y'[tUw]Em:lik]:t};tUw]TiSip];SI,{' = ‘Ya’, the fourteenth letter of the Tai alphabet,
yKqc],'[saw];KUiw];kUn];nG];mUin];man]:sQc],san];wn];tUk];'rKqc],'{= Arakan, an ethnic group in the southwest of Burma,
ytuTn],'[suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.pL;nG];Tm],mkYam];kw],'(1puin];9;16'16;38-42){' = Jeduthun, the name of
two men in the Old Testament,
1ygn]<' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-1ygn]<'){ = 1 John, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: 1 John.)],
2ygn]<' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-2ygn]<'){ = 2 John, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: 2 John.)],
3ygn]<' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-3ygn]<'){ = John, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: 3 John.)],
yeK;'[AU:eAkUiw]<{ = Jakeh, an ancestor of Agur, the wise man who wrote the 30th chapter of the Book of Proverbs,
ypL<l'[luk]:sa};lm]<mqk].El:eA;tL.'{(cw]:4;20)' = Jabal, a son of Lamech and Adah,
yhL,es,l'(kUn];sa};saw];KiUw];lI;wi)'[yhL,eslL.{ = Jahaziel, [1Cho 12:4],
yk];'[ma}SQc]!2@lik]:t};(-,){(KKYL;yk];wL:!KL,@)' = Tone’s symbol in Tai language, second tone,
yk];Kuin]:'[ma}SQc]!6@t};{(ptac],Kat]:kqn]yk];Kuin]:!pI<@)= Tone’s symbol in Tai language, sixth tone,
yk];sm]:'[ma}SQc]!3@lik]:t};(-:){(nKYL;yk];sm]:wL:!nL:@)= Tone’s symbol in Tai language, third tone,
yk];'[Aw]niw].muiw];El:Em:muiw];hip],sp];mip],lim],{'yk];lim],' = Pinch, to squeeze between the finger and
thumb, pinched, pinching,
yk];'[pit];/mit];{(yk];/pit];nQc]:)= Nip, to take off by pinching or snipping (followed by off), nipped, nipping,
kqt];Aw]'yk];/pit];'[Aw]kim];kqt];Aw]'niw].muiw];yk];pit];Aw]'{(kqt];/yk];/pit];mgk],nqc];SI,)= Snip, to cut
with small, quick strokes: to snip a rose, snipped, snipping, snip, N.,
yk];lim],'lim],'(kw]hiuw]KG]:kGL,kUv];mn];Sm].yk];lim],pn]Kqn]kw]nL,emL.'(lim],KUn]hUw]mn];Kgt],sgk];w}.')= Twist, I
didn’t want to go, but she twisted or pinched my arm; to twist the hair into a knot, twisted, twisting,
yk];lI,ygt]:mn];pqt]:' hk];kic],kU,mn];pqt]:' yL.pqt]:Pgc];tuik].hLEt,' = Nip in the bud,
yk].sm]:'tUv];sm]:'[tUv];man],sm]:An]hUiw]:Tgc],Kuin];hac]:ekL.tUv];{ = Look into the mirror,
yk].tBv];'yQm]:tUv];'yQm]:' = Gaze, look steadily and intently with a great curiosity, look at, gazing,
yk].tBv];'yk].tUv];tLepL;Am],Pat],'(yk].tUv];tac],tac];k}k}kw]nn].) = Gaze, look steadily and
intently with a great curiosity: turn your gaze or look away from me, gazed, gazing,
yk].tBv];sBw]:kqp].' = Glimpse,
yk].tUc];sUw]kqp].sgm];tac];hUiw]:hUic];hUc]hac];mUiw];nL:' = A glorious glimpse of the future,
yk].tUv];tLepL;Am],Pqp].' = Stare, stared, staring,
yk].tUv];nL:kn]eSlat]:/Aup],kn]'etL,nL:kn]eSlat]:/Aup],kn]'= Speak face to face,
yk].tUv];mG];km];niuc]:eSlat]:wL:' = Took one look at you and said,
yc]' = Hang up and stretch out (as clothes to dry),
yc]lUm];hqc]:'hum];f};hG]:hqc]:EK,El,' tak],lqt],hqc]:EK,El,' = Parch, parched, parching,
yc],' yc],tUv];' yc],tUv];tac];liuk].nm].' = Try the depth of water,
yc],hak]:' = Take root,
yc],hak]:sI;Kw]: = Creep in,
yc],hak]:w}.libk].libk].' = Rooted, (having roots)
yc],Am],tUik]:' cra};luik].'[tI:An]luik]./kGac]:nL,El:epL;Am],tqk]:tUv];l}:nn].{' = Abyss, N.,
yc];et' etL:nc],' = Even,
yc];etp},' yc];etAm],' = Would not have,
yc];tuik].k}nL,' = Still a long way off, still far away,
yc];tuik].k}p},hgt]:ca}:ca}:'(mUiw]:Pgc];mn];yc];tuik].k}p},hgt]:ca}:ca}:nn].)' = Still a long way off,
yc];tuik].mI;yam];mn];yU,...'tuik].mI;yam];mn];yU,' = There’s still time left..,
;kan]mn];pn]yU,AUiw]:wn];mUiw]:n}.n}.")' = Still,(Objection will still be made.),(Jesus’s power is still at work today.),
yc];tuik].El,hLtac];Pit];SG],eSmQw];mQw];yU,tik];tik];' = Still find something wrong,
yc];p},'[KG]:pgc],wL:Am],sG]:/lI/hQt];lL;lL;n}'{(mG];yc];p},tUv];kw]'(kw]yc];p},hU.An]nn].'(yc];p},lIkgn],')= Not
even, adv. still not yet: You didn’t even look at me; Not even I knew that; still not yet good enough,
yc];p},-lU;kgn],'lU;kgn],'kgn],'(Kw]yc];p}mL;lU;kgn],') = Yet, adv. thus far; still: they had not yet come,
yc];p},tUk];Kiuc]:' = Not until halfway,
yc];mI;Tqc]:' yc];tuik].et'(yc];tuik].etlUw],San]Kt];yU,)' = Still, (Objection will still be made.),
yc];mI;yB,Tqc]:tL,Kw]tc];nm]' = So much more going for them,
yc];lqp]:et' lqp]:etpQn]' lqp]:epL;et--pL;lU;kgn],' = Probably,
An]mG];yc];Am],p},wUn].mqn]:vL;nn].AUiw]:')' = Even thought of yet: God has promises and opportunities in
store for you that you even haven’t even thought of yet!,
yc].' kuit];yc].' liuw]:' pG].km];niuc]:' = Rest, stop, wait,
yt].Tir'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};nG];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;48') = Jattir, a Levitical city in the hill country of Judah,
yn]' tin]yn]' = Brace against with the foot,
yn]tin]'[yn]KLkac],w}.{'Tip],'(yn]tin]mG];w}.mn]:mn]:)= Brace: brace yourself, braced, bracing,
yL.mG];kg},nn].'{'(yL,epeKYL.yn]KLkac],w}.El:&) = Bracing against, to brace against something; to lean on it,
hold on to it tightly, and practically fasten yourself to it with the intent of stabilizing your body in anticipation of some outside
force about to impinge upon you,
An]luk].tI:kGam];JtL;cm];yQn]pn]mL;nn].tL.'@(AI,6;15') = Feet fitted with readiness: “…, and with your
feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.”,
yn],kuc],'tL:kuc]:'[wQc];yG],Sut];nG];mUic];man]:'{= Yangon, or Rangoon, N. the largest city in Myanmar (Burma),
yn],sG]' = Place in a particular position or purpose,
yn],tUk];w}.' Pqn]' hg}:' kgc].'ygn],w}.' = Hang, hung, hanging,
yp].nI;l'[suiw]:wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;11') = Jabneel, the name of two cities in the Old Testament,
= Jabbok, one of the main eastern tributaries of the Jordan River,
ym]'tI:ym]'[tI:Kuik].luik]./puin].Kam],'/tI:kp];etL,'/nQn]mn];'{= Crux, N. a vital, basic, pivotal, or key point,
ym]w}:'ngm];tm],ym]w}:'(lgc]:-'An]-')' = Adoration, N.,
ym]w}:'ngm];tm],ym]w}:'(ngm];tm],ym]w}:JPL;sw]:) = Adore, to pay a divine honor and respect; worship: to
adore God, adored, adoring,
ym];nm].'ym];ygt],yBt].'ym];pUiw].pUiw].' = Wet, adj., wetter, wettest,
ym];Ep.Ey.'ym];nm].na};' = Drench, drenched with dew,
ym];epL.eyL.'Es:nm].ym];epL.eyL.'(yum]mak],hum]h}Es:nm].ym];epL.eyL.')' = Saturate, to
soak or impregnate thoroughly: to saturate a sponge with water, saturated, saturating,
ym];epL.eyL.'(nUiw].k},pic]:nG];ym];epL.eyL.)' = Juicy, juicy grilled chicken,
ym];pUiw].yUiw].'(Kaw];Sgn];nm].n}.k}.vL;nm].Tgk],hUt];epL;ym];pUiw].yUiw].tc];tUw])' = Thoroughly wet,
ym];ygt],ygt].'[nm].Pac]:Kw]:nG];hUiw];epL;ym];ygt],ygt].'{ = Swamp, swamped, swamping,
ym];pUiw].yUiw].'nm].plaw];' = Soggy, adj. soaked; thoroughly wet, soggier, soggiest,
ym].'ym].kin]'kQw].'(kUn];ym].Kw]:'wUw];kGa};kQw].AiUc]:') = Chew, chewed, chewing, chew, N.,
ym]<RpI;'[nG];kUn];Sgc]ekL.An]taw].KQc],Kt];Kuin];mUw];eS,tI:nG];mUic];AI<kYip].nn].ekL.nuic]:'(2Tim];3;8'){ =
Jambres, one of the two who opposed Moses in Egypt (2 Tim. 3:8),
yw]:'[Am],kGL,yw]:'kin]yw].yw]:'{= Participle, colloquial assertive affix: not going anymore, has already eaten,
yw]:SG],'yQt]:SG],'yw]:tm]' = Thrust in,
yw]:Agk],'pit].Agk],'Tip],Agk],pqt]:'[Am],SGac];kin]'Tac],lQk].'{' = Spurn, to kick or trample with the
foot; scorn; despise, spurned, spurning,
yw]."AUiw]:"yU,yw]."eSlIyw]."yw].yw]:"yw].AUiw]:"= Suffix used in a statement or cause and
effect sentences,
Suffix used in a statement sentence that someone is charming, pleasing, delightful, etc., means
it’s so nice or bad: Stewed mustard soup is so delicious; this corpulent boy is so lovely; he supposed not to do that,
yw].tUw]:kGL,nG];tac];hUiw]:hUic];pUic];SG]w}.' = Flourishing finish,
yw].'kibt];'kibt];libw]:Sbt];kGL,yw].' = End
yw].'yw].tUw]:'yw].yw].'yw].yL,yw].'hQt];yw].'hG]:yw].'= Finish, finished, finishing,
yw].kGL,'Sbt];'Sut];yw].'kg}pa}'Kgt],ygt]:'lUp];lc]'libn];Sbt];' = End, ended, ending,
yw].kGL,'Sbt];kGL,'kuit];kGL,'Kat],kGL,' = Ending, N. termination, close,
yw].tUw]:Tiuc]tI:ygt]:hgt]:tI:pa}' = Completely fulfilled,
yw].tUw]:yw].' mn];yw].yw].' = It is done, it is finished,
yw].tUw]:lIcam];'yw].Agm]:pgm]:' = Wholly finished, wholly completely,
yw].etL,mUiw]:' = Time being, N., the present occasion; "for the nonce", for the time being,
yw].mL;mUiw]:k}:' kgn],Agn]' = Previous, earlier, past,
n];n}{'Tuic]mUiw]:lG]wL:mUiw]:nn].kL:Am],Tuic]/hgt]:Am],sU;' = Toil up, (Idiom) toil up something,
l}:/hQt];etL,mUiw];lQw]nn].{' = Have/has, had, having,
yw].yw].' mn];yw].tUw]:yw].&' mn];yw].yw].&' = Done, it is done!
yw].yL,kn]' ygm];etL,kn]' = Settle, give and take, deal, understanding,
yw].yL,kn]'(tac];-') = Settlement, an agreement or adjustment as of business affairs or a disagreement,
yw].yL,kGL,mUt];yw].' yw].yw].Am],mI;Sc]Tqc]:yw].' = It is over, it was over,
yw].yL,kn]kGL,lIlIcam];cam];' = Amicable settlement, friendly or peaceable settlement,
yw].yL,Amu'[ekY,eA;Amu'{ = Settle lawsuit, settle a case, settle the matter,
:'!Kw]kin]lw]:wa}<nm]nL,AL;lL;AUiw]:nn].'@n}yw].eAL:"(man],2;13')' = Made fun of them: Some, however,
made fun of them and said, “They have too much wine.”,
yw].la}'yw].pqt]:la}la}' = In vain, without results, useless and fruitless,
yw],la}kGL,pqt]:eSpgt];eStgn]:"(2ekL;6;1') = Squander: Please don’t squander one bit of this marvelous life
God has given us.(II Corinthians 6:1, Message), squandered, squandering,
yw].Agm]:pgm]:'yw].tUw]:lIcam];' = Wholly finished, wholly completely,
yak]:Pan]mg};'yak]:Pan]' = Indigence, N. seriously impoverished condition; destitution, poverty,
yac]' yac]sp];' yac]yUiw].yUiw].' = Viscid, sticky, adhesive, glutinous,
yac]' = Pitch, N. glue,
yac]'yac]pqk],'yac]huc];'yac]ngt]:'[yac]hak].'{'yac]m}.' = Pitch, N. black varnish; wood tar,
yac]' nm].yac]sqc]'(yac]yL:Pin],) = Sap, N. the juice; any vital body fluid: opium sap,
yac]sp];kn]'yac]' = Slurry,
yac]Tan],hin]' yac]lm]' yac]lm]SUiw],tac];'yac]lm]muc];hUin];' = Tar, coal-tar pitch,
yac]pqk],'mn];yac]pqk],' = Pine resin,
yac]yL:Pin],' = Opium sap, intoxicating sap,
yac]nam]miUw]<rL,'(yac]murn],)'tUn]:yac]miUw]<r' = Myrrh, resinous exudation from (a small spiny tree),
w];n}.{' = Latex, N. a milky liquid in certain plants, as milkweeds, poppies, or plants yielding rubber,
yac]m}.'[yac]Agk],tI:m}.mL;eSepL;vL;lUm];huic]n}.kqn],kGL,'{ = Gum, N. any of various viscid exudations from plants,
yac]rp]<pL<'yac]'yac];tc]'[yac]yuit]:{ = Rubber, N. also called India rubber, gum elastic; rubber band,
34') = Stacte, N. gum resin; one of the sweet spices used in the incense of the ancient Hebrews. Ex. 30:34,
yac],hak]:sgn];lUc];puin].luik].nL,Pqw]' = Root down,
yac]:' yac]:tac];nL:' = Step, move foot to walk, step forward,
yac]:' p}' p}kGL,' p}tac];' yac]:tac];' = Walk,
Pace, walk back and forth: Hw paced the loor nervously, paced,
yac]:kGL,sgm];hg};tin]tac];yum],mat]:' = Follow in the footsteps of the faith, follow the path of faith,
yac]:kGL,lg};lg};'(puik].mL.emLtin]lqn]:yac]:kGL,lg};lg};)'p}man],man],' = Pace, paced, (to pace a horse),
yac]:kGL,ht];ht];'(yQp],yac]:kaw].Kuin]:nL:kGL,nUk],nUk],ht];ht];') = Bold step: take bold step forward,
yac]:Kw]:' Kw]:kGL,' Kw]:kGL,nG];' Kw]:nG];' = Enter, enter into,
yac]:Kam]:' Kam]:' Kam]:kGL,'(p}Kam]:kGL,Kam]:mL;epL;KG]:vL;yQp],)' = Step over, cross over,
yac]:KL,'yac]:'[yac]:KL,/yac]:n}.w}.k}f};Aw]Aa}f};mn];hum];/hac];w}.lg};lg};{'= Grill, broil, grilled, grilling,
yac]:KL,'kGn];f};hum];'[Aw]Aa}f};/kGn];f};hum];hG]:hqc]:{' = Smoke, broil; grill, smoked, smoking,
yac]:KL,w}.'[w}.hG]:ekL.nuic]:Am],sac]:Siup],hQt];Am],kaw].Kiun]:nL:l}Sc]eSlgc]:eSPa},{ = Hang back,
yac]:Kiun]:' yac]:Kiun]:nL:' = Step up, step forward,
yac]:tin]'[An]tUc].nuic]kGL,mUiw]:p}/lqn]:nn].{ = Step, N. movements or course of walking or running, steps,
yac]:tin]' hg};yac]:tin]' = Footsteps, pace, footprint,
yac]:etL,lQn]:w};lIeSEK.Kiun]:kGL,'(kgp].f])' = Play at Good Pace and Keep Up,( golf ),
yac]:etL,lQn]:kgp].f]'(tac];w};-)(yac]:etL,lQn]:kgp].f]kGL,w};tan],tan],p}man],man],') = Pace of
Play, (golf.): Play at good pace and keep up,
yac]:p}kGL,sgm];tac];ybm],mat]:' = Walk by faith,
yac]:p}nG];lqt],Kqn],m}:epL;KG]:Kqm]:' = Scorching pace,
yac]:PwAn]Am],l}:yU,l}:Sw];eSpgk]:' = Hectic pace of life,
33;14')= Pace of the flocks and herds: move along slowly at the pace of the flocks and herds,
yac]:yaw];'(yac]:yaw];Kam]:hgc]:KU;/luk];Tqn].)' = Stride: to stride a ditch, strode, stridden, striding,
yac]:yaw];'(p}tac];yac]:yaw];yaw];'(yac]:yaw];p}')'= Stride, N. a long step in walking,
yac]:yaw];p}'(yac]:yaw];p}sgm];Kk].yac]:kGL,sU;cm];yQn]') = Big step, N: take a big step toward peace,
yac]:luk]:Agn],p}'(tac];w};-) = Pace of the children,
yac]:hac],'lqn]:yac]:hac],' mL.lqn]:yac]:hac],' = Gait, N. stride, gaits of a horse,
yac]:hac],tan],kn]kGL,'(tac];-/An]-) = Even-paced,
yac]:hUn]lc]' hUn]lc]' ygm]hUn]lc]' = Step back,
yac];'[saw];KUiw];kUn];nG];mUin];man]:sQc],san];wn];Agk],'yac];PUik],'{= Karen, an ethnic group in the south of Burma,
yac];lqc]'[saw];KUiw];kUn];nG];mUin];man]:wn];Agk],pgt];kac]'{= Karenni, an ethnic group in the east of Burma,
mun];yat],tUk];muiw];')'yat],tUk];' = Drop, to let fall in drops or small portions, dropped, dropping,
nm].yat],lUit]:) = Libation, N. a pouring out of wine or other liquid in honor of a deity: pour out libations of blood,
yan]' Pat],yan]' Pat],pa}:pg},pqt]:w}.'Agk],kGL,'miUw];kGL,' = Leave, apart, left, never leave you,
yan]:'mak],sgk];yan]:'[mak],sgk];nUiw].nG];hqc]:Am],mI;nm].sac]kUt];kUt];Am]sG]:mak]sgk];nw]:'{ = Dry, lacking
taste, no juice oranges,
yan]piUc]:ham];la}' piUc]:ham];la}yan]k}' = Fall short, fail, flop, go without, let down,
lgc]:/ekL.ekL.nn].Sc]yw].{' = Grow cold, to wane; to lose interest or enthusiasm for something or someone,
yan],na};'[luk]:sa};yUw];Sqp]:El:pQn]AU:em,lKi'(luk].3;24){ = Jannai,[the son of Joseph, and father of Melki,],
yan];'[sUik]:Am],KQc]:'{(sUik]:yan];')(mUiw]:kLwaw],n}.mc]km];mn];lUw],yan];pg},pn]tc];wqn];tc];Sa})'= Slack, adj.
adv. N. not tight, taut, firm, or tense; loose: a slack rope,
yan];'[pn]sUik]:yan];hG]:mn];yan];yan];w}.'{(Sa}kI,tL,yan];)'= Slack, adv. N. in a slack manner, condition or part:
a slack guitar string ,
yan];' KUc]:' (Kt];-kgc],'kUc],')'mgc].' = Concave, hollow, (ant: convex,), incurved,
yan];'(sUik]:yan];etsn]KQc]:)' = Prone, sloping or tending downwards: to pull prone rope be tense,
yan];'yan];tUk];'yan];TUc],yUc].'[nc],tUw]yan];'{(nac];pum]yan];) = Flabby, adj. flaccid: flabby belly,
tUk];w}.')' = Sag, to sink or ben downward by weight: the roof sags; her skirt was sagging, sagged, sagging,
lL;')' = Prone, having a tendency: children who are prone to mischief; he is too prone to favoring,
yan];etL,'(luk]:Agn]Kw]sUiw];yan];etL,An]yL.AkYOw];lU.')' = Prone, having a tendency,(children who are
prone to mischief),
yan];pn]/sUik]:'[Am],w}.sUik]:KQc]:{= Slacken, to make or become looser or less taut, slackened, slackening,
yan];yan];'(fL./PL.mqp]:-)'[fL.mqp]:yan];yan];'{= Lightning,
yan];AUc].yUc].'[mUin]TUc]pL;'ygn],tUk];w}.'ygn],Agc],Ag}:'{ = Baggy, adj. baglike; hanging loosely,
yan];AUim]nUim];'KUc]:mgc].' = Concave surface,
yap],kac];'[nc]kqm]:cw]:kac];An]yan];/ygn],tUk];w}.nn].'{ = Jowl, N. a jaw, especially the lower jaw; the cheek,
yap],'kYam];' = Hard, hard pathways,
yap],' kYam];' kqn],' KQc]:Kqc]' = Hard, adj. harder, hardest,
yap],' yap],Piut],Kan]sG]' = Trouble,
yap],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)'[kUn];kw];{' = Trouble, N., (trouble maker,),
yap],' Kqc]' yap],yQn];Kan]sG]' hUw]Kqc]' = Tough, hard, inflexible, tougher, toughest,
yap],kac];wUw];'[kQn]nc]ygn],Agc],Ag}:w}.tG]:eKL:tUw]St];KUiw];wUw];'{ = Dewlap, N. a pendulous fold of skin under
the throat of a bovine animal,
yap],kin];sG]ta}epL;KG]:Agk],nn].lU;kgn],' = It almost knocks the wind right out of us,
yap],Kt];sam];' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Challenge, N., challenges,
yap],Kt];sam];AQn]hqc];tUw]kL,y'(lgc]:-'An]-') = Physical challenges,
yap],sQp];Kan]sG]' sQp];Kan]sG]nL,' = Painful, adj. difficult,
/An]-) = Hardship, N. a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering, hardships,
yap],tbk].Kha}.sL.mG];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Your bad things,
yap],Pibt],'yap],' = Difficult, adj.,
yap],Pibt],' yap],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Difficulty, N., difficulties,
yap],Piut],Kan]sG]'yap],'pn]tac];yap],'kw];'hQt];hG]:yap],' = Trouble, troubled, troubling,
yap],Piut],Kan]sG]' yap],'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Trouble, N.,
yap],Piut],nL,nn].' yap],nL,nL,' = That’s hard,
yap],yw].km];n}.' = Now that’s trouble.
yap],yw].mG];km];n}.' vL;kin]yw].mG];km];n}.' = You’re in trouble,
yap],yw].yap],liBw]Tqc]:' tUiw];yap],yQn];lUiw]mL;' = Harder,
yap],yQn];Kan]sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Hardship
yap],hbt].tin]hbt].mibw];w}.' = Harder on us,
yap],AUiw]:nn].' yap]:yw].nn].' yap],yw].AUiw]:nn].' = That’s trouble.
yam]:'yam]:tI:An]-'(yam]:kin]'(yam]:mI;'(yam]:hn]')= Used to, experienced: used to eat, have, or see something,
yam]:yin];nL,' muit]:hUmL;lg};lg};' = Become used to hearing,
yam]:yB,yam]:TBp];'yam]:' = Used to it,
yam]:l}:PUw]l}:em;' yam]:mI;PUw]mI;em;' = Have had husband or wife,
yam]:l}:hQt];'yam]:l}:pQn]/mI;'eK;etsac]:pQn]' = Might have,
yam]:hU.sk];' El.Sc],tac];etL,'= Acquaint, usually followed by with, acquainted, acquainting,
yam];'Kaw];yam];'= Time, system of those sequential relations that any event has to any other, as past, present, or future,
yam];'Kic],'mUiw]:'Kaw];yam];'Pgc];yam];'km];'pgk]:' = Time, N. adj.,
yam];'Kat]:yam];'m}.Kat]:yam];'An]Kat]:yam];' = Scaffold, N., scaffolding,
yam];12;15;30K (wa};wn];Sip];Sgc]mgc];pa}Sip];hL:mQt].pa}Sam]Sip];ES;kqn].')= Time 12:15:30pm
yam];7;30n (kac]nG]sQt];mgc];Kibc]:) = Time 7:30am,
yam];kw]' km];kw]' Kaw];yam];kw]' (n}.pQn]yam];/km];kw]lUw],hUiw]:lUc]w}.')' = My times, my time,
(This is my time to shine.),
yam];kac]nG]'wn];ca};'yam];ca};/sw]./nG]'(nG]n}.'nG]k}:'nG]nn].)= Morning, N.: this morning; that morning,
yam];kYam];liUw]sG]Sut];' = Harshest hour,
yam];kgc]:' yam];' = Gunpowder, an explosive, as of potassium nitrate, sulfur, and charcoal,
yam];Kqm].Kaw];lI' = Good time,
yam];sBw]:kqp].'yam];sUw]:kqp].sUw]:Kaw];' = Moment
yam];sUw]:kqp].km];kL:Kn]yG],' = Precious moments,
yam];sibw]:sG]:Sc],Tbk],' = Right time,
yam];Sam]el;'[yam];lip];Sam]pun]:elL;Tan]mI:nuic]:pun]:'{(yam];Sam]/hL:el;) = Saltpeter three
portions and charcoal one portion mixture: 5:1 mixture of Saltpeter and charcoal,
yam];tm];Kp].ma}' = Time line, schedule, timetable,
yam];tqt]:etL;sibw]:sG]:sBw]:km];Agn],nibc]:nn].' = Exact right moment,
yam];tbk].yap],Kan]sG]' = Hard time
yam];etL:lQw]' = Right now,
yam];TI;' yam];TI;epL.Agk],' = Tee time, (golf)
yam];TI;epL.kgp].f]' = Golf Tee Time, tee time,
lqc];wn];Sip];Sgc]sUw]:mgc];yU,huiw].?'(ygn]<'11;9')' = Tenth hour = 3to 4 pm.(Jn.1:39), (Daily Bible study –
hours of the day), The first hour = 6 to 7 am. The second hour = 7 to 8 am. The third hour = 8 to 9 am. The fourth hour = 9 to 10
am. The fifth hour = 10 to 11 am. The sixth hour = 11 am to 12 pm. The seventh hour = 12 to 1 pm. The eighth hour = 1 to 2 pm.
The ninth hour = 2 to 3 pm. The tenth hour = 3 to 4 pm. The eleventh hour = 4 to 5 pm. The twelfth hour = 5 to 6 pm. “ Are there
not twelve hours of daylight?(Jn.11:9),
0kn(Sam],mgc];kac]nG])etL,mUic];lqc];nn].'{'nL:k}Kn]mUic];lqc];' = Fourth watch of the night, Jewish
people actually divided the night into four sections and this is the last watch of the night: in today's time, this would come from
about 3:00am until day break., shortly before dawn,
yam];nL:fL.pac],mUic];lqc];mL;' = At break of day, right early, at the dawn of the morning,
yam];nL:mUic];etlqc];nG];mUic];ehLKm];Kuik].luik].lIAam];' = Dawn of an extraordinary kingdom,
yam];nL:mUic];wa},hLlqc];'(mUiw]:tQc]:Kiun];liuk];nn].huiw]Am],nn]yam];nL:mUic];wa},hLlqc];nn].') = Toward
daybreak: in the middle of the night or toward daybreak,
yam];n}' = Nowadays, at the present day, in these times,
yam];niuc]:km];niuc]:' miUw]:niuc]:Kaw];niuc]:' = Single time,
yam];mk];Kan];w}.pn]' = Time fixed for,
yam];mn];pUn].kGL,hiuc]' = Time passed by,
yam];ma}niuc]:' = First guard,
n];p},Kiun];Et,nn].) = Lapse, N. elapsed period: a lapse of ten minutes before the program resumed, lapses,
yam];mUiw]:sw]:hw];mL;'(!kgp]:pUiw]:wL:yam];mUiw]:sw]:hw];mL;n}.sm]yw]."@(kYQm];'5;8')' = Lord’s coming:
“because the Lord’s coming is near.”(James 5:8),
yam];miUw]:pan]tiuk].tqm]:Tm],mkYam];lik]:' = Bible times,
yam];mUiw]:JPL;sw]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]'(2ekL;6;2') = Time of God’s favor,
yam];yiUn].yL,pn]eKLeKL' = Special Forbearance,
yam];lp];Sic],sgm].hgm].'hBw]Km]:lp];Sic],sgm].hgm].'lqc];lp];Sic],sgm].hgm].' = Twilight, N.,
t]:wa};ha}kGL,lg};lg};'mUiw]:lp];Sic],kac]Kiun];PL,Kw]:SG],Sa}wn];lp];muit];ha}kGL,nn].'@(Tuc];7;9') = Twilight, N. at
twilight: ‘at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.’ (Prov.7:9),
,huic]{ = Potassium nitrate, N.(Chemistry) a crystalline compound, KNO3, produced by nitrification in soil, and used in
gunpowders, fertilizers, and preservatives; saltpeter; niter.,
yam];lQw]' yam];n}' = Now, at the present time or moment,
yam];lqt],Kiun]:Tqc]:wn];niuc]:' = Another sunrise,
yam];luiw]:' Kaw];luiw]:' = Recreation time, resting time,
yam];lG]?'Kic],lG]?'miBw]:lG]?' = When? What time?
yam];hac]:lIPgc];wn];sm]tUk];' kac]wn];tUk];' = Sunset, the sunsets,
yam];hac]:lIPgc];wn];sm]tUk];An]mG];sUm];ekYL,kYOik]:sG]' = Sunsets that you enjoy,
yam];hUk];sUw]:mgc];'(mgk]:Kaw];kac]wn];tQc]:tI:wQc];ey,ruSlqm],) = Sixth hour,
t]:wa};ha}kGL,lg};lg};'mUiw]:lp];Sic],kac]Kiun]; PL,Kw]:SG],Sa}wn];lp];muit];ha}kGL,nn].'@(Tuc];7;9') = Twilight, at
twilight: ‘at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.’ (Prov.7:9),
yam];huic]' tac];huic]'(w}.tac];huic]tL,huc]nn].Sgc]sUw]:mgc];El:)' = Timer, (Set the timer to cook for two hours.),
yam];An]Kin];w}.' Kaw];yam];An]Kin];w}.' = Appointed time,
yaw];' yaw];lUiw]'yaw];lUiw]Sut];'yaw];Sut];' = Long, adj., longer, longest,
yaw];' huic]' = Long, adj. N.,
yaw];'Suc]'(nac];yic];Suc]'(yUiw]:yaw];')(Kt];-tqm],'pgk];'Aqk];'pgt];') = Tall, adj.: a tall woman; tall grass, taller,
tallest, (ant: short)
yaw];sqt]:lqt]:'yaw];yaw];Agn],[hac]:SI,sQc],yaw];/yaw];mUn];tgt];ngt];'{ = Oblong, adj. elongated,
yaw];tat]:nat]:'[yaw];pUn].tI:pUn].lqn]El:Am],kYOik]:eSAit];{= Too long, too lengthy,
yaw];Et.yaw];wL:' = Long-drawn-out, (a long-drawn-out life)
yaw];Tt];kac]tUc],mUn];' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Diameter,
c];'{(Pqn],pgt];yaw];'lQk];lqm]:yaw];'Pqn],lin]yaw];Agn],'sL.kGL,')' = Strip, N. a narrow piece comparative ly long;
landing strip: a strip of cloth, metal, land, etc., strips,
yaw];lQp]:hgp]:'(yaw];lQp]:hgp]:=2nL:yaw];+2nL:kGac]:') = Perimeter, (P=2Length+2Width),
yaw];lUc]kGL,'[An]Suip],yaw];yaw];'KGak]:kGac]:yaw];kGL,'yaw];eSkqp]:'{ = Elongate, lengthen; extend; long and thin,
elongated, elongating, elongated, adj.,
yL' yLhG]:ha}' yLha}' sibn]:ha}Kqn];' = Cure, cured, curing,
yLkin]'[yL:yLAn]lUw],kin]tac];SUp];(Am],sG]:yLSm];)'{ = Medicine that is to be taken by mouth,
yLkin]Kw]:wan]'[yL:yL/yL:Kuiw],An]yUc];sG]hG]:KG]:kin]KG]:yqm].hG]:SUp];wan]{ = Appetizing medicines,
yLKat]:tL'yLygt],tL'[yL:yLAn]mip],SG],/ygt],yG],nG];hUv],tL'yLtLsQp];'{= Eye drops, N. eye-drops,
yLygt],hU'[ygt],yL:yLtL,SG],nG];hUeSyL'{ = Ear drops, N. medical drops for use in the ears,
yLKYL;tUik],'[yLAn]sac]:yL.mqc];mI;nG];S}:KUt];KUc];nG];kUn];nn].lqw]eStUk];{' = Vermifuge, N. adj.,
yLKYL;tgc].'[yL:yL/tac];kin]hQt];hG]:An]tgc].pik].nn].Sak]:SL,kGL,ha}kGL,'{'yLnuk]:tgc].'= Laxative, N. a
medicine or agent for relieving constipation,
yLcan];'[yL:yLtLyLnaw]can];nn].'{ = Medicine used for spotted fever,
yLEs:'[An]Es:nm]./lw]:eSAw]nm].mn];w}.hQt];yL:yL'{= Medicinal infusion,
:'emLp}'sL.kGL,'{ = Therapeutic, adj. also therapeutically; of or relating to the treating or curing of disease; curative,
yL/KUic]:sg}:yL'[KUic]:KUw];KUic]:lgn].mgn];An]sg}:yLpn]Puik];pn]'{ = Therapeutic, N. a therapeutic substance,
sG]m}:eKL;/Am],SL,sG]nn].{= Solace, N. comfort in sorrow, misfortune, or trouble; alleviation of distress or discomfort,
yLsG]'[Agn]:wgn];lw],sG]pn]/pgc],sG]pn]/pn]hqc];{ = Solace, to comfort, console, cheer, solaced, solacing,
yLSm];'[yL:yLAn]lUw],SG],KQm]Sm];nG];nUiw]./AQn]'{ = Medicine for using in injections,
yLSm];ham]:Eh.' lgc]:Sam];yLham]:Eh.' = Preventive vaccine or medicine,
yLSit];Kw]:KU:lc]'[pQn]la};yip];tuiw];yL:yLnm].Sit];/Sut]:/ygt],lt];Kw]:KU:lc]kGL,Aw]nn].{'= Nasalspray, N. a liquid medication that can be atomized and inhaled into or through the nose,
yLSuk]:sQp];'[An]Suk]:hG]:sQp];lgt]:mI;muc]:mqc];'{ = Antiseptic, adj. N. free from germs; an antiseptic agent,
yLSut],'[yL:yLSut],ep,lUm];mw];{yL:Sut],'= Inhalant, N. a medicine, allergen, or other substance that is inhaled,
yLtL,kin]pQn]sup]:'[yL:yLmk];ma}tm];pn]tL,kin]pQn]sup]:'{ = Prescription Drug,
yLtL;'nm].mn];tL;' = Salve, N. a medicinal ointment for healing or relieving wounds or sores: eye salve,
yLtL;sQp];'[yL:yLtL;hg};sQp];Kqn];El:Suk]:sQp];mUt];SG]mUc]:mqc];ta}'{= Antiseptic cream, an antiseptic agent,
yLtUc];'[yL:yLpun]:luk]:Agn],{ = Medicine for an emaciating disease of children,
yLtgc].lUm];' = Antacid, N. adj. an antacid agent; preventing, neutralizing, or counteracting acidity, as of the stomach,
yLnm].mn];'[Aw]nm].mn];hQt];yL:yLtL;/pw],/t}:'{ = Oil as medicine, sometime castor oil,
yLnm].mun];'(yLpIyL.)= Potion, N. a drink to have medicinal or magical powers: love potion; a sleeping potion,
yLnaw]'[yL:yLnaw]/nUiw].lUit],nUiw].m}:hG]:Kqn];'{ = Medicine for fever,
yLnLAm],hU.sQp];pQn]tI:'(Sm];yLnLAm],hU.sQp];tI:KQw]:)' = Local anesthesia,: dental anesthesia,
yLnLAm],hU.sQp];) = Anesthesia, N. (Medical) local anesthesia,
yLn}:KI:tUiw],'[AI:yLkin]tL,hG]:KI:tUiw],n}:eSAgk],pqt]:ca}:nn].{' = Expectorant, N. an expectorant medicine,
yLpeyL;k'[An]tUc].nuic]hQt];Sac]:/Kk].tgn]:yLpeyL;k'{ = Exorcism, N. the act or process of exorcising,
yLpeyL;k'[Aw]la};PL,SL,SL,SnL,/kL,TL,ehL:luip]:wivin],ha}.mUik]:/PUiw]./PIAgk],{' = Exorcise, to seek to
expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration or religious or solemn ceremonies, exorcised, exorcising, exorcize,
yLpn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Treatment, N. management in the application of medicines, surgery, etc.,
yLpn]' = Treat, cure, heal, treated, treating,
yLpk];KQm]hqc]:'[la};EK,yLtac];pQn]K}:naw]/Kt];/kUn].Kuin]:An]Aw]KQm]pk];sgm];tUw]Kic];'{= Acupuncture, N. a
Chinese practice or procedure that treats illness by the insertion of needles at specified sites of the body, Acupuncturist, N.,
yLpk];KQm]hqc]:'[Aw]KQm]hqc]:pk];tUw]Kic];yLerL;kL,tac];pQn]{= Acupuncture, acupunctured, acupuncturing,
yLpn]' yBt];yL' yUt];yLpn]' = Heal, healed, healing,
yLpIyL.'[yLnm].mun];KUn];sG]Kn];/hk].'{= Love potion, N. a magical potion believed to arouse love or sexual passion,
yLpgt]:muiw];'(Sqn]<niTa}.sL,)[KUic]:KUw];/nm].hQt];w}.tL,Aw]mqc];sUiw].tac];pQn]ta}'{ = Sanitizer, N. a
substance or preparation for killing germs,
yLyL.Aa}mQn]ha}'[kgn]:hgm]tL,tL:'nm].hgm]tL,Sit];/Pgk];hG]:Aa},mQn]ha}'{' = Deodorant, N., deodorant, adj.,
yLyQn];'[yLtL,Suk]:tL,tL;tI:sQp];tI:yQn];hG]:sQp];yQn];ha}'{ = Antiseptic, N.,
yLlup],yLAQn]'[la};sg}:yLPuik];hG]:nUiw].AQn]tc];lup],lIKiun]:eSl}:yU,lIpI;San];{ = Osteopathy, N. a
therapeutic system, osteopathic, adj., osteopathically, adv.,
yLluim];tUw]'[luim];tUw]luim];Kic];Am],hU.nUiw].{' = Anesthetic, N. a substance as halothane, procaine, or ether,
yLlUit]:'[yL:yLkin]tL,lUit]:mUt];SG]'{ = Blood-purifier,
yLwk]:sin];'[yL:yLSm];/Sit];/ygt],lt];Kw]:KU:lc]tL,Eh.erL;kL,w}.TL:{' = Vaccine, N.,
yLhak]:'[yL:yLkin]hQt];hG]:hak]:'{ = Emetic, N. adj. an emetic medicine or agent; causing vomiting,
yLhaw]'yLmin];'[yL:yLhaw]El:min];ta}'{= Delouse, N. to free of lice; remove lice from,
yLhqc];'yL:Kuiw],'[Kuiw],hak]:m}.hUw]m}.mG]m}.eSkin]nm].mn];hG]:pQn]Qn]pQn]hqc];{'= Tonic, N. adj. quinine water,
yLhUw]K}:'[yL:yLsg}:hG]:sQp];SL,'{ = Analgesic, N. adj. a remedy that relieves or allays pain,
yLhg};tqk],'[Aw]KUic]:yLSG],/Auit];hg};wqw],Tac]nm]/hU;lqc]:muit].nm]./lUm];'{ = Caul, to fill or close seams or crevices
of (a tank, window, etc.) in order to make watertight, airtight, etc.; to fill or close a joint as in a boat, caulked, caulking,
yLhg};tqk],hUiw];'[KUic]:yLhg};tqk],hUiw];yL,hG]:hUw]:/nm].suim];Kw]:'{= Caulk, N. also caulking, calk,
yLAm],ha}l}:' Am],yLl}:'Am],Kqn];l}:' Am],Kiun];l}:' = Incurable, not curable,
yL,'p},'yL,ep'Am],p},'Am],' = Not, adv. (used to express negation, denial, refusal, or prohibition),
yL,'[yL,hQt];' yL,ephQt];'{'yL,ep' = Don’t, Don’t do it; Do not do it,
yL,kw];sgm];mn];Sc]yw].'yL,tUiw].mn];'w}.mn];pqt]:hQt];nn]eSlL:' = Leave it alone,
;tik];' = Do not get stuck in a rut doing the same thing.
yL,kbp]:'[luk]:sa};A};sk].'wa};mL;hgc].wL:!AiSer;@nG];cw]:32;28'{ = Jacob,[a second son of Isaac,(Den 25:24-34)],
yL,kBw]eStBk];sG]Aw]'[Am],tUk];sG]KI:yan]:'Am],sG]tUk];'{ = Undaunted, adj. undismayed; not discouraged,
yL,kUw]An]mL;lgk],' yL,kUw]An]pUin]:lgk],' = Don’t be intimidated,
yL,kur'[wQc];mUic];yutpgt];san];him];lqn]lin]sap}AI<tum],'{(eyL;15;21') = Jagur, a town in southern Judah,
yL,kg}:hQt];' yL,PUm]:hQt];' = Don’t do it yet,
yL,Kam],' TQc]pqt]:' Am],Pgm].' Am],Kam],' Tqc]pak]:pqt]:' = Refuse,
yL,Kam],ta}' Am],ygm];ta}' Am],Kam],ta}' = Refused to die,
yL,/Am],Kam],pn]eKL:tgp],mn];' = Refused to answer,
yL,Kam],lat]:/mgk],' Am],Kam],lat]:' Am],Kam],mgk],' = Refused to talk,
yL,Kam]pn]m}:sG]' Am],Kam],pn]tac];m}:sG]KIsG]tQk];' = Refuse to worry,
yL,Kam],hp]./Aw]' Am],Kam],hp].' Am],Kam],Aw]' = Refused to receive,
yL,/Am],Kam],Agk],pa}:ygn];epL;pqt]:' = Refuse to quit,
yL,Kin],'[luk]:sa};SimYin],'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc],ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:46;10')' = Jakin, a form of Jachin,
!yL,cgk];Sa}.@' [Am],l}:cgk];kGL,Pa},Sa}.'{ = “No Left Turn”
!yL,cgk];p-Kiun];@'[Am],l}:cgk];pwin]hUw]Kiun];'{ = “No U-Turn”
yL,sun].ha}.nL,'yL,sun].ht];nL,'yL,ht];sun].nL,' = Don’t be risky,
yL,sU,'Pac]hiw]:'yg};'[yL,sU,/yg};yUw];yUw];mI;Pac]yg};Sc]Pac]mI;kn];yg};lin].yg};la}pgt];tgn]:{ = Weighing
balance, a manual parts are two pans, one plumb and a beam, scale,
yL,sU,'Pac]hiw]:'(yL,sU,EKelL;P') = Scale, N. instruments or devices for weighing; old scales, scales,
yL,sU,tc];Pac]hiw]:man],Suiw]:yUw];' = Honest scales and balances,
yL,sU,Pac]hiw]:man],Suiw]:yUw];tc];mak],luk]:Kn]man],' = Honest scales and honest weights,
nn].hg}:ygn],lUc];/tac],nUiw]mn];eShiw]:nm].nk];mn];{'yL,sU,tac],' = Plumb scales,
yL,sU,Am],Kiuc]:Am],yUw];'(Tuc];11;1) = Dishonest scales, false balance,
yL,sU,kgn];kUic]:'[kgn];kUic]:'{ = Unbalanced scale, unbalanced,
yL,es,l'[luk]:sa};np].Tla};'pU,mgn],kUn];KUiw];yL,es,l'{(cw]:46;24')= Jahziel, a son of Naphtali, Jahzeel,
yL,sUiw]<'[wQc];kUn];KUiw];AL,emL;r}.mI;tp].Kam],tuik];EKw}.pn]'{(TUin],21;32')' = Jazer, a fortified Amorite city,
yL,sG]Aw]'(yL,sG]Aw]lL:AUiv];km];n}.Et.ekL:yL,mn];El:)= Forbear, forbore, forborne, forbearing,
yL,Sup].'[luk]:sa};AiSKL,'suiw]:sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:46;13')' = Jashub, a son of Issachar,
yL,/Am],SU:k}.'Am],SU:k}.pQn]/mI;/hQt];' = Seldom, rarely, infrequently, not often, (ant: more often),
L;Sulw]:lat]:tac],Tuic]tI:lqt],El:lUin]mUiw]:pQn]pac]Suik];tuik];wQc];kipYin],nn].'{(eyL;10;12-13')= Jashar, a form
of Jasher; Book of Jashar, an ancient collection of verse, now lost, which described great events in the history of Israel. The book
contained Joshua’s poetic address to the sun and the moon at the battle of Gibeon,
yL,SU:k}.El,sL;'(yL,k}.El,sL;tI:hUin];t};ekL.mG];nL,Pqw]')' = Seldom set foot, Don’t visit too often,
yL,tk];SQc]'yU,tQt],tQt],'(yU,tQt],tQt],&yL,tk];SQc]yL,lat]:kGam];')= Quiet, adj. be quiet: Be quiet!
Don’t say a word,
yL,tUv];' = Don’t look, No look,
@(Pi2;4) = Do not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others,
yL,etL.Et.SU;tgc];hG]:l}:pQn]KL:sG].lIlUiw]n}' = Don’t just pray to become a better slave,
yL,tgn].'Am],tgn].yam]:eSpgk]:' Am],tgn].' = Never,
yL,tgc];mat]:ma}w}.lgc]:sUiw];l}:Pit];sG]' = Cease recalling disappointments,
yL,Tgk]:etL,nL:PG]'Am],Tgk]:etL,nL:PG]' = Does not regard a person with favor,
yL,nim];'[wan]:nG];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;53') = Janim, a village in the hill country of Judah; Janum,
yL,nqt]:' lg};lg};' lg};lg};yL,nqt]:' = Slow down,
yL,nqt]:pqt]:' yL,eppqt]:' = Do not throw away; Don’t throw it out,
2Kun]15;29') = Janoah, a town in northern Naphtali, in upper Galilee,
yL,nUw];hL,'[wQc];tI:lqn]lin]sap]:AI<Prim],pgt];hgc],'{(eyL;16;6') = Janohah, town border of Ephraim; Janoah,
yL,ngm];ygm];kan].eSpgk]:'(kgp]:pUiw]:n}El:sc],wL:hw];etAm],ngm];ygm];kan].eSpgk]:')= Never surrender:
That’s why we will never surrender,
yL,pk];tLyk].tUv];kw]w}.'(SL,39;13')'[yk].tUv];tac],tac];k}k}kw](yUp]7;19'){ = Look away from
me; turn your gaze away from me,
yL,pn]'KGac].pn]'[pg},yL,pn]'Ek:pg},tac];Pit];'{ = Pardon, N. remission, amnesty,
)l}:kU:ekL.') = Pardon, forgive; being paid for: the US president can pardon anyone, pardoned, pardoning,
yL,pn]kw]KL:Pat],sw]:eSAit];' = “Don’t cast me from your presence…”(Psalm 51:11),
L,eS,' = Don’t let them see your step, but always have an escape plan.
yL,pn]Kaw];yam];pUn].pqt]:la}la}' sQw];hQt];sQw];yw].' = Don’t waste the time,
yL,pn]Sc]:tUiw].sQp];sG]wivin],mUt];sac],JPL;sw]:' = Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God,
yL,pn]nm].sG]Ep.ygm]kqc],cqc]:nn].yc],hak]:mn];' = Don’t let the skinny mentality take root.
yL,pn]PG]hU.'(yL,tgn].pn]PG]hU.sgm];)' = Let no one know, :Never let no one know,
yL,pn]f};mn];mgt],' = Don’t let the fire go out,
= Don’t let your past conforms you but let God,
l}:kU:ekL.') = Pardon, forgive; being paid for: the US president can pardon anyone, pardoned, pardoning,
yL,pn]sG]tUk];'[w}.sG]Kqc]Kqc]'{ = Don’t lose courage, Keep your shin up,
yL,pn]nk];sG]' yL,epnk];sG]sgm];' = Take it easy,
AUiw]:"mn];sw]:etKw]:Ek:EKsg}:pn]mG];yU,") = Don’t let water come into your boat,
=“Rid the earth of him! He’s not fit to live!”(Acts 22:22),
yL,pin]<'[Kun]ehLKm];hsUw]<AL;'{(eyL;11;1') = Jabin, a king of Hazor,
yL,pqt].lqn]tUw]sw]:kw],'(!yL,pqt].lqn]tUw]sw]:kw],'@(1ekL;6;7')' = Do not be deceived,
yL,pn]hUiw],tqk],kgp]:mn];'[yL,epm}:sG]/sG]tUk];sG]SQc]:kgp]:mn];'{ = Don’t sweat it, (Idiom) Don’t worry or
stress about it,
yL,pn]hG]:pQn]' yLhG]:l}:pQn]' yL,pn]pQn]' yL,pg},mn];pQn]' = Don’t let it be,
yL,pqt].SkiliAqt]:[wQc];kUn];KUiw];kiliAqt]:{(Sin]21;8'1Sqm];31;11') = Jabesh Gilead, a town of Gilead,
yL,pu'[!mG]putL;Tun]ehL,mak],mu'SL;es;'yL:AUm]'mgk],el;vac];'sL.kGL,'tL,AUm]nn].'@{= Betel leaf wrap,
yL,epkUw]' = Don’t be afraid,
yL,epkUw]epEh'yL,kUw]' = Do not fear,
yL,epkUw]eSpgk]:' yL,epKI:yan]:lL;lL;' = Never be afraid
yL,epkUw]'yL,kUw]& = Don’t be afraid, do not be afraid, fear not, do not fear,
yL,epkGL,Km]w}.yU,tI:An]pUn].mL;wn];Agn]nn].' = Don’t get stuck in the past,
yL,epkGL,hLlqn]:yg}:lm];sgm];lc]Kw]lL;lL;' = “Do not of running after them.”(Lk.17:23,),
!yL,epKw]:@' =“Do Not Enter”
yL,epKam],ygm];kan].' = Refuse to give up,
yL,epsG]tUk];'yL,pn]sG]tUk];'yL,tUk];sG]' = Do not be discouraged, neither be dismayed,
= “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely.”(Luke 3:14)
yL,eptUk];sG]Aam];' = Don’t be surprised,
yL,eptUiw].sa};Agn],nn].' = Do not lay a hand on the boy.
yL,epTac],wL:' = Don’t think--,
yL,epTQc]sgm];lgc]:An]Am],RKL,Sc]nn].' = Quit arguing thing that doesn’t matter,
yL,epnk];sG]sgm];' yL,pn]nk];sG]' = Take it easy,
yL,eppn]kGam];yc],sG]SUlU.lqw]' = Do not break your oath,
yL,eppn]SUp];mG];PG];' yL,epSUp];PG];' = Don’t be quick with your mouth,
Don’t let the regrets of yesterday destroy the hopes of tomorrow.
!yL,eppUn].Pa},pun].An]tqm]:ma}w}.nn].'@(1ekL;4;6') = Do not go beyond what is written.
yL,epemL;/emL;Em;'yL,tk];SQc]'yL,lat]:kGam];Sc]'yU,yQn]yQn]yL,emL;' = Be quiet!
yL,epybm].piBw].AL;lL;wB;SG],lgc]:kam],ha}.kBn];Kt];mG];nn]. = Don’t gloat over your rival’s
yL,eplat]:nm]' yL,epSUp];nm]' yL,lat];kGam];nm]' = Don’t talk too much.
yL,epliup]:pak]:pqt]:luk]:Agn]Kw]Tqc]:eSpgk]:' = Never turn children away,
yL,epluim];Kuk];sG]l}:hw];nL:' = Don’t forget to remember me.
yL,eplUik]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]sp];Pa},kUn];Pan]ekL.pQn]Amunn].'(Agk],23;3')= Show favoritism to
poor person, be partial to a poor man; countenance: do not show favoritism to a pooer person in lawsuit, or do not slant your
testimony in favor of a person just because the person is poor; nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his dispute,
yL,eplUic];eSlam];lim];wL:hQt];SG],Kw]Kiun];' = Don’t be rude and inconsiderate back to them,
yL,epw}.StieKYL.Pa},lBlgm]kbm];Tic];nn].eSkm];" = Don’t let your guard down,
yL,ephQt];kUn];hLtac];Pit];' = Do not be a fault finder,
yL,ephQt];Sc]tI:mn];eSmQw];' = Do not do anything to him.
yL,ephqc].KG]:man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:nL,' = Do not be over-righteous.(Ecc.7:16,),
yL,epAup],lUc]' Ew:An]Aup],lUc]nn].El:' = Avoid vain talk,
yL,pa}:pqt]:epL;pqt]:lL;lL;' yL,pa}:pqt]:epL;pqt]:eSpgk]:' = Never quit,
yL,epL;pqt]:' yL,pa}:pqt]:' yL,pa}:pqt]:epL;pqt]:' = Don’t quit,
yL,pgc]TUic];'(yL,pgc]TUic];tL,kGL,tI:nn]:eSSim];Aw]nn].'(Sin]18;9')= Don’t hesitate or delay: Don’t
hesitiate or delay to go there and take it over or to possess it,
yL,pg},PL:pqt]:hqc];AL,nL,mG];' = Don’t give away your power,
yL,pg},PL:muiw];kw]pqt]:eSpgk]:' = Never let go of my hand, never let me go,
yL,Plqt].'[luk]:sa};hI;pL;'kUn];KUiw];AL;SYL;ekL.nuic]:'{(1puin];7;32') = Japhlet, a son of Heber, an Asherite,
yL,PL:' yL,wac];' = Hang on, to hold, cling to, to keep a telephone line open,
yL,PL:pqt]:pun]:pac]:Pgn];lImG];nn]lL;lL;' = Don’t put your stakes down,
yL,Piy'[Kun]ehLKm];mUic];lLKit].'{(eyL;10;3') = Japhia, a king of Lachish,
yL,PUm]:hQt];'yL,kg}:hQt];' = Don’t do it yet,
El:)= Don’t do it yet!,(atn: Do hurry up,)
yL,mn];eS' (epL;etlat]:ham].lUic];lUic];n}wL:!tUic];Em:mn];lL:@n}yw].')'tUic];mn];lL:' = Let it be,
yL,mn];El:' yL,emL;sgm];mn];' = Let her alone, leave her alone!,
yL,mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]!AUw]eK@yU,' = That’s okay,
yL,mat]:SGac];kin]kUn];Kt];Tt];Sac]sUiw];nn].' = Ignore the critics,
yL,mL;kw];kw]'pn]kw]yU,eKLeKLekL.lQw]El:' = Leave me alone,
yL,mL;sm]' yU,k}k}El:' Ew:k}k}El:' = Stay away,
yL,mL;Suk].Sk].kw]'yL,epkw];kw]' = Don’t bother me,
yL,min],'[luk]:sa};SimYin],'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sam]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:46;10')' = Jamin, a son of Simeon,
yL,min],'[luk]:sa};SimYin],'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sam]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],{(Agk],6;15')' = Jamin, a son of Simeon,
yL,mut].'[suiw]:wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;10;3') = Jarmuth, the name of two cities in the Old Testament,
yL,m}:sG]hw];ettUv];eShQt];kGL,l}Sc]wL:..' = Don’t worry, we will figure out if,
yL,emL;' yL,SUp];nm]' yL,emL;Em;' = Shut up,
yL,yuiw]:yuit];' yL,hUic]:kUic];Pa},lG]' = Don’t waver,
nn].'{(yL,ygn];yim]wn];lqt],lImn];'pUiw]:nL:fL.mn];eK;etsac]:cuip];Sw]:')' = Don’t borrow from its
sunshine: Don’t borrow from its sunshine, for its skies may turn to gray,
yL,ygm];kan].' = Don’t give up,
yL,lUm].van],mn];' = Don’t be trapped,
yL,El;l'[luk]:sa};sqp].pYOln],ekL.TUn]:Sam]'{(cw]:46;14')' = Jahleel, the third son of Zebulun,
yL,luim];Aw]' = Don’t forget to take or keep,
yL,wL:epL;wa};eSn}.eSnn].kgn],n}Sc]yU,yw].' = Stop saying only after this or that,
yL,wL:mn];l}:la}la}' yL,Tac],wL:mn];mL;l}:l}ala}kUv];' = Don’t take it for granted.
Don't think you can have something or enjoy everything for free, without paying anything.,
t];sG]KL:nL:'@)= I beg your pardon; Pardon me, used to express polite apology: “I beg your pardon for intruding”,
yL,wa},kgc]lc]pa}:pqt]:eSpgk]:' Am],wa},kgc]lc]pa}:pqt]:eSpgk]:' = Never turn back,
yL,hk].PG]hk].hw];kUv];nL:'[hk].hw];kUv];nL:yL,hk].PG]'{ = Don’t go on loving anybody but me.
yL,hat].'[wQc];lin]hqc]:hUit],hUit],nG];mUic];mUw];Aqp],'{(TUin],21;23') = Jahaz, a city of the wastelands of Moab,
yL,hLKG]:Ew:hUw]'epL;pqt]:An]El,hLKG]:ygn];lgt]:nn].eSEl:' = Quit making excuses.
kw];pUin]:nn].{' = Mind your own business, (MYOB)
yL,hLtac];km].sg}:'hLekL.km].sg}:pn]nn].El:'@ =“Don’t seek provision. Seek the provider.”
yL,hQt];' yL,ephQt];' yL,' = Do not, don’t, don’t do it,
!yL,hQt];sUic].n}Tqc]:'@(luk].22;51')' =“No more of this!”(Luke 22:51,),
yL,hqc].m}:sG]sgm];kw]nL,Pqw]' = Don’t worry too much about me,
yL,hqc].lUiw]nL,'(mn];Am],pgc],RKL,Sc]lUc]n}.'hQt];Sc]El:mG];hqc].lUiw]nL,epL;tan],n}.ekL:Am],hU.')' = Don’t
be so dramatic: It’s no big deal. I honestly don’t see why you’re being so dramatic,
yL,hUn]lc]' = Don’t go backward.
k],yuk].tac],Puin].PU;lgc]:emLkum];Tic];tUw]sG]sw]:kw],/hG]:mI;puin].Kam],ma}mI:lIn}nn].'{ =“Don’t ring the
bell”, don’t quit, we rather have to be responsible, to develop self-control or discipline,
!yL,ehL:Kam]:pUn].@' = “Do Not Pass”
yL,h}:' tQt],El:yL,h}:&' yL,eph}:tQt],El:' = Don’t cry,
lIkGL,tik];tik];n}'{' =“Never tire of doing what is good.” “Do not grow weary of doing good.”,
yL,hG]:'yL,hG]:l}:pn]pQn]' = Don’t let it be,
yL,hG]:kw]l}:kuit];pqt]:An]hk].mG];nn].' = Don’t make me stop loving you.
yL,hG]:kw]l}:pg},mG];kGL,pqt]:' = Don’t make me let you go.
yL,hG]:l}:Kam],Agn]Pit];tac];pUic]:tac];[yL,pn]lUm];ygc],SUepL,'{'(1ekL;6;7')' = Do not be misled,
Do not be fooled; Don’t fool yourselves,
yL,hG]:l}:pQn]KL:sG].kUn];'(1ekL;7;23')' = Do not become slaves of human beings or men,
yL,hQt];miUn]Kw]' = Do not be like them,
yL,hQt];Am],mat]:SGac];kin]Kw]nL:"emLhQn];hU.eSnqt]:hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];tL."= Don’t
ignore it. Learn to be quickly to obey.
yL,hG]:'yLhG]:l}:'yL,pn]hG]:'yL,ephG]:'yL,ep'[yL,ephQt];{ = Let not, don’t,
yL,hG]:kw]l}:pg},PL:mG];pqt]:'yip];muiw];kw]w}.eSAw]kw]lt];Kam]:pUn].kGL,El:' = Don’t make
me let you go. Hold my hand and carry me through.
yL,hG]:kw]l}:pG].eA.&' = Don’t make me wait!
yL,hG]:ngc].mgc];huic]' = Let me not longing for so long,
yL,hG]:pQn]nI:pQn]Kgt],eSAn]' = Get rid of debt,
yL,hG]:epL;l}:yap],sG]sw]:kw],eSkm];' = Don’t trouble yourself, Trouble not thyself,
yL,hG]:mG];l}:pQn]nn]El:' = Don’t let that be you.
yL,Aw]SG],sG]'yL,Aw]yL,yUic]:'[yL,/Am],Tgm],Aw]SG],sG]'yL,mat]:SGac];kin]'{ = Take no notice of,
pay no attention to; ignore; to disregard; overlook,
yL,Aw]Kw]SG],sG]Sc]'(mn];Am],Aw]Kw]SG],sG]Sc]')' = Pay them no mind, (He paid them no mind.),
!yL,Aw]nn].mL;kgc]SG],tUw]"nn].Am],sG]:lgc]:mG];"mn];pQn]pYSnL,Kw]hc];Kw]kUv];"@= “Don’t
take it personally. It’s not about you. It’s their problem.”
yL,Aw]yL,yUic]:Kw]' = Take no notice of them,
yL,Aic]An]mG];hU.pgc],sG]w}.hc];kUv];mG];nn].kUv];'(Tuc];3;5') = Lean not on your own understanding: Trust
in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; (Proverbs 3:5)
yL,AI;lUmn];'[yL,mI;/w}.sG]AI;lU,mn];Sc]'yL,wL:tL.lIAI;lUlL:n}Sc]'{ = Show him/her no pity,
yL:'yL:mw];km]' = Drug, N., illicit drug,
yL:Ek:' yL:Ek:kgc].' = Antidote, a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison, disease, etc.,
yL:KUm]lUc]'yL:KUm]'[huc]kin]nm].yL:KUm]epL;kin]yw].SUp];wan]{' = Chiretta, a plant (Agathotes Chirayta)
found in Northern India, having medicinal properties to the gentian and esteemed as a tonic and febrifuge,
yL:Kuiw],'[Kuiw],hak]:m}.hUw]m}.mG]m}.eSkin]nm].mn];hG]:pQn]Qn]pQn]hqc];{' = Tonic, N.,
yL:sG]nim]'[yL:kin]/yL:Sm];'{ = Sedative, N. a sedative drug or agent,
yL:SIKQw]:'[nm].AUn]AUn]SG],sgm];m}.SIKQw]:eSTUw];KQw]:pgt]:KQw];'{= Toothpaste, N. a dentifrice in form of paste,
yL:Sut],'[AI:yLmQw];An]Sut],Kw]:hU;KU:lc]'{ = Inhalant, N. adj. a medicine or allergen that is inhaled,
yL:Sum],'[yL:yLSG],nm].Aun],Sum],Aap],Aa}mn];'{ = Medicine or herbs used for a steam bath,
yL:eS;'[yL:lqc]Sg};w}.eS;eS;nn].'{ = Fine tobacco,
yL:tL;tqk],'[yLtL;muiw];tL;tin],hG]:nUiw].nc]eKYL;lI'{ = Hand lotion,
yL:tL;SI,SUp];'yL:tL;pak],'[pUic]lUc]pQn]mn];tL,tL;SUp];mI;SIes;mQw];{' = Lipstick, N., lipsticks,
yL:tL;nL:'[yLtL;nL:hG]:nUn];num],eKYL;hac]:lI'{ = Face lotion,
mUiw]:kw],kU:pgk]:k}.Aw]hQt];yL:yLKuiw]KYL.tUik],/yLesL.ngc]sQp];yQn];ha}nn].'{' = Wormwood, N. any low shrub
of the genus Artemisia, a bitter, aromatic plant, of the old world, used as a vermifuge and a tonic,
yL:tg},hup],'[tUn]:Agk],tI:m}:mI;mG]pYL;kic],kU:epL;tUiw].mn];tup],sp];kn]kGL,'{= Sensitive plant, N. also called humble
plant, Mimosa pudica,
yL:ngn];'yL:luim];tUw]'[yL:sG]nim]'{ = Hypnotic, N. adj. an agent or drug that produces sleep; sedative,
yL:pac];'[yL:pc];n}.pQn]An]pL;nG];Sa}ma}yL:mw];km]pQn]mG]tUn]:pan],mQw];nuic]:Aw]kqn]hQt];lqn];yL:eSlut],'{' =
Cannabis, marijuana or marihuana,
yL:pac];hQt];yL:yL' = Medical Marijuana,
yL:Pygc];'mn];Ag};mqn].hgm]'[nm].mn];hgm]tL,tL;ngk]:tUw]sgm];nc]kUn];hw];{= Ointment, N. balm; unguent,
yL:Pin],' yL:lm]' yL:mw];km]'yL:Pin]lip];' = Opium, narcotic,
yL:Pin],PUik],' = Heroin, N.,
yL:Pin],hQt];yL:yL' = Medical Opium,
yL:Pqt]:'[yUiw]:yL:nG];pL,Agk],pQn]ekL:'{ = Earliest kind of grass,
yL:Pgc]hgm]' Pgc]yL:hgm]' nm].hgm]' mn];hgm]' = Spices,
yL:m' yL:mw];km]' = Methamphetamine, illicit drug, narcotic drug,
yL:mw];km]'[epL;kin]/SU,/Sm];n}sac]:mw];mUin]yL:lm]yL:Pin],nn].{' = Opioid, N. any opium like substance,
yL:mw];km]' = Narcotic, illicit drug, cocaine, dope, morphine, opium, opiate,
yL:mw];km]' = Illicit drug,
= Marijuana, the dried leaves and female flowers of the hemp plant, used in cigarette form as a narcotic or hallucinogen,
yL:mqt].Aqm]fqt].tmin];' [nG];mUic];t};hgc].wL:!yL:m@n}ekL:wL:'{ = Methamphetamine,
a central nervous system stimulant, C 1 0 H 1 5 N, used clinically in the treatment of narcolepsy, hyperkinesia, and for blood
pressure maintenance in hypertensive states: also widely used as an illicit drug,
t];pgt];'(yL:mUic];ham];km]n}.Am],mI;mgk],')'{ = Weed having a round leaf and white blossom,
yL:mUiw],' cUn].' kgc].' = Poison, N., toxin, N.,
n]:mG]mak],ekL,mnuic]:pun]:El:tc];hak]:Kic]Kuic]:pun]:Ait],Pgc]elL;kn]kin]pQn]yL:yLSlUik]:{' = Witch-hazel,
yL:yL'(mak],hUw]sG]emLeyL;Aam];n}.pQn]yL:yLlIpL;nuic]:)= Medicine, A cheerful heart is good medicine(Pr.17:22),
yL:yL' AI:yL' = Drug, N., drugs,
yL:yLKuik].tgn];' hQt];hG]:Kqm].TUn];TI;tI:sap]:hQt];yL:yL' = Excel in medicine,
yL:yLtL;Kt];' = Pain relief gel, pain relief ointment,
yL:yLtL,kin]pQn]sup]:'[yL:yLmk];ma}tm];pn]tL,kin]pQn]sup]:'{ = Prescription drugs,
yL:yLtgc].pup]:'[epL;kin]mn];Aw]lUm];tgc].pup]:tgc].kG]:nn].Piw],pqt]:eSygm];kGL,{ = Carminative, N.,
n]:kUn];SUn]mL;sQm]mUiw]:kgn],kgn],nn].'{' = Herbal medicine, N., medical herbs,
yL:yLlIwa};nG]'[yL:yLkin]Eh.Am],hG]:sp];tgc].'{ =“Morning after pill”(Plan B morning after pill),
yL:yLlup],yLAQn]' = Osteopathic medicine,
t],pQn]Pgc]pgc];elL;kn]kin]'{'yL:yLPgc]' = Herb, N. allow, herbs,
yL:yLhUw]K}:'[yL:yLkin]{'yLkUn].Kuin]:/KQw]:sQp];' = Pain relief tablets,
yL:yLAn]Am],mqn]:'[yL:yLAn]Am],mqn]:/Am],Tuk],nUiw].lUit]:{'= Medicine allergy,
yL:ygm].'[An]ygm].pn]SItI:tUw]kUn];/St];/tUn]:m}./mgk],sUiw];nn].{' = Pigment, N. a coloring substance,
yL:ygm].'nm].yL:ygm].' = Dye, N. a liquid containing a coloring matter for cloth, paper, etc.; a coloring material,
yL:ygm].SUp];lqc]' mun]:kqm]:Kgc],' = Rouge, N.,
yL:lqc]' yL:lqc]Kiun],'(yL:eS;/yL:kYam];) = Tobacco, acrid tobacco: fine or rough tobacco,
yL:wUw];mUiw],'[yUiw]:yL:epL;wUw];/kGa};vL;kin]n}pQn]kgc].mUiw],'{ = Weed poisonous to cattle,
n}.Aw]Pqt];nm].mUiw]:hQt];pg};sgm];Tuc];sam],nn].'{hit].Sup].' = Hyssop, N., Aromatic plant belonging to the genus
Hyssopus, of the mint family, having clusters of small blue flowers, whose twigs were used in ceremonial sprinkling,
yL:hUt];SL;ha}'yL:tL;SL;ha}' = Mold killer, mold killer spray; mold killer paint,
yL:hUt];SL;ha}'= Fungicide, N. a substance or preparation, as a spray or dust, used for destroying fungi; mold killer,
yL:Aap],'[nm].mn];hgm]/mG]/tUn]:Aw]tUm]:nm].Aun],Aap],'{ = Herbal steam bath,
yqp].w}.Aw]Ait],eSyip];sG].l}:pQn]Pgc]/nm].wan]tL,tac];kin]El:Aw]elL;yL:yLl}:{' = Horseradish, N. a
cultivated plant, Armoracia rusticana, the pungent of this plant, ground and used as a condiment and in medicine,
l:sG].tL,kum];kgn];w}.sG]KG]:kin]KG]:yqm].nn].eSyL,hG]:pI;nL,nn].{' = Amphetamine, a racemic drug, C 9 H 13
N, that stimulates the central nervous system: used chiefly to lift the mood in depressive states and to control the appetite in
yL;lam],'[luk]:sa};AI<eSL;'{(cw]:36;5'18') = Jalam, a son of Esau, Jaalam,
yL.'[Aw]S}:KUc];nG];Agk],pqt]:'{(yL.k},) = Eviscerate, disembowel: to eviscerate chicken, eviscerated,
yL.'yL.Puc];lu'[Am],yUw],eS,'{(yL.Puc];kzc];pik]:man],lu)' = Desecrate, profane: desecrate the temple,
yL.'yL.pqt]:'yL.mgt],pqt]:' = Cancel,
= Cancel, erase; delete; annul: to cancel a meeting; to cancel a hotel reservation, cancelled, cancelling,
lUt];'lUt];pn]'(lUt];nI:')yL.mgt],pqt]:' = Cancel, to eliminate or offset (a debit, credit, etc.): cancelling
debts, cancelled, cancelling,
yL.' yL.lU.pqt]:' = Abolish, abolished,
yL.' yL.lU.pqt]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Abolition, eradication, elimination, nullification, annihilation,
yL.' lqw]' yL.lbkw];lqw]'yL.kg}' = Destroy, destroyed,
yL.' yL,Pat],kn]' Tgt],pqt]:'(yL.hiUn];kw],'yL.hUc];tiUk]:kw],') = Demolish, destroy, ruin,
yL.' yL.lu' yL.lqw]' yL.kg}' = Mar, to damage or spoil, to disfigure,
yL.' hbk].tuit].Tbp].lqw]pqt]:' Aw]lqw]' ht].' kUn],' epL.lqw]' hk];' = Break,
yL.'Kuin]'Kiun];'mgt],'lit]:'= Undo, to reverse the doing of; earse; efface; destroy; to untie or loose; to open, undid,
yL.kti'ktilu' = Break a promise, broke one’s promise,
yL.kw];' kw];' kit],' Sc]:tiUw].' = Disturb, disturbed, disturbing,
yL.kw];kUn];sG]piw]yan]Pat],pqt]:tI:kan]lUw],hQt];hG]:mn];yw].nn]." = Distract people
from tasks needing to be done,
yL.kw];mG];' Sc]:tiBw].ygn]:mG];' kw];mG];' tw]' = Disturb you, disturb,
n]tac];ekYL,tac];sUm];') = Nuisance, N.(Law) something offensive or annoying to individuals or to the community,
especially in violation of their legal rights: That’s more nuisance than pleasure,
yL.kw];yuc]:'[An]sG]lusG]mL:'tw]kw];yuc]:'{ = Perturb, to throw into great disorder; derange; agitate; to
disquiet greatly in mind, perturbed, perturbing, perturbation, N.,
yL.kw];yuc]:'[An]yL.kw];nG];Puc]fL.(An]mI;nUiw]fL.kac]haw])yuc]:'An]sG]lusG]mL:'{ = Perturb, (Astronomy) to
cause perturbation in the orbit of (a celestial body), perturbed, perturbing,
yL.eKL:Pgm].' = Break the terms, break the terms of agreement,
yL.saw];sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],Kw]mUiw];nL:nn].Sut];KUit];kUn];Kw]pqt]'(SL,21;10)' = Destroy
their posterity from mankind,
yL.sG]'yL.sG]lu'(!epL;wL:hQt];huiw]ekL:mn];etAm],Kam],pn]PG]yL.sG]mn];yw].n}ekL:'...@'(man],21;14') =
Dissuade, to deter by persuasion: When he would not be dissuaded, dissuaded, dissuading,
yL.sG]' yL.sG]lu' = Discourage, to dissuade from,
yL.Ser,'(Aw]tUw]Kic];Kw]nc],kn]yL.Ser,kn]nn].)' = Degrade, dishonor: degrading of their bodies with
one another, degraded, degrading,
yL.eS,er,' = Disparage,
c];JtL;En,?"@(yUp]40;8')= Discredit, to injure the credit or reputation of; defame: “Will you discredit my justice? Would
you condemn me to justify yourself?, discredited, discrediting, discredit, N.,
yL.Ser,lu' = Defamatory, adj. containing defamation, defamatorily, adv.,
yL.Ser,lu'(sac]:pQn]tac];Pit];rL,swUt]:/SI;l]wI;/tc];nc],kn]) = Libel, defame, defamation,
slander, (can be criminal or civil or both cases: in the us it is civil, only 17 states recognizes it as criminal)
yL.Ser,lb'[An]yL.luAm],nn]hQt];hG]:lgc]:sqt]:sac],mn];ygm];nn].{' = Blemish, blemished,
yL.Ser,lu'(lgc]:-) = Defame, defamation, dishonor, disgrace, malice, libel, slander,
yL.Sqt]:sL,' = Break a solemn oath or promise,
nac];') = Broken faith with, has dealt deceitfully with; unfairness to: he has dealt deceitfully with or broken faith with
her; his unfairness to her,
yL.tp].Kqn],Kam],tuik];sUiw];nn].pqt]:' = Breaking strongholds,
yL.tw]kw];yuc]:'(yL.tw]kw];yuc]:suic]:kUn];)' = Disorder, breach of order, public disturbance,(civil disorder),
yL.tw]kw];yuc]:suic]:kUn];' = Civil disorder,
yL.tw]kg}' yL.tw]lqw]' yL.tw]' = Undermined, to injure or attack or weaken or destroy,
yL.tw]tac];hU.kuc],JPL;lqw]' = Undermine piety,
yL.tw]lqw]'[yL.lu/mc]/hQt];hG]:kUn],pc];tUk];nn].'{ = Undermine, undermined, undermining,
yL.tw]lqw]'(yL.tw]suic]:mUic];hw];lqw])' = Subvert, to overthrow, cause the downfall: subverting our nation,
yL.tw]lgc]:Pgm].hUm]:lqw]' = Undermine unity,
yL.tqk],ya}:Pat],EPkn]' hQt];hG]:Am],Kw]:kn]' = Divisive, adj.,
yL.Tat]:sG]' (Kt];kn]tc];-pn]hqc];sG]') = Discourage, (ant: encourage)
yL.Tgn]Agk],' yL.Pat],kn]' (yL.Tgn]Agk],SQn]:Sa}kUn];pL;kn]Pit];sum];yG],sum];lUc]) = Dismantle,
breakdown, demolish,(dismantle a massive conspiracy)
yL.nL:tLlu'[yL.Ser,'{ = Derogate, adj. disparage or belittle, derogately, adv.,
yL.nL:hUin];pUin]:' = Ruin someone’s marriage, family, or household,
yL.nUiw].'[hqm]wUw];/mUta}yw].eSyL.nUiw].mn];Ka}/kin]'{= Cut up meat,
yL.pqt]:' yL.lU.' yL.ya}:' = Cancel, blot,
yL.pqt]:pL,lImn],lqw]' = Dissolution of Parliament,
yL.pqt]:Pgc];tuik].hLEt,' yk];lI,ygt]:mn];pqt]:' hk];kic],kU,mn];pqt]:' = Nip in the bud,
yL.pgc],'yL.lU.'(tI:nn]:etAm],mI;An]yL.PLyL.hUw].pgc],lU.lqw]'(SL,144;14') = Breach, to break; to
make opeing in: there will be no breaching of walls, breached, breaching,
yL.pg};'[yL.pg};An]ethQt];'PUn]/eSmQw];mQw];yL.pac]pg};tuik].hqt];'{= Cancel a feast; ruined the celebration,
yL.Pat],kw];yan]' Aw]sG]piw]Pat],yan]' = Distract, distracted, distracting,
m],Kw]:kn]/yL.tw]kw];yuc]:lUv]:An]hQt];hG]:Am],l}:sG]kn]nn].'AUn]Aan]emL;Em;'{ = Distraction, N. mental
distress or derangement; that which divides the attention, or prevents concentration; that which amuses, entertains, or diverts;
amusement; entertainment; division or disorder caused by dissension; tumult, distracted, adj.,
yL.Pa}'kUn],Pa}'(Kt];-tQc]Pa}')' = Break a dam, (opposite: furnish with a dam,)
yL.Puic]:'[yL.hUc];Puic]:Aw]kin]nm].El:tUw]num],mn];nn].'{ = Gather honey,
yL.mgt],' yL.lqw]' = Annul, to make void or null, abolish, cancel,
yL.mgt],' tI,lit].' yL.mgt],pqt]:' = Delete, erase, deleted,
yL.mgt],pqt]:'[An]yL.mgt],pqt]: = hQt];hG]:tL,wUn],pun]:Pgn];An]mI;nG];ptivin],nn].Sut];yw].kGL,lUv]:An]
Am],lUw],pn]ciun];Pv].Kiun];Sc]eSAit];nn].'{' = Cancellation,(Contract)., [Cancellation = an end to the
contractual obligation, without reimbursement],
yL.mgt],pqt]:' = Abrogate, cancel, repeal, to abolish, abrogated, abrogating,
yL.mgt],pqt]:' yL.pqt]:' yL.lU.' yL.ya}:' = Cancel, blot, erase, abrogate, cancelled,
nn].)' = Blot out, to spot or stain ink on paper, soil; erase: I will never blot out is name from the book of life.(Rev.3:5),
yL.mgt],pqt]:' = Defeat,(Law) to annul, defeated, defeating,
yL.mgt],PQw]:pqt]:'[TUv]:/Tgn]pqt]:'{ = Extirpate, exterminate; root up, extirpated, extirpating,
yL.mgt],ha}Tuc];sam],Pa},fic]:Tuc];nn].pqt]:' = Shatter the cultural traditions,
yL.mgt],ha}pqt]:'[yL.lqw]'{ = Shatter, to break, damage, impair or destroy, shattered, shattering,
yL.mgt],ha}pqt]:'[hG]:Sut];wa};kGL,'yL.lU.pqt]:'mgt],pqt]:'{ = Root out, annihilate; eradicate; wipe out,
yL.yL,hG]:Suip],pQn]kan]pQn]can];kGL,l}:' = Counterproductive,
yL.yuc]:yc]:Suk].SUn]San]kn]pqt]:' yL.' kw];' = Disrupt, to cause disorder or turmoil,
yL.yuc]:'kw];yuc]:'yL.kw];yuc]:'[hQt];hG]:/Aan];hQt];hG]:yuc]:yc]:'Aw]yuc]:yc]:'{ = Disruptive, adj.
causing, tending to cause, or caused by disruption; disrupting,
yL.yUw];' = Rafters prop,
yL.lqw]pqt]:'Sik],pqt]:' Sik],yg}:yg}:' = Tear down, to pull down, destroy,
yL.lqw]PQw]:mUv].'lulqw]kg}Sum];'lqc]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Destruction, N.,
yL.lqw]PQw]:mUv].yL:mw];km]An]mI;eP;yG],nL,nn].' = Destruction of dangerous drugs,
yL.lqw]PQw]:mUv].l}:'(Kt];-Am],yL.lqw]PQw]:mUv].l}:) = Destructible, adj., (ant: indestructible),
yL.lqw]Pqw].'(mak],pgm];tqk],yL,wQc];epL;lqw]Pqw].kGL,tc];wQc];yw].')' = Blot out, to wipe out, destroy: the whole
cities were blotted out by bombs,
yL.luk]:nG];tgc].tUk];'yL.luk]:' = Abortion,
yL.lB.kw];lqw] = Destroy,
yL.lB.tbm].tiBw].' = Prejudice,
yL.lU.pUn].pqn]ma}mI:' = Break the rule,
yL.lqw]'Tup].lqw]' mit];yg}:' hk];lqw]'epL.lqw]' = Break, broke, broken, breaking,
yL.wn];lb' = Desecrate the day
yL.hac]:Pac]'(yL.hac]:Pac]nL:tLKw]') = Disfigure, to mar the appearance or beauty of: disfigure his face,
yL.hac]:Pac]'[yL.hac]:Pac]nL:tLyL,hG]:mUin]kw],yL,hG]:pUin]:tgc];{' = Disguise, disguised, disguising,
yL.hac]:mn];'[hac]:Pac]lu'hac]:lIsac];'hac]:Kt];tL'{ = Deformed, adj. misshapen; disfigured; hateful; offensive,
yL.hac]:yL.Pac]'(hg};Kit],/Kan],/ya};nn].yL.hac]:yL.Pac]PUin]nn].pqt]:yw].") = Mar, to disfigure, deface,
or scar: the scratch marred the table, marred, marring,
yL.hBc];hiBn];Kw]:lk].' = Burglary
yL.hG]:Ek.sac]pqt]:'yL.hG]:-Ek.sac]pqt]:'(yL.hG]:ptivin],Ek.sac]pqt]:') = Nullify, to render or
declare legally void; invalidate, annul, void, cancel: to nullify a contract, nullified, nullifying,
yL.hG]:luSum];nm]'[hQt];hG]:luyG],Sum];nm]'{ = Ravage, to work havoc upon; damage, ravaged, ravaging,
yL.hG]:luSum];nm]'[An]luyG],Sum];nm]'{ = Ravage, N. havoc; ruinous damage, ravages,
yL.AkYOw];lU.'(nm].ngc];n}.yL.AkYOw];sw]:h}:sw]:nL;lU.) = Mischief, (floods are a mischief to the farmer,),
yL.Aw]mG];sG]piw]eSPat],yan]An]lITiSut];JPL;sw]:nn].pqt]' = Distract you from
God’s best,
yL<'na};yL:'[km]:nm]t};nUiw]t};maw];Kw]hgc].ekL.pQn]Agk],mgn],/na};mgn],'pU,mgn],na};yL:'{ = Great grandma, N.,
yL<nit].'[kUn];mUic];AI<kYip].ekL.An]!taw].KQc],Kt];Kuin];mUw];eS,@'(2Tim];3;8'){ = Jannes, one of the
Egyptians who “opposed Moses” (2 Tim. 3:8),
1;4') = Japheth, one of the three sons of Noah, usually mentioned after his two brothers Shem and Ham,
yL<r'[Agc]:tI:/pac],/tUc]:An]tUik]:Sc];ePL;ptivin],mI;w}.tI:nn]:la}la}pI<nn].''(SL,132;6'){= Jaar, a place
where the ark of the covenant stayed for many year,
yL<rit]:'[luk]:sa};mhL,lL<El;'El:pQn]AU:AI;ngk]<'(luk].3;37){ = Jared,[the son of Mahalalel,],
yL<rim]<'[(lg}pL,m}.)lg}luk]:An]mI;tI:lqn]lin]sap]:pgt];hgc],mUiw];yut{ = Jearim, (Mountain of woods) a
mountain on the northern of border of Judah,
yL<wn]<'[luk]:sa};ekL.TUn]:SI,yL<Pqt].'{(cw]:10;2') = Javan, the fourth son of Japheth,
yic];' An]Em:' tUw]Em:'(kUn];yic];' k},Em:)'(Kt];-epL:'tUw]epL:'PU:')' = Female,(ant: male),
yic];kUn];pUn].sat]:'[kUn];yic];ekL.l}:lgt]:lqw];tI:pQn]KL:sG].pUin]:w}.nn].'{' = Freedwoman, N. a
man who has been freed from slavery, freedwomen,
yic];kUn];mI;suiw]:mI;SQc]' = Women of high standing, women of prominence; honorable women,
yic];kUn];lgt]:lqw];'(nUic];-sa};kUn];lgt]:lqw];') = Free woman, (compare “free man”), free
yic];ekL.tc]:sG]kUt].PUw]pUin]:' = Adulteress,
yic];KiUw];kYO;' = Jewess,
yic];KUiw];mYat]:' = Honored women, honorable women or noble ladies,
yic];sa};Kic];na};' = Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls!,
yic];sgm];hUiw];min]'[Em:yic];ekL.hp].Kam],Kqk],nUiw]hUiw];min]{ = Stewardess, N. a woman flight attendant; air hostess,
yic];Saw]' Saw]' nac];Saw]' = Virgin, N. unmarried girl or woman; maiden,
pQn]tac],sUiw].tac],mQw];tL,Em:yic];Kw]tc];SQc]:nn].hG]:pQc];tan],kn]tc];kUn];sa};Kw]{' = Feminism, N. the
doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men,
yic];Agn],'yic];num],'luk]:Agn],yic];'[luk]:Agn],pQn]kUn];yic];ekL.p},yG],TUn]:Tuic]18KUp],'{ = Girl, N.,
yic];Agn],'Am],nn]'sa};Agn],' = Girl or boy,
yit].lp]:'[luk]:sa};nhUw];AL;'{(cw]:22;22') = Jidlaph, a son of Nahor,
yin];' yin];Tgm],' Tgm],yin];' = Hear, heard, hearing,
yin];kBw]yin];cqw]'cin];kUw]cin];cqw]' = Fearful, adj. frightening; feeling fear, dread, or solicitude,
yin];kGam];mG];yw].'(kw]l}:yin];kGam];mG];w}.yw].'(cw]:17;20')' = Heard you: I have heard you,
yin];Tgm],pn]'(mn];l}:An]yin];Tgm],pn]kgp]:pUiw]:An]mn];yUw],eS,kUw]ym]eStac],yiun]:lw]:Tuic]nn].')' =
Heard, was heard: he was heard because of his reverent submission,
yin];piUn]:lat]:' = Hear-say, unverified, babble,
yin].'sp];yin].'mI;yin].'yin].yL:' = Addiction, N.,
yin].yG],'mI;yin].yG],'sac]:sp];yin].mn];' = Addictive, adj., addictiveness, N.,
yin].'[Kqp];Pa}.Kw]kGa};tUw]ha}.TiSI,mI;hU;lqc]pqt],hU;'{ = Domino card ‘Yun’ in Tai Domino game,
yip];'yip];km]'yip];w}.' = Hold, keep fast; grasp; handle, held, holding,
yip];km]kqn],kqk];w}.' = Held tightly,
yip];km]kqn],w}.'yip];mn]:pn]:kqn],w}.'km]w}.kqn],kqn],/mn]:mn]:' = Hold fast, hold firmly,
yip];km]Kuic]hQt];' yip];km]' = Exercise, to use or display one’s action, exercised, exercising,
yip];km]sn]Pk];tU,puit],kUin],tU,' = Took hold of the doors of gate, pulled the gate doors,
yip];km]pG].pL;' = Hold on to,
yip];km]w}.'vgp];km]w}.' = Take hold of, catch, apprehend,
yip];km]w}.lgc]:ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]mG];mn]:mn]:' = Take hold of your dream,
yip];km]w}.lgc]:lgt];lqw];mG];mn]:mn]:' = Take hold of your freedom,
yip];km]w}.An]ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]nn].tL." = Take Hold of the Dream,
yip];km]hQt];sgm];' = Uphold, maintain, promote, support, take up,
yip];km]hQt];sgm];la};Aup].pUic],Pgc];cm];sgm];pk]pUic]' = Uphold the rule of law,
yip];km]hQt];Sac]:' = Handle, handle, handling,
yip];km]hQt];Sac]:kGL,mUiw]:mI;pYSnL,Kgc]:Km]nn].' = Handle the problems,
yip];km]An]mG];ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]nn].w}.El:' = Hold on to your dream,
yip];km]eAL;sL,AL,nL,w}.nUiw]Kw]'(kUn];sUiw];yip];km]eAL;sL,AL,nL,nUiw]Kw]w}.)' = Exercise
authority over: those who exercise authority over them,
yip];kan]can];' = Handle a work,
yip];kan]nc]:lum];' = Hold office,
yip];kqm];'yip];sG].'[Aw]yip];sG].tuiw];{' = Utilize, to put to use, utilized, utilizing,
yip];kqm];sG].tuiw];ca}:' = Easy-to-use,
yip];sik];'(An]-)[An]l}:Kam],yip];sik];{(hLla};yip];sik];pUin]:')'An]kum];kgn];Tic];w}.' = Dominance,
N. the condition of being dominant: sought to maintain dominance over,
yip];sUik]:PU:Agn]hUw]Kw]hG]:Aw]pun]:Pgn];' = Hold their leaders accountable,
yip];sG].kiut].hap],' = Discharge, -To discharge a contract is to end the obligation by agreement or by carrying it out,
yip];sG].kuit].hap],AL,nL,El:pun]:Pgn];nL:kan]' = Discharge the powers and duties,
t];lUm].tL,kUn];hqc];AUn]:sG]Agn],Kw]nn].lL;lL;'(1ekL;8;9')' = Exercise of your rights,
yip];tibw];' yip];' sG].tibw];' sG].' = Use, used, using,
yip];sG].tibw];'sa},'yip];sG].tibw];Kaw];yam];mG];El:sa},cibn];mG];' = Spending, spending your time and money,
yip];sG].tibw];' = Utilize,
yip];sG].tiuw];tI:kan]l}:Et.' = Practical use,
yip];sG].tuiw];Et.Et.' = Actual use,
n].{'(lgk];la};pUic]kQw],lgc]:yip];sG].tuiw];lUn].lUiw]pUn].)' = Overutilization: overutilization of healthcare system,
w];)' = Common use, : some for special purpose and some for common use,
yip];sG].AL,nL,pBn].pqn]piBc]:wgc],' = Abuse of power,
yip];SQn]:ma}'tqm]:SQn]:ma}'[kan]/nm].kt].emLyip];pp].SQn]:ma}/Puin]ma}tgc];lgc]:Kuic]pgc]kuit].hap],'{ =
Bookkeeping, N. the work or skill of keeping account books or systematic records of money transaction,
yip];tiuw];' kin]' = Consumption,
n}.Am],Tgn]Kiun];l}:')' = Fully discharged, (Contract).,(A fully discharged contract and void contract cannot be
rescinded.), fully performed contract,
yip];tuiw];ciun];sa},' yip];tiuw];srip]:'(lgc]:-/An]-) = Expenditure,
yip];tiuw];l}:hiuc]El:lISut];yw].pQn]lgk];pw],' = Highest and Best Use, Vacant Site,
yip];tiuw];l}:hiuc]el:lISut];yw].Em:KUw];Kgc]lIKiun]:' = Highest and Best Use, Improved Property
yip];Tic];/pqc];mqt],w}.pn]'[kUn];/KUic]:pUic]An]yip];Tic];w}.pn]'{ = Retainer, N. the person or thing that retains,
yip];Tic];w}.'pqc];mqt],yip];Tic];w}.'pqc];mqt],w}.' = Retention, N. the act of retaining; the power to retain,
Tic];w}.pn]'(Kat]:PU:Sac]:tac]/eSY.en,') = Retain, retained, retaining, to engage, especially by payment of a
preliminary fee: to retain a lawyer,
yip];Tic];w}.pn]'(Puin]lik]:An]Pgm].pn]yip];Tic];w}.) = Retain, to maintain: retainer letter,
yip];Tic];w}.pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Retention,
yip];nL:kan]mUic];Pgm].hUm]:eSAn]An]' = Hold certain federal jobs,
yip];mn]:pn]:kqn],'yip];'(yc];tiuk].yip];mn]:pn]:kqn],w}.yU,') = Hold, (still hold,)
yip];mn]:mn]:'(yip];mn]:mn]:El:yL,pn]lut]:) = Hold firmly,
yip];muiw];'(yip];muiw];kw]w}.El:') = Hold hand,: Hold my hand,
k].kn]'/sUm];SUiw];Aw]kuc],Aw]mun]kn]/Pgm].l}:sG]kn]/tUc].tk].SUc],Sc],kn]km];luin];nn].'{' = Handshake,
N. a gripping and shanking of right hands by two individuals, as to symbolize greeting, congratulation, agreement, or farewell;
also handshaking,
yip];muiw];tUc].tk].kn]eSwL:!l}:hUp].mG];/SUnG]n}.sUm];Et.'@ = Shake hands and say “I am
glad to see you this morning”,
yip];la};Kw]:tibk];' = Offensive tactics,
yip];Aw]'km]Aw]'km]w}.' = Take hold of, catch, to seize or stop the motion of, (catch the ball, ),
yip].TL,'AifTL,[wQc];Tuc].lin]pQc];mUic];yuT'{(eyL;15;43')= Jiphtah, Iphtah, a city in the lowland of Judah,
yim]'sac]:'Kat]:' = Hire, lease,
yim]'ygn];yim]'ygn];kU:'(ygn];yim]kL;mG];km];nuic]:'(ygn];kU:ciun];Ait];nuic]:')' = Borrow: Can I borrow your car?
Can I borrow your money?,
yim]'kU:Aw]'kB:yim]cibn];'yim]cibn];'ygn];kU:' = Borrow, borrow money, borrowed, borrowing,
30')= Jimnah, the oldest son of Asher (Gen. 46:17) and the founder of the Jimnite (Imnites); also called Imnah,
yQk]AUw]n};y'[luk]:sa};eyL;S};y{' ey,hg};AKYin];(2hUw]hup]:piun];pQn]'36;9')n}ekL:wL:'= Jeconiah, [a
son of Josiah, also called Jehoiachin, (Mt 1:11; 2 Chr. 36:9; Jer. 24:1)],
yQt],'yQt],kUn].'yQt],AL:tin]wL;miuw];'Sbc]ybit]:yaw];kGac];'= Stretch, stretched, stretching,
yQt],'yQt]:AL:tin]wL;muiw];'lqn];Kqn]'yuit]:'sn]yuit]:'= Stretch, to draw out (oneself, limbs, wings,
etc.) to the full extent (often followed by out), stretched, stretching,
yQt],Kan].'[Kan]eSyQt],tin]muiw]lQn]:'{(kw]ngn];yQt],Kan].nUiw]tac],)= Stretch out: I stretch out on a couch,
yQt],lqn];Kqn]mG];Suiw]:Suiw]:El:' = Stretch forth: stretch forth your hand, stretch out,
yQt],AL:tin]wL;mibw];' yibn];hgt]:lqn];Tibc]' yibn];mibw];lqn];Kqn]' = Stretched, stretching out,
yQt],AL:tin]wL;mibw];mG];yac]:yqc],Ey:yibn];hgt]:lqn];Tiuc]' = Stretching yourself,
yQt]:'yQt]:SG],'St]./tQk];SG],'Puit].'= Compress, force into less space, compressed, compressing,
yQt]:SG],Tgc],lp];Sic],Pit];nn].' = Cast into a dark prison,
yQn]'yQn]SI,SI,'yQn]yQn]' = Quiet, adj., still, calm, quieter, quietest,
yQn]'sG]yQn]'ABn]:Agn],'(lUm];yQn]Agn],)' = Gentle, adj., not severe, or violent; mild: a gentle wind,
yQn]kGL,nim]kGL,' = Grow cold, cool down,
yQn]SI,SI,'[tQt],yQn]'Am],tk];SQc]'{(wan]:An]yQn]SI,SI,w}.nn].) = Sleepy, adj. quiet: a sleepy village,
yQn]yQn]' sG]yQn]yQn]' = Sober, adj. calm, not partaking of alcohol, quiet, peaceful, still,
yQn],' Ec:' Ec:lI' Ec:lgm]:lgm]:' = Tame, adj. meek; be tamed, tamer, tamest,
yQn],Ec:'(Am],hQt];ekL.kn]l}:ekL:hG]:yQn]Ec:etL,kn])(Kt];-lUic];') = Polite, adj. civil; cultured;
courteous, politely, adv., politeness, N.,(ant: rude)
yQn],Ec:Sibw]:yBw];' = Gentle, polite, moderate,
yQn]SI,SI,'tQt],yQn]SI,SI,'Am],tk];SQc]Sc]' = Silence, N. stillness, muteness,
yQn]hUyQn]sG]'[nim]siuc]:'yQn]yQn]'Am],mI;An]yL.kw];/AUn]Aan]emL;'{ = Quietness, N. quiet; free from
disturbance or tumult,
yQn],Ec:Sibw]:yBw];'sG]yQn]'ABn]:Agn],' = Gentle, adj., polite, moderate, amiable: a gentle manner,
yQn],Ec:Sibw]:yBw];'sG]yQn]'ABn]:Agn],'yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:' = Gently, adv.,
yQn],Ec:'yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:' = Gentleness, N., politeness,
yQn]El:lI'Tiuw]fic]:Tuc];'(Kt];kn]-Am],Tiuw]fic]:Tuc];'Am],yQn],Ec:') = Cultured, adj., (ant: uncultured,)
yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:'yQn],Ec:Sibw]:yBw];'sG]yQn]'ABn]:Agn],'(hQt];yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:)' = Gentle,
adj., polite, moderate, amiable: a gentle manner,
yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:' Ec:lI' yQn],lI' = Gentleness, N.,
yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec:' = Courtesy, excellent manner, polite behavior, respectful or considerate act of expression,
yQn];' sQp];yQn];'(pQn]sQp];yQn];sgm];tin]sgm];muiw];)' = Abrasion, (Medical.): skin abrasion,
yQn];ngc]'ngc]'mI;ngc]'[sQp];yQn];mI;ngc]epL;tQm]sgt],w}.'mUm],ngc]'{ = Purulent, adj. suppurating, purulence,
N. pus; the condition of containing or forming pus,
yQn];pin],ca}:nL,'(tac];hac]:lIAn]yQn];pin],ca}:nL,)' = Volatile, adj. fleeting, changeable: volatile beauty,
yQn];pin],ca}:nL,'Sa}piw]Kiun]:'(lgc]:-/An]-)'Aa}piw]Kuin]:' = Volatility, N., volatile, adj.,
yQn];pin],pQn]' yQn];' = Conform, conformed, conforming, conformable, adj.,
yQn];pQn]' pQn]' pQn]mL;' pQn]kGL,' = Become, became, becoming,
yQn];pQn]Aa}piw]Kiun]:' = Volatilize, to become volatile; pass off as vapor.,
yQp],' yac]:' = Step, tread, walk, move foot to walk,
yQp],Kw]:epL.Kw]:'[Aw]tin]yQp],tUn]:Kw]:nUiw]Sat],epL.Kw]:{ = Treading out the grain, threshing,
yQp],SG],'[yQp],tI:yQp],Puv],puc];yuk];yak];{= Step-on, to open by operation of a pedal as a can for kitchen garbage,
nn].') = Stampede, N.: people died in a stampede,
yQp],tuip]:SG],'[tL,mgt],f};'Kuit]:lqw]pqt]:eSEl:Aw]PL,tin]Sgm].SG],hqc];hqc];nn].{' = Stamp, to extinguish,
crush, etc., by striking a forcible downward thrust of the foot, stamped, stamping,
n].lqw]Pqw].pqt]:)' = Stamp out, to extinguish; to crush by force: to stamp out a fire; to stamp out a rebellion,
yQp],nqn]:kg}PIpqt]:' = Downtrodden, tread down, trodden,
yQp],nqn]:kg}PIpqt]:'yQp],'vL;yQp],'(vL;yQp],tin]pUin]:') = Tread, trample or crush underfoot; tread
down; to step on; tread on: to tread on a person’s foot, trod, trodden, treading, tread upon, tread, N.,
yQp],nUt]:' tuip]:yQp],Kam]:kGL,' tuip]:'p}tiup]:' = Trampled, tread or walk with a heavy step, trodden,
yQp],nUt]:lqw]Pqw].pqt]:'(yQp],nUt]:PU:KQn]hw];lqw]Pqw].pqt]:) = Trample down: trample down our enemies,
yQp],yac]:Kiun]:sU;' = Step up, step forward,
yQp],hUw]'[yQp],SG],nUiw]hUw]'{ = Step on the head,
yQp].' yQp].sp];' Sg}yQp].sp];' KQm]Sg}yQp].sp];' = Stitch, sew, stitched, stitching,
yQp].kuik];'[Aw]KUic]:yQp].es:yQp].es:sp];kn]{' = Staple, to secure or fasten by a staple, stapled, stapling,
t]:Pqp].lI'{m}nUiw]' = Topstitch, (sewing) usually ¼ inch from the seam to help the seam lay flat, topstitching,
yQp].pp].'[Kk].tgn]:/tac];emLmt].sp];kn]pQn]pp].'{' = Bookbinding, N. the process or art of binding, books,
yQp].pQn]AQn]'hQt];hg};AQn]' = Seam, to join with stitches; make the seam, seamed, seaming,
yQp].mqp];him];'[yQp].Aw]hc];kUv];hQt];pQn]An]mqp];him];mn];'{ = Selvage, (sewing) the self-finished edge of fabric,
yQp].muiw];'muiw];Sg}'[yip];lqm]:KQm]eSyQp]./Sg}sp];kn]'{ = Hand sewing,
yQp].eyL:'[hG]:Pqn],hU,sukn]{ = Gather, (sewing) to become contracted into wrinkles, gathered, gathering,
yQp].lup],cU;'[yQp].m}KGa},KLEpkn]kGL,'{ = Cross stitch,
yQp].lUn]:'[yQp].pgt];Pqn],ma}hac],kGL,yaw];yaw];sp];kn]w}.sUw]:Kaw];Pgc];mUiw]:tuik].yQp];hQt];'{ = Baste, to sew
with long, loose stiches, as in temporality tacking together pieces of a garment while it is being made, basted, basting,
yQp].la};mgk],'[Aw]sak]:TUw];/yQp].hQt];mgk],hQt];mG]'{= Embroidered by machine: embroidery machine,
yQp].lgc]tqt]:'m}tG]:'[yQp].sgm];sg}:hG]:AQn]hg};yQp].tqt]:Pqp].lI'{ = Understitch, (sewing), understitching,
Backstitch, to sew by backstitch, backstitched, backstitching, backstitch, N.,
yQp].him];'[yQp].Tqc]:tqw];nuic]:sgm];AQn]yQp].yw].nn].sm]sm]kn]hG]:AQn]hg};yQp].mn];tqt]:{' = Edgestitch,
(sewing) add a second row of stitches very close to the seam line on the right side of the fabric to keep pressed seams in place,
yQp].hUm],tac],'[yQp].hUm],SUw]<fL:{ = Upholster, to provide (chairs, sofas, etc.) with covering, upholstered,
yQp].hG]:yU,'[yQp].Pqn],Tap]:lQw]Kqp],sgm];hg};mgc]./kUc],hG]:yU,w}.sgm];pUic]yL,hG]:lim],pin]:pqt]:{= Staystitch, (sewing),
yQm]:'yk].tBv];' tBv];' yQm]:tUv];' = Look at, looked at, looking at,
yQw]:' = Pee, to urinate, peed, peeing,
yQw]:'Agk],ngk]:Agn],'kGL,P}a:ng}.' = Urinate, to pass or discharge urine; to pee, urinated, urinating,
yQw]:' P}a:ng}.' = Urine, N., pee,
yQw]:kqn];'yQw]:kn]:'[epL;yQw]:n}kqn];sQp];nG];kUc]yQw]:'{ = Urinary tract infection (UTI),
yQw]:sQm];'[Pqn],hUm],kgp];tc];kU:tI:ngn];w}.mUiw]:Am],p},lUw],ngn];nn].'{ = Bedcover, N. a bedspread,
yQw]:sQm];/wan]'(t},ApiTis])[tac];pQn]yQw]:wan]/sQm];ygn].nG];lUit]:mI;kUiw]wan]nm]pUn].{ = Diabetes, N.,
yQw]:sgk],'nUk].yQw]:'[nUk].nG];KUiw];lqw]/huc].la};Agn],{' = Kestrel, N. any of several related small falcons,
yQw]:SG],PL:' = Bedwetting, Urinating in bed,
yQw]:lI'yQw]:SGac],'hG]:yQw]:lI' pn]hqc];yQw]:lI' = Diuretic, directive action,
yQw]:/KI:/Pa}:Agk],'[EPmQw];lUw],pqt]:/sac]:pQn]eP;nn].Agk],nG];lUit]:/nUiw].tUw]mI;sG]{ = Excrete, to separate
and eliminate from an organic body; separate and expel from the blood or tissues, as waste or harmful matter, excreted,
yqc],Sin]:nQp];hUw]Sin]:mn];w}.'(mqp];hUw]kUn]mG];El:')' = Tuck, tucked, tuck up, in, under, etc., to pull up into a
fold or folds; to thrust in the loose edge: to tuck up one’s skirts,
yqc],tin]Sin]:'[mqp];tUp].hUw]Sin]:Kw]:hG]:tin]Sin]:Pa},nuic]:yuk].Suc]'{= Tuck up to raise one side of a skirt,
yqc],Ey:'(mn];nac];p}yqc],Ey:Agk].luk];kGL,') = Tiptoe, tiptoed, tiptoeing,: She tiptoed out the room.,
yqc],Ey:'(suk];/yac]:yqc],Ey:' p}yqc],Ey:') = Tiptoe standing, (standing / walking on tiptoe,)
yqn]:'mgc]'[yqn];nUiw].'yqn]:Pk];SUm]:PQt];'mgc]Pk];SUm]:nm].'yqn]:/mgc]TUw]nw]:'mgc]Pk];kum],SUm]:'mgc]nQc]:yam];'{' =
Ferment, produced or preserved by the action of microorganisms. In this context, fermentation typically refers to the
fermentation of sugar to alcohol using yeast, fermented, fermentation,
yqn]:'(yqn]:Pk];SUm]:'yqn]:mak],KI:nU')'Pk];SUm]:yqn]:'= Preserve food with salt, pickle vegetable,
yqn]:kUiw]'tL;kUiw]'[Aw]yqn]:kUiw]'Aw]kUiw]tL;'{(pLnw]:'pLyqn]:'TUw]PU;yqn]:) = Salted, adj. cured or otherwise
treated with salt; be salted: salted fish,
yqn].'[yqn].tap],/tUp],/nak]:n}n}.pgc],wL:hqm]/epL.'{(Kgn].yqn].)= Strike (as with a stick): rod or stick,
yqp].tL<'[Kun]Tt];Sin]kUn];KUiw];AiSer;'(Sin]11'12){ = Jephthah,[a judge of Israel,(Jud.11, 12)],
yqp].yqp].'yap].yap].'(tUc].-)[Am],sG]:An]tUc].Kgn];'{ = Throbbed, to pulsate; vibrate,
lup],w}.'(AUm]puyqm].Ev.Ev.') = Gnaw, to bite or chew on, especially persistently: the spaniel gnawed happily on a
bone, gnawed, gnawn, gnawing,
yI:'[wL:pQn]luk]:sa};ekL.TiSgc]'suiw]:t};tac],pn]kUn];sa};'{ = Appellation for the second son,
yI;'[tUw]TUin]KUiw];kGac]/Pan];mI;nG];kun]AL,SYL.sQc],san];wn];Agk],{' = Eld’s deer, brow-antlered deer,
yuk];yak];' yiUw],' = Garbage, trash, waste materials, rubbish, litter,
yuk];yak];'(eKL:An]sG].yQp];nG];Kgm];piw]<tUiw]<) = Trash, N.(computers) garbage (def 7),
mI;w}.{(sak],hUiw];min]kg}kiut];)'sam],mak],hin]' = Debris, the remains of anything broken down or destroyed,
yuk];yak];tL,Kiun];Em;Agc],' = Recycle trash,
= Bulk trash, N. big trash: big bulk trash pickup; bulk trash removal,
ybk].'ygc]:'cgk]:hBw]'ybk].Kuin]:/tac],'ygc]:tac],'= Lift, to move, bring, or raise upward, lifted, lifting,
yuk].kap]:'yuk].ygc]:pn]'= Ascribe, give unto; to credit as to a cause or source; impute, ascribed, ascribing,
pBk];Kqn]'pUk];Sgc]Kqn]'yuk].pUk];Sgc]Kqn]'yuk].Kqn]' = Raise arms, arm raise,
yuk].Kiun]:'yuk].pUk];Kiun]:'yuk].ygc]:hG]:Kiun]:' = Lift up,
' = Levitate, to rise or float in the air, especially as a result of a supernatural power that overcome gravity,
yuk].Kuin]:w}.Tqc]:'Suc]w}.pL:nUiw]'pUk];Suc]Kuin]:Tqc]:' = Elevation, N.,
yuk].SG],pn]'kgc].Suip],pn]' = Install, to place in position or connect for service or use, installed, installing,
ybk].tac],'tac],Tqc]:'pBk];Kiun]:'pUk];luk].Kiun];'ekL,Kiun]:'lQc].yG],Kibn]:' = Raise, raised,
ybk].tac],' Kiun]:sn].' = Promote,
ybk].tac],Kiun]:sn].pn]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Promotion,
yuk].tac],Tqc]:' = Raise, (Texas Hold’em)
yuk].tac],nm].sG]EK.KQc],kn]' = Promote competition,
yuk].tac],w}.'[pUk];tc]:pn]kan]nG];lum];{ = Install, to establish in an office; position, installed, installing,
yuk].tac],hqc];' yuk].tac],hqc];sG]' = Foster, to bring up, to promote the growth, fostering,
yuk].tac],hqc];kan]tI,tac];Agn]Et,' = Fostering entrepreneurship,
yuk].tac],hqc];sG]pa};wUn].A}a,tI,yUiw],' = Foster new idea,
yuk].tac],hqc];sG]hk].' = Foster love, promote love,
yuk].tac],hqc];lgc]:yU,lIpI;San];tc];yU,lIkin]wan]' = Health and wellness fostering,
yuk].nm].sG]ekL.Sum];kan].nn].pn]' = Lift up the defeated,
w];Sgc]Kgn]' = Raise or lift up my hands, raising or lifting up my hands,
,yuk].mak],ngc],hUiw];Kuin];')' = Weigh anchor, put up the anchor; up-anchor, weighed anchor,
yuk].mak],mUiw]:mak],tac],luk]:tuik].tUc].eSsac]:mL;elL,SG],mn];nn].' = Lifting ball while
another is in motion which might strike it,
yuk].muiw];'yuk];muiw];En'(ekL.San]Kt];An]yL.luk]:nG];tgc].tUk];nn].Kqn];etL:muk].muiw];EneSkm];KL:') =
Raise a hand, raise your hands: Every one against abortion, please raise your hand,
yuk].yuin];muiw];hp].hgc];Aw]'(SL,119;48') = Lift up my hands to or reach out for,
ybk].ygc]:' = Honor, exalt, glory, magnify,
yuk].ygc]:kuc],' = Magnify, venerate, honor, celebrate, glorify,
yuk].ygc]:kuc],JPL;sw]:SUtL.' = Magnify your God, exalt, lift up, honor, glorify,
yuk].ygc]:kuc],mun]'ybk].ygc]:' np].ym]' = Honor, exalt, glory, honored, honoring,
ybk].ygc]:pn]' np].ym]pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Honor, exaltation,
k].tgn];'cuin];lUin]KUw];Pak],Kgc]Tqm]'sL.kGL,'{ = Honorary, adj. given for honor only, without the usual requirements,
duties, privileges, emoluments, etc.,
yuk].ygc]:Puc];yG],hUc]hac];' = Glorify, venerate, honor, celebrate, magnify,
yuk].ygc]:mn];sw]:nG];kL:An]mG];hQt];mG];Sac]:kU:An]tc];SQc]:nn].El:' = Honor Him
in all that you do,
yuk].hqc];tUw]sG]pn]'(lgc]:-)(KQc],yuk].hqc];tUw]sG]pn]kn]')' = Edification, N. uplift: mutual edification,
sG]pn]'{(puc],hac]:nm].hL:ygm].sUiw];An]pQn]Pa},PL,SL,SL,SnL,mQw];An]yuk].hqc];tUw]sG]pn]kUn];ekL.tUv];nn].)' =
Edify, uplift: religious paintings that edify the viewer, edified, edifying,
yuk].hqc];tUw]sG]pn]'(lgc]:-) = Uplift, N. edification,
yuk].hqc];tUw]sG]pn]' = Uplift, edify, raise, to exalt emotionally or spiritually, uplifted, uplifting,
ybk].hBw]mL,mG];Kibn]:Kibn];El:' = Throw you shoulders back,
yuk].An]SUmuc]:yUic];Aan];l}:nn].w}.Suc]Suc]' = Get your expectancy up,
ybk].AL:pik],Kw]' = Lift their wings,
yuk].AL:pik],min]tgk],Kuin]:mUin]nc],nUk].huc].' = Mount up with win like eagle,
yuk].Aw]hUw]KL:tc]:Kiun]:w}.pn]' = Lift up my head,
yuc]:' yuc]:yc]:' (kan]pa};mak]:mI;yuc]:) = Disruption,(economic disruption)
ybc]:'ybc]:yc]:SBn]San]' = Mess up,
yuc]:tum].tUiw].hqc];nL,'(An]-) = Harmful disruption,
ybc]:yc]:kGc]sG]' kGc]' = Confuse, confound,
n]SI,SI,') = Turmoil, N. trubulence; uproar: they were thrown into turmoil, (ant: quiet),
ybc]:yc]:SBn]San]'yuc]:' = Sloppy, messy,
yuc]:yc]:'yuc]:yc]:mak],mUiw]' = Disorderly, adj. messy, untidy,
yuc]:Aaw],yaw],'yuc]:Aaw],yaw],mUin]hc];nU'(KUn]hUw]Kw]n}.yuc]:Aaw],yaw],epL;tan],hc];nU)'= Ratty, adj.
shabby: their hair was a ratty mess,
yuc]:Agk],'yuc]:Kgt],'[m}etL;w}.lut]:Agk],'{ = Ravel, to become disjoined thread; fray, raveled, raveling,
yuc];'(Sut];'PL:kc]:yuc];') = Mosquitoe, N.: mosquitoe net, mosquitoes,
;/yum]'(yUiw]:wac];hUk].yuv];')'Am],wI' = Unkempt, adj. not combed; messy; disheveled: unkempt hair; an unkempt lawn,
yuv];'pUc];'[nm]nm]yaw];yaw];yuv];yuv];'{(KUn]hUw]pUc];/yuv];)' = Fluffy, adj.: fluffy hair, fluffiness, N.,
yut].TL,'[wQc];nG];mUic];lg}yutAn]pnn]kUn];KUiw];lI;wa};'{(eyL;15;55')= Juttah, a city in the hill country of Judah,
t]<1;1){ = Jude, the author of Jude, sometimes identified with Judas, the brother of James,
yut]<'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-yut]<'){ = Jude, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Jude.)],
yup];'tUc].'(tLyup];'tLtUc].'(tLKgn]Sa}.tUc].) = Twitch: eyelid twitch; eye involuntary twitching; a twitch in left
eye, twitched, twitching, twitch, N.,
yup];Aw]'yup];km]'[Aw]niw].puk];tc];pa}muiw];km]/vgp];nn].'{= Hold or grasp with fingers tips and thumb,
yum]'yum]yuk];'yuk];yuv]'yuv];'[KUn]yaw];kYam];yuc]:Aaw],yaw],'{(kUn];hUw]yuv];/yum]')= Shaggy, adj. having
long rough hair; untidy; unkempt: a shaggy person, shaggiest,
ybm]mak],hbm]h}'yum]h}' = Sponge,
yum]kuv]'lgn];m}'lgn];m}sak]:'[kn];m}./lQk];mUn];Agn],tL,KQn];/pUn];m}pUn];sUik]:'{'pUn];m}' = Spindle, N. a
rounded rod, used in hand-spinning to twist thread: spinning wheel,
ybm],' hp].ybm],' ybm],Aw]' ybm],mat]:' = Believe,
SQc]:/pQn]An]tqp];tt];mk];mn]:w}.TL:nn].El:Ew:Am],lgt]:l}:n}''kUn];yum],kam],'{ = Fatalism, N. submission
to fate; the doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable predetermination; fatalist,
yum],kam],'yum],kam],ha}./lI'(Kt];-Am],yum],kam],') = Fatalistic, adj., fatalistically, adv., (ant: unfatalistic)
yum],kin]l}:' = Credible, believable, plausible,
yum],kqn],kqk];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Conviction, N. a fixed or firm belief,
t.epL;n}"hI;3;14')' = Original conviction: “ We have come to share in Christ, if indeed hold our original
conviction firmly to the very end.”(Heb.3:14),
yum],Kuic]:nuic]:Am],yum],Kuic]:nuic]:' = Half-believed, adj. half believing,
lIlISc]nn]."An]lqn]kin]ca}:'{(Kaw],luiw];mQw];An]yum],ca}:') = Credulous, adj. willing to believe or trust too readily,
especially without proper or adequate evidence; gullible: a credulous rumor, credulity, N.,
yum],eSpuin]Paw],Agk],' = Believe and declare,
ybm],tm];sG]w}.'yum],mn]:tm];sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Confidence,
yum],tUw]'yum],tUw]kw],' = Believe in oneself,
yum],Et.Et.' yum],w}.kqn],kqk];' = Truly believe,
yum],piUn]:El:" = Believe in others,
yum],Pit];'[yum],An]Pit];/Am],sG]:{ = Erroneous believe, misbelieve; to believe wrongly; err in believe,
yum],Pit];'[kGam];Suip],kGam];kUv];'mik].SL,tik].Ti'{ = False belief, old wives’ tale; heresy,
yum],Pit];yum],pUic]:'[mik].SL,tik].Ti/tik].Timik].SL,'{' = Heresy, N. opinion or doctrine at variance with the
orthodox or accepted doctrine, especially of a church or religious system; the maintaining of such an opinion or doctrine; false
beliefe, heresies,
yum],Pit];yum],pUic]:eSsac]:yL.lukw];lqw]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Destructive heresies,
yum],PI'[yum],SPL,weSel:wL:skYL,wrL,lUc]n}.mI;tUn]:sG]wivin],'{kUiw];lIPI'= Animist, the belief that natural
objects, natural phenomena, and the universe itself possess souls. the doctrine that the soul is the principle of life and health.,
yum],mn]:tm];sG]eSpG].w}.tL.' pG].TL,lUv]:tac];yum],mn]:tm];sG]w}.nn].El:" = Wait with
yum],mat]:' = Faith,
yum],mat]:man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:' = True faith,
ybm],mat]:TiBk]:lbm];lbm];'mI;Sqt].sL,'yum],mat]:lum];lum];' = Faithful, adj., faithfulness, N.,
yum],mat]:tQm]tQm]TUn]:TUn]:'ybm],mat]:lbm];lbm]:'mI;Sqt].sL,' = Be faithful to, faithfully,
ybm],mat]:TiBk]:lbm];lbm];'ybm],mat]:tm];sG]l}:'mI;Sqt].sL,'(lgc]:-/An]-)= Faithfulness,
!yum],mat]:pL;tc];hQt];/An]hQt];kan]can];mn];@ = “Faith with deed or work”(James 2:18),
ybm],mat]:miBw]:lQw]n}.yw].pQn]' = Now Faith Is,
ybm],mat]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Faith,
ybm],mat]:TiBk]:lbm];lbm];' = Faithfuly,
yum],mat]:yap],' = “Bad faith,” lack of honesty or trust, intention to deceive,
ybm],mat]:Am],piBc]:Am],hiBc]:Kgn];wa}' = Unshakeable faith,
yum],mat]:eA,'(SUkUn];yum],mat]:eA,n}.AUiv];')' = Little faith,:You of little faith,(Matt.16:8),
yum],w}.kqn],kqk];lUv]:mak],hUw]sG]kL:mI;tc];SQc]:lum];lum];wL:' = Believe with all my heart,
yum],w}.tL,Aan];l}:' yum],w}.wL:Aan];l}:' = Believing for,
ybm],ym]' ybm],kn]' ybm],ym]tm];sG]' = Trust
yum],ym](lgc]:-)'[An]yum],tm];sG]eSmuc]:yUic];Aan];l}:eSmQw];mQw];'muc]:mgc];'{ = Trust, N. confident
expectation of something; hope,
yum],ym]kn]eStiUw];hQt];Sac]:sgm];kn]kYL.lIliUw]' = Trust each other and work better ,
yum],ym]kn]etSQc]:kGL,' = Trust will be broken,
ybm],ym]kiUw];kum]' = Trustee, trusteeship,
yum],ym]Kaw];yam];mn];sw]:tm];ma}' = Trust His Timing,
yum],ym]Kaw];yam];JPL;sw]:tm];ma}' = Trusting God’s timing,
!ybm],sw]:ey,SbEl:'mG];etl}:tac];Ek,Kzt]:eShBm],lBm]:lIAUiw]:'@ = Believe in the Lord
Jesus, and you will be saved,
ybm],ym]tm];sG]' An]Aap]:lgc]:ybm],ym]tm];sG]' = Trust, trusted, trusting,
yum],ym]tm];sG]l}:' (PU:Agn]hUw]ekL.yum],ym]tm];sG]l}:) = Trusted, (a trusted leader)
ybm],ym]tQc]pqt]:lgc]:kBw]' = Trust over fear,
ybm],ym]eSAap]:w}.' = Entrusted
yum],ym]eSAap]:w}.'Aap]:w}.'wac];Aap]:' = Entrust, to invest or to commit, entrusted, entrusting,
yum],ym]put].T' (pa};yum],ym]/SL,SnL,put].T')'yum],put].T' = Buddhism, a religion, originated
in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that life is
full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through enlightenment that enables one to halt the
endless sequence of births and deaths to which one is otherwise subject.,
ybm],ym]JPL;sw]:ethQt];kGL,nG];tac];mn];sw]:' = Trust God to do in His way,
yum],ym]ey,SueSw}.mn];sw]:pL;lQw]pQn]tI:muc]:mgc];hw];' = Trust Jesus as our only hope,
God has entrusted you with His life.
yum],yap],' pQn]An]lITac],TUim]' = Hard to believe, doubtful,
yum],l}:' = Believable, trustworthy,
yum],wL:' = Deem, consider, believe,
ybm],wL:Aan];l}:' = Believing for,
yum],w}.kqn],kqn],kUv];lL:'yum],w}.kqn],kqk];El:'(!yL,epkUw]'yum],w}.kqn],kqn],kUv];lL:"@) = Just
believe: “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”,
yum],w}.kUv];lL:' = Only believe,
yum];'pL,yum];' = Bush, bushes,
yum];Kqm];nL'yum];Kqm];'yum];tn]'pL,m}.tn]tik];'ekLm}.Sac];tn]' = Thicket, a thick or dense growth
of shrubs, bushes, or small trees,
yum];Kqm];'Kqm];m}.'Kqm];KUw].KL.'Kqm];EK:' = Brush, N. a dense growth of bushes, shrubs, etc.; brushland; brushwood,
yum];nam]' = Thornbushes,
yum];An]f};m}:luk].hun].hun].w}.' = Burning bush, (Exodus 3; Acts 7:30)
ybm].' nL:yum].' = Smile, N., smilingly, adv.,
ybm].' nL:yum].'yum].KUw]'yum].En'yum].ya}:' = Smile, smiled, smiling,
yum].sut];kut];' nL:yum].sut];kut];' = Charm, N.,
yum].sut];kut];' nL:yum].sut];kut];' = Charm, charmed, charming,
yum].sut];kut];'nL:yum].sut];kut];' = Charming, adj. pleasing; delightful, charmingly, adv. graciously,
ybm].piBw].AL;lL;wB;'yum].pUiw].'yum].pUiw].yum].puiw].'(An]-) = Gloat, N.,
ybm].piBw].AL;lL;wB;'yum].pUiw].' = Gloat, gloated, gloating,
yum].sUm];hp].Kam],Kqk],' = Hospitable smile,
yum].hac]:Sm],eSlat]:' (yum].hac]:Sm],eSlat]:lgc]:sw]:kw],)' = Brag, to use boastful language,
(brag on oneself),
yum].hac]:Sm],eSlat]:lgc]:mn];sw]:tL.miUw]:n}.' = Brag on Him Today,
yUk],'yUk],kUv]:'[kqn]kac]num],kUv]:yUk],/kUv]:TUin],kUvn]:hUin];'{'kqn]kUv]:' = Banana stem,
yUc],KUw]lUc]tL:hUiw];'[mUk];Sim];w}.kun],Sin]nG];yUc],KUw]lUc]tL:hUiw];'{ = Wharfage, N. storage of goods at a wharf,
yUc],sak]:'[tI:Ait],/hQt];Agk],es:/lQk];/Pqn],{' = Mill, N, a factory for certain kinds of manufacture, as paper,
steel, or textiles,
yBc],sat]:Sqc];'yBc],sat]:' = Theatre
yUc],sat]:pan]kUn];'(JPL;sw]:sac]:Kw]:mL;nUiw]yUc],sat]:pan]kUn];hw];) = Scene, an incident or situation in
real life,(God can enter the scene),
yBc];'KBn];'Pibn].'tw]' = Stir, arouse, provoke, stimulate,
yUc];'(yUc];sG]mn];nac];') = Prick: prick her conscience, pricked, pricking,
yUc];' tibk];yUc];' = Provoke, motivate, induce, cause,
yUc];'[nG];mak],An]pQn]nUiw].nLehL,hUv],sUiw].mak],w}.nn].'{(yUc];mak],lac];) = Aril, N.(Botany) a usually fleshy
appendage or covering of certain seeds; pod; buld: jackfruit arils or pods,
yUc];kuv]'[yUc];mgk],kuv]PUik],mI;sUiw].nG];mn];{ = Boll, N. a rounded seed vessel or pod of a plant, as of flax or cotton,
yUc];sG]'[An]Aw]tuin],'sG]KUm];sUm];pG].TL:'Am],nn]ekL:'tum],KUn]nUiw].kI:sgm];{(mgk],lat]:eKL:kGam];An]yUc];sG])' =
Stirring, adj. rousing, exciting, or thrilling: a stirring speech,
yUc];sG]' yUc];' tibk];yUc];' = Motivate, provoke, induce, cause,
yUc];sG]'tuik];yUc];'(An]-)'(An]yUc];sG]mn];n}.pQn]lgc]:tgp],tqn];Kiun];nn].yw].')' = Motive, N.,
(His motive was revenge),
yUc];sG]Kuin]:'[tL,ethQt];hG]:tUiw];lIKw]:sG]/sn]sG]'{ = Sex up, to make more interstersting or attractive,
yUc];etL;S'lL,tG]:Sin]:tG]:SiBw]:' = Taunt, provoke by taunt,
yBc];etL;Skw]' hQt];hG]:kw]sG]lm]' = Made me angry,
yUc];etL;SAgk],hqc];' hG]:Sqw];' = Exasperate, exasperated,: He was exasperated by the senseless delays,
yUc];yuk].Kuin]:'KUn];yUc];'[Aw]hqc];f};fL.lqn]:KUn];yUc];nn].eSyUc];sG]'{ = Galvanize, to stimulate by the
galvanic current, galvanized, galvanizing,
yUc];yuk].sG]Kuin]:'[yUc];sG]{(nL:fL.nL:mUic];An]kt];w}.n}.mL;yUc];yuk].sG];kUn];p}tac];Kw]Kiun]:')' Exhilarate, to
enliven; invigorate; stimulate: The cold weather exhilarated the walkers, exhilarated, =
yUc];yuk].hG]:Kiun]:' = Stimulus, boost, motivation, provocation,
yBc];lin]hG]:PBc];Pbv]:w}.'lgc];SBn]' = Keep the soil soft,
yBc];hG]:yG],Kibn]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Stir up, fan into flame,
yBc];lgc]:ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]mG];la}An]hG]:yG],Kibn]:' = Stir up your dreams
yUc].kgn]sgc]:' = Umbrella frames,
yUc].kgn]Sum].'[m}.yUc].m}.kgn]Sum].{ = Tent frames,
yUc].KUic]:sak]:'yUc].KUic]:pn],' = Mechanism, N. the structure or arrangement of parts of a machine,
yUc].mak],kgn]/kac],kgn]'[tI:SG],mak],kgn]/puin]eSpuit];nn].{ = D-loop of the bowstring, N.,
yUc].piUc]kan]' yUc].pUic]kan]ekL,Sac]:'(KUic]:-/lgc]:-) = Framework, N.,
yUc].f};' yUc].muc];kgk];f};' yUc].kgk];f};' = Lamp shade, lampshade,
yUc].mn];'piUc]mn];'tUc]mn];'Kgp],mn];'(m}.yUc].m}.kgn]Sum].'(yUc].kgn]sgc]:') = Frame, N. physique; boards: tent
frames; umbrella frames, frames,
Aw]yUt],kGL,lgk]:kGL,lg};lg};{' = Erosion, N. the process by which surface of the earth is worn away by the action of
water, glaciers, winds, waves, etc., destruction, decrease,
yUt];'yUt];-pqt]:'yUt];nm].'Kac],nm].' = Drain, to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually, to exhaust,
drained, draining,
yUt];nm].m}.'nm].hqc];tUw]yUt];hqc]:'[hQt];hG]:nm].hqc];tUw]/nm].m}.hqc];'{= Sap, to drain the sap from, sapped,
yBt];yL'yUt];yLpn]'yLpn]'yLyUt];yUt];'suin]:Kqn];lI' = Heal, healed, healing,
yBt];yL'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Healing
yUt];yLpn]kUn];K}:kUn];naw]Kw]hG]:Kqn];' = Heal the sick,
yUt];hqc];ciun];tiun]lac];pqt]:nm]nL,' = Drain so many resources,
yUt];hiUn];'Em;hiUn];' = Renovate, revamp, rehab, refresh, renew,
kw],tI:mn];mac]nL,Kgp]:nL,yw]./tI:PUn]k}.hUw]:nn].{' = Renovate thatched roof by inserting new
thatch between the old thatches,
yUt];Aw]AQn]hqc];mG];yUp]:eSAw]hqc];f};mG];ygm];' = Drains you off strength and energy,
yUt]<'[tUw]Em:lik]:kUn];KUiw];kYO;tUw]TiSip];'{ = Yod or Yodh, N. the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet,
yUn]:'yUn]:yUn]:'ygn]:'[puin].hUin];w}/ygp],yUn]:yUn]:'{(KUw]ygp],yUn]:yUn]:'(nG];Ka};ygp],yUn]:')= Bouncing
floor, floor vibration/shaking: bouncing bridge; in marsh,
yUn];'[kUn]:KUiw];t};yU,nG];mUic];T};pgt];hgc],tc];nG];mUic];law];'{= Yon, N. one tribe of Tai in northern Thailand and Laos,
yUn]<nn]<'[luk]:sa};er,SL,El:pQn]AU:yUw];t''(luk].3;27){ = Joanan, Johanan,[the son of Rhesa],
yUp]:'yUp]:nm].'(Aw]Pk];Kam];yUp]:nm].PUt].km];niuc]:eSSG],elL;Kw];Sg};kin]')sup].'sum],'= Dip into,
yUp]:'yUp]:lUc];'nm].yUp]:' = Recede, a reduction in rate or quantity, receded, receding,
yUp]:kGL,lg};lg};'[tc];nm]tc];yG]tc];hqc];mn];ygm];kGL,lg};lg};{' = Attrition, N.,
eSAm],Kat]:kUn];put]:tqn];tI:Kw]yw].nn].{' = Attrition, N. a gradual reduction of work force,
yBp]:mBt];liBm]:mBt];pit];' = Wear/worn down, drain, spent, diminish in value,
yUp]:ygm];'yUp]:' = Cutback, a reduction in rate or quantity,
yBp]:ygm];'yUp]:' = Decrease, recede,
n}.yUp]:ygm];kGL,lg};lg};yw].')(lqc];wn];yUp]:ygm];kGL,lg};lg};ethgt]:Pqw]mL;kac]Kiun];yw].')' = Wane: Her enthusiasm
for the cause is waning; Daylight waned, and night came on, waned, waning,
yBp]:ygm];eAmac]kGL,'yUp]:' = Diminished,
yUp]:lUc];' nuk]:'(-)' = Minus, subtract from,
yBp]:lBc];'ygm];'sBm]lBc];'(nm].ngc];nn].yBp]:lBc];Kibn];yw].) = Subside, decrease, sink, recede,
yBw]'yUw]eK;' = Perhaps, may be, possibly,
yUw]eK;mn];etAm],epL;ca}:sG]ca}:eKL;tL,mG];' = Perhaps you don’t feel comfortable,
yBw]eK;mG];yc];et' = May be you will,
yUw]eK;lUm];mL;pt].pw],Aw]hUiw];SUPa};kGL,tac],tac];pqt]:nn].lG]hiuw]' = Wind may have
been taken out of your sail,
yUw]eK;An]lG]ekL:l}:hQt];yap],hQt];yQn];tan],tan],' = May be things got a little difficult,
yUw]wL:' kw]ekL:Tac],wL:' = I thought,
yBw],eS,kBw]ym]' = Reverence, N., reverent, adj.: reverent manner, reverential,
yUw],eS,kUw]ym]' mat]:' = Revere, venerate, revered, revering,
yUw],eS,kUw]ym]'(-sw]:JPL;)' = Hallow, hallowed,
yUw],eS,el,mat]:'[yUw],eS,kUw]ym]'mat]:'{ = Stand in awe of, venerate; revered, stood in awe of,
yUw];'yUw];yUw];'yUw];Sut];Sut];' = Simple, adj. N. plain; unassuming; modest, simpler, simplest,
yUw];Sqk].'[luk]:sa};yUw];tEl:pQn]AU:Sqm],min]<'(luk].3;26){ = Josek,[the son of Joda, and father of Semein,],
yBw];Sqp]:' (mUiw]:tqm]:nG];lik]:tac],lUic]:n}..-kYOw];Sqp]:') = Joseph,
yBw];Sqp]:'[luk]:sa};yL,kup]:ekL.TiSip];Aqt];l}:sgm];em;ekL.Sgc]mn];er<KYOw]<{(cw]:30;22-24'37')= Joseph,
Jacob’s eleventh son, the first of Jacob and his second wife, Rachel: sold into slavery by his brothers. Genesis 30:22-24; 37,
yUw];Sqp]:'[luk]:sa};mqt]:TTiEl:pQn]AU:yUw];Sqp]:'{ = Joseph,[the son of Mattathias, and father of Jannai,],
yBw];Sqp]:'[PUw]Em,rI,ekL.pQn]Em:sw]:ey,Su{(yUw];Sqp]:n}.pQn]AU:kQp];lQc].sw]:hw];sw]:ey,Su'(luk].3;23')' =
Joseph, the husband of Mary, mother of Jesus,(Matt.1:16; Luke 3:23),
yUw];t'[luk]:sa};yUn];nEl:pQn]AU:yUw];Sqk].'(luk].3;26){ = Joda,[the son of Joanan, and father of Josek],
yUw];Tm],' [luk]:sa};liun];kitiAgn],{ = Jotham, [the youngest son of Gideon,(Judg. 9:1-21)],
yUw];Tuic].Tuic].'Suiw]:lUik];TUik];'(yU,PwyUw];Tuic].Tuic].'lik]:tqm]:Suiw]:lUik];TUik];') = Austere, adj., severely
simple; without ornament; without excess or ease; severely limited;: an austere life; an austere writing, austerity, N.
yUw];n' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-yUw];n'){ = Jonah, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Jonah.)],
yUw];n'(perL;Pqt].)[luk]:sa};Amit].t};{ = Jonah(a prophet)[Also, Jonas, the son of Amittai ],
yUw];nEl:pLlUc]' = Jonah and the big fish,
yUw];nm]<'[luk]:sa};AI<la};Akim];'(luk].3;30){ = Jonam,[the son of Eliakim,],
yUw];nL,eShQt];hgt];lUc]kGL,nn].' = Waywardness of the simple,
yUw];nL,yw].'[yUw];yUw];kUv];Am],lak],la};Sc]'{ = Trite, adj. hackneyed; stale,
yUw];nL,yw].'[yUw];yUw];kUv];Am],lak],la};Sc]'{' = Trite, adj. hackneyed; stale, triter, tritest,
yUw];pp].'[suiw]:kUn];sa};hL:ekL.nG];Tm],kYam];kw],'(luk]:sa};ygk].Tn],'{(cw]:10;29'1puin];1;23) = Jobab, the
name of five men in the Old Testament, a son of Joktan,
yUw];pUn].'[Sac];lac];pUn].AL;lL;'{ = Simplistic, adj. characterized by extreme simplism; oversimplified,
yUw];mUin]kw],' = Unsophisticated, naïve, artless, simple,
yBw];yBw];' ca}:ca}:Agn],' (kan]yUw];yUw];ca}:ca}Agn],') = Simple, ordinary, (simple task)
yUw];yUw];' puc],man],mn];Et.' = Generally,
They just don’t want to be at peace with you.
yUw];yUw];kUv];'ca}:ca}:Agn],kUv];'Am],Kiuk].Sc]' = Simple, adj. not complicated; mere,
yUw];yUw];kUv];Am],lak],la};Sc]'[hQt];w}.pQn]Agc]:tI:yUw];yUw];nn]./yUw];nL,yw].nn].{' = Hackneyed,
adj. made commonplace or trite,
yUw];yUw];eSca}:TiSut];' = Simplest,
yBw];yBw];Agn],' = Spotless, blameless, innocent, as simple as,
yUw];yUw];Agn],'yU,yUw];yUw];'[Am],pqt].lqn]'Suiw]:yUw];'yUw];yUw];'kUn];yUw];'{ = Simplehearted, adj.
free of deceit; artless; sincere; unwary; simple; ordinary people,
yUw];yUw];Agn],eS' yU,yUw];yUw];Agn],eS' = Simply,
yUw];yUw];man],man],' yUw];yUw];Agn]nn].' yUw];yUw];' = Normally,
I trust that You are fighting my battles for me. I give You all the honor and praise.
yUw];rim]<'[luk]:sa};mqt]:Tt]:El:pQn]AU:AI<el<sL,'{ = Jorim,[the son of Matthat, and father Eliezer,],
yUw];lIyum],mat]:' = Good Faith, (Contract). accordance with standards of honesty, trust, sincerity, etc. (usually
preceded by in ):( If you act in good faith, he'll have no reason to question your motives.),
yUw];lIyum],mat]:eSetL,SU:Kuic]Sac]:sgm];JtL;lI' = Good faith and fair dealing,
yUw];Aqt].'[AU:kitiAgn],'suiw]:sa};pqt],ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(Sin]6;11') = Joash, the father of Gideon, Jehoash,
yUw];Aqp]<'[pQn]nG];luk]:sa};esruv];ASam]ekL.nn].ekL.nuic]:'(2Sqm];2;13){' = Joab, one of the three sons of
Zeruiah (2 Sam. 2:13; 1 Chr. 11:6),
yUw];EA,' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-yUw];'){ = Joel, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Joel.)],
yUw].'yU,yUw].'yBw],eK;'yUw]eK;mn];et'eK;wL:lL;'eK;'yUw]' = Perhaps, adv., may be, possibly,
yUw].yI:yUw].yL.'[hUin];KL;/TQc]h}:lUm].kg}kgc]yUw].yI:yUw].yL.w}.'{= Disconnected, adj. broken; disjointed,
yUw]<An];n'[pQn]em;KU.sL.ekL.pQn]PU:kgn];kUn];nL:hUin];ey;Kun]ehLKm];Eh;rWt].nn].'{ = Joanna, [the
wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household; (Lk.8:3)],
yuK'[!kw]hUiw].AUn]:nuc];sG]nL,'eAL:TL,wrL.JPL;'kw]KL:hUiw].AUn]:nuc];sG]nL,hUiw].AUn]:nL,yw].'@(Tuc];31;1'){ =
Ucal, an unknown person to whom Agur addressed his proverbs along with Ithiel(Prov.30:1). Some scholars, however, do not
believe Ithiel and Ucal are proper names. Therefore, “to Ithiel – to Ithiel and Ucal” (Prov. 30:1, NKJV) becomes “I am weary, O
God, I am weary and worn out”(REB),
yuStu'[suiw]:KUiw];hUin];yUw];Sqp]:ekL.An]hgc].wL:pL,SpL.{ = Justus, a surname of name Joseph, also called Barsabas,
ybt'(es:tgn]:/es:wQc];/wQc];-') = Judea, Judah, (a province)
yutit].'[em;AI<eSL;ekL.pQn]KUiw];hit].T}.ekL.nuic]:'{(cw]:26;34') = Judith, one of the two Hittite wives of Esau,
ybt'[luk]:sa};yL,kup]:tc];el;AL,ekL.TUn]:SI,'{(cw]:29;35')' = Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and Leah,
yutL.'[ngc].sa};sw]:ey,Su'(mqt]:'13;55')'{ = Judas, [One of the four brothers of Jesus (Mt. 13:55; Mk. 6:3;)],
yutL.'[yutL.wQc];Ek;lI,lI;'{ = Judas, [Judas of Galilee, (Acts 5:37;)],
yutL.'[kUn];sa};mUic];tmt].Skt].'(man],'9;11')'{ = Judas, [A man in Damascus, (Acts 9:11)],
yutL.'yutL.AiSkL,rit].'[tEp;ekL.hk];lc]sw]:ey,Su'{ = Judas, Judas Iscariot, [the disciple who
betrayed Jesus (Mk 3:19)],
yutL.AiSkL,rit].' yutL.' (ygn]<'12;4) = Judas Iscariot, (John 12:4),
Junia, N. a Jewish Christian at Rome to whom apostle Paul sent greetings. (Ro.16:7),
4;21)' = Jubal, a descendant of Cain, called “the father of all those who play the harp and the flute”,
yUtiKt].'[kUn];sa};num],tI:wQc];JTOw];Aqt].{ = Eutychus, (fortunate)[a second son of Isaac,(Acts 20:9-12)],
v];'Am],nn]sac]:K}:Enkn]/EPkn]tUv];wI<tI<AUw]<l}:nn].'{'yU<Tup]<' = Youtube, Trademark. The brand
name of a website on which users can post, view, or share videos,
yUer;nn}.'(UO2)'[pQn]Eh:lm],lgc]:Sut];An]Agk],yUer;nIym],{' = Uraninite, a mineral, probably
originally uranium dioxide, UO2 , but altered by radioactive decay, and usually containing uranium trioxide, lead, radium, and
helium, occurring in several varieties, including pitchblende: the most important ore of uranium.,
yUer;nIym],' = Uranium, Chemistry. a white, lustrous, radioactive, metallic element, occurring in pitchblende, and
having compounds that are used in photography and in coloring glass. The 235 isotope is used in atomic and hydrogen bombs
and as a fuel in nuclear reactors. Symbol: U; atomic weight: 238.03; atomic number: 92; specific gravity: 19.07. ,
yUAUw];tiy'[nac];yic];Krit]:yan],ekL.nuic]:(Pi'4;2'){ = Euodia, [a Christian woman in Philipi,(Phil.4:2)],
yU,' yU,Sw];' mI;yU,' = Live, lived, living,
yB,' tI:yB,' Sac]:Sw];yB,' = Reside, resided, residing, residence, N.,
yB,'tI:yB,'Sac]:Sw];yB,' = Reside, to dwell permanently or for a cosiderable time, resided, residing,
yU,kt];yQn]hin].ngn];' = Keep your cool,
yU,kin]eA,eSAn]mG];hLl}:' = Living on less than you make,
n]l}'mG];ethn]yU,kUv];)'= Imperative affix, implying that something will sooner or later take place:
You will be seeing it. You will see!,
yU,kUv];'yU,ekL.lQw]' = Living alone,
Quarantine, N. a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease,
yU,k}k}kn]'yU,hac],k}yan]'[cUic].lgt]:lgt]:'{ = Stand off, to stay at a distance; evade, stand-off,
yU,k}k}El:' Ew:k}k}El:' yL,mL;sm]' = Stay away,
yU,kYOik]:sG]'(hG]:l}:yU,kYOik]:sG]lITiSut];nG];Pw)= Savor, to give oneself to the enjoyment of: to savor the best in life,
yU,kGL,km]:mn];pQn]' = Wild living,
yU,kGL,sgm];' mUTUmLTLyU,kGL,sgm];' = Contend with, put up with, abide in, dwell and strive with,
yB,kGL,sgm];tac];sn].Sbc]tL.' = Take the high road
yU,kGL,nc],hw];w}.kL:Kn]nn].Et.Et.' = Stay true to our values,
yU,kGL,wL:eSyU,mw]kin]mac]'(yL,epetL.Et.yU,kGL,wL:eSyU,mw]kin]mac]sUic].nn]kUv];)' = Live on the
surface of life: Don’t just live on the surface of life.,
yB,eKLeKL' yU,EKLeKLAm],Kw]:Agk],PG]' = Isolation,
yU,cw]kw].sG]lQk].sG]tUk];' = Living depress,
yU,ca}:'SL,lUm]sG]'(Kt];-yU,yap],')= Comfortable, adj. at ease, comfortably, adv.,(ant: be uncomfortable)
yB,sBw]:kqp].' = Temporary,
yB,Sw]; = Inhabitant
yU,Sw];kin]Sac]:lIliUw]' = Live better,
yU,Sw];kin]Sac]:hp].sgm];ASak]:PwkGL,' = Partake of the life,
yU,Sw];ekL.lQw]eKLeKL' = Live isolate,
yU,Sw];kGL,sgm];lUv]:wivin],mUt];sac],sw]:'(rUw];8;4)' = Live according to the Spirit,(Ro.8:4)
yU,Sw];kGL,TL,wrL.sgm];mn];sw]:' = Live in eternity with him,
yU,Sw];kGL,hG]:epL;Sut];Tuic]tI:An]mG];SQn]:kL:SQn]:Kn]mn];l}:tUik]:tUik]:nn].' = Living up
to your end of the bargain,
yU,Sw];sgm];tac];cm];yQn]' = Live in peace,
yB,Sw];man],mqn]:Sibw]:etL,' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Righteous living
yB,Sw];lBv]:mI;tac];mbc]:mgc];tQm]w].pik];pik];hQt];nn]' = Stay filled with hope,
yU,Sw];lUv]:wivin],sw]:Agn]' = Live by the Spirit,
yU,Sw];PwemLsgm];JPL;'yU,ASak]:PwemLsgm];JPL;' = Godly life,
yB,SL,kin]lI' = Welfare, healt, happiness, prosperity, and well-being in general,
yU,SL,kin]lIkB:lgc]:lgc]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = General welfare
yB,Sibw]:Sibw]:' lat]:Suiw]:hQt];Suiw]:' hQt];Suiw]:lat]:Suiw]:' hQt];Suiw]:Suiw]:' = Upright, adj.,
yU,eS,'pQn]eS,'mI;eS,'(lgc]:/An]-)(luk]:lQc].yU,eS,)= Permanent, adj. N.: a permanent employee,
yB,tL,eS,' = Permanently, adv.,
yU,tQt],tQt],' yL,tk];SQc]' = Quiet, adj., be quiet,
yB,tQt],yQn]ngn];hBn];pqt]:tI:hw];mI;' = Settle down where we are,
yU,tI:k}'(KUic]:yU,tI:k}Tic];)' = Remote, adj., operating or controlled fro a distance,: remote control,
yU,tI:k}SU;tgc];pn]kn]' = Distant prayer,
yU,Tc]Agc];'[mI;yU,sgm];'yU,'{ = Live in, dwell; live,
yU,tuin]:'[Aw]/pn]An]Kam],sL;nG];sG]hw];mL;kum];km]ASak]:Pwhw];kGL,kU:wn];{ = Shalowl living life,
yU,nUiw]' Kiun]:Aup].' [yip];sik];'Aup].pUic],'kum];kgn];'{ = Ascendancy, N. dominance; rule; control,
yU,nG];cm];yQn]'[Am],pQn]Suik];pQn]SUiw]'{ = At peace, N.(Idiom) not at war; tranquil: at peace with Him,
yU,nG];cm];yQn]kGL,kt];kt];yQn]yQn]El:/tL.' = Stay in peace,
kU:ekL.tL,eS,yw].') = Be in the loop: He is in the loop,
yB,nG];tBc],wiBc];' = Bound by,
yU,nG];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:' = Live to God,
n]w}.nn].Et.AUiw]:)' = Be out of the loop: I’ve been out the loop since I change jobs,
yU,pUn].kGL,l}:'(Sc]sUiw].kw]etL.Et.sac]:yU,pUn].kGL,l}:n}ekL:') = Make through, (if I an just make through),
yB,pibt],PiBv]w}.tL,An]mG],' = Stay open for a new thing,
yU,pgc],lqc];'[tc];Kiun];Am],lp];Am],ngn];eSAit];{' = All-nighter,
yU,P};'Em:yU,P};'[Em:kUit],luk]:yU,Aun],luiw]:sG]{ = Accouchement, N. the confinement of childbirth; lying-in,
yB,Pa},Kam],' = Passive, be passive,
yU,Puit],sG]'kin];sG]'yap],yQn];Kan]sG]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Hardship, N.,
yU,mUn]:mUn]:' Aw]ekYL,ekYL,' = Have fun,
7') = Be glad, :“rejoice and be glad”(Rev.19:7),
yU,/sgm];Pa},lc]El:' = Get behind, fall behind,
yU,mn]:es,nG];ASak]:PwTL,wrL.w}.' = Take hold of eternal life,
yU,mw]kin]mac]'(kUn];yU,mw]kin]mac])= Frivolous: a frivolous empty-headed person, self-indulgently carefree,
yU,yw]." yU,yw]:" yw]:"-ekL:yw].-lUc]" = Suffix used in cause effect sentences,
yU,yan]mUic];'kBn];yan]miBc];'[kBn];siBw];kGL,mI;yB,ngk]:miBc];sw]:kw],{' = Exile, N.,
yU,yap],'Am],SL,sG]'(Kt];-yU,ca}:')= Uncomfortable, adj. uneasy; painful, (ant: be comfortable)
yB,yQn]nim]Sw];' tQt],yQn]ngn];hBn];' = Settle,
yU,yQn]SI,SI,tk];SQc]' Am],lat]:kGam];Sc]' = Be quiet, refuse to talk or stop talking, fall silent,
yU,yQn]yQn]yL,emL;'yL,epemL;/emL;Em;'yL,tk];SQc]'yL,lat]:kGam];Sc]' = Be quiet!
yU,yU,sUic].n}' (PUiw],yU,sUic].n}) = Going nowhere, (instead of going nowhere)
yB,lI' lI' = Well, good, fine,
yU,lIkin]wan]'(Kt];kn]-Am],epL;yU,lI)'yU,lI' = Feeling well, (ant: not feeling well), wellness,
yU,lIkin]wan]kn]yU,(KL:)enL:'(kGam];tk].pI:tk].ngc].) = How are doing? What’s up?
yB,lIpI;San];' pa};yU,lI' = Healthy, health,
yU,lIpI;San];mL;lUiw]kw],yU,' tUiw];yU,lIKqc]lqc];' = Healthier,
yU,lIpI;San];mL;lUiw]kw],' tUiw];yU,lIKqc]lqc];' = Healthier,
yU,lIpI;San];Sut];' yU,lIKqc]lqc];Sut];' = Healthiest,
yB,lImBt];SG]' (Pa},-/tac];-/) = Sanitation
yU,lIlI'[tUc].nuic]hQt];Sac],etL,'{(sgc],luk]:Agn],yU,lIlIhuiw]?')= Behave, to act properly: Did the child behave?,
yU,lIlI'[yL,Suk].Sk].pUin]:'yLL,lUn];'yU,yQn],yQn],Ec:Ec;'{= Behave properly,(ant: misbehave)
yU,lUv]:'(kUn];n}.Am],yU,lUv]:An]kin]Kw]:mun];nn].An]lQw]kUv];')' = Live on or by, ‘Man shall not
live on bread alone.’(Luke 4:4),
yU,lUv]:An]mI;JPL;sw]:tQm]w}.pik];pik];nn].' = Living full of God,
yU,la}'[yU,lgk],yU,la}Am],hLhQt];kan]hQt];can];{yU,la}la}lgk],lgk],'yU,la}la}' = Doing nothing,
yB,la}Kc];kqt],tBw]' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Pity party,
yU,la}sc],wL:' kgp]:pUiw]:nn]El:sc],wL:' = On that account, because of that, hence,
l:)' = On-the-offensive posture: be on-the-offensive posture in the midst of difficulty,
yU,lgt]:kGL,l}:' = Live through it,
yU,lgt]:eP;kGL,lgt]:mL;lItI:nn]:w}.'(lI;wa};25;19') = Live there in safety,
yU,wUc]:kac]sg}:Ek:'(la};-'An]-') = Mediation, N.,
yU,w}.'kibt];mI;w}.'pQn]w}.mI;w}.'tuik].mI;w}.'pQn]w}.'[Suip],mI;yU,w}.'Suip],kuit];mI;w}.'{ = Remain, continue in the
same state, abide, stay, remained, remaining,
yU,w}.tQt],tQt],El:' = Keep silence, : keep silence before me; Be silent before me, (Isa.41:1),
yU,w}.nim]nim]El:'yU,nim]nim]'(!yU,w}.nim]nim]El:'hU.lgc]:wL:kw]pQn]JPL;nn].El:'@(SL,46;10')' = Be
still, : “…, Be still, and know that I am God….”(Ps.46:10),
yU,w}.nG];pac]Sw];'KYL;pac]'tm];pac]'KYL;tp].' = Encamp, to settle or lodge in a camp, encamped,
yU,w}.yU,tL,eS,TL,wrL.'(sw]:ey,SuyU,w}.yU,tL,eS,TL,wrL.eAL:'(hI;7;24') = Live forever: Jesus
lives forever.(Heb.7:24),
yB,hac],k}yan]' = Aloof, : stand aloof from,
w]mUiw]:lG]eSAm],wL:tL,hG]:epL;sac]:Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];An]mqc];KrUw],nL,etEP:l}:nn].n}yw]."@{ = Social
distancing or physical distancing, is a set of nonpharmaceutical infection control actions intended to stop or slow
down the spread of a contagious disease. The objective of social distancing is to reduce the probability or contact between
persons carrying an infection, and others who are not infected, so as to minimize disease transmission, morbidity and ultimately
mortality. Per the CDC’s (Centers for Disease Control) recommendation: “remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass
gatherings, and maintaining distance” whenever possible to limit the ability of the coronavirus to spread.”
yB,hac],k}yan]'(Am],mI;lgc]:tL,yU,hac],k}yan]kn])' = Stand-off: no stand-off, aloofness,
yU,hac],k}yan]kn]tc];-'yU,hac],yan]k}' = Stay away from, stay far from,
yB,hac],yan]k}' = Further from,
yU,hac],yan]k}kn]'(mn];Kt];sG]kYam],yU,hac],yan]k}kn]tc];mn];nac];')'w}.k}kn]' = Distant, to place at a
distance: He is trying to distance himself from her, distanced, distancing,
yU,hUm],lUm]:lgt]:eP;lIw}.' = Kept safe,
yU,hUm]:'yU,lUv]:'[yU,sgm];kn]'{ = Live together, cohabit,
yU,hUm]:'yU,tG]:hUm]:'[eSL.hUm]:puic]:PUv];tUn]:m}./Sum]./hUin];'{= Take shelter, as in a shade,
yU,huic]lUiw]'(yU,huic]lUiw]wn];nuic]:'(ngn];Kiun];nuic]:sc],hgt]))' = Overstay, (overstay one day), outstay,
yU,hUin];Sum].yaw];'[kgL,/mL;luiw]:Sw];w}.nG];hUin];Sum].yaw];nn].{' = Barrack, to lodge in barrack, barracked,
yU,hUin];yU,' mI;hUin];' (sgc],PG]mI;hUin];/yU,hUin];?) = Be at home: Is anybody at home?,
luik]:wn];Sc],Tuk],tL,hQt];pg};pac]Kqk],kUp].kU:{(yU,hUin];hUm]:hgc]:kac]:sgc]:lUc],lQw]'(kGam];kp];Tuk],t};') = Living
yU,hG]:Kiut];pQc];sn].'[yU,kGL,sgm];nc],muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:/sn].mn];nn].{' = Live up to, to live according
with (expectation or standard),
yU,hG]:ASak]:PwmG];yiun];yaw];' = Prolong your life,
yU:'pa}puk];'[pa}lqm]lqm]mn];puk];kGL,ecL;kGL,Sik],ygk];yg}kGL,'{ = Abrade, to wear off, abraded, abrading,
yU;Pqn],'[Aw]Pqn],kYam];mt].sutI:pa}kan];yip];mn];pUc];pUc];tL,Aw]sQt].TUpt];puin].hUin];'{ = Mop, N.,
yU;'yU;pt];'[yU;Kqm];'{(yU;pt];hUin];tI:eKYL;yU;Kqm];pt];wac];hUin];')' = Broom, N. besom,
yU<krQc];'(kUn];miUc];'kaGm];lat]:) = Ukrainian,
yU<kYI;niy'[suiw]:An]tac],pn]nac];yic];pQn]kGam];krik].mI;tI:pgc],wL:!sG]lIsG]mYat]:@{' = Eugenia, N. a female
given name: from a Greek word meaning “nobility.”,
yU<eK,' (siuc]:miUc];) = UK, the United Kingdom,
sa},mqc],nn].yU,yw]."{ = UCR (Usual, Customary and Reasonable), the amount paid for a medical service
in a geographic area based on what providers in the area usually charge for the same or similar medical service. The UCR amount
sometimes in used to determine the allowed amount,
yU<nn],'[es:tgn]:nG];mUic];EK,pgt];san];'{' = Yunnan, N. a province in S China, former name of Kumming,
yB<nit].'pk];lQw]'sum],lQw]' = Unit
yU<nit].KUic]:Tic];f};fL.' = Electronic Control Unit,
yU<nit].ciun];sG].sa},mUic];nuic]:' = Monetary unit,
yU<nIKUt]<'[An]hQt];w}.nG];Kgm]<piw]TUiw]<tL,kGam]lat]:An]lG]An]nn].tc];SQc]:{' = Unicode, N. a standard
system of computing a character set for all language,
yU<fer;tI<'[Ek;nm].hgc]:nG];kun],AL,SYL.Pa},wn];tUk];An]yaw];1700lk];'(cw]:2;14'){= Euphrates, N. a
river in SW Asia, flowing from E Turkey through Syria and Iraq, joining the Tigris to form the Shatt-al-Arab near the Persian
Gulf. 1,700 miles (2,735 km) long,
yB<rBp].'[kun]mUic];lUc]nG];Ek:nm].Sm],muk].JtL,Aqt].ln]<tik].El:psifik].'{ = Europe, N.,
yU<Aqt].S](siuc]:miUc];)' yU<Aqt].S]eA,' = US, USA, the United States,
yU<Aqt].S]'(siuc]:miUc];)[mUic];Pgm].hUm]:AEm,rik''mUic];AEm,rikn],'{ = U.S. United States of America, U.S.A.,
yU<Aqt].S]kYI,eA,'(muk].sum];kgp].f]mUic];Pgm].hUm]:AEm,rik')' = USGA,(United States Golf Association),
yU<Aqt].S]sIAa}<Aqt].S]' = United States Citizenship Immigration Services (USCIS),
tiKw]lgc]:eKL:l}:sG]Kw]mI;w}.sgm];kn]nn].'{(cw]:31;47') = Jegar Sahadutha, (witness heap) a pile of stones set
up by Jacob and Laban as a reminder of their agreement,
ey,sEp,l'[Em:yic];mUik]:kUt].kqk];ygk];'(Kuin];2;20'){ = Jezebel, a wicked woman,
ey,srI;'[suiw]:kUn];Sgc]ekL.'Sgc]wQc];El:hUv]:nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;15;56')= Jezreel, the name of two people,
two cities and a valley, in the Old Testament,
ey,sL;'[luk]:sa};np].Tla};'pQn]ekL.Et,cw]:kUn];KUiw];ey,sL;'{(cw]:46;24')' = Jezer, a son of Naphtali,
ey,ES;'[ey,ES;n}.pQn]AU:Kun]ehLKm];et;wit].'(rut].4:17){' = Jesse, [the father of David, (Ruth 4:17)],
w];Sqp]:(ygn]<6;42'{= Jesus, N. also called Jesus Christ; Jesus of Nazareth; (Jn.18:7), Jesus the son of Joseph (Jn.6:42),
Aim]=mI;sgm];'AL,nU;=hw];'EA;l]=JPL;"{' = Jesus, Jesus’ name Immanuel (Mtt.1:23): God with us (im = with, anu =
us, el = God in Hebrew),
!ey,SuekL.An]suiw]:hgc].wL:Krit]:'@!ey,SuekL.An]suiw]:hgc].wL:em,S};y'@ = “Jesus who
is called Christ,” “Jesus who is called the Messiah?”(Mtt.27:22)
!ey,SupQn]sw]:wn];Sin]'@(mqt]:'12) = “Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath”(Mtt.12:1-13),
ey,Suhk].kw]miUw]:kw]kUn];lI'miUw]:kw]hQt];kan]kw]kiuc],TiUk]:hQt];nn]." = Jesus loves me
when I am good, when I do the things I should.
ey,Suhk].luk]:Agn]lQk].Agn]sUiw];nn].eAL:' = Jesus loves the little children,
Jesus loves me when I am bad, even though it makes him sad. =
ey,SYrn]<'[ekL.SePL;Suiw]:'nn].pQn]'AiSer;'{(ehL;32;15') = Jeshurun, the upright one, that is, Israel,
ey,tutun]<'[pQn]hUw]eKL:An]lqp]:etpQn]eKL:sG].Pa},SQc]h},tuic]:'{(SL,39) = Jeduthun,
ey,TL;'[luk]:sa};kitiAgn],'suiw]:kUn];sa};hL:ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(Sin]8;20') = Jether, a son of Gideon,
ey,Tqt].'[Kun]mUic];AI<tum],(AI<eSL;){(cw]:36;40') = Jetheth, a chief of Esau or Edom,
ey,TUiw];'[luk]:sa};AiSYem;'{(cw]:25;15') = Jetur, a son of Ishmael,
ey,JTOw];'[AU:sw]:mUw];eS,El:pQn]AU:sip],PUw];rL,'{(Agk],3;1')' = Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses,
19;10')= Jebus, N. an ancient Canaanite city taken by David: it later became Jerusalem,
ey,Pn],en,'[AU:kL,lqp].'suiw]:kUn];sa};Sgc]ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],13;6') = Jephunneh, the father of Caleb,
ey,miw]<[luk]:sa};lUc]SimYin],'en,miw]<ekL:hgc].'{(cw]:46;10')= Jemuel, oldest son of Simeon; also called Nemuel,
ey,m};mL<'[yic];lUc]nG];Kw]luk]:yic];yUp]<Sam]ekL.'{(yUp]42;14') = Jemimah, the first of Job’s three daughters,
ey,rm};y' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-ey,'){ = Jeremiah, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Jer.)],
ey,rL,'[luk]:sa};ygk].Tn],ekL.TUn]:SI,KUiw];hUin];SYqm];'{(cw]:10;26'1puin];1;20')= Jerah, the fourth son of Joktan,
ey,riKUw];'(wQc];) = Jericho,
ey,rup].ep;AL,'[suiw]:tac], pn]kitiAgn],ekL.pQn]nG];Kun]Tt];Sin]AiSer;Kw]ekL.nuic]:nn].'{(Sin]6;32')=
Jerub-Baal, a name given to Gideon, one of the judges of Israel, JERUBBAAL,
ey,rUw];pUm]<'[suiw]:Kun]ehLKm];Sgc]pL;nG];mUic];ehLKm];AiSer;pgt];hgc],'(1Kun]11;6'){' = Jeroboam, the name of
two kings of the northern kingdom of Israel (1 Kin. 11:6-14:20),
ey,ruSlqm],' = Jerusalem,
ey,l'[Em:yic];ekL.Aw]Sit].SrL.ta}'{(Sin]4;17') = Jael, the woman who killed Sisera,
ey,hut].'[wQc];lqn]lin]mUic];tqn]<'{(eyL;19;45') = Jehud, a town on the border of Dan,
ey,hUw];SPt].'[Kun]ehLKm];yutL.{ = Jehoshaphat, [king of Judah,(1 King 22;41-50)],
ey,hUw];rqm];' [Kun]ehLKm];yutL.pL;TihL:'{ = Jehoram, [the fifth king of Judah, (2 Chr. 17:8)],
ey,hUw];wL;'(suiw]:TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:nG];kYam];kw],')ey,hUw];wL;y};rqk].' = Jehovah, name of God in the old
testament, Jehovah Jireh,
ey,hg};Akim];' = Jehoiakim, [king of Judah,(Jer. 1:3)],
t];pQn]KYit].s]{ = Curd, N. a substance obtaining from milk by coagulation, and used as food or made into cheese; also
called curd cheese,
ey,AuSY'[suiw]:kUn];sa};hL:ekL.nG];kYam];kw],'{(cw]:36;5') = Jeush, the name of five men in the Old Testament,
yic];TUn]:Sam]'Aa},-yic];TUn]:SI,'AUw]:-yic];TUn]:hL:)sL.kGL,'{= Appellation for the first daughter,
ey:kqp].ey:km];'[sUw]:kqp].Agn]/sUw]:Kaw];ekL:lI'ey:kq].ey:sUw]:'nuic]:kqp].nuic]:km];'{ = Every little while,
ey:Kqn];Kqm].AUiw]:n}.' = It sounds better,
ey:Kqn];nm]'nuic]:Kqn];nm]' = Much more,
ey:Kqn];etlImL;' = Will even get better,
ey:Kqn];lUiw]nL,epL;tan],lG]lU;kgn],' = How much more,
ey:Kqn];ht];lUiw]mL;' = Dare all the more,
ey:Kqn];hQt];nm]nm]'tc];SQc]:tc];lUc]' = All the more, even more,
ey:Kqn];ha}.sL.lUiw]kGL,' ha}.' ha}.nL,' ha}.sL.nL,' ha}.sL.lUiw]' = Worse,
ey:mQw];ey:An]'nuic]:mQw];nuic]:An]' = One of each kind,
ey:mQw];ey:Ait];'nuic]:mQw];nuic]:Ait];' = Little of each kind,
mL;tL,kBn];JPL;sw]:yw].' = The darker it gets in the world the brighter it’s going to be for
God’s people.
ey:nm]-ey:hqc];mL;tik];tik];' = The more – the stronger,
!ey:mG];kGL,Suc]ey:mn];etmI;kUn];sc];mG];nm]'@ = “The higher you go the more haters will
come out.”
ey:hk].ey:mI;AL,nL,'niuc]:/yuic]:hk].niuc]:/yuic]:mI;AL,nL,' = More love more power,
ey:Ait];ey:AI:'[sg}:pn]l}:tan],lG]ekL:lIn}nn].'nuic]:Ait];nuic]:AI:'{ = Every little bit helps,
ey;' ygc]' (mUk];Sim];w}.nG];ygc]nG];ey;') = Barn, (store in barns)
ey;Kw]:'lgm],Kw]:'ygc]Kw]:' = Granary, N. a storehouse or repository for grain, granaries,
ey;cibn];Kam];KBw];Kgc]'tUik]:Pn],tL,cuin];Km];/KUw];Kgc]' = Treasury,
ey;cibn];Km];KBw];Kgc]mUic];Pgm].hUm]:AEm,rik' = Treasury of the United States,
ey;nm].'nm].tiuc];' tiuc];nm].' tiuc];' = Reservoir, N., cistern,
Ey,'yUiw],'[An]Ait]Aw]nm].yw].eSkuit];w}.{(Ey,TUw],PU;'(Ey,lw]:wa}<') = Lee, N. sediment; dregs, lees,
Ey,/yUiw],TUw],PU;' = Dregs of Tofu, dregs of soy sauce,
Ey,/yUiw],lw]:wa}<' = Lees of wine,
Ey.'[Aak],lUin];pL,Sa};'{ = San lizard, N. any of several lizards that live in sandy areas,
y}'y}kn]'Kp].y}kn]' = Place one after another,
ya}:' ya}:PU,PU,'(Kw]nQw]Sc]hL:&ya}:PU,PU,siUc].n}') = Not sticky, inadhesive, crumble apart,
ya}:' lu' lU.' (wa};eSSUmiUw];kGL,km];Agn],kUv];pac]mn];ya}:yw].') = Fall apart, falling apart,
ya}:kn]' Pat],EPkn]' kUn],pac];tUk];' = Break down, fall apart, collapse,
ya}:kn]' Pat],kn]' Aw]Pat],kn]' = Split, to divide or separate,
ya}:kn]pin],Kt];kn]' = Polarization, a sharp division, as of a population or group, into opposing factions.,
ya}:pa}:Pat],EPkn]kGL,k}k}' = Scattered,
ya};'tUin],'[An]tUin],/ya};KUm];'{' = Scratch, to rub or scrape slightly to relieve itching, scratched scratching,
ya};/Kut],man]'Kut],'[St];mL./wUw];/kGa};Aw]kap],/kip]tin]Kw]Kut],lin]'{(mL.Kut],man]')'= Paw, to beat or scrape
the floor, ground, etc., with the paws or feet, pawed, pawing,
ya};r'[sUiw].KUiw];Sa}Suip],yut'suiw]:sa};4ekL.El:tI:nuic]:nG];kYam];kw],'{(TUin],32;41') = Jair, a descendant of Judah,
ya};rt].'[yL,Airu{ (pQn]PU:Aup].piUc],kgn];Tic];srgp]:) = Jairus, [a synagogue ruler,(Mk 5:22)]
eyL,'eyL,pn]'An]l}:eyL,pn]' = Forfeit, N. an act of forfeiting, forfeiture,
eyL,'eyL,pn]'An]l}:eyL,pn]' = Forfeit, to subject to seizure as a forfeit, forfeited, forfeiting,
eyL,' eyL,pn]' = Forfeit, an act of forfeiting,
eyL,' An]eyL,' ciun];eyL,' = Forfeit, forfeiture, forfeits,
eyL:&'huiw]:&'[Aw]lat]:wL:eyL:/huiw]:Aw]El:n}mUiw]:luk]:Agn]Kw]Am],KG]:pn]El:l}:pn]kn]'{= Here, take it!,
eyL;'[ygc]:eyL;'{(eyL;kuc],eyL;mun]') = Utter sound of praise, prayer, exalt, etc., praising,
{ = Joshua, the successor of Moses as leader of Israelites, Deut.31;14; son of Nun, Num. 11:28,
eyL;Su' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-eyL;'){ = Joshua, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Jos.)],
eyL;S};y' [Kun]ehLKm];yutL.pL;TiSip];hUk];{ = Josiah, [the 16th king of Judah,(2 King 21:23)],
eyL;tan],'(nm].hgc]:'Ek;nm].) = Jordan, [Jos 1:2],
eyL;ndn],'(lbk]:sa};eSL;lbAik],pQn]t};ekL.et;wit].) = Jonathan, (a son of Saul and friend of David)
eyL.'eyL.tgc],ngc]:'[mUiw]:yuk].KUw];nk];hG]:eyL.tgc],ngc]:eSyuk].'{ = Bend knees when lifting,
eyL.Ey.'[KUic]:/kUn];tk];tUk];Sum];'An]hQt];eyL.Ey.'{ = Dud, N. a device or person that proves to be a failure,
eyL.hUw]Kw],Sgc]Kgn]lUc];Kup].w}.'[eyL.hUw]Kw],Kgn]nuic]:lUc];tw].w}.'{ = Landed on knees, landed on knee,
yUp]<'[pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-yUp]<'){ = Job, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: Job.)],
yuik];yk];'muik];muik];w}.'[nm].ym];w}.Ait];Ait];'muik];'{'= Damp, adj. N. slightly wet; moist; dank, dampness, N.,
= Did you say that: Did you say that you like to stay here? Why don’t you stay?
lL,n}?.")' = I guess you said that, didn’t you?,
yibc]:Kibn]:' (nm].ngc]nm].hgc]:yibc]:Kibn];Pgc];nm].ngc];) = Rise up,
yibc]:w}.' (nm].ngc]Am],mI;l},El:yibc]:w}.yB,nm].Am],l} ) = Stagnant, stagnate,
yuit]:'yQt],' yQt],kUn].' = Stretch, stretched, stretching,
yiut]:yaw];yaw];' Suip],yaw];yaw];'hQt];hG]:yaw];' = Lengthen, lengthened, lengthening,
yuit]:yG],'[Pgc];tuik].yG],mL:kL:Suc]mL;p},yG],TUn]:lInn].'{ = Grow up, to be or become fully grown,
yiut]:l}:hUt];l}:' sac]:yiut]:sac]:hUt];' An]yiut]:An]hUt];' = Elastic,
yuit]:hG]:yaw];'[KGak]:hG]:kGac]:'KGak]:kGac]:'{ = Extend, to increase in length, area, scope, etc., extended, extending,
yiut];'[sG].kuit];'yuit];pqt]:'{ = Halt, to stop; hold back, halted, halting,
yibt];'yuit];kan]pqt]:'(epL;yibt];Pibn];ekL:pQn]An]yibt];f};mgt],) = Terminate, fired, terminated,
Sc]nn].') = Terminating the offer, -To end an offer before any legal action has been taken on it.
yuit];kan]'[pak]:pqt]:kan]Am],pn]Suip],hQt];{'Kam],yuit];kan]pqt]:' = Fire, to dismiss from a job, fired,
yuit];kan]PU:Sac]:tac]pk];pUic]pn]mG];nn].pqt]:' = Firing your lawyer,
yuit];kan]pqt]:'[epL:lQc].Am],pn]luk]:lQc].Suip],hQt];kan]kGL,'{ = Take away employee’s job, fired,
yibt];kan]pqt]:'[epL:lQc].yuit];kan]luk]:lQc].pqt]:{ = Fire, the employer takes away employee’s job;
terminate, fired, firing,
yibt];kan]pqt]:'(epL;yibt];Pibn];ekL:pQn]An]yibt];f};mgt],)= Terminate, fired, terminated, terminating,
yuit];kan]pqt]:'(An]-')' = Termination, N., (Contract),
yibt];Kibn];' = Withhold, withheld, withholding,
yuit];Kiun];'yibt];ygn],kibt];w}.'ngc],sn]'Tg}lc]'yuit];'= Hold back, held back, holding back,
yiut];Tgn]Kiun];' Tgn]Kiun];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Revocation, N., revocable, adj.,
yiut];Tgn]Kiun];' Tgn]Kiun];' = Revoke, revoked, revoking,
hgc];Aw]nn].') = Revoking an offer, -When a person making the offer terminates it before it has been accepted.,
Alienated from God: “Once you were alienated from God…”,
yuit];pqt]:Sun],l}:pQn]AU:pQn]Em:'(An]-) = Termination of parental rights,
= Divest,(Law), to take away or alienate (property, rights, etc.; to deprive, dispossess, divested, divesting,
Pmqc],Kuik].eKLeKLtI:ekL.mI;pun]:ESYyL<nG];Kgm],pnI,nn]."{= Divestment, is the process of selling subsidiary assets,
investments or divisions in order to maximize the value of the parent company. Also known as divestiture, it is the opposite of an
investment and is usually done when that subsidiary asset or division is not performing up to expectations. Companies can choose
to deploy this strategy to satisfy either financial, social or political goals. Proceeds from divestment are typically used to pay
down debt, make capital expenditures, fund working capital, or pay a special dividend to a company’s shareholders,
yiut];w}.' = Deferred, delay, withheld, put off,
yiut];w}.'(yL,yiut];w}.' yL,yuit];mn];w}.')' = Put off, deferred, delay, withheld; hold back: Don’t put it off,
yiut];w}.'hG]:kuit];w}.'yuit];w}.km];nuic]:' = Suspension, temporary abrogating, withholding, suspending,
yiut];w}.' hG]:kuit];w}.' eKYL.ygm];Tgn]pqt]:' yuit];w}.km];nuic]:' = Suspend, suspended,
yibt];w}.lgc]:KYL.tam],' = Suspension of Sentence,
yuit];w}.Am],mqn]:wgc],' = Withhold unduly,
yibt];ygn],kibt];w}.'yuit];' = Hold back,
yiut];lqw]; = Put away your sword,
yuit];pqt]:/w}.' pqt]:pqt]:' = Put away, to rid of, divest, to alienate,
yuit];Aw]pUic]:kn](l}:Kam],yuit];Aw]pUic]:kn]tc];sw]:Krit]:w}.yw].') = Alienated from: “… have been
alienated from Christ;…” (Gal.5:4),
suiw].Puin];f};w}.')' = Putting out fires by separating or keeping fire woods away,
yibt];Aw]mG];Tg}lc]' = Holding you back, to restrain or refrain from participation,
c],An]pn]tI:tac],ekL.nn].{(yuit];Aw]w}.Pqn],lin]/lin]sUiw];nn].')' = Alienate, (Law) to transfer or
convey as title, property, or other rights, to another: to alienate lands, alienated, alienating,
yiun]'[hp].mk];ma}wL:mn];sG]:n}{ = Concede, admit, to acknowledge as true, conceded, conceding,
yuin]Kam],'[puin]Paw],An]suiw];Et.mn];Suiw]:Suiw]:puit],PUiv]mUt];{' = Avow, avowed, avowing,
yiun]mat]:nG];sG]w}.' = Bear in mind,
yiun]:' pn]'mqc],'hG]:' = Give, bestow, donate, grant,
yuin]:SU;'[Aw]SU;yuin]:/mqc],/Aap]:pn]nG];muiw];ekL.TUik]:l}:nn].'{' = Bestow prize, to present prize,
yuin]:tgn]:' pn]' = Bestow, to present a gift, bestowed upon,
yuin]:Tuic]'Tiuc]' np].ym]Tuic]' tqm]:yuin]:Tuic]mL;tI:-' = To,
yuin]:pn]'[ka},kGam];hLyuin]:pn]'mqc],/pn]'AL,mKam],mk];ma}pn]'{ = Hold out, offer; give; grant,
yiun]:pn]'pUn].kGL,'lt];kGL,'Agc],'Agc],pUn].' Kam]:'SUc],pn]' = Pass, N. an act of passing,
yiun]:pn]kGL,/mL;'Suip],SUc],yiun]:hG]:hgt]:Tiuc]SU'yuin]:' = Pass on, hand on, passed on to you,
lUv]:Am],yuin]:mqc],pn]kn]nn].')' pn]'mqc],'hG]:'yuin]:pn]'yiun]:mqc],' = Giving, give,(You can give
without loving, but you can’t love without giving.),
yibn]:yibn]:mqc],mqc],kn]'es,tnL,lI' = Generous,
ybin]:ygn];'[An]lat]:/tqm]:tac],Tuic]mL;hG]:hQt];pn]sgm];nn].{' = Propose, proposed, proposing,
yibn]:ygn];'eKL:tuk];ygn];' SB;ygn];' = Request, N., solicitation, petition,
yibn]:ygn];Kibn]:'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Appeal, N.,
Sac]tUv];eKL:tqp];tt];Kw]nn].lG]Am],nn]ekL:lgc]:mG];l}:Sc]:tUiw].sQp];sG]nn].lG]'{ = Appeal, a request for
your health insurer or plan to review a decision or a grievance again,
yibn]:ygn];Kibn]:' = Appeal, appealed, appealing,
yuin]:ygn];Kiun]:kQw]lgc]:eKL:tqp];tt];An]Tgm],eKL:kqp];mn];eSpak]:pqt]:' = Appealing a
Summary Dismissal Decision,
yiun]:ygn];Kuin]:Tiuc]lum];JtL;sqt]:lgc]:yiun]:ygn];Kuin]:tc];la}' = Appeal to the court of
yibn]:ygn];tac],Kibn]:mL;' = Appealing,
yiun]:ygn];Tiuc]' yibn]:ygn];hG]:krB,nL,AQt];lBpn]' = Petition, petitioned, petitioning,
yiun]:ygn];Tiuc]' yibn]:ygn];hG]:krB,nL,AQt];lBpn]' = Petition, N., appeal, plea, request,
tqp];tt];Amunn].'{ = Petition,(Law) an application for a court order or for some judicial action,
yiun]:w}.' eK,kL:mn];w}.' pn]w}.' = Tender, to offer, make formal offer, tendered,
yibn]:Aap]:w}.' = Dedicate, devote, commit, pledge, consecrate,
yibn];'yibn];Tibc]'yibn];mibw];hgt]:Tibc]'yibn];mibw];' = Reach, reached, reaching,
muc]:yL,ephqn]Suc]nL,pUn].tI:n}nn].{' = Arm reaches and eyes lift up far vista,
yiun];Tuic]l}:' yuin];Kiut];l}:' Kuit];l}:' = In reach, within reach,
yuin];muiw];' (mn];yuin];muiw];mn];)' = Reach out,(He reached out his hand,),
yuin];muiw];tuic]:Kuin]:sU;' = Reaching forward, straining toward,
yuin];muiw];lqn];Kqn]' = Held out hands, stretched out, stretched forth,
yiun];miuw];hgt]:Tiuc]' SU,hgt]:sG];Tiuc]' SU,hgt]:Pqw]Tiuc]' yuin];muiw];' = Reach out,
yibn];mibw];lqn];Kqn]' yibn];hgt]:lqn];Tibc]' yQt],AL:tin]AL:mibw];' = Stretched,
yiun];yaw];' Kam],huic]' = Last long, long lasing, lasting,
yiun];yQt],yQt],'yuin]tUik]:tUik]:' yuin];' = Strain, to stretch one’s muscles, nerves, etc., to the utmost,
yiun];lqn];miuw];tiUk]:tiUk]:' = Reach full extension,
Stretch, stretched, stretching, stretch out,
yiun];Am],Tuic]l}:' Am],Kiut];l}:'(An]mn];Sac];lac];Enn}.kw]Am],Kuit];l}:")' = Beyond reach,
unattainable, out of reach, (His explanation is beyond my reach.),
yuin];Am],Tuic]l}:'(An]mG];yuin];Am],Tuic]l}:n}.Am],mI;Sc])' = Beyond reach: nothing is beyond your reach,
yuiw]:yiut];'[sG]pgc]pqc]{ = Undecided, adj. N. not having one’s mind firmly made up; a person who is undecided,
yiuw]:yiut];kiut];miuc]'kiut];w}.km];nuic]:'yiut];' = Pause,
yiuw]:yiut];w}.lgc]:Kgt],mn]:kn]' = Froze ties,
yuiw];' = Shoot, shot, shooting,
yuiw];mqn]:'yuiw];Kqn],'[An]emLyuiw];kgc]:/kac],lIlImqn]:ekL:mqn]:nn].{ = Skilled in shooting,
yuiw];Sgn].SG],'puiw]:SG],'Sat]:SG],'puit];mc]'[Aw]KUic]:lUc]mit].Sa}<mc]/tiuk];etL;Sgm].SG],Sm].SG],{' = Pelt,
to throw; to attack or assail with repeated blows or with missiles, pelted, pelting, pelt, N.,
yuiw].'[Aw]nm].Aun],/PUt].elL,kin]kin]la}la}/SG],kUiw]kin]{'nm].nQc]:KUm]' = Tea, plain tea,
yuiw].' nQc]:'[mG]KQw]nQc]:KUw]:hqc]:yw].n}.!yuiw].@n}ekL:wL:{' = Tea, tea leaf,
yUic]'yUic]yqc];'[ygm]Suc]KLlQk].'tUn]:Suc]yaw];pa}hQw]'{= Tall and slender: tall slender tree; slim Christmas Tree,
yUic],nm].'[Aum]Agn],SG],nm].w}.tL,Tqm]El:hp].nm].tI:Ain];tUiw]KU;lL;{' = Water Reservoir,
yiUc]:' Piun]miUn]' yiUc]:hQt];' = Imitate, copy, duplicate, imitated, imitating,
yUic]:'yUic]:hQt];'yUic]:hG]:mUin]lIlI' = Duplicate, to make an exact copy of, duplicated, duplicating,
yUic]:hQt];sgm];' = Follow suit,
yUic]:hQt];sgm];pUic]lItqk]:nUic];tI:epL;l'(Pi3;15')' = Following Paul’s example,
yUic]:hQt];hac]:hQt];Pac]' = Fashioned after,
yUic]:hQt];Agk],mUin]lIlI'(ham]:An]yUic]:hQt];Agk],mUin]kUn];lIlI)' = Clone, cloned, cloning,
yiBc];'yiBc];w}.'cL'cLw}.'(yUic];lIhQt];lI)= Aim, to intend, or point: aim for good and do good, aimed, aiming,
yUic];'[St];mQw];kQw].AUic]:tc];la}nG];TUin],/Ep.TUin],mQw];nuic]:{ = Antelope, N. any of several ruminants; goat antelope,
yUic];'[yU,nG];pac],kGac]:mUic];AEm,rikpgt];wn];tUk];'(yI;'Pan];/kGac]mQw];nuic]:'{ = Pronghorn, N. also called
pronghorn antelope,
yiUc];kGL,' tac];yiBc];kGL,' = Direction,
mn];kGL,tac];tUk];'{ = Going in the opposite direction,
yiUc];kGL,tac];Kiun]:' = Positive Directional Movement (+dma)
yiUc];kGL,tac];yUp]:lUc];' = Minus Directional Movement Index, (-dma)
yiBc];sB;Aw]AL,rbc],pk];sp];w}. = Meditating
yiBc];pk];sp];' Aw]sG]pk];sp];' = Focus, attention,
yiUc];pk];sp];niUw]liUc]:mn];' = Focus on Issue,
yiUc];pk];sp];niBw]An]ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]nn].el:' = Focus on the Dream,
yUic];pk];sp];pun]:tUw]sw]:kw],' = Self-focused,
yiBc];ma}' = Goal
yiBc];ma}Kaw];pgt];'(yUic];ma}Kaw];pgt];tc];yUic];ma}Kaw];yaw];) = Short-term goals: short-term goals and long-term
yiBc];ma}Kaw];yaw];' = Long-term goals,
yUic];ma}sum];mUic];lum]:fL.tL,Puin].PU;mun];mG],Kgp]:KUp],hQc]pI' = United Nation’s Millennium
Development Goals,
yiUc];ma}sUiw];Kw]:kn]w}.' yiUc];ma}siUw];Kw]:kn]kgc].San]kn]w}.' = Interlocked goals,
yiUc];ma}siUw];KG]:EK.kn]Aw]'(PiUw],tL.ethG]:mI;yiUc];ma}siUw];Kw]:kn]kgc].San]kn]w}.nn].') = Competitive
Goals (rather than Interlocked Goals),
yiUc];ma}sUiw];l}:pQn]sG]Pgm].kn]Aw]' = Cooperative goals,
yiUc];ma}sUiw];Am],sp];Pa},PG]' = Neutral goals,
yiUc];ma}Sun],tUw]' = Personal goal,
yiBc];ma}EP' = Sub-goal,
yiUc];ma}mI;hUm]:kn]w}.tc];sum];' = Goal shared by group,
yiUc];ma}miUn]kn]' = Common goal,
yiUc];ma}hUm]:kn]' = Share goal,
yUic];ma}An]yum],w}.' = Ideological goal,
yiUc];lI'[yUic];Aan];lI{(yUic];lIhQt];lI) = Aim for good, have good objecties: Aim for good and do good,
yiUc];lIlI' = Well-aimed,
yUic];Aan];' = Objective, adj. N. goal; purpose; target, objectives,
yUic];Aan];'yiBc];Aan];pQn]' = Aim, to intend or direct for a particular effect or purpose, aimed, aiming,
yiBc];' yiBc];w}.' cL' cLw}.' = Aim, to point or direct a gun, punch, etc., toward, aimed, aiming,
yUic];Aan];'yiBc];Aan];pQn]'= Aim, N. something intended or desired to be attained by one’s efforts; purpose, aims,
yUic];Aan];'pw].ma}' = Aim, N. the line of sighting; the point intended to be hit, target,
yiBc];Aan];pQn]'tG];mgc];KG]:l}:'(tac];/lgc]:/An]-)'tG];mgc];'= Desire, N. a wish to obtain, desires,
yUic];Aan];mI;tc];mUt];n}.pQn]sw]:'[yUic];Aan];kw]/KL:mI;tc];mUt];n}.pQn]mG];/sw]:'{ = You are all
my purpose,
yiBn].' (tac];/lgc]:/An]) = Tolerance, patience,
yUin].'yiBn].km]'yiBn].Ew:' = Restrain, to hold back from action, restrained, restraining,
yiUn].kn]l}:' kn]:' etL,SB:Kt];pqt]:' Kt];Pibn].pqt]:' AUt];yUin].' = Resist,
yUin].Kam],kGL,'(mG];etsac]:yUin].Kam], kGL,l}:'(Agk],18;23') = Stand the strain, endure: you will be able to stand
the strain or to endure,
yiBn].sG]yaw];'yiBn].'(yUin].sG]yaw];etL,KL:Ait];nuic]:KL:')(Kt];-sG]Am],yaw];l}:'Am],yUin].l}:') = Patient,
adj.: Be patient with me,(ant: impatient),
yiBn].' yiBn].sG]yaw];' sG]yG],sG]yaw];' (tac];/lgc]:/An]-) = Patience,
yiBn].km]tac];kin]SB;tgc];' = Fasting, fast,
yUin].kin]'[Am],mk].Am],KG]:kin]eSkn].kUk]./kn]:sG]kin]nn].'{ = Force oneself to eat,
yiBn].Kam],'Kam],Kan]sG]pn]' = Suffer, sustain, stand,(to endure pain, disability, death willingly. )
Kan]sG]l}:l}:') = Endure, to hold out against; undergo; to bear with patience; suffer without yielding: endure hardship,
endured, enduring,
yiBn].sG]yaw];'sG]yG],sG]yaw];'yiBn].'w}.sG]yaw];yaw];' (lgc]:-/An]-)' = Patience,
yiBn].sG]yaw];' yiBn].'(yUin].sG]yaw];etL,KL:Ait];nuic]:KL:') = Patient, adj.: Be patient with me,
yUin].sG]yaw];kn]:Kam],l}:'(2ekL;1;6')'yUin].sG]yaw];Kam],huic]l}:' = Patient endurance,
yiBn].SI;'yUin].' = Tolerate, tolerated, tolerating,
yUin].SI;l}:'(Kt];-Am],yUin].SI;l}:') = Bearable, adj., tolerable, adj., (ant: unbearable, intolerable,),
yUin].SI;l}:'sc]:Kam],w}.l}:'[yip];w}./kuit];mI;w}.mn]:kuim];tI:tG]:An]lgc]:nk];tQk];tQc]nn].{'= Bear, to hold or
remain firm under (a load), bore or bare, borne, bearing,
,kw]KL:K}:Enpuin];pQn]mn];Sut];Sut];nn].eSkm];')'yUin].eShQt];'yUin].Aw]' = Bear with, to be patient
or forbearing with: Please bear with me until I finish the story,
yUin].etL;SmG];El:' = Restrain your anger,
yiBn].Tic];sG]mG];l}:' yUin].' = Contain yourselves,
yUin].yL,etL,'yUin].yL,pn]' = Spare, to refrain from; forbear, omit or withhold, spared, sparing,
yiUn].yL,pn]'yUin].yL,pn]mn];lgt]:eS' = Forbear, forbore, forborne, forbearing,
yiUn].yL,pn]'[eKL:kGam];hgc].pL;nG];emL<kit]<nn].wL:hiuw]ekL:ygm];sun].pqt]:eS'{= Forbearance, N. avoidance,
pL;tc];eKL;Ek:K}mI;wn];tiUk]:mn];nn].') = Forbearance, -An opportunity to make smaller or no payments for a
short time with an end resolution in sight, A refraining from the enforcement of something,
yiUn].yiut];pn]' = Moratorium, N. a suspension of activity, a legally authorized postponement of the
fulfillment of an obligation,
yiUn].yiut];pn]'[Kaw];Pgc];ekL.Tuk],nI:mI;Sun],l}:nG];KGac],pk];piUc]tL,hG]:Ka}.wn];tqn];ciun]'{= Moratorium, N.,
yiBn].El:w}.sG]yaw];yaw];El:' = Be patient,
yUin].Ew:(lgc]:-')'(Kt];-Tac],hac]:)' = Restraint, the act of restraining, deprivation of liberty,(ant: liberty),
yUin].w}.km];Agn],niuc]:'(!sw]:'yUw]eK;hw];lUw],l}:yUin].w}.km];Agn],nuic]:yUw].?@)' = Hold off on that for
a little while: “Sir, perhaps we should hold off on that for a little while”,
yiBn].w}.sG]yaw];yaw];' w}.sG]yaw];yaw];' = Patiently,
yiUw],'[yUiw],mQt];'yiUw],pL'{ = Bait, N. an allurement; enticement; fish baste,
yUiw],'yiUw],pL'(yiUw],mL.'yUiw]:mL.')' = Prey or food for animals, (food for horses),
yiUw],'yuk];yak];'yUiw],yuk];yak];' = Trash, N. rubbish; debris; litter, junk,
yiUw],'pQn]yiUw],piUn]:' = Prey, scapegoats, sitting duck, sucker,
yUiw],'yUiw],yuk].yak];'[yuk];yak];An]Tim]:pqt]:epL;mak],mUiw]w}.'{' = Litter, scattered rubbish,
yUiw],yuk];yak];pUin];pqt]:' = Junk, anything that is regarded as worthless, meaningless, or contemptible; trash,
yiUw],siUk]:'[yiUw],siUk]:n}.pQn]tL,Aw]lQk];Sgc]An]sp];kn]'Aw]Sgc]Pa},mqn]:kn]'{ = Solder, N. metallic cement,
yUiw],St];'[kan]:'tUn]:'mG]'mak],El:yUiw]:elL;El;tL,lQc].St];{ = Fodder, N. coarse food for livestock, forage,
yUiw],St];'[KUw];kYam];/tac];kin]lip];kL:epL;hLca}:{ = Fodder, N. readily available and of little value raw material,
yUiw],mak],Aun]'[yG];pUik],mak],Aun]/pw].tL,Aw]hQt];sUik]:'{= Coir, N. the prepared fiber of the husk of the coconut fruit,
yUiw],mL.'[yUiw]:yL:/tUn]:mgk],An]mL./wUw];Kw]mak].{'yUiw],wUw];' = Forage, N .food for horse or cattle, fodder,
yiUw],mQt];' yiUw],pL' yiUw],' = Fish baste,
yUiw],hin]Eh:'[Eh:An]Kuit]:pQn]Pgc]w}.nn].{' = Pulp, N. (Mining), dry crushed ore,
yUiw],AUn]nc]m}.'[yUiw],AUn]nc],m}.SLn}.tL,Aw]hQt];es:SL{' = Pulp, N. the pith of the stem or bark of a plant,
yUiw],AUn]mak],m}.' = Pulp, N. the soft, juicy, edible part of a fruit,
;Sgc]'{= Cud, N. the portion of food that a ruminant returns from the first stomach to the mouth to chew a second time; quid,
yUiw],Ag}:'[lqm]:Ag}:An]kuit];mI;w}.wa};Ait],Aw]nm].Ag}:mn];yw].'{ = Sugar cane pulp,
yiUw]:'yiUw]:yL:'[tUn]:mI;mG]kp];lm];{ = Grass, N. any plant of the family Gramineae, having sheathing leaves,
n].eSca};mUin]KLkUc],kaw]w}.Et.'{' = Spider plant, Chlorophytum somosum,
yUiw]:ekLyuv];'[yUuiw]:tUn]:Suc]k}.Agk],pQn]ekLnG];Ka};'{= Sedge, N. any rushlike or grasslike plant of the sedge family,
yUiw]:KL;S}'[yUiw]:tUn]:Suc]mUin]KL;Agk],pQn]ekLmUin]m}.pUk],m}.mgc]nn].'{' = Miscanthus, N. any tall perennial bamboolike grass of the genus Miscanthus, miscanthus grass,
yUiw]:S};'yL:S};'[yUiw]:mG]yG],tUn]:Suc]mQw];nuic]:'{ = Grass of a certain kind,
yUiw]:Sa}tic],'[yUiw]:yL:pQn]ekLmI;kan]:mgk],yaw];'{ = Twitch grass; couch grass,
yUiw]:mgk],Km];ww];'[yUiw]:Agk],kac]pac],mI;mgk],KUn]yaw];Kqc]tqc];Kw]:Pqn],kUn]sp];w}.{ = Cenchrus ciliaris,
yUiw]:nL:Pak],kGa};'[yUiw]:kYam];pQn]ekLEP,yuc]:yc]:w}.{' = Crab grass,
yUiw]:nUn];SUiw],wac];'(kqt];yUiw]:nUn];SUiw],wac];)' = Lawn, grass-covered land: mow the lawn,
yUiw]:wc]' mak],wc]' wc]' = Tare, N. noxious weed, tares,
yUiw]:hqc]:' PUic];' [tUn]:hqc]:Kw]:An]Am],mI;hUc];Kw]:yw].'yUiw]:yL:'{ = Hay, N grass, clover; alfalfa, etc., straw,
yUiw]:hUk].SUn]hqc]:'[tUn]:hUk].SUn]tc];la}'{ = Tumbleweed, N. any of various plants, as Amaranthus albus,
yUiw]:hUk].SUn]An]sac]:mat],muiw];' yUiw]:wc]' = Noxious weeds, tare,
yBiw]:hBk].SBn]'[tUn]:Agk],kUv];Am],mI;kL:Kn]Sc]nn].'{ = Weed, N. a valueless plant growing wild, weeds,
ygk],'yw].ygk],'wuit]./Tuim]:ygk],'(mn];nac];yw].ygk],pUin]:mUiw]:Kw]tuik].Aup],AUw];kn]nn].')= Toss in, to jerk
restlessly, joke; throw something; to agitate: She tossed jokes into their discussion, tossed, tossing, toss into,
ygk],'ygk],lQn]:'lat];lQn]:'yw].lQn]:' = Joke, kidding,
ygk],kUv];'hQt];lQn]:kUv];'wL:lQn]:kUv];'(Kt];-wL:Et.'wL:Et.hL.?') = Tease, to irriate often playfully;
kidding; nonserious, teasing,(no kidding; serious)
ygk],kUiw].lQn]:'[hQt];Am],mat]:Kuik].'kUiw].KUw]lQn]:{ = Scout, to treat with scorn or scoff; jeer, scouted, scouting,
ygk],yw].'[hQt];pYak]:hG]:pQn]An]SUiw];{ = Humor, N. a comic causing amusement, humored, humorous, adj.,
ygk],lQn]:' = Playful, adj. frolicsome, fool around, joke,
ygk],liBm]:ekYL;kw];'(ygk],liBm]:ekYL;kw];Aw]hw];yan]piBc]:) = Lure, to lure us from,
ygk]:'ygk]:Kiun]:'ygk]:lUc];'ygk]:mgn],mn];' = Accelerate,
ygk]:' = Pump, pumped, pumping,
ygk]:kL:Kn]tUk];' = Accelerated Depreciation,
ygk]:ciun];tiun];El:lgk];la};piUc]Kqn];Kiun];'(eAsIJALAqt].S])= Accelerated Capital and Recovery
System, (ACRS)
ygk]:mgn],mn];El:' = Juice up, to add more power, energy, or speed to: accelerate,
ygk];'kqk];ygk];'[lgk],cuit]:lUic];/kYam];nL,nL,{(hac]:ygk];hac]:kqk];'(St];ygk];)' = Fierce, adj. menacingly
wild or hostile: a fierce look; fierce animals,
ygk];'sL.'ha}.'Am],lI'pqt]:la}' = Bad,
ygk];'kqk];'la};ygk];'Am],w}.sG]AQt];lU'(mn];Am],w}.sG]AQt];lUAw]la};ygk];mc]pn]Kw])= Vicious, adj.
depraved; grossly immoral; corrupt, viciously, adv.: he attacked them viciously,
ygk];'kqk];'(PwkUn];ygk];') = Vicious, adj. depraved; grossly immoral; corrupt; malicious; ferocious: a vicious life,
ygk];' lU.' lu' lU.lqw]' lqw]' kg}' = Ruin, damage; destroy; be torn; rent; tatter, ruined, ruining,
ygk];ekL:Am],kup];Am]Puc]' ygk];' ygk];pgc],' = Worn-out, adj. worn or used beyond repair,
ygk];Kat],kGL,' ygk];' Sik],'(EKAm],ygk];Kat],kGL,) = Torn, tear, tore, torn, (the net was not torn),
ygk];pgc],'Sik],'(kUn]ygk];pgc]/Sik],tI:hUw]Kw])' = Wear out, N. a worn-out condition: wear-out at the knees of pants,
ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];' = Defect, N. shortcoming, fault, imperfection,
ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];' An]ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];' = Defective, adj. having a defect or flaw; faulty,
ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];Kaw];pgt];' = Short-Lived Incurable Defects
ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];Kaw];hiuc]An]Am],Kiun];l}:' = Long-lived Incurable Defect,(A defect that will
last as long as the building)
ygk];Pc].Kn]ygm];Am],Aw]Kiun];l}:eShac]:Pac]ha}.sL.liUw]kw],' = Incurable Defect, Physical
ygk];yg}'ygk];pQn]pit];pQn]pgt];'(An]-')' KUw];ygk];' = Tatter, N., shred,
ygk];yg}mUt];'lqw]pQn]Pgc]'(An]-) = Rubble, N. broken bits and pieces of anything; ruins,
ygk];ha}.lUic];' = Ferocious, savagely fierce, violent, barbaric, wolfish,
ygk].kla};'[AU:puk].Ka};'{(TUin],34;22') = Jogli, the father of Bukki,
ygk].eKpqt]<[Em:AL,run],'mUw];eS,'mI,rI,ym],{(Agk],6;20') = Jochebed, the mother of Aaron, Moses, and Miriam,
ygk].SYn];'[AU:AI<Prun],'{(cw]:25;2') = Jokshan, the father of Ephron,
ygk].tqm]<'[wQc];nG];mUic];lg}yut'{(eyL;15;56') = Yokdeam, a town in the hill country of Judah,
ygk].Tn],'[suiw]:AU:AUw],PirKw]pI:ngc].Sip];Sam]ekL.'(cw]:10;29'){ = Joktan, the father of Ophir,
ygk].TI;l'[wQc];tin]lg}pgt];Pa},tUk];nG];yut'{(eyL;15;38')= Yoktheel, a town in the western foothills of Judah,
ygk].ephL.'[wQc];Pa},Agk],hgc]:eyL;tan],'{(TUin],32;35') = Jogbehah, a fortified city, east of Jordan River,
ygk].nYqm];'[suiw]:wQc];Sgc]wQc];nG];kYam];kw],'{(eyL;21;34') = Jokneam, the name of two towns in the Old Testament,
ygk].nYqm];nG];lg}KL<em,l'(wQc];-)(eyL;12;22') = Jokneam in Carmel,
ygk].yqk].'kw];ygk].yqk].'[sn]/Tgn]/yL.Pat],An]pQn]yG];sp];kn]w}.nn].{= Tease, to pull apart or separate
the adhering fibers, teased, teasing,
ygc]' ey;' (mUk];Sim];w}.nG];ygc]nG];ey;') = Barn, (store in barns)
ygc]/yUic],nm].'[tuic];nm].'ngc]'Tac]nm].'{ = Cistern, N. a reservoir, tank, or container for storing water, cisterns,
ygc]ciun];lUc]'(mI;kUn];mI;lUc]km].w}.tc];lc]) = Deep pocket, A source of substantial wealth or financial support,
ygc],'hQt];kUn];ygc],'hG]:epL;ygc],'(Kw]kYam],hQt];hG]:mn];epL;ygc],') = Fool: They tried to fool him,
fooled, fooling,
ygc],sgm];'(yL,ephLygc],sgm];PG]') = Fool: be nobody’s fool,(Idiom), around, fool with,
ygc],'kUn];ygc],'kUn];ygc],cUiw].cL.'(kUn];ygc],ekL.nuic]:epL,lUm];ygc],mn];yac],hak]:EP:kGL,'(yUp]5;3') = Fool,
N. a silly or stupid person; a weak-minded person: a fool taking root; a fool spreading his roots, fools,
ygc],' kUn];ygc],' Tiuc].' = Foolish, adj.,
ygc],' kUn];ygc],' sG]sp];mw];sgm];'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Foolishness, N.,
ygc],' sG]Am],epL;lI' = Insane, not sane; not of sound mind, lunatic, crazy, fool, foolish, irrational,
ygc],' ygc],mL:mU'sG]Am],epL;lI'(lgc]:-/An]-)' = Insanity, not sane; not of sound mind;, lunatic,
ygc],kGL,yw].(mn];ygc],kGL,yw].')' = Out of mind: He is out of his mind, or has lost his sense”,
ygc],can];'lU;'can];lU;'[lU;lL;'{ = Delirium, N. a state of violent excitement or emotion, delirious, adj.,
Foolish, adj. witless: How foolish!, fool, foolishly, adv., (ant: wise),
ygc],tnL,'[sG]EP.KUic]:sa};KUic]:yic];lUn].lUiw]nL,'{= Libidinous, adj. full of sexual lust; lecherous, lechery, N.,
ygc],mw];sgm];lBn].pBn].' = Indulge, to yield to an inclination or desire,
ygc],mw];sgm];tUw]sw]:kw],lUn].pUn].' = Effeminate, adj. characterized by self-indulgence,
ygc],mw];sgm];tUw]sw]:kw],lUn].pUn].'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Self-indulgence, N.,
ygc],mL:'mL:' = Mad, adj. mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented; rabid, madder, maddest,
ygc],mL:'(pUiw]:wL:kUn];ygc],n}.lat]:ygc],lat]:mL:')' = Folly, (For, the fool speaks folly,),
ygc],yw].yUw].n}.(mG];ygc],yw].yUw].n}.'(mG];luim];tUw]mG];yUw].n}.')' = Out of mind: “You’re out of your mind,”,
ygc],yI:ygc],yqc],' = Psychiatric, adj. mental disorders, psychiatrically,
ygc]:' ybk].' cgk]:hBw]' ybk].tac],' yuk].Kuin]:' = Lift, lifted, lifting,
ygc]:' yuk].' = Pick, pick up,
ygc]:'ybk].ygc]:' = Revere, honor,
ygc]:Kiun]:eSSm],kGL,'(hn]huiw].'mn];ygc]:Kiun]:eSSm],kGL,yw].')' = Puffed up, flattery: See, he is puffed up,
ygc]:Kibn]:'(pbc],hac]:mn];An]tqm]:Aw]nn].Aw]mn];nac];ygc]:Kibn]:) = Flatter: The portrait flatters her,
flattered, flattering,
ygc]:Kuin]:'kUim]:lUim]:'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Flattery, N., flatteries,
ygc]:eSsG].kin]'(An]-)' = Cajolery, N. persuasion by flattery or promises; wheedling, coaxing,
ygc]:tUw]kw],' Aam];tUw]kw],' = Exalt oneself, boast,
ygc]:mak],hUw]sG]hw];Kiun]:pn]' yuk].mak],hUw]sG]hw];Kiun]:pn]' = Lift our heart,
ygc]:eyL;' = Praise, praised praising,
ygc]:eyL;sw]:hw];tL.'[ygc]:eyL;sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;hw];tL.'{ = Praise the Lord,
ygc]:w}.'yuk].w}.'[yuk].KUw];Kgc]eSAn]An]w}.Am],p},tm];Kuin];'{ = Lift up, raise up,
c];nuic]:{ = Yaunghwe, N. one the former nine Tai/Shan principalities in S Tai/Shan state, now a township in Burma,
just asking to be a better salve. Don’t ask for barely get by. Ask big. Ask God for abundant and explosive blessings. Ask big.”,
ygc]:Aw]kGL,' yuk].Aw]kGL,' = Take up, the act of taking up,
ygc]:Aw]kGL,'hap],/tQc],/etL./pL;/mqk],/hap],/kGL,' = Carry, take or took up, carried, carrying,
ygc]:Aam];'ygc]:Aam];kbc],Pbc];mbn]cw];sw]:' = Extol, exalt, praise highly, celebrate,
ygc];Aam];yG],nm]Et.Et.wL:wL:' = Highly exalted, greatly exalted,
ygc];' pQn]ygc];' (niUw].ygc];) = Stripe, {stripes of dried meat},
ygc];' Tqw]' ekL,lm],' = Stripe, long stripes, columns,
ygc];'hg};T}'[epL;hQt];lgn]hQt];lgn]eSPuk],Pk];KQw]n}.nG];Ek:lgn]nn].pQn]ygc];w}.tL,nm].l}Kw]:'{' = Furrow,
ygc];tac];'(SQn]tac];PG];mG],hUk];-ygc];tac];)' = Lane, : a new six-lane turnpike,
!ygc];tac];KGL,tUik]:Kgn]:pgc];Sa}.@' =“Right Lane Ends Merge Left”
ygc];lgc]'[wQc];Pa},Agk],KUc];nG];mUic];t};mI;emLKm];'{ = Yawnglong N. a gold mining town in Murng Tai,
ygc];hgc]:'[pQn]ygc];/hg};'{ = Corrugate, adj. corrugated; wrinkled; furrowed, corrugation, N.,
ygt],'ygt],SG],'ygt],tUk];'yg}.tUk];'yg}.Puik].Puik].'ygt],pgk].pgk].' = Drip, dripped, dripping,
ygt],sik];sik];'yg}.sik];sik];'nm].ygt],sik];sik];'(nm].tLmn];nac];yg}.ygt],sgm];kqm]:sik];sik];)' =
Trickle, to floe or fall by drops, gentle stream; dribble: tears trickled down her cheeks, trickled, trickling,
w]:mun];pgc],mUc].tL;etL;pat]:Es.SG],Ait];Ait];kUv];ekL:wan]nL,yw].)' = Dab, N.: a dab of butter, dabbing,
ygt],tUk];'nm].yg}.'nm].ygt],tUk];'= Dribble, trickle; drop: tears trickled down her cheeks, dribbled,
ygt],nm].nG];puc];ygt],nuic]:' = A drop in the bucket, (Isa. 40:15),
ygt]:'sik];'sgm]'pa}mn];' = Paramount, chief, foremost, head, outstanding, prime, star, top, vital,
ygt]:'ygt]:lI,mG]' enL,' cBc];'[mG]/tBn]:m}.An]Et,sL.Agk],{' = Sprout, shoot,
ygt]:kqc];'mG]kqc];'[ygt]:m}.mak],kqc];'{ = Tender tamarind leaves,
ygt]:Tan]'cUc];Tan]'[tUn]:Agn],Agk],mL;tI:sUiw].tUn]:Tan]{' = Palm sprout,
ygt]:f};' pQw]f};' pQw]P};' ygt]:pQw]f};' = Flame, flames of fire,
ygt]:f};etL;SPUt].m}:luk].hun].hun].' = Fury of the flames: quenched the fury of the flames,
ygt]:f};pQn]Sa}l}Agk],SUp];mn];mL;'(yUp]41;19') = Flames stream from its mouth,
ygt]:mak],kqc];' mG]mak],kqc];' [ygt];kqc];SL:'huw]pLAgc],ygt]:mak],kqc];{' = Tamarind leaves,
ygt]:mak],Aun]'cUc];mak],Aun]'[tUn]:Agn],Agk],mL;tI:luk]:mak],Aun]/Tan]{' = Coconut sprout,
n]:m}.San],lun],')' = Shoots, (Arum shoot, bamboo shoot, olive shoot,),
ygt]:hun]:m}.San],lun],'(ygt]:hun]:m}.San],lun],SPL,wAgk],kUv];) = Olive shoot: a wild olive shoot,
ygt]:hun]:m}.San],lun],SPL,wAgk],kUv];' = Wild olive shoot,
TUin],33;33') = Jotbathah, a stopping place of the Israelites in the wilderness between Hor Hagidgad and Abronah,
ygn],'(kqm]:ygn],)' = Recede, to slope backward: a chin that recedes or receding chin, receded, receding,
Let guard down, (Idiom) let (one’s) guard down; to stop being cautious about potential trouble or danger,
ygn],sG]Am],nn]ekL:kUw]')'= Fainthearted, adj. lacking courage; cowardly; timorous: Do not be fainthearted or affraid,
ygn],tqk]:'ygn],sc]:/hiw]:' = Plumb,
tUk];w}.')' = Sag, to sink or ben downward by weight: the roof sags; her skirt was sagging, sagged, sagging,
ygn],tBk];' = Hang suspended, be pendent,
ygn],tBk];tQt],yQn]ha}SI,kGL,' = Water down, reduce, weaken, thins down,
ygn],tUk];w}.'Pqn]'hg}:'kgc].'ygn],w}.' = Hang, hung, hanging, hanging loosely,
ygn],tgc],tg}:'hg}:'(kgk];f};hg}:')'kgc].ygn],w}.'= Pendent, adj. be pendent; pensile: a pendent lamp, pendant, N.,
ygn],tgc],tg}:' Agc],Ag}:w}.' hg}:w}.' kgc].w}.' = Suspend, suspended, suspending,
ygn],Tg}lc]' = Shrink back,
ygn],pn]'(miUw]:hw];ehL:kL;luk].tac];Agn],etKw]:tac];lUc]n}.hw];lUw],ygn],pn]kL;niUw]tac];lUc]pUn].lIyw].sc],Kw]:) = Yield,
ygn],pn]'[ygm];yuin]wL:Sum];kan].n}{= Concede, yield, to make concession; admit defeat, conceded, conceding,
ygn],pn]hU;'(kgp].f])'ygn],pn]mqt].KY]/SJTOk].' = Conceding hole/match, stroke, (golf),
ygn],pL,lc]' Am],Kiut];lI'[p}/lqn]:Am],Kuit];pUin]:tUk];Tum]:yan]hac],k}w}.tan],tan],{'= Lag behind,
ygn],pg},PL:pqt]:'ygn],sgm];sG]pUin]:'(yL,ygn],pg},PL:pqt]:/sgm];sG]Kw]') = Give in: Don’t give in to them,
ygn],mak],ngc],hiUw];lUc];' sQc]:tUw]mn]:w}.' = Anchor, drop the anchor, anchored, anchoring,
ygn],yan];'ygn],yan];pn]'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Concession, yield,
ygn],yan];hLkn]' = Compromise, compromised, compromising,
ygn],yan];hLkn]ca}:' = Compromisingly,
ygn],yan];sG]fac].Stihw];' = Desensitizing
ygn],Agc],Ag}:w}.'[ygn],w}.eSwU/w}kGL,w}mL;'{(lUc],mgk],kI:ygn],Agc],Ag}:w}.) = Pendulous, adj. hanging down
loosely; swinging freely; oscillating: pendulous blossom,
ygn]:'SQc]ygn]:'ygn]:Kiun];' = Echo, resound, echoed, echoing,
ygn]:'SQc]lc]ygn]:Kiun];'[ygn]:'SQc]ygn]:'{'ygn]:sG]'lc]ygn]:Kuin];' = Resound, to echo or ring with
sound, resounded, resounding,
ygn]:'yUn]:'yUn]:yUn]:'[puin].hUin];w}/ygp],yUn]:yUn]:'{(KUw]ygp],yUn]:yUn]:'(nG];Ka};ygp],yUn]:')= Bouncing
floor, floor vibration/shaking: bouncing bridge; in marsh,
es;yw].') = Repercussion, N. the state of driven back by a resisting body; echo: an effect or result of some event
or action: The repercussions of the quarrel were widespread,
ygn]:sG]epL;hiBt],'(ygn]:tgt],sG]mG];epL;hiBt],) = Boggle, (boggle your mind),
ygn];'ygn];kin]'ygn];miBn]kBn];ygn];'ygn];piUn]:' = Beg, begged, begging,
ygn];kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;' = Requisition, N.: The general issued a requisition to the townspeople for eight trucks,
ygn];kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;' mI;nm].kt].tac];Kqn],tL,hQt];' = Requisite, adj.,
ygn];kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;' = Requisition, N. The general issued a requisition to the townspeople for eight trucks,
ygn];kGL,Ait];niubc]:KL:' = Excuse me may I pass by please!
ygn];kU:' kU:' kB:yim]cibn];' yim]' yim]cibn];' = Borrow,
ygn];KGac].'[mgk],lat]:hG]:pn]ekL.lat]:nn].kGL,/lat]:/hQt];'(ygn];AKGac].)'{ = Ask or request permission,
ygn];sL;'[ygn];eSmQw];mQw];tI:eSekL.ekL.kL:Am],l}:Am],sU;/kL:Am],hQt];pn]Am],sU;{' = Beseech,
beg, beseeched or besought, beseeching,
ygn];SQt]:' = Bargaining
ygn];SU;'SU;tgc];'SU;tgc];tiUc],kaw],' = Pray, prayed, praying,
ygn];SU;pn]tac];lI'(eKL:-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Good wishes,
m]:lik]:pn]kGL,nn].{ = With Best Wishes, (Business Writing),
ygn];tac];sg}:Tqm]tI:mn];sw]:El:' = Ask Him for help,
ygn];tUv];Ait];nuic]:sgc],l}:?' ygn];tUv];Pgc]:lU;' = Can I have or take a look?
ygn];tac];sg}:wUn].pn]' = Asking for input,
tL,SU:kqt],EK{' = Apologize, to make a formal defense in speech or writing, apologized, apologizing,
ygn];tgc];pan],' tgc];pan],' = Apologize, apologized, apologizing,
ygn];Tam]'Tam]'ygn];'Tam]ygn];'Tam]tBv];' = Ask, asked,
;Kun]wQc];n}.kGL,tac];lG]KL:?') = Pardon me, excuse me; used to politely get someone’s attention in order to ask
then a question: Pardon me, can you direct me to the City Hall?,
ygn];Tam]Ait];niubc]:KL:' = Excuse me may I ask some question please!, Pardon me,
ygn];puic]:mG];/SUAit];nuic]:' = Do me a favor, ask a favor,
ygn];puic]:Ait];nuic]:'(ygn];puic]:Ait];niuc]:sgc],l}:KL:huiw]?)'= Do a favor, ask a favor: Can you do me a favor?,
ygn];lL:'[pgc],wL:yL,wUn].tG]:wUn].nUiw]wUn].nm]wUn].yaw];Sc]eShG]:ygn];An]KG]:l}:nn].km];lQw]{ = Just ask,
ygn];la}<Sqn]ehL:kL;mG];km];Agn]tac];' = Applying for Your First License,
n];lgt]:nn].lgt]:n}.n}Sc]yw].") = Excuse: “…, so that people are without excuse.”(Ro.1:20), excuses,
ygn];yG],yG],'(ht];Tam]ht];ygn];eSEl:ygn];yG],yG],tL.')' = Ask big, (Dare to ask and ask big,),
epL;tqk],PUc].PU,Agk],nn].tL."ygn];yG],yG]'@(SL,72') = Ask big: “Are you asking to be a better slave? Don’t
ygn];lgt]:' pg},lgt]:pn]'(An]-) = Excuse, excuses,
ygn];lgt]:'pg},lgt]:pn]' = Excuse,
ygn];hG]:'ygn];hG]:hQt];' = Urge, stimulate, to push with force, impel with force,
ygn];hG]:hQt];pn]' SB;ygn];' = Request, petition,
ygn];hG]:hQt];pn]' SB;ygn];' yibn]:ygn];' = Request, requested, requesting,
ygn];Aw]' = Ask for, asked for,
ygn].'kgp]:piUw]:'Et,sQm]miUw]:' = Since, because,
ygn].Sc]'kgp]:Sc]'hQt];Sc]' pQn]Sc]El:? ygn].kgp]Sc]El:? = Why,
ygn].kgp]Sc]El:?' ygn].Sc]'kgp]:Sc]'hQt];Sc]'[epL;tgp],n}wL:-kgp]:/ygn].piUw]:wL;'{' = Why?, why,
= That is why we lead on behalf of our values by living them.
ygn].Sc]El:mG];/SUl}:hQt];sUic].n}?' = Why have you done this?
ygn].Sc]l}:mI;An]Pit];An]piUc]:nm]nL,epL;tan],n}.&' = Why things are wrong!
ygn].pQn]'hQt];pQn]kGL,' = Cause
ygn].pQn]n}yw].' = Yet because, but because,
ygn].piBw]:' kgp]:piBw]:' = Because, thus, for, because of,
ygn].piBw]:n}.El:sc],wL:' n}El:sc],wL:' = This is why,
ygn].pUiw]:lgc]:n}.El:'pUiw]:tL,lgc]:tac];An]n}.El:' = For this reason,
ygn].lBv]:' lBv]:'lBv]:tc];'sgm];nc],'Aic]Aw]' = By, because, for,
ygn].lUv]:lgc]:nn].el:'[ygn].pUiw]:wL:'pQn]kgp]:An]'{ = Due to the fact that, for the reason that; because,
ygn].lgc]:'(ygn].lgc]:n}.El:kw]TQc]pak]:pqt]:An]mG];ka},kGam];hLyuin]:pn]nn].yw].')' = Account, reason,
basis,(On this account I’m refusing your offer),
ygn].lgc]:kw]' = On my account,
ygn].lgc]:n}.El:/yw].' = This is why: This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness”,
ygn].An]l}:hbwL:' = Knowing that,
--,knowing that You work all things together for my good.
ygn]<'kzn]<'ygn]'kzn],' = John,
ygn]<' [pp].Puin]kYam];lik]:'(eKL:eyL:-ygn]<'){ = John, [a book of Bible,( abbr.: John.)],
ygn]<'(KU;wL;lUc])'[ngc].sa};kYQm];{(yUw];han],)'ygn]' = John the Apostle, John,
ygn]<pqp]<tism],'[sa};ekL.mL;TL:Agn]tac];sw]:ey,SSu{'JSL,ygn]<pqp].tism],' = John the
Baptist,[forerunner of Jesus,(Lk 1:36;)]
ygp],'Kun],wqn]Kgn];/sk]./tm]/ygk]:/huk]./hgk].'= Jerk, N. a quick, sharp pull, thrust, twist, throw, or the like,
An]tUc].Sp];Sgn].w};eSSm].kn]kGL,tik];tik];nn].{(mLk}hac]mn];lit];lit];) = Wag, to move from side to side,
forward and backward, or up and down, especially rapidly and repeatedly: a dog wagging its tail, wagged, wagging,
ygp].PL.'(tL:hiUw];)[siuw]:kw],tL:hiUw];kYL,fL,Pac],wn];tUk];AiSer;{ = Joppa, [a seaport W Israel, (Acts 10:8)],
ygp].PL.'(wQc];)[siuw]:wQc];kw],kYp].fL.An]pQn]wQc];tL:hiUw];An]yUw];nL.Kiun]:KI,hiUw];nn].{ = Joppa, ancient
name of Jaffa, the port form which Jonah embarked(Jonah 1:3),
ygm]'ygm]pic]'mac]'(Kt];-pI;'nL') = Thin, adj. slim; skinny, (ant: fat; thick), thinner, thinnest,
ygm]kqc]:cqc]:'[ygm]kqc]:cqc]:mI;nc]ehL,lup],kUv];{(Aa}:Agn],ygm]kqc]:cqc]:)'= Thin, adj. having little flesh; emaciated,
ygm]kqc],cqc]:'(nm].sG]Ep.ygm]kqc],cqc]:/Pan]nn].pqt]:eS)'ygm]pic]:Sic]:' = Skinny, :Get rid of the skinny
goat or poor mentality,
)' = Emaciate, to make abnormally thin by a gradual wasting away flesh; be reduced to skin and bones: I am reduced to
skin and bones; my bones cleave to my skin, emaciated, emaciating,
ygm]kqc];'(ygm]kqc];hqc];SUiw])' = Skinny, adj. thin: skinny but strong,
ygm]kqc];hqc];SUiw]' = Skinny but strong, thin but strong,
ygm]kac],cac]:'[ygm]kac],cac]:mI;nc]ehL,lup],kUv];'{(Kic];hac]:ygm]kac],cac]:)'= Thin, adj. emaciated; gaunt; lanky; bony,
t];nc],ehL,lup],kUv];'(SL,109;24')= Gaunt, adj. extremely thin and bony; emaciated: my body is thin and gaunt,
ygm]kac],cac]:kuit];nc]ehL,lup],kUv];'(An]-/tUw]-) = Gauntness, N. leanness,
ygm]sak],Kak],'ygm]sap],Kap],'ygm]sUk],KUk],' = Thin and bony, be emaciated,
ygm]sUk],KUk],' ygm]sUk],KUk],kGL,tik];tik];' = Emaciate, emaciated, emaciating,
ygm]sUk],KUk],mI;nc]ehL,lup],kUv];' = Emaciation, abnormal thinness caused by lack of nutrition or by disease.,
n];tgn];'Sa}/pUic]sL.lQk].'kgt];Pan]/sn].tqm],'{(tUw]Kic];ygm]SQm]:'(cuin];Kw]:Ait]AI:Agn],')= Slim, adj. N. sized for
the thinner than average person; small or inconsiderable; meager; slender as in form; poor or inferior: slim body; slime income,
= Haggard, having a gaunt or exhausted appearance as from prolonged suffering, exertion, or anxiety; worn: the haggard
faces of the tired troops, haggard, N.,
ygm]pic]' (sa};ygm]pic]nac];pI;pgk];Kgk];ygk]kGL,sgm];kn]sgc],etlqp]:)' = Thin, skinny,
ygm]mL;'ygm]kGL,'[ygm]eSmUiw]:Agn]tac];'{ = Become thin,
ygm]hQw],'ygm]pic]:Sic]:'[ygm]pUn].tI:AL;lL;'ygm]kqc],cqc]:'{(eKL:yaw];ygm]hQw],pic]:Sic]:') = Scrawny, adj.
excessively thin; scraggy; emaciated: a long, scrawny neck, scrawniest,
ygm],'pQn]ygm],pQn]ygm],'[ekLyUiw]:/yum];Agk],nG];pac],/tuc]:Am],PQc],kn]'{ = Clump of grass and bushes,
ygm],lQt];' han]lQt];'mUc]:lQt];' [mUc]:KUn]Kqc]epL;vL;tUik].mn];sI:sQp];/KUm];{= Stinging caterpillar N.,
ygm];'hQt];hG]:ygm];'(Kt];-nm]Sut];')= Minimize, shorten, lessen, diminish, decrease,(ant: maximize)
ygm];'eKYL.'[hG]:yL.mgt],pqt]:(eKL:pUc]Sc],hgc].hQt];)nn].{ = Abate, (law) to annul (a writ), abated,
ygm];kan].' = Give up, abandon hope, despair relinquish, concession,
ygm];kL:Kn]pn]'(Aw]Amt]:mn];) = Discounting, (Charging Points,)
ygm];kL:Kn]pn]'ygm];kL:mn];' = Discount, deduct a certain amount,
ygm];kGL,' eA,mL;'(kUn];mn];ygm];kGL,kUn];kw]ekL:eA,mL;hL;n}.PG]Am],pUic]:PG]') = Decline, diminish,
ygm];Ka}Kn]tqm],tqm],'[mac]pgk]:An]Sqc],/kat]:lUc]Kw]k}.El,Ka}KUw];lIkL:yG],nn].epL;epL;{' = Special sales,
ygm];sun].pqt]:' = Waive, give up, abandon, remit, neglect,
ygm];sun].pqt]:Sun],sw]:Kgc]' = Copyright waiver, (copyright waiver form,),
ygm];sun].pqt]:An]kQw],lgc]:lut]:hQt];sgm];' = Non-compliance waivers,
ygm];sun].pqt]:An]sg};AmurL,swUt]:SG],' = Waiver of indictment,
ygm];sun].Aap]:' ygm];ngm];mgp],Aap]:' = Give up, surrender,
ygm];sa},' sG].sa},A,eA,' = Spending less,
ygm];eSnn].' eA,eS' = Less than, less,
ygm];etL,kn]' yw].yL,kn]' = Settle, give and take, deal, understanding,
ygm];etL;S'AUn]:Agn],mL;'ygm];/AUn]:mL;' = Relent, to soften in feeling or temper, relented, relenting,
ygm];Tat]:' ygm];kin]' = Diet, dieted, dieting,
ygm];Tat]:' tac];kin]ygm];Tat]:' = Diet, N.,
ygm];nm].nk];tUw]' ygm];nm].nk];tUw]tan],tan],' = Lose weight, to lose some weight,
ygm];ngc],twa},sG]Kibn];' = Repent
ygm];ngm];mgp],Aap]:' ygm];Aap]:' = Surrender, surrendered, surrendering,
ygm];pn]' = Abate, decrease, subside, abated, abating,
ygm];pn]ciun];kL:sac]:'(An]-) = Payroll deductions,
ygm];pqt]:' Tgn]pqt]:' ygm];pn]' = Deduct, to take away or out, reduce,
ygm];pg},pqt]:' ygm];pg},pn]' = Relinquish, give up, let go,
w]mG];kGL,sgm];nc],mn];KG]:hG]:mG];kGL,nn].El:' = Relinquish control and let the storm of life take
you wherever it wants you to go,
ygm];mL;' AUn]:Agn],mL;' AUn]:mL;' = Relent, to soften in feeling or temper, relented, relenting,
ygm];mqc],pn]'(!...'mn];sw]:Am],ygm];Aw]Kw]mqc],pn]sgm];nc],kac]PU:KQn]Kw]nn].lL;lL;"(SL,41;2)' = Give
over: “… he does not give them over to the desire of their foes.”(Ps.41:2,NIV),
n].yU,yw]."@) = Forgo, to give up; to abstain or refrain from; do without; renounce; omit: “ I swear, under penalty of
perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.”, forwent, forgone, forgoing,
ygm];yiun]' pibt],pak],ygm];yibn]An]Et.' = Confess, to acknowledge or avow, confessed,
ygm];yibn]tac];Pit];' = Confess, to make confession: plead guilty, confessed, confessing,
ygm];yibn]tac];Pit];'eKL:yibn]Kam],' = Confession, admission,
ygm];yiun]hp].mk];ma}' hp].mk];m}a' = Acknowledge, confess, acknowledged, acknowledging,
ygm];yuin]An]Et.(lgc]:/eKL:-)'puit],pak],ygm];yiun]An]Et.' = Confession, acknowledgement,
ygm];ygn],yan];pn]'ygm];pn]' = Yielding, to be flexible,
ygm];ygn],yan];pn]'[An]l}:mL;Kiun];tI:ciun];Puk],Pac]Alac];nn].'{ = Yield, return on an investment,
ygm];ygn],yan];han].etL,ep.tUw]' = Yield to Maturity, A percentage of funds borrowed that are
returned to the lender annually in consideration of the fact that the loan will be paid when it reaches maturity.
ygm];El:eKYL.El:'AUn]:Agn],el:'(yUp]6;29) = Desist, stop, desisted, desisting, relent,
ygm];la};sG].sa},' = Spending cuts,
ygm];hQt];sgm];sG]pn]' = Accommodate
ygm];hp].tac];Pit];'(eKL:-/lgc]:-/An]-)' = Admission, confession of a charge, a error, or a
crime: His admission of the theft solved the mystery,
ygm];hUn]lc]pn]eSlat]:wL:' = Step back and say,
ygm];hUn]lc]pn]eStUv];hG]:hn]' hUn]lc]pn]eStUv];hG]:hn]' = Step back and see,
ygm];AL,hL,rL.'(An]-) = Anorexic, N. malnutrition, anorectic, adj.,
ygm];AL,hL,rL.'[yL:yL/tac];kin]An]hQt];hG]:Am],epL;KG]:kin]KG]:yqm].'{'ygm];kin]tac];kin]' = Anorectic,
adj. N. also anorectous. a drug or other agent that causes in a loss of appetite; anoreciant,
ygm];An]cuin];pt].kYqt].Kaw];yaw];lut]:tin];tgn];' = Reducing long-term budget deficit,
ygm];Am],mI;kL:mI;Kn]Sc]pqt]:' = Reduce to nothing, worthless, adj. of no value; nothing worth,
ygm];Aw]sG]piBn]:wL:pBn].' = Indulge, to yield or satisfy,
ygm];Aap]:' ygm];ngm];mgp],Aap]:' = Surrender
ygm];Aap]:tUw]El:sG]wivin],w}.tI:sw]:' = Surrender and entrust my strength, soul and spirit,
ygm];Agk],pn]'(lin]SUn]h}:nL;etygm];Agk],pn]mak],wak]:Kw]:nm].tac];kin]lUic],lI')' = Yield, to give
a return, as for labor expended; produce; bear, (the ground/land will yield its crops ),
ygm].'ygm].pn]'[ygm].SI'SG],yL:ygm].'{ = Pigment, to color; add pigment to, pigmented, pigmenting,
ygm].sp];lIAm],lUn],'(Pqn],ygm].SIsp];lIAm],lUn],)' = Ingrained, adj. made of fiber or yarn so dyed,
(ingrain fabric),
ygm].SI'ygm].' = Color, colored, coloring, colour,
ygm].SUp];'[Aw]yLtL;ygm].SUp];lqc]tL;SI,SUp];'{ = Color one’s lips,
ygm].tqm]:hac]:' = Paint, to engage in painting as an art, painted, painting,
ygm].pn]'[k}.KG];wL:pQn]An]ygm].pn]SIPiw]nUic].nc]nn].{(tac];kin]An]sg}:ygm].pn]nUiw].nc])' = Pigmentation,
N. coloration especially of skin: skin pigmentation foods,
ygm].yL:ygm].'[Aw]nm].yL:ygm].ygm].m}'Pqn],'sL.kGL,{ = Dye, to color; to impart color, as dye, dyed, dyeing,
yg}:' Agn],Ait];' Ait];niuc]:' lQk].Agn],' yg}:yqm];' = Tiny, little, very small, peewee,
yg}:' yg}:yqm];' = Small amount, small particles,
yg}:yqm];'(yL,hp].tgp],sgm];lgc]:yg}:yqm];nn].kU:An]) = Trivial, adj. unimportant: Don’t bother with trivial matter,
yg}:yqm];'(An]-')'[lgc]:tac];El:KUic]pUic]An]Am],lm],lgc]:Sc]nn].{' = Trivia, N. trifles; trivialities,
Kn]mn];sUiw];nn].'{ = Scale, N. a balance or any various other instruments or devices for weighing, scales,
yg};kup];'[yg};kup];kap],'yg};kup];PUic];'yg};kup];eyL;'{ = Tassel of bamboo sheathes hat, straw hat, etc.,
yg};Kw]:kap],'[yg};Agk],tI:pa}hUc];Kw]:kap],{'(epL;yg};mn];epL;hqc]:ekL:Kw]:kap],mak]:yw].)' = Corn silk, corn tassel,
yg};KUn]hUw]'[sgk];hUw]w}.yg};'TLhUw]w}.yg};'{ = Tuft of hair,
yg};'pU:'[m}/KUn]hUw]pgt];pgt];hgm];kn]yg}.w}.'{' = Tuft, a cluster of short, fluffy threads; feathers or hairs,
yg};'sam];'Sg}:'yg};pU:'[Aw]m}/Km];/ciun];hQt];SG],hg}:hac]:lImn];nn].{' = Tassel, N.,
yg};Kgp],'mg}Kgp],'[m}yg};hac]:KUic]:w}.sgm];lqn]Kgp],eSmQw];mQw];'{= Fringe, N. a decorative border of thread, cord, or the like,
yg};tuc];' = Religious banners’ tassel,
yg};mak],hUw]'[yg};pgk].ygk].SG],tI:sik];/Kac]:mak],hUw]'{ = Tassel of a hat or cap,
yg};yg};'PUn]yg};Pgk];Pqk];'(PUn]yg};Pgk];Pqk];tc];Kiun];)' Pgk];' Pgk];Pqk];' = Drizzle, to rain gently
and steadily in fine drops; sprinkle: drizzled, drizzling,(It drizzled throughout the night.,)
yg};Am],man],'yL,sU,Am],man],'Pac]hiw]:Am],Kuic]:'(Tuc];11;1)'= Dishonest scales, false balance,
yg}.' l}Agk],'(lUit]:/hUiw],yg}.' lUit]:/hUiw],l}Agk],')' = Exude, exuded, exuding,(exude blood, exude sweat,),
yg}.'l}'(nm].AUn]AUn]yg}.'KI:muk]:yg}./l}:')'= Runny, adj. tending to run: a runny past; runny nose, runnier,
yg}.sik];sik];' ygt],sik];sik];' nm].ygt],sik];sik];'(nm].tLmn];nac];yg}.ygt],sgm];kqm]:sik];sik];)'
= Trickle,(tears trickled down her cheeks), dribble,
yg}.tUk];' yg}.Puik].Puik].' ygt],tUk];pgk].pgk].' = Drip, dripped, dripping,
t];pqt]:eSEl:') = Ugly hanging: Get rid of that ugly hanging from your attic stairs, hanging under,
yg}.puk].yuk].' yg};pgk].ygk].' hg}:Agc],Ag}:' hg}:AUc],AUv]:' = Hang down loosely,
yg}.yUt].yUt].'(nm].yg}.yUt].yUt].yam];SG],) = Trickling out: water trickling or dribbling out,
yGOn]<' (nuic]:pYL;ciun];miUc];EK,') = Yuan, Also called yuan dollar. a copper coin of the Republic of China, equal to 100
cents; dollar.,
yG],' yG],yG],/yG],eSnn].' yG],Sut];' = Big, adj., bigger, biggest,
yG],'lUc]'An]yG],An]lUc]' = Big, adj. adv. N. enormous, great, huge, large, massive, vast,
yG],'lUc]'kGac]:'yG],yG],'kGac]:kGac]:' = Large, adj. huge; broad; eztensive; of great scope or range, larger, largest,
yG],kGac]:kYO;pik].ep,' ep,3
' (yaw];10xkaGc]:10xSuc]10=1,0003
') = Volume cubic feet,
(Length 10 x Width 10 x Height 10 = 1,000 CFT),
yG],kGac]:yc],Am],tiUk]:l}:' = Cosmic, immeasurably extended in time and space, vast,
yG],kGac]:lI'(Agc]:tI:yG],kGac]:lI)' = Spacious, adj. of a great extent or area, broad, roomy: spacious place,
yG],Kiuk].lBc]lac]' = Giant,
yG],Kiuk].liuk].lm],lUc]' Kiuk].nL,eh;' = Marvelous, unbelievable, wondrous,
yG],nm]'yG],lUc]' = Large, huge, immense, vast,
yG],Sbc]'Kibn]:yG],Sbc]'[Suc]mL;/yG],mL;{(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)= Growth, N. the act or process of growing,
yG],Suc]Kuin]:'lbk].'lbk].Kibn]:'luk].Kibn];mL;'Kibn]:'PU;Kiun]:' = Rise, growing, rose, risen, rising,
yG],tan],tan],'tan],tan],' = Considerable, rather large or great in size, worthy of respect, considerably,
yG],Et.yG],wL:'(vL;Pit];y]G,Et.yG],wL:'Pit];Et.Pit];wL:')' = Colossal, huge,(colossal mistake),
yG],TBn]:' ASak]:TBn]:yG],pQn]kBn];lBc]' pan]Tan]:yG],' = Mature, grown up, maturity,
yG],Tgt]:mYat]:' wL:mn];yG],Tgt],mYat]:' = Divine, divined, divining,
yG],Tgt]:mYat]:' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-) = Divine, N., divine, adj.,
yG],Tgt]:mYat]:' = Divine, adj., diviner, divinest,
yG],Tgt],mYat]:l}:pQn]kUn];'(lgc]:-)'An]Tgt]:mYat]:l}:pQn]kUn];' = Divine being,
yG],nm]Et.Et.wL:wL:' = In a big way,
yG],nm]lUc]nm]lac]' nL,' Et.Et.wL:wL:' = Greatly, much, enormously, indeed,
yG],nL,' nm]nL,' lUc]' An]lUc]An]lac]' = Enormous, adj., huge,
yG],pBn].pa}:pqt]:' yG],lUn].Kam]:pUn].' = Grow out,
yG],EP:nm]kuin];'mak],pUc];hUc];kgn]:'(Kt];-Am],mak],Am],EP:tUin];) = Fruitful, adj.,(ant: unfruitful)
yG],mL:kL:Sbc]mL;' = Grow, grew up,
yG],mL:kL:Suc]mI;hqc];KUic],Km].' = Grow strong,
yG],mL;'ekL.yG],mL;'(wQc];/wan]:mn];yG],mL;nn].') = Brought up: where he had been brought up; his boyhood home,
yG],mL;' yG],mL:kL:Sbc]mL;' EP:nm]' mun];mG],Kiun]:yG],' = Grow, grew, grown, growing,
yG],mYat]:' An]lIAn]mYat]:' sG]lIsG]mYat]:' Suiw]:yUw];yG],mYat]:' = Noble,
yG],mYat]:' Suiw]:yUw];yG],mYat]:'An]lIAn]mYat]:'sG]lIsG]mYat]:' = Noble, adj., nobler, noblest,
nobility, N.,
yG],mYat]:Kqm].tgn];liBw]' Kqm].tgn];lUiw]' = Surpassed, surpassingly, surpass,
yG],mYat]:tgn];'Tgt]:mYat]:'l}:tac];ygc]:Aam];'(ekL.yG],mYat]:tgn];pUin]:) = Exalted, adj.: exalted one,
yG],mYat]:lIygc]:Aam];nL,'(Pac]hac]:yG],mYat]:lIygc]:Aam];nL,'(Kuin];15;1')' = Great and marvelous,
yG],mYat]:lUiw]pUn].'[tgn];Ek;'{ = Outweigh, to exceed in value, importance, influence, etc., outweighing,
yG],mYat]:lUiw]pUn].tgn];Ek;Kw]tc];mUt];Et.Et.wL:wL:' = Far outweighs them all, far beyond
all comparison, far more exceeding and eternal weight,
yG],mYat]:lUiw]pUn].tgn];Ek;Kw]tc];mUt];' = Outweighs them all, beyond all comparison,
yG],yw].' = Of age, -Being old enough for full legal rights and responsibility,
yG],yG],' nBk],nBk],ht];ht];' ht];hQt];ht];Sac]:' ht];ht];' nUk],nUk],' = Bold, boldly,
yG],yG],nm]nm]'[yG],lUc]'nm]lUc]''{ = Greatly, adv. immensely; vast; huge; very great,
yG],lBc]' yG],' yG],Kuik].lUc]' Kibk].nL,Et.'Kiuk].Et.'yG],lUc]hUc]hac];'lUc]' = Great, adj., major,
yG],lBc]' yG],lUc]liUw]' yG],lUc]Sut];' = Great, adj., greater, greatest,
yG],lUc]Kqm].tgn];lUiw]nL,' = Surpassing greatness,
yG],lUc]Sut];' yG],nm]Sut];'(Kt];kn]-lQk].ng}.Sut];'lQk].eA,Sut];) = Most, in the great quantity,
amount or degree,(ant: least)
yG],lBc]eS' yG],lUc]liUw]' tUiw];yG],lUc]' = Greater
yG],lUc]Sut];Sut];' yG],lUc]eSpUin]:mUt];' = Greatest,
yG],lBc]lac]' = Immense, huge, very large, extensive, giant,
yG],lBc]lac]' An]lUc]An]lan].' nm]lUc]nm]lac]' = Huge, enormous, vast, quantity,
yG],lUiw]eSEt.Et.wL:wL:' = Much bigger,
yG];' yG];kuv]' (SPL,wmn];nG];kUc]m}.pUk],m}.mgc]Kw]n}.mI;yG];mac]mac]Agn],w}.')' = Fiber, fibre,
yG];'yG];kUc],kaw]' = Web, spider webs,
yG];kUc],kaw]' = Spider web,
yG];tLPUik],'[nc]nQw]SIPUik],pQn]AQn]ES;l]mI;yG];mac]mac]pL;tc];yG];tLlm]An]hUm],w}.ngk]:hUv],tLnn].{' =
Sclera, N. a dense, white, fibrous membrane that, with the cornea, forms the external covering of the eyeball,
yG];tLlm]'[pQn]pgt];kuik];pL;yG];tLPUik],eShUm],ngk]:hUv],tLw}.{'yG];tLSgm],' = Cornea, N. clear lenses,
yG];/nc]pan],'yG];/nc]epL'(nc],pan],nc]epLn}.tL,Aw]Pn]:sUik]:)'= Yarn, N., fibers of hemp, rope yarn,
yG];Pgt]:'[yG];Pgt],w}.K},mqc];mac]mQw];'{ = Chorion, N. the membrane around the eggs of certain insects, secreted by
cells of the ovary,
yG];mac]mac]'(mUk],Kw]:lam]n}.mI;yG];mac]mac]Agn],w}.nG];kUc]mn];) = Membrane, N.,
yG];mUw]'[yG];An]Aw]l}:mL;tI:kan]:mgk]mUw]lip];nn].'{ = Fiber of the stalk of the water lily,
Repeatedly, adv. done, made, or said again and again,