VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Friday, August 19, 2011

RAHAB AND THE SPIES (029-Stories from the Bible)




Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   rL,hp],sg}:PU:sgp],Kaw],Sgc]}:pUn].lgt]:Agk],wQc];ey,riKUw];mL;'

AU:Em:'  hw];Agn]kn]yip];km]tac];muc]:mgc];An]hw];piut],pak],lat]:Agk],w}.nn].' Am],pn]hiUc]:kiUc]; Pa},lG]Sc]nn].tL.hw];' (piUw]]ktiw}.n}.yum],mat]:TiUk]:l}:lum];lum];eAL:")(hI;RpO;'10;23)

luk]:Agn],' 1. PG]Pac]mUw];eS,?yam];nn]n}.PG]pQn]PU:Agn]hUw]kUn];KiUw];AiSer;Kw]?
       2. rL,hp],n}.yU,tI:wQc];lG]?
       3. An]rL,hp],lUw],Aw]ygn],lUc];tI:hU;lqc];w}.n}.pQn]AI:Sc]?kgp]:Sc]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

The Scarlet Cord
 Moses was nearing the end of his life. The Lord called him up to Mount Nebo to show him the promised land. There Moses died and God buried him. No one has ever found his grave.
God called Joshua to be the leader to replace Moses. Joshua ordered his officers, “Go tell the people to prepare food, for in three days we will cross the Jordan River.”
On the other side of the river lay the city of Jericho with very high walls around it. This city had to be conquered before the Israelites could take the rest of the land.
Joshua sent two spies to check out Jericho. They came to the house of a woman named Rahab. She hid the spies so no one would try to hurt them.
The king of Jericho found out that these strangers had gone into Rahab’s house. He sent officers to take them. But they could not find the Israelite men, because Rahab had hidden them under some stalks of flax on her roof.
After the officers left, Rahab came to the two spies and said, “All of us in this country know that your God is mighty, and that He has given you this land. We heard how He dried up the Red Sea and led you through the desert, giving you victory over your enemies. Because of this, our people greatly fear you.”
“Now,” said Rahab, “promise me in the name of the Lord that you will spare my life and the lives of all my family when you take this city.”
The spies answered, “We will pledge our lives for yours. No harm will come to you if you will not tell anyone our business.”
Rahab’s house was built on a wall of the city. She let down a scarlet colored cord from her window. The spies said to Rahab, “When our men come, you must have this scarlet cord hanging out of the window. Then you and your family will not be harmed.”
That night the two spies slid down the rope. They made their way back to Joshua, telling him all they had found.
 Deuteronomy 34
Joshua 1-2

Caption: Rahab helps the two spies escape from Jericho.

Parents:       Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised). (Hebrews 10:23)

Children:    1. Who buried Moses? Who was now the Israelite leader?
2. In what city did Rahab live?
3. What was Rahab to hang from her window? Why?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

THE DONKEY THAT TALKED (028-Stories from the Bible)











Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   Tman],kac]haw]sw]:hw];hQt];Kt];pL,lam],'

AU:Em:'  pg},pqt]:SQn]:tac];man],mqn]:siuw]:sG]:nn].eS'Kw]piUc]:tac];kGc]tac];kGL,yw].' Kw]sgm];lc] tac];kGL,pL,lam],nn].eAL:" n}.pQn]ekL.An]hk].SU;lap]:ciun];kL:hqc];mQw];Am],man],mqn]: siuw]:sG]:Siuw]:etL,nn].yw]." (2pI,tiUw],'2;15)

luk]:Agn],' 1. Kun]ehLKm];KG]:hG]:pL,lam],hQt];Sc]?
       2. pQn]PG]hQt];hG]:mL.lI:lat]:kGam];?
       3. mL:lI:nn].lat]:wL:hiuc]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

Balaam Stopped by an Angel
 The children of Israel traveled to a land called Moab. There lived the Moabites and their king, Balak. Balak was afraid of the Israelites because there were so many of them. He sent for the prophet Balaam to curse them. He wanted Balaam to ask God to send some great evil on the Israelites.
The Lord said to Balaam, “You shall not curse these people, for they are blessed.” But Balaam was tempted to curse Israel for the silver and gold he would receive from the king. He loved riches and honor. Early in the morning, he left on his donkey, taking his two servants with him.
God sent His angel to meet Balaam on the road. Balaam could not see the angel, but the donkey could see the angel with his sword drawn. The donkey stepped aside into a field, and Balaam hit him with his staff.
Soon the angel reappeared at a place where the road was narrow with a stone wall on each side. Again the donkey saw the angel and swerved away, crushing Balaam’s foot against the wall. Angrily Balaam struck the donkey again.
Once more the angel of the Lord appeared to the donkey. He blocked the way at a spot so narrow that the donkey could not turn aside. When the frightened donkey fell down, Balaam was furious and again struck the animal with his staff.
Then the Lord caused the donkey to speak. “What have I done that you have beaten me these three times?” she said.
By this time Balaam was so enraged that he never thought how strange it was for an animal to speak. He retorted, “I struck you because you will not walk where you should. If I had a sword, I would kill you!”
The donkey spoke again. “Have I ever disobeyed you before? Why do you treat me so cruelly?”
Then God opened Balaam’s eyes and let him see the angel with a drawn sword. Balaam fell on his face and confessed his sin.
 Numbers 22:1-35

Caption: The angel of the Lord confronts Balaam.

Parents:       Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness. (2 Peter 2:15)

Children:    1. What did the king want Balaam to do?
2. Who made the donkey speak?
3. What did the donkey say?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A BRAZEN SERPENT (027-Stories from the Bible)




la};hqn];nG];TiUn],'20;14 etL, 21;9'

Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   epL;cU;tgt],Kw]El:Kw]mL;yk].tUv];cU;tgc];liUc]nn].siuc]kUn];miUc];Kw]l}:siun]:Kqn];lIkGL,'

AU:Em:'  miUn]nc],mUw];eS,yuk].tac],pn]w}.cU;nG];pL,hat],Sa};hqc]:lUc]nn].' luk]:sa};kUn];nn].ekL: tk];Tuk],lIl}:yuk].tac],Kiun]:pn]' nc],hiuw]El:' pQn]PG]eSmw],wL:ekL.yum],mat]:nG];mn]; sw]:n}.' tk];Am],l}:lU.lqw]ta}ha}eSAm],kL;' hG]:l}:mI;ASak]:TL,wrL.nn].eAL:"(ygn]<'3;14-15)

luk]:Agn],' 1. piUw]:kUn];miUc];tc];la}emL;Em;nn].El:JPL;sw]:hQt];hiuw]pn]tam],Kw]?
       2. mUw];eS,Aw]AI:Sc]tac],w}.niUw]lk];'lk];niuc]:nn].?
       3. kUn];miUc];tc];la}Kw]hQt];hiuw]eSEl:l}:siun]:Kqn];lIkGL,?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

The Look of Faith
 After many years, the Israelites again tried to enter the land of Canaan. They searched for a route through a country called Edom.
Moses sent messengers to the king of Edom, saying, “Please let us pass through your country. We will not harm your land or your people. We will walk on the road, not turning to the right or to the left. We will not drink from your wells unless we pay for the water we use.” But the king of Edom refused. So the Israelites had to go around Edom.
While on this long detour, the people again found fault with Moses. They said, “Why have you brought us here? There is no water and no bread except for this vile manna that we are tired of! We wish we were back in Egypt!”
The Lord sent poisonous snakes among the people. These were called “fiery serpents,” because their bite caused hot, violent swelling and thirst. Many people died from the snake bites.
Now the people saw their wickedness in speaking against Moses, for they were actually speaking against God. They confessed their sin and asked Moses to pray that the Lord would take away the snakes.
Moses prayed for the people as he had done many times before. God heard Moses’ prayer and said, “Make a serpent and put it on a pole where the people can see it. If those who are bitten look at the serpent on the pole, they will live.”
Moses obeyed God and made a brass serpent. Those who looked at it were healed.
 Numbers 20:14 to 21:9

Caption: People are healed of their snake bites by looking at the brass serpent.

Parents:       And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. (John 3:14-15)

Children:    1. How did God punish the people for murmuring?
2. What did Moses put on a pole?
3. How were the people healed?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

AFRAID OF GIANTS (026-Stories from the Bible)




la};hqn];nG];TiUn],'13 etL, 14;30'

Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   PU:sgp],Kaw],Kw]mgk],lat]:K}:Enlgc]:Kw]l}:hn]mL;nG];Pqn],lin]KL,nn],nn].'

AU:Em:'  JPL;sw]:n}.Et.' SQn];tac];mn];sw]:man],mqn]:Kqm].TUn]:lI" eKL:kGam];sw]:JPL;hw];n}.l}: sqt]:Tt];yw].Am],lip]:Am],Pac];Sc]" mn];sw]:n}.pQn]Kqp];pak]:Eh.lak]:nak]:tL,Kw] siUw];yum],ym]mn];sw]:kU:ekL.eAL:" (SL,lam],'18:30)

luk]:Agn],' 1. PU:sgp],Kaw],Kw]luk].tI:KL,nn],eSpL;Sc]pgk]:mL;Kiun];?
       2. kgp]:Sc]El:kUn];KiUw];AiSer;Kw]Am],ht];Kw]:nG];lin]KL,nn],nn].?
       3. PU:sgp],Kaw],ekL.yum],mat]:lum];lum];Sgc]ekL.nn].pQn]PG]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

Caleb and Joshua Believe God
 The Israelites came near the land of Canaan to a place called Kadesh-Barnea. Soon they expected to march into the land that was to be their home. God told Moses to send ahead twelve spies to check out the land. At one place, the spies cut down a cluster of grapes. It was so large that two men had to carry it between themselves on a staff.
After forty days the spies came back to the camp. They said, “We found it to be a rich land with grass for our flocks and plenty of water. We saw fields to raise grain and many fruit-bearing trees. But we found that the people are very strong. They have cities with huge walls. Some of the men are giants, so tall that we seemed like grasshoppers beside them.”
One of the spies, named Caleb, said, “That is true, yet we don’t need to be afraid to go take the land. After all, God is on our side and He will help us overcome these people.”
But all the other spies except Joshua said, “No, there is no point in trying. We can never take those walled cities, or overcome those giants.”
Already they had forgotten how God marvelously delivered them from Egypt. They forgot that He had kept them from the dangers of the desert. He had given them water from the rock, bread from heaven, and His law from the mountain.
That night the people did not sleep. They blamed Moses and Aaron for their troubles, saying, “We wish God had let us die in Egypt.” Then they said to each other, “Let’s choose a captain and go back to Egypt!”
The Lord said to Moses, “How long will these people disobey me and despise me! Not one of those who murmured will enter the promised land. No one who is twenty years old or older will enter except Joshua and Caleb, for they have always been faithful to me.”
 Numbers 13 to 14:30

Caption: The spies describe what they saw in the land of Canaan.

Parents:       As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him. (Psalm 18:30)

Children:    1. What did the spies carry back from Canaan?
2. Why were the Israelites afraid to go into Canaan?
3. Who were the two faithful spies?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Monday, August 15, 2011

AARON AND MIRIAM'S REBELLION (025-Stories from the Bible






Tqw]eKL:Sm];lqc];'   AL,run],El:mI,rI,ym],En;SG],mUw];eS,'

AU:Em:'  w}.fac].tUv];el:Tgm],yU,tL.' mak],tLJPL;sw]:n}.pG].lUpG].tUv];pn]niUw]Kw]siUw];kUw]ym]mn]; sw]:El;' Kw]siUw];muc]:mgc];nG];krunL,mn];sw]:nn].eAL:" (SL,lam],'33;18)

luk]:Agn],' 1. miUw]:AL,run],El:mI,rI,ym],sI.En;n}.sgc],hQt];hG]:JPL;Am],Tuk],sG]?
       2. miUw]:mn];sw]:lat]:etL,AL,run],El:mI,rI,ym],n}.JPL;sw]:mI;tI:lG]?
       3. TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:hQt];hiuw]pn]tam],mI,rI,ym],?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*
Trouble in the Family
 The Israelites stayed in their camp at Mount Sinai for almost a year. During this time they were building the tabernacle and learning God’s laws.
Moses was the leader among the children of Israel, because the Lord had chosen him. He was more meek and humble than any other man on earth.
One day Moses’ sister Miriam and his brother Aaron began accusing Moses. They complained that he had married a woman who was not an Israelite. They claimed that God had not only spoken to Moses but to them as well. Why couldn’t they also be rulers over the people? Had not Miriam watched over Moses when he was a little baby among the reeds? Had they not seen God’s miracles too? They were acting like naughty children jealous of each other.
The Lord heard what Aaron and Miriam said. He came down in a cloud and spoke to them from the doorway of the tabernacle. He said, “Moses is my servant who is obedient in doing my will. I speak directly with him. Why are you not afraid to speak against Moses?”
Then the pillar of cloud rose up from the tabernacle because the Lord was very displeased with them. After the cloud was gone, Aaron saw that Miriam had turned white as snow with a serious disease called leprosy. God had sent it upon her as a punishment for their wickedness.
Greatly distressed, Aaron said, “We have sinned.” He begged Moses to forgive them and pleaded for Miriam to be healed. Moses prayed earnestly to the Lord, and the Lord heard his prayer. God healed Miriam of her leprosy, but she was shut out of the camp for seven days. Afterward the people journeyed on toward Canaan.
 Numbers 12

Caption: Aaron and Miriam accuse Moses.

Parents:       Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy. (Psalm 33:18)

Children:    1. Was God displeased when Aaron and Miriam complained?
2. Where was God when He spoke to Aaron and Miriam?
3. How did God punish Miriam?

(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

THE GOLDEN CALF (024-Stories from the Bible)



Agk],pa}:' 24;12 etL, 32;35'

Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   mUw];eS,l};Sc]:tiUw].sQp];sG]ygn].lgc]:miUk]:kUt].kqk];ygk];kUn];miUc];Kw]nn].'

AU:Em:'  yL,ephG]:pQn]kUn];kiUw];lIhun],hac]:Sac];TumiUn]siUc].Kw]km]:Pgc]:' nc],An]nG];kYam];lik]:tqm]: w}.nn].wL:' kUn];miUc];tc];la}n}.nc]:kin]kin]SUt].SUt].yw].eSluk].mL;mw];kL:hun].AQn]: Aw]ekYL,pUn].nL,' n}nn]." (1ekL;rin].'10;7)

luk]:Agn],' 1. pQn]PG]tqm]:eKL:pUc]Sc],Sip];eKL:nn].SG],niUw]mak],hin]?
       2. kUn];miUc];siUw];nn].SU;tgc];tI:An]lG]?
       3. mUw];eS,hQt];hG]:kUn];miUc];siUw];nn].l}kin]nm].Sc]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

Trouble in the Camp
 The Lord called Moses to come up on Mount Sinai, where Moses stayed forty days. During this time, the Lord showed him the pattern for a tabernacle, or church. The children of Israel were to build this for a place of worship during their travels. The Lord also gave Moses two tablets of stone, on which He had written the Ten Commandments with His own finger.
While Moses was on the mountain with God, the Israelites asked a very wicked request of Aaron. They said, “Come now, make us a god that we may worship. As for Moses, we do not know what has happened to him.”
Aaron did not have the strong character that Moses did, so he said, “Take off your golden earrings and bring them to me.” Aaron melted the gold rings and shaped the gold into the form of a calf. He brought out the calf to the people.
They cried out, “This is your god, O Israel, that brought you out of the land of Egypt.”
Then Aaron built an altar and said, “Tomorrow shall be a feast to the Lord!”
Early the next morning, the people rose up and offered burnt sacrifices to the calf. They feasted, drank, and danced before the idol.
The Lord told Moses to hurry down to the camp, because the people were behaving wickedly. Moses pled with the Lord not to destroy His people. So the Lord spared Israel and sent Moses down to them with the tablets of stone.
Moses was deeply grieved when he saw the people in their wickedness, surrounding the golden calf. He threw down the two tablets of stone, breaking them to pieces.
Moses tore down the golden calf, burned it, and ground it into powder. He threw the powder into water. Then he made the people drink the bitter water filled with the golden dust.
Later God gave Moses two new tablets with the Ten Commandments.
 Exodus 24:12 to 32:35

Caption: Moses is grieved by the wickedness of the people.

Parents:       Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. (1 Corinthians 10:7)

Children:    1. Who wrote the Ten Commandments on stone?
2. What did the people pray to?
3. What did Moses make the people drink?

(-Stories by Ura Millar)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (023-Stories from the Bible)


kUn];KiUw];AiSer;Kw]mL;hgt]:tI:lg}lUc]luk]:niuc]:An]hgc].siuw]:wL:lg}S};n};'n}nn].yw]."sw]:JPL;hw];lat]:etL,mUw];eS,tI:nn]:wL:'!kGL,hQt];hG]:kUn];miUc];tc];la}Kw]siun]:sac],mUt];SG]w}.tL."lat]:hG]:Kw]Sk].KUw];lg};KUw];Kw]eSEl:hG]:tUw]:tn];w}.tL.'kw]et lUc];mL;lat]:kGam];tI:niUc]lg}n}.AiUw]:"@wL:n}eAL:"
1.  liUw]eSkw]n}.SUtk];etAm],l}:mI;JPL;tac],SU,tac],pL;"
2. SUtk];etAm],l}:hQt];hun],hac]:Sac];TumQw];Am],mI;sG]nn].'Am],nn]ekL:kGL,  
   3. SUtk];etAm],l};Aw]siuw]:sw]:TL,wrL.JPL;SUlip]:Pac];pw],pqt]:la}"
   4. Kuk];sG]l}:tgc];wn];Sin]eSkYac].km]pG].pL;hG]:mUt];sac],w}.El:"
   5. yuk].ygc]:AU:SUEm:SUtL."
   6. SUtk];etAm],l}:Aw]ta}kUn];"
   7. SUtk];etAm],l}:kUt].PUw]kUt].em;piUn]:"
   8. SUtk];etAm],l}:lk].piUn]:"
   9. SUtk];etAm],l}:Kam],Sak]:eS,Pit];piUc]:San]Kt];SG],kUn];him];hgm];SU"
   10. SUtk];etAm],l};SI:Ek.Kg}KUw];Kgc]kUn];him];hgm];SUnn].Sc]eSmQw];"
Agk],pa}:19;1 etL, 20;17

Tqw]eKL:Sp];lqc];'   TL,wrL.JPL;sw];lat]:etL,kUn];KiUw];AiSer:Kw]lUv]:An]lat]:lt];mL;tI:mUw];eS,nn].'

AU:Em:'  sw]:pL;An]pUc]tm];pk];piUc]pn]n}.' mI;pL;lQw]' pQn]sw]:pL;An] sac]:Ek,Kzt]:Aw]l}: El:' sac]:yL.lU.lqw]PQw]:pqt]:l}:' nn].yw]." (kYQm];'4;12)

luk]:Agn],' 1. miUw]:mn];sw]:lat]:etL,kUn];miUc];siUw];nn].n}.'JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tI:lG]?
       2. piUc]mI:Sip];eKL:An]TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:pn]nn].hw];hgc].wL:hiuw]?
       3. ekL.An]hw];etl}:hk].nm]liUw]Sut];Sut];piUn]:n}.pQn]PG]?

*n}.pQn]' Apum],Tut],Aw]mL;nG];Tm],mkYam];lik]:'* ekL.tqm]: - AiUw];rL;milL.'*

Golden Laws from God
 The Israelites came to a great mountain called Sinai. There the Lord said to Moses, “Go sanctify the people. Tell them to wash their clothes and be ready, for I will come down on the mountain to speak.”
Three days later, in the morning, thunder and lightning shook the mountain and a thick cloud covered it. The Lord descended on the mountain and spoke the Ten Commandments:
I. You shall have no other gods before me.
This means we must love God more than anything else.
II. You shall not make any graven image, or bow down to worship one.
Carved images made from gold, silver, wood, or stone cannot save anyone. God in heaven is a jealous God and the only true God.
III. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. God’s name is sacred, so use it reverently when talking with God or man.
IV. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Worship God and rest from all unnecessary work.
V. Honor your father and your mother.
Obey your parents out of a heart of love.
VI. You shall not kill.
VII. You shall not commit adultery.
A man is not to leave his wife and live with another woman, neither is a woman to leave her husband and live with another man. Keep yourself pure.
VIII. You shall not steal.
IX. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Never lie about others.
X. You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor’s. We are not to wish for or strongly desire something that belongs to another.
 Exodus 19:1 to 20:17

Caption: God speaks to the Israelites through Moses.

Parents:       There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy . . . (James 4:12)

Children:    1. Where was God when He spoke to the people?
2. What do we call the ten rules God gave?
3. Who are we to love the most?
(-Stories by Ura Millar)