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Go Through a "no" to get your "yes"
Oftentimes, too many people gave up too soon because they were hit by several no in a roll and then become discouraged and lost their fire. They quitted. In fact, they don’t know, if there may only be five no away from their yes. Who knows may be the next person we meet will be our Yes! The next time you resist the temptation, it will be Yes! We had to go through a lot of no to get to that yes that we need. We could be one yes away for being thrust into a new level. Don’t you dare to get stuck on the No? God promises for us are “yes” and “amen.”In other words, he already had our victories planned out. Keep believing. Keep dreaming. Keep hoping. Keep taking steps of faith!.
I heard Ziggla talking about being persistence. Zig was up in his 80 and still a great blessing to many people. One day, his flight was cancelled because of bad weather. He went to this hotel very late at night and said to the young lady, “I need a room.” She checked and checked and did all the research and said, “I’m so sorry Sir., all of our rooms are occupied or either reserved for somebody coming in tomorrow.” The first No! Zig said, “Oh!, come on, I am a good customer. I stay at your hotel all the time. You’ve got to make this exception for me.” She went back to work and tried her best. But there’s a second No! Zig asked to speak to the manager. He came out, looked through books and did the some other things and but the third No! He said, “I’m sorry! We just don’t have any room.” Zig thought about it a moment and went back over to the manager and said, “Sir. Let me ask you a question! ‘If the president of the United States show up at the hotel tonight, would you have a room for him?’” The manager was going to laugh and said, “I am sure, we would.” Then Zig said, “I’m pretty sure he is not coming. Let me have his room.” Hm! Hm! Ha!ha!ha! After 4 no he’d got his room! Remember, YES is in you future!
“…,but in him it has always been “Yes.”(2 Corinthians 1:19,NIV)
“…,but in him it has always been “Yes.”(2 Corinthians 1:19,NIV)
sw]:AU:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI:KL:'KL:tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:pn]wivin],mUt];sac],sw]:mL;mI;sgm];nn].El:'kUn];mUic];tc];la}sac]:mI;tac];muc]:mgc];'tac];SUiw];ekYL,'cm];yQn]'El:tac];hk].'lUv]:An]yum],eShU.wL:'sw]:hw];tuik].kum];kgn];w}.lum];lum];'lUv]:nG];siuw]:sw]:ey,Su'nn].eAL:"ALmin]:" Heavenly Father, thank you for the presence of Your Holy Spirit so that people can have hope, joy, peace and love by believing and knowing that You are still in complete control in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Make an exception,
to deal with someone or
something in a different way from usual on a particular occasion only (I don't usually lend people money, but in
your case I'll make an exception.) = hG]:pQn]eKL:wQn].w}.mn];' [tL,ethQt];hG]:pQn]kan]kgL,sgm];eSekL.ekL.Am],nn]eSsUiw].eSpUic]An]pqk],pUic]:kn]tc];la};k}.SU:hQt];nn].tL,mUiw]:pgk]:nuic]:eKLeKLnn].{ (kw]Am],SU:kU:cuin];pn]PG]mG];hU.ekL:kUv];kL:tL,mG];]ethQt];pQn]eKL:wQn].w}.mn];pn]kGL:')'
Make an
exception, (Can’t you make an exception just this
one.), = wL:pQn]eKL:wQn].w}.mn];'(tL,An]n}. kUv];wL:pQn]eKL:wQn].w}.mn];n}eSAm],l}:hL.?)'