hUw]yg}:wac];Pqn]mG],An]JTm].hQt];pun]:tL,cm];yQn]mUic];wn];Agk],pgt];kac]' Kaw],caw]; eApIsI' lUin]kYn]nGL,rI<28'2020'
Excerpt by Saiaung Teekham
Today Israel takes a big step toward peace.
The land of Israel is the ancient home, a
sacred place of worship and a solemn promise to the Jewish people.
But I was not elected to do small things or
shy away from big problem.
My vision presents a win-win opportunity for
both sides. Under this vision, Jerusalem will remain Israel’s undivided, very important,
undivided capital.
Peace requires compromise, but we will never ask
Israel to compromise its security. Can’t do it.
No Palestinian or Israeli will be uprooted
from their home.
Perhaps, most importantly my vision gives
Palestinians the times needed to rise up and meet the challenges of statehood. …
And become a truly independent and wonderful state.
Capable person, capable people, = ekL.pgc]pQn]l}:'ekL.pQn]l}:'kUn];pgc]pQn]l}:'
Coexistence, N. policy of living with other nations; the act or state of
coexisting,= pUk];tc]:mI;w}.sgm];kn]'
Compromise, N., = ygn],yan];hLkn]'ygn],yan];pn]'
Dignity, N. nobility of character,
dignities, = kuc],Ser,'[AkYac].sG]lIsG]mYat]:{'Aic],Ser,'
Donald J. Trump, = tgn]<Enl]ekYJTm].'[sgm]suic]:mUic];AEm,riekL.TUn]:45'{
Empowered you,= SG],pn]AL,nL,mG];'SG],pn]eAL;sL,AL,nL,mG];'hG]:mG];mI;AL,nL,'SG],hqc];pn]mG];'
Empowering them to thrive on their
own,= SG],hqc];pn]Kw]hG]:Kw]Kuin]:yG],mG],Suc]l}:hc];kUv];'
Empty promise, = ktiham];pw],'(mn];pQn]kUn];emLAup],eSpn]ktiham];pw],tI:pUin]:kUv];)'
Excerpt, to take or select a passage from a book, film,
or the like, excerpted,
excerpting, = kQp];Tut],w}.'kQp]; Tut],Aw]mL;'(kQp];Tut],Aw]mL;tI:nG];pp].eSAn]An]'tI:nG];cw];tUc].eSAn]An])
Failed approach, = la};Kw]hLAm],Agc],'
Gross Domestic
Product, N. gross national product
excluding payments on foreign investment. Abbreviation:
GDP, =
Incitement, N., motive, stimulus, inspiration, = tuik];yUc];SUn];'SUn];eSL,'la};tac];hqc];sG]tBc].'
Incitement of hatred, = tuik];yUc];SUn];eSL,sc];kn]'
adj. increasing or adding
on, especially in a regular series,= nm]mL;lUiw]kw],'[EP:tUin];/Tqm]elL;Tq c]An]pQn]yU,man],man],'{
Malign, adj. injurious; pernicious,
= etL;SyG],sG]haw]:sG]kYam];etL,'En;wL:pUin]:Am],lI'
Malign activities, = tac];hQt];etL;SyG],sG]haw]:kYam];etL,'tac];hQt];En;wL:pUin]:Am],lI'
Nuclear deal, =
Palestinian, N. a native or inhabitant of Palestine, =
Peaceful coexistence, = pUk];tc]:mI;w}.sgm];kn]kGL,nG];cm];yQn]'
Poverty rate, =
Present: present
documents, presented,
presenting, = Aap]:tUw]'tac],Tibc]'(Aw]Piun]lik]:Piun]l a};tac],Tiuc]')'
Prosperity, N. progress, well-being, = Kibn]:yG],mak]:mI;' (tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)
Require, need, required, requiring, = lBw],l}:mI;' lUw],l}:hQt];'
Security risk, = Kam],sun].lgc]:hUm],lUm]:'
Self-sufficiency, able to supply one’s won needs, = kum],TUn]:tUw]kw],lI'(tac];-/lgc]:-/An]-)
Solemn, adj., solemnly, adv.: I solemnly swear, = pn]kGam];Kam],kti'(kw]pn]kGam];Kam],ktieStUic],wL:')'
Status quo, the existing state or condition, (the parties
can be returned to their original positions ), = sn].An]l}: mI;yB,w}.'[kUn];ekL.Kw]:pL;sgm];sUiw];nn].l}:Kuin];mItI:sn].kw],mUiw]:p},hQt];ptivin],/lik]:hUw]ma}kn]nn].'{'
Shy away, turn back: it does not
shy away for the sword,= hUn]lc]pa}:pqt]:'[win],wa},yibt];Kibn];'hUn]lc]Kiun];'{
Unfulfilled promise, = ktiham];la}'[pn]ktiw}.eSAm],PUim].Tqm]hQt];yw].tUw]:sgm];{'
Uprooted the people, displaced people, = tQk];liup]:ehL:kUn];Ka}.pa}:'
Vision, N. a vivid, imaginative conception: visions of wealth and glory, = muc]:yUic];ma}hn]'(An]-)(An]muc]: yUic];ma}hn]wL:etmak],mI;eSmI;Puc];yG],hUc]hac];)'hn]w}.nG];tL'muc]:yUic];ma}'
Will be there: We
will be there in every step of the way to help, = mI;w}.tI:nn]:'(hw];etmI;w}.tI:nn]:kGL,sgm];kU: Kk].yac]:nG];SQn];tac];nn].eSetsg}:Tqm]')
Win-Win, = ep.etL,ep.'(],kn])