Trouble Is the Transportation
trouble is the transportation. Big destiny has big trouble. You have an
extraordinary challenges because you have an extraordinary destiny (Take an
example from Moses (Exodus 1; 2:1-10). See! The trouble was the transportation.
Don’t complain about the trouble. When you are in trouble that means you are
heading somewhere. Trouble is going to move you into your divine destiny to
victory. The trouble is the transportation. Trust God in the trouble times. God
orders your step and your stop. Let me encourage you to believe that God is in
control and keep doing the right things. The trouble is not a setback, it’s a
setup for your destiny. Jesus had done so many miracles in the past. We know
and believe that He keeps on doing till this present day in His way and will do
so in the future as well.
23I will crush his foes before him
and strike down his adversaries. 24My faithful love will be with
him, and through my name his horn will be exalted. (Psalm
89:23-24, NIV) kw]etKuit]:lqw]pqt]:sUiw];pQn]PU:KQn]mn];sa};nn].kg}etL,nL:etL,tLmn];eS']kUn];ekL.Pa},Kt];mn];sUiw];
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I thank you that your blessings overtake us and your love is with us so that
we can rejoice daily in Jesus’s name. Amen!