VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Friday, May 24, 2013

Out of the Pit (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!mn];sw]:yuk].Aw]kw]Agk],pUn].luk];tUik]:tn]nn].yw].' Aw]Agk],kUm],lin]nQw]El:Ka};ygp],yUn]: lin]Auc]nn].yw].eAL:" mn];sw]:Aw]tin]kw]tm];pn]nUiw]puin].lin]kqn],eS'pn]kw]yac]:tm];tin] man],man],kGL,sgm];hgm];p}mn];sw]:yw].eAL:"@
kUn];hw];kU:ekL.l}:lt];Kw]:kGL,nG];Kaw];Kic],'An]l}:Kam],sL;nG];sG]mUin]nc],wL:Kw]l}:tUk];luk];w}.nn]."luk];nn].n}.sac]:pQn]An]l}:sG]Sn],kGc]mw];Am],nim]Sw];l}:nn].lG]' Am],nn]' An]l}:Pit];sG] nn].lG]' Am],nn]ekL:' l}:Kam],sL;nG];sG]pQn]An]sG]tUk];' tUik]:tn]' Am],nn]' Am],mI;tac];muc]: mgc];Sc]yw].n}sUiw];nn]." eSAm],kL;' yUw]eK;etsac]:pQn]An]mG];Am],hn]tac];Agk],mn];l};eS Ait];nn].lG]huiw]' kUv];kL:mG];lUw],l}:hU.wL:'JPL;sw]:n}.tuik].mI;sgm];mG];yU,' eSEl:mn];sw]:etpak]: hQt];pn]tac];SQn];nuic]:mUiw]lqp]:Am],mI;tac];lUik]:lG]Sc]yw].nn].AUiw]:"
tgc];Kuk];sG]l}:An]wL:' JPL;sw]:etAm],pn]hG]:An]mG];lt];Kw]:mL;nG];ASak]:Pwn}.' l}:pQn]An] pqt]:lgk],pqt]:la}kGL,eSAn]nn].tL." epL;wL:mG];etw}.nL:tLsG]SePL;suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,nn].yU, n}suic]' mn];sw]:etpin]win],wa},Aw]cw];ca};nn].hG]:pQn]lItL,mG];mL;AUiw]:" pqk].wL:mG];hQt];huiw]eSl}: hgt]:Pqw]kGL,tI:nn]:w}.n}ekL:Am],pQn]Sc]' mn];pQn]ygn].lUv]:mG];lUik]:Am],Tuk],Am],mqn]:hc];kUv]; nn].hiuw]' Am],nn]ekL:' yUw]eK;etpQn]tac],ekL.tac],kUn];eSekL.ekL.n}.hQt];etL,mG];Am],JtL; eSAit];nn].huiw]' kUv];kL:pQn]hiuw]ekL:' JPL;sw]:n}.KG]:yip];sG].cw];la};nn].eShQt];kan]pn]nG];mG]; An]nuic]:" mn];sw]:etAw]An]ha}.mUik]:nn].pin],win],wa},pQn]An]lItL,mG];mL;AUiw]:" yam];sUic].nn] n}.yUw]eK;mG];etAm],l}:SL,sG]eSAit];n}ekL:' kUv];kL:mG];lUw],l}:hU.An]wL:' mG];n}.tUiw];tgn];mL; yU,tik];tik];' eSEl:JPL;sw]:n}.tuik].ekL,Sac]:pn]lgc]:kYac].tac];km]mG];nn].yU,n}yw]."
wn];mUiw]:n}.'tm];eKL:tqp];tt];An]wL:etPqt];Sn]pt];pqt]:'kL:An]pQn]lgc]:hn]Pit];pin]:PUn]'lgc]:sG]tQk];tQc]tqn],sw]:kw],Sum];kan].sUiw];nn].yw].n}El:" lUik]:tac];tL,ethUm]:hgm];hQt];sgm]; JPL;sw]:tL." yum],ym]wL:mn];sw]:tuik].hac]:hqn];pn]mG];tL,An]yuk].tac],Kiun];sn].pn]nn].yU,n} El:" nc],An]mG];Suip].w}.nL:tLsG]SePL;mI;tac];yum],mat]:' mI;tac];muc]:yUic];Aan];l}:' eSmI;sG] tac],ekY;sU;JPL;sw]:yU,n}.' mn];sw]:etyuk].Aw]mG];Kiun]:eS' Aw]mG];tm];wac];pn]nG];tac];kGL,mn]: kqn],nqn]:nLlImI;lgc]:Agc],ep.' An]mn];sw]:Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]tL,mG];nn].yU,yw].&"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.KL:muin];tLmuc]:hqn]Kiun]:sU;sw]:hw];w}.eAL:' pUiw]:wL:tac];sg}:tac]; Tqm]pn]KL:n}.luk].tI;sw]:hw];mL;" tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:hw];hQt];kan]pn]tI:nG];ASak]:PwmL:n}. eAL:" tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:yip];sG].tuiw];cw];ca};nG];ASak]:PwKL:n}.kU:An]An]hG]:pQn]An]lItL, kw]KL:nn].eAL:" KL:pn]tac];lImac],klL,sw]:hw];eAL:wn];mUiw]:n}.' pqk].wL:lQp]:hgp]:him];hgm];KL:n}. pQn]hiuw]w}.yU,ekL:yL,mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]' pUiw]:KL:l}:hU.wL:sw]:hw];mI;wac];Pqn]lIw}.pn]tL,KL:An] nuic]:yU,n}eAL:" sUm];tac],ekY;sU;SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Out of the Pit
“He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on the solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.”
(Psalm 40:2, NLT)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Everyone goes through seasons when they feel like they are in a pit. That pit can be a frustration or disappointment or a feeling of discouragement, despair or hopelessness. And maybe you can’t see a way out, but you’ve got to know that God is still with you, and He will make a way where there seems to be no way.
Remember, God will never waste anything you go through in life. If you’ll keep the right attitude, He’ll turn that situation around for your good. It doesn’t matter how you got there, whether it was by your own poor choices or maybe someone else treated you unfairly, God wants to use that situation to do a work in you. He’ll take that evil and turn it around for your good. You may be uncomfortable at times, but you’ve got to know that you are growing, and God is building your character.
Today, make the decision to shake off any negative, self-defeating mindsets. Choose to cooperate with God. Trust that He is preparing you for promotion. As you keep an attitude of faith, expectancy and thanksgiving, He will lift you up and set you on the solid path of victory He has in store for you!
Father, today I lift my eyes to You for my help comes from You. Thank You for doing a work in my life. Thank You for using every situation in my life for my good. I bless You today no matter what is going on around me, knowing that You have a good plan for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Remain Confident of This (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!kw]tuik].kuit];mI;w}.An]yum],mn]:tm];sG]n}.yU,' kw]etl}:hn]lgc]:lIJPL:sw]:hw];' tI:nG];Pqn], lin]sUiw];An]mI;sG]ASak]:lip];Kw]yU,nn].eAL:"@
mUiw]:et;wit].tqm]:kYam];SL,lam],kn]puk]:27n}.' mn];l}:lt];Kw]:kGL,nG];Kaw];yap],yQn];Kan]sG]nn]. w}.AUiw]:" lgc]:tac];KUic]:pUic]sUiw];nn].Am],Agk],pQn]mL;sgm];la};tac];mn];Kuic]w}." kUv];kL:' mn];lat]: hG]:mI;AkYOw];nn].eSwL:' !kw]Am],m}:sG]" kw]Am],sG]sL.eKL;KUm]Sc]" kw]tm];sG]w}.lgc]:wL:' kw]et l}:hn]lgc]:lIJPL;sw]:yU,nn].yw]."@wL:n}nn].AUiw]:" epL;etl}:lat];Tqc]:tac],la};suic]' pQn] An]mn];lat]:wL:' !cw];la};An]kw]l}:mI;w}.yU,n}.eK;etkYam];w}.nL,n}ekL:' kUv];mn];etAm],mL; lk].Aw]lgc]:muc]:yUic];ma}kw]nn].kGL,l}:lL;lL;" mn];etAm],mL;hQt];hG]:kw]ygm];kan].lgc]:kw]ngn]; Pn]mgc];hn]w}.sUiw];nn].pqt]:lL;lL;" kw]tm];sG]mn]:tUw]mn]:sG]w}.wL:nG];pIn}.n}.' kw]etl}:hn] An]JPL;sw]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]nG];la};mG],tac];mG],nn].yU,"@An]wL:n}nn]."
nn].yw].An]nL:tLsG]SePL;hw];Tuk],lIpQn]w}.mUiw]:n}.n}.' ygn].kgp]:pUiw]:wL:'SUyUic];pk];sp];nUiw] AI:Sc]w}.ekL:SUetl}:hn]An]nn]." pqk].wL:Puin]la};can];Pa},yL:yLnn].KG]:wL:w}.sUic].huiw]ekL:yL, mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]' pqk].wL:hqc];ciun];tgc];SUmI;w}.tan]lG]sUic].hiuw]ekL:Am],pQn]Sc]' pqk].wL:lgc]: kp];Suip],Kw]:Agk],kn]nn].lqp]:Am],lISc]eSAit];n}ekL:Am],pQn]Sc]' hG]:yum],mn]:tm];sG]mn]:tUw] mn]:sG]w}.lgc]:wL:'SUetl}:hn]lgc]:lImn];sw]:yU,n}tL." mn];sw]:n}.AL,nL,yG],lUc]TUn]:TI;mUt];' mI;van],hU.sqc]:es;mUt];(Sp].ep,vutvan],)' pQn]sw]:PU:Pan],SGac];skYL,wrL,n}.' eSAm],kL; mn];sw]:yip];SUw}.nG];AUc]:muiw];mn];sw]:yw]." Am],mI;An]lG]yap],Puit],nL,AL;lL;tL,mn];sw]:n} Sc]eSmQw];" yip];km]mn]:kqn],sgm];Aman],JtL;n}.w}.lUv]:tac];yum],mat]:nn].eS' yUic];pk];sp]; nUiw]lgc]:lImn];sw]:nn].w}.El:mUiw]:n}." pn]hG];lgc]:cm];yQn]mn];sw]:mL;ngn];hUn];w}.nG];mak],hUw]sG] SUEl:sG]SUnn].eS' kaw].Kiun]:nL:kGL,nG];tac];lImac],klL,kU:wn];nG];ASak]:PwSU(mG];)n}.tL.&"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' KL:sUm];tac],ekY;sU;pun]:An]lgc]:lIsw]:mI;nG];ASak]:PwKL:n}.eAL:" KL:lUik]: Aw]mak],hUw]sG]El:sG]KL:tm];w}.tI:sw]:hw];yU,eAL:mUiw]:n}.' pqk].wL:Sa}ca}cw];la};kw]KL:n}.pQn]huiw]w}. yU,ekL:Am],kgn];KL:yw]." kw]KL:tm];sG]w}.lgc]:wL:'kw]KL:etl}:hn]lgc]:lIsw]:hw];yU,n}eAL:" pn] kw]KL:l}:mI;cm];yQn]sw]:hw];' sgm];nc],KL:Aw]sG]pG].pL;sp];sgm];hgm];p}sw]:hw];kGL,nn].eSkm];" tac],ekY;sU;SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Remain Confident
of This
“I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
(Psalm 27:13, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
When David wrote Psalm 27, he was going through a tough time. Things weren’t going his way. But he said in effect, “I’m not worried. I’m not upset. I am confident that I will see God’s goodness.” In other words, “This situation I’m in may be rough, but that’s not going to steal my vision. That’s not going to cause me to give up on my dreams. I am confident that this year, I will see God’s favor in a new way.”
That’s what our attitude needs to be today because what you focus on is what you will see. No matter what the medical report says, no matter what your finances look like, no matter how bad that relationship may seem, be confident that you will see His goodness! He is the all-powerful, omniscient, Creator of the universe, and He holds you in the palm of His hand. Nothing is too difficult for Him. Take hold of this truth by faith and focus on His goodness today. Allow His peace to settle in your heart and mind as you move forward in His blessing all the days of your life!
Father, thank You for Your goodness in my life. I choose to set my heart and mind on You today no matter what my circumstances may look like. I am confident that I will see Your goodness! Give me Your peace as I keep my mind stayed on You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Place of Blessing (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!wa};eSnn].eKL:kGam];sw]:hw];TL,wrL.JPL;hgt]:mL;tI:AI,l}a;yyw].'-'!Agk],tI:n}:kGL,tL.' cgk];kGL, sU;nL:tac];Agk],nn].eSkGL,tQt],pqp].w}.nG];kiw],lg}eK;rit].' tI:Pa},Agk],nm].eyL;tan],nn].El:" mG];etl}:kin]nm].nG];hgc]:mUic]Agn],nn].eSEl:' kw]l}:En.nam];w}.tI:kLlm]tc];la}hG]:mL;Tgk]:pam]. km].kqm]Kw]:nm].tac];kin]pn]mG];tI:nn]:yw].yw]:'@wL:nc],n}eAL:"@
nG];eKL:kYam];lik]:n}.'TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:mI;Agc]:tI:tL,km].sg}:pn]AI,l};ynn].w}.tI:nuic]:" mn];sw]: pn]eKL:sI.nam];eKLeKLw}.tc];nm]eS' kL:sUw]:AI,la};yhp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];yU,nn].' mn];sa};etp} mqn]:tac];mn];kGL,eSPqw]kGL,tI:mI;tac];lImac],klL,tL,mn];sa};nn].yU,yw]."
mUin]nc],An]JPL;sw]]:Enpn]hG]:AI,la};yl}:Pqw]tI:mI;tac];lImac],klL,tL,mn];nn].' JPL; sw]:n}.tuik]]:Enpn]mG];yU,nc],kaw],AUiw]:" mn];sw]:n}.tuik].Em;lt];Em;kUic]Sun],lIman], mqn]:suiw]:sG]:tc];la}pn]tL,mG];' eSEl:hQt];hG]:kUn];suiw]:sG]:mqn]];nn].mL;sgm];tac];kGL,mG]; nn].eSmL;sg}:mG];kGL,TL:pL:nL:yw]." mn];sw]:n}.tac]tUw]mG];eStuik].hQt];kan]pn]Pa},lc]PL:kac]: nn].Am],Tat],Am],wa};w}.yU," kUv];kL:mG];Sm].lUw],l}:hQt];pgt];tgn]:mG];lUw],hQt];nn].eS' w}.mak], hUw]sG]mG];hG]:mqn]:Agc]:tI:mn];' lUv]:An]sgm];eKL:kGam];mn];sw]:nn].yw]." nn].n}.pgc],wL:' hG]:yU, nG];cm];yQn]El:Pgm].hUm]:kn]nn]." Tm],mkYam];lik]:lat]:wL:' mUiw]:hw];yU,Sw];nG];tac];Pgm].hUm]:kn] (Pgm].PQc],kn])sgm];kUn];yum],mat]:tac],sUiw];Kw]n}.' mn];sw]:pn]eKL:pUc],Sc],w}.hG]:mI;tac];lImac],k lL,n}yw]." eSEl:Aik],' mUiw]:mak],hUw]sG]mG];mI;w}.nG];Agc]:tI:mI;tac];lImac],klL,nn].'sUw]:ASak]: PwmG];An]yc];mI;w}.yU,n}.' etpQn]nG];tI:mI;tac];lImac],klL,nn].nc],kaw],yw].&"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:K:' KL:pL;tc];mak],hUw]sG]emLsUm];ekYsU;nn].eSmL;hLsw]:hw];eAL:" tac],ekY;sU; An]sw]:hw];nam];Agn]kw]]Enpn]tac];kGL,Kk].yac]:tin]KL:sUiw];nn].yU,n}.eAL:" sg}: hG]:KL:emLtUv];hn]pUin]:tac],ekL.' sgm];la};tac];An]sw]:hw];tUv];hn]Tuic]Kw]nn].eSEl:' hG]:KL: sac]:l}:yuk].ygc]:sw]:hw];eSyU,Sw];nG];lgc]:Pgm].hUm]:nn].kGL,kU:wn];nG];ASak]:PwKL:n}.eSkm];"sUm];tac],ekY;sU;SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

The Place of Blessing
“Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: ‘Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.’ ”
(1 Kings 17:2–4, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In scripture, God had a place of provision for Elijah. He gave specific instructions, and as long as Elijah obeyed, he would walk right in to His place of blessing.
Just as God directed Elijah to his place of blessing, God is directing you, too. He’s aligning the right opportunities for you and causing the right people to come along your path to help you get ahead. He’s constantly working behind the scenes on your behalf. But you have to do your part to keep your heart in the right place by following His Word. That means living in peace and unity. The Bible says that when we live in unity with other believers, there He has commanded the blessing. And when your heart is in the place of blessing, the rest of your life will be in the place of blessing, too!
Father, I come to You with a grateful heart. Thank You for leading me and directing my steps. Help me to see others the way You see them so I can honor You and live in unity all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

He Opens and Closes Doors (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!kw]hU.kan]sUiw];An]SUhQt];sUiw];nn].yU,"w}.fac].tUv];tL.' kw]l}:hqn];tm];pn]Suiw]:nL:Suiw]:tLSU Pk];tUAn]puit],w}.hU;nuic]:' An]Am],mI;PG]sac]:Auit];l}:nn].yw]." kw]hU.lgc]:wL:SUmI;hqc];AL,nL, Ait];Agn],niuc]:kUv];nn].yU,' El:Aik],SUl}:pG].pL;hQt];sgm];eKL:kGam];kw]yU,eS' Am],l}:tgp],TQc] pak]:pqt]:suiw]:kw]n}nn].yU,"@
JPL;sw]:puit],Pk];tUSun],lItc];la}w}.pn]Suuiw]:nL:Suiw]:tLhw];' mQw];An]Am],mI;PG]sac]:Auit];l}: nn].AUiw]:" kUv];kL:hw];lUw],tn];hU.mqn]:lgc]:wL:' mac]pgk]:mac]lG]n}.mn];sw]:Auit];Pk];tUtc];la} pqt]:nn].nc],kaw],' kgp]:pUiw]:mn];sw]:Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]eSsUiw].eSpUic]nn].yw]." hw];eK;etsac]: hn]Sun]lIAn]SQn],lInn].l}:yU,n}ekL:' kUv];kL:Am],sG]:kgm].kUv];wL:kgp]:pUiw]:mn];pQn]la};tac]; SQn]:lInn].n}El:' mn];Am],pgc],wL:nn].pQn]SQn]:tac];JPL;sw]:yw].n}" kgm].wL:ygn].mUiw]:Agn] tac];n}.mn];tgn].yam]:pQn]mL;la};nn].tac];nn].n}El:' mn];Am],pgc],wL:pgk]:etmL;ekL:mn];et pQn]kGL,la};nn].tac];nn].Tqc]:n}Sc]" ygn].kgp]:pUiw]:n}El:sc],wL:' SUlUw],l}:yU,puit],PUiv]w}.eS Suip],yum],ym]w}.nG];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:yw]." epL;SUetw}.sG]kqp]:eSetL.Et.tUv];Aw]Pk];tUAn] Auit];kGL,pqt]:yw].nn].kUv];n}Et.' SUetvL;lut]:Pk];tUAn]l}:puit]:w}.pn]yw].Pa},lc]SU nn].AUiw]:"
t};ekL.' epL;SUsac]:pg},pn]hG]:Kp].ma},sw]:kw]mI;w}.nn].pUn].kGL,pqt]:eS' yum],ym]JPL;sw]:w}.n}.' mn];sw]:ethQt];hG]:lp].lgc];tqt]:etL;lI' tL,hG]:SUepL;hn]Pk];tUsUiw];An]puit],w}.pn]nn].yU, yw]." eKL:kYam];lik]:lat]:wL:' eKL:kGam];mn];sw]:n}.pQn]f};t}:lqc];pn]tac];kGL,hw];n}yw]." nL: tLsG]SePL;hw];tk];lUw],l}:pQn]n}w}.tL,eS,' An]wL:' !JPL;sw]:tI:KL:'KL:ygm];ngm];mgp],Aap]:tI: sw]:w}.SQc]:SQc]:eAL:" mL;Et,SQn]:tac];sw]:tI:nG];KL:eSkm];" KL:yum],ym]yam];Kin];sw]:hw]; yU," JPL:sw]:tI:KL:' KL:yum],ym]w}.pn]hG]:sw]:hQt];kGL,sgm];SQn]:tac];sw]:hw];nn].Aw]eAL:"@wL: nc],n}tL,eS,nn]." hQt];nn]eS' ygm];hUn]lc]pn]eStUv];hG];hn]Pk];tUAn]puit],w}.'An]mn]; sw]:hac]:hqn];Kp];Kuic]w}.pn]tL,SUnn].El:&"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:hw];sI.Sc],pn]]:Enpn]tac];kGL,Kk].yac]:tin] KL:sUiw];nn].eAL:" etL:nc],mUiw]:Pk];tUtc];la}Auit];kGL,pqt]:Siuw]:nL:Suiw]:tLKL:nn].n}ekL:' KL: lUik]:yum],ym]sw]:hw];w}.yU," KL:yum],wL:'sw]:hw];mI;Pgn];lITiSut];tL,kw]KL:tI:nG];mak],hUw]sG]sw]: hw];w}.yw].n}eAL:" kw]KL:tUw]:tn];lIeSettn];l}:yU,KL:" KL:suk];mn]:w}.eSSuip],hLPk];tU An]puit],w}.'An]sw]:hw];mI;w}.pn]tL,kw]KL:nn].yU,eAL:" lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:"ALmin]:"

He Opens and
Closes Doors
“I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.”
(Revelation 3:8, ESV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
God opens doors of opportunity before us that no one is able to shut. But we have to realize, sometimes He also closes doors because He has something better in store. We may see a logical opportunity, but just because it’s the logical way doesn’t mean that it’s God’s way. Just because it happened that way before doesn’t mean it’s going to happen that way next time. That’s why you have to stay open and keep trusting in God. If you’re narrow-minded and only look at the door that’s been closed, you may miss the door He has opened behind you!
Friend, when you are able to let go of your own agenda and trust God, He’ll make sure you see those open doors. Scripture says His Word is what lights our path. Our attitude should always be, “God, I surrender all to You. Have Your way in my life. I trust Your timing. God, I trust You to do it Your way.” Then, step back and see the open door He has prepared for you!
Father, thank You for ordering and directing my steps. I choose to trust You even when doors close before me. I believe that You have my best interest at heart. I am ready and available. I stand looking for the open door You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen