The patent is issued in the name of the United States under
the seal of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is signed by the
Director of the USPTO. The patent contains a grant to the patentee. The grant
confers "the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for
sale, or selling the invention throughout the United States or importing the
invention into the United States" and its territories
“The US court of appeal, confirms that the role of patent
law is to protect innovation and not to unreasonably stifle competition and
restrict consumer choice".
Consumer, = kUn];Suip].yip];tuiw];'
Infringement claim, = tac],ygn];kgp]:pUn].pqn]yL.lqw]ha}la}'
Patent infringement claims, = tac],ygn];kgp]:pUn].pqn]yL.Sun],pqt];Aqn].lqw]ha}la}'
Confer, to bestow upon as a gift, favor, honor, etc., conferred, = Aap]:mqc],pn]'
Offering for sale, = ka},kGam];hLKa}'