VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Saturday, November 5, 2011

PETER'S VISION (098-Stories from the Bible)







Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   pI,tiUw],hn]tUw]St];tc];la}mI;tQm]w}.nG];Kqp];Piun]An]mn];muc]:yiUc];hn]nn].'

AU:Em:'  piUw]:wL:'nG];Ek:kUn];KiUw];kYO;El:kUn];tac],siUw].tac],KiUw];Kw]n}.' mn];Am],mI;lgc]:pqk],piUc]:kn] Sc]' ygn].wL:'sw]:JPL;hw];pL;lQw]kn]An]pQn]sw]:niUw]sw]:tc];la}n}.' mak]:mI;lIpQn]w}.tL, pun]:kUn];siUw];tiUc],kaw],hLmn];sw]];mUt];nn].eAL:" (rUw];m'10;12)

luk]:Agn],' 1. miUw]:pI,tiUw],l}:muc]:yiUc];hn]An]nn].n}.mn];mI;yU,tI:lG]?
       2. Kqp];Piun]An]mI;tUw]St];tc];la}nG];mn];w}.nn].luk].tac];lG]mL;?
       3. PG]sac]:l}:hp].tac];Ek,Kzt]:TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*
Salvation for Everyone

One day while Peter was staying at Joppa, he went up on the flat roof of a house to pray. While there he fell into a dream-like trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a great sheet being let down by its four corners. Inside were many unclean animals, reptiles, and birds.
A voice said, “Rise, Peter, kill and eat.”
Peter was very hungry, but he knew the Jewish law said unclean animals should not be eaten. “No, Lord,” he replied, “for I have never eaten anything unclean.” This happened three times. Then the sheet went back up and disappeared. While Peter puzzled over this strange vision, the Spirit told him that three men were looking for him. So he went downstairs and found them.
The men said, “A God-fearing Roman centurion named Cornelius sent us to find you.” Peter invited them to stay for the night. He planned to go back with them the next day along with six more men.
When the group arrived at Cornelius’ house, a crowd of people had already gathered. Peter said, “You know it is against the Jewish law for me to enter a Gentile home like this. But God has showed me in a vision that we should never think ourselves better than anyone else. Now may I ask why you sent for me?”
Cornelius explained, “Four days ago I was fasting and praying. All at once a man appeared in bright clothing. He told me to send for you, and gave directions where to find you. Now we are eager to hear your message from God.”
Peter replied, “Truly God shows no favoritism for any nation, and the Jews are not His only people!”
Then Peter told them the wonderful story of Jesus. He said Jesus wanted everyone, both Jew and Gentile, to believe in Him and receive His salvation.
While Peter was speaking, all his listeners were filled with the Holy Spirit. This proved beyond a doubt that the Gentiles could also be part of the true Christian church.

Acts 10:1-38

Caption: Peter sees a sheet full of animals in a vision.

Parents:       For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek; for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. (Romans 10:12)

Children:    1. Where was Peter when he had a vision?
2. Where did the sheet with animals come from?
3. Who can receive God’s salvation?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Friday, November 4, 2011

THE CONVERSION OF SAUL (097-Stories from the Bible)







tman],sw]:'8;1-4' 9;1-20'

Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   eSL;l'tLmgt],kGL,ygn].Sa}hiUw]:lqc];luk].miUc];kac]haw]Tgc],lUc];mL;nn].'

AU:Em:'  Agn]kn]sim];El:tUv];hG]:epL;]' lgc]:An]sw]:JPL;hw];n}.lInn].tL." ekL.yum],ym]eSSgn]:piuc]:mn];sw]:n}.' l}:tac];lImac],klL,eAL:" (SL,lam],'34;8)

luk]:Agn],' 1. hQt];Sc]El:eSL;lkGL,wQc];tmt].Skt].nn].?
       2. kgn],Agn]mn];p}hgt]:tI:nn]:n}.'eSL;ll}:pQn]Sc]kGL,?
       3. ekL.mL;hgc].wL:'!eSL;l'eSL;l'@n}hc];mn];nn].pQn]PG]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

A Chosen Vessel for God

Saul was a bright young Jew from the city of Tarsus. He was every inch the proud Pharisee, having studied in Jerusalem under the famous Jewish teacher, Gamaliel. When Saul did something, he did it right.
Saul was present at the stoning of Stephen. He was convinced that this new teaching about Jesus was a false doctrine. He did his best to wipe out the church in Jerusalem. Next he decided to attack the believers who had scattered to surrounding areas. He would arrest them, tie them up, and haul them back to Jerusalem for trial.
Armed with official papers from the high priest, Saul gathered his henchmen together. Then they started the long journey to Damascus, searching for Christians. As they neared the city, a blinding light, brighter than the noonday sun, suddenly shone on them. The light was so brilliant that Saul fell to the ground, totally blind. He heard a divine voice saying, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
Saul faltered, “Who are you, Lord?”
“I am Jesus,” came the reply. “Every time you hurt one of my followers, you are hurting me!”
Then Saul, trembling and astonished, asked, “What will you have me do, Lord?”
“Go into the city,” said the Lord. “There you will be told what to do.”
Saul was led to the house of Judas. For three days he did not eat or drink, but prayed earnestly for the Lord’s guidance. In a special vision the Lord showed him that a man would come to help him.
Meanwhile, a disciple named Ananias also saw the Lord in a vision. The Lord told him to meet Saul in Judas’ house and lay hands on him. Ananias did not really want to go, because he knew how much Saul had been persecuting the believers. But he trusted the Lord and went anyway. As Ananias laid his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, Jesus who appeared to you has sent me so you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Ghost.”
All at once Saul could see again! He got up and was baptized. In this way Saul, the self-important man, became the Lord’s most humble servant. Soon he was named Paul, which means “little.”

Acts 8:1-4, 9:1-20

Caption: Saul is blinded by a bright light from heaven.

Parents:       O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him. (Psalm 34:8)

Children:    1. Why did Saul go to Damascus?
2. What happened to Saul before he got there?
3. Who called out to him saying, “Saul, Saul”?

(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

PHILIP AND THE ETHIOPIAN (096-Stories from the Bible)











Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   Pilip].Sac];lac];eKL:kYam];lik]:siUw];nn].pn]kUn];miUc];AI,tIAUw];piy'

AU:Em:'  An]eKL:kYam];lik]:lat]:w}.sm].' !pQn]PG]eSmw],wL:'kUn];ekL.yum],ym]mn];sw]:kU:ekL.n}.' tiun];etAm],tgn].l}:Kam],tac];Aa}piUn]:eSpgk]:'@wL:n}eAL:" (rUw];m'10;11)

luk]:Agn],' 1. tman],kac]haw]sw]:sG].Pilip]:kGL,tac];lG]?
       2. An]kUn];miUc];AI,tIAUw];piytuik].lUn}.pQn]Tm],mkYam];lik]:Piun]lG]?
       3. mn];wL:sw]:ey,Sun}.pQn]PG]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

The Response of a Hungry Heart

Immediately after Stephen was stoned, a devout Pharisee named Saul started an attack against the Christians. Many fled from Jerusalem and were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.
During this time, one of Stephen’s fellow ministers named Philip traveled to Samaria. There he preached to large crowds. In the name of Jesus he healed many paralyzed and crippled people. There was great rejoicing in the city.
In the same city was another man named Simon. For a long time he had enjoyed dazzling the people with his magic charms. They claimed he was the great power of God. But through Philip’s ministry, both Simon and many of his followers became believers.
Simon saw the power of the Holy Spirit in Philip, and in Peter who was helping Philip. He offered money to buy this power.
But Peter declared, “Your silver perish with you, for no money can buy the gift of God! Your heart is not right with God. You must repent from this wickedness.”
Then the angel of the Lord told Philip to leave the busy city and go south on a desert road. There he was led to a man in a chariot. The man was an Ethiopian and the chief treasurer of the queen’s court. This man had heard about the true God, so he had traveled to Jerusalem to worship Him. Now on his long journey home, he was reading the scripture in Isaiah.
“Do you understand what you are reading?” asked Philip as he came near.
The Ethiopian replied, “How can I, unless someone teaches me?” He had been reading about God’s servant who was led to die like an innocent lamb to the slaughter.
Then Philip told him all about Jesus, the Lamb of God, who died for the sins of the whole world.
“See, here is water,” said the Ethiopian. “What hinders me from being baptized?”
“If you believe with all your heart, you may,” answered Philip.
The Ethiopian responded, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
So Philip baptized him, and the Ethiopian went on his way rejoicing.

Acts 8:1-40

Caption: Philip explains the Scriptures to the Ethiopian.

Parents:       For the scripture says, whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. (Romans 10:11)

Children:    1. Where did the angel tell Philip to go?
2. What book of the Bible was the Ethiopian reading?
3. Who did he say that Jesus is?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

STEPHEN - THE FIRST MARTYR (095-Stories from the Bible)






Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   kUn];Puc]yuc]:yc]:sG]lm]w}.nn].Aw]mak],hin]Siuc];Set,fn],'

AU:Em:'  siUw];n}.pQn]Kw]siUw];lgt]:eP;tuk].Ktac];Pan]Kan]sG]lUc]nn].yw].eS' l}:Aw]SiUw]:KUw]; PL:m}tUw]Kw]lg};Sk].S},nG];liUt]:SUw];Agn],sw]:yw].El:' Kw]l}:PiUk]:siun]:Kaw]SG]lIw}. eAL:" (Kiun];piut],En'7;14)

luk]:Agn],' 1. ygn].Sc]El:kYO;Kw]Aw]mak],hin]Siuc];Set,fn],?
       2. sgc],Set,fn],sG]lm],etL,kYO;Kw]hiuw].?
       3. sgc],Set,fn],SU;tgc];pn]tL,Kw]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

A Glowing Witness

After the disciples received the Holy Spirit, they preached the gospel of Jesus boldly to many people. More and more people in Jerusalem became believers.
One outstanding preacher was Stephen. Although newly ordained, he preached with great power. When some Jews tried to argue with Stephen, they could not resist his wisdom. He gave convincing proof that Jesus was indeed the Messiah. But this only made them angry, because they hated Jesus. So they stirred up the people against him. They seized him and brought him before the Jewish council.
“This man never stops speaking evil against this holy temple and the law of Moses,” they accused. “We also heard him say that Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and will change the customs that the prophet Moses handed down to us.” Of course this was not true. They were twisting his words just like they had done to Jesus. In fact, it happened at the very same place.
Then the whole council stared at Stephen for his face was like that of an angel. He was glowing with Christ-like love for his enemies. The high priest asked, “Are these charges true?”
Stephen began telling the history of the Jews. “Down through the ages the Jewish nation has refused to listen to the leaders God sent to them. And now you have rejected and murdered the greatest messenger of all, God’s Son Jesus Christ!” Stung to the heart, the Jews began gnashing their teeth at him in anger.
Then Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked heavenward and said, “Look! I see heaven open, and the Son of Man standing at God’s right hand.”
The Jews flew into a rage and stopped their ears. Shouting at the top of their lungs, they dragged him outside the city to stone him.
The sharp stones struck Stephen, slashing and battering his body. But falling on his knees he cried out, “Lord, forgive them for this sin.” With these words Stephen died.

Acts 6-7

Caption: The angry mob stones Stephen.

Parents:       These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Revelation 7:14)

Children:    1. Why did the Jews throw stones at Stephen?
2. Was Stephen angry at the Jews?
3. Did Stephen pray for them?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)