VISION & MISSION: “The kingdom of God has come to us.” Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” “the kingdom of God is in your midst.” Blessed is everyone who will eat bread in the kingdom of God. Everything is possible for him who believes. God is our strength and through Him we will encourage the timid, and help the weak. With God's mercy we shall go into all the world and preach the good news of gospel; and proclaim in Jesus’ name about repentance for forgiveness of sins to all nations. We pray for salvation, healing and redemption in Christ Jesus. By faith in love and hope, we press on toward the goal according to His plan. For, nothing is impossible with God. mUic];ehLKm];TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.Et,pQn]w}.tL,hw];yw].eSmI;w}.yU,mUiw]:lQw]El:tuik].mL;sm]nL,"kUn];ekL.etkin]Kw]:mun];nG];mUic];ehLKm];JPL;sw]:n}.mI;tac];lImac],klL,kU:ekL."tL,ekL.yum],n}.An],lG]ekL:pQn]l}:kU:mQw];yw]."JPL;sw]:pQn]AQn]hqc];hw];El:lUv]:mn];sw]:eShw];etpn]hqc];tI:ekL.sG]lQk].sG]ng}.eSEl:sg}:Tqm]ekL.hqc];AUn]:nuc];sG]Kw]"lUv]:krunL,JPL;sw]:eShw];etkGL,nG];km];PL,elL;kn}.kU:tI:'ehL;lat]:Kaw],lIkGam];JtL;sw]:'El:hgc].eSL,lgc]:ngc],twa},sG]Kuin];tL,l}:An]pg},wac];KGac].pn]nn].'tI:kUn];kU:mUic];kU:sUiw].KUiw];lUv]:suiw]:sw]:ey,Su"hw];SU;tgc];nG];suiw]:sw]:ey,SuKrit]:Ek,Kzt]'yUt];yL'T},Tut],pUt];pg},pn]lgt]:lqw];"lUv]:tac];yum],'tac];hk].'tac];muc]:mgc];eShw];suin],hqc];tuic]:Kuin]:nL:kGL,sU;yUic];ma}sgm];wac];Pqn]sw]:"pUiw]:wL:epL;pL;TL,wrL.JPL;sw]:n}.An]Am],pQn]l}:Am],mI;"

Thursday, February 3, 2011

HOPE - Tai narrative song - worship praise song

mgc];tac];hk].sw]:'SGac];SQc]wan]pn]KL:hw];' hgc].wgk];ybk].mibw];kL:kzk];mBn]:SiBw];sG]'
hBw]sG]KL:tG];mbc]:mgc];sw]:pL;lQw]' mgc];sw]:mL;liBk]:Aw]miBw];'
KL:mgc];yin];SQc]sw]:' mgc];l}:TBp];hn]sw]]:'
mbc]:mgc];tac];hk].sw]:' mgc];sw]:ethgc].hgp],Abm]:sn]Sbt].sB;sm]'
PwKL:hw];n}.' Sw];lBv]:tac];mbc]:mgc];yG],An]sw]:hw];pn]'
I long for your love to fill me a good voice to joyfully sing to one another and lift up praising hands;
My heart desires and hopes for you only; I look for you to come choosing and take me home;
I long to hear your voice; I expect to see and meet you;
I long for your love; I am yearning for you to call, embrace and draw me closer to you;
I live my life in the great hope that you gave;
With an open heart I pray and hope forever, I hope in every year and every day, my soul pants for you;
I hope that my life will be all about love that you will make it a song for me to sing;
I am longing for your affection (loving-kindness), to anoint me with a sweet voice;
That will make me sing with raising hands in great delight;
Truly, I hope that your love creating a good voice in me, to sing with my hands lifting up in great joy;
1As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. (Psalm 42:1)
mgc];sQw];pQn]/Pqw]/l}:/hn]nL,nL,'mgc];nL,lUiw]mgc];'[mgc];pG].epL;luim];TUv]:sG]/sG]tG];KG]:pQn]hqc];nL,nL,'mgc];nL,nL,'{ = Pant, to long with breathless or intense eagerness; yearn, panted, panting,
ma}tgc];'Agc],mat]:TI;Km];epL:Em:lbk]:'miUc];T};2003'Em;hQt];w}.Kiut];Kiut];sm]sm]miUw]:n}.02/03/2011'niw];ygk].'Em;An]Ep,w}.Pa},Aic];klQt]:mn];hG]:mqn]:lItan],pQn]l}:Sut];nn].2/9/2017'pQn]kGam];t};kw],puk]:ma}Ti9nG];12puk]:An]pL;nG];Kqp];SI;rI;!PU:lQc].SUw];lI@nn].' Referred to: Traditional Tai (Shan) worship song - Track 09



An]sw]:ey,SbKam],sbn].ASak]:Aw]Aap]:pn]KL:hw];Kw]' Pak],tgn]:'
kw]etSibp],mqc],yibn]:pn]' ekL.An]mI;tac];lBw],' hG]:l}:tQm]TBn]:epL;lI' man],man],'
kGam];lat]:'kan]hQt];kw]' tk];hG]:pQn]Sak]:eS,'An]sw]:hk].hw];Kw]Kgt],tk].'
ASak]:Pw' mqt].tL,' krbnL,' ekY;sB;El:cm];yQn]' An]sw]:hw];pn]' tL,eS,'
An]sw]:sbn].ASak]:Aw]Aap]:pn]w}.hc];kw]' Pak],tgn]:'
kw]etSibp],mqc],yibn]:pn]'ekL.An]mI;tac];lBw],' hG]:l}:tQm]TBn]:epL;lI' man],man],'
kGam];lat]:'kan]hQt];KL:hw];' ethG]:pQn]Sak]:eS,Enpn]lgc]:An]mG];sw]:hk].niBw]hw];'
Sak]:eS,km].pn]' lgc]:An]mG];sw]:hk].niBw]hw];' hk].niBw]hw];"

The gift that Jesus sacrificed for us and entrusted in us;
I will unceasingly distribute to those who are in need till they are full enough, and do it regularly;
By singing song with joy and happiness;
My word, deed and action, must be the evidence in support of Your love that loves us as being tied in double not;
He always gives us life, affection, mercy, grace and peace forever;
For sure, undoubtedly my heart will receive and believe;
The gift that You sacrificed for me and gifted to me;
I will unceasingly distribute to those who are in need till they are full enough, and do it regularly;
By singing song with joy and happiness;
My word, deed and action, will be the testimony and evidence to show Your love for us and in us;
To be an evidence in support of Your love for us and in us, Your love for us and in us.
Agc],mat]:TI;Km];' epL:Em:lbk]:'kQc];m},'miUc];T};' Em;hQt];w}.Kiut];Kiut];sm]sm]miUw]:n}.02/03/2011'niw];ygk].'
Referred to: Traditional Tai (Shan) song - Track 10

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


SB;tgc];wivin],mBt];sac],sw]:' mI;AL,nL,yG],nG];Pwhw];KL:yam];n}'
hG]:kBn];hiBw].Aun]:' l}:libw]:Sw];tG]:PBv];hBm]:' niBw]pibn].KiBc],mn]:' cm];yQn]'
hG]:kBn];Pa};hiBw];l}hgc]:sQp];sG]' sQw];hgt]:pac],la},nim]sibc]:ngn];hBn];'
hG]:kBn];Kibn]:lg}hk].'krunL,' Tibc]hgt]:sik];' l}:tac];mG],'Sa}hiBw]:lqc];law]'
   Pbc];tn];KUw];AL,nL,yG],eKL:kGam];sw]:hw];' tk].pQn]kB:mQw];mQw];' x 2
hG]:kBn];Pan]tbk].K' l}:lat]:wL:' Kw]mak]:mI;tI:nG];sw]:hw];n}'
hG]:kBn];tBk];ha}' ekL.piBn]:pg},libm];pqt]:' Kw]l}:tac];sw]:hw];liBk]:Aw]miBw];'
hG]:kBn];sQp];mBv]:Kt];kqc].' sibn]:Kqn];lI' miBn]piBc]kw],sw]:hw];hQt];'
hG]:kBn];tLmgt],' l}:lat]:wL:' Sgc]tLKL:Kibn];l}:hn]sqc]:lqc];lI'
hG]:kBn];hBnbk],' l}:Kibn];cin];SQc]Kw]:hBsqc]:Sac];lac];'
hG]:kBn];ta}'l}:tm];sG]' lgc]:etl}:kiBt],PwmG],Tqc]:nG];sw]:hw];n}'
   tac];Sibw]:etL,mBt];sac],sw]:hw];' hQt];pQn]kB:mQw];mQw];' x 2
SB;tgc];AL,nL,hqc];yG],sw]:ey,Sb' Ek,KgYt]:' T},Tbt],' yBt];yL'pn]KL:hw];Kw]' 
SB;tgc];wivin],mBt];sac],sw]:AB:' mI;nG];PwASak]:hw];KL:'kGL,nL:miBw];hibc]'
SB;ygn];tac];hk].'krbnL,' sw]:AB:lBv]:nG];sibw]:SQc]sw]:ey,Sb'
SB;tgc];wivin],mBt];sac],sw]:' mI;AL,nL,yG],nG];Pwhw];KL:' TL,wrL.Kaw];hibc]KL:enL"
We pray for more power of the Holy Spirit in our lives now;
Let those who are weary can take a good rest under your shade, on your firm foundation, in peace;
Let those who are sailing into river of suffering (broken heart), are reaching to sea and settled soon;
Let those who climb on mountain of love and mercy, get to peak top, a new path and bright star light;
      Your Almighty Word can prophesy everything to happen; x 2
 Let those who are afflicted and poor say that they are rich in You;
Let those who are lost and forgotten or left alone to be found and chosen by You;
Let those who are sore, lame or stiff be healed and become in the same manner as you’ve made;
Let the blind man say their eyes can see again;
Let the deaf man say I can clearly hear again;
Let the dead people say he/she is confident to be born again and have a new life in You;
      Your righteousness and holiness can make everything; x 2
We pray for mighty power of Lord Jesus to save, redeem and heal us;
We pray to the Holy Spirit of our Father in heaven to dwell in our lives forever long;
We pray and ask for the Father’s love and mercy in Jesus’ Name; and
We pray to the Holy Spirit to have more power in our lives forever in eternal.
 Agc],mat]:TI;Km];' epL:Em:lbk]:13.04.2003'kQc];m},'miUc];T};' Em;hQt];w}.Kiut];Kiut];sm]sm]miUw]:n}.02/02/2001'niw];ygk].'
Referred to: Traditional Tai (Shan) worship song – Track 07


Pbc];mbn]Ser,sw]:kbm];nL:kbm];lc]' mbc];hBm],SiBw],pibn].SQn]:tac];pn]hw];l}:tQm]TBn]:lInL,"
epL;hQt];sgm];kac]sG]lIsw]:mI;nn].'mn];sw]:hBm]:hgm];km].hqc];pn']kibm];KiBc],mn]:tibc]:tibc]:nim]sibc]:sibc]:" mn];sw]:tk];mI;lBv]:' ekL.ybm],ym]hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];tc];SQc]:' nn].tL,eS,"
kBv];kL:' sBw]:hw];yc];p},ygm];pin],wac];Aap]:tBw]sG]tI:mn];sw]:'
hw];etAm],sac]:l}:hn]Sak]:eS,'tBw]TBp];' lgc]:sBm];SiBw];tac];hk].sw]:mI;w}.niBw]hw];nn].lL;lL;"
An]mn];sw]:kYiOk]:lBw],El:' etpn]tac];SiBw];SL,sw]:n}.' pQn]tL,kBn];siBw];ybm],ym]hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];sw]:"
wa};eSybm],mat]:sw]:yw].' hw];etl}:pQn]t};ekL.lInc]:sm]him];tin]mn];sw]:yB," Am],nn]ekL:' hw];etl}:PLPiBw];yac]:p}lBv]:mn];sw]:' kGL,sgm];SQn]:Sa}tac];"
mn];sw]:Sc],lat]:Sc]ekL:hw];ethQt];sgm];Am],kat]:' mn];sw]:SBc],kGL,tac];lG]ekL:hw];kGL,' tk];Am],kBw]Sc]' etybm],ym]hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];sw]:la};lQw]"
ybm],ym]hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];tL.' Am],mI;tac],lgk];tac],la};Sc]Tqc]:yw]:"
tL,l}:yB,mBn]:SiBw];ekYL,nG];sw]:ey,Sbhw];n}.' mI;la};tac];ybm],ym]hp].Tgm],hQt];sgm];nn].kBv];enL:"
 When we walk with the Lord In the Light of His Word
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
But we never can prove The delight of His love
Until all on the alter we lay;
For the favor He shows And the joy he bestows
Are for them who will trust and obey.
Then in fellowship sweet We will sit at His feet
Or we'll walk by His side in the way;
What He says we will do, Where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there's no other way
To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey.
  A hymn by John H. Sammis reminds us of the relationship between obedience and fellowship with God.
 Agc],mat]:TI;Km];epL:Em:luk]:2003-03-08'miUc];T};' Em;hQt];w}.Kiut];Kiut];sm]sm]miUw]:n}.02/02/2011'niw];ygk].'
Referred to: Traditional Tai (Shan) worship song – Track 06


wo:tI:hw];ho;yic];s}a;Kic];n}a;tc];l}asam];mat]:m}atWc];kuim];El:eph]C:libm];nL:lium];lc]''n}.pQn]JPo;sw]Sc], lat]:w}.'n]C;eKo:kYam];lik]:kCam];So,lm],Piun]Ti23'etpiut],EnlWc]:mI;tI:tm];s]CeSl}:Sw];lUv]:tac]; hk]]].JPo;sw]:hw];kCo,hiuc]hI;''JPo;sw]:SCac];Pn],pQn]mL;hw];ho;siUw];n}.eSyw].mn];sw]:Siup],pQn]PU,lQc]SUw]; lI''hw];Ko:tc];SQc]:kaw]kuc],tac],mbn]ekY;sU;sw]:hw];miUw]:yam];lQw]''mL;hWc].kCam];piut],AWk],tI:liuk].liuk]n]C; Ek:AUk];mak],hUw]s]CeSyWc]:eyo;sw]:mI;kuc],mun]Puc];'' 
(miUn]nc],luk]:JPo;sw]:ey,Suhw];n}.)2'pQn]eSSUw];AWn],JPo;sw]:SUc],yiun]:mL;Kam],sun].Ek,KYWt]:t}atac] tac];Pit];kUn];hw];nn].hQt];nn]''hw];Ko:siUw];n}.n}eko:pQn]eSSUw];AWn],KBn]PiUk],mI;yU,pQn]Puc]'mn];sw]: pqc];hk].Tic];lUlum];lo;'sQm]kWn],Siun];wo;Aik],miUw]:n}.eto:sUw]:To,wrL.Kaw];no:miUw];hioc]''JPo;sw]:pQn]PU: lQc].SUw];lI'Tic];lQc].lUKo:hw];'Am],pn]sut]:yWm];lut]:ham];pw],eSlWc]:eSmQw];''mn];sw]:p}W,h]C:hw];Ko: SUw];AWn],KBn]PiUk],'l}:Sw];S}.kin]tI:pac],yiUw]:KQw]num],lInn].eSyw].'AWn]yac]:Tiuc]tI:Pac],nm]tibc]; hWc]:kt];yQn]'Aik],p]C.Tic];kum];kWn];tI:yU,tI:nWn];h]C:epo;l}:Sw];yUnim]nim]''
h]C:Pwcm];yQn]nim]siuc]:yiun];yaw];'hw];l}:mI;tUn]:hqc];s]Cm]C,m]C,eSl}:p}yac]:sWm];SQn]:tac];JtL;'pqk].wo: lt];nG];lp];Sic],Ek:hUv]:liuk].eko:Am],kUw]Sc]lo;lo;'yWn].wo:sw]:hw];sWm];s}W:tUv];lUAm],Pat],'' KWn].yqn].El:m}.tw].sw]:hw];Sm].kqt],EKEh.KQn]eP;"sw]:hqn];PiBn]tac];kin]AL,hL,rmI;sgt]:mI;es; eSPit]:mgk],KL:hw];pQn]nc],Kqk],'mI;kbc],Ser,eSmiBw];nc]:Sw];kin]l}:tI:Pa},nL:ran],SB,"kruno,'ekY;sU;' tac];hk].sw]:hWm];pw];Ko:hw];l}:Sw];tI:hiUn];sw]:Kaw];hiuc]kCo,no:'l}:mI;ASak]:To,wrL.n]C;siuc]:Km];sw]:mI; mun]kuc],y]C,''
Esteemed Our Fellows ladies and gentlemen, please listen and remember and be not senseless or absurd. Here is a message from God, in the scripture of the Psalm23. I am going to sing about our confidence that we can endlessly live our life with God’s love. God have created all of us and He sequentially becomes the good Shepherd for eternal. Now let’s us altogether proclaim His grace and give thanks to our LORD. I come and gladly sing a heartfelt song from the depth of my heart in praising to the gracious and glorious Lord.
Truly as our Lord, the Son of God is the Lamb of God whom was sent by God in sacrifice to give salvation and to die for sins of all human beings; obviously we are likewise also the flock of white-hair sheep of Him which He loves, tends, feeds, and takes care of. He shepherds and cares for me so that I am not inadequate or missed out anything. He makes us, the white-hair sheep, lie down in the green pastures, He leads us beside cool and quiet waters. And he guards and governs on my residing and sleeping places so that I can live in calmness or tranquility.
He gives peace and makes our lives to be composed and last long. He renews our soul and mind so that we can walk and step forward in the path of righteousness or just way. Even thought I walk through the valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me, helping and caring and never leave me. With your rod and your staff you protect me from the enemies. You prepare a table that is full of nourishment before me in the presence of my enemies, you welcome me as your honored guest, so that, with dignity I am fed and can sit down and stay there. Because Your mercy, grace and love stick together (unify) with me that let forever dwell or live in Your house for a long period to the future. I have eternal life in Your gracious and glorious kingdom.
Agc],mat]:TI;Km];epL:Em:lbk]:' Em;hQt];w}.sgm];Kiut];Kiut];sm]sm]miUw]:n}.'02/02/2011'tI;niw];ygk].'
Referred to: Traditional Tai (Shan) worship song – Track 03

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


(eAL:tI:n}:K}:Enlgc]:An]miBw]:hw];tibk].Kt];hqn];hQt];Sac]:'p}yac]:Sw];yB,nG];sBw]:pan]PwkBn];n}.)2'hG]: epL;pBn].l}:tbk].Klg}Sbc]'JPL;pQn]sw]:sbc]sn]mibw];hgm];'sgm];tac];sw]:ey,Sbnam];Agn]"Aik],lBv]:tac]; sw]:ey,Sbsg}:Sac]:hQt];pn]"Pgc];yam];tbk].KEl:Aik],miBw]:sG]mBn]:SiBw];ekYL,n}ekL:'tBw]KL:tibn];tibk].p} yac]:sgm];tgn]:Sa}SQn]:tac];sw]:Am],Kat],yan]piBc]:kac];kn]"JPL;sw]:pQn]sw]:nam];Agn]Sa}hiBw]:piBc]; lqc];"mn];sw]:Tqc]:Tqm]mqc],pn]hG]:mI;hqc];tBw]El:tc];sG]Et.yw]."
JPL;sw]:pn]eKL:van],tgn]:tL,KL:hw];n}.tQm]TBn]:TI;lI"sw]:hw];n}.pQn]tI:tiBc],pac],lIKL:hw];kB:wn];pI<' eSEl:tBw]KL:hw];ekL:tbc];Tgm],km]kYac].hQt];sgm];"
JPL;sw]:pQn]sw]:hw];n}.pQn]tI:lIl}:ybm],mat]:tm];sG]'mn];sw]:tibn];sg}:'tibn];Agn]'tibn];kqt],EKEh.Agc], ep.eP;Aan],tEr,Sqn]kB:mQw];piBc]'tibn];pak]:pn]SQn]:tac];Pwhw];hG]:epL;l}:mI;tibw].tac];mbc]:mgc];lI"sw]: hw];n}.pQn]ekL.eS:Aik],lBv]:JSL,sw]:KB;lI'pQn]ekL.lBlQc].Tqm]km].pn]tI:tac];lBw],la}kB:mQw];An]"JPL; sw]:hw];n}.pQn]sw]:sik];sgm]niBw]sw]:tc];mBt];"eAL;sL,AL,nL,sw]:yG],kGac]:mBt];sac],hBc]SL:tgn];Ek;" sw]:hw];n}.pQn]hin]pibn].Kam],mn]:KiBc]nqn]:kibm];pbn]:hw];l}:Sw];eSL.pibc]:hBm]:'pQn]tI:Pbc];yG],ABhiBc];"TL,wr JPL;sw]:hw];n}.pQn]ekL.Ek,KgYt]:Aw]KL:hw];lgt]:eStI:hbk];ha}.tc];la}'eSEl:'mn];sw]:mI;mqt].tL,yG], pqc];hk].niBw]KL:hw];yw].Aik],lBv]:wac];KGac].pn]lgc]:tac];Pit];"
(wL:tI:Sa}SQn]:tac];sw]:hw];sm].)2'pQn]lgc]:man],mqn]:sibw]:sG]:pQc];PQc],eSEl:mI;JtL;"pL;lBv]:tac];hk]. mqt].tL,krbnL,Ek,KgYt]:Aw]sL.hw];lbk]:kBn];kB:saw];siBw].KiBw];'hG]:miBw];l}:Sw];yB,nim]sibc]:KYam];SL,eSlgt]: eP;KQn]'nG];tI:miBc];sibc]:Km];sw]:Pbc]fL.TL,wrcm];yQn]*'nn].Et.yw]."
Talking about struggling and in time that we work hard for our daily life living, even while climbing across and over all highest mountains of difficulties in life, God takes our hands and leads us with the guidance of Lord Jesus and altogether with helps and supports by Him. Both in times of suffering or struggling and pleasant or happiness, I do my best to consistently walk and follow His way; and guard my every step to never depart nor distract away from Him. God is my counselor and my guide. God gives the shining light to show me the way. He provides me both spiritual and physical strength so that I can walk and not be faint or weary. I continually move forward in His way.
His wonderful wisdom and counsel is fully complete. He is always my good adviser or counselor in every day and year forever. Accordingly I receive, obey, apply and abide by it.
Our God is trustworthy and faithful, and our confidence. Surely He can help, provide, lead, protect and victoriously overcome all enemies. He compassionately makes a way and paves the port for our good with hope always. The LORD is my friend and teacher or master. He is the One who supervises, feeds, and provides to all my needs. Our God is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. His authority is great, holy and extraordinarily splendorous. The Lord is my rock and our firm foundation and refuge where we all can take refuge. He is venerable. The eternal God is my savior, who have saved and redeemed me from the evils. And He has loved me and forgiven my sins. 
His way is righteous, just and fair. With His love and mercy He brings salvation to save and deliver all nations, so that we can live in Him in stability, bloom and safety. We will live our life in His eternal Kingdom in the heavenly realm where there is peace forever with Him.
 Referred to: Traditional Tai (Shan) worship song - Track 01

LOVE OF GOD (Traditional Tai Worship Song: 1 Corinthians 13)

eAL:tI:KL:enL:'Kqn];etL:tbc];Tgm],Sa}eKL:kGam];KL:hw];K}:KiBw];lgc]:tac];hk].mBt];sac],tBn]mYat]:JPL;sw]: nG];eKL:kYam];lik]:mk];ma}"nG];kYam];nibc]:ekL;rin]tbPibn]Ti13'mn];sw]:mgk],lat]:Enw}.Sac];lac];"
pqk].wL:kw]n}.'emLlat]:Abp],l}:K}:sac]:kt].kYac],'mI;van],ehL;lat]:'emLKat]:tk].lam];l}:lgc]:Kgk];lgn]; libk].lm],km],PI,kB:mQw];nn].eSyw].mw],kL;'Aik],pL;mI;Tqc]:'tac];hU.van],pic],vL,sgt],es;'kB:piBc]kB:la};w}. eSEl:'tac];ybm],mn]:sG]sw]:kw],wL:'kw]n}.tk];sac]:Aw]lg}lBc]pin],Ka}.pqt]:l}:n}ekL:'epL;wL:Am],pL:mI; lgc]:tac];hk].mqt].tL,sqt]:nn].n}Et.'An]wL:!kw]n}.'kw]n}.@n}nn].mn];Am],mI;tI:pgc],lgc]:la};Sc]" epL;Am],mI;lgc]:tac];hk].mqt].tL,sqt]:An]n}.n}Et.'tibk].tk];etmiBn]nc],!SQc]mgc];piBn]:tg},'SQc],Sqc], piBn]sap],@El:emL;Agk],SQc]lc]mL;kBv];"pqk].Sm].wL:'kw]Aw]eSKBw];lQc];cibn];Km];An]mI;w}.tac];SQc]:mqc], yibn]:pn]PB:yak]:kBn];Pan]mBt];kQc]:eSyw].'p},kL;Kam],sbn].pL;Tqc]:Pw'Aw]tBw]kL,yKn],TL,sw]:kw], nn].Kam],tac];l}:sbt],m}:f};Pw]'n}ekL:'[Sc]wL:p},pL:mI;lgc]:tac];hk].mqt].tL,sqt]:An]n}.n}Et.' etAm],mI;AkYOw];nm].tgn];tL,kw]nn].(lL;lL;/eSlgc]:eSmQw];"){ x 2
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Agc],mat]:TI;Km];'epL:Em:lbk]: 2003-03-08
Referred to: Traditional Tai (Shan) worship song - Track 05