VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Just Imagine! (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)

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SUk}.kuit];pqt]:' Am],nn]' k}.wUn].K}:sG]sgm];An]mG];tuik].wUn].lgc]:mn];yUnn].hQt];nn]' la}pgk]:?" mn];k}.k}.pQn]nL,' hw];hL;n}.k}.yU,pn]hG]:sG]hw];pQn]eAL,etL,kGL,kUv];mn];nn].' tac];wUn].AI:Sc] epL,mL;ekL:hw];Aw]SG],sG],sgm];tik];tik];hQt];nn]" kUv];kL:' epL;wL:hw];etKG]:Kuin]:Suc]yw].Suc]kGL, Tqc]:sgm];tac];JPL;sw]:Aac]:Aan];w}.nn].epL;n}' hw];lUw],l}:tqp];tt];mk];mn]:w}.Kat],Kat],' hG]: tqt]:etL;lItI:wL:' pa};wUn].Sgn],hw];sUiw];nn].KUp];cam],mqn]:sgm];pa};wUn].Sgn],JPL;sw]:yU,n}AUiw]:"
nG];eKL:kYam];lik]:n}.'JPL;sw]:Tam],w}.sQt];pgk]:wL:'!mG];hn]sUic].hiuw]?"@n}nn].yw]." JPL;sw]:n}.Kw]: sG]pL;sG]sgm];An]hw];muc];yUic];ma}w}.nn].AUiw]:" kgn],Agn]tac];mUiw]:An]lgc]:ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]SUp}, Agk],pQn]Et.mL;nn].' SUtk];lUw],l}:tUv];hn]wL:' tUw]sw]:kw]n}.tuik].hQt];hG]:yw].tUw]:TUn]:lI sgm];An]ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]nn].yU,'n}AUiw]:" SUlUw],l}:mI;puc]:hac]:mn];w}.TL:" kgn],Agn]tac];mUiw]: nm].nk];SUp},lUt];ygm];lUc];nn].' kgn],Agn]mUiw]:SUp}tiut];yin].mn];l}:nn].' SUepL;lUw],lam]; np].Sgn],hn]w}.nG];tLwL:' mn];pQn]nn]mL;yU,yw].n}AUiw]:"
mUiw]:n}.'PUiw],tL.etkum],wUn].sgm];lgc]:pYSnL,Kgc].Km]SUmI;w}.sUiw];nn].'tL.wUn].Sgn],Kuk];sG]l}:mqn]:' ktitc];nm]lUc]An]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:pn]w}.nn].El:" hQt];hG]:mI;lgc]:muc]:yUic];ma}' An]mn];sw]: Sim];pqc];w}.pn]tL,wn];mUiw];nL:SUnn].El:" lam];np].Sgn],wL:' tUw]sw]:kw]n}.epL;l}:yU,Sw];nG]; tac];Agc],ep.nn].yU,yw].n}tL." lam];np].Sgn],wL:sw]:kw],l}:siun]:Kqn];lIyw].n}tL." lam]; np].Sgn],wL:' sw]:kw],n}.epL;l}:yac]:p}kGL,nG];tac];mI;kum],TUn]:lUn].lUic],lInn].yU,yw].n}tL." lam];np].Sgn],wL:' tm]tUw]sw]:kw],pn]tac];lImac],klL,tI:pUin]:tac],ekL.nn].yU,n}El:" etL. Et.lUw],lam];np].Sgn],Aw]' An]JPL;sw]:Sim];pqc];w}.pn]tL,SUnn].kUv];' kgp]:pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;mn]; sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.'KL:w}.wac];mak],hUw]sG]El:sG]KL:tI:sw]:hw];yw]." pn]KL:mI;tac];muc]: yUic];ma}'An]sw]:mI;w}.pn]pun]:tL,wn];mUiw];nL:KL:nn].eSkm];" sg}:hG]:KL:emLtUv];hn]tUw]sw]:kw],' nc],An]sw]:tUv];hn]KL:w}.nn].eSEl:' hG]:KL:sac]:lam];np].Sgn],Aw]eSyU,Sw];nG];tac];lI mac],klL,An]sw]:Sim];pqc];w}.pn]tL,KL:hw];nn].eSkm];" SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Just Imagine!
“...and now nothing they have imagined they can do will be impossible for them.”
(Genesis 11:6, AMP)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
How often do you stop and think about what you are thinking about? So often, we live with our minds on autopilot, taking in whatever thoughts come our way. But, if we are going to rise up higher the way God intends, we have to determine to make sure our thoughts line up with God’s thoughts.
Seven times in scripture God asks, “What do you see?” God is interested in our vision. Before your dream comes to pass, you have to see yourself accomplishing that dream. You’ve got to get a picture of it. Before you lose the weight, before you break the addiction, you have to see it happening in your imagination.
Today, instead of thinking about your problems, think about God’s promises. Get a vision for what He has in store for your future. Imagine yourself living in victory. Imagine yourself healed. Imagine yourself walking in abundance. Imagine yourself blessing other people. Just imagine what God has in store for you because nothing is impossible with Him!
Father, today I set my heart and mind on You. Give me Your vision for my future. Help me to see myself the way You see me so that I can imagine and live in the blessing You have in store for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dream Beyond (— Joel & Victoria Osteen)

wn];mUiw]:lQw]n}.'mn];mI;kUn];tc];nm]kGL,Km]yU,tI:hg};tac];Agn],nn].w}.hQt];nn]" mn];Am],sG]:ygn]. wL:Kw]Am],mI;nm].kt].tac];Kqn],' Am],sG]:ygn].wL:Kw]Am],l}:An]JPL;sw]:Tuk],mqn]:sG]nn].' mn]; pQn]ygn].An]muc]:yUic];ma}hn]Kw]nn].' l}:Kam],Kat]:Kgp],mk];Kan];mn];w}.nn].kUv];" Kw]Am],sac]: tUv];hn]Kam]:pUn].Pa},pun].Sa}ca}cw];la};Kw]sUiw];nn].l}:" Kw]Am],hn]wL:tUw]sw]:kw],n}.hQt];yw]. tUw]:TUn]:lInc],Kw]ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]w}.sUiw];nn].yU,'l}:Kam],yuk].tac],sn].pn]yU,'Am],nn]ekL:'yU,lIpI;San];mL;lUiw]kw],yU,'n}Sc]" Kw]kum],kGL,hn]wL:mn];mUin]kw],mUin]lQw]Am],pUic]:mL;Sc]n}'kgp]:pUiw]: An]Kw]yUic];pk];sp];w}.n}.mn];pQn]An]nn]." An]SUtUv];hn]nn].pQn]tI:An]SUetkaw].Kuin]: nL:kGL,sU;nn].yw]."
Aman],JtL;mn];n}.sm].' hw];hL;sUiw];n}.mI;tI:muc]:yUic];ma}w}.hc];PG]mn];tc].mUt];" hw];kU:ekL.mI;puc], hac]:An]niuc]:w}.tI:nG];sG]sw]:kw]' tI:tL,nL:hUin];ey;hw];' El:tL,wn];mUiw];nL:hw];nn].yw]." eKL:An]lITam]tUv];nn].sm].'pQn]An]wL:'-'puc],hac]:An]SUmI;w}.nn].mn];mUin]hiuw]w}.?" sgc],SUl}: hn]wL:tUw],sw]:kw],n}.Kuin]:Suc]yw].Suc]mL;Tqc]:tik];tik];yU,' mc],ep.Kam]:pUn].An]Kt];KGc]Eh.SI; nn].yU,' l}:yU,Sw];nG];ASak]:PwmI;kum],TUn]:lUn].lUic],lInn].yU,' n}hiuw]?" sgc],SUht];ngn]; Pn]mgc];hn]pUn].Pa},pun].Sa}ca}cw];la};An]SUpQn]w}.yU,nn].hiuw].?"
mUiw]:n}. 'hQt];Sc]El:SUAm],pin],lqk]:la}:An]SUyUic];pk];sp];w}.nn].eSlL,?" muin];tLSUmuc]:hqn] tUv];pUn].Pa},pun].Sa}ca}cw];la};SUnn].kGL,el:" w}.tac];ngn];Pn]mgc];hn]An]tUiw];Suc]lUiw]' tac]; muc]:yUic];ma}An]tUiw];yG],lUc]lUiw]' pun]:tL,nG];ASak]:PwSUn}.tL." tUv];hn]tUw]sw]:kw],nc],An] JPL;sw];tUv];hn]SUnn].' eSEl:'kaw].Kuin]:nL:kGL,nG];ASak]:PwmI;kum],TUn]:lUn].lUic],lI' An] mn];sw]:Kp];Kuic]hac]:hqn];w}.pn]tL,SUnn].El:&"
sw]:AB:hw];tI:KL:' wn];mUiw]:n}.' KL:lUik]:Aw]tLtUv];Kam]:pUn].Sa}ca}cw];la};KL:sUiw];nn].eSyw].' tUv];hn]sw]:hw];w}.yU,eAL:" EnSQn]:tac];sw]:pn]KL:hw];eS' hG]:KL:epL;sac]:p}yac]:sgm];sw]: kGL,nG];tac];An]Agc],ep.nn].'kU:wn];wn];nG];ASak]:PwKL:n}.eSkm];" SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]: ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Dream Beyond
“I lift up my eyes to the hills...”
(Psalm 121:1, NIV)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
So many people today are stuck in a rut. It’s not because they aren’t talented; it’s not because they don’t have God’s favor, but it’s because their vision is limited. They can’t see beyond their circumstances. They don’t see themselves accomplishing their dreams, being promoted or living healthier. They just see more of the same because it’s what they are focused on. What you see is what you’re going to move toward.
The truth is, we all have vision. Every one of us has a picture in our mind of our self, our family and our future. The question is: what does your picture look like? Do you see yourself rising higher, overcoming obstacles, living an abundant life? Do you dare to dream beyond your circumstances?
Today, why don’t you change your focus? Lift your eyes beyond your circumstances. Get a higher dream, a greater vision for your life. See yourself the way God sees you and move forward in the abundant life He has prepared for you!
Father, today I choose to lift my eyes off my circumstances and look to You. Show me Your ways that I may walk with You on the path to victory all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen

Monday, October 8, 2012

Whose Report Will You Believe? (— Joel & Victoria Osteen )

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t};ekL.' hw];hL;n}.hap],Tam];kan]can];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:sn].Tan]:Suc]nn].AUiw]:" ygn].kgp]:pUiw]:wL: hw];Am],hn],tac];mn];l}:nn].El:' Am],KG]:pgc],wL:mn];sw]:Am],mI;w}.SQn]:tac];mn];n}nn].Sc]" JPL;sw]:sac]:pL;Aw]Sun],lIAn]niuc]:lt];Kam]:nG];tac];kGL,mG];nn].eS' nn].etpQn]An]mL;AI; yw]:Aw]mG];Kuin]:kGL,tI:sn].Kk].tgn]:mG],mG],yw]." mn];sw]:mI;tac];lImac],klL,nm]nL,epL;tqk],PUc]. PU,Agk],w}.nn].El:' sac]:Aw]mG];SQn]wUc]Agk],pUn].lgt]:nI:eSKw]:hgt]:tI:mI;kum],TUn]:lUn].lUic], lInn].AUiw]:" !sG]:yU,'kUv];kL:' kw]Am],Tac],kw]etsuin]:Kqn];lIl}:eSpgk]:yUw]." tUv];Aw]An] Puin]la};can];Pa},yUt];yLlat]:w}.lgc]:kw]nn].kUv];lL:"@mG];etwL:n}hiuw]" mn];p},sG]:'An]mG];wL:n}. sgm];nc],pa};Sa}Pa},yL:yLnn].wL:Et.' mn];eK;etsG]:yU,' kUv];kL:'hw];mI;Piun]la};can];Tqc]:tac], An]w}.eSEl:' An]nn].n}.lat]:wL:'!mG];etmI;ASak]:yU,kGL,eSetAm],ta}" JPL:sw]:n}.tuik]. Kiun];Em;pUk];Et,tc]:tac];yU,lIpI;San];pn]mG];yU,"@ epL;Aw]kUn];hw];];eK;etAm],pQn] l}:' kUv];kL:epL;pL;lUv]:TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.pQn]l}:kU:mQw];tc];mUt];AUiw]:"
wn];mUiw]:n}.lUik]:yum],Piun]la};can];sw]:hw];nn].Aw]tL." suk];mn]:lUv]:hqc];KUic],Km].w}.El:' pqk]. wL:lQp]:hgp]:him];hgm];mG];nn].pQn]w}.yU,sUic].huiw]ekL:yL,mn];El:Am],pQn]Sc]' hU.w}.wL:mn];sw]:n}.tuik]. nam];Agn]mG];Kw]:hgt]:nG];tac];Agc],ep.kGL,' kU:nL:tI:kU:lgk];kU:tgn]:nG];ASak]:PwmG];n}.yU,'n}tL.&"
sw]:AB:hw];mUic];kac]haw]tI:KL:' KL:lUik]:yum],eKL:kGam];sw]:nn].lUiw]eSkU:An]tc];mUt];nn].yw]." KL:hU.lgc]:wL:sw]:hw];tac]tUw]KL:eShQt];kan]pn]P}a,lc]PL:kac]:nn].w}.yU,n}eAL:' eSAm],kL;' sw]:hw];ethQt];hG]:KL:l}:hun].sUm];Agc],ep." sg}:KL:hw];pik].pqt]:'SQc]hn]Pit];pin]:PUn]sUiw];An] luk].nG];mUic];km],PL,elL;kmL;nn].eS' hG]:KL:sac]:yUic];pk];sp];w}.tI:nUiw]lgc]:lIsw]:hw];kGL,' kU: wn];nG];ASak]:PwKL:n}.eSkm];" SU;tgc];lUv]:nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SueAL:" ALmin]:"

Whose Report Will
You Believe?
“I have heard a report from the Lord...”
(Jeremiah 49:14, AMP)
TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria
Every day we get “reports” from the news, our experiences, our friends and family, and many other sources. We also get reports from the Word of God, which oftentimes, contradicts what others are saying. That’s when we have a choice: do we believe what we hear in the natural, or do we believe the report of the Lord?
Friend, we serve a supernatural God! Just because we don’t see a way doesn’t mean that He doesn’t have a way. God can bring one opportunity across your path that will thrust you to a new level. He has explosive blessings that can blast you out of debt and into abundance. “Well, I don’t think I’ll ever get well. You should see what the medical report says about me.” No, that may be true according to medical science, but we have another report and it says, “You will live and not die. God is restoring health unto you.” With men it may be impossible, but with God all things are possible.
Choose today to believe the report of the Lord. Stand strong no matter what is going on around you knowing that He is leading you into victory in every area of your life!
Father in heaven, I choose to believe Your Word above all else. I know that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf, and You will cause me to triumph. Help me to tune out the negative voices of the world so that I can focus on Your goodness all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Joel & Victoria Osteen  

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Good News on Sunday, October 7, 2012

You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy.(Psalm 45:7,NIV)
sw]:hk].lgc]:man],mqn]:suiw]:sG]:Suiw]:etL,' eSEl:' sc];lgc]:mUik]:kUt].kqk];ygk];nn].eAL:" kgp]:n} El:TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:' pQn]sw]:JPL;hw];nn].' hG]:sw]:mI;w}.pL:nUiw]sUiw];kUn];pgc];ePL,kn]tc];sw]:' lUv]:An]Aw]nm].mn];tac];SUiw];ekYL,Sgn];elL,SGac];SG],pn]sw]:nn].eAL:" (SL,lam],'45;7)

Heavenly Father, thank you so much for You are in control forever, so that all believers can live in peace and joy, in Jesus’ name. Amen!