VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Kha - Tai to English Glossary - pdf


1Kun]ehLKm];' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-1Kun]'){ = 1 Kings, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: 1 Ki.)],

2Kun]ehLKm];' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-2Kun]'){ = 2 Kings, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: 2 Ki.)],

K'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TiSgc]{' = ‘Kha’, the second letter of the Tai alphabet,

KrL,' (tuic]:KrL,)' = Bugle, N.: blow bugle,




."{ = Christmas, N. the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus: celebrated on

December 25 and now generally observed as a legal holiday and an occasion for exchanging gifts. Christmastime,

Krit]:Smt].S]Aip]<'[hUw]Km]:/wn];An]pQn]wn];Agn]Krit]:Smt].S]'{ = Christmas Eve, N. the evening

or the day preceding Christmas,

Krit]:'(sw]:)'[sw]:em,S};y(mqt]:tiw];'16;13-19'){' = Christ, [the Messiah],

Krit]:yan],'[kUn];yum],mat]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:'{' = Christian,


c],ekL.siUw];nn].n}n}.pQn]TiSgc]tam];sgm];tI:An]lUw],hk].TL,rL.JPL;sw]:' = Christians

are taught by Jesus to forgive and that loving others is second only to loving God,

Krit]:yan],yU,Sw];sgm];kGam];JtL;sw]:Krit]:' = Evangelical Christian,

Krit]:yan],hQt];Pam];puc],mn];'(kUn];-)' = Bewitching Christians,

Krit].SeRp;'[hin]man],mUw];mI;SIKQw]tc];la}eSmac]pgk]:n}.Aw]sG].yip];tuiw];mUin]nc],wL:pQn]Sqc]nn].'{' =

Chrysoprase, N. a green variety of chalcedony; sometimes used as a gem, =

Krit].Sl}.'[Sqc]eAL;lwin];(mI;SIKQw]'KQw]num],'KQw]mUn],skGL,nm]nL,){' = Chrysolite, N. olivine,


w}.{(Krim];wan]PU;Kiun]:nUiw]sik];mn];mL;)' = Cream, N.: cream rising to the top,

Krqt].tit].' kbc],Ser,nL:tL' = Credit, commendation or honor given for some action, quality, etc.,


.mI;Krqt].tit].lIyU,n}nn].)' = Credit, N. money in your bank account: I was relieved to see from my statement that

my account was in credit,

Krqt].tit].lUt];Kgn],'[An]ygm];pn]tc];nm]ciun];Kgn],lUw],SGac];Kun]nn].{' = Tax credits,

Krqt].tit].AL,mKam],ASak]:' = Credit Life Insurance,

KriSpt]'[sw]:sgm]srWp]:ehL;JtL;wQc];ekL;rin].(man],18;8'){ = Crispus,[the chief of the synagogue at Corinth,],


Coronavirus, N. any of various RNA-containing spherical viruses of the family Coronaviridae, including several that cause

acute respiratory illnesses; COVID-19,


= Crescens, He was one of Paul’s assistants, a Christian mentioned by Paul (2 Tim. 4:10),

Klik].nQk];tg},'[Aw]niw].muiw];tg},/nQk];SG],eSpg},Kuin];km];lQw]{ = Click, make a hit, clicked, clicking,

Klik].nQk];tg},'Klik].''(km];-/An]-)(Klik].Sgc]km];'nQk];Sgc]km];') = Click, N.,


.mUiw];nn].'An]kUn];sum];emLyL'emLyLKQw]:'sL.kGL,Kw]hUm]:kn]EPkn]puit],tI:hQt];kan]sgm];kn]tI:nuic]:{' = Clinic,

N. a place, as in connection with medical school or a hospital, for the treatment of nonresident patients; a group of physicians,

dentists working in cooperation and sharing the same facilities,

Klip].mat],'Klip].vap]:'Klip].ht].'mat],hUw]'vap]:es:' = Clip, N., clips,

KlQw]<pt].'(kUn];sa};)'KlQw];pt].' = Cleopas, [a clopas of John(Mt(19:25) (Lk 24:18)],


nL,n}.)' = Cholesterol, N. a white crystalline substance found in animal tissues and various foods,

KlUw];r}.Km];'(KUic]:Kqm];mipL;Km];) = Gold chloride,


sw]:eySuetl}:wL:mn];pQn]nL.KUv]sw]:ey,Su'(ygn]<'19;25){'(KlUw];pt].'kelL;PL.)' = Clopas,

KEl;mqn].'[kUn];sa};Krit]:yan],AUbv];ekL.JSL,epL;l(Pi'4;3'){ = Clement, [a Christian of Philipi, Paul’s



nn].'mUiw]:lQw]pUin]:hgc].wL:kUw];sUw];n}'(!Kaw]<tL<@n}ekL:wL:')(man],27;16'){ = Clauda,[a small island off the

southwest of Crete, passed by Paul on his voyage to Rome (Acts 27:16). It is now called Gozzo (R.V., “Cauda”],


{ = Claudia, N. a female given name: from a Roman family name meaning “lame”,


pQn]ekL.hUm]:sgm];epL;leSSUc],kGam];tUc].tk].Pa},Krit]:yan],Tuic]Tim];mtiL,nn]."mn];nac];pQ]n]em;pU<tin]<'{ =

Claudia, a female Christian mentioned in 2 Tim 4:21, who joined Paul in sending Timothy Christian greetings. She was the

wife of Pudens,

KelL;tiyt].'[sw]:wgc].ehLKm];lUc]mUic];rUw];mpL;TiSI,'pK41-54nI:'(man],11;28' 21;31-40'){= Claudius,

the fourth Roman emperor; A.D. 41-54,

KelL;eA;'[Krit]:yan],ekL.pQn]Em:yic];'(1ekL;1;11'){ = Chloe,[a female Christian,(1 Cor. 1:11)],

Kk].' Kk].tgn]:' sn].Kk].tgn]:' sn].Kk].' = Level

Kk].KUw]l}'Sik]:KUw]l}' Sik]:lUw],yac]:' = Step, N. one level of stairs, steps,

Kk].KUw]l}' Sik]:KUw]l}' = Stairs step,

Kk].sn].kL:srip]:tuin];lUw],SQc]:' = Cost at certain confidence lever (Cp),

Kk].tgn]:kan]' Kk].tgn]:hQt];kan]' = Process, N.,

Kk].tgn];kan]An]Kw]:KGac],yip];tibw];' = Process that applies,

Kk].tgn]:Kaw];Kp].y}kn]' = Timelines,

Kk].tgn]:sgp],Tam]tUv];' An]sgp],Tam]tBv];' = Inquisition, N.,

Kk].tgn]:SG],ciun];tiun];' = Capitalization,

Kk].tgn]:lgk];la};kgn],Agn]' = Preliminary proceedings,

Kk].tgn]:lgk];la};tiSUc],Kiun];mUic];kw],' = Deportation proceedings,


m].mYat]:nm].tgn];sgm];Kaw];pgt];pgt];nn].El:Sc]') = Undercapitalization, -Lacking enough cash or short-term

profit to stay in business.

Kk].tgn]:SG],ciun];tiun];km];Siuw]:' = Direct Capitalization,

Kk].tgn]:SGac];ciun];sn].kac]' = Intermediation

Kk].tgn]:tL,liUk]:' = Optional steps,

Kk].tgn]:lum];JtL;sqt]:Amu' Kk].tgn]:lgk];la};' = Court proceedings, proceeding,

Kk].tgn]:lgk];la};' = Proceeding

Kk].tgn]:lgk];la};kgn],sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]' = Pre-trial proceedings,

Kk].tgn]:lgk];la};An]Siup],tam];kn]kGL,' = Subsequence proceedings,

Kk].tgn];wa};pQn]yw].' cw];la};liun];wa};' = Post-event processing,

Kk].fQt].S]' fQt].s]'[An]tuik].pQn]nG];Kk].tgn]:kan]An]pin]lqk]:la}:/Piun].PU;Kiun]:yU,nn].'{' = Phase, a

stage in a process of change or development: Each phase of life brings its own joys.,

!Kk].fQt].s]Aw]Aa}kGn];mn];SGac];SG],w}.'@ = “Vapor phase deposition”

Kk].yac]:'[An]yQp]:yac]:hgt]:kGL,sgm];pQn]sn].pQn]tgn]:nG];Kaw];tac];{(kU:Kk].kU:yac]:) = Step, N. a rank or grade

in a series or scale: every step, steps,

Kk].lG]tgn]:nn].' kU:han].kU:sn].' = Every stage,

Kc]'Kc]w}.'(plik]:Kw]tikL;mn];Kc]w}.'hw];l}:Kam],Aw]Kc]w}.tG]:)'Kc]w}.Tic];w}.' = Custody, N. legal restraint:the

car was held in the custody of the police; held in custody under the law,

Kc]' Kc]w}.'(mn];nac];l}:Kam],Kc]w}.nG];hUin];Am],pn]kGL,lG]')' = House arrest, (She was under house arrest.),

Kc]Kic];' Kc]Kic];w}.' (tqw],mak],tqw],Kc]Kic];kUic];w}.nn].') = Tilt, to cause to lean, incline, slope or slant, (the dice

rolled in the tilt feature), tilt toward,

Kc]w}.' lam]:w}.' = Confine, circumscribe, confinement,

Kc]w}.'[Kc]w}.nG];Kgk]:SUw];/wUw];'{ = Pen, to confine in a pen, penned or pent, penning,

Kc]w}.nG];pac]Sw];'Kc]w}.nG];tp].' = Encamped,

Kc]:'KI:Kc]:'(KI:Kc]:n}.mI;SIlqc]km],Aw]hQt];yc]SG],kn];PL.')'= Lac,a resinous substance deposited on the twigs trees,

Kc].' Km]' Aw]An]tn]nn].Aan]:lgc]hU;pgc],kUv]tL,hac],'miut].Pa}' = Block up, jam,

Kt]:tI,pL,'[Pqn],na},lgn]ham].nLnL'{'KUn]Kt]:tI,pL,' = Velvet, a fabric of silk, nylon, etc.,velvet fur,


Velveteen, adj. N. velveteens: a velveteen jumper,

Kt];'AQn]pUic]:'AQn]Kt];'AQn]lu' = Muscle strain, pulled muscle,

Kt];'[San]Kt];eKL:yiun]:ygn];nn].{ = Con, against the proposition, argument, arguer,

Kt];'Kt];pqt]:'San]Kt];'hQt];Kt];' = Against, adverse to, contrary to, confront,

Kt];' Kt];pqt]:' San]Kt];' hQt];Kt];' = Adverse , against, contrary to, confront,

Kt];kn]'[eKL:kGam];An]tI:pgc],mn];San]Kt];kn]w}.nn].{'(nUic];tUv];-!mUin]kn]@)'pqk],kn]' = Antonym, N.,

Kt];kn]'(yL,epKt];mn];pg},pn]mn];hQt];eS) = Offense, N., offenses,

Kt];kn]' mI;tI:pgc],Kt];kn]'(An]-) = Contrast, N., the opposite nature,

Kt];kn]'mI;tI:pgc],Kt];kn]' = Contrast, to compare to show the unlikeness, contrasted, trasting,

Kt];kn]'elL,kn]'PL,kn]'(tqm]:yL,hG]:lUKt];lin].) = Collide, clash, conflict,

Kt];kn]']tc];' tc];' = Versus, v., vs., against, (good vs. bad)

Kt];kn]'Am],mqn]:kn]'(An]-)[ekL./sum];/An] nuic]:tc];ekL./sum];/An]nuic]:Am],mqn]:kn]nn].'{' =

Antagonism, N. an active hostility or opposition,

Kt];kn]w}.'sG]kYam];'(An]-)[An]sc];'sG]ha}.'Kan].hn]'Am],mqn]:kn]'{ = Enmity, N. hatred; ill will;

animosity; antagonism,


n]mak],mUiw]kGL,AUiw]:'(mqt]:'12;30') = Against me,: He who is not with me is against me, and hw who does not gather

with me scatters.(Mtt.12:30),

Kt];kqc].'kqc].'(eKL:mqk],kqc].'eKL:Kt];')' = Stiff, sore, lame,


n]eSyk].tUv];) = Inimical, adj. unfavorable; hostile: inimical gaze, inimically, adv.,

Kt];KL'(Kiun]la};Kt];eSKt];KLmn];lUm].)' = Interlace the legs, in wresting in an attempt to trip or throw,


[etL.Et.sQp];{'(sQp];Kuin]:suit]:suit])' = Tingle, tingled, tingling: tingling pain,

Kt];Kibn];' taw].KQc],Kt];Kibn];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Opposition, oppose,

Kt];Kuin];Pa},pa};mUic];nG];tac];cm];yQn]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Peaceful political opposition,

Kt];KGc]tp].kac]SQn]:tac];' = Roadblock,

Kt];KGc]Eh.SI;'tp].tac];w}.'kit],tac];'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Obstacles,

Kt];sQp];Kuin]:mUv]:suit]:suit]:' sQp];Kuin]:suit]:suit]:' = Arthritis pain, pain,

Kt];sG]' = Work hard, exert,


:') = Effort, N. exertion of physical or mental power: Maing every effort we can, efforts,

Kt];sG]kL:nc],pQn]l}:nn].'kL:nc],pQn]l}:nn].Kt];sG]' = Make every effort,

Kt];sG]kL:Am],pQn]Am],sB;' = Zealous, enthusiastic, eager, passionate, fervent,


t];Pit];rL,wUt]:nn].kGL,') = Energetic, adj. powerful in action; vigorous: to take energetic measure against crime,

Kt];sG]kYam],hQt];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Endeavor, a strenuous effort, attempt,

Kt];sG]kYam],hQt];' = Endeavor, to attempt, try, endeavored,

Kt];sG]Kt];eKL;'[Kt];sG]tUc].nuic]hQt];Sac]:kL:Am],pQn]Am],sU;{(kUn];Kt];sG]Kt];eKL;ekL.nuic]:)'= Strenuous,

adj. zealously active: strenuous person,


t];sG]Kt];eKL;hLkL.hLKa})' = Ply, to carry on, or pursue busily or steadily: to ply a trade, plied, plying,


sG]]tL,l}:SU;Puin]KU;Tinuic]:')= Vie, to strive in competition; contend for superiority: Swimmers from many countries

were vying for the title, vied, vying, 

Kt];sG]sp];sg};hQt];' tc]:sG]tc]:eKL;sp];sg};w}.' = Zeal, N.,

Kt];sG]Et.Et.wL:wL:'(Kt];sG]Et.Et.wL:wL:hG]:epL;Agc],')'siun],hqc];Kt];sG]Et.Et.wL:wL:' =

Strive, try hard, strove, striving, (to strive for success), strive hard,

Kt];sG]Tqc]:km];Sgc]' Kt];sG]tUv];Tqc]:km];niuc]:' = Second effort,

Kt];sG]hQt];kan]' = Laboring, to strive, as toward a goal; work hard,

!Kt];sG]hQt];kan]'Kt];sG]tuik];eSep.'@ =“Work hard, fight hard, and win!”,


An]mL;Agn]tac];nn].Agn]eStac];mk];Kan];yiUc];ma}mn];w}.') = Work hard and work smart,

Kt];sG]hQt];hUiw],l}K};yg}.'hQt];nk];hQt];nL'[Am]yB,Am],Sw];Kam],yap],hQt];{ = Toil, toiled, toiling,

Kt];sG]Am],Sut]:Am],hUn]' = Abounding steadfast,

Kt];SUn]San]kn]'pin]:PUn]pqt]:'(An]-)[Am],sG].Et.l}:/Pit];l}:tc];nc],kn]'{= Contrardictory,

N.(Logic) a proposition so related to a second that it is impossible for both to be true or both to be fales; logically opposite,

Kt];SBn]San]kn]w}.' = Contradict,

Kt];ES:yw].pa}mt].kuik];sp];' = Latch on, to close tightly, to grab or hold on an object or idea ,

Kt];eSL;'[Kt];eSL;tUik]:/Pk];tUw}.epL;mI;kak],eSL;sc],sac]:Puv],{ = Lock, locked, locking,

Kt];tk],' Kt];tk],tgk].tgk].'(ey:mn];sG]lm]ey:SQc]Kt];tk],mn];hqc];)'Kt];pak],' = Make

clicking sound with the tongue indicating of anger,

Kt];tL' Kt];nL:Kt];tL' = Uncomfortable looking at, dislike looking at,

Kt];tLnL,'[tUv];Am],l}:'{(Kt];-tUv];Tuk],tLmqn]:sG]') = Averse, adj. having a strong feeling of opposition;

repugnant, aversely, adv., averseness, N.,

Kt];etL,' En;map],San]Kt];Kibn];'etL,SB:Kt];Kibn];' = Confront

Kt];Tt];Sac]'wL:lgc]:Am],lISG],'wL:hc];piUn]:' = Criticize, criticized, criticizing,

Kt];Tt];Sac]lBn].liBw]pBn].nL,'wL:hc];pUin]:lUn].lUiw]pUn].nL,' = Excessive criticism,

Kt];pk];piUc]' Kt];piUc]' = Against the law, contra to the law,

Kt];pak]:Agk],pqt]:' = Boycott, cut off, strike, exclude, reject,

Kt];pin]:PUn]w}.'(An]-)(pQn]An]Kt];pin]:PUn]w}.nn].kUv];)' = Opposite,(just the opposite),

Kt];pin]:PUn]:kn]w}.'Kt];pin]:PUn]mn];pqt]:' = Withstanding, to stand or hold in opposition, resist,

Kt];pqt]:' = Confront, encounter,

Kt];Pibn].pqt]:' etL,SB:Kt];pqt]:' = Resist,

Kt];Pibn].pqt]:lgc]:kBw]' = Resist Fear,

Kt];Puin].pqt]:'(Kt];Puin].pqt]:lgc]:Am],suiw]:Am],sG]:nn].')'Kt];kn]Piun].kn]' = Contend: to

contend against falsehood, contended, contending,

Kt];Piun].pqt]:lgc]:kUw]El:An]tUc].tgp],hqc];pUn].nn].' = Resist fear and overreaction,

Kt];Pibn].pqt]:'[Kt];sG]Et.Et.wL:eSEK.KQc],{ = Resist, contend or strive with, resisted, resisting,

Kt];Puin].pqt]:l}:'(Kt];-Am],Kt];Puin].pqt]:l}:')' = Resistible, adj., (ant: irresistible),

Kt];Puin].pqt]:/AUt];yUin].An]tUc].tgp],hqc];pUn].nn].' = Resist overreaction,

Kt];Puin].pqt]:An]kw];ekYL;SUn];yUc];' = Resist temptation,

!..."Kt];Puin].pqt]:PIha}.mUik]:nn].El:'mn];etpa}:mG];kGL,k}k}yU,yw]."(kYQm];4;7')' =“…Resist the

devil, and he will flee from you.”(Jas.4:7),

Kt];lin].'(kGam];Kt];lin].)' = Unfluent, tongue twister, pronounce with difficulty,

Kt];lUm];'(Kt];-sgm];lUm];)'(P};hUiw];Kt];lUm];n}.hUiw].) = Against the wind, upwind, (ant: downwind,),

Kt];l}:'Kt];pin]:PUn]:kn]w}.'Kt];pin]:PUn]:mn];pqt]:'(etmI;PG]Kt];pin]:PUn];mn];l}:?') =

Withstand, able to stand: Who can withstand it? Who shall be able to stand? withstood, withstanding,

Kt];hac]hUiw];' = Steer, to direct the course of a vesse or boat ect.,

Kt];hqc];' Kt];hqc];suin],hqc];' Kt];sG]hQt];' = Exert, exerted, exerting,

Kt];hqc];' Kt];hqc];suin],hqc];' Kt];sG]hQt];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Exertion, N.,

Kt];hqc];siun]hqc];tUw]hw];tUc].nuic]' = Exerting our bodies, exerting ourselves,

Kt];hqc];Et.Et.wL:wL:'kYam];'(Kt];sG]hQt];kan]'Kt];sG]sam];tUv];)' = Hard, adv.: to work hard, to try hard,

Kt];hqc];El:yL,hUn]'Kt];hqc];El:yL,hUn]lc]' = Exerting every effort and don’t retrace,

Kt];hqc];hQt];Sac]:' = Hard try, endeavors, compete, struggle, cope with, fight to win,

Kt];hU' = Dislike listening to, dislike listening to offensive word,

Kt];hUtiUw].sG]'(etpQn]An]vL;Kt];hUtiUw].sG]mG];kGL,')'tiUw].sG]' = Confronted,( You’ll be confronted with,),

Kt];ehL:hG]:sgm];tac];' = Steer, steering,

Kt].Tt].'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];sqp].pYOln],'{(eyL;19;15') = Kattath, a city in the territory of Zebulun,

Kt]<STUiw],El:PUw];lak].'[luk]:sa};PLEPJPL;sut].SmUic];krik].mUiw]:kgn](man],28;11'){ = Castor and

Pollux, the twin sons of Zeus,

Kn]'k},Kn]' = Crow, rooster crows, sing,

Kn]'Kn]mn];'(tm];Kn]mn];=lam];kL:Kn]Am],kL:TiUk]:tan],mn];) = Rate,(to rate,= to estimate value or worth,)

Kn]'kgk];Kn]'(tUc]nm].mn];nk];10kYap]:'nm]tan],0.19lI<tL,) = Khanh, liquid volume equal to 0.19 Liter,

Kn]/nm].kt].ygm];kGL,' = Dilute, to reduce strength or efficiency: diluted share, diluted, diluting,


nn].nn].{' = Per-word Rate, N. the amount of money that a translator is paid for each word translated,

Kn]Kk].tgn]:SG],ciun];tiun];tc];mUt];'(An]PL,Kiuc]:kiuc],kn]tUv];nG];Ek:lgn].ciun];Kw]:KUp],pI<El:kL:Kn]Ka})= Overall

Capitalization Rate,(ratio between annual NOI and sale price of a property )

Kn]Kat]kn]nG];kat],'[kL:Kn]An]kUn];nG];kat],Kat]:Sqc],pn]kn]'{ = Market Rent,

Kn]Kn]w};w};' PG];PG];' = Quickly,

Kn]Kat]:' = Rental Value,

Kn]KI:ciun];' = Interest rate,

Kn]KI:ciun];tum].Kiun];Pa},tac];nG];' = Internal Rate of Return

Kn]KI:ciun];tUw];ciun];l}:El:mat],nI:' = Interest Accrual Rate

Kn]KI:ciun];tUw];emL<kit]<' = Mortgage Interest Rate,

Kn]Ka}'(Kn]Ka}ygm];') = Price, N.: sale price; discount price,

Kn]Kuin]:'Aw]sG]Kiun](An])'pgt];nUiw]' = Upside, adj. N. an encourage or positive aspect,

Kn]Kuin]:Suc]eS,eS,' lUw],nL,tL,eS,' = At all-time high, adj.,

Kn]Ka}tUik]:tUik]:' = Discounted price, sale price,

Kn]Ka}tUik]:tUik]:' Kn]ygm];Ka}' [Kan]Ka}tUik]:tUik]: = Kn]cw]:puic]; x 1 - pL<Sqn].lUt];{' = Sale

price,{sale price = original price x (1-percent off)},discounted price,

Kn]Ka}nG];kat],' = Market value,

Kn]Ka}nG];kat],' Kn]kat],' = Market price,

Kn]Ka}yg}:'(Kan]Ka}yg}:n}.kL:lUiw]Kn]Ka}lum];)'(Kt];kn]-Kn]Ka}lum];)' = Retail price, (oppsed to wholesale price),

Kn]Kiun]:Suc]eS,'[kL:Kn]Kuin]:Tuic]tan],sn].k}.Kuin]:Suc]eS,{ = All-time high,

Kn]Kiun];Sim];l}:'(Kn]An]l}:Kiun];tL,pun]:ciun];tiun];) = Recapture Rate (capital recovery rate)

Kn]cw]:piuc];mn];' = Original price, {original price = sale price /(1-persent off)},

Kn]sgn];piun].'(Kn]KI:ciun];kU:kL.Ka}An]pqc].Aw]miUw]:kU:pn]Kaw];pgt];tL,kUn];Siuw].eS,ekL.TiUk]:yum],Sut];') = Prime Rate,

the lowest commercial interest rate charged by a bank on short term loans to their most creditworthy customers,

Kn]Suc]tUik]:Sut];'[kL:Kn]tm];w}.Suc]Sut];Am],Aw]lUiw]nn].l}:{(nUic];-sn].Kn]kn]:') = Price ceilings,

Kn]Siuw].Ka}nG];kat],'[Kn]An]ekL.Siuw].pn]Suc]Sut];El:ekL.Ka}Ka}ygm];TiSut];{ = Market Value,

Kn]tqm],'[Kn]Ka}l}:An]tqm],Sut];Am],Aw]kL;muiw];kL:yap],mn];Sc]nn].'{' = Base price, a price quoted as a

base without including additional charges,

Kn]tqm],Sut];mn];'tI:tUik]:mn];'(tI:tUik]:mL;wL:kL:huiw]?)'= Lowest price: How much is the lowest price?,

Kn]tuin];mI;'[kL:Kn]An]cuin];mUk];Stgk].An]nuic]:mI;Et.Et.nn].{'= Intrinsic value, real value,

Kn]Tuk],' Kn]lI' = Good price,

Kn]TiBk]:yG],nL,' = Worthy, valuable,

Kn]niuc]:'(nm].nk];niuc]:Kn]n}.mI;6.4Agc]<s') Kn]' = Khanh, weigh equal to 6.4 ounce(6.4oz),

Kn]niuc]:' Kn]' mac]Kn]' Sip];niuc]:'(10) = Khanh, counting money & weight in Tai as for ten dollars,

Kn]niuc]:ESYyL<nG];pp].' = Book Value Per Share, -The book value in U.S. Dollars divided by the shares

outstanding as of the end of that period,



;lgk];la};pa};mak]:mI;pn],tUc],mUn];nn].'{ = Cyclical, adj. a cyclical stock is a type of equity security whose price is

affected by macroeconomic, systematic changes in the overall economy. Cyclical stocks are known for following the cycles of an

economy through expansion, peak, recession, and recovery. Cyclical stocks typically refer to companies that sell discretionary

items consumers can afford to buy more of in a booming economy. Alternatively, cyclical stocks are also companies that

consumers choose to spend less with and cut back on during a recession. Defensive stocks are generally the opposite of cyclical

stocks. They encompass the consumer staple category, with goods and services that people continue to demand through all types

of business cycles, even economic downturns. Cyclical stocks rise and fall with the economic cycle, cyclical stock,

Kn]pL<Sqn].KUp],pI<'(eA,PI<JAL,) = Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

Kn]pun]:EPpn]kn]miUw]:mI;Kn]Kiun]:' = Equity Dividend Rate,

Kn]puin].SUiw],'[kL:Kn]tm];w}.tqm],Sut];Sut];Am],ygm];eSnn].l}:{(nUic];-sn].Kn]km].') = Price floors,

Kn]pUic]:kn]'[nG];Ek:Kn]yam];kat],pik].mUiw]:wn];Agn]El:Kn]Ka}yU,sc],n}.nn].pUic]:kn]tan]lG]'{ = Net Change,

(ETFs) it’s the difference in the current sale price and the previous day’s official closing price,

Kn]pUin]:' Kn]sc],n}.' = Current price,

Kn]mn];Kiun]:'[Kn]kun],Kuin]:{(nG];pI<2014n}.etl}:hn]Kn]kun],Kiun]:hqc];)' = Price increase,

Kn]mn];Suc]nL,' = Higher rate,

Kn]man],puc],kac]'[Aw]Kn]Suc]Kn]tqm],mn];PUim].hLkn]eSnp].w}.Kn]pan]kac]mn];nn].'{ = Average

true range, The average true range (ATR) is a measure of volatility introduced by Welles Wilder in his book, "New Concepts

in Technical Trading Systems." The true range indicator is the greatest of the following: current high less the current low, the

absolute value of the current high less the previous close and the absolute value of the current low less the previous close. The

average true range is a moving average, generally 14 days, of the true ranges,



tuin];mI;mn];Sc]yw].mI;Kn]Aic]Kaw];yam];nn].kUv];yw]."{ = Out of the money (OTM), the term used to

describe a call option with a strike price that is higher than the market price of the underlying asset, or a put option with a strike

price that is lower than the market price of the underlying asset. An out of the money option has no intrinsic value, but only

possesses extrinsic or time value,

Kn]emL<kit]<Kiun];cUp].cikn]l}:'(JAL,JAL,Aqm]<) = Renegotiable Rate Mortgage (RRM)

Kn]yam]:Suc]Sut];'[kL:Kn]Kuin]Tuic]tan],sn].k}.Kuin]:Suc]Sut];nG];puin];mn];'{= Record high, the highest

historical price level reached by a security, commodity or index during trading,

Kn]ygn];'[kL:Kn]An]kUn];Ka}KG]:Ka}KUw];Kgc]An]nuic]:eStm];Kn]mn];w}.nn].{ = SAsked prices, N.,


ac],mUic];l}:nn].{ = Exchange rate, N. the ratio at which a unit of the currency of one country can be exchanged for that

of another country; rate of exchange,

Kn]lqk]:ciun];miUc];etL,miUc];' = Currency Exchange Rate,

Kn]lUc];/tUk];'Aw]sG]tUk];(An])'pgt];tG]:' = Downside, adj. N. a discourage or negative aspect,

Kn]An]cUp]]w}.' = Negotiated rate,

Kn]An]tm];w}.'(Kn]An]tm];w}.nUiw]mn];)' = Price set on: price set on him,

Kn]Aic]Kaw];yam];'[kL:Kn]An]tuin];mI;mn];ha}la}yw].{' = Extrinsic value, time value,

Kn],' = Cut slightly around,

Kn],pgc]:' Kn],hQt];hg};hG]:pQn]pgc]:pQn]pgc]:w}.'= Cycle stripe,

Kn]:' Kqn]:kn]' kc]:' = Barrier, (to separate or divide,), partition,

Kn]:' Kqn]:' EP' = Divide, separate into parts,

Kn]:Sgc]' (")' = Period mark (.), also use as a semicolon,

Kn]:nuic]:' Kn]:' (')' = Comma (,) or semicolon (;),



n].sgm];kn]w}.{' = Insulate, to cover, line, or separate with a material, insulated, insulating,

Kn];'(muk];El:mgn]n}.Kn];AUiw]:)' = Pungent, adj.,

Kp];Kuic]Agk],Kaw];tac];' = Set out, to begin journey,

Kp].Kk].tgn]:kan]' Kiun]:sgm];Kk].tgn]:kan]' = Process, processed, processing,

Kp].Kibc]'(pYSnL,Kgc].Km]sUiw];nn].etKp].Kuic]yw].kGL,l}:yU,) = Sort out: problems would be sorted out, arrange,

Kp].Kiuc]' = Array, to place in proper or desire order; range; sort out, arrayed, arraying,

Kp].Kuic]'Kp].An]lG]An]nn].' = Sort out, to arrange according to sort, kind or class, clarify, group,

Kp].Kuic]Suik];'(An]-)(tp].Suik];mUic];kac]haw]) = Array, N. military force: heavenly array; host of heaven,

Kp].Kibc]KQn],hac]:KiBc]:' Kp].Kibc]hqn];tm];pn]' = Design, designed, designing,

Kp].Kuic]pn]mI;yG],nm]lUc]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Vast array,

Kp].Kibc]pgc]mG],' Kp].Kibc]Tqc]:' = Do over, to redecorate,

Kp].Kiun]:nL:sgm];kn]'An]Kp].y}Kuin]:nL:sgm];kn]pQn]mU,pQn]sum];' = Procession, N.,

Kp].Kgm]:w}.Kqm].lITiSut];' An]Kp].Kgm]:w}.Kqm].lITiSut];' = Most highly organized,

Kp].Kgm]:w}.lIlI' Em;Kp].Em;Kgm]:' = Organize, organized, to systematize,

Kp].Kgm]:An]lG]An]nn].w}.lIlI' = Put in order,

Kp].sqn],tm];y}kn]' = Place them in order,

Kp].sI;l'[wQc];nG];yutsm]lqn]lin]AI<tum],{(eyL;15;21') = Kabzeel, a city in Judah near the border of Edom,

Kp].Sgn].kn]'Sgn].kn]' Tap]:kn]' = Overlap, imbricate, overlapping,

Kp].Sg}.Pibn]fa},l]' = Filing,

Kp].tm];'Em;Kp].'Kp].Kgm]:tm];wac];' Kp].' = Arrange,

Kp].tm];y}kn]'Kp].tm];y}kn]lIlI' = In order,

Kp].tm];y}mqn]:wgc],'Kp].tm];y}'Kp].hG]:KBp];cam],mqn]:etL,kn]' = Lined up,

Kp].tm];w}.TL:'[Kp].w}.Agn]tac];{ = Prearrange, to arrange in advance, prearranged, prearranging,


mqn]:') = Order, to regulate, conduct, or manage, the disposition of things following one after another,

Kp].tam];kn]w}.lIlI'(PUin]tqm]:lik]:An]Kp].tam];kn]w}.lIlI)' = Orderly, adj.: an orderly desk,

Kp].tam];sgm];mL;tc];lac]' = Next following,

Kp].tam];nL:tam];lc]kn]eS' = In turn, Idiom. in turn, in due order of succession ,

Kp].Tqw]'[kUn];tc];la}Kp].Tqw]pG].tL,Tuic]km];Kw]{(Kp].Tqw]pG].)' = Queue: queue up, queued, queuing,

Kp].pun]<'[wQc];Tuc].lin]pQc];mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;40') = Kabbon, a town in lowland of Judah near Eglon; Cabbon,

Kp].pUic]mn];'hQt];pUic]Kp].mn];'[wac];Pqn]/km].sg}:/tm];pn]pUic]Kp].mn];'{' = Format, to plan or provide the

format; to set the format, formatted, formatting,

Kp].Piun];kgc]w}.nUiw]KQc],tac];lU,nn].yw].' = Arranged the wood on the altar,

Kp].ma}' tm];Kp].ma}' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Schedule, N., angenda,

Kp].ma}' tm];Kp].ma}' Kp].ma}w}.' = Schedule, scheduled, scheduling,

Kp].ma}' (Kp].ma}pac]kum]) = Agenda, (Meeting Agenda),

Kp].ma}sqn],'Kp].ma}' = Agendum, N. an agenda; an item on an agenda,

Kp].ma}sqn],tUw]lik]:' = Alphabetical,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]' = Program, programming,


.tit].suiw]:lIsQw];l}:pg},Agk],epL;Kw]Kw]:pL;sgm];Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]sUiw];nn].'@ = Programs 

designed to recidivism and allow some prisoners to earn credits toward early release by taking

part in those programs,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]sam];tUv];Agn]tac];' = Pilot programs,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]nG];TI<wI<' = Television program,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]pn]SU;tL,yU,lIkin]wan]Sun],tUw]' = Personal wellness rewards program,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]pa};pk];pUic]El:Sa},kUw],pa};sG]' = Law and Psychology program,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]tL,lQc].lUkUn];tc];mUic];' = Nationwide Feeding Program,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]Tqk],sk];Pa},Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amu' = Judicial Diversion Program,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]An]pQn]Et.mI;Et.' = Realistic program,

Kp].ma}Pqn]kan]An]yUic]:mUin]w}.lIlI' = Duplicate programs,

Kp].m}aAn]epL;kp].St].tik];w}.yw].nn].' = Overcrowded schedule or agenda,

Kp].y}kn]'y}'y}kn]' = Place one after another,

Kp].y}sgm];kn]' = Sequential, graduated, arranged or marked according to scale,

Kp].y}sgm];kn]'y}kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Sequence, succession, in succession,

Kp].w}.pn]'(mn];Kp].w}.pn]kGam];sgm];nc],ygn];mL;nn].km]:Pgc]:yw].)' = Line out,(He lined out a few songs upon


Kp].hac]:KUic]:w}.' hac]:KiUc]:pn]' = Decorate, decorated, decorating,

Kp].hac]:KUic]:w}.' hac]:KiUc]:pn]' la};hac]:KiUc]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Decoration, N.,

Km]' Km]w}.kbik];libk];' tiBk]:w}.' = Stuck, get stuck,

Km]'Km]Ek:/kUc]/hU;'kp].'(hUiw];Km]Ek:mak],hin]'(Pk];tUn}.Km]ca}:nL,') = Jam, to become stuck, fixed, blocked, etc.;

clog; to wedge tightly between bodies or surfaces: The ship was jammed between two rocks; This door jams easily, jammed,

Km]sG]' = Still remain on mind, unable to forget,

Km]tUc],sUik]:lQk];mt].w}.' Tuk],sUik]:lQk];mt].w}.' = In Chains, was in chained,


;6;2)')' = Snare, snared, be ensnared: You are snared by the words of your mouth.(Pr 6:2)),


nn].yw]."(SL,9;16')' = Ensnared: the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands,

Km]Kuim];/hQw]./nqc]:' = Trapped, ensnare; be caught in a trap,

Km]yB,tI:mG];l}:kGL,mI;w}.nn].' = Stuck right where you are,

Km]yU,nG];Ek:pYSnL,Kgc].tc];nm]lgm].hgp]:w}.' = Surrounded by problems,

Km]Auc]'[Km]Auc]Ka};nm].nn]./Km]w}.nG];An]ca};mUin]Ka};nm].mUIn]Auc]nn].eSAm],Agk],pUn].Am],tUc].l}:nn].{ =

Swamp, cause to sink in a swamp or something likened to a swamp, swamped, swamping,

Km]:Kiun]; 'kac]Kibn];' kac]Km]:kac]Kibn];' = Night,

Km]:Kibn];mbc];mgc];An]kibk];pibn];' = Historic night of hope,

A Historic Night of Hope and Celebration


Km]:Suin];'Kiun];Suin];' = Night before,

Km]:n}.' Kiun];n}.' = Tonight,

Km]:n}.lIekYL,nL:eA.&' = I feel good this evening!,

Km]:Puk]:' = Tomorrow night,

Km]:mL;yw].'[sm]etlp];Sic],pQn]kac]Km]:kac]Kiun];kGL,nn].{' = Getting dark: It is getting dark,

Km]:lUin]lqc];' = Moonlit night,

Km]:wL;' Kiun];wL;' = Last night,

Km]:huiw];' = Following night,

Km]:huiw];'[Km]:n}.yw].eSTqc]:Km]:nuic]:nn].hgc].wL:Km]:Puk]:'(Km]:Puk]:yw].eSTqc]:Km]:nuic]:nn].pQn]Km]:huiw];'){' =

The following night,

Km];'[An]pL;/Aw]Km];hQt];w}.{(pI,hUKm];)' = Golden, adj. made or consisting of gold: golden earrings,

Km];' ciun];mQt].Km];' = Gold, gold coin,


;Am],nn]liUc]PiUk]:') = Gold, (Symbol Au),

Km];' Km];tqc]:' = Gold,

Km];tQk];'(la};tQk];Km];'la};tQk];Km];Kqp];)'Km];Kqp];' = God leaf, (how to gold leaf),

Km];nm].Agn],' Km];Am],epL;lI' = Low grade gold,

Km];PUik],' = Platinum,

Km];mUic];AUw],Pir'(yUp]22;24') = Ophir gold, gold of Ophir,

Km];lip];'[Km];An]kYam];An]p},l}:Agc],Aw]Km];sqt]:sqt]:mn];nn].'{' = Unwrought gold,

Km];Agn],(SI)' = Tin color,


lL;lL;"yL,eppUk];Kw]lqm]SUKiun]:etL;mUic];kac]haw]'yL,eplat]:kGam];ht];tL.Kt];etL,nL,Pqw]"@(SL,75;4-5') =

Horn, N.: ‘Do not lift up your horns. Do not lift your horns against heaven; do not speak so defiantly.’,

Kw]' sUiw];' nm]' nm]la}' tc];la}' tc];nm]' = Plural, adj. N., plural form “usages” in Tai,

Kw]'KL'[Kw]siUw];nn].'KLSgc]ekL.'{ = They,

Kw]'KiUw]'[tL,Kw]Sam]ekL.'tL,KiUw]Sgc]ekL.'{ = Them,

Kw]kUn];sUiw];yU,tI:nn]:' = Men of that place,

Kw]kUn];sUiw];yU,nUiw]lin]mUic];'(nUic];-Kw]kUn];sUiw];yU,nG];mUic];kac]haw])(1ekL;15;48)' = Those who

are of the earth, (compare ‘those who are of heaven’)

Kw]sac]:etlUw],kGL,KG]:l}:KG]:mI;AISc]siUc].hiuc]Tqc]:? = What more could they want?

Kw]sUiw];'Kw]kUn];sUiw];'siBw];nn].'kUn];sUiw];' = Those,

Kw]sUiw];Pc]lin]w}.nn].'[KG]:wL:pQn]kUn];sUiw];ta}kGL,nn].n}'{' = Those have been buried,

Kw]siBw];hQt];hG]:kw]sQp];sG]' = Those who hurt me, I will forgive those who hurt me,

Kw]sgk];' Kw]hUt];' = Horn shrinkage,

They are so excited they can’t think of anything else.


Kw]SQc]:sG]nL,' SQc]:sG]nL,' = Lost their fire,

Kw]tQk];Puit].kn]Kw]:nG];mn];hQt];nn]w}.yw].'(luk].16;16)' = Forcing their way into it,

Kw]etAL:pik],kin]Kibn]:Sbc]siBw]:miBn]hbc].etSqw]:' = They will soar on wings like eagle,

Kw]ta}mUt];Am],kuit];eSekL.yw].'Am],kuit];eSekL.yw].' = They are no more (Mtt.2:18),

Kw]pQn]kUn];AI:Sc]lUc]ekL:yw].' Kw]pQn]huiw]w}.ekL:Am],kgn];' = Whatever they were,

Kw]pa}:tQt],pqp].w}.' = They hid,

Kw]mI;tac];ybm],mat]:yBp]:ygm];lQk].ek,eA,mac]' = Their lack of faith,

Kw]lat]:tI:kn]wL:' = They said to each other,

Kw]lat]:tI:Kw]nc],kn]wL:' = They said to themselves,

Kw]l}:mI;Kgc]Pak],tgn]:kt].Kqn],lIw}.AI:Sc]sUic].huiw]?" = What are their gifts?

Kw]l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].ApYt]:Kw]pn]nn].yw].' = They are forgiven,

Kw]w}.Kp].ma}tUn]:sG]El:sG]Kw]' Kw]w}.sG]Kw]' = Program their minds,

Kw]hQt];lgc]:ha}.mUik]:tgp],tqn];An]kw]hQt];lgc]:lI'(SL,35;12) = They repay me evil for good,

Kw]Am],sac]:lat]:wL:hiuw]Sc]Tqc]:yw].'(man],4;14') = There was nothing they could say,

Kw]Am],mL;Kiun]:'Kw]Am],Kiun]:hgt]:'Kw]Am],yU,'Kw]Am],mI;sgm];' = They were absent,

Kw]Am],mI;kGam];tL,lat]:eSeKL:yw].'(yUp]32)= Words have failed them, they have not a word to say,


)' = They’re not being good to me. (Don’t say why should I do good to them. They’re not being good to me. ),


tI:An]kUn];tc];la}wL:Kw]pQn]PG]nn].Aw]yw].' = They become so engrained in their Kw],'

Kw],' hUw]Kw],' = Knee,

Kw],' (Kw],hic],) = Shake, (ringing the bell)

Kw],'Kw],hic],' = Ring, to give forth a clear resonant soung; to cause a bell to soung, rang, rung, ringing,

Kw],'Kgn];'Sn],'Pqt];'w}'(mQw];An]Am],sac]:Sn],Kgn];w}Ka}.pqt]:l}:) = Shake,shook, shaken, shaking,

Kw],Kw],ygk]:ygk]:' = Riffle, to turn hastily, riffled,

Kw],Kgn];'(l}:Kam],Kw],Kgn];Sn],w}' Kgn];Sn]w})' = Shake, shook, shaken, shaking: be shaken,


t];lUc];sn].'{= Shak-up, N. a thorough change in a business, department, or the like, as by dismissals, demotions, etc.,

Kw],hic],' = Ringing the bell,

Kw],hic],hgc].eSL,'Kw],SQc]hic]/hgk]:'(Kw],hic],hgc].eSL,ygc]:eyL;eSekL.ekL.nn].) = Ring, rang, rung,

ringing, to announce or proclaim, summon, signal, etc., by or as if by the soung of a bell: to ring someone’s praises,

Kw]:' = Rice,

Kw]:' = Enter, go in,

Kw]:' An]Kw]:' = Input,

Kw]:kn]'mqn]:kn]'(epL:lQc].kw]tc];kw]Kw]:kn]lInL,) = Get along with, (My boss and I get along with very well),


= Interlock, to fit into each other, to interweave or interlace one another,

Kw]:kn]lI'Tuk],emL,kn]'(Kt];-Am],Tuk],kn]'Am],Kw]:kn]') = Harmonious, adj., (ant: discordant)

Kw]:kw],' (Kt];-Kw]:mG],)' = Old crops, last year’s harvest, (ant: new crop),

Kw]:kw],pI<k}' An]pat],Kw]:Sim];mak],w}.pIk}' = Last year’s harvest,

Kw]:kw];' Kw]:yL.' = Break in, to interrupt,

Kw]:kac]' = Second crops, rice paddy grows in medium term,(the second harvest of the year),

Kw]:kap],tqk],' = Popped corn,

Kw]:kap],PU;' = Corn Tofu,

Kw]:kap],mqn],'[Pgc]Kw]:kap],hUc]AUn]AUn]pQn]yc]{'(Pgc]Kw]:kap],mqn],)' = Corn paste, (rice paste powder),

Kw]:kap],'[Kw]:EK,{'Kw]:fL:' = Corn, N., maize,

Kw]:kQw],pL;sgm]; = Involve

Kw]:kUw]:' Kw]:kUw]:nm].mn];' = Rice oil salad,

Kw]:Ek:EKsg}:' = Vindicate,

Kw]:Ek:vL;miUw]:taw].kn]' = Tie-breaking, break a tie,

Kw]:kg}' = Panicum millet,


ptivin],tUk];lUc];hQt];sgm];kn]w}.nn].{'(mI;lgc]:Kw]kGam];kn]w}.tc];'(yUp]5;23')= League, N. a covenant or compact

made between persons, parties, states, etc.: be in league with; have a covenant with,

Kw]:kGL,' Kw]:hgt]:' = Go in, go into,

Kw]:kGL,' Kw]:kGL,nG];' Kw]:nG];' = Enter, enter into,

Kw]:kGL,'(lgc]:-'An]-')' = Entry,

Kw]:kGL,lUv]:An]n}.El:' pL;An]n}.eSKw]:kGL,El:' = Enter with this,

Kw]:kYoc],' = Wheat,

Kw]:kYoc],Agk],hUc];yw].' = Wheat formed heads, wheat bore grain,

Kw]:Km]:' = Dinner, supper, evening meal,

Kw]:Km]:pg};Kam],Kqk],' = Reception dinner,

Kw]:Km]:pg};tL,Kw]:Kam],Kqk],' = Banquet dinner,

Kw]:Kqp]:' Kw]:etL,' Kw]:pgc];' Kw]:mQt].ka},' = Rice wafers,

Kw]:Kqm]:' (Kw]:mun];pgc],mUc].Kqm]:)' = Crusty rice, (rusty breads),

Kw]:KUw]:' (Kw]:KUw]:nUiw].k},/mU' Kw]:KUw]:mn];mU')' = Fried rice,

Kw]:KUw]Pgc]' Pgc]Kw]:KUw]' = Toasted ground uncooked rice,


Aw]hQt];Kw]:tqk],kin]'lUv]Pgc]eShQt];Kw]:mun];/nm].sQm];AUn]Kw]:EK,') = Sorghum, N. a cereal grass, Sorghum

bicolor, having broad, cornlike leaves and a tall, pity stem bearing the grain in dense terminal cluster; the syrup made from sorgo,

Kw]:EK.lUik]:kQp];' (mn];yip];sG].AL,nL,pUn]. pqn]pUic]:wgc],eSKw]:EK.liUk]:kQp];') = Election bid, (He is

abusing power in the election bid,)

Kw]:EK.nG];pac]etL,nn].Kuin];El:' = Get back in the game,

Kw]:Kibw],Kw]:Ep' = Play an important role,


KUic]:kgc]:/kL;/lUt].KUic]:') = Fabricate, to make by assembling parts or sections, fabricated, fabricating,

Kw]:KGac],kan]lbm];'(Kt];-Am],Kw]:tac];kan]) = Official, adj.,(ant: unofficial)

Kw]:KGac],pk];piBc]' Kw]:piUc]' = Legalize, legal,

Kw]:KGac],pk];piBc]' Kw]:piUc]' = Legally, adv.,

Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:'Kw]:KGac],mat]:ma}'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Validity,

Kw]:KGac],sG].l}:' Kw]:KGac],mat]:ma}' Kw]:KGac],' = Valid, adj. sound; just; well-founded; effective; true,

Kw]:ca};' Kw]:nG]' = Breakfast, morning meal,

Kw]:sw].' = Early crops, rice paddy grows in short term, (about 65days and the first harvest of the year),

Kw]:saw]:'Kw]:Sac];hgm]t};'Kw]:hgm]mliT};'(nUic];-Kw]:nQw])' = Jasmine rice, non-glutinous rice,(compare

to glutinous rice or sticky rice,),

Kw]:sim]' Kw]:sim]sgm];'Kw]:Ek:piUn]:' ES,' ES,ek:' = Interfere, interference,

Kw]:sim]Ek:K}pn]' sc],sG]Kw]:sim]Ek:K}pn]' = Intervene, (braking through)

Kw]:sI,' (Kw]:sI,nm].Ag}:' Kw]:m},AI,esL.sI,')' = Toasted cook glutinous rice,

Kw]:sun]:' [Aw]Pk];SG],elL;Kw]:wan],lQw]kn]eSkin]{' = Mixed-rice-curry,

Kw]:sum];' Kw];muk].sum];' = Join an organization, become a member,

Kw]:sum];hw];mUiw]:n}.El:&' = Become a member today!

Kw]:sU;' Kw]:sU;kn]' (lgc]:-'An]-') = Engagement,

Kw]:sU;kn]'hLEt,Kw]:sB;'ma}kn]w}.'ma}w}.'ma}' = Engage, engaged, engaging,

Kw]:siuw]:wL:kUv];' = Long shot, little chance, unlikely winner, one in a million, fluke,

Kw]:sUiw].' sUiw].Kw]:' Pn];Kw]:wan],' = Rice seed,

Kw]:sG]'pL;sG]' = Interest, interested, interesting,

Kw]:sG]Pit];'[An]Aw]eKL:kGam];eKL:mgk],EnsL.kGLlUv]:sG]hU.An]Pit];w}.nn].'pgc],sG]Pit];{= Misunderstand,

to take (words, statements, etc.) in a wrong sense; understand wrongly, misunderstood, misunderstanding,

Kw]:sG]hqc];'ekYL,sG]lI'[sp];sG]w}./sum],sUm]w}.luik].luik].tc];puik];'{(ekL.Tgm],Kw]:sG]hqc];(An]yum].ekYL,sG]lI')' =

Rapt, adj. deeply engrossed or absorbed: a rapt listener; a rapt smile, raptly, adv.,

Kw]:Sak]:' (Kw]:Sak]:' Pk];sak]:' Sak]:') = Leftover rice, (the leftovers),

Kw]:San]'[Kw]:An]tm]kgk];pUik],yw].nn].'Am],sG]:Kw]:pUik],'{(Kt];-Kw]:Suk];'(nUic];-Kw]:pUik],')'= Husked rice,

husked paddy, uncooked rice, crushed head grain,(ant: rice)

Kw]:SL;' = Mildewed paddy rice,

Kw]:SQn]:' = Rice vermicelli,

Kw]:Sqc]' = Black rice,

Kw]:Suk];' = Rice, cooked rice, steamed sticky rice,

Kw]:Suk].yuc]:'[hQt];hG]:mI;lgc]:Am],Tuk],kn]'{ = Embroil, to bring into discord, embroiled, embroiling,

Kw]:Suik];'[kGL,hQt];kUn];Suik];mqk],kgc]:hap],kan]Suik];Tam];kan]mUic];{' = Join or enter military service,

Kw]:SUik]:tL:'[hUiw];Kw]:SUik]:tL:hUiw];nn].{' = Put in,(Nautical) also put into; to enter a port or harbor,

Kw]:SUik]:tI:wn];yam];mn];Sut];' = Put in his time, fulfills his day; accomplish his day,

Kw]:Sgm];'(Kw];Sgm];Pk];Sgm];)' = Rice for a monk, (food for a monk or monk’s meal),

Kw]:Sgm];Pk];Sgm];' = Monk’s meal,

Kw]:Sg};'[Kw]:Sg};nak],'Kw]:Sg};Pac]'Kw]:Sg};kYoc],'{' = Noodle, rice noodle,

Kw]:tt];Ek:mn];' = Interrupt, interrupting, to stop in the midst, to break off or cause to cease,

Kw]:tt];Ek:mn];'(lgc]:-'An]-') = Interruption, to stop in the midst, to break off or cause to cease,

Kw]:tm]cL;' = Black rice sesame pounded cake,

Kw]:tLpL'[kGam];man]:wL:!tL,kU,@'{ = Tapioca rice,

Kw]:tin]Kw]:miuw];kn]hQt];' = Interactive, give-and-take, shared,

Kw]:tin]Kw]:muiw];kn]hQt];hG]:Agc],mqc],' = Interact successfully,

Kw]:tqk],' Kw]:kap],tqk],' = Popped rice, popped corn,

Kw]:tqn]' = Rice dried cake,

Kw]:tUm]:'tUm]:Kw]:' = Boiled rice,

Kw]:tUm]:lqm]' Kw]:tUm]:kUv]:' Kw]:tUm]:TUw],lin]' = Sticky rice cake,

Kw]:tibk];' Kiun]:tiuk];' Kw]:' Kiun]:'(Kt];-pG].'Kam],tuik];'kqt],EK')' = Offensive, (ant: defensive,),

Kw]:Tqw]'Kp].Tqw]'sqn],Tqw]'(hgc].kUn];Suik];kw];Tqw]')' = Line up: to line up troops, lining up,

Kw]:Tuk],kn]lInL,' = Fit so perfectly,

Kw]:nm].tac];kin]'tac];kin]'tac];kin]tac];yqm].'(tac];kin]mI;AhL,;') = Food, N.: rich food,

Kw]:nm].tac];kin]tman],kac]haw]' = Angel’s food, angel food,

Kw]:nm].tac];kin]An]sun].lU,w}.tI:hun],hac]:Sac];Tu' = Food sacrificed to idols,

Kw]:nm].tac];kin]An]yqn]:An]mgc]' = Fermented foods,

Kw]:nm].tac];kin]Am],kum],Am],lUic],' = Food insecurity,

Kw]:nQw]' = Sticky rice, glutinous rice,

Kw]:nG]' Kw];ca};' = Breakfast,

Kw]:nG];An]luiw]:hUiw].luiw]:sG]tI:JPL;sw]:' = Enter God’s rest,

Kw]:pn],ekL' = Rice plants clustered into different group,

Kw]:pL,riynI'[tac];kin]klL;Ain],tiypQn]Kw]:huc]SG],elL;nUic].pL;Aa}hgm]huin];PQt];{' = Biryani, a spicy Indian

dish of rice with meat or vegetables, flavored with saffron or turmeric,

Kw]:pL;' SG],pL;' SG],pL;sgm];' pL;' pL;tc];' = Include, included, including,

Kw]:pL;es;sgt],la}mQw];' = Comprehensive,

Kw]:pL;sgm];nG];' = Take part,

Kw]:pL;nG];kGam];ptivin],sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;' = Enter into a covenant with the LORD,

Kw]:pL;w}.' = Consist, include, consisted, consisting, consist of,

Kw]:pQn]An]' = Is/are considered,

Kw]:pQm]' = Broken rice,

Kw]:pqc]:lw]:'Kw]:pqc]:' pqc]:' pqc]:lw]:' = Yeast,

Kw]puk];' = Sticky rice pounded cake,

Kw]:piUk],' tUc]:nL;' = Paddy, rice in the husk, rice field,

Kw]:piBk],'Kw]:piBk],kYoc],' = Grain, grain of wheat,

Kw]:pUik],/kYoc],sI,'[mQt].Kw]:pUik],/kYoc],/mueyL;'sL.kGL,KUw]:hqc]:pL;pUik],{ = Roasted grain,

Kw]:piUc]' Kw]:KGac],pk];piBc]' = Legalize, legal,

Kw]:Pk];'[Kw]:Pk];tac];kin]tL,nuic]:{' = Meal, the food served and eaten especially at one o the customary,

Kw]:Pk];tac];kin]wan]sL.Kqm].lISut];'(yUp]33) = Choicest meal, favorite food; dainty meat or dishes,

Kw]:Pk];pg};Kam],Kqk],' = Reception meal,

Kw]:Pk];pg};tL,Kw]:Kam],Kqk],' = Banquet meal,

Kw]:PL,SL,SL,SnL,' = Join a religion, become a member of a religious group,

Kw]:f};mak],elL.'Kw]:P};mak],elL.' = Install iron ring to wooden bullock cart wheels,

Kw]:mak]:'[hUc];Kw]:n}.pQn]mQt].mI;San]Kw]:tc];mUt];/mQt].lip]:Am],epL;mI;{' = Paddy with full kernels,

Kw]:mL;' Kw]:mL;El:' = Come in,

Kw]:mL;yU,' Kw]:mL;yU,nG];mUic];tac],mUic];' = Immigrate, immigrated, immigrating,

Kw]:mqn],'[Pgc]Kw]:hUc]AUn]AUn]pQn]yc]{'(Pgc]Kw]:mqn],)' = Rice paste, (rice paste powder),

Kw]:mun];' Kw]:mun];pgc],mUc].' = Bread, loaf,

Kw]:mun];Kap]:Puic]:'[Kw]:mun];ew,PL,'(Kqp];mac]Pg},Pg},SG],sQm];nm].Puic]:){= Wafer, N. a thin, crisp cake or biscuit,

Kw]:mun];KYit].s]KQk].' = Cheese cake,

Kw]:mun];Sgm];tac],'Kw]:Sgm];' = Bread of the Presence, also called showbread or shewbread,

Kw]:mun];tL,kin]sgm];pQn]wn];' = Daily bread,

Kw]:mun];pat],' = Soft steamed rice cake, rice pie,

Kw]:mun];pqn];KQk].' Kw]:mun];Kqp];' = Pancake,

Kw]:mun];pI,Skit].'[Kw]:mun];Kqp]:Kqp];lQk].mac]Agn],'{(f};hqc];mUk];pI,Skit].) = Biscuit, N.: biscuit-fired,

Kw]:mun];pgc],mUc].' = Bread, Loaf, loaves,

Kw]:mun];mn],nL,' = Manna, the food miraculously supplied to Israelites in the wilderness(Ex 16:34) ,

Kw]:mun];mak],Agn]lgn]' = Glutinous rice dumpling,

Kw]:mun];lam]' Kw]lam]' = Rice roasted in bamboo stock,

Kw]:mun];lip];'[An]Pgc]Kw]:/Kw]:kYoc],ngk];nm].w}.nQw]nQw]tL,hQt];Kw]:mun];nn].{' = Dough,

Kw]:mbn];lB,w}.tI:wt].'Kw]:Sgm];' = Consecrated bread

Kw]:mun];ehL,'Kw]:mun];ehL,tgc]kUv]:'Kw]:mun];Agk];' = Rice cake in banana leaf,


= Pie, N. a baked food having a filling of fruit, meat, etc.; pizza,

Kw]:mueyL;' = Barley,

Kw]:m},kUiw]'[pn]:Kw]:nQw]Aun],Aw]kUiw]Ag}/Pgk];Pqk];'{(Kw]:m},AI,esL.) = Lightly salted sticky rice,

Kw]:mUiw]'[Pgc]Kw]:ngk];nm].nQw]nQw]eSAw]hQt];yUiw],mQt];pL{' = Rice flour paste,

Kw]:mUiw];'(Kw]:mUiw];nG];hUin];mn];')' = Went into, (Went into or entered his house),

Kw]:mgt].mueyL;'[Aw]Kiuw],kin]nm].mn];{' = Malt, N. germinated grain usually barley,

Kw]:mG],' = New crop,

Kw]:yL,KU.'Kw]yL,ku'[Kw]:nQw]nuic]:SG],nm].Ag}:TUw],lin]cL;tw]elL;kn]{' = Khaohyakhu, sticky rice jaggery,

peanut and sesame seeds mixed, simple sticky rice cake made for celebrating a new crops fest in Tai

community in winter season,

Kw]:yQn]'[Kw]nQw]nuic]:yw].pgk]:nuic]:eSKiun];nuic]:Tqc]:{' = Leftover steamed sticky rice or cooked rice,

Kw]:yU,' = Occupy, occupied,

Kw]:yU,'(lgc]:-/An]-)' An]Kw]:yU,w}.' = Occupancy, N.,

Kw]lam]' Kw]:mun];lam]' = Rice roasted in bamboo stock,


= Underdeveloped grain, (compare ‘successful grains’)

Kw]:lip];'(Kw]:lip];Pk];lip];)' = Raw rice, uncooked rice, (raw or uncooked rice, vegetables,meat:etc., ),

Kw]:lqc];'[kUn];TUin],kUn];{' = Rebels surrender,

Kw]:lqc].'lqc].fiun];' = Khaohlengh, rice tofu snack served with mixed tomato sauce or hot sour juice,

Kw]:lIPk];wan]' = Delicious meal, choice food,

Kw]:lIPk];wan]'(Kw]:lIPk];wan]tm];tac],nUiw]PUin]nk];w}.nn].'(yUp]36;16') = Choice food,


c];hak]:KYO;kin]wan]wan]{' = Khaohlurng, rice cooked with turmeric, pressed flat and served with spicy tomato sauce,

Kw]:lUc]' = Last cropsrice paddy grows in long term,(the last harvest of the year),

Kw]:lgc]:Aey;mn];' = It matters,

Kw]:wn];' = Lunch,

Kw]:wan]'[Aw]Kw]:nQw]mgc]pqc]:lw]:kin]lip];ekL:Kqm].tUm]:kin]elL;K},ekL:wan]{(nm].Kw]:wan]')= Fermented sticky

rice, fermented sweet rice: fermented sticky rice drink,

Kw]:wL,'(Kt];-Agk],wL,')' = Enter into the season of lent, (ant: ending Buddhist lent period,),

Kw]:haw].'[Kw]:haw].n}.hgm]eSnQw]ngk];ngk];lIkin]wan]nL,{' = Brown fragrant sticky rice,

Kw]:hL' AiUm]:sm]kGL,' = Approach, approaching,

Kw]:hLkn]' = Approach,

Kw]:hLtc];pL;muiw];TUp];sgm];' = Hands-on approach,

Kw]:hLEm;lIkn]Kiun];'Kiun];Tuk],/lIkn]'(lgc]:-/la};-) = Reconciliation, N. an act of reconciling,

!Kw]:hQt];'hQt];hG]:pQn]kan]'hQt];hG]:pQn]kan]mqn]:mqn]:eSyw].Agk],"@ = “Get in, get it done,

get it done right, and get out.”,


!mI,kYOw];@'{' = Congee, rice porridge; gruel; jook;,

Kw]:hUm]:pL;'[hG]:Kw]:pL;/SG],pL;w}.'{ = Comprise, to include or contain, comprised, comprising,

Kw]:hBm]:pL;sgm];' = Participate, to take a part or partake,




w]:lqc];lIlUiw]eSmUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]kw]sUiw];nn].AUiw]:'n}El:"@)'Kw]:Sa}.Agk],KGL/Kw]:KGLAgk],Sa}.' = In

one ear and out the other: “When you hear, ‘You’ve seen your best days. It’s all downhill from here.” Let it goes in one

ear and out the other and say, “My future will be brighter than my past.”,

Kw]:hU;lIcam];'(hG]:tg},mak],kgp].f]SG],Kw]:hU;yw].lIcam];') = Hole out, (golf), to strike ball into a hole,

Kw]:hgm]' Kw]hgm]mliT};' Kw]:Sac];hgm]t};' = Fragrant rice, jasmine rice,

Kw]:hG]:Tuk],mqn]:' Tuk],mqn]:lI' Kw]:kn]lI' = Fit into,

Kw]:Aw]Agc]:tI:sn].mn];El:' = Get into Position,

Kw]:AUt].' = Oats,

Kw]:Agk],kn]' = Associate, to connect, to unite, to join,


tI:Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;l}:')= Navigable, adj. deep and wide enough to provide passage to ships: a navigable channel,

Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;p}tac];nm]./tac];lUm];/tac];lin]' = Navigate, navigated, navigating,

Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;p}tac];lin]' = Land navigation,

Kw]:Agk],kGL,mL;p}tac];hUiw];/hUiw];min]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Navigation, N.

Kw]:Agk],sm]sG]kn]'(Kw]:Agk],sm]sG]kn]tc];)' = Rapport, N. sympathetic relation: establish close rapport wit,

Kw]:Agk],pUin]:' = Get about, to be socially active:(She’s been getting about since her family moved to the city.),

Kw]:Agk],hLkn]' = Harmony, corresepindence, friendship,

Kw]:Agk],hLkn]'(Kw]:Agk],hLkn]lgc]:kan]kL.Ka})' = Correspondence, (business correspondence),

Kw]:Agk],hLkn]'tqm]:lik]:sU;kn]' = Correspond, to communicate by exchange of letters,

Kak],' (Kak],KI:tiUw],)' Kak],Agk],' = Hawk, to make an effort to raise phlegm from the throat: to hawk phlegm up,

Kak],Agk],'[Kak],KI:tUiw],Agk],nG];kUc]eKL;tI;hU;TUv];lUm];Kw]:Agk],{'Ka};Agk],' = Secrete, secreted, secreting,

Kak].'(1Kak].=4kgk];=2pgc],=0.944lI<tL,)'KGak].' = Khark,(1Khark=4cups=2lbs=0.944L)

Kac]'[saw];KUiw];kUn];sum];yU,nG];mUin];man]:pgt];hgc],'{ = Kachin, an ethnic group in the north of Burma,

Kac]' = Zinc-iron alloy,

Kac],nm].'Kac],P}a' Kc],' = Let water out of reservoir or dam,

Kac],nm].l}elL,luic]:SG],'(yUp]12;15') = Let waters loose: if he lets waters loose, they devastate the land,

Kac],pgc];' = Fried cake containing vigetables,

Kac],elL.(nUk].)' = Kite, black kite, birds of the hawk family,

Kac]:' Kac]:Pa},KGL/Pa},Sa}.' = Side of an object, right/left side,

Kac]:tac];' = Roadside,

Kac];'Kac];Aiuw].Aiuw].'Kac];sgm];'(lgc]:l}:-'An]l}:-')Kac];mgc]sG]sgm];' = Mourning,

Kac];'Kac];Aiuw].Aiuw].' = Mourn, to feel or express sorrow or grieve,(Ro 12:15)

Kac];kn]' PLKac]:Kac];kn]' Kac];kn]w}.' = Side by side,

Kac];kn]kGL,' = Parallel to,


w];kit],Suip],Kac];kn]w}.)' = Parallel, N. adj. (Eletricity) consisting of or having component parts connected in

parallel: a parallel circuit,

Kac];Kan]sG]'(lgc]:-/An]-)'(Kac];Kan]sG]Tuic]sG]Tuic]eKL;w}.yw].')' = Grief: filled with grief, deeply grief,

Kac];Kan]sG]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Grief,

Kac];Kan]sG]' = Grieve, grieved, grieving,

Kac];Kan]sG]Tuic]sG]Tuic]eKL;w}.' = Fill with grief, exceedingly sorry, deeply grief,

Kac];KIKac];Pan]' = Bemoan, to express distress or grief over,

Kac];cc]:cc]:'[SQc]mLKG]:KUp];kUn];'{' = Growl, to utter a deep guttural sound of anger or hostility, growling,

Kac];Ec;Ec;' emL;Ec;Ec;'h}:Ec;Ec;' = Infant fussing, infants cry and fuss,

Kac];sQp];' Kac];sQp];Aiuw].Aiuw].' = Moan, groan,

Kac];TL:'[p},hQt];epL;Kac];TL:'{' = Grumble, to express or utter with murmuring or complaining, grumble


Kac];TUv]:sG]lUc]' Kac];SQc]yG],SQc]lUc]' = Groan, moan, groaned, groaning, groan in spirit,

Kac];TUv]:sG]lUc]Pa},nG];w}.' = Groan inwardly,

Kac];SQc]yG],SQc]lUc]mUiw]:sQp];mUv]:etkUit],luk]:' = Groaning as in the pains of childbirth,

Pains of childbirth, birth pains, = sQp];mUv]:etkUit],luk]:'

Kac];nqc]sG]sgm];' = Bemoan, bemoaning, to express distress or grief over, express sorrow,

Kac];pgc].Aum];Aum];'pgc].emL;Em;En;siEn;esL.'= Grumble, grumble against, grumbled, grumbling,

Kac];pgc].Aum];Aum];'Kac];'(Kac];pgc].Aum];Aum];Am],pgc],eKL:') = Grumbling: petty grumbling,

Kac];emL;sI.En;SG],miBw]:lQw]yam];lQw]kn]' = Complain at the same time,

Kac];emL;Em;'sI.En;tgp],TQc]' = Complaint,

Kac];yg}:Kac];yqm];' = Fuss, to complain especially about something relatively unimportant, fussed, fussing,


w];luik].lm],sUiw];nn].' = Fuss about trifles while ignoring more serious matters,

Kac];wL:'(Kac];wL:lc]sQp];Aqc]:sQp];)' = Complain, (to complain of a backache),

Kac].'Kc].'(kgc]yuk];yak];lUc]Kac].w}.nG];hgc]:nm].)' = Barrier or obstruction in a river,

Kac].w}.'hg}:w}.'kgc].w}.'ygn],tgc],tg}:'Agc],Ag}:w}.' = Suspend, suspended, suspending,

Kac].Kak]:'Auic];Aac]:'[pQn]mQw];KQt],mQw];nuic]:nc]Kw]mUin]mI;hut];w}.{' = Toad,

Kac].w}.'(Kac].w}.nG];wan]:nn].10sUw]:mgc];)' = Remain suspended:remain suspended in that village for 10 hours,

Kac].w}.' Kac].w}.nUiw]tUn]:m}.' = Hanging on a limb of a tree,

Kac].w}.' = Pending, remain suspended,

Kac].w}.' = Pend, to remain suspended, undecided or unsettled, pended,

Kat],' Ka}Kat],yw].' = Closed the deal, sold, (It’s sold),

Kat],kGL,'(nG];lUin]n}.lgn].lQk];StI;l]Kat],kGL,')'Am],epL;lUic],Am],mI;An]Ka}' = Cut back, to curtail or

discontinue:,( Steel production has been cut back in recent months.),

Kat],' sUik]:Kat],' = Broken, rope is broken,(roken rope),


n]/muiw];put];'kan]./Pn];kic],m}.put];'{ = Lop, to cut off, lopped, lopping, lop, N.,

Kat],kGL,'yw].kGL,'Sbt];kGL,'kuit];kGL,' = Ending, N. termination, close,



t]:f};nn].'(tUv];kYam];Kun]Tt];Sin]16')= Snap, to act or move with quick or abrupt motions of the body: Samson

snapped, or broke the bowstrings as easily as a piece of string snaps when it comes close to a fame, snapped; snapping,


lc]kGL,pqt]:nn].Kat],put];tUk];kGL,lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,Suyw].")' = Being broken, (The addictions or bad

habits that have held you back are being broken in Jesus, name.),

Kat],ygk];' KUw];ygk];' sUik]:/m}Pc].'(sUik]:Pc].)' = Tattered, to become ragged, (tattered rope or cord),

Kat]:' = Rent, hire,

Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.'mk];Kan];w}.'/(Am],Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.Sc]) = Limited,/(unlimited),

Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Limitation,

Kat]:Kgp],mn];pqt]:miBn]Tt];Tqw]nG];Sa};nn].' = Draw a line in the sand,

Kat]:sUik]:mn];' Kat]:sUik]:mn];w}.' = Confine, circumscribe, confined, confining,

Kat]:tL'[ygt],nm].yL:yLtLSG],nG];tL'{' = Dropping eye drops,

Kat]:yam];' = Scaffold, to furnish with a scaffold or scaffolding, scaffolding,

Kat]:yam];'m}.Kat]:yam];' An]Kat]:yam];' = Scaffold, N., scaffolding,

Kat]:yim]' = Lease, a contract renting land or building, or car,

Kat]:yG];'(kUc],kaw]Kat]:yG];)' = Weave web, (spider weaving web,),

Kat]:lam];w}.'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Forecast, to predict,

Kat]:hiBn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Rent,

Kat];Kat];' Kat].Kat].' Kit].Kit].' = Scratching sound,

Kan]'[mUn],mUin]Tun]eKL,nG];cg};tc]:nm].Aun],'{'(Kan]eKL,KQw]:)' = Tartar, potassium bitartrate,(tartar teeth),

Kan]KQw]:' Kan]eKL,KQw]:' = Tooth incrustation, dental incrustation,

Kan]eKL,' Aw]An]kqn],mL;ehL,mL;mUm];SG],' = Incrust, incrusted, incrusting,


wut];wt];wt];{' = Stalactite, a deposit, usually of calcium carbonate, shaped like an icicle, hanging from the

roof of a cave or the like, and formed by the dripping of percolating calcareous water., stalagmite,

Kan]' Kan]pak],lat]:etL,' Kan]tan]:sU;' = Speak, to give audible expression,

Kan]sU;' Kan]:tan]:sU;' = Speak to, tell to,

Kan]sG]' Kam],Kan]sG]' = Suffer, suffered,


sG]nL,nL,'(SL,42;10') = Agony, N. : I am in agony in this fire; my bones suffer mortal agony,

Kan]sG]Kan]eKL;' = Miserable,

Kan]sG]Kan]eKL;' Auip];yak]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Misery, N., miseries,

Kan]sG]nL,nG];tac];ta}'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Agony of death,

Kan]sG]l}:mgc];pG].'[mgc];nL,pUn].tI:cw]epL;mgc]eSL,ehL,{ = Suffer with longing; long painfully for,

Kan],' Kut],' Kit],' Tuv]' TU' kat],Aw]' = Scrape, scraping,

Kan],'Kit],'(An]mgt],pqt]:hg};Kan],sgm];PLkL;)'hg};Kan],' hg};Kit],' = Scratch, (car scratch remover),

Kan],pqt],'[Kan],pqt]:eKL:lik]:Tqw]lik]:puk]:lik]:'{' = Cross out, erase, crossed out,

Kan];' Kan];hQt];'Kan];SG],'Kan];sG].'= Conscript, to compel into service, to draft for military or naval service,

Kan];Kgn],' tm];pUic]Kgn],' = Lay tax,

Kan];SG],ciun];' = Conscription, a compulsory contribution of money to a government during a time of war.,

Kan];hQt];Suik];' = Conscription, compulsory enrollment of persons for military or naval service; draft.,

Kan];w}.'[Kan];kUn];w}.tL,ka},KUw]Em;haw];tQc]P}lac];nm].tL,wan]:hw];{ = Draft, to take or select by draft,

Kan].' Kan].AiBn]liBn]'Am],k}.'(Kt];-k}.) = Lazy, idle, inactive, lazier, laziest, (ant: hard-working)

Kan].tUc].Kan].nuic]'(kUn];-/An]-)[kUn];Kan].AUin]lUin]{ = Shiftless, adj. shiftless man; idle or lazy man,

Kan].yin];' lIKan].' Kan].Tgm],' = Bore, bored, boring, to weary by dullness, tedious repetition,

Kan].yin];' = Tired of hearing, bore with hearing,

Kan].hn]' = Hate to see, dislike seeing, a feeling of strong dislike, animosity, N.,



n];Kan].' = Idle, not working or active,

Kap],' tqk],Kap],'(tin]Kap],'lin]tqk],Kap],') = Cracked open, (cracked heels, cracked open ground ),

Kap]:' Kap]:cU;' (cU;n}.lgk]:Kap],mn];tc];tUw])' = Snake shed skin, (snake sheds all-in one skin),

Kap]:tUw]'tUw]kUn];ta}' tUw]ta}' = Corpse, a dead body usually of a human being,

Kap]:kUc],kaw]' = Spider shed shell, spider skin,

Kap]:ngk]:'[An]Am],sG].tuiw];l}:/Am],pQn]tUw]l}:yw].nn].{'(Kap]:ngk]:kL;kw],An]ehLkin]w}.nn].)' = Corpse,

something no longer useful or viable: rusting corpses of old cars,

Kap]:ngk]:mn];' Kap]:ehL,ngk]:mn];'(pUk],lap]:lk];hUw].kuit];Kap]:ngk]:mn];kUv];yw].')' = Outer cover,

Kam],' Kam],hiuc]yiun];yaw];' mn]:kium];yibn];yaw];' = Endure, lastlong,

Kam],'Kam],l}:'Kam],-hG]l}:'(Kam],lgc]:kin];sG]nn].hG]:l}:l}:') = Endure, to hold out against, undergo:

endure hardship, endured, enduring,

Kam]'mak],Kam]'m}.Kam]' = Gooseberry, Emblic myrobalan,

Kam],kti'tUic],kGam];'tUic],wL:'kin],'kaw],' = Swear, swore, sworn, swearing,

Kam],ktiSqn].sL,' = Make vow,

Kam],kGam];ma}mn]:kn]w}.'tUic],Sqt].sL,ma}mn]:kn]w}.' = Pledge to be married,

Kam],Kw]:Ek:mn];'Kam],tac]Ek:mn];'(An]-) = Intercession, N. an act or instance of interceding,

Kam],Kan]sG]' sQp];sG]Kan]sG]' Kan]sG]sQp];mUv]:' = Suffer, suffered, suffering,

Kam],Kqk],'[hp].tgn]:/pn]tI:yU,tI:ngn];El:lQc].lUtc];lgc]:epYL,mUn]:tUn]:sG]pn]Kqk],{'Aup],Kqk],' = Entertain

guests, receive visitors; give hospitality to guests or strangers,


nn].Et.yw].")' = Defray, to bear or pay all or part of (the costs, expenses, etc.: The grant helped defray the

expenses of the trip,

Kam],sc];' ekL.l}:Kam],sc];'Kam],pUin]:sc];' = Victim of hate crime, hate crime victim,

Kam],sac];'hQt];sac];' = Become a Buddhist priest or monk, novitiate,

Kam],Sak]:eS,Kt];tUw]sw]:kw],' = Testify against yourself,

Kam],Sac],'hQt];Sac],' = Enter upon a novitiate for the priesthood; novitiate,

Kam],sL;nG];sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'nG];sG]' = Feeling, feel, felt,

Kam],sL;nG];sG]wL:PG]ekL:Am],KG]:hp].KG]:hn]mn];' = Feeling of rejection,

Kam],sL;nG];sG]PG]mn];' = Private feeling, personal and not publicly expressed:,


an],pQn]nn].)' = Feeling up to par,(If you aren’t feeling up to par),

Kam],sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]mUin]hUiw];Sc];ePL;tac];yum],mat]:lqw]nn].'(1Tim];1;19')' = Suffered

shipwreck with regard to the faith,

Kam],sQp];liBw]sG]' = Torment

Kam],sqt]:' l}:Kam],sqt]:' = Be examined, undergo investigation,

Kam],sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]' = Stand on trial, on trial,

Kam],sun].Sun],tUw]'(An]-)[An]Am],tUv];pun]:tUw]sw]:kw],kUv];'{ = Self-denial, N. unselfishness,

Kam],sun].tqn];tac]pn]' = Sacrifice of atonement,(Ro.3:25),

Kam],sun].miUw]:tiuk].mI;sG]ASak]:lip];yU,' = Living Sacrifices,

Kam],sun].lgc]:hUm],lUm]:' = Security risk,

Kam],es;sQm],mn];' sBm];ekYL,kYOik]:sG]' hp].sBm];Aw]' mUn]:sG]' = Enjoy,

Kam],es;sQm],mn];ekYL,ekYL,' = Enjoy yourself, let your heart be merry,

Kam],sG].hQt];' l}:Kam],sG].hQt];' = Involuntary,

Kam],Sak]:eS,' = Testify,

Kam],Sak]:eS,pn]'(SUetl}:Kam],Sak]:eS,pn]tL,kw]) = Bear testimony: you will bear testimony to me,

Kam],Sum];' Kam],tac];Sum];' Sum];' = Suffer loss, bear the loss or be a looser,

Kam],vL;En;tac];Pit];'l}:Tbk],vL;tam],'l}:hQt];Pit];Et.' = Convicted, adj.,

Kam],vL;En;tac];Pit];' l}:Tuk],vL;tam],' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Conviction,N.,

Kam],vgp];tQk];nQk];w}.' = Captivity, N., captivities,

Kam],tac]Ek:mn];'Kam],Kw]:Ek:mn];'(mn];sw]:Kam],Kw]:/tac]Ek:hw];pn']) = Intercede , intercede

with or for: He interceding for us, interceded, interceding,

Kam],tac]w}.pgt];nuic]:' = Stake, to mark or fasten with a stake, staked, staking,

Kam],tac];KI,nQk];tQk];tQc]w}.' l}:Kam],lgc]:KI,nQk];tQk];tQc]w}.' = Under pressure,

Kam],tac];ES.Sgm];En;SG],' = Condemned, adj.,

Kam],tam],' = Suffer for others deed,

Kam],tam],mn];'(etlUw],l}:Kam],tam],mn];)' = Pay the penalty: will have to pay the penalty,

Kam],tLngn];lu'[Am],ngn];l}:'Am],lp];Am],ngn];'{ = Robbed of sleep, cannot sleep: they are robbed of

sleep till they make someone stumble.(Prov.4:16),

Kam],tQk];tQc]w}.' = Captivated,

Kam],tqn],nak]:mc]ep.'mc]'Sbm];kan].' = Was defeated,

Kam],tI.vgp];w}.'l}:Kam],tQk];nQk];w}.'[mUin]l}:Kam],tivgp];w}.'{ = Held captive, captivated,


Sut];tL,mG];n}.pQn]An]mG];vL;hQt];km];luin];Sut];nn]."@!An]sQp];tuk].mUiw]:n}.n}.pQn]hqc];pun]:mUiw]:Puk]:'@)= Take

the risk, risk taking: “Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” “Your best teacher is your last mistake.”

“Today’s pain is tomorrow power.”,

Kam],tuik];EKl}:l}:' = Fortify, to furnish with a means of resisting force, fortified, fortifying,

Kam],TUp];Aw]'(hQt];Sc]El:hw];tk];lUw],l}:Kam],TUp];Aw]An]sQp];mUv]:Kan]sG]nn].lL,?')' = Undergo,

pass through, underwent, undergone,(Why must we undergo suffering?),

Kam],Tgk],lUit]:Agk],'(!]l}:Kam],Tgk], lUit]:Agk],@'Pi2;17')' = Being poured out: “… I am being poured

out ..”(Php.2:17),

Kam],nm].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Waterproof, N. waterproofing,


,kan]kL.Ka}An]nuic]:nn].)' = Vouch, to attest; guarantee (usually followed by for): to vouch for someone in a

business transaction, vouched,

Kam],pqp].tism],'Kam],pqp].tism],'hp].pqp].tism], = Baptize, baptized, baptizing,

Kam],pI<yaw];Kaw];huic]kGL,TL,wrL.' = Last throughout eternity,

Kam],f};l}:'Kam],P};l}:' = Can withstand fire,

Kam],mac],klL,pat],pa}nc]Aw]tI:sw]:Krit]:'[mac],klL,pat],pa}nc]Kam],Aw]tI:sw]:Krit]:{' =

Circumcised by Christ, Circumcision of Christ, (Col.11),

Kam],yap],'lUiw]sG]'kin];sG]'yap],yQn];Kan]sG]'yU,Puit],sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Hardship,

N. a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering, hardships,


Sum];kGL,nn].'{' = Pay compensation, pay restitution,

Kam],ygn].tam],tQk];tQc]nG];ASak]:PwkBn];hw];hQt];pqn]' = Pressures of life have taken out,

Kam],lqn]kin]ca}:'hLlqn]kin]'[pqt].'lqn]'lic].lim],ES:'{ = Dupe, delude; trick, duped, duping,

Kam],l}:' = Endure, to hold out against, undergo, endured, enduring,

Kam],l}:' Kam],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/)(sam];tUv];tac];Kam],mn];)' = Endurance: endurance test,

Kam],l}:hqc];Sn],tUc].' = Vibration resistant,

Kam],l}:huic]huic]' Kam],huic]' = Last long,

Kam],hp].yip];tibw];' = Assume, to take upon oneself, undertake,

Kam],hap],pQn]KL:sG].(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Bondage, servitude,

Kam],hQt];En' = Go about in, went about in, perform,

Kam],hiuc]' Kam],' huic]' Kam],huic]yuin];yaw];' = Last, last long; long lasting, lasted, lasting,

Kam],hiuc]'Kam],'(kun],Sin]KUw];Kgc]An]Kam],huic]) = Durable, adj. lasting: durable goods, durables, N. permanent,

Kam],hiuc]eSpUin]:' = Outlast, to endure or last longer than, outlasted,

Kam],huic]mn]:tuic]:tuic]:w}.'(wac];Pqn]JPL;sw]:n}.etKam],huic]mn]:tuic]:tuic]:w}.)' = Stand, to endure or

undergo without harm or damage: God’s plan will stand,

Kam],hiuc]yiun];yaw];' Kam],' mn]:kibm];yibn];yaw];tL,eS,' = Everlasting, lastforever,

Kam],hiuc]yuin];yaw];'Kam],'huic]'(lgc]:muit]:kuiw];Kam],huic]yuin];yaw];') = Lasting, adj. durable: a lasting friendship,

Kam],Aw]'(Kam],Aw]tac];yap],mn];)' = Undergo, to endure or suffer, (to undergo hardship),

Kam],Aw]pun]:Pgn];sun].' = Assumption of risk,

Kam],Aw]pun]:Pgn];mn];'(etAm],l}:Kam],Aw]pun]:Pgn];mn];'(Agk],21;28')= Held responsible: will not be

held responsible, or shall be quit,

Kam],Aa}' Kam],Aw]Aa}mn];' = Smell, to perceive something by its odor or scent,

Kam]:' yac]:Kam]:' Kam]:kGL,'(p}Kam]:kGL,Kam]:mL;epL;KG]:vL;yQp],)' = Step over, cross over,

Kam]:' Kam]:pUn].kGL,' = Across, from one side to the other,

Kam]:'SUc],pn]'yiun]:pn]'pUn].kGL,'lt];kGL,'Agc],'Agc],pUn].' = Pass, N. an act of passing,

Kam]:kn]'Sgt],kn]'(tac];kGac]:lUc]lt];Kam]:wQc];kGL,)' = Intersect, to cut or divide by passing through or cross,

Kam]:kGL,' Kam]:-kGL,' (etP};hUiw];Kam]:nm].pac],la},kGL,')' = Cross over,(to sail a boat cross over the sea),

Kam]:tac];' Kam]:' = Cross, crossed, crossing,

Kam]:tL:'Kam]:nm].' = Cross one harbor to another, cross a river,

Kam]:tL:' KIhUiw];Kam]:tL:'(KI,hUiw]:Kam]:tL:puk].klin];')' = Cross a ferry, (Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,),

Kam]:tI:nm].tuin]:'Kam]:tuiw].'[lt];Kam]:nm].hgc]:tI:nm].mn];tuin]:'{ = Ford, across a river at a ford,

forded, fording,

Kam]:Tqw]' = Cross the line,

!Kam]:tac];lUt].f};@' = “Railroad Crossing,”

!Kam]:tac];hUc];hQn];@' =“School Crossing”

Kam]:pqt]:' kzk];Kam]:' = Skip, skipped, to pass from one point to another,

Kam]:pUn].' vL;Kam]:pUn].pqt]:'vL;lut]:' = Trip, skip, tripped, tripping,

Kam]:pBn].kGL,pqt]:' = Walk out on, to desert, forsake,

Kam]:pUn].Kw]:kGL,' Kam]:pUn].Pa},pun].kGL,' = Across, on or to the other side of, beyond,

Kam]:pUn].Pa},tac];KGL' = Passing on the Right,

Kam]:pUn].Pa},tac];Sa}.' = Passing on the Left,

Kam]:pUn].mn];pqt]:eS' Kam]:pqt]:eS' pUn].pqt]:eS' = Get over it,

Kam]:pUn].mG];kGL,pqt]:' = Passed you by,

Kam]:hgt]:Tuic]k}'(An]Kam]:hgt]:Tuic]k}sgt],tUw]:lin]mUic];kU:tI:kU:lqn])' = Range, to pass over or through (an

area or region) in all directions: which range throughout the earth, ranged, ranging,

Kam];'[tUn]:tL,Aw]ygm].Pqn],pQn]SISgm],{'(Pqn],mn]:Sgm],lac];KUiw];)' = Indigo, N. any of numerous hairy belonging

to the genus Indigofera, of the legume family, having pinnate leaves and clusters of red or purple flowers; plants for blue dye,

Kam];pac]' = Occupy a camping station,

Kam];Aw]lg};lg};' Kam];hLlg};lg};'[Am],hip]:Am],nqt]:w}.Kan];mn];eShQt];kGL,lg};lg};{' = Moderately,

Kaw]' PUik],'(SIKaw]' SIPUik],') = White,

Kaw]Sgt],lgt],'(nac];Saw]Kaw]Sgt],lgt],Agn],)'Kaw]Sut],lut],' = Pretty white, (a little pretty white girl),

Kaw]SG]nc],mUv]' mUin]mUv]Kaw]'PUik],suin]:Kaw]SG]nc],mUv]' = White as snow,

Kaw]num],' PUik],lUic]Ait];Ait];' = Creamy white,

Kaw]nUn];' = Fluffy white,

Kaw]lw];hac]:lI' lw];lut];lut];' = Rosy white, (rosy white skin),

Kaw]El:lm]' lm]El:Kaw]' PUik],El:lm]' = White and black, black and white,

Kaw],'Kaw],caw];'[Kw]pgc],lqc];'Puin]Kaw],'Kaw],pg},'{(Kaw],lI')= News, N. information: newspaper; newscast: good news,

Kaw],kGam];Sc],' = Message

Kaw],kGam];Sc]nG];JtL;sw]:'eKL:kGam];Sc],nG];JtL;sw]:' = Gospel message,

Kaw],kGam];Sc],An]pn]lqc];' = Message of light,


w].)' = Encouraging message: said much to encourage and strengthen them,

Kaw],caw];lInn].Et.' = The good news is,

Kaw],San]'Suiw],Kaw],'sum];Siup],Kaw],'sum];Kaw],'Sa}Kaw],mItIyL,' = Media, N.,

Kaw],pgc],lqc];'Pa},pgc],Kaw],'(eKL:mun];'(Kaw],pgc],lqc];An]sG].tuiw];l}:') = Information, N.: factual

information; useful information,

Kaw],pgc],lqc];kQw],An]Tqm]pn]AL,hL,rL.' = Nutritional information,

Kaw],pgc],lqc];Pit];PUn]' Pa},pgc],Kaw],Pit];' = False information,

Kaw],pgc],lqc];lgc]:kGL,mL;p}An]Sac];lac];' = Simplified traffic information,

Kaw],pgc],lqc];lgc]:pk];pUic]' = Law info,

Kaw],pgm]' = Fake news, hoax,

Kaw],Pac];' (Aw]Kaw],Pac];ekYL;pqt].kin]kn]) = Scam, hoax, to cheat or defraud with scam,

Kaw],lI' Kaw],JtL;SiBw];epYL,' = Good news

Kaw],lIsw]:ey,Su' = Good news of Jesus,

Kaw],la};can];' Pibn]la};can];' pgc],Kaw],Kibn];'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Report, reports,

Kaw],la};can];sw]:hw];' = The Report of the Lord,

Kaw],la};can];Et,pn]'[Ktp{ = First information report, {FIR}

Kaw],libw];' = Rumor, N. also rumour, hearsay,

Kaw],ha}.sL.' = Bad news,

Kaw]:hUw].' m}.Kaw]:hUw].'(pk];lk];tc]:hUw].mn]:mn]:yw].SG],m}.Kw]:hUw].)' = Fence bars, fence cross bar,

Kaw];'Kaw];Kic],'Kic],' = Season,(Spring, Summer, Falls, Rainy, Winter,)

Kaw];kt];'Kic],kt];' = Winter,

Kaw];kac]Kiun];' kac]Kuin];' (nUic];kn]-kac]wn];'Kaw];kac]wn];')' = Nighttime, N., (compare daytime),

Kaw];kac]wn];' kac]wn];' (nUic];kn]-kac]Kiun];'Kaw];kac]Kuin];')' = Daytime, N., (compare nighttime),

Kaw];kan]yaw];lUn].huic]pUn].'[hQt];kan]tc];wn];pL;kac]Kuin];Suk].Sk].nm]nL,'{ = Work Crazy Hours,

Kaw];kibt];yc].libw]:lI' = Good breaks

Kaw];kibt];yc].libw]:An]Sc],Tbk],' = Right breaks,

Kaw];kibt];yc].pQn]pgt];pQn]tgn]:' liuw]:' = Break,

Kaw];Kic],nc]:pac]kbm]' = Session,


w].' =“The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled,” (Ezekiel 12:23,NIV),

Kaw];Kic],' Kaw];' !Kaw];kt];mBv]tBk];n};Ag}sgm];lg}epL;PiBk],Pqn]w}.@ = Season, Winter season,

Kaw];St];Kw]hgm];luk]:'[Kaw];wUw];/kGa};/SUw];/Ep.sL.kGL,An]St]:Kw]sgm];Pgk],kn]'{ = Breeding season,


la},wL,kYI;niy') = Weekend, N. adj. the end of a week: during black weekend; We spent the weekend at Virginia Beach,

Kaw];tac];' = Trip, journey, voyage,

Kaw];tac];k}yaw];lUc]' = Long way,

Kaw];tac];KI,hUiw];El,ekYL,'[KI,hUiw];Agk],Kaw];tac];El,ekYL,k}.pQn]An]kGL,SUik]:la}la}tL:nn].{ = Cruise, N. a

pleasure voyage on a ship, usually with stops at various ports,

Kaw];tac];Pw'(kUn];num],sUiw];tc]:Et,Agk],Kaw];PwPG],mn];kGL,') = Life journey: young people starting out on

life’s journey,

Kaw];tac];PwkUn];ekL.nuic]:' Kgp],wUc];sUw]:ASak]:pan]kUn];ekL.nuic]:'= Course of one’s life,

Kaw];tac];mG];etkGL,' = Journey that you are about to take, the course you are taking,

Kaw];tac];yaw];nL,epL;kUn].epL;nQt];' Kaw];tac];An]lIKan].' = Tedious journey,

Kaw];tac];yiBc];Aan];miBw];nL:'(hw];pQn]kUn];mI;Kaw];tac];yUic];Aan];mUiw];nL:AUiw]:') = Destiny, N.: We are

people of destiny,

Kaw];tac];yiBc];Aan];miBw];nL:An]JPL;sw]:tm];w}.pn]' = God-giving destiny,

Kaw];tac];An]Suip],pQn]kan]pQn]can];l}:' = Productive trip,




,mG]@n}eS!nL:Kat];kt];@n}.pQn]eKL:An]mUic];yU<eK,kYOik]:hgc].'(mUic];ta};ekL:hgc].wL:n}nc],kaw],)'{ = Fall, N. ‘fall’ is

favored in America and ‘autumn’ is preferred in the UK, both terms refer to the season between summer and winter,

Kaw];pat],Kw]:Sim];mak],' Kaw];pat],Kw]:' = Harvest season or time,

Kaw];pat],Kw]:Sim];mak],mn];n}.sm]Tuic]yw].' = Harvest is coming,

Kaw];pit];mak],' Kaw];pat],Kw]:pit];mak],' Kaw];pat],pit];Aw]' = Reaping season or time,

Kaw];pgt];tc];Kaw];yaw];' = Short- and long- term,

Kaw];PBn]'Kic],PBn]' = Rainy season,

Kaw];PUn]sa};'PUn]wa};'(epL;Kaw];PUn]wa};ekL:Kw]:Kaw];kt];mUic];t};') = End of rainy season,

Kaw];PBn]sa};'Kaw];PBn]hac]pI<' = In time of latter rain,

Kaw];m}:'Kic],m}:' = Summer

Kaw];yc].tL,pin],pn]kL:mn];'(emL<kit]<eA,JAL<Aqm]</kYI<pI,eA,JAL<Aqm]<) = Payment Change Interval,

Kaw];yc].w}.' libw]:'Kaw];kibt].yc].pQn]pgt];pQn]tgn]:' = Interval, break, pause,

Kaw];yap],yQn];Kan]sG]' Kaw];yap],tbk].Kan]sG]' = Tough time,

Kaw];yam];' yam];' wn];yam];' = Time,

Kaw];yam];kw]' yam];kw]' km];kw]' (n}.pQn]yam];/km];kw]lUw],hUiw]:lUc]w}.')' = My times, my time,

(This is my time to shine.),

Kaw];yam];sBw]:km];Agn],nibc]:' = For a little while,

Kaw];yam];SQc]:nL,' yip];tuiw];Kaw];yam];hiuc]nL,' = Time-consuming,

Kaw];yam];tc];nm]lBc]n}.' = A lot of time,

Kaw];yam];tm];ma}' (Kaw];yam];Kin];w}.)' = Set time,(appointed time),

Kaw];yam];tL,lgn].mgn];mn];' = Time is of the Essence, -Legal phrase in a contract requiring all

references to specific dates and times noted in the contract be interpreted exactly,

Kaw];yam];n}.pQn]Kgc]kL.kB;kn]An]kL:Kn]yG],nL,mI;w}.nG];ASak]:Pwhw];n}.yw]." = Time is the most

valuable commodity in life that we have.

Kaw];yam];n}.pQn]lgn].mn];' [n}.pgc],wL:lgc]:Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:Enn}.lUw],l}:mI;mL;sgm];wn];An]mat]:ma}

nn].eSEl:epL;Am],nn]Et.ptivin],nn].etek.sac]kGL,pqt]:yw].'{' = Time is of the essence,


Sum];ciun];nn].yw].{' = Time is money, If we don’t use our working time to earn money, we are in effect losing money,

Kaw];yam];n}.mn];pUn].w};nL,' = Time is running short,

Kaw];yam];pUn].kGL,lg};lg};' = Times went on, time passes slowly,

Kaw];yam];pUn].pqt]:'[Kaw];yam];pUn].kGL,w};nL,{ = Time flies, time passes very quickly,


nG];Tgc],nn].)'Kaw];mn];pUn].la}' = Time hangs or hung heavy, if time hangs heavy, it seems to passes

slowly because you do not have enough to do: Time hangs heavy on your hands in prison,

Kaw];yam];mn];pBn].yw].' = Time has passed,

Kaw];yam];mn];mUt];kGL,lg};lg};yw].' = Time is running out,

Kaw];yam];mn];p},Tiuc]' wn];mn];p},Tiuc]' = Time had not yet come,

Kaw];yam];mqn]:Kic],'(Kaw];yam];mqn]:Kic]mn];sw]:Kin];w}.)' = Timing, (His timing),

Kaw];yam];mqn]:Kic],mn];sw]:Kin];w}.' = His timing,

Kaw];yam];mqn]:Kic],mG];Kin];w}.' = Your timing,

Kaw];yam];ma}w}.pn]' = Stated time,

Kaw];yam];miUw]:kac]Kiun];Sut];' = An end of the night,

Kaw];yam];mG];tm];ma}' Kaw];yam];sw]:tm];ma}' = Your set time,

Kaw];yam];hiuc]nan];pUn].liUw]' (AUw]<TI<) 'lUiw]pUn].Kaw];yam];' = Over time, (OT)

Kaw];yam];An]Kin];w}.' Kaw];yam];Kin];' = Appointed time

Kaw];yam];An]Kin];w}.tL,mG];' = Your Appointed Time,

Kaw];yam];An]lUiw]kuit];w}.' = Leftover time,

Kaw];yaw];' = Long term,

Kaw];ygt]:mbn];mG],[wa};Kaw];kt];miBc];AEm,rikmUiw]:tUn]:pUc],PUiw]'Kaw];na};wa};'wa};Kaw];kt];'{= Spring, N. springtime,

Kaw];lQn]:kgp].f]' = Golf Season,

Kaw];El,kat],Krit]:Smt].' = Christmas shopping season,

Kaw];luiw]:' yam];luiw]:' = Recreation time, resting time,

Kaw];hqc]:' Kic],hqc]:' = Dry season, summer,

Kaw];hiuc]' = Last, endure, last forever,


w]:tt];Ek:Sun],l}:An]nn].Sc]n}.sUw]:yam];mn];huic]nan];mL;yw].nn].'{ = Prescription, N. b.(Law) also

called positive prescription., the process of acquiring rights by uninterrupted assertion of the right over a long period of time,



nn].'{' = Prescription, N. c.(Law) also called negative prescription., the loss of rights to legal remedy due to the

limitation of time which an action can be taken,


mL;yU,") = Course of time, in the course of time or in process of time; after some time has passed: in the course of time,

people learned to accept changes,


L;Am],tgc];l}:yw].nn].El:l}:pn]mI;Sun],l}:Suip],yip];sG].tuiw];kGL,nn].{' = Prescription, N. a.(Law) also called

positive prescription., a long or immemorial use of some right with respect to a thing so as to give a right to continue such use,

Kaw];huiw].'Kic],huiw].'nG];huiw].'huiw].' = Rainy season,

Kaw].' kUn];Kaw].'[pQn]kUn];sUw]:pan]kac]ASak]:mI;mgk]:him];hgm];nG];Ek:45El:65{' = Middle-aged, being of

the age intermediate between youth and old age, roughly between 45 and 65.,


,mUiw]:Kaw];tac];mn];kGL,mUiw];rUw];mnn].'(man],27;16'){ = Cauda, a form of Clauda,

KL' KLtw].' = Leg, legs,

KL' KLlUc]' Sn]KL' = Thigh, N.,

KL' KLSgc]ekL.' KUiw]Sgc]ekL.' hc];KL' (epL;lUic]Sgc]ekL.n}wL:!Kw]@n})' = They, plural pronoun for

two people,(“-“is called when they are more than two,), theirs, 

KLkp];etL,'(mqc];sUiw];mI;KLkp];etL,sac]:kzk];Kgk];ygk];kGL,nUiw]lin]'(lI;wa};11;21') = Jointed legs, jointed

legs above their feet: insects that have jointed legs for hopping on the ground,

KLkac],' KLkac],kgn]' = Bow limb,

KLkip]:Aqc]:'hgp],kip]:Aqw]'kip]:Aqc]:'(hgp]:luk]:Agn],kip]:Aqc]:') = Carry on hip: carry a baby on the hip,

KLkQc];' (kQc]Sam]KLsc],tm];mn]:)' = Leg of a tripod,

KLkUc];'KLmak],elL.' KLSpUk].' = Spokes of a spinning wheel,

KLEK.KLhan]:' kBn];KLEK.KLhan]:'KLlip]:' = Lame, the lame,

KLsG]' = Denying aid, to withhold food, clothing, shelter, medicine, etc from,

KL:sG].'(mUin]KL:sG].'epL;tan],KL:sG].') = Slave, N. a bond servant: like a slave, slaves,

KLSpUk].'[Sik]:m}./lQk];hQt];KLtw].Kgp],nG];mak],elL.etL,kqn]kac]mak],elL.'{ = Spokes, N.,

KLtw].' = Post, leg,

KLtUc],' = Bow-leg,

KLtu' = Artificial limb, artificial leg,

KLetpL;kn]tUk];luk];lw]kGL,yw].' = Both will fall into a pit,

KLnL:'[KLKgn]nL:tUw]St];'mqc];tc];la}'{ = Foreleg, N. one of the front legs of animal,

KL/Kqn]put];'muiw];/tin]put];'tin]put];muiw];put];' = Maim, N. a physical injury especially a loss of limb,

KLPImn];'[pn]tam]mn];tL,Em;pn]hG]:mqn]:nn].'{ = Castigate, to punish in order to correct, castigated,

KLlw];lqp]:hac]:cam];nL,' = Graceful legs,

KLlip]:' = Shrunken leg, shriveled leg,

KLhk];KLkqc].' kUn];KLhk].KLkqc].' kqc].' = Cripple, cripple legs,

KL,' = Frame for drying or frame on the fire place,

KL,' Kiuw],' han].' pqn]:tgp]:' = Mezzanine,




epL.mG];AUiw]:km].'@(kUn];KL,Ek,'(eKL:KrL,Ek,Kuin];tgp],pUin]:')' = Saucy, adj. insolent; pert: a saucy child; an insolent

person; an insolent reply, saucily, adv.,

KL,tqc]sic]' Sc].tqc]' Sc].tqc]sic]' = Frame for cucumbers,

KL,nn],'(es:tgn]:) = Canaan,[the ancient region lying between Jordan and the dead sea, Gen 12:5-10]

KL,nn],'[luk]:sa};'hqm];'pQn]sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],nUw];AL,'{(cw]:10) = Canaan, a descendant of Ham, the son of Noah.],

KL,nL.'[suiw]:hgc]:mUic]Agn],El:suiw]:wQc];tI:lqn]lin]sap]:pgt];hgc],Pqn],lin]mUic];AL;SYL;'{(eyL;16;8')= Kanah,

the name of a brook and a city on the northern border of the territory of Asher,

KL,pU;'[es:tgn]:nG];Ek:lI,lI;(np].Tla};)'{(1Kun]9;11-13') = Cabul, a district in Galilee (or Naphtali),

KL,pU;'[wQc];lqn]lin]mUic];AL;SYL;'{(eyL;19;27') = Kabul, a border town in the territory of Asher; Cabul,

KL,Pk];ng};' KL,mak],nm].tw]:' KL,pk].' = Frame for snake gourd, gourd, pumpkin, etc.,

KL:' kw]KL:' kw]' = I, me, my, 

KL:'kBn];hap],Tam];kan]'kBn];sG].kBn];Sg}'kBn];sac]:'lbk]:lQc].' = Servant,

KL:' KL:hqm]ta}' KL:mn];ta}' = Slain, slaughter,

KL:kuv]' = Comb thread after sizing,

KL:sa};'[kUn];sa};ekL.Kam],sG].him];tin]him];muiw];epL:lQc].{' = Male servant, manservant, valet, butler,

KL:sa};tc];KL:yic];'(KL:sa};tc];KL:yic];mG];') = Male and feamle servants: your male and female servans,

KL:sG].' = Slave

KL:sG].sw]:Krit]:'(1ekL;7;22')' = Christ’s slave,

KL:sG].etL,sUw]:'(lI;wa};25;46')' = Slave for life, permanent slave; bondman for ever,

KL:tUw]ta}' = Suicide,

KL:Tgt]:mYat]:mUt];sac],'(KL:Tgt]:mYat]:mUt];sac],ekL.pQn]sw]:ey,Su'(man],4;30') = Holy

servant: holy servant Jesus,

KL:mL;etL,nL:sw]:hw];eAL:wn];miBw]:n}.' = I come before You today,

KL:miun];tLmuc]:hqn]Kuin]:sU;sw]:hw];yw].' = Lift my eyes to You,


c];wac];sG]wivin],nn]." = I lift up my eyes from the natural realm into the spiritual realm.

KL:yic];Agn],'[yic];ekL.hap],Tam];kan]sw]:kan]Kun]{'(mqt]:26;69)' = Servant girl,

KL:yuk].ygc]:Puc];yG],hUc]hac];sw]:hw];tc];SQc]:tc];mUt];' = I give You all the glory,

KL:lIlUc]hUc]hac];'[sw]:ey,SuKrit]:'{' = Supreme Servant, Jesus Christ,

KL:hap],Tam];kan]ekL.Kun]ehLKm];yum],ym]sm]sG]' = Trusted personal servant of the king,

KL:hqm]ta}' = Killing a violent death, an event that causes someone to die,

KL:Agk],pqt]:'[sqk],KUw];Kgc]An]elL;El:w}.nG];Eh:hin]nn].EPPat],kn]Agk],{= Precipitate, precipitated,

KL:yic];' siUc].nac];' = Maid, female servant, maidservant,

KL:lUik];sgm];SQn]:tac];sw]:hw];yw]." = I choose Your ways.

KL:lUik]:hp].lgc]:lIsw]:hw];yw]." = I choose Your goodness.

KL:hw];'[yip];tuiw];mUiw]:lat]:etL,JPL;sw]:'k}.Aw]lat]:etL,kUn];nm]nn].wL:SUsw]:hw];KL:n}'{' = I, me,

KL:hw];Kw]' hw];' hw];KL:' = We,


k]:lQc].' = Servant, N.: supreme servant; faithful servants,

KL:Aw]lgc]:tL,tUv];Tiuc]pn]KL:sUiw];nn].KL:mgp],Aap]:w}.tI:sw]:tc];mUt];mUt];" = I

release my cares to You,

KL;' KL;tgc]' = Thatch, the leaves of various palms that are used for thatching,

KL;' = Thatch grass, kind of grass used for thatch,

KL;kL,'[Agc]:tI:lqn]lin]sap],mUic];yutpgt];san];tI:PG]Am],hU.nn].'{(eyL;15;3') = Karka, Karkaa,

KL;KQw]' = Thatch grass while growing, green thatch grass,

KL;yUiw]:kgn],' = Thatch grass, kind of wild grass used for thatch,

KL;lUp];sgm]' KL;Aup].sgm]' = That for covering along the ridge of top roof,

KL;hqc]:' = Dried thatch grass,

KL;hgm]' = Lemon grass,

KL.Ka}'[Ser,Am],lI'nm].ym]tqm],'Am],Tuk],mqn]:sG]'Ka}eKL;/suiw]:pUin]:'{'(l}:Kam],tac];KL.Ka}) = Disrepute, N.

bad repute; low regard; disfavor; slander: brought into disrepute; be slandered,

KL.Ka}'lL,'hibt];lL,kn]'TL.'pgc].TL.'huit];lL,Ka}eKL;kn]' = Slander, slandered, slangering,

KL.sibw]:piBn]:'KL.KUiw];pUin]:'(kUn];-/ekL.-/)' = Gossip, gossips, gossiper, gossipers,

KL.sibw]:piBn]:' KL.KUiw];pUin]:' KL.' = Gossip, N.,


,sUiw];tuik].kuit];mI;w}.nn].'{(Sin]8;10') = Karkor, a place in Transjordan where Gideon and his army defeated the

remnants of the Midianite army,


Carpus, a resident of Troas with whom the apostle Paul left his cloak. (2 Tim. 4:13),

KL:kUn];sG].nL:hUin];'[sa};/yic];ekL.yU,kin]sgm];pUin]:eSKam],hQt];kan]nG];hUin];pn]{ = Household servant,

KL<Sluhim]<'kUn];KUiw];KL<Sluhim]<'[KL<Sluhim]<'{(cw]:10;14')= Kasluhites, Casluhim, Casluhim,

KL<Tn],'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];np].Tla};'{(eyL;21;32) = Kartan, a city in the territory of Naphtali,

KL<TL,'[wQc];nG];lin]mUic];sqp].pYOln],tm];w}.pn]KUiw];lI;wa};'{(eyL;21;34')= Kartah, a city assigned to the Levites,

KL<em,l'(lg})[krem,lL.{ = Carmel, [a ridge of mountain reign NW of Israel,(1Ki 18:19)],

KL<em,l'[suiw]:lg}El:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(1Sqm];25;2') = Carmel, the name of a mountain range and a town,


Kamon, a burial place of Jair the Gileadite, who judged Israel for 22 years, Camon,

KL<m};'[luk]:sa};rupqn]<'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sam]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(Agk],6;14')'= Karmi, Carmi, a son of Reuben,

KL<m};'[luk]:sa};rupqn]<'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]/Sam]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:46;9')' = Carmi, a son of Reuben,

KL<ltiy'[es:tgn]:nG];mUic];pqp]<plun]mUiw]:kgn],'(ey,51;24'){ = Chaldea, an ancient region in Babylonia,

KL<lEn<'[wQc];nG];es:tgn]:mqt],SUw],pUw],et;niy'){(cw]:10;10') = Kalneh, a city in Mesopotamia, Calneh,

KL<lL<'[wQc];nG];mUic];wgc].ehLKm];ASI;riy'{(cw]:10;11') = Calah, a city of Assyria,

Kic]'Kic]lUc]'hUw]Kic]'[tUn]:Kic]{(Pk];kat],kqc]El:nm].yL:KUm]n}.SG],Kic])= Ginger, N. ginger plant, ginger root,

Kic]kUw]:' = Ginger salad,

Kic]num],' = Baby ginger,

Kic]lic];' Kic]Agn],' = A kind of ginger,

Kic]hqc]:' = Dried ginger,

Kic],' yam];' mUiw]:' Kaw];yam];' = Time,

Kic],' Kaw];' = Season,

Kic],kt];' Kaw];kt];' = Winter season, cold season,

Kic],kin]' mUiw]:kin]' = Eating time, meal time,

Kic],Kaw];yam];lQw]kn]' = At the same time,

Kic],nn].km];lQw]' Tc]tI:' = On the spot,

Kic],ngn];' mUiw]:ngn];' = Sleeping time,

Kic],m}:' Kaw];m}:' = Summer, hot season,

Kic],mUiw]:mqn]:Kaw];yam];mn];tL,kw]n}.tuik].mL;yU," = My due season is coming,

Kic],lG]eSAm],wL:' mUiw]:lG]eSAm],wL:' = Whenever, any time,

Kic],hqc]:' Kaw];hqc]:' = Dry season, summer,

Kic],huiw].' Kaw];huiw].' nG];huiw].' Kic],PUn]' = Rainy season,


mn];') = Abnormally, adv. untimely; out of due time: abnormally born or born out of due time, (ant: due time; timely; )

Kic],Am],Tuk],mUiw]:Am],Tuk],'(Kt];-mqn]:Kic],mqn]:mUiw]:mn];'Tuic]yam];mn];') = Out of due time, untimely;

abnormally, (ant: due time; timely; due course;)

Kic];'[Kic];n}.pQn]AU:Pa},AU:hw];'{(nUic];-pU,') = Grandpa, N. one’s paternal grandfather, grandfather,

Kic];'[lat]:miUw]:hgc].kn]Am],tUk],siuw]:'(pI:lg}'nL.lg}'Aaw]lg}'nL.lg}'pL:lg}'luc];lg}'Agk],lg}'na};lg}'pU,lg}){= Guy, informal,

Kic];'luc];'ekL.'(AUiv];&Kic];/luc];' hUiv];&ekL.')' = Guy: Hey Guys!, fellow, buddy,

Kic];'Kic];AUiv];'luc];'luc];AUiv];'(Kic];AUiv];'kw]Am],sG]:/pQn]') = Man: “ Man, I am not&”,

Kic];kzc];'luc];kzc];'[kUn];sa};Pk];kL,ekL.yU,(kin]El:ngn];tL,eS,)nG];kzc];mun]sw]:eSsg}:kan]kzc];'{= Male

layperson who lives in a temple or monastery,

Kic];'luc];'ekL.'(Kic];n}.'luc];n}.'ekL.n}.')' = Fellow, N. guy: this fello; this guy,


hc];pUin]:n}.'mn];tk];etl}:TUp];eP;An]pQn]f};cra};lUc]nn].Am],hac].yw]."(mqt]:tiw];'5;22'){=‘You fool’: But

anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.(Mtt 5:22),

Kic];Kic];Kgc];Kgc];' Kgc];Kgc];Kqc];Kqc];'(SQc]hic],emL;Kgc];Kgc];Kqc];Kqc];/Kic];Kic];Kgc];Kgc];)' = Jingling: jingling bell,

Kic];mgn],' pU,mgn],' = Great grandpa,

Kic];hw];'[ekL.pQn]AU:AU:hw];Am],nn]pQn]PUw]Agk],hw];{'Kic];' = Grandfather, father of father or husband of mother

of father, grandpa,

Kic];El:Agk],'[AU:AU:El:Em:AU:{ = Grandfather and grandmother, parents of one’s father,


wL:yU,nL,PG]sG].mG];kGL,?'luc];AUiw];mn];pQn]nn]sc],pQn]n}yw].mG];wL:')' = Man, Interjection.,

Kit],' = Stroke, to mark with a stroke or strokes, stroked,

Kit],sp];f};' = Spark,

Kit],Tqw]'Kit],mk];'Tt];Tqw]' = Line, to mark with a line or lines, lined, lining,(to line paper for writing,),

Kit],mk];Tt];Tqw]mn];w}.El:' = Draw the line, to imposed a restriction,

Kit],lgk];eSSac];lac];En' = Diagram, a drawing or plan that outlines and explains the parts,

Kit];' = Raise one end or side,

Kit];' Kit];kUn]:' = Duck, to lower the head or body, ducking,

Kit];kUn]:mit];Aqw]' kL:Kit];kUn]:mit];Aqw]' = Wobble, wobbled, wobbling,

Kit];Kiun]:' la},tLKit];Kiun]:' = Slanted eyes,

Kit];Kiun]:Kit];lUc];' = Seesaw, movie in a seesaw manner,

Kit];tc]:tU;' min]Sqw]:lUv];tgk],Kiun]:' = Somersault, v. N., summerset,

Kit];pUk];Kit];pk];' kL:Kit];pUk];Kit];pk];' = Acrobatic,

Kit];lUm].' lUm].Kit];pk];lUc]kGL,' = Trip and fall down,

Kit].run],'[wQc];nG];Pqn],lin]mUic];sqp].pYOln],'{(Sin]1;30')' = Kitron, a city in the territory of Zebulun,

Kin]nL,'[wQc];lqn]lin]sap]:mUic];yutpgt];san];'{(eyL;15;22') = Kinah, a city on the southern border of Judah,

Kin]nL;rqt]<'[wQc];np].Tla};An]mI;Pc]sQc],hgc],wn];tUk];nm].pac],la},Ek;lI,lI;'{(ehL;3;17') = Kinnereth, a

city of Naphtali on the north-west shore of the Sea of Galilee; Chinneroth, Chinnereth,


(Kin]Kt];sG]SG],hqc];hQt];kU:An])' = Exert, to put forth or into use, exerted,(to exert every effort,),

Kin];' = Appoint, set a time or date, appointed, appointing,

Kin];wn];w}.pqk],pqk],' = Appoint a different day,

Kin];w}.' = Appointed

Kin];w}.'liBk]:pn]pbn]:Pgn];nL:kan]'Aap]:sn].kan]'(An]-) = Appointment,

Kin];w}.TL:'[pQn]/hQt];/mgk],w}.TL:mUiw]:p},Tuic]wn];mn];nn].{(mn];tqm]:mG]KYqk].pn]Kin];w}.TL:Sam]wn];') =

Predate, antedate: He predated the check by three days, predated, predating,

Kin];hUp].'(Kin];hUp].kn]km];Agn]tac];Sut];Sut];) = Dating, (First dating),

Kip].sAim];'[wQc];lI;wa};kUn];KUiw];KUw]<hqt].'{(eyL;21;22') = Kibzaim, a city of Kohathite Levites,

KQk].'Kw]:mun];KQk].'[t};hw];wan]:ngk]:hgc].wL:Kw]:mun];K},k},{'(Kw]:mun];KYit].KQk].')' = Cake, (Cheese cake),

KQc]' = Chopping block, chopping board,

tUw]sw]:kw],'sw]:kw],'(!tUw]sw]:kw],hc];mn];'@!hG]:tUw]sw]:kw],mn];tUiw];lI'@) = Shelf, N. a person or

thing referred to with respect to complete individuality; personal interest: “ one’s own self””his better shelf.”, shelves,

tam]tUw]'sw]:kw],'[tam]tUw]kw]'tam]tUw]mn];' tam]tUw]mn];nac];'{ = Shelf, pronoun. Myself, himself,

herself, etc., shelves,

hc];sw]:kw],'hc];tUw]kw],'Kgc]mn];hc];mn];' = Shelf, adj. being of one piece with,

KQc],' KQc],tac],' kac].' = Shelf, N., frame, or stage, shelves,

KQc],' pn],pbt]:' pin],pa},' = Mutual, reciprocal,

KQc],tac];lU,JPL;'KQc],tac],'KQc],JPL;' = Altar, N. an elevated place or structure on which sacrifices are offered,

KQc],tac],'KQc],JPL;'[KQc],/PUin]tac],An]kum];kn]kin]ygc]:eyL;{ = Altar, N. commuion table,

KQc],tac];lU,JPL;An]hk];kan].yUt],pc];w}.nn].' = Broken alter,

KQc],tL.' lL,tG]:Sin]:tG]:SiBw]:'yUc];etL;S']' = Taunt, provoke by taunt, insult,

KQc],tI.SQc]' = Antenna tower or stand,

KQc],tI:pUc]tm];pUic]'(eyL;22;10') = Impossing altar,

KQc],t}:tQn];' = Shelf for candle lighting,

KQc],t}:tQn];hgm]lU,'[KQc],t}:tQn];hgm]/sut],Pgc]hgm]nm],SL,{(Agk],30;1'lI;wa};4;7')= Altar of incense, altar

of fragrant incense, altar of sweet incense, incense altars,

KQc],np].ym]kn]' = Mutual respect,

KQc],nm].' = Shelf for water buckets, bamboo containers,

KQc],PIEm:mgk],yL:'[kzc];pik]:man],Em:mgk],yL:{ = Shrine prostitute, temple prostitute,

KQc],JPL;' = Self or stage for placing Buddhist statues or images,

KQc],mgk],emL:nm].' = Flower jars or pots stand, flower pots self,

KQc],Aum],nm].' KQc],emL:nm].' = Water stand,

KQc],lik]:' KQc],pp].lik]:' = Book self, book selves

KQc],ham]' EK.ham]' = Palanquin,

KQc],ham]kUn];pQn]' EK.ham]kUn];pQn]' = Stretcher,


= Pulpit, N. a platform or raised structure in a church from which the sermon is delivered,

KQc]:' KQc]:sUik]:' sn]KQc]:' hut].'ht].' = Strain, to draw tight or taut,

KQc]:' sn]KQc]:' = Tense, drawn taut,

KQc]:' Kqc]' kqn],' = Harden,

KQc]:Kqc]'yap],'kYam];'kqn],' = Hard, hard pathways,

KQc]:Kqc]'[mak],hUw]sG]kUn];tc];la}n}.KQc]:Kqc]mL;nL,nL,'{' = Calloused, adj. made hard, harden, waxed gross,

KQc]:KQc]:'ham].KQc]:KQc]:' = Harshly, ungentle and unpleasant, brutal,

KQc]:KQc]:'(An]-)(w}.nL:tLmG];KQc]:KQc]:') = Flint, N. something very hard or unyielding: set your face like a flint,

KQc]:KQc]:'(mak],hUw]sG]KQc]:KQc]:')' = Flinty, adj. composed of lint; unyielding; obdurate: a flinty heart,

KQc]:Kqc]kYam];nL,'pUic]:tuin];Am],l}:'(pk];pUic]KQc]:Kqc]kYam];nL,)' = Rigorous, adj. rigidly severe: rigorous

laws, rigorously, adj.,


n];kin];'An]KQc]:tin];tin];'{ = Rigor, N. strictness; austerity,

KQc]:Kqc]nL,' = Tensely, stretched tight,

KQc]:Kqc]nBk],nLTibw]'(KQc]:Kqc]nBk],nLTibw]El:sG]tbk];KIm}:') =Uptight, uptight and stress,

KQc]:tin];tin];w}.' = Fractious, unmanageable, irritable, in a bad mood,

KQc]:tin];tin];'[Am],ngm];PG]/Am],ygn],yan];hLPG]{(emLSgn]ekL.nL:KQc]:tin];tin];) = Austere, adj.

uncompromising, severe in manner or appearance: an austere teacher, austerity, N.,


Austerity, N. uncompromising; strict; lacking softness; sober, austerities, austere, adj.,

KQc]:etL,'[Am],AQt];lU{' = Harden, to make or become pitiless or unfeeling, hardened, hardening,

KQc]:etL,kn]' = Tension, emotional strain,


tuit].nL:KQc]:eSwL:')' = Sternly, adv.(He warned them sternly. Jesus said sternly,),

KQc]:nL:huit];Sc],Sgn]hG]:sgm];pUic]ma}mI:lI' = Stern discipline, grievous punishment,

KQt],' = Frog,

KQt],kUp];'Aac],AUp];' = Bullfrog,

KQt],min]' = Flying frog,

KQt],lqw];' KQt],KLyaw];' pat],' = Long legged frog,

KQt],Agn],' = Small frog,

KQn]' PU:KQn]' = Enemy,

KQn],'(sac]:Km];KQn],wqn])'hQt];wqn]' = Make, shape, (Goldsmith making bangle),

KQn],Km];tQk];/Km];Kqp];' = Making gold leaf,

KQn],cuin];mQt]./yg}:'Ait],Agk],ciun];' = Mint, to make (coins, money, etc.) by stamping metal, minted,

KQn],/hQt];la};mgk],'pQn]la};mgk],cuin];Km];' = Filigree, filigreed, filigreeing,

KQn],hac]:KiBc]:' Kp].hqn];tm];pn]' = Design, designed, designing,

KQn];KQn];hUw]'(la};KQn];KQn];hUw])' = Put on a turban, (How to put on a turban),

KQn];' pUn];m}' wQn];' = Wind, wound, winded, winding,

KQn];eKL;' = Bind around your neck,

KQn];Kgn].'kQw]:Kgn].'(Aw]m}KQn];Kgn]./cU;kQw]:Kgn].) = Winding rod, shaft, stick, cane, or staff etc.

KQn];pUk].muiw];'[la};KQn];pUk].muiw];tL,hqm]pgk].sic];{' = Hand wrapping, (how to wrap your hands for boxing),

KQn];PL:kaw]:' = Wrapping fabric around the calf of the leg,

KQn];yUc].mn];'(Aw]Pqn],KQn];yUc].lQk];tL,hQt];yUc].f};)' = Winding frames, (fabric winding lampshade


KQn];hgp]:' KQn];hgp]:tUw]' = Wrap around the body,

KQn],hQt];'(Tup].tg},hQt];pQn]KUw];yip];tuiw];)' = Forge, to form by heating and hammering; beat into shape., forging,

KQn],hQt];Kqp];l}:' = Malleable, capable of being extended or shaped by hammering or by pressure from rollers,

KQn],hQt];hac]:Pac]pn]' = Shape,

KQn];' = Winding,

KQn];hUw]' = Turban,

KQn]<'(kL,AinL.-nG];kYam];lik]:t};kw],)' = Cain

KQn]<'[luk]:sa};lUc]AL,tm],El:Aip]<KLmI;ekL.Agn]tac];Sut];{ = Cain, [the first son of Adam and Eve,(Gen. 4)],

KQn]<'[luk]:sa};lUc]AL,tm],El:Aip]<KLmI;ekL.Agn]tac];Sut];pQn] pI:Aa}:AL;pUiw]<{(kL,AinL.-nG];kYam];lik]:t};k

w],)'KQn];' = Cain, [the first son of Adam and Eve,(Gen. 4)],

KQm]' [KQm]yQp].sak]:'KQm]Aw]muiw];Sg}'{' = Needle,

KQm]eKL' = Safety pin, brooch pin,

KQm]sI;Pgk]:lUit]:'KQm]Pc].KYOiw]<'[KQm]emLyLKw]yip];tuiw];tL,sup],Aw]lUit]:pa}muiw];kUn];{' = Dermal

capillary puncture,

KQm]Spric];' = Spring needle,

KQm]Sp];mgk],' la};mgk],KQm]Sp];' = Needle point,

KQm]Sm];' KQm]Srin];' = Syringe needle,

KQm]Sm];la};' Sam]:' = Tattoo needles,

KQm]Sg}ekL:m}hgm];Kun]p}ekL:nac];sgm];'(kGam];kp];Tuk],)' [tuin];ep.sG]kGL,sgm];{'mG];kGLtac];lG]ekL:kw]etkG

L,sgm];' = I’ll go wherever you may go,

KQm]Sg}yQp].sp];'yQp].sp];' yQp].' Sg}yQp].sp];' = Stitch, stitched, stitching,

KQm]etL;lqm]:lQw]'[KQm]pa}mn];mI;eKLkgc].tL,kgc].ma}etL;hQt];mak],/KQn];hUw]ma}KUn]SUw];nn].{ = Crochet, N.,

KQm]mak]:mQt];' = Hook pin,

KQm]mat],' = Brooch pin,

KQm]mat],' = Pin,

KQm]mat],ekL,lL,lL.AUk];'[KQm]hac]:mat],tI:ekL,lL,lL.AUk];SUiw]:kut]:KUw];sum],nn].{' = Lapel pin, N.,

KQw]'[KQw]Ek,'KQw]num],'pL,yiUw]:KQw]siw];ciw];'{ = Green, [dark green, light green, nature lush green lawn],

KQw]' KQw]KQw]' = Green, greenish,

KQw]Ek,'(SI) = Dark green color,

KQw]saw];caw];'[KQw]nL,ca};mUin]pL,m}.pQn]TUin],lUc]w}.mUin]nm].tuic];luik].luik].{' = Is very green,

KQw]siw];ciw];' = Natural green lawn color,

KQw]siw];ciw];'[KQw]siw];ciw];{(AUw]eS;Sit].S]tI:KQw]siw];ciw];)'siw];ciw];' = Verdant, adj.: a verdant Oasis,

KQw]Sgm],'(SI) = Green blue color,

KQw]TUw],'(SI) = Green bean color,

KQw]tL,eS,'[tUn]:An]mG]mn];KQw]tL,eS,tc];pI<{ = Evergreen, adj. N. an evergreen plant or tree,

KQw]num],'(SI) = Light green color,

KQw]mn];'[ekL.hQt];kUn];KQw]mn];pn]'{ = Go-between, N. middleman, arbitrator, liaison, negotiator; emissary,

KQw]mUn],eSL,ehL,' = Myrtle green,

KQw]liUc]'(SI) = Green yellow color,

KQc],PI,/JPL;'Tm]:PI/JPL;'Tat]:kqw]:'kgc];mU;'= Shrine, N. any structure or place as an altar, chapel, or temple,

KQw]hL,lUic]'(SI)(tLKQw]hL,lUic],)' = Hazel: hazel eyes,

KQw]Ait];Ait];' KQw]KQw]Agn],' = Greenish,

KQw],' KQw],PL.' = Flat iron ring on a large knife handle,

KQw]:'[tUm]:huic]huic]Kiuw],hG]:nm].epL;hqc]:kuit];AUn]'{'(lup],SUiw]KQw]:')' = Boil down, boil to get a liquid paste,

KQw]:' = Teeth, tooth,

KQw]:kp];' KQw]:tu' = Artificial tooth,

KQw]:kqn];'[kin]SUm]:El:kqn];'kin]nm].kt];/lUit],/An]sQm];wan]El:kqn];'{= Tooth sensitivity; often called a

ommon cold of dentistry,

KQw]:Km];[KQw]:Aw]Km];Aum],ngk]:mn];w}.{(kUn];mI;mUiw]:kgn],k}.El,SG],KQw]:Km];w}.la}la}Sik]:) = Gold-plated teeth,

KQw]:Kqp],'[KQw]:An]etAgk],luin];Sut];tc];lc]/Kac]:lup],kac];nn].{' = Wisdom tooth,

KQw]:Kiun]:' KQw]:sQp];' KQw]:mUv]:' = Toothache,,

KQw]:Kgn];' = Tooth shaking, loose and shaky tooth,

KQw]:cL;' cL;' = Canine tooth, eyetooth,

KQw]:cgk]:' = Protruding teeth,

KQw]:Sut];' = Double tooth,

KQw]:Sgn],' KQw]:T},' T},KQw]:' = Shed tooth, tooth that has been shed,

KQw]:Sgn].' = Double teeth,

KQw]:tu' = Denture, an artificial replacement of one or several of the teeth (partial denture), or all of the teeth (full

denture) of either or both jaws; dental prosthesis.,

KQw]:tu' KQw]:kp];' = Artificial tooth,

KQw]:T},' T},KQw]:' KQw]:Sgn],' = Tooth that has been shed,

KQw]:mac]:' = Tooth loss, missing tooth,

KQw]:mqc];' = Tooth decay,

KQw]:mUiw]:lQk].' = Primary teeth, deciduous teeth, milk teeth baby teeth,

KQw]:lUc]' = Molar, molar tooth, grinder,

KQw]:kaw].'[KUic]:lQk];mUn];mak],elL.mI;hI.An]Sgt],SG]kI,yL,sak]pn],Ka}.'{ = Cog, N. a gear tooth; a cogweel; cog teeth,

KQw]:hk];' = Broken tooth,

KQw]:hac],tac];kin]Km]' tac];kin]Km]KQw]:' nUiw].Km]KQw]:' = Teeth food trap,

KQw]:hUc]:' = Missing tooth, missing teeth,

KQw]:Agn],' = Front teeth, incisor,


= Jagged,: the jagged edge of a saw,

KQw];'[PL.pYL;lQk].yaw];mgc].mgc].ca};hac]k},etL,pQn]tL,Aw]pat],Kw]:pat],yUiw]:{' = Sickle,

Kqk],'[kUn];mL;ygn];ngn];hUin];{(kw]pQn]Kqk],mL;El,tI:n}:kUv];)= Guest, stranger, visitor: I’m a stranger or visitor here,


An]Agk],Kaw];tac];Am],nn]An]ca};lgc]:sUiw];nn].eSmL;El,'Kqk],'{ = Visitor, N. a person who visits, as for

reasons or friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like; guest,

Kqk],sUiw];Pit]:mL;kin]Kw]:Km]:sgm];'Kqk],mgk],mL;kin]Kw]:Km]:' = Dinner guests,

Kqk],sUiw];Am],mgc];KG]:hG]:mL;' = Undesirable guests,

Kqk];' Kqk];tUw]lik]:/hac]:'[Aw]An]Pa}pa}lqm]hqT];hg};nUiw]An]kqn],{' = Engrave, engraved, engraving,

Kqk];'(lat]:lgc]:lIKG]:KUw]SG],tUw]Kw]nc],kn]eSKqk];kn]')' = Poke, poked, (poke fun at themselves and each other),

Kqk];'Kgk];'[Kqk];Aw]An]Km]/sp];w}.tac];nG];/hip],w}.nG];Ek:nn].Agk],'{ = Poke with a small or tiny tool,

Kqk];'(niuc]:Kqk];n}.mI;0.005Agc]<sL.'0.114174krm],')(8Kqk];n}.1Ep;) = Khek, 0.005oz or 0.14174g,(8 kheks equal a Bae),

Kqk];kn]'hQt];Kt];kn]'[lat]:Kqk];kn]'{ = Rival, to engage in rivalry, compete, rivaled, rivaling,

Kqk];kn]'EK.Kt];kn]'(lgc]:/An])(lgc]:pa};mak]:mI;EK.Kt];kn]'(An]em;ng}.EK.Kt];kn]') = Rivalry, adj.,

rival, adj. N. standing in rivalry: rival business; a rival wife,

Kqk];tqm]:SG],w}.wL:pQn]hc];PG]?' = Whose inscription?

Kqk];tqm]:SG],'tqm]:ma}S]G,'[tqm]:ma}SG],/Kqk];tqm]:SG],nUiw]Kqp];mak],hin]/nUic]Kqp];tgc];/m}.sUiw];n}.w}.{' = Inscribe,

write or engrave words, inscribed, inscribing,

Kqk];hQt];' Kqk];Agk],w}.' = Carve, carve out,

Kqk];hQt];'tgc]:hQt];'[tgc]:/Kqk];m}./mak],hin]hQt];pQn]hun],hac]:'hac]:yuk].Tu'sL.kGL,{'= Sculpture: to carve, model,

weld or otherwise produce (a piece of sculpture), sculptured, sculpturing, sculpture, N.,

Kqk].'Aic]Kqk].'[ngn];SI:kqc];Aw]cgk];Sgk],tw].PL,muiw];km].hUw]w}.{' = Rest on elbow,

Kqc]'KQc]:'kqn],'hQt];hG]:kqn],/Kqc]/KQc]:'(Kt];-AUn]:'hQt];hG]:AUn]:')' = Harden, hardened,(ant:soften),

Kqc]'(eKL:Kqc]' SUiw]:ekL,lL,Kqc]')' = Stiff,: stiff neck, siff colloar,

Kqc]' hUw]Kqc]' hQt];sgm];yap],' = Rigid, inflexible, hard,

Kqc]'Am],Pg},Am],AUn]:'Am],eKL.EK.enL.En.' = Tough, not brittle or tender, tougher, toughest,

Kqc]' yap],' yap],yQn];Kan]sG]' hUw]Kqc]' = Tough, hard, inflexible, tougher, toughest,

Kqc]' kam]:' = Freeze, become harden into ice or change from fulid to solid form by loss of heat, harden,

Kqc]kUv]'[m}.KG},KLEpAm],nn]Kgp],SI,sQc],Kt];kUn]:kUv]{ = Sticks of bottom of a basket,

Kqc]Sit];Sit];'[Am],mI;sG]krunL,{(mak],hUw]sG]Kqc]Sit];Sit];)' = Stony, adj. unfeeling; merciless: stony heart,


hUiw].sG]'hqc];yUp]:'sUiw];nn].{' = Stamina, N. strength of physical constitution; power to endure disease, fatigue, etc.,

Kqc]lqc];'(tac];yum],mat]:Kqc]lqc];') = Living, adj. active or thriving; vigorous; strong: living faith,

Kqc],'[k}.pQn]An]Aw]tac],suiw]:kUn];sa};t};{(Aa}:/sa};Kqc],'luc];Kqc],'pU,Kqc],')' = Male given name in Tai,

Kqc];' Kqc];lQk];' = Screen, metal screen,

Kqc];'[An]San]w}.hac],hac],{(Kqc];tak],pL')' = Drying mat, ( fish drying mat),

Kqc];tak],pL' = Drying mat for fishes, fish drying mat,


:mn];hqc]:eSKL,n}.tqm],eSKuiw],El:Kuiw],n}.mI;pL:nUiw]KL,eSKuiw],n}.pQn]tL,w}.tgk],w}.Sat],l}:nn].{' = Gridiron, N. a

utensil consisting or parallel metal bars on which to broil meat or other food,

Kqc];yUt];nm].' Sgc];yUt];nm].'Sgc];/Pac]hL.Kw]:Sg};'Pqn],Tgc]TUw],PU;' = Strainer, N.,

Kqc];yUt];nm].lac].wn],' = Drying mat for dishes, dish drying mat,

KQc];lQk];PI;f};'lQk];tLKL,' = Grate, N. a frame of metal for holding fuel when burning as in a fireplace, or stove,

Kqc];lQk];muk].f};'[lQk];tLKL,tL,Kam],hgc];w}.Tan],f};lqc]{ = Firepan, N. a metal grate for holding hot coals,

Kqc];/San]lgk];EK'[mUin]lgk];tLEK/nqc]:'{= Network, N. any netlike combination of filaments, lines, or the like; net,

Kqt];tlik].'[kUn];Kw]:sum];wt].w}:SLKqt];tlik].ekL.nuic]:{' = Catholic, N. a member of a Catholic Church,


w];n}.sm]:kin]'{ = Ketchup, N. any of various other condiment or sauces for meat, fish, etc.,


w];KGL/Kqn]Kgn]KGL"{'Kqn]nU' = Arm, N.,

Kqn]'[Kqn]PUw]Kqn]em;{(PUw]em;Kqn]kn]nL,pUn].tI:n}.Am],lI)'Kqn]ha}.' = Possessively jealous,

possessive jealous husband or wife,




L,kGL,Et.yU,)' = Arm pain: stretches for hand and arm pain relief, hand and arm pain,

Kqn]Kgk];'(Kqn]mibw];lip]:hQw],TiyiAm],mI;hqc];'mibw];Kgk];'Kqn]Kgk];ecL;) = Shriveled hand, withered hand,

Kqn]Kgk];'miuw];Kgk];'[Kqn]mibw];lip]:hQw],TiyiAm],mI;hqc];'mibw];Kgk];'Kqn]ecL;{ = Shriveled hand, withered hand,

Kqn]ERK.'[tL:hUiw];pgt];Pa},Agk],nG];wQc];ekL;rin].'(rUw];16;1){ = Cenchrea, N. the eastern harbor of Corinth,

Kqn]ecL;[Kqn]Am],Suiw]:{' = Bending arm, bending elbow,

Kqn]sgm];nc],JPL;sw]:Kqn]' = Godly jealousy,

Kqn]tac];kin]'(luk]:Agn]Kqn]tac];kin]mn];Am],lQc].PG])' = Thwart, to oppose successfully or prevent,

Kqn]sU.'(maw],Saw]Kw]k}.El,emLKqn]])' = Be possessively jealous of one’s lover,

Kqn]SiUw]:' = Sleeves,

Kqn]nU'[Kqn]nUn}.pQn]pgc]:Kqn]Ek:hUw]mL,tc];cgk];Sgk],nn].{' = Arm, the upper from the shoulder to the elbow,

Kqn]pit];'(SUiw]:Kqn]pit];)' = Sleeveless shirt or jacket,

Kqn]put];'[Kqn]An]l}:tqp];put];pqt]:{' = Amputated arm,

Kqn]pgt];'(kUn];Kqn]pgt];nuc]:SUiw]:Kqn]pgt];')' SUiw]:Kqn]pgt];' = Short arms, short sleeves,

Kqn]PUk].(Kqn]PUk].mak]:Agc],tgc],'Kqn]PUk].kqn],kqk];kqk];')' = Stout arms,

Kqn]mn];sw]:kgt],hgp],hgp]:hw];w}.'(A},es<y66;10-13') = His arms around us,

Kqn]yaw];'(Kaw];kt];n}.SUiw]:Kqn]yaw];Ka}lIlUiw]SUiw]:Kqn]pgt];')' = Long arms, long sleeves,

Kqn]yuin];hgt]:lqn];Tuic]' = Outstretched arm,

Kqn]lUc]'[Kqn]pgc]:nUiw]{' = Upper arms,

Kqn]nUAQn]PUk].'[nUiw].AQn]Kqn]lUc]kUn];{'Kqn]nU' = Upper arm muscles,

Kqn]hqc];AUn]:AUn]:Agn],tc];hUw]Kw],Am],mI;hqc];nn].' = Feeble arms and weak knees,

Kqn]ha}.'Kqn]piUn]:'[Kqn]PUw]/em;n}.Tic];PUw]/em;w}.yLhG]:kGL,kUt].PUw]/em;pUin]:{ = Jealous, adj., passively jealous,

Kqn]ha}.' Kqn]piUn]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Jealous, N.,

Kqn],'[Aw]mit]:/];pQn]hg};epL;hgp]:pQn]pgc]:pgc]:{' = Marked by continuous cuts striped

Kqn],'nm].kt].tac];emL'[An]lUc].lqn],kt].Kqn],{ = Skill, N. expartness; dexterity, skills,

Kqn],'kt].Kqn],' = Talented, skillful, well trained, capable, competent,

Kqn],Sut];' lqt];Sut];' lqt];Sut];eSpUin]:' Kqn],Sut];eSpUin]:' = Smartest,

Kqn],eSpUin]:'(nG];t};];n}.mn];Kqn],eSpUin]:yw].") = A cut above,(Idiom): She is a cut above

her colleagues,

Kqn],;&'Kqm].nL,eh;&' = Good job!

Kqn]:' EP' EPpn]kn]' = Divide, separate into parts,

Kqn]:'(Aw]PLKqn]:kac]luk];ngn];hQt];nuic]:luk];pQn]Sgc]luk];)' = Partition, partitioned,

Kqn]:'[Kqn]:lqn]lin]/nL:tI:Pat],kn]w}.{' = Partition, to divide a country or territory into separate,

Kqn]:' Kqn]kac]'(An]-')' = Partition, division, a separation, apportionment,

Kqn]:kac]'[Agc]:/tI:/yam];pw],Kqn]:kac]{(Agc]:Kqn]:kac]tUw]lik]:(lik]:Aic];klQt]:)) = Space, N.: a space

between the letters,

Kqn];' Kqn];eSkw],' Kqn];mL;' = Become better,

Kqn];tQt]<'[suiw]:tac],pn]nac];yic];tc];kGam];krik].'{'(nac];ehLKm];Kqn];tQt]:mUic];AI,tIAUw];piy'(man],8;27') =

Kandake, N., Candace: Candace, queen of the Ethiopians,


.lgc]:wL:mn];tk];lUw],l}:hQt];eSmQw];mQw];nn].'{(Kqn];etL:SUc],Kw]Agk],kGL,nG];tac];Kw]lUw],kGL,nn].eSkm];)' =

Would do well to do something, used for advising that someone should do something; please: You will do well to send

them on their way,

Kqn];yw].' ha}yw].' erL;kL,ha}' = Cured, healed,

Kqn];Kiun];' l}:Kiun];'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Recovery, N., recoveries,

Kqn];Kiun];' Kqn];lI' Kqn];lIyw].' = Recover, recovered, recovering,

Kqn];sG]' = Become in circumstances,


Replete, adj. N. abundantly supplied or provided; filled (usually followed by with),(opposed devoid)

Kqn];sG]kGL,'hG]:Kqn];sG]'hG]:mw]'hG]:ygm];' = Alleviate, lighten, diminish, lessen, relieve, alleviated,

Kqn];sG]Kuin];Pa},cuin];tgc];'tc]:tUw]l}:Kiun];' = Revive, to recover from financial depression, revived,

Kqn];etL:' = Please,

Kqn];etL:-Ait];nuic]:'-eSkm];'Kqn];etL:KGac];pn]Ait];nuic]:'wac];KGac].pn]KL:eSkm];' =

Please, adv., Please excuse me. I beg your pardon. Excuse me,


Puin]lik]:Piun]la};nn].mL;pn]kw]KL:Ait];nuic]:')' =“Could you pleae” vs “Could you kinly”: “could you

please send me the document or could you kinly send me the document”,


AL:"@(luk].9;38') = “I beg you to look at my son, for his is my only child.”

Kqn];mL;' Kqn];mL;yU,' = Pretty well, getting better,

Kqn];mL;lg};lg};'lImL;tik];tik];'lImL;yU,yw].' = Getting better, convalescent; ambulatory,

Kqn];lI' Kqn];lIyw].' = Recover, fully recovered,

Kqn].'[nan];yG],'Am],nn]ekL:Am],Suip],yG],l}:Tqc];yw].nn].'{'Ek,Kqn].' = Stunted, adj. slowed or stopped

abnormally in growth or development,

Kqp],'Kqp],Kac]:'(Kqp],Kac]:Kac];Sgc])' = By the side of: together side by side,

Kqp],Kac]:w}.'sgm];him];'[mI;sgm];him];eSAn]An]'{'= Alongside, adv. along, by, at or to the side of something,

Kqp],sgm];Kac]:'sgm];'(p},kGL,sgm];SQn]:tac];kGac]:lUc]'(lqn]:Kqp],sgm];Kac]:Kgp],kac]./KQc],') = Along, through, on,

beside, or over to the direction; from one end to the other of: to walk along a highway; to run a border along a shelf,

Kqp],sgm];him];'(Kqp],sgm];him];Kac];tac];)' = By the side of : by the side of the road,

Kqp],Pc],pac],la},'[nm].An]Kqp],sgm];Pc],pac],la},w}.nn].{' = Coastline, N. shoreline,

Kqp],mn];'[An]pQn]Pa},tac];ngk]:sgm];Kgp],/sQc],/tI:sap]:/kp];kn]'{'hQt];Kqp],'= Contour, N. adj. contour line,

Kqp];' Kqp];mUn];' Kqp];kGam];' Kqp];sak]:' = Disk, N. disc; discs,

Kqp];'Kqp];nLnL'(Kqp].m}.nLnLlUiw]:Aw]mL;tI:tum]m}.)' = Slab, N.: a slab of log, tile, slabs,


.Kqp];') = Flake, a small flat thin piece: flake of old paint, a flake of brow slab-sugar, milk flake, chocolate flake,

Kqp];'Kqp];es:'mQt].'(Kqp];mak],hin]')'pYL;' = Tablet, N. pad, tablets,

Kqp];'Piun]'mac]'Kqp];es:' (niuc]Kqp];'niuc]:Piun]'niuc]:mac]') = Sheet,

Kqp];'[Kqp];Km];'Kqp];ciun];'Kqp];suin];'Kqp];tgc];'Kqp];'lQk];'Kqp];hQk],'Kqp];Aut],'{' = Plate,


n].tL,Aw]Km].Sgn].kn]pQn]tqw];eSmuc];hUin];/hQt];PLhUin];l}:nn].'{ = Shingle, N. a thin piece of wood, slate,

metal, asbestos, or the like, ususlly oblong,laid in overlapping rows to cover the roofs and walls of buildings; roofing board,

Kqp];kac]sG]' = Ballot, ballot sheet, voting card,

Kqp];Kt];hac]hUiw];' m}.Kt];hac]hUiw];' = Rudder,

Kqp];Km];' (Kqp];ciun];'/Kqp];tgc];') = Gold card, (silver car or bronze card, etc.)

Kqp];Km];' = Gold slab,

Kqp];Km];KQn],'[An]Aw]Kgn].sgk];tg},KQn],Km];pQn]Kqp];w}.nn].{(Agk],37;7') = Hammered gold,

Kqp];eKL;'S}eKL;'[Km];/ciun];/Sqc]/pEl;skGL,Sg}./pQn]SQn]:hQt];tUc],hg};sgm];eKL;'{' = Necklace,

Kqp];KUic]:hU;hgt]:'[hU;mn];mI;la}Sqn];eStL,hgt]:KUw];lQk];mI;Kn]hQt];pQn]SQn]:lQk].Agn],{= Draw plate, a draw

plate is a type of die made of steel or wood that has holes in it: 12, 20, even 30 or more. The holes are used to draw or pull

precious metals through, thinning and smoothing the wires. The holes in the plates are a variety of sizes, and depending on the

draw plate, shapes, so that many different diameters and forms can be drawn out. It is used by wire-workers, chain-makers, and

watchmakers to reduce the size of their wire by pulling the wire through the consecutively smaller holes in the draw plate,


Cash, money in the form of notes and coins, rather than of checks or credit cards: Do you have any cash on you?,

Kqp];es:pL.' = Sticker,

Kqp];es:pL.PLmgn]tI:Sgc].kn]tL,kL;'(Kqp];];piUw]<) = Bumper sticker,

Kqp];SkQt].'[KUic]:Kqp];pqn]:An]l}:suk];nUiw]mn];KI,Sut]:lut]:lUc]kGL,/mI;mak],elL.KIelL:kGL,{' = Skateboard,

Kqp];SU;'(Kqp];SU;Km];'Kqp];SU;ciun];'Kqp];SU;tgc];')' = Medal,: Gold, Silver or Bronze medal,

Kqp];SU;Km];'(Kqp];SU;Km];pQn]SU;pn]ekL./sum];Kqn],l};Tinuic]:tI:EK.KQc],kn]'SU;kUn];Kqn],KYqm].pI,yn])' = Gold

Medal, a medal awarded to a person or team finishing first in a competition, championship medal,

Kqp];SU;cuin];'(Kqp];SU;cuin];pQn]SU;pn]ekL./sum];Kqn],l};TiSgc]tI:EK.KQc],kn]')' = Silver Medal, a medal awarded

to a person or team finishing second in a competition or tournament,

Kqp];SU;tgc];'(Kqp];SU;tgc];pQn]SU;pn]ekL./sum];Kqn],l};TiSam]tI:EK.KQc],kn]')'= Bronze Medal, a medal

awarded to a person or team finishing third in a competition or tournament,

Kqp];nm].Ag}:' = Cake of jaggery, brown slab-sugar,

Kqp];tin]' = Flip flops, sandal, thong, slippers,

Kqp];tin]mI;Sa}SUn]:'Kqp];tin]Sup];'Kqp];tin]' = Sandal, any of various low shoes or slippers, sandals,

Kqp];tqm]:'pqn]:tqm]:' es:tqm]:' [mQw];pQn]Kqp];pQn]mac]tL,tqm]:ma}nUiw]mn];{' = Writing pad,

Kqp];pak]:lak]:nak]:' = Buckler, a round shield held by a grip,

Kqp];pqn]:'Kqp];pqn]:lm]Kqp];pqn]:PiUk]:' = Board, black or white board,

Kqp];pqn]:epL.'[Kgn].epL.An]Aw]m}.hQt];w}.tL,etL,lQn]mak],pic];pgc]:/Krik];kit].{' = Bat, club,


yU,nUiw]mn];kzk];wqn]lUc];nn].l}:wL:pQn]An]Tqc]:hqc];pn]'{'Pac]yn]ygp],' = Springboard, N. a flexible

board, projecting over water, from which divers leap or spring,

Kqp];pgt];tac],hUw]mL,elL;Ep;' = Shoulder pieces of the ephod,

Kqp];Pac]sG].kuit];'[Kqp];SIlqc]tqm]:tUw]lik]:PUik],{' = Stop signs, red, with white letters,

Kqp];Pac]sG].ygn],pn]'[Kqp];SIlqc]El:PUik],tqm]:tUw]lik]:lqc]{' = Yield signs, red and white, with red letters,

Kqp];Pac]nL:tI:hQt];kan]'[Kqp];SIlUic]mak],sgk];tqm]:tUw]lik]:lm]/hac]:mat]:ma}lm]{' = Work area

signs, orange, with black letters or symbols,

Kqp];Pac]Entac];' = Road Signs,

Kqp];Pac]Entac];pn]Sti' = Warning Road Signs,

Kqp];Pac]pn]Sti'[Kqp];SIlUic]tqm]:tUw]lik]:lm]/hac]:mat]:ma}lm]{' = Warning signs, yellow, with

black letters or symbols,

Kqp];Pac]pn]StiKam]:tac];lUt].f};'[Kqp];SIlUic]tqm]:tUw]lik]:lm]pL;hac]:mat]:ma}lm]{' = Railroad

crossing warning signs, yellow, with black letters “RR” and “X” symbol,

Kqp];Pac]pUic]mI:tac],sUiw];'[Kqp];SIPUik],tqm]:tUw]lik]:/hac]:Pac]mat]:ma}SIlm]El:/lqc]{' = Other

regulation signs, white, with black and/or red letters or symbols,

Kqp];Pac]ma}cUin];tac];'[mI;SIpUic]:kn]la}la}SI{' = Route signs, Varied,

Kqp];Pac]hac]:' Kqp];Pac]' Pac]hac]:' = Sign, sign board,

Kqp];Pac]hac]:kL;tUc].TUic];kGL,TUic];'[Kqp];Sam]sQc],SIlUic]mak],sgk];{' = Slow-moving Vehicle signs,

Kqp];Pac]hac]:An]hp].sG].sg}:' = Service signs,

Kqp];PL:yac]SUiw],'(Kqp];PL:yac]SUiw],n}.mI;la}SI,pQn]kQn]mn];ekL:mI;)' = Vinyl flooring,

Kqp];Piun]Sat],' Kqp];'Piun]'mac]' (niuc]Kqp];'niuc]:Piun]'niuc]:mac]') = Sheet, sheet of mat,

Kqp];Pgc]mUv]'[mUv]n}.pQn]Pgc]Kqp];Kaw]PUik],Agn],mac]mac]piw]tUk];mL;'mUv]Kqp];Pgc]'{' = Snowflake, N.,

Kqp];mk];ma}' = Certificate,

Kqp];mk];ma}ekL.Kw]:sum];hiUn];tL,yU,'(nG];miUc];yUAqt].S]AIREA) = Residential Member, (RM)

Kqp];mk];ma}Kw]:yU,' = Certificate of Occupancy,-Document issued by a local governmental agency

that said a property meets the local building standards for occupancy,

Kqp];mk];ma}pqt]:kn]'[Tuc];sam],t};mI;!lik]:pqt]:@n}'{' = Certificate of divorce, divorce certificate,

Kqp];mk];ma}mn]:pn]' = Authentic certificate,

Kqp];mk];ma}lgc]:kUit],' = Birth certificate,

Kqp];mk];ma}ham]:yw].yL,'(eKL:mgk],EnAn]tqm]:w}.lgc]:piUn]:Aic]piuc]:l}:tan],lg]) = Certificate of Estoppels,

Kqp];mak],hin]' Kqp];' Kqp];es:' mQt].' = Tablets,


ehL;9;11')' = Tablets of stone, tablets of the covenant law, Ex. 31:18; Lev. 16:13; tablets of the covenant, Deu.9:11,

Kqp];mac]' Sg};mac]mac]' sak],mac]' = Chip, N., slice,

Kqp];mac]mac]KYap]:'[mak],hin]/mG]m}.An]pQn]Kqp];mac]mac]KYap]:sp];kn]w}.nn].{= Lamina, N. a thin plate, scale or layer,

Kqp];mQt].KYap]:kn]mUin]pQn]tqc]:nm].na};'(Agk],16;14') = Flakes like frost,

Kqp];muc];' Kqp];Aut],eKLmuc];hUin];' = Shingle, N., shingles,

Kqp];mUn];Sa}tL' = Optic disc,

Kqp];mUn];PUin]' mQt].Pqp].' mQt].mUn];' (hac]:Pac]) = Tabular,


him];Kgp],tUik]:mn];w}.hgp]:hgp]:') = Molding, N. a strip of contured wood or material: make a gold molding arount it,

Kqp];Em;' = Vote,

Kqp];Em;kUn];mUic];tc];la}' = Popular vote,

Kqp];Em;sum];PU:lUik]:kQp];pn]' Kqp];Em;sum];luik]:tc]:sgm]suic]:' = Electoral vote,

Kqp];Em;ekL.Am],mL;tgt]:' = Absentee vote,

Kqp];Em;Kw]:Ek:vL;miUw]:taw].kn]' = Tie-breaking vote,

Kqp];ma}km];epL.' = Score card,(golf),

Kqp];ma}km];epL.Am],lUc];la};muiw];w}.' = Scorecard-not signed, (golf rules 6-6),

Kqp];ma}Tiuw]'(tL,luk]:hQn];'kUn];hQt];kan]') = Identification Card, (ID card, for school, club, employment)

Kqp];mG]' = Ticket,

Kqp];mG]' = Ticket, a summons issued for a traffic or parking violation,

Kqp];mG]kiuk];tUw]'(tL,mk];ma}wL:pQn]kUn];miUc];lG]n}nn].') = Identity Card, (ID)

Kqp];mG]cibn];sa},'(Kqp];tqp].pit].) = Debit card,


w]ciun];nG];SQn]:ma}ciun];mn];nn].{'(Kqp];Krqt].tit].) = Credit card,

Kqp];mG]tUc].tk].' pUt].S]Kat].' = Post-card, N., picture postcard,

Kqp];mG]En;ehL:Pit];'[lik]:An]plik]:Kw]wL:kUn];ehL:kL;Pit];ma}mI:El:tap]:tam],ciun];{' = Traffic Ticket,

Kqp];mG]plik]:hgc].kGL,lum];' [hm].nm]n}.kQw],tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:tam],mw]'{ = Appearance ticket,

Kqp];lQk];nL'wan],EP,El.'wan],Kw]:'wan],EP'(Sep;plQt].)'= Plate, N.: spare plate, plates,

Kqp];lQk];hU;'[Kqp];lQk];/StI;l]An]hQt];hU;/KUc]pgc],w}.nn].{ = Perforated metal sheets or steel,

Kqp];lup],cap],pL'[An]hUm],Pa},ngk]:cap],pLw}.tI:hUw]pLnn].'{' = Opercle, N. an operculum of a fish,

Kqp];ht].prQk].'[Kqp];tL,vap]:ht].prQk].Jtm],mUiw]:ht]./yQp],prQk].mn];nn].{' = Brake Pads, brake shoes,

Kqp];hac]:'hac]:Tgt],' = Photo,

Kqp];hin]Sqc]' = Marble,

Kqp];hUw]kn];lqw];'[lQk];An]mqn];pqn]Pa},nL:tI:muiw];yip];kn];lqw];'{= Quillon, N. the cross guard of a sword,

Kqp];Eh.kUm],' = Mud Flaps,

Kqp];Eh.nL:ABk];'(Kqp];Eh.nL:AUk];An]pQn]lgc]:man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,nn].'(AI,6;14')= Breastplate, N.

breastpieces: breastplate of righteousness,

Kqp];Eh.mqc];' = Bug Shield,

Kqp];Eh.lak]:nak]:' = Shield,

Kqp];hg}:'Kqp];eKL;'[Kqp];hg}:sgm];Sa}eKL;nn].{'Kgc]hg}:' = Pendant, N., pendent,

Kqp];Aut],' = Brick slab, brick tile,

Kqp];Aut],'Kqp];nLnL'Kqp];'(sgm];hU;yL.Kqp];Aut],pgc],nn].eS) = Tile, N. slab, brick tile: through the tiles, tiles,


nn].lG]pQn]el,Ep,sqk],suiw]:mn];w}.pn]nn].lG]{'(kL:mn];n}.tqm]:w}.nUiw]Kqp];Agn],hg}:nn].AUiw]:')' = Tag, N. The

price is on the tag,

Kqp];Agn],hg}:kL:mn];' = Price tag,

Kqp];Agn],hg}:kuik];kun],'[An]hg}:kuik];kun],/KUw];hQt];Agk],hG]:pQn]tI:ma}tgc];mn];w}.nn].{' = Hanging tag,

Kqp].KI:ciun];' = Caps (interest) –Consumer safeguards that limit the interest rate on an adjustable mortgage,

Kqp].ciun];pn]' = Caps (payment) –Consumer safeguards that limit amount monthly payment on an adjustable mortgage,

Kqp]<'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]TiSip];AQt];{ = Kaph, or caph, N. the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet,

Kqp]<trim]<'kUn];KUiw];Kqp]<trim]<'[Kqp]<trim]<'{(cw]:10;14') = Caphtorites, Caphtorim,

Kqp]<tQn]<' ekL.kgn];'(sn].Suik];t};hgc].wL:Kun]Suik];lUc])' = Captain,

Kqp]<etL;'[kun]cw]:puic];Pilit].Sti{(ehL;2;23') = Caphtor, the island from which the Philistines originaly came,

Kqm]'tBn]:Kqm]'m}.eAL:'pL,Kqm]' (pQn]pL,Kqm]hBk].him];hgc]:nm].El:nG];Ka};)' = Reed, reeds,

Kqm]miw]<'[pQn]AU:eArm],'{(cw]:22;21') = Kemuel, the father of Aram,

Kqm]:' m}:Kqm]:' = Scorched, burned scorched,

Kqm]:' Kqm]:Kw]:' Kqm]:Kw];mun];pgc],mUc].' = Crust, N.,

Kqm];'[kic],m}.An]Tqp];w}./hk];tUk];eSAm],mI;PUiw]yw].nn].{' = Brushwood,

Kqm];' Kqm];m}.hqc]:' hak]:enL,m}.' kic],m}.' pgt];m}.hqc]:' = Twig,


t];EK:hQt];Puin];SG],f};l}:{(kgc]Kqm];'kgc]Kqm];yuk];yk];') = Brushwood, N.: pile of brushwood,

Kqm];mi'(Tat]:-'KUw];-')'kQw],Pa},Kqm];mi' = Chemical,


niuc]:nn].') = Chemistry, the science that deals with the composition and substances of various forms of matter,

Kqm];m}.pUk],m}.mgc]'kic],m}.pUk],m}.mgc]' = Bamboo twigs,

Kqm];m}.' KUw].PUiw]m}.' = Foliage, leafage,

Kqm].' Kqm].lI' lI' = Nice, awsome, pleasing, agreeable, delight,

Kqm].' lI'(lw]:wa}<Kqm].'Km];lI')lI/Kqm].Sut];' = Fine, of superior or best quality, finest,(fine wine, fine gold,)

Kqm].'lIAam];Et.Et.wL:wL:' lIAam];' = Wonderful, excellent, marvelous,

Kqm].sap]:lqp]:'[mI;lgc]:kt].tac];Kn]'lISUn]sG]nL,'lIAam];nL,'{(mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];Kqm].sap]:lqp]:)' = Epic,

adj. adv. N. heroic; very impressive; awesome: epic speech, epical,

Kqm].Sbt];'kYL.Sbt];'lInL,nL,TiSbt];' = Very best,

Kqm].Et.yw].' Kqm].nL,yw].' kYL.nL,yw].' = Nicely done! well-done,

Kqm].tgn];liBw]' = Surpassingly,

Kqm].TUn]:TI;'Kqm].tgn];' Kuik].tgn];' hQt];hG]:Kqm].TUn]:TI;'= Excel, eminence, excelled, excelling,

Kqm].nL,'[Kqm].TUn]:TI;'lI'sn].Tan]:Suc]'{' = Elegant, adj. excellent; fine; superior,

Kqm].nL,tUv];lU;&Kqm].nL,&' = That’s fantastic! Right there!

Kqm].nL,Kuik].nL,' = Exceptional,

Kqm].nL,eh;' Kiuk].nL,eh;' Kqm].nL,Kuik].nL,' = Unusual, exceptional, remarkable, awesome,

Kqm].nL,' kYL.nL,' (kan]mn];Kqm].nL,') = Good deal, (he made a good deal),

Kqm].yw].'lIyw].'kYL.yw].'lIEt.Et.' = It’s okay, (OK), it’s good, it sounds good,

Kqm].lqp]:'hG]:mn];Kqm].lqp]:ca}:sG]mG];kU:An]eSkm];' = Well with, all are well with you,


TUn]:lI)' = Perfect, adj.: be made perfect,

Kqm].lqp]:ca}:sG]lIyU,' = All is well,

Kqm].lqp]:nL,'sqt]:sac],lInL,'Kqm].nL,nL,' = Perfectly, flawlessly, ideally, absolutely,

Kqm].lqp]:lI' = Ideal, excellent, perfect,

Kqm].lqp]:siuw]:sG]:' sqt]:sac],man],mqn]:' = Perfect,

Kqm].lqp]:suiw]:sG]:' sqt]:sac],' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Perfection,

Kqm].lI'lI'yU,lI'yU,lIkin]wan]' = Well, adv. excellently, good, fine,

Kqm].lImUt];' = All the best, all for the best, for the good as the final result; to an ultimate advantage:,

Kqm].lIAam];nL,'Kqm].lIAam];ep,nm].mn];lInL,'Kqm].lIAam];' = Awesome, adj. causing or

including awe, awesomeness, N.,

Kqm].lIAam];ep,nm].mn];lInL,tan],lG]'(Agk],34;10')'lIAam];nL,nL,' = How awesome is it,

Kqm].lUn].lUiw]nL,'(Apum],lgc]:hk].Kqm].lUn].lUiw]nL,nn].') = Exquisite, adj. extraordinary fine or admirable;

consummate: an exquisite love story,

Kqm]<'[Kqm]<SYap]<'(KUic]:sak]:){ = Cam, N.(Machinery) a disk or cylinder; camshaft,

Kqw];' mQn]Kqw];'(mQn]Kqw];pL)' = Fetid,: fetid fish , fishy smell, rank, stinky,

Kqw];' Kqw];tgc].KUn].' = Stink, stank, stunk, stinking,

Kqw];'Kqw];tgc].KUn].'Kqw];nL,'Kqw];Sut];' = Stinky, adj., nasty, foul smelling, noxciou, stinkier, stinkiest,

Kqw];' Kqw];tgc].KUn].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Stink, N.., stinks,

Kqw];' (mQn]Kqw];mL)' = Fishly smell,: fishly smel\l from dog, fetid dog,

Kqw];tgc].KUn].'Agk],Aa}Kqw];' = Reek, stink, reeked, reeking,

Kqw].' Aqw]Kqw].'(Aq]w]Kqw].kUn]:yG],)' = Small wasit,: small wast big hips,

KiTlit]<'[wQc];Tuc].lin]pQc];mUic];yut'{(eyL;15;40') = Kitlish, a city in lowland of Judah; Kithlish,

KiSlgt].eT;pUw],'[tI:lqn]lin]mUic];sqp].pYOln],tI:nuic]:'{(eyL;19;12') = Kisloth Tabor, a place on the

border of Zebulun, Chisloth Tabor,

KiSY};Agn],'[wQc];lqn]lin]kUn];KUiw];Agn],KUiw];AiSKL,An]tm];w}.pn]kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};Kw]'{(eyL;19;20') =

Kishion, a city on the boundary the tribe of Issachar assigned to the Levites,

KI'[m}.pUk],m}.Sac];m}.mgc]Kw]Agk],mgk],epL;sgt],tc];tUn]:yw].Am],huic]etta}kGL,{'m}.KI' = Bamboo flowering,

KIcw]' cqw]' = Solitude, loneliness,

KIcw]mgc]sG]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Desolation,

KIcw]mgc],sG]' = Desolate, to make disconsolate, gloomy, lost, desolated,

KIsG]' KIm}:sG]' = Anxiety, N., worry, anxious, adj.,

KIsG]TL:'[KI:m}:sG]eSpG].TL:'m}:sG]'l}:lgm]m}:sG]w}.'{(mG];ethQt];l}:lIyU,yL,KIsG]TL:')'KIsG]sgm];' = Sweat it,

(Idiom) to wait anxiously; to worry; be apprehensive: Yoy’ll do OK, so don’t swet it,

KIm}:sG]'(PiUw],tL.etmI;tac];yum],ym]nn].')'KIm}:sG]nm]' = Anxiety, N., (rather than Trust), high anxiety,

KIsG]nk];eKL;'[KIm}:sG]'nk];AUk];nk];sG]w}.'{ = Disquieting, adj. causing anxiety or uneasiness,

KIm}:sG]nm]' = High anxiety,

KIm}:sG]m}:eKL;eS' KIsG]'KIm}:sG]' = Anxiously, adv.,

KIm}:sG]w}.yU,tac];nG];Agk];ngk];' = Anxious on the inside,

KI,' Kiun]:KI,' = Ride, rode, ridding,

KI,eKL;'tQc],KI,eKL;'pL;Sgt],mL,' = Carry on two shoulders,

KI,Kun],SI,tin]'[KI,mL.Kun],SI,tin]kL:mn];w};l}:Sut];{' = Gallop, to ride a horse at a gallop; ride at full speed,

galloped, galloping,

KI,SkQt].' = Skateboard, skateboarding, skate, skating,

KI,tac],Sa}.'[pQn]la};em:yic];};Am],AL:KLkip]:KI,nn].'{' KI,tac],KGL' = Ride on sidesaddle,

KI,nQk];tQk];tQc]' lgc]:tQk];tQc]' tam],tQk];tQc] 'hqc];tQk];tQc]' = Pressure,

KI,nQk];tQk];tQc]'tQk];tQc]'(lgc]:-)[tQk];nQk];Aup].pUic],'{= Oppression, N. tyranny, oppressed, adj.,

KI,nQk];tQk];tQc]'tQk];sG].hQt];'(Kw]tQk];sG].mn];hQt];) = Pressure, pressured, (They pressured him to do.),

KI,pUip]:hgn]nm].lQn]:'[luv];lQn]:Aap],nm].nG];pUip]:hgn]nm].pac],la},nn].'{ = Surf, to ride a surfboard; to swim,

play or bathe in the surf: We surfed every big wave in sight, surfed, surfing,

KI,mL,' KIeKL;' = Shoulder rides,

KI,mL.' = Horseback riding,

KI,mL.kgm];lqn]:Kun],lUc]kGL,mUin]PU:Sim];mUic];ekL.nuic]:Kuin]:Sim];mUic];nn].' = Rode a horse out as

a conqueror bent on conquest,


Stilt, to raise on or as if on stilts, stilted, stilting,



t];Kiun]:Kit];lUc];' = Seesaw, ride teeter totter, seesawed, seesawing,

KI,lI,yn],' KI<lI,yn],' = Chilion, [-The younger son of Elimelech, (Ruth1:2),]

KI,hUiw];Sc];ePL;Agk],El,tac];ekYL,' = Cruise, to sail about on a pleasure trip,

KI,AUc],sL;' KI,AUc],sL;lL;' = Swing ride,

KI:'(KI:kUn];'KI:mL'KI:wUw];')'Pa}:lUc]' = Excrement, N., poo, feces,

KI:' KI:eKL,'KI:yL:'KI:yL:lqc]' = Dreg, small remnant,

KI:' KI:AUn]mn];' = Sediment, N. dregs,

KI:'KI:El:'(kUn];KI:' wUw];KI:')' = Defecate, poo: man defecating, cow pooing, defecated, defecating,

KI:'(KI:kUn];'KI:mL'KI:wUw];')'Pa}:lUc]' = Poo, N., excrement, feces,

KI:'Agk],ngk]:lUc]'Agk],ngk]:El,pac],'(mL.KI:')' = Poo, to defecate: horse pooing, pooed, pooing,

KI:'KI:SG],kUn]'vL;KI:SG],kUn]'(mn];nac];tUk];sG]mn];nac];vL;KI:SG],kUn]&)' = Shit, to defecate: She was shocked,

she shit her pants!, shit or shat, shitting,

KI:'KI:eh:'[An]tgc].kGL,KI:eh:nn].{' = Shit, N. excrement; feces; the shits, diarrhea,

KI:kan]:'[pQn]tUn]:KUiw];nc]nLepL;kin]n}PQt];Ait];Ait];{' = Edible vine with peppery taste,

KI:kBw]KI:Aa}' = Shyness,

KI:Kc]:'Kc]:'(KI:Kc]:n}.mI;SIlqc]km],Aw]hQt];yc]SG],kn];PL.')'= Lac,a resinous substance deposited on the twigs trees,

KI:Kak],'[nm].la};tuc]AUn]AUn]Am],k}.mUk];yU,nG];kUc]eKL;{' = Phlegm, the thick mucus,

KI:KL,' lm]Pit];Pit];mUin]KI:KL,' = Soot,

KI:KQw]:' kUiw],KQw]:' = Dirt between the teeth, dirt on teeth,

KI:K};eKL,' mI;pL;KI:K};mn];' = Drossy, adj. resembling or containing dross,

KI:K};mn];'[Kgc]/An]pqt]:lgk],pqt]:la}'KI:mn];K};mn];'{ = Dross, N. waste or worthless matter; refuse,

KI:cL;'(KI:cL;SUm]:)' = By-product left after the sesame oil has been expressed from the

seed, “Khih-nga” in Tai language, (pickled Khi-nga),


An]nuic]:{' = Interest, money that you earn from keeping your money in an account in a bank or other financial



Kn]KI:ciun];tUw];mn];n}.pQn]6%)'KI:ciun];' = Interest, money which is charged by a bank or other financial

organization for borrowing money: I got a loan with an interest rate of 6%,

KI:ciun];tUw];mI;Kn]mk];Kan];w}.'(pun]:tL,eA<JAL,Aqm]<) = Interest Cap,

KI:ciun];pn]w}.TL:' = Prepaid interest, - Interest paid before it is earned.,

KI:ciun];An]Am],ygn];' = Unclaimed interest,

KI:sm]'SI:sm]'[nG];hU;KU:lc]KUm];luit];luit];Kun],wqn]Tc],lUm];Agk].ht];KYOw].&{ = Sneeze, sneezed, sneezing,

KI:St];'[Pun],KI:wUw];KI:kGa};'{ = Dung, N. manure,

KI:S}:num],'[tac];kin]nG];tgc].Kuit]:Agn],yw].eSpUn].Kw]:mI;w}.nG];S}:KUc];nG];Agn],{' = Chyme, N. the semifluid

mass into which foo is converted by gastric secertion and which passess from the stomach into the small intestine,

KI:Et.Am],sG]:kw]lat]:pUn].wUt]:kUv];' = Didn’t mean it at least I said.

KI:tUiw],'(SQc]Kak],KI:tUiw],hqc];n}.Am],lITgm],Kw]:hUkUn];)' = Mucus,

KI:tUiw],'(KI:tUiw],Km]eKL;'KI:tUiw],pan].eKL;') = Phlegm, N. a thick mucus: phlegm stuck at the throat, phlegmy, adj.,

KI:num],'[AUn]mUin]nm].nUm];mI;nG];S}:num],'{= Chyle, N. a milky fluid that formed freom the chyme in the small intestine,

KI:pqt]:'[lat]:Em,KGak]:pUn].lUiw]/lat]:lqn]{ = Shit, to exaggerated or lie to, shit or shat, shitting,

KI:Pqc].' vam].Sut];' tqm],Sut];' Tiuc].eSpiUn]:' Kuv]:nL,' = Lowest, least, low,

KI:Puic]:' = Bee wax,

KI:mqc];mUn];'[mqt]./hg};lm]Pit];Pit];Agn],Agk],tI:nc]kUn];mac],An]Agk],pL;KUn]k}.tum]w}.'{ = Mole, N. nevus,

KI:muk]:' = Nose mucus,

KI:muk]:l}:'KI:muk]:yg}.' = Runny nose,

KI:muk]:l}yuit]:yiut]:'[KU:lc]tn]{' = Nasal congestion, N. nasal blockage, nasal obstruction, blocked nose,

plugged nose,

KI:Em:' Agn],eA;' = Coward,

KI:yan]:kBw]' kBw]nL,'KI:yan]:' = Dread, fear greatly, timid, lack of courage, intimidated,

KI:yam];' = Residual gunpowder,

KI:yL:' Kic];KI:yL:' Aa}:KI:yL:' = Dope-head, doper, hophead, narcotics addict, dope addict,

KI:lw]ygt],' = Falling star, an incandescent meteor, a shooting star,

KI:law]ygt],'[law]Auk].kL,'law]puc]:Saw]:An]yG],eShUiw]:hqc];nL,{ = Bolide, N. fireball; a large brilliant meteor,

KI:lw]:wa},'[mw];eS,'sw]:lw]:'{ = Wine-bibber, inebriate, toper; boozer,

KI:lQk];' = Blacksmith forge,

KI:luit];'Kibw]:libt];' Kgc].lUm].' Kiuw]:liut];lUm].' = Stumble,

KI:hak]:Sgc]hUn]' = Violent dysentery, cholera, Asiatic cholera,

KI:hU' = Ear wax,

KI:eh:' tgc].eh:' tgc].kGL,' = Diarrhea,

KI:AUiw].' = Hiccup, hiccupping,

KI:/yQw]:/Pa}:Agk],'[EPmQw];lUw],pqt]:/sac]:pQn]eP;nn].Agk],nG];lUit]:/nUiw].tUw]mI;sG]{ = Excrete, to separate

and eliminate from an organic body; separate and expel from the blood or tissues, as waste or harmful matter, excreted,

KI;pUt]<'[KUic]:mI;nQn]sqn],Kp].Kuic]w}.tL,Aw]niw].muiw];lQn]eAL,kqn],'epL.tUw]lik]:tI:Kgm]<sUiw];n}.'{= Keyboard, N.

the row or set keys on a piano or organ; for operating a typewriter, computer terminal, etc.,

KI<liyn],'[luk]:sa};Agn],AI<limlqk].El:naw];mi'{(rut].1;2')= Kilion, the younger son of Elimelek, Chilion,

Kuk];KUn].wUn].Kgp]:' = Commemorate, commemorated, commemorating,

Kbk];sG]l}:' Kuk];sG]l}:K}:sG]Tiuc]' = Think of, remember,

Kuk];sG]l}:' tgc];w}.' tgc];ma}Kbk];sG]l}:' = Remember, remembered, remembering,

Kuk];sG]l}:' tgc];' tgc];ma}Kbk];sG]l}:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)= Remembrance,

Kuk];TUp];'(pg};-/pac]-)'[pac]pg};Kuk];TUp];{ = Memorial, N., memorial occasion,

Kuc]:Kuc]:'[SQc]emL;nUiw]};SQc]]kUv];Am],sG]:fL.PL,/]{' = Rumbling sound,

Kuv]:nL,' Am],lqt];eSAit];' (Kt];-lqt];lInL,') = Awkward, (ant: skillful),

Kuv]:nL,vam].nL,' vam].nL,' = Poor job,

Kut],' Kit],' = Scrape, scraping,

Kut],pqt]:'(Kut],pqt]:Kqm]:kUn]:emL:)' = Scrape,: scrape the crusts from the pot, scrape off,

Kut],mak],Aun]' = Scrape coconut,

Kut],man]'Kut],'[St];mL./wUw];/kGa};Aw]kap],/kip]tin]Kw]Kut],lin]'{(mL.Kut],man]') = Paw, to beat or scrape

the floor, ground, etc., with the paws or feet, pawed, pawing,

Kut];' sI;hU;' = Drill, drilled, drilling,

Kut];'wQk].'[Aw]esL;Kut];'Aw]SQm]wQk].'{(Kut];luk];'Kut];hU;') = Dig, dug, digging, (dig a hole in the ground)

Kut];kqt],' Kut];lgm].' = Dig a garden trench,

Kut];Km];'[Kut];ciun];'Kut];Sqc]'Kut];tgc];{' = Gold mining, silver, gemstones, or copper mining,

Kut];Km];l}:tI:KUw];Kgc]Agk],sgm];kn]'(Kut];Km];p}a<prUw]tk].) = Byproduct gold mining,

Kut];Kum]' Kut];Kum]pLhQw]:' = Dig a tomb, digging a grave,

Kut];KUv]lin]Agk],' = Excavate, dig out,

Kut];Kiun];KUn].K}:'[Kut];An]Pc]w}.nn].km]:nm]pQn]An]Kut];Aw]tUw]kUn];ta}nn].'{' = Exhume, to dig

(something buried, especially a dead body, exhumed, exhuming,

Kut];Kiun];tUw]ta}'[Kut];An]Pc]w}.nn].km]:nm]pQn]An]Kut];Aw]tUw]kUn];ta}nn].'{' = Exhume, to dig

(something buried, especially a dead body, exhumed, exhuming,


w]."@)' = Cut out of the rock,: “.., and placed it in his own new tomb that he had cut out of the rock.” (Mtt.27:60),

hewn out in the rock,

Kut];tUn]:m}.'(la};Kut];tUn]:m}.)' = Tree digging,(tree digging system,),

Kut];Tac]' = Dig a toilet hole, dig a pit latrine, make a pit toilet,

Kut];luk];' = Dig a pit,

Kut];luk];Tqn].' = Dig a trench,

Kut];luk];hgp]:'[Kut];luk];Tqn].hgp]:tp].w}.pQn]tL,kqt],EKEh.kc]:nn].{' = Entrench, to dig trenches for

defensive purposes around a military position, entrenched, entrenching,

Kut];luk];hgp]:'(An]-)[mI;luk];Kut];hgp]:tI:tp]./sum];pk];w}.'{ = Entrenchment, N. an entrenched position,

Kut];hL'[Kut];hLciun];Km];Pc]w}.nG];lin]{' = Dig up, to discover in the course of digging,

Kut];hn]vL;wQc];kw],mUiw]:kgn],' = Excavated an ancient city, dig out,

Kut];hin]'Kut];emL,hin]' = Quarry, to obtain (stone) from a quarry, quarried, quarrying,

Kut];hin]Eh:' = Mining, mine, mined,

Kut];hQt];pQn]puic]:' sUc]hQt];pQn]puic]:' = Dig an underground space,

Kut];hU;'(St];Kut];hU;)' Kut];hU;yU,nG];lin]' = Burrow, (burrowing animals), burrowing,

Kut];hU;' Kut];hU;lin]' sUc]lin]' = Burrow, make a hole or passage under ground, burrowing,

Kut];/KGak]:hU;'sI;hU;'Pgk]:hU;'[Aw]KUic]:Pa}pn],sI;/Kut];hQt];hU;{' = Bore, to make a hole by drilling with some

rotary cutting instrument; to enlarge a hole, bored, boring,

Kut];hgc]:KU;'Kut];hgc]:hqc]:'Kut];hgc]:/luk];Tqn].' = Ditch, to dig a ditch, ditched, ditching,

Kut];hgc]:luk];Tqn].Eh.kc]:'[hQt];luk];Tqn]./hgc]:ekL,tqn]:{ = Embank, embanked, embanking,

Kut];hgc]:la},nm].' Kut];hgc]:' = Dig a drain, digging a drainage trench,

Kut];Agk],' Kut];lgt]:Agk],' = Dig to escape,

Kun]'[pU,Ek,/pU:kac].{(Kun];nG];kun]luk]:nn].') = Chief official: chief official of the island,

Kun]' sw]:Kun]' sw]:' = Prefix to the name of an authority, official,

Kun]' = Prefix to a male name of high social status,

Kun]' PU:mI;AL,nL,' PU:mI;eAL;sL,AL,nL,' = Authority, ruler, official,

Kun]wQc];' PU:mI;sn].Kun]wQc];' = City official, city officials,

Kun]kUn];KUiw];Agn],'(Kun]kUn];KUiw];Agn],Sip];Sgc]KUiw];'(cw]:25;16') = Tribal rulers: the twelve tribal rulers,

Kun]kUn];sG].lum];'[k}.pQn]Kun]lum];wQc];Agn],'{ = Constable, N. an officer of high rank im medieval monarchies,

Kun]kgc],sI,nG];nL:tI:' = Local councils,

Kbn]kgn];wQc];cw]:miBc];'(sw]:) = Mayor, city mayor,


tgn];Pgn];lIpa};mak]:mI;El:lgc]:tL,kUn];suic]:mUic];mn];l}:yU,SL,kin]lItI:nG];tac],mUic];nn].{' = Consul, N.,

consuls, consular, adj., consulship, N., subconsul, N.,

Kun]KYn];SlL,'[pQn]Kun]Tt];Sin]Am],nn]Kun]lum];sn].Suc]nn].{' = Chancellor, the title of various

important judges and other high officials,


Chancellor, (in some states of the U.S.) the judge of a court of equity or chancery,

Kbn]cw]:lbm];TL,nhgc]:kan]Kw]' = Heads of Departments,

Kun]suic]:kUn];' Kun]lum];Pa},suic]:kUn];' = Civil officer,

Kbn]sg}:Tt];kYOrI<' = Jury

Kun]sg}:Tt];kYO<rI<ekL.niuc]sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]'(kQw],kp];lgc]:) = Trial by a jury,

Kbn]sg}:Tt];Rkn].kYOrI<' = Grand Jury

Kun]Siuk];'(KS)'[pUw],'(kgn];luk]:Suik];50-100){ = Warrant Official,(WO), warrant officer,

Kun]Siuk];lUc]1'(KSl1) = First Lieutenant,(1LT)

Kun]Siuk];lUc]'(KSl)'pUw],lUc]' = Captain, (CPT)

Kun]tman],kac]haw]'(1Tit].4;16')' = Archangel, N. a chief or principal or angel,

Kun]tqn];Pgc];luk]:' tqn];Pgc];'tac]tBw]'(Kbn]-'PB:-')'PU:tqn];Pgc];' = Representative,

Kun]tqn];Pgc];lum]:' tqn];Pgc];lum]:'(Kun])'(kgn]krqt].S]mqn];)' = Congressman, the U.S. House of


Kun]tqn];Pgc];lum]:mUic];yU<Aqt].S]nL:tI:mG];yU,' = Your U.S. Congressman,

Kun]tqn];Pgc];wUn]' tqn];Pgc];wBn]'(Kbn])'(ES;nQt].tL,)' = Senator,

Kbn]Tt];Sin]'(sw]:) = Judge, N., judges,

Kun]Tt];Sin]' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-Sin]){ = Judges, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Jdg.)],

Kun]Tt];Sin]'(kYam];lik]:)'[kYam];sI,yac],JtL;{ = Judges, (Bible)

Kun]Tt];Sin]pn]tc];lum]:fL.(cw]:18;25') = Judge of all the earth,

Kun]Tuk]:ciun];sg}:' Tuk],ciun];Kun]sg}:' = Subsidize, subsidized, subsidizing,




nn].){' = Town Hall Meeting, an American term given to an informal public meeting, function or event,

Kun]PI'nac];PI' = Deity, a god or goddess, deities,

Kun]Pa},Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amb' = Judicial officers,

Kun]nL:tI:' PU:mI;AL,nL,nG];nL:tI:' (sw]:nL:tI:') = Local authority,

Kun]nG];sum];lUc]pgc]suic]:' PU:Kw];sum];lUc]pgc]suic]:' = Cabinet member,

Kun]plik]:'Kun]lum];plik]:'PU:mI;sn].plik]:'[Kun]plik]:lUc]'{ = Police officer, Chief of police,

Kun]plik]:lUc]'(sw]:-) = Chief of police, a ploice chief,

Kun]perL;hQk]:lUc]' = High priest,

Kun]pUic],eAL;sL,AL,nL,sik];sgm]'sw]:Kun]sik];sgm]' = Supreme authority,

Kun]JPL;lUc]'[JPL;kUn];pic];'JPL;kUn];kUiw];SL,SnL,w}:JPL;nm]w}:'{ = Chief god, Pagan gods,

Kun]mU;mat]:Pgc];mUic];'[PU:mI;AL,nL,ekL.hap],Tam];kan]Kun]ehLKm];'{ = Official, N. king’s officials,

Kun]miUc];'[(Tmuc]Kun]muic];'(ser;la};SG]kac];SiUw]/lik]:t};kw],'){' Kun]' TmUc]Kun]mUic];' = Authorities, rulers,

Kun]mUic];km]sik];w}.eSsqk],EPTan]:kUn];' = Discrimination by state-run monopoly,

Kun]rL,span]kac]'[PU:Agn]hUw]hqc];Suik];tc];mUt];ekL.tac]mUiw]:Am],mI;Kun]Aup].pUic],'{ = Medieval monarchies,

Kun]luk]:Siuk];' Kun]lum];tp].Suik];' PU:mI;sn].Suik];' = Military officer,

Kbn]lbm];' = Officer,

Kun]lum];ekL.mUik]:kUt].sp];Pit];' = Corrupt official,

Kun]lum];tac];ehL:kL;kGL,mL;p}' = Traffic Officers,

Kbn]lbm];tG]:' = Inferior Officers,

Kun]lum];tqm]:ma}tac],Puin]' = Registration officer,

Kun]wgc].ehLKm];'(sw]:)' = Emperor,

Kun]wgc].ehLKm];erL;m' Kun]erL;m' = Emperor of Rome, Roman emperor,

Kun]han]'(Kh) = Master Sergeant, (MSG)

Kun]han]lUc]'(Khl) = Sergeant Major of the Army,(SMA)

Kun]ehLKm];kUn];KUiw];kYO;'!sw]:ey,SukUn];wQc];nL;srqt]:'Kun]ehLKm];kUn];KiUw];kYO;'@ = King


Kun]ehLKm];cm];yQn]'(hI;7;2')' = King of peace, (Heb.7:2),

Kun]ehLKm];tiuw];Pan];kum];nc]:ehL" = Crowned King,

Kun]ehLKm];TL,wrL.'[sw]:ey,SuKrit]:JPL;pQn]sw]:hw];'{(1Tim];1;17') = King eternal,

Kun]ehLKm];nUiw]Kun]ehLKm];tc];la}' = KING OF KINGS, King of kings,(Rev 19:16)

Kun]ehLKm];nUiw]Kun]ehLKm];tc];la}El:sw]:nUiw]sw]:tc];mUt];'(1Tim];6;15)' = King of

kings and Lord of lords,

Kun]ehLKm];pL;An]hUm],lUm]:lIw}.PG]Am],luk].Puin].l}:nn].'(Tuc];30;31') = King secure against

revolt, a king with his army around him,

Kbn]ehLKm];mG],yL,kbp]:'(Kmy) = New Kings James, (NKJ)

Kun]An]tQk];nQk];Aup].pUic],' tQk];nQk];Aup].pUic],' (ekL.-/Kun]-)' = Tyrant, autocrat,

Kun]Aup].piUc],' Kun]' = Rulers, magistrates,


Ruler of the kingdom of the air, prince of the power of the air,(Eph.2:2)

Kun]Aup].pUic],nUiw]Kun]ehLKm];mUic];lum].fL.Kw]'(Kuin];1;5')' = The ruler of the kings of the earth,

Kbn]Abp].piBc],Pgc];cm];' = Governor,

Kun]Aup].piUc],Pgc];cm];' Kun]' = Administrator, government official, bureaucrat,

Kun],'[Am],SG]{'(nm].Kun],)' = Turbid, not clear or transparent: turbid water,

Kun],lqn]:'(sa};Agn],Kw]Kun],lqn]:lUc]kGL,')' = Run, a running pace: The boys set out a run.,


puc]:SI,tin]pa}:SUiw])' = Gallop, galloped, galloping, gallop, N.,

Kun],tuic]:Agk],' SQn]wUc]Agk],'tqk],' = Blast, blasted, blasting,

Kun],Tup].'(hac]:Sam]lqm]w}.'km]tLmiuw];kqn],kqn],eSKun],Tup].SG],km];lQw]') = Snatch punch,

Kun],lt];Agk],'(lqt],Kun],hUiw]:lqc];lt];Agk],mgk],kum]:mL;') = Burst through, (The sun burst through the clouds.),

Kun],lqn]:kGL,sU;'(Kw]Agn]kn]Kun],lqn]:kGL,sU;mn];tc];mUt];yw].') = Rush at: they all rushed at him,

Kun],lqn]:lUc];' = Rushed down,

Kun],lqn]:Aum],Piut].SG],' = Dart, darted, sudden swift movement,

Kun],luk].'Pup].'[f};Pup].luk].m}:KUw];{ = Leap, (to spring through the air,), jump,[fire leaped up and burned,]

Kun],wqn]Puv],'(Pk];tUKun],wqn]Puv],kGL,)= Spring: a door sprang opened, sprang, sprung, springing,

Kun],hQt];hqc];hqc];'(Kun],tUp];muiw];pn]hqc];hqc];hqc];)' = Burst into, (burst into applause),

Kun],huk].'Kun]sk].'Pup].' = Abrupt, sudden, rushing, hasty, reckless,

Kun],huk].'hgk].' = Tug, to pull at with force, vigor, or effort, tugged, tugging,

Kup].'Kup].Kw],Agm]:pgm]:' = Kneel respectfully,

Kup].kan];'[mI;tac];yUw],eS,kUw]ym]kUm]:nL:eSKup].Kw]muiw];tw].kGL,nn].{' = Grovel, crawl,

Kup].Kw],' = Kneel, knelt, kneeling,

Kup].Kw],tw].Kgn]nuic]:' = Knelt down on one knee,

Kbp].Kw],kBm]:hBw]kw]' = Bow my knees,

Kup].Kw],Sgc]Kgn]' Kup].Kw],' = Get on our knees, kneel, fall on our knees,

Kup].mUp],' = Bend low, to bow in submission or reverence,

Kup].mUp],kUm]:hUw]kgm];tUw]ngm];etL,eSw}.SL' = Fell down and worshiped,

Kup].mUp],kUm]:sU;' kBm]:hBw]ngm];tUw]etL,' = Bow down,

Kup].mUp],him];tin]mG];/sw]:'(hw];Kup].mUp],him];tin]sw]:') = Fall at your feet: We fall at your feet,

Kup].w}:' = Kneel in worship,

Kum]kUn];ta}'(Kw]:Kum]) = Hades, N. the place of the dead: to be buried, to go down the grave, descent into Hades,

Kum]pL,hQw]:'(luk];Kut];Pc]kUn];ta}') = Grave, tomb,


Tqc];'{' = Relapse, to fall back into illness after apparent recovery, relapsed, relapsing,

KUk],mak],nim];'Kgk],mak],nim];'(KiUw];mak],nim];')' = Entada rheedii fruit, (entada creeper,)

KUk].'(Sak],El:KUk].)'KUk].nm].Pit].' KUk].m}./lQk];/hin]' = Mortar, N.: Pestle and mortar,

KUk].sak]:'sak]:tm]/lUv]Kw]:'sak]:Ait],Pgc]'[sak]:tL,Kuit]:/Ait],mQt].kin]kgn]:yg}:nn].{' = Mill,

N, a machine for grinding, crushing, or pulverizing any solid substance: a coffee mill,

KUk].nm].' = Water mill,

KUk].muiw];' = Mortar used for pounding rice by hands, hand mill,

KUk].muiw];'lUv]'[KUk].tm]Kw]:'lUv]Ait]Kw]:'{'(mn];nc];tuik].tm]Kw]:KUk].muiw];'mn];nac];tuik].Aw]lUv]Ait],Kw]:)' =

Hand mill: She is grinding with a hand mill,

KUk].mgc];' = Rice pounder by feet,

KUk].Aa}:Kan].' = Water-powered rice-pounding mortar,

KUc]' KUc]pgc],' = Perforate, make a hole through by boring, perforated, perforating,

KUc]Sac]:hQt];mG],'KBc]<Sac]:hQt];Kgc]mG],'KUc]Sac]:Agk],'(lgc]:-'la};-')' = Invent, invented,

inventing, inventor, N., invention, N.,

KUc],' = Counter,

KUc],sat]:'(kL:hQt];kGam];niUc]KUc],sat]:nG];yUc],sat]:) = Stage, the stage or the theatre,

KUc],nc]:pg},nUf};rWk].kqt].' = Launching pad,


n];tI:KUc],pG].kQp];ciun];pUin]:mL;sa},nn].eSyw].sc],l}:pUn].Agk],kGL,'{' = Checkout counter,

KUc]:' yan];'(Kt];-kgc],'kUc],')'mgc].' = Concave, hollow, (ant: convex,), incurved,

KUc]:'yan];'nqm];'yan];tUk];'(nL:lin]/KUc]:/yan];/nqm];) = Hollow, adj. having a depression or

concavity: a hollow surface,

KUc];'[wUc];wac];/es:tgn]:hgc].sgm];SPL,wmn];mI;{'(KUc];St];'KUc];Pk];yUiw]:nc];KQw]'KUc];Kgc]min]<nrL<')= Kingdom,

N. a realm or province of nature: animal kingdom; vegetable kingdom; mineral kingdom,

KUc];' nm].KUc];' = Namkhong or Salween river, the longest river in Tai Sate,

KBc];kan]'[An]wac];Pqn]'An]Pqn]kan]tL,hQt];Sac]:nn].'{ = Project, N.,

KUc];kan]An]kuit];muic]nim]sUiw]:yU,w}.' = Dormant project,

KUc];tgc].' = Abdominal wall, a wall of abdomen,

KUc];nG];' S}:KBt];KBc];nG];' = Intestines, bowels, viscera,

KUc];nG];' S}:KBt];KBc];nG];' = Viscera, Anatomy, Zoology: the organs in the cavities of the body,

KBc]<Sac]:hQt];pQn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Invent, invention,

KUv]' KUv]lin]'(KUv]lin]Kum]kUn];ta})'KUv]tUik],lUin]' = Mound, earth mound, :burial mound, hillock,

KUv]' luk]:KUv]'[ekL.pQn]PUw]luk]:yic];kUn];ekL.nuic]:nn].{' = Son in law, the husband of one’s daughter,

KUv],'(etl}:hQt];huiw]KUv],Kgp],kup];')' = Coil, coiled, coiling, :How to coil a ream of the bamboo sheaths hat?

KUv],'(mn];KUv],sUik]:w}.nUiw]hgc];hac];hUiw];')' = Coil, coiled, coiling, :He coiled the rope on the deck.,

KUv],' = Coil,

KUv],' KUt];KUv],' hQt];KUv],'(cU;KUv],'cU;KUt];KUv],')' = Spiral, spiraled, spiraling, (spiral snake),

KUv],'[Aw]sUik]:hQt];pQn]tUc],{(Aw]Sa}wa}yL,KUv],sgm];lqm]:km]suim];) = Coil, coiled: to coil a wire around a pencil,

KUv],Kg}<' KUv],Kg};' = Coil, N.,

KUv],StI;yric];kL;'(KUv],tUc],mUn];tL,kUn];ehL:kL;'ehL:hiUw];Kw]yip];Kt];ehL:hG]:sgm];tac];') = Steering wheel,

KUv],sUik]:/wa}<yL</cU;' = Coil of rope, wire, snake, etc.,

KUv],tin]'[KUic]:hac]:KUic]:pQn]tUc],Sup];tuiw];hgp]:Kgp]:tin]{(KUv],tin]Km];/ciun];/Sqc]')'= Anklet, N. an ornamental

circlet worn around the ankle, anklets,


,tin]mL.')' = Spur, N.,

KUv],tin]lQk];'(SG],KUv],tin]lQk];eSlam]:w}.)' = Fetter, : to put fetters on and confine, fettered, fettering,

KUv],tin]lQk];' = Fetter, fetters,

KUv],tI.SQc]'KUv],kqt].Sqt].' = Tape of a cassette recorder,

KUv],tUc],mgk],'[hQt];tUc],mgk],'{ = Wreathe, to wreathe, wreathed, wreathing, wreath, N. any rignlike mass,

KUv],PL.' KUv]kn];PL./mit]:/lqw];' = O ring handle,

KUv],emL:' = Pot stand coil,

KUv],lQk];'(KUv],lQk];mak],elL.)' = Iron hoop: iron hoops of wheel,

KUv],lQk];mak],tL,yL,kL;' = Wheel,

KUv],lQk];mak],lUt].Tip],'KUv],mak],lUt].Tip],' = Bicycle hoops,

KUv],lQk];ht].'(KUv],lQk];ht].Tac]nm].m}.)' = Iron hoop, : iron hoops of wood water tank,

KUv],ht].'KUv],hgp]:'KUv],kgt],' = Hoops,

KUv],hm]' hUv],hm]' hm]' = Testicles, testis, testes,


:nc];KQw]'KUt],lac]Kw]:)' = Basket of small size, basket used for washing rice an/or vegetables; basket for

winnowing paddy ,

KUt],lac]Kw]:' = Basket used for winnowing paddy,

KUt];'(ngn];KUt];' ngn];KUt];KUv],w}.')' KUt];KUv],' = Bend, coil,

KUt];'(ngn];KUt];' ngn];KUt];KUv],w}.')' KUt];KUv],' = Bend, coil,

KUt];kGL,KUt];mL;' tQn]:tQn]:mL:mL:' = Squirm, to wriggle or writhe, squirming,

KUt];kGL,KUt];mL;' tQn]:tQn]:mL:mL:' = Squirming or wriggling movement,

KBt];sibn],AQn]hqc];' = Flexes its muscle,

KUt];tin]' = Bend in the feet while sitting,

KUt];ngn];'[ngn];SI:kqc];KUt];hUw]Kw],Kiun]:{'ngn];KUt];' = Fetus or foetus position sleeping,

KUt];lUc].kUc].'[KUt];'KUt];KUv],'{ = Coil up, bend; be coiled up, coiled,

KUt].'(KUt].Kw]:KUt]./kgn].Pk];tm];w}.nUic]PUin])'kgn].' = Spoon, take up, spooned, spooning,

KUt].'(KUt].Kw]:)' = Scoop out, to scoop out with the hands or a spoon: scoop out rice, dig out,

KBt]<SI;wI;l] = Civil Code

KBt]<sbhgm]tgm]kn]w}.es;sgt],kGac]:KGac]' = Unified, organized, comprehensive Code,


n}.l}:mI;KUt]:lp].w}.hc];PG]mn];') = Code, cipher, secret language system,

KUn]' ngn];KUn];' KUn];KUt].KUt]./Kgt].Kgt].' = Snore, snored, snoring,

KUn]' mg}'(mg}sgm];tUw]KUn]hUw]kUn];'KUn]nUk].)' = Hair, feather, pilus: body hair; bird feather,

KUn]' mg}' = Pilus, a hair or hairlike structure,

KUn]kic],Eh.' mg}kic],Eh.' = Armpit hair,

KUn]kgc],ekL:' = Back neck hair, nape hair,

KUn]kg};' mg}kg};' = Panis hairs,

KUn]Kqc]' = Stiff hair, bristles,

KUn]eKL;' = Neck hair,

KUn]esL:lUc]w}.' = Bristled up, bristling,

KUn]sgm];tUw]' KUn]tUw]' = Body hair,

KUn]SUw];' = Wool, N., woollike, adj.,

KUn]tL' lup],hUw]tL' nc]KUn]tL' = Eyebrow, N., eyebrows,

KUn]tum],nUiw].kw]kI:epL;puiw];lUc]w}.'(yUp]4;15') = Hair on my body stood on end,

KUn]tum],nUiw].kI:'[vL;mUiw]:kt];/kUw]'{(KUn]tum],nUiw].kI:San]:Puin];Puin];)= Goose bumps, N. horripilation,

KUn]tum],nUiw].kI:/esL:'[mUiw]:kUw]/kt];El:KUn]sgm];nc]puiw];Kiun]:'KUn]luk].'{ = Horripilation, N. goose bumps,

KUn];nUk].'KUn]k},'KUn]pQt];' = Feather,

KUn]pik]:nUk].' KUn]hac]nUk].' = Quill,

KUn]nUt],' = Mustache hair,

KUn]kac];' mg}kac];' = Beard hair,

KUn]nUk].tc];tUw]' = Plumage, N. the entire feather covering of a bird,

KUn]nUn];'[KUn]nUk].num],/KUn]An]esL:Agk],tI:tUw]nUk].mL;nn].{' = Pinfeather,

KUn]nUn];'[KUn]AUn]:SQn]:lQk].Agk],sgm];tUw]Kic];kUn];{' = Fine body hair, fine hair on the body ,


lQc].w}.tL,EP:sUiw].EP:KUiw];mn];pUiw]:mn];mI;sG]nim]lISw];lI')' = Hair whorl: Hair whorl position on the forehead

may be of value in selecting breeding cattle for calm temperament,

KUn]mQn]:' = Porcupine quill,

KUn]mU' = Pig hair,

KUn]mg}tL'[SI;lYirI'{ = Ciliary, N.(Anatomy) noting or pertaining to various anatomical structural in or about the eye,

KUn]mg}tL'[mg}tLtc];la}nn].{' = Cilia, N.(Anatomy) the eyelashes,

KUn]hUw]ecL;' = Curly hair,

KUn]hUw]'KUn]'[PUm]'{ = Hair, skin’s hair,

KUn]hUw]piw]yuc]:yc]:sgm];lUm];' = Hair blowing in the wind,

KUn]hUw]Pa};yg};'Pa};yg};'Pn]:sUik]:'(An]-)' = Braid, N., braids,

KUn]hUw]yg};'hUw]yg};'PUm]yg};'[yg};KUn]hUw]'{ = Tuft of hair,

KUn]hUw]hUc]:'(KUn]hUw]kw]hUc]:nm]nL,huiw].?)' = Hair shedding: Is my hair shedding too much?,

KUn]hUw]hgk],' (KUn]hUw]hgk]elL;lm]mUn],SUw],hUw],tc];kgk];)' hUw]mUn],' = Gray hair, (full head of gray hairs),

KUn]:'[KUiw];mqc];mUn];An]sac]:KUp];mI;sgm];lg}tUw]lQk].eSlUik],{' = Small gadfly,

KUn]:sac].'[tI:/Sgc];nc]:An]tac]w}.lc]sac].pQn]tL,kUn];KI,{' = Howdah,

KUn];'kw]elL;'tw]elL;' = Mix, combine,

KBn];'KUn].'Pibn].'yUc];'tw]'sG]Am],nim]l}:' = Stir, arouse, provoke, stimulate, stirred, stirring,

KUn];Kw];elL;kn]w}.' San]kn]w}.' = Intertwine, interweave, interwoven,

KBn];sG]Kiun]:' KUn];sG]Kn];'[An]kGL,yUc];sG]lgc]:KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];{' = Arouse, to stimulate sexually,

KUn];sG]kUn];KUiw];kw]Kiun]:' = Arouse my own people,


n]tin],tUc].tin]:mL;yw].")' = Galvanic, adj. stimulating: Her galvanic presence brought the party to life,

KUn];elL;El;'huc]elL;El;'(huc]Pk];elL;El;)' = Hash, to muddle or mess up, hashed, hashing,

KUn];hG]:Kn];'[KUn];yUc];KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];'{ = Sex up, to arouse sexually,

KUn].' = Stir up, overturn things,

KUn].K}:'[Kiun];lat]:Enlgc]:l}:pQn]mL;yw].kw],kw],{' = Recounting, telling a story,

KBn].K}:wBn].Ag},mg}:mI;yB,sgm];wn];Agn]nn].' = Dwelling in the past,

KUn].Kiun];'(KUn].Kuin];An]pQn]/kGam];kw],) = Evoke, to call up; stir up: to evoke a memory, evoked, evoking,

KUn].Kiun];' wUn].Kiun];' = Evoke the feeling,

KUn].KGL.Sgk]:hL'(PU:-'/ekL.-'kUn];-') = Researcher,

KUn].KGL.Sgk]:hL' KUn].Sgk]:hL' = Research,

KUn].KGL.Sgk]:hLPa},pk];pUic]Aw]hc];kUv];' = Do-it-yourself Legal Research,

KBn].KGL.Sgk]:hLEl:tqm]:ma}kQw],Pa},pk];piBc]' = Legal research and writing,

KUn].SUn]h}:nL;'KUn].h}:KUn].nL;'sgn].h}:sgn].SUn]'wQk]./Sa},h}:wQk]./Sa},SUn]' = Till, to labor,

as by plowing or harrowing, upon (land) for the raising of crops; cultivate, tilled, tilling,

KUn].SUn]h}:nL;'wQk].h}:wQk].SUn]'(An]-) = Tillage, N. the operation, practice or art of tilling land,

KUn].Sgk]:hLeSPuin].PU;mun];mG],' = Research and development (R&D),

KUn].Sgk]:hLhn]' kuv].Sgk]:hLhn]' = Discovery, -The act or process of discovering,

KUn].Sgk]:hLeSlQp]:hQn];'(la};-'pa};-') = Research study,

KBn].Sgk]:hLPibn]lik]:la};' = Documents search,

KUn].tac];lc]'(Am],wUn].w}.TL:eSkum],KUn].tac];lc]nn]];etSum];) = Hindsight, retrospect,

KUn].hL'Sgk]:hL' Sgk]:' Sgk]:hLtUv];' Sgk]:tUv];' = Search,

KUn].hL'[KUn].Sgk]:hL'El,law];tUv];'{(tL,KUn].hLsG]hU.An]Pit];An]Tuk],kUn];ekL.nuic]:)' = Probe, to

search into; to explore: to probe one’s conscience, probed, probing, probe, N.,

KBn].nL;/h}:' T}nL;/h}:' = Plow, plough, plowed, plowing,

KUn].h}:/SUn]' tg},h}:' = Discing, pre-discing

KUp],'sUw]:KUp],' = Year of age,


kL.nuic]:Et,Pan]:yw].kan];kGL,'emLnc]:'emLsuk];'emLp}'emLlat]:sL.kGL,pan]lG]pan]nn].'{ = Expected age,

KUp],pI<'hUw]pI<'[Puin]ma}tgc];An]pQn]nG];pI<nuic]:nn].'{(ma}tgc];w}.sgm];hUw]pI<nG];pI<753nI:nn].') = Annal, N. a

record of events of a particular year: an annal of the year 753, annals,


n]:KUp],mUiw]:hw];yw].")' = In turn: All of us will have to do it in turn,

KUp];'Sk];'tgt],'(mLKUp];'nUk];Sk];'cU;tgt],') = Bite, bitten,

KUp];kin]tUv];km];niuc]:' = Take a bite of it,

KUp];kQw].RKoit]:RKiut]:'(mn];KUp];kin]lup],Kgt].SQc]epL;emL;RKoit]:RKoit]:)' = Crunch, crunched, crunching,

KUp];Kat],'[Enlgc]:etsG]lm]S}:km],etL,nn].{'KUp];hG]:put];' = Bite off, bite someone’s head off(Idiom),

KUp];KUp];Kiun]:Kiun]:' KUp];KUp];can]:can]:' can]:' = Several pain,

KUp];cam],kn]' lqp]:' lqp]:kn]' cam],kn]' = Match, to be equal or suitable, to fit together,

KBp];cam],Pgm].l}:sG]sgm];' KUp];cam],Pgm].PQc],sgm];' = Agreeable, adj., agree with,

KBp];cam],mqn]:sgm];' Kp].tm];y}' Kp].tm];y}mqn]:wgc],' = Lined up,

KUp];cam],yUic];ma}mG];'[hG]:l}:hgt]:Tuic]/pQn]mL;nc],yUic];ma}mG];mI;w}.muc]:mgc];w}.sUiw];nn].{ = Meeting your goals,

KUp];tuit].' = Bite and pull,

KUp];lak]:' kap]:lak]:kGL,' = Bite and drag,


yG],SUt],lUiw]SUp];mn];ym].l}:nn].yw].')= Bite off more than one can chew,(Idiom), In trying to build a house

y himself, he bit off more than he could chew,

KUp];ygk];yg}'[KUp];Ait];Ait];eSkin]/hG]:pgc],pQn]hU;'{= Nibble, to bite off small bits, nibbled, nibbling,

KUm]'KUm]nL,'KUm]Kt];'(KUm]lgk].lgk].)' = Bitter, It’s very bitter, (a little bitter,),

KUm]Kt];' KUm]nL,' KUm]Et.KUm]wL:' = Very bitter, : It’s very bitter,

KUm];'ka};'[KUm];KUm];ka};ka};'ka};ygp].ygp]./yqp].yqp].'KUm];lit];lit];lgt];lgt];'{= Itch, itched, itching, itchy, adj.,

KUm];'(etlat]:An]hUKUm];Kw]KG]:yin];nn].')= Itch, itching: to say what their itching ears want to hear.(2Ti 4:3),


tLmqt];)'{' = Edge, the thin sharp side of the blade of a cutting instrument or weapon,

KUm];'KUm];PL.'KUm];mit]:'KUm];lqw];' = Edge, the thin sharp side of the blade, cutting edge,

KUm];cw]:hqc];'[KUm];PL./lqw];Et,Kuic]:kac],etL,kn];mn];{(Kt];-KUm];pa}mac]') = Forte, N. the stronger part of a

sword blade, between the middle and the hilt,(opposed to foible)

KUm];pa}mac]''[KUm];PL./lqw];Et,Kuic]:kac],etL,pa}mn];{(Kt];-KUm];cw]:hqc];') = Foible, N. the weak part of a

sword blade, between the middle and the point,(opposed to foible)

KUm];PL.'Sn]KUm];PL.' = Blade, N. the flat cutting part of sword, knife, etc.; rapier or the like,

KUm];PL.' Sn]KUm];PL.'(hin]SG]sqc]:miUn]man],pQn]sQc],Sn]KUm];PL.w}.')' = Bladed, (Bladed crystal),

KUm];lqw];'KUm];lqw];Pa}'(pa}:pUn].lgt]:KUm];lqw];Pa}')' = Edge of the sword: escaped the edge of the sword,

KUw]'[pQn]An]ka},hQt];w}.tac];kGL,tL,Kam]:nm].'hgc]:'hUv]:'Kam]:tac];kGL,pL:nUiw]mn];{'KUw]ka},' = Bridge,

KBw]' KBw]yB,' SQc]KBw]' = Laugh, laughing,

KUw]kqp]:' = Narrow Bridge,

KUw]Kik];Kik];' = Giggle, to laugh in a silly,

KUw]Kik];Kik];Kik];Kik];' = Snicker, to laugh in disrespectful manner, a snickering laugh,

KUw]SG],' KUw]hun].SG],'KUw]mc]hL.hL.' = Make fun of, laugh at,

KUw]tan],mG];emLKUw]hun].mUn]:SUiw];Sut];nn].' = Laugh your best laugh,

KUw]tL:hUiw];'[pk];lk];hQt];KUw]nUiw]nm].luk].tI:Pc],kGL,nG];kac]nm].pQn]tI:tL,Kuin]:lUc];hUiw];{' = Pier, N. jetty,

KUw]tQk];tgc].tQk];S}:' = Amusement or laughter, an express of mirth by laughing,


Boardwalk, N. a promenade made of wooden boards, usually along a beach or shore,

KUw]pqn]:'(nUic];-KUw]Aut],'KUw]lQk];)' = Woodbridge, N. wooden bridge, (compare ‘brickbridge, ironbridge’),


El:Pqn]w}.pL:nUiw]nm]./lin]Am],mI;lk];/Sw]km].nn].{'KUw]sUik]:' = Suspension bridge,

KUw]mc]pn]' (Kw]KUw]mc]pn]mn];yw].)' = Laugh at, (they laughed at him),

KUw]mUn]:hun].nUw]' = Amusement, the act of amusing,

KUw]lQn]:'(tI:-/An]-)(kw]l}:pQn]tI:t};]KUw]lQn]:nn].pqt]:w}.yw].'(yUp]12;4')= Laughingstock,

N. an object of ridicule; the butt of a joke or the like: I have become a laughingstock to my friends or I am a joke to my friends,


KYL.kun],Am],nn]tL,hUiw];Kw]luiw]:Sw];w}.(yUc],KUw]lUc]tL:hUiw];){' = Wharf, N., wharves,

KUw]l}' = Stairs,

KUw]l}yuk].' han].yuk].' = Elevator, lift,

KUw]l}lic];' = Spiral Staircase,

KUw]l}liUn]:' = Escalator, moving stairway,

KUw]hk];lqw]lgc]:nm].kGL,' (PUn]lUc]tUk]; Aw]KUw]hk];lqw]lgc]:nm].kGL,pqt]:') = Bridge washed out,

(the bridge is washed out by rains),

KUw]hc];kUv];' hun].KUw]hc];tUw]kw],' = Laughed to herself,

KUw]hqc];hqc];'KUw]SQc]hqc];' = Laugh out loud(LOL),

KUw],piuc]:AS}a;lm]' = Asylum,


k];wan]wan],nuic]:nc],kw],')' = Dry roast as in a pan,

KUw]:'KUw]:nm].mn];' = Fry, fried, frying,

KUw]:Kqm]:Kqm]:'pic]:Kqm]:'[KUw]:hqc]:Am],SG],nm].mn];{(Pgc]ekL,fI,KUw]:Kqm]:Kqm]:)' = Dark roast: dark roast coffee,

KUw]:Kgp]:' = Deep-fry, deep-fried, deep-frying,

KUw]:/tUm]:Suk];Kuic]:nuic]:Am],Suk];Kuic]:nuic]:' = Half-fried, half-boiled,

KUw]:lUic]Kqm]:'pic]:Suk];'[KUw]:hqc]:Am],SG],nm].mn];{(yuiw].KUw]:lUic]Kqm]:)' = Medium roast: medium roast tea,

KUw]:hqc]:'pic]:'Pw]'sI,'mUk];f};'Pw]f};' = Roast, roasted, roasting,

KUw];' KUw];lQc];' = Matter, stuff,

KUw];'KUw];nuc]:' SiUw]:KUw];' = Clothe, N., clothes,

KUw];'KUw];kL.KUw];K}' = Goods, things,

KUw];' Kgc]' Kam],' ekL.Kam],' An]' = Object, N., objects,

KUw];km].w}.' (kqw]:Sqc]ciun];Km];An]km].w}.)' = Pawn, (jewels in pawn),

KUw];kw],' KUw];kw],KUw];mgc]' = Old clothes, used clothes,

KUw];kUiw],' = Dirty clothes,


n].{' = Asbestos, N. a fibrous mineral, formerly used for making incombustible or fireproof articles; a fireproof curtain,

KUw];eKYL;hQt];yw].' kun],Sin]eKYL;' = Finished product,

KUw];Kqm];mit].SJTI,tL,kL.Ka}' = Commercial chemistry,

KUw];/Kgc]Ka}'KUw];yip];'[KUw];tL,Ka}mQw];nuic]:'Kgc]kL.kU;kn]'{ = Article, N. an item for sale; commodity, articles,

KUw];Kgc]' = Property,

KUw];/Kgc]lIw}.tgc];'[mQw];An]lISim];w}.nn].{' = Keepsake, N. anything kept, or given to be kept,


lk].Aw]'KUw];sUn]Aw]')' = Loot, N. anything taken by dishonestly, force, stealth, etc.: a burglar’s loot,

KUw];Kgc]kun],Sin]Agk],nG];nm].' Pa},kbn],Sin]Agk],nG];nm].' = Aquatics Products

KUw];Kgc]kUn];yip];tiuw];' = Artifacts,

KUw];Kgc]kU:lgc]:lgc]:' = General property,

KBw];Kgc]KBic]:piBc]lI' = Good things,

KBw];Kgc]KiBc]:piBc]lIAn]Sim];pqc];w}.pn]' = Good things in store,

KBw];Kgc]KiBc]:piBc]mQw];An]tBv];Am],hn]l}:' = Things not seen,

KUw];Kgc]Sun],tUw]' = Personal Property,




kGL,sUiw];n}."{ = Consumer discretionary, the term given to goods that are considered non-essential by consumer,

but desirable if their available income is sufficient to purchase them. Consumer discretionary goods include durable goods,

apparel, entertainment and leisure and automobiles,

KUw];Kgc]pan]pU,mgn],na};yL:' = Ancestral property,

KUw];Kgc]pUk].klik' = Private property, belonging to some particular person: ,

KUw];Kgc]pgt]:lUim]:w}.' = Brushed finish,

KBw];Kgc]Pqn],lin]' = Property, land,

KUw]:Kgc]Pqn],lin]pw],' = Unimproved Property,-Land that has received no development.,


,' = “Your property…your responsibility,”

KUw];Kgc]mI;tac];m}:'[hiUn];An]sw]:mn];vL;tuk].Kw}.{ = Distressed Properties,

KUw];Kgc]mI;wa};Et,nL:hUin];hUm]:kn]' = Marital property,

KBw];Kgc]lin]tI:tL,Pc]' = Property for a burial site,

KUw];Kgc]lin]hiUn];'[Sun],l}:Pa},pk];piUc]tL,l}:piUc],'yip];tiuw];'Em;kiUc]Em;kum];tI:lin]hIun];ey;{= Real Property,

KUw];Kgc]lQk];'lQk];'KUw];lQk];KUw];tgc];'= Metal, N. a class of elementary substances, as gold, silver, or copper,

KBw];Kgc]El:Kgc]piBc],' = Property and possessions,


{' = Consumer Staples, consumer staples are essential products, such as food, beverages, tobacco and household

items. Consumer staples are goods that people are unable or unwilling to cut out of their budgets regardless of their financial

situation. Consumer staples are considered to be non-cyclical, meaning that they are always in demand, no matter how well the

economy is performing. People tend to demand consumer staples at a relatively constant level, regardless of their price,

KBw];Kgc]lgc]:tac];' = Subject,

KUw];Kgc]lgc]:tac];pL;mI;nG];ptivin],' = Subject of the contract,

KUw];Kgc]hLpn]ciun];Kw]:' = Income Property, -Real estate that generates rental income,

KUw];Kgc]him]l}:mL;' = Spoils, N. booties, plunders,

KUw];Kgc]him]l}:mL;(Kgc]l}:la})mI;w}.nm]nL,nn].' = Great spoil, great amount of plunder,(Ps.119)

KUw];Kgc]hQt];Agk],' kun],Sin]' = Production,

KUw];Kgc]An]kqn],' = Hard materials,

KUw];Kgc]Am],mI;An]ham]:Eh.'(Piun]siuw]:piUc],Sac];lac];) = Unencumbered Property, (Clear Title)

KUw];Kgc]Aw]lin]nQw]hQt];w}.'(emL:'Aum]'Ac],'mak],Aut],') = Ceramics,

KUw];Kgc]Agk],sgm];kn]la}mQw];' p}a<prUw]tk].' = Byproduct,

KUw];Kgc]Agk],nG];hUc];kan]hQt];Kgc]' = Industrial production,

KUw];ciun];KUw];Km];' = Gold and silver ornaments,

KUw];sw]:KUw];Kun]' = Royal robe,

KBw];sbm],' = Uniform, suit, costume,

KUw];sUn]Aw]' KUw];lk].Aw]' = Burglar’s loot,

KUw];sU;yQp].'KUw];pn]yQp].Aw]' = Tailor-made suit, custom made suit,

KUw];SPL,wAgk],nG];nm].nG];lin]' = Natural properties,

KUw];Sak]:eS,' = Exhibit,

KUw];Sim];Kqm].hUm],lUm]:lI' = Safety stock, safety inventory, buffer stock,

KBw];Sim];l}:tI:pac]tibk];'KUw];Kgc]him]:l}:mL;' = Plunder, N., a booty, pillage, spoil, plunders,

KUw];Suik];'[KUw];An]Suik];sa};/yic];nG].tp].p}lin]/nm]./lUm];Kw]nuc]:{' = Military dress,

KUw];tiun];kiuk];pL;' = Fixtures, something fastened to another,

KUw];tgn]:' Kgc]tgn]:' = Present,

KUw];tgc].'KUic]:tgc].' = Viscera,

KUw];Tgk]:pam].km].kqn]' = Provision, N. supplies; victuals, provisions,

KUw];Tgt]:KUw];mYat]:' = Sacred objects or things,

KUw];nuc]:KUw];m}' KUw];' = Dress, clothing,

KUw];nc]epL' = Sackcloth,

KUw];nuc];tac];m}'[SUiw]:KUw];An]km]:nm]n}.nuc]:Sgn].Pa},ngk]:nn].'KUw];mG],lUim]:lUim]:'{ = Apparel, N. clothing,

especially outerwear; garments; attire; raiment, outfitter,

KUw];nuc]:tc];m}hac]:lI' = Finery, fine,

KUw];nuc]:ngn];'[kUn],hUc],yUc].Pqn],kuv]nUn];lI{' = Pajamas, night clothes, loose-fitting trousers of silk or cotton,

KUw];nuc]:pg};Kam],Kqk],' = Reception dress,

KUw];nuc];pg};tL,Kw]:Kam],Kqk],' = Banquet dress,

KUw];nuc]:pg};pac]Kqk],' = Wedding clothes, wedding dress,

KUw];pn]yQp].Aw]' KUw];sU;yQp].' = Custom made suit, tailor-made suit,

KUw];put]:' KUw];la}:' = Clothes to replace,

KUw];Pc].ygk];pgc],' Pqn],ygk];' = Rag, ragged,

KUw];Pak],' KUw];Pak],SUc],pn]' = Things sent through the care of another person,

KUw];PL:m}tUw]'Sac],kan];'SiUw]:KUw];' = Robe,

KUw];PL:m}tUw]yaw];piw]yuc]:yuc]:'(luk].20;46')'[Sac],kan];yaw];piw]yuc]:yuc]:{ = Flowing robes,

KUw];Pit];pk];pUic]' = Illegal property,

KUw];mUk];w}.'[kun],An]Sim];w}.tL,hQt];Agk],tL,Ka}tL,puin]EPwn];mUiw];nL:nn].{' = Stock, N. inventory,

KUw];mUk];w}.Ka},Am],l}:' = Unsold stock, leftover stock,

KUw];mUk];w}.lUim]:mUt];mUv].mUt];' = Stock depletion,

KUw];m}.KUw];tgk],' = Woodwork, objects or parts made of wood. the interior wooden fittings, especially of a

house, as doors, stairways, or moldings.,


n])' = Handiwork, N. the result of work done by hand: woven mats and other handiwork,

KUw];mUiw]:kgn],' = Antique, any work of art, piece of furniture, decorative object, or the like, created or produced in a

former period, or, according to U.S. customs laws, 100 years before date of purchase.,

KUw];mG],KUw];lI' KUw];lQc];mG],' = Fine clothes,

KUw];mG],lUim]:lUim]:'[KUw];nuc]:El:pg};'SUiw]:tqk]:puc],t};'{ = Attire, N. raiment; clothes or apparel, especially

splendid garments,

KUw];yip];' = Articles of use,

KUw];ygk];' = Rags, : The tramp was dressed in rags.

KUw];lQk];' lQk];' = Metal,

KUw];lQk];KUw];tgc];' = Metalwork, N. objects makd of metal, metalware,

KUw];lQc];' = Goods, possessions especially movable properties, cloth or textile materials,

KUw];lQc];' KUw];' = Stuff, matter,

KUw];lQc];'lQc];'[SUiw]:kUn]PL:Pqn],KUw];yip];tuiw];'{ = Raiment, N. clothing; apparel; attire,

KUw];lQc];kun],kYam];'[KUw];lQc];KUic]:pUic]kYam];An]etl}:Aw]SG],nG];hUc];kan]hQt];Kgc]kGL,sgm];Kk].tgn]:mn];{' = Feedstock, raw material for processing or manufacturing industry., feed stock,

KUw];lQc];KiUc]:piUc]' = Material,

KUw];lQc];KUic]:pUic]lUiw]PUiw],w}.' = Auxiliary materials,

KUw];lQc];Kgc]piUc],' = Possessions,

KUw];lQc];Kgc]pUic],TL,wrL.' = Everlasting possession,


n];nn].'{'kun],kYam];' = Raw material, material before being processed or manufactured into a final form.,

KUw];lQc];hiUn];ey;'(tac],'kU,tI:ngn];'KUc],'siUw];nn].(pQn]mQw];Ka}.kGL,mL;l}:)) = Furniture, (movable things),

KUw];lU,' = Things to donate,

KUw];lU,nuic]:pun]:Sip];pun],' = Tithe, N., tithes,

KUw];la};'[KUw];sum]Kgm],mqn];tUw]</(Suik];KUw];la};'){' = Commando suit,

KUw];wUv],kw],kUw]:kUik],' KUw];kw],mQn]K};Suic]:Suic]:' = Filty or dirty clothes,

KUw];hac]:KUic]:'[KUic]:hac]:KUic]:{'KUw];hg}:KUw];tuiw];' = Embellishment, N., an ornament, embellishments,

KUw];hac]:KiUc]:St];' = Harness, combination of straps, bands, and parts forming gear for controlling animal,

KUw];hQt];w}.yw].'[Am],sG]:An]Sc],hQt];Aw]{'(Suiw]:kut]:yQp].pQn]Puin]w}.yw].)' = Ready-made, adj.: a

ready-made coat,

KUw];hQt];Agk],' = Output, product, manufactured goods, result or goods created,

KUw];hQt];Agk],sm]etyw].' = Semi-finished product,


n];El:tgc];skGL,sUiw];n}.{' = Main product,

KUw];hQt];Agk],elL;El;' = Product mix,

KUw];hQt];Agk],An]lQw]'[KUw];An]ekL.emLmuiw];hQt];w}.mI;An]lQw]Am],mI;la}An]{' = One-off production,


= Apron, N.: a kitchen apron,


PL:/es:sQt].'Sp].pYL,'Pqn],SUiw],PUin]'sL.kGL,{' = Household property, household items,

KUw];AmUv],'[pL;sQm]lin]Kgc]pUv]:/nm].tgn];Pgn];lItI:KUw];Kgc]nn].{' = Hereditament, any inheritable estate or

interest in property,

KUw];hg}:KUw];tiuw];Agn],' = Trinkets,

KUw];hg}:KUw];tuiw];' = Adornment, N., adornments,

KUw];Agk],' Kgc]Agk],' KUw];Kgc]hQt];Agk],' = Production, product,


mUiw]:etSgm]:'KUw].h}:hG]:Pn]:lin]kgn]:lin]lUc]yg}:yw].sc],sat],Kw]:mn];')' = Harrow, N.,


c],sat],Kw]:mn];')' = Harrow, N. to draw a harrow over land, harrowed, harrowing,

KUw].niuc]:'puk].niuc]:'tg};niuc]:'tum];niuc]:'tqw];niuc]:' = Cluster, a cluster,

KUw].PUiw]m}.' Kqm];m}.' = Foliage, leafage,

KUw].mak],Spit]:' = Cluster of grapes,

KUw].mgk],nqc];SI,' = Cluster of roses,

KUw].h}:/SUn]' tg},h}:'(tg},h}:n}.hG]:kgn]:lin]ya}:eSKut]:Pgn];ca}:eSEl:Kw]:etAgk],lI)' = Post- discing,

KUw]<Sqm]<'[luk]:sa};EAmtm]<El:pQn]AU:Aqt]<ta};'{ = Cosam,[the son of Elmadam, and father of Addi,],


n]2'8/4'(8X4)'n}yU,yw].{' = Quotient, N.(Meth. Science) the result of division; the number obtained by dividing

(if 8 is divided by 4, the quotient can be represented as 2, or as 8/4,

KUw]<rL,'[luk]:sa};AI<eSL;'suiw]:kUn];sa};SI,ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:36;5') = Korah, a son of Esau,


Korah, a Levite who led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron,(Num.16),

KUw]<hqt].'[luk]:sa};lI;wiekL.TUn]:Sgc]'{(cw]:46;11')' = Kohath, the second son of Levi,

KUw]<lUw],nI,'(wL,t) = Colonialism,

KUw]<lUw],nI,'(miUc];')(miUc]:An]tUk].tG]:miUc];tac],miUc];mL;Aup].piUc],w}.nn].') = Colony, colonies,

KuSY'[kUn];mUic];AI,tIAUw];piy'{'mUic];KuSY' = Cush, N. kingdom of an ancient African state in, kush,


;6'SL,7;1') = Cush, the eldest son of Ham,


t].nIey,epL;mL;T},Tut],Ek,Kzt]:pUt];pg},Kw]'{(Sin]3;8') = Cushan-Rishathaim, a king of Mesopotamia,

KU:nc]' KU:lc]' = Nose,

KU:nc]kuc];'KU:nc]cUc];'KU:nc]yaw];' = Big nose,

KU:nc]tqk],lUit]:'(pQn]Sc]El:KU:nc]kw]tqk],lUit]:?)' = Nosebleed: Why do I et nose bleed?,

KU:nc],lqm]'KU:lc]lqm]' = Sharp-nosed, having a thin, pointed nose,

KU:nc]lqt];'KU:lc]lqt];' = Sharp-nosed, having a keen or sensitive sense of smell,

KU:nc]Auin]' SQc]KU:nc]Auin]' = Talking through one’s nose,

KU:nc]/lc]tqk],lUit]:'[lUit]:KU:lc]Agk],{(ham]:KU:lc]tqk],lUit]:Tat],') = Nosebleed, N. bleeding from the

nose; red trillium: stop nosebleeds; bleed cease,

KU:lc]'kQw],Pa},KU:lc]'(kUc]KU:lc])' = Nasal, adj.: the nasal cavity,

KU:lc]tn]' = Blocked nose, nasal blockage, plugged nose,

KU:lc]Auin]'[SQc]lat]:KU:lc]Auin]{'SQc]Auin]' = Nasal,(Phonetics) N a nasal speech sound.,

KU:lc]Auin]'KU:nc]Auin]' = Nasal,(Phonetics) N., stuffy nose,

KU;'tI,krI,'[Puin]KU;Pa},hQn];emLsn].Suc]An]sn].sgm]El:ekL;lQk].Kw]ekL.Aap]:pn]nn].{ = Degree,

(Education) an academic title conferred by universities or colleges,

KU;pt]<KYlL<' = Bachelor’s Degree,

KB;siBw];sw]:' Pt];STUiw],' KB;wt].w}:SL' = Pastor, a minister or priest in charge of the church,

KB;Sgn]' = Professor, tutor,

KB;Sgn]perL;fqt].S]lBc]' = Professor,

KU;tgk],tL,pa};emLK}:sG]es;sgt],' = Doctorate, N. Doctor of Philosophy,

KU;tgk],tL,' tgk],tL,' = Doctorate, N. doctor’s degree,

KB;Enla};' = Coach, mentor, trainer, tutor,

KU;pa};pk];pUic][KU;pt]<KYlL</mt]:StL<pa};pk];pUic]{' = Law Degree, Bachelor or Master of Law Degree,

KU;PI,AQk].KY]tI,pa};pk];pUic]' = Ph.D. in Law, Law-Ph.D.

KU;Piuk];Sgn]' kBn];Puik];Sgn]' = Trainer,

KU;mt]<StL<' = Master degree,

KU;emL' = Teacher,very learned person,

KB;emLSgn]' emLSgn]' = Teacher, tutor, trofessor,

KU;emLSgn]' = Tutor, instructor, professor,

KU;emLSgn]tqm]:hac]:' = Art instructor,

KU;emLyL'[kUn];ekL.l}:la}<Sqn]<w}.Pa},yLkUn];yLKQw]:yLSt];{'emLyL'tgk],tL,' = Doctor, a person

licensed to practice medicine, as physician, surgeon, dentist or veterinarian, Dr.

KU;emLyLlUc]' emLyLSep;ESY,lit].S]' = Specialist, N. A physician whose practice is limited to a

particular branch of medicine or surgery, especially one who is certified by a board of physicians,

KU;yG],wt].w}:SL'[KU;sn].Suc]/yG],nG];sUiw];KU;hQt];kan]sgm];kn]sum];lQw]nn].'{= Senoir Pastor,

KU;lat]:Sc],Sgn]']:Sc],Sgn]' = Lecturer, teacher, professor, instructor,

KB;wt].w}:SL' KB;siBw];sw]:' Pt];STUiw],' = Pastor, a minister or priest in charge of the church,

KU;wL;lUc](An]l}:pQn]-/)'An]l}:pQn]KU;wL;lUc]' = Apostleship, N.,

KB;wL;lBc]'[sibw]:tL,tep;sw]:ey,SuSip];Sgc]ekL.An]mn];sw]:pn]eAL;sL,AL,nL,Kw]w}.{' = Apostle,

KU;wL:lUc]sn].nUiw]' = Super-apostles,(2Cor.11;5)

KU;wL;lUc]hap],kan]sw]:ey,SuKrit]:'[!pI,tUiw],@ekL:sG]:'{' = Apostle of Jesus Christ, (1 Peter 1:1),

KU;wL;ehL;kGam];JtL;sw]:Krit]:' = Evangelist, a person authorized to proclaim the gospel of Christ,

KU;wL;ehL;Kaw],Tgt]:mYat]:Krit]:yan],' = Evangelical, evangelicals,[Designating Christian holding

to conservative interpretation of the Bible, a salvation only through rebirth, (apostolic, divine, fundamentalist, scriptural,)],

KU;wQc];'[hgc]:luik].kGac]:kGac]:mI;nm].w}.hQt];lgm].hgp]:wQc];/tp].Kam],tuik];w}.nn].{'KU;' = Moat, N.,

KU;ASUw]SYI;AQt].'[Kuin]:hQn];tI:hUc];hQn];ekL;lQk].Sgc]pIyw].eSl};{' = Associate degree, (A.A.)

KU.sL.'[PU:kgn];kUn];nL:hUin];ey;Kun]ehLKm];Eh;rWt].'{ = Chuza, [the manager of Herod’s household,(Lk.8:3)],

KU<lI<'[kUn];kin]sac]:tQc],/etL.kun],nk];tac],elL./kL;pn]pUin]:'{ = Coolie, N., cooly,

KU<Pgn]<'[Kqp];mG]Tqc]:An]nuic]:eKLeKLtL,lgc]:lQw]kn]{' = Coupon, N. a separate ticket for the same purpose,

eKsip].'[suiw]:wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];mUic];AiSer;'{(cw]:38;5') = Kezib, the name of two town in Israel, Achzib,

eKSlun],'[suiw]:lg}ey,rim];Tqc]:An]nuic]:'{(eyL;15;10') = Kesalon, another name of Mount Jearim; Chesalon,

eKSqt].'[luk]:sa};TUn]:SI,nhUw];AL;'{(cw]:22;22') = Kesed, Chesed, the fourth son of Nahor,

eKSulgt].'[wQc];nG];mUic];AiSKL,'{(eyL;19;18') = Kesulloth, a town in Issachar; Chesulloth,

eKSil'[wan]:nG];mUic];yutpgt];san];'{(eyL;15;30') = Kesil, a village in southern Judah; Chesil,

eKtSY'[suiw]:wQc];Sam]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;12;22') = Kedesh, the name of three cities in the Old Testament,

eKtmL,'[luk]:sa};luin];AiSYem;'{(cw]:25;15') = Kedemah, the youngest son of Ishmael,

eKtmUt].'[pac],hat],Sa};hqc]:eKtmUt].'{(ehL;2;26') = Kedemoth, Desert of Kedemoth,

eKtL<'[luk]:sa};AiSYem;ekL.TUn]:Sgc]'{(cw]:25;13') = Kedar, the second of Ishmael,

eKetL<law]mUiw]<'[mUic];Pa},Agk],pqp]<plun],mUiw]:pan]AL,RpL,ham],'Kun]ehLKm];mUic];AI;lm],'{(cw]:14;1') =

Kedorlaomer, a country east of Baylonia in Abraham’s day; king of Elam, Chedorlaomer,

eKTU;rL,'[em;AL,RpL,ham],ekL.TUn]:Sgc]'(cw]:25;1'){' = Keturah, the second wife of Abraham,

eKnL.'[suiw]:hgc]:mUic]Agn],El:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;19;28') = Kanah, the name of a brook and a city,

eKrn],'[luk]:sa};tiSun]<'{(cw]:36;26') = Keran, a son of Dishon, Cheran,

eKriAgt].eh,srun],'[wQc];yutnG];nqk];kqp]<'{(eyL;15;25') = Kerioth Hezron, a city of Judah in the Negev,

eK,kL:sa},kL:mn];w}.pn]lum];lum];yw].' = Totally paid for,

eK,kL:pQn]tgn]:'(eK,kL:pQn]tgn]:sgm];liUn]) = Installment, to pay for monthly installment,

eK,kL:pQn]tgn]:piUc]ta}sgm];hUw]liUn]' = Monthly Fixed Installment,

eK,kL:mn];' = Payment,

eK,kL:mn];ep,mUt];' eK,kL:mn];ep,ep,' pn]kL:mn];kum],kum],' = Pay off,

eK,kL:mn];El:'pn]kL:mn];'pn]ciun];'pn]'mqc],' = Pay, pay bill or money,

eK,kL:mn];l}:' sac]:eK,kL:mn];' = Afford, to be able to do or bear, to be able to meet the expense,

eK,kL:mn];w}.' pn]w}.' yiun]:w}.' = Tender, to offer, make formal offer, tendered,

eK,kL:emL<kit]<sgm];Sgc]wUc]:niuc]:pgk]:' = Biweekly Mortgage Payment,

eK,kL:la};TUc]pL;mw]'[pn]kL:emL<kit]<Siuw].p},ep,nn].pQn]kgn]:pQn]mm]:miUw]:eKL:Pgm].Sut];{= Balloon

Payment, a paym,

eK,kL:mn];w}.' pn]w}.' yiun]:w}.' = Tender, to offer, make formal offer, tendered,

eK,P};rL,'[wQc];An]pn]kUn];KUiw];pqn]<yL,min],'{(eyL;9;17')' = Kephirah, a form of Chephirah, a city of

Gibeon given to the tribe of Benjamin,


Kephar Ammoni, a town assigned to the tribe of Benjamin; a form of Chephar Haamoni,

eK,mUw];SY'[JPL;kUn];KUiw];mUw];Aqp],mUiw]:kU:pgk]:'{(TUin],21;29')= Chemosh, was the national god of the Moabites,

eK,Aw]'ES,Aw]'Sg}Aw]'[sG].miUw];niw].lQw]/TU,'m}.lqm]:lQw]EK,Aw]'{'= Pick up thing with a single tool or

one finger,

eK,Agk],'luip]:ehL:'[tQk];sG].Ka}.Agk],eStI:tI:kGL,nn].'{(tin],eK,mak],hin]Agk],') = Dislodge, to remove or

force out of a particular place; drive out: to dislodge a stone with one’s foot, disloged, disloging,

eK:'EK:'[m}.pUk],m}.mgc](m}.mI;kUc])/kic],m}.Agn],hqc]:tL,Aw]SG],f};'{' = Twigs, kindling twigs,

eK;'eK;wL:lL;'yBw],eK;'yUw]eK;mn];et' = Perhaps, adv., may be, possibly,

eK;sac]:etmI;kUn];An]lUw],piUn]:mL;pn]hqc];sG]nn].w}.yU,km]:Pgc]:hiuw]" = There may be

someone who needs some encouragement.

eK;sac]:etmI;ekL.An]etlUw],t};ekL.w}.yU,nn].eSekL.ekL." = There may be

someone that just needs a friend,

eK;et'yBw]et'yBw]eK;et'sac]:et,' = May, might, (used to express possibility)

eK;etsac]:pQn]:' eK;sac]:et' = Might be,

eK;etsac]:pQn]' yam]:l}:hQt];'yam]:l}:pQn]/mI;' = Might have,

eK;etsQw];Aw]Tqc]:km];niuc]:yU," = May be another one soon,

eK;nL;'[wan]:nG];wQc];Ek;lI,lI;nG];miBw];AiSer;pgt];hgc],{ = Cana,[an ancient town in N Israel, in Galilee,( John 2;1,11)]

eK;rit].'(nm].hgc]:Agn],) = Cherith,[1Ki 17:3]


= Kerith, a brook or winter-stream(1 Kings 17:3,5), Cherith,]']' EK.KQc],kn]' = Compete, contest,

eK.hqc];kn]' EK.hqc];kn]' = Strength contest,

eK<nt].'[luk]:sa};EA,lifL.'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sam]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:36;11) = Kenaz, a son of Eliphaz,

eK<nt].'[wQc];Pa},Agk],Sut];nG];mUic];tIKqp].pUw]lit].'{(TUin],32;42')= Kenath, the easternmost city of Decapolis,

eK<nn]<'[luk]:sa};AI;ngt]<El:pQn]AU:mhL,lL<El;'(luk].3;37){ = Kenan,[the son of Enosh,],

eK<ni'[kUn];KUiw];yU,nG];pL,hat],Sa};hqc]:es:tgn]:S};n}<'{(cw]: 15;19')'kUn];KUiw];eK<ni' = Kenites, the

tribe lived in the desert region of Sinai,


isi'[pQn]KUiw];nG];kUn];KUiw];AI<tum],nG];mUic];KL,nn],Kw]nn].KUiw];nuic]:'{(cw]:15;19') = Kenizzites, an

Edomite tribe of Canaan, Kenezzites,

EK'[Eh.w}.ham]:w}.SI;w}.{(EKw}.yLhG]:pQn]eP;)'SI;' = Avert, to ward off, prevent: hinder; fend off: to avert danger,

EK' nqc]:' [KUic]:tipLAn]Aw]sUik]:Pn]:San]hQt];lgk];tLEKw}.'{' = Net,

EKtUw]'EKpn]'[wa},kgc]lc]pqt]:'lm];pqt]:kGL,k}k}'EK'{ = Fend, turn away; avert; fend off, fended, fending,

EKtUw]' tL,EKtUw]' = Self-protection,

EKeP;' Eh.eP;' = Prevent the risk of danger or harm,

EKf};' EKP};' mgt],f};' = Extinguish a fire,

EK,' miUc];EK,' = China,

EK,' kUn];miUc];EK,' EK,lUc]' = Chinese,

EK,' Kit],'(k},Agn],EK,hLkin]) = Scratch, to dig or scrape something out,(chicken scratch)

EK,pan];eS;' = Chinese or Malay Muslims,

EK:'[m}.pUk],m}.mgc](m}.mI;kUc])/kic],m}.Agn],hqc]:tL,Aw]SG],f};'{'Kqm];' = Twigs, kindling twigs,

EK;'[mak],KUiw]SUm]:Agc],SG],nUiw].{'(EK;Kw]:Sg};/SQn]:/lqc].)' = Sauce: noodle tomato sauce, tomato sauce,


K;Kw]:Sg};wan]'EK;Kw]:SQn];'EK;Kw]:lUic]'EK;Kw]:lqc].')'= Ketchup, N. a condiment consisting of pureed tomatoes,

onions, vinegar, sugar, spices, etc., catchup,

EK;Kw]:Sg};' = Noodle sauce, tomato sauce, or ketchup, catchup,


Catalyst, N. Chemistry a sustance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itseld being affected,

EK;tI,' (kUn];kin]sac]:pL;TUc]Kgn].kgp].f]El:sg}:hLmak],kgp].f]pn])' = Caddie,(golf) a person hired to carry a

layer’s clubs, find the ball, etc.,

EK;mak],KUiw]SUm]:' [EK;Kw]:lUic]/lqc]./Sg};{' nm].Pit].Agc],' = Tomato ketchup, tomato sauce,

EK;rt].' [Km];lIn}.mk];ma}wL:mI;nm].24EK;rt].=(24k.){ = Carat, [(K) pure gold is designated as 24k.]

EK;lEm;Pgc]/nm].' [Pgc]/nm].PUik],tL,Pgk];SG],tI:SL;epL;Agk],hQp];'{' = Calomel, a white, tasteless

powder, Hg 2 Cl 2 , used chiefly as a purgative and fungicide.,]' EK.KQc],kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Match, competition,]' EK.KQc],kn]']' = Compete, contest,]tc];' Kt];kn]' tc];' El:tc];' = Versus, v., vs., against, (good vs. bad)

EK.KQc],'(EK.KQc],tL,l};SU;Tinuic]:') = Contend, compete: to contend for first prize, contended, contending,

EK.KQc],kn]']' KG]]Aw]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Competition,

EK.KQc],Am],mI;sn].kqn],Kqc]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Unhealthy competition,

EK.tac];mI;' = Keep up with, informal. to compete with one's neighbors in material possessions, etc, (keeping up

with the Joneses has put him debt),

EK.tUw]sw]:kw],Kuin];hG]:mG];epL;pQn]ekL.lITiSut];tan],mG];sac]:pQn]nn].El:' = Compete

yourself to be the best you can be,

EK.Ey.' p}EK.Ey.' = Cripple, crippled, crippling,

EK.lac];'(EK.lac];ep;piUw]<l]'(EK.lac];lUc]ep;pUiw]<') = Tower, N.: tower of Babel,

EK.lac];tp].Kam],tibk];kqt],EKpn]'(Tuc];18;10')' = Fortified tower,

EK.lac];pG].yam];' EK.lac];pG].wQc];/wan]:' = Watch tower, town/village watch tower,

EK.lac];lBc]KiBc],Km].' = Strong tower,

EK.lac];lUc]ep;pUiw]<'[eK.lac];wQc];ep;pUiw]<'{ = Tower of Babel,

EK.lUik]:kQp];Kiun];Tqc]:'(mn];EK.lUik]:kQp];Tqc]:km];Sam]') = Bid for reelection, (He bids for a third reelection.)


= Bier, N. a frame or stand on which a corpse or the coffin containing it is laid before burial,

EK.hqc];kn]' eK.hqc];kn]' = Strength contest,

EK.hUiw];']Pa};hUiw];' Pa};hUiw];]' = Race boat,

K}'mn];'K}mn];'pI;mn];'(kUn];pI;'(AUn]mn];) = Fat, adj. obese; corpulent; plump; oily: a fat person; fat gravy,

K}'mn];'K}mn];'(K}wUw];/nUiw].lqc]'mn];mU'(K}kgn]:'kgn]:K}')' = Fat, N.: beef fat; pork fat; lump of fat,

K}mn];muin]:'krit].s]'[kgn]:K}/K}sUim]:w}.eSAw]SG],hG]:muin]:lI{' = Grease, N. lubricant,

K}wUw];'mn];wUw];' = Beef fat,

K},' = Lay egg, laid egg,

K},'(K},k},'K},pQt];'K},nUk].'K},pL'K},tw],')' = Egg: egg, duck’s egg, bird’s egg, fish egg, turtle egg,

K},KUw]:Am],Suk];Am],lip];'[KUw]:hG]:nm].SG]K},PUik],mL;kUv];Am],pn]mgn];Am],Suk];{' = Half fried egg,


KLeKLl}:nn].{' = Ova, ovum, (Biology),

K},tUm]:'[tUm]:Suk];Suk];hG]:mgn];K},nn].epL;kqn],kqn],w}.{' = Hard-boiled egg,

K},tUm]:Am],Suk];Am],lip];'[tUm]:hG]:kUim]:nm].SG]K},nn].PUik],mL;Ait];Ait];{' = Half boiled egg,


tUm]:kqn],ekL:wan]mQw];nuic]:)' = Soft boiled egg,

K},pLlUc]yqn]:'[K},pLyqn]:kUiw]Ait];Ait];hQt];tac];kin]lQn]:{' = Caviar, the roe of sturgeon,

K},f};'K},P};' K},f};Kit],' = Spark, N., spark of fire, sparks,

K},f};PUc].'[hQt];hG]:K},f};PUc].'{'(ygt]:pQw]f};Pup].Kiun]:eSK},f};PUc].lUc]kGL,yw].') = Sparkle, to emit little

sparks, as burning matter: the flame leaped and sparkled, sparkled, sparkling,

K},f};mUk];tw]:'K},P};mUk];tw]:'K},f};/P};' = Little red coals, small red coals,

K},min];[K},min];k}.mI;sgm];AQn]SUiw]:{' = Nit, the egg of a parasitic insect or the young of such insects,


mqc];man];Et.n}yw].eSKut];Aw](K},mqc]man];n}.SIPUik]:mI;nc]mc]AUn]:eAL,)' = Edible big red ant eggs,

K},mUt].SUm]:' = Pharaoh ant eggs, red ant egg,

K},yqn]:' = Fermented egg,

K},lqn];' = Monitor lizard eggs,

K},hm]'[KUic]:klqn].kUn];sa};An]mI;nG];TUc]K},hm]{' = Testis, N. the male reproductive gland, testes,

K},hm]'(kUn]num],Kw]k}.sG].eKL:lp].eShgc].K},hm]wL:sgk];sUiw].n})' = Testicles,

K},hm]pgc];lUm];'hm]pgc];lUm];'[hUv]:/K},hm]kG]:'{ = Orchits, N.(Pathology) inflammation of the testis,

K},hw][K},hw]n}.mI;nG];Ek:KUn]hUw]{'K},min];[K},min];k}.mI;sgm];AQn]SUiw]:{' = Nit, the egg of a parasitic insect

especially a louse, or the young of such insects,

K},hUw]mn];'K},AL,lU;' = Small un-grown bulb of potato, potato bulbs,

K},AL,lU;'hUw]AL,lU;' = Potato bulbs,

K}:'(K}:Apum],pn]luk]:Agn],)'K}:En' = Tell: tell stories to children, narrate,

K}:KUiw];' Abp],lat]:K}:KiBw];'(K};KUiw];nn].tik];tik];)' = Talk about: talk about it all the times,

K}:KUiw];nn].tik];tik];' K};KUiw];nn].tL,eS,' = Talk about it all the times,

K}:sgm];'K}:sgm];hg};mn];kGL,'sgm];K}:tUv];' = Tracking down, trailing, keep track,

K}:sgm];Kn]K}a'[tL,Aw]nUic];tUv];Kgm],pnI,An]nuic]:tc];An]nuic]:kUv];Am],epL;kQw],lgc]:etl}:nm].mYat]:'{ =

Price-to-sale, P/S or PSR ratio, also called trailing 12 months or TTM; forward ratio,


nL,)' = Clemency, N. disposition to show forbearance; showing mercy or leniency,(ant: harshness)

K}:sG]pn],tUc],'(K}:sG]pn],tUc],kUv];Am],tqp];tt];) = Revolve, to think about, revolved, revolving,

K}:sG]lIlIeShQt];' tac];wUn].yG],' = Thoughtful, considerate, attentive,

K}:sG]lIlItUv];' wUn].K}:sG]lIlItUv];' = Consider well,

K}:sG]lIlItUv];tac];kGL,' = Consider well the path, make well the path,

K}:naw]Am],yB,lIkin]wan]' naw]' (lgc]:-/An]-) = Sickness,

K}:En'K}:'[etL.t},K}:En{ = Narrate, to give an account or tell the story of events, narrated, narrating,

K}:En' mgk],En' = State, declare, assert, report, say,

K}:En' lat]:wL:'lat]:pn]' = Tell, told, share,

K}:Enkn]' EPmqc],kn]'(EPmqc],piUn]:tac],ekL.Pgc]:El:') hUm]:kn]' = Share,: share with others,

shared, sharing,

K};eKL,' = Coated with filth or dirt, grimed,

K};kUiw]'[nc]tqk],kgk];kQt];SL;Sun]hUn]kgk];Agk],pQn]Kqp];kQt];Agn],nG];Ek:KUn]hUw]'K};Pgk]:n}ekL:wL:'{' = Dandruff, a

seborrhea scurf that forms on the scalp and comes off in a small scales, also dandriff,

K};' = Body dirt, filth,

K};tw];'(mG],tum],KQw]KQw]mI;nUiw]nm].') = Moss,

K};tw];' [K};tw];KQw]KQw]mI;sgm];hin]sgm];lin]sgm];lm];m}.'{ = Moss,

K}.'[la};pQn]sum]:pQn]sum]:w}.{'(wUw];K}.)'la};'la};lQn];' = Mottled, spotted or blotched in coloring: mottled cow,

K}<nn]'[luk]:sa};AL,fk].st].El:pQn]AU:ESY;lL,'(luk].3;36){ = Cainan,[the son of Arphaxad,],

K}<yPt].'[Kun]perL;hQk]:lUc]kYO;Kw]{(kL,yPL.) = Caiaphas, [a high priest of Jews, (Mtt.26:57,Lk 3:2)],

K}<yPt].'[perL;hQk]:kYO;{ = Caiaphas, [a high priest of Jews, (Lk 3:2)],

Ka}' = Sell, sold, selling,

K}akin]'[KUw];pUin]:Pak],w}.kUv];Am],sG]:Kgc]sw]:kw],Sm].Aw]kGL,Ka}kin]{' = Sell out,

K}akin]'[hk];lc]t};ekL./mUic];hQt];eSmQw];mQw];tL,nm].tgn];sw]:kw],{'K}akin]suiw]:' = Sell out,

Ka}kun],' K}akun],Ka}Sin]' Ka}KUw];' = Sell merchandise,

Ka}Kat],'(Ka}lInL,Ka}Sc]ekL:Kat],)'Ka}Kat],mUt];' = Sell out, to dispose of entirely by selling: It’s a good

sale and I can sell everything out,

Ka}Kat],pqt]:lum];lum];'(lI;wa};25;23')' = Sold permanently, sold for ever,


kGL,sgm];tac];yUic];kGL,nn].mqn]:mqn]:Et.etl}:mYat]:nm]{ = Uncovered Put, also called “naked puts”,

Ka}KQw]pUv]'[Ka}yw].p},pn]KUw];{(nUic];-Suiw].KQw]pUv]')'Ka}KQw]' = Naked put, (compare ‘naked call’)

Ka}KQw]hUm],hUm],tUm];tUm];' = Covered Put

Ka}KUw];' = Sell clothing, sell clothes,

Ka}eKL;'[En;SG],lgc]:Am],suiw]:Am],sG]:{'Ka}suiw]:' = Slander, to utter slander against, defame, accuse falsely,

Ka}eKL;pUin]:'Ka}suiw]:pUin]:'(lgc]:/An]-)[An]Aw]SUp];eSL,yL.Ser,pUin]:lunn].{' = Slander,

N.(Law) defamation by oral utterance than by writing, pictures, etc.,

Ka}eKL;pUin]:'huit];lL,pak],sL.SQc]sac]' = Slanderous, adj., slanderously, adv.,

Ka}suiw]:Ka}eKL;kn]'(yL,ephLKa}suiw]:Ka}eKL;kn])' = Slander one another, speak evil against: Do not slander one

another; Don’t speak evil against each other,

Ka}KiUc]:lak]:nak]:'kgc]:kac],' = Arm deal,

Ka}suik];'suik];pn]'pn]suik];'(nUic];-suik];Suiw].') = Sell on credit, (compares ‘buy on credit’)

Ka}Sc]ekL:Am],Kat],' = Sell nothing, nothing was sold,

Ka}Sum];' = Sell at loss,

Ka}eSKat]:yim]pn]Kiun];'(la};tm];ciun];tgc];w}.tL,ekL.Puk],Pac]Alac]; Aw]Siuw].lin]hiUn];An]sum];hQt];kan]kL.Ka}piUc],El:

yip];sG].w}.yU,nn].eSyw].Kiun];Kat]:yim]pn]sum];kL.Ka}An]nn].Kiun];') = Sale and Lease Back

Ka}eShQt];ptivin],Siuw].Kiun];' = Sale and Contract-Back (A financial arrangement in which an

investor purchases real estate owned and used by a business firm and agrees to buy back the property in a land contract.)

Ka}tqn];Kgn],' = Tax Sale, -Public sale of a property at an auction by a government authority as a result of non-payment taxes,

K}atUw]'[Ka}tUw]pQn]Em:mgk],yL:{' = Prostitute, to sell or offer oneself as a prostitute, prostituted, prostituting,

Ka}etL,kUn];miUc];' = Public Sale, - An auction of property open to the general public,

Ka}epL;'(kw]Suiw].mUiw]:pUin]:Ka}epL;El:l}:pn]kL:mn];Kuic]:nuic]:kUv];')' = On sale: I bought this on sale for half price,

Ka}epL;Ka}Ep;' = Sell cheap, sold cheap/cheaply,


)An]nn].km];lQw]'{= Wash sale, a sale of a security (stocks, bonds, options) at a loss and repurchase of the same security

shortly before or after. Losses from such sales are not deductible in most cases under the internal Revenue Code in the U.S.,

Ka}yg}:'kL.Ka}yg}:'(Ka}kun],pQn]An]'Kn]Ka}yg}:etkL:liUw]Kn]Ka}lum];) = Retail, retaied, retailing,

Ka}yg}:'(kUn];Ka}yg}:)'(Kt];kn]-kUn];Ka}lum];')kL.Ka}yg}:' = Retail, N., (opposed to wholesale),

Ka}lI'(la}:hQt];hG]:Ka}lI?')'(Kt];-Am],Ka}lI)' = Good sale: How to make a good sale?,(oppose-slow sale),

Ka}lISut];' = Best-selling,

Ka}lImUin]kU:pgk]:yU,' = Sales are just as good,

Ka}lum];'(Ka}kun],tc];nm]Kan]Ka}lum];n}.tiun];epL;eSKn]Ka}yg}:)' kat],Ka}lum];' kUn];Ka}lum];' = Wholesale,

wholesale market, wholesaler,

Ka}Am],Kat],'(Am],Ka}lIKa}Sc]ekL:Am],Kat],)' = Slow sale: It’s a slow sale and I can sell nothing,

Ka}Aw]ciun];pQn]tgn]:' = Installment Sale (a transaction in which a portion of the selling price for property

is received in future periods),

Ka}Agk].SYin];'[Ka},etL,kUn];nm]ekL.EK.Suiw].pn]Kn]Suc]Sut];nn].l}:{'Agk]<SYin]<' = Auction, public sale,

Ka};'Ka};nm].'[tUn]:m}.mac]mQw];Agk],ekL:Am],sG]:lin]tI:lIPuk],Sgm]:pQn]lin]Auc]{ = Swamp, N., marsh, morass,

Ka};' TUm],'Ka};pqt]:'TUm],pqt]:'hak]:pqt]:' = Spit out,

Ka};Ain];'[suiw]:kUn];KUiw];Agn],El:suiw]:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;57')= Kain, the name of a tribe and a town,

Ka};Agk],'Kak],Agk],'[Kak],KI:tUiw],Agk],nG];kUc]eKL;tI;hU;TUv];lUm];Kw]:Agk],{' = Secrete, secreted, secreting,

Ka};yUn]:yan]:' = Shaking bog,

Ka};ygp],yBn]:lin]Abc]'[Ka};ygp],yUn]:'{ = Mire, N. bog; marsh, miry, adj. swampy; muddy: miry ground,

Ka};ygp],yBn]:' = Marsh, N. a tract of low wet land,


{ = Chios, a Greek Island in the Aegean sea; near the W coast of Turkey,

Ka}.' Ka}.tI:' Ka}.kGL,tac],tI:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Relocation,

Ka}.' Ka}.tI:' Ka}.kGL,tac],tI:'Ka}.yU,' = Relocate, move to another location,

Ka}.' Ka}.kGL,' = Transfer, to remove oneself from one place to another, transferred,

Ka}.' Ka}.pin],hL' Ka}.pin],pn]' = Shift,

Ka}.' tUc].' Sut].' nuic]'(yL,Ka}.kGL,tac];lG]')' = Move, moved, moving, (Do not move anywhere.),

Ka}.kGam];'[mUiw]:k}:wL:Pgm].km];n}.wL:Am],Pgm].{'(p},Ka}.kUn]:epL;Ka}.kGam];)' = Indecisive, irresolute, undecided,

Ka}.kGL,Ka}.mL;'[kGL,kGL,mL;mL;tik];tik];'pn],hgn]:kGL,kGL,mL;mL;'nuic]tik];tik];'{' = Moved about, moved around,

Ka}.kGL,Ka}.mL;Am],mn]:Am],es,' pn]hgn]:hLKa}.kGL,Ka}.mL;' = Move around,

Ka}.Kw]:' = Move in,

Ka}.Kw]:mUic];'[An]luk].mUic];nuic]:kGL,mUic];nuic]:'{= Migrate, to go from one country to another, migrated, migrating,

Ka}.Kaw];Ka}.yam];' Ka}.muiw].Ka}.wn];'Ka}.wn];'Ka}.pI<Ka}.lUin]' = Postspone, postponed, postponing,

Ka}.tI:'(Ka}.tI:mn];eSEl:)' Ka}.kGL,tac],tI:' = Move somewhere, : Move it somewhere,


n]:Suc]mL;') = On the move, (Idioms) active; going from place to place; progressing: an industry on the move,

Ka}.tI:mn];' = Move over,

Ka}.pn]' SBc],yibn]:pn]' = Transmit,

Ka}.pn],Auin]:Auin]:eSl}lgc]:kGL,sgm];nm].' = Move it all around in the water flows,

Ka}.pin],' Ka}.pin],tI:kn]' = Switch, to shift,

Ka}.pin],sU;' Ka}.pin],sU;tac];-' = Switch over to,

Ka}.pin]sU;Sa}Suip],An]Agc],ep.nn].El:' = Switch over to the victory channel,

Ka}.pin],tac];mn];pqt]:eS' = Switch over,

Ka}.pin],pUic]:pqt]:' Ka}.pUic]:eStI:' = Sift from,

Ka}.pin],lQn]:Pa},niuc]:yw].Pa},niuc]:' = Switching play,

Ka}.pin],hLtac];mn];El:' = Make the shift,

Ka}.pqt]:lgc]:Aw]Aey;nn].' = Removal of action,

Ka}.pa}:k}k}'Ka}.Agk],mL;' = Move away, move back from; depart,

Ka}.l}:' = Moveable, adj.,

Ka}.wn];' = To postpone, defer, get rid off by delay,

Ka}.wn];Kin];' = Adjourn, adjourned,

Ka}.wn];hQt];kan]kGL,wn];etL,wn];' = Adjourn from day to day,

Ka}.wn];el:pg},lgt]:tam],' = Reprieve, to postpone or cancel the punishments,

Ka}.Aap]:pn]'[Aw]Aap]:pn]'lg};Aap]:pn]'Ka}.'SUc],pn]'{ = Consign, to hand over; to transfer; to ship, consigned,

Ka}.Agk],' = Move out,

Ka}.Agk],'Ka}.pqt]:'Aw]Agk],pqt]:' Ka}.piUc]:tI:mn];w}.' = Remove, removed, keep from,

Ka}.Agk],pqt]:lgc]:nk];nLpL;pan]:(An]-)' = Burden-moving,

Ka}.Agk],lbm];pqt]:'(Ka}.sgm]suic]:Agk],lum];pqt]:')= Removal from office,(Removal of the President from Office),

Ka}<lL.'[suiw]:kUn];sa};ekL.nuic]:tc];suiw]:wQc];nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;44') = Keilah, the name of a man and a

city in the Old Testament,

eKL'eKLkgc].' kgc].'mak]:mQt];'!epL;Aw]tiBk],liBn]SQp],eKLmQt];eSmQt];n}sac]:l}:pL@' = Hook, fishhook,

eKLsac].' = Iron hook for driving elephant,

eKLkgc].'(eKLkgc].hUw]kUn])' = Hook fastener, : hook fasteners for pants,

eKLkgc].tc];tUc],kgc].' eKLkgc].tc];yum]kgc].' = Hook and loop,

eKLkgc].tc];yum]kgc].'[Pa},nuic]:pQn]eKLPa},nuic]:yum]yuk];Sgc]Pak],sp];mn]:{' = Hook and loop fastener,

eKLkgc].nUiw].'[eKLtL,kgc].yuk]./hg}:nUiw].'(esL.cqm]:){ = Fleshhook, N. a hook for us in lifting or hanign meat; forks,

eKLeKL'(pQn]-'mI;-'w}.-'An]-') = Unique,

eKLeKL' = Specific,

eKLeKL' = Specially,

eKLeKLkUv];nn].' lQw]kUv];nn].'eKLeKL'Agm]:pgm]:' = Particularly, particular,

eKLmQt];pL' mQt];' = Fish hook,

eKLwgk].' = Hook for fastening, hook and loop fastener,

eKLhg}:' eKLkgc].hg}:PL' = Hanging hook, wall hanging hook,

eKL,' (K};eKL,eKL:tin]kiUw],liUt],ciUt],' Kan]eKL,cg};tc]:nm].') = Coated with,



'(mak].7;11')' = Corban, or korban, N. a sacrifice or offering made to God, especially among the ancient Hebrews in

fulfillment of a vow.: “…, is Corban”(Mark 7:11),


.')' = Pact, an agreement, covenant, or compact:(We made a pact not to argue any more.),

eKL:kQp];w}.' kGam];kQp];w}.' = Excerpt, A passage or quotation taken or selected from a book ,

eKL:kQw],Pa},hin]Eh:'[eKL:kGam];yip];tuiw];/sG].kQw],lgc]:Kut];hin]Eh:{ = Mine and mining terms,

eKL:kQw],lgc]:pQn]kUn];suic]:mUic];'[eKL:kGam];kQw],Pa},l}:pQn]kUn];suic]:mUic];{ = Citizenship terms,

eKL:kqp]:mn];' = Summary, short statement, concise,

eKL:Ek:K}' la};Ek:K}' Ek:K}'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Solution, N.,

eKL:Ek:lit]:' eKL:Ek:K}' = Resolution, Solution,

EKL:Ek:lit]:lgc]:Kgc].Km]tBik]:tn]' = Conflict solution,

eKL:Ek:lit]:lgc]:l}:TQc]kn]' = Dispute resolution,

eKL:k}.Tam]' eKL:k}.k}.Tam]' = FAQ, -Frequently asked questions ,

eKL:kYam];lik]:n}.Am],yL.lU.lqw]Aw]ha}la}pqt]:l}:' = Scripture cannot be broken,

eKL:kYam];lik]:pn]Stihw];wL:' = Scripture reminds us,

eKL:kGam];' = Word, spoken words,

eKL:/kGam];/lik]:ehL;'[Aup],lat]:/kn]'eKL:hgc].eSL,'puit],hUw]PUin]'{ = Discourse, N. talk; conversation; theme,

eKL:kGam];' eKL:kGam];sw]:' = Word, the Word,

eKL:kGam];]:Sgn]pn]'[pa};wUn];nm].Sgn],'lgc]:Sgn]pn]'{ = Word of instruction, doctrine; teaching,

eKL:kGam];sUiw];An]wivin],mUt];sac],sw]:Sgn]pn]' = Spirit-taught words,

eKL:kGam];tac];ybm],mat]:' = Word of faith,

eKL:kGam];tL,mUiw]:n}.' = Today’s word,

eKL:kGam];mn];sw]:n}.pQn]f};t}:lqc];pn]tac];kGL,hw];' = His word is what lights our path.

eKL:kGam];mI;kuc],ekY;sU;yG],'(luk].4;22')' = Gracious words,

eKL:kGam];mgk],lat]:'An]mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];'tac];lat]:tac];sL'= Speech, N.,

eKL:kGam];mgk],lat]:tUc].tk].SUc],Sc],'[An]mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];tUc].tk].SUc],Sc],{= Farewell speech,

eKL:kGam];sG].'eKL:Pgm].'eKL:tQc]nk];' = Terms,

eKL:kGam];pa};mUic];' eKL:pa};mUic];' = Political terms, political words,

eKL:kGam];Pac];'kGam];ham];plL,pw],' = Empty words, empty talks,

eKL:kGam];JPL;sw]:' eKL:kGam];TL,wrL.JPL;' nbk]:kpat]:sw]:' = Word of God

eKL:kGam];JPL;Et.Et.' = True words of God,


c];tI:hQt];kan]') = Firm words: firm words to strengthen someone in his life and work,

eKL:kGam];ht];Kt];'[eKL:An]kUn];]:Kt];eSekL.eSkUn];nn].{ = Defiant words,

eKL:kGam];hac]:EP.Sqn],SQc]hp].hgc];kQw],KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];' = Sensual words applaud sexuality,

eKL:kGam];lat]:Agk],SUp];'(lUv]:eKL:kGam];lat]:Agk],SUp];)' = Word of mouth: by word of mouth,

eKL:kGam];lat]:mqn]:mUiw]:mqn]:Kaw];mn];'(Tuc];15;23') = Timely word, word spoken in due season,


epL;tqm]:Kaw],Agk],n}.k}.tqm]:eKL:hac]:lImn];wL:!eKL:lUic];-Aqn]<@wL:n}Aw]'){' = Nigger, N. Slang: Extremely

Disparaging and offensive: a black person, “the n-word”

eKL:kGam];lgc]:kgp].f]'[eKL:kGam];yip];tuiw];/sG].kQw]lgc]:kgp].f]El:etL,kgp].f]El:{ = Golf terms,

eKL:kGam];]lUc].lqn],'eKL:van],lam];hn]l}:pL:nL:pL:lc]' = Words of insight,

eKL:kGam];Aman],JtL;'(ekL;1;5') = Word of truth, the true message of the gospel,(Col.1:5),

eKL:Kat]:lam];' = Assumptions, presumption, forwardness,

eKL:Kn]pak],'eKL:hn]Tiuc]'(Kaw],An]mI;pL;sgm];eKL:Kan]pak],/hn]Tuic]nn].) = Commentary, N., a series of

comments or annotations: news followed by a commentary, annotation,

eKL:Kam],sqt]:' = Deposition, (the giving of testimony on oath,)

eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,' = Testimony,

eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,kUn];puit],lat]:' = Human testimony,

eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,Pit];'(yL,eplat]:pn]eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,Pit];(mqt]:'19;18')' = False testimony: do

not give false testimony(Mtt.19:18),


sgm];w}.El:lat]:Agk],mgk],EntI:lum];JtL;/tI:kQp];Sak]:eS,nn].'{ = Testimony of two witnesses,

eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,An]tiUw].ym]lInL,' = Powerful testimony,

eKL:Kam],Sak]:eS,mI;nm].nk];kL:yG],liUw]' = Weightier testimony,


lG]{' = Bond, N.(Insurance), a surety agreement,

eKL:Kam],pgn];'pgn];' = Bond, N.,


nn].{ = Manifesto, N. a public declaration issued by a government,

eKL:EK.hgc].'(pn]kGam];ka},hLeSEK.piUn]:Siuw].KUw];Kgc]tI:pac]Agk]<SYin]<) = Bid, - make an offer in an auction,

eKL:Kiun];tgp],'(nG];lum];JtL;) = Rejoinder,

eKL:Kiun];Ek:' Kiun];Ek:' = Rebut, rebuttal,

eKL:Kiun];K}:En' = Restatement,

eKL:Kuin];tgp],Sc],etL,/tUk];Tuk],lI'An]Kuin];tgp],Sc],etL,tUk];Tuk],lI' = Apt reply,

eKL:Kgt],ygt]:mn];'(JPL;sw]:mI;eKL:Kgt].ygt]:mn];w}.yw].') = Final say: God has the final say,

eKL:Kgt],ygt]:lUp];lc]' eKL:tqp];tt];lUp];lc]' = Conclusion,

eKL:Kgt],ygt]:lUp];lc]luin];Sut];mn];n}.mI;tI:kw]AUiw]:' = I have the final say.


An]Sp];lqc];nm].kt].mn];mI;w}.nn].'{(S}mn],ekL.hqc];Tat]:sG]yG],'(t};KUiw];SUiw]la};ka},kgn]')' = Epithet, N.

any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality: Simon the zealot,

eKL:sqt]:Tam]lik]:' = Exam questions,]:' = Direction, instruction,]:sgm];Tqw]lG]Tqw]nn].' = Line-by-line instructions,]:tL,Kun]sg}:Tt];kYO<rI<' = Instruction to Jury,]:Tqc]:la}An]' = Further instructions,]:pa};tuik];'(]:pa};tuik];An]hup]:pL;w}.mUt];tL,kan]mit].SYin],'An]muc]:yUic];ma}El:tL,pa};tuik];


= Strategic Direction: Strategic direction encompasses mission, vision, and strategy; concerning focus on customers,

capital, capabilities, and commitments,]:pa};tuik];'[Kgp]wUc];pUic]kan]tUc].nuic]An]Agn]Tuic]tI:hG]:epL;l}:hp].w}.yUic];ma}sgm];nc],pa};tuik];muk].sum];su

m];nuic]:mI;nn].{' = Strategic direction, N. a course of action that leads to the achievement of the goals of an

organization’s strategy.( often includes targets and priorities),]:la};epL.kgp].f]' = Golf Instruction, Golf Tips,

eKL:sI.Sc],' Amic].'eKL:pUc]' = Order,


c],nUiw]Kw]w}.kin];kin];yw].)' = Strict order: He gave them strict orders, strict orders,

eKL:sI.Sc],SUp];' = Verbal Order,

eKL:sI.Sc],Pa},sqt]:Tt];tt];Sin]' = Trial Order,

eKL:sI.Sc],hgc].Sak]:eS,hG]:Aw]KUw];Sak]:eS,mL;tac],lum];' = Material witness order,

eKL:sI.nam];']:' = Instruction, N., direction, instructions,

eKL:sI.nam];mQw];sG].tuiw];tI:kan]l}:Et.' = Practical instruction,

eKL:suiw]:eKL:sG]:'(lUik]:lat]:eKL:suiw]:eKL:sG]mn];)' = Right word: choosing the right word,


sUiw];nn].l}:)' = Serious charges, N.: They brought serious charges against him, but they could not prove them,

eKL:Sc],kan]'[eKL:Sc],An]tqm]:ma}SUc],Tuic]kUn];hQt];Kw]eSsG].hQt];kan]eSAn]An]{' = Job order, N.,

eKL:Sc],Sgn]' = Sermon, N., any serious speech, or exhortation, tedious speech,

eKL:Sc],Sgn]nUiw]lg}tI:nuic]:'(mqt]:5-7')' = Sermon on the Mount,(Matt.5-7),

eKL:Sc],pgn]:pqk],pqk],An]mI;pL;Aman],JtL;' = Paradoxical commandments,

eKL:Sc],hgc].'Pit];mgk],pac];Tibc]' = Bidding, command, summons, invitation,

eKL:Sp];lqc];'eKL:tqm]:Sp];lqc];En'nm].kGam];tqm]:En'= Description, N. descriptive representation,

eKL:Sp];lqc];' = Described as,


nuic]:nn].'{ = Job description, N. a formal account of an employee’s responsibilities,

eKL:Sp];lqc];pun]:Pgn];PU:kgn];kan]' = Manager job description,

eKL:Sp];lqc];pun]:Pgn];PU:kgn];kan]' = Job description of a manager,: plan, organize and

implement, direct, monitor, evaluate, performing other responsibilities as assigned by the president, vice president or director to

whom the manager reports,

eKL:Sp];lqc];pgt];' An]mgk],EntI:kqp]:' = Brief, N., briefing, N.,

eKL:Sac];lac];'An]Sac];lac];En'[tqm]/lat]:Sac];lac];Enmgk],/Eppn]tI:pgc],mn];{ = Explanation,

N. the act of explaining; a meaning or interpretation,

eKL:Sam]Kan];pUic]lUc]mn];' = Main point, N., chief idea, important part,

eKL:SU;tgc];kqn],Kqc]lI'[hG]:JPL;sw]:pn]tac];lImac],klL,nm]lUv]:An]ygn];yG],yG],{ = Healthy prayer, N.,

eKL:SU;tgc];eKL.EK.'[ygn];hG]:l}:pQn]KL:lIlUiw]ekL.nuic]:n}nn].{' = Sick prayer, N.,


nn].'){@ = “Good news to all people: an explosion that’s still shaking the world”,

eKL:SU;tgc];hqc];AUn]:'[ygn];hG]:etL.Et.epL;El:kn]:/yUin].Kam],l}:nn].{' = Weak prayer, N.,

eKL:van],' wBn].K}:sG]'(tac];/lgc]:/An]/eKL:')' = Advice, counsel, guidance,

eKL:van],tL,Ek:lit]:lgc]:Kgc].Km]tUik]:tn]' = Advice on resolving conflict,

eKL:yiun]:ygn];hG]:KYL.tam],' = Plea to sentence,

eKL:tin]' Kgp]:tin]' = Ankle,

eKL:tQc]nk];' eKL:Pgm].' = Terms, agreements, conditions,

eKL:tqp];tt];'[eKL:Ek:K}'{'An]tqp];tt];' = Decision, N. resolution,

eKL:tqp];tt];Tt];Sin]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Judgment

eKL:tqp];tt];Tuk],mqn]:lITiSut];' eKL:tqp];tt];An]lISut];' = Best decision,

eKL:tqp];tt];pL;van],lqt];' = Wise decision,

eKL:tqp];tt];lUp];lc]' eKL:Kgt],ygt]:lUp];lc]' = Conclusion,

eKL:tqp];tt];An]pQn]l}:lITiSut];' = Best possible decision,

eKL:tqp];tt];Amb' = Rulings, (court ruling)

eKL:tqp];tt];An],Am],kiuk];pL;AL,nL,' = Non-binding decision,

eKL:tqp];tt];Am],tBk];Tbk],' = Poor decision

eKL:Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];pn]mqn]:mqn]:'[eKL:sG]:lat]:mqn]:Sc],etL,Kaw];mn];{ = A ruling rightly

given, a word fitly spoken,

eKL:tqm]:Sp];lqc];En'nm].kGam];tqm]:En' = Description,

eKL:tuk];ygn];' SB;ygn];' yibn]:ygn];' = Request, N., solicitation, petition,

eKL:tuk];ygn];hG]:SU;tgc];pn]'(2Tit].3;1-5')' = Request for prayer,

eKL:tUk];lUc];'[An]Pgm].sgm];nc],kac]sG]mI;{ = Agreement, N. the state of being in accord,


etSac]:nn].{' = Commitment, N. the act of pledging oneself: Are you freem form such a commitment?,

eKL:tgp],'eKL:tgp],Ek:pn]' = Answer

eKL:tUic],Sqt]:sL,'Sqt]:sL,'kGam];tUic],Sqt]:sL,' = Pledge, N.,


t]:sL,w}.')' = Bond, N. binding security: My word is my bond. Made them post bond; had received a pledge from them,

eKL:tiBc],pac],lat]:sg}:' ekL.tiBc],pac],Sac]:tac]pn]' = Counsel, Solicitor, suggestion,

eKL:tiUc],lum];' = Complaint, (the initial pleading that starts lawsuit,),

eKL:tgp],Ek:mn]; = Resolution

eKL:tgp],TQc]w}.An]Kw];KGac],pk];pUic]' = Legal Disclaimer,


;nn].{(ptivin],)' = Disclaimer,(Contract) the denial, refusal, or rejection of a right, power, or responsibility,


n}.sUic].nn]sUic].n}'{(ptivin],) = Disclaimer of Warranty,(Contract) limits a warranty in the sale of goods,


kn]nn].{' = Disclaimer, statement of non-responsibility as when dissolving a partnership or business,

eKL:tgp],mqn]:'[tgp],eKL:Tam]An]pUin]:Tam]nn].mqn]:lI/sG]:lI{ = Right answer, correct answer,

eKL:tgp],lqt];' = Quick answer,

eKL:Tt];Sac]TQc]Kiun];An]sn]sG]' = Persuasive argument,

eKL:Tt];Sin]' Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Judgment,

eKL:Tt];Sin]'[eKL:pBc]lbm];JtL;wa};sqt]:Ambyw].{ = Judgment, N.,

eKL:Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];' eKL:Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];pn]' = Judgments,

eKL:Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];kU:lgc]:lgc]:' = Judgments generally,

eKL:Tt];Sin]piun]Paw],mk];ma}pn]'= Declaratory judgment, a judgment that merely decides the rights of parties,

eKL:Tt];Sin]An]Am],ep.tUw]'(An]tqp];tt];pn]kQw],lgc]:' tc];nm]ciun];An]piUc]:kn]tI:'An]mI;nI:Tuk],

l}:nn].El:An]Aw]KUc];Kgc]Km]nI:nn].Ka}l}:w}.') = Deficiency Judgment,



kGam];eKL:nuic]:huiw]Am],nn]tUw]lik]:la}tUw]Sg}.tg};kn]nn].lG]huiw]sUiw];n}.sUiw];w}.lp].lp].nn].'{ = Password, N.

a secret word or expression used by authorized person to prove their right to access, information, passing by or into, etc.; a word

or other string of characters,

eKL:Tam]' (sgc],KG]:Tam]Sc]?PG]KG]:Tam],Sc]?)' = Question, (any questions?),


Kuin]:mL;lg};lg};Aw]sUic].nn]{' = Open question, a question that cannot be answered with a yes or no but requires a

developed answer,

eKL:Tam]kQw],Kgc].pk];piUc]'kQw],lgc]:pk];piUc]' = Question of law, matter of law,

eKL:Tam]kQw],Kgc].An]l}:pQn]'kQw],lgc]:l}:pQn]' = Question of fact, Matter of fact,

eKL:Tam]El:eKL:tgp],'(Tam]/tgp],) = Question and Answer,(Q & A)


:mn];tqm]:yw].nn].'{ = Postscript, N. any addition, “P.S.”,

eKL:nm];'kGam];nm];'[eKL:muit]:Suip],pn]'{ = Foreword, N. introduction, preface,


nn].'{ = Verdict, N. the jury’s decision on a disputed issue,

eKL:En;SG],' eKL:Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;' = Accusation,

eKL:En.nam];' = Guideline,

eKL:pk];pUic]'[eKL:kGam];yip];tuiw];/sG].nG];pk];pUic]{ = Law terms, legal terminology, legal jargon,

eKL:pk];pUic]' = Legalese, N language containing an excessive amount of legal terminology or of

legal jargon.(Heretofore, Hereunder, Hereafter, Infra, Supra, Whomsoever, etc.),

eKL:pn]Sti'pn]wL<nic]<'(eKL:pn]StinUiw]tac];hQt];KG]:l}:nL:) = Warning: a warning against hypocrisy,

eKL:pn]StinUiw]tac];hQt];KG]:l}:nL:' = Warning against hypocrisy,

eKL:pn]StinUiw]An]Am],yum],' = Warning against unbelief,

eKL:pn]StiyL,hG]:kUt].PUw]kUt].em;pUin]:'(kYam];Tuc];kGam];5') = Warning against adultery,

eKL:pn]StihG]:Ew:eP;/An]ha}.mUik]:' = Warning against danger or evil,

eKL:pn]StihG]:Ew:An]w}:hun],hac];Sac];Tu' = Warning against idolatry,

eKL:pn]van],' lgc]:hG]:Aw]K}:sG]tBv];' = Suggestion, N.,

eKL:pn]van],tL,tgc];'van],tL,tgc];'(eKL:/pa};hn]/lik]:pn]-)' = Witty remarks,

eKL:pUc]KYL.tam],' tam],' = Sentence, an authoritative decision, a judicial judgment or decree,

eKL:pUc]' eKL:sI.Sc],' = Order, -An authoritative direction or instruction, a command,

eKL:pUc]' = Command, order,

eKL:pBc]Sc],' = Commands,

eKL:pBc]Sc],sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;' eKL:pUc]Sc],sw]:' = Commandment,

eKL:pUc]Sc],sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;Sip];eKL:'[pic];vap]:JtL;sw]:Sip];eKL:{ = Ten Commandments,



t]./pL,lIman],)Pgm].l}:sG]sgm];eShUm]:hQt];sgm];kn]mk];ma}pn]kn]yw].sc],hQt];nn].'{' = Executive Order,

eKL:pBc]Sc],lBv]:estnL,lI' = Benevolent Orders,

eKL:pBc]Sc],hgc].hQt];' = Writs,

eKL:pUc]Sc],hgc].hQt];pac]lUik]:kQp];' = Writs of Election,

eKLpUc]tL,Eh.kc]:pn]'(hp].l}:w}.eKLpUc]tL,Eh.kc]:pn]tI:An]eSekL.ekL.mL;kw];nn].)' = Protective

order: obtained a protective order against sb.,

eKL:pUc]tI,KrI<' eKL:pUc]tIKrI,' = Decree, N., (Law), order, ruling, decrees,

eKL:pUc]tI,KrI<kgn],Agn]' = Preliminary decree,

eKL:pUc]tI,KrI<tI:yw].mn];' = Final decree,

eKL:pUc]tI,KrI<piun]Paw],mk];ma}pn]' = Declaratory decrees,

eKL:pUc]tI,KrI<Pa},Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amu' = Judicial decree,


nL,'kGam];nk];'{(eKL:pUc]nk];Kun]ehLKm];)' = Edict, N. a decree issued by a sovereign or other authority; any

authoritative proclamation; dictum,

eKL:pUc]nk];Kun]ehLKm];'(hI;11;23')' = King’s edict,

eKL:pUc]pL;nG];pk];pUic]'(hI;RpO;9;19')' = Command of the law,

eKL:pUc]Puik];'[n}.yip];sG].nG];tp].tL,sum];h},tuic]:sqn],Tqw]Kuin]:{ = Drill commands,

eKL:pUc]ham]:' = Restrictive Order,

eKL:pUc]hG]:yUin].Ew:sUw]:Kaw];' = Temporary restraining order, (Contract).,


Puin]K}:sG]tqm]:nn].'eKL:muit]:Suip],pn]An]etSuip],etL,kGL,nn].'{ = Prologue, N. a preliminary discourse; a

preface or introductory part of a discourse, poem, or novel; any introductory proceeding,

eKL:puin]Paw],' piun]Paw],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Declaration,

eKL:pibn]Paw],nL:kan]pun]:Pgn];' = Mission statement

eKL:piun]Paw],lgc]:San]Kt];' = Objection statements,

eKL:puin]Paw],pUc]tm];mk];ma}' = King’s order promulgated by the Hluttaw,(Burma)



l}:sgm];ma}mI:kGam];kac]la}nn].yU,yw].'){' = Dying Declaration, N. a statement of fact made by a victim relating to

the cause and circumstances of homicide; a dying declaration is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule,

eKL:pgc],lqc];'[An]Sac];lac];En{(eKL:Aic]Sac];lac];pgc],lqc];pn]) = Explanatory, adj. serving to explain: an

explanatory footnote,

eKL:pgt];pgt];'(eKL:Sac];lac];pgt];pgt];)' = Concise,(a concise explanation)

eKL:PiUm].'(An]tqm]:tI:nL:lik]:Pa},lc]wa};eSlgc]:tac];tqm]:nG];pp].Sut];kGL,yw].nn].') = Appendix,

addendum, supplementary,

eKL:Pgm].' = Terms, agreements, conditions,


Buy-Back Agreement,an agreement conditions under that the seller agree to repurchase the property,

eKL:Pgm].lgc]:cm];yQn]'(ygn];Tam]hQt];eKL:Pgm].lgc]:cm];yQn]')' = Terms of peace: ask for terms of peace,

eKL:Pgm].hp].sG].sg}:'[ma}mI:/cw];la};An]sum];Am],nn]kUn];ekL.nuic]:ethp].sG].sg}:hQt];pn]nn].{' = Terms of

Service, the rules or condition under which an agency or a person will provide services,

!eKL:Pgm].eAL:@El:!eKL:TQc]Am],@PB:Kw]:sbm];Kw]' = Yeas and Nays of the Members

eKL:fac].'pn]fac].Sti'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Admonishment, N.,

eKL:fac].Sti' = Notice,

eKL:fac].StiAn]lut]:hQt];' = Notice of Default, -A formal notice to a borrower declaring that a

default has occurred and legal action may be taken,

eKL:fac].StiPgc];Kac].w}.' = Notice of pendency,


El:An]sG]piw]mUiw]:hQt];kan]) = Push notifications: turn off push notifications to avoid distractions at work,

eKL:mk];mn]:' lgc]:mk];mn]:pn]' = Confirmation, N.,

eKL:mk];mn]:An]ekL.Pa},nG];mG];wL:sG]:AUiw]:n}nn].' = Confirmation in your inner man,

eKL:mn]:kqn],' = Guarantee, promise, affirmation, assurance, covenant, vow, warranty,


Item, N. a separate article: 50 items in the list,

eKL:mun];' = Factual information,

eKL:mun];kQw],puin];pQn]Pw'(mn];kQp];eKL:mun];kQw],puin];pQn]Pwnn].Kgn]:kn]w}.tL,SG],nG];pk].mn];)' =

Biographical data: He’s gathering biographical data for his book,

eKL:mun];p},pn]kUn];mUic];hU.sgm];' = Nonpublic information,

eKL:mun];Kaw],San]El:Suiw],Kaw],' = Informational and media,

eKL:miuw];' Kgp]:miuw];' = Wrist, N.,

eKL:muiw];lim],Kt];' tin]pin]:'tin]/hUw]Kw],lim],pin]:'= Sprain, sprained, spraining, sprain, N.,

eKL:mgk],En' = Statement,

eKL:mgk],EnkL:lUp];sgm]Siuw].Ka}' = Closing Statement,

eKL:mgk],Ensrac];'[Puin]ma}tgc];kQw],lgc]:Kuic]pgc]kuit].hap],nG];SQn]ma}ciun];nG];pqc].An]nuic]:nn].'{' = Statement, N

.a record of transactions in a bank account,

eKL:mgk],EnmUiw]:tUic],kGam];' = Sworn statement,

eKL:mgk],Enlgc]:ciun];Kw]:' = Income Statement,

eKL:mgk],Enlgc]:st];kan]tUc].niuc]Kiun];Em;w}.' = Reconstructed Operating Statement,

eKL:mgk],Enlgc]:mn];tac];mn];' = Statement of fact,

eKL:eyL:'(yU<Aqt].S]n}n}.tac]w}.tL,mUic];Pgm].hUm]:AEm,riknn].)' = Abbreviation, a shortened or contracted

form of a word or phrase, used to represent the whole, as Dr. for Doctor, U.S. for United States, lb. for pound., abbr,

eKL:yibn]Kam],' ygm];yuin]tac];Pit];' = Confession, admission,

eKL:yiun]:ygn];' lgc]:yiun]:ygn];' = Proposition, N., proposal, N.,

eKL:ygm];hp].tac];Pit];' = Admission, confession of a charge, a error, or a crime: His admission of the theft

solved the mystery,

eKL:lp].' w}.lp].nG];sG]kBv];' = Confidential, secret,

eKL:lp].' lgc]:lp].' = Confidentiality,

eKL:lp].kgp].f]' = Golf secrets,


c])' = Jargon, N. specialized language concerned with a particular subject, culture, or profession: legal jargon,

eKL:lat]:'[eKL:kGam];An]kGam];lat]:mQw];nuic]:yip];sG].'{ = Vocabulary, the words of a language; abbreviation

vocab., vocabularies,


n].sm]sm]kn]eSpQn]An]mI;eAL;sL,hUm],cm];w}.lgc]:tI:pgc],mn];KG]:wL:Sc]n}nn].'{' = Context, N. the parts of

a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect,

eKL:hgc].eSL,SQc]ygc]:eyL;' = Theme of praise,

eKL:lat]:mUiw]:sm]etta}' = Dying words,

eKL:lat]:yip];sG].kan]pqc].tc];kan]ciun];' = Banking and monetary vocabulary,


PUiw],tL.ethLeKL:lat]:Pa},pk];pUic]nn].')' = Legal jargon, legal-sounding jargon, (When in doubt,

strive for clarity instead of legal jargon..),

eKL:lat]:mgk],EnSQc]Enhac]:EnAa}Sqw]Entac];hQt];mn];'(KUw]Kik];Kik];' SQc]wic];wic];'

lqc]sgc];hgc];' pI;Aut];tut];' hgm]hic]:hic]:' Sn],tin];tin];') = Expression, a particular word or phrase,

eKL:lat]:w}.Sk];Sk];' = Pronouncement, N., an opinion or decision,

eKL:lat]:w}.Sk];Sk];'[eKL:mgk],EnAn]sgm];Tuc];k}.SU:hQt];Am],nn]ekL:An]mI;pL;nm].nk];AL,nL,'{' =

Pronouncements, N. a formal or authoritative statement,


kUn];kL:Sqc];Kw]ekL.nuic]:mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];lUp];lc]wa};eSpg};sqt]:Sqc];yw].kGL,nn].'{ = Epilogue or epilog,

N. a concluding part added to a literary work, as a novel; a speech delivered by one of the actors after the conclusion of a play,

eKL:lUp];luin];' = Closure, conclusion, last word,

eKL:l}:sG]'(Pgm].l}:sG]sgm];)' = Agreement, N. :get into agreement,

eKL:l}:sG]Kgc]tac]lgc]:yum],ym]' = Collateral Trust Agreement,(Contract),


Sgc]ekL.nn].{ = Proprietary informational agreement (PIA), N. a legal contract between at least two persons,

eKL:l}:sG]kgn],etEt,nL:hiUn];' = Prenuptial/antenuptial agreement, -A contract between

persons about to marry.,

eKL:l}:sG]Kgn]<wqn];SYin];'pac]kbm]Kgn]<wqn];SYin];' = Convention, conventions,

eKL:l}:sG]Kgn]wqn];SYin];sum];mUic];lum]:fL.kQw],lgc]:pk]pUic]pac],la},' =“United Nations

Convention on the Law of Sea”

eKL:l}:sG]Siuw].Ka}' = Sales Agreement,( An agreement by which one of two contracting parties, called seller,

gives a thing and passes title to it in exchange for a certain price in current money to the other party, called the buyer or

purchaser, who on his part agrees to pay such a price.)

eKL:l}:sG]tL,kL.kU;kn]lgt]:lqw];' = Free Trade Agreement,


mn];miUw]:wn];Aap]:emL<kit]<nn].eSlUt];pn]An]kw],) = Modification and Assumption Agreement,


Agreement of Sale,(-a written, signed agreement between the seller and the purchaser in which the purchaser agrees to buy

certain real estate and the seller agrees to sell upon terms of the agreement, )

eKL:l}:sG]etSiuw].' = Purchase Agreement,

eKL:l}:sG]la};st];kan]' (eKL:l}:sG]la};st];kan]kYOw],tUw],') = Protocol, rule of conduct,

agreement,(Kyoto Protocol,)


hG]:Kqm].lIw}.)' = Quality control protocol, N.: developed quality control protocol,

eKL:l}:sG]An]etAm],l}:EnPG]'[pQn]ptivin],hQt];w}.nG];Ek:tI:eS,Sut];mn];Sgc]ekL.nn].{' = Nondisclosure agreement (NDA), N. a legal contract between at least two persons,


Confidential disclosure agreement (CDA), N. a legal contract between at least two persons,

eKL:l}:sG]An]lUw],w}.lp].lp].'[pQn]ptivin],hQt];w}.nG];Ek:tI:eS,Sut];mn];Sgc]ekL.nn].{' =

Confidentiality agreement (CA), N. a legal contract between at least two persons, secrecy agreement,

eKL:la};can];'Kaw],la};can];'Pibn]la};can];'!pgc],Kaw],Kibn];'@ = Report, reports,

eKL:la};can];kgn],KYL.tam],' = Pre-sentencing reports,


L;mL;hG]:kUn];Tgm],epL;sG]Kiun]:/Kw]:sG]sgm];nn].'{ = Contention, N. contest between two speakers; competition,

eKL:lG]eKL:nn].lIlI'[hG]:mUin]eKL:kGam];mI;tc];nm]nn].tqt]:tqt]:etL;etL;'hQn];l}:AUm],SUp];w}.'{ = Wordfor-word, adv. in exactly the same words; learn by heart,

eKL:wac];Kp].w}.'[cw];la};/eKL:tuk];ygn];/ktiAn]mI;nG];eKL:l}:sG]kn]Am],nn]ptivin],An]nuic]:nn].{' =

Stipulation, N .a condition, demand, or promise in an agreement or contract,

eKL:wQn].w}.' = Exceptions

eKL:wiUw]<tik]<kYO<rI,nm];pun]:Tt];Sin]tqp];tt];Amu' = Verdict Jury,

eKL:hn]Tiuc]'eKL:Kn]pak],'(eKL:hn]Tuic]lI)' = Comment, N.: good comment,



n],An],nn]Ek:K}pn]hG]:ekL.l}:Kam],nn].epL;han].sG]')' = Sexist comments,

eKL:hn]Tiuc]lum];JtL;' = Court Opinions,

eKL:hn]miBn]kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Concurrence, N.,

eKL:hn]h}a,pUw];tSit].' = Hypothesis, a mere assumption or guess,

eKL:hp].hn]Tiuc]' = Recommendation,

eKL:hp].hgc];Aw]pQn]'eKL:hp].Pgm].' = Acceptance, -Agreeing to an offer and thus forming a contract,

eKL:ham]:' = Restriction,

eKL:ham]:yw].yL,'(eKL:pUc]liun];Sut];Am],mI;tac];tL,lat]:l}:Sc]Tqc]:) = Estoppels,

eKL:hgc].kaw],[kGam];yip];sG].mUiw]:hgc].hL/lw]:lat]:kaw]Tuic]'{= Vocative, adj. N. a word used in calling or addressing,

eKL:hgc].Sqn],' = Slogan, N., motto,

eKL:hgc].eSL,' eKL:tQc]nk];' = Theme,

eKL:Aw]Aey;sg};JtL;' eKL:En;SG],' = Accusation,

eKL:/An]SU;tgc];'ygn];SU;' = Prayer, N. a devout petition to God or an object of worship,

eKL:Aw]lat]:kuik];kGam];lat]:yU,nn].' = Colloquial, adj. involving or using conversation,

eKL:Aac]:' [Am],pQn]Am],sG]:Et.{' (hQt];eKL:Aac]:wL:...')' = Baseless or groundless claim,

illusory,(Baselessly claim that…,),

eKL:Aac]:Aan];' = Intention, aim, goal, objective, motive,

eKL:Aic]Sac];lac];'[lik]:ma}tgc];tL,Sac];lac];pn]An]tqm]:kuik];pL;tG]:nL:lik]:Sut];nn].{ = Footnote, N.,

eKL;'kgc],ekL:'kan]:eKL;'lm];eKL;'[kUc]eKL;'{ = Neck, N. throat,

eKL;'kUc]eKL;'[kUc]luk].tI:SUp];Suip],sU;tgc]./pgt],'{= Throat, N. the passage from the mouth to the stormach or lungs,

eKL;'kUc]eKL;'[lgt],eKL;{(eKL;hap],'kUc]eKL;kw]epL;hap],') = Throat, N. gullet, windpipe: my throat is parched,

eKL;kp];'[lup],eKL;tI:Aw]hUw]tc];tUw]kUn];sp];kn]win],wa},lim],Sa}.KGL,l}:nn].{' = Pivot joint,

eKL;kiw],'(Agm]/Aum],man],eKL;kiw],)' = Narrow neck: narrow neck glass bottle or jar,

eKL;Kt];' eKL;Kqc]' eKL;mqk],kqc]:' = Stiff neck, neck pain,

eKL;Kt];' sQp];kgc]ekL:'kgc],ekL:sQp];/Kt];' = Neck pain,

eKL;Kqc]'[mL,nyG],hUw]sG]Pqn]Suc]eSmqn]'wL:yap],lUiw]kGam];'{(kUn];eKL;Kqc]')'lUiw]kGam];' = Stiff-necked, adj.

haughty and obstinate; refractory; harden his neck: stiff-neck people, stiff-neck,

eKL;KUm]' lIeKL;KUm]sgm];'(lIeKL;KUm]sgm];mn];],wL:yw].)' = Sorry, regretful, sorry for,

eKL;KUm]' (tL.lIeKL;KUm]') = Grief,

eKL;KBm]' sG]sL.' Am],SUiw];' cw]sUn];sUn];'cw]' = Sad, affected by unhappiness or grief, unhappy,

eKL;KBm]' sG]lQk].eKL;KUm]' = Sadness, unhappy, downcast, downhearted,

eKL;KBm]' sG]lQk].eKL:KUm]' = Sad, sorrowful or mournful,

eKL;KBm]' (Kaw],eKL;KUm]')(mn];kYam],Kt];sG]la}Pa},yU,kUv];eKL;KUm]tac]mn];Et.)' = Sad, sorry, (sad news),

eKL;KUm]Kan]sG]'(tI:kUn];eKL;KUm]Kan]sG]Kw]'(yUp]3;20') = Bitter of soul, in grief: to the bitter of soul,

eKL;KBm]KIsG]KG]:sL.'KG]:sL.'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Upset, a nervous, irritable state of mind,

eKL;KUm]tiUw].sG]'(l}:pQn]An]eKL;KUm]tUiw].sG]kGL,')'tUiw].sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Remorse,

deep regret for wrongdoing, contrition: was seized with remose or felt remose,

eKL;KUm]nL,Et.yw].' = Exceeding sorry, deeply grief, filled with grief,


KUm],nqc]sG]sgm];lgc]:nn].Et.Et.n}yw].'){'eSla}' = Regret, to feel sorrow for a fault; grieve: He sooner spoke than

he regretted it, regretted, regretting,

eKL;KBm]mgc]sG]'eKL:KUm]'mgc]sG]Sw]:sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Sorrow, grief, regret,

eKL;KBm]mgc]sG]nL,nL,'lIeKL:KUm]nL,'lImgc]sG]Sw]:sG]nL,' = Sorrowful, adj., sorrowfully, adv.,


ygn].l}:Kac];Kan]sG]nL,El:tUn]:sG]wivin],tc];tUw]Kic];kw]AUn]:Tum];Tum];w}.yw]."@(SL,31;9')= Eyes grow weak

with sorrow, tears blur my eyes; eye is consumed with grief: my eyes grow weak with sorrow, my soul and body with grief,

eKL;KUm]w}.Agk];ngk];' = Sourness, bitterness,

eKL;sQp];'[eKL;sQp];mUiw]:Auin]tac];kin]lUc];eKL;pUiw]:Tgn].SUl]kG]:{' = Tonsillitis, N. sore throat,

eKL;sQp];'[eKL;sQp];mUiw]:Auin]tac];kin]lUc];eKL;{' = Sore throat, tonsils,

eKL;sQp];' sQp];kUc]eKL;'[A}nL,El:sQp];Am],nn]naw]El:sQp];{' = Sore throat,

eKL;SUiw]:' ekL,lL,SiUw]:' = Collar,

eKL;ngk],'ngk],eKL;' = Neck hump,

eKL;pum];'eKL;pgm];'eKL;nQc]' = Goiter, N. a noncancerous enlargement of the thyroid gland, visible as a swelling at

the front of the neck, that is often associated with iodine deficiency,

eKL;rsqn](wQc];)' = Chorazin,[one of the cities in which our Lord’s “mighty works” were done, which was

condemned by Jesus because of its unbelief, (Mtt. 11:21), modern Kerazeh, about 2 ½ miles from Capernaum], Korazin,




kUc]eKL;mac],pgk]:AUiw],Agk],lUm];m}:/nm].muin]:SUm]:SUm]:nn].'{' = Heartburn, N. an uneasy burning sensation in the

stomach, typically extending toward the esophagus, and sometimes associated with the eructation or an acid fluid,

eKL;hqc]:'[hQt];kan]hUiw].lqn]:hUiw].El:Aa}nm].nG];tUw]Agk],hUiw],Agk],nm]nL,El:eKL;hqc];{' = Dehydrated, thirsty,

eKL;hqc]:epL;hap],' = Parched, (my throat is parched,)

eKL;hg}' = Adam’s apple,

eKL;hg}'lup],eKL;hg}' = Larynx, N.,

eKL.' kUn];eKL.' ekL.Am],Kw]:SGac],sG].l}:' = Infirmity, longtime-ill, invalid, sickly,

eKL.sp};'[luk]:yic];surL.'{(TUin],25;15')' = Kozbi, daughter of Zur,

Kuik],'Kiuk],kac]pL' = Openwork basket used to catch fish,

Kiuk].'lm],lgc]:Sam]Kan];'lm],lgc]:'Aey;yG],' = Important, it’s so important,

Kibk].' tgn];' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Special,

Kuik]./Kqm]./kYL.AUiw]:nn].' Kuik].Et.Kqm]],wL:yw].' = That’s great.


Matter, (verb used without object) to be of importance; signify: you are to only people who matter; it matters little,

Kiuk].Kk].San]Kt];'(yam];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Crisis, N. adj. a condition of instablility or danger, crises,

Kuik].Kk].vL;' Am],Tac],eSvL;' = Accidentally, unintentional, unforeseen,

Kuik].Kk].tUiw].pQn]' Am],sc]:sG]hQt];' vL;hQt];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Accident ,


t];'vL;hQt];'Am],sc]:sG]hQt];'vL;Aw]kg}/lqw]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Accidental, N.,


Crisis, N. turning point, especially for worse: public health crisis,

Kibk].Kk].kUw][Kuik].Kk].mat],sQp];tBk];sG]kBw]'{(An]-) = Trauma, N. shock, critical situation; traumatism,

Kiuk].Km],kGac]:yG],Suc]' = Magnificent, exceptional beauty,

Kuik].Km],lm],lgc]:'lm],lgc]:nL,nL,' = Crucial, adj. critical; decisive, crucially, adv.,

Kuik].Et.Kqm].Et.nL,' Kuik];' Kiuk].Et.n}.'Kuik].Et.Kqm].Et.' = So great,

Kibk].tgn];nL,' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Excellence,


nn].'lgc]:kgn];kan]la};l}:sG].van],nm]nn].'{'(etL,mak],kgp].n}.pQn]tac];lQn]:Kuik].Ka};An]nuic]:)' = Finesse, N.

skill in handling a difficult or highly sensitive situation; artful management: golf is a game of finesse,


k];ngn];lc]n}.SG],KUw];lQc];hUin];ey;tQm]lIw}.Kuik].Kuik].Km],Km],],wL:yw].&)' = Exceptional or

extraordinary standard: This two bedroom apartment is fully furnished to an exceptional standard,

Kuik].Kuik].Ka};Ka};'lak],lak],la};la};' = Uncommon, adj. peculiar; exceptional; remarkable: an uncommon word,

Kibk].Kuik].luik].liuk].' = Vitally,

Kiuk].nL,eh;' Kiuk].yw].n}.' yG],Kiuk].liuk].lm],lUc]' = Unbelievable, marvelous, wondrous,

Kuik].Pa},nuic]:eKLeKL'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Specialty, N.,

Kibk].libk].' Kibk].Km],' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Significant, signify,

Kibk].libk].lIAam];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Extraordinary,

Kuik].luik].lIAam];PG]Am],lam];l}:' = Unprecedented,

Kibk].libk].lBc]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Vital, adj.,

Kuik].luik].lUc]sm]pQn]lUw]mI;'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Vital necessary,

Kiuc]'(lUc]:n}.tL,Pt];Kw]:Kuic]n}.tL,Kiuc]Aw]hm];Agk],tI:kqp],) = Sieve, N., sieves,

Kuic]kUv];(kUn];-/ekL.-)'SUw]<lUw]<'[ekL.lQw]Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:EnkGL,hc];kUv];mn];{' = Solo, N., soli,



n];h},tuic]:tg},lQn]sgm];ekL:lI/Am],pL;ekL:lInn].'{' = Solo, N. a musical composition or a passage or section in a

musical composition written for performance by one singer or instrumentalist, with or without accompaniment,

Kuic]kUv];'SUw]<lUw]<'[An]Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:EnkGL,ekL.lQw]mUin]nc],tac];kL:/tg},tic],/hgc].kGam];skGL,'{' = Solo,

N. any performance, as a dance, by one person, solos,

Kuic]kUv];'SUw]<lUw]<'[An]ekL.lQw]Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:EnkGL,hc];kUv];{' = Solo, (Music) adj. performing alone,

Kiuc]kYam],'Pqn]kan]lp].'kYam],' = Plot, conspiracy, a secret plan,

Kuic]KQn],hQt];'Kw]:KUic]:sak]:'(lgc]:-/An]-)[An]hQt];Agk],'{ = Fabrication, N. manufacture,

Kuic]KQn],hQt];'[Aw]van],nm].kt].tac];emLeShQt];w}.'ekL,Sac]:'KQn],hQt];'{ = Fabricate, to make by art or skill

and labor; construct; forg, fabricated, fabricating,

Kiuc]Sac]:' tUc].niuc]Kiuc]Sac]:' = Function, functioned, functioning,

Kuic]tUk];' Kuic]' hgn]:tUk];' (Kuic]tUk];eSAw]kgn]:lqk].tc];kgn]:yG],Pat],kn])' = Screen, a movable or

fixed device, usually consisting of a covered frame, that provides shelter, serves as a partition, etc, screened, screening,

Kiuc]tUk];pqt]:' Kiuc]Aw]' Kiuc]Agk],' Ka}.pin],pQn]' = Sift,

Kuic]tUk];hgn]:tUk];pqt]:An]pI;AUiv],TUiv],nn].' = Obesity screening,

Kuic]tgc];;' Sgc];tgc];' = Bronze sieve,

Kiuc]pn]hG]:ca}:sG]' = Facilitate,

Kiuc]puc],mn];' = Get in shape,

Kiuc]puc],mn];' KQn],hQt];hac]:Pac]pn]' Em;lt];Pibk];pn]' = Shape, configure,

Kiuc]pgc]' Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:En' hQt];Sac]:En' = Perform, to carry out, execute, transact,

Kiuc]pgc]kiut].hap],' = Transact, transacted, transacting,

Kiuc]pgc]kiut].hap],'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Transaction, N. business dealing, undertaking, execution,


pL;'mQw];An]tUk];nG];piUc]pUc]tm];lgc]:kL.Ka}piUc]lQw]kn]'tG]:puk]:lik]:ma}9kum];kgn];w}.') = Secured transaction, -A

secured transaction is a secured deal involving goods or fixtures that is governed by Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.



wL:Kw]:Kiun];TUc]lQw]kn]kUv];n}nn].yw].){'Kw]:Kiun];TUc]lQw]kn]kUv];' = Arm’s length transaction,

(Contract), means that performance must occur by a specific date or the contract will be voided,

Kuic]pgc]Sac]:hQt];En'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Performance,

Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:En' Kuic]pgc]' hQt];Sac]:En' = Perform, performed, performing,

Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:yap],'[Kuic]pgc]hQt];Sac]:pQn]eA,eSAn]muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:nn].'{' = Underperform, to

perform less well than expected, underperformed,

Kuic]m}.' = Wooden sieve,

Kuic]lQk];' Sgc];/Pac]hL.Kw]:Sg};' = Iron sieve,


Intrigue, to captivate: Let their intrigues be their downfall, intrigued, intriguing,

Kuic]la};kUt].cgk];(lgc]:-/An]-)[yip];sG].la};lic].Suik];lqn]{(pa};mUic];Kuic]la};kUt].cgk];)' = Intrigue, N.

the use of deceitful stratagems: political intrigue,


lqn]kin]') = Fabricate, to devise or invent (a legend, lie, etc.): fabricate stories, fabricated, fabricating,


la};lqn]kin]lum];lum];yw].') = Fabrication, N.: His account of the robbery is a complete fabrication,

Kibc]w}.'Et,w}.Kibc]w}.' = Onset,

Kiuc]hac]mL.' = Horsehair sieve,

Kuic]hqn];' = Lay out, to plan; plot; design, prepare,

Kuic]:' Kuic]:nuic]:' = Half, a half, one half,

Kiuc]:kac]' = Middle, central,

Kibc]:kac]'cw]:tI:sbtbm]' = Center,

Kibc]:kac]' pgt];kac]' cw]:cun];hup]:sutum]' cw]:cun];' = Central, adj.,

Kuic]:kn]' nk];Kuic]:kn]'hG]:PQc],Kuic];kn]' = Poise, a state of balance or equilibrium, poised, poising,

Kuic]:kn]'nk];Kuic]:kn]'hG]:PQc],Kuic];kn]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Poise, N. a state of balance,


KUc];kan]nn].niUc];kn]tUv];) = Operating Expense Ratio,

Kiuc]:Kuic]:' hQt];Kuic]:Kuic]:' EPKuic]:Kuic]:' = Dividing into equal halves or parts, apportion,

Kuic]:sit].'[mgk]:0.3{(nm].mn];San],lun],mgk]:Kuic]:sit].'(lI;wa};14;10')= Log, one log is about 2/3 pint (0.3 liter),


pan]Kw]l}:lL;lL;'(SL,55:23')' = Half their days,

Kiuc]:etL,Kiuc]:'PL,Kiuc]:Kiuc]:'EPKiuc]:Kuic]:'mqc],Kiuc]:Kiuc]:' = Half and half, two equal parts,

Kiuc]:etL,Kiuc]:' Am],Suk];Am],lip];'(tUm]:-'KUw]:-'sI,-'pic]:-')' = Medium or half boiled,

fried roasted, half and half,

Kuic]:etL,Kuic]:'[An]tUv];PUiw],piUn]:PUiw],hw];{ = Reciprocity, N. a reciprocal state or realtion,

Kiuc]:tgn]:Sgc]' = Second half,

Kiuc]:niuc]:Agn]tac];' = First half,

Kuic]:pI<' = Half a year,

Kibc]:PQc],kn]' = Balance,

Kuic].Kuic].']Kuic].Kuic].' Kuc]:Kuc]:' = Tunder rumble,

Kuit]:yL:yL' = Pulverized medicine, grind medicine,

Kuit]:Kuit]:' Kuit].Kuit].' = Sound of grinding,

Kiut]:' lgk]:' hk];hik];' lqw]Pqw].' = Crush, crushing, crushed,

Kibt]:'[Aw]Kw]:piBk]:Kibt]:nG];mibw];eSkin]San]/mQt].Kw]:nn].{TB'pgt]:' = Rub, rubbed, rubbing,


Crush, to squeeze or pound into a small fragments or particle as ore or stone,

Kiut]:'Kiut]:Ait],'Ait],' = Grind, ground, crush,

Kuit]:TU'TUpqt]:'[lg};KUw];nn].Aw]prat].S]pgt]:/TUhqc];hqc];{ = Scrub, to rub hard, scrubbed, scrubbing,

Kuit]:Pgc]' Ait],Pgc]'(An]-')'(Kiut]:Tan],hin]pQn]Pgc])' = Pulverization, N., (pulverization of coal),

Kiut]:Pgc]' lUv]Pgc]' Ait],Pgc]'tm]Pgc]' = Pulverize, to reduce to dust or powder, pulverized,

Kiut]:lqw]pqt]:' lqw]pQn]Pgc]' lqw]Pqw].' = Crushed, be crushed,

Kuit];'(mL;Kiut];Kuit];nL:')' = On/in time: Please be on time,

Kuit];' Kuit];sgm];'kGL,Kiut];Kuit];'sgm];Kuit];Kuit];' = Catch up with, come up with,

Kiut];kap]:pan]mG],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Modern, adj., modernization, N.,

Kiut];kap]:pan]mG],' = Modernize, modernized, modernizing,

Kiut];Kic],Kuit];yam];mn];' mqn]:sgm];Kaw];yam];mn];lIlI' = On time,

Kibt];Kic],mqn]:yam];lI' = Punctual, (strictly observant of an appointed time or regular time), not late,

Kuit];sn].' sn].'pQc];sn].' = Standard,

Kqm].Et.Kqm].wL:'Kuit];sn].'(hg};muit];hQt];Kqm].Et.Kqm].wL:/Kuit];sn].')'Et.Et.wL:wL:' = Classic, adj.

of the first or highest quality, class or rank; serving as a standard or model: a clssic piece of work,

Kiut];sn].Suc]' tn];tac];nL:' = Advance,

Kuit];sG]'(sUiw];n}.Kuit];sG]kw]Et.)' = Content, to make content: These things content me, contented,

Kuit];pUin]:'(mG];Kiut];pUin]:yU,)'Am],vam].eSPG]' = Not inferior to others: You are not inferior to others,

Kiun]'t};Kiun]'[KUiw];t};nG];AUic],kQc];tuc]{' = Tai Khuen, a Shan or Tai race residing in Keng Tung district,

Kibn]'Kiun]Kibn];' = Return, revert,

Kiun]kGam];'(mn];Kiun]kGam];mn];Kiun];yw].')' pin],sG]'(kw]pin],sG]kw]yw].'mn];pin],sG]mn];yw].') = Change

mind: I change my mind; He change his mind,

Kibn]Kibn];'(Kw]sUiw];l}:Kam],tQk];sn]sU;hqc];hqc];hG]:Kiun]Kiun];)'Kiun]' = Revert, return: who were pulled strongly

toward reverting to their.., reverted, reverting, revert, N,

Kiun],'mQn]Kuin],' mQn]Kiun]kuik].kuik].'(mQn]Kiun]lqn];yL:)' = Rank,: a rank cigar, ranker, rankest,

Kuin],'(yL:lqc]Kiun],n}.sc],k}.ep,yin].kUn];mak].lqn];yL:)' = Acrid, bitterly pungent, irritating to the eyes, nose, etc.,

Kuin],'Aa}Kiun],'Aa}Kiun],kuik].kuik].'(Aa},Kiun],mQn]kn];f};m}:Aa}yac]rp],pL,)' = Acrid, adj. exceedinly caustic:

acrid smoke from burning rubber,

Kiun]:'sQp];'kqn];'sQp];mUv]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Sore, N., pain, hurt, harm,

Kiun]:' KQw]:Kiun]:'KQw]:sQp];' = Ache: toothache, pain,

Kibn]:' = Arise

Kiun]:' Kiut];sn].Suc]' tn];tac];nL:' = Advance,

Kibn]:'San],Kibn]:kGL,niBw]fL.kac]haw]'Kuin]:Suc]' = Ascend, ascended, ascending,

Kuin]:'(kGL,Kiun]:wt].w}:SL'Kiun]:wt].Kuin]:kzc];)'kGL,Kiun]:' = Attend, to be present at: to attend church, attending,

Kiun]:'(Kuin]:pac]kum])' = Attend: attending a meeting,

Kiun]:' Kiun]:kL:mn];' Kiun]:Kn]mn];' = Increase the price, raise prices,

Kiun]:' Kiun]:kGL,/mL;/mUiw];' Kiun]:nUiw]' = Climb, go up, ascend,

Kiun]:'Kiun]:lg}' = Hike, climb, mountain hiking,

Kiun]:'Kn]mn];Kiun]:' = Hike, increase, rise, boost,

Kiun]:kGL,sn].Sqm]<mI<f}<en,l]yw].' = Advances to semifinal,

Kuin]:kGL,sn].Suc]' Kiut];sn].Suc]' tn];tac];nL:' = Advance, advanced, advancing,

Kibn]:KI,' Kibn]:sB;' hac]:w}.' Kibn]:kgc]:Kibn]:kac],' = Mounted

Kibn]:KI,mL.klL,Auk]:Kw]yw].'(cw]:24;61') = Mounted the camels,

Kiun]:KI,'(mn];Kiun]:KI,hiUw];lm];niuc]:') = Board, boarding, (he boarded a ship,),

Kiun]:KI,hiUw];tI:tL:' = Embarked, to board on a ship,

Kuin]:KUv]' (Kt];-Kuin]:pG].')' = Become a son-in-law, (ant: to become a daughter-in-law),



)eSAw]pun]:Pgn];hQt];lQc].lUlum];lL;AU:sw]:Em:sw]:eSpUic],sgm];KUw];Kgc]AmUv]:nc],Tuc];sam],t};mI;w}.'{ =

Maternal marriage, in a maternal marriage, a male would become a son-in-law who lived in the wife’s home; a matriarchy

social system in Tai culture,(live with his in-law Dad or Mom, in reference to men only)

Kuin]:KU;'(lgc]:/An]-)' = Ordinance, N. something believed to have been ordained, as by a deity or destiny,

Kuin]:KU;Kam],huic]yuin];yaw];pn]'(lgc]:-/An]-)(Agk],30;21'lI;wa};16;31') = Lasting ordinance,

Kiun]:KU;pn]' = Ordain, to select or appoint to an office, ordained, ordaining,

Kiun]:Kiun]:lUc];lUc];(Kn]kun],)' = Fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuating,

Kiun]:Kiun]:lUc];lUc];'Kiun]:Kuin]:lgc]:lgc]:' = Go up and down,

Kiun]:ca}:h}:lUc];' = Easy to climb or go up and cry to scramble or go down,

Kibn]:cibn];Kgn],' = Raising Revenue,

Kuin]:ciun];lUin]mn];pn]nm]Et.nm]wL:' = Increased his salary significantly,

Kiun]:sn].pn]' ybk].tac],sn].pn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Promotion,

Kibn]:sB;'(tp].Suik];Kiun]:sU;pac]Sw];PU:KQn])' = Mount, mounted, (the army mounted to the enemy’s camp.),

Kiun]:sgm];Kk].tgn]:kan]' Kp].Kk].tgn]:kan]' = Process, processed, processing,

Kuin]:sgm];han].yuk].' = Elevated, raised up, especially above the ground or above the normal level: ,

Kibn]:Sc].Kibn]:Sbc]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'Kiun]:Sac].' = Improve,

Kibn]:Sc].Kibn]:Sbc]' Kiun]:yG],mG],Suc]' Kiun]:yG],' = Progress, grow, progressed, progressing,

Kibn]:Sc].Kibn]:Sbc]' = Progress, growth or development,

Kuin]:Sc].Kuin]:Suc]mL;'[Kuin]:Sc].Kuin]:Suc]'{(hUc];kan]An]Kuin]:Sc].Kuin]:Suc]mL;') = On the move,

(Idioms) progressing: an industry on the move,


luk].17;5') = Increase, expend: “Increase our faith!”(Luke 17:5,), increased, increasing,

Kuin]:Sim];miBc];'Sim];l}:mUic];'(An]-) = Conquest, N. the act or state of conquering or of being conquered,

Kiun]:Sim];Aw]' Kiun]:Sim];AL,nL,' = Take over, took over,

Kibn]:Sbc]'San],Kibn]:'San],Kibn]:kGL,niBw]fL.kac]haw]'Kiun]:' = Ascension, N. the ascension, ascent, N.,

Kuin]:Suc]' Kiun]:nUiw]' pL:nUiw]' (Kt];-lUc];tqm],'lUc];tG]:'pL:tG]:)' = Higher, (ant: lower, down,),

Kuin]:Suc]yw].Suc]Tqc]:'Suc]yw].Suc]Kuin]:Tqc]:tik];tik];' = Higher and higher,

Kuin]:Suc]yw].Suc]kGL,Tqc]:tik];tik];' = Rise up higher,

Kiun]:Suc]yiun];yaw];' = Enhance,

Kibn]:Sbc]'lbk].'lbk].Kibn]:'Kibn]:mL;' = Rise, rose, risen, rising,

Kuin]:Sa}kac],w}.'[kac],An]kUc],Sa}w}.tL,etyuiw];{(Kuin]:Sa}kac],ScLKw]w}.')'kac],kUc],Sa}w}.' = Drawn bow:

aim at them with a drawn bow,

Kiun]:tn];nL:' = Ride forth,

Kuin]:tL:'[tI:tL:hUiw];SUik]:nn].lUc];hUiw];Kuin]:Pc],kGL,'{ = On shore, go on shore; go onto the land from a ship,

Kiun]:tiuk];'Kw]:tibk];'Kw]:'Kiun]:'(Kt];-pG].'Kam],tuik];'kqt],EK')' = Offensive, adj., (ant: defensive,),

Kiun]:tuik];tp].lUc]kUn];KUiw];Pilit].StiKw]w}.'= Were up against a huge army of Philistines,

Kibn]:tiuk];hQt];Kt];pUn].pqn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Offences

Kiun]:nc]:ehL' Kiun]:put]:nc]:ehL' Kiun]:put]:plac],' = Succeed to the throne,

Kiun]:nL:kGL,' = Forth, onward, advance,

Kiun]:nL:kGL,tik];tik];' = Oriented toward, to position toward,

Kiun]:nL:Suik];' = Set off to war, go and fight in battle,

Kuin]:nL:yac]:nuic]:hUn]lc]Sgc]yac]:' = One step forward two steps back,

Kiun]:niUw]'(Kiun]:niUw]hiUw];'rTL;'hiUw];min]'kL;'skGL,) = Aboard, on board, on, or into a ship, train, airplane, bus etc.,

Kiun]:pn]'Kibn]:Sc].yG],EP:nm]kibn];' EP:tiBn];' nm]Kiun]:mL;' = Increase, increased,

Kiun]:pn]ciun];liUn]' = Give a raise,

Kiun]:pac]kum]Kgn]<frqn].' = Attend a conference,




:Em:sw]:eSpUic],sgm];KUw];Kgc]AmUv]:nc],Tuc];sam],t};mI;w}.'{ = Marriage patriarchy, in a marriage patriarchy, a

female would become a daughter-in-law who lived in the husband’s home; a patriarchy social system in Tai culture, (live with

her in-law Dad or Mom, in reference to women only)

Kuin]:pG].'(Kt];-Kuin]:KUv])' = Become a daughter-in-law, (ant: to become a son-in-law),

Kiun]:Pc],' = Ashore, to the shore, onto the shore ,

Kiun]:mgc];kgc]:'tac],mgc];kgc]:' = Rotate the bullet rotator,

Kiun]:yuiw];' = Attack, to start an offensive against: to attack the enemy,

Kiun]:ygk];ygk];' pin],mL;lg};lg};' = Evolution, transformation, evolvement,

Kibn]:yG],'(Kt];-tUk];tqm],')' = Progress, advance, grow, progressed, progressing, (ant: regress),

Kibn]:yG],' Kibn]:yG],mG],Sbc]' = Progress, N., advancement in general, progressive, adj.,

Kiun]:yG],'yG],Sbc]'Kibn]:yG],tUiw];tgn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Growth, N. development, progress,

Kuin]:yG],Kgp]:KUp],pI<'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Annual growth,

Kibn]:yG],mak]:mI;' Kibn]:yG],mak]:mI;lIpQn]' = Prosper, progress, prospered, prospering,

Kibn]:yG],mak]:mI;' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Prosperity, N., progress, well-being,

Kuin]:yG],mak]:mI;'[hUiw]:hUic];'Kqn];sG]'{'Kuin]:yG],mak]:mI;lIpQn]' = Prosperous, adj. flourishing; well-to-do or

well-off, prosperously, adv.,

Kiun]:yG],mG],Suc]'(hG]:mG];Kiun]:yG],mG],Suc]kU:Pa},kU:tac];eSkm];')= Go well with: that all may go well with you,(3Jn.1:2),

Kuin]:yG],mG],Suc]'Kuin]:'San],Kibn]:'[Kuin]:yG],'{(kGam];Kuin]:yG],mG],Suc]') = Ascent, N. advancement: A song of ascents,

Kibn]:yG],mG],Sbc]'Kuin]:yG],'mG],Suc]'Kuin]:yG],Suc]'= Thrive, advance,thrived or throve, thrive, thriving,

Kibn]:yG],mG],Sbc]Pa},wivin],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Spiritual growth,


2') = Go better with, go well with: that it will go better with those fear God,

Kibn]:yG],lBv]:mn];' = Get on him,

Kuin]:yG],l}:lIl}:pQn]kt];yQn]sG]' l}:lIl}:pQn]' = Prospering, getting well,

Kiun]:lg};lg};pQn]yac]:pQn]yac]:' Aw]lg};lg};pQn]Kk].pQn]Kk].' = Step by step,

Kuin]:hap],ham]'(Kuin]:hap],ham]pun]:Pgm];mn];sa};)'Aw]SG],sG]' = Attend to: to attend to his duties,

Kiun]:hUc];hQn];'(pn]luk]:mG];l}:Kiun]:hUc];hQn];tI:mG];hQt];kan]nn].)' = Attend school: Having your child attend

school where you work.

Kiun]:hUc];yL'(mn];nac];l}:Kiun]:hUc];yLmUiw]:wL;eAL:')' = Admitted to hospital: She was admitted to

hospital yesterday,



lL;kUn];pQn]ngk]:n}nn].yw]."{ = Hospitalization, N. care in a hospital that requires admission as an inpatient and

usually requires an overnight stay. An overnight stay for observation could be outpatient care,

Kibn]:hBm]:tum]kn]'SG],hUm]:kn]'sbtbm]kbm]kn]' = Assemble, gather, meet, assembled, assembling,

Kiun]:hUm]:tum]kum]kn]lUv]:cm];yQn]nim]Sw];lI' = Peaceably to assemble,

Kiun]:ehL' = Ascend a palace, palace ascend,

Kiun]:hUin];nuic]:lUc];hUin];nuic]:kGL,' = Door-to-door, adv. in a door-to-door manner, house-to-house,


Tuic]hUin];Tuic]ey;)(kL:ekL.SUc],pn]Tuic]hUin];') = Door-to-door, adj.: a door-to-door poll; a door-to-door

shipment or delivery; door-to-door carrying charges,

Kiun]:hUin];mG],' = Move into a new house or home,

Kiun]:hUiw];' Kiun]:KI,hUiw];' = Board a ship,

Kiun];'kac]Kibn];' kac]Km]:kac]Kibn];' Km]:Kiun];' = Night,

Kiun];' Sm].' Tqc]:'Sm].Kiun];'Sm].Tqc]:'Tqc]:km];niuc]:' = Re, ‘Preposition’, (re-election, re-examination,)

Kiun];Ek:' pn]eKL:Kiun];Ek:' (mI;pL;Sak]:eS,/eKL:Tt];Sac]TQc]Kiun];nn].lat]:kGL,hQt];kGL,') = Rebut, to

refute by evidence or argument, to oppose by contrary proof, rebutted, rebutting,

Kiun];ekL,Sac]:' = Rebuild, reconstruct, rebuilt, rebuilding,

Kiun];kGL,' Kiun];kGL,Tqc]:' = Go back, going back again,

Kiun];kGL,tgp],pac]sqt]:Tam]Tqc]:' = Retaking the Exams,

Kiun];kGL,Tqc]:El:'(Kiun];kGL,tUv];Tqc]:km];nuic]:El:') = Go back, (Go back and look again.),


tQt],yQn]SI,SI,pqt]:w}.Tqc]:)' = Relapse, to fall back into former state, practice, etc. to relapse into silence,

Kiun];K}:sG]tUv];'[Kiun];Em;wUn].K}:sG]tUv];liuk].luik].lm],lm],{' = Rethink, to reconsider, especially profoundly,

Kiun];K}:En'(Kiun];Em;mgk]An]mG];l}:yin];mL;nn].Tqc]:)' = Restate, to state again or in a new way,

Kuin];Kuin]:'wqn]wUc]Kuin];'(An]-) = Bounceback, N. the act or instance of bouncing back, recovering,

Kiun];Kg}:kn]Tqc]:' Kg}:kn]' Kg}<kn]' = Meet together again,

Kuin];sam];lam];tBv];Aw]'Kuin];wUn].tUv];nG];sG]' = Reimagine, rethink, reimagining,

Kiun];sup],Aw]A}amuik];mn];' = Reabsorbs moisture,

Kibn];wL:'Kibn];wL:Tqc]:' Sm].' (Sm].Tqc]:km];nibc]:'Sm].sgm];hg};/kGam];kw],) = Repeat, to say, utter, do, or make

again, repeated, repeating,

Kiun];Sim];Aw]'Kiun];tivgp];' = Recapture,

Kiun];Suin];'Km]:Suin];' = Night before,


El:Kiun];tac],sn].Kun]han]pn]mn];Kiun];') = Reinstate, to put back or establish again in a former position or state,


tik];nn].'{ = Repetition, N. the act of repeating, or doing, saying, or writing something again,

Kiun];tac],ygn];l}:'[tac],ygn];Aw]Sun],l}:/KUw];lQc];Kgc]pUic],{ = Reclaim, reclaimed, reclaiming,

Kiun];tac],ygn];Aw]'[San]Kt];Puin].Kiun];'{ = Reclaim, reclaimed, reclaiming,

Kiun];tac],ygn];l}:'(Kiun];tac],ygn];l}:Pqn],lin]') = Reclamation, N.: land reclamation,

Kiun];tQk];tQc]Tqc]:la};mG],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Repression, repress again or anew,

Kiun];tqm]:mgk],'[Aw]kGam];lat]:w}.nn].SG],pQn]tUw]lik]:An]Sc],etL,{ = Redact, to put into suitable

literary form; revise, redacted, redacting,

Kuin];tqm]:mgk],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'ekL.Kiun];tqm]:mgk],' = Redaction, N., redactor, N.,

Kiun];tum]Kiun];Kgn]:kn]'[tL,etsutum]eSEm;Kp].Em;Kgm]:Kgt],Pgt],pn]Am],nn]SG],hqc];sG]pn]mG],mG],{ = Rally,

gather and organize or inspire anew, rallied, rallying,

Kiun];Et,Tqc]:km];nuic]:El:' = Begin again,

Kiun];tiuk];Sim];Aw]' = Reprisal, an act or instance of retaliation., revenge,

Kibn];tgp],' tgp]:Kuin];' = Reply, replied, replying,

Kuin];tgp],'(lgc]:-/An]-)'eKL:Kiun];tgp],' = Reply, an answer or response in words or writting,

Kuin];tgp],tqn];'Kuin];tUiw].'[tgp],tqn];'tUiw].Kuin];'kQw]:KQn];Kiun];'{ = Recompense, to repay; recoil,

recompensed, recompensing, recompense, N.,

Kiun];Tt];'[Tt];Sac]tUv];{' = Review, to view, look at or, look over again, reviewed, reviewing,

Kuin];Tip],/pit].'ygn]:'[ygn]:Kuin];'{ = Repercussion, N. the state of driven back by a resisting body; echo,

Kuin];Tup].'Kiun];mc]'Kuin];hqm]'(etl}:hQt];huiw]Kuin];mc]mn];n}kw]hU.yU,') = Punch back: I know how to

punch back at him,

Kibn];Enpn]'hiBw]:Tgc],Kibn];'Kuin];wUn].Kgp]:'wUn].Kiun];' = Reflect, reflected, reflection, N.,

Kiun];n}.' Km]:n}.' = This night, tonight,

Kiun];n}.km];lQw]' Kiun];n}.km];lQw]kUv];/yw].' = This very night,

Kiun];nuic]:'[tL,Km]:nuic]:/yam];kac]Kiun];{(tL,ngn];Kiun];nuic]:) = Overnight, adv.: to stay overnight,

Kuin];nibc]:yw].Kuin];niuc]:'[Km]:nuic]:yw].Km]:nuic]:{ = Night after night,

Kiun];pin],pQn]'(cU;Kuin];pin],pQn]Kgn].tw].mL;'(Agk],4)= Return back into, became: the snake return back into staff,

Kibn];pBk];Et,tc]:' = Restoration, restore, restoring,

Kuin];pUk];Et,tc]:tUn]:sG]wivin],mG];pn]' = Restore your soul,

Kiun];pUk];Et,tc]:lgc]:Tuk],emLkn]' = Restoring harmony,

Kiun];pUk];Et,tc]:pn]'(ekL.-')' ekL.Kiun];pUk];Et,tc]:pn]' = Restorer,

Kuin];pUk];Et,tc]:tUn]:sG]wivin],mG];pn]'(sw]:ey,SuKiun];Em;pUk];Et,tc]:tUn]:sG]wivin],mG];pn]) =

Restore your soul,(Jesus restores your soul,),


n]hUw]nn].) = Reestablish, to cause to be accepted or recognized: to reestablish his role as leader, reestablished,

Kibn];pibt],En' Kiun];piut],Enpn]' = Revelation, reveal,

Kiun];puit],En' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-Kuin];'){ = Revelation, [a book of Bible,( abbr. Rev.)],

Kuin];mk];mn]:pn]'(Kuin];mk];mn]:pn]lgc]:SUhk].mn];Et.nn].'(2ekL;2;8') = Reaffirm: to reaffirm your love

for him, reaffirmed, reaffirming,

Kuin];mk];mn]:pn]lgc]:SUhk].mn];Et.nn].'(2ekL;2;8')' = Reaffirm your love for him,

Kibn];mL;'pgk]:mL;' = Turn back, return, come back,

Kiun];mI;sG]ASak]:PwmL;' = Come back to life,


An]mI;hqc];lUm];m}:nn].hum];yac]rp]<pL<lUit],eStQk];sp];Kiun];hQt];pQn]mL;nc],mak],yac]mG],nn].{ = Recap, to

recondition (a worn automobile tire), recapped, recapping,

Kiun];Em;' Kiun];Em;mG],' = Reestablish, put in place again, renew, restore, reestablished,

Kiun];Em;Tt];Sc]' luim].Kiun];' pn],tUc],' = Revise, revised, revising,

Kibn];Em;Tt];Sac]' = Revision,

Kuin];Em;Tqc]:'Em;Kuin];'[em;yw].p},lIKuin]Em;Tqc]:'{' = Repair again, fix it again and again,

Kiun];Em;pU' Kuin];Em;Kp].' = Resorting, to sort or arrange, resorted,

Kiun];Em;mG],' = Restore, restablish, renew, restored, restoring,

Kiun];Em;lQn]:' Kiun];Em;etL,' = Replay,

Kiun];Em;lI' = Make up, to reconcile, construct,

Kiun];Em;lIkn]' Kiun];Tuk],kn]' Kiun];lIkn]' = Reconcile, reconciliation, harmonize

Kiun];Em;lIkn]'(Km].tgn]:Kgt],ygt]:lam];kL:Kn]mn];pn]) = Reconciliation,(the process, for final value estimate)

Kiun];Em;luim].'Kuin];Em;pUk];'(An]lUw],-) = Reconstructive, adj.,


;tt];Am],nn]ekL:lgc]:tUc].nuic]:nn].n}yw].{' = Reconsider, to consider again; to reconsider a matter,

Kiun];Em;hQt];'Kiun];Em;pUk];' = Reconstruct, rebuild,

Kiun];Em;Aan],' Kiun];np].Aan],' = Recount, recounted, recounting,

Kiun];Em;Agc],'(yuk];yk];tL,Kiun];em;Agc],) = Recycle, to treat or process used or waste materials, (recycle trash),

Kiun];mUiw];' Kuin];mUiw];hUin];' mUiw];Kiun];hUin];' = Return, returning home, return back, go back,

Kiun];yum],'(hw];tUw]:tn];tL,Kiun];yum],kn]Tqc]:km];nuic]:yU,yw].) = Believe again: We are ready to believe again,

Kuin];yU,nG];' = Reliving,


es;yw].') = Repercussion, N. the state of driven back by a resisting body; echo: an effect or result of some event

or action: The repercussions of the quarrel were widespread,

Kiun];ygn];puic]:sw]:kw],Ait];nuic]:El:' = Do yourself a favor,

Kiun];lw]:ygn];Tqc]:'(Kiun];lw]:ygn];tL,pQn]kUn];suic]:mUic];nn].Tqc]:)' = Reapply: reapplying for citizenship,

Kiun];lip];' = Return to life, rise again,

Kiun];lIKiun];' Kibn];pBk];Et,tc]:pn]'Et,Aw]Kibn];tI:Sbt];kg}nn].'Aw]Kiun];' = Restore,

Kiun];lIKiun];mL;lum];lum];yw].' = Completely restored,

Kiun];luk].l}:' luk].Kiun];mL;l}:' = Recover, get back up, recovered, recovering,

Kiun];lU'Kiun];lUTqc]:' = Reread, to read (something) again, rereading, reread, N.,

Kiun];l}:'l}:Kiun];' = Regain, recover, regained, regaining,

Kuin];lUik]:kQp];Tqc]:' lUik]:kQp];Kiun];Tqc]:'(An]-'lgc]:-')' = Reelection,

Kibn];wL:' Kibn];wL:Tqc]:' = Repeat,

Kiun];wL;' Km]:wL;' = Last night,

Kuin];wUn].Kgp]:' Kibn];pibt],Enpn]' hiBw]:Tgc],Kibn];' = Reflect, reflection,

Kuin];wUn].Kgp],'Tgk]:etL,nL:'[Tgk],etL,'/Aw]AL,ruc],sp];sgm];'{(Am],Tgk],etL,nL:PG]) = Reflect on, to

ponder or meditate; take to heart: do not reflect on anyone,

Kuin];wUn].Kgp]:lgc]:sUiw];l}:pQn]mL;mUiw]:pIk}nn].' = Reflect on the events over the last year,

Kiun];w}.'(Kiun];w}.mak],') = Replace,(golf) (replace the ball,)


yw].n}.hG]:Kiun];w}.tI:kw],mn];pn]{'Aw]kL:lG]Kiun];w}.kL:nn]:' = Keep it where it belongs,

Kuin];wa},'wa},Kuin];'Kibn];mL;'Kiun];mUiw];' = Turn back, turn around to return,

Kuin];wa},KUm];lqm];mn];sU;mn];'(!sw]:Kuin];wa},KUm];lqw];mn];sU;mn];Kiun];eS'@(SL,89;43') = Turned back

the edge of his sword,

Kibn];hp].yip];tibw];'Kiun];Et,'(kgn],Agn]tac];mUiw]:Kp].ma}mn];p},Kiun];Et,nn].) = Resume, resumed:

before the program resumed, resuming,

Kiun];hup]:K}:En'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Recap, N. recapitulation,

Kiun];hup]:K}:En'[Kiun];Tt];Sac]An]lat]:An]Aup],An]hQt];An]pQn]yw].kGL,nn].tI:kqp]:kqp]:mn];{' =

Recapitulate, summarize, recapitulated, recapitulating,


n]:lgk];mqn]:la};mn];nn]) = Replevin, -A legal action to get back personal property wrongfully held by another person.,

Kuin];hUm]:'Kuin];pgc];'Kuin];hUm]:sgm];'Kuin];kGL,/mL;Kuit];'[Kuin];pQn]ekL./sum];lQw]{= Rejoin, reunite, rejoined,

Kiun];hUm]:kn]' = Reunion,

Kiun];Am],pQn]lp];pQn]ngn];' = Restless nigth,

Kiun];Aw]'[Kiun];Aw]'Kiun];Sim];Aw]{'Aw]Kiun];' = Rtake, to take back, restore, to capture, retook, retaking,

Kiun];Aw]nc],kiuc],tan],' = Recoup, recover, retrieve,

Kiun];Aan];cibn];l}:'(Kt];-Am],Kiun];Aan];ciun];l}:')' = Refundable, (ant: not refundable,),

Kiun].Kn].'[Kam],yap],nG];sG]eSAgk],sG]KG]:hQt];eSmQw];mQw];km];lQw]nn].{' = Irritating ways,

Kiup]:'Kiup]:niuc]:'(9Em:miuw];'(23sqn]tImItL,)) = Span, a unit of length as 9 inches (23cm),(Khuep in Tai languag),

Kiup]:tUv];'[Aw]muiw];Kuip]:eStqk]:tUv];tac];yaw];/yG],/Suc]mn];{' = Measure with a span,

Kiup]:' Kiup]:niuc]:' (1Kiup]:n}.yaw];9Em:miuw];') = Khuep, (9 inches a Khuep),

Kuim];' tBc],hQw].tBc],Kibm];' hQw].' = Snare, trap,

Kuim];cap],pL'[An]k}.mI;tI:Pa},lc]hUw]pLnuic]:Pa},nuic]:An]nn].'{ = Pectoral fin,

Kuim];pL'[An]pQn]Kqp];mUin]wI;mI;sgm];tUw]pL'{(!kuim];pL@n}.mn];Kqc]pa}lqn]sac]:sUk].')' = Fin, N.: pointed pectoral fin,

Kuiw],'[lun]:hUn];sgm]hUin];tI:m}.kgn]muc];hUin];Kw]tL:w}.nUiw]mn];nn].'{ = Cross beam on which the plate of a

roof is made to rest,

Kuiw],'[tUm]:huic]huic]hG]:nm].KG]:hqc]:eSAUn]Ag}.Ag}.w}.nn].'{' = Boil until liquid thickens, brew,

Kuiw],'(pG].han].etL,nm].yuiw].epL;Kuiw],Agk],KUm]KUm])' = Brew, to boil or cook: Wait until the tea brew,


Concentrate, make denser or purer: to concentrate fruit juice, concentrated, concentrating,

Kuiw],'Kgn]:sp];kn]w}.'(An]-)[hG]:nm].sUim]:AUn]Kw]:kn]w}.'{ = Concentration, N.(Chemistry) in a solution,

Kuiw],AUn]'[hQt];hG]:nm].mn];AUn]/tuc]lIw}.nn].{' = Condense, concentrate, condensed, condensing,

Kibw]:libt];' Kgc].lUm].' Kiuw]:liut];lUm].'KI:luit];' = Stumble,

Kuiw];SQc]' = Train or improve the voice, voice improvement,

KUik];lUik];'(KUik];lUik];Et.Am],sG]:)' = Humbug!(interjection) nonsense!,

KUic]' (Kuic]tgc];' KUic]lm]' KUic]nac];pum]:') = Coil to ornament knee or waist especially worn

by some tribes in Shan (Tai) state,(brass wire coil or black rattan coil, etc.),

KUic],Km].'hac]:lI'hac]:can]'(sa};hac]:lIKUic],Km].yic];hac]:lIhac]:lw];)'= Handsome, adj. beautiful, handsomer,

KiBc],kibm];' = Durable, adj. lasting, well, enduring,

KUic]:'[mak],sm]etSuk];{(mak],mUc]:KUic]:nUiw]tUn];)mak],KUic]:' = Half-ripe, adj.: Half-ripe mangoes on tree,

KUic]:'KUic]:sa};'KUic]:yic];'[tU;lI;'emL.emL.'{ = Private part, N. the private part of a male or female,

KiUc]:km].kqm]' lgc]:sg}:lgc]:Tqm]' sg}:sg}:Tqm]Tqm]' = Aid,

KiUc]:km].kqm]' = Aid, help or support,

KUic]:kL;' = Car parts, auto parts,

KUic]:kqt],EK' = Defensive weapons,

KUic]:kUn];sa};etL,kUn];sa};hQt];kn]' = Men have sex with men,

KUic]:ekL,Sac]:'KUic]:hUin];'KUic]:hUc];/hUin];tUik]:' = Building materials,

KiUc]:kiuk];sgm];'KiUc]:mn];' = Component, a constituent part, element, ingredient,

KUic]:kuit].hap],Pa};hUiw];Sc];ePL;'(man],27;19') = Ship’s tackle,

KUic]:kgc]:KUic]:kac],' = Armaments,

KiUc]:kgc]:nuk].ki' = Nuke, a nuclear weapon,

KUic]:kgt],' kgt],'(lgc]:-/An]-)' [An]tUw]mI;sG]Aw]muiw];kgt],/KUic]:kgt],KUw];Kgc]sp];kn]{ = Clasp, N.,

KUic]:kzk];/Kam]:'(f};fL.)[Sa}KUic]:kzk];{ = Jumper, (Electricity)N. also called jump wire, jumper cable or booster cable,

KUic]:Kt];hac]hUiw];' m}.Kt];hac]hUiw];' Kqp];Kt];hac]hUiw];' = Rudder,

KUic]:Kqm].Sut];ygt]:'(KUic]:Kqm].Sut];ygt]:An]JPL;sw]:hQt];w}.)' = Masterpiece, (Masterpiece of God),

KUic]:Kqm].Sut];ygt]:JPL;sw]:' = God’s masterpiece,

KUic]:KUw];' = Substance, N. material; thing, substances,

KUic]:KUw];Sgc],f};'[KUic]:KUw];/KUic]:emL:Kw]:wan],Pk];'{ = Kitchenware, N. cooking equipment or utensils,

KiUc]:KUw];Tgk]:pam].km].kqm]' = Supply, N., something that is supplied, supplies,

KUic]:KUw];lQk];'[KUw];lQk];KUic]:yip]'mak],eSL;'pt]:tL,'KUic]:TUiw]tt];'Aqc],Aum]emL:Kw]:wan],Pk];'{ = Hardware, N.

metalware, as tools, locks, hinges, cutlery, or utensils,

KUic]:EKf};' mUk],EKf};'[KUic]:hUt];/Sit];SG],hG]:f};mgt],{' = Fire extinguisher,


mQw];mn];/Tan]:mn];'{(nUic]:-KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];') = Gender, N. either the male or female division of a species; kind,

sort or class, (compare ‘sex’)

KUic]:Kgt],Pgt]:Kw]:pL;Sut];ygt]:Am],pL;Am],pQn]' = Ultimate constituent,

KUic]:cw]:(pQn])'[kQw],KUic]:Et,cw]:'{ = Rudimentary, adj. of the nature of a rudiment; elementary, rudiment, N.,


n],kqn],w}.pn]mn]:mn]:tL,hG]:epL;sac]:hQt];yw].tI:Kgc]nn].nc],kL:lUw],hQt];nn].{' = Vise, N.,

KUic]:st];tqk]:'(KUic]:st];tqk]:hqc];tQk];/Tip],mn];)'kQk].kY]' = Gauge, N.: pressure gauge,

KUic]:st];hQt];kan]' = Conductor,

KUic]:sp];sgm];'[An]sp];kuik];kn]w}.{' = Appendage, N. a subordinate part attached to something, an auxiliary part,

KUic]:sw]:KUic]:Kun]'[An]enpn]tLlItUv];'hac]:KUic]:sw]:KUic]:Kun]'{ = Pageant, N. pageantry; spectacular display;

mere show; pageants collectively; pomp,

KUic]:/sak]:puit];kuv]' = Cotton gin, N. a machine for separating the fibers of cotton from the seeds,

KUic]:sak]:tL,kan]kL.Ka}' = Business machine,


t];Agk],KUw];Kgc]'){ = Plant, the equipment, including the fixtures, machinery, tools, etc., and often the buildings,

necessary to carry on any industrial business: (a manufacturing plant),


kan]Am],nn]la};kan]sUiw];wac];Pqn]w}.tL,Aw]yip];tuiw];st];kan]tQm]Timn];kGL,nn].{' = Pilot plant, N.,

KUic]:sak]:plqn].SUpL,Krit].tiEk,lUn].lUiw]' = Ultrasupercritical plant,

KUic]:sQt].man],'wa}<pL,'[epL;Puv],emL,tL,pn]ekL:KUic]:nn].sQt].man],lUc]nn].pn]{' = Wiper,

KUic]:sI;hU;' = Drill gun,

KUic]:sI;pgc],hU;' KQm]sI;pgc],hU;' KUic]:Pgk]:hU;' = Puncture, N.,

KUic]:sI;hU;'lQk];sI;' = Drill, N.,


nn].'{(wQc];hw];mI;KUic]:sum],EKf};Kqm].nL,') = Apparatus, N. a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools,

materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our town has excellent fire-fighting apparatus,


n].'{(pUic]sum];lUc]pgc]suic]:'(pUic]sum];/KUic]:sum],sgp],') = Apparatus, N. any system or systematic organization of

activities, functions, processes, etc., directed toward a specific goal; a group of different organs working together in the

performance of a particular function: the apparatus of government; espionage apparatus or devices,


:eeKLeKLPG]mn];nn].'{(KUic]:sum],tgc].ta};kYqt].lI') = Apparatus, N.(Physiology) a group of different organs working

together in the performance of a particular function: the digestive apparatus,

KUic]:sa};' KUic]:epL:' KUic]:PU:'[kg};/tU;lI;'{' = Male sex,

KiBc]:sa};KiBc]:yic];'KiBc]:tBw]epL:tBw]Em:'KiBc]:' = Sex, gender,


nc],kn]hQt];kn]'ek;'{= Homosexual, adj. N. gay; lesbian; queer, homosexuality,

KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];n}.Am],sG]:An]ha}.mUik]:' = Sex is not evil,

KiUc]:sa};KiUc]:yic];hQt];kn]'Sm]kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Sexual intercourse,

KUic]:sa};KUic];yic];hQt];kn]tc];' = Sexual relations with,


2;19') = Sexual relations: Anyone who has sexual relations with an animal is to be put to death,

KiUc]:sa};KiUc]:yic];hQt];wUv],lUic];'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Sexual impurity,

KiUc]:sa};KiUc]:yic];hQt];Am],mI;sn].sgm];piUc]'(An]-)= Sexual immorality

KUic]:sgp],'(KUic]:sgp].kGn];f};/P};) = Detector, N.: smoke detector,

KUic]:sg}:yL'[KUic]:KUw];KUic]:lgn].mgn];An]sg}:yLpn]Puik];pn]'{ = Therapeutic, N. a therapeutic substance,

KUic]:sg}:hU.' = Sensor, N. a mechanical device,

KUic]:sg}:hU.tac];w};kL;' = ABS Speed Sensor,

KUic]:Sit];Tat]:SI,nG];Ain],kYin],'[fiw];AL,Ain]kYqk].tUiw],{' = Fuel Injector,

KUic]:SUc],SQc]' = Radio transmitter,

KiUc]:SUc],hp].mUw]<tm],' = Modem,

KUic]:SGac];SQc]'KUic]:tI.SQc]' = Sound recording devices,

KBic]:tac];nG];' KBc];nG];' = Entrails

KUic]:tqk],'mak],tqk],' = Exploding devices, explosive,

KUic]:tqk]:Kk].nm].mn];' = Fuel Level Sending Unit,

KiUc]:tqk]:yam];hiuc]' = Timer, a device for indicating or measuring elapsed time, as a stopwatch,

KUic]:tqm]:'[km]suin];El:km]suim];tc];la}{' = Writing instruments,

KUic];tqm]:KUic]:ma}'[pp].pw],El:es:TUc]lik]:Aik]km]suin];/suim];tc];SQc]:{' = Writing paper or materials,

KUic]:tqm]:KUic]:ma}'[KUw];Kgc]tL,tqm]:ma}mUin]nc],km]suim];'km]suin];'es:'tc];TUc]lik]:sUiw];n}.'{ = Stationery,

N. writing materials, as pens, pencils, paper, and envelopes,

KiUc]:tIp}a.S]' = Device, gadget,

KUic]:tI,pa}.S]tuKUic];yip];mQw];Am],k}.SU:sG].El:yip];sG].KUic]:yip];la};Am],k}.SU:yip];' =

Artificial devices, unusual equipment and unusual use of equipment,

KUic]:tIpa}.S]tu' = Artificial devices,

KUic]:tUw]Kic];SU/mG];'(KUic]:tUw]Kic];SUpgt];nuic]:)' = Part of your body: one part of your body,

KUic]:Et,kuik];sgm];'[An]pL;nG];KUic]:kuik];sgm];Tat]:Kqm];mi{ = Elemental, adj. pertaining to chemical elements,

elementally, adv.,

KiUc]:Et,cw]:'sn].cw]:' = Elementary, adj. of the nature of an ultimate constituent; pertaining to elements,


tL.SUc],An]Puk],Pc]Alac];nn].) = Vehicle, N. a means of transmission or passage: Air is the vehicle of

sound; investment vehicles,

KUic]:tgc];ma}'[KUw];/Kgc]lIw}.tgc];'Kgc]tgc];'An]tgc];Kuk];sG]l}:'{ = Memento, N. keepsake; souvenir; remembrance,

KUic]:Tic];lUm];m}:eA,sI' = AC Heat Control,


:Tic];hqc];pg},nm].nm]eA,) = Regulator, N.(Machinery; Electronics): water regulator or regulations,

KUic]:Tic];hqc];pg},nm].nm]eA,' = Water regulator or regulation,

KUic]:Tic];An]sak]:Ain]kYin],Kgn];' = Engine Vibration Damper,

KiUc]:T},hac]:' Kqm]<RmL,' = Camera, N.,

KiBc]:JTn],Smit].SYin];kL;mG];' = Transmission in your car,

KUic]:Tgm],TUv]:sG]'[KUic]:An]emLyLKw]yip];tL,sam];Tgm],sgm];tUw]kUn];{' = Stethoscope,

KUic]:Tgm],hU'[KUic]:hp].SQc]An]Aw]nQp];SG],nG];hU;hUw}.l}:nn].{' = Earphones, N. headphones,

KUic]:Tgm],'[KUic]:Tgm],hU'KUic]:Tgm],sam];'{' = Listening devices, as, earphones, stethoscope,

KUic]:np].' sak]:np].' kUn];np].Sgn],' = Calculating machine, calculator, N.,


,hUiw];min]lG]hUiw];lG]sUiw];n}.{' = Propeller, for propelling an airplane, ship, etc.,

KUic]:/An]pn]lqc];']lqc];' = Luminary, N. adj. a body, object, etc. that gives light, luminaries,

KUic]:/sak]:pn]lUm];m}:'/hqc];m}:' = Heater, N.,

KUic]:/Pgc]p},f};'[Pgc]mun]:/KUw];lQk];yip];sG].tL,sp];P};'{= Priming, N. the powder or other material used to ignite,

KUic]:puin]' = Object or weapon that is projected at a target, as a missile,

KiBc]:piBc]'KiBc]:piBc]lgc]:tac];' = Thing, things,

KUic]:pUic]kU:An]tc];SQc]:n}.sac]:pin],win],wa},Kiun];yU,' = Things can turn around,

KUic]:pUic]Kgc]lUw],Aap]:lum];lum];'(eyL;7;1') = Devoted things, assured things, things under the ban,


6;23'))' = Things of God: you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of man.(Mtt.16:23),

KiUc]:piUc]mI;w}.' = Entity, substance, thing, object that exists,


c]:pUic]lgc]:tac];kw],kw],mUiw]:kgn],nn].'(SL,78;2')' = Things from of old: I will utter hidden things, things from of


KiUc]:piUc]An]sI.En'(Aw]Kqp];m}.lG]'lQk];lG]lQk].Agn],eStqm]:sI.En') = Index, a pointer or indicator,

KUic]:pUic]Aw]Pit];ApYt]:'(KUic]:pUic]Aw]SUPit];ApYt]:'(ehL;9;21')= Sinful thing: sinful thing of yours,

KUic]:pgt]:'sak]:pgt]:'Sak],Sgm].' = Abrasive, N. any material or substance used for grinding, polishing, etc.,

KUic]:Pak]:kgk].f]'[KUic]:kYIpIAqt].S]tqk]:tac];k}tac];sm]{' = Golf Buddy,

KUic]:PL,tt];' = Surgical instruments,


Valve N. any device for halting or controlling the flow a liquid, or gas through a pipe,

KUic]:Pa},yL:yL' = Medical devices,

KUic]:PiUm].sg}:'KUw];PUim].sg}:'[KUic]:/KUw];kik];kik];kgk];kgk];mn];'{= Accessory, N. adj. subordinate, supplementary,

helper, accessories,


;eSAn]An]nn].El:EPw}.nn].{'KUw];/Kgc]PUiw],w}.'tgn]:/An]PUiw],w}.'(SEp;ypat]S]')' = Spare

parts, a duplicate or replacement component for a machine or other equipment,

KiUc]:f};fL.' = Electronics,

KiUc]:mn];'kiuk];pL;sgm];' = Ingredient, a constituent part, element, component,

KiBc]:mn];'KiBc]:lgn].mgn];mn];' = Substance

KUic]:mL.'[An]hac]:KUic]:mL.pL;kgp];KI,Pac]yn]kk].mL.sUik]:mL.sUiw];n}.{' = Harness,

KUic]:min]' = Flying objects,

KUic]:min]Kiun]:SpQt].S]'(KUic]:min]Kiun]:SpQt].S]tI:kGac]:lUc]niUw]fL.) = Spacecraft,

KUic]:mI,kI;SG],Pk];' mI;kI;SL:nUiw].' mI,kI;Pk];kUw]:' = Dressing,

KUic]:Em;ciSQc]kgc]' = Drum tuning device, drum tuner,

KUic]:Em;hg};lgk];'hg};lgk]:'(kgp].f])' = Divot tool, ( golf ),

KUic]:emLmiuw];' KUic]:sak]:' KUic]:SG],'(KUic]:hgn]:hin]Eh:Tc];Stn],') = Craft, a ship or other vessel.,

KiUc]:emL:Kw]:wan],Pk];' = Utensil, N. tool usually for eating, instrument or vessels use in kitchen, utensils,

KUic]:emL:Kw]:wan],Pk];'(esL.'kak],'emL:'wan],'KUk].'Sak],'KQc]'mit]:'kim];cip]:'KUt],'kgk];'puc];') = Cooking utensils,

KUic]:muiw];wLtKG]:pQn]sw]:pQn]sgm]' = A mere tool of imperialism,

KUic]:mzk]:lUc]'[kgc]:lUc]/emL,TL,{(mak],mzk]:') = Cannon, N. a gun, howitzer, or mortar; quill: cannonball,




t]:tL,kUn];pQn]yQw]:wan]Kw]nn].'{ = Durable Medical Equipment (DEM), Equipment and supplies ordered by

a health care provider for everyday or extended use. Coverage for DME may include: oxygen equipment, wheelchairs, crutches

or blood testing strips for diabetics,

KUic]:yic];'KUic]:tUw]Em:'[hI'/emL,emL.'{' = Female private part, menstruation, female sex,

KUic]:yip];tc];tiuw];' KUic]:yip];KUic];tuiw];' = Equipment,

KUic]:yip];tc];tuiw];es.miuw];w}.' mI;KU

ic]:yip];tc];tuiw];es.muiw];w}.lI' = Thoroughly equipped,

KiBc]:yip];tibw];' = Instrument, tool,


:eKYL;'sak]:Kut];'KUic]:sI;'sL.kGL,)'{' = Tool, N., instrument, hand tools, as a hammer, saw, drill, and machine tools, as

lather, planer, drill gun, etc., tools,

KUic]:yip];tuiw];kuik];hUin];kuik];ey;'(PL.'mit]:'SQm]'esL;'Siw],'Kgn].sgk];'kim];h};'KUic]:pn]ES:lim],') = Household tools,

KiUc]:yip];tiuw];An]kQw],kn]' = Related instruments,

KiUc]:yip];pa};mak]:mI;' = Economic tools,

KiUc]:yip];mQw];Am],k}.SU:sG].' = Unusual equipment,

KUic]:yQp].es:'[KUiw]:yQp].es:kp];kn]/yQp].es:hQt];pQn]pp].'{' = Stapler, N. also called staple gun,

KUic]:yU,tI:k}Tic];' rI,mUt].Kgn],JTOw];' = Remote control,

KUic]:yg}:yqm];mn];' mI,kI;mn];' = Brick and mortar, something that enters as an element into a mixture,

KUic]:er;tL;'(KUic]:f};fL.An]Aw]SQc]ygn]:Kiun];Sa}lUm];nn].tqk]:eSEntI:mn];mI;)er;tL;' = Radar,

KUic]:rqk].tIf};'(pQn]KUic]f};fL.An]l}:sG].tI:tL,Em;pin],hqc]f};]l}:nn].)' = Rectifier,


Hone, N. a whetstone of fine; a precision tool for enlarging holes to precise dimensions,

KiBc]:lak]:nak]:'(mn];tibw];KiBc]:lak]:nak]:JPL;sw]:w}.) = Armor, weapon

KUic]:lak]:nak]:' kgc]:kac],' kgc]:' (pL;kgc]:') = Arm, weapon, firearm (carry arm,)

KUic]:lak]:nak]:JPL;sw]:'(!tuiw];KUic]:lak]:nak]:JPL;sw]:w}.tQm]tQm]TUn]:TUn]:tL.'...'@(AI,6;11)' = Armor

of God: “Put on the full armor of God,…”(Eph.6:11),

KiBc]:lak]:nak]:mc]ta}' = Deadly weapon,

KUic]:lak]:nak]:An]lqc];'(!tuiw];KUic]:lak]:nak]:An]lqc];nn].w}.tL.'@(rUw];13;12)' = Armor of

light: “Put on the armor of light.”(Ro.13:12),

KUic]:lat]:etL,'[fUn];'wgk]kI<Tgk];kI<'{' = Communication devices,(as telephone, walkie-talkie),

KUic]:lQn]nG];wac];etL,tac];lQn]' = Playground equipment,


Trimmer, N. a person or thing that trims: its wick trimmers,

KUic]:lim],ES:'[KUic]:yip];tuiw];Aw]pn],ES:lQk];lim],Kw]:lim],Agk],{(SRKO;Jt}.pL,')' = Screw driver,

KUic]:lut],lUm];m}:Agk],'[KUic]:tL,sG].nG];hUin];/hUc];tUik]:lUc]{' = Exhaust Heater, exhaust heater fan,

KUic]:lUc]sL.lQk].' = Slender missile,

KUic]:lUc]mUk],yaw];sL.lQk].' kgc]:lgt],yaw];' = Dart,

KUic]:lUc]mit].Sa}<' = Missile, an object or weapon for throwing, hurling, or shooting, as a stone, bullet, or arrow.,

KUic]:lUiw]:tt];'[pgc],wL:pQn]KUic]:yip];tuiw];mUin]nc],lQk];lUiw]:'PL.'mit]:'kim];kqt];'sL.kGL,'{ = Cutlery, N. cutting

instruments collectively,

KiBc]:lgn].kqn]pk];piBc]rL,swBt]:' = Substantive criminal law,

KUic]:lgn].mn];'[KUic]:KUw];Kqm];miAn]hQt];hG]:tUc].tgp],{ = Agent, N.(Chemistry) a substance that causes a reaction,

KUic]:hp].SQc]'(lgk];la};KUic]:hp].SQc])' = Sound receiver, sound receiver system,

KUic]:hp].tgp],'ekL.hp].tgp],'(ekL.hp].tgp],Agn]tac];'KUic]:hp].tgp],hUw]tI;') = Responder, N.: first responder,

KUic]:hp].tgp],hUw]tI:'ekL.hp].tgp],Agn]tac];' = First responder,

KUic]:hac]:KUic]:'(mgk],mG]KUic]:hac]:KUic]:emLtqk].tqm]:hac]:tm];pUic])' = Ornament, N.: architectural ornaments,

KUic]:hac]:KUic]:KUn]hUw]' = Hairdresser, headdress,


'nQp].mUiw];sUiw];n}.hac]:lInn].{' = Cosmetic, N., cosmetics,

KUic]:hQt];hU;KUw];lQk];' = Perforation tools, metal perforation tool,

KUic]:hQt];hUin];' KUic]:hUin];' = Home depot,

KUic]:hqp]:vap]:'[KUic]:An]sac]:Aw]hqc];Sgc]Pa},vap]:KUw];/Kgc]hG]:mn]:mn]:kqn],kqn],'{ = Clamping tool,

KiUc]:hUm],lUm]:' = Security instrument,

KUic]:hUw].'KUic]:lgm].hUm].'[Sik]:hUw]./Kaw]:hUw]./lk];hUw]./m}.hUw]./tgk],sL.kGL,{' = Fencing, N. material for fences,

KUic]:Eh.hG]:lgt]:eP;' = Safety device, a device designed to prevent injury or accidents,

KUic]:h},tuic]:SG],Sa}' = Stringed instruments, N., strings,

KUic]:hUin];'KUic]:hUc];/hUin];tUik]:'KUic]:ekL,Sac]:' = Building materials,

KUic]:hG]:pm].Suip],SUc],nm].mn];'[fiw];AL,pm].rI,el;{' = Fuel Pump Relay,

KUic]:An]tc]:Et,pn]']:Et,' ekL.Et,' = Starter,



.{' = Negotiable Instruments, (Contract) an unconditional promise or order to pay affixed amount of money with

or without interest; a legal document, such as a cheque or bill of exchange, that is freely negotiable,

KUic]:Aw]lUm];kt];Kw]:' = Cold Air Intake,

KUic]:/KUk].Ait],'[KUic]:yip];nG];Sgc],f};tL,Ait],Kuit]:tac];kin]{' = Grinder, N. a kitchen device for grinding food,

KUic]:Aun],Aik].sgt].'[KUic]:kL;{' = Exhaust Headers,

KUic]:Aa}Aun],w}.sm]'[KUic]:lUm];Aun],pn]nG];hUin];Aun],{ = Condensing heat exchanger, heat condenser,

KUic]:Agk],SQc]sUiw];Am],mI;sG]'[mUin]nc],mUk],tgc]:lit];'pI,'tic],'tic],tum]:'pI,KrL,'sL.kGL,{ = Lifeless

things that make sounds, N. such as pipe, harp, trumpet, etc.,

KUiw]' = You, plural pronoun for two people or a couple,

KUiw]Sgc]]kUv];epL;yw].' hG]:KUiw]Sgc]]kUv];' = Just between two of you,

KiUw];' tUn]:KiUw];sqt]:' (tUn]:KiUw];El:kic],mn];')' = Vine, True vine, (vine and branches),

KUiw];'(KUiw];cU;h}a.)'sUiw].KUiw];' = Brood of, group, kind: Brood of vipers,

KUiw];kan];lin]' KUiw];' = Creeper,

KUiw];kUn];' kBn];KiBw];Agn],' = Tribe, aboriginal, races,

KiBw];kBn];hw];' = Human race,

KUiw];Km];KUiw];Kun]TmUc]kin]mUic];'[(ser;la};SG]kac];SiUw]/lik]:t};kw],'){= Lineage of gold and ruler of nation,

KUiw];Km];'[KUiw];mI;SIlUic]lQk].tan],lqm]:KL;tUin];kGL,sgm];nUiw]yum];lG]tUn]:m}.lG]nn].{' = Air plant vine,

KUiw];Km];'KUiw];mak],np].Km];' = Gold beads, string of gold beads,

KUiw];Kun]' KUiw];sw]:KUiw];Kbn]' = Royal, adj., royals, N., royal family,

KUiw];Kun]ekL.Sam]Kan];' = Royal personage,

KiBw];KiBw];yG];yG];'km];km];Sm].'tik];tik];'hQt];yw].hQt];Tqc]:'= Severally, adv., repeatedly, adv.,

KUiw];cU;ha}.' = Brood of vipers,

KUiw];sw]:Kun]perL;hQk]:' sw]:Kun]KUiw];perL;hQk]:' = Royal priesthood,

KiBw];sw]:KiBw];Kbn]' sam],hac]:sam],ehL' KUiw];Kun]' = Royalty,

KUiw];sw]:fL.' sUiw].sw]:KUiw];Kun]' = Prince lineage,

KUiw];sap]:'[kUn];ekL.sUiw].KUiw];elL;El;kn]w}.la}sUiw].la}KUiw];{ = Half-caste, broken lineage,

KUiw];sap]:'(]:' wUw];sap]:') = Hybrid: hybrid horse, cows, etc. ,

KUiw];sqt]:'[KUiw];lG]KUiw];nn].Am],elL;Am],sap]:tac],mQw];{' = Pure lineage,

KUiw];Sqc]pEl;' = Pear beads, string of pear beads,

KUiw];SUm]:kUv],' = Edible sour creeper,

KUiw];SuAL,'[sUiw].KUiw];SuAL,luk]:sa};AL,RpL,ham],El:eKTU;rL,'(cw]:25;1'){= Shuhite, N. a descendant of Shuah,


;Tw]:{' = Heart-leaved moonseed, N. tinospora cordifolia,

KUiw];SYqm];'[An]pQn]/kQw],lUv]:kUn];KUiw];SYqm];Kw]km]:nm]n}.pQn]kYO;'{ = Semitic, N. adj. of or relating to the Semites,

KUiw];vL;kGam];kin],w}.' = Accursed brood, accursed children,

KUiw];t};'t};' = Tai race, Tai ethnic, Shan/Tai,

KUiw];t};sUiw];sw]:Krit]:' = Tai Christ’s Church, Tai Christian; Tai belivers,

KiUw];Tan]:tqm],' KUiw];sn].tqm],' = Second-race, inferior, of a secondary class or quality, Second-class,

KUiw];nm].tw]:'KUiw];mak],nm].tw]:' = Gourd plants, gourd creeper,

KUiw];nim];' = Entada creeper,

KUiw];nUKUiw];sgn]:'[St];mQw];sac]:sI;hU;/KUp];ygk];yg}sUiw];An]pQn]nU'sgn]:'sL.kGL,'{' = Rodent, adj. belonging

or pertaining to the gnawing or nibbling mammals of the order Rodentia, including the mice, squirrels, beavers, etc.,

KUiw];perL;hQk]:'(sw]:Kun]KUiw];perL;hQk]:)' = Priesthood, a condition or office of a priest,(a royal priesthood,),

KUiw];Pk];ng};' KUiw];pk].' KUiw];mak],nm].tw]:' = Gourd plants, gourad creepers,

KUiw];mn];'mQw];mn];'KUiw];kUn];' = Species, N.,(Biology) the species, the human race,

KUiw];mak],spit]:' = Grape vine,

KUiw];mak],nim];'[tUn]:KUiw];mak],nim];An]k}.El,kan];Kuin]:tUn]:m}.lUc]/tUin];sgm];yum];{ = Entada creeper,

KUiw];mUic];'wan]:mUic];'[kQw],lgc]:wQc];lUc]/kUn];suic]:mUic];'{(mL,nKUiw];mUic];'(kan]wan]:mUic];') = Civic, adj. of or relating

to a city, citizens: civic pride; civic duty,

KUiw];mYat]:' An]lIAn]mYat]:' sG]lIsG]mYat]:' yG],mYat]:' = Nobility,

KUiw];lQw]kn]'kUn];sap]:pI:sap]:ngc].kn]' = Clan, N. family; a group of people as a clique, society or party,

KUiw];wan]'[KUiw];wan]n}.sQm];wan]eSKUiw];/hak]:hqc]:mn];n}.Kw]:elL;yL:yLkin]{' = Licorice,

KUiw];wan]'[pQn]tUn]:KUiw];Suc]hk]:hqc]:mn];sQm];wan]mUin]kUiw]wan]Aw]pgc];elL;AI:yL'{'wan]' = Licorice, N. a Eurasian

plant, Glycyrrhia glabra, ot the legume family, liquorice,

KUiw];wUw];'wUw];'[St];Kw]pL;wUw];kGa};St];mUin]wUw];tc];la}nn].'{ = Bovine, adj. N. of or relating to the

subfamily Bovinae, which includes cattle, buffalo, and kudus; oxlike; cowlike; stolid; dull; a bovine animal,

KUiw];Eh,rUw];ti'[kUn];nG];KUiw];hUin];Eh,rUw];tiAm],nn]kUn];sUiw];pL;Pa},Kw]Kw]:sum];Kw]nn].{ = Herodians,

KUiw];eh<kL,'[kUn];KUiw];eh<kL,(SL,83:6')'{ = Hagrites, Hagarites, Hagar’s people; Hagarenes,(Ps.83:6),

KiUw];hUin];'(SQn]:ma}KUiw];hUin];) = Family lineage, family tree, family, family line: account of family line,


m],tqm]:pL;suiw]:mn];(Kw])tQm]tQm]ekL:KG]:pgc],wL:mn];/Kw]sUiw];pQn]KUiw];hUin];lQw]kn]nn].tc];mUt];tc];SQc]:{' =

Family of TEEKHAM, TEEKHAM family,

KUiw];hUin];Am],sqt]:Am],lI' = Wrong family,

KUiw];Am],Kiun]:Sc].'[kUn];Kan].AUin]AUiw]:hQt];Sc]ekL:Am],Kt];sG]Am],yw].Am],tUw]:{' = Ne’er-do-well,

KUiw];Am],lI' = Poor lineage,

KUiw];Am],sqt]:'[kUn];ekL.sUiw].KUiw];elL;El;kn]w}.la}sUiw].la}KUiw];{ = Broken lineage,

KiBw];AiSer;'kUn];KUiw];AiSer;' = Israelites, N., people of Israel,

KUiw];AiSYem;'[KUiw];AiSYem;ekL.pQn]luk]:sa};AL,RpL,ham],tc];eh<kL,'(SL,83;6){ = Ishmaelites, (Ps.83:6)

KUiw];AU:/epL:KUiw];Em:' sUiw].KUiw];AU:/epL:Em:' = One’s own race, lineage,


Ezrahite, Ezrahites were descendants of Zerah, head of a Judahite family (1 Chr. 2:6),



Sc],KUiw]<fiw]<'(Tgn]Kuin];eKL:sI.Sc],KUiw]<fiw]<) = Curfew, N. an order establishing a specific time in the evening

after which certain regulations apply, especially that no civilians or other specified group of unauthorized persons may be

outdoors or that places of public assembly must be closed: to impose a curfew; to lift a curfew,

KYac];'[saw];KUiw];yU,nG];sQc],hgc],wn];tUk];mUic];man]:{' = Chin, ethnic group in northwestern Burma,

KYap]:etL;Sa}' Sa}nc]' = Piece of perforated leather used in weaving,

KYam];SL,'kt];suin]:KYam];SL,yQn]eA;'(mUic];KYam];SL,)'= Ease, N., be at ease, Paradise,

KYam];SL,ca}:sG]lUm]sG]'(kUn];sUiw];KYam];SL,ca}:sG]lUm]sG]'(yUp]12;5') = Ease, at ease; no troubles: Men who at ease

or have no troubles,

KYam];SL,' = Blooming, boom, prospering, do well,

KYL;'(!-L@)'[kKYL;n}.Agk],SQc]wL:!kL@{' = Name for a symbol of the vowels in Tai literature,

KYL;SB;'KYL;SB;pn]'KYL;pn]SB;'(etKYL;SU;SU')' = Reward: will reward you, rewarded, rewarding,


tam],/mUn].Em;(hG]:mI;ma}mI:/mI;AkYac].tac];yam]:lI)tI:ekL.hQt];Pit];/Am],hQt];PQn]:/Am],sgm];pUic]nn].'{ =

Reward and punishment,

KYL;tp].Sw];w}.' = Quarter, to take up, or be in quarters; lodge:( to quarter in a cheap hotel), quartered,

KYL;tm],' KYL;tqm],'(hUw]sG]KYL;tm],)' = Lowly, humble,

KYL;tgc].'nuk]:tgc].' = Laxative, adj., purgative,

KYL;pac]' tm];pac]' KYL;tp].' = Encamp, to settle or lodge in a camp,

KYL;mL,SL,'pqt]:mL,SL,' = Funeral rite, obsequy,

KYL;luiw]:wac];pUc]pg},PL:KYL;Et.Et.ekL:hw];huiw]p},wL:etKYL;AUm]pulut],yL:kGn];PU,' = Take

a break: let’s take a break here,

KYL;w}.' = Put down, place,

KYL;w}.pqt]:eS' KYL;w}.' = Turn down, throw out, put down,


Lpn]kUn];Am],yU,lInn].'{' = Draw a table or columns, in order to write on by a Tai physician

according to what they believe for protection and healing,

KYL.' etL.lBc];' = Unload,

KYL.tam],' = Sentence, sentenced, condemn to punish,

KYL.tam],ta}' pn]tam],ta}' = Sentenced to death, put to death,

KYL.tam],Tgc],' = Sentences of imprisonment,

KYL.tam],Tgc],etL,sUw]:' = Lifetime sentence,

KYL.tam],yUw];yUw];' = Sentencing in general,

KYL.tam],eA,Sut];Sut];An]tuin];lUw],l}:Kam],' = Mandatory minimum sentencing,

KYL.tUik],' = Vermifuge, adj., anthelmintic,

KYL.tUik],'[hG]:Am],mI;tUik],{(mn];KYL.tUik],mLAgn],) = Worm, to free from worms: He wormed the puppies, wormed,



SyLsQp];mn];Kqn];{' = Vermifuge, adj. N. serving to expel worms; a vermifuge medicine or agent,

KYit].s]'nUm];kam]:'[ey,AUn]nUm];An]EPAgk],tI:nm].sqc]nUm];yw].eShQt];pQn]Kw]:nm].tac];kin]la}mQw];{ =

Cheese, N. the curd of milk separated from the whey and prepared in many ways as a food, soft cheese,

KYQm];pUiw]<'[hgc]:lum];Pa},pk];pUic]Kw]hUp].TUp];kn]{' = Chamber, N. the meeting hall of a legislative or other assembly,

KYqm].pI,yn],' kUn];Kqn],KYqm].pI,yn],' = Champion

EKY;rU,pim],kI:pik],yuk].ygc]:Puc];yG],hUc]hac];' = Cherubim of the Glory,(Heb.9:5),


w]:nn].'eSk}.pQn]An]Aw]hac]:luk]:Agn],kqm]:Kgc],mI;pik],kI:Sgc]An]nn].tac]tUw]Enw}.'{' = Cherubim, N. winged

and angelic beings, often associated with worship and praise of God: often represented as a beautiful rosy-cheeked child with


eKYL;'lw],sG]'(epL;luk]:Agn],lqc]h}:lUw],emLeKYL;hG]:Kw]tQt],')' = Pacify, quiet, calm, appeace, soothe,


Lull, to put to sleep or rest soothing means; to soothe or quiet: the lull a child by singing, lulled, lulling,

eKYL;' Kqm].' lI'(law]:wa}<Kqm].' Sa};eKYL;')' = Fine, (fine wine, fine sand,),

eKYL;kin]'[pqt]./lqn]eSAw]kGL,{'(l}:vL;pUin]:eKYL;kin]ciun];)'eKL;kin]'kw];lqn]kin]' = Beguile, to

take away by cheating or deceiving: to be beguiled of money, beguiled, beguiling,

eKYL;lI'Kqm].lqp]:eKYL;lI' hQt];hG]:epL;Kqm],lqp]:eKYL;lIw}.pn]mG];' = Smooth, smooth things out for you,

eKYL;lgt];lgt];' lUim]:ygt].ygt].' = Very smooth, smoothest, adj.,

eKYL;lgt];lgt];'[Am],kYam];/sL;'nm].AUn]Am]pL;ey,'{ = Smooth, adj. not rough, smoothy, adv.,

eKYL;wgn];hG]:han].sG]' eKYL;wgn];' = Convince, convinced, convincing,

eKYL;hG]:nim]' = Slake, to make less active, intense, etc., slaked, slaking,

eKYL;hG]:epsG]'kin]lgc]eKL;/tgc].' = Slake, to allay (thirst, desire, etc.) by satisfying, slaked, slaking,

eKYL.'ygm];'[hG]:yL.mgt],pqt]:(eKL:pUc]Sc],hgc].hQt];)nn].{ = Abate, (law) to annul (a writ), abated,

eKYL.' hG]:eKYL.' [hQt];hG]:sQp];mn];eKYL.kGL,{ = Allay, -To lessen or relieve, [allay pain], reduce,].'pUt];lUc];sn].[eKYL.ygm];sn]./kan]nn].lUc];tqm],(Kt];An]Kuin]:sn].){= Demote, to reduce to a

lower grate, rank, class, or position (opposed to promote), demoted, demoting, demotion, N.,].mn];tUk];'eKYL.Kn]mn];tUk];'[An]eKYL.ygm];sn]./Tan]:mn];'tI,krI,/KU;mn];lUc];tqm],pqt]:ygn].pQ


kan]nn].pqt]:yw].')' = Degrade, to reduce to lower rank, degree especially as a punishment: degraded from director

to assistant director, degraded, degrading,

eKYL.sUik]:'Ek:sUik]:'lit]:sUik]:'pg},sUik]:' = Unlash, to loosen, unfasten, or detach, unlashed, unlashing,

eKYL.ygm];' ygm];' hQt];hG]:ygm];' = Reduce, reduced, reducing, shorten, lessen, diminish,

eKYL.ygm];' = Mitigate, to lessen in force or intensity,

eKYL.ygm];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Mitigation,

eKYL.ygm];Tgn]pqt]:' = Suspended,



mn];nn].sac]:eA,) = Mitigation of damages, -The principle that a person suing for damages must have taken

reasonable steps to minimize the harm done, or the amount of money awarded will be lowered.,

eKYL.ygm];Aw]' eKYL.ygm];' = Curtail, to cut short, to cut off a part of, abridge, reduce, diminish,

eKYL.hqc];f};'(JTn],Sfgm];mL<eKYL.hqc];f};)' = Step-down, adj(electricity). serving to reduce or decrease

voltage,(a step-down transformer),


940-45'1951-55'l}:SU;nUw]ep,l]Pa},lik]:la};pI1953'{' = Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) 1874–

1965, British statesman and author: prime minister 1940–45, 1951–55; Nobel prize for literature 1953.,

Kzk].klqt].' (tac];kin]yg}:sQm];sg}:sg}:) = Chocolate,


yUiw],){ = Prowl, prowl about, prowled, prowling,

Kzt]:Aw]' = Take out of, deliver, redeem,

RKap].RKap].' Krap].Krap].'(KQw]lIKUp];kin]Ag}:epL;emL:RKap].RKap].)' = Crunching sound,

RKL,Ek,' KrL,Ek,' KL,Ek,'[(RKLek]-(ser;la};SG]kac];SiUw]/lik]:t};kw],'){ = Pert, saucy, impolite,

RKit].'[hgc].wL:Kqn]<tiypQn]kun]lUc]nG];nm].pac],la},mqt],tITUw],er;niyqn];(Ta};1;5){ = Crete, formerly Candia,

RKit].'[kun]nG];mUic];krit].s]'{ = Crete, N. formerly Candia; a Greek island in the Mediterranean,

RKQc];sak]:yuk].Kgc]nk];' = Crane, (Machinery). a device for lifting and moving heavy weights in suspension.,

RKQc];mQt];' sak]:yuk].mQt];' = Hoisting apparatus, N., crane,

RKOw];mQt].'(kUiw]tL,ePL,nm].RKOw];mik].Aqt].Sit].') = Chromate, a salt of chromic acid,

Kgk],'Kgk],Aqt];tm],'[Kgk],AI<lqk].JTgn]<{' = Inner shell, atomic inner shell,(Energy) inner shell electron,

Kgk],'(Kgk],Pac];mak]kgc]:)'Kgk],mak],kgc]:' = Shell: bullet shell, crab shell: empty bullet shell,

Kgk],'Kgk],mak],'[pUik],kqn],nG];mak],An]ehL,mQt].sUiw].mn];w}.{'(Kgk],mak],mUc]:)' = Core inner shell: mango core

inner shell,

Kgk],' Kgk],mn];' Kgk],mBc]:' = Cocoon,

Kgk],Pac];' Kgm],hg}Pac];/hg}Pac];' = Empty shell: empty crab shell,

Kgk],Pac];mak],kgc]:' Kgk],mak],kgc];Pac];' = Empty bullet shell,

Kgk],mUc]:la}:'[pQn]yG];la}:An]ehL,tUw]mUc]:Em:la}:w}.nn].{' = Silk worm’s cocoon,

Kgk],hqc]:'[Kgk],mak],Tan],'Kgk],hqc]:/kgk];SG],KUic]:f};fL.'{' = Cell,(Electricity), battery, electric cell, voltaic cell,

Kgk],hqc]:'[Kgk],tL,SG],nm].AUn]KUic]:f};fL.yL,hG]:mn];suim];mn];hUw]:nn].{' = Dry cell, N.(Electricity),

Kgk],hg}'Kgk],pU'hg}Pac];' = Crab shed shell, empty snail/crab shells,

Kgk]:' Sgc];'(Sgc];nUk].'Kgk]:nUk].)' = Cage, enclosure, pound: bird cage,

Kgk]:Kc]'Kgk]:'(Kgk]:mU'Kgk]:Kc]mU')'Kgc].Ka}'[Kgc].Ka}nUiw].mU'Kgc].Ka}nUiw].lqc]'{' = Stall, N.: pig stall,

Kgk]:Kc]'Kgk]:'(Kgk]:mL'Kgk]:Kc]mL.')' = Stall, N.: dog stall, horse stall,

Kgk]:Kc]'Kgk]:'Kgc].Ka}'lw].k},'(Kgk],/lw].k},)'(Kgc].Ka}k},/nUiw].k},')' = Stall, N.: chicken stall,

Kgk]:Kc]kBn];'(mn];l}:Kam],vgp];Kc]w}.nG];Kgk]:Kc]kUn];) = Custody, N.: He was taken into custody, custudies,

Kgk]:Kc]mL.' = Horse stall,

Kgk]:St];' = Den,

Kgk]:SUw];'Kgk],wUw];' = Pen, N. sheep pen; bull pen, pens,

Kgk]:SUw];'[wac];/Sum].An]hQt];hU.lgm].w}.kc]:w}.pn]tL,SUw];Kw]yU,'{ = Sheep pens,

Kgk]:PU:lk].kUn];sUn]Kw]' = Den of thieves,

Kgk]:mL'[Kgk]:tL,mLyU,kin]ngn];{' = Doghouse,

Kgk]:mL.' = Horse stable,

Kgk]:mU'(Kgk],mUwUv],kUw]:kUik],)' = Pigpen, N. pen for swine; pigsty; sty: a nasty pigsty,

Kgk]:mU' = Pigsty, pigpen, pigsties,

Kgk]:wUw];'Siuc],Kgk]:wUw];'Siuc],Kgk]:mL.Kgk]:wUw];' = Stable, a building for lodging and feeding horses, cattle, etc.,

Kgk];'ecL;'lip]:'hUt];Kw]:'hQw],' = Shrivel, to wither; become useless, shriveled, shriveling,

Kgk];'ecL;'lip]:'[Kqn]mibw];lip]:hQw],TiyiAm],mI;hqc];'mibw];Kgk];'Kqn]ecL;{ = Shriveled up, withered,

Kgk];'Kgk];Agk],pqt]:'(Kgk];mn];Agk],pqt]:eS')' = Gouge, to scoop or dig out: gouge it out, gouged, gouging,

Kgk];'Kqk];'mUc],'[Kgk];KI:tL'Kqk];An]Km]w}.nn].Agk],'mUc],nam]{ = Poke, poked,

Kgk];' Kqk];' (Kqk];Aw]An]Km]/sp];w}.tac];nG];/hip],w}.nG];Ek:nn].Agk],')= Poke with a small or tiny tool,


c];)lUc]kGL,sgm];yw].')' = Jingle: The keys on his belt jingled as he walked, jingled, jingling,

Kgk];ygk];'[kzk];/p}/lqn]:Kgk];ygk];kGL,'{ = Hop, to spring, leap or jump on one leg, hopped, hopping, hop, N.,

Kgk];ygk];Kgn]ygn]' = Complicate, complicated, complicating, complicated, adj.,





{ = Complications of Pregnancy, Conditions due to pregnancy, labor and delivery that require medical care to

prevent serious harm to the health of the mother or the fetus. Morning sickness and a non-emergency caesarean section aren’t

complications of pregnancy,

Kgk];lgn];luik].lm],km],PI,'(lgc]:-)[tc];hQt];pQn]kuim].pQn]Sw]l}:wUn].kGc]sgm];{' = Mystery, N. obscure,

puzzling, mysteries,


= Cocktail, any of various short mixed drinks,



L:hUiw];min]Am],ekL:kUn];sgm];hUiw];min]nc]:nn].'{Kgc].Kgk].Pit].' = Cockpit, N. a space, usually enclosed, in the

forward fuselage of an airplane containing the flying controls, instrument panel, and seats for the pilot and copilot or flight crew,

Kgc]' = Belongings, something that belong, possessions, personal effects,

Kgc]kw]' hc];kw]' kUn];kw]' (mn];nac];pQn]kUn];kw]Kiun];yw].') = Mine, (She is mine again,)

Kgc]kL.kB;kn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Commodity

Kgc]kU;kn]' (KUw];tLtqn];nI:Am],nn]nI:An]Aw]lqk]:kU;Siuw].lin]Siuw].hiUn];) = Boot,


,')' = Relic, N. a surviving memorial of something past: a museum of historic relics,

Kgc]Kw]' hc];Kw]' = Their, theirs,

Kgc]Kam],krunL,'(rUw];9;22)' = Objects of mercy, vessels of mercy,

Kgc]Kam],tac]kU:nI:'[Kgc]Kam],tac]kU:nI:Aw]pQn]kGam];Kam],w}.'AL,mKam]pn]w}.'Kgc]tac]'{= Security for a debt or

loan, take in pledge, or as a guarantee or security; collateral,

Kgc]Kam],tam],kGam];kin],'(rUw];9;22)' = Objects of wrath, vessels of wrath,

Kgc]KL' hc];KL' (!hc];/Kgc]Kw]@)' = Their, theirs, (“Their” when more than two),

Kgc]KUiw]' hc];KUuiw]' (!hc];/Kgc]SU@)' = Yours, (“yours” when more than two),

Kgc]Kiun];tiuk];Sim];l}:' = Reprisal, the forcible seizure of property or subjects in retaliation.,

Kgc]cw]:puic];mn];' = Original, N., an original,

Kgc]sUn]l}:'[KUw];Kgc]An]sG].la};huk].ha}.la};kYam];eSSim];Aw]sUn]Aw]mL;{' = Booty, N., booties,

Kgc]tac]'[Kgc]Kam],tac]kU:nI:'{ = Collateral, N.(Finance) property or other assets pledge by a borrower as security

for the repayment of a loan,

Kgc]tL,tqn];nI:'[KBw];'lin]'cibn];'KUw];sac]:Sgn],pQn]ciun]tL,tqn];nI:{ = Asset, anything that can be

converted into cash or used to pay a debt, assets,

Kgc]tL,tqn];nI:An]hUm],lUm];tm];sG]' = Safe asset,


:Kuk];sG]l}:tI:kGL,El,mL;/pac]pg};pac]nuic]:'sL.kGL,nn].'KUic]:tgc];ma}'{ = Souvenir, N. a usually small and relatively

inexpensive article given, kept, or purchased as a reminder of a place visited, an occasion, etc.; memento,

Kgc]/ekL.tuin];lUw],l}:mI;' = Indispensable, N. person or thing that is indispensable,

Kgc]tgn]:' = Present,

Kgc]tgn]:pn]sG]lI'SU;lw],sG]'[SU;{ = A generous gift, bounty; bounties,

Kgc]pL;Ka}.' = Chattel, -Personal, tangible, movable property,


(kU:sUiw].kU:pUic]An]luk].tI:pan]pU,mgn],Suip],yuin]:put]:pn]kn]mL;nn].){= Legacy, N.(Law) a gift of property, especially

personal property, as money, by will; a bequest; anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor,

Kgc]pUv]:pU,mgn],' = Legacy, N. inheritance, heritage,


k]:Tgn]kL:Kn]mn];km]:Pgc]:miUw]:np].ciun];tL,SGac];Kgn],KUw];Kgc]nn].'{ = Homestead Exemption, available in

some states, this causes the assessed value of a principal residence to be reduced by the amount of exemption for the purposes of

calculating property tax,

Kgc]piBc],kL:Kn]lI' = Prized possession,

Kgc]Pak],tgn]:' = Gift,

Kgc]Pak],tgn]:pg};Kam],Kqk],' = Reception gifts,

Kgc]Pak],tgn]:pg};tL,Kw]:Kam],Kqk],' = Banquet gifts,

Kgc]Pak],tgn]:pg};pac]Kqk],' = Wedding gifts,

Kgc]Pak],tgn]:man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:' = Right gifts,

Kgc]Pak],tgn]:lISUl}:w}.n}.pQn]tL,n}.yw].' = You have got a gift here!

Kgc]Pak],tgn]:An]pQn]wn];miUw]:n}.' = Gift of today,

Kgc]Pan],SGac];w}.' = Creations,

Kgc]Pan],SGac];w}.'ekL.An]Pan],SGac];w}.'(ekL.An]Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],)' = Creations, (new creation),

Kgc]Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],' ekL.An]Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],' = New creation,

Kgc]mn];' hc];mn];' Kgc]/hc];mn];sa};' = His, his property,

Kgc]mn];' hc];mn];' Kgc]/hc];mn];nac];' = Hers, her property,

Kgc]mn];hc];mn];'hc];kUv];'hc];sw]:kw],'hc];tUw]kw],' = Self, adj. being of one piece with,

Kgc]emLtqm]:hQt];hac]:w}.'(Kgc]emLtqm]:hQt];hac]:w}.An]TUik]:kL:yG],Am],tt];Kn]mn];l}:) = Artwork, N.

a priceless artwork,

Kgc]mgn]kin]SU;kin]lap]:'Kgc]TUw];mgn]pn]'KUw];Kgc]mgn]'(ciun];mgn])' = Bribe, N.: bribe money, bribes,

Kgc]min]<nrL<' = Minerals, metals,

Kgc]min]<nrL<SPL,w' = Typical mineral,

Kgc]emLmUt];' = Wasting asset, N. an unreplaceable business asset of limited life, such as a coal mne or an oil well,

Kgc]mUiw]:kgn],sqt]:sqt]:' KUw];mUiw]:kgn],' = Authentic antique,

Kgc]mG];/SU' hc];mG];/SU' = Yours,

Kgc]lk].' = Stolen property,

Kgc]lIlUiw]An]Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]eSsUiw].eSmQw];' = Something better in store,

Kgc]lIAm],epL;Kgc]epL;Am],lI'[KG]:wL:mn];lIEl:sc],kL:nn].{' = Not come cheap,(Idiom),


mn];sUiw];nn].'{(mn];nac];Suiw].Pgc]Kw]:kYoc],'Kw]Sn]'kUiw]El:Kgc]lUw],kin]lUw]sG].tc];nm]') = Staple, N. adj. a basic or

necessary item of food, things, elements: She bought flour, rice, salt, and other staples, staples,


kGL,'{ = Staple food, a staple, staples,

Kgc]l}:put]:AmUv],' = Heritable property,

Kgc]l}:la}'KUw];l}:la}' = Spoil, N. booty; pillage; tings received without payment or exchange,


Dessert, N. cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice scream, etc., served as the final course of a meal,

Kgc]wiut].pqt]:la}' = Wastes,

Kgc]wuit].pqt]:la}pQc]kgc]lUc]' = Bulky wastes,

Kgc]hw];/hL;' hc];hw];/hL;' = Ours,

Kgc]h}a;'ha};'[KUw];Kgc]tgn]:Kun]'ha};nQc]:tgn]:nQc]:'ha};pLtgn]:pL'ha};Pk];tgn]:Pk];{' = Tribute, N. gift, levy, toll,

Kgc]An]Kw]Tgm],Aw]SG],sG]' = Object of their attention,

Kgc],' SIKgc],' = Pink,

Kgc],Ek,' = Deep pink,

Kgc],Sgc]hgc]' Kgc],Ait];Ait];'(Kgc],sac]sac])' = Pinkish, (faint pinkish tinge,),

Kgc],num],' = Light pink,

Kgc]:K},' = Engagement ceremonial gifts by bridegroom, rapped or enclosed basketful of gifts to bride,

Kgc];Kgc];Kqc];Kqc];'Kic];Kic];Kgc];Kgc];'(SQc]hic],emL;Kgc];Kgc];Kqc];Kqc];/Kic];Kic];Kgc];Kgc];)' = Jingling: jingling bell,

Kgc].' hQt];Kgc].w}.' pQn]Kgc].pQn]Kqc].' = Compartment, section, -A part or space partitioned off ,

Kgc].Km]'pYSnL,' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Problem

Kgc].Km]tiBk]:tn]' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Conflict, deadlock,

Kgc].Km]tiUk]:tn]kU:Pa},kU:tac];' = Open conflict,

Kgc].Km]tUik]:tn]Pa},Sun],tUw](tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Personality conflicts,

Kgc].Km]tUik]:tn]Pa},fic]:Tuc];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Cultural conflicts,

Kgc].Km]tUik]:tn]nL,nL,'(lgc]:-'An]-')' = Armageddon, N. any great and crucial conflict,

Kgc].Km]tiUk]:tn]nG];Ek:yiUc];ma}Sgc]An]'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Conflicts between two goals,

Kgc].sn]'[tI:SG],KUw];Kgc]An]pQn]Kgc].lQk].Agn],tUik]:KUw];eSsn]Agk],/AI;Kw]:l}:nn].{ = Drawer, N.,

Kgc].Sim];KUw];' luk];Sim];KUw];' = Store, N. a stall, floor, store room,

Kgc].Tgc],'[pQn]Kgc]./luk];kqp]:Agn],nG];Tgc],tL,Kc]kUn];tUk];Tgc],{' = Cell, N. a small room as in a convent or prison,

Kgc].Tgc],' = Prison cell, N,

Kgc].Tgc],Tap]:nG];' = Inner cell,

Kgc].nm].' luk];Aap],nm].' = Bathroom, N. a room equipped for taking a bath or shower; toilet; restroom,

Kgc].nUiw]Kuiw],'[Kgc].hQt];w}.sp];tG]:muc];hUin];nn].'{ = Attic, N. the part of a house directly under a roof; garret,

Kgc].ngn];' luk];ngn];' = Bedroom, room,

Kgc].ngn];luiw]:'[n}.KG]:wL:pQn]Kgc].ngn];luiw]:tL,kUn];ehL:/KI,hUiw];El:hUiw];win]sUiw];nn].{' = Cabin, N. the

enclosed space for pilot, cargo, or space vehicle; an apartment or room in a ship,

Kgc].nG];PL'[Kgc].Agn],/tUik]:w}.KUw];'luk];nG];PL'{ = Closet, N. a small room or cabinet for storing clothing,

Kgc].PL,' Kgc].PL,tt];' = Room or place for surgical operations,

Kgc].PUin]tqm]:lik]:' = Desk, the section of a large organization, as a government bureau,

Kgc].yLmUiw]:cw];la};Put];epL,'Kgc].AI,mUiw]<kYqn].sI,' = Emergency room,

Kgc].hiUn];tiUk]:' = Apartment,

Kgc].hiUn];tiUk]:Sgc]han].'(Kgc].tU;plqk].) = Duplex apartment, an apartment with rooms on two connected floors,

Kgc].Agn],nUiw]Kuiw],'[Kgc].nUiw]Kuiw],An]lQk].lQk].Agn],'{ = Garret, N. an attic usually a small one,

Kgc].Agn]Kgc].Ait];' = Cell, N. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole,

Kgt],'[mt].hG]:mn];pQn]Kgt],{' = knot, to tie in a knot; form a knot in, knotted, knotting,

Kgt],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)(Kgt],mUv];' Kgt],tk].')' = Knot,

Kgt],sgk];Kgt],sqk];nm]nL,' tLm}.pQn]pUm]nm]nL,' = Knotty,


Timn];w}.'{ = Close the loop on meeting, instead of risking follow-up interruptions and a meeting to discuss the

previous meeting, ensure that you leave meeting with actionable next steps, clearly assigned responsibilities, and due date,

Kgt],pUm]mUv];kw]:'mt].Kgt],mUv];kw]:' = Tied reef knot,

Kgt],Pgt]:' = Instituted, constituted, formed,

Kgt],Pgt]:'(lgc]:-'la};-')(la};Kgt],Pgt],tp].Suik];)' = Formation: Army formations,

Kgt],Pgt]:kn]w}.' = Constitute,

Kgt],Pgt]:ekL,tc]:'hQt];Kgp],' = Framed, to form or make, to shape, to construct,

Kgt],Pgt],Kp].Kgm]:w}.lIlI' = Organized, organized person,

Kgt],Pgt]:Kw]:pL;'(kQw],-/KUic]:-/lgc]:-) = Constituent, adj.N. component,

Kgt],Pgt]:Kw]:pL;' = Composed of,

Kgt],Pgt]:Kw]:pL;'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Composition,

Kgt],Pgt]:pUic]'hQt];puc],hac]:mn];' = Formulate, formulated, formulating,

Kgt],Pgt]:lUc]pgc]suic]:'(lgc]:-'la};-') = Formation of government,

Kgt],Pgt]:hUm]:kn]'[tL,Kgt],Pgt],hG]:pQn]mL;ekL<pUw],er;SYin];hUm]:Sac]:mak]:mI;Kw]:KGac],pk];pUic]An]nuic]:nn].{' =

Incorporate, to form into a legal corporation, incorporated, incorporating,

Kgt],mt].' mt].' = Bind, bound, binding,


Pa},pk];pUic]nn].yw].')' = Legal binding,(A contract is more than a legally binding instrument.),

Kgt],mn]:' = Bond of, fasten, hold together,

Kgt],mn]:mn]:'mt].mn]:mn]:'[Aw]sUik].mt].pL;hut].tan],tan],eSKgt],kqn],w}.lIlI'{ = Tie securely,

Kgt],mUv];' = Tied a knot by twisting,

Kgt],tk].' = Tied in a double knot,


mn];w}.'{ = Close the loop on meeting, instead of risking follow-up interruptions and a meeting to discuss the previous

meeting, ensure that you leave meeting with actionable next steps, clearly assigned responsibilities, and due date,

Kgt],tUc],/hU'hQt];tUc],/hU'[hQt];hG]:mn];pQn]tUc],/hUhg}:{ = Loop, to form into a loop, looped,

Kgt],mn]:pn]:kqn],nm]yw].nm]Tqc]:'(!hG]:tac];hk].SUKgt],mn]:pn]:kqn],nm]yw].nm]Tqc]:...'@(Pi1;9')' =

Bound more and more: “…, that your love may bound more and more …”,

Kgt],ygt]:'lUp];lc]'libn];Sbt];'yw].kGL,'Sbt];'Sut];yw].'kg}pa}' = End, ended, ending,

Kgt],ygt]:'lBp];lc']libn];Sbt];' = Final, finally,

Kgt],ygt]:Sim];pqt]:lgc]:kBw]nn].eS' = Finished with fear,

Kgt],ygt]:Sbt];hgt]:sik];sgm]' Kgt],ygt]:mn];n}.' = Ultimate, ultimately,

Kgt],ygt]:SUpqt]:'/kin]SUpqt]:'(eyL;24;20') = Make an end of you, or consume you,

Kgt],ygt]:lUp];lc]' yw].tBw]:' = Conclude,

Kgt],ygt]:lUp];lc]luin];Sut];' tI:Sbt];'tI:tiBk]:'lUp];lc]' = End, N., at last, conclusion,

Kgt],ygt];lBp];lc]mn];n}.' libn];Sbt];n}.' = Finally,

Kgt],ygt]:pik].pac]'(eKL:tBk];lBc];Kgt],ygt]:pik].pac]) = Closing, (closing statement,)

Kgt],ygt]:luin];Sut];mn];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Finality, N. conclusiveness, an ultimate act,

Kgt],w}.mt].w}.' mt].' Kgt],mt].' mt].Kat]:' = Bind, bound, binding,

Kgt];' Ait];nuic]:ekL:Kgt];Agt];nuic]:ekL:Kgt];' = Retarded, mentally retarded person,

Kgt];' sL.' ecL;' sG]Kgt];' = Short-tempered,

Kgt];' Kgt];etL,'(ngc].mn];Kgt];etL,pI:nac];mn];)' =Testily, with anger, angrily,

Kgt]<'[kun]sUiw];pL;nG];mUic];krik].'(man],21;1'){ = Kos, Greek Islands in the SW coast of Turkey,

Kgn]'niuc]:Kgn]' (Kw]:piUk],'1Kgn]=2tc]=256kgk];) = Khawn,(1Khawn=2tungs=256cups)

Kgn]KGL' (Kt];-Kgn]Sa}.' muiw];Kgn]Sa}.')' Pa},KGL,' muiw];Kgn]KGL' = Right hand, (ant: left hand,),

Kgn]SUw],sI,eA;SYin];tImUw],Ker,SI<' = Consociation democracy,

Kgn]Sa}.' Pa},Sa}.' Sa}.' (Kt];-KGL' Pa},KGL' Kgn]KGL')' = Left, (ant: right, right hand,), left hand,

Kgn],' lqc]km],' (SI) = Brown,

Kgn],' = Tax

Kgn],kQp];km];Sibw]:'[Kgn],tgt]:Em;'Kgn]KUw];lQc];Kgc]pUic],'Kgn],ciun];Kw]:'{' = Direct Tax,

Kgn],kQp];kac]sG]' = Poll tax,

Kgn],kun],kL.tac];Ka}'(kQp];Kgn],kun],kL.tac];Ka}nUiw]:la}<Sqn]<lw]:')' = Excise, an internal tax or duty on certain

commodities, as liquor or tobacco, levied on their manufacture, sale, or consumption within the country., (to impose an excise on

a liquor license), excises,

Kgn],kun],Kw]:Agk],miUc];' = Duty, duties,


Agk],ngk]:mUic];{ = Tariff, N. an official list showing the duties or customs imposed by a government on imports or export,

Kgn],Kam]:KUw]Kam]:tac];' Kgn],tac];' Kgn],KUw]' = Toll,

Kgn],KUw];Kgc]kU:lgc]:lgc]:' = General property tax,

Kgn],cibn];Kw]:' = Income tax,

Kgn],sw]:Kgn],sgm]'[ciun];kQp];kac]sG]'ciun];ha};(mUiw]:pan]sw]:fL.t};kU:pgk]:n}.hgc].wL:!ciun];etL,Ek;'@){' =

Imperial tax, N. poll-tax, tribute money,

Kgn],SBc],Agk],SGac];Kw]:miBc];' = Levy, assessment, tax, or duty,

Kgn],Sgk];tgk];'[SI,lUic]elL.Kgn],Sw]:Sw]:w}.nn].{ = Tawny, adj. of a dull yellowish-brown color, tawniest,

Kgn],tac];' Kgn],Kam]:KUw]Kam]:tac];' Kgn],KUw]' = Toll,

Kgn],niBw]tBw]hBw]kBn];' = Capitation,

Kgn],El:Akgk].An]Tgn]kL:srip]:yw].El:kuit];mI;w}.lgn].mn];' = Net produce of all

duties and imposts,

Kgn],lgk];lin]'[Kgn],l}:SGac];Kun]tL,lgk];lin]tI:hUc];sak]:/kan]pk];w}.nn].{' = Land tax,

Kgn]:' sbtbm]Kgn]:kn]' sukn]' kQp];' = Gather, gathered, gathering, gather together,

Kgn]:'Kgn]:pgc];kn]' = Aggregate, total or gross amounts, combined, collection, merge,

Kgn]:'[kQp];hgm]'sutum]'{(Kw]Kgn]:AQn]hqc];Kw]') = Muster, collect; gather: they muster their strength, mustered,

Kgn]:kn]'sutum]'[hgc].kUn];sutum]kn]tI:nuic]:'sutum]w}.eStI:tI:'{ = Gather together, gather, together,

Kgn]:kn]w}.' hbp]:sbKgn]:kn]w}.' = Consolidate, integrate, concentrate,

Kgn]:kn]es;sgt],'Kgn]:kn]kGac]:KGac]' = Unified, organized, comprehensive,

Kgn]:kn]ygn];SQt]:' = Collective Bargaining

Kgn]:sp];kn]w}.'Aw]Kgn]:kn]' = Concentrate, clustered or gathered together closely, concentrated,

Kgn]:sukn]la}mQw];' An]Kgn]:sukn]w}.la}mQw];' = Compound,







.pQn]Aw]2Kgn]:pQn]nuic]:'@){= Reverse stock split, A reverse stock split is a corporate action in which a company reduces

the total number of its outstanding shares. A reverse stock split involves the company dividing its current shares by a number

such as 5 for 10, which would then be called a 1-for-5 or 1-for 10 split, respectively. A reverse stock split decreases the total

number of a company’s outstanding shares and simultaneously increase the price per share. In the vast majority of cases, a

reverse split is undertaken to fulfil exchange listing requirements. Exchanges temporarily suspend this minimum price

requirement during uncertain times; for example, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and Nasdaq suspended the minimum

$1 price requirement for stocks listed during the 2008-09 bear market.(example: the ‘DDR’- its common shares will begin trading

on a split-adjusted basis on the New York Stock Exchange at the opening of trading on May 21, 2018),

Kgn]:tum]' Kgn]:kn]w}.' hbp]:sbKgn]:kn]w}.' Kgn]:' = Integrate, consolidate,

Kgn]:tum]yU,nG];'(Kgn]:tum]yU,nG];SUn]:cw]:cL,la};yU,Sw];PwkUn];mUic];lUc])' = Integrate into: to integrate into

mainstream lifestyle of big city,

Kgn]:nm].'hG]:nm].Kgn]:kn]' = Gathered water, let water be gathered to one place,

Kgn]:pQn]mU,' mU,hQp];' = Huddle, huddle – mushroom,

Kgn]:pQn]mU,' mU,kn]' (hQp];mU,'mU,hQp];')= Huddle, to gather or heap together, huddled, huddling, huddle, N.,

Kgn]:pgc];' Kgn]:pgc];kn]' = Merge, merged, combined, consolidated,

Kgn]:lbm];kn]w}.' = Summed up,


n]mG]hUm],lUm]:tc];nm]nn]."{ = Non-diversification, N. an investment strategy that concentrates its investments

among a small group of securities or issuers,

Kgn]:hqc];' Kgn]:AQn]hqc];' = Reinforce, energize, consolidate, strengthen,

Kgn];tUk];' Sn],tUk];'[Kgn];tUn]:m}./Sn],kic],m}.hG]:mak],mn];hUc]:tUk];{' = Shake down,

Kgn];hUw]' w}hUw]wut];wut];' = Shake head to express disagreement,

Kgn];' cgk];hUw]tuik].tuik].'(Kgn];hUw]luk];luk];')' = Bob, bobbing, (head bobbing)

Kgn];' tUc].' = Unsettle, unstable,

Kgn];' (luk]:Agn]pan]KQw]:T},n}.lUw],k}.Kgn];pn]hG]:epL;TUv]:ca}:)'Kw],' = Shake lose back and forth,

Kgn];'lUm]'Am],mn]:'(KQw]:Kgn];'KQw]:Am],mn]:') = Loose, adj.not firm, taut, or rigid: a loose tooth,

Kgn];Sw]lk];lUm]kiUc];cak]:' = Weaken the pillar,


l}:)' = Shake, shook, shaken, shaking,

Kgn];luk];luk];' Sn],tUc].' Sn],w}' tUc].yqp].yqp].'= Vibrate, vibration, shake, vibrant, vibe

Kgn];luk];luk];/wa}wut];wut];'[p}AUic],Aac]'/Sn],tin];tin];'{(hUw].Kgn];luk];luk];/wa}wut];wut];)= Totter,

quake; shake: tottering fence, tottered, tottering,


nim]nn].'(An]Kgn];luk];luk];')(Kt];-nim]'sG]nim]') = Unstable, adj.: the unstable, (ant: stable)

Kgn].' Kgn].Sa},' Kgn].tw].' = Rod, stick, staff, club,

Kgn].' Kgn].tg},kgp].f]' = Club, golf clubs,

Kgn].kgc]' Kgn].tg},kgc]' = Drumstick,


,epL;Pit];ha}.Sm].kGL,Suiw]:kGL,k}{' = Hybrid Golf club,

Kgn].cL/hqm]tQk];sG].hQt];sgm];' = Coercive stick,


Prod, nag; goad, prodded, prodding,

Kgn].cqm]:'[Aw]Kgn].cqm]:pqn];'Kgk];Kqk];sit];ES,lat]:yg}:'{ = Prod, N. the act of prodding; a poke or jab,



nL;nn].'){' = Boomerang, a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by the Australian Aborigines as a throwing

club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower.,

Kgn].sgk];'Kgn].sgk];lQk];'(Kgn].sgk];tc];lQk];m},nL;)' = Hammer, N. : hammer & nails,

Kgn].sgk];'Kgn].tgk],'(Kgn].sgk];El:tc]:lQk];') = Hammer, N.: hammer and anvil,

Kgn].sgk];tc];lQk];m},nL;'(mQw];yip];sG].sgm];kn]) = Hammer and nails,


tg},epL;pQn]tc]:lQk];ekL:lUw],Kam],n}nn].'){ = Hammer and anvil,

Kgn].sgk];tgk],' tgk],' Aw]Kgn].sgk];tgk],' = Hammer, hammered, hammering,

Kgn].sgm]piw]' kn];sgm]piw]' = Flagstaff, N.,

Kgn].Sk].'[Kgn].tL,epL.SG],KUw];mUiw]:Sk].KUw];lg};KUw];nLEl:Sut].Sit].yap],{'Kgn],tgk],pgt];' = Cudgel, club,

Kgn].Sk].Sk].'Kgn].tgk],pgt];tgk],'(pk];lk];hUw].Kqc];tLKL,hac],n}.k}.l}:Aw]Kgt].tgk],pgt];sg}:')= Cudgel,

cudgeling, cudgeling, beat,

Kgn].Sgc]etL,' Kgn].Sam]etL,' = Flail, N.,

Kgn].tr}.wUiw],kgp].f]'[Kgn].nm],pat]:nuic];yaw];hUw]mUn];epL.l}:k}Sut];{' = Golf Driver,

Kgn].tw].' m}.tw].' = Cane, staff,


.epL;tan],pQn]kUn];sgm];lc]mn];(pUin]:sG].Sc]hQt];nn].pn])nn].{ = Jackal, N. a person who performs dishonest

deeds or degrading tasks as the follower of another,

Kgn].tgk],' Kgn].sgk];m}.' = Mallet, N.,

Kgn].tgk],pgt];'[m}.pgt];nk];yG],tan],tuik].lIyip];tL,Aw]tgk],pk];lk];{' = Bat, a heavy stick, cudgel,

Kgn].tg},'ekL.Siuc];mak],nc]mUn];ep.S]epL;l]' = Pitcher,

Kgn].tg},hic],' = Bell striker, N.,

Kgn].Tgk]:kic],Eh.'[Kgn]./m}.km].tG]:kic],Eh.tL,sg}:mUiw]:kUn];KLEK.KLhan]:Kw]p}{ = Crutch, N. prop, crutches,

Kgn].epL.kgp].f]' = Golf clubs, clubs,

Kgn].epL.Kw]:' = Stick for threshing rice or paddy,

Kgn].pgt];'(la};Kgn].pgt];tc];la};Kgn].yaw];)'(Kt];-Kgn].yaw];)' = Short stick,(short v. long stick martial arts),

Kgn].pgt];' Kgn].' pgt];m}.' m}.pgt];' = Stick, stake,

Kgn].Pt].' Kgn].hQw];pa}mt].sUik]:Pqt];' = Whip, flop,

Kgn].Pt].' Aw]Kgn].Pt].SG],tik];tik];' = Flog, flogged, scourged, whip,

Kgn].yqn].' Kgn].tw].' m}.tw].' Kgn].' Kgn].Sa},' = Rod, staff, stick,

Kgn].rL,s'[Kgn]./Kgn].hQw];yip];nG];muiw];nc],mn];pQn]An]mat]:ma}lgc]:wL:mI;AL,nL,sw]:sgm]{' = Scepter, N. a

rod or wand borne in the hand as an emblem of regal or imperial power, sceptre,

Kgn].rL,sJtL;PQc],pQc];' = Scepter of justice,

Kgn].lQk];rL,s'[Kgn].rL,sAn]Aw]lQk];hQt];w}.nn].{ = Iron scepter,

Kgn].lqm]'[Kgn].An]pa}lqm]wit];wit];w}.eSpQn]tL,yip];ehL:Puc]wUw];/wUw];SUw];(puik].wUw];){ = Goad, N. prod,

Kgn].lqm]sit];'Aw]Kgn].lqm]tqc];'[Aw]Kgn].lqm]tqc];SG],eSehL:wUw];{ = Goad, goaded, goading,

Kgn].lqm]wUw];'[Kgn].yaw];mgk]:hUk];ep,/SI,Sgk],tL,Aw]tqc];wUw];Tic];hG]:mn];kGL,sgm];tac];/hg};lIlI'{= Oxgoad, N.,



;nn].'{ = Wedge, N. : Sand wedge, Golf Wedges, PW, SW,

Kgn].wa}' = Rattan stick or cane,

Kgn].hQw];'[Kgn].yaw];lqm]:lQk].lQk].Agn],{' = Long slender stick, wand, N.,

Kgn].hQw];p}amt].siUk].Pqt];' = Whip, an instrument for striking as in driving animals,

Kgn].Aa};yUin];'[k}.mI;Kgn].Aa};yUin];3'4'5'-etL,9'{(Kgn].Aa};yUin];4)' = Iron (golf): 4 Iron Golf,

Kgn]<SUit]<' kgn],SUit].' = Concert,

Kgn]<tUw]<'Kgn]<tUw]<hiUn];tiUk]:' = Condominium,

Kgn]<JTOw];Aam];' = Control Arm,

Kgn]<frqn].kUn];Aw]Kaw],'[!pac]Sp];lqc];sqc]:Kaw],@n}ekL:wL:'{ = Press conference,

Kgn]<frqn].eKL<l]'[An]Suip];Sa}fUn];kp];etL,Aup],kn]Sam]ekL./nm]lUiw]nn].'{ = Conference call, N.,

Kgn]<wqn];SYin];' eKL:l}:sG]Kgn]<wqn];SYin];' = Convention, a meeting or formal assembly as of

representatives or delegates, an agreement or contract,

Kgp],' lqn]lin]' nL:tI:Kat]:Kgp],' = Boundary, frame,

Kgp],'lqn]'[An]Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}./lqn]lin]'{(Agk],Kgp],Agk],lqn]mn];kGL,) = Bound, N. usually bounds. Limit

or boundary: out of bound,

Kgp],' Kgp],wBc];' = Circuit, orbit, boundary, chain, circumference, domain,

Kgp],' tUc],' = Ream,

Kgp],'Kgp],mUn];/Agn],()'Kgp],SI,sQc],/lUc][{' = Bracket, used in writing or printing, square bracket,

Kgp],'Kgp],Tt];'[Kgp],/lqn]Agc]:tI:kGac]:lIhQt];w}.tL,tqm]:nUiw]nL:lik]:nL:nuic]:nn].'him];'An]mqp];him];'{= Margin,

N. the space around or written matter on a page; border or edgea; selvage, margins,

Kgp],'Kgp],Tt];'[Kgp],/lqn]Agc]:tI:kGac]:lIhQt];w}.tL,tqm]:nUiw]nL:lik]:nL:nuic]:nn].'{ = Margin, N. the space

around or written matter on a page; border or edgea, margins,

Kgp],'Kgp],lqn]'lqn]'(ciun];An]Tqm]SG],nG];Ain];tqk].S]tL,ettqp];tt];Kn]KI:ciun];tUw];emL<kit]<) = Margin,

boundary, (the amount that is added to the index value to create a mortgage interest rate for a ARM/GPARM)

Kgp],Sam]sQc],'[hac]:/Kqp];/Kgc]An]mI;nL:Sam]Pa},eSmI;sQc],Sam]sQc],w}.nn].{ = Triangle, N.,

Kgp],SI,sQc],'[hac]:Kqp];pYL;mI;SI,sQc],tc]:Suiw]:El:SI,nL:yaw];pQc];tan],kn]lIlI{'SI,sQc],PQc],'= Square, N.,

Kgp],SI,sQc],sUin];PQc],' SI,sQc],sUin];PQc],' = Parallel square,

Kgp],SI,nL:sUin];' SI,sQc],sUin];' = Parallel rectangle,


an],kn]pQc];kn]{ = Quadrangle, N., quadrilateral, adj. N.,

Kgp],SI,nL:'[hac]:Kqp];pYL;SI,sQc],tc]:Suiw]:sQc]mn];Am],Pa}.mUin]Kgp],SI,sQc],Pa}.nn].{' = Rectangle, N.,

Kgp],tL'[sp];nc]tLtUc].lp];miun];l}:eShUm],hUv]tLw}.nn].'{(Kgp],tLnUiw]tc];Kgp],tLtG]:)' = Eyelid: top lid

and bottom lid, eyelids,


;hLl}:kU:etL,lL,nn].n}yw].'{' = Net Margin, Net Profit Margin, A 20% profit margin, means the company

has a net income of $0.20 for each dollar revenue earned. Profit Margin = Net Income / Net sales (revenue); profit margin,

Kgp],nm].lqn]lin]' = Frontiers,

Kgp],pm];pUiw]<' prqk].kit].pm];pUiw]<' = Bumper Bracket,

Kgp],pqn]'pqk]:pqn]'[An]wac];yaw];eSpqn]w}.Ait];Ait].mUin]KQc],pqn]sgm];PLnn].'{ = Ledge, adj. a relatively

narrow, projecting part as a horizontal, shelflike projection on a wall or a raised edge on a tray; a reef or ridge,

Kgp],piBc]kan]' Kgp],wBc];piBc]kan]' Kgp],wBc];'Kgp],' =Course,


Course, N. a program of instruction, as in a college or university: a course in economics,


sam];tUv];lIlI)' = Snap course, N. an academic course that can be passed with a minimum of effort; gut course,

Kgp],Pk];tU'(nUiw]Kgp],Kac]:/Kgp],nUiw]Pk];tUhUin];) = Doorframes, N.: on the sides or tops of doorframes of the house,

Kgp],mn];'yUc].mn];'piUc]mn];'tUc]mn];' = Frame, N. physique,


= Limit, N. utmost; boundary: It’s beyond my limit; Don’t go over your credit limit,

Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.'mk];Kan];w}.'(Kt];-Am],Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];w}.Sc]) = Limited, adj., (ant: unlimited)

Kgp],mn];lqn]mn];' (kw]tiUk]:kL:n}.kUv];yw].')(yL,epsa},liUw]eSAn]mk];Kan];w}.pn]mG];nn].') = Limit,

utmost, boundary, (It’s beyond my limit),(Don’t go over your credit limit)

Kgp],muc];mUn];'[An]muc];/tuim];muc];mUn];tum].lum].w}.'{ = Dome, N. a domical or polygonal roof or ceiling; a vault,

Kgp],mUn];' An]kUm]' An]kUc]' = Cylinder,

Kgp],mn];lqn]mn];'(cw]:piun].Kgp],lqn]kQw],epL,lSI,Pa},ngk]miUc];:) = Parameter, limits or boundaries,

guidelines(the basic parameter of our foreign policy),

Kgp],/yUc].mn];'piUc]mn];'tUc]mn];'(m}.yUc].m}.kgn]Sum].'(yUc].kgn]sgc]:'(Kgp],yUc].kan];ham]')= Frame, N.

physique; boards: tent frames; umbrella frames; a carrying frame, frames,

Kgp],lqn]emL<kit]<'[tL,mk];Kan];Kn]KI:ciun];tUw];eA<JAL,Aqm]<w}.pn]'{ = Mortgage Margin,

Kgp],lgt]:eP;'[Stgk].{= Margin of Safety, it is a principle of investing in which an investor only purchases

securities when their market price is significantly below their intrinsic value. In other words, when the market price of a security

is significantly below your estimation of its intrinsic value, the difference is the margin of safety. Because investors may set a

margin of safety in accordance with their own risk preferences, buying securities when this difference is present allows an

investment to be made with minimal downside risk. In accounting, the margin of safety, or safety margin, refers to the difference

between actual sales and break-even sales. Managers can utilize the margin of safety to know how much sales can decrease

before the company or a project becomes unprofitable. The margin of safety principle was popularized by famed British-born

American investor Benjamin Graham (known as the father of value investing) and his followers, most notably Warren Buffett.

Investors utilize both qualitative and quantitative factors, including firm management, governance, industry performance, assets

and earnings, to determine a security's intrinsic value. The market price is then used as the point of comparison to calculate the

margin of safety. Buffett, who is a staunch believer in the margin of safety and has declared it one of his "cornerstones of

investing," has been known to apply as much as a 50% discount to the intrinsic value of a stock as his price target,


lip]:pG].Eh.kc]:pn]w}.nn].'{'wac];Kgp],wQc];'pgk].Kgp],wQc];'hUin];Kgp],wQc];' = Precinct, N. a district as of a city

marked out for governmental purposes, or for police protection; also called precinct house; compound, precincts,

Kgp],wBc];wQc];lBc]'nG];Kgp],wUc];wQc];lUc]' = Metropolis, N. any large, busy city, metropolises,

Kgp],wBc];' = Circle, ring of circus,

Kgp],wBc];'Kgp],mn];'Kgp],' = Brim, rim,

Kgp],wUc];saw];kUn];'(Kgp],wUc];saw];t};) = Community, a group of people having culture or ethnicity in common,

Kgp],wUc];sUw]:ASak]:pan]kUn];ekL.nuic]:' = Course of one’s life,



;hQt];Agk],nn].{' = Quality circle (QC),


KLeKLnn].'{' = Course of action, plan or method to be used for achieving a specific goal,

Kgp],wUc];wac];lQn]:kgp].f]' wac];lQn]:kgp].f]' = Golf course,

Kgp],wUc];piBc]kan]'Kgp],piBc]kan]'Kgp],wBc];'Kgp],'(Agk],hG]:pUn].Kgp],mn];El:)' = Course,: get out of course,

Kgp],wUc];wac];' = Domain, site, quarter, area, district,


tc];la}yip];tiuw];) = Eminent Domain,

Kgp],him];'him];'Kgp],'(Kgp],tUik]:'(pp].mI;Kgp],him];tL;SIKm];'(Kgp],Kuic]'Kgp],lUc]:') = Edge, N. a line at which two

surface of a solid object meet: an edge of a box; a book with gilt edges; sieve edge,

Kgp],him];tL;SIKm];'(pp].mI;Kgp],him];tL;SIKm];) = Gilt edges: a book with gilt edges,

Kgp],him];PLhUm],mn];'[tI:PLhUm],Sut];tUik]:w}.nn].{ = Ends of the cover,

Kgp],hUp];w}.' = Closed-circuit, -A circuit without interruption, a continuous through which a current can flow,

Kgp],AL:w}.' = Opened-circuit, -A discontinuous circuit which no current can flow,



5000pYL;nn].Kgp],AI;pIAa}<TItIeAmn];etpQn]15000/125000=12%yU,yw]."{ = EBITDA Margin, a

measurement of a company’s profitability as a percentage of its total revenue. For example, a firm with revenue totally $125,000

and EBITDA of 15,000 would have an EBITDA margin of $15,000/125,000 = 12%.

Kgp]:' (pik],k},KUw]:Kgp]:Kgp].Kgp].) = Crispy, adj. crispy chicken wings, brittle,

Kgp]:'}:'Pg},'Kgp]:/Pg},nL,[Kgp]:nL,lqw]ca}:nL,luca}:nL,'{'= Brittle, adj. fragile, frail: a brittle marriage,


gp]:'(Tqw]Sc]Tqw]Kgp]:kn]pQn]sQc],w}.'Kgc],wUc];Sgc]Pak],Kgp]:kn]pQn]tUc],w}.')'Kgp]:kn]' = Meet, to come into

contact or for a junction: the two lines meet to form an angle, met,

Kgp]:' Kgp]:Kic],' Kgp]:Kaw];' Sm].Kiun];Tqc]:' = Recurrence, an act or instance of recurring,

Kgp]:Kic],'Kgp]:Kaw];'Kgp]:wUc]:' = The timely or weekly recurrence of the hour or date of a past event,

Kgp]:KUp],pI<'KUp],pI<'Kgp]:KUp],pI<nuic]:pgk]:' = Annual, adj. of, for, or pertaining to a year; anniversary; yearly,

Kgp]:KUp],pI<'KUp],pI<' = Yearly, annual, anniversary,

Kgp]:KUp],hQc]pI<' sUw]:yam];hiuc]hQc]pI<' = Millennium, a period 1000 years, a thousandth anniversary,

Kgp]:tin]' eKL:tin]' = Ankle,

Kgp]:nL,sm]kg}'(kQw],lgc]:Kgm]<piw],tUiw],)' = Terminal illness,(Computing) N. burn in, raster burn,

Kgp]:muiw];'eKL:muiw];' = Wrist, N.,

Kgp]<'[tUw]Em:lik]:hI;RpO;tUw]Ti19'{ = Qoph, N. the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet,

Kgm]prqt].SL,' = Compressor,

Kgm],pnI,' Kgm]<pnI,' = Company

Kgm],pnI,Pa},AL,mKam],' = Insurance company,

Kgm],pnI,yL:yL' = Drugs company,


Company landed the largest contract in their history,


pQn]sw]:Kgc]) = Communism,

Kgm],mqn];tUw]<'Suik];KUw];la};'[Suik];An]Puik];w}.Kuik].tgn];tL,mc]eSAqn],{' = Commando, any special trained

military units for hit-and-run raids,

Kgm]:' pin]:cUp].kGL,' pin]:cUp].w}.' = Turn upside down, has turned upside doen or to turn upside down,


Strike against, something that makes someone less likely to be accepted, approved, successful, etc.: Her poor attendance

was a strikes against,

Kgm]:pin]:pqt]:'lim],pin]:pqt]:' = Distort, pervert, to twist awry or out of shape, distorted, distorting,

Kgm]:'Kgm]:pqt]:'[pin]:cUp].pin]:cap].pqt]:mUt];{'pin]:cUp].' = Upside down, adj. topsy-turvy,


lgt]:lqw];lqw];nn].eSetkGL,sI.Enw}.tac];hgc],eS,eS,'{ = Compass, N. an instrument for determining

directions, as by means of a freely rotating magnetized needle that indicate magnetic north,

Kgm]<pnI,mk];Kan];pbn]:Pgn];'(KnK) = Limited Liability Company (LLC),

Kgm]<pnI<Kqp];mG]siuk];Siuw].'(Kgm]<pnI<Krqt].tit].) = Credit card company,

Kgm]<pnI,t};es:tgn]:Kgp],SI,sQc],' = Square Zone Tai Company, LLC

Kgm]<piw]<TiUw],' = Computer,

Kgm]<piw]<TiUw],Pit];rL,swUt]:' = Computer Crime,

Kg}'SI:Ek.pUin]:'(mn];l}:SU;El:Kw]Kg}mn];mUt];') = Covet, to wish for: He won the prize they all coveted, coveted,

Kg}piBn]:' SI:Ek.' = Envy, discontent,

Kg}pUin]:' SI:Ek.Eh:tLetL,pUin]:' = Jealous, adj. envious, jealously, adv., jealousy, N.,

Kg}:kn]'Kg}:Kuin];kn]' Kgp]:kn]' = Meet on, to become into contact or form a junction, when two ends meet,

Kg}:Kiun];' pn],tUc],Kgp]:' = Cycle, any complete round repeats, a recurring period time,

KGc]'[Eh:lQk];mI;SImiUn]ciun];Sm].mw]{(emL:KGc]') [(lik]:sw]:kac];SiUw]/t};kw],'){ = Aluminum, aluminium,

(aluminium vessel or pan )

KGn]'Pn]'PQt],'[sG]wivin],An]hn]l}:{ = Wraith, N. a visible spirit,

KGak]:kGac]:'KGak]:hG]:kGac]:' = Extend, to increase in length, area, scope, etc., extended, extending,


la}) = Our extended families: Thank you to our extended families,

KGak]:pUn].Kw]:Kgp],' = Invade, to intrude upon:(to invade the privacy of a family), invaded, invading,

KGak]:pUn].Kw]:mUic];/hUin];'KGak]:mUic];' = Invade, to enter as if to take possession, invaded, invading,

KGak]:Sqn];mn];Et.Et.nn].hG]:yG],w}.1.5pun]:' = Magnification about 1.5 times actual size,


lgc]:yap],mn];yG],') = Magnify, enlarge; heighten; to extol: to magnify one’s difficulties, magnified, magnifying,

KGak]:yG],' KGak]:kGac]:' = Enlarge, extend, magnify, widen,

KGak]:yG],Kibn]:Sbc]' = Magnify, amplify, increase,

KGak]:yG],tiBw];es;'(Kts)' = Amplified, (AMP)

!KGak]:yG],w}.x1.5pun]:'@[pgc],wL:'puc],hac]:nn].KGak]:tI:tac];yG],mn];mI;Et.Et.nn].w}.1.5pun]:n}yw].'{ =“ca. x

1.5”, means “magnification about 1.5 times actual size,

KGak]:hG]:JPL;sw]:mG];yG],Kiun]:Suc]El:yL,epKGak]:pYSnL,Kgc].Km]mG];sUiw];nn].yG],Kiun]:Suc]' =

Magnify your God; don’t magnify your problems,

KGak].'(1Kak].=4kgk];=2pgc],=0.944lI<tL,)'Kak].' = Khark,(1Khark=4cups=2lbs=0.944L)


KGac],sG].l}:'Kw]:KGac],')' = Place where anything is put or where work is done: legal, official, valid,


kL:Kn]yG],nn].yL,hG]:mn];l}:yUt],kGL,lgk]:kGL,pqt]:lg};lg};sUic].nn]')'KGac],SUn]' = Farmland, land under

cultivation or capable or being cultivated: to protect valuable farmland from erosion,

KGac]w}.' mL;KGac]w}.' = Interference by something, interfering, place across,

KGac];pn]'KGac];pn]l}:'[wac];KGac].pn]'pg},wac];KGac].pn]'{(Kqn];etL:KGac];pn]Ait];nuic]:KL:')' = Excuse, (used

with object), pardon or forgive: Please excuse me, excusing, excusable, adj., excusably, adv., excusableness, N.,

KGac].' AKGac].'(Am],mI;KGac].Am],l}:Kw]:)' = Permission,(No entry without permission,),

KGn]'[nG];Ek:KUn]hUw]nn].mUin]KUn]hUw]ecL;eSpn]tUc],hg}w}.nUiw]nc]hUw]'{'Pn]'KGn]/Pn]hUw]' = Circular

flexure in the hair,

KGan]' tLKGan]'(Aw]KGan]Tak],lm];m}.hQt];pqn]:)' = Adze, adz,

KGL' Pa},KGL' Kgn]KGL' (Kt];-Sa}.'Pa},Sa}.'Kgn]Sa}.')'tac];KGL' = Right, (ant: left, left hand,), right hand,

KGLEl:Sa}.' Pa},KGLEl:Pa},Sa}.' Kgn]KGLEl:Kgn]Sa}.' = Right and left,

KG},KGc]kn]'[mI;pw].la}la}nn]Kam]:kn]w}.{(Tqw]KG},KGc]kn]')' = Intersect, intersected,: intersecting lines,



;){'Tup]./mc]KGa},KGL' = Right Cross, (Boxing)N.,

KG},KGLEp'(KG},KGL/Ka},KLEplqc]')'Ka},KLEp' = Cross, N.: Red Cross,




:'f};El:lgc]:tuk].KKan]sG]sUiw];nn].'{' = Red Cross, an international philanthropic organization (Red Cross

Society) formed in consequence of the Geneva Convention of 1864, to care for the sick and wounded in war, secure neutrality of

nurses, hospitals, etc., and help relieve suffering caused by pestilence, floods, fires, and other calamities. A branch of this

organization is the American Red Cross.,

KGa};'KGa};niuc]:'(nm].nk];niuc]:KGa};n}.mI;2mat]:Am],nn]0.32Agc]<s') = Khwy, weigh equal to 0.32oz , or 2 Maats,

KGa};/pQt]:'niuc]:KGa};/pQt]:'(8Ep,=32pgc],=64kgk];') = Khoi,(1Khoi=8peahs=32lbs=64cups)

KG]:' sG]mI;KG]:l}:' mI;sG]KG]:' = Wish, want,

KG]:kin]KG]:yqm].' = Appetite, A desire for food or drink ,

KG]:KI:'(pqn]Sc]El:km];km];k}.KG]:KI:?)'KG]:Agk],ngk]:lUc]' = Want to poo, would like to use restroom, urge to

defecate: What causes frequent urge to defecate?,

KG]]Aw]'TiUk]]Aw]' = Competitive, well suited for competition, having strong desire to compete,

KG]]Aw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Competition,

KG]:Kiun]:yG],' KG]:Kiun]:yG],mG],Suc]' = Want to thrive, want progress,

KG]:sL.' sG]sL.eKL;KBm]' = Upset,


= Indignant, adj. infuriated, mad: an indignant expression on his face; She was being indignant at being nerved,


w].(vL;hQt];Pit];nm])'{ = Haste makes waste, you do not save any time by working too fast,

KG]:En'KG]:l}:nL:Sm].l}:lc]' = Show off, N. the act of showing off, show-off,

KG]:ngn];nL,'[cw]ngn];'SUt];ngn];'{ = Sleepy, adj. drwosy, sleepier, sleepiest,

KG]:pQn]nL,nL,' sG]tG];KG]:pQn]' = Eager,

KG]:pgc],wL:pQn]' KG]:pgc],wL:' = Meant to be, meant when I said,

KG]:mUin]kUn];tac],ekL.' = Wish you were like someone else,

KG]:miUw];Kiun];kUv];yw].' = Wish we were back,

KG]:yQw]:' KG]:Agk],ngk]:Agn],' = Want to pee, would like to use restroom, urge to urinate,

KG]:ygn];hG]:SUpgc],sG]kGL,lum];lum];' = Your fully persuaded, urged,

KG]:ygm];kan].epL;pqt]:km];lQw]' = Ready to give up,

KG]:lat]:En'(kw]KL:KG]:lat]:Enlgc]:wL:hw];kYOik]:lUlik]:SUtqm]:mL;nn].nL'sUm];Et.KL:yw].')' = Wanted to

say: I just wanted to say that we all loved your letter. Thank you so much,

KG]:l}:'KG]:hG]:'KG]:mI;'KG]:'KG]:pQn]' = Want, to desire; wish for; want to, wanted, wanting,

KG]:l}:nL,'KG]:Siuw]./K}anL,'KG]:pn]/Aw]nL,' = Motivated, induce, impel, predetermined, stimulate, prompt,

KG]:l}:nL:l}:tL' = Fawn, to seek notice or favor by servile manner, fawningly, servile,

KG]:wL:'(kw]KG]:wL:SUp];epL;KUm];lit];lit];yw].kUv];kL:kw]yUin].')'KG]:lat]:' = Wish to say, want to say,


KQw]Puin]nuic]:)' = Amorously, adv., amorous, adj. showing or expressing love; being in love; incline to love,

especially sexual love: an amorous letter,

KG]:hQt];JSL,nL,'mat]:tUw]kw],Kuik].eSpUin]:' = Uncondescending, adj., noncondescending, adj.,

KG]:hU.KG]:hn]nL,nL,' = Curious, eager to learn or know,


.kUv];PUiw],tL.etsgm];lgn].kqn]hUw]sG]pk];pUic]nn].{'lgc]:KG]:hG]:Kw]:pUic]' = Legalism, N. the principle of

strict adherence, to law, especially to the letter rather than the spirit,

KG]:hG]:mG];mUin]kUn];tac],ekL.nn].kUv];yw].' = Wish you were like someone else,

KG]:hG]:hQt];' sG]mI;KG]:l}:' mI;sG]KG]:' KG]:hQt];' KG]:sG].hQt];pn]' KG]:' = Wish,
