VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Look Straight Ahead (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!Aw]tL,mG];tUv];pL:nL:Suiw]:Suiw]:El:' tUv];pk];sp];w}.Pa},nL:etL,nL:etL,tLmG];nn].Siuw]: Suiw]:km];lQw]tL."@
mG];tUv];AI:Sc]w}.yU,lL,wn];mUiw]:n}.?" n}.Am],sG]:wL:sgm];SPL,wfic]:tiun];pQn]nn].kUv];' pQn] An]hG]:Aw]mak],tLPa},wivin],mG];nn].tUv];AUiw]:" epL;etl}:lat]:Tqc]:tac],la};suic]' An]mI;w}. etL,nL:sm]sm]sG]mG];El:nG];mak],hUw]sG]mG];nn].n}.'mn];pQn]AI:Sc]?" sgc],mG];kum],kGL,Ag},mg}:mI;yU,sgm]; pYSnL,Kgc].Km]mG];' Am],nn]ekL:' nUiw]:lgc]:tac];KUic]:pUic]siUw];l}:pQn]mL;mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]mG];' sUiw]; nn].epL;Am],Tat],Am],wa};hQt];nn]hiuw]?"
epL;Aw]SPL,wfic]:tuin];pQn]mn];wL:n}.' mG];ettUc].nuic]hQt];Sac]:sgm];tac];yUic];kGL,An]tLmG]; tUv];w}.yU,nn].yw]." epL;Aw]Pa},wivin],wL:n}ekL:'mn];etL:pQn]nn]mUic]kn]nc],kaw],yw]." mG];Aw] sG]mG];El:mak],hUw]sG]mG];yUic];pk];sp];AI:Sc]ekL:yw].' mG];etkaw].Kiun]:nL:kGL,sU;mn];" kgp]:pUiw]:n}El: sc],wL:' tgn]:eKL:kGam];tL,mUiw]:n}.n}.'sG].hw];tUv];pL:nL:Suiw]:Suiw]:nn].n}yw]." epL;mG];kum],kGL, Ag},mg}:mI;yU,sgm];pYSnL,Kgc].Km]mG];'Am],nn]ekL:'lgc]:tac];KiUc]:pUic]sUiw];l}:pQn]mL;mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]mG];'sUiw];nn].eS,eS,Am],Tat],eS'wUn].Kuin]:wUn].lgc]:!Sc]sUiw].mn];pQn]nn]pQn]n}'@hQt];nn]yU,suic]'epL;pQn]nn]ekL:mG];etSuip],mI;tI:mG];mI;w}.yU,nn].kUv];yw]." kUv];kL:' Sc]wL:mG];lUik]:tac];tL,pg},wac]; KGac].pn]'eSEl:'pg},PL:pqt]:lgc]:mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]nn].suic]' wa};eSnn].n}.' mG];etsac]:yUic];pk]; sp];nUiw]An]mI;w}.pL:nL:mG];nn].eS' mG];etEt,kaw].Kuin]:nL:kGL,l}:Am],hac].yw]."
JPL;sw]:n}.Am],KG]:hG]:mG];yU,Sw];sgm];lgc]:An]pQn]pUn].yw].mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]nn]." mn];sw]:KG]:hG]: mG];Suip],mun];mG],Kuin]:yG],mL;tik];tik];eS' kaw].Kiun]:nL:kGL,tik];tik];nn].AUiw]:" tm];eKL:tqp];tt];' tL,etAw]AL,ruc],sp];w}.nUiw]lgc]:lImn];sw]:'eSel:' yUic];pk];sp];w}.nUiw]ktitc];nm]lUc]mn]; sw]:pn]w}.nn].tL." tUv];tac];nL:Suiw]:Suiw]:El:' pun]:nc],hiuw]mG];epL;etsac]:hn]tac];lImac],k lL,mn];sw]:' nn].eSyw].' sac]:kaw].Kiun]:nL:Kw]:hgt]:nG];ASak]:PwAgc],ep.' An]mn];sw]: pn]ktimG];(SU)w}.nn].&"
sw]:AB:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.' KL:yUic];pk];sp];nUiw]sw]:hw];w}.yU,yw]." KL:lUik]:tac]; tL,etluim];pqt]:An]pQn]pUn].yw].mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn]nn].eS' pg},wac];KGac].pn]pUin]:tac],ekL.sUiw]; nn].yw].' nc],hiuw]KL:epL;etsac]:tUv];pL:nL:Suiw]:Suiw]:' tm]:tI:ktitc];nm]lUc]An]sw]:hw]; pn]nn].eAL:" KL:ygn];hG]:sw]:hw];]:Entac];pn]mak],hUw]sG]KL:' kGL,nG];SQn];tac];ASak]: PwAn]sw]:hw];mI;w}.pn]tL,KL:nn].' lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Look Straight Ahead
“Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.”
(Proverbs 4:25, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
What are you looking at today? Not in the natural, but with your spiritual eyes. In other words, what is in the forefront of your mind and in your heart? Are you constantly dwelling on your problems or things that have happened in your past?
In the natural, you will move in the direction that your eyes are looking. In the spiritual, it works the same way. Whatever you focus your mind and heart on, you will move toward. That’s why today’s verse tells us to look straight ahead. If you are constantly dwelling on your problems or things in your past, wondering “what if,” then you will stay right where you are. But if you choose to forgive and release the past, then you can focus on what is ahead of you, and you’ll begin to move forward.
God doesn’t want you to live in the past. He wants you to keep growing and moving forward. Make the decision to meditate on His goodness and focus on His promises. Look straight ahead so you can see His blessing and move forward into the life of victory He has promised you!
Heavenly Father, today I set my focus on You. I choose to forget the past by forgiving others so that I can look straight ahead to Your promises. I ask that You direct my heart on the path of life that You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

He Withholds No Good Thing (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)

!pUiw]:wL:' sw]:hw];TL,wrL.JPL;n}.pQn]lqt],El:Kqp];Eh.lak]:nak]:' sw]:hw];mqc],pn]lgc]:Tuk],mqn]: sG]El:lgc]:yuk].ygc]:eAL:" mn];sw]:Am],yuit];Kiun];lgc]:lIeSAn]' kL:tI;kUn];sUiw];yac]:p}kGL,' nG];An]lgt]:tac];En;nn]."@
mG];lUw],Sc]tI:sw]:hw];lL,wn];mUiw]:n}.?" sgc],mG];lUw],An]cm];yQn]'An]km].sg}:pn]' Am],nn]ekL:' An]]:Entac];pn]nn].huiw].?" eKL:kGam];JPL;sw]:n}.pn]ktiw}.wL:' mn];sw]:etAm],yiut]; Kiun];lgc]:lIeSAn]kL:tI:kUn];sUiw];yac]:p}kGL,'hG]:lgt]:tac];En;tI:etL,nL:mn];sw]:nn].'n}yw]."yam];lQw]yUw]eK;mG];etwUn].Sgn],wL:'!kYOw];'AUiv];&' kw]Am],sG]:ekL.Kqm].lqp]:suiw]:sG]:man],mqn]:ES:" kw]etsac]:hQt];huiw]yac]:p}kGL,hG]:lgt]:tac];En;lL,mG];wL:?"@n}nn].huuiw]" Kaw],lImn];n}.sm].' epL; mG];hp].Aw]sw]:ey,SupQn]sw]:mG];El:PU:Ek,Kzt]:mG];yw].n}Et.' mn];pQn]kGL,sgm];hc];kUv];mn];eS' mG];l}:mI;tac];mG],tL,yac]:p}kGL,hG]:lgt]:tac];En;nn].yw].yw]:" An]pQn]pUn].mL;mUiw]:kgn],wn];Agn] nn].' mgt],ha}la}kGL,kL:tI:nG];Sa}tLJPL;sw]:yw]." eSEl:lp].lgc];yU,' mG];eK;etsac]:vL;hQt]; Pit];tac];nm]la}pgk]:la}km];pgk]:niuc]:yw].pgk]:nuic]:nn].yU,' kUv];kL:' nG];Piun]kYam];lik]:1ygn]'1;9 nn].lat]:wL:' !epL;wL:hw];ygm];yuin]tac];Pit];ApYt]:hw];sUiw];nn].suic]' mn];sw]:n}.yum],mat]: TUik]:lum];lum];eSmI;JtL;PQc],pQc];El:' etpg},wac];KGac].ApYt]:hw];sUiw];nn].pn]eSyw].' Suk]: lac].hG]:hw];l}:siun]:sac],mUt];SG]lgt]:kac];An]Am],man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:tc];la}nn].eAL:"@ n}yw]."
wn];mUiw]:n}.' pgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]w}.An]wL:' TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.KG]:Tgk],luic]:SG],pn]mG];lgc]:Tuk],mqn]:sG] el:lgc]:yuk].ygc]:nn].n}tL." epL;mG];l}:Kam],sL;nG];sG]wL:' nG];ASak]:PwmG];n}.mn];mI;w}.eSAn] An]' lgc]:mQw];An]mG];lUw],l}:Suk]:lac].hG]:epL;siun]:sac],mUt];SG]nn].n}siuc]' kGL,sU;tI:sw]:AU:hw]; nn].El:mUiw]:n}.' eSyw].El:' ygm];yuin]tac];Pit];tI:mn];sw]:tL." pn]hG]:mn];sw]:hQt];mG];pQn] mL;ekL.mG],El:' pun]:nc],hiuw]mG];epL;etsac]:l}:hp].' lgc]:lIKUw];Kgc]KUic]:pUic]lIsUiw];An]mn];sw]:Sim]; pqc];w}.pn]tL,mG];(SU)nn].&"
sw]:AB:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI:KL:' KL:tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:hw];hk].kw]KL:El:lUik]:eSTgk],luic]:SG],pn] lgc]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]Aik],tac];lImac],klL,pn]tI:KL:n}.eAL:" tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:hw];pn]KL:mI;An] Et,cw]:mG],(Kiun];Et,mG],)nn].eSEl:hQt];hG]:KL:pQn]ekL.lgt]:tac];En;tI:nG];Sa}tLsw]:hw];nn]. eAL:" mUiw]:n}.' Kqn];etL:KUn].Sgk]:hLtUv];nG];mak],hUw]sG]KL:n}.eS' nam];Agn]kw]KL:kGL,nG];tac];mn]: kuim];yuin];yaw];tL,eS,TL,wrL.nn].eSkm];" SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

He Withholds No
Good Thing
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.”
(Psalm 84:11, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
What do you need from the Lord today? Do you need peace, provision or guidance? The Word of God promises that no good thing will He withhold from those who walk blamelessly before Him. Now you may be thinking, “Joel, I’m not perfect. How can I have a blameless walk?” The Good News is that when you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you automatically have a new, blameless walk. The past is erased in God’s eyes. And sure, you may make mistakes from time to time, but 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
Understand today that God wants to pour His favor and honor on you. If you feel like there is anything in your life that you need to be cleansed from, go to the Father today and confess it to Him. Let Him make you new so that you can receive the good things He has in store for you!
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and choosing to pour out Your favor and blessing on me today. Thank You for giving me a new beginning and making me blameless in Your eyes. Search my heart today and lead me in the way everlasting in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The New Has Come (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

!kgp]:n}El:' epL;wL:eSekL.ekL.n}.mI;nG];sw]:Krit];yw].n}suic]' mn];l}:pQn]ekL.An]JPL;sw]: Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],nn].yw].' An]kw],nn].pUn].kGL,yw].' An]mG],n}.mL;yw].&"@
nc],l}:pQn]kUn];yum],mat]:nG];sw]:ey,SuekL.nuic];n}.' mG];l}:pQn]ekL.An]Pan],SGac];w}.mG],mG],nn]. yw]." mG];mI;wivin],mG],mG],El:ASak]:PwmG],mG],yw].&" yUw]eK;mn];etsac]:mI;lgc]:tac];KUic]:pUic]!kw],@ tc];nm]w}.nG];ASak]:PwmG];' sUiw];An]mG];kYam],Aac]:KG]:sun].pqt]:Kw]nn].huiw]" yUw]eK;mG];mI;AkYac]. tac];yam]:kw],la}la}mQw];' Am],nn]ekL:' An]sp];yin].mn];w}.kw],kw],la}la}An]' sUiw];An]mG];KG]: pin],lqk]:la}:pqt]:nn].hiuw]" tgc];w}.tL.mUiw]:n}.'An]mG],n}.mL;yw]." n}.mn];pQn]mL;pImG],' An]mI;Sun], lImG],mG],tc];nm]lUc]nn].yw].El:' mn];pQn]Kaw];yam];tL,mG];pQn]mG];ekL.mG],mG],nn].yw]." pn]hG]:n}. pQn]' pIAn]mG];pqt]:AkYac].tac];yam]:kw],El:An]sp];yin].mn];w}.kw],kw],sUiw];nn].tL." pn]hG]: n}.pQn]' pIAn]mG];kaw].Kuin]:nL:Kw]:hgt]:nG];ASak]:PwmG],mG],An]mI;tac];Agc],ep.nn].El:" pn]hG]: n}.pQn]' pIAn]mG];puic]:Aic]km]kqn],w}.'tac];lImac],klL,Pa},wivin],An]sw]:hw];pn]ktisUiw];nn]. tc];SQc]:El:'-'lgc]:cm];yQn]'pa};yU,lIpI:San];'lgc]:Eh.kc]:El:lgc]:Agc],ep.' sUiw];n}.nn]."
tgm];hqc];sG]ht];han]w}.tL.' mUiw]:n}.' kgp]:pUiw]:wL:' yam];mUiw]:lQw]n}.' pqk].Sm].mn];l}:pQn]Sc]w}.yU, nG];ASak]:PwmG];n}.n}ekL:yL,tL.' mG];l}:mI;km];lImn];pun]:tL,etEt,cw]:mG],An]niuc]:nn].yw]." lUik]:tac];tL,etpqt]:An]kw],nn].w}.Pa},lc]eSEl:'-'pqt]:lgc]:kYac].tac];yam]:kw],' pqt]:pa}; wUn].kw],' pqt]:eKL:kGam];kw],sUiw];nn].eS' pqt]:sG]sp];pqn];An]kw],kw],sUiw];nn].eSEl:' sUm]; SUiw];hp].hgc];hgp],Aum]:Aw]tac];yum],mat]:mG],nn].tL." yum],ym]w}.wL:' mn];sw]:tuik].nam];Agn]mG];kGL, yU,n}El:' eSAm],kL;' nG];pIn}.n}.' Aw]eKL:kGam];mn];sw]:puin]Paw],Agk],eSEl:' hgp],Aum]:Aw] tac];lImac],klL,sUiw];An]mn];sw]:hac]:hqn];w}.pn]tL,mG];(SU)nn].tL.&"
sw]:AB:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI:KL:'KL:sUm];tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:hw];hQt];hG]:KL:pQn]ekL.mG],n}.Et.KL:eAL:"wn];mUiw]:n}.' KL:lUik]:tL,etpqt]:ASak]:Pwkw],nn].w}.Pa},lc]eS' ygn];hG]:sw]:pn]eAL;sL,nL, nL,KL:hw];' lUv]:wivin],mUt];sac],sw]:nn].eAL:" sg}:KL:hw];hU.pgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]: nn].eS' l}:hU.Aman],JtL;nG];eKL:kGam];sw]:' An]pUt];pg},pn]KL:lgt]:lqw];nn].eSkm];" SU;tgc]; lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

The New Has Come
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
(2 Corinthians 5:17, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
As a believer in Jesus, you are a new creation. You have a new spirit and a new life! There may be “old” things in your life that you are trying to get rid of. Maybe you have old habits or addictions that you want to change. Remember today that the new has come. It’s a new year with new opportunities, and it’s time for you to be the new you. Let this be the year that you break old habits and addictions. Let this be the year that you move forward into a new life of victory. Let this be the year that you take hold of all the spiritual blessings the Lord has promised — peace, health, protection and victory.
Be encouraged today because no matter what is happening in your life right now, you have a chance for a new beginning. Choose to leave the old behind — leave behind old behaviors, old thinking, old words, and old mindsets and embrace the new by faith. Trust that He is leading you, and this year, declare His Word and embrace the blessings that He has prepared for you!
Heavenly Father, thank You for making me new. I choose today to leave behind the old life and ask that You empower me by Your spirit. Help me to understand Your plan and know the truth of Your Word that sets me free in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen