiw]:' ekL.SGac];Sa}ma}' = Enroller,

ekL.tgc];pan],' ekL.ygn];tgc];pan],' = Apologizer, N.,

ekL.tgp],tqn];mqc],pI:ngc].lUit]:lQw]'[pI:ngc].sm]sG]Sut];tc];ekL.ta}nn].'{ = Avenger of blood,

the nearest relative of a murdered person; the victim’s relative or dead person’s nearest relative; the blood avenger,

ekL.tI,tac];Agn]pgc]'kUn];tI,tac];Agn]pgc]' = Entrepreneur, a person who organizes and manages

any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk.,

ekL.tUc].nuic]' kBn];tBc].nuic]' kUn];tUc].nuic]hQt];Sac]:eSAn]An]' = Activist,

!ekL.tUc].niuc]mn];Am],sG]:-siuc]:miUc];'@ = Non-state actors,

ekL.etl}:mqc],'[ekL.etl}:Aw]mG]KYqk]./ciun];sL.kGL,nn].pn]mn];eSmn];hp].Aw]l}:yU,nn].{' = Payee, N. a

person sto whom a check, money, etc., is payable,

ekL.Et,Pgt]:Pg}.' = Founder, a person who founds or establishes,

ekL.etL,ekL.' ekL.etL,ekL.etL,nL:kn]' = One on one,

ekL.etL,ekL.' pBk].klik'(Kt];kn]tc];'kUn];tc];la})' = Private, (ant: public)

ekL.etL,];Siup],Kw]:Agk],kn]' = Interpersonal relationship,


p].') = Private, adj. personal and not publicly expressed; confidential: a private meeting; one’s private feelings,

ekL.etL,ekL.El:Kw]tc];mUt];' = One and all, every one of them,

ekL.etL,SU:/eK.'[ekL.EK.hG]:ep.l}:SU;/Kam],lUik]:/hU.lgc]:Kw]:KGac],mn];'{ = Contestant, N. a person whoests,

ekL.etL,SB:kqt],EKpn]' nG];lbm];JtL; = Defender,

ekL.tiUc],pac],Sac]:tac]' PU:tiBc],pac],Sac]:tac]' = Counsel, a legal adviser, lawyer, barrister,

ekL.tiUc],lum];'(San]Kt];kn]tc];ekL.l}:Kam],tUic],)' = Plaintiff, (opposed to defendant),

ekL.tiUc],lum];' = Plaintiff,

ekL.tgp],tqn];Kibn];' = Avenger,



Kn]TUik]:yG],ha}Am],nn]l}:Kam],lk].@n}nn].'){' = Disclaimer, N. a person who disclaims,

ekL.Tt];Sac]' = Analyst, -Employee of brokerage or fund management house,

ekL.Tic];Sim];lum];lL;' = Conservator,

ekL.TiSgc]sgm];' TiSgc]sgm];' TiSgc]' = Second,

ekL.TiSgc]sgm];An]tUc].tac],lat]:' = Second the motion,

ekL.Tuic]/mL;Agn]tac];'= First comer, N. first arrival; first on the scene,

ekL.Tgm],kGam];' ekL.emLTgm],kGam];' = Listener, a good listener,

ekL.nn].' = That person, man or guy,

ekL.nn].lQn]:kYL.Sut];ygt]:mn];yw].'(kYL.Sut];ygt]:mn];) = That player is on fire,(on fire)].Sgn],Kn]mn];pn]' = Actuary,( Insurance) N.,

ekL.n}.' = This person, man or guy,

ekL.nibc]:tc];ekL.nibc]:' = One another,


;13')' = Serve one another humbly in love,

ekL.nuic]:yw].ekL.nuic]:km];ekL.ekL.'[An]nuic]:yw].An]nuic]:km];An]An]'{ = One after the other,

Love one another just as I have loved you. = ekL.niuc]:tc];ekL.niuc]:hk].kn]miUn]nc],kw]h


ekL./An]nuic]:yw].ekL./An]nuic]:Suip],tam];sgm];lc]kn]eS' = One after another,

ekL.niuc]:El:ekL.niuc]:' ekL.lG]ekL.nn].' = Each other,

ekL.nuic]:El:ekL.nuic]:pUk];pgc]pn]kn]tL.hw];' = Let’s build up each other,]' ekL.mqc],pn]' ekL.mqc],'ekL.hG]:' (Kt];-ekL.Aw]'ekL.Aw]tik];tik];')' = Giver, (ant: taker),]tac];'ekL.pak]:pn]tac];'ekL.hQt];tac];mqc],/pn]'[ekL.pak]:tac];pn]{ = Way maker,]tac];liUk]:' = Optionor,- One who gives or sells an option,]mn]:sG]'[kUn];ekL.hQt];Puin]lik]:puin]/pn]kGam];mn]:ma}sG]{' = Affiant, N. a person who makes an affidavit,]yLtUv];Tiuc]pa};yU,lI'[sac]:pQn]mUic]nc],emLyLcw]:Et,'nat].S]tUv];Tuic]pa};yU,lI'El:ekL.emLtUv];

Tuic]pa};yU,lIKuik].Pa},nuic]:eKLeKLsUiw];n}.{' = Healthcare provider, N.:,]pa};wUn].'PU:tiUc],pac],pgc]Sac]:' = Counselor, N.,]hG]:l}:mqn]:tc];JtL;'[]hG]:--l}:mqn]:tc];JtL;{ = Justifier, N., the one who justifies,

ekL.pat],eKL;' kUn];pat],eKL;' pU,pat],' = Slayer, assassin, butcher, cutthroat, killer,

ekL.pL;sgm];'kUn];pL;sgm];' = Schemer, conniver,

ekL.pL;kn]Pit];' kUn];pL;kn]Pit];' = Conspirator, plotter,],Kw]:PL,SL,sgm];'],pQn]sG]sgm];'[kUn];ekL.An]luk].tI:tac];hn]Tuic]/tac];yum],/PL,

SL,SL,SnL,An]nuic]:eSpin]pQn]sG]tac];yum],tac],An]kGL,nn].{' = Proselyte, N. convert, neophyte,],pQn]sG]sgm];'[],Kw]:PL,SL,sgm];{' = Convert, proselyte,],EpkGam];' ekL.EpkGam];' kUn];pin],EpkGam];' = Translator, N., interpreter, N.,],PL,SL,' kUn];pin],PL,SL,' = Translator, N.,

ekL.pQn]cw]:hUin];' = Head of the house, head of household,

ekL.pQn]sw]:pQn]sgm]kw]/mG];/mn];' = Own master,


n];Kw]w}.'ekL.pQn]KUiw];hUin];sw]:cw]:puic];mn];'{(lI;wa};27;24') = One whose land it was, whom the possession of

the land belongs; the one who inherited it as family property; the family of its original owner,

ekL.pQn]Tqn]:mn];' km];Tqn]:mn];' = Milestone, s significant stage or event in life, progress, history,

ekL.put]:AmUv],' kBn];pbt],AmBv],'(ekL./kUn];put]:AmUv],sgm];') = Heir, N.: co-heir, heirs,

ekL.pUc]tm];pk];piUc]'pn] = Lawgiver, a person who promulgates a law or a code of laws,

ekL.pUn].pqn]' kUn];tUk];Tgc],' kUn];Tgc],' = Offender,

ekL.EpkGam];' kUn];EpkGam];' = Interpreter, translator,

ekL.Ep,pqt]:'[kUn];ekL.tgp],TQc]pak]:pqt]:An]pQn]Et.mI;et./Sak]:eS,/Aman],JtL;{= Negator, N.,

ekL.p}sgm];SQn]:tac];sw]:' = Who belonged to the Way,

ekL.p}El,'[kUn];p}El,lQn]:lg};lg};ep,lUm];kUn].{ = Stroller, N. a person who takes a leisurely walk; saunterer,

ekL.p},lqn],'(epL;Aw]ekL.p},lqn],mL;]tc];PU:lUc].lqn],n} tL,ekL.p},lqn],ep.n}.Am],SU:mI;')(nUic];-PU:lU

c].lqn],'PU:lqn],')' = Amateur, N.,(Compate professional),}:pUn].'}:lgt]:'ekL.lgt]:Agk],' = Escaper, N., escapers,

ekL.epL.'[ekL.yip];Kgn].eSpG].epL.mak],pQt].S]epL;l]An]Suic];pn]mn];'{' = Hitter, Baseball, to make a base hit,

ekL.pUic],SUw}.'(!...suiw]:yG],mYat]:mn];sw]:An]pQn]sw]:pUic],SUw}.n}.'@(kYQm];'2;7') = Whom you belong,

ekL.pUin]];nm]'(mn];n}.pQn]ekL.pUin]];nm]AUiw]:')' = Well-known person,

ekL.pgc]kan]pn]'[kUn];ekL.pgc]kan]pn]sgm];nc],mI;lik]:ma}mat]:kac]sG]w}.'mI;eKL:Tt];Sin]w}.'sL,kGL,{' =

Executioner, N. a person who executes an act, will, judgment, etc.,

ekL.pgc]pQn]l}:'ekL.pQn]l}:' = Capable person,

ekL.pgc];ePL,' kUn];pgc];ePL,' = Company,

ekL.pgc];ePL,kn]'(kUn];-') = Companions, comrades,

ekL.pG].tUv];sgm];' = Monitor, person who watches, oversees,

ekL.pG].lUTic];tUv];'(ekL.pG].lUTic];tUv];Ek,Kzt]:Aw]'(rut].2;20')= Guardian, N. : our guardian-redeemer,

ekL.pG].lUTic];tUv];'[kU;ekL.pG].kum];Tic];/Eh.kc]:'/Sim];pqc];kum];lum];lL;pn]'{ = Guardian, N. a person who

guards, protects, or preserves,



tL,kgn];kan]kQw],lgc]:mn];sa};/yic];hc];kUv];sgm];tac];Kw]:KGac],pk];pUic]nn].'{ = Guardian, N.(Law) a person who

is entrusted by law with the care of the person or property, or both, of another, as a minor or someone legally incapable of

managing his or her own affairs,

ekL.Pc]Alac];sUw]:kqp].sUw]:km];'[Suiw].yw].Ka}sgm];Am],mUk];w}.huic]{ = Momentum investor,

ekL.Pak]:'[ekL.pgc];ePL,kn]'ekL.hUm]:kan]kn]'t};ekL.'{ = Comrade, N. companion, associate or friend,

ekL.Pak]:kn]' ekL.hUm]:kn]' ekL.hUm]:kan]can];' = Partner,

ekL.Pak]:kn]An]emLwUn].hn]TL:' = Prospective partner,

ekL.Pak]:mk];Kan];' = Limited partner,

ekL.Pan]luk]:'Pan]luk]:'[Am],l}:mI;luk]:mI;lac];w}.'luc];Pan]luk]:'pL:Pan]luk]:'{= Childless, adj. N. a

childless man or woman,

ekL.Pan]AU:'Pan]epL:'Pan]AU:'luk]:Pan]AU:'(sa};Pan]AU:'(yic];Pan]AU:') = Fatherless, adj.:

fatherless boy, the fatherless,


ac];' PU:Pan],SGac];' = Creator,


n}nn].'{' = Commander, N. a person who exercises authority; chief officer; leader, to dog,

ekL.Pa},nG];mG];' = Inner man,

ekL.Pa},pin]:PUn]'[kUn];ekL.Kt];eShn]Pa},pin]:PUn]{ = Contrarian, N. a person who takes an opposing view,

ekL.ePL,Pak]:'[PUw]Am],nn]em;{' = Spouse, N. a marriage partner, a husband or wife; mate,

ekL.ePL,Pak],ekL.kUit],mUic];ngk]:' = Foreign-born spouse,

ekL.Puin].PU;mun];mG],'[kUn];/KUic];pUic]An]Puin];PU;Kiun]:{' = Developer, N. a person or thing that develops,

ekL.Puin].PU;mun];mG],'[kUn];ekL.Puk],Pac]Alac];Am],nn]hQt];kan]Puin].PU;mun];mG],nG];lin]hUin];ey;{' =

Developer, N. a person who invests in and develops real estate,

ekL.PiBw],w}.kqm];w}.' = Reserved

ekL.JPL;pn]lgt]:lqw];'(1ekL;7;22')' = Lord’s freed person, Lord’s freedman,

ekL.Pgc];cm];Tam];kan]'(KU;wL;lUc]nG];kYam];lik]:)' = Minister, N., ministers,

ekL.fac].Sti'ekL.tUk],'An]fac].Sti' = Reminder,]ep.Kam]:pBn].'[ekL.Agc],ep.{ = Overcomer, N. victor,];sw]:lUik]:kQw];w}.'];lUik];kQp];w}.' = His elect,

ekL.mat]:tUw],kw],Kiuk].nL,' = Self-important man,],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,' = The righteous,],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,n}.etyU,Sw];lUv]:tac];yum],mat]:AUiw]:"(rUw];m'1;17) =

Righteous will live by faith,(Romans 1:17,NIV)],Kam],Sak]:eS,' = Perjurer, a person who deliberately gives false testimony,

ekL.mL;SG],suiw]:' ekL.mL;SGac];Sa}ma}' = Enrollee,

ekL.mL;tuik];'ekL.kGL,tuik];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Assailant, adj. N. a person who attacks,

ekL.mL;TL:Agn]tac];' = Forerunner, forebear, predecessor,

ekL.mL;mc]' ekL.kGL,mc]' = Assailant, N. a person who attacks,

ekL.mL;hUp].TUp];tgc]:Tam]' = Interviewer, N.,


,nG];wQc];lUc]hw];n}.'(sum];kL.Ka}n}.pQn]An]mL;mG],nG];puin].tI:emLkan]puin]Kaw],nn].') = Newcomer, N. a person or thing

that has recently arrived; new arrival: She is a newcomer to our city. The firm is a newcomer in the field of advertising,

ekL.mqc],']' ekL.mqc],pn]' ekL.hG]:'(Kt];-ekL.Aw]'ekL.Aw]tik];tik];')' = Giver, (ant: taker),

ekL.mI;krin];Kat].'ekL.yip];krin];Kat].' = Green card holder,

ekL.mI;sn].pUic]lIyUic]:'(AkYac].lIAm],nn]ekL:lgc]:Agc],mqc],An]pUin];tac],ekL.sac]:l}:put]:Aw]') = Role

model, a person whose behavior, or success can be emulated by others, especially by younger people,

ekL.mI;sn].pUic]lIyUic]:An]kUn];num],Kw]sac]:l}:put]:Aw]' = Role model for younger people,

ekL.mI;sG]Tac],TUim]pUn].' = Paranoid, N. a person suffering from paranoid,

ekL.mI;Sun],pqt];Aqn].' = Patentee, -a person, group, or company that has been granted a patent.,

ekL.mI;tac];lUw],'[ekL.mgc];lUw],{kUn];Aibp];yak]:kgt];Pan]Kan]sG]' = Needy, needy person,

ekL.mI;pun]:ESYyL<' = Shareholder, a person who owns shares in a corporation. ,

ekL./PU:mI;pun]:Pgn];' = Responsible person, person in charge; person with duty,

ekL.mI;pun]:Pgn];kQw],An]hQt];Pit];pUic]:' = Culprit, N. a person responsible for wrongdoing, sulprits,


{' = Executioner, N. an official who inflicts capital punishment in pursuance of a legal warrant,

ekL.mI;Pgn];lIsgm];' = Beneficiary, N., Anyone who benefits from something or who is treated as the real

owner of something for tax or other purposes; (the child is the clear beneficiary),

ekL.mI;AL,nL,Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];' = Sovereign, N. a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler,

ekL.mI;AL,mKam],' = The insured,

ekL.mI;eAL;sL,yG],' = Influencer,

ekL.mI;eAL;sL,AL,nL,yG],Et.Et.' = A very influential man,

ekL.Em;Kgt],Pgt],'ekL.Em;pUk];pgc]' = Reformer, N. a person devoted to bring abour reform as in society,


TUiw]<Kaw],') = Editor, N.: a news editor,}'[sa};)}tL,w}.Et,nL:hiUn];kn]'{'PUw]ma}'= Fiancé, a man engaged to be married, future groom,}'[yic];)}w}.tL,Et,nL:hiUn];kn]'{'em;ma}' = Fiancée, a woman engaged to be married,

ekL.emLkp];San]ka},Siup],sgm];lgk];sgm];la};' = Technical consultant,

ekL.emLKuic]kan]'[kan]kL.Ka}/lqk]:kU;kn]/Kat]:pn]ekL.KG]:Kat]:/{'kUn];kL.Ka}' = Dealer, N., dealers,

ekL.emLsgm];JPL;' = Godly man, the godly,

ekL.emLTgm],' = Good listener,


{ = Rhetorician, N. an expert in the art of rhetoric,

ekL.emLwqn]Kit];pUk];Kit];pk];Agc],Ag}:sUik]:t}nUiw]sUik]:' = Acrobat,

ekL.emLhk].kuim];'(mn];sa};n}.pQn]ekL.emLhk].kuim];ekL.nuic]:) = Wonderful lover: He is a wonderful lover,


Brawler, N.: Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler,

ekL.miuw].ekL.kqc]' kUn];muiw].kUn];kqc]' = Cook, person who prepares food,

ekL.mgc];KG].ta}Sm].Am],ta}'(yUp]3;21')' = Who long for death that does not come,

ekL.mgn];JPL;Sgn];sG]'(ekL.An]sw]:Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],sG]pn]w}.)(ekL.mUt];sac],El:mgn];JPL;Sgn];sG]) =

Anointed one, “… your anointed one.”(Ps.84:9); Holy and anointed one,

ekL.mG];pQn]' mG];pQn]mG];yB,nn].' mG];pQn]ekL.mG];pQn]nn].AUiw]:' = Who you are, you are who you are,

ekL.mG];hk].' ekL.sw]:hk].' ekL.SUhk].' = Your loved one, the one you love,

ekL.yam]];' = Acquaintance, a person known to one, but usually not a closed friend,

ekL.yam]];Ait];Ait];' = Slightly acquaintance,

ekL.yL.ptivin], = Contract breaker

ekL.yL.lupUn].pqn]pk];pUic]'[kUn];ekL.pUn].pqn]/hQt];huk].ha}.pUn].pqn]pk];pUic]nn].{' = Lawbreaker, a person

who breaks or violates the law,

ekL.yL.lU.lqw]' ekL.yL.lqw]']lqw]' ekL.yL.luAw]ta}' = Destroyer, N.,

ekL.yL.wn];Sin]'(TUin],15;32') = Sabbath-Breaker, Sabbath-breaking; Sabbath breaker,

ekL.yip];' = Holder,

ekL.yip];SQn]:ma}' = Account holder,






yw].tc];nm]ekL:yL,tL.){ = Contract holder, N. policy holder,

ekL.yUt];yLpn]' = Healer,

ekL.yB,w}.sgm];tac];tc]:sG]AQn];Aan];ekL.nibc]:' = On-purpose person,

ekL.yU,sgm];kn]'(ekL.yU,hUc];hQn];ekL;lQk].sgm];kn]') = Roommate, N.: a college roommate,

ekL.yU,him];kin]sm]' = Joneses, one's neighbors, friends, business associates,

etc.,(keeping up with the Joneses has put him debt),

ekL.yiun]:' = Grantor, benefactor, giver, donor,

ekL.yiun]:ygn];' = Proposer, N.,

ekL.yiun]:ygn];Tiuc]' ekL.yibn]:ygn];hG]:krB,nL,AQt];lBpn]' = Petitioner, N., requester,

ekL.yUic]:pUin]:' kUn];yUic]:' kUn];sUiw];yUic]:'= Imitator, copyist, imitators,

ekL.ygn];kU:' ekL.kB:Aw]' = Borrower, (the purchaser,)

ekL.ygn];KG]:l}:'[kUn];sa};ekL.El,hLKG]:l}:Em:yic];nn].{ = Suitor, N. a man who courts or woos a wooman,


')'(num],eS'ekL.lQk].) = Older, adj.“ The older will serve the younger.” (Gen.25:23; Ro.9:12;),(ant: younger),

ekL.yG],mL;'yG],mL;'(wQc];/wan]:mn];yG],mL;nn].') = Brought up: where he had been brought up; his boyhood home,

ekL.yG],mL;yw].' = Grown-up, adj. having reached the age of maturity, grown up,

ekL.yG],mYat]:tgn];pUin]:'(sw]:ekL.mI;tI:Suc]eSyG],mYat]:tgn];pUin]:n}.lat]:wL:') = Exalted one: “… the

high and exalted one says, …” (Isaiah 57:15),

ekL.lm];' ekL.sgm];hBv];hL' ekL.hUv];' ekL.liup]:'ekL.lm];sgm];luip]:sgm];' = Pursuer, N.,]:'[kUn];ekL.An]lat]:kGam];nn].'{' = Speaker, N. a person who speaks,]:sLtac]' = Spokesman, spokesperson,]:Sc],Sgn]' KU;lat]:Sc],Sgn]' = Lecturer, teacher, professor, instructor,

ekL.lL:lItiBc],wL:wI:lBc]kGL,' = Perjurer, a person who deliberately gives false testimony,


yG],) = Younger, adj.“ The older will serve the younger.” (Gen.25:23; Ro.9:12;),(ant: older),

ekL.lQk].Agn],Ait];' An]lQk].Agn],Ait];' = Little ones,

!ekL.lQk].Agn],mI;eA,n}.l}:tac];lImac],klL,tI:ekL.yG],lUc]mI;nm]nn].'@(hI;7;7') = “The

lesser is blessed by the greater.”(Heb.7:7),

ekL.lQp]:lgm]tUv];'(kgp].f])' = Spector,( golf ), observer, onlooker,

ekL./PU:lQp]:hQn];'[luk]:hQn];'ekL.hQn];'ekL.tuik].Puik];'{ = Studier, N. student; pupil; scholar; learner,

ekL.lQw]' = Privately, alone,

ekL.lQw]kn]' ekL.lG]ekL.nn].' ekL.etL,ekL.' = Individual,

ekL.lQw]lqw];'ekL.lQw]kBv];' = Alone,

ekL.lQw]lum];lum];'(mI;pun]:Pgn];ekL.lQw]lum];lum];)' = Solely, adv. as the only one or ones; exclusively or

only: solely responsible,

ekL.lItqk]:niBc];' = Example


(That I can be an example of Your love in the world around me. )

ekL.lInp].ym]'lInp].ym]' = Venerable, adj. : a venerable person, venerable, adj.,

ekL.lIyk].lItUv];'(1Sqm];16;18') = Fine-looking man, handsome man; a comely person,



Tuic]mn];n}.mI;KL:Kn]tL,lum];JtL;nn].Et.Et.'{' = Amicus curiae, N. literally friend of the court,

ekL.lIlUc]hUc]hac];'An]lIlUc]hUc]hac];' = Supreme Being,

ekL.lIhk].'].nqn],nL,' lIhk].' = Beloved, adj. N.,

ekL./kUn];luk].Puin].' = Revolutionist, N. a person who advocates or takes part in a revolution,

ekL.lum];lL;tUv];Tiuc]' = Caregiver,


c].pQn]K}:naw]sUiw];nn].{' = First Aid, emergency aid or treatment given to someone injured, suddenly ill, etc., before

regular medical services arrive or can be reached.,


tL,l}:lik]:puin]Paw],/kgc].Sa}TI;wI:tUv];n}nn].lG]etSuiw].etlU,cuin];n}nn].lG]{' = Subscriber, N.,

ekL.lUc].lqn],' PU:lUc].lqn],' PU:lqn],' = Professional,

ekL.lUp];lc]'[kUn];ekL.mgk],lat]:eKL:lUp];lc]'{ = Epilogue or epilog, N. the person speaking epilogue,


n]hG]:epL;sac]:Em;An]Pit];Am],nn]ekL:Tam]eKL:Tam]tL,hG]:PU:tqm]:lik]:Sac];lac];pn]nn].'{ = Proofreader,

N. proof reader,

ekL.lBla}' = One who insult, (insulter)

ekL./PU:lUlgm]'[PU:/ekL.lUlgm]tBv];Tibc]'{ = Supervisor, N. overseer, superintendent,

ekL./PU:lUlgm]tUv];Tuic]'[PU:/ekL.lUlgm]'PU:/ekL.kgn];'{ = Overseer, N. supervisor; manager,

ekL.lBlgm]tBv];Tibc]' = Supervisor

ekL./PU:/kUn];/lUAan],' ekL./PU:lUAan],Kw]' kUn];sUiw];lUAan],' = Reader, N., readers,


t];Sgk]:nL:tI:'{ = Scout, N. a solider, warship, airplane, etc. employed in reconnoitering; scouting,

ekL.l}:' = Grantee, beneficiary, heir, successor, recipient,

ekL.l}:kti = Promisee

ekL.l}:kGam]ka},hL = Offeree

ekL.l}:Kam],vgp];w}.' = Captives,

ekL.l}:Kam],tUic],'(San]Kt];kn]tc];ekL.tUic],lum];)' = Defendant, (opposed to plantiff),

ekL.l}:Kam],tiUc],hUm]:kn]' = Corporate defendant,

ekL.l}:Kam],sg};JtL;En;SG],' = Accused person,

ekL.l}:Kam],tac];ES.Sgm];En;SG],' = The condemned,

ekL.l}:Kam],tqn],nak]:mc]ep.pqt]:' = He who was defeated,

ekL.l}:Kam],lUik]:kQp];w}.' = The elect,

ekL.l}:Kam],Aw]ta}' = Killed person,

ekL.l}:tac];liUk]:' = Optionee,- One who receives or purchases an option,

ekL.l}:ta}nG];sw]:JPL;hw];'(Kuin];14;13')' = The dead who died in the Lord,

ekL.l}:Tac],Pit];' = Suspect, a person who is suspected, especially one suspected of a crime, offense, or the like,

ekL.l}:mI;kUn];Tic];lum];lL;' = Conservatee,

ekL.l}:hp].kan]' ekL.ygn];kU:' = Mortgagor, (the purchaser,) assignee, the borrower,

ekL.l}:hp].kan] = Assignee


mUic];pQn]ekL.l}:AL,mKam],mk];ma}pn]sG].lin])' = Vassal, N. feudal tenant: lord and vassal,

ekL.l}:Aic]puic]:pUin]:' (ekL.l}:Aic]puic]:mG];') = Dependant, depends, (your dependants),

ekL.liun];'libn];lc]' km];liun];' = Last, a person or thing that is last,

ekL.luin];Sut];'sQm]mUiw]:Et,etL,Sut];' = From first to last,

ekL.liBk]:kQp];pn]' PU:lUik]:kQp];pn]' = Elector, N.,

ekL.lUik]:kQp];pn]' PB:liBk]:kQp];pn]'[PU:Kw]:pL;nG];sum];lUik]:kQp];pn]miUc];yU<Aqt].S]{' = Elector, a

member of the electoral college of the U.S.,

ekL.lUik]:suiw]:tac],Kuin]:mL;pn]' ekL.lUik]:suiw]:tac],Kuin]:kGL,pn]' = Nominator, N.,

ekL.lG]'PG]'pQn]PG]'PB:lG]' = Who, whose, whom,

!ekL.lG]ekL:hQt];tL,tUw]sw]:kw],mn];@' =“Every man for himself,”

ekL.lG]ekL.nn].' = Each other,

ekL.lG]ekL.nn].'ekL.etL,ekL.'ekL.lQw]'kUn];etL,tUw]' = Individual, N. adj. a person; particular,

ekL.lG]ekL.nn].'ekL.etL,ekL.'An]lG]An]nn].' = Individually, adv. separately; personally,

ekL.lG]ekL.nn].l}:mat],sQp];'(lgc]:-/An]-/Amu-) = Personal injuries,

ekL.lG]eSAm],wL:' ekL.lG]:eSmw],wL:' = Any person,


= Betrothed, N. the person to whom one is engage: He introduced us to his betrothed,

ekL.wUv],hac]:lIsan]:'(Kiun];'21;8')' = The vile, the abominable, (Rev. 21:8,NIV),

ekL.w}:SLEt.Et.' = True worshiper,

ekL.w}.kti = Promisor

ekL./kUn];hk];lc]kn]'];lc]' = Betrayer, traitor,];lc]kw]yw].en:&' = Here comes my betrayer!,].'(]hk].)' = Loved one: my loved one or my be loved, lover,].kYOik]:hQt];lgc]:lI'(Ta};1;8')' = Who loves what is good,].KUiw];' PUhk].KUiw];' PU:hk].KUiw];hk].mUic];' = Patriot,].mUic];k}' = Far away lover,];can]' kUn];ht];can];' PU:ht];can]' = Martyr,

ekL.hp].' An]hp].' = Recipient, receiver, welcomer, acceptance,

ekL.hp].sG].sg}:Pa},pa};yU,lI'(emLyLcw]:Et,') = Health care service provider: primary care provider,

ekL.hp].Siuw].' = Vendee, The person to whom a thing is sold.,


tL,pn]tI:Pa},/];ka},nn].') = Receptionist, a person employed to receive or assist callers, clients etc., as in an office,

ekL.hp].tgp],'KUic]:hp].tgp],'(ekL.hp].tgp],Agn]tac];'KUic]:hp].tgp],hUw]tI;') = Responder, N.: first responder,


tI:An]mI;lgc]:cw];la};Put];epL,nn].'{' = First responder, a person who is certified to provide medical care in

emergencies before more highly trained medical personnel arrive on the scene:.,( a firefighter trained as a first responder),

ekL.hp].hUp].TUp];tgc]:Tam]' = Interviewee, N.,

ekL.han]'[kUn];Kw]:pL,tI,Kgm],miw],nit].ekL.nuic]:{ = Comrade, N. a member of the Communist Party,


;Pa},tp].Suik];/tp].nm]./plip]:/sum];EKf};'{(kan]kQw],lgc]:suic]:kUn];) = Civilian, N. adj.: civilian affairs,

ekL.hQt];nc],wL:l}:mI;pun]:Pgn];' = Compulsive, N. a person whose behavior is governed by compulsion,

ekL.hQt];pn]SQn]:tac];']tac];' = Way maker, waymaker,

ekL.hQt];pQn]mL;'ekL.hQt];pn]'ekL.hQt];' = Maker, N. a person or thing that makes,

ekL.hQt];pg};hp].Kam],Kqk],'ekL.lQc].Kqk],'ekL.lQc].'= Host, N. a person entertains guest at home or elsewhere,


n].nc],pQn]kUn];pL:tG]:ekL.nuic]:'{' = Accomplice, N. a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing,

often as a subordinate,


Benefactor, N. a person who confers a benefit, kindly helper,

ekL.hQt];emL:'PB:hQt];emL:'kBn];hQt];emL:' = Potter, N,

ekL.hQt];ha}.pUn].pqn]'/huk].ha}.pUn].pqn]'(ekL.hQt];ha}.pUn].pqn]pk];pUic]) = Violator, N.: violator of the law,

ekL.hQt];hG]:mG];sG]pgt];' ekL.Aw]mG];Kiun].Kn].' = Person who irritates you,

ekL.hQt];hG]:yw].tUw]:pn]'[ekL.An]hQt];Sc]ekL:hQt];hG];yw].hG]:tUw]:pn]Kqm].lqp]:lIcam];'{(hI;'12;2')' =

Finisher, perfector, perfecter,(Heb.12:2,),

ekL.hQt];lgc]:kuik];puin];w}.' = History maker,

ekL.hQt];lgc]:lIygc]:Aam];'ekL.hQt];An]lak],la};lIygc]:Aam];' = Miracle maker,

ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]' = The weak,

ekL.hqm]ta}' ekL.hQt];Pit];' = Perpetrator, killer, wrongdoer,

ekL.hqm]pUin]:ta}'kUn];hqm]pUin]:ta}' = Assassin, a murderer,


Kqk],muit]:muit];kuiw];kuiw];kn]nn].{' = Welcomer, N.,

ekL.hUm]:put]:AmUv],sgm];'(ekL.hUm]:put]:AmUv],sgm];sw]:Krit]:)' = Co-heir, N. a joint heir: Co-heirs

with Christ, join-heirs, fellow heirs,

ekL.hUm]:hac]:hqn];'(ekL.hUm]:hac]:hqn];hQt];pac]kum]') = Coordinator, (a meeting coordinator),]'[kUn];ekL.l}:hn]'ekL.lQp]:lgm]tUv];'{ = Seer, N. a person who sees; observer,

ekL.Eh.kc]:pn]' = Protector,

ekL.hG]:'ekL.mqc],']' ekL.mqc],pn]' (Kt];-ekL.Aw]'ekL.Aw]tik];tik];')' = Giver, (ant: taker),

ekL.An]tk];etmL;' = Who is to come,

ekL.An]tk];mL;' = Who was to come, who is to come,

ekL.An]Pan],SGac];w}.'(ekL.An]Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],')' Kgc]Pan],SGac];w}.' = Creations, (new creation),

ekL.An]Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],' Kgc]Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],' = New creation,

ekL.An]muiw];hQt];pQn]' = Workmanship, the quality or mode of execution, as of a thing made.,

ekL.An]Aw]tL,tUv];Am],hn]l}:' = Who is unseen,

ekL.Am],sG]:kUn];yU,nG];mUic];' = Non-resident,






tac],ekL.nn].mG];tk];etl}:pn]kL:yLmn];nm]lUiw]yw]."{ = Non-Preferred Provider, a provider who doesn’t

have a contract with your health insurer or plan to provide services to you. You will pay more to see a non-preferred provider.

Check your policy to see if you can go to all providers who have contracted with your health insurance or plan, or if your health

insurance or plan has a “tiered” network and you must pay extra to see some providers,

ekL.Am],epL;mI;SUp];mI;SQc]' ekL.Am],emLlat]:emLsL' = Poor public speaker,

ekL.Am],mI;AL,mKam],' = The uninsured,

ekL.Am],l}:Kam],pat],pa}nc]' = The uncircumcised,

ekL.Am],l}:sG]'[kUn];ekL.An]wL:mn];Am],l}:sG]sgm];tac];wUn]./eKL:tqp];tt];{ = Dissident, N.,

ekL.Am],l}:Pit];pUn]' = Nonbreaching party, (Contract).,

ekL.Aw]kt];yQn]'KUic]:hQt];hG]:kt];' = Chiller, N. a person or thing that chills,

ekL.Aw]tik];tik];' ekL.Aw]' (Kt];-ekL.mqc],pn]'])' = Taker, (ant: giver),

ekL.Aw]ta}' ekL.Aw]pUin]:ta}' = Killer,

ekL.Aw]ta}kBn];' kUn];Aw]ta}kBn];' = Murderer,

ekL.Aw]nU;kliyEP:mL;nm]tik];tik];' = Proliferators,

ekL.Aw]pun]:Pgn];sg}:An]Am],mI;w}.Et.' = Sponsor who doesn’t exist,

ekL.Aw]PUw]Aw]em;nm]' kUn];hUw]sG]nm]' = Polygamist,

ekL.Aw]lun]:'[kUn];ekL.wUn].muic]yU,/mI;AkYac].Aw]pin]:PUn]pqt]:'{'Aw]lun]:' = Enigma, N. a person or

puzzling or contradictory character, enigmatic, adj.,

ekL.Aw]Aac]:Aic]'[}]:Enlum];JtL;An]lum];nn].lUik]:Aw]Aac]:Aic]'{ = Referee, N.(Law),

ekL.AL,mKam],'[ekL.mI;pun]:Pgm];nG];KGac],pk];piUc]tL,miUw]:tac],ekL.lut]:hQt];eSAn]An]nn].'{ = Surety, N.,

ekL.AI;sg}:' ekL.SUn];sG]' = Propeller,

ekL.Agn]tac];'Agn]tac];' km];Agn]tac];' = First, a person or thing that is first in time, order,

ekL.Agn]nL:Agn]tLpiUn]:' ekL.Agn]nL:Agn]tLkUn];tc];la}' = Public figure,

ekL.Agn]hLtac];'[kUn];ekL.hLcUin]:tac];Am],nn]hQt];pn]SQc]:tac];mn];nn].'{' = Pathfinder, N.,

ekL.Agn]hUv];tgm]sg}:' kBn];Agn]hBv];tgm]sg}:' = Catalyst

ekL.Agn]hQt];pQn]TL:w}.pn]'[pU,mgn],{ = Precedecessor, N. an ancestor; forefather,

ekL./kUn];Agn]hUw]'PB:Agn]hBw]'PU:nam];Agn]'PU:/ekL.Agn]' = Leader, N., pioneer, leaders,

ekL.Agn]:wgn];lw],sG]pn] = Comforter,

ekL.Agn]:wgn];lw],sG]pn]'ekL.Agn]:wgn];hG]:SL,lUm]sG]' = Comforter, N.,

ekL.Agn]:wgn];hG]:Kan]sG]Kan]eKL;' = Miserable comforter,

ekL<pUw]<er;SYin];hp].sG].sg}:' = Service Corporations,

ekL<pBw],er;SYin];hBm]:Sac]:mak]:mI;' = Corporation,

ekL<pUw],er;SYin];t};es:tgn]:Kgp],SI,sQc],' = Square Zone Tai Corporation,

ekL<miSYin],' ekL<miSYin],EP' = Commission, sub-commission,

ekL<miSYin],'(sbm];) = Commissioner,

ekL<miSYin],'(ciun];-'kL:-') = Commission,-The fee charged by a broker or agent when selling real estate,

ekL<miSYin],'(lik]:Sc],-') = Commission, an authoritative order, charge or direction,

ekL<miSYin]'(nL:kan]-')nL:kan]ekL<miSYin],yG],lUc]' = Commission, the great commission,

ekL<miSYin],tL,kL;tqk]<sI<El:kL;Agn],' = Taxi and Limousine Commission


eSpuit];mn];ta}nn].'(1Sqm];17;4-51){ = Goliath, the giant warrior of the Philistines whom David killed with a

stone from a sling.(1 Sam. 17:4-51),

kuik];kn]' kuik];hgm];sgm];kn]' = Associate with,

kiuk];kn]w}.' tg};kn]w}.' = Couple, coupled, -To join or link, to fasten,

kuik];sgm];' = Enclose, enclosed, include, wrap,

kiuk];tUw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Identity, person’s individuality,

kiuk];pL;sgm];' kiuk];sgm];' = Attach, affix, join,

kiuk];pL;sgm];'(An]) = Attachments,

kibk];pibn];' = Historic,

kiuk];piun];mL;' = Throughout history,

kuik];mI;lUv]:'kuik];mI];w}.lUv]:' = Inhere, be inherent, inhered, inhering,

kibk];hgm];sgm];kn]' = Compatible

kuic],' (kuic],kL:mn];) = Suitable, suit, (a suitable price)



mL.')' = Should have taken: I should have taken it.,

kiuc],kn]' kiuc],cam],' = Mete out, meted, meting,


tac];km]mn];) = Consonance, N. consonant, adj. harmonious, as sounds: “behavior consonant with his character”,

kuic],tan],pQn]'TUik]:pQn]'(Kt];-Am],kuic],tan],pQn]'Am],tan],lIpQn]'Am],TUik]:pQn]') = Reasonably, adv.

logically, (ant: unreasonably)

kibc],tan],pQn]' TiBk]:pQn]' = Reasonably, logically,

kuic],tan],epL;'(Aw]kuic],tan],epL;') = Just enough, sufficiently enough,

kibc],tan],lI' Tbk],lI' kibc],Tbk],lI' = Supposed to,

kiuc]tan],l}:' mI;nm].kt].kibc],pQn]' = Eligible,

kuic],tan]hQt];'(la};hQt];pUic]Sac]:An]kuic],tan],hQt];) = Agreeable, adj.: agreeable manners, agreeably, adv.,

kiuc],TiUk]:' kL:Kn]'mI;kL:Kn]TiBk]:'mI;kL:Kn]TiBk]:yG],' = Worth, worthy, value, valuable,

kiuc],TiUk]:' TUik]:' TUik]:tan],' = Worthy, worthwhile, worthy of,

kiuc]TUik]:l}:' mI;nm].kt].kibc],pQn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Eligiblity,

kuic],TUik]:l}:nm].tgn];Pgn];lItL,kUn];mUic];tc];la}Kw]' = Eligibility for public benefits,

kuic],TUik]:l};yip];sG].tI:lqk]:kU;tc];la}'(tac];-/lgc]:-) = Eligibility to use exchanges,

kibc],TiBk]:hQt];' = Should do (Do your part)

kiuc],np].ym]' = Respectable,

kiuc],pQn]' k}.SB:pQn]' k}.pQn]' (lgc]:-'An]-')' = Usual, N., something that is usual,

kiuc],pQn]kuic],mI;'(lgc]:-/An]-)'kiuc],lIhQt];'(mn];kuic],lImI;pk];pUic]An]nuic]:yU,')'kuic]lIpQn]' = Ought,

N. duty or obligation, ought to,(auxiliary verb): There ought to be a law,),

kiuc],pQn]kuic],mI;'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Ought, (duty or obligation)

kuic],mUic];'[sn].suic]:mUic];'kuc],Ser,'{(Kw]yac]:yaw];p}lqp],kuic],mUic];'(Tuc];30;29')'lqp]:kuic],mUic];' = Stately, adv.

adj. in a stately manner; dignified; majestic: stately in their stride,

kiuc],lI' Tbk],lI' kibc],Tbk],lI' = Suppose to, ought to,

kiuc],lI---liUw]eSAn]'[yip];sG].tiuw];tI:Et,ciUn]:kGam];lat]:{ = It is better---than,

kuic]lIsG]lm]Et.'(lgc]:-/An]-)(Agk],11;8'SL,85;3'78;58'rUw];12;19') = Righteous anger,

kuic]lIpn]El:TUik]:l}:hp].yw].'[mn];mI;kL:Kn]kuic],TUik],tan],kn]mUt];yU,'{ = It’s worth it all,

kuic],lIpQn]' mI;tI:pgc],'(nn].Am],kuic],lIpQn]/mI;tI:pgc],mn];') = Make sense of: That doesn’t make sense,

kuic]lIpQn]yU,' mI;tI:pgc],yU,' sG]:yU,nL,' sG]:lgc]:mn];yU,nL,/lU;' = It makes sense,

kiuc],lImat]:wL:'(lImat]:wL:mG];ekL.Pak]:kw]yw].')= Supposed to, believe to,(you’re supposed to be my partner)

kibc],hQt];' = Supposed to do,

kuic],Aap]:' = Match well, fit,

kibc].kc].'kiuc].kc].w};nL,'kuic].kac].' = Suddenly, adv. literary; without warning or unexpectedly, suddenl, adj.,

kibc].kc].km];lQw]'km];lQw]' = Immediately

kuic].kc].Kw]:tuik];/Sim];(lgc]:-An]-)'[An]Aw]hqc];Suik];sum];Agn],kuic].kc].Kw]:tuik];/mc]PU:KQn]'{= Raid,

N. a sudden attack by a small land force,

kuic].kc].Kw]:tuik];/Sim];'[him]Aw]'{(hQt];sum];kuic].kc].Kw]tuik];Sam]muk].eSSim];Aw]) = Raid, loot: formed thre

raiding parties or bands and swept or raid, raided, raiding,

kuic].kc].Ka}.'[kuic].kc].cgk];/pin],ygc];tac];{(cUic].Ew:yL,kuic].kc].Ka}.) = Sudden moves, Avoid sudden move,

kibc].kc].Sibp],tam];sgm];km];lQw]eS' = Thereupon, immediately following that,

kuic].kc].pQn]km];lQw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Immediacy,

kuic].kc].epL,mL;mc]' = Break out, (of war or fighting) tart suddely: or he will break out against them.(Ex.19:24),

kiuc].kc].Piut].sim]Kw]:Ek:K}pn]' = Sudden breakthroughs,

kiuc].kc].mw];luim];tUw]'(erL;kL,)'[mL:k},'mL:mU'{ = Epilepsy, N. petit mal or grand mal,

kuic].kc].mut];Agk],mL;' = Come out of the woodwork, Idiom. Informal. to appear or materialize

suddenly and unexpectedly: Since mortgage rates declined, prospective buyers have been coming out of the woodwork.,

kuic].kc].l}:pQn]'(kuic].kc].l}:pQn]nm].hUnm].tLkGL,)'= Burst into,(burst into tears),

kuic].kc].ha}la}'kiuc].kc].ha}tUw]' = Vanish, disappear; is all long gone, vanished, vanishing,

kibt];'kibt];yuit];pqt]:'kibt];pn]'SUik]:'kuit];Sw];w}.'(kUn];kuit];/kL;kuit];/hUiw];SUik]:) = Stop, stopped,


kiut];&yL,hqm]kn]&' = Stop fighting!,

!kiut];&yL,hqm]kn]&'kw]KG]:hG]:SUhgm]hqc];w}.lIlItL,tiuk];mc]PU:KQn]AiUw]:'@(kzt].wL,SYic]<tn],) =

“Stop fighting! I want you to save all your energy to fight the enemy!”(George Washington)

kuit];/luiw]:sUw]:kqp].'kuit];kqp].nuic]:eSSuip],hQt];' = Snooze, nap, snoozed, snoozing,

kuit];/luiw]:sUw]:kqp].'kuit];kqp].nuic]:eSSuip],hQt];'(An]-)[lp];Sgp].{ = Snooze, N. nap,


kUv];{' = Park your car where is easy to take off.

kibt];Ek:lit]:pqt]:' kibt];pqt]:' Ek:pqt]:' = Dissolve, dissolved, dissolving,

kuit];ekL.lQw]' = Left alone,

kiut];sUiw]:w}.' suk];sUiw]:w}.' = Stall, to come to a standstill; be brought to a stop., stalled, stalling,

kuit];Kac];kn]w}.' = Parallel Parking,

kiut];Kac].w}.' = Residual, extra, surplus, enduring,

kuit];Sw];' kiut];luiw]:' (Km]:lp];Sic],nm].ekL:ngc];El:hw];kuit];Sw];tI:wan]:Kw]Kiun];nuic]:eSmUiw]:Puk]:mL;sc],

Suip],Kaw];tac];') = Stop over, to stop briefly,

kuit];tac];lc]kL;lUc]'[kuit];yan]hac],w}.pUic]lUc]mn];mUiw]:tuik].Kuin]:kgc];{' = Stopping behind a Truck,

kiut];tI:nn]:' (hQt];Sc]kiut];tI:nn]:lL,?) = Stop there, (Why stop there?)

kuit];tuik];'eKL:tUk];lUc];kuit];tuik];' = Truce, N. ceasefire; an agreement establishing truce,

kibt];pqt]:' (kuit];pqt]:kan]kL.Ka}/kan]Kgm],pnI,) = Dissolve, dissolving, to come or bring to an end,

kibt];pqt]:'(An]) = Dissolution, the undoing or breaking up of a partnership or company,

kibt];pqt]:'[Ek:pqt]:'ksak],ksa}'{= Disband, to dissolve; to disperse: They disbanded the corporation, disbanded,

kibt];Ek:lit]:pqt]:'(An]) = Dissolution, the act or process of resolving or dissolving into parts or elements,

kibt];mI;w}.'pQn]w}.mI;w}.'tuik].mI;w}.'pQn]w}.' = Remain, continue in the same state, abide, stay, remaining,

kibt];mibc]nim]siBw]:yB,w}.eSAm],yw].tBw]:tQm]TBn]:l}:' = Lying dormant and unfulfilled,

kuit];muic]' kuit];muic]yiuw]:yuit];' = Dreadlock, dreadful, dread, panic,

kbit];mibc]kBw]kGc]epL;Am],hU.SI,hU.hL:l}:' kbit];mibc]' kBw]kGc]kibt];mibc]' = Panic,

kiut];miuc]kUw]kGc]epL;Am],hU.SI,hU.hL:l}:' = Panic mode,


m]sUiw]:yU,w}.yw].etL,mUiw]:lQw]')' = Dormant, adj. in a state of rest or inactivity; inoperative; in abeyance:(The project

is dormant for the time being.),

kuit];mUin],' suk];mUin],' mUin],mUin],kGL,kGL,' = Clumsy, awkward in movement or action,

kuit];yU,w}.'kiut];w}.'(pUin]:kGL,pg};mUt];yw].mI;mn];kUv];kuit];yU,w}.tI:hUin];') = Stayed behind,

kibt];yibt];'kuit];yuit];pqt]:' = Deter, restrains from acting or proceeding, deterred, deterring,

kuit];yuit];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Deterrence, N.,


la};man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,tL.'@(ygn]<'7;24)' = Stop: “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a

right judgment.”(John 7:24) , stopped, stopping,

kibt];yibt];pqt]:' Ew:pqt]:' Ew:' = Quit,

kuit];yuit];pqt]:lgc]:lgk],cLhLhQt];eP;SG],' = Deterring threats,

kuit];yuit];pqt]:sG]El,hLwUn].nn].' = Turn your mind off,

kuit];yuiw];' = Ceasefire, a cessation of hostilities, truce,

kuit];lUc]kGL,pQn]tI:pQn]tI:etL,epL;hgt]:Tiuc]' = Kept getting stop along the way,

kuit];luiw]:' liuw]:' liuw]:hiUw].' = Rested, ceased,

kibt];libw]:epL;kan]' = Retired, withdrew from occupation or business,

kibt];libw]:lbm];w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Recess, temporary withdraw or cessation

kuit];Ew.'Ew.' mL;Ew.'Ew.El,'ew.'ew.El,'ew.el,' = Stop by,

kuit];w}.' Sak]:' Sak]:kuit];w}.' = Left over,

kuit];w}.kL;nUiw]kgc];' = Parking on a Hill,

kuit];w}.tac];lc]'(Am],hG]:kuit];PG]w}.eSekL.'Am],hG]:lut]:PG]')lut]:' = Left behind, (no one left behind,)


p];wn];)tI:Kw]yw].nn].'(man],25;6')'huic]tan],tan],' = Tarry, linger or loiter, to delay; spending times: After

tarried among them more than ten days or spending eight or ten days with them, tarried, tarrying,

kuit];huic]nan];kGL,' nan];hQt];nL,' = Linger, tarry, lingered, lingering,

kuit].'[(Em;Tqp];Piun];lun]:yaw];nn].pQn]Sgc]Sam]pgt];)kuit].EK:kuit].Piun];{= Cutting firewood into pieces,

kiut].KQw]:kt];KQw]:' = Gnash, gnashing teeth,

kibt].Kibt]:Kgc].Km]kn]w}.' = Get stuck,

kibt].Pibk];hQt];sgm];'kuit].Puik];hQt];pn]' = Work out, will work out,

kibt].Pibk];hQt];sgm];tac];Ek,Kzt]:SBtL.' = Work out your Salvation

kuit].mc]' kibt].hap],etL,SB:' = Wrestle, cope with, to struggle, strive, wrestled, wrestling,

kibt].hap],etL,SB:'kuit].mc]' = Cope with, to struggle, wrestle, strive,

kiut].hap],hQt];' = Tackle, to undertake to handle,

kuiw];' nUk].kuiw];' = Bird like dove,

kuin];' (epL;vL;kuin];pLluk];pt].muiw];n}mn];sQp];Kuin]:epL;mUv]:suit]:sut]:') = Spiny fish fin,

kuin];' (wQc];kUn];kuin];) = Many people, crowded, (crowded city),

kuin];epL;Puit].kn]kGL,'kp].St].tik];w}.' = Overcrowd, overcrowded, overcrowding,

kuin];Auik].Auik].'[kUn];kuin];Auik].Auik].'{= Jam-packed, adj. crowded, packed, or filled to capacity,

kium];' kuim];kium]; 'mn]:kqn],'mn]:kium];' kqn],kqn],'pn]:kqn],nqn]:nL' = Firm, firmly,

kium];KiUc],nqn]:lI'mI;hqc];' = Sturdy, adj. strongly built; stalwart; robust: sturdy young athletes, sturdier, surdiest,

kium];KiUc],nqn]:lI' = Sturdy, strongly built, solid, durable, complete, firm,

kuim];KUic],nqn]:lI' (AUv];lIkuim];KUic],nqn]:lI') = Sturdy, strongly built; firm,(sturdy alliances)

kuim];pL'[An]kqn],Kqc]pa}lqm]sac]:sUk].mI;sgm];Kuim];pL(pLluk];)'{ = Pointed pectoral fin,

kuim].'pQn]kuim].pQn]kuim].' pQn]kuim].pQn]Sw]:' = Unsettled or inconstant state of mind or condition,

kiuw]' kuiw]wUw];' kk].' kk].mL.' = Brible, horse bridle, cow bridle,

kiuw]tLtUv];' (w}.tLAm],epL;liUk],hqc];nL,eSyk].tUv];kn]epL;Am],Pqp].') = Stared at,

kiuw]tLtUv];'yk].tUv];tLepL;Am],Pqp].' = Stare, stared,

kUic]lin]hG]:pQc];' = Land leveling,


= Grade, to reduce to a level or to practicable degrees of inclination: to grade a road,

kUic];' sUin];' Kc]Kic];' eh:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Inclination, N. leaning, slope, slant,

kUic];' sUin];' Kc]Kic];' = Incline, to deviate from the vertical or horizontal, to lean or bend, inclined,

kUic];' hUic]:'[tac];hn]Tuic]mn];pin]:kGL,pin]:mL;{'(pa};wUn].Aa},tI,yuiw],mn];kUic];Pa},n}..El:Pa},nn].)' = Sway, to

fluctuate or vacillate, as an opinion: His ideas swayed this and that, swayed, swaying,

kUic];kw]kUic];mG];'pQn]kUic];PG]kUic];mn];'pQn]kw]pQn]mG];'EPkiBc];KC};kiBc];' = Faction, N., factions,

kUic];kUic];w}.'eh:lUc];w}.'pin]:cUp]./tak],ha}w}.' = Tilt, N. the state of being tilted; a sloping position,


kUic];kGL,kUic];mL;)' = Sway, to move or swing to and fro, swayed, swaying,

kUic];lUm].kGL,'eh:lUc];kGL,'(hUiw];kUic];lUc];kGL,eSpin]:cUp].pqt]:)' = Tilt, to cause to lean, incline, slope, or slant,

kUit],mUic];ngk]:' = Foreign-born,

kiUn],tU'[tI:tac];Kw]:wac];'{Pk];tUkiUn],'= Gate, N., gates,

kUin],tUKum]kUn];ta}' kUin],tUcra};' = Gates of Hades,

kUim]:nm].SG]K},'[kUim]:PUik],ehL,ngk]:mgn];K},nn].{' = Albumen, the white of an egg,

kiUw];kum]'ybm],ym]kiUw];kum]'(tI:-'PU:-'lgc]:-') = Trusteeship, N., trustee, N.,

kUiw].lQn]:'yw].ygk],'[tqc],SQc]hQt];Kt];/kUiw].KUw]lQn]:'ygk],kUiw].lQn]:'{' = Gibe, to utter mocking or scoffing

words; jeer; scout; deride; to taunt, gibed, gibing,

kUiw].lQn]:'yw].ygk],'(An]-)[ygk],kUiw].lQn]:'{ = Gibe, N. a taunting or sarcastic remark; scout,

kgm];'kUic];nUp]:'kUc],lUc];'(m}.Sac];Km];kgm];/kUic];nUp]:p}mn];epL;sm]tUiw].lin]')nUp]:' = Bend over, bent over,

kgm];'lc]kgm];'(mn];nac];n}.lc]kgm];w}.eSAm],sac]:suk];yQt],tUw]tc]Suiw]:l}:eSAit];'(luk].13;11') = Bent

over: She was bent over and could not straighten up at all,

kUit],'(lgc]:-/An]-)'(wn];kUit],)' = Birth, : birthday, date of birth,

kUit],'kUit],lQc].'kUit],luk]:'mI;luk]:'kUit],Agk],'[kUit],lQc].{'(kUit],luk]:pn]luk]:ekL.nuic]:')' = Bear, to

give birth to: to bear a child, bore, born, bearing,

kiBt],kibk];pQn]kBn];sibc]:miBc];'[sQm]mUiw]:kUit],nn].mI;Agc]:tI:sn]./sn].Tan]:mn];w}.{ = Natural-born, adj.

native-born; having a position or status from birth, natural born,

kUit],nG];KUiw];mYat]:'(sa};kUn];KUiw];mYat]:ekL.nuic]:)' = Noble birth: a man of noble birth,

kUic];'SUv]'[Am],Siuw]:Pa}.w}.Pa},nuic]:{(tuiw];mak],hUw]kUic];)' = Askew, adj. awry: to wear one’s hat askew,

kUit],pQn]'l}:kUit],pQn]'(kUit],pQn]kUn];suic];mUic];'l}:kUit],pQn]kUn];tac],sUiw].tac],KUiw];') = By birth: by birth

citizenship; Gentiles by birth,

kUuit],pQn]'(kUit],pQn]kYO;'(klL,2;15')' = By birth: “Jews by birth”(Gal.2:15),




)(nG];kGam];sa};Km];lQk];hgc].w}.!t};@n}nn].))' = Tai by birth,

kiBt],PLEP' = Twin, to give birth to twins, being twins,

kUit],mL;luk]:ta}'[tUk];luk]:'{(wac];Pqn]tL,lgt]:kUit],mL;luk]:ta}/An]tUk];luk]:') = Stillborn, adj. dead

when born; abortive; fruitless; untimely birth; miscarriage: a stillborn plan of escape,

kUit],mG],'(lgc]:-/An]-)(kUit],mG];nG];tac];muc]:mgc];An]mI;sG]w}.) = New birth: new birth into living hope,

kiBt],mG],Kibn];yw].'kUit],mG],Kuin];' = Born again, born anew,

kUit],luk]:hUw]Saw]'kUit],luk]:mG],mG],' = Newborn, adj. born anew,

kiUn],tU' Pk];tUkiUn],' = Gate,

kUin],tUSik],tqc]:lQk];'tqc]:lQk];Sik]:kUin],tU' = Barred gates,

kUin],tUnm].ngc];mUic];kac]haw]tc];la}'(cw]:7;11')= Floodgates of the heavens, windows of heavens,

kiUn].piUn]:' (epL;piUn]:l}:lIl}:pQn]n}.mI;sG]Am],sUm];Am],kYOik]:eSKG]:hLES.)'Am],nL,lUw],piUn]:' =

Uncharitable attitude, uncompassionate, ungenerous, merciless, unkind, harsh,


:pun];tqm]:ekL:l}:') = Slate, thin piece or plate, slate rock, pine bark slate,

kUim]:'(kUim]:tqc]tw]:'kUim]:mak],sgk];'kUim]:mak],AUw];'kuim]:K},k},') = Thick rind,(thick rind of watermelon, orange,

pommel, large citrus fruit, or hard boiled egg white)

kUim]:'kUim]:lUim]:'(wL:Et.yU,hL.&yUw]eK;kUim]:lUim]:Aw]kUv];yUw].') = Flattering manner, to try to please by

complimentary or present favorably,


sgk];'nc]pum]mU') = Rind, N. a thick and firm outer coat or covering: citron rind; watermelon rind; orange rind; bacon rind,

kUim]:tqc]tw]:' = Watermelon rind,

kUim]:mak],sgk];' = Orange rind,

kUim]:lUim]:'kUim]:'wL:la}la}'[lat]:Aw]kUv];Am],sG]:/hQt];Et.'{(Kw]kUim]:lUim]:Agk],SUp];wL:la}la}kUv];') = Flatter,

to try to please by complimentary or present favorably: They flatter with their lips, flattered, flattering,

kUim]:lUim]:'ygc]:Kuin]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Flattery, N., flatteries,

kUim]:lUim]:ygc]:Kiun]:pn]'[tg};eKL:kGam];'KG]:l}:nL:El:mI;tc];sG]ygc]:Kiun]:nn].eShQt];lat]:sL{ = Play up to,

Idioms&phrase, curry favor with flatter: There’s no use playing up to the boss; it doesn’t influence him,

kUiw]'(pLnw]:n}.kUiw]sQm];nL,tan],lG]ekL:wan]yU,')' = Salt, N.: even though it is salty but the salted fish is still good,

kUiw]sQm];'sQm];kUiw]' sQm];' = Salty, adj., saltier, saltiest,

kUiw]sQm];' sQm];kUiw]' = Salty,(‘Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?(Lk14:34,NIV))

kUiw]sQm];nL,' kUiw]sQm];epL;KG]:KUm]' sQm];nL,' sQm];kUiw]nL,' = Too salty, too much salt,

kUiw]Sic];eTL;' = Rock salt, ,


w]:nm].tac];kin]Kam],huic]kin]wan]eS,eS,'nm].nuic]:kL,lan],n}.SG],Kuic]:esL.nm].nQc]:"{= Potassium sorbate, it’s a

salt of sorbic acid which is naturally found in some fruits ( like the berries). It fights bacteria and is a food-grade preservative,

kUiw]mak],hQp];'(kUiw]tuik].pQn]mQt].pQn]kgn]:Agn],w}.sgm];nc],SPL,wtak],l}:mL;nn].')'kUiw]Sic];eTL;' = Rock salt,

common salt occurring in extensive, irregular beds in rocklike masses,

kUiw]wan]' = Sugar,

kUiw]Aut],'(kUiw]Aut],n}.pQn]miUc];EK,hQt];Agk],Ka}') = Salt in brick form,(made from China),

kUiw],' (yL,pn]miuw];kUiw],k}.sQt].k}.Suk]:El:')'muiw];kUiw],' KUw];kUiw],'(Sk].KUw];kUiw],')' = Dirty, dirty hands,

dirty clothes, filthy,

kUiw],'(kUiw],hI,'kUiw],kg};') = Dirt from private parts of either sex,

kUiw],' kUw]:kUik],'(SIPUik],n}.kUiw],ca}:nL,) = Soil, stain, soiled, soiling, (White soils easily), blot,

kUiw],KQw]:' KI:KQw]:' = Dirt between the teeth, dirt on teeth,

kUiw],sp];w}.'(An]-)[mun]:Pun],muk]./K};eKL,sp];w}.{' = Grime, N. dirt or filthy matter adhering to a surface,

kUiw],sp];w}.'K};eKL,'[mun]:Pun],muk].Puk];sp];w}.'kUiw],w}.'{' = Grime, to cover with dirt; soil, grimed, griming,

kiUw];' (kiUw];lIw}:SL) = Depend, be contingent on, be determined by, be in control of, be subordinate to, trust to,

kiUw];kum]'ybm],ym]kiUw];kum]'(tI:-'PU:-'lgc]:-') = Trusteeship, N., trustee, N.,

kUiw];SQc]' = Rely on the voice,

kUiw];mac],'kUiw];mac],lgm]Tac],wL:'[Tac],Aw]hc];kUv];eSwL:n}wL:nn]'{ = If I say, or suppose I said,

kiUw];lI'(tI:-)[tI:yuk].ygc]:kUw]ym]w}:SLeSmI;Sqt].sL,etL,{ = Homage, N. honor; fidelity; loyalty,

kiUw];lIl}:sUw]:Kaw];' = Contingency,

kUiw];l}:' pibc]:' puic]:Aic]' Aic],lc]Pac]ngc]:kn]' AL;kUw];' = Rely on, depend on, relying,

kUiw];l}:kin]' kUiw];l}:kin]sgm];' = Rely on for one’s won profit, hope to get something to eat,

kiUw];l}:piuc]:' = Contingent, contingently,

kUiw];wL:-lG]huiw]-Am],nn]ekL:-nn].huiw].?' = Whether – or -?

kUiw].'(epL;sw]:kw],Am],hQt];lIlUiw]eSpUin]:l}:n}.yL,kUiw].pUin]:')'kUiw].ygk],SG],' = Jeer: Don’t jeer unless

you can do better, jeered, jeering,

kUiw].KUw]SG],'kUiw].KUw]lQn]:' = Deride, to laugh at in scorn or contempt; scoff or jeer at, derided, deriding,

kiUw].KUw]lQn]:' = Scoff, mock, jeer, gibe, scoffed, scoffing,

kiUw].ygk],SG],'[yw].ygk],lUic];lUic];{'kUiw].' = Jeer, N., a jeering utterance; rude gibe,

kUiw].lUiw].kL.lL.' RkiOw].RkL.' krUiw].krL.' = Hippies, yuppies, goths and punks, or foolishness,

kYpn],'(kUn];mUic];) = Japanese,

kYpn],'(siuc]:miUc];'miUc];) = Japan,

kYpn],'(kGam];lat]:)'kGam];kYpn],' = Japanese, the language of Japan,

kYp].fL,' = Jaffa,

kYak]:' kYak]:lik]:l};AUm]SUp];tc];puk]:' = Study to know by heart,

kYac].' Piuk];' = Practice, drill,

kYac].km]'(tac];kYac].tac];km]') = Trait,

kYac].km]hqn];hQt];tac];lU,tac];tan];la}sUiw].la}mQw];' = Go through all kinds of rituals,


t,hUw]pak],pI<20nn].') = Jazz, music originating in New Orleans around the beginning of the 20th century,

kYat].SI;wI;l] = Jus civile,

kYap]:'kYap]:niuc]:'(niuc]:kYap]:n}.mI;2KGa};Am],nn]0.64Agc]<s)= Kyarb, weigh equal to 0.64oz , or 2Khwys,

kYap]:'kYap]:niuc]:'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];1kYap]:'nm]tan],0.019lI<tL,) = Kyarb, liquid volume equal to 0.02 Liter,

kYam],' kYam],hQt];' kYam],Kuic]' = Try to do, intend to,

kYam],pgc]' = Entertain, to consider, entertained,

kYam],Pqn]kan]mUik]:kUt].kqk];ygk];(SL,21;11'Tuc];6:18')' = Devise wicked schemes,

kYam],lgc]:Am],lI' = Conspire, conspiracy,

kYam],hLAw]ta}' = Trying to kill,

kaYm],hLKiuc]hLhQt];'(kYam],hLKiuc]hLhQt];es,tnL,lIetL,) = Try to, (try to be kind, seek after that which is good,),

kYam],hQt];' = Try to do,

kYam],An]ygk];eSwac];Pqn]w}.' = Devised a plan,

kYam],Aac]:' = Trying,

kYam],Aac]:et' = Tried to,

kYam],Aac]:hQt];'Aac]:hQt];' = Attempt, tried to do so, assaying to do

kYam],Aac]:Aic]'ygn];lgt]:' = Excuse,

kYam],An]ygk];'(An]Am],lI)'(kYam],An]ygk];eSwac];Pqn]w}.)' = Devise, devised: devised a plan,

kYam],Aw]tBw]sw]:kw],Kibn]:Sbc]' = Self-improvement,

kYam];' (kUn];kYam];' Aic],Sn],kYam];nL,') = Violent, (violent man, violent earthquake,)

kYam];'(kuv]kYam];p},puit];p},pn],')' = Raw, not having under gone process of manufacture, (raw cotton),

kYam];' mQt].yG],' SQn]:yG],'(Sa};kYam];' hin]Eh:kYam];' Pqn],kYam];')' = Coarse, lacking in fineness or delicacy of

texture, structure, etc.:,

kYam];'kYam];pQn]lgn]pQn]lbk];KBc]:yan];' = Rough, having coarse or uneven surface,

kYam];' Tm],mkYam];' = Testament,

kYam];kw],' Tm],mkYam];kw],' = Old Testament,

kYam];kYam];' = Harsh,

kYam];nL,'KQc]:KQc]:'ham].KQc]:KQc]:'liUc];'Kqc]Sit];Sit];' = Harshly, adv. ungentle and unpleasant, brutal,

kYam];cw]:km],PL,' = Genesis

kYam];Tbc];kGam];'(Tm],mkYam];lik]:) = Proverbs, (Bible)


Bible, N. comprising the Old and New Testaments, Holy Bible,

kYam];mG],' Tm],mkYam];mG],' = New Testament,

kYam];nL,' libk].lm],' wL:Et.hQt];Et.' = Serious, tough, crucial,

kYam];yL:yL' = Dosage direction, medicine directions/dosage,

kYam];lik]:pn]Stihw];wL:' = Scripture reminds us,

kYL,San],' = Vermicelli, rice vermicelli,

kYL,et;'/Pt];'(wn];-)[wn];TihL:nG];wUc]:lG]wUc]:nn].El:pQn]wn];tam];wn];put].thU;{' = Thursday, N.

the fifth day of the week, following Wednesday,

kYL.' kt];kYL.' Kqm].kYL.' nm]kYL.' lIkYL.' ha}.kYL.mG];' = Very much, so much,

kYL.tan],' (pg};EnKUw];nn].Am],kYL.tan],pg};pIk}a')' = Measure up, to reach a certain standard,(The

exhibition didn’t measure up to last year’s,),

kYL.Et.'Kqm].'Kqm].lI'lI' = Nice, pleasing, agreeable, delight,

kYL.tgn];Kqm].Sbt]; = Excel

kYL.lUiw]' kYL.Sut];' lIliUw]' lITiSut];' = Better, best, nicer, nicest,

kYic]kYa};wL,'AlwI;lL,' = Gingival, adj. of or relating to the gums; alveolar,

kYin]nsrqt]:'[wqc];{ = Gennesaret, [a town of Naphtali, a lake, in new testament,(Mtt.14:34)], Chinnereth,

kYin];' (kUn]kYin];'SUiw]:kYin];')' Pqn],kuv]' = Jean, jeans,

kYin];'[piun].Kam],nUiw].lUit]:tUw]Kic];An]Suip],lam];tam];put]:kn]mI;'(mQw];pL;nG];tIAqn]<eAAn]nuic]:nn].)'{'= Gene,

N. the basic physical unit of heredity; a linear sequence of nucleotides along a segment of DNA that provides the coded

instructions for synthesis of RNA, which, when translated into protein, leads to the expression of hereditary character.


n]AI:yLlI'{(kYin]<Sqc];elL;nm].Puic]:lItL,pa};yU,lIpI;San];)' = Ginseng, N. genus Panax: ginseng and honey,

kYQm];'(sa};)[tEp;sw]:12ekL.nn].ekL.1El:pQn]pI:Aa}:ygn]<'(mqt]:4;12'man],12;2'){'kYQm];lUc]' = James,

[the elder brother of John, (Mtt. 4:21)], James the Great,

kYQm];'[pQn]luk]:sa};ALleP;'(mqt]:10;3')'kYQm];pQn]tEp;sw]:ey,SunG];12ekL.nn].ekL.1{kYQm];Agn],' = James,

[the son of Alpheus,(Mtt. 10:3,) one of the 12 disciples], James the Less,

kYQm];'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-kYQm];')nG];kYam];lik]:t};pp].Agn]tac];tqm]:w}.wL:!yL,kbp]:@n}{ = James, [a

book of Bible, (abbr.: James.)],

kYqk].'[KUic]:An]Ka}.kGL,Ka}.mL;l}:El:pQn]tL,Aw]Tgk]:yuk].KUw];nk];Kuin]:Suc]Ait];Ait];'{'kYqk].Tgk],kL;' = Jack,

N. any of various portable devices for raising or lifting heavy objects short heights,

kYqk].'[Kqp];Pa}.es:'kYqk].'An]t};k}.hgc].wL:(eKL)'{ = Jack, N. also called knave. Cards,


kYI,nI,wL,nn].n}.l}:hQt];w}.lum];lUc]!cw]:cum];mUic];lum]:fL.@mUiw]:pI1920-46nn].'{' = Geneva, a city in and

the capital of the canton of Geneva, in SW Switzerland, on the Lake of Geneva: seat of the League of Nations 1920–46.,

kYIPI<Aqt].S]'[lgk];la};Aw]tI:yU,nG];lum]:fL.{'KUic]:kYIPI<Aqt].S]' = GPS, N. Global Positioning System,

kYIeAL;elL,kYI,'(Pa},pa};Sa}<An]lQp]:hQn];piun].Kgp],nm].lqn]lin]') = Geology,

kYI,20'[sum];Pgc];mUic];lUc]Pa},ciun];tgc];Saw];mUic];hUm]:kn]{' = G 20s, Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and

Central Bank Governors,{South Africa, United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, China, Japan, South Korea, India,

Indonesia, Russia, Turkey, European Union, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Australia, },

kYoc],'[tUn]:Kw]:kYoc],mQw];An]Puk],Sgm]:Agn]tc];Sut];Sut];{ = Spelt, N. one of the earliest cultivated forms of wheat,

kYOw],' = Planet, N.,

kYOw];Sqp]:' (mUiw]:tqm]:nG];kYam];lik]:n}..-yUw];Sqp]:') = Joseph, (Genesis 37),

kYO;'kBn];KiBw];kYO;'kUn];/An]yum],PL,SL,kYO;' = Jew, N., Jews, Jewish, adj.,

kYO;Krit]:yan],' kUn];KUiw];kYO;ekL.yum],mat]:' = Jewish believer, Jew Christian,

kYO;sqt]:sqt]:' kYO;hI;RpU;' = Hebraic Jews, Hebrews,

kYO;pL;'(miUc];)' kUn];miUc];kYO;pL;' = Cuba, Cubans,

kYO;liy'[kUn];sw]:JPL;nG];mUic];rUw];m'(rUw];16;15){' = Julia, N. (Ro.16:15),

kYO;liyt].'[suiw]:tac],pn]PU:sa};ekL.nuic]:pQn]suiw]:KUiw];hUin];kUn];mUic];rUw];m'{'(k};yt].kYO;liyt].SI;sL,) =

Julius, N. a male given name: a Roman family name: Gaius Julius Caesar,

kYO;lat]:kGam];krik].' kYO;EA;lqn];nit].S]' = Hellenistic Jews, Greek-speaking Jews,

kYO;(wL,t)'PL,SL,SL,SnL,kYO;'[An]yum],/sgm];Tuc];sam],kUn];KUiw];kYO;Kw]nn].{'kYO;tiySim],' =

Judaism, N. belief; cultural and social identity of Jews,

kYO.pik].'(kYO;pik].mI,tL,' kYO;pik].ep,') = Cubic,(cubic meters, cubic feet,)

kYO.pik].tUw]yU,kac]' = Body-centered cubic,



lI,sUm];TUn]:pI<kgn];Sqc])'{ = Jubilee, N. the celebration of any of certain anniversaries, as the twenty-fifth (silver

jubilee), fiftieth (golden jubilee), or sixtieth or seventy-fifth (diamond jubilee); rejoicing or jubilation, jubilee year,

kYO<rI<'(Kbn]sg}:Tt];)'kYO;rI;' kYO,rI,' = Jury, juror,

ekY,eA;Amu'yw].yL,Amu' = Settle lawsuit, settle a case, settle the matter,

ekY;sU;yG],etL,'mI;ekY;sU;'(ekY;sU;yG],nL,KL:&) = Thankful, adj. feeling or expressing gratitude, grateful,


Jason, N. a Jewish in Rome; one of the kinsmen of Paul,

EkY,lI,'(tac];kin]pQn]nm].AUn]AuUv].AUv].w}.') = Jelly, syrup,

ekYL,' ekYL,ekYL,' = Fun,

ekYL,'pg};'(An]hac]:KUic]:pac]pg};'(pg};kin]Kw]:mUn]:ekYL,'(mI;Pac]hac]:tUw]sG]ekYL,'(pg};kUn];Aum],Puit].pQn]mU,') = Festive,

adj. pertaining to a festival; joyous: festive decoration; a festive meal; a festive mood; festive throng,

ekYL,kYOik]:sG],' = Merry, laughingly happy or festively joyous,

ekYL,' ekYL,SiUw];'ekYL,mUn]:SUiw];sG]'(Kt];-Am],ekYL,)' = Happy, (ant: unhappy),

ekYL,sG]lI'Kw]:sG]hqc];'(lgc]:-/An]-)[sG]SUiw];hUm]hUm]sUm];sUm];lInL,'{ = Rapture, N. ecstatic joy or

delight, raptures, rapturous, adj.,

ekYL,SiBw];' SiBw];ekYL,' epYL,SiBw];' sBm];' = Joy,

ekYL,SUiw];wn];tn];luiw]:kan]tac],ekY;sU;' = Happy Thanksgiving Holiday,

ekYL,SUiw];pg};wn];Ait];StL;El:ekYL,SUiw];pg};pSKL,' = Happy Easter and Happy Passover,

ekYL,SUiw];pI<mG],' = Happy New Year,

ekYL,SUiw];wn];Em:'[ekYL,SUiw];wn];Em:tc];la}'{ = Happy Mothers Day,

ekYL,SUiw];wn];Ait];StL;' = Happy Easter,


yw].)' = Enrapture, delight beyond measure: We were enraptured by her singing, enraptured,

ekYL,epL;Am],hU.Am],hn]'[sG]SUiw];epL;Am],hU.Am],hn]'{ = Glee, N. open delight or pleasure; exultant joy,

ekYL,nL,AL;lL;' hqc].ekYL,nL,' = Having too much fun,

ekYL,mUn]:SiUw];sG]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Happiness,

ekYL,mUn]:SUiw];wn];kUit],'[ekYL,mUn]:SUiw];sa};/nac];--'{ = Happy Birthday,

ekYL,mUn]:hun].nUw]kn]' = Having fun,


(mn];sa};l}:Kam],ekYL;ygn].An]wUn].TL:tL,l}:nm].mYat]:mn];nn].) = Seduce, seduced, seducing, to lead

astray, as from duty, rectitude, principle, faith or allegiance: He was seduced by the prospect of gain,

ekYL;'emLekYL;'[Aan];ekYL;'kw];lqn]'eKYL;kin]'hG]:l}:Kam],tQk];tQc]w}.'{(nL:yum].emLekYL;)' = Seductive, adj. tending

to seduce; beguiling; captivating: a seductive smile, seductively, adv.,

ekYL;ekL.sG]Am],nim]'(2pI,2;14)' = Seduce the unstable, enticing or beguiling unstable souls,

ekYL;kin]' hLekYL;kin]piUn]:' = Fascinate, fascinated, fascinating, fascinatedly, adv.,


w].)' = Seduce, to win over; attract; entice: a supermarket seducing customers with special sales, seduced, seducing,


nn]ekL:hUv];hG]:hQt];nn].{ = Inveigle, inveigled, inveigling, to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or


ekYL;Aw]' ekYL;kin]piUn]:' = Allure, entice, captivate, coax, allured, alluring,

ekYL<kYIyL<'(siuc]:miUc];) = Georgia,

kYOik]:'mk].'(kw]Am],mk].tac];kin]Kw]) = Like, fond of: I don’t like their food,(ant: dislike,)

kYOik]:' Tbk],sG]' kYOik]:sG]' = Prefer, fond of, like,

kYOik]:sG]mibt]:yB,SL,sgm];' = Comfortable with,

kYOik]:hQt];' KG]:l}:hQt];' = Incline, preference,

kYOik];hQt];kan]sgm];kUn];eSekL.ekL./KUic]:yip];tuiw];' = Enjoy working with someone or tools,

kYOiw],mnI,'(miUc];'siuc]:miUc];) = Germany,

kzlUc];mL;'[kzlBc];mL;nG];miBc];kBn];'{'lUc];'lBc];Pa},tG]:' = Descend, descended, descending,

kzk];'(mt];kzk];)'tQn]:'kzk];wqn]' = Leap, jump: flea jumping, leaping flea, leaped, leaping, leap, N.,

kzk];kL:' kzk];ygp],kL:' = Leap and dance,

kzk];lqn]:'[lqn]:yac]:kzk];lqn]:kGL,lg};lg};{(mn];kzk];lqn]:kU:nG]hG]:tUw]Kic];mn];KUic],Km].(Am],TUw].)')= Jog, to run at

a leisurely, slow pace: He jogs two miles every morning to keep in shape, jogged, jogging,

kzk];Kam]:' wqn]Kam]:' = Leap over,

kzk];sUik]:' wqn]sUik]:' = Jump rope,

kzk];wqn]'kzk];lQt];' = Caper, frisk, gambol, prance, capered, capering,

kzk];wqn]'kzk];lQt];' = Caper, N. a playful leap or skip, frisk,

kzk];wqn]Km]:'[kzk];Kam]:kGL,Kam]:mL;nUiw]An]nuic]:{ = Vault, to leap or spring as to or from over something, vaulted,

kzk];Agk],' = Swerve, swerved, swerving,

kzk].ekYL;' = Agar,

kzc];pik]:man],JPL;sw]:'(1ekL;3;16)' = God’s temple, (1Cor.3:16,),

kzc];mun]sw]:' kzc];' = Monastery, temples,

kzc];kiuc],miUc];'wt].kiuc],miUc];' = Stately temples,

kzc];Sac],put]:' = Little paper monasteries,

kzc];pik]:man],' kzc];' wt].' = Temple

kzc];mqc];'[yUc]./tI:tm];kgm],kUn];ta}w}.mUiw]:p},Aw]kGL,Pc]nn].'{ = Bier, N.,

kzc];mun]sw]:' = Monastery,

kzt].wL,SYic]<tn],'(PU:Agn]hUw]yG],lUc]Sut];miUc];yU<Aqt].S]eA,') = George Washington, the

greatest leader of the U.S.A.,

kzn],lgk].' = John Locke, (AD 1632-1704)

kzn],Aqp].f]kqn]<nI,tI,' = John F. Kennedy,

Rkm],' = Gram, (g)

RkQt].'= Grade, N. a degree or step in a scale, as of rank, advancement, quality, value, or intensity: the best grade of paper,

RkQt].'[sn].pn]Amt]:hUc];hQn]'sn].hQn];'{(sn].hUk];)= Grade, N. the grades; the pupils in such a division: 6th Grade,

kgk],' kgk],nm].l}' kgk],hgc]:EP' = Divert, diverting water by digging a ditch as for draining or irrigating,


yuiw].sum],nm].Aw]kUv];ekL:l}:Am],nn]ekL:kgk],kqk],nm].pqt]:Ait];nuic]:kUv];ekL:l}:)' = Rinse, to wash

lightly as by pouring water into or over or by dipping in water: to rinse a cup, rinsed, rinsing,

kgk],kqk],lac].'(k}.pQn]An]huiw]:yiuw].SG],nG];wan],/kgk];yuiw].Ait];Agn],eSKw]Kw]yw].Tgk],pqt]:') = Clean, cleaning up,

kgk],nc]lin]'lgk]:' lgk]:nc]m}.' nc]lgk]:' = Rip, ripped, ripping,lgk]:' lgk]:nc]m}.'

kgk],nm].ciUw];mn];EnpiUn]:' = Silly, weak minded or lacking good sense, senseless, foolish,


hUt];pn]nn].'{' = Irrigate, to supply (land) with water by artificial means, as by diverting streams or spraying, water


kgk],hgc]:EP' Tqk],' sk];' Tqk],sk];' = Diversion, -The act diverting,

kgk],hgc]:EP'Tqk],'sk];'Tqk],sk];'(kgk],hgc]:EPtI:hgc]:nm].mL;)' = Divert, dirverting, (diverting streams),

kgk],hgc]:' lac];hgc]:' = Clean up a ditch or trench,

kgk]:' Akgk]:'(kQp];Akgk]:mn];) = Imposts, duties, taxes, (collecting imposts),

kgk];pUik],'kgk];' = Peel, to strip something of its skin, rind, bark, etc.: peel an orange, peel an egg, peeling, peel, N.,

kgk];' pgk],' (kgk];pUik]:'pgk],pUik],') = Peel, strip off,

kgk];' = Cup,

kgk];'wan],' = Bowl, deep round dish,

kgk];' kgk];mak].'[kgk];An]mI;hUtI:yip];w}.nn].'{' = Mug, a drinking cup,

kgk];kin]nm].' = Drinking cup, glass,

kgk];kgk];hUw]' lup],kgk];hUw]' nc]kgk];hUw][tI:KUn]hUw]Agk],{' = Scalp,

kgk];Km];'/kgk];ciun];'/kgk];tgc];' = Gold cup, Silver cup, Bronze or copper cup,

kgk];hL:Kn]'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];50kYap]:'nm]tan],0.94lI<tL,) = 5Khanh, liquid volume equal to 0.94 Liter,

kgk];hL:kYap]:'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];hL:kYap]:'nm]tan],0.1lI<tL,) = 5Kyarb, liquid volume equal to 0.02 Liter,

kgk];hUw]KUm];'hBw]KUm];'nc]hUw]KUm];' = Itchy scalp,



w]Kw]:pac]etL,lUik]:nm].kt].tL,l}:pQn]kUn];Kqn],KYqp].pI,yn],") = World cup, a trophy emblematic since 1930 of the

world championship in soccer and competed for every four years by finalists who have won qualifying matches among more than

150 national teams.,

kgk];kqw]:' kgk];Pan],' = Glass,

kgk];'niuc]:kgk];'(nm].mn];1kgk];=8Agc]<s=0.236lI<tL<=16esL.) = Cup, (liquid 1Cup=8oz=0.236L=16tbsp)

kgk];'niuc]:kgk];'(Kw]:Sn]1kgk];=2wk].=0.236lI<tL,=16esL.) = Cup, (rice 1Cup=8oz=0.236L=16tbsp)


nn].{ = Kneading trough,

kgk];cg};'emL:cg};'[emL:mI;wqw],SUp];cg};pL;tI:yip];eSpQn]tL,SG],nm].huiw]:nn].'{ = Pitcher, N.,

kgk];SG],Am],pL;PL' = Open Container,

kgk];t}:tQn];hgm]'[tI:SG],pQn]An]k}.mI;PLhUm],{ = Censer, N. thurible,

kgk];tw],' = Turtle shell, tortoise shell,

kgk];tUc]' = Volume,

kgk];tUv];'(kgk];tUv];KUt]<lp].sc],l}:hU.wL:mn];KG]:wL:Sc]nn].')lgm]np].Sgn],tBv];w}.' = Figured out,

kgk];TUm],' = Spittoon,

kgk];nm].nQc]:sQm];'[kgk];mak].tL,SG],nm].nQc]:ePL,elL;kUiw]wan]nm].nUm];kin]'{' = Tea cup or mug,

kgk];Agk],kGL,'tqk],Agk],kGL,'Pat],kGL,'lit]:kGL,' = Detach, detached from, detached, detaching,

kgk];pqt]:' lgk]:pqt]:' Sik],pqt]:'(kgk];pqt]:mik]:El,Ep,)' = Peel-off: peel-off labels,

kgk];pqt]:' Ka}.Agk],' Ka}.pqt]:' Ka}.piUc]:tI:mn];w}.' Ka}.'Aw]Agk],pqt]:' = Remove, removed,

kgk];pUik],' kgk];' = Peel, (peel and orange, peel an egg)

kgk];Piun].nL:lik]:mn];eS' = Turn the page,

kgk];f};' = Lamp


"epL;wL:tLSUlIekL:tUw]Kic];SUn}.etmI;lqc];tQm]tc];tUw]tc];Kic];w}.lum];lum];yw]."@) = Lamp of the body:

“Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light….”(Luke 11:34,),

kgk];f};mI;tin]tm];' tin]tm];kgk];f};' = Lampstand, N., lamp stand, lampstands,

kgk];f};hg}:' = Pendent lamp,

kgk];f};tm];' = Stand lamp,


t}:pn]tL,tin]kw]KL:El:pQn]lqc];tL,tac];kGL,kw]KL:nn].eAL:")' = Lamp to my feet and light to my

path,(I receive You word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.),

kgk];f};f};fL.' = Halogen lamp,

kgk];mak],Aun]' = Coconut shell,

kgk];man],' wan],man],' Aum],man],' Agm]man],' kgk];Pn],' = Glass, glassware,

kgk];yuiw].'kgk];nQc]:' = Tea cup,

kgk];hUw]' hHuw]' = Head,

kgk];Aac],' kgk];' Aac],' Aqc],' hiUw];' = Vessel, basin,

kgk]<'[KUin];rupin]<pQn]AU:Sim]Aiw]<'(Kuin];20;8'){ = Gog, a Reubenite, the father of Shimei; the vision respecting

God and Magog,

kgc]'(kat],mUv]kgc])'(kgc]lin]' kgc]mgk],kum]:)' = Bank, heap, (to bank up snow)(a bank of earth, a bank of cloud),

kgc]' (kgc]hin]' kgc]ybk];yk];' pQn]ekL,pQn]kgc]') = Heap, stack,

kgc]' pum],' [kgc]Piun];'kgc]PiUc];'pum],Kw]:'{ = Pileup,

kgc]' kgc]trm]<' kUn];h},kgc]trm]<' (kgc]t};) = Drum, Drummer, (Tai/Shan drum)

kgc]KQt],'[kgc]pgt];pgt];Am],mI;kUn]:'KUw].hic],KUiw];mUn];'{= Timbrel, N. a ttambourine or similar instrument,

kgc]SG],' pUw].SG],' pQn]ekL,pQn]kgc]w}.' = Stack, heap, pile, stacked against, 

kgc]SG],Tap]:SG],w}.' = Redeposition, deposition from one deposit to another,

kgc]SG],w}.'(An])= Deposition, the state of being deposited or precipitated:(deposition of soil at the mouth of a river),

kgc]SG],w}'[kUn];ekL.l}:tac];pUin]:yum]ym]mn];kU:mQw];'{ = Depositary, N. one to whom anything is given in trust,

kgc]niuc]:' kgn]:' tum]' put];' put];niuc]:' = Mass, a body of coherent matter, lump,

kgc]mgc];SUic];' (h},kgc]sap],Sqc],tW},mgc];TUic];eSyg],kL:sgm];pQn]km];km];lg};lg};') = Drum for playing in a slow

beat particularly in olden days Tai’s style,

kgc]yuk];yak];' = Stack garbage,

kgc]lc]etL,' kgc]lc]pn]' = Turn one’s back on,

kgc],' kUc],'(Kt];-KUc]:') = Convex, bulge up, (ant: concave,), curving outward,

kgc],ekL:'lgk];kgc],ekL:' = Nape, N. the back of the neck,

kgc],ekL:sQp];/Kt];' eKL;Kt];' sQp];kgc]ekL:' = Neck pain,

kgc],sI<' kgc],SI,' = Council

kgc],sI<es:wQc];'(Kbn]-) = City/Township-council

kgc],SI,tI:yum],ym]kUiw];kum]' = Trusteeship council,

kgc],SI,p};mak]:mI;El:Pa},mU,sum];Puc]kUn];'(AI<kUw],Sgk].)' = Economic and Social Council,


kgc],sI<Pa},pa};mak]:mI;siUw].sat]:'(yU<Aqt].S]eA,') = National Economic Council, (USA)

kgc],SI,Pa},hUm],lUm]:' = Security Council,

kgc],ygc],' nc]:kgc],ygc],' = Squat, squatting, to sit in a low or crouching position,

kgc]:' = Gun,

kgc]:kac],' kgc]:' KUic]:lak]:nak]:' (pL;kgc]:') = Arm, weapon, firearm (carry arm,)

kgc]:kac],mak],muiw]:siun];yam];' = Arm and ammunition,

kgc]:sm]:'(mn];Aw]kgc]:sm]:eSsUn]kGL,)' = At gunpoint: He carried out the robber’s orders at gunpoint,

kgc]:sak]:' = Machine gun,

kgc]:pa}hgk],' kgc]:sup];pa}hgk],' = Rifle with a bayonet,

kgc]:tgp];' mak],kgc]:tgp];' = Popgun,


El:kn];ES,mn];Aw]mak],m}.kgc]:tgp];(mak],mw]:kGa};)hQt];mak],mn];yuiw];lQn]:)' = Toy air gun, popgun,

kgc]:pgt];' = Pistol, handgun,

kgc]:pgt];' = Handgun, pistol,

kgc]:mak],PU,'(tL,lm];TUin],/yuiw];kGc]yuiw];Pan];')' = Slug gun, N.,

kgc]:mqk].kUt]:'(mqk].kgc]:)' kgc]:AL;kL;' = AK 47 Rifle, (gun magazine),

kgc]:mUk],Sm];KQm]' = Syringe gun,

kgc]:mUk],/lgt],yaw];'KUic]:lUc]mUk],yaw];sL.lQk].' = Dart, N., darts,

kgc]:mUk];'[kgc]:lgm],SUc],w}.sgm];tUw]Am],nn]eStI:tI:{' = Hidden gun, unregistered gun,

kgc]:emL,TL,' emL,TL,' = Mortar,

kgc]:yaw];' = Rifle,

kgc]:yL:' kgc]:emL:yL:' = Pipe or tube smoking,

kgc]:yiuw];hUiw];min]' = Anti-aircraft gun, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft missile,

kgc]:ln],lut]:'ln],lut]:'[kgc]:vL;ln],kUv];mn];'Am],Aac]:Aan];ln],k}kgc]:yuiw];SG],'{ = Accidental

dischare (AD), may occur when the trigger of firearm is deliverately pulled; unintentional discharge,

kgc]:lUc]' kgc]:lgn]<KYL,' = Artillery, missile launcher,

kgc]:lUc]yiuw];Kuin]:SpQt].S]' = Space missile,

kgc]:lUm];'[kgc]:An]st];kan]lUv]:An]lUm];St].SG],nn].'{' = Air gun, a gun operated by compressed air,

kgc]:lUm];tuic]:'[mUk],SG],puin]lqm]An]l}:Sut],lUm];TUv]:sG]tQm]tQm]eSKun],tuic]:SG],hqc];hqc];eSyuiw];kGL,nn].{' =

Blowgun, a pipe that is blown by breath,

kgc]:la}lw];' kgc]:tc];nm]' kgc]:' (Sun]l}:pL;kgc]:la}lw];') = Arms, (rights to bear arms)

kgc]:Am],ma}tac],Puin]' = Unregistered gun,

kgc]:Aqm]<16' = M 16 Rifle, M 16 gun,

kgc]:Agn],'kgc]:kac],' KUic]:lak]:nak]:Agn],' = Firearm, a small arms weapon, as a rifle or pistol, arm,

kgc];' kbc];' kgc];lg}' lg}' = Hill

kgc];'kuc];'tI:Suc]'tac];Suc](kgc];kUw]<ln],')' = Heights, N.: Golan heights,

kgc];kgk];hBw]' = Golgotha, the place of the Skull

kgc];kgk];hUw]'[nG];kGam];lat]:JAL,em;yik].n}.hgc].wL:ekL;lekL;T'{ = Skull, which in Aramaic is called Golgotha,

kgc];kgk];hUw]' ekL;lekL;T'[kgc];him];wQc];ey,ruSlqm],tI:sw]:ey,Sul};Kam],tgk],kuik];Sw]m}.wL;muiw];'{' =

Golgotha, [a hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified,(Mt 27:33)], Calvary,

kgc];mU;' = Pagoda,

kgc];lc]'eplc]'(tqk]:En'Aqw]'Aqc]:'kuc],kUn]:'kUn]:') = Back,{lower back, waist, buttock, hip,}

kgc];lgm]:lgm]:'[kgc];/kuc];Pqn],lin]tI:Suc]Am],mI;tUn]:m}.Sc]'{(TUin],23;3') = Barren height,

kgc].'kgc].hqn],'(kgc].cU;'kgc],hqn],Puic]:') = Venom, N. something resembling poison in its effect; spite; malice,

kgc].' cUn].' yL:mUiw],' = Poison, N., toxin, N.,

kgc].'eKL'eKLkgc].'mak]:mQt];'(epL;Aw]tiBk],liBn]SQp],eKLmQt];eSmQt];n}sac]:l}:pL) = Hook, fishhook,

kgc].' eKLkgc].' = Hook,

kgc].' kgc].Aw]' = Catch with a hook,

kgc].' mI;kgc].' sac]:mw];' mw];' = Toxic, poison, poisonous, toxicity,

kgc].' hg}:w}.kgc].w}.' hg}:' = Hang on, hung on, hanging on,

kgc].ka},' = Link, tie, bind, be coherent, connect, linked, linking,

kgc].ka},kn]'(Kt];-Am],kgc].Am],ka},kn]')'kgc].ka},' = Coherent, adj. logically connected, conherently, adv.,(ant:

incoherent; noncoherent)

kgc].kQw],lUv]:lum];JtL;'(Sak]:eS,An]kgc].kQw],lUv]:) = Forensic, adj. forensic evidence,

kgc].kQw],lUv]:lum];JtL;'(KUw];Sak]:eS,/lgc]:-) = Forensic, N., forensics,

kgc].ka},sm]sG]kn]'(ekL.etL,ekL./sum];etL,sum];kgc].ka},sm]sG]kn])'= Affiliate with,

kgc].ka},sm]sG]luik].luik].' = Interconnection,

kgc].ka},kp];Suip],kn]' kgc].ka},tL,kp];Suip],kn]' = Link to communicate,

kgc].ka},yG],Tgt]:mYat]:'[kgc].ka},sgm];lUv]:An]yG],Tgt]:mYat]:nn].w}.{ = Divinely linked,


= Link to communicate can build a relationship,

kgc].ka},tit];sp];'tit];etL,kgc],ka},kn]' sap]:lUv]:' = Connect, connected, connecting,

kgc].ka},tit];sp];' tit];etL,kgc],ka},kn]' sap]:lUv]:' = Connect, adj., connection, N.,

kgc].ka},tit];sp];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Connection, N.,

kgc].ka},tit];sp];' = Bound up, connected in/with,


c].ka},hQt];ekL.eS:hk].hgm]kn]'(la};/lgc]:pQn]AUv];ekL.lIkn]')'= Fellowship, N. sweet fellowship; good felloship,

kgc].ka},hQt];ekL.eS:kn]'(kgc].ka},hQt];ekL.eS:hk].hgm]kn]') = Fellowship, N. sweet fellowship,

kgc].kQw]:/sp];'hQt];hG]:Suk].yuc]:sgm];'Kw]:Suk].yuc]:sgm];' = Entangle, entangled, entangling,

kgc].cw];'hUm]:'(kgc].cw];mgk],kum]:' hUm]:mgk],kum]:')' = Shadow, N. clouds shadow, shadows,

kgc].cw];sUw]:nuic]:Kaw];nuic]:nn].kUv];'(SL,144;4')' = Fleeting shadow,

pQn]kgc].cw];' hUm]:kgc].cw];lp].' = Shadow, shade, shadowed, shadowing,

kgc].sp];' Suk].yuc]:sgm];' kQw]:sp];' = Tangle, tangled, tangling,

kgc].sac]:ta}ygn].'mI;kgc].mI;cUn].sac]:ta}ygn].' = Deadly Poisson,

kgc].San]kn]' = Network,


SEl:pQn]An]l}:hQt];ptivin],w}.wL:etkm].sg}:lum];lL;tUv];pn]Pa},pa};yU,lInn].sgm];wL:n}"{ = Network, the

facilities, providers and supplies your health care insurer or plan has contracted with to provide health care services,

kgc].San]kn]pQn]sn].pQn]Tap]:w}.' = Tiered network,

kgc].San]muiw];kn]'(kgc].San]muiw];kn]kGL,)' = Hand in hand, hand-in-hand, together, jointly: go hand in hand,

kgc].San]hgm];kn]'(Kw]kgc].Kqn]San]miuw];hgm];kn]w}.') = Interlace, as woven together,(Their hands interlaced,)

kgc].Suip],pn]' yuk].SG],pn]' = Install, to place in position or connect for service or use, installed, installing,

kgc].PLw}.' hg}:' hg}:PL' = Hang on the wall,

kgc].mUiw],ta}'(mn];mI;kgc].mUiw],ta}tQm]w}.pik];pik];') = Deadly poison: It is full of deadly poison,

kgc].w}.' hg}:w}.' ygn],tgc],tg}:' Agc],Ag}:w}.' = Suspend, suspended, suspending,

kgc].hqn],'[mQw];An]hQt];hG]:sQp];kqn];nn].{ = Sting, N. anything that wounds or pains; capacity to wound,

kgt],' = Hug, to clasp tightly in the arms especially with affection, embrace,

kgt],'(lgc]:-/An]-)'KUic]:kgt],'[An]tUw]mI;sG]Aw]muiw];kgt],/KUic]:kgt],KUw];Kgc]sp];kn]{ = Clasp, N.,


mn];w}.yw].)' = Clasp, to hold in a tight embrace, hug: He clasped the child to him, clasped, clasping,

kgt],kqn],kqk];'[kUn];epL.pUv];vL;kgt],kn]w}.kqn],kqk];'{'kgt],mn]:mn]:' = Clinch, (Boxing) to engage in a

clinch, clinched, clinching,

kgt],ka},'(mn];kgt],ka},muiw];tL:AUk];w}.') = Folded arms, fold hands: He folded his arms on his chest,


nuic])= Caress, to touch or pat gently to show affection; strike lightly:the breeze caressed the trees, caressed, caressing,

kgt],'kgt],w}.' = Hug, to clasp tightly in the arms especially with affection, embrace, hold onto,

kgt],eKL;' = Hug, to clasp tightly or to cling close tighter, to congratulate oneself, embrace,

kgt],eKL;PLPiUw];' PLPiUw];kgt],eKL;' = Hug, to keep close to moving alongside,

kgt],lgm].w}.' = Enclose, enclosed, encompass, encircle, surround,


Enfold: He wished to enfold her in the warmth of his love; cannot enfold that big tree), enfolded, enfolding,

kgt],hut].'(kgt],hut].pn]mn];nac];lIlI) = Strong hug: Give her a good strong hug,


.eS) = Take in arms: taking the child in his arms,

kgt],Aun],'[eSL.SG],'KUt];mUk];eSL.{ = Cuddle, hug tenderly; nestle; snuggle, cuddled, cuddling, cuddlle, N.,

kgt],Aun],him];f};' = Cuddle or snuggle by the fire,

kgt];KI:lic];mUt];' = Used up,

kgt];cibn];Km];' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Financial mishaps,

kgt];pqc].RKp].' = Bankruptcy

kgt];Pan]' = Destitute, destitute, destituting,

kgt];Pan]' = Destitute, adj., destituteness, N., destitution, N., destitutely, adv.,

kgt];Pan]TI,hin].'[TI,pUn].tI:'Pan]pUn].tI:'kgt];Pan]'{(Kt];-mI;sG]lIyuin]:yuin]:mqc],mqc],) = Penurious,

adj. extremely stingy; extremely poor; destitute, penuriously, adv., penury, N., (ant: generous)

kgt];Pan]lgt]:nI:' = Insolvency, bankruptcy,

kgn]' kgn]hgc];lqm]:Siuw]:'[(ser;la};SG]kac];SiUw]/lik]:t};kw],'){'m}.kgn]hgc];muc];hHiUn];' = Rafter, N.,

kgn]krqt].S]' = Congress

kgn]krqt].S]hp].hgc];Aw]Kw]:pQn]' = Acceptance of Congress,

kgn]krqt].S]mI;kac]sG]hn]lIlBv]:' = Consent of the Congress,

kgn]kYc].T}<wL'[Aqn]ES;l]mac]mac]mI;nm].KI:tUiw],w}.tL,puit],pg},hUv],tLEl:Piw]nG];Kgp],tL'{ = Conjunctiva, N.

the mucous membrane that lines the exposed portion of the eyeball and inner surface of the eyelids, conjunctivae,

kgn]sgc]:' [kgn]hgc];lqm]:Siuw];{ = Stay, N. rafter, umbrella stay,

kgn]nKgk];Kt].S]'[mqc];pqk].TI;riy'mqc];An]hQt];hG]:pQn]lI.mUk]:'{ = Gonococcus, N. the bacterium Neisseria

gonorrhoeae, causing gonorrhea,

kgn]nqk].tikt].' = Connecticut,

kgn]frqn].kUn];Aw]Kaw],'[!pac]Sp];lqc];sqc]:Kaw],@n}ekL:wL:'{' = Press conference,

kgn],' kgn],Tuic]' kgn],Agn]tac];' kgn],p},Tuic]' = Pre-,

kgn],' mUiw]kgn],' mUiw]:kgn],nn].' mUiw]:kgn],kgn],nn].' = Ancient, long time ago,

kgn],' km].niuc]:kgn],' yU,kGL,kgn],'(yU,kGL,kgn]wn];mn];p},Tuic]') = Stay a while longer,

kgn],'nUk].kgn],'[nUk].An]p}nG];nm].mI;KLSUp];eKL;yaw];{= Crane, N. any large wading bird of long legs, bill and neck,

kgn],etEt,nL:hHUin];' = Prenuptial,

kgn],sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]' = Pre-trial,

kgn],SUw],sI,eA;SYin];'[An]hQt];hG]:Pgm].hUm]:kn]yU,nG];mU,nG];sum];muit]:kuiw];kuiw];kn]{' = Consociation, N.

the act of uniting in association,

kgn],Agn]' = Preliminary,

kgn],Agn]' miBw]:Agn]tac];' miBw]:kB:pgk]:' = Before,

kgn],Agn]' yw].mL;mUiw]:k}:' = Previous, earlier, past,

kgn],Agn]mG];yc];p},kUit],' = Before you were born,

kgn],Agn]mG];yc];p},tn];ygn];nn].' = Before even you call,

kgn],Agn]nn].' = Previously

kgn]:' put];' tum]' (kgn]:niuc]:' put];niuc]:') = Lump, a piece or mass of solid matter without a regular shape,

kgn]:' (pQn]kgn];pQn]mam]:)' = Mass, for a mass, (solid mass),

kgn]:kam]:' (kgn]:lUit]:kam]:kgn]:nuic]:)' = Clot, of coagulate blood, (a clot of blood, or blood clot),

kgn]:KUw];lQk];Agc],w}.' = Ingot,

kgn]:KUw];Kgc]' = Physical properties,

kgn]:K},Agn],' K},' (kgn]:K},Km];SPL,w) = Nugget, (Gold nuggets)

kgn]:sp];kn]w}.' = Conglomerate, a rock consisting of pebbles or the like embedded in a finer cementing

material; consolidated gravel; to collect or cluster together. ,

kgn]:lUit]:sUiw].' mQt].sUiw].'[mQt].lQk].Agn]mI;nG];sUiw]./Pn];nn].'{' = Embryo,

kgn]:SI' (Sp].pYL,kgn]:'Sp].pYL,Pgc]'Sp].pYL,nm].') = Soap bar,(soap bar, soap powder, liquid soap,)

kgn]:tum]kqn],' (kgn]krit].) = Concrete,

kgn]:mn];hgm]'(mn];yac]SG]tum],Agk],sgm];lm];sgm];kic],m}.eS;RKL.) = Frankincense, also called olibanum,

kgn]:man],SPL,w' = Vitreous,

kgn]:man],SPL,wtL'wit].JTIyS]' = Vitreous body, N. a transparent gelatinous substance, permeated by fine

fibrils, that fills the interior of the eyeball between the lens and the retina,

kgn]:hin]' mak],hin]' = Stone,

kgn]:nuic]:'[Kw]:mun];lip];ngk];w}.tL,mUk];/pic]:pgk]:nuic]:{'(Kw]:mun];lip];kgn]:nuic]:)' = Batch, N.: batch of dough,

kgn]:hin]Sqc]' = Marble, N. metamorphosed limestone,

kgn]:hin]man],sL;sp];w}.pQn]tqn]:' = Pegmatite, a coarsely crystalline granite or other high-silica

rock occurring in veins or dikes.,

kgn]:hin]lgm]:tgm];tgm];'[ygn].n m].l}Tgc];SG],El:lgm]:mUn];tgm].lgm].w}.nn].'{'hin]lgm]:' = Pebble, N. a

small, rounded stone, especially one worn smooth by the action of water, pebbles,

kgn]:Alg};'Alg}'(Alg};=n}.pQn]kgn]Eh:elL;El;)' = Alloy, mixture, substance composed of two or more metals,

kgn]:Alg};mL,kYO,rI,' nm].mL,kYO,rI,' = Amalgams, an alloy of mercury with another metal or metals.,

kgn];'kgn];nUk].'[lqm]:Kgn].ka},wac];yaw];w}./kic],m}.tL,pQn]tI:nUk].sp];luiw]:nc],pQn]kgn];tL,Kw]{' = Perch, a pole

or rod usually horizontal serving as a roost for birds,

kgn];' lqm]:m}./kic],m}.tI:k},Kw]nUk].Kw]sp];nUiw]mn];'(kgn];k},') = Roost, (hen roost,)

kgn];' Abp].' = Administration,

kgn];' = Manage, manged, managing,


n];ep.l}:'(AUic],AI:AUic],Aac]w}.nn].')'Tic];' = Control balance, (loss of balance control)

kgn];kan]Sgn].fac].kqm]kL:srip]:Am],nn]cuin];pn]KGac].sa},' = Managing contingency

costs or allowance, (MC){MC=Cost at certain confidence lever (Cp),-Expected cost (EC),},

kgn];kUn];hQt];kan]sum];'[Aup].pUic],Pa},kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],kUn];nG];hUc];kan]{ = Personnel management,

kGL,l}:Tqc]:' huic]l}:Tqc]:' = Any longer,

kgn];kiBc]:' = Unevenly, unbalanced, not equally balanced, lopsidedly,


t].ter;SYin];'){= Self-determination, full autonomy; determination by oneself or itself; freedom to live as one choose,

kgn];cm];kbm];km]w}.'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-)' kum];kgn];w}.' = Control, complete control,

kgn];cm];kum];km]w}.'[hup]:Sim];Aw]'hQt];sw]:pUin]:'Aw]hQt];KL:'{ = Subjugate, to bring under completer

control; conquer; master; to make submissive or subservient: eslave, subjugated, subjugating, subjugation, N.,

kgn];cibn];kgc]kac]' (sw]:-/Kbn]-) = Comptroller, N.,

kgn];cibn];kgc]kac]'(Pa},-/lgc]:-)'[kan]Kun]nG];sum];Aup].pUic],es:mUic]mUic];nuic]:{' = Comptrollership, N.,

kgn];Siuk];'(ekL.-'Kun]-'PU:-') = Commander,

kgn];tp].'PU:kgn];tp].'sw]:Suik];lUc]' = Commander of company; commanding officer,

kgn];lgc]:cw];la};Pbt];epL,'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Emergency Management,

kgn];wQc];' kgn];AUic],' = Town official, Tracks chief, village chief,

kgn];wQc];cw]:miBc];' (Kbn]-) = City Mayor

kgn];w}.yiUc];ma}siUw];TiUk]]Aw]' = Manage competitive goals,

kgn];w}.lgc]:KIm}:sG]' = Manage anxiety,

kgn];w}.lgc]:Kgc].Km]tiUk]:tn]' = Manage conflict,

kgn];w}.An]el,Ep,sqk],siuw]:' = Manage labeling,


PU:pgc]kan]']./kqm]{' = Adjutant, N.(Military) a staff officer who assists the commanding officer in issuing orders; an

executive officer; an assistant,

kgn];hUc];hQn];' = Principal, school principal,

kgn];hUiw];' = Ship captain, cruise ship captain,

kgn];hgc]:kan]'(ekL.-'Kun]-'PU:-')' = Head of department,

kgn];AUic],' = Tracks chief, village chief,

kgn].'(KG]:kin]eA,kgn].nm]KG]:kin]nm]kgn].eA,)' KUt].' = Spoon, take up, spooned, spooning,

kgn].Aw]' tk];Aw]' = Take with a cup or spoon,

kgn]<Trqk].tL, = Contractor

kgp],niuc]:' = Double handful, handfuls,

kgp],Aw]'(sG].Sgc]PL,miuw];'miuw];Sgc]Kgn]yip];Pac]kgp],Sgc]An]') = Take thing within two palms together,

kgp]:'kgp]:lam];m}.'sp];kgn];'sp];'(kgp]:/sp];w}.nUiw]kic],m}.)' = Perch, to set or place on: Perched on a limb,

kgp]:'kgp]:lam];m}.'kgp]:w}.niUw]kic],m}.'sp];kgn];' sp];' = Perch, to set or place on: Perched on a limb,

kgp]:' kgp]:sp];' (kgp]:lm];m}.w}.') = Cling to, (cling to a tree trunk,)

kgp]:' pic]kgp]:'(pic]kgp]:KLkw]') = Leech, leeched, leech bits,(leech bits my leg,)

kgp]:kn]'wac]kn]'hQt];kn]'[An]KUic]:sa};KUic];yic];Sm]kn]nn].{'Sm]' = Fuck, to have sexual intercourse

with, fucked, fucking,

kgp]:Sc]lL,?' hQt];Sc]El:?' ygn].kgp]Sc]El:?' = Why?

kgp]:piBw]:wL:' kgp]:wL:' piBw]:wL:' ygn].piBw]:'ygn].wL:' = For, because, thus.

kgp]:piUw]:An]' = Due to, because of,

kgp]:nn]El:' = Thus,

kgp]:n}El:' kgp]:n}' piUw]:n}.El:' = Therefore, wherefore, for that cause or reason, so,

kgp]:pUiw]:nn]El:sc],wL:' yU,la}sc],wL:' = On that account, because of that, hence,


0')' = “For whoever is not against is for you.”(Luke 9:50,),

kgp]:pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;mn];sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;' = Because nothing is impossible

with Him,

kgp]:pUiw]:lgc]:n}.El:'[pUiw]:lgc]:n}.El:{' = Because of this, for this,

kgp]:piBw]:n}El:sc],wL:' = That’s why,

kgp]:wL:mn];Aic]niUw]mG];tc];mUt];nn].kUv];El:' = As far as it depends on you,

kgp]:An]nn]./n}.eSEl:' = For that/this reason, because of that/this,

kgt],sp];mak],hUw]sG]mG];w}.nn].' = Hold close to your heart,

kgp];mL.'[Aw]nc]hQt];mI;pL;Pac]yn]tL,SUiw],nUiw]lc]mL.Tuk],lIlIeSKI,nUiw]mn];Kqm].sG]SL,sG]{' = Saddle,

kgp];mL.tac],Sa}.'[kgp];mL.mI;Pac]yn]Pa},lQw]k}.pQn]tL,Em:yic];Kw]KImL.{' = Sidesaddle,

kgp];' kgp];kUv]:' = Bunch, banana bunch,

kgp];' PL:kgp];' = Mattress,

kgp];' kgp];nc]:' tac],kgp];' = Cushion, N.,

kgp];PUic];'kgp];ngn];Agn],'[kgp];ngn];Agn],Ka}.Aw]kGL,mL;ca}:nn].'{ = Pallet, N. a bed or mattress of straw; a small

or makeshift bed,

kgp];mL.' = Saddle, saddle cloth,

kgp].f]StUw];'[SQc],StUw];Ka}KUic]:mak],kgp].f]El:KUw];Kgc]tL,kUn];etL,kgp].f]{' = Golf Store,

kgp].f]pL,'/pUiw];tI'/AI;Ek;l]' = Golf Par, birdie, or eagle,

kgp].f]em,kYL,KYqm].pI,yn],' = Golf Major Championships,

kgp].f]hqn];tIkqp].'[hqc];Am],PQc]Kiut];l}:El:lUw],ygm];km];]la}km];n}nn].{' = Golf Handicap,

kgp].f]AUw];pqn];KYqm].pI,yn],' = Golf Open Championships,

kgm],' ngn];kgm],luk]:Agn],' = Lie down with a baby or child,

kgm],'kgm],kUn];ta}' = Coffin,

kgm];' KBt];' cqk]:tak],ha}' kBc],' = Hunched, bend,

kgm];' kUic];nUp]:' kUc],lUc];' (m}.Sac];Km];kgm];/kUic];nUp]:p]mn];epL;sm]tUiw].lin]')'nUp]:' = Bend over,

kgm];tUw]' = Bending forward, forward bending,

kgm];tUw]kUm]:tUv];'kUm]:'(mn];kgm];tUw]kUm]:tUv];sc],l}:hn]An]mI;tG]:han].nn].) = Bending over,

kgm];tUw]kUm]:hUw]ngm];tm],ym]w}:sU;sw]:pL;lQw]' = Humbly yield myself bending forward and

bow down to worship You alone,

kgm];ngm];sU;' kUm]:kgm];ngm];etL,' kUm]:hUw]ngm];etL,' = Bow to,

kgm].kUv];' kgm].kL:' = After all, yet, even though,

kg}' kg}hQt];hG]:mn];yw].' = Just finish it up,

kg};' kUv];' (ekL.lQw]kg};' ekL.lQw]kUv];') = Only, alone,

kg}'kiut];'(h},kgc]lUw],emLkg}puk]:mn];'puk]:yaw];nL,eSAm],emLkg}n}.Am],lITgm],') = Stop,

kg}' lqw]' lU.lqw]' = Damage, ruin, broken, out of order, crash,

kg}sG]mn];pqt]:yw].' = Done away with, assassinated, eliminated, removed, suffocated,

kg}pL;Arac];' kg}PImBt];' Sum];pL;Arac];' (lgc]:-/An]-) = Bad break, bad luck, misfortune,

kg}pa}liun];Sut];n}.'hQt];nn]yw].'liun];Sut];n}.'kg}pa}wa};mL;' = At last, lastly, end,

kg}pa}wa};mL;' wa};libn];mL;' = Later, subsequently,

kg}pa}wa};libn];mL;' = Lately,

kg}PImn];mUt];' lU.yG],kg}nm]' lqw]Pqw].mUt];' = Great crash, great fall,

kg}PImn];yw].' kUn],' kan].' kUn],pc];tUk];' ya}:kn]' = Collapse, downfall, fall apart,


yw].')' = Wind up, to end up as something; conclude: Roger wound up as a millionaire,

kg}:TUp];kn]Tqc]:' = See you later, see you son, again later,


c]:kgn],/wa};n}.kgn],n}nn].{= Word used in middle with the prohibitive particle, denotes the wish for a

temporary delay in action,

kg};' KUic]:sa};' KUic]:tUw]epL:'' k};'(KUic]:Em:yic];'Am],nn]tUw]Em:n}.pQn]hI) = Penis, the male organ of

copulation and of urinary excretion,



;lL,'@(kg}; Sm]Aa}:n}.&Sm]SG]kg};lL:&kg};kw]lL:&)@ = Fuck, Slang: to treat unfairly or harshly; used to express anger:

Fuck you! Fuck it!etc. , “the f-word”

kg}<Aim]<'[suiw]:kUn];Sgc]sum];nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:14;1'eyL;12;23') = Goyim, the name of two groups, Goiim,

kGk];' kk];' (kGk];k}'kk];k}') = Wave hand,

kGk];muiw];'kk];muiw];'w}hUw]'cgk];hUw]'Enmuiw];'Pa};muiw];' = Beckon, to signal, summon or direct by the gesture of

a head or hand; motion; wave, beckon, N.,

kGc]' kGc]mw];' ybc]:yc]:kGc]sG]' = Confuse, confused, confusing,

kGc]' ybc]:yc]:kGc]sG]' kGc]sG]' cm];cw];mw];kGc]' = Confusion, N.,


= Torn between, uncertain whether to choose one or the other: “I am torn between two.”,

kGc]sG]epL;Am],Sw];l}:' sG]Sn],' = Frustrated, confused,

kGc]sG]yuc]:sG]' = Suspense, confusion, doubt, insecurity,

kGc]tac];pUic]:tac];' = Wander, wandered, wandering,

kGc]tac];pUic]:tac];kGL,pqt]:' = Wander away, wandered off, has gone astray,

kGc]pUkGc]pL' kbit];mibc]kBw]kGc]' kiut];miuc]kUw]kGc]epL;Am],hU.SI,hU.hL:l}:' = Panic, panic mode,

kGc]pUkGc]pL' = Panic, confuse, panicked, panicking,

kGc]pUkGc]pL'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Panic, confusion,

kGc]wUn].mw];' = Mislead, perplex, confuse, bewilder,

kGn];' kn];' (kn];f};' kGn];f};')' Aa}mn];' = Smoke, steam,(umbrella handle, handle of spear),

kGn];kL;Tuk]:Agk],' = Vehicle emission, car smoke emission,

kGn];f};pQn]kQn]piw]Kuin]:'kGn];f};pQn]kQn]pQn]kQn]' = Column of smoke,

kGn];f};hum];'[Aw]kGn];f};hum];pLhqc]:'yac]:KL,'{= Smoke, to cure (meat, fish, etc.) by exposure to smoke, smoked,

kGac]'[Pan];'{(kGac]tUw]Em:!kGac]Em:Suiw],@) = Deer, N. elk, barking deer, roe deer, etc., (‘doe’ the female of deer)

kGac]can]'[kGac]epL:An]tUw]yG],TUn]:yw].nn].'{(kGac]can]num],) = Stag, N. an adult male deer: a young stag,

kGac]epL:'[Pan];epL:'tuic]Agn],'yUic];'{ = Roebuck, N. a male roe deer; gazelle; antelope, roebucks,

kGac]Em:Suiw],'(SQc]kGac]Em:Suiw],mUiw]:kac]nG](SL,lam],22')Pan];Em:Suiw],'Ep.Em:' = Doe, N. the female of

deer, antelope, goat, etc.: ‘The Doe of the Morning’, does,


{= Hart, N. a male deer, commonly red deer, Cerus elaphus, especially after its fifth year, harts,

kGac]Agn],'[kGac]Agn],tUw]p},Pat],nUm];nn].'SIhL,lUic]Kqm]:{' = Fawn, N. a young deer especially an un-weaned one, a

light yellow-brown color,

kGac]:' tac];kGac]:' nL:kGac]:' kGac]:lI' = Breadth, width,

kGac]:'(kat],ciun];mUk];Stgk].kGac]:KGac]lI) = Breadth, ( The stock market has a good breadth) ,

kGac]:' (kGac]:lInL,)' = Broad, wide, (so broad, widely,)

kGac]:'kGac]:nL,'kGac]:Sut];'kGac]:KGac]'pYL;yG],yG],' = Wide, adj., wider, widest,

kGac]:kGac]:' tUiw];kGac]:lI' = Broader,

kGac]:kGac]:KGac]KGac]'(Aw]sG].tuiw];w}.kGac]:kGc]:KGac]KGac])' = Extensively, (used extensively for),

kGac]:KGac]' = Resilient, flexible,

kGac]:KGac]' = Liberal, favorable to reform, flexible, broad,

kGac]:KGac]'yuit]:l}:hUt];l}:' = Elasticity, N. resilience,

kGac]:Sut];Sa}tL' nm]np].Am],l}:' Am],mI;Kgp],lqn]Am],Sut];Am],tUik]:' = Infinity,

infinite space or quantity, an infinite extent, endlessness, boundlessness,

kGac]:pn],mUn];'[kGac]:pn],mUn];=nL:kGac]:xnL:yaw];(kpm=kxy){ = Area of rectangle formula, (A=WL)

kGac]:epL;Sut];Sa}tL' = Wide and extending beyond the eye-sight,

kGac]:tUc],mUn];' = Circumference, the outer boundary of a circle, Perimeter,

kGac]:Et.kGac]:wL:epL;pn],hgt],El,sgt],kU:tI:kU:lqn]' = Widely circulated,

kGac]:mL;' kGac]:yiut]:yaw];' kI:' = Expand, expanded,

kGac]:mbc];hBm],sgt],hgt]:' = Extended to,

kGac]:yibt]:yaw];' = Extends

kGac]:lI' = Roomy,

kGac];Sqc]' (mgc];kUv];Km];' mgc];kUv];ciun];')' = Jewel ring, (gold ring, silver ring),

kGac];hUiw];min]' pac],hUiw];min]' [tI:hUiw];min]Kiun]:lUc];tac],kun],tac],kUn];El:kuit];w}.nn].{ = Airport, N.,

kGat].' niuc]:kGat].'(nm].mn];1kGat].=4kgk];=0.94lI<tL<) = Quart,( liquid 1Quart=4Cups= 0.94)

kGam];'kGam];lat]:'(kGam];t};'lat]:kGam];t};')' = Language, N. speech: Tai language, languages,

kGam];'PQc];kGam];'(kGam];t};' PQc];t};' PQc];kGam];t};')= Song, N. lyrics; choral: Tai song, songs,


tk].Pak],kaGm];Tuic]mL;'{'kGam];tUc].tk].' = Greeting, N. a friendly message from someone who is absent,

kGam];/SQc]mgc]sG]pac]mL,SL,' = Dirge, N. a funeral song or tune,


lg}:lIPa},lgc]:lG]lgc]:nn].'{ = Idiom, N. parlance; vernacular; tlak; parley,

kGam];kac]la}' [kGam];kac]la}'(lat]:Am],Kw]:Kiuw],Kw]:EpAm],pgc],lgc]:pgc]tLSc]){ = Illegitimate talk,

kGam];kac]la}' (Am],mI;tI:yip];tI:kqm];'Am],Kw]:KGac],kan]lum];') = Hearsay, unverified, unofficial information,

kGam];kin],' = Curse, ‘a wish that misfortune, evil, doom,’

kGam];kin]nn].lip]:Pac];ha}la}kGL,pqt]:mUt];yw].' = Curse is broken,

kGam];kQp];w}.' eKL:kQp];w}.' = Excerpt, A passage or quotation taken or selected from a book ,

kGam];kUn];KiUw];RKI;AUw];miUc];eh,tI,' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Haitian Creole,

kGam];kUn];lat],PU,' PU,lUm];' (kUn];hQt];pa};miUc];mI; pL;tc];kUn];PU,lUm];PUc].sgm];lc]') = Gaggle,

(politicians followed by a gaggle of supporters),

kGam];kUn];ygc],' Am],mI;tI:pgc],Sc]' = Insensate, irrational, unreasonable,



m];mQw];nn].sc],Tuic]:tI:ep,sG]mn];lInn].'{' = Dominant language, N. the language in which a person is

most comfortable speaking or writing,

kGam];ka},hL = Offer Offer, also called the ask in stock market,

kGam];ka},hLtac];cm];yQn]'(SUc],yuin]:kGam];ka},hLtac];cm];yQn]pn]Tuic]eSekL.ekL./sum];sum];)= Offer of peace:

send an offer of peace to someone,

kGam];kYpn],' kYpn],'(kGam];lat]:)' = Japanese, the language of Japan,

kGam];Kam],w}.' Sqt]:sL,' = Pledge,

kGam];Kit].kGam];pa},' lat]:Kit].lat]:pa},' hQt];Kit].hQt];pa},'(An]-') = Sarcasm, irony,

kGam];EK,'[kGam];EKlUc]{' = Chinese, the standard language of China: Madarin,

kGam];Kuin]:Suc]'[PQc];kGam];yuk].ygc]:tc];pn]hqc];sG]sUm];Kuin]:yG],mG],Suc]'nG];kGam];SL,lam],15puk]:(120-134'){= Song

of Ascents, Songs of Degrees, Songs of Steps,

kGam];Kuin]:Suik];'[SQc]eKL:hgc].Sqn],mUiw]:hp].hap],pun]:Pgn];/mUiw]:Kgn]:tum]kn]Kuin]:tuik];mc]'{ = War cry, N. a cry,

word, phrase, etc. shouted in charging or in rallying to attack; battle cry,

kGam];sap]:lqp]:' Tbc];kGam];' = Saying, a saying,

kGam];sap]:lqp]:PU:mI;van],lqt];Sam]Sip];eKL:'(Tuc];22;17') = Thirty Sayings of the Wise,

kGam];sL,ti'kGam];lat]:sL,ti'(kGam];sL,tit};)'= Mother tongue, native language: Tai-mother tongue,

kGam];sqn],Tqw]Kiun]:'[PQc];kGam];An]hgc].sgm];kn]sqn],Tqw]Kuin];kGL,{ = Marching songs,

kGam];sibc]:miBc];' = Anthem,

kGam];siBw].sat]:sibc]:miBc];' = National Anthem,


(mG]m}.=ciun];'Tgc];pw],=Am],mI;cuin];'Pk];lqc]=nUiw].')'{ = Slang, very informal usage,

kGam];Sc],'(mUiw]:p},Pat],kn]mn];mI;kGac];Sc],wL:hiuw]w}.'(yL,luim];kGam];hw];Sc],SUw}.nn].nL:') = Parting words,

kGam];Sc],Sgn]kYam];ygn]<' = The Teaching of John,

kGam];Sak]:eS,' = Testament, will, covenant,

kGam];ES,kaGm];SUn];' kGam];eSL,kGam];SUn];' = Quarrelsome words,

kGam];eSL;lmun],'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-kGam];'){= Song of Solomon, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Song.)],

kGam];eSL;lmun],'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-kGam];'){ = Song of Songs, Song of Solomon,( abbr.: Song.),


tI:kqm];Sc]nn].{' = Old wives’ tale, tall tale, folk tale, legend, N. a traditional belief, story or idea,

kGam];Suip],kGam];Am],mat]:JPL;eSlat]:wUn].pQn]Aw]kUv];sUiw];nn].' =“Godless myths and

old wives’ tales,” “profane and old wives’ fables,” “worldly fables fit only for old women,”,

kGam];Suiw]:'lat]:Suiw]:'lat]:kGam];PL,m}.Am],Ew:tL' = Straight talk,

kGam];Suiw]:Tgm],sL.'lat]:Suiw]:Am],lIhU' = Straight talk is hard for hearer,



El:tUiw].El:n}mn];Am],tUiw].epL;wL:yL,eptUiw].yL,eptUiw].n}mn];Sm].tUiw].kn]n}.pQn]Sc]?')= Riddle, N. a

puzzling question or matter,


Unequivocal, adj. not equivocal; unambiguous; clear,

kGam];tbk];ygn];nk];nL' = Ultimatum

kGam];tUk];SU;Krit]:Smt].S]'[sutum]kn]hqt];pg};'/El,hgc].sgm];hiUn];niuc]:{ = Carol, Christmas song or hymn,


n]:hgt]:nn].tUc].tk].Pak],kaGm];Tuic]mL;'{' = Greeting, N. a friendly message from someone who is absent,

kGam];tUc].tk].km];luin];Sut];' = Final greetings,

kGam];tUc].tk].Sun],tUw]ekL.etL,ekL.' = Personal Greetings,

kGam];t};sqt]:sqt]:' = Authentic Tai language,


= Tai narrative song,

kGam];tUic],Sqt]:sL,etL,sgm]piw]mUic];AEm,rikn],' = Pledge of Allegiance of the American Flag,

kGam];JtL;sw]:'kGam];JtL;sw]:Krit]:'kGam];JtL;'JtL;'[An]sw]:ey,SupUc]Sgn]'{' = Gospel, N.,

kGam];JtL;sw]:Krit]:' = Gospel of Christ,

kGam];JtL;JPL;sw]:' kGam];JPL;sw]:Sc],Sgn]' JtL;' = Gospel, God’s gospel,

kGam];JtL;kYam];ygn]<'[kGam];Sc],Sgn]kYam];ygn]<'{ = Gospel of John, The Teaching of John,


:nm]n}.pQn]kGam];Tuc];pQn]Tqw]lik]:Tqw]nuic]:nn].'ma}mI:/fic]:yam]:'{' = Maxim, N. an expression of a reneral truth

or principle especially an aphoristic or sententious one; a principle or ule of conduct,

kGam];TU;TU;lak],lak],'lin].'[nG];kYam];lik]:n}.sG].w}.tI:pgc],wL:!kGam];lat]:mQw];niuc]:@{ = Tongue, {a

particular language or dialect (Dt 28:49; Ac 19:1)}, tongues,

kGam];nk];'[eKL:Kun]lat]:w}.Sk];Sk];'eKL:Pa},Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amunn].wL:sG]:lum];lum];{' = Dictum, N. an

authoritative pronouncement; judicial assertion; maxim, dicta,

kGam];nm]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Chatter, N. purposeless or foolish talk,

kGam];nm]'kUn];kGam];/lat]:nm]'nUk].hgc].sip].sip].'lic];hgc].wut];wut];' = Chatter, chattering,

kGam];nm]'SUp];nm]'(Kt];-yL,SUp];nm]'yL,emL;') = Talkative, noisy, loquacious, (ant: be quiet, )

kGam];nm];'eKL:nm];'[eKL:muit]:Suip],pn]'{ = Preface, N. introduction, foreword,

kGam];ptivin],' = Covenant

kGam];ptivin],km];Agn]tac];Sut];' = First covenant,

kGam];ptivin],TL,wrL.'(lUit]:tL,kGam];ptivin],TL,wrL.'(hI;13;20')' = Eternal covenant: “blood of

the eternal covenant,”, everlasting covenant,

kGam];ptivin],pn]kti' = Covenants of promise,

kGam];ptivin],pat],pa}nc]' = Covenant of circumcision,

kGam];ptivin]mG],' = New covenant,

kGam];ptivin],lgc]:hk].'(ehL;7;9') = Covenant of love, covenant and steadfast love; lovingkindness,


n]kw],'mak],kn]'kGam];wgk];kn]'kGam];lUc]'kGam];lgc]:KUc];'kGam];ygp],ygn]:'kGam];ln],tac].'kGam];sat]:Sqc];')' = Narrative

song or poem: Tai narrative songs,

kGam];Pak],' = Relayed words, advice or request sent by messenger,

kGam];PU:mI;tac];hU.'kGam];Tuc];' = Aphorism, N. a terse saying embodying a general truth, aphoristic, adj.,


pn]lUv]:kGam];yc],sG]nn].'{(tI:tqk]:mn];sm].Puin]lik]:puin]kGam];mn]:m}sG]n}.pQn]kGam];mn]:kqn],nn].yw].')= Sworn

statement, N. oral or written assertion of fact(s) stated under oath: “An affidavit, for example, is a sworn statement.”,

kGam];mn]:ma}sG]' = Affirmation,N.,

kGam];mak],pg};pac]Kqk],' = Wedding song,

kGam];emLhUv];sn]sG]'eKL:emLhUv];sn]sG]' = Pursuasive words,

kGam];mUiw]:kgn],'kGam];kU:pgk]:'[kGam];kUn];Tw]:Sgn]luk]:lan]{ = Apothegm, N. a short, pithy, instructive saying,

kGam];yc],sG]'(pac]kaw],kGam];yc],sG]'tiUc],kYam];lik]:'(tUuic],kGam];yc],sG]Kgt],ygt]:w}.') = Oath, N.: oath ceremony, take

an oath: take a solemn oath,

kGam];yc],sG]Kgt],ygt]:'(!Kw]l}:tUic],kGam];yc],sG]Kgt],ygt]:w}.wL:@(Sin]21;5')= Solemn oath: They had taken

a solemn oath that,

kGam];yw].kw];ygk],' lat]:pYak]:' = Fun, N., joke, enjoyment or playfulness,

kGam];ygk],' kGam];ygk],kGam];yw].' = Playful words,

kGam];ygc]:kuc],JPL;'[wgk];/kGam];hQt];Agk],nc],epL,mL;nG];sG]nn].eSygc]:eyL;/yuk].ygc]:JPL;{' = Hymn, N. a

song or ode in praise or honor of God,

kGam];ygc]:eyL;kuc],mun]JPL;'[kGam];ygc]:kuc],JPL;An]l}:tqc],SQc]eShQt];kGL,hgc].kGL,mQw];nuic]:nn].{= Doxology,

N. the Doxology, doxologies,

kGam];ygp],ygn]:'kGam];ln],tac].' = Recital song, kinds of Tai recital song: YawpYondh recital

song, Lantang recital,

kGam];lc],kL,' wgk];' = Poem, poetic language,

kGam];lak],la};'(lgc]:-/An]pQn]-) = Oracular, adj. of the nature of, resembling, or suggesting an oracle;

sententious, oracularly, adv.,


;nn].'{' = Oracle,(Bible) N. a divine communication or revelation; a message from God,

kGam];lak],la};sw]:hw];TL,wrL.JPL;lat]:w}.' = Oracle of the Lord God,

kGam];lat]:' kGam];' (kGam];t};' lat]:kGam];t};')' = Language, (Tai language,),

kGam];lat]:sw]:kw],'[kGam];An]kUn];KUiw];nuic]:lat]:sLtqm]:ma}pgc],kn]l}:nn].{ = Own language,


la};mn];nn].yw].")' = Technical language: He was baffled by the technical language of the instructions,

kGam];lat]:tqk]:'hac]:hQt];En'tqm]:tqk]:En'(lgc]:-)'sUic];' = Allegory, N., allegorical, adj.,

kGam];lat]:tg};kn]'[KG]:wL:pQn]kGam];lat]:Sgc]mQw];An]],EpkGam];hQt];kan]pin],lat]:/tqm]:pn]nn].'{' =

Language Pair, N. the two languages in which a translator works,

kGam];lat]:PL;Tiy'kUn];mUic];PL;Tiy'(tman],'2;9') = Parthian, N. adj., Parthians,

kGam];lat]:mUin]kn]' = Common speech, common language,

kGam];lat]:hQt];hG]:sc];kn]' = Hate speech,



;lat]:@nn].yw].')'{' = Target Language, the language into which a translation is done,

kGam];likaw]<niy'[lik]:/kUn];mUic];likaw]<niy{ = Lycaonian language, Lycaonian;(Acts 14:11,),

kGam];lI' = Good words,

kGam];lIkGam];cam];Tuic]yam];sc],lat]:(kGam];kp];Tuk],) = Good words to speak in due time, 

kGam];lIsibn]:sac], = Purified word

kGam];lITgm],' = Pleasant words,

kGam];l}:wL:PL.l}:mk];' = Lock in, to commit, something that is promised, locked in,


p],Kw]:Agk],kn]Kat],kGL,pqt]:nn].'{'(kUn];lat]:kGam];elL;El;SUn]San]n}.yum],yap],) = Mixed messages,

kGam];lUic];' = Impolite words, rude words,

kGam];lUim]:'[Am],pL;sG]pL;eKL;eSlat]:lat]:ekL:Am],sgm];mQw];mn];Et.Et.'{' = Irony, N., ironies,

kGam];lgc]:KUc];' = Recital song(LawngKhong), a kind of Tai recital song,

kGam];wan]'(kGam];wan]Kw]:hUPG]Am],sL.') = Sweet words,


w}.nc],huiw]El:etAm],mI;PG]ekL.lG]mL;pqt].lqn]SUlUv]:kGam];wan]hUTt];Sac]TQc]Kuin];nn]."@(ekL;2;4')' = Finesounding arguments, persuasive arguments; enticing words: “I tell you this so that no one may deceive you by finesounding arguments.”,

kGam];wL:Agk],'wL:Agk],SUp];'(puit]:lat]:tac];hn]Tuic]sgm];nG];kGam];wL:Agk],') = Words utter: express in words

utter an opinion,

kGam];wBv],liBc];pqt]:la} = Polluted word

kGam];w}:SL' SQc]/PQc];kGam];w}:SL' (hgc]./hQt];kGam];w}:SLpuk]:nuic]:)' = Worship song,worship

music,(sing a worship song), =

kGam];w}:SLygc]:eyL;' = Praise worship song,


(kGam];wgk];kn]'kGm];mak],Saw]'kGam];mak],eSlgc]:eSmQw];') = Recital song,

kGam];hk].'PQc];kGam];hk].'(hQt];kGam];hk].sw]:'hgc].kGam];hk].sw]:) = Love song: sing Your love song,

kGam];hac]:EP.Sqn],SQc]hp].hgc];kQw],KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];' = Sensual words applaud sexuality,



c]:lImn];tL,An]wL:!ta}@nn].')' = Euphemism. N. the substituted a mild or indirect expression for one

thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt; the expression so substituted: “To pass away” is euphemism for “to die”,

kGam];ham];plL,pw],' eKL:kGam];Pac];' = Empty words, empty talks,


kL:mG],mG],'{ = Hip-hop, N. adj. a popular subculture of big-city teenagers that includes rap music, break dancing, and

kGam];hUm]:eKL:' eKL:kGam];hUm]:eKL:' = Using the same language or word in speaking,

kGam];hUm]:hgc].'[tg};eKL:kGam];Aw]Sm].hgc].Kuin];Tqc]:hQt];kGL,mUin]kGam];Am],nn]wgk];puk]:nuic]:nn].'tgn]:SQc]lm],'{ =

Refrain, N. a phrase or verse recurring at intervals in a song or poem; chorus,

kGam];Am],ta}tUw]'(Kt];-kGam];tqt]:etL;sqc];lqc];')= Equivocation, N. ambiguous expression, equivocal, adj.


kGam];Am],pL;SePL;JtL;'(yUp]15;2') = Empty notions,

kGam];Am],mI;tI:pgc],' = Nonsense, 

kGam];Am],l}:lgc]:l}:tL'kGam];pqt]:la}'kGam];Am],pgc],lgc]:pgc],tL' = Useless words,

kGam];AL,rL,mYQk]<'[pQn]cw]:kGam];eh,ERp;Kw]nn].{ = Aramaic,

kGL,kn]' kGL,kn]nL,' = Matchless, peerless, incomparable, unrivaled,

kGL,kan]' kGL,hQt];kan]' = God to work,

kGL,k}k}kw]El:PIsL,tan],&'(mqt]:'4;10') = Away from me Satan!(Mtt4:10)

!kGL,k}k}lL:@' =“Away with you!” “Be gone!” adv.,

kGL,k}yaw];Kaw];hiuc]lUiw]' = Go further,

kGL,k}yaw];lUc]yaw];lac]' = Went great lengths,


c].tk].SUc],Sc],mgn];mgn];kUn];hUin];kUn];ey;kw]) = Say goodbye: Say goodbye to my family,

kGL,kGL,Kiun];Kiun];' = Traverse, to pass or move over; to go to and fro over; rove, traversed, traversing,

kGL,kGL,Kiun];Kiun];'kGL,kGL,mL;mL;' = Back and forth repeatedly, come and go repeatedly,

kGL,kGL,p}p}yU,eS' = Walking around,

kGL,kGL,mL;mL;' = To and fro, back and forth, come and go repeatedly,

kGL,kGL,mL;mL;nUiw]lin]mUic];n}.'(mUiw]:An]sw]:ey,SukGL,kGL,mL;mL;nUiw]lin]mUic];n}.nn].)' = Walked the earth,

(when Jesus walked the earth,),

kGL,ekL.tac];tac];' kGL,ekL.hU;ekL.tac];' = Each person going in different way or direction,


= Get stuck in: Do not get stuck in a rut doing the same thing,

kGL,Kuin]:'(kGL,Kiun]:wt].w}:SL'Kiun]:wt].Kuin]:kzc];)'Kiun]:' = Attend, to be present at: to attend church, attending,

kGL,Kuin]:lum];JtL;'EnnL:EntLtI:nG];lum];JtL;'[sG].KGL,Kuin]:lum];JtL;{ = Appear in court,


Backslide, to relapse into bad habits or undesirable activities,

kGL,/mL;Kuin]:'kGL,EnnL:EntL'(EnnL:EntLtI:eSekL.ekL.nn].'(kGL,/mL;Kuin]:lum];JtL;)) = Appear

before: appear before someone; appear before court,

kGL,sim];lw]:wa}<elL;El:la}kgk];tqk]:kn]tUv];'= Go to taste or sample bowls of mixed wine,

kGL,sU;'(kGL,sU;mG];yw].wa},hUw]mn];mL;sU;kw]') = Toward,

kGL,sgm];' = Accompany, go along with, to accompany in travel, accompanied, accompanying,

kGL,sgm];kn]' kuik];kn]sgm];kn]kGL,' = Go together,

kGL,sgm];tac];sn].Suc]El:' = Take the high road,


tqn]<12;12-13') = Go your way: As for you, go your way till the end.,

kGL,sgm];lc]mn];' sgm];mn];sw]:kGL,' sgm];lc]mn];kGL,' = Follow Him,

kGL,sG];' kGL,SU,kGL,sG];' = Visit, pay a visit,

kGL,Suiw]:Suiw]:'(kGL,Siuw]:tLp}Suiw]:tin])' = Straight to: to go straight to a place,

kGL,tc];wn];' tc];wn];tc];wn];' kGL,tc];wn];tc];wn];' = Throughout the day,

kGL,tac],tI:tac],lqn]' = Went away, travel somewhere,

kGL,tac];' kGL,tL:p}tac];' Agk],tac];' = Travel, travelling,

kGL,tc];SQc]:tik];tik];'(1Tit].5;23')' = Through and through; wholly; entirely,

kGL,tac];nL:El:' pL:nL:' TL:Agn]tac];' kGL,TL:El:' = Go ahead, ahead,

kGL,tUv];lU;sG]:Am],sG]:&'kGL,tUv];lU;pQn]PG]&'kGL,sqt]:tUv];lU;&' = Got check out!

kGL,TL,wrL.Kaw];huic]' = Forevermore, forever hereafter,

kGL,Tqc]:' Siup],kGL,Tqc]:' = Go on,

kGL,nc]:yU,w}.tac];Kac]:nn].kUv];lL:mG];' = Go sit on the sideline,

kGL,nL:Siuk];' = Going into battle,

kGL,nL:miUw];hiuc]' kGL,nL:Kaw];hiuc]' = Forever long,

kGL,pL:nL:' kGL,TL:Agn]tac];' kGL,TL:El:' kGL,tac];nL:El:' = Go ahead, went ahead,

kGL,pQn]yac]:pQn]yac]:sgm];km];lG]km];nn].' = One step at a time,

kGL,pqt]:' (yL,pg},luk]:Agn],w}.eSkGL,pqt]:') = Leave, abandon,

kGL,pqt]:k}k}mUt];yw].'Am],kuit];Sc]SQc]:mUt];yw].' = All is gone,



tI:pac],pQc];him];Pc],nm].ngc]'))= Lead or reach to: Where does this way lead to? Does it lead or reach to highway,

kGL,P}a:ng}.'Agk],ngk]:Agn],' yQw]:' = Urinate, to pass or discharge urine; to pee,

kGL,mL;p}' ehL:kL;ehL:hiUw];' = Traffic,

kGL,mL;hQt];Sac]:'[hQt];tac];yam]:lI{(mn];kGL,mL;hQt];Sac]:mI;Aic],Ser,mn]:nim]lI) = Comport, to bear or

conduct (oneself); behave: He comported himself with dignity, comported,




yLmn];')= Run-through, N. adj. runthrough, the performing of a sequence of designated action; a quick outline or review,

kGL,miBw];nL:' = Further, extended to,

kGL,miBw];nL:'(Aw]n}.kGL,mUiw];nL:hw];Am],Aup],lgc]:nn].yw].enL:)' = Further, adv., extended to: “Let’s not

discuss it further.”,

kGL,yw].eh.&' kGL,kgn],nL:&' mUiw];kgn],KL:&' mUiw];yw].nL:' mUiw]:yw].eh.&' = Goodbye!

kGL,El,' kGL,Aqw],' mL;El,' mL;Aqw],' = Visit, pay a visit,

kGL,El,'kGL,El,kGL,law];'kGL,hLEl,hLlaw];' = Go about, take a walk,

kGL,El,pac],' = Go to restroom or toilet,

kGL,El,hL' kGL,El,lQp]:' = Go around

kGL,El,hLAup],Pam];wL:pYL.Enla}la}kUv];' = Go around like a mere phantom,

kGL,hLEl,hUin];tG]:hUin];nUiw]tik];tik];nn].' = Going about from house to house,

kGL,hQt];Kqk],mn];'mUiw];/kGL,hQt];Kqk],mn];sa};' = To be his guests,

kGL,hQt];hG]:pQn]' = Go off, to happen, wemt off,

kGL,hgc].mL;' mL;hgc].kGL,' = Send for,

kGL,hgt]:k}mI;nm]liBw]' = Go beyond,

kGL,hgt]:Pqw]Tibc] = Reaching out

kGL,Aw]mL;'(hG]:Kuin]:kGL,nUiw]kgc];eStQk];nm].mL;puc];nuic]:')= Fetch, to go and bring back; get; bring: to go up a hill to

fetch a pail of water, fetched, fetching, fetch, N.,

kGL,Agk],ngk]:' kGL,El,pac],' = Go to restroom or toilet,


(rUw];16;23){' = Quartus, N. fourth, a Corinthian Christian at Rome,(Ro.16:23),


lQn]:etL,PG],Sum];mn];Agk],eSEl:hQt];hG]:kiut];4sum];kUv];') = Quarter, Quarterfinal,

kG}'(kG}AU,'k}AU,'(k}/kG}Auc]:sL;lL;)'k}' = Swing, to move or sway to and fro,(swing a cradle,)

kG};kgc]:' k}kgc]:'mgc];kgc]:' (k}kac],'nQn]kac],') = Trigger of a gun,(trigger of crossbow,)

kGa};'(kGa};Tuik];' kGa};can]' kGa};tgn]' kGa};epL:/Em:')'kGa};TUin],' = Water buffalo, wild water buffalo,

kGa};Tuik];'kGa};can]' = Male buffalo, male water buffalo,

kGa};'kGa};epL:'kGa};Em:' = Buffalo, N. water buffalo, buffaloes,

kGa};Tuik];'kGa};can]'(nUic];-wUw];can]'wUw];SUw];Agn],') = Young buffalo, (compare ‘a young bull or ox’),

kGa}.'[tqm]:kGa}.kI:kGa}.kilUc]kGL,lUepL;Am],Agk],Am],pgc],l}:'{ = Write hastily without care,

kGa}.tG]:'kGa}.'[!-G@'Pac]:hac]:ma}SQc]!w@Sgn].'{= Writing symbol of ‘W’ overlapping sound in Tai langue,

kGa}.tG]:kGa}.niUw](-G])' kac];kic];' = Symbol of a vowel in Tai language,(-G])

kG]:' pgc];'(kG]:pgc];wiun];ha}.) = Swelling, (violent swelling), swollen,

kG]:pQn]pUm]'[kG]:/SUt],pQn]pUm],mUn];tum].lum].{' = Tuber,(Anatomy)N. a rounded swelling or projection, knob,

kG]:lqc]wiun];wuin];' tUv],'kG]:' = Inflammation, N. the state of being inflamed,

kG]:lqc]wiun];wuin];'tUv],'(mn];nac];h}:tLepL;tUv],'(KI:muk]:yg}.El:sQt].sQt].KU:lc]epL;tUv],')' = Inflame:

Her eyes were inflamed with crying, inflamed, inflaming,

kG]:lqc]wiun];wuin];' tUv],' = Inflamed, adj.,

kG]:Aun]lun]'kG]:epL;puiw]lUc]w}.'kG]:Auic]puic]' = Bulge, to swell or bend outward, bulged, bulging,
