Labeling – Richard L. Gorsuch, PhD
years ago a new leader took over the Roman Empire. He was ready. His first new law
was that there would be no discrimination based on color. In the modern world,
that would mean discrimination by color of skin. But in that time the colors
were blue and green. People made decisions based on whether the person was the
same color as they. Blues gave business to blues, and greens gave business to
greens. If a person was "green" but the judge was "blue",
then the judgment would be likely to go against him. It was a problem
throughout the Empire. Gibbon in his book
“The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” reports
that 30,000 people died in the fights between the blues and the greens.
were labeled “green” or “blue” How did that happen? It started from betting on
horse races. Some horses had blue harnesses and others had green harnesses. So
people backed either blue or green horses.
Then this labeling spread throughout society.
is called a "labeling" effect. People were labeled either blue or
green. People were judged first by their label: blue or green. They gave
business to merchants of their own color even if the other merchant offered
lower prices. Of course, the color was not related to any of the issues of that
society. But it led to conflict rather than harmony.
hLhG]:l}:tac];yum],ym]'(Earn Trust)' eS'
kgn];w}.lgc]:KIm}:sG]'(Manage Anxiety)
yiUc];pk];sp];niUw]liUc]:mn];'(Focus on
Issues) 'eS' kgn];w}.An]el,Ep,sqk],siuw]:'(Manage Labeling)
Kw]:kn]kgc].San]kn]w}.sgm];siUw];yiUc];ma}'(Interlock Goals)'eS'kgn];w}.yiUc];ma}siUw];KG]]Aw]'(Manage Competitive Goals)
Kiun];pUk];Et,tc]:lgc]:Tuk],emLkn]'(Restoring Harmony)'eSEl:'
Ek:lit]:lgc]:Kgc].Km]tiUk]:tn]An]sac]:yL.lukw];lqw]'(Resolving Destructive Conflict) Kgt],ygt],lUp];lc]luin];Sut];tL,hw];pan]mUiw]:lQw]n}.'yU,hG]:Tuk],emLkn]'Pgm].PQc],kn]'yL,sqk],wL:!Kw]@El:tc];!hw];@Am],nn]!KQw]@El:tc];!Sgm],@n}Sc]'hG]:pQn]nm].nuic]:sG]lQw]kn]'Aw]kn]wL:pL;kn]pQn]'hk].kn]'sg}:kn]KL:El:"