VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Friday, December 7, 2012

Reach Out (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)

!kw]lat]:SUEt.Et.yw].' SUhQt];AI:Sc]pn]tI:ekL.lQk].ng}.Sut];' nG];kL:sUiw];pQn]pI:Aa}:pI:nac]; ngc].yic];ngc].sa};kw]nn].n}ekL:' mn];pQn]An]SUhQt];pn]kw]nn].yw].yw]."@
la};tac];An]etlat]:EnwL:' SUn}.ASak]:TUn]:yG],pQn]kUn];lUc]w}.tan],lG]yw].n}nn].' pQn] lUv]:la};An]SUhQt];huiw]hQt];etL,kUn];tc];la}' An]pQn]ekL.Am],sac]:hQt];pn]tL,SUSc]eSAn] eSmQw];nn].AUiw]:" hw];hL;sUiw];n}.' sac]:emLmI;sG]es,tnL,lIetL,epL:lQc].hw];kU:ekL." yUw]eK; wL:mn];sac]:etyuk].tac],sn].pn]hw];" hw];hL;sUiw];n}.' sac]:emLmuit]:kuit];sgm];kUn];suiw]:SQc]yG], tI:nG];hUc];hQn];nn].kU:ekL." Sc]wL:Kw]kYOik]:hw];n}'kUn];kU:ekL.n}.etmL;pQn]t};ekL.hw];" nn].mn]; ca};nL,nL," kUv];kL:' Sc]wL:hw];KG]:yU,Sw];' nG];la};tac];JPL;sw]:Aac]:Aan];w}.nn].epL;n}Et.' hw];lUw],l}:lQp]:hQn];hU.emLhQt];lIetL,kUn];kU:ekL.ekL.yw]." sw]:ey,Sulat]:wL:'!epL;SUhQt];lI etL,An]lQk].eA,Sut];nG];kL:sUiw];n}.nn].suic]' mn];pQn]An]SUhQt];pn]kw]nn].yw].'@ n}AUiw]:" mUiw]:SUsc],sG]hQt];hLhG]:pQn]t};ekL.' kUn];ekL.An]PG]PG]ekL:Ew:k}pa}:k}mn];nn].suic]' sw]:ey,SuwL:' !nn].pQn]mUin]nc],SUhQt];pn]kw]nn].yw].'@ n}yw]."
PUiw],tL.etehL:nqt]:Kam]:pUn].pqt]:' kUn];pG].pak],kUin],tUwac];w}.kL;'ekL.SUvL;hn]tI:SUhQt];kan]kU: wn];wn];nn].' kgp]:Sc]El:SUAm],pn]Kaw];yam];eStUc].tk].tgc]:Tam]tUv];lgc]:yU,lIkin]wan] Kw]lL,?" tI:kUn];hQt];kan]nG];lum];ekL.An]pUin]:Am],mat]:SGac];kin]mn];Sc]nn].' hQt];Sc]El: SUAm],kGL,SU,hgt]:Pqw]Tuic]Kw]eS' EPmqc],El:EP:tUin];tac];hk].sw]:ey,Supn]Kw]lL,? hw];ekL, Sac]:mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:' tI:nG];ASak]:PwkUn];ekL.niuc]:kGL,sgm];pgk]:lG]pgk]:nn].hQt];nn]AUiw]:" Entac];hk].El:' Enpn]lgc]:lImn];sw]:El:' mgk],lat]:pn]kUn];mUic];tc];la}Kw]' An]wL:tac]; Ek,Kzt]:n}.mI;lUv]:pQn]lUv]:sw]:Krit]:'nn].tL." nc],An]SUyiun];muiw];hgt]:Tuic]eSsg}:pUin]:tac], ekL.sUiw];nn].n}.' mn];ca};mUin]nc],Kgn].cgk];mgc].Kiun];lqm]:nuic]:nn].yw].' An]SUsg}:Tqm]nn].et pgk]:mL;Kiun];sU;SUeSEl:' SUetkaw].Kuin]:nL:kGL,nG];tac];lImac],klL,' El:nG];Kaw];tac];yUic];Aan]; mUiw];nL:' An]mn];sw]:hac]:hqn];Kp];Kuic]w}.pn]tL,SU(mG];)nn].yU,yw]."
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' KL:mI;kac]sG]KG]:yuk].ygc]:sw]:hw];tL,eS,eAL:" sg}:hG]:KL:emLhn]tac];lUw],'An] kUn];sUiw];lQp]:hgp]:him];hgm];KL:mI;nn].eSkm];" sg}:hG]:KL:emLhQt];etL,Kw]'sgm];nc],la};tac];An]sw]: hw];ethQt];etL,Kw]nn].KL:El:" Enpn]KL:la};tac];tL,sg}:pUin]:tac],ekL.Kiun]:Suc]yw].Suc]kGL, Tqc]:tik];tik];nn].eS' wan],sUiw].Pn];lItc];nm]w}.pn]tI:nG];Kw]nn].eSkm];" SU;tgc];lUv]:nG]; suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Reach Out
“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
(Matthew 25:40, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
The way to tell how mature you are is by the way you treat people who can’t do anything for you. We can all be kind to the boss. He may give us a promotion. We can all be friendly to the popular person at school. If they like us, everybody will be our friend. That’s easy. But if we’re going to live the way God intends, we’ve got to learn to be good to everyone. Jesus said, “When you do good to the least of these, you’re doing it unto Me.” When you go out of your way to befriend the person that everyone shuns, Jesus said, “It’s like you’re doing it unto Me.”
Instead of rushing by the parking lot attendant you see at work each day, why don’t you take time to see how they’re doing? That person at the office that others ignore, why don’t you reach out to them and share the love of Jesus? We build the kingdom of God one life at a time. Show love, show His goodness, tell people about salvation through Christ. As you reach out and help others, just like a boomerang, that help will come right back to you, and you’ll move forward into the blessing and destiny He has prepared for you.
Father, I desire to always honor You. Help me to see the needs of the people around me. Help me to treat them the way You would treat them. Show me how to help others rise higher and sow good seeds into them in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Kgn].cgk];mgc].Kiun];'[Kgn].cgk];mgc].mgc].An]Aw]m}.wit].hQt];w}.An]pQn]kUn];KUic];Agn],nG];mUic];eAL;SeJT;liyKw]hQt];tL,Aw]wuit].kGL,eSSm].sac]:wa},mL;sU;Kiun];ekL.wuit].nn].'(hac];Pac]mn];ca};mUin]!Aqk],Agm]:@An]t};sG].mUiw]:yip];kGa};T}nL;nn].'){'    = Boomerang, a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by the Australian Aborigines as a throwing club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower.,           

Boomerang, a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by the Australian Aborigines as a throwing club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower.,      = Kgn].cgk];mgc].Kiun];' [Kgn].cgk];mgc].mgc].An]Aw]m}.wit]. hQt];w}.An]pQn]kUn];KUic];Agn],nG];mUic];eAL;SeJT;liyKw]hQt];tL,Aw]wuit].kGL,eSSm].sac]:wa},mL;sU;Kiun];ekL.wuit].nn].'(hac];Pac]mn];ca};mUin]!Aqk],Agm]:@An]t};sG].mUiw]:yip];kGa};T}nL;nn].'){'

Boomerang, something, as a scheme or argument, that does injury to the originator.,   = TQc]sL;vL;Kiun];tUw]kw],'

Thursday, December 6, 2012

He Anoints You with Oil (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:nn].' nm].mn];n}.' pQn]Pac]hac]:mat]:ma}An]JPL;sw]:Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn] nn].yw]." sgc],SUhU.lgc]:wL:nm].mn];n}.hQt];Sc]pn]nn].huiw]?" mn];hQt];hG]:KUic]:pUic]tc];la}l}lUc] kGL,AUiw]:" mUiw]:lG]eSAm],wL:' epL;mI;An]kp].Puit],tqk],w}.nn].lG]' Am],nn]ekL:' eSsUiw].eSpUic] n}.Km]w}.yU,kuik];luik];nn].lG]' n}suic]' epL;wL:Aw]nm].mn];tL;SG],hUt];SG],pn]nUiw]mn];n}.' mn];et miun]:lIlg}:lImL;" pQn]An]nn].yw].' An]JPL;sw]:KG]:hQt];pn]SUn}." mn];sw]:KG]:Sgn];elL,SGac]; SG],pn]lUv]:Aw]nm].mn];tL;SG],hUt];SG],hUw]SUnn].eAL:" mUiw]:mn];sw]:hQt];nn]n}.' w}.fac].tUv]; hn]An]et;wit].lat]:nG];kYam];SL,lam],23nn].wL:' !kgp]:pUiw]:JPL;sw]:Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn]kw]' kgp]:pUiw]:kw]yac]:p}kGL,sgm];nc],mn];sw]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]nn].El:' lp].lgc];tqt]:etL;lInL,yw].' lgc]:lIEl:krunL,mn];sw]:n}.' etmL;sgm];lc]kw]tI:An]kw]kGL,kU:tI:kU;tac];nn].yw]."@An]wL: n}nn].El:"
t};ekL.' An]JPL:sw]:Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn]n}.' mn];hQt];hG]:KUic]:pUic]tc];la}tUiw];ca}:sG]ca}:eKL;lI" kUn];tc];la}Kw]n}.' Am],mI;lgc]:mI;tac];mn];Sc]eS' etAgk],kGL,hc];kUv];Kw]eSEl:hLhQt];lI etL,SUyw]." SUetmI;tac];emLPan],SGac];hQt];pQn]' van],lqc];' El: mI;pa};wUn].Aa},tI,yUiw],lI tc];nm]lUc]w}.yw]." An]JPL;sw]:Sgn];lgc];elL,SGac];SG],pn]tI:nG];ASak]:PwSUn}.' ethQt];hG]: Pk];tUAn]suiw]:sG]:mqn]:hU;mn];sUiw];nn].puit],Puv],pn]mL;AUiw]:" mn];ethgc].Aw]kUn];sUiw];suiw]:sG]: mqn]];nn].lt];Kw]:mL;nG];tac];kGL,SU" mn];ethQt];hG]:KUic]:pUic]tc];la}pQn]An]tUiw];Kqm].lqp]: eKYL;lIca}:lIkGL," eSEl:Aik],'Kaw],lImn];n}.sm].' nG];kL:An]SUlUw],l}:hQt];tc];SQc]:tc];lUc]n}.' pQn]An]SUlUw],ygn];tI:mn];sw]:nn].kUv];" tgc];w}.tL.' mn];sw]:n}.mgc];KG]:hQt];lIetL,SUnL,nL, yw]." SUsac]:yum],ym]l}:lgc]:wL:' An]mn];sw]:Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn]n}.' mn];ethQt];hG]:lgc]: tac];KUic]pUic]sUiw];nn].tUiw];ca}:sG]ca}:eKL;lImL;' eSAm],kL;'mn];sw]:etnam];Agn]SU' Kw]:hgt]:nG];A Sak]:PwmI;kum],TUn]:lUn].lUic],lI' An]mn];sw]:Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]tL,SUnn].yw].&"
sw]:AB:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.' KL:tac],ekY;sU;An]sw]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]sgm];ASak]:Pw KL:n}.eAL:" tac],ekY;sU;' An]sw]:hQt];hG]:kw]KL:l}:kGL,mI;tI:suiw]:sG]:Sc],etL,mUiw]:suiw]:sG]:Sc], Tuk],nn].eAL:" Aw]nm].mn];sw]:Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn]tI:hUw]KL:hw];nn].eS' hG]:KL:sac]:kaw]. Kiun]:nL:kGL,' nG];tac];An]sw]:mI;w}.pn]tL,KL:hw];nn].eSkm];" SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,Su eAL:" ALmin]:"

He Anoints You with Oil
“...You anoint my head with oil...”
(Psalm 23:5, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
In the Bible, oil is symbolic of the anointing of God. Do you know what oil does? It makes things flow. Whenever there is friction or something gets stuck, putting oil on it makes it become more fluid. That’s what God wants to do for you. He wants to anoint your head with oil. When He does that, notice what David says in Psalm 23, “Because God anoints me, because I walk in His favor; surely, goodness and mercy will follow me everywhere I go.”
Friend, God’s anointing makes things easier. People will go out of their way to be good to you for no reason. You’re going to have creativity, wisdom and good ideas. God’s anointing on your life will cause the right doors to open. It will bring the right people across your path. It will make things go smoother. And the good news is, all you have to do is ask Him for it. Remember, He longs to be good to you. You can trust that His anointing will make things easier, and He will lead you into the abundant life He has in store for you!
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your favor in my life today. Thank You for causing me to be at the right place at the right time. Anoint my head with Your oil so that I can move forward in the path You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Journey of Preparation (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)

!mak],hUw]sG]kUn];ekL.nuic]:n}.wac];Pqn]tac];kGL,mn];pn]' kUv];kL:' sw]:JPL;hw];ekL.sI.Entac];yac]: tin]mn];pn]'..."@
An]k}.pQn]km]:nm]n}.' JPL;sw]:etsG].tuiw];sUiw];An]hw];l}:tUw]TUp];mL;nG];ASak]:Pwn}.' hG]:pQn] mak],hin]mgn]yQp],Kiun]:' tL,ethac]:hqn];pn]hw];' pun]:An]mn];sw]:Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]tL,hw];Tqc]: An]nuic]:nn].AUiw]:" eKL:kYam];lik]:n}.lat];hw];wL:' etL:nc],mn];sw]:yc];etAw]lgc]:tac];KUic]: piUc]'sUiw];An]PU:KQn]kYam],Aac]:Aw]mL;San]Kt];hw];nn].eS' pin],win],wa},Kw]pin]:PUn]pqt]:eSyw]. El:' sG].suiw];Kw]hG]:pQn]tL,lgc]:lIhw];mL;" mn];sw]:n}.nam];Agn]hw];kGL,nG];Kaw];tac];tuik].hac]:hqn]; nn].yU,tL,eS,yw]."
ygn].kgp]:pUiw]:n}El:sc],wL:' An]lUw],Aw]tLhw];yUic];pk];sp];tI:nUic]mn];sw]:w}.n}.' mn];lm], lgc]:nL,nL,'n}yw]." hw];lUw],l}:yum],ym]An]wL:' epL;hw];tac],yuin]:lw]:Tuic]tI:mn];sw]:w}.n}.'-'etL:nc],hw];yc];Agm],pgc],sqc]:lqc];sG]sgm];l}:n}ekL:'-'mn];sw]:tuik].sI.Sc],pn]tac];kGL,Kk].yac]: tin]hw];yU,'nn].AUiw]:" Sc]sUiw].wL:' eSAn]An]n}.Am],pQn]mL;sgm];nc],lgk];Kp].Kaw];yam];SUmI; w}.nn].n}suic]' pn]StitUw]sw]:kw],wL:' !JPL;sw]:n}.hU.lgc]:An]mn];sw]:tuik].hQt];nn].yU," mn];sw]:mI;An]lITiSut];pun]:tL,kw]w}.tI:nG];mak],hUw]sG]mn];sw]:yw]." JPL;sw]:n}.tuik].hac]:hqn]; pn]kw]yU,"@wL:nc],n}tL." Pgc];mUiw]:SUtuik].pG].TL:w}.yU,nn].' yL,vL;hQt];Pit];mQw];An]kYam],Aac]: lgm]np].Sgn],tUv];w}.kU:lgc]:kU:An]hQt];nn]" epL;wL:SUkGL,lgm]np].Sgn],tUv];w}.kU:lgc]:kU:An] hQt];nn]' epL;Am],Tat],Am],wa};nn].n}siuc]' nn].etpQn]An]mL;hQt];hG]:' SUsG]Sn],kGc]mw];Am], nim]Sw];l}:(sG]wac],wUiw]:)' tL,eS,kUv];yw]." Aw]An]nn].pin],pn]tI:JPL;sw]:w}.eSEl:" puin] Paw],Agk],kGL,wL:'!JPL;sw]:'Kaw];yam];kw]KL:n}.mI;w}.nG];muiw];sw]:tc];mUt];eAL:" kw]KL:etAm],m}:sG]' kgp]:pUiw]:KL:yum]ym]wL:' sw]:hw];nam];Agn]KL:kGL,nG];Kaw];tac];tuik].hac]:hqn];' pun]:tL,tac];lImac],k lL,lIAam];' An]sw]:hw];Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]tL,KL:tc];SQc]:nn].n}eAL:'@ wL:nc],n}tL."
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' KL:sUm];tac],ekY;sU;pun]:lgc]:lIsw]:'El:An]sw]:n}.yum],mat]:TUik]:lum];lum]; l}:tL,ASak]:PwKL:n}.eAL:" KL:yum],ym]wL:' sw]:hw];nam];Agn]]:Entac];pn]KL:yU, n}eAL:" KL:yum],ym]wL:' sw]:hw];tuik].hac]:hqn];pn]pun]:tL,tac];lImac],klL,lIAam];' An]sw]: hw];Sim];pqc];mI;w}.pn]kw]KL:nn].' lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

The Journey of Preparation
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”
(Proverbs 16:9, NKJV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Oftentimes, God will use our experiences in life as stepping stones to prepare us for what He has in store next. Scripture tells us that He’ll even take the things the enemy tries to bring against us and turn them around and use them for our good. He is always leading us on a journey of preparation.
That’s why it’s so important to keep our eyes focused on Him. We have to trust that when we are submitted to Him — even if we don’t understand — He is ordering our steps. If something is not happening on your timetable, remind yourself, “God knows what He is doing. He has my best interest at heart. God is preparing me.” While you’re waiting, don’t make the mistake of trying to figure everything out. If you’re constantly trying to figure things out, that will only frustrate you. Turn it over to God. Declare, “God, my times are in Your hands. I’m not going to worry because I trust that You are leading me on a journey of preparation for all the wonderful blessings You have in store for me.”
Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. I trust that You are leading and guiding me. I trust that You are preparing me for all the wonderful blessings You have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Monday, December 3, 2012

Promotion Comes from the Lord (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)

!pUiw]:wL:' mn];Am],luk].Pa},Agk],lG]' Pa},tUk];lG]' Pa},san];lG]nn].eS' mI;mL;An]yuk].tac],sn]. pn]El:An]yuk].Kiun]:pn]nn]." kUv];kL:'TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.pQn]Kun]Tt];Sin]eAL:&" mn];sw]: pUt];ekL.nuic]:lUc];eSyw].yuk].Kuin]:pn]Tqc]:ekL.nuic]:eAL:"@
sgc],SUtgn].w}.fac].tUv];hn]An]wL:' kUn];tc];la}n}.Aac]:Aan];tUc].nuic]kGL,pqk],pqk],' him];hgm];lQp]: hgp]:kUn];sUiw];An]Kw]Tac],wL:'etsac]:hQt];pn]Kw]eSsUiw].eSmQw];'-'kUn];sUiw];nL:tLhac]:Pac]lqp]: mIsn].Tan]:' mak]:mI;lIpQn]' Am],nn]ekL:' mI;eAL;sL,yG],nG];ASak]:Pwn}.n}huiw]?" kw]yum],wL:' la};hw];hQt];etL,kUn];tc];la}n}.' pQn]An]sqt]:sam];tUv];kn]nn].n}yw]." la}pgk]:la}km];tc]; nm]n}.' JPL;sw]:etAw]kUn];ekL.lqp]:Am],epL;Kuik].luik].Sc]nn].' Kw]:mL;nG];tac];kGL,SU" nL:tL hac]:Pac]Kw]Am],lqp]:etsac]:hQt];pn]SUl}:Sc]eSAn]n}ekL:' kUv];];n}.' Kw] sUiw];nn].n}.' pQn]kUn];kgc].ka},sgm];lUv]:An]yG],Tgt]:mYat]:nn].w}.' tL,nG];Kaw];tac];yUic];Aan]; mUiw];nL:SUAUiw]:" Kw]yip];w}.kak],eSL;' An]yuk].tac],sn].pn]SUElAn]hG]:SUKiun]:Sc].yG],EP:nm] kiun];mL;nn].yw]." etL:nc],SUTac],wL:Kw]etAm],sac]:hQt];pn]SUAI:Sc]l}:n}ekL:' sgc],SUet hQt];etL,Kw]' lUv]:tac];np].ym]eSyuk].ygc]:Kw]nn].yU,hiuw]?"
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Promotion Comes from the Lord
“For not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up. But God is the Judge! He puts down one and lifts up another.”
(Psalm 75:6–7, AMP)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Have you ever noticed that people tend to act differently around those they think can do something for them — people who appear to have status, wealth or influence in life? I believe that the way we treat people is a test. At times, God will bring people across your path that may seem insignificant. They may not appear to be able to do anything for you, but in reality, they are divinely linked to your destiny. They hold the key to your promotion and increase. Will you treat them with respect and honor even if you think they can’t do anything for you?
The truth is that the people we’re playing up to or trying to win their favor may be the ones that open a door for us, but they don’t hold the key to our destiny. Promotion doesn’t come from them. Promotion comes from God. And, God will use the most unlikely people to open doors of opportunity for you — a hotel bellman, a maid, an intern, or an unpopular kid at school. Let’s pass the test and treat everyone like Jesus put them in our path because He probably did. Remember, God is watching and promotion comes from Him.
Father, thank You for promotion. Thank You for ordering my steps and leading me on the right path. Today I choose to honor and respect everyone, and in turn, I choose to honor You in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen