VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Monday, March 11, 2013

Thank Him in Advance (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!pqk].wL:tUn]:mak],lUiw],Am],mgk],kI:mL;'kUv];eSAkm],kL;'kL:tI:nUiw]KUiw];nn].Am],mI;mak],Sc]n}ekL:'...'kw]etsUm];SUiw];nG];sw]:hw];TL,wrL.JPL;' kw]etSUiw];ekYL,nG];JPL;sw]:PU:Ek,Kzt]:kw]nn].eAL:"@
hw];hL;tc];la}mI;lgc]:ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]El:yUic];ma}tc];nm]'sUiw];An]JPL;sw]:Aw]SG],w}.pn]nG];mak], hUw]sG]hw];'KUic]:pUic]lgc]:tac];sUiw];An]hw];yum],w}.'cw];la};sUiw];An]hw];SU;tgc];hG]:mn];pin]win],wa},Kiun];lImL;sUiw];nn].yw]." ktitac];nm]lUc]sUiw];n}.n}.'tc]:Et,mL;ca};mUin]nc],sUiw].Pn];tc];la}nn]." Kw]Am],Agk],pQn]Et.mL;sgm];nG];Kiun];lQw]nn].hQt];nn]" mn];tuin];mI;Kaw];Kic],An]l}:pG].TL:nn]. Kw]:kQw],pL;sgm];yw]." Et,mUiw]:Kaw];yam];hw];SU;tgc];han].etL,Tuic]yam];hw];l}:hn]An]PUim].Tqm] hQt];yw].tUw]:pn]nn].n}.' hgc].wL:pQn]Kaw];yam];sqt]:Tt];sam];lgc]:yum],mat]:hw];nn].'n}AUiw]:" n}.yw].An]pQn]mUiw]:kUn];tc];la}Kw]sG]tUk];eSygm];kan].pqt]:nn]." Kw]tc]:Et,yum],tac];wUn]. Sgn],Pit];pin]:PUn]sUiw];nn].eSwL:' !mn];tiun];etAm],tgn].pQn]Et.mL;eSpgk]:" mn];hqc].huic] nan];nL,AL;lL;"@sL.sUiw];n}." mUiw]:yam];nn]n}.' mQt].sUiw].Pn];nn].tuik].lUin];wac];lp];luiw]:w}. yU,tI:nn]:'kUv];kL:mn];tuik].mI;sG]yU," mn];tuik].mI;hqc];hQt];l}:yU," SUlUw],l}:hQt];kan]pgt];tgn]: SUlUw],hQt];nn].eS' tc]:Et,hUt];pn]nm].sUiw].Pn];nn].kUv];" la};tac];An]SUhUt];nm].mn]; pn]n}.' pQn]lUv]:la};An]tac],ekY;sU;JPL;sw]:w}.TL:Agn]tac];eSEl:' Aw]eKL:kGam];mn];sw]: puin]Paw],Agk],kGL,tik];tik];nn].yw]." SUAm],sac]:yU,lgk],yU,la}pG].han].etL,SUepL;l}:hp].An] pn]ktiw}.nn]." SUlUw],l}:tac],ekY;sU;JPL;sw]:tI:wL:'eKL:tgp],mn];n}.tuik].mL;yU,'n}nn].AUiw]:"
wn];mUiw]:n}.' pqk].Sm].SUl}:hUp].TUp];etL,AI:Sc]sUic].hiuw]w}.yU,ekL:yL,mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]' hU.w}. An]wL:TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.yG],lUc]lUiw]eSsUiw];nn].tc];SQc]:'n}tL." mn];sw]:hU.eKL:tgp],mn];w}. yw].eSEl:' tuik].hQt];kan]pn]SUtI:Pa},lc]KL:kac]:nn].w}.yU," kU:wn];tc];wn];n}.lat]:wL:' !sw]:AU:hw];tI:KL:' tac],ekY;sU;tI:An]KL:kGL,yip];kGL,tUiw].nn].'An]lG]ekL:Kuin]:yG],mak]:mI;mL;eS Agc],mqc],mL;nn].eAL:" tac],ekY;sU;'An]lgc]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]sw]:hw];n}.lgm].lQp]:hgp],him];hgm];kw]KL:w}. mUin]nc],Kqp];Eh.lak]:nak]:nn].eAL:"@wL:nc],n}El:" tac],ekY;sU;JPL;sw]:w}.TL:Agn]tac];eS' hUt];nm].pn]tI:sUiw].Pn];tac];yum],mat]:nn].eSEl:' yip];km]pG].pL;hQt];sgm];ktiAn]mn];sw]: pn]w}.tL,SUnn].tL.&"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.' KL:lUik]:yU,sUm];SUiw];nG];sw]:hw];w}.yw]." pqk].Sm].Sa}ca}cw];la};KL: hw];sUiw];nn].mUin]hiuw]w}.ekL:yL,mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]' KL:hU.wL:sw]:hw];n}.yG],lUc]lUiw]eSSa}ca}cw]; la};KL:pQn]KL:mI;w}.sUiw];n}.eAL:" KL:yum],ym]wL:' sw]:hw];tiuk].hQt];kan]pn]Pa}lc]PL:kac]:eS'et PUim].Tqm]hQt];yw].tUw]:pn]sgm];ktitc];nm]lUc]sw]:hw];nn].kU:eKL:kU:An]yU,n}eAL:" sUm];tac], ekY;lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Thank Him in Advance
“Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines...Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
(Habakkuk 3:17–18, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
We all have dreams and goals that God has placed in our hearts, things we’re believing for, situations we’re praying will turn around. These promises start off like seeds. They don’t come to pass overnight. There’s always a period of waiting involved. From the time we pray till the time we see it come to fulfillment, that’s called the trial of our faith. This is when many people get discouraged and give up. They start believing the negative thoughts, “It’s never going to happen. It’s taken too long.” Now, that seed is lying there dormant, but it’s still alive. It still has potential. You have to do your part and start watering the seed. The way you water it is by thanking God in advance and declaring His Word. You can’t wait until you receive the promise. You have to thank God that the answer is on the way!
Today, no matter what you are facing, know that God is greater than all of it. He has the answer and is working for your good behind the scenes. All through the day say, “Father, thank You that whatever I touch prospers and succeeds. Thank You that Your favor surrounds me like a shield.” Thank God in advance, water those seeds of faith, and take hold of every promise He has for you!
Father, today I choose to rejoice in You. No matter what my circumstances look like, I know You are greater than my circumstances. I trust that You are working behind the scenes to fulfill every one of Your promises in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Lord Will Fight for You (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:hw];ettiuk];pn]tL,SU' El:SUtk];etl}:yip];km]pG].pL;lgc]:cm];yQn]SUeS' l}: luiw]:hUiw].luiw]:sG]yU,w}.hQt];nn]kUv];"@
nG];ASak]:Pwn}.' hw];tuin];etmI;kUn];Kt];Tt];Sac]hw];nn].hQt];nn]w}.yU,tL,eS,yw]." hw]; tiun];etmI;' kUn];hQt];]:etL,yap],sUiw];Aan];hQt];hG]:hw];sG]sL.eS'lk].Aw]tac];cm];yQn] El:tac];SUiw];ekYL,kGL,pqt]:nn]." kUv];kL:' SUAm],tap]:lUw],hp].tgp],Kuin];lgc]:Kt];Tt];Sac]mL;kU: An]An]sUiw];nn].hQt];nn]Sc]" SUsac]:tqp];tt];kGL,sgm];tac];sn].Suc]nn].eSyw].' pn]hG]: TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:tiuk];pac]Siuk];SUnn].pn]tL,SUl}:yU,AUiw]:"
mac]pgk]:mac]lG]n}.'pqk].wL:SU(mG];)lat]:' Am],nn]'hQt];AI:Sc]sUic].hiuw]yU,eStL.ekL:'mn];tiun];mI;w}. kUn];sUiw];etAm],hp].SUl}:nn].hQt];nn]yw]." mn];pQn]An]Kw]tiun];Am],KG]:mI;lgc]:cm];yQn]sgm]; SUSc]eSAit];nn].kUv];"];n}.' mUiw]:An]sw]:ey,Su' pg},SUc],tEp;mn];sw]:Agk],kGL, sU;hUin];kUn];la}la}hUin];tc];nm]nn].'mn];sw]:mgk],lat]:Kw]w}.wL:'hG]:Kw]ehL;lat]:pn]tac];cm];yQn] tI:hUin];sUiw];nn].kGL,' wL:n}yw]." hQt];nn]eSAm],kL;' mn];sw]:lat]:pn]pL;AkYOw];mn];nn].  wL:' !Sc]sUiw].Kw]Am],hp].Aw]lgc]:cm];yQn]An]SUka},kGam];hLyiun]:pn]yU,nn].epL;n}ekL:' cm];yQn] nn].etmL;Kiun];sU;SUkUv];"@wL:n}yw]." An]nn].n}.' l}:pQn]An]mL;mgk],lat]:pn]kw]KL:w}.sUic]. nc],n}' Sc]wL:SUhQt];lITiSut];eShG]:mI;lgc]:cm];yQn]sgm];kUn];tc];la}yU,n}suic]' pqk].Sm].wL:Kw] Am],Aw]lgc]:cm];yQn]SUnn].n}ekL:' lgc]:cm];yQn]An]nn].n}.tk];etmL;sU;SUKiun];kUv];" SUet l}:tac];cm];yQn]SUnn].kUv];eSAm],kL;' SUyc];etl}:tac];cm];yQn]An]pQn]pun]:tL,Kw]nn].pL; lU;kgn],yw].&" nn].sm].' pQn]An]l}:mL;Sgc]tUp].nqp],tL,Ek:tac];yap],Piut],SUpn]nn].AUiw]:&" epL;wL:SUhQt];An]man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,nn].yU,n}Et.' pqk].wL:mn];pQn]AI:Sc]sUic].hiuw]lUc] w}.ekL:yL,mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]' JPL;sw]:tUv];hn]An]nn].w}.yU,eS' KYL;pn]SU;mn];sgm];yU,"
sw]:AB:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI:KL:' KL:lUik]:tL,yip];km]pG].pL;lgc]:cm];yQn]KL:w}.yU,yw].eAL:" KL:lUik]: Aan];ethQt];An]man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,nn].kUv];yw].' pqk].Sm].mn];pQn]mL;An]Pit];pin]: PUn]nn].yU,n}ekL:Am],pQn]Sc]" kw]KL:yum],ym]wL:' sw]:hw];tiuk].tiuk];pac]Suik];kw]KL:sUiw];nn]. pn]tL,kw]KL:yU,n}yw]." kU:sUiw].kU:An]tc];SQc]:n}.' KL:yuk].ygc]:'El:Aik],' ygc]:eyL;sw]:hw]; lum];lum];tc];SQc]:tc];mUt];' lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:"ALmin]:"

The Lord Will Fight
for You
“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.”
(Exodus 14:14, AMP)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In life, we’re always going to have critics. We’ll always have difficult people who try to upset us and steal our peace and joy. But, you don’t have to respond to every critic. You can decide to take the high road and let God fight your battles for you.
Sometimes, no matter what you say or do, there are people who aren’t going to accept you. They just don’t want to be at peace with you. In fact, when Jesus sent out His disciples to certain homes, He told them to always speak peace over those homes. And then He said in effect, “If they don’t receive the peace that you’re offering, then it will come back to you.” That tells me that if you will do your best to be at peace with people, even if they won’t take your peace, that peace will just come back to you. You’ll not only get your peace, but you’ll get their share as well! That’s double for your trouble! When you do the right thing no matter what is happening, God sees it and rewards it.
Father in heaven, I choose to hold my peace. I choose to do the right thing even when the wrong thing is happening. I trust that You are fighting my battles for me. I give You all the honor and praise in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Before Your Eyes (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!etL,nL:etL,tLkw]KL:n}.' kw]KL:etAm],pn]hG]:l}:mI;sG]puin].tqm],' Am],nn]' An]mUik]:kUt].kqk]; ygk];nn].eSAn]'.."@
nG];kGam];SL,lam],puk]:n}.n}.'Kun]ehLKm];etwit].tqp];tt];mk];mn]:sG]tL,etyuk].ygc]:sw]:hw];lUv]:sG]mn];nn].yw]." et;wit].hU.lgc]:An]wL:' An]mn];tUv];nn].etmL;tum].ygn]:tUiw].tac];wUn]. Sgn],mn];n}yw]." Sc]sUiw].wL:mn];Am],kum];Tic];sG]mn];w}.'lUv]:la};An]w}.StilIlIeSlUik]:An] mn];tUv];nn].n}' mn];etl}:Kam],tuit].sn]kGL,sG].hQt];mQw];Am],pn]tac];sUm];Tuk],sG]sw]:hw]; nn].yw]."
An]n}.mn];mqn]:tL,hw];mUin]kn]nc],nn]Et.yw].wn];mUiw]:n}." epL;wL:hw];tUv];lgc]:tac];nG];TI;wI; Kw]' Am],nn]ekL:' lUlgc]:tac];nG];pp].lik]:'Am],nn]'nG];pp].mqk].ksin];Kw]'mQw];An]Am],pn]tac]; sUm];Tuk],sG]sw]:hw];sUiw];nn].n}suic]' mn];mUin]hw];puit],Pk];tUpn]PU:KQn]nn].yw]." mUiw]:hw];tUv]; lgc]:tac];KUic]:pUic]sUiw];An]Am],pn]tac];sUm];Tuk],sG]sw]:hw];nn].n}.' Agk];lgk];sG]Kqc]Sit];Sit]; n}.ekL,Sac]:Kiun]:mL;(Et,)nG];sG]hw];yw]." hw];l}:pQn]mL;KL:sG].' An]pa};wUn].Sgn],Pit];sUiw];nn]. sG].hw];hQt];nn].yw]." kUv];kL:' JPL;sw]:pn]hw];mI;w}.AL,nL,' tL,yL.pqt]:Agk];lgk];sG]Kqc]Sit]; Sit];(tp].Kqn],Kam],tuik];)sUiw];nn].' lUv]:lUit]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:yw].eAL:&"
epL;wL:SUAm],KG]:ep.l}:tac];wUn].Sgn],' sUiw];An]pQn]mQw];SUAm],KG]:l}:KG]:mI;Tqc]:nn].epL;n}suic]' wn];mUiw]:n}.' SUsac]:lgt]:lqw];yw]." Agn]tac];Sut];n}.' hp].Aw]An]mn];sw]:pg},wac];KGac].pn] nn].eS' lUik]:pin],lqk]:la}:pqt]:An]SUtUv];w}.yU,nn].El:" pn]hG]:sw]:hw];' Suk]:lac].pn]SU hG]:mUt];SG]eSyw].Tqc]:Tqm]AQn]hqc];yG],pn]SU' lUv]:wivin],mUt];sac],mn];sw]:El:" Aw]pa};wUn]. Sgn],SUyUic];pk];sp];nUiw]eKL:kGam];mn];sw]:w}.eS' etL,nL:etL,tLSUn}.yL,pn]hG]:l}:mI;An]mUik]: kUt].kqk];ygk];nn].eSAn]eSmQw];" sgm];nc],An]SUtqp];tt];mk];mn]:sG]tL,etyuk].ygc]:sw]: hw];nn].'mn];sw]:etSG],hqc];AL,nL,pn]SUlUv];wivin],mUt];sac],mn];sw]:eS' pun]:nc],huiw]SUepL; etsac]:yU,Sw];nG];tac];lgt]:lqw];El:tac];Agc],ep.'kGL,kU:wn];nG];ASak]:PwSUn}.AUiw]:&"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.' KL:lUik]:tac];tL,etyuk].ygc]:sw]:hw];'lUv]:sG]kw]KL:yw].eAL:" KL:lUik]:eSetkum];Tic];mak],tLkw]KL:w}.' etAm],tUv];mQw];An]Am],pn]tac];sUm];Tuk],sG]sw]:hw]; nn].Sc]eSAn]KL:yw]." KL:ygn];hG]:sw]:hw];pUt];pg},pn]KL:lgt]:lqw];kL:tI:'Agk];lgk];sG]Kqc]Sit]; Sit];nn].kU:lgk];kU:An]eS'hG]:KL:sac]:yU,Sw];kGL,nG];An]cm];yQn]'An]SUiw];ekYL,'El:An]Agc],ep.nn].eSkm];eAL:" SU;tgc];ygn];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Before Your Eyes
“I will set no base or wicked thing before my eyes...”
(Psalm 101:3, AMP)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In this Psalm, David was determined to honor the Lord with his mind. David knew that what he watched would affect his thinking. If he didn’t guard his mind by choosing carefully what he looked at, he would be drawn to do things that weren’t pleasing to the Lord.
The same is true for us today. If we are watching things on TV or reading things in books or magazines that aren’t pleasing to the Lord, we are opening a door to the enemy. When we look on things that aren’t pleasing to the Lord, a stronghold is built in our thinking. We become enslaved to those wrong thoughts. But, God has given us the power to break those strongholds through the blood of Jesus Christ!
If you are struggling with thoughts that you don’t want anymore, today, you can be free. First, receive His forgiveness and make the choice to change what you are looking at. Let the Lord wash you clean and strengthen you by His Spirit. Focus your thoughts on His Word and do not let any wicked thing before your eyes. As you determine to honor the Lord, He will empower you by His Spirit so you can live in freedom and victory all the days of your life!
Father, today I choose to honor You with my mind. I choose to guard my eyes and not watch anything that isn’t pleasing to You. I ask that You set me free of every stronghold so that I can live in peace, joy and victory in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen